How to do deadlift for girls. Deadlift. Important nuances: what you should pay special attention to

What muscles work in the deadlift exercise with a barbell

» Basic: muscles erecting the spine, trapezium, quadriceps, hamstrings

» Auxiliary: deltoid, arms, core muscles

How to do a dead (Romanian) deadlift correctly

Hello everyone. Today we will talk about one of the most popular and effective (especially for women) exercises for the buttocks and the back of the thigh - this is a deadlift with a barbell on straight legs, or as it is often called the Romanian deadlift. That is, deadlift and Romanian deadlift do not differ from each other, they are synonyms, but there are differences between deadlift and classic deadlift. We will find out how they differ and why the Romanian barbell deadlift is so good and useful for girls.

The difference between the Romanian deadlift and the deadlift is that in the position of the knees at the lowest point of the amplitude, they do not bend, and you do not lay the barbell completely on the floor, do not squat under it at the beginning of the exercise. More precisely, the knees are bent, but very slightly. This is done so that at the bottom of the trajectory we can keep our back straight, and not round it. If you don't bend your knees at all, you need to have impressive flexibility.

How Romanian cravings look in motion

The main load during the exercise falls on the back of the thighs and the gluteal muscles themselves. Moreover, the barbell deadlift on straight legs is a basic exercise due to the several joints involved. That is, doing the Romanian deadlift works a lot of muscle mass, which means exercise is great for those looking to gain muscle mass. In other words, anyone who wants a beautiful glute and hamstring surface should include this exercise in their training program.

Execution technique

Back position. Now we will analyze the deadlift technique, how to correctly perform the exercise with the greatest efficiency. The first thing to pay attention to is the position of the back and the arch in the lower back. Avoid rounding your back. When doing the Romanian deadlift on straight legs - the buttocks should be laid back, and the chest "bulging" and "inflated" look up.

Knee position. Bend your knees slightly when doing deadlift with a barbell. Despite the name "straight-legged deadlift", squat yourself and bend your knees a little. If you lower the bar very low, the more your knees should bend. This is done to avoid injury and to maintain natural deflection in the lumbar spine.

Try to lower the barbell without bending your knees? At some point on the trajectory, you will begin to round your back, the bar will hang on the joints, the technique will be disturbed, and you will feel discomfort. At the same time, the load would go away from both the buttocks and the hamstrings. This is why the Romanian Barbell Deadlift is performed with slightly bent knees.

Neck position. The deadlift technique requires not only the correct position of your own body, but also in the trajectory of the projectile. With the Romanian deadlift, the bar should move towards our feet.

Shortened amplitude. For more control and working out the target muscle groups in this exercise, it is necessary to learn how to work in the middle of the amplitude, shortening it. Above, we need to create constant tension on our buttocks - accordingly, it makes no sense to straighten it to the end. That is, at the top point of the amplitude, you need to remain tilted slightly forward and do not forget about bent knees. At the lowest point, the load will be present and so on due to the stretching of the muscles.

Grip width. About what should be the position of the hands in relation to the bar. The Romanian deadlift does not oblige you to take the barbell at a certain width, it is often taken in such a way that it is comfortable - this is shoulder width or a little narrower.

The position of the legs. The same as with the width of the grip - the main thing is comfortable and convenient, as well as goals - what do you want to load more (which target muscle group). Some put their legs narrowly, others - wide.

Deadlift for girls

Recently, deadlift on straight legs, is not anyhow popular among women. Many performing athletes and fitness bikinists include Romanian cravings in their programs, their techniques are adopted by amateurs, and so on. The effectiveness and benefits for girls of this exercise is confirmed by the excellent forms of bodybuilders who use Romanian traction.

As practice shows, from a technical point of view, girls have a narrower stance of their legs. So women, leaning forward, better feel the target gluteus muscle and load the ass to the maximum. Girls can experiment with reversals of their feet, to the sides, in parallel, or slightly inward, this is individual.

It is not absolutely necessary to lower the bar very low, beyond the level of the knees. You yourself will feel tension and tremors in the hamstrings - this will be enough to determine the lowest point of amplitude.

