Morning exercises in the senior. We do morning exercises for older children monthly. Carrying out a complex of morning exercises in the senior group

Compiled by: Zavyalova A.V. 2017


Complex No. 1

  1. Walking. I.P. – standing, arms along the body. Children, standing facing in a circle, march at the leader's count with straight legs in place. - 10 times.
  2. . - 2 laps.
  3. Jumping. I.P. - standing. The child jumps forward and backward, standing facing in a circle. - 5 times
  4. Circular movements with straight arms forward. – 8 times.
  5. Tilt the head to the shoulders – 6 times.
  6. Bends the torso forward and backward. -6 times.

Complex No. 2 (with a ball)

  1. Walking. I.P. – standing, arms along the body. Children march in a circle at the count of the leader with straight legs. – 2 laps.
  2. Walking in circles. Children walk in a circle pretending to be a bear (go to outside feet). The children back away. - 2 laps.
  3. Jumping. At the command of an adult, the child jumps over the ball back and forth, standing facing in a circle. - 5 times.
  4. Exercise with a ball. I.P. - standing, holding the ball in one hand. Children perform circular movements with the ball around the body, transferring the ball from the front to left hand, and from behind - into the right hand. – 3 laps.
  5. Warm-up shoulder joint. I.p. – standing straight, straight arms behind your back and holding the ball. The child should raise his straight arms with the ball as high as possible, while trying to bring his shoulder blades together. - 5 times.
  6. Torso bends. I.p. - standing. The child holds a ball in his hands and lifts them up. At the command of an adult, children bend their torso forward along with straight arms and the ball, and then rise. Next, the children bend back. Children perform the same exercises to the right and to the left. - 4 times in each direction.
  7. Stretching. I.P. – the child sits, clasping his bent legs with his hands, then rolls back, lying on his back, and returns to I.p. During the entire exercise, the child’s legs are bent and he clasps them with his arms. – 8 times.
  8. Breath. I.P. - lying on your back. The arms are extended along the body, the legs lie straight and do not cross. Children inhale through their nose and exhale through a wide open mouth. - 5 times.

Complex No. 1

  1. Walking. I.P. – standing, arms along the body. Children, standing facing in a circle, march to the count of the leader, bending their knees in place. - 10 times.
  2. (walk on toes). –2 laps.
  3. Jumping. The child jumps at the command of an adult to the right - to the left, facing around, jumping sideways. - 5 times.
  4. Warm up the elbow joint. I.p. – standing, right arm raised at shoulder level and bent at the elbow. The child should make circular movements of the forearm to the right and left sides. Same thing with the left hand. – 5 times with each hand.
  5. Warm up the shoulder joint. Raising the shoulders up towards the ears and lowering the shoulders down. - 6 times.
  6. Abs exercise. I.p. – lying on your back, legs bent at the knees. Hands behind your head. The child’s task is to raise his elbows, head and shoulders off the ground, and then lower back to the floor. - 10 times.
  7. Breath. I.P. - lying on your back. The arms are extended along the body, the legs lie straight and do not cross. Children inhale through their nose and exhale through a wide open mouth. - 5 times.

Complex No. 2 (with cube)

  1. Walking. I.P. – standing, arms along the body. Children march to the leader's count, bending their knees, in a circle. – 2 laps.
  2. Walking in circles. Children walk in a circle, pretending to be chicks (walk on toes)
  3. Jumping. The child jumps at the command of an adult through the cube to the right - to the left, standing facing in a circle, jumping sideways. - 5 times.
  4. Exercise with a cube. I.P. – standing, holding the cube in one hand. Children perform circular movements with the ball. Hands up - transfer the cube to the left hand, hands down and back - transfer to the right hand. – 3 laps.
  5. Bend forward. I.p. – standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms to the sides. The cube is on the floor in front of the child. The child should bend over with a straight back and touch the cube with his right hand, after which he should stand up. Next, the child does the same, but touches the cube with his left hand. - 6 times.
  6. Abs exercise. I.p. – lying on your back, legs bent at the knees and squeezing the cube. Hands behind your head. The child’s task is to raise his elbows, head and shoulders off the ground, and then lower back to the floor. - 10 times.
  7. Stretching. The child lies on his stomach, stretches his arms forward, and raises his straight legs. At the command of an adult, he must bend and sway in this position. - 4 times.
  8. Breath. I.P. - lying on your back. The arms are extended along the body, the legs lie straight and do not cross. Children inhale through their nose and exhale through a wide open mouth. - 5 times.

Complex No. 1

  1. Walking. I.P. – standing, arms along the body. Children, standing facing in a circle, march at the leader's count with straight legs in place, extending their arm of the same name forward. - 10 times.
  2. (walk on heels). –2 laps.
  3. Warm up the shoulder joint. I.p. – standing, arms down, feet shoulder-width apart. Children make circular movements with straight arms in different directions. The right hand rotates backward, the left forward. - 4 times.
  4. Abs exercise. I.p. – lying on your back, legs bent at the knees and squeezing the cube. Hands behind your head. The child’s task is to raise his elbows, head and shoulders off the ground, and then lower back to the floor. – three sets of 15 times.
  5. (not high)

Complex No. 2 (With gymnastic stick)

  1. Walking. I.P. – standing, arms along the body. Children, at the count of the leader, march in a circle with straight legs, extending their arm of the same name forward. – 2 laps.
  2. Walking in circles. Children walk in a circle pretending to be ducks (walk on heels). Children walk forward and move backward. –2 laps.
  3. Stepping over. Holding the gymnastic stick at a level just below the stomach, the children step forward over it. The stick ends up behind your back. Without unclenching their hands, the children step back over the stick and again hold it in front of them. Then everything repeats again. - 6 times.
  4. Balance on one leg. Children raise their right leg and clasp it with both hands, after which the child should stand on one leg. Next, the leg changes to the left. – 30 sec.
  5. Abs exercise. I.p. – lying on your back, legs bent at the knees. Hands behind your head. The child’s task is to raise his elbows, head and shoulders off the ground, and then lower back to the floor. – 15 times.
  6. Stretching. I.p. – lying on your back, arms and legs spread apart. Children must raise their arms and legs in the air (not high) and stretch each part of the body in different directions. – 5 – 10 sec.
  7. Breath. I.P. - lying on your back. The arms are extended along the body, the legs lie straight and do not cross. Children inhale through their nose, drawing in their stomach, and exhale through a wide open mouth, inflating their stomach like a balloon. - 5 times.

Complex No. 1

  1. Walking. I.P. – standing, arms along the body. Children, standing facing in a circle, march to the count of the leader, bending their leg at the knee in place, while bending their arm of the same name in elbow joint. - 10 times.
  2. . –2 laps.
  3. Neck warm-up. I.p. – standing, hands on your belt, feet shoulder-width apart. Children make circular movements of their heads in one direction, then in the other. – 3 times.
  4. Warm up the elbow joint. I.p. – standing, arms raised to the sides and bent at the elbow joint. The right hand - the hand looks up, the left - the hand looks down. At the command of an adult, children begin to rotate their arms: the right hand rotates counterclockwise, the left hand clockwise. - 5 times
  5. Balance on one leg. Children raise their right leg and press their heel to their right buttock. Afterwards the exercise is repeated for left leg. – 30 sec.
  6. Abs exercise. I.p. – lying on your back, legs bent at the knees and squeezing the cube. Hands behind your head. The child’s task is to raise his elbows, head and shoulders off the ground, and then lower back to the floor. – 20 times.
  7. Breath. I.P. - lying on your back. The arms are extended along the body, the legs lie straight and do not cross. Children inhale through their nose, drawing in their stomach, and exhale through a wide open mouth, inflating their stomach like a balloon. - 5 times.

Complex No. 2 (with a ball)

  1. Walking in circles. Children walk in a circle pretending to be penguins (go to inside feet)
  2. Jumping. I.P. – standing facing in a circle, hands on your belt. The child jumps 90° in both directions. – 6 – 8 times.
  3. Warm up the shoulder joint. I.p. – standing, feet shoulder-width apart, hands holding both ends of a gymnastic stick in front of you. Children must, without bending their elbows and holding a stick, move their hands behind their backs and then return them back. - 4 times.
  4. Exercise with a ball. I.P. – standing, lean forward. Children alternately roll the ball around their feet, pushing it alternately with their right and left hands. – 3 laps.
  5. Abs exercise. I.p. – lying on your back, legs bent at the knees. Hands behind your head. The child’s task is to raise his elbows, head and shoulders off the ground, and then lower back to the floor. – 20 times.
  6. Stretching. I.P. - standing on all fours. Children arch and arch their backs lumbar region. At the same time, the head moves synchronously with the change in posture: bending - head up, arching - head down.
  7. Breath. I.P. - lying on your back. The arms are extended along the body, the legs lie straight and do not cross. Children inhale through their nose, drawing in their stomach, and exhale through a wide open mouth, inflating their stomach like a balloon. - 5 times.

Complex No. 1

  1. Walking. I.P. – standing, arms along the body. Children, standing facing in a circle, march at the leader's count with straight legs in place, stretching the opposite arm forward. - 10 times.
  2. (walk, raising their legs high). –2 laps.
  3. Warm-up shoulder girdle and hands I.P. – standing, hands clasped. Children pull "lock" up, down, to the sides, bend back and stretch your arms up; hands clasped behind your back, pull up. – 5 seconds in each pose.
  4. "inhale - exhale" - 5 times.

Complex No. 2 (with cube)

  1. Walking. I.P. – standing, arms along the body. Children, at the leader's count, march in a circle with straight legs, extending the opposite arm forward. – 2 laps.
  2. Walking in circles. Children walk in a circle pretending to be storks (walk, raising their legs high). Children walk forward and move back – 2 laps.
  3. Jumping. I.P. – standing facing in a circle, hands on your belt. The child jumps 180° in both directions. – 6 – 8 times.
  4. Exercise with a cube. I.P. – standing, bending towards the floor, arms spread to the sides. Children perform swinging movements with their hands, touching the lying cube with them. - 6 times.
  5. Leg warm-up. I.P. – sitting, legs bent at the knees. Children imitate the movements of a caterpillar by squeezing and unclenching their foot, and moving both legs away from and towards themselves. - 4 times.
  6. Abs exercise. I.p. – lying on your back, legs bent at the knees. Hands behind your head. The child’s task is to raise his elbows, head and shoulders off the ground, and then lower back to the floor. – 25 times.
  7. Stretching. I.P. - lying on your back. Children raise and throw their legs behind their heads to touch their toes to the floor and lie in this position for 2 - 5 seconds. Then slowly return to I.P. - 3 times.
  8. Breath. I.P. - lying on your back. The arms are extended along the body, the legs lie straight and do not cross. Children inhale through their nose and exhale through a wide open mouth. Children breathe on command "inhale - exhale" - 5 times.

Complex No. 1

  1. Walking. I.P. – standing, arms along the body. Children, standing facing in a circle, march to the count of the leader, bending their leg at the knee in place, while bending the opposite arm at the elbow joint. - 10 times.
  2. . – 2 laps.
  3. Jumping. I.P. - standing. The child jumps forward and backward, standing facing in a circle. - 5 times
  4. Stretching the shoulder girdle and arms. I.P. - standing. The right hand grabs the left elbow and pulls it to the right. Same thing with the other hand. – 5 – 7 sec.
  5. "Inhale (one two three four), keep (one - two), exhale (one two three four), keep (one - two)» - 2 times.

Complex No. 2 (with a gymnastic stick)

  1. Walking. I.P. – standing, arms along the body. Children march to the leader's count, bending their knees and arms of the same name, in a circle. – 2 laps.
  2. Walking in circles. Children walk in a circle pretending to be geese (children move on their haunches and on their toes). – 2 laps.
  3. Jumping. I.P. - standing. The child jumps forward and backward over a gymnastic stick, standing facing in a circle. - 5 times
  4. Exercise with a gymnastic stick. I.P. - standing, holding right hand gymnastic stick in a vertical position. Children perform stick interceptions from bottom to top and top to bottom. – 3 laps.
  5. Leg warm-up. I.P. – sitting, legs bent at the knees. Children imitate the movements of a caterpillar, squeezing and unclenching their foot, and moving one leg away from them, the other towards themselves. - 4 times.
  6. Abs exercise. I.p. – lying on your back, legs bent at the knees, hands behind your head. Children alternately touch the elbow of one hand to the opposite knee and return to I.P. The same is repeated on the other hand. - 10 times.
  7. Stretching. I.P. - lying on your stomach, fingers under your forehead pressed to the floor. On command, children raise their elbows as high as possible from the floor for 3 - 5 seconds, after which they slowly lower them to the floor. – 3 – 5 times.
  8. Breath. I.P. - lying on your back. The arms are extended along the body, the legs lie straight and do not cross. Children inhale through their nose and exhale through a wide open mouth, holding their breath while counting: "Inhale (one two three four), keep (one - two), exhale (one two three four), keep (one - two)» - 2 times.

Complex No. 1

  1. Walking. I.P. – standing, feet hip-width apart. Children raise their leg bent at the knee and touch the elbow of the same name. The back remains straight. – 10 times on the spot.
  2. . – 2 laps.
  3. Jumping. The child jumps moving forward to the right - left, standing with his face in a circle, jumping sideways. - 5 times.
  4. Neck warm-up. I.P. – standing, arms relaxed. IN at a slow pace children try to reach their chest with their chin, and the back of their head to their back. Slowly turn their head to the right and left. – 3 times.
  5. Breath. I.P. - lying on your back. The arms are extended along the body, the legs lie straight and do not cross. Children inhale through their nose and exhale through a wide open mouth, holding their breath while counting: "Inhale (one two three four), keep (one - two), exhale (one two three four), keep (one - two)» - 2 times.

Complex No. 2 (with a ball)

  1. Walking in circles. Children raise their leg bent at the knee and touch the elbow of the same name. The back remains straight. – 2 laps.
  2. Walking in circles. Children walk in a circle pretending to be frogs (children jump while squatting, hands in front, between knees). – 2 laps.
  3. Jumping. The child jumps moving forward to the right - left over the ball, standing with his face in a circle, jumping sideways. - 5 times.
  4. Exercise with a ball. I.P. - standing, holding the ball in one hand. Children throw the ball and catch it with one or the other foot alternately. - 6 times.
  5. Leg warm-up. I.P. - standing on one leg. Children rotate the other leg from the hip, first clockwise and then counterclockwise. Same thing for the other leg. – 3 times.
  6. Abs exercise. I.p. – lying on your back, legs bent at the knees, hands behind your head. Children alternately touch the elbow of one hand to the opposite knee and return to I.P. The same is repeated on the other hand. – 16 times.
  7. Stretching. I.P. - lying on your back. Children imitate riding a bicycle. – 15 sec.
  8. Breath. I.P. - lying on your back. The arms are extended along the body, the legs lie straight and do not cross. Children inhale through their nose and exhale through a wide open mouth, holding their breath while counting: "Inhale (one two three four), keep (one - two), exhale (one two three four), keep (one - two)» - 2 times.

Complex No. 1

  1. Walking. I.P. – standing, feet hip-width apart. Children raise their leg bent at the knee and touch the opposite elbow. The back remains straight. – 10 times on the spot.
  2. Neck warm-up. I.P. – standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms relaxed. Children tilt their head forward and slowly roll it from one shoulder to the other. Then they tilt their head back and roll again. – 3 times.
  3. (a, y, w, h). – 3-4 times.

Complex No. 2 (with cube)

  1. Walking in circles. Children raise their leg bent at the knee and touch the opposite elbow. The back remains straight. – 2 laps.
  2. Running in circles. Children run around the hall, tilting their bodies with arms outstretched, now to the right, now to the left. – 2 laps
  3. Jumping. I.P. – standing facing in a circle, hands on your belt. The child jumps 180° in both directions through the cube. – 6 – 8 times.
  4. Exercise with a cube. I.P. – standing, hands connected at chest level, elbows spread to the sides. In the right hand is a cube. Children alternately make swinging movements with each hand, turning around in right side and straightening the hand with the cube, and returning to I.P. Then the cube is transferred to the other hand and the exercise is repeated. - 6 times.
  5. Leg warm-up. I.P. – standing on one leg, the thigh of the other leg is raised parallel to the floor, the knee is bent. Children rotate their shins first clockwise and then counterclockwise. Same thing for the other leg. – 3 times.
  6. Abs exercise. I.p. – lying on your back, legs bent at the knees, hands behind your head. Children alternately touch the elbow of one hand to the opposite knee and return to I.P. The same is repeated on the other hand. – 20 times.
  7. Stretching. I.P. – sitting with crossed legs, back straight, hands behind head. Children perform free turns left and right, twisting the spine as much as possible. – 5 times in each direction.
  8. Breath. I.P. - lying on your back. The arms are extended along the body, the legs lie straight and do not cross. Children inhale through their nose and exhale through a wide open mouth while holding their breath, after which they exhale through a wide open mouth while singing sounds. (a, y, w, h). – 3-4 times.

