Squats for weight loss: we draw up a detailed program for training at home. How many squats do you need to do per day: tips When squatting your legs lose weight or get fat

Losing weight with physical exercise is considered to be the most effective. After all, by doing even, you simultaneously increase the number of calories burned, train muscles and improve body contours, removing all unpleasant folds and loose skin... Squats are considered one of the most effective and at the same time simple exercises for weight loss. To perform them, you do not need simulators and gym- you can lose weight with squats at home, in a comfortable and familiar environment.

Squats are extremely beneficial for women as they not only help burn a lot, but also shape attractive hips and buttocks. The main thing is to do them correctly, and then the result will not be long in coming.

Squat rules

The main and basic rule here is gradualness. Even if you really want to lose weight and you are ready to make sacrifices for this, you should not perform a hundred squats in one approach without preparation. The only result of such a "rush" will be hellish pain in the muscles, which can discourage the desire to exercise for a long time.

Fitness trainers recommend starting the squat with a light warm-up - do a few kicks to the sides, then jump a few times in place. The last exercise will help you find the correct position of your feet - remember the position in which you landed and it is from there that you begin to squat.

For a beginner athlete, 15-20 squats will be the optimal amount. Start by doing three sets with a break of 5 minutes. This will be more than enough for the first day of class. In the future, gradually increase the load, adding 5 squats to each approach, but do not perform more than 50 squats at once.

One more important rule doing weight loss squats - do not lower your pelvis below level when your hips are parallel to the ground. When doing deep squats, the load on the knees increases several times, which can lead to serious joint problems.

In addition, while doing squats, it is absolutely impossible to take your heels off the floor - do all the exercises only leaning on your full foot.

After all the squatting rules have been learned, you can start choosing suitable exercises and start your path to harmony!

The main types of squats to help you lose weight

The variety of this simple weight loss exercise is overwhelming. But the most effective in terms of weight loss are the following.

Classic squats

These are the same exercises that we performed at school in physical education lessons - without weights, jumps and other "additions". Place your feet at the level of the pelvis, stretch your arms in front of you, tighten your abdominal muscles and begin to squat while inhaling, pulling your pelvis back until your bent hips are parallel to the floor.

Plie squats

This type of squat helps to pump one of the most problematic areas of women - inner side hips. Place your feet slightly wider than your shoulders, place your hands on your belt, pull your stomach in, turn your socks at a right angle outward. Squat, being careful not to drop your pelvis below a safe parallel.

Jump squats

This is a more difficult exercise that requires some preparation. You should not start with it, but after a month and a half after the first workout, you can safely introduce it into your set of exercises. To perform jump squats, you must perform the classic version of the exercise until the stage when the hips drop to the desired level, and then jump up sharply, then landing on a full foot. This type of squat allows you to increase the number of calories burned and introduce elements of aerobic load into your workouts.

When you can easily perform three to four approaches without muscle pain, a small amount of resistance can be added. Kilogram dumbbells, water bottles, and so on will do - the main thing is that the load is comfortable to hold in your hands.

Will squats help you lose weight: the opinion of a fitness trainer

In 15 minutes of squats, on average, you can burn about 100 calories. This figure may vary depending on the intensity of training, the presence or absence of weights and the weight of the person losing weight. That is, it is possible and necessary to perform squats for weight loss - they are really effective for training muscles and for accelerating the burning of fat reserves.

In conclusion, it should be noted that in order for the process of weight loss to be really effective, it is necessary to adhere to any and exclude unhealthy and overly high-calorie foods from the diet. Only in this case, you will burn the already existing fat reserves, and not the newly received energy from food.

What types of squats do you do? Do they help with weight loss? Leave your review!

The squat is one of the few exercises where the glutes, legs, back, and abs are involved. The correct squat technique will help you achieve the desired results. How many squats should you do? For a better understanding of how many of them you need to do per day and week, it is worth listing all the benefits of this exercise. Why squat? Why are squats so popular among men and women?

