Physical training of children for a long and healthy life. What is GPP? A set of general physical fitness exercises About the rules of hardening

General strengthening exercises for children from 4 to 7 years old are shown by a specialist in physical education and sports (Ural University of Physical Education and Sports), karate instructor at the regional dance center "Dance Hall" Andrey Malkov and his student Misha (6 years old).

1. Squats

Effect: strengthens leg muscles.


  • feet shoulder-width apart, arms extended forward
  • back straight
  • heels pressed to the floor
  • perform from 20 to 50 times depending on physical training baby

2. Push-ups

Effect: the muscles of the arms and chest are strengthened. It is important to do push-ups after squats in order to unload the leg muscles and load the upper shoulder region - this will evenly distribute the load on different muscles.


  • depending on the width of your arms, you can choose the load: if your arms are close to each other, then the biceps are worked, if the arms are spread wide, the chest is worked
  • the body must be in upright position, only the arms bend
  • perform a maximum of 10 times
  • Another option is to smoothly lower yourself to the floor in this order - knees, pelvis, body, you also need to smoothly go up to the starting position

3. Burpee

Effect: development general endurance. The work includes the legs, abs, body, and arms. Performed in six stages.


  • starting position - standing
  • crouching emphasis
  • jumping with two legs while lying down
  • lie down completely on the floor and do a push-up
  • pull your legs to your chest, once again finding yourself in a crouched position
  • jump up, clapping your hands above your head while jumping
  • perform 10 times

On initial stage need to achieve correct execution, then gradually increase the pace during the exercise.

4. Press


  • starting position - lying on your back, legs straight, arms behind your head or arms straight along the body
  • the child stretches his arms first, creating inertia, then his head and shoulders rise, twisting is done gradually, with his hands reaching his toes - so that at this moment of stretching he can rest
  • smoothly lower back
  • You cannot fall sharply backwards with your straight body and rise sharply forward
  • for ease of execution, you can hold the child’s feet or hook the socks to the base of the sofa so that the feet do not come off the floor when lifting
  • perform 10–15 times

5. Boat

Effect: .


  • starting position - lying on your stomach, arms straight along the floor, feet together
  • At the same time, the child raises both arms and both legs, creating tension in the lower back
  • there is no need to freeze in this position
  • perform 20 times

6. Throwing your legs over your head

Effect:, stretched lumbar region.


  • starting position - lying on your back
  • Gradually raise your legs and throw them over the line of your head
  • the emphasis is on the shoulders, not on the neck and head
  • perform 10–15 times

IMPORTANT: During exercises at home, it is necessary to maintain a drinking regime - no more than one or two sips of water at intervals of two exercises; in total, the child should drink one and a half liters of water per day. It’s better to eat one and a half to two hours before class and fill up the food complex carbohydrates. After class, the child needs to eat, but not earlier than 30–40 minutes later.

Does your child play sports?

Many people dream that their physical development will be comprehensive and harmonious. Practice shows that you need to think about this as early as possible - from childhood. And general physical training (GPP) can help with this - a set of measures aimed at improving basic physical qualities. This will also be useful for general development, and to prepare for classes in a particular sport.

Experienced trainers who are proficient in a variety of physical training techniques will help develop agility, endurance, strength and other important qualities in the children of our city. Harmonious, proper development main muscle groups - abdominals, lumbar region, biceps, triceps, etc. the main task- Unleash a person’s full potential. And this can be achieved through hard training, the right techniques, great desire and good susceptibility to stress.

As is known, almost every historical stage imposed its requirements on a certain physical standard of man, and both geographical and national conditions played a role. What was “classic”, for example, in Ancient Rome, differed from the “standards” of Egypt, Sparta also had its own characteristics... However, times change, but the opinion that physical development is one of the most important indicators of overall human development remains unchanged.

We do physical exercise at home. What should parents of a preschooler remember?

