Classes on a step platform at home. Home step aerobics for weight loss. Rules for working with the step platform

Step platform exercises are currently gaining popularity. Step platform is a fitness machine that helps you lose weight. overweight, tone muscles and improve heart function. Classes on a step platform involve dance movements with music.

In order to engage in this type of fitness, you do not need a lot of space. Turn on rhythmic music and do the following exercises.

Attention, exercises on the step platform have a number of contraindications, consult your doctor!


In order to start exercising, you need to warm up thoroughly; without this, there is a high probability of injury.

Warm-up lasts at least 10 – 15 minutes.

  • Movements start from top to bottom, for example, turning the head left - right, rotation shoulder joint, slight back arches, stretching.
  • Next, you can walk in place for five minutes. You need to walk so that your hand meets your foot, it’s like a march.

Video: Exercises with a step platform for weight loss

Exercise 1 – Basic Step

This exercise is similar to walking up stairs.

  • Step one foot onto the step platform, then the other, and lower yourself in the same order.
  • After 3-5 minutes, change legs. The exercise is done in fast pace.

The next version of Basic-step is complicated:

  • Stand directly in front of the step platform, hands on your waist.
  • Step your left foot onto the platform, lifting left hand to your right shoulder, then lower your leg first, then your arm, and repeat this exercise with your right leg and right arm.

After you get used to this exercise, you can complicate the task with dumbbells or weights.

Exercise 2 – Step-up

The exercise is not difficult, it can be performed between intense movements, allowing some muscle groups to rest.

  • Place your right foot on the step platform, then left leg on your toes and lower the left one first, then the right one.
  • The exercise with one leg is performed for three to five minutes, after which the leg is changed.

During the exercise, keep your body straight, do not bend over, take a step with your foot with your full foot. Make sure your heel doesn't hang down.

Exercise 3 – Step-knee

  • Place your right foot on the platform and pull the knee of your right leg towards your stomach. For balance, you are allowed to tilt your body slightly forward.
  • The knee should be pulled up so that the leg looks straight, and not to the left or right.

Do the exercise for 3-5 minutes, then change legs.

Starting position - feet shoulder-width apart.

  • You begin the movement of your right leg, lifting it onto the platform, and place your left leg towards it.
  • We lower ourselves from the platform to the other side with our right foot, then with our left.
  • We turn the body and make a similar movement.
  • Return to the starting position and repeat the movement for a few more minutes. You need to do this movement from 8 to 10 repetitions.

When performing the exercise, you don’t have to go down from the platform, but jump off - do it as you feel comfortable.

To complicate the task, you can perform the exercise diagonally or on the other side of the platform, which is narrower.

Exercise 5 - for the hips

This exercise is aimed at working the thigh muscles.

  • Stand to the side of the platform so that you are facing away from it.
  • Step forward, jump with both feet, then jump back to the platform.
  • Next, try to jump onto the platform with both feet and come down from it on the other side. Repeat the same movements: step, jump, step back to the platform, jump onto the platform and then jump off the platform.

Do this exercise for three to five repetitions on each side.

To make the exercise more difficult, perform the movement with slightly bent legs or with a more intense load.

The exercise is suitable for those who have high endurance, as it uses a platform with maximum height.

  • First you need to stand sideways to the step platform.
  • Jump on it with both feet - and jump again around your axis.
  • During the jump, it is recommended to make as many revolutions as possible to the starting position - first in one direction, then in the other.
  • Beginners are allowed to make four turns, then three and two.

After you have mastered this exercise, do platform jumps on one leg, then on the other.

Do the exercise without distractions, carefully!

Exercise 7 - intensive for legs

This exercise must be performed intensively.

  • To begin, stand on the step, put your hands on your waist.
  • Jump with one foot to the floor, come back, jump with the other foot and come back.
  • By doing this exercise you need to jump as high as possible.

