General developmental exercises in physical education. Complexes of general developmental exercises on site. In this case it will be useful

General development complexes exercises

for students in grades 1-4

Complex No. 1.

1. Starting position - legs apart, hands on the belt.

1 - arms to the sides; 2 - bend towards the right leg, touch the toes with your fingers; 3 - straighten up, arms to the sides; 4 - return to i. n. The same for the left leg.

Breathing: inhale on a count of 1-3, exhale on a count of 2-4. Repeat 4 times in each direction.

2. I. p. - stand with legs apart, feet parallel.

1-2 squats on a full foot, arms forward; 3-4 - stand up, hands down. 5 - tilt to the left, palms slide along the body: left down, right under the armpit; 6 - straighten up, arms down; 7-6 - repeat scores 5-6 in the other direction.

3. I. p. - sitting position.

1-2 - leaning on your hands, move toheels; 3-4 - straighten your legs with a sliding movement; 5-6 - bend your legs in a reverse motion; 7-8 - straightening your legs, return to i. P.

4 . I. p. - lying on your back, arms along the body, palms on the floor.

1 - bend left leg(shin horizontal); 2 - straighten the left leg at the knee; 3 - bend your left leg at the knee; 4-i. n. Same with the right foot.

Breathing in a random rhythm. Repeat 8 times with each leg.

5 . I. p. - lying on your stomach, resting on bent arms.

1-2 - do push-ups, straightening your arms; 3-4 - and. P.

Breathing in a random rhythm. Repeat 6-8 times.

6 . I. p. - emphasis on the knees.

1-2 - alternately straightening your legs, take a lying position;

3-4 - accept and. P.

Breathing in a random rhythm. Repeat 6 times.

Jumping on one leg: counting 1-6 - on the right; 1-6 - on the left.

Repeat 2 times on each leg. Breathing in a random rhythm.

8. Walking in place with execution breathing exercise- 30 -40 s.

Complex No. 2.

1 . I. p. - main stand.

1 - arms to the sides; 2 - rising on your toes, raise hands up;

3 - arms to the sides, lower your entire foot; 4 - i. P.

Breathing: count 1-2 - inhale; at 3-4 - exhale. Repeat 8 times.

2. I. p. - stand with legs apart, hands on the belt.

1-3 - as you exhale, three springy bends forward, touching the floor with your hands; 4 - straighten up, hands on your waist, inhale. Repeat 8 times.

3 . I. p. - stand with legs apart, arms to the sides.

1-2 - tilt to the left, left hand on the belt, right up;

3-4 - straighten up, arms to the sides, return to i. n. Same to the right.

1-2 - swing the right leg back; 3 - forward swing;

4 - put your foot down, return to i. n. The same with the left foot.

Breathing in a random rhythm. Repeat with each leg 4 times.

5 . I. p. - stand with legs apart, hands behind the head.

1-2 - turn the body to the left, left arm to the side;

3-4 - return to i. n. Same to the right.

Breathing in a random rhythm. Repeat 4 times in each direction.

6 . I. p. - basic stance, hands on the belt.

1-2 - step back with the right foot, stand on the right knee, arms to the sides; 3-4 - stand up, put your right leg, hands on your belt.

Breathing in a random rhythm. Repeat 4 times with each leg.

7 . I. p. - basic stance, arms to the sides.

1 - crouching emphasis; 2 - place your right foot on your toes to the right;

3 - place your leg point-blank in a crouching position; 4 - i. n. The same with the left foot.

Breathing in a random rhythm. Repeat 4 times in each direction.

8 . I. p. - basic stance, hands on the belt.

Jumping on two legs with a 360° turn on a count of 4. Perform 32 jumps, then switch to walking in place.

Complex No. 3.

1-2 - rising on your toes, pull the rope at the top; 3-4 - and. P.

Repeat 8 times. Breathing: rising on your toes - inhale; lowering - exhale.

2. I. p. - the main stand, the jump rope, folded in four, is located at the bottom.

1 - jump rope up; 2 - put the right leg to the side on the toe, tilt to the left; 3 - jump rope up, put your foot down; 4 - i. P.

The same in the other direction.

3 . I. p. - stand with closed toes, hold the rope by the ends.

1-2 - lifting your toes and heels alternately, pass the rope under your feet backwards; 3-4 - move forward in i. P.

Repeat 8 times. Breathing in a random rhythm.

4 . I. p. - the main stand, the jump rope, folded in four, is located at the bottom.

1-2 - sit down, lift the rope up; 3 - 4 - and. P.

Repeat 8 times. Breathing in a random rhythm.

5. I. p. - gray legs apart, a jump rope folded in four is at the bottom.

1 - raise the rope up; 2 - tilt to the right leg; 3 - jump rope up; 4 - i. n. Same for the other leg.

Repeat 4 times for each leg. Breathing: when bending towards the leg, exhale; straightening up - inhale.

6. I. p. - kneeling position, the jump rope folded in four is at the bottom.

1-2 - sit on the right thigh, jump rope forward;

3-4 - and. n. The same in the other direction.

Repeat 8 times. Breathing in a random rhythm.

7. I. p. - basic stance, the rope is prepared for jumping.

Jumps with forward rotation of the rope and an intermediate jump. Perform 32 jumps. After a short rest - jumping with a backward rotation of the rope and an intermediate jump. Also 32 jumps with transition to walking and performing breathing exercises.

Complex No. 4.

1. I. p. - basic stance, hands to shoulders.

1 - hands down; 2 - hands in front of the chest; 3 - arms to the sides; 4 - hands to shoulders.

Repeat 8 times. Breathing in a random rhythm.

2 . I. p. - basic stance, arms bent at the elbows, located at chest level, turn palms down.

1-2 - jerking your arms back; 3-4 - jerks with arms turning to the right. The same in the other direction.

Repeat 4 times in each direction. Breathing in a random rhythm.

3. I. p. - sitting position, legs apart.

1 - connect your legs above the floor; 2 - raise your legs without bending your knees; 3 - lower your legs; 4 - return to i. P.