Complex No. 1

  1. Walking in circles. Children walk in a circle, and must touch the right heel with the palm of their right hand, then the left heel with the palm of their left hand. – 2 laps.
  2. Stepping over. Holding the gymnastic stick at a level just below the stomach, the children step forward over it. The stick ends up behind your back. Without unclenching their hands, the children step back over the stick and again hold it in front of them. Then everything repeats again. - 6 times.
  3. . - 4 times.
  4. Neck warm-up. I.P. – standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms relaxed. Children imitate the movements of a turtle's head: the shoulders drop, the chin stretches forward, then the shoulders rise, the chin moves towards the chest. - 3 times.
  5. . – 3-4 times.

Complex No. 2 (with a gymnastic stick)

  1. Walking in circles. Children walk in a circle, and must touch the left heel with the palm of their right hand, then the right heel with the palm of their left hand. – 2 laps.
  2. Stepping over. Holding the gymnastic stick at a level just below the stomach, the children step forward over it. The stick ends up behind your back. Without unclenching their hands, the children step back over the stick and again hold it in front of them. Then everything repeats again. - 6 times.
  3. Jumping. I.P. – standing facing in a circle, hands on your belt. A child jumps 180° on two legs over a gymnastic stick with an intermediate movement (one jump over the stick, the other parallel to it). - 4 times.
  4. Exercise with a gymnastic stick. I.P. - standing, holding both ends of the stick behind your back with your hands. Children make rotational movements of the body in one direction and the other. - 6 times.
  5. Leg warm-up. I.P. – feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent, back straight. Children roll from their toes to their heels, then from the outer to the inner surfaces of their feet and back. – 3 times.
  6. Abs exercise. I.p. – lying on your back, legs bent at the knees, hands behind your head. Children alternately touch the elbow of one hand to the opposite knee and return to I.P. The same is repeated on the other hand. – 26 times.
  7. Stretching. I.P. – sitting, legs straightened, back straight. Children slowly reach their fingers toward their toes, rounding their backs and bending their legs if necessary. The delay in the pose is 5 seconds, after which the children slowly return to IP.
  8. Breath. I.P. - lying on your back. The arms are extended along the body, the legs lie straight and do not cross. Children inhale through their nose and exhale through a wide open mouth while holding their breath, after which they exhale through a wide open mouth while singing a combination of sounds. (z goes into s, o into y, w into y). – 3-4 times.


  1. Semenovich A.V. Neuropsychological correction in childhood. Method of replacement ontogenesis: Textbook. M., 2012.
  2. Denison P., Denison G., Gymnastics of the mind. M., 1993.
  3. Sirotyuk A.L. Exercises for psychomotor development of preschool children. M., 2008.

Complex morning exercises No. 1 (with hoop)


II Complex of general developmental exercises (exercises with a hoop).

1. “Window” Starting position: wide stance, the hoop is pressed to the chest;
1 – pull the hoop forward, look through the “window”, 2 – i.p. – 8 times.

2. “Hoop up - back”

Starting position: feet hip-width apart, hoop below, grip from the sides

Educator: 1- raise the hoop up - back, put your right leg back, bend over, 2- starting position, the same with the left leg (8 times).

3. “Turns” I.P.: feet shoulder-width apart, hoop at the chest

Educator: 1- turn to the right, hoop to the right, straighten your arms, 2- rep, same to the left (4-6 times per side).

4. “Tilts with a hoop.” Starting position: feet shoulder-width apart, hoop at the bottom.

Educator: 1- lift the hoop forward, vertically, 2- bend over, touch the rim to the floor, 3- rise back, 4- i.p. (8 times).

5. “Peek-a-boo” Starting position: basic stance, hoop on the floor, overhand grip;
1 – sit down, look into the hoop – “Peek-a-boo”, 2 – i.p. (6-8 times).

6. “Squats” Starting position: heels together, toes apart, hoop at the shoulders (side grip).

Educator: 1- sit down, lift the hoop up, 2- i.p. (6-8 times).

7. “Twist the hoop” Starting position: legs slightly apart, hoop at the waist (hold with your hand).

Educator: circular rotations hoop around the waist.

8. “Jumping” Starting position: legs together, hands on the belt, hoop on the floor B.: jumping into and out of the hoop.

III Walking. Breathing exercise“Rooster” 1 – raise your arms to the sides (inhale),
2 – slap your hands on your thighs “ku-ka-re-ku” (exhale). Walking.

Complication for the second week.

Make the exercise more difficult 1. Starting position: wide stance, hoop pressed to the chest; 1 – pull the hoop forward, look through the “window”, 2 – starting position 3, 4 – turn to the left, pull the hoop forward, look through the “window” 5,6 – the same to the right side 7 – starting position (repeat 4 times per each position).

Morning exercise complex No. 2 (with cubes)


1. “Let's grow big” Starting position – hands with cubes below.

1- rise on your toes, 2-3 hands with cubes to your shoulders, up,

4-5 – hands with cubes to the shoulders, down 6 – Starting position (repeat 8 times).

2. “Leg back.” Starting position: 1 - raise your arms and stretch them out, put your right leg back on your toes, raise your head, arching your back; 2 — initial position.; 3 - raise your arms and stretch them out, put your left leg back on your toes, raise your head, arching your back; 4 - starting position (8 times).

3. "Turns". Starting position - legs apart, arms with cubes below. 1 — cubes forward, turn to the right; 2 - i.p.; 3 — cubes forward, turn left; 4 — starting position (8 times).

4. "Tilt". Starting position: cubes at the bottom behind your back. 1-2 - tilt forward, cubes back and up; 3-4 - starting position (8 times).

5. "Cubes up." Starting position - legs 1.1-3 wide - move the cubes up to failure with a smooth movement; 4 — starting position (8 times).

6. “Touch your toe!” Initial position. - sitting, legs apart, cubes on your knees. 1-2 - cubes up; 3-4 - tilt towards the right leg, touch the toe with the cubes; 5-6 - starting position. The same for the left leg (6-8 times).

7. “Pick up the cube.” Starting position - lying on your back, cubes in your hands on your chest. 1-2 - raise your arms with the cubes forward and up 3-4 - starting position (8 times).

8. “Let’s jump!” Initial position. - standing in front of the cubes, arms along the body. Jumping around the neck to the right (left) with turns alternating with walking (8 times).

Complication for the second week.

Make exercise 7 more difficult. Starting position - lying on your back, cubes in your hands on your chest. 1-2 - raise your hands with the cubes forward and up; 3-4 - raise your legs, touch your knees to the cubes 5-6 - starting position (6-7 times).


I Walking. Run. Walk one after another at the turn signal, turn around and walk in the opposite direction. Walking on your toes (hands behind your back), with an extended step to the left (hands on your belt). Running with high lifting m knees. Walking. Formation into links.

II Complex of general developmental exercises.

1. “Turns” (kinesiological exercise). Turn your head and try to see objects behind you (10 times).

2. "Helicopter". Starting position - feet shoulder-width apart. 1 - arms to the sides, tilt to the right; 2 — starting position; 3 - arms to the sides, tilt to the left; 4 - starting position (8 times).

3. "Umbrella". Starting position - feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt. 1 - tilt to the right, left hand up, palm down; 2 — starting position; 3 - tilt to the left, right hand up, palm down; 4 - starting position (8 times).

4. "Swan". Starting position 1-2 - right leg forward and sit down on it, bending the leg at the knee; 3-4 — starting position; 5-6 - put your left leg forward and sit down on it, bending your leg at the knee; 7-8 - starting position (8 times).

5. “We are growing.” Starting position: sitting on your heels, hands on your knees. 1-2 - rise to your knees, arms up, stretch; 3-4 - starting position (8 times).

6. "Corner". Starting position: lying on your back, straight arms behind your head. 1-2 - raise straight legs forward and up; 3-4 - starting position (6-8 times).

7. "Basket". Starting position: lying on your stomach, arms along your body. 1-2 - bend your knees; grab your socks from the outside with your hands and pull your legs up while simultaneously pulling your head and catcher up; 3-4 - i.p. (4 times).

8. “Scissors.” Starting position - hands on the belt. Jump one leg forward, the other back, alternating with walking (2 times 12 jumps).

III Walking. Breathing exercise “Clock”

The clock is moving forward

They lead us along.

1 – swing your arms forward – “tick” – inhale, 2 – swing your arms back – “tock” – exhale.

Complication for the second week.

Make exercise 3 more difficult. Starting position - feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt. 1 - tilt to the right, pull your left hand behind your head; 2 — starting position; 3 - tilt to the left, pull your right hand behind your head; 4 - starting position (8 times).

Morning exercise complex No. 2 (with gymnastic sticks)


I Walking. Run. Walking on toes. Walking from heel to toe. Jump on two legs, moving forward. Running like a snake. Walking. Formation into links.

II Complex of general developmental exercises.

1. “Neck” (kinesiological exercise) Starting position - turn your head slowly from side to side, breathe freely. Lower your chin as low as possible. Relax your shoulders. Turn your head from side to side with your shoulders raised and your eyes open (10 times).

2. “Look at the stick!” Starting position - legs slightly apart, stick below, grip wider than shoulders.
1 — stick forward (keep at eye level); 2 — starting position (8 times).

3. “Stretch!” Starting position - legs slightly apart, stick below, grip from yourself. 1 - stick on the chest; 2 - stick up, rise on your toes; 3 - stick on the chest; 4 - starting position (8 times).

4. “Forward bends.” Starting position - legs apart, stick at chest in bent arms. 1-2 - lean forward, lower the stick; 3-4 - starting position (8 times).

5. “Let’s sit down!” Starting position: kneeling, stick in front of chest. 1-2 - sit on your heels, stick on your hips; 3-4 - starting position (8 times).

6. “Roll the stick!” Starting position: sitting, legs apart, stick on hips, hands to shoulders. 7- lean forward, roll the stick further forward; 5-8 - back (6 - 8 times).

7. “Look at the stick!” Starting position - lying on your stomach, stick in straight hands. 1-2 - stick up, look at it; 3-4 - starting position (6-8 times).

8. “Let’s jump!” Starting position: legs slightly apart, stick on the floor, hands behind your back. 12 jumps over a stick, alternating with walking (2 times).

III Walking. “Rooster” 1 – raise your arms to the sides (inhale),
2 – slap your hands on your thighs “ku-ka-re-ku” (exhale). Walking

Complication for the second week.

Make exercise 4 more difficult. Starting position - legs apart, stick behind your back. 1-2 - bend forward, stick behind your back up to failure; 3-4 - starting position (8 times).

Morning exercise complex No. 1 (without objects)


I Walking. Run. Walking on your heels (hands on your belt). Walking with clapping in front of you and behind you for each step Walking. Easy running on your toes. Formation into links.

II Complex of general developmental exercises.

1. "Let's dance!" (kinesiological exercise). Starting position - hands on the belt. 1 - raise your right leg, bend at the knee; 2 - Starting position; 3 - raise your left leg, bend at the knee; 4 - starting position (8 times).

2. "Regulator". Starting position - feet hip-width apart, standing parallel, hands on the waist. 1 - arms to the sides; 2 - up; 3 - to the sides; 4 - starting position (8 times).

3. “Look what’s behind you!” Starting position - feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt. 1 - turn the body to the right; 2 — starting position; 3 - turn the body to the left; 4 - starting position (8 times).

4. “Clapping under the knee.” Starting position: heels together, toes apart, hands on the belt.

Educator: 1- raise your right leg, bent at the knee, clap under the knee, 2- Starting position, the same with the left leg Repeat 8 times.

5. "Steady" tin soldier" Starting position: kneeling, hands pressed to the body.

Educator: 1 - lean to the right, hold, 2 - Starting position 3 - lean to the left, hold 4 - starting position Repeat 8 times.

6. “Look at the leg!” Starting position: lying on your back, hands behind your head. 1 - raise your right leg straight; 2 — starting position; 3 - raise your left leg straight; 4 – starting position (6 – 8 times).

7. "Airplane." Starting position: lying on your stomach, legs together, arms forward. 1-2 - raise top part torso, legs and arms extended to the sides; 3-4 - starting position (6 - 8 times).

8. “Let’s jump!” Starting position: jumping either on the right or left leg, alternating with walking (4 times).

III Walking. Breathing exercise “Geese are flying.”

“The geese are flying high, they are looking at the guys.” Starting position: 1 - raise your arms to the sides (inhale); 2 - lower your hands down with the sound “gu-u!” (exhale) (2 times). Walking.

Complication for the second week.

Make exercise 5 more difficult. Starting position: kneeling, hands pressed to the body.

Educator: 1 - lean to the right, hold, 2- Starting position 3 - lean to the left, hold 4 - start position 5 - lean back, hold, 6 - start position. Repeat (6 – 8 times).

Morning exercise complex No. 2 (without objects)


I Walking. Run. Walking on your toes (hands behind your head, elbows spread to the sides), on your heels (hands behind your back) Walking with your toes pointed far apart (penguins).

Galloping. Walking. Formation into links.

II Complex of general developmental exercises.

1. “Palm” (kinesiological exercise). Starting position: with the fingers of your right hand, press forcefully on the palm of your left hand, which should resist; do the same with the other hand (10 times).

2. “Roll your shoulder!” Starting position - feet shoulder-width apart. 1-3 - circular movements with the right shoulder; 4 — starting position; 5-7 - circular movements with the left shoulder; 8 — starting position (8 times).

3. “Hand jerks.” Starting position: legs on the shoulder, arms in front of the chest, elbows bent.

Educator: 1- jerk with arms in front of the chest, 2- turn to the right, straight arms spread to the sides, the same to the left (6 - 8 times).

4. “Tilts to the sides.” Starting position - legs apart, hands behind your back - tilt to the right; 2 — starting position; 3 — tilt to the left; 4 - starting position (8 times).

5. "Downward bends." Starting position: legs apart, arms to the sides. 1-2 - lean forward, touch your toes; 3-4 - starting position (8 times).

6. "Ring". Starting position: lying on your stomach, arms supported at chest level. 1-3 - straightening your arms at the elbows, raise your head and chest up; bend your knees and reach your head with your toes; 4 - starting position (4 - 6 times).

7. "Fish". Starting position: lying on your stomach, arms forward and up. 1-3 - raise the upper body, arms and legs; 4 - starting position (4 - 6 times).

8. “Turn around yourself!” Starting position - hands on the belt. Jumping around its axis, alternating with walking to the right and left sides alternately (10 times each).

III Walking. Breathing exercise “Wings”.

“We have wings instead of hands, so we fly - top class! Starting position: standing, legs slightly apart. 1-2 - raise your arms to the sides (inhale); 3-4 - lower your arms to your sides (exhale) (6 times). Walking.

Complication for the second week.

Make exercise more difficult. Starting position – feet shoulder-width apart. 1-3 - circular movements with straight arms forward; 4 — starting position; 5-7 - circular movements with straight arms back; 8 — starting position (8 times).

Morning exercise complex No. 2 (with a ball)


I Walking. Easy running. Walking on toes (arms to the sides). Walking on your heels (hands behind your head) Snake running. Walking in a half-squat (hands on the belt). Walking. Formation into links.

II Complex of general developmental exercises.

1. “Throw it, catch it.” Starting position: legs slightly apart, ball at chest, grip from below.

Educator: 1- throw the ball, 2- Starting position (8-10 times).

2. “Show it to your neighbor.” Starting position: feet on the shoulder, ball in straight hands in front of the chest.

Educator: 1- turn to the right (show the ball to the neighbor), 2- Starting position, the same to the left (8-10 times).

3. "Tilts". Starting position: feet shoulder-width apart, ball above head, in straight arms.

Educator: 1- tilt to the right, 2- starting position, 3- tilt to the left, 4- starting position (5 times per side).

4. “Pass the ball.” Starting position: legs slightly apart, ball below, in the right hand.

Educator: 1- raise your arms up through your sides, transfer the ball from your right hand to your left, 2- Starting position, the same in the other direction (8-10 times).

5. “Squats with a ball.” Starting position: heels together, toes apart, ball at chest.

Educator: 1 - sit down, bring the ball forward, 2 - starting position (8-10 times).

6. “Seated tilt” Starting position - sitting, legs spread wide, ball between legs. 1-2 - roll the ball forward, do not bend your legs; 3-4 - roll the ball back. (8-10 times).

7. “Boat” Starting position - lying on your stomach, legs together, ball in hands. 1-3 - raise your hands up, look at the ball; 4 - starting position (8-10 times).

8. "Jumping" Starting position: feet together, ball at chest.

Educator: jumping-legs apart, ball up, feet together, ball at chest (10-12 times).

III Walking. Breathing exercise “Hedgehog” 1 – turn the head to the right – short noisy inhale through the nose, 2 – turn the head to the left – exhale through a half-open mouth. Walking.

Complication for the second week.

Make the exercise more difficult 1. Starting position: legs slightly apart, ball at chest, grip from below.

Educator: 1- toss the ball with a clap, 2- starting position (8-10 times).

