Performing crunches in the simulator - technique and features. Park Outdoor Equipment and Sports Equipment Abdominal Crunch Machine

Are you so overwhelmed with work in the office that you don’t have time to exercise? There is time, but the strength and desire to pack up and go to Gym No? But at the same time, the whole body is simply screaming about the need for physical activity? Don't be upset!

There are great exercises that don't require special machines or equipment or too much space. And many of them can be performed while sitting at your desk. Besides, you won't even attract special attention your colleagues and other people who are around you.

In fact, you can pump up your abs while sitting, without lying on the floor in the middle of the office. To do this, you need to sit up straight, straighten your back, tense your buttock muscles, take a deep breath and sharply draw in your stomach as you exhale. Repeat this about 50 times. There is no need to hold your breath. It is the abdominal muscles that work, not the diaphragm.
The oblique abdominal muscles can be trained by bending to the sides, also in a sitting position. For greater effect, fold your hands into a lock at the back of your head, spreading your elbows to the sides.

And this exercise pumps up the lower abs, as well as the hip flexor muscles. Sit exactly on the edge of the chair, place your hands on the chair slightly behind you (you can hold onto the seat) and lift them up bent legs. You don't have to hug your knees to your chest to immediately grab everyone's attention. The legs do not rise high, but you need to do it at least 20 times.

This perfect exercise in order to accelerate the flow of blood through the vessels after a long period of sitting in one place without moving. It also has a good effect on work and tone calf muscles and helps improve balance. Well, who wouldn't want to show off sexy, toned calves in high heels?

All you need to do is stand behind the chair, holding the back of the chair with your hands (or near the wall, holding on to it) and slowly rise up onto your toes, then carefully lower your heels to the floor. Repeat this 10-20 times to start. Gradually the load can be increased. In fact, this exercise can be done while sitting at your desk while you work. This will be less effective, but will also bring positive results, preventing the blood from stagnating.

Another exercise you can do while sitting at your desk will help strengthen your triceps. In general, it is good to use dumbbells for this. But they can be replaced with bottles of water or, for example, heavy books, or other heavy objects that are found on the table or in its drawers. In general, you can simply use the weight of your body, but at the same time keeping your arms in good tension.

Sitting on a chair, move your body forward as much as possible, forearms parallel to the floor, arms vertically with palms facing the body. On the count of one, straighten your arms with the weights, stretching them back, and on the count of two, return them to the starting position. Repeat 10-20 times. Muscle imbalance leads to frequent arm pain and minor injuries, so you need to train not only your biceps, but also your triceps.

Sitting against a wall will help tone the muscles in your legs and thighs, making them stronger and more resilient. At first this may seem unrealistic, but over time practice will prove that this is not so, and each movement will become easier and easier. This exercise is also good because it gives you the opportunity to break away from the computer and get up from your chair, giving your eyes and butt a rest.

So, any office must have walls, at least four. At least half of one of them should not be filled with furniture. You need to go to this wall and imitate sitting on a chair next to it. To do this, press your back tightly against the wall and put your legs further forward. Lowering your pelvis down along the wall, reach sitting position: back straight, legs bent at the knees at a right angle. Remain in this position for as long as possible. Then get up and continue working.

Also a good reason to spend a little time away from the computer. Squats improve mobility, improve balance, and are beneficial to the entire body because they work the majority of all muscles. Not only the muscles of the legs, calves, thighs and buttocks are pumped, but also the muscles of the back, abs and shoulders, since they are all involved in the process.

You need to stand straight in a comfortable position, place your feet at a comfortable width, then lower your pelvis down, moving your body a little forward to maintain balance. Imagine that you are sitting on a chair that is behind you, do not push your knees forward, keep your legs as perpendicular to the floor as possible. The pelvis drops to the level of the knees. The trick is to keep your back perfectly straight, without arching it or bending forward.

If the office has a strict dress code that forces you to wear tight, knee-length skirts, don't think that this will save you from doing the exercise. You can do mini squats, lowering your hips no lower than your knees, holding this position for a few seconds, and then rising.

The last simple exercise that you can easily do in the office works on your muscles. chest, back and shoulders, as well as triceps. Wall push-ups may not seem so difficult, but there are also rules here and only correct execution exercise can lead to maximum results without any injury.

So, stand facing the wall, place your palms on the wall at chest level, move your feet back a little until your heels no longer touch the floor.

