Life safety lesson on the topic "cyclist - driver of a vehicle." Rules of conduct for cyclists Message on the topic of vehicle driver

Driver - main figure in ensuring road traffic.

Let us remind you that in our country the number of cars is growing at a high rate: every year there are approximately 1,300,000 more cars. According to experts, in the near future there will be 330-440 cars per 1000 people (in 2009, this figure averaged 225 cars).

Consequently, the number of drivers is also growing rapidly. At the same time, the level of their professional training and level of culture in the field of road safety is not very high and does not fully meet the increasing requirements for road users to ensure road safety in modern conditions (as already mentioned, more than 70% of road accidents occur due to the fault of drivers ).

Therefore, road safety primarily depends on the level of training of drivers and instilling in them a high sense of responsibility for personal safety and the safety of others.

For what spiritual and physical qualities Can a driver be judged about the level of his culture in the field of road safety? In our opinion, the most significant features can be identified:

  1. Compliance of the driver’s health status and performance with the physical and psychological stress that arises when driving a vehicle on modern roads.
  2. Deep knowledge of the rules of the road, their conscious observance and ability to apply in various situations arising on the road.
  3. Continuous improvement of professional qualities in driving a vehicle.
  4. Cultivating a sense of high responsibility for the safety of other road users (pedestrians and passengers), respect for their rights in the field of life safety.

Such qualities do not appear by themselves. They will not arise when obtaining a driving license. They must be brought up with school age and should serve as the foundation for the training of a modern driver, because most young people will become vehicle drivers in life. This is evidenced by the intensive motorization of the country.

These qualities must be purposefully formed from the moment a person becomes a participant in traffic. From this moment on, he must begin to comprehend the basics of the Traffic Rules and form the conviction of the need to comply with them constantly.

The first vehicle that a person begins to drive during his school years is a bicycle. It is from this moment that you need to begin to cultivate the qualities of a cultural driver.

A bicycle is a vehicle that has two or more wheels and is driven by human muscular power.

    Persons at least 14 years of age are allowed to drive a bicycle while driving on the road, and persons at least 16 years of age are allowed to drive a moped.

Cycling is not permitted on most city streets, towns and highways. A bicycle as a vehicle has its own characteristics. Firstly, it is driven not by the engine, but by the muscular efforts of the cyclist. Consequently, its speed depends on the physical training of the driver. Secondly, the bicycle has high maneuverability and, thirdly, it is characterized by insufficient stability. Therefore, it is necessary to seriously learn to ride a bicycle and be prepared for various situations that may arise on the road.

The best way to learn to ride a bicycle is at a velodrome or in cycling towns, which have now begun to be established in various regions of the country.

    The cyclist is the driver vehicle, therefore, he is subject to the same requirements as any driver.

Everyone should know this

Before leaving, each driver is obliged to check and ensure that the vehicle is in good technical condition while on the road.

Basic requirements for the technical condition of a bicycle

  • A bicycle must always have working brakes and a sound signal (bell).
  • When driving on the roads at night, a bicycle must be equipped with a white flashlight (headlight) in front, a red flashlight or reflector at the rear, and orange or red reflectors on the sides.

Bicycle drivers are prohibited

  • Drive if there is a problem with the brake system or steering.
  • Ride a bicycle without holding the handlebars with at least one hand.
  • Carry passengers, except a child under 7 years of age, on an additional seat equipped with reliable footrests.
  • Carry cargo that protrudes more than 0.5 m in length or width beyond the dimensions of the bicycle or interferes with control.
  • Move along the roadway if there is a bicycle path nearby.
  • Turn left or make a U-turn on roads with tram traffic and on roads with more than one lane for traffic. in this direction.
  • Learn to ride a bicycle on city streets and highways.
  • Drive on sidewalks and pedestrian paths (a sidewalk is a road for pedestrians).