Breathing in a random rhythm. Repeat 8 times.

4 . I. p. - sitting in a tuck (with your hands, press your knees to your chest).

1-2 - with a sliding movement of the legs, lie on your back, arms along the body; 3-4 - return to I in reverse motion. P.

Breathing in a random rhythm. Repeat 8 times.

5 . I. p. - Lying on your back, arms along your body.

1 - raise straight legs forward and up; 2 - spread your legs to the sides; 3 - connect the legs; 4 - i. P.

Repeat 8 times. Breathing and arbitrary rhythm.

6. I. p. - sitting position.

1-2 - bend over while lying behind on bent legs;

3-4 - return to i. P.

Repeat 8 times. Breathing in a random rhythm.

7. I. p. - basic stance, hands on the belt.

1 - jump legs apart; 2 - jump legs together; 3 - jump legs apart; 4 - jump legs together; 5 - jumping legs to the sides - together with clapping your hands in front of you.

Repeat 8 times with walking and breathing exercises.

General development complexes exercises

for students in grades 5-9

Complex 1

  1. I. p. - main stand.

1 - hands forward; 2 - arms up, bend over; 3 - arms to the sides; 4 - i. P.

  1. I. p. - main stand.

1-4 - circles with arms forward; 5-8 - circles with arms back.

1 - lunge forward with the right foot; 2-3 - two springy swings in a lunge; 4 - i. P.; 5 - lunge forward with the left foot; 6-7 - two springy swings in a lunge; 8 - i. P.

  1. I. p. - stance: legs apart.

1 - arms through the sides up, tilt to the right; 2 - i. P.; 3 - arms through the sides up, tilt to the left; 4 - i. P.

  1. I. p. - basic stance: hands behind the head.

1 - half squat, arms up; 2 - i. P.; 3 - squat, arms to the sides; 4 - i. P.

  1. I. p. - basic stance: hands on the belt.

1-4 - jumping on both legs; 5-8 - jumping on the left leg; 9 - 12 - jumping on the right leg.

The complex should begin and end by walking in place with arms moving forward, to the sides, to the shoulders, behind the head, on the waist.

Complex 2

Take position correct posture and maintain it for 4-6 s.

  1. Walking in place while maintaining correct posture, lifting high bent leg(30-40 s).
  2. I. p. - main stand.

1-2 - hands on the belt, half squat, bend forward; 3-4 - straighten up, rise on your toes, arms up, stretch; 5-6 - hands on the belt, tilt back; 7-8 - i. p. (repeat 6-8 times).

  1. I. p. - stand: legs apart, hands behind the head, elbows to the sides (bend over).

1-2 - turn the body to the right, arms up and out; 3-4 - and. P.; 5-6 - turn the body to the left, arms up and out; 7-8 - i. p. (repeat 6-8 times).

  1. I. p. - basic stance: hands behind the head.

1-2 - right leg back on the toe, bend; 3-4 - placing your right leg, make two springy bends forward, bending over; 5-8 - the same movements with the left leg (repeat 4-6 times).

  1. I. p. - basic stance: hands on the belt.

1-2 - squat on toes, arms forward; 3-4 - and. p. (repeat 6-8 times).

  1. Walking in place while maintaining correct posture (32-48 counts). While walking in place: for four steps - arms up through the sides - inhale, for the next four steps - arms down - exhale (repeat 4-6 times).

1 - rise on your toes, tilt to the right, left arm up; 2 - return to standing position; 3 - rise on your toes, tilt to the left, right hand top; 4 - i. p. (repeat 4-6 times).

Complex 3

  1. Walking in place while maintaining correct posture (for 30-40 s).
  2. I. p. - main stand.

1 - step with the right foot to the right, hands to the shoulders; 2-3 - rise on your toes, arms up and out; 4 - place your left foot and return to the standing position; 5 - step with the left foot to the left, hands to the shoulders; 6-7 - rise on your toes, arms up and out; 8 - place your right foot and return to i. P.

  1. I. p. - stand: legs apart, hands on the belt.

1 - turn the body to the right, right arm to the side; 2 - i.p.; 3-4 - the same movements with the body turning to the left (repeat 6-8 times).

  1. I. p. - stand: legs apart, hands behind the back.

1-2 - tilt the body to the right, left arm up; 3-4 - return to IP; 5-6 - tilt the body to the left, right arm up; 7-8 - return to IP. (repeat 4-6 times).

  1. Stand: legs apart, hands on the belt.
  1. - three spring squats; 4 - i.p. (repeat 6-8 times).
  1. Walking in place while maintaining correct posture (up to 1 minute). While walking in place, you must maintain rhythmic breathing.

Complex 4

Take the position of correct posture and maintain it for 6-8 seconds.

  1. Walking in place while maintaining correct posture (up to 1 minute).
  2. I. p. - main stand.

1 - right hand to the side; 2 - left hand to the side; 3 - squat on toes; 4 - i. p. (repeat 6-8 times).

  1. I. p. - stance: feet wider than shoulders, hands on the belt.

1-2 - bend your right leg, tilt to the left, arms up; 3-4 - return to i. P.; 5-6 - bend your left leg, tilt to the right, arms up; 7-8 - return to i. p. (repeat 4-6 times).

  1. I. p. - stand: legs apart; hands in front of the chest.

1-turn the body to the right, arms to the sides; 2-i. P.; 3 - turn the body to the left; 4 - i. p. (repeat 6-8 times).

  1. I. p. - stand: legs apart, hands behind the head.

1 - 3 - three springy forward bending bends; 4 - return to i. p. (repeat 6-8 times).

6 . Walking in place while maintaining correct posture (up to 1 minute). While walking, it is necessary to maintain rhythmic breathing.

7 .

1 - lunge forward with the right leg, left arm forward, right arm to the side; 2 - i. P.; 3 - lunge forward with your left leg, right arm forward, left arm to the side; 4 - i. P.; 5 - lunge with the right leg to the side, right arm up, left arm to the side; 6 - IP; 7 - lunge with the left leg to the side, left arm up, right arm to the side; 8 - i. p. (repeat 4-6 times).