We perform push-ups: inhale as you approach the wall, exhale as you push away from it. Firstly, there should be a perfectly straight line from the top of your head to your heels: never stick your heel out backwards or push your pelvis forward. Perfectly straight spine! Secondly, never lock your elbows when you straighten your arms, this can lead to injury.

Well, that's the whole complex office exercises. They don't require much time, or special equipment, or even space. Everything is very simple and has several advantages: firstly, it provides the necessary physical activity in the absence of the opportunity to visit the gym, secondly, it warms up the muscles of the whole body, sore from sitting at the table for a long time, and thirdly, it simply provides an opportunity to escape and take a break from work.

Crunches in the simulator
– these are exercises for training the abs, which will remove the load from the spine and, at the same time, effectively progress the load. The bottom line is that crunches in the simulator are performed with a counterweight, that is, the athlete sets the weight of the simulator with which he is most comfortable performing the exercise, due to which it is possible to increase without any problems working weight. In many other exercises on the press, this is done zat-rud-ni-tel-but, since in any reverse crunches, when the athlete pulls his legs towards himself, the weight there is nowhere to fasten it, in twisted-up positions the weight puts pressure on the spine, but in exercise machines these contradictions are removed and you can calmly throw on pancake after pancake. You can even say that the abs are a single muscle, which is best trained in simulators.

Crunches in the simulator, like any other abdominal exercises, should be performed by twisting the body, and not by bending it forward. Very often, people, when training their abs, either mechanically lift their legs up, due to the efforts of the leg muscles, or pull their body towards their legs due to long muscles backs. The press is a muscle that performs the function of twisting the body, therefore, when you train the press, you need to either pull the head towards the pubis, or the pubis towards the head. That is why, if we are talking about skru-chi-va-ni-yah in tre-na-zhe-re, better hands place them behind your back, and not put them on the handles of the trestle, which you rest on your shoulders. Most likely, you have noticed that when your hands are in front, it is easier to do exercises, this is because the long back muscles are activated. If, while sitting on a chair, you cross your arms behind the back and try to bend the thread down, then you can perform this movement only by twisting your body, like this This exercise presupposes some movement!

Work of muscles and joints

The main working muscle group is the abs, everything else only performs the function of a stabilizer, since, of course, it will not work to completely eliminate the long back muscles, especially in the negative phase, but you must strive for the ideal . In general, there are no exercises in which only one muscle group is involved, but correct technique allows you to save on price muscle group almost the entire load. In this case, in order to correctly perform twisting in the simulator, you need to imagine that you are trying to stick your head between legs That is, of course, you don’t need to beat yourself up like that, even try to bend so deeply, but the amplitude of the movement should be exactly like that!

In this exercise, only one joint works, which, in fact, is typical for all abdominal exercises. In this case, there is no danger in the fact that this exercise is isolating and not basic, since the weight does not put pressure on the joints, but simply prevents you from twisting. It’s a completely different matter when the weight presses on you from above, as when you’re doing full crunches on a Roman chair, then, yes, then the load just falls on the floor. the spine is clear, so these twisting cannot be done with heavy weights. What does this all mean? This suggests that we will gain muscle mass and increase strength indicators the press is best in three-on-the-same!

Crunches in the simulator - technique

1) Sit in the exercise machine, having previously adjusted the seat so that it is comfortable for you to rest your feet and shoulders on the pads of the exercise machine, in general, so that you can easily control your body position.
2) Be sure to place your hands behind the back of the machine, with your palms locked, to prevent the work of the long back muscles.
3) In the starting position, twist a little so that the pancakes of the machine rise slightly and the abdominal muscles are innervated.
4) Perform a twist, exhaling air, and then fix the position of the body for a second at the point of peak muscle contraction abdominals.
5) Inhaling air, slowly and under control return the body to its original position, but do not completely relax the abs.

Crunches in the simulator - notes

1) The number of repetitions in the approach depends on your goal, if you are interested in hypertrophy of the abdominal muscles, then do 10-15 repetitions, if you want to “dry out”, then go on a diet.
2) Do not turn your head, since your trapezius is still innervated, which means that you can move the vertebra by turning your head in any direction.
3) Do not swing, always perform the exercise only through the work of the target muscle group, since twisting in the simulator is not a strength exercise.
4) Rest between sets for no more than a minute, and preferably 30 seconds, to facilitate the production of growth factors.
5) It is better to do abdominal exercises at the end of the workout in order to create a kind of pumping in the life area.


