What is GPP? A set of general physical fitness exercises. "Kyiv Square Occupation

Physical training of children is one of the most important aspects of education. Physical education of a child is an integral part component his intellectual, aesthetic, moral education: only all this together will allow him to grow into an integral, harmonious, comprehensively developed personality. Regular physical activities strengthen your baby’s health and perfectly prepare for the serious psychological stress that he will definitely face at school. They will help the child easily make friends with peers: children always respect the strongest and most dexterous, and subconsciously seek their friendship. Moreover, children who have received appropriate physical training will be much healthier throughout their lives than those whose parents did not take care of this in time: after all, the foundations of future health are laid in childhood.

Parents often ask the question: at what age is it best to start physical training for children in the family. According to legend, the same question was once asked to an ancient Greek teacher about a child who was several months old. The teacher looked at his mother and answered with a sigh: “It’s already late.” So: the physical preparation of a child for a long and healthy life should begin from the moment of his birth. In the first months of your child's life, your main task is to develop his motor skills as much as possible. For example, show your child a toy, but don’t give it away right away so that the baby will try to reach for it and grab it.

Make him follow her with his eyes, turning his head: this will be a good stimulation of the neck muscles. From 4 to 6 months. teach your child to roll over onto his side and tummy; from 6 - crawl, and from 7-8 to walk, holding on to some support. Physical education of children in the second and third years should help them become fully comfortable with a wide variety of movements - from walking to running and jumping. Also, during this period of the child’s life, parents should take care that he develops correct posture. Usually, by the third year, children not only understand words, but also know how to speak, so during this period it is worth paying attention Special attention also the mental development of the child. For example, it will be very useful if your child learns to read and write well before school.

Most of the skills and basics of physical education of children in the family are imprinted by them mainly from two to six years. Exactly what a child learns at this age will turn into a habit for the rest of his life: this concerns his discipline, regular performance physical exercise, observing personal hygiene rules and daily routine. From two to six years of age, a child is especially susceptible to imprinting; to conditioning - that is, to direct conscious learning - to an incomparably lesser extent, therefore the main means of physical education of a child in preschool age should be play. Through play, for example, through imitation of animals, the child can easily master basic physical exercises, such as walking, running, balance exercises, throwing, climbing, and outdoor games. It is better not to explain to the child how to perform this or that exercise, but to show it and give it to him. clear example. The child will begin to copy your actions, and you yourself will have the opportunity to take care of your physical fitness.

Any method of physical education for children involves developing the correct daily routine. So, the child should go to bed and get up at the same time whenever possible. How younger child, the more time he needs to sleep. Preschoolers and students in grades 1-2 are recommended to sleep, or just lie down for one and a half to two hours after lunch. Also, the timing of meals should be strictly regulated.

Daily walks are of great importance for the physical education of children. They are useful in any weather. Some parents, as punishment for any misdeeds of their children, deprive them of walks. If you want your child to grow up healthy, it is better not to do this. You should also not dress your child too warmly, even in winter, since overheating only increases the risk of catching a cold for him. Most methods of physical education for children find physical exercises very useful. fresh air. However, walks for a child also mean communication with peers and, of course, games, both active and developing creative abilities, for example, when your child builds his own fortifications in the sandbox. In the yard, children usually play “store”, “kindergarten”, hospital, etc. They come up with plots for games themselves, based on what they see around them. Play is an important moment for a child to understand the world around him and socialize. Also, while playing, children successfully use playground equipment - ride down a slide, swing on a swing, climb ladders, etc., which is also one of the means of physical education for children.

One of the most important forms of physical education of a child, which is of great importance for the prevention of various diseases, is hardening. You should start hardening your child gradually from the very beginning. early age, for example, teaching him to sleep with the window open. At first, air baths from +20°C for the youngest to + 18°C ​​for younger schoolchildren can be used as hardening. Very useful for general physical training The child should also receive contrasting air baths: in one of the rooms you should open a window, in the other you should turn on the heater, and start playing with the child, for example, in catch-up, so that he constantly runs from one room to another for several minutes. Air hardening methods are simple and convenient. Staying in the open air in itself is of great preventive importance in the matter of general physical training for children, but even more beneficial for their health is hardening with water - traditional douches and rubdowns. When carrying out such procedures, the water temperature should be lowered very, very smoothly, over several months, so that the child does not feel any discomfort. The temperature is reduced each time by one or two degrees from 38°C to 18°C.

Hiking plays a significant role in the physical education and development of a child. The difficulties that a child encounters during such a hike shape his endurance, perseverance, and self-discipline. Walking in nature is beneficial for both the physical and mental development of a child. During the hike, he strengthens his body and learns a lot of new things about the local flora and fauna, especially if the parents do not skimp on explanations. If hikes are carried out regularly, young children get used to easily covering distances of more than 7 kilometers. During halts, you can arrange entertaining outdoor games for children: the same hide and seek, or tag. Walks in nature are of no small importance for the child’s physical preparation for school, in particular, for the loads that he will have to endure in physical education lessons.

For successful physical preparation of children for school, it is also useful to set up a sports corner at home. Your child will enjoy climbing the wall bars, perhaps even trying to do pull-ups on the bar and rings. Already from the age of five or six, you can begin to teach your child some sports - badminton, table tennis, some types of gymnastics, cycling. Even for the little ones, regular swimming lessons will be very useful, so that at school, for example, when visiting the pool, the child does not experience hydrophobia, but feels at ease and confident in the water, causing the envy and admiration of his peers.

It is believed that physical education lessons are sufficient for the physical education of school-age children. But only the laziest parents think this way, because school lessons physical education involves less than 12% of the motor activity of a normal child. Therefore, home physical education and the development of a child during school years not only does not stop, but moves to a qualitatively new level. For example, it is very useful for the purpose of general physical training for children, when the exercises that the child performed in physical education class are practiced again at home, together with their parents, turning into a fun game.

Physical education of school-age children allows for initial preparation for almost any sport, such as football, volleyball, water polo, long jump, high jump, and many others. The physical education of children and adolescents is favored by the spirit of competition and the desire to win, however, participation in competitions of one level or another should have strict age regulations, since for a child this is not only physical, but also psychological, emotional stress, which can lead to unpleasant consequences, severe nervous breakdowns, which, of course, is not part of the tasks of children’s physical education.

The older a child gets, the greater the load he can withstand. Of course, in adolescence, the child is free to choose an activity to his liking, perhaps something that has nothing to do with sports. But special attention should be paid to the physical training of adolescents. During adolescence, when rapid body growth occurs due to hormonal changes, it is especially important for a child to maintain good physical shape. Thus, the physical training of adolescents aged 12-15 already presupposes the opportunity to exercise power types sports

Even if your child doesn't professional athlete, general physical training started in early childhood, will help him on long years maintain good health, and therefore joy of life; will help make him ready for life's challenges.

Strong PRESS: why does a child need it?

Strong, sculpted abs, or at least toned stomach- the dream of most modern men and women, regardless of age. What prevents the achievement of this good goal, as a rule, is the eternal enemy of a healthy lifestyle - laziness. It’s even worse if laziness prevents not only adults, but also their children from developing the skills of hard work in relation to their health.

Rules of the game of croquet

Each croquet player must follow a strict order of strokes: first the first red plays, then the first black; the second is red, the second is black, and so on. If a player misses his shot, he loses the right to it until the next turn.


sports section

"General physical preparation"

Sinitsina E.A.

teacher physical culture


Relevance (novelty) of the program.

Goals and objectives of the program.

Forms and methods of organizing classes.

Requirements for the training session.

Psychological, physiological and physical characteristics of middle school children.

Organization of educational and training activities.

Material and technical base for the implementation of the program.

Expected results.

Analysis of results.

Testing and measuring materials.

Group GNP-1 (first year of study)

Group GNP-2 (second year of study)

Group GNP-3 (third year of training)






This program on general physical training was compiled in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” dated July 10, 1992. No. 3266-1, as amended by federal laws dated January 13, 1996. No. 12-FZ, dated 11/16/97. No. 144-FZ, 07.20.2000 No. 102-FZ, dated 08.07.2000 No. 122-FZ, dated 02.13.2002 No. 20-FZ, Model regulations on a general educational institution for additional education of children (Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 03.07.95. No. 233), regulatory documents of the Ministry of General and vocational education of the Russian Federation and the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism, which regulate the activities of institutions of additional education for children with a sports orientation.

The work program has been developed for implementation in primary schools. Topics and sections are selected taking into account the available material base and local climatic conditions.

Relevance This program lies in the fact that the priority task of the Russian state is the worldwide support of physical culture and mass sports, as an important basis for the improvement of the nation.

The concept of “health” is not only the absence of diseases and physical defects, but also a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being of a person. Therefore, the health of a student is a criterion for the quality of modern education.

Due to the deterioration of children's health, protecting and promoting the health of children and adolescents is one of the main directions in the school's activities.

The reasons for the deterioration of children's health are:

Inconsistency of the system of teaching children with hygienic standards;

Curriculum overload;

Deterioration of the environmental situation;

Insufficient or unbalanced nutrition;

Stressful influences;

Spread of unhealthy habits.

In this regard, it is necessary to organize the educational process at school, taking into account the psychological comfort and value of each individual personality, the individual psychophysical characteristics of students, to provide an opportunity for creative activity and personal self-realization, it is necessary to include, along with pedagogical, medical and preventive activities. If all this is taken into account, the health of students will be preserved, skills and a positive attitude towards healthy image life.

General physical fitness is not a sport, but you can’t do without it in any sport. Therefore, for a child whom every sensible parent would like to introduce to sports, general physical training is the foundation.

General physical training is a system of physical exercises aimed at developing all physical qualities- endurance, strength, agility, flexibility, speed in their harmonious combination.

General physical fitness is a way of developing or maintaining physical qualities, that is, the internal, physiological, biochemical level.

Novelty program is that it was compiled in support of the main work program in physical education for students in grades 5-8 of general education institutions. Also, the novelty of this program lies in the fact that it traces an in-depth study of various types sports training using special exercises for the development of coordination abilities, strength, strength endurance, running endurance, running speed, mastering the technique of motor actions and tactical techniques in gaming activities.

An important condition implementation of this program is to maintain its educational orientation.