Physical activity - required condition for any person. Of course, not everyone can boast of the same endurance, or, in scientific terms, load tolerance, but this is not the most important thing. It is important that exercise is enjoyable and brings tangible benefits. And for this you need to follow several rules. In particular, the duration of one lesson depends on the age of the child: for example, for children 3-4 years old optimal time will be 15-20 minutes, and for children 5-7 years old you can allocate half an hour. It is important that the quantity various exercises there were at least 6. And each one must be repeated from 2 to 6 times. Of course, even the shortest activity requires breaks. The exercises themselves are best presented in a playful way; you can name them in an original way so that the child remembers the unusual word. Of course, during exercise various muscle groups and physical qualities children and it is worth taking into account the individual characteristics of the child.

How are physical physical training classes conducted in kindergarten?

You should not assume that any activity of kindergarteners depends only on them: whoever wants to, runs, jumps, plays hide and seek or swings on a swing. This only applies to free time and walks. There are certain rules for conducting classes physical culture and in kindergarten - both indoors and outdoors. Here, boys and girls are taught to form and change formations (for example, from one line to several, change places, etc.), running and walking are practiced, and basic types of movements are also taught. In addition to walking and running, these are jumping, climbing, throwing, crawling, throwing. From lesson to lesson, their duration increases, as does the dosage of exercises, which allows them to develop the endurance of the children.

About the rules of hardening

Physical education and hardening almost always went hand in hand. Their relationship has been and is emphasized not only by amateurs, but also by scientists, professional trainers and teachers. You can harden not only with water, but also with air and even the sun! What are the three main rules of this useful procedure? First: it’s never too late to start, but it’s better not to delay, although you can always catch up. Second: unsystematic hardening is practically useless. If you carry out such procedures “on major holidays” - for example, once a month, then no effect can be achieved. If hardening has begun, there is no need to look for a reason to skip it! And the third rule: the time of procedures should be increased step by step. Otherwise, you can achieve the opposite: the child may get sick.

Physical training of children is one of the most important aspects of education. Physical education of a child is an integral part of his intellectual, aesthetic, moral education: only all this together will allow him to grow into an integral, harmonious, comprehensively developed personality. Regular physical activities strengthen your baby’s health and perfectly prepare for the serious psychological stress that he will definitely face at school. They will help the child easily make friends with peers: children always respect the strongest and most dexterous, and subconsciously seek their friendship. Moreover, children who have received appropriate physical training will be much healthier throughout their lives than those whose parents did not take care of this in time: after all, the foundations of future health are laid in childhood.

Parents often ask the question: at what age is it best to start physical training for children in the family. According to legend, the same question was once asked to an ancient Greek teacher about a child who was several months old. The teacher looked at his mother and answered with a sigh: “It’s already late.” So: physical preparation of a child for a long and healthy life should begin from the moment of his birth. In the first months of your child's life, your main task is to develop his motor skills as much as possible. For example, show your child a toy, but don’t give it away right away so that the baby will try to reach for it and grab it.

Make him follow her with his eyes, turning his head: this will be a good stimulation of the neck muscles. From 4 to 6 months. teach your child to roll over onto his side and tummy; from 6 - crawl, and from 7-8 to walk, holding onto some kind of support. Physical education of children in the second and third years should help them become fully comfortable with a wide variety of movements - from walking to running and jumping. Also, during this period of the child’s life, parents should make sure that he develops correct posture. Usually, by the third year, children not only understand words, but also know how to speak, so during this period it is worth paying attention Special attention also the mental development of the child. For example, it will be very useful if your child learns to read and write well before school.

Most skills, basics physical education Children in the family are imprinted by them mainly from two to six years of age. Exactly what a child learns at this age will turn into a habit for the rest of his life: this concerns his discipline, regular exercise, observance of personal hygiene rules, and daily routine. From two to six years of age, a child is especially susceptible to imprinting; to conditioning - that is, to direct conscious learning - to an incomparably lesser extent, therefore the main means of physical education of a child in preschool age should be a game. Through play, for example, through imitation of animals, the child will easily master the basic physical exercise, such as walking, running, balance exercises, throwing, climbing, outdoor games. It is better not to explain to the child how to perform this or that exercise, but to show it and give it to him. clear example. The child will begin to copy your actions, and you yourself will have the opportunity to take care of your physical fitness.