Morning exercise complex No. 1 “To the forest, to the Christmas tree” (without objects)


I Walking. Easy running. Walking on toes (arms to the sides). Walking on your heels (hands behind your head). Run, throwing your heels back. Walking. Formation into links.

II Complex of general developmental exercises.

1. "Christmas tree." I. similar position - main stance; 1 - arms through the sides up. 2 - starting position Repeat 8-10 times.

2. “The blizzard shakes the trees.” Starting position – main stance. 1 – arms to the sides. 2 - 3, holding your arms parallel to the floor, bend to the right and left. Repeat 8-10 times.

3. "Snow". Starting position: kneeling, arms forward. 1 - hands up. 2 - starting position. Repeat 8-10 times.

4. "Green needles." Starting position - sitting on your heels, arms down; 1 - kneel down, arms up, to the sides; 2 - starting position. Repeat 8-10 times.

5. "Hedgehog". Starting position - support on the hands and toes; 1 — support on the forearms and knees; 2 - starting position. Repeat 6 - 8 times.

6. "Nut". Starting position - lying on your back, clasp your arms bent knees; 1 - legs straight, arms along the body; 2 - starting position. Repeat the exercise 6-8 times.

7. "Sledge". Starting position - lying on your stomach, arms up, legs slightly up; 1 - 4 - swing forward, backward. Repeat the exercise 6-8 times.

8. “Squirrel”. Jumping on two legs (10-12 times) alternating with walking.

III Walking. Breathing exercise “Blizzard”.

The teacher shows the children a picture of a blizzard. The blizzard begins. Children stand with their backs straight, then take a deep breath, and as they exhale they say in a drawn-out manner: “Oooh.”

“The blizzard is over” - The children fall silent.

Complication for the second week.

Make the exercise more difficult 1. Starting position - standing, legs slightly apart, hands clenched into fists in front of the chest. 1,2 – spread your arms to the sides. 3,4 – starting position. Repeat 8-10 times.

Morning exercise complex No. 1 (without objects)


I Walking. Run. Walking on toes (hands to shoulders). Walking on your heels (hands on your waist) Light jogging. Walking with high knees (hands on waist). Walking. Formation into links.

II Complex of general developmental exercises.

1. “Palm” (kinesiological exercise) Starting position - with the phalanges of fingers clenched into a fist, make movements according to the principle of a gimlet in the palm of the massaged hand; then change hands (10 times).

2. “Ears.” Starting position: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the waist, looking forward.

Educator: 1 - tilt the head to the right shoulder, do not raise your shoulders. 2 - return to the starting position. 3 - tilt the head to the left shoulder, do not raise your shoulders. 4 - return to the starting position. (4 times in each direction).

3. “Tilts to the sides.” Starting position: legs apart, arms with dumbbells below. 1 - tilt of the torso to the right, arms to the sides; 2 — starting position; 3 - tilt the body to the left, arms to the sides; 4 - starting position (8 times).

4. "Turns". Starting position - feet shoulder-width apart, arms down. 1 - turn to the right, arms forward in front of you; 2 — starting position; 3 - turn to the left, arms forward in front of you; 4 — starting position (8 times).

5. “Horses” Starting position: basic stance, straight arms in front.

Educator: 1 - raise your right leg, bent at the knee, pulling your toe down, while simultaneously swinging both straight arms back. 2 - return to the starting position 3 - raise your left leg, with the knee bent, pulling the toe down, while simultaneously swinging both straight arms back. 4 - return to the starting position (8 times).

6. “Bend over!” Starting position: lying on your back, hands behind your head. 1-2 - raise your legs, bent at the knees to the chest; 3-4 - starting position (6 - 8 times).

7. "Airplane." Starting position: lying on your stomach, arms in front, legs together. 1-2-raise the upper body and arms to the sides (6 – 8 times).

8. "Jumping to the sides." Starting position – arms bent at elbows 1-4 – jumping to the left; 5-8 - walking; 9-12 - jumps to the right; 13-16 - walking (4 - 6 times).

III Walking. Breathing exercise “Semaphore” 1 – raise your arms to the sides (inhale),
2 – slow lowering of the arms with a long exhalation and saying “ssssss.” Walking.

Complication for the second week.

Make exercise 6 more difficult. Starting position: lying on your back, hands behind your head. 1-2 - raise your arms and legs up; 3-4 - starting position (6 - 8 times).

Morning exercise complex No. 2 “Exercising athletes” (without objects)


I Walking. Easy running. Walking on toes (arms to the sides). Walking with the heel of one foot touching the toe of the other (hands on the belt) Light jogging on the toes. Walking on the outside of the foot (hands on the belt). Walking. Formation into links.

II Complex of general developmental exercises.

1. "Strongmen". Starting position: feet shoulder-width apart, arms to the sides, fingers clenched into fists.

Educator: 1- forcefully bend your arms to your shoulders, 2- starting position (8 times).

2. “Exercising our arms.” Starting position - o.s. 1 - arms to the sides; 2 - hands up; 3 - arms to the sides; 4 - starting position (8 times).

3. "Running in place." Starting position: legs slightly apart, hands on the belt.

Educator: alternately lift your heels off the floor, toes in place (1-2 min.) (8 times).

4. “Let’s start!” Starting position - feet shoulder-width apart. 1-2 - tilt down, arms back - up, keep your head straight; 3-4 - starting position (8 times).

5. " Side stretch" Starting position: feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt.

Teacher: 1- tilt to the right, left arm above your head, 2- Starting position, same in the other direction (6 times).

6. “Look behind you.” Starting position: feet on the shoulder, hands on the belt.

Educator: 1- turn to the right, gently push with your left hand right shoulder back and look behind your back, 2 - starting position, the same in the other direction (6 times).

7. "Lunges to the sides." Starting position: legs together, hands on the belt.

Educator: 1- lunge with the right foot to the right, back straight, 2- starting position. the same to the left (6 times).

8. "Jumping" Starting position: legs together, hands on the belt.

Educator: 1-3 - jump in place, 4 - jump as high as possible (6-8 times).

Complication for the second week.

Make the exercise more difficult 1. Starting position: feet shoulder-width apart, arms to the sides, fingers clenched into fists.

Educator: 1 - forcefully bend your arms towards your shoulders, 2 - forcefully bend your arms towards your shoulders 3 - forcefully bend your arms towards your shoulders 4 - starting position (8 times).

Morning exercise complex No. 1 (with a gymnastic stick)


I Walking. Easy running. Walking on toes (arms to the sides). Walking with an additional step to the right side, with an additional step to the left side (hands on the belt) Light jogging on your toes. Walking on the outside of the foot (hands on the belt). Walking. Formation into links.

II Complex of general developmental exercises.

1. “Wrist” (kinesiological exercise) Starting position: clasp your right wrist with your left hand and massage. The same with the left hand (10 times).

2. “Stick up.” Starting position - legs apart, stick below, grip from yourself. 1.3 - stick on the chest; 2 - stick up; 4 - starting position (8 times).

3. "Turns". Starting position: legs apart, stick behind your back. 1.3 — turn right (left); 2.4 - starting position (8 times).

4. "Tilts". Starting position - legs apart, stick below, grip from yourself. 1-2 - bend forward, stick forward, keep your head straight; 3-4 - starting position (8 times).

5. "Interception". Starting position - legs apart, stick vertically with one end on the floor, hands on the upper end of the stick. 1-4 - intercepting the stick with your hands, tilting down as low as possible, legs straight; 5-8 - reverse movement (8 times).

6. “Pull up the stick!” Starting position: sitting, stick on hips. 1 - stick up; 2 - bend your legs, stick to your knees; 3 - straighten your legs, stick up; 4 — starting position. The back is straight (8 times).

7. “Let’s sit down!” Starting position - stick vertically with one end on the floor, hands on the upper end of the stick. 1-3 - slowly squat, spreading your knees; 4 - get up quickly (6 times).

8. “Let’s jump sideways!” Starting position - standing sideways at the end of a stick lying on the floor. Jumping sideways over a stick (moving forward and backward) alternating with walking (6 times).

III Walking. Breathing exercise “Breathe through one nostril” 1 - close the right nostril with the index finger of the right hand. Take a quiet, long breath through the left nostril; open your right nostril and close your left nostril with the index finger of your left hand. Exhale quietly through the right nostril (2 times). Walking.

Complication for the second week.

Make exercise 3 more difficult. Starting position – standing, feet shoulder-width apart, stick on shoulder blades. 1 – inhale, turn to the right, saying “sh-sh-sh”. 2 - starting position 3 - the same to the left. (8 times).

Morning exercise complex No. 2 “Defender of the Fatherland Day” (without objects)


I Walking. Run. Walking one after another on toes (arms to the sides), on heels (hands behind the head), with an additional step to the right side (hands on the belt). Jumping run. Walking. Formation into links.

II Complex of general developmental exercises.

1. "Soldiers". Starting position – basic stance, hands at your sides. 1 – straight arms forward, 2 – arms up, 3 – arms to the sides, 4 – starting position (8 times).

2. “Sailors. Starting position: arms bent, pressed towards you, palms down
1-2-3-alternately stand on your heels, while simultaneously performing a “stroke” with your arms forward - to the sides 4-return to the starting position (8 times).

2. "Submariners". Starting position: feet shoulder-width apart, hands behind your head. 1 – tilt towards the right toe, touch with your hands; 2 - starting position 3-4 - the same to the left (4 times in each direction).

3. "Pilots". Starting position: feet shoulder-width apart, hands in front of the chest, palm to palm. 1-turn to the right, arms to the sides; 2 - starting position 3-4 - also in the other direction (4 times in each direction).

4. "Sappers". Starting position: sitting on your heels, hands on your belt 1 - stand up without using your hands. Repeat 6-8 times.

5. "Tankmen". Starting position – lying on your back with your hands in a lock on your stomach. 1-sit down, hands – tank muzzle forward; 2 - starting position. Repeat 8 times.

6. “In the trenches.” Starting position - lying on your stomach, palms resting on the floor. 1-2 - raise your torso, bend your back, raise your head; 3-4 - starting position (8 times).

7. “Paratroopers” - jumping on two legs alternating with walking (12-16 times).

III Walking. Breathing exercise “Salute”.

Sailors, artillerymen, border guards, tank crews

Protect peaceful labor. To our army: "Salute!"

1 – inhale, 2 – exhale – sa-lu-u-ut! Walking.

Complication for the second week.

Make exercise more difficult 4. Starting position: legs crossed, arms locked forward 1 - sit on the floor without using your hands 2 - stand up without using your hands. Repeat 6-8 times.

Morning exercise complex No. 1 “The birds have arrived” (without objects)


I Walking. Run. Walking on toes (arms to the sides), on heels (hands behind the head), with an additional step to the right side (hands on the belt). Run, jump. Walking. Formation into links.

II Set of general developmental exercises “The birds have arrived”

1. “Wing test.” Starting position - basic stance, arms along the body. Swing your arms up and down, and after several movements return to the starting position. Repeat 8 times.

2. “Flapping wings ahead.” Starting position: standing, legs slightly apart, arms along the body. Swing your arms back and forth with clapping in front. When clapping, say “Clap!” Repeat the exercise 8 times.

3. “Flap of wings.” Starting position: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms down. 1 - turn to the right, clap with straight arms, say “Clap!” - return to the starting position. 3 - turn to the left and clap too. Repeat the exercise 6 times.

4. “Wingspan.” Starting position: feet shoulder-width apart, arms to the sides. 1-2 - cross your arms straight in front of you, say. 3-4 - spread your arms to the sides. Repeat the exercise 6 times.

5. “Cleaning the legs.” Starting position - feet shoulder-width apart, arms down. 1-2 - lean forward, move your arms back. 3-4 - return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise 6 times.

6. “Stretch your legs.” Starting position - basic stance, hands on the belt. 1-2 - sit down, stretch your arms forward, say “sit down.” 3-4 - return to the starting position. Repeat 8 times.

7. “Flap of wings under the foot.” Starting position: lying on your back. 1 - raise your straight leg up, clap under your leg, say “Clap!” - return to the starting position; 3, 4 - also clap under the other leg. Repeat 6-8 times.

8. “Jumping” Starting position – legs parallel, hands on the belt. Do 8 jumps, walk in place, 8 jumps again. Repeat 2 times

III Walking. “Rooster” 1 – raise your arms to the sides (inhale), 2 – slam your hands on your thighs “ku-ka-re-ku” (exhale). Walking.

Complication for the second week.

Make exercise 3 more difficult. Starting position - standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms down. 1 – bend forward - down, clap behind the right leg, 2 – starting position 3.4 – clap behind the left leg in the same way. Repeat 6 – 8 times.

Morning exercise complex No. 2 “Petrushki” (without objects)


I Walking. Run. Walking on toes (hands to shoulders). Walking forward with your back. Easy running. Walking in a half squat. Run, throwing your heels back. Walking. Formation into links.

II Complex of general developmental exercises.

1. "Plates". Starting position: heels together, toes apart, hands down B.: 1- clap in front of the chest with straight arms, 2-3- sliding movements up and down, 4- starting position (8 times).

2. “Parsley bows.” Starting position: feet on the shoulder, hands on the belt.

Educator: 1- tilt to the right, 2- Initial position, 3- tilt to the left, 4- initial position (8 times).

3. “Forward bends.” Starting position: feet shoulder-width apart, arms to the sides; 1- lean forward, move your arms straight back, 2- starting position (8 times).

4. “Turns with arms moving to the sides.” Starting position: feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt; 1- turn to the right, spread your arms straight to the sides, 2- Starting position, the same to the left (8 times).

5. “Parsley is having fun.” Starting position – feet shoulder-width apart, arms to the sides. 1 – bend forward with a turn towards the right leg, clap between the legs. 2 – starting position 3 – bend forward with a turn towards the left leg, clap between the legs. (6-8 times).

6. “Parsley is dancing.” Starting position: basic stance, hands on the belt. 1 – put your foot forward on your toes. 2 – lift it up 3 – lower it onto the toe. 4 — starting position. Same with the other leg. Repeat the exercise 4-5 times on each leg (8 times).

7. “Clapping behind the knee.” Starting position: heels together, toes apart, hands on the belt; 1- bend forward, clap behind the knee of the right leg, 2- starting position, the same with the left leg (8 times).

8. “Parsleys are jumping.” Starting position: legs together, hands on the belt; jumping – legs apart, legs together (12 – 16 times).

III Walking. Breathing exercise “Semaphore” 1 – raise your arms to the sides (inhale),
2 – slow lowering of the arms with a long exhalation and saying “ssssss.” Walking.

Complication for the second week.

Make exercise more difficult. Starting position: heels together, toes apart, hands on the belt; 1- raise your right leg, bent at the knee, clap under the knee, 2- starting position, the same with the left leg (8 times).

Morning exercise complex No. 1 “Cosmic motives” (without objects)


I Walking. Run. Walking on toes (hands to shoulders). Walking with your toes pointed out to the sides (like penguins). Running with high knees. Walking. Formation into links.

II Complex of general developmental exercises.

1. “Cosmic wind.” Starting position: basic stance, arms up. 1-4 - sway like the wind, from side to side. (6-8 times).

2. “Rocket test launch.” Starting position - feet shoulder-width apart. 1 - raise your arms up through your sides, rise on your toes, inhale (8 times).

3. “Let’s check the spacesuit” Starting position - basic stance, hands on the belt. 1-2 – tilts to the right – to the left. 3-4 – bends forward – backward. 5-6 – body turns. 7 – starting position (8 times).

4. “The rocket is preparing to fly.” Starting position - kneeling, hands down. 1-2 - turn to the right, arms to the sides; 3-4 - starting position, 5-6 - turn to the left, arms to the sides; 7-8 - starting position (8 times).

5. “Warming up in flight.” Starting position: kneeling, hands on your belt. 1 - arms to the sides, sitting on the heels. 2 - return to the starting position (6-8 times).

6. “State of weightlessness.” Starting position - lying on your stomach, hands under your chin. 1 - raise your head, legs, arms. 2 - return to the starting position. Repeat 6 times.

7. “Let’s sit in the astronaut’s chair.” Starting position: lying on your back, arms along your body. 1 - sitting with straight legs, arms down. 2 - return to the starting position. Repeat 6 times.

8. "The Joy of Arrival." Starting position: feet together, hands on the waist. Jumping in place on two legs, alternating with walking.

III Walking. Breathing exercise “Sounds of space” (for the development of speech breathing). Children pronounce the sound “U-U-U” while exhaling for a long time. Walking.

Complication for the second week.

Make the exercise more difficult 1. Starting position – basic stance. 1 – arms to the sides. 2 - 3, holding your arms parallel to the floor, bend to the right and left. Repeat 8 times.

Morning exercise complex No. 2 “Inhabitants of the Sea” (without objects)


I Walking. Run. Walking by rolling from heel to toe (hands on the belt). Walking with clapping in front of you and behind you for every step. Run after each other, with long strides. Walking. Formation into links.

II Complex of general developmental exercises.

