Signs of muscle hypotonicity in infants and methods of treatment: massage, gymnastics and exercise therapy with the child. Psychotherapy and massage. What to do if your baby has weakened muscle corset

When choosing a treatment method, the doctor primarily focuses on the intensity and duration of pain, which can be acute or chronic. Acute pain occurs suddenly and its intensity is quite high. Chronic is characterized by a gradual increase in discomfort.

  • What causes pain in the lumbar region?
    • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
    • Muscle relaxants
    • Painkiller injections
    • Pain relieving ointments
    • Painkiller suppositories

If pain occurs in the back or lower back, it is recommended to take medications only as prescribed by a doctor. Medicines should be changed gradually, that is, as the disease develops, more potent drugs are prescribed. Let's look at the types of medications for back and lower back pain in more detail.

What causes pain in the lumbar region?

It is incorrect to say that back pain appears only due to degenerative changes in the spine. It occurs for a number of reasons:

  • pinched nerve in the spine;
  • multiple sclerosis;
  • lumbosacral radiculitis;
  • spinal injuries;
  • osteoporosis;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • sacroiliitis.

Back pain may indicate genitourinary and digestive systems, as well as about complications after undergoing colds. Back pain usually occurs during pregnancy and after severe physical work. Hypothermia, which causes inflammation of the nerve roots of the spine, and a rapid increase in body weight also contribute to this.

A person who experiences back pain should consult a doctor. It is impossible to independently determine why such a symptom occurred, since this may indicate the development of many diseases. You should also not self-medicate, because this can harm your own body.

By taking medications to relieve pain, a person gets rid of pain for a while. unpleasant symptoms, but it should be understood that they must be an integral part of a set of measures to get rid of the underlying disease.

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

For back pain, the doctor first prescribes pills that eliminate pain. Acute symptoms in patients are relieved by non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, which have antipyretic, analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. The most common drugs in this group are:

  • "Ibuprofen";
  • "Ketoprofen";
  • "Diclofenac";
  • "Lornoxicam";
  • "Aceclofenac."

Selective tablets are able to selectively inhibit cyclooxygenase-2, thereby preventing such side effect non-selective analogues, as a violation of mucus secretion by the intestinal walls.

Selective non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs do not cause exacerbation of gastric ulcers, but with their long-term use the liver may enlarge and kidney function may be impaired. Therefore, they cannot be used for very long.

Thanks to clinical studies, it has been proven that intramuscular administration of painkillers and taking tablets have almost the same bioavailability of the drug. The adverse effect on the gastrointestinal tract is explained not by the direct effect of the active component on the intestinal mucosa, but by the blockade of arachidonic acid metabolism after the drug is absorbed into the blood.

For back pain, the following NSAIDs are used:

Neurodiclovit is made on the basis of Diclofenac and vitamins. With the help of myorexants, muscle spasms are eliminated, and mydocalm is used to relax muscles during pain that occurs due to pinched nerves by compressed muscles.

B vitamins are often used for back pain. Their therapeutic effect is explained by their participation in various biochemical processes that improve the conduction of nerve impulses along the fiber.

Vitamin B 1 (Thiamin) helps maintain the functionality of nerve cell membranes, thereby improving impulse conductivity and regenerating nerve fiber sheaths.

Vitamin B 6 (Pyridoxine) helps synthesize transport proteins, without which the transfer of chemical compounds over a distance cannot take place.

Muscle relaxants

Another group of drugs for lower back pain are muscle relaxants. They help muscles relax, which is why they are used to relieve muscle spasms. Muscle relaxants produced in tablet form are not as effective as those used by injection, but in any case, these drugs play a supporting role: they are used in combination with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

Muscle relaxants include:

  • "Baclofen";
  • "Cyclobenzaprine";
  • "Tizanidine", etc.

These drugs should only be taken under the supervision of a doctor, as they have a large number of side effects, the weakest of which are lethargy, drowsiness, and decreased activity. Other consequences of taking such drugs are:

  • convulsions;
  • decreased blood pressure;
  • violation of muscle tone;
  • enuresis;
  • allergic reactions;
  • gastrointestinal disorders.