Basic responsibilities of a cyclist

  • On the road, you must stay in the far right lane, at a distance of no more than 1 m from the sidewalk or curb. This will ensure the safety of the cyclist.
  • You can make a left turn or turn around only on roads with one lane for traffic in a given direction and without tram traffic. On such roads, the carriageway has a small width, which allows the cyclist to make a turn or turn relatively safely. If it is necessary to turn left or turn around on a road with tram tracks and having more than one lane for traffic in one direction, the cyclist must get off the bicycle and guide it with his hands, observing the rules established for pedestrians.
  • If you intend to turn or stop, you must warn other road users in advance using hand signals. When turning left, raise the left arm to the side or the right arm bent at the elbow. When turning to the right, raise the right arm to the side or the left arm bent at the elbow. Before stopping, raise your right or left hand.
  • At an unregulated intersection of a bicycle path with a road, you must give way to a vehicle moving along the road being crossed.

By mastering and improving your skills in driving a bicycle, it is advisable not just to ride it recklessly, violating all traffic rules, but to prepare to become a professional vehicle driver.

It should be noted that in Russian Federation in 1995, the Association of Youth Automotive Schools of Russia was created.

As of January 1, 2011, the Association includes youth automobile schools in 46 regions of Russia, the main ones being Moscow, Saratov, Rostov, Samara, Penza, Kursk, Perm, Stavropol, Nalchik, Kaliningrad, Ryazan, Borisoglebsk, Voronezh region and many other educational institutions.

The main task of the Association of Youth Automotive Schools of Russia is to create a unified holistic system for teaching safe behavior skills to children and adolescents on the streets and roads starting from the age of 5.

Youth automobile schools have the status of institutions of additional education. During their studies, students receive professional training as vehicle drivers.

The vehicle driver training program includes:

  • 3-year training from 14 years of age;
  • 2-year training from 15 years of age;
  • 1-year training from 16-16.5 years of age.

Youth automobile schools have an equipped educational and material base, which includes classrooms, educational and methodological rooms for laboratory and practical classes, as well as educational equipment. Currently, the driving school fleet includes over 2,000 vehicles, including more than 200 trucks. The annual renewal of the vehicle fleet is up to 100 cars.

The work of youth driving schools is based on the requirements of the Federal Law “On Road Safety”, regional programs “On Road Safety”, taking into account the requirements of regional and city administrations in matters of educating the younger generation.

The following pedagogical tasks are solved in youth driving schools:

  1. Increasing the general level of culture of road users as a guarantee of safety.
  2. Professional training of drivers from among teenagers and young people.
  3. Professional orientation of young people towards professions in the automotive industry.
  4. Teaching children and adolescents the skills of safe behavior on the streets and roads, preventing road traffic injuries.
  5. Organization of free time in order to prevent neglect and delinquency among minors.
  6. Improving civic-patriotic, aesthetic, moral, physical education.
  7. Creation of racing tracks, motor towns, sections, clubs for children to learn how to safely drive bicycles, motorcycles, and cars.
  8. Organization of methodological assistance to teachers of general education institutions, institutions of additional education, employees health camps, parents and public organizations on the problem of preventing child road traffic injuries.

In conclusion, we note that reducing the number of road accidents, injuries and deaths on the roads depends on each person - a road user. It is possible to reduce the negative impact of the “human factor” on road safety provided that there is a radical change in the attitude of road users to the implementation of the Traffic Rules and compliance with well-known road safety measures, with each person realizing the fact that life and health depend largely on his behavior.


  1. What factors indicate an increasing influence of the level of training of a vehicle driver on road safety?
  2. What qualities characterize the level of general driver culture in the field of road safety?
  3. What role can the bicycle play in training the future vehicle driver?
  4. What are the basic requirements for the technical condition of a bicycle?
  5. List the main responsibilities of a cyclist.


From the Traffic Rules, select and remember the main provisions of what is prohibited for a bicycle driver.

LESSON No.__Life Safety Class:8 Date_____________________

Lesson topic: Cyclist - vehicle driver

Lesson type: learning new material using modern ICT.

Lesson type: mastering new knowledge.

Lesson Objectives :

    Educational: introduce students to the history of the creation of bicycles, the variety of types of bicycles, traffic rules for cyclists, and safe places to ride bicycles.

    Educational: development of cognitive interest through the use of ICT; awareness of the problem of danger to life due to non-compliance with traffic rules; broadening the horizons of students.