1. “Algae” Starting position - legs apart, arms down. 1- raise your arms straight up in front of you. 2 - tilt of the body to the right. 3- straighten up, arms up. 4 - starting position. Repeat the exercise 6 times, alternating right and left sides.

2. “The sea is agitated.” Starting position - basic stance, hands on the belt. 1 – raise your arms up, lock your fingers, 2 – rotate the body clockwise, without bending your arms – to the left 3 – down 4 – to the right 5 – up 6 – in the other direction 7 – starting position. Repeat 4 times in each direction.

3. "Jellyfish". Starting position - feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent, arms bent at the elbows in front of the chest. 1- spread your arms to the sides and slowly draw circles in front of you, straighten your legs, rise on your toes, pull in your stomach, stretch your neck. 2 - starting position. Repeat 6-8 times.

4. "Seahorse". Starting position - basic stance, hands on the belt. 1 - lunge forward with your right foot. 2-3 - springy swaying. 4 — starting position. Same with the left foot. Repeat the exercise 4-6 times.

5. “Sea Turtle.” Starting position - sitting on the floor, knees pulled up to the stomach, arms around you, head tilted towards your knees. 1-2 - lift up - straight legs forward (“angle”), arms to the sides, raise your head, stretch your neck. 3-4 - return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise 6 times.

6. "Octopus" Starting position - kneeling, hands on the belt 1,2 - sit on the right thigh, hands to the left. 3.4 – return to the starting position. The same in the other direction. Repeat the exercise 6-8 times.

7. "Starfish" Starting position: lying on your back, straight arms behind your head. 1-3 - turn on your right (left) side. 2-4 - return to the starting position. Repeat 6 times.

8. "Flying fish." 1-4 - jumping in place on two legs. Repeat 4-6 times.

III Walking. Breathing exercise “Sea Breeze”. Starting position: feet shoulder-width apart, hands below. Take as much air into your lungs as possible, inhale through your nose, puff out your cheeks, smoothly lean forward and down, lightly tapping your cheeks with your fists, exhale the air in small portions. Walking.

Complication for the second week.

Make exercise 8 more difficult. 1 – 3 – jumping on two legs. 4 – jump with a 90 degree turn.

Morning exercise complex No. 1 (with rope)


Walking. Easy running. Walking on toes (arms to the sides). Walking on your heels (hands behind your head) Light running on your toes. Walking on the outside of the foot (hands on the belt). Walking. Formation into links.

II Complex of general developmental exercises.

1. “Rope up.” Starting position: feet shoulder-width apart, rope below.

Educator: 1- rope forward, 2- up, 3- forward, 4- starting position. Repeat 8 times.

2. "Rope down." Starting position: feet on the shp, rope below 1 – lift the rope up, 2 – bend down 3 – straighten up, lift the rope up, 4 – starting position. Repeat 8 times.

3. "Rotation of the rope." Starting position: legs apart, one hand up, the other down, rope vertical. On the count of 1,2,3,4 - switch hands, while pulling the rope. Repeat 6-8 times.

4. “Put down the rope.” Starting position: feet on the shp, rope in arms extended forward. 1- bend down, put the rope on the floor, 2- stand up, hands on your belt, 3- bend down, take the rope, 4- starting position. Repeat 6-8 times.

5. "Turns". Starting position: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, rope forward. 1 - turn to the right, 2 - starting position, the same in the other direction. Repeat 6-8 times.

6. "Tilts". Starting position: feet shoulder-width apart, rope at the top. 1 - tilt to the right, 2 - starting position, the same in the other direction. Repeat 6-8 times.

7. "Half squats." Starting position: heels together, toes apart, rope below. 1-sit down, rope forward, 2-starting position, same in the other direction. Repeat 6-8 times.

8. "Jumping" Starting position: legs together, rope below.

Educator: jumping - legs apart, rope up, legs together, rope down. Repeat 6-8 times.

II Walking. Breathing exercise “Hedgehog” 1 – turn the head to the right – short noisy inhale through the nose, 2 – turn the head to the left – exhale through a half-open mouth. Walking.

Complication for the second week. Make the exercise more difficult. 8. STARTING POSITION: legs together, rope below.

Educator: jumping - legs apart, rope up, legs cross, rope down Repeat 6-8 times.

Morning exercise complex No. 2 (with handkerchiefs)


Walking. Easy running. Walking on toes (arms to the sides). Walking on your heels (hands behind your head) Snake running. Walking on the inside of the foot (hands on the belt). Walking. Formation into links.

II Complex of general developmental exercises.

1. “Show me the handkerchief.” Starting position: legs on, handkerchief in both hands near the chest. 1- straighten your arms, show the handkerchief, 2- starting position. Repeat 8 times.

2. “Wave your handkerchief.” Starting position: feet on the shoulder, handkerchief in the right hand, lowered down. 1 - hands up, transfer the handkerchief from the right hand to the left, wave it, 2 - starting position, the same in the other direction. Repeat 8 times.

3. “Signals to the airplane.” Starting position: feet on the shoulder, handkerchief in the right hand, lowered down. 1 - arms to the sides, transfer the handkerchief from the right hand to the left, wave it, 2 - starting position, the same in the other direction. Repeat 8 times.

4. “Rearrange the handkerchief.” Starting position: feet on the shoulder, hands below, handkerchief in the right hand. 1 - tilt to the right, hand with a handkerchief straight to the side, 2 - starting position, transfer the handkerchief behind your back from your right hand to your left, and the same in the other direction. Repeat 8 times.

5. "Spinner". Starting position: feet shoulder-width apart, hands below, handkerchief in the right hand. 1 - tilt to the right, hand with a handkerchief straight to the side, 2 - starting position, transfer the handkerchief behind your back from your right hand to your left, and the same in the other direction. Repeat 8 times.

6. “Waving your arms.” Starting position: feet shoulder-width apart, hands below, handkerchief in the right hand. 1 - right hand up, 2-3-4-5 - swing your arms up and down, 6 - starting position, 7 - transfer the handkerchief behind your back from your right hand to your left, repeat the exercise, starting with your left hand. Repeat 4 times.

7. “Let’s lie down!” Starting position: sitting with your knees bent, holding a handkerchief under your knees. 1-2 - lie on your back; 3-4 - starting position (6 - 8 times).

8. "Jumping" Starting position: legs together, handkerchief below; jumping with a handkerchief (12 – 18 times).

III Walking. Breathing exercise “Grow Big” 1 – raise your arms up, stretch, rise on your toes (inhale). 2 – lower your arms down, lower your entire foot (exhale), say “U-h-h.” Walking.

Complication for the second week.

Make exercise 6 more difficult. Starting position: kneeling, hands on your belt.
1 – sit on your heels with your hands up, wave your handkerchiefs 2 – starting position. Repeat 8 times.

Kulikova Galina Yurievna,

teachers of MBDOU "Golden Key",

Noyabrsk, Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Russia.

Complex 1

    Walking in a column one at a time, on toes, hands on the belt; running in a column one at a time; walking and running in all directions; walking in a column one at a time.

Exercises without objects

2.I. p. – basic stance, hands on the belt. 1 – arms to the sides; 2 – hands up, rise on toes; 3 – arms to the sides; 4 – return to the starting position (6 times).

3.I. p. – stand with feet shoulder-width apart, hands below. 1 – arms to the sides; 2 – bend towards the right (left) leg, touch your toes with your fingers; 3 – straighten up, arms to the sides; 4 – starting position (6 times).

4.I. p. - main stance, hands on the belt; 1–2 – sit down, bring your arms forward; 3–4 – return to the starting position (5–6 times).

5.I. p. - basic stance, arms along the body. 1 – step to the right, arms to the sides; 2 – tilt to the right (left), right hand down, left hand up; 3–straighten up, arms to the sides; 4 – starting position (5–6 times).

6.I. p. - basic stance, arms along the body. 1 – right leg back on the toe, hands behind the head; 2 – starting position. The same with the left leg (6-7 times).

7. I. p. – basic stance, hands on the belt. 1 – jump legs apart, arms to the sides; 2 – jump legs together. Performed on a count of 1–8 (or with musical accompaniment).


Complex 2

1. Walking in a column one at a time; running between objects (cubes, skittles or medicine balls).

Exercises with a small ball

2. I. p. – basic stance, ball in the right hand. 1 – arms to the sides; 2 – hands up, transfer the ball to the left hand; 3 – arms to the sides; 4 – hands down (6 times).

3. I. p. – stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, the ball in your right hand. 1–2 – turn right (left), hit the ball on the floor; 3–4 – return to the starting position (6 times).

4. I. p. – stand with your feet as wide as your feet, the ball in your right hand. 1 – sit down, hit the ball on the floor, catch it; 2 – return to the starting position (5–6 times).

5. I. p. – kneeling position, sitting on the heels, ball in the right hand. 1–4 – with a turn to the right (left), roll the ball around the body (6 times).

6. Game exercise"Penguins". Children stand in a circle, hold the ball between their knees and, at the teacher’s signal, jump on two legs, moving around the circle like penguins.


Complex 3

1. Game "Shapes".

Walking in a column one at a time, walking and running in all directions. At the teacher’s signal (blow of the tambourine), everyone stops at the place where the team found them and takes some pose. The teacher marks the most successful figures.

Exercises without objects

2. I. p. – basic stance, hands on the belt. 1 – hands behind the head, right (left) leg back on the toe; 2 – return to the starting position (6 times).

3. I. p. – stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, hands on your belt. 1 – arms to the sides; 2 – tilt forward to the right (left) leg; 3 – straighten up, arms to the sides; 4 – starting position (4–6 times).

4. I. p. – stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, hands behind your head. 1 – turn to the right (left), right hand to the side; 2 – starting position (6 times).

5. I. p. – kneeling position, arms along the body. 1–2 – sit on the right (left) thigh, arms forward (Fig. 24); return to the starting position (4–6 times).

6. I. p. - sitting on the floor, hands supported behind. 1 – raise straight legs forward and upward – angle (Fig. 25); 2 – return to the starting position (5–6 times).

7. I. p. – basic stance, hands on the belt. Jumping on two legs - left forward, right backward, jump to change the position of the legs. Perform with a count of 1–8, then pause and jump again (2–3 times).

8. Game “Who has the ball?”

The players form a circle. A driver is selected, he stands in the center of the circle, and the rest of the children move tightly towards each other, everyone’s hands behind their backs. The teacher gives someone a ball (diameter 6–8 cm), and the children pass it around in a circle behind their backs. The driver tries to guess who has the ball. He says: “Hands!” - and the one being addressed must put both hands forward, palms up, showing that he does not have the ball. If the driver guessed correctly, he takes the ball and stands in a circle, and the one who has the ball becomes the driver. The game repeats itself.


Complex 4

1. Game task “Take it quickly!”

Children form a circle. At the teacher's signal, walk, then run around the blocks, which should be one or two less than the children. On the signal: “Take it quickly!” Each player must take a cube and raise it above their head. The one who did not have time to take the cube is considered a loser. Repeat 2 times.

Exercises with a stick

2. I. p. – main stance, stick below. 1 – stick forward, right (left) leg back on the toe; 2 – return to the starting position (6 times).

3. I. p. – basic stance, stick on the chest. 1 – sit down, bring the stick forward; 2 – return to the starting position (5–6 times).

4. I. p. – legs apart, stick below. 1–2 – turn the body to the right (left), arms straight, do not bend the knees; 3–4 – return to the starting position (6 times).

5. I. p. – sitting legs apart, stick on knees. 1 – stick up; 2 – bend forward, touch the toe of the right (left) foot; 3 – straighten up, stick up; 4 – return to the starting position (3 times each).

6. I. p. - lying on your stomach, holding a stick in bent arms in front of you. 1 – bend over, lift the stick forward; 2 – return to the starting position (5–6 times).

7. I. p. – main stance, stick below. 1 – jump legs apart, stick up; 2 – return to the starting position. On the count of 1–8, repeat 2–3 times.

8. Walking in a column one at a time with a stick in hand.


Complex 5

1. Walking in a column one at a time with high knees, like cockerels, transition to normal walking; running at a moderate pace, walking.

Exercises without objects

2. I. p. – basic stance, hands on the belt. 1 – step forward with your right foot, hands behind your head; 2 – starting position. The same with the left foot (6 times).

3. I. p. – stand with legs apart, hands on the belt. 1 – tilt to the right (left); 2 – starting position (6 times).

4. I. p. – basic stance, hands on the belt. 1–2 – sit down, arms forward; 3–4 – return to the starting position (5–6 times).

5. I. p. – kneeling position, hands on the belt. 1–2 – turn the body to the right (left), touch the heel of the left foot with your right hand; 3–4 – return to the starting position (6 times).

6. I. p. – basic stance, hands on the belt. On the count of 1–4, jump on the right leg; on the count of 5–8, jump on the left leg. After a short pause, repeat the jumps.

7. Walking in a column one at a time.


Complex 6

1. Walking and running in a column one at a time, stepping over cords (5-6 pieces) placed at a distance of 40 cm from one another.

Hoop exercises

2. I. p. – basic stance, hoop down. 1 – hoop forward; 2 – hoop up; 3 – hoop forward; 4 – return to the starting position (4–5 times).

3. I. p. – stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, hoop on your chest, grab your hands from the sides. 1 – turn the body to the right (left), hoop to the right, arms straight; 2 – return to the starting position (6 times).

4. I. p. - basic stance, grip of hands from the sides, hoop on the chest. 1 – sit down, bring the hoop forward; 2. – return to the starting position (5–6 times).

5. I. p. – stand with feet shoulder-width apart, hoop at the bottom. 1 – hoop up; 2 – tilt forward to the right (left) leg; 3 – straighten up, hoop up; 4 – starting position (5–6 times).

6. I. p. - basic stance near the hoop, hands at random. Jumping on two legs around the hoop in both directions, alternating with a short pause. Repeat 2-3 times.

7. Game "Cars".


Complex 7

1. Walking and running between objects like a snake.

2. I. p. – basic stance, ball in both hands below. 1 – ball up; 2 – step right (left); 3 – put your foot down; 4 – return to the starting position (6–7 times).

3. I. p. - stand with your feet as wide as your feet, holding the ball in bent arms in front of you. 1–2 – sit down, ball forward; 3–4 – return to the starting position (5–6 times).

4. I. p. - stand with legs apart, ball in both hands below. 1 – ball up, arms straight; 2 – turn right (left); 3 – straighten up, ball up; 4 – return to the starting position (4–5 times).

5. I. p. - sitting, legs together, ball on feet, hands supported behind. 1–2 – raise your legs up, roll the ball onto your stomach, catch it; 3–4 – return to the starting position (5–6 times).

6. I. p. - main stance, ball below. 1–2 – rising on your toes, lift the ball up; 3–4 – return to the starting position (6–8 times).

7. Game exercise “Don’t get caught.”

The players sit around a cord (line) placed in the shape of a circle. In the center there is a trap driver. Children jump on two legs in and out of the circle as the trap approaches. The one whom the driver managed to stain (touch) receives a penalty point, but does not drop out of the game. After 30–40 seconds, the game stops and the number of losers is counted. The game is repeated with another driver, not chosen from among those previously caught.

7. Walking in a column, one at a time, behind the most dexterous trap.


Complex 8

1. Game exercise “On the bridge”. A path is laid out from cords or slats (length 3 m, width 25 cm). 2-3 cubes are placed on the track. Task: walk along the bridge, step over the obstacle and not fall into the river. Running in all directions.

Exercises without objects

2. I. p. – basic stance, arms along the body. 1 – arms to the sides; 2 – bending your arms towards your shoulders, rise onto your toes; 3 – lower your entire foot, arms to the sides; 4 – return to the starting position (5–6 times).

3. I. p. – stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, hands on your belt. 1 – turn the body to the right (left), right arm to the side; 2 – return to the starting position (6 times).

4. I. p. - stand with your feet at the width of your feet, arms up. 1–2 – squat deeply, hands behind your head, bringing your elbows forward; 3–4 – return to the starting position (5–6 times).

5. I. p. – stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, hands on your belt. 1 – arms to the sides; 2 – tilt to the right (left), right hand down, left hand up; 3 – straighten up, arms to the sides; 4 – starting position (4–6 times).

6. I. p. – basic stance, hands down. 1 – jump legs apart, arms to the sides; 2 – jump with your feet together, arms down. Perform on a count of 1–8, repeat 2 times.

7. I. p. – basic stance, hands down. 1–2 – arms through the sides up; 3–4 – return to the starting position (5–7 times).

8. Walking in a column one at a time


Complex 9

1. Walking in a column one at a time, at the teacher’s signal, performing hand exercises without stopping walking; running in all directions.

Exercises with flags

2. I. p. – main stand, flags below. 1 – flags forward; 2 – flags up; 3 – flags to the sides; 4 – starting position (6–7 times).

3. I. p. – stand with feet shoulder-width apart, flags at the chest. 1 – turn to the right (left), right hand to the side; 2 – starting position (6 times).