The abs is a solid flat muscle separated by tendons, but since the muscle is solid, it performs its entire function, which means that when you perform crunches, the entire abs receives the load. There are no exercises for the “lower” and “upper” abs, but, yes, you can, to a greater or lesser extent, focus the load on one or another segment of the flat abdominal muscle. In this case, the upper segment gets the most weight, therefore, if your lower abs lag behind, and your abs in-t-re-su-et is the key Well, from an aesthetic point of view, then it’s better to lift your legs while hanging. If you need strength indicators so that the press removes part of the load from the spine while performing heavy basic exercises, then twisting in the simulator is what suits you!

To summarize, we can say that crunches in the simulator are a very effective exercise for developing the abdominal muscles, since in this exercise you can effectively progress si-ro-vet the load, and the progression of loads is the basis of muscle gi-per-trophy. The main thing you need to remember is that the press performs the function of twisting, so you need to not just bend down, but twist your torso, while -bending the head to the groin. Technically, this twisting is performed in this case by moving your arms back and imagining that you are trying to stick your head between your legs. Follow these simple rules and you will pump up huge abs!

Thanks to abdominal exercisers, you can even get a perfect flat stomach or sculpted abs at home. The article will help you understand what sports equipment there are for home and how to properly pump up your abs without going to the gym or turning to professional trainers for help, and will also dispel popular myths related to obtaining the coveted “cubes”.

Benefits of abdominal exercise machines

In order to keep your abdominal muscles in good shape, you don't have to go to the gym. Many people give up such activities in favor of home workouts.

The latter have a number of undoubted advantages:

  • saving on a gym membership;
  • allow you to conduct classes more often;
  • saves your time - you don’t have to travel to and from the gym;
  • The gym's work schedule does not limit you - you can study at any time;
  • train at a rhythm convenient for you and when you are in the mood;
  • the opportunity to set your own atmosphere for classes - for example, turn on your favorite music, etc.;
  • hygiene – only you use the training equipment;
  • you will not be distracted by strangers;
  • you don’t need to worry about your appearance – you can work out in a comfortable home suit;
  • independent determination of the load and duration of the lesson.

Why use exercise equipment to develop muscles?

If you decide to train your abs at home, you need to keep in mind that abdominal exercises will not always give the desired effect. On initial stage the load from them will be quite enough. But in the future you will need special exercise machines for the press.

They have a number of advantages:

  • allow you to perform various exercises for high-quality muscle pumping;
  • more productive than classical exercises;
  • allow you to increase the load level;
  • allow you to use all muscles at once (obliques, serratus), and not just the upper abdomen;
  • effective and take into account anatomical and biochemical features body;
  • reasonable price.

Equipment for the press

- this is a whole line of diverse sports equipment. This fitness equipment is specialized and aimed at solving specific problems. With its help, you can accurately and efficiently train the abdominal and back muscles.

A simple, but quite popular sports equipment for the press. It is a wheel (sometimes double) with two handles. It is used by both amateurs and athletes due to its effect on many muscle segments of the body and various body systems. Average price: 250-700 rubles.

There is also an option to use instead of special sports equipment improvised means.

The main disadvantages of homemade equipment are that it can be unsafe or may not provide required load. Also, homemade equipment does not always provide adequate comfort when performing exercises.

Myths about abdominal muscles

When pumping up their abs, many are guided by erroneous knowledge. This interferes with productivity and delays achieving results.

The most common myths include:

  • For the top and lower press different exercises are needed. This is not entirely true. Any abdominal exercise strains the entire rectus abdominis muscle. Therefore, you will not be able to pump up only a separate section of it.
  • Crunches are more effective than exercise machines. This is another common misconception. The effect of the exercises is almost the same, but crunches are less safe. When the lower back rises from the floor, the pelvic flexor muscles are also activated. Their systematic overvoltage affects hip joints. The result is lower back pain. Thanks to exercise machines, this load is reduced.
  • More repetitions - more cubes. In fact, this option is suitable for those who want to achieve flat stomach. If you are interested in cubes, you will have to work with additional weights. In this case, about 10 repetitions will be enough for you.
  • Strength exercises burn fat. This is wrong. The desired relief is achieved through diet.
  • Back pain - from lifting the body while sitting. It is not the exercise that leads to an unpleasant result, but its incorrect execution. The pace should be calm, the lifts should be done smoothly, without jerking. You should not do many repetitions.
  • Rotations of the body on the shoulders - . The effect of the exercise is actually small. Besides, fast pace has a bad effect on the lower spine.
  • Training should be daily. This is wrong. The press needs rest. Therefore, three intensive classes per week will be quite enough.

