Aerobics exercises. Sets of aerobic exercises. More complex step aerobics exercises

A huge number of people strive to improve their figure. Some of them want to lose a few extra pounds, while others bring the numerical parameters closer to ideal values. But the chosen method of correcting the figure can unite all these people, namely - aerobics for weight loss.

The essence of aerobics for weight loss as a sport and its varieties

Aerobics is a great way to spend time benefiting your figure and overall health. Active gymnastic exercises strengthen and tighten muscles, help get rid of excess weight, improve well-being and mood.

The essence of aerobics is quite simple - catchy rhythmic music and cyclically repeated movements are enough to force the body to work to burn calories and produce joy hormones. Moving to music makes it much easier to follow the same rhythm; it encourages and makes you happy. Initially, aerobic exercises were of low intensity. However, today there are quite a lot of varieties of such sports, among which you can choose the most suitable one for each individual. You can sign up for aerobics classes at the gym or lose weight this way at home. It remains to decide on the variety:

1. Classic look aerobics– resembles choreography, however, it may have additions in the form of running, jumping and others variety of exercises. Elements performed to music promote rapid burning of fat tissue, improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system and endurance. human body.

2. Step aerobics involves the use of an additional attribute in the classroom - a platform. Such a platform can be purchased from specialized sports stores or make it yourself from available materials if you plan to conduct training at home. IN gyms for aerobics, as a rule, such platforms are always available. You need such an element to perform various steps, hops, jumps, which give additional stress to the muscles of the back, abs and legs. Using the step like a step, stepping over it and stepping on it, you can get a load with an intensity similar to running at a speed of 12 km/h.

3. Supplementing aerobics with strength training– this variety also received additional names, retraining into separate areas, such as styling, shaping, target-toing and others. The difference between such areas is that they require large amounts of power, which are aimed at developing muscle mass. Such training significantly accelerates fat burning processes in the body.

4. Dance aerobics has many directions corresponding to a certain style of dance. It can be classical, hip-hop, latina, Eastern dance, jazz, funk and many other types, each of which is performed to the appropriate music. Dance aerobics training combines dance movements and sport exercises. By dancing, a person burns excess weight and at the same time receives moral and aesthetic pleasure.

5. Aerobics and martial arts is a combination of a classic variety with elements of karate, kickboxing, boxing and other fighting styles. This type of aerobics cannot be called a full-fledged training in martial arts, but during training absolutely all muscle groups work, and the load on them is varied. This type of training is ideal for those people who have a well-developed muscle corset and a significant fat layer.

The benefits for the body of aerobics for weight loss: does exercise help you lose excess weight?

The main beneficial qualities of aerobics:

1. Strengthens the cardiovascular system body, the risk of developing and developing heart disease is reduced.

2. The body is saturated with oxygen during exercise, and therefore the activity respiratory system is improving.

3. Work is getting better endocrine system.

4. There is a surge of strength and energy in the body, and the level of endurance increases significantly.

5. The speed of all metabolic processes in the body increases.

6. Effective fight against extra pounds.

7. Improved mood and general well-being.

Regular training lead:

To burn calories even after completing the workout, due to accelerated metabolism;

The body's resistance to any physical activity, the need for which arises under normal life circumstances, also reduces fatigue;

To cleanse the body of waste and toxins, which begin to be eliminated due to the same accelerated metabolism;

To strengthen bone tissue;

To reduce the risk of atherosclerosis;

To strengthen immunity and improve performance.

Aerobic exercise helps not only to lose weight, but also to make your figure slim and toned. How does this happen?

Exercising helps speed up the metabolism in the body, which improves your health and gradually eliminates excess weight. Activity digestive system returns to normal, intestinal function also improves - and this not only improves the figure, but also the condition of the hair, skin, immune system and the state of the body as a whole. Due to the fact that blood flow is normalized, blood begins to flow to all fatty areas that were previously “blocked.” Any type of aerobics can completely normalize the functioning of the human body. At the same time, it is naturally cleansed of toxins, fats and excess moisture.