General development complexes exercises

for students in grades 10-11

Complex 1

Take the position of correct posture and maintain it for 5-7 seconds.

  1. I.p. - stand: legs apart, hands on the belt.

1-2 - turn the body to the right, arms up and out; 3-4 - return to IP; 5-6 - turn the body to the left, arms up and out; 7-8 - return to IP. (repeat 4-6 times).

  1. I. p. - stance: feet wider than shoulders, hands behind the head.

1-2 - bending the right leg, tilting to the left; 3-4 - return to IP; 5-6 - bending the left leg, tilting to the right; 7-8 - return to IP. (repeat 4-6 times).

  1. I.p. - main stand.

1-2 - crouching emphasis; 3-4 - stand up, arms up, right leg back on the toe; 5-6 - crouching emphasis; 7-8 - stand up, arms up, left leg back on the toe (repeat 4-6 times).

  1. I.p. - basic stance: hands behind your head.

1 - tilt back; 2-3 - springy bends forward, bending over; 4 - i.p. (repeat 6-8 times).

  1. I. p. - basic stance: hands on the belt.

1 - half squat on the right leg, left leg forward on the heel, arms to the sides with palms up; 2 - i.p.; 3 - half squat on the left leg, right leg forward on the heel, arms to the sides with palms up; 4 - i.p.

(repeat 6-8 times).

  1. Walking in place while maintaining correct posture (30-40 s).
  2. I.p. - basic stance: arms to the sides.

1-2 - step with the right foot to the side, turn the body to the left, right hand behind the head, left hand on the belt; 3-4 - return to IP; 5-6 - step with the left foot to the side, turn the body to the right, left hand behind the head, right hand on the belt; 7-8 - return to IP. (repeat 6-8 times).

Complex 2

Take the position of correct posture and maintain it for 5-7 seconds.

  1. Walking in place while maintaining correct posture (up to 30 s).
  2. I.p. - stance: feet wider than shoulders.

1-2 - arms up, bend over; 3 - lean forward, relax your arms down; 4 - i.p. (repeat 6-8 times).

  1. I.p. - stand: legs apart, hands on the belt.

1-3 - three springy tilts to the right; 4 - i.p.; 5-8 - the same movements to the left (repeat 6-8 times).

1-3 - three springy bends forward, bending over; 4 - i.p. (repeat 6-8 times).

  1. I.p. - basic stance: hands on the belt.

1 - step with the right foot to the right, arms to the sides; 2 - put your left leg in a half-squat, hands on your belt; 3 - step with the left foot to the left, arms to the sides; 4ip - (repeat 6-8 times).

  1. Walking in place while maintaining correct posture (up to 30 s). While walking, it is necessary to maintain rhythmic breathing.
  1. I.p. - main stance: hands on the belt; 1 - right leg back on the toe, right arm forward, left arm up; 2 - i.p.; 3 - left foot back on the toe, left hand forward, right hand up; 4 - i.p. (repeat 6-8 times).

Complex 3

Take the position of correct posture and maintain it for 5-7 seconds.

  1. Walking in place while maintaining correct posture (30-40 s).
  2. I.p. - main stand.

1-2 - crouching emphasis; 3-4 - stand up, rise on your toes, arms up (repeat 6-8 times).

  1. I.p. - stance: legs apart, hands in front of the chest.

1 - turn the body to the right, jerk back with straight arms; 2 - i.p.; 3 - turn the body to the left, jerk back with straight arms; 4 - i.p. (repeat 6-8 times).

  1. I.p. - basic stance: hands on the belt.

1 - step with the right foot to the right; 2-3 - bending the right leg, springing bends to the left, arms forward; 4 - i.p.; 5 - step with the left foot to the left; 6-7 - bending the left leg, springing bends to the right, arms forward; 8 - i.p. (repeat 4-6 times).

1-3 - bending the right leg, three spring bends to the left, right arm up; 4 - i.p.; 5-7 - bending the left leg, three springy tilts to the right, left arm up; 8 - i.p. (repeat 4-6 times).

  1. Walking in place while maintaining correct posture (30-40 s). While walking, it is necessary to maintain rhythmic breathing.
  2. I.p. - main stand.

1 - left hand on the belt; 2 - right hand on the belt; 3 - left hand to the shoulder; 4 - right hand to shoulder; 5 - left hand up; 6 - right hand up; 7 - clap hands above your head; 8 - i.p. (repeat 4-6 times).

Complex 4

Take the position of correct posture and maintain it for 5-7 seconds.

  1. Walking in place with high lifting legs and maintaining correct posture (up to 30-40 s).
  2. I.p. - stand: legs apart, hands behind the head.

1-2 - tilt the torso back, arms to the sides; 3- 4 - return to IP. (repeat 8 times).

  1. I.p. - stand: feet wider than shoulders, hands on the belt.

1 - turn the body to the right, bending the right leg, arms to the right; 2 - turn the body to the left, bending the left leg, arms to the left (repeat 6-8 times).

  1. I.p. - basic stance: hands on the belt.

1 - lunge to the right, arms to the sides; 2 - i.p.; 3 - half squat, arms up; 4 - i.p.; 5 - lunge to the left, arms to the sides; 6 - i.p.; 7 - half squat, arms up; 8 - i.p. (repeat 4-6 times).

  1. I.p. - crouching emphasis.

1-2 - stand, right leg back on your toes, arms up, bend over; 3-4 - return to IP; 5-6 - stand, left leg back on your toes, arms up, bend over; 7-8 - return to IP. (repeat 4-6 times).

  1. Walking in place while maintaining correct posture (up to 30-40 s). While walking, you must maintain rhythmic breathing: inhale for four steps, exhale for the next four.
  2. I.p. - main stand.

1 - right leg to the right on the toe, left arm up, right arm forward; 2 - i.p.; 3 - left leg to the left on the toe, right arm up, left arm forward; 4 - i.p. (repeat 4 times).