Purpose is to master the skills and abilities to use means and methods of motor activity in a variety of forms. Achieving this goal is ensured by solving the following tasks:

1. Educational:

Training in technical and tactical techniques of sports games, athletics, gymnastics with elements of acrobatics;

Training in simple organizational skills, necessary concepts and theoretical information on physical culture and sports;

2. Educational:

Developing the habit of physical education and sports, both collectively and independently.

3. Wellness:

Expanding motor experience through mastering motor actions;

Promoting health, physical development and increasing the performance of students;

Education of individual mental traits and characteristics in communication and collective interaction by means and methods of team-game activities;

Creating ideas about individual physical capabilities, adaptive properties of the body and ways to improve them in order to improve health;

Training in the basics of physiology and hygiene, physical education, injury prevention, body correction.

In accordance with the socio-economic needs of modern society and its further development, the goal of physical education in a general education institution is to promote the comprehensive development of the individual. The focus on the comprehensive development of the individual presupposes that students master the basics of physical education, the components of which are: good health, good physical development, optimal level motor abilities, knowledge and skills in the field of physical education; motives and mastered methods (skills) to carry out physical education, recreational and sports activities.


Classes are conducted on the basis of general methodological principles. Visualization methods are used (demonstration of exercises, demonstration of visual aids), gaming and competitive ones. When studying general developmental exercises, complexes and games, the demonstration should be holistic and exemplary, and the explanation should be elementary and simple.

Forms of classes:

Group and individual forms of classes - theoretical, practical, combined. The combined form is used more often and includes a theoretical part: conversation, instruction, viewing illustrations - and a practical part: general physical training and games;

Classes health-improving orientation;



Relay races;


Methods and techniques of the educational process:

Information and educational (conversations, demonstration);

Creative (educational games);

Methods of control and self-control (self-analysis, testing, conversations).


Each educational and training lesson has a clear target orientation, specific and clear pedagogical tasks that determine the content of the lesson, the choice of methods, means of teaching and education, and ways of organizing students. At each lesson, as a rule, a set of interrelated tasks is solved: educational, health-improving and educational. Health-improving and educational tasks run through the entire process of physical education and are solved in every lesson.

Each training session is a link in the system of educational and training process, linked in a logical sequence, built one after another and aimed at mastering educational material specific topic. In turn, the topics are coordinated with each other, the volume of educational material is determined taking into account the stage of learning motor actions, positive and negative transfer, and students’ preparedness.

The most important requirement of educational training session is to ensure a differentiated and individual approach to students, taking into account their health status, gender, physical development, motor readiness, characteristics of the development of mental properties and qualities, compliance hygiene standards.

Basis for planning training sessions is material on mastering motor skills.

When planning the material for the program, the climatic and geographical features of the region and the state of the institution’s material and technical base are taken into account. In close connection with the planning of material on the development of motor abilities, all components of the load are planned: volume of work, intensity, duration and nature of rest, number of repetitions of exercises. The workload increases gradually and in waves.


Peculiarities educational activities children are determined by their age physiological, psychological and physical features.

At this age, puberty occurs. The activity of the endocrine glands, in particular the sex glands, increases. Secondary sexual characteristics appear. The teenager’s body exhibits greater fatigue due to dramatic changes in it.

Attention is voluntary, selective. A teenager can focus on interesting material for a long time.

Memorization in concepts, directly related to comprehension, analysis and systematization of information, comes to the fore.

Adolescence is characterized by critical thinking. Students of this age are characterized by greater demands on the information provided: “a teenager intensively demands evidence.” The ability for abstract thinking improves.

The expression of emotions in teenagers is often quite violent. Anger is especially strong. This age is quite characterized by stubbornness, selfishness, withdrawal into oneself, the severity of emotions, and conflicts with others. These manifestations allowed teachers and psychologists to talk about the crisis of adolescence. Crisis phenomena are often associated with the formation of a holistic identity - the process of self-determination (E. Erickson, J. Marcia). The formation of identity requires a person to rethink his connections with others, his place among other people.

IN adolescence intensive moral and social formation of personality occurs. The process of formation of moral ideals and moral convictions is underway. They often have an unstable, contradictory character.

The communication of teenagers with adults differs significantly from the communication of younger schoolchildren. Teenagers often do not consider adults as possible partners for free communication; they perceive adults as a source of organization and support for their lives, and the organizational function of adults is perceived by adolescents most often as only restrictive and regulating. The number of questions addressed to teachers is reduced. The questions asked relate, first of all, to the organization and content of the life activities of adolescents in cases in which they cannot do without the relevant information and instructions from adults. The number of ethical issues is reduced. Compared to the previous age, the authority of the teacher as a bearer of social norms and a possible assistant in solving complex life problems is significantly reduced.

Organizing the educational activities of adolescents is the most important and difficult task. A middle school student is quite capable of understanding the arguments of a teacher or parent and agreeing with reasonable arguments. However, due to the peculiarities of thinking characteristic of this age, a teenager will no longer be satisfied with the process of communicating information in a ready-made, complete form. He will want to check their reliability, to make sure that his judgments are correct. Disputes with teachers, parents, friends - characteristic of this age. Their important role is that they allow you to exchange opinions on a topic, check the truth of your views and generally accepted views, and express yourself.

Teenagers should be encouraged to compare, find common and distinctive features, highlight the main thing, establish cause-and-effect relationships, and draw conclusions. It is also important to encourage independent thinking and the student expressing his own point of view.

Features of attention determine a particularly careful approach to the selection of material content when organizing educational activities. For a teenager, interesting and fascinating information that stimulates his imagination and makes him think will be of great importance. But slight excitability, interest in the unusual and bright, often become the reason for an involuntary switch of attention.

Good effect provides a periodic change of activities.

It is necessary to focus the attention of adolescents on the connection between acquired knowledge and practical life.

Features of physical development of children of middle school age

In adolescence, the growth rate of the skeleton increases significantly to 7-10 cm, body weight - up to 4.5-9 kg per year. Boys lag behind girls in the rate of weight and length growth by 1-2 years. The ossification process is not yet complete. Body length increases mainly due to the growth of the torso. Muscle fibers, while developing, do not keep pace with the growth of tubular bones in length. The state of muscle tension and body proportions change. Muscle mass after 13-14 years of age, it increases faster in boys than in girls. By the age of 14-15 the structure muscle fibers approaches morphological maturity.

The heart grows rapidly, growing organs and tissues place increased demands on it, and its innervation increases. The growth of blood vessels lags behind the growth rate of the heart, so blood pressure rises, the rhythm of cardiac activity is disturbed, and fatigue quickly sets in. Blood flow is obstructed, shortness of breath often occurs, and a feeling of tightness in the heart area appears.

Morphological structure chest restricts the movement of the ribs, therefore breathing is frequent and shallow, although the lungs grow and breathing improves. The vital capacity of the lungs increases, and the type of breathing is finally formed: for boys - abdominal, for girls - thoracic.

Gender differences between boys and girls affect body size and functional capabilities of the body. Girls have a relatively long body compared to boys, short legs, massive pelvic girdle. All this reduces their ability to run, jump, and throw compared to boys. Muscles shoulder girdle are less developed than boys, and this affects the results in throwing, pulling, pushing, climbing, but they are better at rhythmic and plastic movements, balance exercises and accuracy of movements.

Functional status nervous system is under the enhanced influence of the endocrine glands. Teenagers are characterized by increased irritability, fatigue, and sleep disturbances. Teenagers are very sensitive to unfair decisions and actions. External reactions are inadequate in strength and character to the stimuli that cause them.

Boys often overestimate their motor capabilities, try to figure everything out on their own, and do everything on their own. Girls are less confident in their abilities.

Teenagers are very sensitive to adults’ assessments, react sharply to any infringement of their dignity, and do not tolerate teaching, especially prolonged ones.

When organizing physical education at this age, excessive loads on the musculoskeletal, joint-ligamentous and muscular systems are undesirable. They can provoke a delay in the growth of tubular bones in length and accelerate the ossification process. Flexibility exercises require preliminary preparatory exercises that warm up the muscles and ligaments, and exercises to relax those involved. muscle groups. Do not perform movements too abruptly. Continue to pay attention to correct posture. Alternate exercises that place significant stress on the heart with breathing exercises. Long-term intense loads are poorly tolerated, so, for example, it is recommended to alternate intense running with walking.

It is necessary to widely use special breathing exercises in order to deepen breathing. Learn to breathe deeply, rhythmically, without sudden changes in tempo.

It is not recommended to combine boys and girls into one group. The same exercises for boys and girls are performed with different dosages and under different conditions simplified for girls. The load is dosed taking into account the individual data of each student. For girls it is recommended to use different kinds aerobics and exercises performed to music.


The age of children for whom the general physical training program is designed is 11-15 years.

The working hours per week are 5 hours, the number of training groups is 15 people (at all stages of training in general physical training groups). The age for starting classes in groups GNP-1 students is 11-12 years old, GNP-2 students are 13-14 years old, GNP-3 students are 14-15 years old. Classes are held 3 times a week.





Class (for theoretical studies);





Skittles or towns;

Jump ropes;

Tennis balls;

Small balls;

Gymnastic wall;

Gymnastic benches;

Volleyball net;

Shields with baskets;


This program is implemented on the basis of the Kotovskaya boarding school


Personal results Students mastering the content of the section program are the following skills:

- actively engage in communication and interaction with peers on the principles of respect and goodwill, mutual assistance and empathy;

- manifest positive traits personality and manage your emotions in various (non-standard) situations and conditions;

— show discipline, hard work and perseverance in achieving your goals;

- provide selfless assistance to your peers, find a common language and common interests with them.

Meta-subject results(cognitive, regulatory, communicative UUD)

— characterize phenomena (actions and deeds), give them an objective assessment based on acquired knowledge and existing experience;

- find errors when performing educational tasks, select ways to correct them;

- communicate and interact with peers on the principles of mutual respect and mutual assistance, friendship and tolerance;

— organize independent activities taking into account the requirements of its safety, safety of inventory and equipment, organization of the place of study;

- plan your own activities, distribute the load and rest during its implementation;

- analyze and objectively evaluate the results of your own work, find opportunities and ways to improve them;

- see the beauty of movements, highlight and justify aesthetic features in human movements and movements;

- evaluate the beauty of physique and posture, compare them with reference samples;

- manage emotions when communicating with peers and adults, maintain composure, restraint, and prudence;

- technically correctly perform motor actions from basic sports, use them in gaming and competitive activity.