As for the technique for performing deadlift for girls, it is identical with the male one and there are simply no differences. It so happened in Prior that the girls have a greater desire to increase the muscle volume of their buttocks, and therefore more often bend in the halls on straight legs. For guys, this indicator is not so important and critical. You can see how to properly perform deadlift on straight legs in this video /

Deadlift for girls video

Sequence of execution

  1. Take the bar with a comfortable grip, the position of the legs is comfortable
  2. Push your chest forward and upward, lean forward.
  3. Take your buttocks back, bend your knees a little
  4. Slowly and in a controlled manner lowers the bar down along the legs (lower back straight)
  5. At the bottom point, make a micro pause
  6. Then you begin to smoothly rise up
  7. At the top point, we do not bend to the end, we keep the load in the target groups.
  8. When lowering, inhale, when rising, exhale

Regulation No. 2


  • »The most traumatic mistake is rounding the back and shoulders, you don't need to do this, the back is straight, the lower back is bent, we hold our shoulders, and do not lower them down
  • »Do not use a grip, take the bar with the same hand position
  • »Do not take large weights, they do not give the best load, but only lead to injuries and disabling the target muscles we need from work
  • »Bend your knees, do not try to surprise everyone in the gym with flexibility and do everything on straight legs, as the name of the exercise says.

The number of approaches and reps

  • »For men: 8 - 10 reps 3 sets.
  • »For women: 12 to 20 reps for 4-5 sets.

How can you replace deadlift on straight legs?

An easy replacement option is to bend the legs in the simulator to the back of the thigh

Deadlift video


To achieve good glutes, girls and guys need to follow the correct technique for performing the deadlift on straight legs, namely:

  • » Work inside the amplitude
  • » Bend your knees slightly
  • » Keep your back straight
  • » Take your buttocks back
  • » Make movements smoothly and under control

There are many types of floor deadlifts - deadlifts, Romanian deadlifts, straight-legged barbell rows, and several others. In the deadlift, we do an intricate chain of straightening and squats. In deadlift, everything is different.

When can you do the exercise

Unlike the classic deadlift, deadlift (on straight legs) is ideal for girls and beginner athletes. It can be included in the training program as soon as the practitioner is able to stretch the muscles of the lower back and the back of the legs to the desired extent.

As long as there is no stretch, you cannot do the exercise. Otherwise, you will round the lower back, which should not be allowed. And you will not be able to lower the weight to the desired height. Stretching in most exercises is the foundation of correct technique.

If your back hurts, then deadlift on straight legs can hurt you. When this happens, separately pump your back, abs, and leg flexors in machines. When you have strengthened them sufficiently, you can switch to free weights. Then to the classics.

Doing deadlift or deadlift on straight legs involves several muscle groups at once. The muscles of the back and the back of the thighs receive the greatest load. The quadriceps here, in contrast to the classic version of the dead, are not involved, since the legs remain straight all the time.

The main working muscles:

  • Back extensors.
  • Hip biceps.
  • Gluteus maximus muscles.

Basic working muscles.

The inner thighs, abs, forearms, and upper back receive additional load.

Confusion in concepts

We draw your attention to the fact that there are a lot of exercises on the lower back and back of the legs. See for yourself:

  • Deadlift (and all of its variants).
  • Romanian deadlift (on slightly bent legs).
  • Deadlift or deadlift with straight legs.

It is more correct to say exactly the deadlift on straight legs, as well as the Romanian deadlift.

Because the rows are different, maybe, for example, a barbell row or dumbbell row in the slope. And it is even more competent to clarify, for example, deadlift on straight legs with dumbbells. Simply saying barbell deadlift is not enough.

So, you get the idea that these are slightly different exercises. Next, we will list the main differences between them.

Now let's look at what the correct deadlift technique should be.

Execution technique

First, we need to warm up and warm up the ligaments and muscles. Before doing the exercise, we recommend stretching the back of the thigh, calves and lower back a little.