To practice this type of cardio exercise, you will need special equipment - a step platform. It can be easily purchased at a sporting goods store. After this, you will have to master step aerobics exercises for beginners. This is very effective method fight against fat, as evidenced by the following benefits of step aerobics:

  • Helps prevent and treat arthritis.
  • Allows you to tighten muscles and speed up the recovery of knee joints after previous injuries.
  • Improves the appearance of the thighs, buttocks and legs.
  • With the additional use of fitness dumbbells, you can strengthen the muscles of the arms, chest and shoulder girdle.
  • An excellent tool for burning fat.
  • It will improve the functioning of all body systems, for example, respiratory and vascular.
  • Increases the performance of the vestibular apparatus.
To make your classes as effective as possible, we recommend following a few simple rules:
  • Climbing onto the step platform should be done using the muscles of the legs, not the back.
  • The foot must be placed completely on the platform.
  • The movements must be performed rhythmically, but without jerking.
  • Do not perform exercises with one arm or leg for more than 60 seconds.
  • About half an hour before the start of class, drink a glass of water.
We also note that there are practically no contraindications or initial requirements in step aerobics. If you don't have this moment health problems, then you can safely start mastering step aerobics exercises.

Step aerobics exercises for beginners

  • Exercise No. 1. Stand in front of a platform (any sturdy platform can be used) and place one foot on it. After this, immediately take a step with your second foot and place it next to the first. After this, lower one leg to the ground, and then the other.
  • Exercise No. 2. This movement is similar to the previous one, but return the first leg to the ground first, and then the second.
  • Exercise No. 3. Place one foot on the platform and bend it slightly at the knee joint. The second leg must be lifted off the ground and swung back. Try to reach your buttocks with your heel. Also, after the swing, the second leg should be immediately placed on the ground, after which it is necessary to place the first one on it.
  • Exercise No. 4. This movement is similar to the previous one, but with the second leg you need to swing forward, not back, while pulling the bent knee-joint to the chest.
Now we will not talk about all the movements for beginners, since there are about two hundred of them. It’s better to draw your attention to the most common mistakes:
  • To avoid knee injury, make sure that the knee joint of the supporting leg does not extend beyond the level of the toes.
  • To maintain balance when moving your legs forward, you should keep your body straight.
  • To prevent damage to the spinal column and tendons, when lowering your foot to the ground, place it first on your toes and only then on your entire foot.

Step aerobics exercises for pro athletes

These exercises are more complex than those discussed earlier, and proceed to mastering them only after you learn how to correctly perform simple movements:
  • Springy step. You don't need a platform to perform the movement. Stand straight with your arms down, bending them slightly elbow joints. Begin to take springy steps while moving your arms at the same time. Perform this movement for five minutes.
  • Non-phonetic prefix. Perform light, springy side steps for a couple of minutes. After this, smoothly switch to a sliding step and work like this for another two minutes.
  • Overwhelm. Perform a springy side step, and then two sliding ones. After this, lift your heel towards your buttocks.
  • Jumps. Perform, as in the previous movement, one springy step, and then two sliding ones. Then lift your bent knee towards your chest.
  • Jumping gallop. Position yourself in front of the step platform with your hands on your hips. Take two steps towards the platform and step onto it with both feet alternately. Then turn around your axis and lower yourself to the ground.
  • Step warm-up. Position yourself in front of the platform at a distance of a couple of steps, with your arms down. Step towards the platform and then jump onto it. The jump must be performed while inhaling. You must land on the platform on both feet.
Check out the technique of doing step aerobics exercises in this video:

Effective on initial stage fight against overweight, as well as to keep fit if it is impossible to visit the gym frequently. To carry out home exercises you will need simple and inexpensive sports equipment and, of course, personal determination.

"Compared to traditional exercise routines, step aerobics is the most fun form of fitness. That is why it is popular among people of different weight categories."

During a forty-minute step aerobics class, about 400 kcal are burned. It's a great cardio workout and a chance to burn quickly. body fat in the waist area, tighten the buttocks, strengthen the leg muscles.

The main advantage of step aerobics is that it eliminates the danger of pumping up muscles under the fat layer, which is why your figure will look even larger than before classes. When performing exercises on a step platform, the main load falls on bottom part torso. The largest muscles work, which means that to maintain their activity the body has to spend the maximum amount of calories, breaking down fat reserves. The process of losing weight occurs evenly.

Sports set for step aerobics

1. Stepping platform, otherwise – step. The cost of a step platform starts from 1,500 rubles. The cost of a particular model depends on the dimensions, quality of the material, platform coverage, and the ability to adjust its height. In any case, the choice is huge and the price is affordable for everyone.