Subject results

— present classes in the section as a means of promoting health, physical development and physical training of a person;

— provide all possible assistance and moral support to peers when completing educational tasks, kindly and respectfully explain errors and ways to eliminate them;

— organize and conduct outdoor games and elements of competitions with peers, carry out their objective judging;

— handle inventory and equipment carefully, comply with safety requirements for venues;

— organize and conduct physical education classes with different target orientations, select physical exercises for them and perform them with a given load dosage;

— characterize physical activity by heart rate, regulate its intensity during classes to develop physical qualities;

— interact with peers according to the rules of outdoor games and competitions;

— explain in an accessible form the rules (techniques) for performing motor actions, analyze and find errors, and correct them effectively;

— give drill commands, keep count when performing general developmental exercises;

- find distinctive features in the performance of motor actions by different students, highlight distinctive features and elements;

- perform acrobatic and gymnastic combinations at a high technical level, characterize the signs of technical performance;

— perform technical actions from basic sports, apply them in gaming and competitive activities;


mastering the program is carried out in the following ways:

current control of knowledge in the process of oral questioning;

current monitoring of skills and abilities in the process of monitoring individual work;

thematic control of skills and abilities after studying topics;

mutual control;


final control of skills and abilities;

health monitoring: number of acute diseases per year, indicators of physical development, health group.


Basic requirements for the level of preparedness

Testing physical fitness allows using control exercises(tests) - standardized in content, form and conditions for performing motor actions - to determine the level of development of individual physical qualities, i.e. level of physical fitness of those involved.

The control exercises (tests) listed below are very indicative; on their basis, appropriate conclusions are drawn and, if necessary, adjustments are made to training process. For example, if the level of physical fitness of students does not increase or becomes lower, then it is necessary to reconsider the content, methods of training, and physical activity.

(Mode of motor activity)

Gymnastic exercises

Gymnastic exercises are one of the main parts of the content of physical education classes. The program material includes the simplest types of formations and formations, a large range of general developmental exercises without objects and with various objects, exercises in climbing and climbing, in balance, simple acrobatic and dance exercises and exercises on gymnastic apparatus.

Great importance given to general developmental exercises without objects. With their help, you can successfully solve a wide variety of problems and, above all, educational ones. By performing these exercises as instructed by the teacher and then independently, students gain an understanding of the diverse world of movements, which, especially at first, is new or unusual for them. It is novelty and unusualness that are the undoubted signs by which they can be classified as exercises that promote the development of various coordination abilities. The number of general developmental exercises is virtually limitless. When choosing them for each lesson, you should go from simpler, mastered ones to more complex ones. A lesson should include from 3-4 to 7-8 such exercises. By spending approximately 3-6 minutes in each lesson on general developmental exercises without objects, after just a few months of regular classes you can significantly improve students' real kinesthetic perceptions and ideas about speed, rhythm, tempo, amplitude and degree of muscle effort. The teacher must constantly pay attention to the correct (i.e., adequate and accurate), as well as timely (for example, counting or music) implementation of general developmental exercises. Each lesson should include new general developmental exercises or their variants, since repeated repetition of the same exercises will not give the desired effect and will be uninteresting to students.

One of the most important means of comprehensive development of coordination abilities is general developmental exercises with objects: small and big balls, sticks, flags, ribbon, hoop. There can be an unlimited number of exercises and combinations with objects. The teacher must remember that exercises with objects must contain elements of novelty. If familiar exercises are used for this purpose, they should be performed when individual characteristics of movement (spatial, temporal, strength) or the entire form of habitual motor action change. Among exercises with objects, the greatest attention should be paid to exercises with large and small balls.

In the future, training in gymnastic exercises is enriched, expanded and deepened. Exercises in formations and formations, general developmental exercises without objects and with objects (medicine balls, sticks, hoops, jump ropes, clubs, ribbons), acrobatic exercises, vaults, exercises in hanging and resting on various gymnastic equipment become more complex.

After mastering individual elements gymnastic exercises It is recommended to perform in combinations, varying the combinations, sequence and number of exercises included in simple combinations.

When completing construction and reconstruction tasks, it is not recommended to spend a lot of time on their implementation; it is advisable to carry them out more often in a playful way. Particular importance should be attached to maintaining correct posture, accuracy of initial and final positions, movements of the body and limbs.

The gymnastic exercises included in the program of the GNP-3 group are aimed primarily at developing strength, power and speed endurance of various muscle groups. In this regard, they are distinguished by a greater selective focus. The program material also includes a large set of exercises that influence the development of various coordination abilities and flexibility.

The great variety and the possibility of strictly directed influence make gymnastic exercises an indispensable means and method for developing coordination (rhythm, balance, differentiation of spatial, temporal and power parameters of movements, orientation in space, coordination of movements) and conditioning abilities (strength of the arms, legs, torso, strength endurance, flexibility).

Outdoor games

Outdoor games are an indispensable means of solving a complex of interrelated problems of educating a student’s personality, developing his various motor abilities and improving his skills. Outdoor games are aimed at developing creativity, imagination, attention, fostering initiative, independence of action, and developing the ability to follow the rules of social order. Achieving these goals depends to a greater extent on skillful organization and compliance with methodological requirements for conducting rather than on the actual content of the games.

The variety of motor actions included in outdoor games has a complex effect on improving coordination and conditioning abilities (ability to react, navigate in space and time, rearrange motor actions, speed and speed-strength abilities and etc.).

With the help of games, the foundations of gaming activity are laid, aimed at improving, first of all, natural movements (walking, running, jumping, throwing), basic gaming skills (catching the ball, passing, throwing, hitting the ball) and technical and tactical interactions (choosing a place , interaction with a partner, team and opponent) necessary for further mastery of sports games.

As a result of training, students should get acquainted with many games, which will allow them to develop an interest in gaming activities, the ability to independently select and play them with friends in their free time.

Required terms the structure of classes on outdoor games (especially with balls) is a clear organization and reasonable discipline, based on strict compliance with the commands, instructions and orders of the teacher; ensuring continuity when mastering new exercises; strict adherence to didactic principles. After mastering the basic version of the game, it is recommended to vary the conditions, number of participants, equipment, time of the game, etc.

Athletics exercises

Running, jumping and throwing, being natural types of movements, occupy one of the main places in physical education. Using these exercises, the teacher solves two problems. Firstly, it promotes the development of the fundamentals of rational movement techniques. Secondly, it enriches the child’s motor experience, using all kinds of exercise options and conditions for their implementation. As a result, students acquire the basics of short and long running skills. long distances, long and high jumps from a place and from a run, throwing at a target and at a distance. Running, jumping and throwing are characterized by great variability in execution and application in different conditions.

After mastering the basics of athletics exercises in running, jumping and throwing, systematic training begins sprint running, running for medium and long distances, running long and high jumps, throwing.

This material promotes the further development and improvement, first of all, of conditioning (speed, speed-strength, flexibility and endurance) and coordination abilities (reactions, differentiation of temporal, spatial and power parameters of movements, orientation in space, sense of rhythm). The main point in teaching athletics exercises is to master the coordination of the movements of the run-up with push-off and the run-up with the release of the projectile. After stable execution of the motor actions being learned, it is necessary to diversify the performance conditions, the running distance in throwing and jumping, the weight and shape of throwing projectiles, methods of overcoming natural and artificial obstacles, etc. to ensure application and further development of coordination and conditioning abilities.

It should be noted that the same exercise can be used both for teaching motor skills and for developing coordination and conditioning abilities. Their predominant impact on skills or abilities is determined only by their methodological orientation.

Athletics exercises are recommended to be carried out primarily in a playful and competitive form, which should bring joy and pleasure to children. Systematic implementation of these exercises allows students to master the simplest forms of competitions and rules, and a competent, objective assessment of their achievements is an incentive for further improvement of results. All this together contributes to the formation of moral and volitional qualities of the child’s personality, such as discipline, confidence, endurance, honesty, a sense of camaraderie and collectivism.

Sport games

In terms of its impact, sports play is the most comprehensive and universal means of child development.

Specially selected game exercises performed individually, in groups, teams, outdoor games and tasks with a ball create unlimited opportunities for the development of primarily coordination (orientation in space, speed of reaction and restructuring of motor actions, accuracy of differentiation and assessment of spatial, temporal and power parameters of movements , the ability to coordinate individual movements into integral combinations) and conditioning abilities (strength, endurance, speed), as well as all possible combinations of these groups of abilities.

At the same time, the material on sports games has a multifaceted impact on the development of the student’s mental processes (perception, attention, memory, thinking, imagination, etc.), the education of moral and volitional qualities, which is created by the need to comply with the rules and conditions of game exercises and the game itself, the coordination of individual, group and team interactions of partners and rivals.

In educational groups, it is necessary to strive to teach children to coordinate individual and simple team technical and tactical interactions (with and without the ball) in attack and defense, starting with the use of outdoor games selected for this purpose (such as “Fighting for the ball”, “Ball for the captain” ) and special, gradually more complex game exercises (forms).

Game exercises and forms of classes create favorable conditions for independent completion of tasks with a ball, implementation in practice of an individual and differentiated approach to students with significant individual differences (abilities). In this regard, special care should be given to children with poor gaming skills, actively including them in various types of gaming activities.

Among the ways to organize students in the classroom, it is advisable to more often use the method circuit training, including exercises with the ball at stations, aimed at developing specific coordination and conditioning abilities, improving basic techniques.

Game material is an excellent means and method of shaping the needs, interests and emotions of students. In this regard, teaching game material promotes independent practice of sports games.

Group GNP-1 (first year of study)


Promotion of health, improvement of posture, prevention of flat feet; promoting harmonious physical development; developing resistance to adverse environmental conditions; - mastering the school of movements;

Development of coordination (accuracy of reproduction and differentiation of spatial, temporal and power parameters of movements, balance, rhythm, speed and accuracy of response to signals, coordination of movements, orientation in space) and conditioning (speed, speed-strength, endurance and flexibility) abilities;

Introducing independent physical exercises, outdoor games, using them in free time based on the formation of interests in certain types of physical activity and identifying a predisposition to certain sports;

Developing discipline, a friendly attitude towards comrades, honesty, responsiveness, courage during physical exercises; promoting the development of mental processes (idea, memory, thinking, etc.) during motor activity.