Rules for performing aerobic exercises for weight loss

As in any sport, in aerobics there is a certain structure of classes, following which you can select certain exercises for the program. It includes:

1. Warm up– without such an important point, no training begins. During the warm-up, it is necessary to warm up all the muscles of the body and speed up the heart rate to the phase necessary for aerobics. The duration of the warm-up should be at least 4, but no more than 10 minutes.

2. Aerobic part– it is the main phase of the entire lesson, it is allocated the maximum amount of time allotted for the entire training. It includes a set of exercises aimed at burning fat and strengthening muscles.

3. Cool down– the final stage of training, at which it is necessary to continue moving and performing elements, but at a slower pace, gradually reducing it to zero. In this case, heart contractions should naturally normalize. The duration of the final phase is from 4 to 10 minutes, as in the warm-up.

After completing the entire set of elements, you cannot immediately lie down, sit down or stand still. Walk or move gently so that the blood continues to circulate, breathing evens out, and the heartbeat returns to normal. Training should be moderate; you should not overdo it. The body will still not be able to accomplish the impossible, and there will be no benefit from it.

A set of the best aerobics exercises for weight loss

Oddly enough, with the advent of new and improved types of aerobics for weight loss, videos have long remained the most effective famous exercises.

1. Walking– at least 20 minutes a day fast pace allows you to improve the appearance of your figure, start the processes of burning fat in the body, fill the lungs with oxygen and make everything internal organs function correctly.

2. Dancing– lift your spirits, give positive emotions and pleasure. During dancing, almost all muscles work, the contours of the figure are perfectly corrected, and along with the actively secreted sweat, fat accumulations gradually evaporate.

3. RunThe best way strengthen and pump up your leg muscles. Fast run quickly tires, but has an effective effect on fat deposits on the hips and buttocks. Slow jogging also engages the arm muscles, creating beautiful relief.

4. Jumping rope– an indispensable exercise in aerobics. During such jumps, the muscles of the buttocks, legs and abdomen work.

If you regularly perform a set of the listed exercises at least 3 times a week, not only extra pounds will begin to disappear, but also complexes, self-doubt and embarrassment. And if you combine training with proper, timely nutrition, the effectiveness will be higher.

Fitness is a health system aimed at maintaining and improving physical performance, body correction, and weight normalization. In order for fitness classes to bring the desired effect to beginners, you should familiarize yourself with a number of recommendations and tips. This will avoid typical mistakes, achieve improved physical fitness without any harm to health.

It is not enough to just exercise regularly in the gym; you also need to devote increased attention proper nutrition, that is, following a fitness diet. Most people start practicing fitness to lose weight and shape their figure. This result can only be obtained if you completely change both the daily routine and the menu, eliminating it from it and replacing them with healthy foods.

You can exercise in the gym or at home. The main thing is that training, regardless of the location, will help solve not only the problem of excess weight, but also prevent the risk of developing or cure many systemic disorders and diseases.

Through fitness you can achieve:

  • significant improvement in the condition of blood vessels and heart muscle;
  • relief from joint pain;
  • cure spondylosis, osteochondrosis, radiculitis, scoliosis and other spinal pathologies;
  • normalization of metabolism;
  • stimulation of the body's healing processes.

Fitness helps cope with depression and some other mental disorders without resorting to drugs medications. This effect on the body is due to the production of serotonin, which occurs during exercise. This special compound creates joy and satisfaction with life in the human brain. It is present in most antidepressants.

The concepts of fitness and health have the same meaning. Systematically performed exercises are aimed not only at maintaining tone muscle tissue, but also prevent apoptosis - premature genetically determined cell death. This phenomenon is one of the main causes of aging. In other words, a person who practices fitness has the opportunity to prolong youth.

Types of fitness

This type of physical activity has several varieties, each of which is intended for certain categories of people and solves specific sports or health goals. There are power and gentle systems, male and female species fitness.