To download or not to download

Working out your abs is good for health and strengthening the whole body. You can also do this at home. The main thing is to perform all the exercises clearly and correctly, so as not to harm the body and make the workout as productive as possible.

Try not to overdo it or overwork your muscles. It is enough to exercise 3 times a week. If possible, use exercise equipment. They will increase productivity, make classes more effective and interesting.

October 7, 2016

One of the most effective isolation exercises that strengthens the abdominal muscles is crunches. Experts identify several main types of this exercise, which allows you to diversify your workout and pump up your entire body. muscle tissue belly.

Performing crunches on a machine reduces the load on the spine. Strict adherence to the exercise technique will allow you to as soon as possible become the owner of a beautiful, sculpted press.

Top exercises on simulators

Twisting on the top block

The starting position is kneeling on the floor, holding the handle of the exercise machine with your hands near your forehead. When performing the exercise, you should bend your body, bringing your head closer to your stomach. The pelvis moves back when twisting the body. Pay attention to the fact that the weight is lifted not due to the work of the arms, but as a result of tension in the abdominal muscles.
In extreme lowest point you should fix the body for a couple of seconds, after which we return to the starting position, straightening the body.

Perform 4 sets of 20 repetitions.

In this exercise, which is performed on block simulator, the main muscle fibers bark: upper area press, as well as the rectus and oblique abdominal muscles.

Crunching in the simulator

Starting position: sitting on the machine in the most comfortable position: legs and shoulder girdle rest against the pads of the exercise machine. The arms are fixed on the machine above the head. When performing the exercise, you should use the efforts of your abdominal muscles to twist your body, leaning forward, while exhaling.
At the lowest point you should fixate for 2-3 seconds. While inhaling, we return the body to the starting position. In this case, the abdominal muscles should be in constant tension. At the top point, you should not fully extend your body.

Perform 3 sets of 15 repetitions.

Working on a special abdominal exercise machine ensures pumping of the rectus muscles and oblique abdominal muscles.

The starting position is lying on the machine, the lumbar region is tightly adjacent to the bench, the legs are bent at the knees and raised up, hands behind the head, holding the handle. When exhaling, due to the work of the abdominal muscle tissue, you should lift the pelvis from the bench.
We remain in this position for a couple of seconds and, taking a breath, smoothly, slowly, return to the starting position, lowering our legs.


The starting position is standing sideways to the machine, feet shoulder-width apart, arms raised up and holding the handle of the machine. While twisting the body, while exhaling, you should right hand reach your left knee. After inhaling, the body returns to its original position.

Perform 4 sets of 20 crunches on each side.

When performing this exercise on a cable machine, the oblique and rectus abdominal muscles are used.

An alternative version of lateral crunches on a cable machine is possible!

The starting position is not lying on a Swiss ball. The ball is located under the lumbar spine, hands clasped behind the head, elbows spread to the sides. Support your feet on the floor, which are shoulder-width apart.

While performing the exercise, you should slowly lift your body, turning it to the side, while the body twists around its axis. By tensing all muscles, you should maintain balance on sports equipment. Next, we slowly return to the starting position and repeat the twist in the opposite direction.

Perform 3 sets of 15 turns on each side.

To perform crunches, a fitball is used, with which the oblique abdominal muscles are primarily worked, while the rectus muscles are less involved.

Alternatively, you can do straight crunches on a fitball.

Straight crunches on a Roman chair

Initial sitting position on the machine: the seat rests against top part hips, feet are fixed under the bolster, the back is slightly twisted in the lumbar region, hands are locked behind the head, elbows look to the sides. As you inhale, tilt your body downwards, breaking a straight line with your hips.
At the top point of the exercise, you need to pause for a couple of seconds, tighten your abdominal muscles more, exhale and return to the starting position.

Perform 5 approaches 15 times.

To perform this type of crunch, you will need a weight bench.

You can also perform lateral crunches on the machine, which will work well on the oblique abdominal muscles.

Starting position lying on your side on the simulator: your head is on a pillow, your hands hold the handles. When performing the exercise, you should use your abdominal muscles to lift your body up, fixing it at the top point for a couple of seconds. Then we return to the starting position. It is very important not to help yourself with your hands in this exercise.

3 approaches are performed in each of which 15 lifts are done on each side.