    Educational: instilling road safety culture skills and the ability to assess the degree of risk on the road.

Equipment: computer, cards for testing and consolidating knowledge.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment.

Minute of safety “What do I know about the rules of behavior on the roads?” (updating existing knowledge).

Students are given cards with test tasks. Children write down their answers, then exchange cards and check each other’s work (mutual check). Then the work is handed over to the teacher.

Teacher's opening remarks: A minute of safety gave us the opportunity to find out what we know about the rules of the road. The fact is that we are increasingly learning sad statistics about road accidents involving children. Knowing the rules of the road is one of the main ways to preserve life and health. What type of transport do you like? Guess the riddle:

I don't look like a horse
And I have a saddle.
There are knitting needles, but they, admittedly,
Not suitable for knitting!
Not an alarm clock, not a tram,
But I'm calling, so you know! (bike)

II. Message of the topic and purpose of the lesson: “Traffic rules for cyclists” (write down the topic of the lesson in your notebooks).Slide 1.

    History of the bicycle. (Slide 2)

The word “bicycle” means “fast-footed” - a very popular means of transportation among children. The invention of the first self-propelled cart was the forester of Prince Bademsky, the officer Baron Drez. The baron had a great passion for mechanics. One day Drez made and rode down the street on a narrow wooden bench with two heavy wheels. With his feet, Drez pushed off the ground, accelerated, and for several seconds the heavy cart rolled on its own. Two years later, in 1815, a message appeared in the newspapers that the mechanic Drez was driving his “car”. Having seen this invention, Emperor Alexander I approved this invention and Dres was awarded the title of professor of mechanics.

The first two-wheeled bicycle was invented in Russia in 1801 by master Artamonov. And it was called a SCOOTER. It was made entirely of iron, weighed 40 kg and rolled itself, if, of course, the rider turned the pedals attached to the large front wheel.

The brilliant inventor Kulibin also worked on solving a similar problem. In 1791, he made a cart, the two wheels of which were turned using foot levers by a driver standing on the back of the cart. She could lead three riders, albeit rather slowly.

In one of the French workshops, mechanic Pierre Michaud in 1855 attached a pair of pedals to the front wheel in the same way as pedals are now installed in tricycles for children. Many new possibilities immediately emerged. The car did not fall or overturn. The rider maintained his balance: the wheels were spinning like giant tops. Michaud dubbed it a bicycle. But the Americans called her a “bone shaker.” The car was shaking, heavy, and had an excessively tight ride.

Inventors began to make the bicycle lighter. In 1897, the bicycle was equipped with the last major improvement - a freewheel mechanism. Since then, cyclists can relax without getting off their bike. It is enough to accelerate, and then you can go further without turning the pedals. The bicycle will move by inertia, of course not for very long.

This is how the bicycle became a bicycle in its current form. No words, long way. But the invention turned out to be a success.

By 1920, the bicycle had become the main means of transport for workers, office workers, postmen and doctors. Bicycle means “fast-footed”. Modern bicycles fully justify this name.

What types of bicycles are there? (Slides 3–4)

There are many bicycles, and they are very different:

road bike Designed for travel on normal roads. It's convenient, but not very fast. Almost all the guys have one;
road bike – for traveling long distances on the highway, it is light and fast;
Mountain bike – for off-road travel, for descending from the mountains. It is strong and reliable;
– touring and folding bike – convenient for travel, which you can take with you by easily folding it in half;
racing bike – for sports cycling races;
tandem – this is a bicycle for two or three people, with seats for each;
water bicycle – you can sail on it through the water, turning the pedals, like on a catamaran;
unicycle – needed in the circus for tricks. Seems. That the stuntman sits on the wheel itself. And the clown bicycle goes both forward and backward. It will feature circus clowns making the audience laugh;
– railway bicycle - This is a four-wheeled cart with pedals for moving along rails. Such bicycles are used on closed scenic railway lines for the entertainment of tourists.

    Bicycle records. (Slides 5–6)

Scientists have calculated that you can ride a bicycle four times faster than walking. And it uses four times less energy than walking or running. If a person can walk fifty kilometers until he gets very tired, then he can walk as much as two hundred kilometers!