The modern rhythm of life forces many people to devote all their energy to work, household chores, and everyday life. In the midst of this bustle, it is sometimes difficult to take time for your health, visit the pool, go to the gym. But a person’s muscles must receive constant load and develop in order to remain in good shape.

To do this, you can use a full-fledged set of general developmental physical education exercises for adults at home and make your figure more attractive and your muscles toned.

Over time, the muscles of the arms and shoulders lose their elasticity and become more relaxed, which, together with other reasons, leads to the appearance of scoliosis and curvature of posture. There are simple actions that can form a good muscle corset.

Exercises for a given muscle group are performed a certain number of times in several sessions.

Before performing a set of general developmental physical education exercises for adults, you must do a warm-up.

Arm extension

The exercise is performed with dumbbells. You need to do 10 exercises at a time:

  • rest your knee and one hand on a flat surface;
  • straighten your back, tense your stomach, do not raise your head;
  • take the dumbbell in the other hand, bend it;
  • keep your elbow motionless, straighten your arm from the dumbbells;
  • turn your hand palm up and fix it;
  • return to the previous position.

Knee push-ups

Carry out several repetitions 30 times.

A set of general developmental physical education exercises for adults will help you always stay in shape.


  • emphasis on knees, feet crossed, raised above the floor;
  • place your palms close to each other;
  • pull your stomach in, bend your elbows and lower yourself to the floor;
  • Slowly straighten up.

Neck exercises

A set of general developmental exercises in physical education for adults is designed in such a way as to focus on Special attention muscles cervical region. Strengthening and development of which is the prevention of pain and treatment of pathologies. For a sore neck, neurologists recommend performing gymnastics from static exercises. Below are some of them.

Important! If a person feels pain and discomfort while performing an exercise, you need to reduce the range of motion and reduce the number of repetitions. If pain is still present, you should postpone the procedure. gymnastic element for a while.


  • take a comfortable position, keep your head straight;
  • tilt to the right, strain your neck, hold your head for 7 seconds;
  • tilt to the left.

Repeat movements 5 times.


Do 2 more times, hold for 10 seconds.

Exercises for legs and pelvis

This complex allows you to strengthen the muscles of the thighs, back of the torso and buttocks.


  • place your feet wider than your shoulders;
  • perform a squat with your thighs parallel to the floor;
  • repeat 20 times.

Lying leg raises

This exercise is the basis of a set of general developmental physical education exercises for adults, which involves the work of several muscle groups.

  • lie down on a flat surface;
  • bend your legs, raise them;
  • the hips take a perpendicular position to the floor, the shins are parallel;
  • spread your legs apart and fix them;
  • slowly bring your knees together.

Perform 10 times, doing 2 approaches.

Exercises for the torso

Exercises for developing the torso muscles are usually divided into 2 groups: for the chest and for the abdomen. The main training methods are presented in the table.

A set of general developmental physical education exercises for adults Dosage
1 Raising two arms with dumbbells to the sides, in a lying position

Raising your arms with dumbbells from behind your head while lying down

Bench press while sitting on a bench

1 Lying on your back, lift your torso, bending forward, touching your head to your knees

Hanging on the crossbar, raise your legs up, fix

With your feet shoulder-width apart, bend to the sides with a barbell on your shoulders


Important to remember! Movements aimed at strengthening the torso affect the internal cavities of the body and important organs. They need to be done slowly, without forcing.

Full Body Exercises

The basis of the complex of movements for the whole body is 3 exercises:

  • bar;
  • squats with weights;
  • incomplete bridge.


The plank refers to strength exercises, which put stress on all muscles.

To perform a plank, you need to position yourself on the floor so that you support your body on your elbows and toes. You need to hold this position for 1 minute in several approaches.

Squat with weight

This exercise pumps up the muscles of the lower part: thighs, calves, buttocks. You can use dumbbells or another object as weight. For beginners, it is recommended to start squats without using weights. In this case, you cannot lift your heels off the floor; start from 10 times in several sets.


  • place your feet wider than your shoulders;
  • lower yourself until your buttocks are parallel to the floor;
  • slowly return to the original position.

Incomplete bridge

This exercise allows you to strengthen the muscles of the thighs and buttocks:

Exercises to develop posture

Good posture not only makes a person more attractive, but also affects the proper functioning of all vital systems. For creating straight posture you need to do the following exercises.


  • sit on your knees, clasp your hands above your head;
  • Turn your hands palms up and pull them as high as possible towards the ceiling;
  • bend to the sides;
  • return to original position.

When doing this, keep your back straight and do not bend your elbows. Do it 4 times.


  • sit on your heels, place your hands on your knees;
  • spread your knees to the sides;
  • bend your elbows and lower them to the floor;
  • tilt your head and hold for 10 seconds.

Repeat – 3 times.

Balance exercises

An additional set of general developmental movements in physical education for adults, which is aimed at correcting posture, includes balance gymnastics. Such exercises strengthen the muscles of the torso and increase the tone of the spinal muscles. They are performed on a raised support or on the floor, and can be done on the spot or in motion.

Exercises in place: stand on toes, on heels, turns, moving limbs, jumping.

Movement exercises: walking various types, using weights when walking, overcoming obstacles, running, dance steps.

Strength exercises

Strength actions are aimed at training physical strength and endurance with the participation of certain muscle groups. They are usually divided into training with your own weight and with free weight. Exercises are performed in the morning or afternoon 10 times, several times a week.

With own weight:

  • push-ups;
  • pull-up;
  • squat.

Note! In order for the load to be distributed evenly across all muscle groups, a set of general developmental physical education exercises for adults should be done with a straight back and correct position body: place your feet shoulder-width apart, do not lean forward.

With weights (raising and lowering projectiles):

  • barbell squats;
  • chest presses;
  • bent over row;
  • deadlift.

Breathing exercises

Such exercises help you relax, relieve excess weight, normalize digestion, fight stress.


Take 4 deep breaths through your nose, exhale quietly through your mouth. As you inhale, clench your fists. Pause for 6 seconds and lower your arms. Shoulders and stomach are relaxed. You should do 24 sessions of 4 breaths.