Along with the above, there are the following varieties:

A popular fitness trend that includes dance, kick, slide and water aerobics. Exercises performed to music correct the figure, develop a sense of harmony and rhythm, and have a beneficial effect on the respiratory system.

A set of exercises based on calm, smooth, slow movements. It does not involve high loads. Its main advantages are the absence of any contraindications to exercise and low risk of injury. help strengthen muscles without pumping, increase flexibility, and make joints more mobile.

This system is based on the principle correct breathing when performing all exercises of the complex. Bodyflex is ideal for people who want to get rid of extra pounds; it helps to normalize the metabolic processes occurring in the body.

Consists of performing a variety of exercises with special ball. Ideal for those who want to correct their muscles, improve coordination, tighten their buttocks, and strengthen their back muscles.

A relatively new type of fitness, whose style was borrowed from boxing and Asian martial arts. Classes are held to energetic and invigorating music and require a person to expend a huge amount of energy, strength, and endurance. One hour training According to the taibo system, it is comparable to a ten-kilometer race.

How to start fitness training correctly?

Fitness should not be viewed as incredibly hard and exhausting work that needs to be done in order to achieve a cherished goal - perfect body. There is no need to perceive training as a tool for achievement. high results In sports. The primary priority should be an exclusively positive mood, receiving positive emotions from the process. This is only possible if the training program fully meets the set goals and is consistent physical abilities person.

In many health centers modern clubs You can undergo a procedure such as fitness testing. It takes place under the strict guidance of a specialist - a sports doctor, who is required to provide all the information about past injuries, diseases, including chronic ones, and general health.

The sports doctor, based on the information received, selects a suitable training program for the client, gives advice on which activities are completely contraindicated and which, on the contrary, contribute to a speedy recovery.

The specialist measures pulse and blood pressure indicators, such as physical parameters, such as weight, height, chest circumference, hips, waist. Some clubs offer a stress test, that is, taking a cardiac cardiogram during a period of rest and under conditions of increased stress.

The correct choice of a fitness program for beginners is to select a system that is not capable of harming your health. You need to start doing the type of fitness that will fully correspond to all physical capabilities. When classes are held from personal trainer, they are not only more productive, but they almost completely eliminate mistakes and excessive overtraining.

The club in which the classes will take place is also important. Before purchasing a subscription, first of all, you should read reviews about the establishment by contacting Special attention on how much good professionals work in a physical education and health club.

They are quite simple and consist of seven points:

  1. You can't treat fitness as a hobby. This is a full workout. You should not slack, skip classes due to bad mood or laziness. If you indulge yourself and attend training irregularly, this will slow down your progress.
  2. There is no need to be afraid of mistakes. After all, they are the ones they learn from.
  3. A schedule should be planned. Training should take place at least three to four hours a week.
  4. Excessive zeal during training will only lead to overtraining muscles and will not allow the body to recover on rest days, reducing the effectiveness and productivity of subsequent training.
  5. Failure to comply with special diets will minimize all efforts and efforts. It is not only nutrition that requires attention, but also adherence to the correct drinking regime, which replenishes lost fluid.
  6. Necessarily you need to encourage yourself for each passed in training process stage.
  7. It is necessary to be in constant contact your coach, keep a diary, writing down the instructor’s advice and recommendations.

A set of exercises for beginners

The basis of classes on initial stage Experts recommend doing three exercises:

  1. Aerobic. Aimed at training blood vessels and the heart - walking and running in place.
  2. Power. Designed to develop a specific muscle group, including lifting light weights.
  3. For flexibility. These should be static, slow, smooth exercises. If you overdo it, you can damage the ligaments.

Training should begin with a good warm-up. This allows you to warm up the body, improve blood circulation, and reduce the risk of injury.

Fitness classes at home

You can train not only in the club, but also at home. The main thing is to approach planning correctly and competently. Experts advise purchasing sports equipment such as: treadmill, dumbbells, fitball, mat. You can do exercises at home that involve your own body weight, such as lunges and squats. The only disadvantage of such classes is the lack of a trainer.