Several sports tourists have cycled around the world, circumnavigating the world.

Most fastest record Speed ​​on a bicycle was shown in 2001 by racer Sem. On a bicycle of a special design, which was called “Varna Diablo” (Varna is a city, the year it was made, and Diablo means that it is fast), he accelerated on a flat highway without hills to a speed of 126 kilometers per hour! It was a real and honest record.

And six years earlier, in 1995, the Dutchman Fred Rompelberg set a record of 268 kilometers per hour. But this was not a completely fair record, because the cyclist was accelerating while tied by a cable to a fast car.

    Rules for cyclists. (Slide 7)

Teacher : You do not need a special permit to ride a bicycle. They are designed for driving on roads with different surfaces. These are machines capable of trouble-free operation on any road, under various climatic conditions, they have a long service life. Cyclists, like motorists, are considered equal road users. These fully apply to all provisions of the Traffic Rules. But we must not forget that the bicycle is the most dangerous looking transport, since it is not stable when moving, and the cyclist is not protected, like the driver of a car, by the body or cabin.

A bicycle is a simple and convenient machine. Some children, without truly studying the car, without learning how to drive it properly, without knowing the rules of the road, are in a hurry to go out into the streets and roads with heavy traffic and find themselves in a difficult situation. In such cases, they are often responsible for road accidents. Therefore, before going on the road, a cyclist must study the bike well, learn how to drive it and thoroughly study and know the rules of the road.

    The bicycle driver is allowed: (Slide 8)

children can ride a bikeonly in closed areas: in courtyards, parks and stadiums;
– only children on children’s bicycles are allowed to ride on the sidewalks under the supervision of adults;
– before going outside, you need to check whether the bike’s brakes, steering wheel, horn are in working order, the tires are inflated, and the chain is tensioned. The technical condition of the bicycle must be checked daily;
– if you need to cross the road, get off your bike, holding it by the handlebars, and walk through the pedestrian crossing. Trying to cross the road on a bicycle can end very badly;
– you can only ride a bicycle on those roads where there is a special sign in a blue circle “ Bike Lane” – refers to the group of permission signs
(Slide 9) ;
– you can only transport children under 7 years of age, provided that your bicycle has an additional seat installed;

a cyclist, moving along the street, must carefully monitor all signals given by drivers of other vehicles. The cyclist himself signals with his hands. Before braking, you need to raise your hand up;
– when going on a bike ride, inform your elders about the intended route. Then you can count on quick help in case of bicycle repair;

    The bicycle driver is prohibited from: (Slide 10)

Until the age of 14, you cannot ride a bicycle on roads and streets. In the yard - please, but without going onto the road;
– arrange races on the road, a racing game;
– operation of bicycles if there are technical malfunctions: the brake system, the steering wheel is not secured, the wheel is bent. Tires are poorly inflated;
– movement of student cyclists in the dark;
– transport objects or cargo that protrude 0.5 meters in length and width beyond the dimensions of the bicycle and may interfere with control;
– towing bicycles and mopeds; in any place on the streets and roads, the bicycle driver is obliged to give way to blind pedestrians signaling with a white cane;
is strictly prohibited – cling to passing vehicles and ride a bicycle holding the handlebars with one hand or without hands.

Remember guys! sign in a red circle - “Cycling is prohibited””. (Slide 11)

    Violation of traffic rules.

The Federal Law on Traffic Rules states: “... Failure to comply with the requirements of the Traffic Rules entails a warning or the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of one minimum wage.”

III. Final part. Reflection: “Exam for cyclists” (students are divided into teams and answer test questions in turn).

Questions for the first group: (Slide 12)

1 .When driving on the road, a cyclist:

A) can drive without holding the steering wheel if there are no other vehicles nearby;
B) has no right to throw the steering wheel;
B) may not hold onto the steering wheel, but both feet must be on the pedals.

2. Is it possible to carry passengers on a bicycle? ?

A) Yes; (if yes, then under what conditions)
B) No.
At what age is it legal to ride a bicycle on public roads?

A) At least 10 years old.
B) At least 14 years old.
C) at least 16 years old.