If you are new to step aerobics, we recommend choosing a platform up to 30 cm high. A higher platform will force you to take higher steps, which means burning more calories. But a high platform has a significant disadvantage - fatigue sets in very quickly if you are not used to it. If you have a sufficient budget, you can purchase a height-adjustable platform.

The length of the step platform is on average 1.5 meters, and the width is 40 cm.

Be sure to pay attention to the surface of the platform - it should be rubberized or with a slight relief so that every step you take is safe. The platform should not slide on the floor: it should not be placed on a slippery carpet or smooth surface (laminate, parquet, etc.).

2. Aerobic dumbbells(1.5 or 2 kg each). This weight will allow you to make step training more challenging without losing your aerobic pace.

3. Sneakers with a hard sole and shock absorption to protect yourself from foot dislocation and minimize the load on the joints.

4. Sportswear, hygroscopic and does not interfere with rapid movements.

Home exercises on a step platform

When performing exercises, remember that your back should be straight, your stomach should be pulled in, and your steps should be springy. When taking a step onto the platform, try to step with your entire foot, avoiding wobbling.

If you feel tired during the exercise, do not stop abruptly - take a step, restore your breathing and after 2-3 minutes continue doing the exercises.

Basic step aerobics exercises

1. Warm up. March in place for three minutes, raising your knees high. For another three minutes, perform springy steps, slightly bending your knees: with your right hand, step to the side, with your left hand placed on it, with your left, step to the side with your right hand placed on it. Try to take as wide a step as possible.

2. Steps onto the platform. Place your right foot in the middle of the platform, then your left. Now step down from the platform - first with your right foot, then with your left.

3. Step-touch. Step onto the platform with your right foot and place your left foot on it. The right leg becomes the supporting leg. The left one barely touches the platform with its toe and immediately steps back - to the floor, followed by the right one.

4. Step-knee. Step your right foot onto the platform. Keeping your body weight on your right, lift your left leg, bent at the knee, above the platform. Try to keep your knee as high to your chest as possible. Hold this for a second, then lower your left leg back to the floor and step off the step platform with your right foot.

5. Swing. Step your right foot onto the platform. The right leg is slightly bent at the knee and supports the body weight, while the left leg swings. At the moment of the swing, the left leg is also bent at the knee and tries to reach the buttocks with the heel. Without touching the platform, the left leg lowers back to the floor, followed by the right leg.

"Each exercise (2-5) is performed 40 times - 20 repetitions, taking a step with the right foot, and 20 with the left."

6. Completes any activity step in place, take a deep breath and exhale until breathing is completely restored.

All basic exercises Step aerobics can be performed with dumbbells in your hands. Exercises can be alternated and combined.

Step, translated from English as a step. From this it is easy to understand that step aerobics is a type of sport based on performing various steps on a special platform, which are accompanied by additional movements. Usually these are dance elements that are done at a fast pace. It was developed about 20 years ago by an American fitness instructor, Gina Miller, when, after a knee injury, she needed a set of exercises to restore tendons.

Today, this area is used not only by athletes, for rehabilitation after injuries and preparation for heavy loads in competitions. Step aerobics has reached the masses: it is practiced in gyms and at home to improve the health of the body and lose excess weight.

Why is it useful?

During classes, a person makes constant movements and climbs up the “step”, working with the weight of his own weight. Thanks to this, the cardiovascular and respiratory systems are trained, muscles, ligaments, tendons and joints are developed.

The training conditions do not require them to work their body exhaustively, but only create useful tension. This is the reason for the popularity of the trend: people of any age and body type benefit from training.

So what does systematic step aerobics do?

  • The heart muscle is trained;
  • the likelihood of developing vascular diseases is reduced;
  • the working volume of the lungs increases;
  • endurance develops;
  • are normalized metabolic processes in organism;
  • posture is formed and even corrected;
  • joint diseases are prevented.

Training is especially beneficial for those who suffer from diseases associated with lack of physical activity.

Is it possible to lose weight with this sport? Undoubtedly, with a sufficient level of load, you can get rid of extra pounds. But for this to happen, it is important to understand how everything works.