Execution order:

  • Stand in the starting position with the weight: we put our legs narrower than the shoulders, the socks can be slightly turned to the sides, or you can leave them parallel to each other.
  • It is necessary to bring the shoulder blades together, look straight. In the lower back, deflection (the pelvis is pushed back). Now let us remind you of breathing: when you descend, you breathe in. Exhalation goes on the rise Everything is as usual - the effort goes on exhalation, relaxation on inhalation. Just remember this simple principle of breathing.
  • Legs are straightened at the knees! Therefore, the type of exercise is called the deadlift on straight legs. We hold the bar shoulder-width apart with a straight grip.
  • We begin to move the bar or bar straight down to the middle of each foot. To do this, the feet must be on the same level with each other!
  • The back remains straight, bend over by bending the lower back and pulling the pelvis back. We pull the pelvis back to maintain balance, so as not to fall forward. Remember that you are not pushing your buttocks back by bending your knees, but by bending all your legs back. That is, your legs will go beyond the line perpendicular to the floor. On the one hand, it turns out that the pelvis does not move at all, and on the other, it deviates with the legs. But all movement is carried out by the efforts of the lower back.
  • Until you have good flexibility, you will lower the bar at least below the knee. Over time, you will be able to reach the floor. We're talking about a barbell, not an empty bar. To lower an empty bar to the floor, you need to stretch very well. And the larger the diameter of the pancakes, the easier it is to perform the exercise. For girls, at first, a fitness bar or bodybar is better suited.
  • We pull the weight with the muscles of the lower back. During the exercise, you should feel how exactly she and the back of the thigh are working. When you return to the starting point, bring your shoulder blades together.

Naturally, in this exercise you will not take those weights that can be lifted in the classical deadlift. Weight lifting is done through the lower back and upper back of the thighs, not the strong leg extensors.

The diagram clearly shows that the pelvis is pulled back, and the legs remain almost straight.

Differences between types of rods

Below we will consider how the deadlift on straight legs, Romanian and classical deadlift differ from each other.

Deadlift on straight legs from Romanian

The Romanian barbell lift to the lower back has a number of differences from the type of traction we are discussing:

  • The knees are bent. And the lower you lean, the greater this angle. You compensate for the backward movement of the pelvis by bending the knees. This does not mean that you have to bend your knees very much, no. The angle is small - up to 10-15 degrees. This is enough to complete the exercise.
  • We begin to move by pushing the pelvis back. In deadlift, we tilt the body, but here - from the pelvis. He walked backwards initiating lower back flexion.
  • We lower the barbell just below the knee, because it will be difficult to keep your back straight further. In general, we go down as low as the back allows. The Romanian deadlift is less dependent on your stretch because you bend your knees.
  • The Romanian lift puts a lot of stress on the buttocks so that when returning to the starting point, you must squeeze them and push the pelvis forward. This is a nice visual difference between the two exercises.

The Romanian barbell deadlift, like the straight-legged deadlift, is more suitable for girls.

Romanian version - knees are slightly bent to maintain a straight back position.

Romanian from classical

The Romanian climb is not designed for footwork. The knees are bent so that the peculiarities of your flexibility do not interfere with correct inclinations. In the deadlift, you sit down to give the load to your back and legs. Thanks to this, both legs and back work on lifting and lowering weights. This allows you to lift much heavier weights than the Romanian climb. Therefore, this is the base. And for girls, it is only suitable if they want to seriously increase their strength.

Classic execution: in the starting position, the legs are bent. The weight is also lifted due to the extension of the legs.

Dead from the classic

It seems that everything is obvious here - the legs. Straight or bent - that's the difference. Recall that the classic bent-legged deadlift means half-amplitude squats, and not just their bent state. The latter is observed in the Romanian cravings. But the deadlift on straight legs does not allow bending of the legs. Although, the knees cannot be kept latched. Relax them a little. There will still be an angle of 1–2 degrees. From the outside, it looks like straight legs.

Major mistakes

  • We're not doing a Romanian climb, so the legs are straight. Stretch to do the exercise correctly and deeply. You can pre-train on a hyperextension machine. Try to make the deepest possible movements in it with a straight back. We find this to be a very effective preparation for the straight-legged deadlift along with the stretch.
  • Don't put your head down. We look forward. It is advisable to stand in front of a mirror.
  • When you take a lot of weight, you start to round your back. Because the weight is drawn not by the lower back, which lacks strength, but by the whole back. This is where all injuries begin. It is enough to round the lower back, as the whole back will be rounded after it.
  • Shrugs should not be done along with the deadlift. Initially, lock your shoulders so that they are in their normal extended position, and not raised up. We do not swing the trapezoid, but the lower back.