Any method of physical education for children involves developing the correct daily routine. So, the child should go to bed and get up at the same time whenever possible. How younger child, the more time he needs to sleep. Preschoolers and students in grades 1-2 are recommended to sleep, or just lie down for one and a half to two hours after lunch. Also, the timing of meals should be strictly regulated.

Daily walks are of great importance for the physical education of children. They are useful in any weather. Some parents, as punishment for any misdeeds of their children, deprive them of walks. If you want your child to grow up healthy, it is better not to do this. You should also not dress your child too warmly, even in winter, since overheating only increases the risk of catching a cold for him. Most methods of physical education for children find physical exercises very useful. fresh air. However, walks for a child also mean communication with peers and, of course, games, both active and developing creative abilities, for example, when your child builds his own fortifications in the sandbox. In the yard, children usually play “shop”, “ kindergarten", hospital, etc. They come up with plots for games themselves, based on what they see around them. Play is an important moment for a child to understand the world around him and socialize. Also, while playing, children successfully use playground equipment - ride down a slide, swing on a swing, climb ladders, etc., which is also one of the means of physical education for children.

One of the most important forms of physical education of a child, which is of great importance for the prevention of various diseases, is hardening. You should start hardening your child gradually from the very beginning. early age, for example, teaching him to sleep with the window open. At first, air baths from +20°C for the youngest to + 18°C ​​for younger schoolchildren can be used as hardening. Contrasting air baths are also very useful for the general physical training of a child: in one of the rooms you should open a window, in another - turn on the heater, and start playing with the child, for example, in catch-up, so that he constantly runs from one room to another for several minutes. another. Air hardening methods are simple and convenient. Staying in the open air in itself is of great preventive importance in the matter of general physical training for children, but even more beneficial for their health is hardening with water - traditional douches and rubdowns. When carrying out such procedures, the water temperature should be lowered very, very smoothly, over several months, so that the child does not feel any discomfort. The temperature is reduced each time by one or two degrees from 38°C to 18°C.

Hiking plays a significant role in the physical education and development of a child. The difficulties that a child encounters during such a hike shape his endurance, perseverance, and self-discipline. Walking in nature is beneficial for both the physical and mental development of a child. During the hike, he strengthens his body and learns a lot of new things about the local flora and fauna, especially if the parents do not skimp on explanations. If hikes are carried out regularly, young children get used to easily covering distances of more than 7 kilometers. During halts, you can arrange entertaining outdoor games for children: the same hide and seek, or tag. Walks in nature are of no small importance for the child’s physical preparation for school, in particular, for the loads that he will have to endure in physical education lessons.

For successful physical preparation of children for school, it is also useful to set up a sports corner at home. Your child will enjoy climbing the wall bars, perhaps even trying to do pull-ups on the bar and rings. Already from the age of five or six, you can begin to teach your child some sports - badminton, table tennis, some types of gymnastics, cycling. They will be very useful even for the little ones regular classes swimming, so that at school, for example, when visiting the pool, the child does not experience hydrophobia, but feels at ease and confident in the water, causing the envy and admiration of his peers.

It is believed that physical education lessons are sufficient for the physical education of school-age children. But only the laziest parents think this way, because school lessons physical education involves less than 12% of the motor activity of a normal child. Therefore, home physical education and the development of a child during school years not only does not stop, but moves to a qualitatively new level. For example, it is very useful for the purpose of general physical training for children, when the exercises that the child performed in physical education class are practiced again at home, together with their parents, turning into a fun game.

Physical education of school-age children allows initial training to practice almost any sport, such as football, volleyball, water polo, long jump, high jump, and many others. The physical education of children and adolescents is favored by the spirit of competition and the desire to win, however, participation in competitions of one level or another should have strict age regulations, since for a child this is not only physical, but also psychological, emotional stress, which can lead to unpleasant consequences, severe nervous breakdowns, which, of course, is not part of the tasks of children’s physical education.