How it helps you lose weight

The human body is designed in such a way that it processes the energy it receives from food and uses it for its needs, and stores the excess as fat. We lose weight only when the body has an energy deficit, that is, it spends more of it than it receives. This is what training is for.

Why does it sometimes happen that even though you follow the program, the desired effect never appears?

The fact is that our body is designed very cunningly: it always has a “reserve of strength” designed for unexpected loads. It lasts for 20-30 minutes physical work. This is why any workout should last 45-60 minutes.

There is another reason: the effectiveness of exercise depends on its intensity and is expressed in how much energy a person burns during the workout. There are no absolute indicators here; they differ from each other at different degrees of load.

  1. Calm workouts, during which you barely lose your breath and you can even talk, are ineffective. They allow you to burn the same number of calories as regular walking: about 250 per hour. In this case, weight loss will occur very slowly, and only people with severe levels of obesity or completely will be able to notice it. sedentary life.
  2. During intensive training, when your breathing becomes erratic and your pulse quickens, you can get rid of 350-400 calories in an hour. This is a kind of norm: with systematic exercise, you will clearly and gradually lose weight, and this will not be dangerous for the body. To achieve this, you need to move at a high pace and perform all movements correctly and energetically.
  3. A high load, when you literally “fly” around the bench, do jumps, swings with full effort, allows you to burn up to 500 calories in an hour. If this is how you do things, then there are no problems with slow weight loss you don't have it, and you won't have it.

In any case, you need to exercise at least 2-3 times a week, for an hour. If you are physically fit enough, then it is better to train 4-5 times a week.

However, do not forget that losing extra pounds is only possible if you change your diet, or better yet, reduce the number of calories you get from food.

If you “eat up tiredness” after a workout, then all your efforts will be reduced to zero at best, and at worst you may even gain weight.

Benefits and harms

Step aerobics classes have a complex effect on the human body:

  • accelerate metabolic processes;
  • promote weight loss;
  • strengthen the muscle frame.

In addition, such physical exercise do not allow pumping and stimulate the production of “useful” hormones. But the advantages of step aerobics cannot cover the fact that it also has its disadvantages. For example, the likelihood of injury during exercise. Especially if you do not follow the rules of doing the exercises or neglect existing contraindications. So, Step aerobics is not suitable for people who suffer from:

  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • high blood pressure;
  • varicose veins;
  • diseases of the spine;
  • chronic kidney and liver diseases.


The main characteristic of step aerobics is the dynamism of training, which is based on steps and climbing steps. At the same time, there are many combinations of basic steps, each of which is aimed at working a separate muscle group. In a properly constructed complex, the whole body receives the load. But which muscles work the hardest?

Basically, the exercises are aimed at working the muscles of the lower leg, internal and outer surface thighs, buttocks, abs and lower back: that is, the lower body. Thanks to this, classes allow you to lose weight and sculpt your figure, without gaining muscle mass.

Although what kind of body you get as a result depends on the chosen direction of step aerobics.

  1. Basic step. It is built on the use of combinations of basic steps and simple choreography, making it ideal for beginners and people who are not used to physical activity. Moreover, even here there are creative and very interesting combinations of movements that allow you not only to strengthen your muscles and develop endurance, but also to fall in love with this direction once and for all.
  2. Combined step. It is suitable for people who physical exercise nothing new: hardy and agile. Here more complex choreography and multi-component movements appear, which are performed to fast and fiery music. The work is included more muscles, including increasing the load on top part bodies.
  3. Interval aerobics. The simplest description of this direction: a combination of step and strength training. However, in reality everything is much more complicated: ensuring power load can be expressed either in the simple introduction of weights into an activity, for example, dumbbells, or in a change in activity. Thus, step aerobics is often combined with push-ups and various exercises on her.

Anyway interval training most effective for active weight loss and sports modeling, toned body. However, they are not suitable for beginners: the pace of classes is very high, and only experienced gym-goers can cope with it.

Step aerobics steps

Step aerobics training is very dynamic and should be carried out in an intensive mode. To get the maximum benefit from them, devote at least 45 minutes to exercise, 2-3 of which should be a warm-up.