Who is contraindicated for fitness?

Moderate physical exercise, as a rule, suitable for everyone. However, when starting training, it is best to consult with a specialist. There are a number of medical indications for which you can engage in fitness in a gentle manner or avoid training altogether:

  • infectious diseases;
  • increased body temperature;
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • presence of endoprostheses;
  • epilepsy;
  • psychological pathologies;
  • diabetes.

Pregnant women should only engage in specially designed types of fitness.

Aerobics is a mandatory element that should appear in the life of a losing weight person who wants to lose excess weight for a long time. What is its essence, how does it work, what are its basic rules, directions and contraindications for classes? We'll talk about all this and more further.

What is aerobics and what are its benefits?

One of the most popular and effective ways lose weight and get in good shape physical fitness is aerobics. It helps not only to lose extra pounds, but also to recharge with energy and a great mood. Aerobics is suitable even for those who have never exercised before. It is easy, understandable, and its effectiveness is obvious.

Aerobics for weight loss is the repeated repetition of a certain set of exercises, which is performed with a certain intensity and to music.

Aerobics is different from other types physical activity a whole range of advantages:

  • makes it possible to model the body and generally improve the health of the body;
  • accelerates metabolic processes in organism;
  • ensures maximum energy consumption in minimal time;
  • increases endurance and resistance of the body to physical activity;
  • increases plasticity and grace, improves coordination of movements;
  • guarantees gradual burning of fat (using excess fat as an energy source);
  • promotes the removal of toxins and other harmful substances from the body;
  • improves the functioning of the heart and vascular system;
  • has a large number of different training areas;
  • no need for special expensive sports equipment and simulators.

Another important advantage of aerobics for weight loss is its accessibility. Having mastered the basics of training with a trainer, you will be able to train not only in gyms, but also at home and at the same time achieve equally good and noticeable results. All you need is desire, some free time, and an aerobics video.

Basic Rules

To achieve best results and quickly lose weight with the help of aerobics, and most importantly, keep it on for a long time, you should adhere to the following basic rules.

  • Before training, you should always warm up to warm up your major muscle groups. It is this that will prepare the body for subsequent intense exercise and minimize the risk of injury during exercise.
  • If possible, stabilize joints using special elastic knee pads, elbow pads, and bandages.
  • Include cardio exercises in your exercise routine. When performing them, pay special attention to correct breathing. Improper breathing will not be able to provide the body with enough oxygen and will significantly reduce the effectiveness of training.
  • Be sure to alternate cardio exercises with strength exercises. The latter will ensure muscle strengthening, as well as active fat burning (even after completing the exercises). Allocate to power loads should be at least 10-15 minutes in each workout.
  • You should always end a set of exercises with a cool-down. Quite often this rule is ignored. This is not true. Abruptly stopping exercise does not allow the body to recover normally, and also negatively affects the functioning and condition of the heart.

As a cool-down option, you can use calm walking or stretching exercises.

  • The optimal duration of one aerobics session is 60 minutes. During the first 20-40 minutes, the body burns reserves of substances from muscle tissue and only after this time begins to consume fat.

Determining the optimal load

The most popular and accessible way for everyone to determine the optimal load during aerobics is to calculate your personal “corridor” of heart rate (HR), within which the pulse should be during exercise.

If the load is low, the heart rate will not be high enough. In this case, the training will be ineffective and will not bring desired result. If you exercise too much, your heart rate will be much higher. permissible norm, which, in turn, will cause too active and strong stress on the heart muscle.

To calculate the optimal “corridor” of heart rate, subtract the age of the trainee from 220. After that, calculate 0.6 and 0.8 from the resulting number. These numbers will determine the maximum and minimum heart rate values ​​allowed during exercise.

Example: The age of a woman attending aerobics is 35 years old.

220 – 35 = 185

It follows that for a 35-year-old woman, the heart rate during exercise should not go beyond 111-148 beats per minute.