Painkiller injections

If neither non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs nor muscle relaxants can help with lower back pain, the doctor prescribes novocaine blockades. The point of this procedure is to find the exit point of the nerve and place an injection perpendicular to the area of ​​compression.

The patient is placed on his stomach and, using palpation, the place where the substance will be injected is found. After the injection is made, the muscle fibers are massaged. Then a hot compress is applied to the back, and after removing the bandage, the patient must perform active physical movements.

For lower back pain, the following painkilling injections are prescribed:

These drugs are indicated for rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, and osteoarthritis. The following conditions are considered contraindications for their installation:

  • heart failure;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • intestinal inflammation;
  • gastrointestinal bleeding;
  • taking antiplatelet drugs;
  • children under 18 years of age;
  • exacerbation of ulcers;
  • cardiac ischemia.

Injections for lower back pain in diabetes mellitus and intestinal diseases are given with caution.

There are other injections designed for back pain, but they should only be prescribed by a doctor after assessing the patient's health.

Pain relieving ointments

  • "Dorobene gel" is a combined drug that has analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects.
  • “Finalgon”, “Apizatron”, “Analgos”, “Capsicam” - these drugs help dilate blood vessels and stimulate the metabolism of the substance. The ointment applied to the affected area of ​​the back improves blood flow to the area and reduces pain.
  • “Arthrocin”, “chondroxide” - these chondroprotectors prevent cells from deteriorating further and help cartilage tissue recover.

Ointment based on bee venom, as well as mumiyo, should not be applied to damaged areas, as they will cause irritation and increase the inflammatory reaction.

Painkiller suppositories

Such suppositories with papaverine, ketanol, voltaren, indomethacin act like systemic anti-inflammatory drugs. By reducing the concentration of the drug in the blood, the side effects on the gastrointestinal tract are reduced.

You should know that pain-relieving suppositories do not have a strong effect. If a severe injury occurs spinal nerve, then intense nerve impulses occur in the muscle and between the vertebrae. To relieve pain, many patients require novocaine blockade. Candles will not help in this case.

Thus, for the treatment of back and lower back pain, there are many medications: pain-relieving ointments, tablets, injections, patches, local compresses. However, they all have, to a certain extent, side effects. Only a qualified specialist can select the appropriate drug.

Almost all skeletal muscles in our body are paired and located symmetrically - on the right and left. Muscle imbalance is a violation of symmetry, discrepancy between the size and strength of paired muscles or muscle groups.

In some cases, an imbalance can be noticed, for example, when one hand or pectoral muscle noticeably more than the other, in others the difference is not so obvious, but is felt during training.

For example, if one arm is stronger than the other, the bar may tilt to one side during a bench press because strong hand will push it up faster.

Imbalances can also occur between major muscle groups, such as the back and chest, triceps and biceps, top part legs and calf muscles.

Not only does it look bad and reduce athletic performance, but it can also lead to injury. For example, if an athlete has a pumped chest and poorly developed back muscles, this increases the risk of injuring the shoulders.

In addition, muscle imbalance leads to poor posture. For example, weak back extensors and tight, clenched abdominal muscles are characteristic of a slouched posture, while tight hip flexors can cause.

What Causes Muscle Imbalance

There is no such thing as a perfectly symmetrical body. Genetics influence muscle strength and susceptibility to hypertrophy, but other factors play a major role in causing imbalances.

Poorly designed program or lack thereof

Men often prefer to pump up their chest, shoulders and arms, while forgetting about their back and legs. Women pay all their attention to their legs and buttocks, being afraid to do exercises on their arms and shoulders so as not to “become a jock.”

As a result, both of them end up with muscle imbalance and an asymmetrical body that is far from ideal.

Lack of attention to technology

If you do not pay attention during exercise correct technique, the load may shift to one side.

Let's say you have more developed back muscles with right side. When you do dumbbell rows with right hand, the back muscles can withstand the load, you comply correct technique. On the left side, weak back muscles quickly give way, and the load shifts to the shoulders.

If you do not pay attention to this, the muscles on the right side will become increasingly stronger, a noticeable muscle imbalance will appear and the risk of injuring the shoulder will appear.