Reasons to do squats

Each person sets a training goal for himself: to lose weight or sit on a split, jump higher or run a marathon. Below is a list of the skills that can be achieved by doing squats:

  • weight gain (build muscle),
  • reduction of the fatty part of the body,
  • improved coordination,
  • development of strength qualities, power, endurance and flexibility,
  • improving joint mobility.

More about each.

Increase in muscle volume. Exercise builds up the muscles in your legs, back, and abs. Doing squats stimulates hormone production, thereby stimulating muscle growth.

Decrease in body fat. The performance of each physical action requires certain efforts, which means the expenditure of energy. How more muscle participates in the work - the higher the effectiveness of the exercise. This principle can be used to pump up any part of the body. Squats should be included in your workout routine to lose weight.

Improving body coordination. Every day, people make movements such as walking and climbing stairs. These simple daily movements are carried out with the help of muscles, a sense of balance and balance. In the cold season, good coordination helps not to fall on slippery ice, but to stumble on the stairs to stay on your feet.

Increase in strength, endurance, flexibility. By setting goals, everyone strives to achieve their fulfillment as much as possible short time... The goal of training and the motivation for them can be: to lose weight by specific event, increase speed performance, improve flexibility and jumping ability.

Squats will help you achieve your goals, because it universal exercise... It helps to develop any physical quality, build up your legs and buttocks.

There are several physical qualities of a person:

  • power,
  • endurance,
  • power,
  • flexibility,
  • speed- power indicators(jumping ability),
  • speed,
  • coordination.

Improving joint mobility. The exercise is multi-joint, it involves the hip and knee joints... Doing it every day will improve joint mobility.

All of these benefits prove that squats should be done. The exercise involves the work of the buttocks, legs and other muscles, develops everything physical qualities, helps to lose weight and build muscle.

Types of squats

Using different techniques, you can choose different types squats:

  • classic,
  • plie,
  • in a split,
  • frontal.

In any of these options, the buttocks and legs work. To understand how squats differ from each other, you need to consider the technique for performing each of them.

Exercise technique

Performing squats includes a simple action, namely, a smooth lowering down and returning to the starting position.

  1. Classic squats.

From the starting position standing, while inhaling, begin a slow downward movement until the hips are parallel to the floor and the knees are above the toe of the foot. On exhalation, return to the starting position. Hands can be at the waist, near the head, or extended in front of you. The classic version is used to pump up the buttocks. Usually with a barbell on the shoulders. In this case, the weight is on the upper back.

During the downward movement, make sure that the knees do not go beyond the toes of the feet, take the buttocks as far back as possible, keep the back straight.

  1. Plie squats (with broad staging legs).

Such squats, in addition to the main working muscles (buttocks, biceps and four heads), include the inner thigh (adductors).

Unlike the classic version, the legs are set wide apart. On inhalation, go down, on exhalation, return to the starting position. In the lower position, the knees are above the feet.

  1. Split squat.

Performed standing, feet shoulder-width apart, one leg in front, the second behind, hands on the belt. As you inhale, lower yourself down to a position so that there is 90 degrees between the thigh of one leg and the lower leg of the other. On exhalation, return to the starting position. Make sure that the knee does not go beyond the toe of the foot. To lower and rise due to the efforts of the muscles of the leg, which is in front.

  1. Front squats.

This type of squat is usually done with additional weights. It can be a barbell, kettlebell, or dumbbell.

From the original standing position (additional weight on the shoulders, elbows brought forward) perform a classic squat. The difference is in weight placement. Since it is at shoulder level and in front, it displaces the load. Front squats are used to build the front of the thigh.

All squat options are performed with the following guidelines:

  • keep your back straight
  • the gaze is directed forward or upward,
  • do not block the knee joint (do not fully straighten the legs),
  • knees in projection on the foot (do not go beyond the toe).

How to create a training program and achieve high results

Each person can achieve this goal. To achieve it, it is enough to determine on what day the first training session will take place.

To tighten your glutes in a short time or to increase muscle mass, the most important thing is to create a program. If you squat every day, then the result will be noticeable very soon. But remember that muscles need a period of rest. Therefore, it is important to take into account some of the nuances of training.