The older a child gets, the greater the load he can withstand. Of course, in adolescence, the child is free to choose an activity to his liking, perhaps something that has nothing to do with sports. But special attention should be paid to the physical training of adolescents. During adolescence, when rapid growth of the body occurs due to hormonal changes, it is especially important for the child to observe good physical fitness. Thus, the physical training of adolescents aged 12-15 already presupposes the opportunity to exercise power types sports

Even if your child doesn't professional athlete, general physical training started in early childhood, will help him on long years maintain good health, and therefore joy of life; will help make him ready for life's challenges.

Strong PRESS: why does a child need it?

Strong relief press, or at least toned stomach- the dream of most modern men and women, regardless of age. What prevents the achievement of this good goal, as a rule, is the eternal enemy of a healthy lifestyle - laziness. It’s even worse if laziness prevents not only adults, but also their children from developing the skills of hard work in relation to their health.

Rules of the game of croquet

Each croquet player must follow a strict order of strokes: first the first red plays, then the first black; the second is red, the second is black, and so on. If a player misses his shot, he loses the right to it until the next turn.

For children 8–11 years old

Physical training young football players- one of the most important factors

Further progress in teaching football techniques and tactics. Features of children 8–11

Years allow for targeted influence on the development of such qualities as speed,

Agility, flexibility, strength and coordination.

Before starting the learning process, it is necessary to identify the level of development of physical

Qualities of students. Assessment of passing the test is necessary for coaches to make adjustments

Plans in educational and training work on general physical training.

To do this, you need to pass the simplest tests: running 15 meters, running 30 meters, jumping

Length from a standstill, and also evaluate dexterity.

Agility assessment exercises are performed on a 25 meter long platform. Start and

The finish line is on the same line. The entire 25-meter section is divided into 5-meter sections.

The segments are marked with chips. The first 5 meters - running facing forward, the second 5 meters -

Run with an extended step on your left side, then turn 90 degrees, run backwards,

Turn 90 degrees, run side step on the right side and finish facing forward.

Table of standards for students aged 8-11 years:

8 years 9 years 10 years 11 years

Run 15 meters (sec) 3:50-3:30 3:30-3:15 3:15-3:00 3:00-2:85

Run 30 meters (sec) 5:80-5:60 5:60-5:40 5:45-5:30 5:30-5:15

Long jump (cm) 150-160 160-165 165-170 170-180

Agility (sec) 8:00-7:30 7:30-6:40 6:40-6:10 6:10-5:80

When the initial level of physical fitness of young football players is known, it is possible

To begin work that will allow us to raise these physical qualities to more

Football training session. For children 8-9 years old, it is recommended to spend 3-4

Football lessons per week, for children 10-11 years old - 4-5 lessons.

Sample list of exercises for classes

General physical training

Walking is normal moderate pace, on your toes, on your heels, raising your knees high,

Roll from heel to toe, left to right side from heel to toe (two legs together), on the outside and inside feet, cross step, lunges, back forward, etc.

Running is normal; along straight lines and arcs; snake (with high lifting knees); wide,

Small steps with overlapping of the shin; cross step; jumping, slowing down and

Accelerating; with jumping over obstacles; jumping; with a change in direction;

Shuttle; raising straight legs forward; starts from various positions with your back

Forward; side step; various running combinations.

Bouncing on your toes; on one, on two legs; jumping from foot to foot; jumping off

Various heights with jumping up and jumping over obstacles; in length and

Standing height; with a jump rope, rotating it forward, backward, on two legs, alternately changing

Legs moving forward; up with the head touching the ball; through various objects

Heights; from foot to foot, jumping in place with turns to the right, left, 180 and 360

degrees; jump up on two legs and on one from two to three steps; sequentially

Through several obstacles of varying heights; running by jumping, jumping right, left

Sideways with moving forward, etc.

Remember that at this age ankle joint is still poorly developed and is developing in children

Formation of posture, so serious attention should be paid to exercises for

Strengthening the muscles of the back and foot.

Exercises to develop speed and agility

Running exercises

All exercises are performed in pairs to maintain a competitive spirit. IN

In running exercises, you can put the ball on the finish line, and the competition is on

Speed ​​and agility will take on a slightly more interesting character - the task of who is faster

Gets to the ball.