While standing, bend down. In the middle of the tilt, inhale air through your nose, ending the inhalation along with the tilt. Straighten up. Repeat 12 sets of 8 breaths, taking a break for 4 seconds.

Shoulder straps

Stand on the floor, press your hands to your stomach. When performing, take 8 breaths in a row. The break is 4 seconds. As you exhale, push your hands towards the floor, straightening them. As you exhale, press your hands again. Repeat – 12 sets of 8 breaths.

Stretching exercises

After completing a set of general developmental strength exercises, an adult must stretch his tendons and muscles. Over the years, stretching becomes worse, in addition, strength training contributes to the shortening of ligaments and deterioration of joint mobility. Stretching exercises should be done without pain, jerking, and breathing deeply.

First, large muscle groups are pulled, then small ones.

Stretching the back and hips

Sit on the floor, make sure your back is straight, legs stretched forward. To stretch the muscles, you need to lean forward and try to reach your toes with your hands. Touch your feet and hold for 10 seconds, then straighten up. You need to lift one leg and, grabbing it with both hands, pull it up. If you feel tension, hold the position for a few minutes. change leg.

Chest stretching

The exercise is performed in a standing position, legs should be shoulder-width apart, knees bent slightly. Place your hands behind your back in a lock. You need to slowly stretch your chest forward to the maximum, straining your stomach and back.

Relaxation exercises

When performing monotonous work, a person does not notice how his muscles, while maintaining a certain body position, are constantly tense. To restore strength and calm your nerves, you need to relieve tension. For this purpose, programs have been developed that help you relax and relieve fatigue.

You need to perform the exercises with holding your breath and tensing your muscles.

For hands

Standing straight, raise your hands clenched into fists. When inhaling, first strain the muscles of the hand, then the forearm and shoulder. Hold your breath for a few seconds. In this case, you need to mentally give the command for maximum tension. As you exhale, relax, lower your arms and make several pendulum-like turns.

For the torso

Lying on your stomach, bend your whole body, raising your knees and head. Starting position, relax. Do 3-4 repetitions. The second part of the exercise is performed in the same way, but you need to lie on your back. Tighten your muscles when bending, relax, straighten up on the floor.

General developmental exercises in pairs

Outdoor exercises in pairs are aimed at strengthening joints, developing strength and endurance. Movements in pairs work muscle groups in a special way that cannot be achieved alone.

Any set of general developmental physical education exercises for adults in pair work helps to learn how to calculate efforts to resist a partner and demonstrate your maximum abilities. The peculiarity of such exercises is that they can be performed alternately or together, with or without objects.

For hands

Facing each other, the partners extend their arm forward, bend the other at the elbow and lock it with their partner’s arm. The training is aimed at bending and extending the arms against resistance.

For legs

An effective exercise for working the thigh muscles is quite simple. In this case, you need to lie on your back, lift and spread to the sides. At the same time, the partner stands on the side of the legs and holds his partner by the ankles. The task of the first participant is to bring his legs together, and the second one is to hold them, providing resistance. After several repetitions, the task is reversed.

General developmental exercises in motion

Such trainings selectively affect certain muscle groups and are divided into anatomical groups, which have several exercises of a local nature. ORU lies in the development motor qualities: rotations, flexion, abduction and others.

Foot and lower leg training:

  • raising on toes, walking, jumping (using two or one leg);
  • walking on the outside of the foot;
  • touching the heel of one leg to the floor while lunging forward with the other.

Full body workout (repeat 5-6 times):

  • alternate squatting and lying down;
  • spread your legs, perform circular movements body;
  • lower yourself to the floor with your legs crossed, then lie down, sit down and stand up, without using your arms.

Corrective gymnastics exercises

Corrective gymnastics is aimed at relaxing muscles and restoring normal functioning of the body. This occurs when performing general developmental, corrective and relaxing gymnastics twice a day for 15-20 minutes.

Such exercises may include:

  • a set of general developmental gymnastics exercises for adults using gymnastic apparatus;
  • a series of movements without projectiles;
  • group or individual lessons.

An example of such gymnastics is symmetrical exercises, which are designed to remove asymmetry, straighten the spine, and weaken muscle tone.


  1. I.p. lie on your stomach, stretch out your arms. Raise your head and shoulders, extend your arms, and move them back. Take a breath, accept and... P.
  2. I.p. lying on your back, raise your legs, making an angle of 45 degrees and cross your straight legs - “scissors”.
  3. I. p. - the same. Make circular movements of straight legs - “bicycle”.

General developmental exercises with weights (dumbbells)

Exercises with dumbbells are classified as general developmental exercises. athletic training which are aimed at training endurance, joint flexibility, and improving body proportions. Many movements with dumbbells are performed in a sitting or lying position, which reduces the load on individual parts of the body and organs.

The main rule of such exercises is a gradual increase in resistance. In this case, the actions are performed with adding weight to the dumbbells while increasing the repetitions.

Set of movements:

  • lateral bends while standing with dumbbells in hand;
  • pulling a projectile from behind the head while lying on a gymnastic bench;
  • alternately raising your arms with dumbbells in front of you;
  • lunges and squats with dumbbells.

General developmental exercises without objects

ORUs without objects represent simple movements of body parts using accessible technology, taking into account the age and anatomical characteristics of a person. Such actions help improve the condition of the body, educate physical qualities and get healthier.

Complex (working the muscles of the shoulder, legs and back):

General developmental exercises with a skipping rope

Exercises with a jump rope are often included in the outdoor gear set, they are part of athletes' training. Despite the accessibility of the actions and the simplicity of the equipment, systematic exercises allow you to improve coordination of movements, reduce weight, and work out several exercises at once. muscle groups.

For beginning athletes, experts recommend training for 10 minutes 3 times a week, gradually increasing the load and using 3 types of jumps. In addition, you can perform other exercises in which the rope is used not only for jumping.

Types of activities:

  • jumping rope on one or two legs (10 times);
  • swing your legs, while you need to hold the projectile in your hands and try to reach it with your foot (8 times);
  • bend forward, in this case you need to take the rope, and then put it on the floor when performing the next bend (10 times).