The following parameters affect the results:

  • regularity,
  • number of workouts per week,
  • duration,
  • training experience,
  • proper nutrition,
  • good rest.

Let's take a closer look at each of them.

Programming is a complex process that must take into account all of the above parameters. With the right training program, taking into account the individual characteristics of the body, you can achieve any goal.

Regular workouts 3-4 times a week provide optimal rest for the muscles and give them the necessary load.

The duration of the power section should not exceed 45 minutes. It is during this amount of time that glycogen is completely consumed ( complex carbohydrate, found in muscles and liver).

A person who has more than one year of regular training behind him will achieve his goal (lose weight or become more enduring) faster than a beginner. This is due to the fact that muscles have a "memory"; in a trained person, muscles are already prepared for increased loads.

Proper nutrition is the key to success. It must contain all the necessary nutritional components, it is not recommended to follow any diets and fasting.

Each workout is stressful for the body, so a healthy sleep will ensure full recovery.

Developing endurance or losing weight involves doing more reps. Without additional weights, it should be from 20. In order to increase strength indicators or pump up legs, the number of 8-12 repetitions will be effective. A beginner is recommended to perform 3-4 working sets of 15 repetitions.

If you train every day, then you can increase the number of repetitions for each lesson, but remember that there should be days of rest. This will ensure best result will allow the muscles to recover.

To lose weight and have a good physical fitness you don't have to go to the gym. Learn how to do squats correctly to get the perfect body.

The content of the article:

Most women are unhappy with their appearance and use a wide variety of ways to shape their figure. But few people realize that the simplest squats will help to lose weight and return an attractive look to the buttocks and hips. However, in order to achieve such an effect, it is necessary not only to regularly conduct training, but also to know several rules and features of performing squats.

The question of the presence of fat in the lower body has always worried women, because overweight tend to settle in this area. This result is obtained due to improper and unbalanced nutrition, management sedentary life, lack of even minimal physical activity etc.

To solve this problem, today not only the gym is used, but also a variety of newfangled diets, when observing which you have to starve, cosmetic procedures (massages, wraps, creams, masks, etc.) can also be used. But these funds do not always give the desired result. It is also good with squats or any other physical activity, using various means for losing weight (if you only take them and do nothing else, then there will be almost no result):

  • slimming
  • Raspberry capsules
  • Drops
If there is no time or opportunity to visit the gym several times a week, do not despair, because to acquire a dream figure, it is enough to regularly perform simple, but very effective squats... Of course to achieve desired result will have to spend quite a lot of time, so be patient. As a rule, on average, it takes about 30-40 days to correct the buttocks and hips, depending on the initial weight and nutrition, because these factors have the most important influence. The main thing is to do squats regularly and soon such workouts will become a habit, and will not seem too burdensome.

The benefits of squats

With such simple exercise Everyone is familiar with squats since childhood, but few people know that they include two types of loads - aerobic and strength. During squats, the muscles of the legs, abdominals and back are tense, therefore effective strength training is carried out.

During squats, frequent and intense breathing begins, as a result of which an increase in the number of contractions of the heart muscle begins. The blood is enriched with oxygen, saturating every cell of the body.

Squats are very useful for the body, so you shouldn't be lazy, because regular training will help you regain good physical shape and correct your figure:

  • Doing squats regularly helps speed up the metabolic process, thereby body fat gradually turn into muscle tissue.
  • You can only lose weight if you expend extra calories every day.
  • Squats help to strengthen the muscles of the back, tighten the abdomen, increase the tone gluteal muscles, and the hips become slim and toned again.

How exactly do squats work in the fight against excess weight?

Squats are among the most effective exercise, since during their execution almost all muscles work. As a result, fat deposits in the thighs, abdomen, buttocks are burned and there is a build-up muscle mass.

Of course, if we talk about energy expenditure, then squats will lose active aerobic exercise, but at the same time they are among the effective means to combat overweight.