A. Starting position – facing forward. At the first signal from the coach, students

Execute fast run(“running frequency”) in place, at the second signal – a jerk forward by

10-15 meters to the finish line. Do 2-3 series 5-7 times, pause between series

– 3–5 minutes.

B. Starting position - turning left side, right side or back to the line

Start. At the coach’s signal, quickly turn around to face the starting line and make a dash

Forward 5–15 meters. The same thing only from a sitting position facing forward, with your back,

Left or right side; lying in support on your hands. Each exercise is performed 3–

C. Starting position – left or right side to the starting line. According to the first

The signal is the frequency of running in place, the second signal is to turn around and face forward

A dash 10–15 meters ahead to the finish line. Repeat 3-5 times.D. From the starting line there are 2 cones every 5 meters. On signal, students

Make a dash to the first cone, touch it with your hand, return to the line

Start by running backwards, touch the starting line with your hand and make a jerk with your face

Forward to the second cone. The exercise is performed 3–8 times. Pause to rest between

Repeats – 1 minute.

E. Starting position – children stand at a distance of 50-60 centimeters facing each other

Friend and sideways to the starting line. Starts after one of the partners touches

Until the second. The task of the second one is to catch up with the first one at a distance of 10-15 meters and show off

(“sully”) it. The exercise is performed 4–8 times. Pause to rest between

Repeats – 1 minute.

F. At a distance of 15 meters, three barriers with a height of 20 to 30 centimeters are set up.

Starting position - children stand at a distance of 50-60 centimeters facing each other

And sideways to the starting line. Start at the coach's signal. The task of the starters is to be first

At the finish line, jumping over these obstacles. Two reps. Pause between them – 1

G. One of the athletes stands on the starting line with his back to the direction of movement, the other -

Facing the first athlete one and a half meters from the start line. At the coach's signal

The person standing with his back quickly turns 180 degrees and tries to be the first to cross

The finish line, which is 10-15 meters from the start. The second partner's task is

Hit the first one to this line. 2-4 reps. The pause between them is 1 minute.

Team relays

A. At a distance of 12 meters, there are cones every 3 meters (4 in total).

The starters, with the ball in their hands, run around each cone. Having run around the fourth,

They come back and pass the ball to the next participant. The team wins

The last participant of which will be the first to reach the finish line.

B. At a distance of 15 meters, there are cones every 5 meters (3 pieces in total). Between

Seven chips are placed in the first and second cones approximately 50 centimeters from each other.

Friend. On the next five-meter segment there are two barriers 20 centimeters high.

Starters run around 7 chips at speed, overcome barriers, run around the third cone,

They come back and pass the baton to the next participant.

C. At a distance of 12 meters, there are cones every 4 meters (3 pieces in total). By

At the signal, participants run to the first cone, then from the first to the second they jump on the left

Foot to foot, from second to third - on the right. Having reached the third cone, they run around it and

They return, passing the baton to the next partner.

Outdoor games

1. Game "Day and Night"

Two teams take part in the game - “Day” and “Night”. The middle line is drawn

Dividing platform. Each team has its own “home” (line, at a distance of 10–15

meters from the center line in either direction), in which the opponent has no right

Greasy. Teams line up on the line of their “homes” and, at the coach’s signal, go

Toward each other (toward the center line), when there is a meter left to the center line

One and a half times the coach names a team (for example, “Day”). Then this team must quickly turn around and run to its “home”, and the players of the other team

(“Night”) must try to harass the opponent to the home line. The team wins

The players of which will defeat more opponent players.

2. Game “Simple tag”

Players on teams. One team (A) is outside the rectangle, and the other (B) is

Inside. At the signal, one of the players of team “A” (the driver) tries in 20 seconds

Kill as many players from team B as possible, who only run inside

Rectangle. The upset players go outside the rectangle. After the shift

The driver everyone returns to the site, and the game continues until everyone

Team A will not play. Then the teams change roles. The team that wins

In the allotted time, she defeated more opponent players.