The second correct way to determine the optimal load during aerobics is called the “talking test”. Its essence:

  • the load is optimal if during training a person has enough breath to maintain a short conversation and briefly answer questions;
  • the load is too great if the trainee cannot pronounce at least 3-4 words in a row during a lesson.

The load should be selected individually for each person, taking into account:

  • age;
  • general health;
  • presence of chronic diseases;
  • degree of training.

Main directions

Modern aerobics is a whole complex of various directions and different subspecies. Let's consider the most popular and widespread of them, their features, advantages and disadvantages.

Step aerobics

The second name is Step. A fashionable trend that makes it possible to burn about 600 kcal in 1 hour of training. Classes are conducted using a special step platform and consist of all kinds of steps and jumps on it.

Additional weights are used as desired.

During training with the platform, you can perform both cardio and strength exercises.

Main advantages:

  • high-quality training of the leg muscles without significant increase in muscle volume;
  • excellent load on the heart muscle, as well as the vascular system;
  • an economical option for training (the step platform is relatively inexpensive, so you can conduct home workouts based on it);
  • no special dance training required;
  • provides significant energy consumption (compared to standard aerobics without steps);
  • stimulates fast burning subcutaneous fat.

The disadvantages of step aerobics include:

  • not suitable for people with significant obesity;
  • contraindicated in varicose veins veins;
  • To achieve noticeable results, you should do at least 3-4 sessions per week.

When practicing step, it is important to adhere to the following recommendations:

  • perform all movements as smoothly as possible, without significant jerks;
  • on time and in small portions;
  • place your entire foot on the platform;
  • load one leg for no more than 60 seconds, then perform exercises on the other, observing the order;
  • do the exercises facing the step platform;
  • Always keep your legs slightly bent at the knees (to prevent damage to the joints), your back as straight as possible, while straining your abdominal muscles as much as possible.

From the video you can learn what step aerobics is, its basic rules, how to choose a step platform, as well as a set of exercises that can be performed at home.

Dance aerobics

It is a set of dance exercises performed to music. The main advantage of this direction is that, in addition to the opportunity, the dancing itself is very interesting, exciting and fun. At the same time, you don’t need any equipment at all for training. You don’t even need a sports mat for exercise, since dance aerobics does not contain exercises performed in a lying or sitting position.

Based on the amount of calories and fat burned during exercise, this type of training is considered extremely effective. During dance aerobics, the legs, abdominals, and buttocks area lose weight the fastest and become more toned. In addition, exercise has a beneficial effect on posture and heart function.

Depending on the movements used, as well as the chosen music, there are several main subtypes of this direction:

  • Zumba. A type of Latin dance that is available in any fitness club. Zumba involves relatively simple movements from a technical point of view (springing steps, swaying hips, etc.), characterized by a certain rhythm of execution and special incendiary energy.
  • Belly dance. The second name is belly dancing. A popular and sought-after area of ​​dance aerobics, which allows you not only to lose excess weight, but also to increase plasticity, grace, and improve your body. During such training, almost all major muscle groups are involved.
  • Strip of plastic. Effectively fights overweight, improves posture, increases female sexuality. As a rule, training consists of 3 main blocks: strength, dance, stretching.
  • Hip-hop. The most intense and energy-consuming type of aerobics. An hour-long workout can burn up to 500 Kcal.

Why the method of losing weight using dance aerobics is highly effective and how to perform dance movements correctly - fitness trainer Nadezhda explains in the video.

Water aerobics

The ideal way to lose weight for anyone and everyone, regardless of age, degree physical training and initial weight.

Water aerobics has many benefits. One of the main things is that during exercise the joints experience minimal stress, since the training takes place in water, which is extremely important for people suffering from severe obesity.

Other advantages:

  • water activities provide intense load and good weight loss effect;
  • during training in water the body does not overheat;
  • water makes it possible to evenly distribute the load on the main muscle groups and form a beautiful muscle relief;
  • For very obese people, water aerobics is the only possible way intense workout.