Taking into account the initial body weight, different efforts will be made to perform even the simplest physical exercises, therefore, the process of losing weight will occur in different ways. If desired, you can calculate the number of calories burned during squats, but this is done only on an individual basis.

For example, if a woman's weight is about 60-65 kg, after 5 minutes of squats (100 repetitions), about 43 Kcal is consumed. Provided that morning and evening training is carried out, you can get rid of 86 Kcal per day.

Squatting weight loss isn't just a result of calorie expenditure. In order to increase the effectiveness of such an exercise several times, you can use additional loads, for example, a barbell or dumbbells.

Thanks to the use of additional loads, the process of muscle mass formation is accelerated several times. Unlike body fat, muscles will consume excess calories much faster. Consequently, energy consumption also increases, even if there will be no cardinal changes in the usual power supply system. However, in the case of reducing the usual diet by 150-200 calories, the process of losing weight will be much more active.

Squat technique for weight loss

To get a dream figure and get rid of the existing one excess weight, it is necessary not only to exercise regularly, but also to perform squats correctly. Conventionally, this type of exercise is divided into two stages:
  1. The first stage is considered to be a deep and unhurried squat, which should be accompanied by strong tension. muscle corset back as well lower limbs and abdominal muscles.
  2. The second stage is power. A return from a deep squat to the starting position is performed by lifting the weight of your body. If desired, dumbbells, weights, heavy books, or plastic bottles filled with water.
Performing squats, you must not only think about the process of losing weight, but also try not to harm your own health. Even such a simple exercise has a special technique that must be strictly observed, otherwise the consequences can be unpredictable.
When starting a workout, there are a few simple guidelines to consider:
  • During the exercise, the abdominal muscles must be strained without fail, since they will play the role of a strong corset for the spine.
  • The heels should always remain flat on the floor.
  • It is necessary to monitor the position of the back, since during classes it should remain completely straight, but not rounded or arched.
  • Having reached the bottom point, the knees should be parallel to the feet.
  • You can not turn your knees out or in.
  • During classes, breathing should be even and measured, you must try to adapt to the rhythm of squats - while moving down, a deep and even breath is taken, and when moving up, exhale.

It is necessary to constantly monitor the squatting technique, since it is correct execution exercise gives the maximum effect. In about 15–20 minutes of training, you can lose about 250 Kcal, but this figure directly depends on the individual characteristics of the organism and the initial body weight.

During training, you need to try to tune in to a special wave, since it is important to feel how the muscles work during each movement.

Contraindications for squats

In order for squats to bring only benefits and not harm health, it is necessary to take into account the fact that there are certain contraindications, which include diseases such as:
  • arterial hypertension;
  • back problems;
  • hernia;
  • diseases of the joints of the legs;
  • problems in the work of the cardiovascular system;
  • varicose veins;
  • scoliosis;
  • radiculitis.
In the event that there is at least one of the above diseases, it is necessary to abandon squats as a means in the fight against excess weight, otherwise there is a risk only to worsen your own well-being.

How to start losing weight with squats?

If you have not previously had to work out fruitfully using squats, it is necessary to stop the choice on the classical technique. In this case, the legs are placed shoulder-width apart, the arms are lowered along the body and as relaxed as possible. Squatting is done slowly, while you need to go down until a right angle is formed in the knees. Then you must also slowly return to the starting position.

In the event that squats are used as a weight loss exercise, the maximum number of repetitions is mandatory. To increase the load, it is useful to use additional weights - for example, dumbbells. Of course, the number of squats will be determined strictly on an individual basis, but at the same time, you need to gradually increase the number of repetitions, since the muscles have the ability to get used to the exercises.

To get used to regular exercise and join the process, you need to start classes with 1 approach, in which there should be 15 squats. It is important to perform at least 3 approaches in one workout, between which you can take short breaks for 3-5 minutes, but no more.

Soon there will be a feeling of strength in the muscles and a desire to increase the load, performing 20 squats in one repetition, gradually reaching 30 times. You can also do more repetitions, while the break between them should be kept to a minimum.