Questions for the second group: (Slide 13, 14, 15)

Is it legal to tow a bicycle with another bicycle or moped?

A) It’s allowed because mom is worried and she needs to go home quickly.
B) Not allowed.

What rules does a cyclist obey if he drives a bicycle with his hands?

A) Rules for drivers.
B) Rules for pedestrians.

The rules require that the bicycle have the following:

A) chain, sound signal, brake;
B) pedals.

Conclusion: Guys remember! A bicycle is a convenient and very common form of transport for transportation. But this is also a dangerous form of transport if you do not adhere to a culture of road safety. Therefore, increased demands are placed on cyclists in terms of knowledge of traffic rules. Remember these rules, follow them and you will not be responsible for road accidents

§ 1 What is a bicycle?

Bicycles have long been a means of transportation; riding them is an exciting sport and tourism. The bicycle has firmly entered into people's lives and received universal gratitude. Also the bike is good sports simulator. Translated from Latin, “bicycle” means “fast legs.” Now let's define what a bicycle is? "Bicycle" is a vehicle other than wheelchairs having two or more wheels and driven by human muscle power.

No special permit is required to ride a bicycle. Currently we have a wide selection of bicycles such as children's, women's, road, and sports. For almost every taste.

A bicycle as a vehicle has its own characteristics - it is very maneuverable and at the same time not stable enough, especially when cornering.

It also differs in lower speed from the speed of cars, trolleybuses, and motorcycles. For many, a bicycle is the first vehicle in their life, and they continue to be friends with it throughout their lives. A person driving a bicycle becomes a cyclist.

§ 2 Cyclist and traffic rules

The traffic rules say that a cyclist is the driver of a vehicle and therefore must know and follow the traffic rules.

Remember, a bicycle driver is not a pedestrian. However, a person who gets off a bicycle and leads it, holding it with his hands, is a pedestrian.

Therefore, bicycle owners have the opportunity to become pedestrians if necessary. You shouldn't forget about her.

Let's look at a few of the rules that a cyclist needs to know.

A cyclist is the driver of a vehicle, so he is subject to the same requirements as any driver.

§ 3 Duties of a cyclist

The cyclist is obliged:

Driving on the side of the road is allowed if this does not interfere with pedestrians.

A bicycle is a vehicle and the cyclist is obliged to follow the signs that apply to any vehicle.

Only two road signs specifically refer to cyclists:

However, the bicycle driver is obliged to comply with other traffic signs relating to vehicles in general. A cyclist, as a road user, is obliged to notify other road users of his actions.

To indicate the maneuver, the traffic rules provide the following signs:

Stop - raised hand (any). When riding a bicycle, especially in traffic or in a bicycle convoy, it is better to avoid sudden braking and knowingly warn road users of your intentions.

Turning or changing lanes to the right - extended right hand, or

left extended and bent at the elbow.

Turning or changing lanes to the left - extended left hand, or the right one extended and bent at the elbow. It is also recommended to give a left turn signal when passing a motor vehicle parked at the right edge of the lane.

§ 4 Bicycle safety

There are many benefits of cycling. This and Fresh air, and improving metabolism in the body, preventing many diseases. But, as with everything, in cycling you need to know the limits, namely, observe and follow the rules of the road for cycling.

When riding a bicycle, you need to remember your safety. It is advisable to wear a protective helmet on your head and knee pads on your knees.

The technical condition of the bicycle is of great importance for the safety of the cyclist. Before getting on your bike, check the tire pressure, bike chain tension, and brake and steering function. Special attention Pay attention to the condition of your bicycle tires. A worn-out bicycle tire impairs braking.

Images used:

When purchasing a bicycle, how many people remember that the cyclist is a full-fledged participant in the road traffic? This means that it is simply necessary to know and follow the traffic rules. We remind you of the main points of traffic rules related to bicycle drivers.

General provisions

Bike- a vehicle having two or more wheels, driven by the muscular power of the person on it.

Driver- a person driving a vehicle. Thus, a cyclist is a driver of a vehicle, and therefore a participant in road traffic.

The driver is obliged to know and comply with the requirements of the Road Traffic Rules (TRAF), traffic lights, signs and markings, as well as follow the orders of traffic controllers.