Warming up is necessary to warm up the muscles and prepare the heart and lungs for stress. Never neglect it.

To start your workout, stretch your neck, arms and lower back. To do this, you can perform turns and rotations with your head, swinging your arms, and bending.

Now you need to warm up your legs: to do this, simply perform steps on the spot or on and off the platform. They should be dynamic and springy: to do this, bend your knees slightly. While walking, keep your back straight, bend your arms at the elbows and help yourself by moving them back and forth.

In step aerobics Special attention pay attention to various steps and their combinations, since they are the basis of training. Most of them are done on a bench, but some, aerobic ones, are done on the floor to take some of the stress off the knees.

Basic steps

The simplest step steps were taken from classical aerobics. However, combinations of 2 steps did not take root here, and therefore any exercise is done in 4 counts. This is not surprising, given the need to constantly climb and descend.

All main steps are divided into 2 groups:

  • performed with the same leg on repetitions;
  • practiced with changing the leading leg.

Usually in complexes they are alternated, performing one or two exercises with steps of each type in turn.

With one leg

Basic step:

  1. the right foot is placed evenly on the platform;
  2. the left foot is also placed on the platform;
  3. the right one goes straight back to the floor;
  4. the left one is also put in its original place.


  1. stand with your right foot on the right corner of the platform;
  2. left – step to the left corner;
  3. move your right leg down to its original place;
  4. also place the left one on the floor.

Stepping over:

  1. standing with your right side to the platform, take a step on it with your right foot;
  2. place the left one and at the same time turn 45 degrees to the left;
  3. Step off the bench with your right foot backwards;
  4. take a step onto the floor with your left and at the same time turn towards the “step” with your right shoulder.

Turning step:

  1. with your right foot, step straight forward onto the platform;
  2. place the left one and immediately turn to the right so that the short side of the platform is behind your back;
  3. with your right, step straight back off the bench;
  4. put your left foot down.

Step on both sides

Both feet are on the platform and you are facing the short edge.

  1. Step your right foot off the bench to the right;
  2. left step - left;
  3. right foot back onto the bench;
  4. attach the left one.

With change of main leg

Here, each new repetition of the exercise will begin with a change of legs.

Touch step:

  1. With your right foot, stand on the left corner of the platform and transfer your body weight to it;
  2. with your left touch the corner of the bench nearby;
  3. put your left foot back;
  4. return the right one to the floor.

Step, raising the knee:

  1. place your right foot on the opposite corner of the platform and shift the center of gravity to it;
  2. bend the left one at the knee and pull it to the chest;
  3. put it back on the floor;
  4. return your right leg to the starting position.

Mid-air kick:

  1. with your right foot, climb onto the platform, to its left corner and transfer your body weight;
  2. with your left, make a blow in the air in the direction of body movement;
  3. put it on the floor;
  4. step off the platform with your right foot.

Swing step:

  1. place your right foot on the left edge of the platform and shift your weight onto it;
  2. with your left swing forward, left or backward;
  3. place your left foot in its original place;
  4. put the right one on it.

Without platform

The exact same steps can be performed without a platform, but there are other variations. As in step aerobics, they are divided into 2 groups:

  • with a change of the main leg;
  • with performing exercises on the same leg.

With one leg

Removal step:

  1. step forward with your right foot;
  2. left foot in place;
  3. right back;
  4. left in place.

Diagonal step:

  1. with the right foot we step diagonally to the left;
  2. left - in place;
  3. return the right one to its original place;
  4. with the left we take another step in place.


  1. take a diagonal step to the left with your right foot;
  2. We carry our left leg wide to the left side;
  3. with the right we take a step to the starting position;
  4. left – side step.

With change of sides

Side step:

  1. the right foot takes a wide step to the right;
  2. the left one is placed next to it;
  3. left foot – take a wide step to the left;
  4. on the right - attached.

Double side step:

  1. take a wide step to the right with your right foot;
  2. put your left foot down;
  3. again go in the same direction on the right;
  4. place the left one.

Cross with touch:

  1. right foot step to the right;
  2. with your left hand, touch the floor in front of your right foot;
  3. return the left leg back;
  4. with the right hand touch the floor in front of her.