General developmental exercises using a hoop

For more effective training muscles, development of dexterity and precision of movements, trainers recommend using a hoop. As sports equipment it can be a guide in the lesson, fix certain poses and body position. During classes, different positions of the hoop are often used: horizontal, frontal, lateral.

In addition to rotating the hoop on the waist, arm, and neck, they do jumping, throwing, and passing the hoop. The exercises are done smoothly, slowly, and carried out 8-10 times.

Hoop exercises

  1. Hoop in hands. Standing on the floor, the hoop is in your hands in front. When lifting on your toes, lift the hoop and look at it, take a breath. Accept and. n. Exhale.
  2. Forward bends, put the hoop down or pick it up.
  3. Standing on the floor hold the hoop vertically from above with your hands. Place your hands next to each other. Swing your legs alternately backwards, bending.

General developmental exercises with balls

Physical movements using a ball help develop a person's mobility and reaction speed. Such a projectile is used as a light weight in single or pair training. In this case, you need to choose the right ball weight and intensity of movement.

General strengthening activities

For hands:

  • put your feet apart, take the ball in your hands, lower your hands;
  • raise your arms in front of your chest;
  • continue the movement, raising your arms up;
  • give up.

For the torso:

  • put your legs apart, raise your hands with the ball up;
  • bend to the sides;
  • complicate the movement: bend forward without bending your knees, touch the ball to the floor.

For legs:

  • lie down on the floor;
  • extend your arms above your head, ball in your hands;
  • Sit down slowly, trying to reach your socks with the ball.

General developmental exercises with a gymnastic stick

A gymnastic stick makes it possible to increase sports load and diversify your workout. Movements with such a projectile should be carried out under the guidance of a specialist who will competently distribute the number of exercises to certain parts of the body and their amplitude.

Exercising with a stick prepares the body for more difficult workouts. Wherein great importance has the form of a stick grip: regular, from below, narrow, reverse, different.

Basic exercises:

  1. Legs apart, take the stick by the ends from above and place it vertically behind your back. Do 5 squats while maintaining good posture.
  2. Walking in place, hold the stick horizontally in front of you. Lunge with your left leg, turn to the right, change legs. Repeat 8 times.
  3. standing, put your legs apart, the stick horizontally behind your back. Bend forward, lifting the stick up with a jerk. Return to i. P.

Correct distribution physical activity has a great influence on a person. Carrying out simple moves, he gets the opportunity to correct his posture, strengthen his muscles, restore vitality and prolong his youth.

A basic set of general developmental exercises for adults in physical education can be used as a warm-up before strength training or on your own.

In order for classes to bring only benefit and pleasure, it is necessary to study the methodology and features of their implementation.

Useful video with a set of general developmental exercises for adults:

General developmental physical education exercises with a skipping rope:

Exercises without an object are the most common exercises, which are the basis for building other outdoor equipment - with objects, on apparatus. The most common exercises are given below. For convenience, they are best considered according to their anatomy: exercises for the neck muscles, shoulder girdle, for the back, for the side of the body, for the legs, etc.

1.Exercises for the neck muscles:

    tilting the head to the right, left, forward, backward;

    the same, but hands behind the head, overcoming the resistance of the hands;

    circular movements of the head to the right, left (without sudden movements back);

2. Exercises for the arms and shoulder girdle.

    flexion and extension of the arms at the elbow and shoulder joints;

    circular movements and swinging arms in different directions;

    jerking movements of the arms combined with bends and turns of the body;

    transition from crouching to lying position and vice versa.

3. Exercises for the back muscles.

    tilts and turns the body forward and backward in the i.p. standing;

    raising and lowering the body in i. n. lying on stomach;

    lifting and swinging your legs back in i.p. lying on your stomach; the same with simultaneous symmetrical or asymmetrical raising of the arms;

    holding raised arms and legs in i.p. lying on your stomach.

4. Exercises for muscles abdominals(front surface of the body).

    lifting the torso from the i.p. lying on your back;

    lifting, swinging, circular movements (“bicycle”) in i.p. emphasis while sitting or lying on your back;

    simultaneous movements of arms and legs in i.p. emphasis while sitting or lying on your back.

5. Exercises for the muscles of the lateral surface of the body.

    lifting, swinging legs from I.P. lying on your side;

    springy tilts of the body to the side from i.p. standing;

    raising – lowering the pelvis from the i.p. lying on your side.

6. Exercises for the legs and pelvic muscles.

    exercises for feet and legs: raising on toes, half-squats, walking on toes, jumping and hopping on one and two legs, heel-to-toe rolls;

    exercises for the hips and lower legs: squats, lunges in various directions, walking in a half-squat and squat, running in place with high hip raises, etc.;

    exercises to develop mobility in the hip joint: circular movements standing pelvis, deep forward bends with a shin grip, half-splits, splits, deep springing lunges, leg swings with a large amplitude;

    Relaxation exercises. These exercises are necessarily present in the outdoor switchgear complex, performing the function of restoring breathing and relieving excessive muscle tension. These are, for example, free arc-shaped movements of the arms in combination with raising on the toes, half-squatting, half-bending; shaking hands, forearms, shoulders, lowering relaxed arms down with an emphasis on exhaling and relaxing the upper body and arms, waving relaxed arms and shaking legs in various positions.

    Combined (complex) exercises. These are exercises that simultaneously or sequentially involve several major muscle groups, such as the arms, legs and torso. Example:

I.p. – o.s.

    – lean forward, arms to the sides.

    – crouching emphasis.

    – standing emphasis.


They are carried out for all muscle groups from various starting positions (standing, sitting, lying) and their variations (standing, legs apart, kneeling, sitting astride, sitting, legs crossed in Turkish, lying on your back, on your side, on your stomach) .

For the muscles of the upper limbs

Starting position standing.