Water aerobics has only one drawback - it can only be done in the pool, but not at home.

Instructor Elena Golubtsova will tell you all about the advantages of water aerobics and its effectiveness in losing weight in the program “Time to Live”.

Strength aerobics

A specific type of exercise during which the main load falls on the muscles of the legs, abdomen, buttocks and shoulder girdle. Main advantage strength training is that they allow:

  • provide rapid burning of fat;
  • improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

Strength aerobics consists of a complex exclusively strength exercises, which in most cases are performed with small weights, but very rhythmically. Also, during strength training, the trainee’s own body weight is actively used.

In most cases, strength aerobics includes the following types of exercises:

  • presses;

Moreover, the same exercises can be performed in different interpretations. Strength aerobics allows you to simultaneously achieve two goals: lose weight and tone your major muscle groups.

Set of exercises power aerobics for losing weight in the lower body, presented in the video, includes a warm-up, main part and final part, suitable for people of different levels of physical fitness.

Intense aerobics

It has its own fundamental differences:

  • intense loads during classes alternate with short rest;
  • a set of exercises includes both strength and cardio exercises;
  • The average workout duration is only 10 to 20 minutes.

Despite such a short training time, intense training provides an amazing weight loss effect. This type of physical activity will be an excellent option for those who really want to lose weight, but do not have a lot of free time to exercise.

Aerobics at an intense pace burns fat approximately 6-12 times faster than regular aerobics.

A modern person suffering from physical inactivity has a very slow metabolism. Exercising at an intense rhythm guarantees a huge load, which “accelerates” the metabolism not only during the workout, but also for 4-6 hours after. This means that after such exercises a person continues to lose weight for a very long time.

For an intense workout, it doesn't matter what exercises are performed. It is important how.

Execution rules:

  • any exercise should be performed with maximum intensity;
  • rest between exercises occurs in movement, for example, steps are performed in place or the same exercise, only at a slow pace;
  • after that - again work to the limit of your capabilities.

There can be 10 or more such approaches during training. Ideally, include different exercises in the complex that will involve all major muscle groups.

The main thing during classes is to give 100%, until you feel a burning sensation in your muscles.

The video clip shows a set of intense aerobics exercises, selected in such a way as to ensure maximum energy expenditure. Overweight will disappear before our eyes.

A set of exercises to perform at home

If it is not possible to go to aerobics at a fitness club and exercise under the supervision of an experienced instructor, you can master simple complex to do at home.

Experts advise beginners to choose simple combinations that include the most simple exercises– jumping in place, steps, lunges, exercises with own weight performed at a fast, rhythmic pace to music.

To home workout became aerobics, the exercises need to be combined into blocks of 2-3 movements in each and these combinations should be performed in 3 approaches.

See below for an approximate version of the complex for home training.

1. Warm-up:

  • . Starting position – standing straight, shoulders as relaxed as possible, rib cage– open, shoulder blades – brought together as much as possible. Take a step to the right, then stand left leg. Repeat in the opposite direction. During steps, your legs should be slightly bent at the knees. During steps, perform circular rotations with your arms back and forth as quickly as possible. This will increase your heart rate and warm up quickly. Walk in this manner for 3-5 minutes.

  • Steps with raised knee/leg. Make a slight lunge forward with your right leg, bend your left leg at the knee and lift it as high as possible in front of your chest, press it to your stomach. Return to the starting position and do the same for your left leg. During movement, the arms can move completely freely. Time to complete – 2-3 minutes. For physically fit people, you can raise a straight leg.

  • . Start with the neck muscles, alternately tilting your head to one side or the other.

Afterwards, proceed to tilting the body forward-backward-left-right. Bend your lower back back and stay in this position for 10-15 seconds. Light stretching before starting the intense part of the session will help avoid injury and muscle strain.