A distinctive feature of training sessions in the GNP-1 training group is the emphasis on solving educational problems: mastering the school of movements, developing basic knowledge about the basics of physical culture and a healthy lifestyle. These tasks must be solved in close connection with the development, first of all, of various coordination and conditioning abilities. The result of solving the educational tasks of the lesson should be the developed ability and interest of students to independently engage in physical exercises, outdoor games and use them in their free time. During classes, the teacher must determine the student’s predisposition to certain sports and facilitate the start of these sports.

At each lesson, the teacher should pay great attention to instilling in young athletes such moral and volitional qualities as discipline, a friendly attitude towards comrades, honesty, responsiveness, courage during physical exercises, as well as promoting the development of mental processes (idea, memory, thinking and etc.).

The organization and methodology of conducting classes in the GNP-1 group largely depend on age characteristics students. When teaching motor actions, preference should be given to a holistic method, focusing on mastering the school of movements. When conducting classes, it is especially important to correctly name the exercises, demonstrate them accurately, and correct mistakes in a timely manner.

Learning motor actions and developing the physical abilities of students of this age are closely related. The same exercise can be used both to teach a motor skill and to develop coordination and conditioning abilities. Their predominant impact on the formation of a motor skill or on the development of motor ability is determined only by their methodological orientation. A skillful combination in the classroom of developing coordination and conditioning abilities with teaching motor skills is a distinctive feature of a well-organized pedagogical process.

Speaking about the features of learning movements and developing physical abilities at primary school age, we should highlight the problem of the optimal relationship between the method of standard-repetitive and variable (variable) exercises. As students begin to confidently perform mastered motor actions, the standard-repetitive exercise method should give way to the variable exercise method, which at primary school age should be combined with the widespread use of game and accessible competitive methods.

School age is a favorable period for the development of all coordination and conditioning abilities. However, special attention at this age should be paid to the comprehensive development of coordination, speed (reactions and frequency of movements), endurance to moderate loads, and speed-strength abilities.

To achieve optimal general and motor density of the lesson, it is necessary to widely use non-standard equipment, technical training aids, and available simulators.

A distinctive feature of schoolchildren is their great desire, interest, cognitive activity, and high emotionality during classes. Therefore, in the classroom, clear organization, reasonable discipline, based on strict observance of the teacher’s commands, instructions and orders, must be combined with providing them with a certain freedom and independence of action, tasks that stimulate creativity and initiative.

Group GNP-2 (second year of study)


Promoting harmonious physical development, strengthening the skills of correct posture and resistance to adverse environmental conditions, instilling value orientations towards a healthy lifestyle and personal hygiene habits;

Teaching the basics of basic types of motor actions; further development of coordination (orientation in space, rearrangement of motor actions, speed and accuracy of response to signals, coordination of movements, rhythm, balance, accuracy of reproduction and differentiation of basic parameters of movements) and conditioning abilities (speed-strength, speed, endurance, strength and flexibility) ;

One of main tasks classes at this stage of training - ensuring further comprehensive development of coordination abilities (orientation in space, speed of restructuring of motor actions, speed and accuracy of motor reactions, coordination of movements, rhythm, balance, accuracy of reproduction and differentiation of power, time and spatial parameters of movements) and conditioning ( speed-strength, speed, endurance, strength, flexibility) abilities, as well as a combination of these abilities.

In the GNP-2 group, during the second year of study, it is necessary to gradually increase the requirements for the speed and rationality of performing the studied motor actions, and, finally, for resourcefulness when performing exercises in changing conditions.

In this regard, the teacher must skillfully move from standard-repetition methods to variable exercise, game and competitive methods.

In turn, at this period of children’s lives, the development of coordination abilities must be organically linked with the development of speed, speed-strength abilities, as well as endurance and flexibility.

To do this, general and special developmental tools must be constantly used in classes. coordination exercises and alternate them with exercises that target these conditioning abilities.

Group GNP-3 (third year of training)


Promoting harmonious physical development, developing the ability to use physical exercise, hygienic factors and environmental conditions to improve health;

Solving motor experience through mastering new motor actions and developing the skills to use them in conditions of varying complexity;

Further development of conditioning (strength, speed-strength, endurance, speed and flexibility) and coordination abilities (speed, rearrangement of motor actions, coordination, ability to voluntarily relax muscles, vestibular stability, etc.);

Consolidating the need for regular classes physical exercise and chosen sport.

In the GNP-3 training group, further enrichment of motor experience continues, increasing the coordination basis by mastering new, even more complex motor actions and developing the ability to use them in conditions of varying complexity.

In close connection with the consolidation and improvement of motor skills (techniques and tactics), work is carried out on the diversified development of conditioning (strength, speed-strength, endurance, speed, flexibility) and coordination abilities (speed of restructuring and coordination of motor actions, abilities for voluntary muscle relaxation, vestibular stability), as well as a combination of these abilities.

Work is being deepened to strengthen children's need for regular physical exercise, the formation of adequate self-esteem in them, emphasis is placed on the education of such moral and volitional qualities of the individual as self-awareness, worldview, collectivism, determination, endurance, self-control, as well as on the development of mental processes and training in the basics of self-regulation.

The purpose of using these methodological approaches is to foster in students a desire for self-knowledge, strengthening motivation and developing cognitive interest in physical exercise.

To simultaneously consolidate and improve motor skills (techniques) and develop the corresponding coordination and conditioning abilities, it should be specifically repeated many times. preparatory exercises, purposefully and more often changing individual parameters of movements or their combinations, the conditions for performing these exercises, gradually increasing the intensity and volume physical activity. For these purposes, it is recommended to make wider use of various methodological techniques related to the method of variable (alternating) exercise, game and competitive. In this way, the diversified development of various motor abilities is achieved and a connection between the development of abilities and in-depth technical and tactical improvement is ensured.

Students are able to consciously control their movements, can simultaneously perceive complex actions, and are more organized, focused, and have depth and accuracy of thinking. Therefore, in classes with them, it is recommended to use much more widely the so-called specialized means, methods and methodological techniques: visual aids, diagrams, models that reveal the features of the biomechanics of movements, video recording, the method of “ideomotor” exercises; means and techniques of duplication, orientation and selective demonstration; techniques and conditions for directed “feeling” of movements, methods of urgent information.

The work uses all known methods of organizing classes: frontal, group and individual. At the same time, it is recommended to use the method of individual tasks, additional exercises, tasks for mastering motor actions, developing physical abilities, taking into account body type, inclinations, physical and technical-tactical readiness. To accurately monitor individual exercise tolerance, it is recommended to use well-known circuit training options more widely.

The passage of educational material (study of the educational topic) should be carried out in a logical sequence, in a system of interconnected classes. At the same time, the teacher must correctly link the topics to each other, determine the volume of educational material for each lesson, take into account the stage of learning motor action, conduct training in accordance with the positive transfer of motor skills, the level of technical and physical preparedness of the student.

Calendar and thematic planning for students of GNP-1

(first year of study)



carrying out


Number of hours

Theory (1 hour)

Conversation: “Physical culture and sports.”

Athletics (16 hours)

Running on short distances.


Low start, high start.

Starts. Starting acceleration.

Starting run.


Middle distance running.

Middle distance running.

Cross training.

Cross training.

Control tests (3 hours)

Control tests.

Athletics (2 hours)

Autumn athletics cross-country.

Special training(3 hours)

Special training.

General physical preparation.

General physical preparation.

Basketball (13h)

Passing the ball on the spot.

Special training (1 hour)

Special training.

General physical preparation.

Basketball (10 hours)

Throwing the ball into the basket, in motion.

Feints. Educational game.

Preparation for competitions.

Basketball competition.

Basketball competition.

Volleyball (26 hours)

Safety precautions during volleyball lessons.

Stances, movements in stances.

Receiving and passing the ball.

Educational game.

Volleyball competitions.

Volleyball competitions.

Bottom straight feed. Educational game.

Bottom straight feed.

Top direct feed.

Serving the ball in zones. Swimming competition.

General physical training (1 hour)

General physical preparation.

Special training (4 hours)

Special training.

Volleyball (1 hour)

Theory (1 hour)

Conversation: “Hygiene, injury prevention, self-control.”

Volleyball (3 hours)

General physical training (1 hour)

General physical preparation.

Control tests (3 hours)

Control tests

Gymnastics with elements of acrobatics (15 hours)

General developmental exercises (with objects).

General developmental exercises.

Gymnastic combination of mastered elements.

Gymnastic combination.

Theory (1 hour)

Conversation: “Injuries. Providing first aid."

General physical training (1 hour)

General physical preparation.

Outdoor games (10 hours)

Outdoor games with volleyball elements.

Outdoor games with elements of acrobatics.

Outdoor games with basketball elements.

Special training (1 hour)

Special training.

General physical preparation.

General physical preparation.

Theory (1 hour)

Conversation: “Competition rules, equipment, inventory”

Basketball (17 hours)

Passing the ball on the spot. Throwing into the basket.

Passing the ball in motion, changing places.

Dribbling the ball with changes in direction and speed.

Throwing the ball into the basket, in motion.

Feints. Educational game.

Snatching and kicking the ball.

Judicial practice. Rules. Judging.

Combinations of mastered elements.

Educational game. Judging.

Theory (1 hour)

Conversation: “The importance of physical culture and sports.”

General physical training (8 hours)

General physical preparation.

General physical preparation.

General physical preparation.

General physical preparation.

Athletics (15 hours)

High jump with 7-9 running steps.

High jump for results.

Low start, high start.

Starts. Starting acceleration.


Middle distance running.

Middle distance running.

Cross training up to 10 min.

Cross training up to 15 min.

Control tests (3 hours)

Control tests

Athletics (7 hours)

Running long jump with legs bent.

Running long jump with legs bent. Phases.

Running long jump with legs bent for results

Throwing a small ball.

Reserve day

General physical preparation (3 hours)

General physical preparation.

Reserve day

Special training (1 hour)

Special training.

Calendar and thematic planning for students of GNP-2

(second year of study)



carrying out


Number of hours

Theory (2 hours)

Conversations: “Physical culture and sports”,

“Hygiene, injury prevention, self-control.”

Athletics (16 hours)


Starts. Starting acceleration. Sprinting.

Starting run. Middle distance running.

Finishing. Middle distance running.

Throwing a small ball at a distance.

Throwing a small ball at a target. Cross training.

Throwing a small ball at a distance. Cross training.

Cross training.

Control tests (2 hours)

Control tests.