1. Heels together, toes apart, arms down along the body (main stance). Hands up, return to starting position.

2. Hands to shoulders, hands clenched into fists. Alternately extending the arms upward.

3. The right hand is raised up, the left is lowered. Change of position

4. Arms bent at the elbows, hands at the shoulders. Circular movements with bent arms forward, then back.

5. Arms are straightened forward, cross movements of the arms - abduction to the sides.

6. Feet apart - shoulder width apart, wider than shoulder width. The arms are bent at the elbows in front of the chest, the fingers touching the tips, the palms are straightened. Pulling the elbows back with jerks.

7. The same as the 6th exercise, but with the body turning to the right and left.

8. Arms are lowered along the body. Circular movements of the hands.

9. The right leg is in front, the left is behind, the arms are bent at the elbows, the hands are clenched into a fist, the left hand is in front, the right is behind. Alternating extension of the arms forward - “Boxing”.

Starting position sitting.

1. Arms are lowered along the body, legs are straightened and placed apart to an angle of 30-40°. Hands up, return to starting position.

2. The same exercise, but with clapping your hands above your head.

3. Hands behind the head. Straightening your arms to the sides, up, bending in your chest. Return to original position.

4. Hands on the belt - move your elbows back, bend, return to the starting position.

Starting position lying down.

1. Lying on your stomach, hands at your shoulders, elbows pressed to your body. Raising your head and chest, make movements with your hands that imitate breaststroke swimming: straightening your arms up, moving them to the sides to shoulder level, bending your elbows, bringing your hands to your shoulders.

2. Hands in front of the chest, palms facing the floor. Extending the arms at the elbows, raising the head and shoulders, returning to the starting position.

3. Lying on your back, arms straight ahead in front of your chest. Moving your arms to the sides and crossing them.

4. The right arm is straightened up until it touches the floor, the left is along the body. Changing the position of the hands.

1. “Let’s warm our hands in the sun.” Starting position standing or sitting, hands behind your back. Straighten your arms forward, palms up, say “warmth”, return to the starting position.

2. "Butterflies". Starting position: standing, arms to the sides. Hand movements up and down, butterflies fly. Put your hands down: the butterflies are resting.

3. “Show and hide.” Sitting, hands with flags (ball, cube, ball, rattle) behind your back. Move your hands forward, show the hidden object: “Here!”, hide your hands behind your back: “No!”

4. “Knock.” Starting position: sitting on the carpet, legs straightened at the knees, spread apart, cubes (rattles) in hands. Lean forward, knock the cubes on the floor, say “knock-knock”, return to the starting position.

For the muscles of the lower extremities

Starting position standing.

1. Hands on the belt. Alternately raising the knees with the heel off the floor.

2. Squats with straightened arms moving forward, returning to the starting position.

3. Hands along the body. Arms to the sides, right leg to the side. Return to original position. Arms to the sides, left leg to the side. Return to original position.

Starting position sitting.

1. Legs are straightened, support is on the full foot, hands are supported at the back. Spread your straight legs apart and cross them - “scissors”.

2. Sitting on a chair, legs bent at the knees. Walking in place with high knees.

Starting position lying down.

1. "Bicycle". Lying on your back, alternately bend and straighten your legs in the air, pulling your knees towards your stomach.

2. Bend both legs at the knees, straighten them forward and up at an angle of 45°, and slowly lower them.

3. Lying on your stomach. Alternately moving the straightened legs back and up.

Imitation and game-based exercises

1. "Bug". Lying on your back, move your arms and legs, straightening and bending them - the bug woke up. Return to the starting position, arms along the body, legs straightened - the bug has fallen asleep.

2. “Small trees”: squat with hands wrapped around knees. “Big trees”: stand up, raise your straightened arms up.

3. "Springs". From the starting position standing, hands on the belt, children squat and straighten, returning to the starting position.

The same exercise can be done in a half squat.

For the trunk muscles

Starting position standing.

1. Hands on the belt. Bend the torso forward and return to the starting position.

2. The same exercise, but with the body tilted back.

3. Lateral bending of the body.

4. Turn the body to the sides with a return to the starting position.

5. Circular movements of the body: tilting forward, right, backward, left, returning to the starting position.

Starting position sitting.

1. Sitting on a chair, knees bent, feet on the floor, hands on the belt. Turn the body left and right with straightening the corresponding arm.

2. Straighten your legs, keeping them straight, spread them apart, close them, and lower them.

3. Lateral bending of the body.

4. Hands at the back. Raise your pelvis, straighten your knees so that your straightened body rests on your feet and hands, and return to the starting position.

Starting position lying on your back.

1. Hands along the body. Legs are bent at the knees, perform alternate bending and extension of the legs - “bicycle”.

2. Arms are straightened above your head. Simultaneously with the swing of your arms, move to a sitting position, arms forward. Bend your torso forward, reaching your toes with your fingers.

3. Arms bent at the elbows, resting on the elbows, legs bent at the knees, resting on the feet. Raising the pelvis is a “bridge” exercise. Return to original position.

Starting position lying on your stomach.

1. Alternately moving straight legs back.

2. Arms straightened up, raise your head and arms while simultaneously lifting your straightened legs. Hold this position for a specified number of seconds or on command.

3. The same exercise, but combine raising the arms and legs with their alternate movement back and up.

Imitation and game-based exercises

1. "Lumberjack". Standing, feet wider than shoulders, hands clasped. Raise your arms up, sharply leaning forward, bring your hands between your knees - “chopping wood.”

2. “Rinse the laundry.” From the starting position, standing, bend forward, relax your shoulders, forearms, hands, and make swinging movements with relaxed arms to the right and left.

3. “Semaphore” or “barrier”. Lying on your side, cheek in the palm of the same hand, supporting leg bent at the knee, free leg straightened, arm along the body. Raising straight arms and legs to the side - up, returning to the starting position. The same on the other side.

Relaxation exercises.

1. Starting position standing. Raise your arms up, relax your hands, relaxing your forearms, shoulders, drop your arms down along your body; slightly tilting your head and shoulders forward, shake your relaxed arms.