Primarily, the bent-legged deadlift is designed to build mass and strength, and that's the base. The Romanian Lift (aka Romanian Deadlift) and Straight Legged Rows are designed to work in isolation with the glutes and hamstrings, which is extremely important for girls. They do not put as much stress on the spine, but can lead to injury if you forget how to do the exercises correctly.

Before doing the classic deadlift, you need to work with simpler exercises to strengthen the back. And before them - a month of hyperextension and stretching.

So, when your stretch doesn't want to progress for some reason, you can stop at the Romanian deadlift. And if you can stretch enough, then do the deadlift on straight legs.

What to replace?

If it hurts you to do the traction, then for the back of the thighs and lower back, try a choice of:

  • Legs back with weights.
  • Reverse hyperextension.
  • Press the legs on the back of the thigh.
  • Normal hyperextension.

Strengthen your lower back and leg muscles with these exercises, then try the deadlift. You can use an orthopedic belt if you have one. Or the doctor will prescribe it for you. A rigid athletic belt is not effective in this case.

Hello friends! Deadlift with a barbell is a very effective exercise for the development of the gluteal muscles and the muscles of the hamstrings, which many athletes lag behind. In this article, I will tell you how to do deadlift correctly so as not to harm yourself.

This exercise, with a rather formidable name, has three varieties:

  1. Classic deadlift (and all its variants).
  2. "Romanian" traction (with slightly bent legs).
  3. Deadlift or deadlift on straight legs.

There are also varieties with dumbbells, kettlebells or barbells.

Deadlift with a barbell

The deadlift with a barbell is a basic exercise that concentrates on the BUTT and HIP Biceps.

Additionally, the muscles of the neck, calves, leg muscles, etc. are involved in the work.

Deadlift takes some time for you to figure out how to work with it.

We will talk about the technique a little later.

In order to master the technique of this exercise, you need to spend from 2 weeks to 2 months, but after you understand how to perform it, you can noticeably increase muscle growth. And also, increase strength.

Personally, I noticed that the buttocks grow from this exercise, so I had to reduce the amount of execution (because men, on the contrary, tend to a narrow pelvis and a wide back, large buttocks are useless), but after that I was able to learn to feel the accents of the load distribution during execution time and was already able to concentrate on training the hamstrings.

Another of the notable advantages of deadlift is that for its execution it is enough that you have collapsible dumbbells or a barbell, well, or bottles of water, at worst, in order to increase the load smoothly.

Deadlift: Anatomy of Muscle Work

As I said above, during the deadlift, a large number of muscles are involved in the work.


  • Glutes and hamstrings. These muscles are tense with concentration! The main burden falls on them. This is a plus, because hamstrings tend to lag behind athletes.
  • Rhomboid back muscles, serrated muscles.
  • The muscles of the core (abs, extensors of the spine) experience constant static tension during exercise.
  • Rotational muscles of the wrists,.
  • The stabilizer muscles of the lumbar spine, which are responsible for keeping the back in an even position.

During the deadlift, most of the body is indirectly strained, but you need to concentrate on the gluteal muscles and the back of the thigh, therefore, in fact, you need to understand the technique for performing this exercise.

Deadlift: execution technique

Deadlift technique is a very important point, especially for beginners, because at the initial stage, there is a much greater likelihood of injury, due to the undeveloped lower back and insufficiently developed.

Deadlift: the classic version

Classic deadlift is distinguished by the fact that the legs are slightly bent at the knees when it is performed. But the point here is that the bar is lowered to the floor, and the starting movement begins with lifting the bar from the floor.

Try to do this exercise VERY SLOWLY! Stop at the lowest point for a couple of seconds, thus tightening the negative phase.