4. I. p. – main stand, flags below. 1–2 – sit down, bring the flags forward; 3–4 – starting position (5–7 times).

5. I. p. – stand with feet shoulder-width apart, flags below. 1 – flags to the sides; 2 – tilt forward to the left (right) leg; 3 – straighten up, arms to the sides; 4 – starting position (4–6 times).

6. I. p. – main stand, flags below. On the count of 1–8, jump on two legs, pause briefly, then repeat the jumps.

7. I. p. – main stance, flags below 1–2 – put the right leg back on the toe, flags up; 3–4 – return to the starting position. The same with the left leg (6–8 times).

8. Walking in a column one at a time.


Complex 10

Exercises with a gymnastic stick

2. I. p. – main stance, stick below. 1 – stick up; 2 – lower it behind your head, onto your shoulders; 3 – raise the stick up (Fig. 26); starting position (6–8 times).

Rice. 26

3. I. p. – legs apart, stick below. 1 – stick up; 2 – bend forward, arms forward; 3 – straighten up, stick up; 4 – return to the starting position (5–6 times).

4. I. p. – main stance, stick below. 1–2 – sit down, bring the stick forward; 3–4 – return to the starting position (6–7 times).

5. I. p. – legs apart, stick on the shoulder blades. 1 – turn the body to the right (left) (Fig. 27); 2 – return to the starting position (6–8 times).

Rice. 27

6. I. p. – basic stance, stick on the chest with a grip wider than shoulder width, arms bent. 1 – jump legs apart, stick up; 2 – starting position. Perform on a count of 1–8, repeat 2–3 times.

7. I. p. – main stance, stick below 1 – right (left) leg to the side on the toe, stick forward; 2 – return to the starting position (6–7 times).

8. Game exercise “Shapes”.


Complex 11

1. Walking and running in a column one at a time; walking and running in all directions.

Hoop exercises

2. I. p. – leg stand at the width of the foot, hoop in the right hand. 1 – swing the hoop forward; 2 – swing the hoop back; 3 – hoop forward; 4 – transfer the hoop to your left hand. The same with the left hand (5-6 times).

3. I. p. – stand with feet shoulder-width apart, hoop below. 1–hoop up; 2 – bend to the right (left), arms straight; 3 – straight, hoop up; 4 – return to the starting position (6 times).

4. I. p. – basic stance, hoop on the chest, arms bent. 1–2 – sit down, hoop forward; 3–4 – starting position.

5. I. p. - sitting legs apart, hoop in bent arms on chest. 1–2 – lean forward, touch the rim of the toe of your right foot; 3–4 – return to the starting position (5–6 times).

6. I. p. – basic stance, arms freely, hoop on the floor. Jump on two legs around the hoop on a count of 1–7, on a count of 8 jump into the hoop. Repeat 2-3 times.

7. Game "Giants and Dwarves".

Walking in a column one at a time, at the teacher’s signal: “Giants!” walking on toes, arms up, then normal walking; to the signal: “Dwarves!” walking in a half-squat.


Complex 12

1. Game "Entertainer".

One of the players is chosen as an entertainer and stands in the middle of the circle. The rest of the children, holding hands, walk in a circle to the right or left and say:

In an even circle, one after another,

We go step by step,

Stand still, together

Let's do it like this.

The children stop and give up. The entertainer shows a movement, and all children must repeat it. After two repetitions, another driver is selected.

Exercises without objects

2. I. p. - stand with your feet as wide as your feet, arms along your body. 1 – right hand to shoulder; 2 – left hand to the shoulder; 3 – right hand down; 4 – left hand down (4–5 times).

3. I. p. – basic stance, hands on the belt. 1 – arms to the sides; 2 – sit down, arms forward; 3 – stand up, arms to the sides; 4 – starting position (6 times).

4. I. p. – stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, hands on your belt. 1 – turn the body to the right, right arm to the side; 2 – starting position. The same to the left (6–8 times).

5. I. p. – basic stance, hands on the belt. 1 – arms to the sides; 2 – swing your right leg forward, clap your hands under the knee; 3 – lower your leg, arms to the sides; 4 – starting position. The same with the left leg (4–6 times).

6. Game "Fishing Rod". Children stand in a circle, at a short distance from each other. In the center, the teacher rotates a cord in a circle, to the end of which a bag of sand is tied. As the bag approaches, children jump up so as not to touch it. The one who touched the bag takes a step back and is eliminated from the game. After a short pause, the game is repeated, all children participate again.

7. Walking in a column one at a time.


Complex 13

1. Walking in a column one at a time, performing hand exercises at the teacher’s command (arms to the sides, behind the head, on the belt), running between objects (cubes, skittles) like a snake.

Exercises with a cube

2. I. p. – leg stand at the width of the foot, cube in the right hand. 1–2 – raise your arms up through your sides, transfer the cube to your left hand; 3–4 – starting position (6–7 times).

3. I. p. – stand with legs apart, cube in right hand. 1 – arms to the sides; 2 – bend forward, place the cube at the toe of the left foot; 3 – straighten up, arms to the sides; 4 – bend over and take the cube in your left hand. The same with the left hand (4-6 times).

4. I. p. – leg stand at the width of the foot, cube in the right hand. 1 – sit down, put the cube forward, transfer it to your left hand; 2 – stand up, cube in left hand (6-7 times).

5. I. p. – stand on your knees, cube in your right hand. 1 – turn to the right, place the cube at the toes; 2 – straighten up, hands on your waist; 3 – turn right, take the cube; 4 – return to the starting position, transfer the cube to your left hand. The same to the left (3 times).

6. I. p. – basic stance, arms freely, cube on the floor. Jumping on the right and left leg around the cube in alternation with a short pause. Perform on a count of 1–8, repeat 2–3 times.


Complex 14

1. Walking and running in a column one at a time, walking and running in all directions throughout the hall.

Exercises without objects

2. I. p. – basic stance, hands on the belt. 1 – arms to the sides; 2 – rising on your toes, stretch, arms up; 3 – lower your entire foot, arms to the sides; 4 – starting position (6–7 times).

3. I. p. – stand with legs apart, hands down. 1 – hands behind the head; 2–turn right; 3–straighten up; 4–starting position. The same to the left (6 times).

4. I. p. – basic stance, arms along the body. 1 – sit down, arms forward, clap your hands; 2 – return to the starting position (6–7 times).

5. I. p. – stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, hands on your belt. 1 – arms to the sides; 2 – tilt to the right (left), right hand down, left hand up; 3 – straighten up, arms to the sides; 4 – starting position (6 times).

6. I. p. – basic stance, arms along the body. 1 – swing the right (left) leg, clap your hands under the knee; 2 – starting position (6–8 times).

7. Walking in a column one at a time.


Complex 15

1. Walking in a column one at a time, at the teacher’s signal: “Stork!” stop, raise your leg bent at the knee, arms to the sides, continue walking. On the signal: “Frogs!” stop, sit down, put your hands on your knees. Running in all directions.

Exercises with a large diameter ball

2. I. p. – foot stance with the width of the foot, ball below. 1–2 – rising on your toes, lift the ball up; 3–4 – return to the starting position (6–7 times).

3. I. p. – stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, holding the ball in bent arms in front of you. Turn right (left), hit the ball on the floor, catch it with both hands (3-4 times in each direction). The pace is arbitrary.

4. I. p. - stand with your feet as wide as your feet, holding the ball in bent arms near your chest. 1 – sit down, drop the ball, catch it; 2 – return to the starting position (6–8 times).

5. I. p. – sitting legs apart, ball below. 1 – lift the ball up; 2 – lean forward, touch the ball to the floor; 3 – straighten up, lift the ball up; 4 – return to the starting position (5–6 times).

6. I. p. - lying on your back, ball behind your head, arms straight. 1 – raise your right (left) leg forward and up, touch the ball; 2 – starting position (5–6 times).

7. Game exercise “Pass the ball!”

Children are divided into several groups (5-6 people). One of the players has a large diameter ball, and he throws it to the players one by one (formation - in a circle, semicircle, line).


Complex 16

1. Walking in a column one at a time, changing the direction of movement at the command of the teacher; running in all directions,

Exercises without objects

2. I. p. – basic stance, arms along the body. 1 – arms to the sides; 2 – hands to shoulders, fingers clenched into fists; 3 – arms to the sides; 4 – starting position (5–6 times).

3. I. p. – basic stance, hands on the belt. 1 – step with the right foot to the right; 2 – body tilt to the right; 3 – straighten up; 4 – return to the starting position. The same to the left (5–6 times).

4. I. p. – stand with legs apart, hands behind the head. 1 – arms to the sides;

2 – lean forward, touch the floor with your fingers; 3 – straighten up, arms to the sides; 4 – starting position (5–6 times).

5. I. p. - lying on your back, arms along the body. 1–2 – bend your knees, clasp your arms, press your head to your knees; 3–4 – return to the starting position (5–6 times).

6. I. p. - lying on your back, arms along the body. Alternating flexion and leg extension - bicycle (count 1-8), then pause and repeat the series of leg movements again.

7. Game exercise “Penguins” (jumping in a circle).

8. Game “Guess who called.”

Children stand in a circle. The driver is in the center of the circle and closes his eyes. One of the guys calls the driver by name (in a quiet voice). If the driver guesses who called him, then they change places; If he doesn’t guess, the game is repeated.


Complex 17

1. Walking in a column, one at a time, along a bridge (board or path made of cords); running between objects like a snake. Walking and running alternate. One task is carried out on one side of the hall, and another on the opposite side.

Exercises with a stick

2. I. p. – basic stance, stick below, grip wider than shoulders. 1 – stick up, stretch; 2 – bending your arms, place the stick on your shoulder blades;

3 – stick up; 4 – stick down, return to the starting position (4-6 times).

3. I. p. - stand with your feet as wide as your feet, stick on your chest. 1–2 – sit down, bring the stick forward; 3–4 – return to the starting position (6–7 times).

4. I. p. – basic stance, stick on the chest. 1 – step to the right, stick up; 2 – tilt to the right; 3 – straighten up, stick up; 4 – starting position (6 times).

5. I. p. – sitting legs apart, stick on chest. 1 – stick up; 2 – bend forward, touch the toe of your right foot with a stick; 3 – straighten up, stick up; 4 – starting position (6–8 times).

6. I. p. – basic stance, stick on shoulders. 1 – jump legs apart; 2 – jump legs together. On the count of 1–8, repeat 2–3 times.

7. Game exercise “Giants and Dwarves” January

Complex 18

1. Walking and running in a column one at a time; walking and running in all directions.

Ball exercises

2. I. p. – leg stand at the width of the foot, ball in both hands below 1-ball on the chest; 2 – ball up, arms straight; 3 – ball on the chest; 4 – return to the starting position (6–8 times).

3. I. p. - stand with legs apart, ball on chest. 1–3 – lean forward and roll the ball from one foot to the other; 4 – starting position (5–6 times).

4. I. p. - stand in support on the knees, the ball is in bent arms below. 1–2 – sitting on your heels and turning your torso to the right, touch the ball to the floor at your right toe; 3–4 – return to the starting position. The same to the left (4–6 times).

5. I. p. – foot stance, foot width apart, ball below. 1 – sit down, bring the ball forward; 2 – starting position (5–6 times).

6. I. p. - stand with legs apart, ball in bent arms in front of you. Throwing the ball up and catching it with both hands. Execution is arbitrary.

7. I. p. – basic stance in front of the ball, arms along the body. Jumping around the ball in both directions on two legs, on the right and left legs, alternately, alternating with a short pause.

8. Game "Echo".


Complex 19

1. Walking in a column one at a time, on toes, hands on the belt. Running in a column one at a time, running in all directions.

Exercises without objects

2. I. p. – basic stance, arms along the body. 1 – step with the right foot to the right, hands behind the head; 2 – put your foot down and return to the starting position. The same to the left (6–8 times).

3. I. p. - stand with your feet at the width of your feet, hands on your belt. 1–3 – springy squats, arms forward; 4 – return to the starting position (6–7 times).

4. I. p. – stand with feet shoulder-width apart, arms along the body. 1 – bend your arms in front of your chest; 2 – turn to the right, arms to the sides (Fig. 28); 3 – straighten up, hands in front of the chest; 4 – starting position. The same to the left (6 times).

Rice. 28

5. I. p. – basic stance, arms along the body. 1 – arms to the sides; 2 – swing your right leg forward and up, clap your hands under the knee; 3 – lower your leg, arms to the sides (Fig. 29); 4 – starting position. The same with the left leg (4–6 times). 6. I. p. – basic stance, hands on the belt. 1 – step to the right; 2 – tilt to the right; 3 – straighten up; 4 – starting position. The same to the left (6–8 times).

Rice. 29

7. I. p. – basic stance, arms along the body. On the count of 1–8, jump on the right foot, a short pause, and again on the count of 1–8, jump on the left foot. Repeat 2 times.

8. Game exercise “Ball for the driver.”

Children are divided into groups of three, one of them is the driver. The driver throws the ball to the players one by one, and they return it back. During the game, the guys can change places. The teacher makes sure that the children do not interfere with each other.


Complex 20

1. Walking in a column one at a time; walking with high knees - horses; normal walking; easy running - arms to the sides, like birds.

Exercises with a short jump rope

2. I. p. - main stance, rope folded in half, below. 1–2 – rising on your toes, jump rope up; 3–4 – return to the starting position (6–8 times).

3. I. p. - stand with legs apart, jump rope below. 1 – step to the right, jump rope up; 2 – tilt to the right; 3 – straighten up, jump rope up; 4 – starting position (6–8 times).

4. I. p. – main stance, jump rope below. 1–2 – sit down, jump rope forward; 3–4 – starting position (5–7 times).

5. I. p. – stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, jump rope on your shoulders. 1 – turn the body to the right (left); 2 – return to the starting position (6 times).

6. I. p. – legs slightly apart, jump rope at the bottom at the back. Jumping on two legs in place while rotating the rope forward, alternating with a short pause. (If children are not good enough at jumping over a short rope, the exercise can be replaced.)

7. Game “Giants and Dwarves”


Complex 21

1. Walking in a column one at a time; walking and running in all directions.

Hoop exercises

2. I. p. - the main stance inside the hoop, arms along the body. 1 – sit down; 2 – take the hoop with a side grip and stand with the hoop at waist level; 3 – sit down, put the hoop down; 4 – stand up, return to the starting position (6 times).

3. I. p. - stand with legs apart, hoop in bent arms on the chest. 1 – turn the body to the right; 2 – starting position. The same to the left (6–7 times).

4. I. p. - basic stance, hoop vertically on the floor with an overhand grip with both hands. 1–2 – leaning on the rim of the hoop with your hands, move your right leg back; 3–4 – starting position. The same with the left leg (6-7 times).

5. I. p. - stand with your feet at the width of your feet, hoop in bent arms on your chest. 1–2 – sit down, hoop forward, arms straight; 3–4 – return to the starting position (6–7 times).

6. I. p. – basic stance in a hoop, arms along the body. Jump on two legs on a count of 1–7, on a count of 8 – jump from a hoop. Repeat 2-3 times.

7. Game exercise “Giants and Dwarfs”.


Complex 22

1. Walking and running in a column one at a time; walking and running in a circle with a turn at the teacher’s signal.

Exercises without objects

2. I. p. – basic stance, hands down. 1–2 – put your right foot back on your toes, at the same time raise your arms up to the sides; 3–4 – return to the starting position. The same with the left leg (6-7 times).

3. I. p. – basic stance, hands on the belt. 1–2 – sit down slowly, keeping your back and head straight; 3–4 – return to the starting position (6–7 times).

4. I. p. - stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, hands behind your back. 1 – arms to the sides; 2 – tilt forward to the right (left) leg; 3 – straighten up, arms to the sides; 4 – starting position (6–7 times).

5. I. p. – basic stance, hands on the belt. 1 – swing the right leg forward; 2 – swing the right leg back; 3 – swing the right leg forward; 4 – starting position. The same with the left leg (4–6 times).

6. Game "Fishing Rod".

7. Walking in a column one at a time.


Complex 23

1. Walking on toes between objects (cubes, skittles) placed in one line (distance between objects 40 cm). Running while stepping over cords.

Big rope exercises

The rope lies in a circle, the children are located in a circle at a distance of two steps from each other.

2. I. p. - basic stand facing in a circle, rope with an overhand grip with both hands. 1 – rope up, put your right leg back on your toes; 2 – return to the starting position (6–7 times). Same with the left foot.

3. I. p. - stand with legs apart, rope in both hands below. 1 – rope up; 2 – bend down, touch the floor (if possible); 3 – straighten up, lift the rope up; 4 – return to the starting position (4–6 times).

4. I. p. - basic stance, rope with a grip with both hands from above at the chest. 1–2–sit down, rope forward; 3–4 – starting position (5–7 times).

5. I. p. - stand in support on the knees, rope below with an overhand grip. 1 – turn to the right (left), touch the heel of your left foot with your hand; 2 – return to the starting position (6–7 times).