Otherwise, the steps change in their direction: forward or to the side and in additional elements: swinging forward, backward and to the side, pulling the knee to the chest or performing an overlap. For example:

  1. step forward with your right foot;
  2. the left one, bent, is pulled by the knee to the chest;
  3. go back with your left foot;
  4. right - attach.


A chain is several exercises or types of steps connected together into a single element. Essentially, this is the same complex, just small.

Often within a sequence there are one or 2 basic steps with complications, usually every 8 or 16 counts. You can do a cycle of 32 counts if the main step involves changing legs.

Today, each step aerobics trainer creates his own combinations of steps and exercises. Many of them are quite difficult to perform at first, but there are also simple options combinations of step for beginners.

Number 1

Side step (16) – Basic step (8) – Knee to the right (16) – Basic step (8) – Knee to the left (16).

Step with an extension (from the right foot, with a change on each side):

  1. step with your right foot to the left corner of the step;
  2. place your left foot on your toe next to it;
  3. return left back;
  4. return the right one.

Basic step (without change):

  1. right foot on the board, straight;
  2. left foot straight on the board;
  3. right back to the floor;
  4. the left one is also in its original place.

Knee Right (based on extension step):

  1. left to chest;
  2. left foot on the floor, in its original place;
  3. repeat 2;
  4. repeat 3;
  5. repeat 2;
  6. repeat 3;

The basic step is performed unchanged, but with the left foot.

With the knee to the left we make the same movements as to the right, but we change the legs in a mirror and work on the right corner of the platform.

Number 2

Side step (16) – Basic step (4) – Cross step with jump (4) – Squat knee (16) – Basic step (8) – Squat knee (16).

There are a few changes here, but the first 2 elements are the same as in the previous bundle.

Cross step with jump (without changing legs):

  • with the right foot we jump onto the step slightly to the left;
  • We place our left foot in front of the right, but slightly to the right of it;
  • with the right we go back behind the left;
  • We take the left one to its original place.

Knee Squat:

  1. right foot to the left corner of the step;
  2. left on the floor, to the left of the bench;
  3. right leg to chest. At the same time, the left one bends slightly at the knee;
  4. the right one on the bench, in its original place;
  5. left leg to chest. At the same time, the right one bends slightly at the knee;
  6. the left one back to the floor, to its original place;
  7. right foot on the floor diagonally, in its original place.

During the basic step, the main leg changes.

We do a knee with a squat with the left leg on right side benches.

Number 3

Extension step with deflection and turn (8) – Backward leg swing (8) – Mirror repeat (16).

Step with a deflection (performed on the basis of an additional step, but for 6 counts and, to learn it, do the remaining 2 steps in place, and only then replace them with a turn):

  1. step with your right foot to the left corner of the platform;
  2. With your left, you take a kind of side step, but not all the way, but simply lifting your leg above the floor and bringing it halfway to the bench. At that time right hand, bend at the elbow, move the body forward, and the left one – back and bend your back slightly. And immediately step back with your left foot;
  3. right foot to the floor, to the same place and turn the body;
  4. left to the right corner of the platform;
  5. with your right, repeat the imitation of the side step, bend, helping yourself with your hands, and step back down;
  6. left foot on the floor;
  7. Stretch your left arm forward, at chest level, and turn 360 degrees behind it;
  8. finish the turn with a step of your right foot.

Backward leg swing (based on the basic step):

  1. with your right foot step straight onto the platform. At this time, extend your arms forward, at chest level;
  2. swing back with your left hand. At the same time, raise your arms up, bending slightly at the lower back;
  3. Place your left foot back on the floor. Lower your arms to chest level again;
  4. repeat 2;
  5. repeat 3;
  6. repeat 2;
  7. repeat 3;
  8. Step off the bench with your right foot.

Repeat the same thing, but with your left leg.

Such combinations with a layout are easy to learn - spend a little time on them, and you will notice it yourself. At the same time, it is easy to create your own training program from them.

Step aerobics with a layout is needed to remember the basic steps and the order of transition from one step to another. Then you can change their elements to suit you, adding movements with your legs and arms.

These three ligaments can be combined with each other: completely or by breaking them up so that the right leg works first in all exercises, and then the left.