Requirements for the movement of bicycles:

1. Persons at least 14 years of age are allowed to ride a bicycle when driving on roads.

2. Cyclists should only ride in the far right lane in a single row as far to the right as possible. Driving on the side of the road is allowed if this does not interfere with pedestrians.

3. Columns of cyclists when moving along the roadway must be divided into groups of 10 cyclists. To facilitate overtaking, the distance between groups should be 80 -100 m.

4. At an unregulated intersection of a bicycle path with a road, a cyclist must give way to vehicles moving on the road.

The bicycle driver is prohibited from:

1. drive without holding the steering wheel with at least one hand;

2. carry passengers, except a child under 7 years of age, on an additional seat equipped with reliable footrests;

3. transport cargo that interferes with control, or that protrudes more than 0.5 meters in length or width;

4. move along the road if there is a bicycle path nearby;

5. turn left or turn around on roads with tram traffic and on roads with more than one lane;

6. towing bicycles, as well as bicycles, except for towing a trailer intended for use with a bicycle.

7. move along the sidewalk, pedestrian path;

8. drive on roads marked with signs 5.1 “motorway” and 5.3 “road for cars”;

9. while driving, use a telephone that is not equipped with a technical device that allows hands-free negotiations;

10. drive a vehicle while intoxicated, under the influence of medications that impair reaction and attention, in a sick or tired state.

When listening to music while driving, to monitor the situation behind you, it is recommended not to cover one ear.

Technical requirements

The bicycle must have working brakes, handlebars and a sound signal; be equipped at the front with a white reflector and flashlight or headlight (for driving in the dark and in conditions of poor visibility), at the rear with a red reflector or flashlight, and on each side with an orange or red reflector.

It is advisable to have a bicycle helmet, or any other one with a closed back part.

Responsibility for violating traffic rules

Violation of Article 12.29 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation entails the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of 100-500 rubles. Failure to comply with other traffic regulations also results in a fine or warning.

If the actions of a cyclist caused damage to the health of people or transport, then civil liability measures are applied to him.

Criminal liability occurs when traffic rules are violated, resulting in death or serious harm to human health through negligence.

Cyclist signals

The signal for a left turn, U-turn, change of lane, or start of movement corresponds to the left arm extended to the side or the right arm extended to the side and bent at the elbow at a right angle.

The right turn signal corresponds to the right arm extended to the side or the left arm extended to the side and bent at the elbow at a right angle.

The brake signal is given by any raised hand.

Directions for action

When a traffic light turns on a prohibitory signal, you must stop near the stop lines or a duplicate sign 6.16 “STOP”.

When you turn on the permissive signal of a traffic light that is not equipped with an additional arrow, you must indicate the maneuver and move to the left. Drivers turning right will not overtake or cut off. According to statistics, this is the most common type of accident. It is advisable to use the same tactics when driving right turns onto secondary roads.

When leaving the yard, or from a secondary road to the main one, the cyclist must give way to other road users, including pedestrians. When turning right, exiting the main road, or crossing an unregulated pedestrian crossing, you must also give way to pedestrians.

At an intersection of equivalent roads, the driver must give way to vehicles approaching from the right. When approaching such an intersection, you need to make sure that the driver on the left is giving way. If in doubt, it's better to skip it.

On roads with tram tracks or roads with two or more lanes for traffic in the same direction, drivers must dismount and cross the road with a bicycle next to them in order to turn left or make a U-turn.

In populated areas, drivers must give way to trolleybuses and buses starting from a designated stop.

Outside intersections where tram tracks cross roadway, the cyclist must give way to the tram, except when the tram is leaving the depot.

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Slide captions:

Cyclist - vehicle driver Fundamentals of life safety Completed by: life safety teacher, Alexey Alexandrovich Beresnev

I. History of the bicycle The first two-wheeled bicycle was invented in Russia in 1801 by master Artamonov and was called a SCOOTER. It was made entirely of iron, weighed 40 kg and rolled on its own, provided, of course, that the rider turned the pedals attached to the large front wheel.