6. I. p. - standing sideways to the rope lying on the floor. On the count of 1–8, jump on two legs over the rope on the right and left, moving forward, pause briefly and repeat the jumps (2–3 times).

7. Game “Guess who called”


Complex 24

1. Walking and running in a column one at a time, changing the direction of movement at the teacher’s signal; walking and running in all directions.

Ball exercises

2. I. p. – stand with your feet apart, the ball in both hands in front of you. Throws the ball up (not high) at an arbitrary pace.

3. I. p. – stand with your feet slightly apart, the ball in both bent hands in front of you. Turn your torso to the right, throw the ball on the floor, catch it. The same with turning to the left (3-4 times in each direction).

4. I. p. - stand on your knees, sitting on your heels, with the ball in front of you on the floor. Roll the ball around you to the right, helping with your hands. Do the same to the left (3 times).

5. I. p. - lying on your back, legs straight, ball behind your head. 1–2 – raise your legs up with a slow movement, touch them with the ball; 3–4 – return to the starting position (6–7 times).

6. I. p. - lying on your back, the ball in both hands behind the head, arms straight. 1–2 – turn on your stomach, ball in both hands; 3–4 – turn back on your back, return to the starting position (5–6 times).

7. I. p. – main stance, ball below. 1–2 – right foot back on the toe, ball up; 3–4 – return to the starting position. The same with the left leg (6-7 times).

8. Game "Fishing Rod".


Complex 25

1. Game "Giants and Dwarves".

Exercises without objects

2. I. p. - basic stance, arms bent in front of the chest, palms down. 1–3 – three jerks with your arms to the sides; 4 – starting position (5–6 times).

3. I. p. – stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, hands behind your head. 1 – body tilt to the right (left); 2 – return to the starting position (6–7 times).

4. I. p. - lying on your back, legs bent, feet on the floor, arms along the body. 1–2 – raise your pelvis, bend over, leaning on your palms; 3–4 – return to the starting position (5–6 times).

5. I. p. - lying on your back, arms along the body. 1 – raise your right leg forward and up; 2 – with a simultaneous movement, lower the right leg down and raise the left leg up; 3 – left leg down, right leg up; 4 – lower your right leg. After a pause, repeat 2-3 times.

6. I. p. - sitting legs apart, hands on the belt. 1 – arms to the sides; 2 – lean forward, touch the toes of your right (left) foot with your hands; 3 – straighten up, arms to the sides; 4 – return to the starting position (6 times).

7. I. p. – basic stance, arms along the body. 1–2 – rising on your toes, arms up through your sides; 3–4 – starting position (6–7 times).

Simplified gymnastics complex for children, suitable for classes in kindergartens, primary schools and children's health institutions. We do all exercises 5 - 10 times, depending on the time allotted for classes. The set of exercises should be alternated with walking and running. You should walk different ways- on heels, toes, with toes apart, like penguins, with knees raised high, marching with straight dangling arms and straight legs. You also need to run with your heels touching your shins, raising your knees, jumping with lunges, including to the sides, and running like a snake. It will be interesting for children to make different claps while walking - in front of the body, behind the back, above the head, especially to music.

Classes in September

The following exercises with a gymnastic stick:

  • holding a stick on outstretched arms above your head, lunge with your leg, bending your back back and place your hands with the stick behind your head (on straight arms),
  • holding the stick behind the shoulder blades under the elbows, turn to the right and left,
  • feet shoulder-width apart, hands with a stick above your head, lean forward, pressing the stick to your shoulders,
  • lying on your back, hold the stick above your head with straightened arms - raise the stick and alternately touch the stick with your toes,
  • We hold the stick down and raise it above our head when jumping with our legs apart.

Classes in October

A complex of morning exercises for classes in October should include running, possibly in the form of a small relay race.

Classes in November

A group of exercises for a morning exercise complex in November may include snake running, as well as a game exercise that stimulates running, such as cat and mouse.

Classes in December

A set of morning exercises may include running while hitting a ball on the floor or other coordination exercises.

Classes in January

The complex for January can be done with hoops - roll a hoop or learn to twist it around a belt.

Classes in February

The set of February exercises may include exercises with a skipping rope, a competition to see who can jump the longest.

Classes in March

The complex for March may include competitions to see who can fill a ball on their hand for the longest time; as an alternative, you can take an inflatable ball.

Classes in April

The April set of exercises can be supplemented with outdoor games.

Lesson in May

In warm weather, it is better to do exercises outside; you can make a competition to see who can hang on the horizontal bar longer.

It would be best to organize the complex so that it looks like a mini-disco with cheerful rhythmic music, so the children will have fun and they will try, increasing the load, which will pass unnoticed for them. Every month you can add something new - for example, include a ball, a jump rope, or give small dumbbells to your classes. Children will diligently study the new equipment and look forward to what new things will be offered to them in the next month. Exercise in well-ventilated areas, especially during the cold season, when infectious diseases are common.


morning exercises

for children senior group

Annual tasks:

1. Set up and “charge” the child’s body for the whole coming day

2. Shape correct posture and develop the ability to maintain it in various types activities.

3. Promote the prevention of flat feet.

4. Form the need for daily physical activity.

5. Exercise children in statistical and dynamic balance, develop coordination of movements and orientation in space.

6. Prevention colds and injuries.

7. Preserve and strengthen the health of children, musculoskeletal and respiratory systems

8. Maintain interest in physical culture and sports.

All exercises are performed 5-7 times, jumps are repeated 2-3 times.

September 1 week

II. Ball exercises

"Toss and catch"

1- toss the ball, 2- and. P.

"Show it to your neighbor"

1- turn to the right, show the ball to your neighbor, 2- and. p., the same to the left


1- tilt to the right, 2- i.p.,

3 - tilt to the left, 4 - and. P.

"Pass the ball"

1- raise your arms up through your sides, transfer the ball from your right hand to your left,

"Squats with a ball"


Jumping, walking.

September 2nd week

I. Formation in a line, column,posture check; walking in a column, one at a time, on the toes, hands behind the head, on the heels, hands behind the back, easy jogging, walking.

II. Exercises without objects

"Cotton at the Top"

I.P.: legs slightly apart, hands down

1- hands up, clap your hands, 2- and. P.

"Shaking our heads"

1- head tilt to the right, 2- i. p., 3 – tilt to the left, 4 – i.p.

"Lean Forward"

1- bend forward, touch your toes with your hands, 2- i.p.


I.P.: feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt

1- tilt to the right, 2- tilt to the left


I.P.: heels together, toes apart, hands on the belt

1 - sit down, arms forward, 2 - and. P.

"Star Jumping"

1 – legs apart, arms up, 2-p.

III. Formation into a column one at a time,easy running, walking.

September 3rd week

I. Formation in a line, column,

II. Exercises with handkerchiefs

"Show me the handkerchief"

"Wave your handkerchief"

1- hands up, move the handkerchief from the right. hands to the left, wave them;

"Replace the handkerchief"

I.P.: feet on the w. p., hands below, handkerchief in the right hand.

The same in the other direction.

"Put down the handkerchief"

1- sit down, put a handkerchief on the floor, 2- and. p., hands on the belt,


III. Rearranging into a column

September 4 week

I. Formation in a line, column,posture check; walking and running in a column one at a time, walking on toes, on heels with different positions of the hands.

II. Exercises without objects

"Bow your head"

I.P.: legs together, hands on the belt

1- head tilt forward, 2- i. p., 3 – bend back, 4 – i.p.

"Hand jerks"

I.P.: feet shoulder-width apart, arms in front of the chest, elbows bent

1- jerk with arms in front of the chest,

2- turn to the right, straight arms spread to the sides, the same to the left.


I.P.: feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt

"Tilts - twists"

I.P.: feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt

1 - tilt to the right, the left hand above your head stretches to the right, the right hand behind your back stretches to the left, 2 - i.p., the same to the left.

"The Steadfast Tin Soldier"

I.P.: kneeling, hands pressed to the body

1 - lean back, linger, 2-i. P.


I.P.: legs together, hands on the belt

B: on the count of 1 – 8

III. Formation into a column one at a time,easy running, walking.

October 1 week

I. Formation in a line,

II. Exercises with a stick

"Stick up"

1- raise the stick to your chest; 2 – stick up; 3 – stick on the chest; 4 – i.p.

"Tilts down".

1 – stick up; 2 – tilt towards the right leg;

3 – straighten up, stick up; 4 – i.p.

The same for the left leg.


1-2 – sit down slowly, keep your back and head straight;

3 – 4-i.p.

"Lying on your stomach"

1 – bend over, stick forward – up; 2 – return to IP.


October 2nd week

I. Formation in a line, column,

II. Exercises “Travel by sea - ocean”

"Where is the ship?"

2-i. p., the same in the other direction.


I.P.: feet shoulder-width apart, arms down, 1 - clench your hands into fists, 2 - raise both arms forcefully to the sides, 3 - lower your arms down, 4 - i.p.


I.P.: feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt

1- turn to the right, right hand behind the back, left hand on the right shoulder,

2-p., the same to the left side.

1-8 – circular rotations of the arms forward and backward.

"Scrubbing the deck"

1 - bend forward, arms to the sides, 2 - 6 - swing your arms left and right,

trying to touch the opposite toe, 7 – arms to the sides, 8 – i.p.

“And when the sea is rough”

I.P.: legs together, hands down

1 – lunge to the right, arms to the sides, 2 – IP, the same to the left.

III. Formation into a column one at a time,

October 3rd week

II. Rope exercises

"Rope up"

"Put down the string"



"Half Squats"


III. Forming a column one at a time, easy running, walking.

October 4 week

I. Formation in a line, column, posture check; walking and running in all directions.

II. Exercises "Parsley"


I.P.: heels together, toes apart, hands down.

1- clap in front of the chest with straight arms,

2- 3 – sliding movements up and down, 4- and. P.

"Turns with arms moving to the sides"

1 – turn to the right, spread your arms straight to the sides,

2-p., the same to the left.

"Clapping under the knee"

I.P.: heels together, toes apart, hands on the belt.

1- raise your right leg, bent at the knee, clap under the knee,

2nd. p., the same with the left leg.

"Forward bends"

I.P.: feet shoulder-width apart, arms to the sides.

1 - lean forward, move your straight arms back, 2 - i.p.

"Parsleys are dancing"

I.P.: feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt.

1 - tilt to the right, 2nd. p., 3 – tilt to the left, 4 – i.p.

"Parsleys are jumping"

Jumping – legs apart, legs together. On the count of 1-2.

III. Forming a column one at a time, easy running, walking.

November 1 week

I. Formation in a line, column,posture check; walking “Giants” and “Dwarves”, easy running, walking.

II. Ball exercises

"Toss and catch"

I.P.: legs slightly apart, ball at chest, grip from below

1- toss the ball, 2- and. P.

"Show it to your neighbor"

I.P.: feet shoulder-width apart, ball in straight hands in front of chest

1- turn to the right, show the ball to your neighbor, 2- and. P.,

the same to the left.


I.P.: feet shoulder-width apart, ball above head, in straight hands

1- tilt to the right, 2- i.p.,

3 - tilt to the left, 4 - and. P.

"Pass the ball"

I.P.: legs slightly apart, ball below, in the right hand

"Squats with a ball"

I.P.: heels together, toes apart, ball at chest

1 - sit down, bring the ball forward, 2 - and. P.


I.P.: legs together, ball at chest

B: jumping – legs apart, ball up, legs together, ball at chest

III. Formation into a column one at a time,jumping, walking.

November 2 week

I. Formation in a line, column,

II. Exercises "Tailors"



"The sewing machine is working"

"Pulling rubber"

"The wheel of the car is turning"

I.P.: feet shoulder-width apart, hands below

“The needle sews and jumps”

III. Forming a column one at a time

November 3rd week

I. Formation in a line, column,posture check; walking and running in all directions, finding your place in the column at a signal.

II. Ball exercises

"Show the ball".

1 – ball to the chest, 2 – forward, 3 – to the chest, 4 – IP.

"Turns to the sides".

I.P.: feet shoulder-width apart, ball in front of chest, arms outstretched

1 - turn to the right, 2 - i.p., 3 - turn to the left, 4 - i.p.

"Up - down" I

I.P.: feet shoulder-width apart, ball at chest

1 – lift the ball up above your head, 2 – i.p.,

3 – bend over, touch the ball to the floor, 4 – i.p.

"Tilts with the ball"

I.P.: feet shoulder-width apart, ball at the top;

1 – tilt to the right, 2 – i.p., 3 – tilt to the left, 4 – i.p.


IP: heels together, toes apart, ball in front.

1 – 3 – springs; 4 - i.p.

"Ball Jumping"

I.P.: legs together, ball at chest

1 – legs apart, ball up; 2 - i.p.

III. Forming a column one at a time, heel-to-toe walking, light jogging, walking.

November 4 week

I. Formation in a line, column,posture check; walking, stepping over blocks, light jogging, walking.

II. Hoop exercises

“Hoop up and back”

I.P.: feet on the w. st., hoop at the bottom, grip from the sides

bend over, 2-and. p., the same with the left leg.


I.P.: feet on the w. p., hoop at the chest

1- turn to the right, hoop to the right, straighten your arms,

2-i. p., the same to the left.

"Tilts with a hoop"

I.P.: feet on the w. p., hoop at the bottom

2- bend down, touch the rim of the floor, 3- rise back, 4- and. P.


1- sit down, lift the hoop up, 2- and. P.

"Twist the hoop"


. Jumping into and out of a hoop.

III. Forming a column one at a time, walking and running on tiptoes, checking posture.

December 1 week

I. Formation in a line,column, posture check; walking and running in a column, one after the first and last.

II. Exercises without objects

"Hands up"

. I.P.: feet shoulder-width apart, arms down.

1 – raise your arms up through your sides, clap your hands; 2 – i.p.

"The head is shaking"

I.P.: legs together, hands on the belt

1 – head tilt to the right; 2 – i.p.; 3 – head tilt to the left; 4 – i.p.

"Tilts to the sides"

1 – tilt to the right, the left hand touches the right hand over the top;

2 – i.p. The same in the other direction (don’t lower your hands).

"Tilts down"

I.P.: legs together, hands on the belt

1 – tilt down, touch your toes with your hands (do not bend your knees); 2 – i.p.

"Keep your balance"

I.P.: legs slightly apart, hands down.

1 – 3 – raise your right leg, arms to the sides, 2 – i.p.

The same with the left leg.


I.P.: legs together, hands on the belt.

B: jumping on two legs in place.

III. Forming a column one at a time, easy running, walking.

December 2 week

I. Formation in a line, column, posture check; walking and running in a column one at a time, at the signal “Heron! " - stop, raise your leg, arms to the sides, at the signal "Frog" - squat down, hands on your knees.

II. Rope exercises

"Rope up"

I.P.: feet shoulder-width apart, rope below.

1- rope forward, 2- up, 3- forward, 4- and. P.

"Put down the string"

I.P.: feet shoulder-width apart, rope in arms extended forward.

1 - bend down, put the rope on the floor, 2 - stand up, hands on your belt,

3- tilt down, take the rope, 4- and. P.


I.P.: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, rope forward.

1 - turn right, 2nd. n. The same in the other direction.


I.P.: feet shoulder-width apart, rope at the top.

1 - tilt to the right, 2 - i. p., the same in the other direction

"Half Squats"

I.P.: heels together, toes apart, rope below.

1- sit down, rope forward, 2-and. p., the same in the other direction


I.P.: legs together, rope below.

Jumping – legs apart, rope up, legs together, rope down.

III. Forming a column one at a time, easy running, walking.

December 3rd week

I. Formation in a line, column,posture check; walking in a column one at a time, health running(1-2 min), jumping, walking.

II. Exercises "Tailors"


I.P.: feet on the w. art., arms to the sides

1-cross your straight arms in front, 2-i. P.


I.P.: feet on the w. p., hands down

1 - tilt to the right, 2 - i. n., 3-tilt to the left, 4-i. P.

"The sewing machine is working"

I.P.: legs together, hands clasped behind the back

1- raise your right knee, 2- and. n., 3-raise the left knee, 4-i. P.

"Pulling rubber"

I.P.: feet shoulder-width apart, arms bent at the elbows in front of the chest, hands clasped.

1- pull your elbows back with force, 2- i. P.

"The wheel of the car is turning"

I.P.: feet shoulder-width apart, hands below

1-8 circular rotations with straight arms (right - forward, left - back).

“The needle sews and jumps”

I.P.: legs together, hands down. 1-8 jumping in place.

III. Forming a column one at a time, walking, light jogging diagonally, walking, checking posture.

December 4 week

I. Formation in a line,

II. Exercises with flags

"Flags forward"

I.P.: feet width apart, flags below

1 – flags forward; 2 – to the sides; 3 – up; 4 – i.p.

"Show checkbox"

I.P.: feet shoulder-width apart, flags at the chest

1 – turn to the right, right hand to the side; 2 – i.p. Same to the left.