Set of exercises

There are many sets of step aerobics exercises: short and long, for training of any complexity and intensity. However, to begin with it is better to choose simple exercises, providing good load for all muscle groups.

Perform each set of movements 16-20 times.

1. Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, arms at your sides. Bend your knees and elbows slightly. Perform side steps alternately with both feet. At the same time, move springily and each time, connecting your legs together, raise your arms forward to chest level.

Now do the same, but do not spring when walking, but glide.

2. Add a complicating element to the same exercise: perform two side steps as before, and on the third, try to reach the buttock with the heel of the side foot. Do repetitions of the ligaments for springing and sliding steps.

3. Now do everything as in the second exercise, only instead of sweeping your leg back, raise your knee as high as possible to your chest.

4. For next exercise Place your feet together, arms bent at the elbows. Perform simple springy steps, raising your knee up, in this way: two steps in place, the third wide, to the side, 4 steps in place with legs wide apart, an additional step with the second leg and a double step in place. In other words it looks like this:

  • in place, legs narrower than shoulders – right, left (1,2);
  • right, wide step to the side (3);
  • steps in place, feet wider than shoulder width - left, right and again (1,2,3,4);
  • attached left, he is the first in place and the second, right (1,2);
  • left, wide step to the side (3).
  • And so on.

5. Now change the position of your feet - wider than your shoulders. Jump onto the bench with both feet, slightly springing. Step off the platform with one foot first, then the other.

6. From the same starting position, lunge forward wide with one leg, placing your entire foot on the board. Lower yourself to the bottom position. Then stand back up and repeat the exercise on the other leg.

7. Stand on the platform facing the short side. Dismount with one foot, as if “stomping” on the floor. Bring her back to the bench. After this, repeat the exercise on the other side.

How to move correctly

You need to perform the exercises not only by walking and moving your arms and legs correctly, but also by observing the execution technique. There are basic rules for body position and movements:

  • When performing steps on a bench, place the entire sole of your foot on it;
  • keep your back straight;
  • do not swing your legs and arms too much: the emphasis should be placed not on the sharpness of movements and “higher, stronger”, but on working the muscles;
  • take steps using the muscles of your legs, not your back.

Don't forget that during training you sweat a lot and lose fluid, so you need to have a small bottle of water with you.

For weight loss at home

Many people find it most comfortable to practice at home, when no one is looking at them and it doesn’t matter so much what they look like or what they wear. Step aerobics is an ideal direction for training at home, since to perform the exercises you only need a bench and a little free space.

The truth is independent studies and your shortcomings: no one controls the correctness of how you do the steps and exercises. And forcing yourself to move for an hour without stopping is not so easy. However, if you decide to train on your own, it is better to start with simple complexes.

Exercises for Beginners

  1. Do a warm-up. To do this, take 3-5 minutes of steps in place or walking with overlap.
  2. Do basic steps: Step onto the platform with both feet at a time and then step off. Do the exercise 20 times.
  3. Make the task more difficult for yourself: place your right foot on the bench and transfer your body weight to it, and kick forward or to the side with your left foot. You can also pull up bent leg to the chest or make a low swing with your leg back. After this, put your working leg in its original place and place your right leg next to it. Repeat the exercise in a mirror manner. Do 20 sets on each side.
  4. Let’s complicate the work even more: do the element you did once, 3 times in a row, and only after that get down to the floor and change your leg. Try to complete 20 sets as well.

You can supplement your workout by strength exercises. For example, push-ups or abdominal pumping.

Such strength training is especially effective at first if it’s hard for you to “jump” constantly, as it allows you to unload your legs without losing the overall pace of work.

Platform for step aerobics

What do you need to do step aerobics? For training at the simplest level, it is enough to purchase a special stand and take care of comfortable sportswear and sneakers. If you have been practicing for a long time and want to diversify the exercises and increase the load, then you may also find it useful:

  • dumbbells;
  • weights;
  • small or large gymnastic balls;
  • cane or other sports equipment.

If you have a slippery floor or there is very strong audibility between apartments in your house, you can also buy foam or a gymnastics mat.