Athletics (2 hours)

Preparing for autumn track and field cross-country.

Special training (2 hours)

Special training.

General physical training (2 hours)

General physical preparation.

Basketball (12h)

Safety precautions during basketball lessons.

Stances, movements in stances. Passing the ball.

Passing the ball in motion, changing places.

Dribbling the ball with changes in direction and speed.

Throwing the ball into the basket from a standing position.

Throwing the ball into the basket, in motion.

Special training (2 hours)

Special training.

General physical training (2 hours)

General physical preparation.

Basketball (12 hours)

Throwing the ball into the basket, in motion.

Feints. Educational game.

Psychological preparation. Educational game.

Preparation for competitions.

Basketball competition.

Basketball competition.

Volleyball (26 hours)

Safety precautions during volleyball lessons. Racks.

Movement in stances. Passing the ball.

Passing the ball on the spot, in motion.

Passes from above and below with two hands.

Attack blow.

Ball serves (upper and lower straight).

Educational game. Tactical actions.

Blocking an attacking blow.

Volleyball competitions.

Volleyball competitions.

Attack blow. Educational game.

Top direct feed.

Serving the ball in zones. Educational game.

Special training (6 hours)

ORU with balls. Special training.

Special training.

ORU with medicine balls. Special training.

Volleyball (4 hours)

Tactical training in attack and defense.

Judicial practice. Educational game.

General physical training (2 hours)

General physical preparation.

Control tests (2 hours)

Control tests

Gymnastics with elements of acrobatics (10 hours)

General developmental exercises (with objects).

Gymnastic elements (“bridge”, shoulder blade stand).

Gymnastic elements (“wheel”, rolls, somersaults).

Gymnastic elements (half splits, splits).

Gymnastic combination of mastered elements.

Theory (2 hours)

Conversations: “Injuries. Providing first aid",

“Competition rules, equipment, inventory”

Outdoor games (4 hours)

Outdoor games with volleyball elements.

Outdoor games with basketball elements.

Special training (2 hours)

Special training.

General physical training (4 hours)

General physical preparation.

General physical preparation.

Basketball (10 hours)

Tactical actions in attack. Educational game.

Tactical actions in defense.

Educational game. Judging.

Tactical actions in attack. Educational game.

Tactical actions in defense.

Athletics (10 hours)

High jump using the “stepping over” method.

High jump using the “stepping over” method. Phases.

High jump for results.

Obstacle course.

Control tests (2 hours)

Control tests

General physical preparation (4 hours)

General physical preparation.

General physical preparation.

Athletics (8 hours)

Passing an obstacle course.

Passing the baton.

Relay race.

Reserve day

Relay race.

Reserve day

Passing the baton. Relay race.

Distribution of educational and training time

for various types of program material

P/ P

Year of study

GNP-1 (5 hours)

GNP-2 (4 hours)

GNP-3 (5 hours)

Theoretical part:

Physical Culture and sport.

Hygiene, injury prevention, self-control, first aid.

Competition rules, training places, equipment, inventory.

Practical part:

1) Athletics:


Starting run

Low start, high start


Cross 1000-1500 m.

Running long jump

High jump

Small ball throwing

Obstacle course

Relay race

Judicial practice

2) Outdoor games

3) Basketball:

Stands, movements

Passing the ball on the spot, in motion


Shooting to the basket from a place, on the move

Judicial practice

4) Volleyball:

Stands, movements

Receiving and passing the ball

Ball serves

Attack blow

Blocking an attack

Tactical actions on the site

Judicial practice

5) Gymnastics with elements of acrobatics:

- General developmental exercises

- Gymnastic elements

- Gymnastic combinations

6) Special training.

7) General physical training.

8) Control tests.



When drawing up the work program, the following regulatory documents and literature were used:

1. The concept of modernization of Russian education for the period until 2010. Order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated August 30, 2002, Xa1507-r;

2. Letter of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated October 31, 2003 No. 13-51-263/13 “On the assessment and certification of students classified for health reasons in a special medical group for physical education classes.

3. Children's outdoor games. / Compiled by V.I. Grishkov. - Novosibirsk: Novosibirsk book publishing house, 1992.

4. Strakovskaya V.L. 300 outdoor games for the health of children from 1 year to 14 years. - M.: New school, 1994

6. Glazyrina L.D., Lopatik T.A. Methods of teaching physical education: 1-4 grades: Method. manual and program.- M.: Humanit. ed. VLADOS Center, 2002.-208 p.- (B-teacher primary school).

7. Stepanova O.A. Play and recreational work in primary school: A methodological manual for primary school teachers, teachers of extended day groups, teachers of additional education and parents. Series “Game Technologies” - M.: TC Sfera, 2003. - 144 p.

8. Lyakh V.I., Zdanevich A.A. Comprehensive program physical education of students in grades I - XI, Moscow, “Prosveshcheniye”, 2011.

9. Zheleznyak Yu.D., Portnov Yu.M. Sports games: technique, tactics, teaching methods, M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2002.

10. Antonova Yu. A. The best sports games for children and parents, Moscow, 2006.

11. Balyasnoy L.K., Sorokina T.V. Education of schoolchildren during extracurricular time, Moscow, “Enlightenment”, 1980.

GPP – general physical fitness. It represents physical development, not only of muscles, but also of endurance, agility, and flexibility. General physical fitness ensures excellent mobility of all joints. Physical fitness for anyone, regardless of age. You can get acquainted with general physical training by visiting general physical training sections, where anyone can sign up.

Institutions (schools, clubs) in the general physical training section, general physical training with free sections for children in Moscow

Here is a list of all free physical education sections, general physical training clubs and sports schools for children 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 years old, for boys and girls. Finding a suitable place for free classes general physical training in Moscow can be carried out directly on the map or according to the list of represented sports organizations. You can choose a suitable sports section near your children's home, work or school for subsequent enrollment. For each sports sections available: phone numbers, addresses, prices, photos, descriptions and conditions to sign up for a section or clarify other information that interests you.

Tatyana Moiseeva
Club program “I want to be healthy” General physical training

Explanatory note.

« I'm not afraid to repeat it again: care about health This is the most important work of a teacher. Their spiritual life, worldview, mental development, and self-confidence depend on the cheerfulness and vigor of children.”

V. A. Sukhomlinsky.


Health is correct, normal body activity. The Constitution of the World Health Organization states that health- this is a state of complete physical, spiritual, social well-being, and not just the absence of disease or physical defects. good health- one of the main sources of happiness, joy of a person, his invaluable wealth, which accumulates slowly and with difficulty, but which can be quickly and easily lost.

At each historical stage of human development, there were different values, but the only, truly eternal value remained health. Ordinary people and great scientists asked the same question "How to preserve and strengthen health This question is still relevant today. Doctors and teachers, psychologists and economists, artists and athletes are trying to find answers to it. The use of exercise to prevent disease and promote life goes back centuries. Ancient peoples used gymnastics, swimming and dousing with water of different temperatures. The ancient philosophers Aristotle and Hippocrates preached gymnastics, sports, hardening with water and sun, walks, moderation in diet. Plutarch called gymnastics "Pantry of Life Movements",and Plato wrote: “Gymnastics is a healing part of medicine” It’s not for nothing that the eastern wisdom says, “Whoever has health- he has hope. He who has hope has everything.”

problem health should be considered in a broad social aspect, because 75% of adult diseases originate in childhood. We call childhood a time of great beginnings. It is during this period of a child’s life that the foundations are laid health, motor readiness, harmonious physical development. The conditions in which children live in the world are unique. kindergarten. The experience of adults dealing with the problems of physical education and conservation is so different. health. Where is the surest road leading to health?And how fitting is the saying of the ancients: “You can show a path, but what will be achieved along that path depends on who follows it.”

When entering a preschool institution, the number of children with weakened health. We are not able to influence this trend, but we try to take it into account when organizing the educational process and life activities of children in kindergarten. Our motto: “Every day a child in kindergarten should be filled for him with joyful exploration of the world of movements.” The child's condition health depends on many factors, but since the child is in kindergarten for a significant part of the time, the task of all kindergarten workers is to take care of him health.

Before starting targeted work on health improvement for preschoolers, it is necessary to identify the condition children's health, level of physical fitness in order to further develop health program, effective for every child. The wellness program should be understandable not only to teaching staff, but most importantly to parents and fully meet their aspirations. Implementation programsdepends on all its participants: kindergarten workers, parents and children. Performance criterion health program – morbidity and level of physical fitness.

As a basis for work on health improvement for preschoolers I took a comprehensive program"Green Light" health» M. Yu. Kartushina. Based on this program, I compiled a modified program

« I want to be healthy»

Focus programs« I want to be healthy» :

health and development.

The novelty of this physical education programs is to comprehensively solve problems health improvement: the physical development of children is organized with the simultaneous development of their intellectual and creative abilities, emotional sphere, and mental processes.

Program provides for the construction of the educational process based on the integration of educational areas (physical development, cognitive development, social and communicative development, speech development, artistic and aesthetic development) as one of the most important principles for organizing work with preschoolers in accordance with the federal state educational standards of preschool education. In addition to traditional diagnostics, the tools for monitoring the physical development of children include testing of psychomotor development and examination of the level of mastery of the position of the subject of motor activity.

Relevance of development programs driven by the search for more effective ways pedagogical influences in the physical and mental education of preschool children during the creation health-preserving environment in preschool educational institutions.

From the point of view of modern development of preschool education program developed in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education.

The problem of cultivating the personal interest of each person in healthy lifestyle in last years is especially relevant due to the negative tendency towards deterioration of the condition health of all socio-demographic groups of the population of Russia and especially children of preschool and school age. Its solution requires an active, meaningful attitude towards one’s health and strengthening it from childhood. Modern system health methods are known all over the world as one of the most effective and popular technologies in physical education and sports. The uniqueness lies in the fact that, based on a huge arsenal of movements, it involves all the muscles and joints of the body and effectively develops them. Application in physical education and recreational work of preschool educational institutions, methods of healing guarantees children the correct development of the functional systems of the body, beautiful posture, light gait, is an excellent prevention of scoliosis and flat feet, instills in children communication skills, forms moral and volitional qualities, the habit of healthy lifestyle.

Pedagogical expediency.

Methods, techniques and technologies used in the implementation process Programs, selected from among those adapted to the physiological and psychological characteristics of preschool children.