During the week, you can do 3-4 times, it is not necessary to train every day. If the resulting load begins to seem small, it is useful to use weights, for example, small dumbbells, weighing 1-2 kg, would be an excellent option.

It is important to remember about the golden rule of every workout - a warm-up must be performed first in order to warm up the muscles well, otherwise the risk of injury increases. During warm-up Special attention should be given to the ankles and knees, since when performing squats, a large load will be exerted on these areas.

Weighted squats

This type of exercise is not suitable for everyone and is recommended to restore elasticity to the buttocks and hips. It will be sufficient to first use an additional weight of 1 kg. Dumbbells are taken into the hands (bottles filled with water can be used), the legs are spread shoulder-width apart, and a smooth squat is performed using the classical technique.

Plie squats

This squat is based on the plie ballet movement. To perform this exercise, the legs are placed shoulder-width apart, the toes are turned outward, after which a smooth lowering down is performed (the knees are bent as slowly as possible).

This exercise is a great way to get rid of excess fat on the inner thighs. For execution this exercise dumbbells can be used as weights.

Today there are quite a few different types squats, thanks to which you can quickly lose weight and return slim figure... But in order to obtain such a result, classes should be carried out regularly, you should also pay attention to your own diet and limit the use of fatty and too high-calorie foods, which provoke the appearance of excess weight.

Check out the squat technique in this video:

Among the beautiful half of humanity, there are few lucky women who would be completely satisfied with their own appearance. Most of the dissatisfied will first of all complain about fat deposits in the hips, abdomen and buttocks - alas, this is the female physiology. To solve this problem, there is a simple and effective method- squats. But let's make a reservation right away that a decrease in volumes is guaranteed only with strict adherence to the technique of performing exercises.

How do squats help you lose weight?

When doing squats, the body receives a double load - power and aerobic, in parallel, several processes are launched at once that contribute to weight loss:

  • power load is provided by lifting your own weight, at this time the muscles of the legs, buttocks, abs and back work hard;
  • breathing becomes more intense, the heart muscle contracts more often, respectively, more oxygen begins to flow into the blood, thereby starting the process of burning fat;
  • for 100 squats, a person of average build weighing about 60 kilograms spends about 40 calories, but this is a very generalized indicator - in fact, energy consumption depends on the weight of the trainee, the pace and technique of execution, if you perform the exercise with weights, then the calorie consumption increases by 2-3 times;
  • squats speed up metabolic processes, therefore, adipose tissue is quickly replaced by muscle;
  • with regular exercise, the cellulite crust on the thighs and buttocks is significantly reduced, the skin is noticeably smoothed.

For women of mature age, squatting is beneficial to prevent osteoporosis.

Types and techniques of squats for weight loss

You can squat in different ways, it all depends on what muscle groups you want to work out. But before starting any type of exercise, do not neglect the warm-up. Moreover, it is necessary to warm up not only the muscles of the legs, but also to prepare the joints for work, since they will have a significant load. For warm-up, brisk walking or jogging in place, alternate rotational movements in the joints are suitable.

Classic squats

Classic squats are performed with or without weights. They will differ in the technique of execution.

Squats without weights

  1. Starting position: straighten the body, feet and shoulders should be in one line, keep your back straight, place your hands freely along the body.
  2. Taking a breath, slowly sit down, as if sitting on an imaginary chair, as a result, the thigh should form a parallel with the floor and perpendicular with the lower leg. Avoid mistakes: rest your heels on the floor and do not tear them off when squatting, and also watch your shoulders so that they do not round. Throwing straight arms forward will help maintain balance.
  3. As you exhale, slowly return to the starting position.

On the initial stage three sets of 20-30 repetitions will be enough. When the technique is well mastered, and the muscles are a little stronger, you can do up to 100 squats in a row every day.

Video: rules for performing a classic squat

Classic Weighted Squats

Consider a barbell as a weighting agent. This exercise will help you work your muscles:

  • buttocks;
  • leg extensors.