  • Starting position- stand STRAIGHT, holding the barbell on outstretched arms, take your shoulders back, bend your back in the lower back and lift your chest up.
  • Begin the movement by slowly pulling the pelvis back, but KEEPING BENDING IN THE Lumbar, parallel lowering the barbell down along the hips to the floor.
  • Lower yourself until the pelvis moves back! IT IS VERY IMPORTANT! Otherwise, you will go down further only at the expense of the spine (the hamstrings are turned off), which is not good. The bar will drop to about mid-calf and you will feel a stretch in your hamstrings.
  • The bar is touching the floor. Fine.
  • Start moving back from the pelvis! Feed it forward. WITHOUT FEET EXPOSURE! Only the pelvis! This is in contrast to the deadlift.
  • Remember that at every point in the movement, the BACK STAYS LEVEL AND TENSION. If the back is relaxed, then the load has hit the spine, this is bad.

Romanian cravings

This type of deadlift received this name thanks to athletes from Romania, who, due to this exercise, made many powerful victories in international competitions.

The Romanian Deadlift works the muscles of the hips and buttocks in isolation.

The technique for performing the exercise is exactly the same as for deadlift, with the difference that the bar does not fall to the floor, but stops in the middle of the lower leg.

By the way, I myself perform this particular type, tk. this allows you to keep the muscles of the back of the thigh in tension throughout the entire set.

Deadlift on straight legs in the Smith machine

In general, the technique of performing the exercise will remain the same, with the difference that we will try to keep our legs, practically without bending at the knees, and the movement will be carried out not with free weight, but in Smith.

The technique, as I said, is the same as in the classic deadlift. It is imperative to make sure that the back is constantly flat and tense (and not relaxed).

Well, and another small point. The Smith Machine is a rigid construction that will prevent you from making serious mistakes when used correctly. For beginners, I recommend it.

Deadlift with dumbbells or kettlebell

There is no serious difference from the classic deadlift here. With the difference that a different apparatus is used (dumbbells or kettlebell).


Deadlift with a barbell or Romanian deadlift (if we lower the barbell to the middle of the lower legs) are great exercises for developing the gluteal muscles and hamstrings.

I advise beginners to start with this very light weight exercise first to stretch the lumbar muscles and understand how to FEEL the hamstrings or glutes while working.

Without a well-functioning neuromuscular connection, you will most likely end up with an injury that will be very difficult to heal.

As always, first of all - TECHNOLOGY, and only then - LOAD PROGRESSION.

I use exactly the Romanian traction, i.e. lower the bar to mid-calf to maintain tension in the hamstrings.

I hope friends, this article on deadlift with a barbell (and other varieties) was useful to you. Now I will periodically post articles with the technique of performing the exercises.

All the best!

P.S. Subscribe to blog updates... It will only get steeper from now on.

Regards and best wishes!

Let's dispel the doubts that a lot of double information about the "dead deadlift" introduces to us. Before moving on to this type of exercise, we will define what it is, and finally, we will tell about it in detail.

“I gained most of the muscle mass when I trained as a powerlifter,” says Johnny, who did over 350kg deadlifts before becoming a pro bodybuilder. “I developed powerful back, legs, chest and arms with the deadlift. This is an exercise for the whole body. "

Johnny Jackson, Texas Pro, winner of Montreal Pro Classic 2006 and Atlantic City Pro 2007

Main muscles worked

Let's start with which muscles are most active during this exercise. This information is necessary primarily for the correct execution of the approaches!

If you do everything correctly, you will feel the tension and work of these particular muscles, remember the reaction of the body and in the future you will not be able to make a mistake.

  • Load on the hamstrings (hamstrings).
  • The muscle that extends the spine.
  • The load on the back of the thigh, provided that the exercise is performed correctly, is global. You cannot confuse this explosion of tension with anything else. The gluteus muscles also work powerfully, but compared to the hips, you don't really notice it.

    Features of the exercise

    Dead deadlift has its own characteristics and prerequisites for execution. Violate at least one condition, and now, you are already doing some kind of strength exercise known only to you, and you should not expect a noticeable effect here. Injuries and sprains will not keep you waiting either.