Educational activities are supposed to be carried out through play, which is the main form of work with preschool children and the leading type of activity, based on non-violent physical education. The role of the teacher is to create a game situation and organize a game subject-spatial environment. Pedagogical technology is based on the principle of student activity, characterized by high level motivation, the presence of creative and emotional components. Pedagogically significant result of mastering programs is to promote the comprehensive, harmonious development of children of senior preschool age.

Construction principles programs:

The principle of systematicity and consistency presupposes the interconnection of knowledge, skills and abilities.

The principle of connecting theory with practice forms in children the ability to apply their knowledge to preserve and strengthen health in everyday life.

The principle of repetition of skills is one of the most important, since as a result of repeated repetitions, dynamic stereotypes are developed.

The principle of individual-personal orientation of education assumes that main goal education becomes a child, not the world. The teacher, based on the child’s individual characteristics, plans his development, outlines ways to improve skills and abilities, and build a motor regime.

The principle of accessibility allows us to eliminate harmful consequences for children’s bodies as a result of excessive demands and physical activity.

The principle of success is that at the first stage of formation health the child receives tasks that he is able to successfully complete.

The principle of active learning obliges us to build the learning process using active forms and methods of teaching that promote the development of independence, initiative and creativity in children (game technologies, work in pairs, subgroups, individually, organization of research activities, etc.).

The principle of communication helps to instill in children the need for communication, during which social motivation is formed health.

The principle of interaction between kindergarten and family, continuity during the transition to school is aimed at creating conditions for more successful implementation of the child’s abilities and ensuring the possibility of maintaining health during further education at school.

The principle of effectiveness involves obtaining a positive result health work regardless of the age and level of physical development of children.

Goals and objectives programs« I want to be healthy» :

Target: increasing children’s physical fitness, level health while simultaneously developing their mental abilities.


Strengthen the functional systems of the body.

Contribute to the prevention of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, psychophysical disorders.

To create optimal conditions for each child in the process of mastering motor experience.

Develop psychophysical qualities, musical, intellectual, sensory abilities.

Cultivate the habit of healthy And active image life.

Broaden horizons and shape children’s cognitive interests.

Peculiarities programs:

Considered under health aspect.

Accent health work is done to develop the child’s motor activity.

Classes are structured taking into account age criteria.

Use of small forms of folklore.

It is carried out in close cooperation with the families of the pupils.

Distinctive features programs:

IN programa combination of techniques was used:

Techniques, aimed at developing the respiratory organs:

Methodology breathing exercises B. S. Tolkacheva.

This method of physical rehabilitation of children suffering from respiratory diseases is characterized by a combination of simple physical exercises with audible exhalation.

Methodology of paradoxical breathing exercises by A. N. Strelnikova.

The essence of the technique is an active short breath, which trains all the muscles of the respiratory system. Exhalation occurs spontaneously.

Techniques, aimed at vision correction:

V. F. Bazarny’s method of vision correction is that visual-motor projection patterns are used to activate visual coordination.

Method of improving vision by W. Bates and M Corbett

Techniques are used to relieve eye strain.

Methods aimed at preventing acute respiratory infections to increase the body's resistance:

Massage of biologically active zones (according to A. A. Umanskaya)

Massage of active vital points increases the protective properties of the mucous membranes of the nose, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi and other organs. During the massage, the body begins to produce its own medicines (interferon).

Finger massage.

By oriental medicine, massage thumb increases the functional activity of the brain, the index finger has a positive effect on the condition of the stomach, the middle finger on the intestines, the ring finger on the liver and kidneys, the little finger on the heart.

Self-massage using the Chinese Shiatsu method.

Acupressure is combined with stroking and rubbing movements. It improves tissue nutrition, thermoregulation, promotes muscle relaxation and relieves nervous and emotional tension.

Techniques, aimed at developing the speech apparatus:

finger games and logorhythmics are aimed at correcting speech disorders, improving general motor skills, regulating muscle tone, and activating attention and memory.

Techniques, aimed at preventing the musculoskeletal system:

Elements of hatha yoga.

Hatha yoga - education system healthy body and healthy psyche. Some of the hatha yoga exercises are used, aimed at improving posture and developing flexibility.

Corrective gymnastics exercises for the prevention of postural disorders.

The general physical effect of exercises, with their correct dosage, contributes to the harmonious development of the child’s muscles, allowing him to maintain long-term correct posture due to sufficient muscle endurance.

Methods aimed at developing motor activity increasing children's performance:

Rhythmic gymnastics is one of the varieties health-improving gymnastics It strengthens the musculoskeletal system, respiratory and cardiovascular systems, and promotes the formation of correct posture.

"The Mozart Effect" Relaxation to the music of Mozart helps to relax and calm children and relieve emotional stress.

Program provides for the involvement of parents in the educational process through participation in open classes, questioning, organizing a photo report.

Working with parents:

Introduce parents to outdoor games used in club work

Consultation “What is a musculoskeletal disorder”

Oral journal with the participation of an orthopedist and a pediatrician at a children's clinic.


Introducing parents to self-massage techniques.

Introduce parents to a set of exercises to prevent scoliosis and flat feet.


children's health"

Consultation on the topic “How to breathe correctly and maintain posture”

Consultation “We teach the child to take care of his health»



Introduce parents to the diagnostic results

Contest “Do-it-yourself non-standard equipment”.

Children's age:program designed for children of senior preschool age

Number of children – 10-12 children

Age 5-6 years

The group is recruited at the beginning school year on a free basis from among children of basic and preparatory physical education groups in the absence of the following medical contraindications: chronic and acute diseases of the kidneys, respiratory organs; heart defects; significant myopia with changes in the fundus; increased intracranial pressure.

Implementation deadlines: program designed for one year of study, 72 hours.

Forms of classes:


Circuit training

Activities - travel



Lesson mode:

2 times per week

Time: 25-30 minutes

Principles of interaction with children:

the child himself is a great guy, everything works out for him, the difficulties that arise are surmountable;

constant encouragement of all the efforts of the child, his desire to learn something new and learn new things;

exclusion of negative assessment of the child and the results of his actions;

comparison of all the child’s results only with his own, and not with the results of other children;

Each child must progress at his own pace and with continued success.

Terms of sale programs.

Classes are organized in the form circle work and complement the content of basic general education programs in physical education at a preschool educational institution.

Each lesson begins with a warm-up, then the main strength part of the workout takes place in a playful way, exercises are performed to maintain posture, strengthen the musculoskeletal system, develop coordination, and relaxation exercises. For creative development, special tasks are given to invent games and exercises.

Some of the material can be organically included in the main course on physical education, since it does not contradict its content and software requirements.

Availability required sports uniform clothing for children and premises that meet sanitary and hygienic standards.

Expected results and ways to determine their effectiveness:

Expected results are correlated with objectives and content programs:

Strengthening posture, improvement of physical qualities: coordination, strength, general endurance, agility, flexibility, speed, combination of speed and strength, balance.

Improving the technique of performing various types of basic movements, optimally for age standards.

Development of creative abilities in the motor sphere.

Improvement of mental abilities: attention, reaction speed, memory, imagination.

Development of the emotional sphere, moral and volitional traits, communication abilities.

Development indicators programs:

The methodology of express analysis and assessment of children's activities is used (O. A. Safonova)

1 block:

Shuttle run

Standing long jump

Throwing sandbags into the distance with the right and left hands

Flexibility (sitting forward bend)

Force (medicine ball throw)

2 block:

The ability to unite with other children in their actions;

Interest in physical activity;

Knowledge of outdoor games;

Ability to organize and self-organize in outdoor play;

Testing method for poor posture

a) To monitor the effectiveness of training, tests for static muscular endurance were used, proposed by I. D. Loveiko

neck muscle test:

1 - raise your head and neck, look at your toes and fix the position.

abdominal muscle test:

I.P. - lying on your back, arms down

1 - raise your legs to an angle of 45 and fix the position.

back muscle test:

I.P. - lying on your stomach, arms up

1 - bending over and fix the position

b) To determine the mobility of the spine, we used a technique developed by researchers at the Research Institute of Pediatric Orthopedics named after. G. I. Turner (Saint Petersburg) O. S. Bailova and K. F. Zenkevich:

I.P. - standing on a bench, feet parallel.

1 - lean forward without bending your knees (measured using a ruler in centimeters - 0 from the bench)

Testing method for identifying flat feet:

Examination by an orthopedist

foot print

Forms for summing up the implementation of additional educational programs programs:

Design of a photo exhibition of work mug

Instructional and methodological lesson on the prevention of postural disorders and foot deformities.

Demonstration of a video about the work carried out in mug.

Master class "Exercises to strengthen children's health"

Days open doors with viewing the work mug

Questionnaire on the topic “Your opinion about work mug« I want to be healthy»

Educational and thematic plan for additional educational programs:

Month Theme

September Take care of yours health

October Learning to breathe correctly

November Correct posture

December Ball School

January Charging for the tail

February In the land of Charomania

March Magic Ring

April I health take care of myself, I'll help

May To be strong be clever, we all need training

To fulfill the assigned health and educational objectives of the programthe following structures are provided:

general physical preparation (OPP).

Drill exercises.

0general developmental exercises (ORU).

Breathing exercises.

Corrective gymnastics.

Exercises to develop general endurance, strength, speed, and agility.

Special physical training (SFP).

Movement coordination exercises.

Flexibility exercises

Various types of running

Rhythmic gymnastics

Relaxation exercises

Dance movements, various types of outdoor games

Entertaining warm-ups

Various types of massage

Finger gymnastics

Methodological support for additional

educational programs:

Section title (subject, discipline, educational field) training course Materials, equipment Educational and visual aids

Educational area - physical development

Sport equipment: benches, hoops, balls large and small, jump ropes, sandbags, stuffed balls, flags, plumes.

Tape recorder, projector, disks;


the federal law “On education in the Russian Federation”

Law of the Chuvash Republic No. 50 “On education in the Chuvash Republic”;

Federal state educational standard for preschool education. Approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated October 17, 2013 No. 1155;

Convention on the Rights of the Child, ratified Russian Federation 09/15/1990 ;

Sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations

o SanPiN;

E. Ya Stepanenkova “Theory and methodology of physical education and child development” Moscow, Publishing Center "Academy" 2007;

M. Yu. Kartushina "Green Light" health» Health program for preschool children, Sfera, Moscow 2007;

Play on health! Programand technology of physical education of children 5-7 years old Author: Voloshina L.N. Publishing house: M. :ARKTI Year: 2004

N. I. Nikolaeva "Ball School", St. Petersburg, Childhood - Press, 2008;

23. Morgunova O. N. “Prevention of flat feet and posture disorders in preschool educational institutions” From work experience. - Voronezh: TC “Teacher”, 2005.