How to choose

The basis of step aerobics is steps that simulate climbing stairs, and therefore a “step” is required for exercise. It is more often called a platform or board. It comes in various types:

  • Regular monolithic. This is also the simplest type of equipment, one-piece construction and with a constant height.
  • Adjustable. On a bench of this type, you can install 3-4 height options: for this there are special sections and supports. Typically, such equipment is needed for advanced training, since experienced athletes It’s easy to work at low heights, but high lifting puts more stress on the muscles.
  • With multi-level adjustment. Such a board can replace a bench for strength training, since it is adjustable not only in height, but also in the angle of inclination. In addition, some models can be converted into a seat with a raised backrest.
  • Balancing. Models of this plan are equipped with an inflatable cushion on top, which creates shock absorption, but requires additional effort to maintain balance. It is more difficult to practice on such a board than on a regular model with a hard surface, but the calorie consumption here also increases.

For regular step aerobics classes, a simple monolithic bench is quite sufficient. But the problems with choice do not end there, since the boards differ in many ways.


For each person, depending on his height, build and foot size, his own equipment parameters will be convenient. But there is general principles that will help you make a choice.

So, the length of the board should be at least 80 centimeters, but choose it so that you can stand comfortably with your feet shoulder-width apart and do not feel the danger of falling.

Select the width based on the size of your foot: it should be 6-8 centimeters wider.

As for the height, the standard 10 centimeters is quite enough for beginners. If you have been practicing for a long time, then models with a height of 15 or 20 centimeters may suit you.


An ordinary bench weighs about 10 kg and can support a person’s weight up to 90 kilograms. If you weigh more or less, check with the seller what weight the product is designed for. Typically, 15-kilogram boards are designed for people weighing up to 120 kilos, and heavier models - up to 150.

But it’s better to check their strength yourself. The surface should not spring or bend under you, even when you jump.

Coverage type

Today there are 2 main types of coatings: ribbed hard plastic and rubberized anti-slip material. The first does not provide enough cushioning to protect your joints from damage, although it is more common - pay attention to this.

It is important that the rubberized coating is not only on the top of the “step”, but also on the legs. Otherwise, the board may begin to slide on the floor, which will ruin your workout and create a risk of injury.

Design of support mechanisms

Here it is important to pay attention to the materials from which the board itself and its supports are made. Usually it is a metal frame and dense, heavy plastic on top.

Also check where the product's center of gravity is. Its optimal distribution among the supports is as low as possible. Otherwise, there is a danger that if you step on the edge, you will overturn the bench and fall. And this is already fraught with injuries.

If you purchase a bench model with height or inclination adjusters, then do not forget to pay attention to the design of the supports. They can be changeable or removable. The first option is preferable, since such boards are less likely to break, and you definitely won’t lose their parts.


The cost of the platform depends entirely on its parameters. So, the cheapest models cost about 500 rubles. However, their quality leaves much to be desired and they are not suitable for constant intense training.

Bench good quality with adjustable lift costs about 3 thousand rubles. For this price you can find a model of suitable sizes for you, with different types of support mechanisms. Well, branded platforms, with the functionality of real simulators, today cost from 4 thousand rubles and more. However, such a model can serve you for many years and replace a whole Gym at home.

How to choose shoes

Naturally, sneakers are required for sports. The main requirement for them is that the shoes must be comfortable and not slip. However, if you want to avoid pain and fatigue in your feet even with intensive loads, then pay attention to other characteristics of the sneakers.

Under no circumstances should you try to exercise in sneakers or other semi-athletic shoes. Its cushioning and flexibility are not enough to provide normal conditions for your feet and safety for you during active movements.

Basically, 2 types of sneakers are suitable for step aerobics.

For walking and athletics

The main feature of such shoes is their lightness. Sneakers should not be massive and add weight to your feet. But cushioning is equally important: make sure the sole flexes well. At the same time, both springs and air cushions can be built into it.

These sneakers are suitable for beginners whose entire training so far boils down to doing a series of steps. They will allow your legs to gradually get used to the load and prevent injury.

For fitness

These shoes have good cushioning in the toe area and an adapted design: higher sides and a recess with inside ankles. Sneakers of this type are more like closed shoes: they are not particularly textured and have a padded toe.

These shoes make it easy to perform any exercise and are ideal for intense aerobics.