    • The most arched back. You can control this moment by the position of the blades - they must be in the same state. They began to move the shoulder blades apart - immediately the back begins to round. We keep the maximum deflection!
    • Slight bending of the knees while bending. This is where the dispute begins and phrases fly, such as "deadlift on straight legs should be on straight legs!" Look, without experience and good stretching of the biceps of the thigh, with straight legs, you cannot lower the barbell below the knee without rounding your back, and as soon as the back is rounded, it takes on all the stress. We don't need injuries!
    • The movement of the bar along the legs. Lower and raise the barbell practically by running your fingers over your legs. It is not necessary to leave it ahead.
    • Perform exercises in a shortened amplitude. You don't need to fully extend your back. You need to catch the most difficult moment in straightening your back and fix yourself in it, also with the lowest point of inclination - you will feel it as soon as the muscles of the buttocks and hamstrings are tense to the maximum. The lowest point is when the bar is approximately in the middle of the lower leg. Work between these points. Over time, you will be able to lower the barbell lower and keep your legs straighter.

    How to do deadlift correctly

    It's time to move on to the exercise itself. So, how is the deadlift exercise done on straight legs?

    Deadlift technique

    1. The setting of the legs is shoulder-width apart. Bring your legs closer together - the muscles of the buttocks will work harder, spread them wider - the hamstrings. Here you need to decide for yourself what is more important to you personally. We put our feet firmly on the floor, parallel to each other.
    2. We bend the back, round the chest and remember this position of the torso. The head continues the line of the back.
    3. We take the barbell from the stand with a straight grip slightly wider than the shoulders. You should start with the minimum weights.
    4. We take the buttocks as far back as possible.
    5. Bend your legs a little at the knees. No need to straighten your knees as much as possible!
    6. We make a forward bend with an arched back until the tremor and tension in the back of the thigh reaches a maximum. We go down as low as possible. Stop at the moment when the back starts to round. We bend the knees minimally in the process. We linger at this point with an inhalation.
    7. Raise the bar up. We use the strength of the body. We do not change the position of the back, we simply unbend until the moment when you again feel the maximum tension in the buttocks and back. We also fix ourselves at this point, exhale.
    8. Continue moving up and down between these points. You do not need to fully unbend your back.

    What is the difference between the deadlift on straight legs and the Romanian deadlift?

    • In the deadlift, you need to bend your knees as little as possible. The depth of the incline depends on how well your hamstrings are stretched and your back is strong. In the Romanian deadlift, it is possible to bend the knees, but this does not mean that you need to squat.
    • In the dead deadlift, in addition to the biceps of the thigh, the back muscles work, because the strength of the trunk is used when extending in straight legs. In the Romanian deadlift, the back does not participate in lifting - lowering the barbell, the hands simply hold the weight.
    • In the dead deadlift, the range of motion is longer than in the Romanian.
    • The deadlift has a difficulty level of 3 and the Romanian deadlift has a difficulty level of 5. That should say a lot.

    What is the difference between the deadlift on straight legs and the classic deadlift? Differs in everyone!

    • With the classic deadlift, the extension at the top point is maximum
    • With the classic deadlift, bending the knees at the lowest point is possible
    • Classic traction - strengthening the muscles of the lower back. More muscle groups work.

    Advantages and disadvantages

    To the pluses dead deadlift can be attributed to the work of not only the hamstrings and buttocks, but also the muscles of the back. The exercise is difficult, and it is better to approach it by mastering the Romanian deadlift and carefully reading the exercise technique

    By cons can be attributed:

    • High stress on the knee joints and ligaments.
    • Back load. Dangerous load!
    • If done incorrectly and early - a chance to rip the lower back.

    • Approach the exercise in a strict order of difficulty.
    • Be sure to warm up before strength training and not avoid stretching.
    • Do not overload the bar! Starting with small weights, this will allow you to feel the increase in load and effect.

    Video of dead deadlift on straight legs

    When you enter the hall, remember these words

    Deadlift is a difficult and responsible exercise that should not be approached carelessly, as in other things, to anyone. But you cannot neglect it. Correct training, following our recommendations, your desire and persistence will bring the desired effect in any case. The main thing is not to give up!