2. Starting position standing, feet shoulder-width apart. Transferring the weight of the body to the right leg, lift, shake and relax the left; the same with the right foot.

3. Starting position lying on your back, arms along the body. Bend your arms at the elbows with support on them, legs at the knees with support on your feet. Relax and drop your left hand, relax and drop your right hand, relax and straighten your right leg at the knee, relax and straighten your left leg at the knee. Close your eyes: pretend to be asleep. The instructor checks the completeness of relaxation by lifting the child’s limbs. At correct execution exercises, the limb is freely raised by the hands of the instructor.

Stretching exercises.

1. From the starting position, standing, legs apart wider than shoulders, hands on the belt. Tilt the torso to the left with a swing of the right arm to the side, up and to the left. The same to the right side.

2. From the starting position, standing, with gymnastic clubs in your hands along your body. Raise your right hand with the mace forward and up, change the position of your hands. After 3 - 4 repetitions, return to the starting position.

3. From the initial standing position, holding the back of a chair or bed with your right (left) hand, swing the left (right) leg back and forth with increasing amplitude.

Breathing exercises.

1. From the starting position, standing, raise your arms up through the sides - inhale, return to the starting position - exhale.

2. Starting position: standing, feet wider than shoulders, hands on the belt. Moving your arms to the sides and up, bend in the chest - inhale, bending forward and moving your elbows forward - elongated exhale. Return to the starting position - pause.

3. Starting position lying on your back, one hand on your chest, the other on your stomach.

Take a deep breath (the hands rise together with the movement of the front wall of the chest and abdomen), deep exhale (the hands fall). The same exercise can be done by pronouncing the hissing sounds “sh-sh-shsh” as you exhale. In the imitation version, “the porridge is boiling.”

4th Starting position: sitting, in your hands or on a table, a vessel with a tinted liquid, into which a rubber or plastic tube, the other end is held in the child’s mouth. Inhale deeply through the nose and exhale through the tube into the liquid (breathing with resistance).

Strength exercises.

1. Starting position lying on your back, toes of straightened legs hooked under a gymnastic bench, last. strip of the gymnastic wall or fixed in another way. Slowly transition to a sitting position and return to the starting position.

2. Starting position lying down, arms along the body, ball clamped between the ankles of the legs. Raising straightened legs forward and upward to an angle of 45 -50 e, holding the ball with your feet. Return to original position.

3. Standing with dumbbells weighing 300 - 500 g, arms along the body. Retracting your arms to the sides and up, returning to the starting position. The tempo is slow.

Corrective exercises.

1. Starting position: lying on your stomach, arms bent at the elbows, hands under the chin. Raise your head and shoulders while simultaneously lifting your hands from the support, hold in this position for 10-15 seconds, and return to the starting position.

2. Starting position: lying on your back, right arm raised up, left along the body. Raise your right leg straight and move it to the side.

Balance exercises.

1. Standing on all fours, raise your right arm up, move your straight left leg back, supporting yourself with support on your left hand and right knee. Return to starting position; the same, but with the left hand and right foot.

2. Walk around the room with the bag on your head, changing the direction of walking, pace, step length (at the instructor’s command), without dropping the bag.




I.p. – o.s.

1 – arms to the sides

2 – hands up, rise on toes

3 – arms to the sides

The pace is calm, maintain balance

1-4 – circular movements of the head to the right

5-8 – the same to the left

The pace is slow, perform without sudden movements

I.p. – stand, legs apart, hands on waist

1-3 – three spring forward tilts

Perform the tilt with a straight back, looking forward

I.p. – stand, legs apart, hands on waist

1 – tilt to the right, arms up

3-4 – the same to the left

Tilt exactly to the side, arms straight

I.p. – o.s.

1 – half squat, arms forward

3 – squat, arms to the sides

The back is straight, do not hold your breath

I.p. – stand, arms up

1 – right swing forward, arms down

3-4 – the same left

Do not bend your legs during the swing, your back is straight

Continuation of the table. 2.

11. General developmental exercises with objects

The use of objects significantly expands the possibilities of the impact of exercises on the body of those involved, making it possible to develop physical qualities in a more targeted manner, since each object has its own specific advantages of use. Thus, exercises with a medicine ball and dumbbells help develop strength, with a jump rope they develop jumping ability, with gymnastic stick– contribute to the development of precision of movements, aimed at correcting postural defects. In addition, the use of objects optimizes the activity, introduces an element of unusualness, and emotionally colors the activity. We will look at exercises with skipping ropes, hoops and gymnastic sticks.

Preparation and conduct of the lesson.

When conducting classes with objects, you must:

    prepare equipment according to the number of students;

    distribute students at a safe distance from each other;

    teach students the basics of manipulating objects (starting positions, grips), familiarize them with the physical properties of objects.

Features of terminology.

Recording exercises with a subject from outdoor switchgear without a subject differs in that after specifying the i.p. and the position of the legs, the position or method of grasping the object is indicated, and then, instead of indicating the movements of the hands, the movement of the object is indicated.

Example: i.p. – stand, legs apart, stick on shoulder blades.

Exercises with a skipping rope.

This group of exercises is used primarily for jumping exercises. These exercises, in addition to jumping, develop the coordination abilities of those involved, since the skill of jumping with a rope is difficult to coordinate - you need to learn to coordinate jumping, landing and rotation of the rope. First, you need to adjust the length of the rope in accordance with the height of the student - standing in the middle of the rope, pull the rope up to your shoulders. If the rope is longer or shorter, then jumping will be uncomfortable. Here are some sample exercises with a jump rope.

    jumping rope, with rotation forward, backward;

    jumping into a double folded rope, quadruple folded (the same in a squat);

    jumping with double rotation of the rope (during one jump, perform two rotations of the rope).

In addition to jumping ropes, there are many other exercises with a jump rope, including those for developing coordination and flexibility.

    rotation of a rope folded in half in different planes (sideways, overhead, figure eight);

    “turning” the folded jump rope twice (three times or more) back and forth with straight arms;

    bend forward, the rope is folded in four behind the legs, pull the torso towards the legs by bending the arms.