Insufficient joint mobility

Many people spend all day at their desks maintaining poor body posture. This causes the muscles to tighten, become stiff and limit the mobility of the joints.

The body compensates for lack of mobility with poor technique. As a result, some muscles receive too much load, while others are practically not involved in the movement.

How to Tell If You Have a Muscle Imbalance

The easiest way is to determine the presence of asymmetry of paired muscles. Take a tailor's tape, measure the muscles on both sides and compare the numbers.

Measure the volume of the limbs in a bent state. This way you won't be able to squeeze the muscle with the tape and reduce the size.

It is much more difficult to identify an imbalance between different groups muscles, since your judgment is subjective.

Try to soberly assess the correspondence of different muscle groups. If you have an obvious imbalance, you will probably notice it.

How to Prevent Muscle Imbalance

Do multi-joint exercises

Eat isolated exercises exercises that work only one muscle group, and complex multi-joint exercises that work almost all the muscles of the body.

For example, if you perform leg extensions on a machine, only the quadriceps are loaded. When performing a multi-joint squat, the main load is on the hips, but the buttocks and buttocks are also involved in the work.

By incorporating multi-joint exercises into your workout, you protect your body from muscle imbalance. Even if you completely exclude working out some muscles from the program, they will still be loaded and strengthened during the training process.

Add unilateral exercises

Unilateral exercises are movements in which both paired muscles work, but separately from each other. Such exercises will help you avoid transferring the load from a weak muscle to a stronger one.

For example, when performing a bench press with a barbell, you can shift some of the load from your weaker arm to your stronger one. The bar will tilt, but you will be able to work with the selected weight, exacerbating the imbalance with each repetition.

To prevent this, replace barbell exercises with variations. If your weak arm cannot handle the weight of the dumbbell, you will have to choose lighter implements so that the difference in limb strength does not increase.

Develop mobility

If your body lacks the joint mobility to perform exercises correctly, it will compensate with poor form.

For example, if you have tight hip flexors on one side, you will end up leaning to one side when squatting with heavy weights. Constantly increasing the load will cause imbalance or injury.

Pay attention to your limitations and try to correct them before they cause asymmetry or injury.

How to Correct Muscle Imbalance

How to correct paired muscle asymmetry

To get rid of paired muscle imbalances, increase the number of repetitions for weak side by 25–35%.

Let's say your left shoulder less than right. Typically you do 3 sets of 10 dumbbell lateral raises. To strengthen weak shoulder, add another set of 10 repetitions for the left arm only.

With your right hand you will do 30 repetitions and with your left hand you will do 40 repetitions with the same weight.

If you do not want to increase the load on a weak muscle, perform the same number of repetitions on the strong and weak sides. To do this, always start the exercise on the weak side to find out how many repetitions and with what weight you can perform.

How to correct muscle group imbalances

If some muscles look weak and undeveloped compared to others, simply add more load: increase the number of exercises or work weights. However, the total load should remain the same.

For example, if you decide to pump up weak legs, it is not at all necessary to arrange a separate workout in addition to what you are already doing. This can result in overtraining and stalled progress.

Instead, you need to rearrange yours in a way that makes room for additional stress on your legs. You shift the focus to one muscle group, eliminate imbalances and have time to fully recover between sessions.


Let's summarize:

  • Muscle imbalance occurs during training when one muscle or muscle group is used more often and more than another.
  • To prevent imbalance, you need to:
    • add multi-joint exercises to the program that load the muscles of the whole body;
    • perform unilateral exercises that load paired muscles separately;
    • develop joint mobility and monitor technique.
  • To correct the imbalance, you need to ensure that strong muscles did not receive more load, and also increase the intensity of working out weak muscles.

Don’t ignore your weaknesses, correct muscle imbalances in time, then you will increase your performance and reduce the risk of injury.

Since school age, children have enough for a long time spend sitting at a desk.

Weak back muscles in a child lead to poor posture and, in the future, to the development of diseases of the musculoskeletal system. With the help of a special set of exercises, you can prevent negative health consequences.