You can start squats with a bar if you have already mastered all the squatting techniques without weighting - if done incorrectly, the exercise is traumatic. Barbell squats are performed in the gym, and at first, always under the guidance of an instructor. Before taking on the projectile, it is necessary to preheat all muscle groups.

pay attention to correct installation bar bar on a rack: it should be 10 cm below your shoulders. To remove the projectile, you must first support it from below. trapezius muscles back. Neck or shoulders are not allowed. You need to grip the bar symmetrically to its central point, then the load on the back will be evenly distributed. Narrow grip will make it easier for you to control the projectile, but if you feel pain in your shoulders, make a wider grip.

  1. Now straighten up, step back and take the starting position with the projectile: keep your back straight, only slightly bending it in the lower back, bring your shoulder blades as much as possible, and direct your chest forward. Place your feet slightly wider than shoulder level. Turn the knee socks outward about 30 degrees. Watch your body: keep it level, do not slouch or lean forward.
  2. Take a deep breath and hold your breath, sit down slowly, imagining that you are sitting in a chair. Lower until your hips are parallel with the floor. The lower you squat, the more you engage your glutes. Keep your knees and toes on the same line perpendicular to the floor.
  3. Without stopping at the bottom, as you exhale, begin a smooth ascent. You need to get up faster than sit down. Do not straighten your legs all the way, otherwise you will overload the knee joints. When lifting, try to keep the weight of the entire body on the heels.

For beginners, three sets of 5 squats will be enough. Over time, the number of repetitions with the same number of approaches can be increased to 10-15.

Video: rules for performing classic barbell squats

Plie squats

This type of squat is more popular with women, as it allows you to pump your hips from the inside.

  1. Starting position: stand up straight, place your shoulders and feet on the same line, turning the latter outward by 45 degrees, tighten the press, and bend your arms at the elbows and lock them in front of the chest.
  2. Inhale: Sit down slowly until your hips are parallel to the floor.
  3. Exhaling, push off the floor with your heels and return to the starting position.

Do 3 sets of 10-15 reps. When you master the plie technique well with own weight, you can complicate the task for yourself and move on to exercises with weights. The weight of the projectile must be increased gradually.

Video: plie technique with weighting

Narrow stance squat

They strengthen the inner surface of the quadriceps muscle of the thigh - the quadriceps. They can also be performed with or without weighting.

Squats without weights

  1. Starting position: straighten your body, close your feet with your knees, place your hands on your hips.
  2. Inhale: Sit down slowly until your hips are parallel with the floor. For balance, move the body slightly forward, stretching your arms forward.
  3. As you exhale, return to the starting position.

Start with 3 sets of 20-30 reps each. Having mastered the technique, gradually increase the number of squats to 100 in a row.

Squats in a narrow stance with weights

Squatting with weights in this position is not easy, since it is quite difficult to maintain balance.

The technique will be similar to the classic barbell squat, but the grip should be as wide as possible, and the body should be fed more forward - it is easier to maintain balance.

Unsupported squats on one leg

They will help to cope with muscle imbalance and pump your legs as much as possible.

Option one:

  1. Starting position, as in the classic squat. Then, with your knees bent slightly, pull back one leg.
  2. With your supporting leg, squat as low as you can maintain balance.
  3. Return to the starting position without touching the floor with your other foot.
  4. Try to do the exercise up to 5 times.
  5. Then rest for 30 seconds and repeat with the change of legs.

If at first you cannot maintain balance, use a chair or wall as a support. Start with one set of 3-5 reps for each leg. Over time, the number of repetitions can be increased to 10.

Option two - "pistol".

Having mastered the technique of classic squats well, you can complicate your task and move on to the execution of the "pistol". This exercise is not for beginners and will take time to master. In terms of weight, the "pistol" is not inferior to squats with a barbell. At first, few people will be able to do this exercise without support. Therefore, at first, it is not forbidden to lean your hand on a chair or hold on to a wall.