"Bow Beautifully"

I.P.: feet shoulder-width apart, flags below

1 – arms to the sides; 2 – lean towards the right leg, 3 – stand up, 4 – i.p.

The same for the left leg.

"Crunches with flags"

I.P.: feet shoulder-width apart, flags to the sides in straight arms

1 – tilt – twisting to the right, 2 – i.p. The same to the left.


I.P.: heels together, toes apart, flags below

1 – sit down, bring the flags forward, 2 – i.p.


I.P.: legs together, flags below.

Jumping - “stars with flags”

III. Forming a column one at a time, straight gallop, walking.

January 1 week

I. Formation in a line, column,

II. Exercises “Let's Dance”


I.P.: feet shoulder-width apart, arms down


I.P.: feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt

1- turn to the right, spread your arms to the sides, 2nd. p., the same in the other direction

"Heel, toe"

I.P.: feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt

1 - right foot on the heel, squat, and. p., 2 - left foot on the heel,

3 - right foot on the toe, and. step 4 - left foot on toe

"Bent over merrily"

I.P.: legs together, hands on the belt

1 - tilt to the right, smile, 2 - and. p., the same in the other direction

"Legs are dancing"

2 - i. p., the same to the left


I.P.: legs together, hands down. 1 - arms up, legs to the side, 2-i. P.

III. Formation into a column one at a time,easy running, walking.

January 2 week

I. Formation in a line,

II. Exercises with a small ball

"Show me the ball"

I.P.: feet hip-width apart, ball in right hand

1- raise your arms up through your sides, transfer the ball to your left hand,

3- 4 – i.p. The same in the other direction.

"Show me the ball"

I.P.: feet shoulder-width apart, hands in front, ball in right hand

1 - move your arms straight back, transfer the ball to your left hand, 2 - and. P.

"Tilts with the ball"

I.P.: feet shoulder-width apart, arms to the sides, ball in left hand

1- tilt to the right, left hand above head, transfer the ball to the right

hand (do not lower your right hand), 2nd. n. The same to the left.

"Put the ball down"

I.P.: feet width apart, ball in both hands below

1 - tilt down, put the ball between your legs, 2 - and. p. hands on the belt,

3 – bend down, take the ball, 4 – i.p.

"Pass the ball"

I.P.: kneeling, ball in right hand

1 - turn to the right, put the ball at the toes, 2 - and. p. hands on the belt,

3 – turn to the left, take the ball with your left hand, 4-ip.


I.P.: legs together, hands on the belt, ball on the floor. Jumping on two legs around the ball.

III. Forming a column one at a time, side gallop, walking.

January 3rd week

I. Formation in a line, column,posture check; walking and running with a change of leader.

II. Exercises “Sports warm-up”

"Running in place"

I.P.: legs slightly apart, hands on the belt

We lift the heels off the floor one by one, with the toes in place (1-2 min.)


I.P.: feet shoulder-width apart, arms to the sides, fingers clenched into fists

1- forcefully bend your arms to your shoulders, 2-i. P.

"Side stretch"

I.P.: feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt

1 – tilt to the right, left arm above head,

2 - i. p., the same in the other direction.

"Look behind you"

I.P.: feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt

1 – turn to the right, with your left hand we smoothly push your right shoulder back and

look behind you, 2 - and. p., the same in the other direction.

"Side Lunges"

I.P.: legs together, hands on the belt

1 - lunge with the right foot to the right, back straight, 2 - IP, the same to the left.


I.P.: legs together, hands on the belt. 1 – 3 – jumping in place,

4 – jump as high as possible.

III. Formation into a column one at a time,walking with the heel of one foot touching the toe of the other, light jogging, walking.

January 4 week

I. Game "Entertainer".One of the players is chosen as an entertainer and stands in the middle of the circle. The rest of the children, holding hands, walk in a circle to the right or left and say:

In an even circle, one after another,

We go step by step,

Stay in place, together

Let's do it like this.

The children stop and give up. The entertainer shows a movement, and all children must repeat it. After two repetitions, another driver is selected.

II. Exercises without objects

"Hands to Shoulder"

I.P.: feet on the w. s., arms along the body. 1 – right hand to shoulder; 2 – left hand to the shoulder; 3 – right hand down; 4 – left hand down.

"Hands to the side"

I.P.: basic stance, hands on the belt. 1 – arms to the sides; 2 – sit down, arms forward; 3 – stand up, arms to the sides; 4 – i.p.


I.P.: feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt.

1 – turn the body to the right, right arm to the side;

2 – i.p. Same to the left.

"Clap your hands under the knee"

I.P.: basic stance, hands on the belt. 1 – arms to the sides; 2 – swing your right leg forward, clap your hands under the knee; 3 – lower your leg, arms to the sides; 4 – i.p. Same with the left foot.

Game "Fishing Rod". Children stand in a circle, at a short distance from each other. In the center, the teacher rotates the rope. As the jump rope approaches, children jump so as not to touch it. The one who touched the rope takes a step back and is eliminated from the game.

III. Forming a column one at a time, walking.

February 1 week

I. Formation in a line, column, posture check; walking and running in a columnalone, at the signal “Heron! " - stop, raise your leg, arms to the sides, at the signal "Frog" - squat down, hands on your knees.

II. Rope exercises

"Rope up"

I.P.: feet shoulder-width apart, rope below.

1- rope forward, 2- up, 3- forward, 4- and. P.

"Put down the string"

I.P.: feet shoulder-width apart, rope in arms extended forward. 1- bend down, put the rope on the floor, 2- stand up, hands on your belt, 3- bend down, take the rope, 4- and. P.


I.P.: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, rope forward.

1 - turn right, 2nd. n. The same in the other direction.


I.P.: feet shoulder-width apart, rope at the top. 1 - tilt to the right, 2 - i. p., the same in the other direction

"Half Squats"

I.P.: heels together, toes apart, rope below.

1- sit down, rope forward, 2-and. p., the same in the other direction


I.P.: legs together, rope below.

Jumping – legs apart, rope up, legs together, rope down

III. Forming a column one at a time, easy running, walking.

February 2 week

I. Formation in a line, column,posture check; walking on heels, on toes, on the outside of the foot, on the inside; easy running.

II. Exercises “Let's Dance”


I.P.: feet on the w. p., hands down

1- spread your arms to the sides, smile, 2- and. P.


1- turn to the right, spread your arms to the sides, 2- and. P.,

same in the other direction

"Heel, toe"

I.P.: feet on the w. p., hands on the belt

1- right foot on the heel, squat, and. p., 2 - left foot on the heel, 3 - right

foot on toe, etc. step 4 - left foot on toe

"Bent over merrily"

I.P.: legs together, hands on the belt

1- tilt to the right, smile, 2- and. p., the same in the other direction

"Legs are dancing"

I.P.: legs slightly apart, hands on the belt

1 - lunge to the right, the left foot on the heel turns to the left, 2-i. p., the same to the left


I.P.: legs together, hands down. 1- arms up, legs to the side, 2- and. P.

III. Formation into a column one at a time,easy running, walking.

February 3rd week

I. Formation in a line, column,posture check; walking and running in a column one at a time, going around objects placed in the corners of the hall, side galloping with the right leg.

II. Exercises with handkerchiefs

"Show me the handkerchief"

I.P.: feet hip-width apart, handkerchief in both hands near the chest.

1- straighten your arms, show a handkerchief, 2- and. P.

"Wave your handkerchief"

I.P.: feet shoulder-width apart, handkerchief in right hand, lowered down

1- hands up, move the handkerchief from the right hand to the left, wave it;

2nd. n. The same in the other direction.

"Replace the handkerchief"

1- tilt to the right, hand with a handkerchief straight to the side,

2-i. p., transfer the handkerchief behind your back from your right hand to your left. The same in the other direction.

"Put down the handkerchief"

I.P.: heels together, toes apart, handkerchief below

1- sit down, put a handkerchief on the floor,

2-i. p., hands on the belt,

3- sit down, take a handkerchief, 4- and. P.


I.P.: legs together, handkerchief below. Jumping with a handkerchief.

III. Rearranging into a columnone at a time, walking and running with a change of leader, checking posture.

February 4 week

II. Exercises without objects

"Hands to the side"

I.P.: basic stance, arms along the body

1 – arms to the sides; 2 – hands to shoulders, fingers clenched into fists;

3 – arms to the sides; 4 – i.p..

"Tilts to the sides"

1 – step with the right foot to the right; 2 – body tilt to the right;

3 – straighten up; 4 – return to IP. Same to the left.

"Forward bends"

I.P.: legs apart, hands behind the head.

1 – arms to the sides; 2 – lean forward, touch the floor with your fingers;

3 – straighten up, arms to the sides, 4 – i.p.

"Hug your knees"

1 – 2 - bend your knees, clasp your arms, press your head to your knees;

3 – 4 – return to i.p.


I.P.: lying on your back, arms along the body

Alternate bending and extension of the legs - “bicycle” (count 1-8).

Pause. Repeat.

III. Forming a column one at a time, walking.

March 1 week

I. Formation in a line, column,posture check; walking and running like a snake between objects placed in one line; walking and running in all directions.

II. Exercises with a skipping rope.

"Jump Rope Up"

I.P.: main stance, rope folded in half, below.

1 – right leg back on the toe, rope up; 2 – ver. in i.p.

"Tilts to the sides"

I.P.: stand with legs apart, jump rope below.

1 – jump rope up;

2 – tilt to the right (left); 3 – straighten up; 4 – i.p.

"Forward bends"

IP: sitting legs apart, jump rope on chest.

1 – jump rope up;

2 – lean forward, touch your toes with the rope;

3 – straighten up, jump rope up; 4 – return to IP.

"Jump rope forward."

I.P.: stand on your knees, jump rope below.

1 – 2 sit on the right thigh, jump rope forward;

3 – 4 – return to i.p. Same to the left.

"Bend your back"

IP: lying on your stomach, jump rope with bent arms in front of you.

1 – bend over, jump rope forward; 2 – return to IP.


I.P.: main stance. Jumping on two legs over a rope, rotating it forward. The pace is individual.

III. Forming a column one at a time, walking.

March 2nd week

I. Formation in a line, column,posture check; walking in a column one at a time along a bridge (board or path made of cords); running with objects like a snake. Walking and running alternate.

"Step to the side".

I.P.: basic stance, arms along the body. 1 – step with the right foot to the right, hands behind the head; 2 – put your foot down, return to standing position. Same to the left.


I.P.: feet hip-width apart, hands on the waist.

1- 3- springy squats, arms forward; 4 - return to i. P.


I.P.: stand with feet shoulder-width apart, arms along the body. 1- bend your arms in front of your chest; 2-turn to the right, arms to the sides; 3 – straighten up, hands in front of the chest; 4-i.p. Same to the left.

"Cotton under the knee"

I.P.: basic stance, arms along the body 1 – arms to the sides;

2 – swing your right leg forward and up, clap your hands under the knee;

3 – lower your leg, arms to the sides; 4 – i.p. Same with the left foot.


I.P.: basic stance, hands on the belt.

1 – step to the right; 2 – tilt to the right; 3–straighten up; 4–i.p. Same to the left.


I.P.: basic stance, arms along the body. On the count of 1-8, jump on the right leg, pause, jump.

III. Game exercise “Ball to the driver.”Children are divided into groups of three, one of them is the driver. The driver throws the ball to the players one by one, and they return it back. During the game, the guys can change places. The teacher makes sure that the children do not interfere with each other.

March 3rd week

I. Formation in a line, column,posture check; walking and running in a column one at a time, changing the direction of movement at the teacher’s signal; walking and running in all directions.

II. Exercises with the ball.

"Throw the ball up"

I.P.: stand, legs apart, ball in both hands in front of you. Throws the ball up (not high) at an arbitrary pace.

"Catch the Ball"

I.P.: stand, legs slightly apart, ball in both bent hands in front of you. Turn your torso to the right, throw the ball on the floor, catch it. Same with turning left. WITH

“Roll the ball” I.

I.P.: stand on your knees, sitting on your heels, with the ball in front of you on the floor. Roll the ball around you to the right, helping with your hands. Do the same to the left.

"Get the ball"

I.P.: lying on your back, legs straight, ball behind your head.

1-2 – raise your legs up with a slow movement, touch them with the ball;

3–4 return to ip.

"Show the ball" I

IP: basic stance, ball below.

1 – 2 – right foot back on the toe, ball up; 3 – 4 return to i.p. Same with the left foot.

III. Game "Fishing Rod".

The children stand around. In the middle of the circle, the teacher spins the rope (a fisherman with a fishing rod), and the children (fish) must jump over the rope. The one who is touched by the jump rope sits on a chair (the fisherman caught the fish).

March 4 week

I. Formation in a line,

II. Exercises "Airplanes"

"Start the engine"


I.P.: feet shoulder-width apart, hands below

1-8 – circular rotations with straight arms forward (repeat 2 times)

"The path is clear"

I.P.: feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt

2-i. p., the same to the left

"Planes are flying"

I.P.: feet shoulder-width apart, arms to the sides

"Turbulence (shaking in the air)"

I.P.: legs together, hands on the belt

Jumping on two legs in place.

"The planes have landed"

I.P.: feet width apart, hands below

2 - i. p., the same with the left foot

III. Forming a column one at a time

April 1 week

I. Formation in a line,column, posture check; walking and running while stepping over objects; walking and running in all directions.

II. Exercises without objects.

"Hands up"

I.P.: - basic stance, arms along the body;

1- 2 – rising on your toes, arms through your sides up, bend over,

3 – 4 i.p.


I.P.: - stand with your feet as wide as your feet, hands behind your head.

1-2 – sit down slowly, arms to the sides; 3-4 i.p.

"Clap your hands."

I.P.: - stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, hands behind your back

1 – arms to the sides;

2 – bend over to your right leg, clap your hands behind the knee;

3 – straighten up, arms to the sides; 4 – i.p. The same for the left leg.

"Legs Up"

I.P.: - stand on your knees, resting your palms on the floor.

1 – raise your right leg back and up; 2 – return to IP. Same with the left foot.


I.P.: - stand on your knees, hands on your belt

1 – turn to the right, right hand to the right; 2 – returnin i.p. Same to the left.


I.P. – basic stance, arms along the body. 1 – jump legs apart, arms to the sides; 2 – jump legs together. Performed on a count of 1-8III. Forming a column one at a time, walking in a column one at a time.

April 2 week

I. Formation in a line,column, posture check; walking and running with a stop at the teacher’s signal.

II. Exercises with a stick

"Stick up"

I.P.: main stance, stick below.

1- raise the stick to your chest; 2 – stick up;

3 – stick on the chest; 4 – i.p.

"Tilts down"

I.P.: legs apart, stick below

1 – stick up;

2 – tilt towards the right leg;

4 – i.p. The same for the left leg.


I.P.: basic stance, stick on shoulders

1-2 – sit down slowly, keep your back and head straight m o;

3 – 4-i.p.

"Lying on your stomach"

IP: lying on your stomach, holding a stick in your bent arms in front of you.

1 – bend over, stick forward – up;

2 – return to IP.


I.P.: basic stance, stick with a grip from above, wider than the shoulders below.

1 – jump legs apart, stick up;

2 – jump legs together. On the count of 1-8.

III. Forming a column one at a time, walking in a column one at a time.

April 3rd week

I. Formation in a line,column, posture check; walking in a column one at a time between objects, walking and running in all directions.

II. Exercises on a gymnastic bench.

"Hands to the side"

I.P.: - sitting astride a bench, hands on the belt

1– arms to the sides; 2 – hands behind the head;

3 – arms to the sides; 4 – i.p.


I.P. – sitting on a bench astride, hands on the belt.

3 – straighten up, arms to the sides; 4 – return to IP.

"Legs Up"

I.P. – lying perpendicular to the bench, legs straight, gripping the edges of the bench with your hands;

1 – 2 raise straight legs up; 3-4 return to IP.

"Step onto the bench"

I.P. – standing facing the bench, arms along the body.

1 – step right naked onto the bench;

2 – step with your left foot onto the bench;

3 – step with the right foot from the bench;

4 – the same with the left. Turn around (3-4 times).


I.P. – standing sideways to the bench, arms freely.

Jumping on two legs along the bench, counting 1-8; turn around and repeat jumping.

III. Rearranging into a columnone at a time, walking in a column one at a time between the benches.

April 4 week

I. Formation in a line,column, posture check; walking and running with a stop at the teacher’s signal.

II. Exercises without objects

"Hands to the side"

I.P.: basic stance, arms along the body.

1- step with the right foot to the right, arms to the sides; 2–i.p. Same with the left foot.


I.P. – legs slightly apart, arms along the body

1 – 3 – springy squats, arms forward; 4 – i.p.


I.P.: - stand with feet shoulder-width apart, hands below

1 – bend your arms in front of your chest;

2 – turn to the right, spread your arms to the sides;

3 – hands in front of the chest; 4 - i.p. The same to the left.

"Legs on knees"

I.P.: - legs parallel, arms along the body. 1 – arms to the sides;

2 – bend your right leg, place it on your knee;

3 – lower your leg, arms to the sides; 4 - i.p. Same with the left foot.