Physical training at an early age

Preparation for school should be not only mental, but also physical. Exactly physical health helps you study well and remember new material better.

Preparation should begin from birth. It is up to 1 year that children develop muscle corset, which then only continues to develop.

Scoliosis develops during school years. At this time, children spend most of the day studying, and their fragile backs are constantly exposed to stress from a heavy briefcase.

Even before school, you should think about it and start studying. Can:

  • take to the pool starting from 5 months;
  • from the age of three go to dancing and gymnastics;
  • study at home.

If the home is installed wall bars, you can start practicing on it from 8 months, the same goes for exercising on a fitball.

Work out on gymnastic ball simple enough. You can start from the very birth of the baby, laying it on the tummy and back and rocking it slightly.

The advantages of such exercises are that in addition to strengthening the muscular corset, the vestibular apparatus develops. The amplitude of the swings gradually increases, and then other exercises are added.

Exercises on a gymnastic ball from birth

Starting at birth, place the baby on his tummy and then on his back on a ball, rocking him up and down, from side to side. Gradually increase the range of motion.

From three months, when rocking, bend and straighten the legs, make circular movements, carefully grasping the two handles.

How to strengthen the back muscles at 6 months, when the baby should sit down, but a weak muscle corset does not allow him to do this? This question worries every mother who notices that her baby lags behind her peers in terms of physical development.

Strengthening the back muscles of a 6-month-old child with a fitball begins with sitting down. Even if the baby is not yet sitting on his own, he can be seated on a fitball. IN sitting position The baby should be rocked using springy movements.

An 8-month-old child can be allowed to reach the exercise ball with his hands to the floor or allowed to get his favorite toy. Taking the baby under the arms, you can put him on his feet and jump on the ball. Such fun will bring benefits and a lot of positive emotions.

Fitball is an indispensable thing in a house where there are children. You can use it from birth to adulthood. This is perfect sports equipment, which helps pump up muscles without much effort.

What to do if your baby has weakened muscle corset?

If one year old child weak back muscles, this is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • the baby cannot sit on his own;
  • does not go;
  • does not keep your back straight;
  • Doesn't hold up on its own when picked up.

Weak back muscles in a 1-year-old child are a sign of muscle hypotonia, which was not detected at the time. This condition requires treatment, which includes:

  • taking medications,
  • physiotherapy,
  • gymnastics

After the full course of treatment, the baby quickly catches up with his peers in physical development. The sooner hypotension is detected, the less time it will take to recover.

How to help a child with cerebral palsy?

How to pump up the back muscles of a child with cerebral palsy, will tell you special complex exercises:

  1. The baby squats down, puts his hands on the shoulders of the adult who is standing in front, and tries to kneel down.
  2. The baby is on his knees, and the adult tilts his body in all directions.
  3. An adult supports the person standing under the armpits and gently pushes him under the knees so that the patient squats.
  4. The baby sits on a chair, and the adult presses his legs firmly to the floor, pushing him forward so that the child stands up.
  5. In a lying position, the adult lifts the patient's body and rocks in different directions.
  6. The baby lies on his side, and the adult pushes him forward and back.
  7. In a sitting position, the adult turns the patient's head in different directions, who, in turn, tries to relax his neck as much as possible.

In addition, doctors prescribe amplipulse for long muscles backs. This is effective both at 6 months and at an older age to restore blood flow in damaged tissues and joints. Complex therapy will allow you to restore your health and achieve success in the fight against cerebral palsy.

Prevention of scoliosis

Since scoliosis is the most common disease of the spine, prevention should be taken care of in advance.

It is better to do this before the baby goes to school. How to strengthen your back muscles to avoid scoliosis? Recommended exercises:

  1. While lying down, pedal an imaginary bicycle.
  2. Lying on your back, lift your legs up and make cross movements, as if scissors are cutting paper.
  3. Lie on the mat, pull your legs to your chest, wrap your arms around them and roll on your back.
  4. The most ordinary bridge will help develop flexibility and take care of the health of the spine.
  5. Lying on your back, raise your legs, trying to reach the floor behind your head with your fingertips.
  6. Standing on all fours, bend and arch your back. Popularly this exercise is called “cat exercise”.
  7. Offer to walk around the room on your hands. To do this, take the baby by the legs and lead him as far as he can.
  8. Lying on his stomach, the baby clasps his ankles with his hands, making a “basket”.