3. Game “Fishermen and Fishes”

The game takes place on a square platform, the size of which depends on the number of

Players in teams (if teams have 10 people, the size of the court is approximately 20x20

Meters). Players are divided into two teams - “Fishermen” and “Fish”. The fishermen join hands and

The fish move freely around the site. According to a signal, fishermen for a certain time

(1-2 minutes) try to catch the fish by surrounding them with a chain and closing it. At the end

At a certain time, the catch is counted. Then the teams change roles.

3. Game “Find your captain”

All players are divided into several groups and form circles. Inside everyone

The circle is the player with the ball, the so-called captain of the group. On signal, that's it

The players scatter around the site. At the second signal they stop, crouch and

They close their eyes. At this time, the “captains” change places. At the next signal everything

They run to their “captains” and form an initial circle. Groups gathered

They win against their “captains” first. Three or four repetitions, a pause between them 1

4. Game “Find your ball”

Two circles nested inside each other are drawn on the ground - a small one (4 meters in diameter) and

Large (diameter 16 meters). The players (12 people) stand around the perimeter of the small

Circle. 10 balls are placed at equal distances around the perimeter of a large circle. By

At the first signal from the coach, the players begin an easy run in their circle, at the second -

They make a dash and try to take possession of one of the balls. Those who didn't get the balls

They are eliminated from the game. At each next stage, the number of participants and the number of balls

Decreased by two.

Back muscle strengthening exercises

A. Starting position – lie on your stomach, stretch your arms forward. Raise on the count of one or two

At the same time, lower your arms and legs from the floor, three or four times. Perform 10–15 times.

B. Starting position – lie on your stomach, bend your arms behind your head. On the count of one or two

Lift your body off the floor, turn around and across right shoulder look at your heels, on the count of three or four - lower to the starting position. Raise your body five to six times and

Look over your left shoulder, at seven or eight - lower to the starting position, etc.

Perform 6–10 times, depending on your level of training.

C. The exercise is performed in pairs. Starting position – players lie on their stomachs

Face each other at a distance of 3–4 meters. One of the partners has a ball in his hands. Players

They throw the ball into each other's hands, lifting their bodies off the floor. Complete two series of 10-16

Broskov. The pause between series is 1 minute.

Abdominal exercises

A. The exercise is performed in pairs. Starting position – players lie on their backs

Kicking each other. The players simultaneously rise and pass the ball from hand to hand.

After the transfer, they lie down and take their starting position. Complete two series of 10–

14 gears. The pause between episodes is 1 minute.

B. Starting position – players lie on their backs, legs bent at the knees, feet on

On the floor, arms bent at the elbows, palms behind the head. Participants should raise their torso

And reach the left knee with your right elbow, then the right knee with your left elbow, etc.

Perform 10 to 20 times.

C. similar position - players lie on their backs, arms to the sides, legs bent at the knees

And raised up (shin parallel to the floor). On the count of one or two, players lower their legs to the right

From yourself, without taking your hands off the floor; on the count of three or four, take the starting position; on

Five or six lower their legs to the left of themselves, seven or eight - to the starting position.

Perform 6–10 times in each direction.

Exercises to develop strength

Exercises A–D are performed in pairs.

Many doctors are now saying that more than half of school-age children are already sick. The most common disease among children is spinal curvature. The so-called scoliosis. And in most cases, scoliosis is not congenital, but acquired. Why does it arise?

Today, every parent should realize that the physical education of their child must begin from an early age.

Many doctors are now saying that more than half of school-age children are already sick. The most common disease among children is spinal curvature. The so-called scoliosis. And in most cases, scoliosis is not congenital, but acquired. Why does it arise? Yes, probably because very little attention is now paid to the physical development of children. And, as a result, children grow up weak. Their muscles are not able to withstand even small loads. They cannot hold the spine in place for a long time correct position. This is where various curvatures arise. And in most schools, physical education lessons are neglected. Children are not given even the minimum required by the program. This means that we can conclude: in order for your child to grow up strong and healthy, you need to carry out his physical education independently, without relying on teachers, school, etc.