O. V. Kozyreva “Therapeutic physical education for preschoolers”, Moscow, Education, 2005;

T. O. Kruseva "Handbook for physical education instructors at preschool educational institutions", Rostov-on-Don, Phoenix, 2005;


1 General physical training for children 8–11 years old Physical training young football players one of the most important factors in their further progress in learning football techniques and tactics. The characteristics of children aged 8-11 years make it possible to specifically influence the development of such qualities as speed, agility, flexibility, strength and coordination. Tests Before starting the learning process, it is necessary to identify the level of development of students' physical qualities. Assessment of passing the test is necessary for coaches to adjust plans in educational and training work on general physical training. To do this, you need to pass the simplest tests: 15-meter run, 30-meter run, standing long jump, and also evaluate agility. Agility assessment exercises are performed on a 25 meter long platform. Start and finish on the same line. The entire 25-meter section is divided into 5-meter sections. The segments are marked with chips. The first 5 meters run facing forward, the second 5 meters run side step with the left side, then turn 90 degrees, run backwards, turn 90 degrees, run side step with the right side and finish facing forward. Table of standards for students 8-11 years old: 8 years old 9 years old 10 years old 11 years old Running 15 meters (sec) 3:50-3:30 3:30-3:15 3:15-3:00 3:00-2: 85 30 meter run (sec) 5:80-5:60 5:60-5:40 5:45-5:30 5:30-5:15 Long jump (cm) Agility (sec) 8:00-7 :30 7:30-6:40 6:40-6:10 6:10-5:80 Once the initial level of physical fitness of young football players is known, we can begin work that will allow us to raise these physical qualities to a higher level. It is recommended to include physical training classes in every football training session. For children 8-9 years old, it is recommended to have 3-4 football lessons per week, for children 4-5 years old. Approximate list of exercises for general physical training classes Walking: Walking as usual at a moderate pace, on toes, on heels, raising knees high, rolling from heel to toe, left to right side from heel to toe (two legs together),

2 on external and inside feet, cross step, lunges, back forward, etc. Running Normal running; along straight lines and arcs; snake (with high knees); wide, small steps with overlapping shins; cross step; jumping, slowing down and speeding up; with jumping over obstacles; jumping; with a change in direction; shuttle; raising straight legs forward; starts from various positions backwards; side step; various running combinations. Jumping Jumping on your toes; on one, on two legs; jumping from foot to foot; jumping from various heights, jumping up and jumping over an obstacle; in length and height from place; with a jump rope, rotating it forward, backward, on two legs, alternately changing legs as you move forward; up with the head touching the ball; through objects of different heights; from foot to foot, jumping in place with turns to the right, left, 180 and 360 degrees; jump up on two legs and on one from two to three steps; successively through several obstacles of varying heights; running by jumping, jumping with the right, left side moving forward, etc. Remember that at this age ankle joint is still poorly developed and posture is developing in children, so serious attention should be paid to exercises to strengthen the muscles of the back and foot. Exercises to develop speed and agility Running exercises All exercises are performed in pairs to maintain a competitive spirit. In running exercises, you can place a ball at the finish line, and competitions for speed and agility will take on a slightly more interesting character - the task of who can get to the ball faster. A. Starting position facing forward. At the first signal from the coach, students perform fast run(frequency of running) in place, at the second signal, dash forward meters to the finish line. Do 2 3 series of 5 7 times, pause between series 3 5 minutes. B. Starting position with your left side, right side or back to the starting line. At the coach’s signal, quickly turn around to face the starting line and make a dash forward 5-15 meters. The same thing only from a sitting position facing forward, with your back, left or right side; lying in support on your hands. Each exercise is performed 3-5 times. C. Starting position with your left or right side to the starting line. At the first signal, run in place, at the second, turn around to face forward and make a dash forward meters to the finish line. Repeat 3 5 times.

3 D. From the starting line there are 2 cones every 5 meters. At the signal, students dash to the first cone, touch it with their hand, return to the starting line running backwards, touch the starting line with their hand and dash forward to the second cone. The exercise is performed from 3 to 8 times. Rest pause between repetitions for 1 minute. E. Starting position: Children stand at a distance of centimeters, facing each other and sideways to the starting line. They start after one of the partners touches the second. The task of the second one is to catch up with the first one at a distance of meters and tarnish (tarnish) him. The exercise is performed 4-8 times. Rest pause between repetitions for 1 minute. F. At a distance of 15 meters, three barriers with a height of 20 to 30 centimeters are set up. Starting position: Children stand at a distance of centimeters, facing each other and sideways to the starting line. Start at the coach's signal. The task of the starters is to be the first at the finish line, jumping over these obstacles. Two reps. The pause between them is 1 minute. G. One of the athletes stands on the start line with his back to the direction of movement, the other faces the first athlete one and a half meters from the start line. At the coach's signal standing with his back quickly turns 180 degrees and tries to be the first to cross the finish line, which is located meters from the start. The second partner’s task is to harass the first one to this line. 2 4 reps. The pause between them is 1 minute. Team relay races A. At a distance of 12 meters, there are cones every 3 meters (4 in total). The starters, with the ball in their hands, run around each cone. Having run around the fourth, they come back and pass the ball to the next participant. The team whose last member reaches the finish line first wins. B. At a distance of 15 meters, there are cones every 5 meters (3 pieces in total). Between the first and second cones, seven chips are placed approximately 50 centimeters apart. On the next five-meter segment there are two barriers 20 centimeters high. The starters run around 7 chips at speed, overcome barriers, run around the third cone, come back and pass the baton to the next participant. C. At a distance of 12 meters, there are cones every 4 meters (3 pieces in total). At the signal, participants run to the first cone, then jump from the first to the second on their left foot, and from the second to the third on their right. Having reached the third cone, they run around it and return, passing the baton to the next partner. Outdoor games 1. Game “Day and Night” Two teams “Day” and “Night” take part in the game. A midline dividing the site is drawn. Each team has its own “house” (a line at a distance of meters from the center line in either direction), in which the opponent does not have the right to bully. Teams line up on the line of their “homes” and, at the coach’s signal, move towards each other (towards the center line), when there is a meter and a half left to the center line, the coach names a team (for example, “Day”). Then this team

4 should quickly turn around and run to his “home”, and the players of the other team (“Night”) should try to knock down the opponent to the “home” line. The team whose players defeat more opposing players wins. 2. Game “Simple tag” The game takes place on a square area, the size of which depends on the number of players in the teams. One team (A) is outside the rectangle, and the other (B) is inside. At the signal, one of the players from team “A” (the driver) tries to kill as many players from team “B” as possible in 20 seconds, who are running only inside the rectangle. The upset players go outside the rectangle. After the driver changes, everyone returns to the court, and the game continues until everyone from team “A” has played. Then the teams change roles. The team that defeats more opposing players in the allotted time wins. 3. Game “Fishermen and Fishes” The game takes place on a square platform, the size of which depends on the number of players in the teams (if the teams have 10 people, the size of the site is approximately 20x20 meters). Players are divided into two teams “Fishermen” and “Fish”. Fishermen join hands, and the fish move freely around the site. At a signal, fishermen try to catch fish within a certain time (1-2 minutes), surrounding them with a chain and closing it. After a certain time, the catch is counted. Then the teams change roles. 3. Game “Find your captain” All players are divided into several groups and form circles. Inside each circle there is a player with the ball, the so-called group captain. At the signal, all players scatter around the court. At the second signal they stop, crouch and close their eyes. At this time, the “captains” change places. At the next signal, everyone runs to their “captains” and forms the initial circle. The groups that are the first to gather from their “captains” win. Three or four repetitions, a pause between them of 1 minute. 4. Game “Find your ball” Two nested circles, small (4 meters in diameter) and large (16 meters in diameter), are drawn on the ground. The players (12 people) stand around the perimeter of a small circle. 10 balls are placed at equal distances around the perimeter of a large circle. At the first signal from the coach, the players begin an easy run in their circle, at the second they make a dash and try to take possession of one of the balls. Those who do not get the balls are eliminated from the game. At each subsequent stage, the number of participants and the number of balls is reduced by two. Exercises to strengthen the back muscles A. Starting position: lie on your stomach, stretch your arms forward. On the count of one or two, simultaneously raise your arms and legs from the floor, and lower them by three or four. Execute once. B. Starting position: lie on your stomach, bend your arms behind your head. On the count of one or two, lift your body off the floor, turn around and look over your right shoulder at your heels, at

5 count three-four lower to the starting position. Raise your body five or six times and look through left shoulder, lower to the starting position by seven or eight, etc. Perform 6 to 10 times, depending on the level of training. C. The exercise is performed in pairs. Starting position: players lie on their stomachs facing each other at a distance of 3-4 meters. One of the partners has a ball in his hands. Players throw the ball into each other's hands, lifting their bodies off the floor. Perform two series of throws. Pause between episodes 1 minute. Exercises for muscles abdominals A. The exercise is performed in pairs. Starting position: players lie on their backs with each other’s legs. The players simultaneously rise and pass the ball from hand to hand. After the transfer, they lie down and take their starting position. Perform two series of passes. Pause between episodes 1 minute. B. Starting position: players lie on their backs, legs bent at the knees, feet on the floor, arms bent at the elbows, palms behind the head. Participants should raise their torso and touch their left knee with their right elbow, then their right knee with their left elbow, etc. Perform 10 to 20 times. C. In a similar position, players lie on their backs, arms to the sides, legs bent at the knees and raised up (shins parallel to the floor). On the count of one or two, players lower their legs to their right without lifting their hands from the floor; on the count of three or four, take the starting position; lower your legs to your left by five or six, and return to the starting position by seven or eight. Perform 6-10 times in each direction. Exercises to develop strength Exercises A D are performed in pairs. A. Players stand facing each other, take each other’s hand and try to pull their partner to their half with one hand. Make from 4 to 6 attempts. B. Initial position of the arms to the sides. One partner puts his hands on the hands of the other and prevents him from raising his hands. The goal is to lower and raise your arms with resistance. Perform lifting and lowering. C. Initial position of the hand on the belt. One partner places his hands on the other's shoulders and puts gentle pressure on them. The goal is to rise on your toes and lower yourself. Perform lifts. D. Passes and throws of small medicine balls from various starting positions: throws with two hands to the right, two hands to the left, two hands from behind the head. The distance between partners is 6-10 meters. Each exercise is performed 8-14 times. E. Push-ups. From 20 to 40 times. F. Push-ups, but one of the hands rests on the ball once.