This simple set of exercises is suitable for children aged three years and older. You need to do it every day, then you can forget about spinal diseases, and children will have excellent posture, good health and a good habit of playing sports.

Muscle spasms are a sudden contraction of muscle fibers. Accompanied by painful sensations from muscle overstrain and pinched nerve fibers. The pain from the spasm, which compresses the nerve fiber of the sensory nerves of the spinal cord, is extremely excruciating.

The human spine consists of 33-35 vertebrae, which form the spinal column - the main “rod” of the body. The spine contains the spinal cord, which is responsible for transmitting impulses from the brain, reflexes to external stimuli and control internal systems the body through nervous autonomics. The spine is tightly surrounded by muscles that pull the vertebrae together, forming a dense muscle layer, preventing injury and keeping the spine together.

There are two layers of back muscles - deep and superficial. The muscles of the deep layer connect the vertebrae by attaching the muscle to the transverse processes of nearby vertebrae. Transverse muscles allow a person to bend the body forward and backward. The surface layer is responsible for turning and bending the body. Muscle tissue in the body is divided into smooth, striated and cardiac muscle.

Smooth muscle tissue is not under human control. Smooth muscle concentrated in internal organs– stomach, intestines, uterus, vagina, etc. Striated muscle tissue is called skeletal muscle tissue and surrounds bones and organs. By contracting, striated muscles allow you to move parts of the body in space. Skeletal is controlled by human consciousness.

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Spasms are involuntary contractions of individual or groups of back muscles. Spasms are accompanied by pain.

The mechanics of the spasm itself consists in the appearance of a nerve impulse, which affects the muscle with high frequency. After the muscle tissue is excited, myosin and actin are involved in the work - the “gears” of the muscle, which, through their work, compress the muscle. Normally, this process leads to motor activity - muscle contraction, but in pathologies the contraction develops into a painful process, which is a spasm.


Spasms of the back muscles can be roughly divided into those that have an epileptic nature and those that do not. The difference is in the cause of the spasm - an epileptic spasm occurs due to the development of a powerful inductive impulse from the affected group of nerve nuclei, which convulsively contract the muscle. Non-epileptic spasms occur due to excitation of individual structures of the central nervous system, dysfunction of individual neurons, under the influence of toxic, endocrine, electrolyte and metabolic substances, and disturbances of certain psychogenic factors.

Spasms are also divided into tonic and clonic. Tonic spasms are provoked by prolonged tension of the muscle fiber, which contracts and causes prolonged and lingering pain in the patient. The muscle will be felt upon palpation and there will be a feeling of tension. Clonic spasms are jerky contractions that alternate with muscle relaxation. In common parlance this phenomenon is called a cramp.

Back muscle spasms occur due to internal and external disturbances in the normal functioning of the body. The following reasons for the development of back spasm are identified:

  • Injuries;
  • Spinal diseases;
  • Muscle fatigue;
  • Stress;
  • Epileptic seizures.

In most cases, spasm complicates the course of the disease. One of the goals of therapy is to eliminate spasm, relieve pain and alleviate the condition. Relief from spasm can be complete only if the instructions for antispasmodics are strictly followed.


Pain will inevitably occur when any human tissue is damaged due to the presence of nerve tissue and receptors there. In response to pain, there will be muscle tension– muscle tissue tends to isolate the injured area of ​​the body, thus stopping inflammation from the damaged tissue. At the same time, spastic contractions develop compression muscle fibers and blood vessels.

With prolonged spasms, painful foci and tissue hypoxia develop, which threatens with further consequences - necrosis, apoptosis and death. A trigger syndrome develops.

Also, with a vertebral injury, a complete rupture of the ligaments can occur. The vertebra falls out of its normal location. The muscles begin to pull on the vertebra, tension and spasm occur.

Spinal diseases

Spastic contractions inextricably accompany diseases of the spine. Such diseases include:

  • Osteochondrosis;
  • Intervertebral hernia;
  • Scoliosis, pathological kyphosis and lordosis.