II. Types of bicycles For traveling on regular roads For traveling long distances on the highway For off-road riding, for going downhill Convenient for traveling For performing tricks and jumps Like a road bike, folds compactly for carrying and storage

III. A bicycle is a simple and convenient machine, capable of trouble-free operation on any roads, under different climatic conditions. You do not need a special permit to ride a bicycle. BUT - just like motorists, cyclists are treated as equal road users; BUT - a bicycle is the most dangerous type of transport, since it is unstable when moving, and the cyclist is not protected, like a car driver, by a body or cabin. A cyclist must: know the rules of the road well, so as not to become the culprit of a traffic accident and learn to ride a bicycle well.

A bicycle is a vehicle. The traffic rules stipulate that the minimum age for riding a bicycle on public roads should be 14 years of age.

Face, bicycle operator, must: check the technical condition of the vehicle, especially the steering and braking system.

Bicycles must be driven only in the far right lane (no further than 1 meter from the curb). It is allowed to drive onto sidewalks and pedestrian paths if this does not interfere with pedestrians. 1 meter

It is allowed to transport children by bicycle: if the child is under 7 years old; if there is an additional special seat equipped with reliable footrests.

Prohibited: Driving if the brake system or steering is faulty. Carry a load that protrudes beyond the dimensions of the bicycle and interferes with control by more than 0.5 m. Ride without holding the handlebars with at least one hand.

It is prohibited to tow a bicycle, except with a trailer. It is prohibited to turn left or turn around on roads with tram traffic and on roads with more than one lane for traffic in a given direction; It is prohibited to ride on the main road if there is a bicycle path nearby.

If your bicycle breaks down, you need to drive it along the road, going in the same direction as traffic. At an unregulated intersection of a bicycle path with a road (unless the intersection is at an intersection), cyclists must give way to vehicles traveling on that road.

The regulation regarding cycling groups states that columns of cyclists when moving on the roadway must be divided into groups of 10 cyclists. The distance between groups should be 80-100 meters. 10 cyclists

Think and answer: Which group of road signs does this sign in the picture belong to?

Think and answer: Which sign prohibits cycling?

Road signs All warning signs are more or less important for cyclists, so you need to know them. Most warning signs are in the shape of an equilateral triangle with a red border and a white or yellow background.

Of the prohibitory signs (most of them are a circle with a red border and a white or yellow background), one is specifically addressed to cyclists: sign 3.9 “No cycling” In addition to this sign, you should also pay attention to: sign 3.1 “Entry prohibited”

Sign 3.17.2 “Danger” Sign 3.18.2 “Left turn prohibited” Sign 3.18.1 “Right turn prohibited”

Sign 3.31 “End of zone of all restrictions” Sign 3.2 “No movement”

Mandatory signs are all important for a cyclist, but especially sign 4.5 “Cycle path”. This is the second sign addressed specifically to cyclists. Only bicycles and mopeds are allowed on the bike path, and if there is no sidewalk or pedestrian path, then pedestrians.

Almost all information and directional signs are relevant to cyclists. Some service marks relate to motor vehicles. The rest are also relevant for cyclists.

Cyclist signals A cyclist intending to turn or stop must give certain signals: a left turn signal corresponds to a left arm extended to the side, a right turn signal corresponds to a right arm extended to the side (or a left arm bent upward at the elbow)

Cyclist signals The rules allow when turning to raise the arm opposite to the direction of the turn, bent at the elbow at a right angle upward, but in order for your gestures to be clearly understood, it is recommended to extend your arm in the direction of the turn, since the cyclist, in general, does not care which hand to lift from the steering wheel.

Cyclist signals: The brake signal is given by raising your hand. The hand signal must be given well in advance of the maneuver and may be terminated immediately prior to the maneuver.

Statistically, a cyclist on the road is five times more likely to be involved in a traffic accident than a car driver. An analysis of accidents involving cyclists shows that most of them occur as a result of cyclists’ clear disregard for the rules of maneuvering on the roads, timely giving of warning signals and the right of way for other vehicles.

That's why prerequisite driving on streets and roads is a clear knowledge by the cyclist of the “Rules of the Road” and strict compliance with their requirements.