6 G. Starting position: sit on the floor, rest your hands on the gymnastic bench, bend and straighten your arms once. The rest pause between series after performing strength exercises is 1 2 minutes. Exercises for developing flexibility The basis of work on developing flexibility is exercises, which, when performed, lengthen the muscles necessary for the athlete to perform any motor actions with the required amplitude. These exercises are usually done at the beginning and end of each workout. There are two types similar exercises. Dynamic exercises Dynamic exercises These are repeated swinging movements of the arms and legs, flexion, extension, and twisting of the torso, which are performed with a large amplitude and different speeds. Examples of such exercises: Active free springy bends forward and to the sides with constantly increasing amplitude (15-20 times). Swing your left and right leg forward and backward (10 12 times). The starting position of the legs is shoulder width apart. Bend back, reaching first right hand right heel, then left heel with your left hand. Do 5-7 bends on each leg. Starting position: put your feet as wide as possible. Make springy forward bends with your palms on the floor. Execute once. Starting position: partners stand with their backs to each other at a distance of centimeters. One of the partners has a ball in his hands. Both partners, without leaving their seats and without lifting their feet, pass the ball to each other with both hands, simultaneously turning first to the right, then to the left. Run times. The pause between series of flexibility exercises is 1-2 minutes. Static exercises Static exercises are various poses in which a certain muscle or muscle group is stretched for some time. Examples of such exercises: Starting position of the legs shoulder-width apart. Slowly lean forward, hang your arms freely and touch the floor with your palms. Bend your legs slightly at the knee joints, grab your toes with your hands, then straighten your knees. Make sure your breathing is even and calm. Hold pose 6 for 12 seconds, then return to the starting position. Repeat 3 5 times with a rest of 5 10 seconds. Starting position: sit on the floor, straighten one leg forward, bend the other at the knee joint, and bring the foot to the buttocks. Keep your torso straight. There is a certain muscle stretch already in this position, but if the level of flexibility

7 is good, then you can complicate this exercise by tilting top part body to the outstretched leg. The starting position of the legs is shoulder width apart. Take a wide lunge forward with your right leg, strongly bend your torso at the hip joint and straighten knee-joint the leg behind. Look ahead. Hold this pose for a second. Return to starting position. After resting for 5-10 seconds, repeat the exercise, changing the position of your legs. Do 3-4 repetitions on each leg. Starting position: main stand. With a straight back, sit on your heels, keep your knees together, and turn your feet inward. Sit in this position for up to 20 seconds. You can lean back. Rest in the starting position for 5 10 seconds. Exercises to develop coordination Acrobatic exercises A. Somersaults in a forward tuck. 3 4 series of 3 5 repetitions. B. Forward roll combined with a 180 degree turn. 1 2 series of 3 5 repetitions. C. Tuck back somersault. 3 5 reps. D. Walking and various exercises in balance on a gymnastic beam: walking face forward, left and right side, separate from the oncoming partner. The height of the log is no more than centimeters. Outdoor games on a limited area of ​​support A. “Fight” on a gymnastic balance beam. The height of the log is no more than centimeters. The participants stand opposite each other and try to push their partner off the log using gentle pushes and deceptive movements. Several pairs can be placed on one log. B. Cockfight on one leg. Those training in pairs in a limited area (2x2 meters) try to push their opponent beyond the line that limits the area, or force him to touch the floor with his other foot. Exercises to develop a sense of balance An integral part of a person’s coordination capabilities is a sense of balance. Equilibrium can be static or dynamic. Static balance maintaining a pose for some time (“swallow”, stand on one leg, raised leg pressed to the knee). Dynamic when the athlete leaves the pose and returns to it again. A. Walking on a board, centimeters wide and 4-5 centimeters high, placed on the ground. B. Walking on an inclined board of the same dimensions. C. Slow, medium and fast circling in place.

8 D. Walking on bricks placed at a distance of centimeters from each other. E. Easy run on the board with 5-6 360-degree turns. F. Standing on the board, place your feet on the same line, close your eyes and maintain your balance for as long as possible. Relay races for coordination and balance A. Completing an obstacle course 15 meters long. Two teams are participating. A cone is placed every 5 meters from the starting line (3 cones in total). A narrow board 3-4 meters long is placed from the starting line to the first cone or a thin line is simply drawn on the ground. Two gymnastic mats are laid from the first to the second cone. At the coach’s signal, the starters run along a narrow board or line. Having reached the gymnastic mats, they do 2 somersaults forward. Between the second and third cones, participants make 1-2 360-degree turns in motion, run around the last cone and repeat all exercises in reverse order, and then pass the baton to the next participant. Not only the speed of the distance is recorded, but also the mistakes made. For example, how many times did the student lose his balance while running on a narrow board, after making 360-degree turns, etc. B. The scene is the same obstacle course. The starters move along the board first with their left side (in the opposite direction with their right side). Between the first and second cones, participants roll forward, turn 180 degrees, do another somersault, turn 180 degrees again. Between the second and third cones, they run face forward, making 360-degree turns in motion, first over the left shoulder and then over the right, run around the last cone and return to the start line, repeating all tasks.

Section Professional activities Taking into account the individual characteristics of students. Development of jumping ability Repeated jumps up, pushing off with both legs. Bent over jump with knees raised to chest

Athletics 1. Circular movements in the neck joint (arbitrarily.) 2. Hand jerks (up/down): i.p. - right hand at the top, left at the bottom, for 1-2 hand jerks for 3-4 changes of hands. 3. Circular movements in the shoulder,

Sets of exercises for schoolchildren. Primary classes Strekalova Yu.B. 1 Set of exercises morning exercises for schoolchildren: 1. Walking in place in at a relaxed pace without disturbing your breathing. Perform for 1 minute.

Summary of an “open” lesson in gymnastics for 3rd grade students Vladimir Vladimirovich Pankratov MBU Secondary School 93 Togliatti Purpose of the lesson: 1. Improve the technique of performing combinations of acrobatic elements.

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SAMPLE ORU COMPLEX WITH A GYMNASTIC STICK Table 27 1. I.p. stand, stick to shoulder. 1. - left hand grip at the shoulder; 2. - stick below; 3. - stick to the left shoulder, grip with the right hand at the shoulder; 4. - right

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Table 2 for transfer to the stage of initial training of the second year of training of the swimming department no less than 3.8 m 1 b 3.9-4.8 m 2 b 4.9-5.8 m 3 b no more than 9.9 s 1 b 9 ,4-9.8 s 2 b 8.9-9.3 s 3 b grip width 75

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Practical activities in 5th and 6th grades Exercises Types sports activities 1 General developmental physical 2 Special developmental Gymnastics Volleyball Basketball Athletics Complex Complex

Collection of general developmental exercises. Complex 1 outdoor switchgear on site: 1. I.p O.s. 1- arms to the sides, 2- arms up, 3- arms to the sides, 4- I.p. 2. I.p. - stand, legs together, arms locked in front of the chest. 1- straighten

Abstract of OOD in the educational field " Physical development" V senior group. (Final) Prepared and conducted by: physical education instructor N.V. Vereshchagina (04/22/2016.) Abstract of GCD on educational

Topic: exercises on bars: uneven, parallel; vault over a gymnastics pommel horse. Goal: Development of motor qualities. Objectives: 1) training in vault technique; parallel bars exercises.

Appendix 1 to order 40 of 31.05. 2017 ENTRANCE TEST PROGRAM for persons entering the institution to study in the following specialties: 02.49.01 Physical education 02.49.02 Adaptive physical

Sets of exercises for the prevention of poor posture in preschool children. The child spends most of his time in kindergarten, therefore, prevention of poor posture should be carried out

Sets of exercises for carrying out physical education and recreational activities during the school day at GBOU Gymnasium 1526 PRIMARY SCHOOL 1. I.p. o.s. - 1- spread your arms to the sides - up, raise your left thigh

Age (years) Class Test exercises Test exercises are assessment material intended to determine the dynamics of individual development of basic physical qualities. p/p Physical ability

Objectives of the lesson: Outline of a physical education lesson for 6th grade students “Volleyball. Passing the ball with two hands from above." 1. Learning to pass the ball with 2 hands from above, fix the movements in the stance

Summary of an open lesson in physical education in the 8th grade on the topic “Gymnastics” Topic: Improve the technique of performing a vault, elements of acrobatics Physical education teacher V.V. Shlaukster


Lesson plans for physical education 11 I QUARTER: 24 hours Athletics - 18 hours Sports games - 6 hours 12 Athletics Lesson 1 Objectives: Safety precautions in athletics lessons. Start

Running 30, 60, 100 meters. Running is carried out along the stadium tracks or on any flat, hard-surfaced area. The 30 m run is performed from a high start, the 60 and 100 m run from a low or high start.

Complex 1 Journey to Sportlandia Walking in a column, one at a time, around the hall (area) alternating with running; walking and running in all directions. 1. 2. I. p. - basic stance, arms along the body. 1-2 - arcs

MOBILE (PORTABLE) EQUIPMENT FOR TESTING CENTERS FOR IMPLEMENTING TYPES OF TESTS (TESTS), GTO STANDARDS All-Russian All-Russian Physical Culture and Sports Complex “Ready for Labor and Defense”

Age Class Test exercises Test exercises are assessment material designed to determine the dynamics of individual development of basic physical qualities. n / n Physical ability and Control

Card index of individual independent studies Set of special running exercises 1 1. Regular running 2. Running with high hip lifts 3. Running with shin overlapping 4. Running with side steps with the right and

Health-improving gymnastics for children 5-6 years old Penzulaeva L.I. Autumn period SEPTEMBER Complex 1 1. Walking in a column one at a time, on toes, hands on the belt; running in a column one at a time; walking and running in all directions;

Prepared by physical education teacher MAOU Secondary School 16 ShchMR MO Kadulina Natalya Vyacheslavovna Motor qualities Human activity in production, in everyday life, in sports requires a certain level of development