Osteochondrosis is pathological changes in the joints of the spine. When the joint expands, a pinched nerve occurs, which leads to pain. Pain causes muscle spasms as a logical reaction of the body. Back spasm aggravates the disease - with prolonged tonic spasm, vertebral displacement occurs. This leads to scoliosis, osteoporosis of the vertebral bodies and spinal cord disorders.

A herniated disc is a rupture of the fibrous ring of the intervertebral disc, which serves as a shock absorber between the vertebrae. The corpus gelatinous breaks out of its normal location and leads to pain syndrome due to infringement of the paravertebral roots or the spinal cord itself. In this case, there arises spastic contraction affected area.

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Muscle spasm in the back is itself the cause of scoliosis - when the stability of the vertebra is disrupted, the vertebra is pulled to the side by the muscle, which is compressed due to pain in the spinal cord. Muscle spasms lead to increased scoliosis in the lower back, chest or neck. It is necessary to relieve the spasm in time in order to stop the development of the disease.

Spasms during kyphosis and lordosis are of the same nature - pain from pinched disc, spinal cord and nerve roots causes spastic contraction muscle mass, which leads to increased deformation of the vertebra.

The process is repeated and leads to dire consequences– the patient’s body is severely deformed. A compensatory curvature syndrome occurs - another part of the spine is bent in the other direction, an S-shaped curvature is formed, which leads to pathological changes in the spine. spinal cord and body organs. Spasms weaken, but are permanent, especially with the development of scoliosis in adulthood.

Muscle fatigue

When you remain in an uncomfortable position for a long time, braking processes begin - tense muscles cannot relax on their own, since the nerve centers that are responsible for muscle activity cannot stop transmitting impulses. As a result, the fibers remain in a compressed state, which leads to pain.

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Stress mobilizes all resources human body. Emotional stress causes increased hormonal secretion of hormones thyroid gland and leads to an increase in tension in the centers of higher nervous activity. This leads to an increase in the development of convulsive and spastic activity of muscle mass. Short-term stress does not have severe effects on the body, but if stress factors continue to affect the body, changes can occur in the brain and spinal cord. An inductive activity occurs in the autonomic nervous system, which causes the muscles to contract. This includes a nervous tic, which develops with frequent nervous shocks.


Epilepsy is a consequence of the development of a pain focus in the brain. Centers muscle activity are damaged and, due to nervous fatigue, epileptic seizures occur. At the moment of a seizure, random, uncontrolled muscle activity begins, which causes enormous suffering to the patient. Often, patients with epilepsy are prescribed, in addition to antiepileptic drugs, antispasmodics, which are designed to weaken the muscles to prevent damage.


Therapy in most cases comes down to the use of antispasmodics, which help the body relieve spasm of the back muscles. Apply additional methods such as psychotherapy and massage.


Treatment with medications involves relieving pain with analgesics and relaxing muscles with antispasmodics. Before use, you must consult a pharmacist and know the characteristics of your body. In a hospital setting, treatment consists of vitamin injections, blockades and even surgical interventions. This will be much more effective than taking medications on your own. Therefore, consult a doctor, especially if, with a spasm, you feel constant tension in the spine and pain that radiates to the limbs.

Psychotherapy and massage

Psychological methods are based on the natural relaxation of the body. Try to calm down - this will help in case of psychogenic causes of the spasm. You need to sit down, relax, read a book or drink a mug of tea or warm milk, in a word - do everything possible to put yourself in a relaxed state.

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You can do a relaxing massage yourself. Slowly, with force, massage the damaged muscle. If the spasm occurs in the lower back or at chest level, ask loved ones to massage the affected area. Please note that you can resort to self-massage only if you are absolutely sure that there are no more serious factors that led to the spasm.

Consequences of spasms

Prolonged spasms can lead to multiple negative consequences– increased scoliosis, development of radiculitis in the lower back, constriction of arteries and tissue necrosis. Tonic spasms of the neck muscles can cause constant migraines and fainting due to compression of the arteries. Possible toxic contamination of tissues due to impaired blood outflow and active release of metabolites from muscle activity. This condition can lead to jaundice and toxicosis.