Working on the Rocking Chair allows you to use the external and internal oblique abdominal muscles, as well as the rectus abdominis muscle.

Using the Rocking Chair simulator, you can also perform straight crunches.

The correct technique for performing exercises is the key to quickly achieving the desired result and minimizing the likelihood of injury during the training process.


  • To increase the load, keep your hands behind your head, but for beginner athletes you can stretch your hands forward.
  • The head should be kept slightly tilted towards the chest and under no circumstances thrown back. Side turns are also not allowed.
  • Rocking is strictly prohibited. Twisting is performed solely as a result of the involvement of the target muscle group.
  • You cannot start a training complex with lateral crunches.
  • The back should be slightly curved when twisting.
  • Rest between sets should not exceed 30 seconds.
  • The pace of the exercises should be slow and smooth, without jerking.
  • Breathing technique should be strictly observed. Twisting is done while exhaling, then fixing the body at the point of peak contraction of the abdominal muscle tissue. As you inhale, return to the starting position.
  • In case of weighting, you should select the correct working weight without overloading the spine.
  • Tilt angle at weight bench allows you to regulate the load on the abdominal muscle tissue.

Crunching on machines will provide a high-quality workout for the abdominal muscles. There is a wide variety of exercises on each simulator, which allows you to pump not only the rectus muscles, but also the oblique muscle bundles of the abdominal press.

Regular training in combination with proper nutrition and reception vitamin complexes will allow you to get sculpted abs in a short period of time.

Crunches in the simulator are an exercise for targeted development of the abdominal muscles. Its advantage over or on a Roman chair is that it reduces the load on the lumbar spine. In addition, using a machine makes the workout more intense and allows you to gradually increase the load by increasing the weight.

Muscle work

Like all other twists, this exercise aimed at detailed study of the abdominal muscles. The main load is taken on by the rectus abdominis muscle, while the oblique muscles partially work. The iliopsoas muscles are also activated (they flex the hip, pulling it towards lumbar region spine). All other muscles of the body play the role of stabilizers.

The correct technique will allow you to concentrate all the tension in the abdominal muscles, which will ultimately make the exercise as effective as possible and give an impressive result.

This exercise is relatively safe for the joints and spinal column. For this reason, almost all people can do the exercise without restrictions. The only exception is a recent spinal injury.

Execution technique

To begin, prepare the simulator by adjusting it according to your height and setting the required weight. Depending on the features of the simulator, you will need to slightly adapt the technique of performing the exercise. Exercise machines come with bolsters or straps, but general principle performing the movements is the same.

If you have just started training, limit yourself to medium weights; if necessary, you can always increase the load.

Adjust the seat so that you can rest your feet comfortably and back surface shoulders into the exercise pads. There are also designs where you rest your chest against the bolster. It is important that you can easily control your body position. When the simulator is ready, you can begin the exercise:

  1. Sit on the exercise machine. Grab his arms with your hands, rest your shoulders on the pillows. If you have a machine with a roller in front of your chest, it is better to move your arms back rather than stretch them forward, reducing the load on the abs.
  2. In the starting position, twist a little. It is necessary that the tiles of the exercise machine are slightly raised.
  3. As you exhale, twist. Hold in the extreme position for a moment, achieve peak muscle contraction. Try to twist your body, that is, pull your head towards your pelvis, and not just lean forward.
  4. As you inhale, slowly return to the starting position without relaxing your muscles. Try to keep your abs tense throughout the exercise. If you get tired, don’t rush to quit. Take a few breaths and continue moving.

To improve the effectiveness of your classes, use the following recommendations:

  • Before starting the exercise, bend your back slightly at the top point of the amplitude and sit there for a few seconds. This will further stretch the muscles.
  • Your goal is not to bend down, but to curl up. The abs are worked more effectively during crunches and are practically not affected during bending.
  • Don't turn your head. A sudden turn of the head while lifting weights can lead to injury. cervical spine spine.
  • Choose a weight that allows you to perform at least 10–15 repetitions well.
  • Try to stay at the bottom point for 1 count, contracting your abs as much as possible.
  • If you don't want to gain so much muscle mass how much to reset excess weight, add cardio to your schedule and be sure to stick to your diet. Only in this case you will receive.

Follow all the recommendations and combine crunches on the machine with other exercises aimed at working the abdominal muscles. In particular, hanging leg raises will help focus on the lower rectus muscle. Comprehensive muscle training will make your figure beautiful and harmonious. So you can see desired results as soon as possible.