    Be sure to read about it

    Deadlift with a barbell, or as it is also called, Romanian deadlift, is basic exercise... This means that during execution, not one, but several muscles or muscle groups are involved at once, as well as several joints at the same time. In fact, this exercise is a forward tilt of the body with the barbell lowered in front of you, taken with a narrow grip.

    The main difference between the deadlift and the classic deadlift is to perform the first one on straight legs. Knees either do not bend at all(with good stretching of the athlete), or bend slightly, in order to provide deflection in the lower back. This deflection allows you to make a straight back in the slope, which is a must to avoid spinal injury. Deadlift compared to deadlift carries a greater risk of damage to joints and muscles, and also does not allow you to take large weights. In terms of the execution technique, except for the moment with the knee joints, this type of traction is no different from the classical one.

    Deadlift muscles

    Romanian deadlift involves the distribution of the main load on the following muscles:

    • gluteal;
    • back extensors.

    Considering in detail each of these muscle groups, the following should be noted. When performing the exercise, the small and medium, the group of the adductors, as well as the outward rotating thighs, are worked out. Back stabilizers - the quadratus lumbar muscle and the erector spine muscle - take the brunt of the load. In addition, when performing deadlift, abdominal; arms - biceps, triceps and deltoids; trapezoidal; as well as the muscles of the lower legs - calf, tibial, ankle stabilizers.

    In practice, working out the above muscles means toned buttocks, prominent hips and beautiful posture. For women, this exercise can replace others, less effective. It should be borne in mind that a girl with an initial level of training may not be able to cope with the deadlift, which can lead to injuries. Therefore, at the initial stages of training, it is recommended to thoroughly study the classic version of the exercise, with bent knees. Working independently, without a coach, it is advisable to watch videos in which professional athletes perform the Romanian deadlift. This will allow you to perform the exercise correctly.

    Exercise technique

    The technique of work is as follows. The first thing is to warm up. By warming up the muscles before performing the main exercise, the athlete minimizes the risk of injury. Stretching of the lower back, hamstrings and calf muscles, hamstrings is recommended. It is not recommended to do deadlift without pre-warming up the muscles and joints.

    Directly executing:

    • The starting position is standing straight, a barbell is taken into the hands with a narrow straight grip, so that during the exercise the hands with the projectile are between the thighs. The legs are slightly narrower than shoulder width apart, the feet are parallel, a slight outward inversion of the foot is allowed. Looking ahead. The loin is bent, for which the pelvis is slightly retracted.
    • Keeping your back straight, make a slow tilt with your body forward and down, while moving the bar straight down. If the corresponding muscles are not stretched, bending over deeply with straight knees will not work. This is not scary, over time, the correct technique of performance will allow lower the bar to the level of the foot... The main thing is not to bend your legs for the sake of a deeper slope, this is a fundamental point. The pelvis is retracted slightly back, while the knees should not go beyond the feet.
    • Slowly lift the barbell, due to the effort of the lower back and muscles of the hips, return to its original position.
    • An important point: breathing. Effort - lifting the barbell - is carried out on exhalation, while relaxation - downward tilt - on inhalation.

    Throughout the exercise, tension should be felt in the muscles of the buttocks and hips, the work of the lower back and back should be felt. The structural features of the female body are such that the hamstrings are more stretched. Therefore, all other things being equal, the girl will be able to quickly achieve in order to lower the bar to the floor level. There are no other differences in the performance of the Romanian deadlift for women and men, the technique is the same.

    The weight of the bar, the number of approaches and repetitions is determined individually. The level of training, the goals of the athlete are taken into account. If you want to gain muscle mass, the emphasis is on heavy weights and reducing the number of approaches and reps. If you want to lose weight, work out the relief, preference is given to more repetitions with less working weight. When it comes to a girl starting her studies, it is advisable to debut with only one bar.

    Options for replacing the exercise with others

    If for some reason the exercise is impossible, it can be replaced with some others. The choice of replacement options is necessary based on knowledge of the muscle groups involved.

    Replacing an exercise with others may be necessary for various reasons. Among them are injuries, unpreparedness, as well as some individual features of the body structure... The desired option can be selected based on the above recommendations, however, one must take into account: there is no exercise that could one hundred percent replace the traction on straight legs.

    Deadlift with a barbell