  1. Starting position: straighten the body, rest the heel of the supporting leg on the floor, lift the other leg and put it forward, straighten your arms and place it parallel to the floor.
  2. On the supporting leg, gently squat down as low as possible until the lower leg touches the thigh. At the same time, take the pelvis further back.
  3. And now the most difficult thing lies ahead: holding arms outstretched and one leg, you need to rise, maintaining balance. To do this, strain your buttocks as much as possible and push off the heel of your supporting leg from the floor. In order not to lose balance, move the body forward a little.
  4. Try to do up to 5 squats on one leg and repeat the same for the other.

For beginners, 1 set of 5 reps will be enough. Over time, your muscles will get stronger, then the number of approaches can be increased to two, already performing 10 squats.

Video: pistol squatting technique

Squat on one leg with emphasis

The exercise is aimed at pumping the buttocks. The maximum effect will be brought by doing the exercise with dumbbells.

Starting position: stand up straight. Transferring the weight of the body to one leg and focusing on the heel, place the other leg on the bench so that it is in contact with outside feet. The knee of the supporting leg should be slightly behind the toe. Place your hands with dumbbells along your torso.

Inhale: bending the supporting leg, gently squat down until the thigh forms a parallel with the floor. Hands with dumbbells remain motionless.

On exhalation, pushing off the floor with the heel of the supporting leg, return to the starting position.

Start by doing 3 sets of 5 reps with each leg. When you master the technique well, increase the number of repetitions to 10-15.

Squat program for the month

In order for squats to bring the expected effect, you need to do it daily. It is advisable to change the types of squats every day, then all muscles will be worked out evenly. If you need to pay attention to certain problem areas, do the appropriate exercises as often as possible, ideally every other day.

Take a break from squats every 3 days so that your muscles have time to recover.

Do not chase after quantity: if it is difficult, it is better to do fewer reps, but with the correct technique. Squats done incorrectly will not do any good.

When your muscles get stronger and your body gets used to the daily stress, train with weights. At home, use dumbbells for these purposes, and in the gym you can squat with a barbell. In this case, the number of approaches can be reduced to three.

Table: 30 Day Squat Program

DayThe first approachSecond approachThird approachFourth approachTotal
1 15 15 10 10 50
2 16 15 13 11 55
3 17 15 15 13 60
4 break
5 20 20 15 15 70
6 21 20 18 16 75
7 22 20 20 18 80
8 break
9 25 25 25 25 100
10 28 26 26 25 105
11 30 28 27 25 110
12 break
13 35 33 32 30 130
14 37 35 33 30 135
15 40 35 35 30 140
16 break
17 43 37 37 33 150
18 45 38 38 34 155
19 46 40 38 36 160
20 break
21 50 45 44 41 180
22 52 47 44 42 185
23 55 48 45 42 190
24 break
25 65 55 52 48 220
26 65 60 55 45 225
27 65 60 55 50 230
28 break
29 70 62 55 48 235
30 70 70 60 50 250

Who is contraindicated in squats?

Unfortunately, not everyone is allowed to do squats. This exercise is contraindicated for a number of ailments:

  • problems with the joints of the legs;
  • intervertebral hernia;
  • severe scoliosis;
  • radiculitis;
  • varicose veins;
  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • hypertension.

But even with these problems, you can pick up exercises from the complex physiotherapy exercises... You just need to seek the advice of a rehabilitation doctor.

Good day, dear readers! Surely in your search for a fight against excess weight, many of you have a question - do squats help you lose weight? The answer is unequivocal - yes, and they act in a complex on the whole body, including the press.

Any exercise helps speed up metabolic processes. And squats also form the attractiveness of the hips and buttocks.

Simple rules for effective squats

There is an opinion about burning fat when doing squats. This is not 100% true - the muscles of the thigh and gluteus develop, and this in turn increases the number of calories burned, which affects the decrease in volume.

How to do squats correctly

To get fast and visible result using squats, they should be performed correctly and combined with other exercises (push-ups, running, race walking and others).