Workout. You can engage in physical training with children from a very early age. The first stage is training with own weight. Those. without dumbbells, barbells and other equipment. This stage is very important. From the very beginning, you need to make it clear to the child that physical education is good, you need to interest him. Under no circumstances should you force a child!!! It will only cause harm. In this case, the child will associate physical education with threats and fear. This cannot be allowed. You need to talk to the child, explain that the classes will benefit him, make him strong, healthy, beautiful... Then the training will take place with maximum benefit. After all, the task of physical education is not only the development of strength, but also spiritual and moral education. A person accustomed to healthy image life since childhood, will never be drawn to smoking, alcohol, or drug addiction. He will be above all this. He won't need it at all. So, you have convinced your child that it is necessary to study. Now let's move on to the lessons.

What to pay attention to. Training does not have to be frequent. They should not overtire the child, because... this is harmful to a growing organism. Nutrition should be complete, because... physical education will require additional energy expenditure. But this does not mean that the portions need to be increased several times. Everyone should eat as much as they want. The child's appetite will increase, and he will tell you what the portions should be. It is better to conduct classes outdoors, if weather conditions permit. You should not exercise immediately before or after meals, or before bed.

What will you need for training? At the first stage, you will not need any special equipment for training. The only thing is a crossbar, well reinforced at a height slightly higher than the height of the child. It would be nice to make a crossbar of adjustable height, because the child is growing quickly. For example, you can use the jambs of a doorway if its height is sufficient. You need to make holes in them at different heights into which the crossbar will be inserted. You just need to think carefully about securing the crossbar in the holes to completely prevent a fall. The diameter of the crossbar can be in the range of 25-35 mm. That's all the equipment.

What exercises can you do:

  1. Tilts. This exercise is the most effective for preventing spinal curvature. Because it strengthens the muscles responsible for holding the spine in a normal position. Bending over primarily strengthens the lumbar region. Thanks to this, the likelihood that the child, when he grows up, will complain of lower back pain, which many people now suffer from, is reduced. Bends can be done forward and to the sides. Starting position for bending: Standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms along the body. Next you need to bend either forward or to the side. Can be done alternating: left, straight, right, straight, left, etc. You should try to reach your feet with your fingers without bending your legs.
  2. Squats. This exercise allows you to strengthen your legs well, as well as improve stretching in the pelvic area. You need to pay attention to the fact that when squatting, the torso should be straight and perpendicular to the ground. When bending your legs, you should not lean forward. The feet should be completely flat on the ground.
  3. Pushups. This exercise helps develop the chest area, arms, and shoulders. The main thing is that the body is straight. If it is difficult for a child to do push-ups from a straight floor, you can put your feet on the floor and your hands on some kind of support, for example, a chair. Further, as training improves, gradually reduce the height of the stand until the child can do push-ups from a straight floor. Then, you can do push-ups so that your hands are on the floor and your feet are on a stand. But the angle of inclination of the body to the floor should not exceed 45?. You need to alternate. Those. in one workout do push-ups on a straight floor, and in next training session- at an angle. In this way harmony will be achieved in physical development, because Push-ups at different angles work different muscles. But we won’t go deeper into this.
  4. Pull-ups on the bar. This exercise helps strengthen your upper back and arms. The main thing in this exercise is the absence of jerking when pulling up. All movements must be smooth. If the child is not able to do this on his own, a parent should help him. But there is no need to lift the child so that he himself does not make an effort. You need to try to provide as little help as possible, but still allow the child to catch up.
  5. Raising the body. You need to lie on the floor with your back. The parent holds his legs, and the child raises his torso and touches his head to his legs. Well, or at least strives for this if it doesn’t reach his feet. This exercise helps strengthen your abdominal muscles.
  6. And of course running. There is no way to do without it. It brings a lot of benefits. The main thing is to understand that it is not the speed of running that is important, but its duration. Therefore, you need to run at an average and slow pace, gradually increasing the length of the run. Legs are strengthened positive influence on the lungs and heart. Running is a cure for all ailments. This is the simplest and most effective exercise, especially for children.

These are not all exercises, but they allow you to fully strengthen almost all areas of the body. They contribute to human health.

Since these exercises are performed for general physical training, I will not give recommendations on how many approaches to do or how many repetitions in each approach. Let each child decide this for himself. Then he will enjoy physical education, and these activities will bring maximum effect.