"Turns while sitting."

I.P.: - kneeling position, hands on the belt.

1 – 2 – with a turn to the right, sit on your right thigh;

3 – 4 i.p. Same to the left.


I.P.: - basic stance, arms along the body. Jumping on the right and left leg at a count of 1-8..

III. Forming a column one at a time, walking in a column one at a time.

May 1 week

I. Formation in a line, column,posture check; walking in a column one at a time, health running (1-2 min., jumping, walking.

II. Exercises "Tailors"


I.P.: feet hip-width apart, arms to the sides

1-cross your straight arms in front, 2-i. P.


I.P.: feet shoulder-width apart, hands below

1 - tilt to the right, 2 - i. P.,

3 - tilt to the left, 4 - i. P.

"The sewing machine is working"

I.P.: legs together, hands clasped behind the back

1 - raise your right knee, 2 - and. n., 3 - raise the left knee, 4 - i. P.

"Pulling rubber"

I.P.: feet shoulder-width apart, arms bent at the elbows in front of the chest, hands clasped.

1- pull your elbows back with force, 2- i. P.

"The wheel of the car is turning"

I.P.: feet shoulder-width apart, hands below

1-8 circular rotations with straight arms (right - forward, left - back).

“The needle sews and jumps”

1-8 jumping in place.

III. Forming a column one at a time, walking, light jogging diagonally, walking, checking posture.

May 2 week

I. Formation in a line, column,posture check; walking and running in a column one at a time, going around objects placed in the corners of the hall, side galloping with the right leg.

II. Exercises with handkerchiefs

"Show me the handkerchief"

I.P.: feet hip-width apart, handkerchief in both hands near the chest.

1- straighten your arms, show a handkerchief, 2- and. P.

"Wave your handkerchief"

I.P.: feet shoulder-width apart, handkerchief in right hand, lowered down.

1- hands up, transfer the handkerchief from the right hand to the left, wave it,

2nd. n. The same in the other direction.

"Replace the handkerchief"

I.P.: feet on the w. p., hands below, handkerchief in right hand

1- tilt to the right, hand with a handkerchief straight to the side,

2-i. p., transfer the handkerchief behind your back from your right hand to your left.

The same in the other direction.

"Put down the handkerchief"

I.P.: heels together, toes apart, handkerchief below

1 - sit down, put a handkerchief on the floor, 2- and. p., hands on the belt,

3 - sit down, take a handkerchief, 4- and. P.


I.P.: legs together, handkerchief below. Jumping with a handkerchief.

III. Rearranging into a columnone at a time, walking and running with a change of leader, checking posture.

May 3rd week

I. Formation in a line, column,posture check; walking and running with tasks for the hands, walking on toes, on heels.

II. Exercises "Heron"

"Heron flaps its wings"

I.P.: legs together, hands down

1- raise straight arms to the sides, make several wave-like movements, 2- and. P.

"The Heron Gets the Frog from the Swamp"

I.P.: feet shoulder-width apart, left hand on the belt, right hand below.

1- lean to the right, touch the toe of your foot with your right hand,

2-i. n. The same with the left hand.

"The Heron Stands on One Leg"

1 - raise your right leg bent at the knee, arms to the sides,

2 - i. n. The same with the left leg.

"The Heron Swallows the Frog"

I.P.: sitting on your knees, hands down

1- rise on your knees, arms up, clap your hands, 2- and. P.

"The Heron Stands in the Reeds"

I.P.: legs together, hands on the belt. 1- tilt to the right (left), 2- and. P.

"The Heron Jumps"

I.P.: feet hip-width apart, hands on the waist

1-8 - jumping on the right - left leg alternately

III. Forming a column one at a time, light jogging, walking, checking posture.

I. Formation in a line,column, posture check; walking and running in all directions, finding your place in the column at a signal.

II. Ball exercises

"Show me the ball"

I.P.: feet shoulder-width apart, ball below in both hands (side grip)

1- ball to the chest, 2- forward, 3- to the chest, 4- and. P.

"Turns to the sides"

I.P.: feet on the w. n., ball in front of the chest, in outstretched arms

1 - turn right, 2nd. p., 3 - turn left, 4 - i. P.

"Up down"

I.P.: feet shoulder-width apart, ball at chest.

1- lift the ball up above your head,

2-i. p., 3 - bend over, touch the floor with the ball, 4-i. P.

"Tilts with the ball"

I.P.: feet shoulder-width apart, ball at the top

1 - tilt to the right, 2 - i. n., 3-tilt to the left, 4-i. P.


I.P.: heels together, toes apart, ball in front

1-3 – springs, 4-i. P.

"Ball Jumping"

I.P.: legs together, ball at chest

1- legs apart, ball up, 2- and. P.

III. Forming a column one at a time, walking, placing heel to toe, easy jogging, walking.

I. Formation in a line,

II. Exercises with skittles

"The Skittles Up"

1 – pins to the side; 2 – pins up;

3 – pins to the sides; 4 – return to IP.

"Forward bends"

I.P.: legs apart, pins at the chest

1 – pins to the sides;

2 – bend forward, touch the pins to the floor;

3 – straighten up, pins to the sides;

4 – i.p.


I.P.: kneeling position, pins at the shoulders

1 – 2 – turn to the right, touch the floor at the heel of your right foot;

3 – 4 – straighten up, return to standing position. Same to the left.


I.P.: main stance, pins below

1 – 2 – sit down, pins forward;

3 – 4 – return to i.p.


I.P.: basic stance, hands on the belt, pins on the floor.

Jumps on two legs, on the right and left, alternately around the pins in both directions.

III. Forming a column one at a time, walking in a column one at a time.

I. Formation in a line,column, posture check; walking and running in a column one at a time, accelerating and slowing down the pace of movement at the teacher’s signal.

II. Exercises without objects

"Hands to the side"

I.P.: basic stance, hands on the belt

1 – arms to the sides; 2 – hands behind the head; . 3 – arms to the sides; 4 – return to IP.

"Tilts to the sides"

I.P.: stand with feet shoulder-width apart, hands below

1 – arms to the sides; 2 – tilt to the right (left);

3 – straighten up, arms to the sides; 4 – i.p.

"Forward bends"

I.P.: sitting on the floor, legs apart, hands on the belt

1 – arms to the sides; 2 – lean forward, touch the floor between the heels of your feet; 3 – straighten up, arms to the sides; 4 - i.p.

"Legs to the side"

I.P.: kneeling position, hands on waist

1 – right leg to the side, arms to the sides; 2 – return to IP. Same with the left foot.


I.P.: basic stance, hands on the belt, pins on the floor. Jumps on two legs, on the right and left, alternately around the pins in both directions.

"Legs Up"

I.P.: lying on your back, arms along the body, palms resting on the floor.

1 – raise your right leg up; 2- lower your leg, return to standing position. Same with the left foot.

"Bend your back"

I.P.: lying on your stomach, straight arms extended forward

1 – bend over, arms forward and up; 2 – i.p.

III. Game "Fishing Rod".

I. Formation in a line,column, posture check; walking and running in a column one at a time, accelerating and slowing down the pace of movement at the teacher’s signal.

II. Exercises with cubes

"Cubes up"


2- return to IP.

"Forward bends"


"Legs Up"

3 – 4 - return to i.p.


III. Forming a column one at a time

I. Formation in a line, column,posture check; walking on toes, on heels with different positions of hands, easy running, walking.

II. Hoop exercises

“Hoop up and back”

I.P.: feet hip-width apart, hoop below, grip from the sides

1- raise the hoop up - back, put your right leg back,

bend over,

2-i. p., the same with the left leg.


I.P.: feet shoulder-width apart, hoop at chest

1- turn to the right, hoop to the right, straighten your arms

2-i. p., the same to the left.

"Tilts with a hoop"

I.P.: feet shoulder-width apart, hoop at the bottom

1- raise the hoop forward, vertically,

2- bend down, touch the rim of the floor,

3- go back up,

4-i. P.


I.P.: heels together, toes apart, hoop at the shoulders (side grip)

1- sit down, lift the hoop up,

2-i. P.

"Twist the hoop"

I.P.: legs slightly apart, hoop at the waist (hold with hand)

Circular rotation of the hoop at the waist.


I.P.: legs together, hands on the belt, hoop on the floor.

Jumping into and out of a hoop.

III. Game "Mousetrap".

I. Formation in a line, column,posture check; walking and running in a column one at a time with changes in direction.

II. Exercises “Travel by sea - ocean”

“Where is the ship? »

I.P.: basic stance, hands on the belt

1- turn your head to the right, put your hand “visor” to your forehead,

2-i. p., the same in the other direction


I.P.: feet shoulder-width apart, arms down

1- clench your hands into fists, 2- raise both arms to the sides with effort,

3- lower your hands down, 4- and. P.


I.P.: feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt

1 - tilt to the right, left arm up, above the head,

2-i. n. The same to the left.

"The waves crash against the side of the ship"

I.P.: feet shoulder-width apart, arms down

1-8 - circular rotations with arms forward and backward

"Scrubbing the deck"

I.P.: legs wider than w. p., hands down

1- bend forward, arms to the sides,

2-6 swings your arms left and right, trying to touch the opposite toe,

7 - arms to the sides, 8 - and. P.

“And when the sea is rough...”

I.P.: legs together, hands down

1- lunge to the right, arms to the sides, 2- and. p., the same to the left

III. Formation into a column one at a time,walking, running on toes, walking.

I. Formation in a line, column,posture check; walking in a column, at the signal “Hares!” three jumps on two legs. Run in all directions at the signal: “Stork!” stand on one leg, hands on your waist. Walking and running alternate.

II. Exercises with a big d ball

"Step to the side - ball up"

I.P.: basic stance, ball in both hands below

1 – step to the right, ball up;

2 – place your left foot;

3 – step to the left;

4 – return to IP.

"Forward Bend"

I.P.: legs apart, ball on chest

1 – ball up;

2 – 3 – lean forward, roll the ball from one foot to the other;

4 – return to IP.


I.P.: foot stance, foot width apart, ball on chest

1 – 2 – sit down, ball forward, arms straight;

3 – 4 i.p.

"Legs Up"

I.P.: sitting with your feet together, the ball on your feet, hands in support behind you.

1 – 2 – raise your legs up, roll the ball onto your stomach and catch it.

"Show me the ball"

I.P.: basic stance, ball below

1 – 2 – rising on your toes, ball up; 3 – 4 i.p.

III. Game "Cars". Walking in a circle - the cars went to the garage, hands in the “rotate the steering wheel” position.

I. Formation in a line, column,posture check; walking on heels, on toes, on the outside of the foot, on the inside; easy running.

II. Exercises “Let's Dance”


I.P.: feet shoulder-width apart, arms down

1- spread your arms to the sides, smile, 2- and. P.


I.P.: feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt

1- turn to the right, spread your arms to the sides,

2-i. p., the same in the other direction

"Heel, toe"

I.P.: feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt

1- right foot on the heel, squat, and. P.,

2- left foot on the heel,

3- right foot on the toe, and. P.

4- left foot on toe

"Bent over merrily"

I.P.: legs together, hands on the belt

1- tilt to the right, smiled,

2-i. p., the same in the other direction

"Legs are dancing"

I.P.: legs slightly apart, hands on the belt

1 - lunge to the right, left leg on the heel turns to the left,

2-i. p., the same to the left


I.P.: legs together, hands down.

1- arms up, legs to the sides,

2-i. P.

III. Formation into a column one at a time,easy running, walking.

I. Formation in a line,column, posture check; walking and running with a stop at the teacher’s signal.

II. Exercises with a gymnastic stick

"Stick up"

I.P.: main stance, stick below

1- stick up; 2 – lower the stick behind your head onto your shoulders;

3 – stick up; 4 – i.p.

"Tilts down"

I.P.: legs apart, stick below

1 – stick up;

2 – bend forward, stick forward;

3 – straighten up, stick up;

4 – return to IP.


I.P.: legs apart, stick on the shoulder blades

1 – turn the body to the right (left);

2 – return to IP.


I.P.: basic stance, stick to chest

1-2 – sit down, stick forward; 3 – 4-i.p.

"Stick forward"

I.P.: main stance, stick below

1 – right leg to the side on the toe, stick forward;

2 – i.p. Same to the left.

III. Game exercise “Shapes”.

Forming a column one at a time, walking in a column one at a time.

I. Formation in a line,column, posture check; walking in a column one at a time with a high hip lift, like a horse. Run, flapping your arms like the wings of a butterfly.

II. Exercises with flags

"Flags up"


1 – flags to the sides; 2 – flags up, crossed;

3 – flags to the sides; 4 – return to IP.


I.P.: main stand, flags below

1 – 2 – sit down, flags forward; 3 – 4 – i.p.


I.P.: stand in support on the knees, flags at the shoulders

1 – turn right (left), flag to the side; 2 – i.p.


I.P.: legs apart, flags behind the back

1 – flags to the sides;

2 – lean forward, cross the flags in front of you;

3 – straighten up, flags to the sides; 4 – i.p.


I.P.: main stand, flags below.

On the count of 1-8, jump on two legs, then a short pause; on the count of 1-8, jump on the right (left) leg, alternating with a short pause.

"Flags to the sides"

I.P.: main stand, flags below

1 – right leg back on the toe, flags to the sides; 2 – i.p.

Same with the left foot.

III. Forming a column one at a time, walking in a column one at a time, both flags in the right hand above the head.

I. Formation in a line,column, posture check; walking and running in a column one at a time, accelerating and slowing down the pace of movement at the teacher’s signal.

II. Exercises with a ring (ring throw)


I.P.: basic stance, ring in straight hands in front of you, grip with both hands on the middle from the outside

1 -2–turn the ring by twisting your hands to the position reverse grip; 3 – 4 return to i.p.


I.P.: basic stance, ring in both hands, gripping the middle from the outside.

1 – sit down, ring up; 2 – return to IP.

"Hands up"

I.P.: stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, ring in your right hand.

1 – arms to the sides; 2 – hands up, transfer the ring to your left hand; 3 – arms to the sides; 4 – hands down.

"Move the ring to the other hand"

I.P.: stand with your feet as wide as your feet, holding the ring in your right hand.

1 – raise left bent leg, transfer the ring under it to the other hand; 2 – lower your leg, arms down. Same with the right foot.


I.P.: foot stand onshoulder width, ring at the bottom with both hands gripping the middle from the outside.1 – straighthandsforward; 2 – bend over and touch the ring to the floor; 3 – straighten up, ring forward; 4 – i.p.

"Step to the Side".

I.P.: basic stance, ring on the head, hands on the belt. 1 – step with the right foot to the right; 2 – place your left foot; 3 – step with the left foot to the left; 4 – place your right foot, etc.

III. Game "Fishing Rod".

I. Formation in a line,column, posture check; walking in a column one at a time, changing into pairs at a signal, easy running.

II. Exercises "Airplanes"

"Start the engine"

I.P.: feet hip-width apart, arms down

1-8 – rotate your arms bent at the elbows (one arm around the other) in front of your chest, say “rrrr”, then return to i. P.


I.P.: feet shoulder-width apart, hands below

1-8 – circular rotations with straight arms forward (repeat 2 times)

"The path is clear"

I.P.: feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt

1- turn to the right, arms to the sides,

2-i. p., the same to the left

"Planes are flying"

I.P.: feet shoulder-width apart, arms to the sides

1- lean to the right, 2- and. P.,

3- lean to the left, 4- and. P.

"Turbulence (shaking in the air)"

I.P.: legs together, hands on the belt

Jumping on two legs in place.

"The planes have landed"

I.P.: feet width apart, hands below

1 - lunge forward with the right leg, arms to the sides,

2 - i. p., the same with the left foot

III. Forming a column one at a time, walking, stretching straight legs forward, easy running, walking.

I. Formation in a line,column, posture check; walking and running in a columnalone with acceleration and deceleration of the pace of movement according to the teacher’s signal.

II. Exercises with cubes

"Cubes up"

I.P.: basic stance, cubes in both hands below

1 – cubes to the sides; 2 – cubes up, hit them one against the other;

3 – cubes to the sides; 4 – return to IP.


I.P.: feet shoulder-width apart, cubes below

1 – turn right (left), arms to the sides;

2- return to IP.

"Forward bends"

I.P.: kneeling position, cubes at the shoulders

1 – 2 lean forward, put the cubes on the floor (away);

3 – 4 bend over, take the cubes, return to the first position.


I.P.: basic stance, cubes at the shoulders

1 – sit down, cubes forward; 2 – return to IP.

"Legs Up"

I.P.: lying on your back, cubes in both straight hands behind your head.

1 – 2 - raise straight legs up, touch the cubes to your knees;

3 – 4 return to i.p.


I.P.: basic stance, arms along the body in front of the cubes lying on the floor. Jumping on the right and left leg around the cubes in both directions, alternating with a short pause.

III. Forming a column one at a time, walking in a column one at a time with cubes in hands.