The basis of the technique is as follows:

  1. You need to stand up straight with your shoulders straightened and your feet shoulder-width apart.
  2. Stretch your arms in front of you (90 degrees in relation to the body).
  3. The knees look to the sides when squatting.
  4. The heels are firmly pressed to the floor.
  5. The pelvis is maximally retracted to the parallel of the thighs with the floor.

It is necessary to raise and lower the body with the participation of the abdominal and gluteal muscles. To begin with, you should not use weights - work only with your own weight. In the future, you can use small dumbbells or a bar from a bar. But so that you can complete 3 sets of 16-20 reps.

For better effect squats should be combined with other exercises. Push-ups are a good example.

How many squats do you need to do to lose weight

For some reason, many people think that in order to lose weight, you need to do at least 1000 squats in one workout. I hasten to assure you that you shouldn't torture yourself like that. This will only cause severe muscle pain and even lead to injury, which can occur if performed incorrectly.

If you follow the correct technique, it is enough from 3 to 5 approaches, 15-20 times each, to achieve excellent results.

And the most important thing in this matter is regularity and patience. Do not expect a very quick effect, everything has its time. Negative reviews This type of physical activity is usually left by people who have given squats for a short time. Not seeing the expected results immediately, they folded their hands and left this occupation.

Types of squats for weight loss

There are several types of squats, differing in the level of difficulty and muscle work. But any of them can be done at home:

  • "Classic" view - feet shoulder-width apart, hands in front of you or on the belt;
  • "Prison" with the initial position, as in the "classic", but hands behind the head in the lock;
  • Plie. These squats are borrowed from the ballet school - wide stand legs with socks turned to the sides. By including such an exercise in the training program, you can quickly tighten the muscles of the inner thigh;
  • "Sumo". Stance, as in "classic" squats, but the legs are slightly wider, while the hands are located below between the legs;
  • With support. These squats work great on the muscles of the buttocks - lean your back against the wall, your legs are slightly wider than your shoulders, your abs are tense, your hands are on your hips. Squats are performed slowly with a slight delay in bottom point;
  • Another type of squat is as follows - you need to perform the exercise 1000 times per day. In this case, one approach should contain no more than 10 repetitions. For beginners, it is recommended to start with 150 times, increasing 1 squat daily;
  • "Lunges" or "scissors". This exercise, in addition to loading the muscles, provides coordination training - to stand with the legs together, lunge back first with one leg, return to the original stance and do the same with the other. It is necessary in one approach to try to do from 16 to 18 times on each leg.
Video about correct technique and errors:

Squat complex for a thin waist

As you understand, each exercise affects the muscles to a greater or lesser extent.

I want to offer a set of squats that help reduce the size of the waist:

  1. I.P. - classic stand. Squats are performed with a rotation of the body - first in one direction with a delay at the bottom point for a couple of seconds, I.P. and the same in the other. You need to do 10 to 18 reps in each set - 3-5.
  2. I.P. - sit on a chair, clasping its edges with your hands. With the effort of the hands, lift the pelvis from the chair with strong abdominal tension. The exercise is performed 12 to 16 times 3-5 approaches.
  3. I.P. - classic stand. Squats are performed by pulling the stomach in - hands behind the head - do 2 sets of 18-26 times.
  4. Squats using fitball. The ball is clamped between the back and the wall. The movement is a slow squat with the tension of the abdomen until the hips are parallel to the floor.

Doing any physical exercise should be part of your system, which will definitely lead to the expected results.

Who is contraindicated in squats?

  • Scoliosis;
  • Hernia;
  • Radiculitis;
  • Phlebeurysm;
  • Hypertension.

And in general, if you have never done anything, and suddenly decided to make drastic changes in your life, it is best to consult a doctor before starting training. He can advise other types physical activities such as running or cycling. And about what, and what, you can read in other articles of our blog.

Squats are not for everyone. But you can almost always find a different kind of fitness.

The basics of proper nutrition

For achievement maximum effect and maintaining the achieved results, it is necessary to observe proper nutrition. It's hard to find on the shelves of our stores now healthy foods, but you can still.