A sedentary lifestyle leads to osteochondrosis, scoliosis - strong changes that prevent a person from continuing an active and fulfilling life. To prevent spasms, you need to exercise physical therapy. Swimming, stretching, and exercise increase muscle tone and are an excellent prevention of back diseases.

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Most of us, trying to acquire a good physical fitness, they think first of all about how to tighten their stomach and make their legs and hips slim, but they often forget about the back muscles. Although a weak muscle corset can cause not only incorrect posture, but also increased fatigue and even back pain.

Why do back muscles weaken?

The main reasons for weakened back muscle tone are:

  • passive lifestyle;
  • incorrect posture;
  • muscle imbalance;
  • weak press.

With a sedentary lifestyle, the back muscles do not receive the necessary physical activity, as a result of which their natural ability to fully contract is lost. Weak muscles are unable to support the spine in a normal position.

Incorrect posture is a position of the back in which the natural contours of the spine are distorted. If it becomes a habit, then the muscles get used to the non-physiological position, and it becomes the norm for them. This leads to compression and loss of elasticity of the intervertebral discs.

Muscle imbalance is natural process, arising from the fact that most people cannot work equally well with both their right and left hands. As a result, uneven pressure occurs on the intervertebral discs, and they begin to wear out rapidly.

A weak press cannot fully support its share of body weight. Consequently, this load is transferred to the spine, or rather to its lumbar region, and he bends.

Whatever the reasons for the weakening of the back muscles, the result is chronic pain, curvature of posture and stoop. But if desired, the muscular corset of the spine can be strengthened with regular exercise, massage and swimming.

Back muscle massage

Even when you're not doing physical activity, you're using your back muscles in repetitive ways. For example, when you sit at a computer or driving for a long time, your muscles work. But at the same time, being in static tension, they become rigid and lose elasticity.

Massage will help restore elasticity to the muscles (relax).

Benefits of massage:

  1. the muscle is stretched and due to this tension is relieved and high blood pressure in muscle tissue;
  2. the elasticity of the fabric improves. "Heavy" muscle tissue can also do intense physical training. But massage will restore natural elasticity;
  3. stress decreases. And stress is not only muscular. Relaxation after a massage extends not only to body tissues, but also to nervous system person.

Types of back muscle massage:

  • classic massage: the effect of massage is achieved by kneading and warming up the muscles;
  • acupressure: by pressing on certain points, muscle tension is relieved and relaxation is achieved;
  • using massage equipment: massage equipment combines vibration and relaxation and stretching of muscles with soft rolling of rollers.

Gymnastics for back muscles

First exercise

Get on all fours. Hands and knees shoulder width apart. Straining your abs, straighten your spine. Stretch your right leg back and left hand- forward. The leg, back and arm should form one straight line for a few seconds. Return to original position. Repeat for left leg and right arm. Twelve times in total.

With this exercise, not only your back is trained, but also your abs, as well as your leg muscles.

Second exercise.

Lying on your back, bend your knees and place your feet shoulder-width apart. Place your hands on the floor. Slowly raise your hips. Your knees, hips and shoulders should be in line for two to three seconds. Return to original position. Twelve times in total.

This exercise helps strengthen the muscles of the back and abdomen.

Third exercise

Lying on your right side, lean on your forearm and raise your body. The elbow should be under the shoulder. The legs, back and neck are fixed in one line for forty seconds. Return to original position. Only six times. The same for the left side.

This exercise trains the muscles of the lower back and also develops endurance.

Doing this regularly gymnastics complex will allow you to restore the lost tone of the back muscles, as a result of which they will again begin to take on the load, thus protecting the ligaments and joints of the spine.

Swimming is the most effective for back muscles

Swimming (and the swimming style used does not matter at all) is very versatile and has a very effective effect on the back muscles and spine.

  1. water relaxes muscles;
  2. in water, the spine relaxes and stretches;
  3. when swimming, almost all the muscles of the body are used;
  4. even very strong tension in water will always be softer due to the fact that after performing the movement, complete relaxation of the muscle occurs.