  • . Step your right foot back and lower your knees to the floor. Slowly return to the starting position. Repeat for the left leg. The number of repetitions is at least 10-12 times for each leg.

A 10-15 minute warm-up will be enough to warm up the main muscle groups well.

2. Main part:

  • . Starting position – standing. Start quickly jumping on your toes with your legs bent. Completion time: 1 minute at a fast pace.

  • Passing an imaginary or real ball. Feet shoulder width apart. Squat as far as possible, turning to the left. Then straighten up sharply in the opposite direction, sending the ball up and to the right with your hands. During the exercise, you should tense your abdominal muscles as much as possible. Repeat the exercise in different directions for 2 minutes. When performing the exercise, you can use a small ball or weights, or you can do it without equipment.

  • . Take a lying position (as in push-ups). On the count of one, jump forward. On the count of two, return to the starting position. Do 15-20 jumps. While holding, try to keep your torso parallel to the floor, do not tilt your pelvis forward or down.

  • . Squat down, then jump up vigorously, pushing your feet off the floor as hard as possible. Repeat jumping for 2-3 minutes.

  • Running in place with legs raised. Imitate running on a treadmill by raising your legs high, bending them knee joints. Run as fast as possible for 1 minute, and more slowly for the second. Time to complete the exercise is 4-6 minutes.

  • . During the exercise, do not forget to pay attention to the abdominal muscles. Lie down on the floor. Bend your legs at the knees and place your feet on the floor, hands clasped behind your head, elbows spread to the sides. Raise on the count of one top part torso, trying to get your stomach as close as possible to your knees. Hold for 1-2 seconds. Return to the starting position. You should do 20-30 lifts in one approach. The number of approaches is at least three.

  • . Stand in a plank position and push up from the floor 15-20 times. During the exercise, your feet can be on your toes or on your knees.

3. Cool down. You should finish your workout with a cool-down. You can do light stretching of the main muscle groups, or simply without stopping at a relaxed pace walk around the room for 5 minutes.

Instructor Daria Sushakova will show and tell you how to finish your workout at home by stretching all the main muscle groups in the video:


Despite the benefits of aerobics for losing excess weight and improving overall health, such activities are not suitable for everyone.

Aerobics class

“Specially targeted strength aerobics exercises”

(for older children school age)


Garnik Lyubov Arkadyevna,

additional education teacher

Municipal Educational Institution "Center" children's creativity» Nadym

Target: improvement of motor skills of power aerobics.


    consolidate the implementation of general developmental exercises;

    improve the performance of specially targeted exercises, develop strength and endurance;

    cultivate diligence and patience during exposure to power load.

Time : 80 min.

Location : dance hall.

Type of lesson: combined.

Form of organization of student activities: group

Lesson form: practical work.

Methods and techniques: verbal, visual-auditory, practical.

Forms of control: observation, mutual control, discussion.

Equipment: stereo, mats, stopwatch, cards, sheet of paper, markers.

Introductory part (10 min)

    Inviting children to the dance hall.

    Motivation: students are asked to test themselves for spinal flexibility, for example: stand straight with your feet together. Bend forward as low as possible, placing your arms down. Your fingertips should touch the floor.

    Formation in 2-3 lines in a checkerboard pattern.

    Communication of the objectives of the lesson and the rules for performing the exercises (Appendix 1)

    Determination of pulse in 10 seconds.

Preparatory part (15 min)

Warm up.

Teacher: “At the last lesson, we learned the outdoor switchgear complex, which we will perform as a warm-up at every lesson. Warm-up is a consistent workout of all parts of the body and prepares the body for physical exercise with increased intensity and complexity. Today we will consolidate a set of general developmental exercises and next classes We will repeat it and improve it.”

A set of general developmental exercises.

    I.p. (starting position) – legs apart, arms down.

1 – head tilt to the right; 2 – i.p.; 3 – head tilt to the left; 4 – i.p.

    I.p. – stand with legs apart, arms down. 1 – tilt your head to the right, slightly bend your left leg; 2 – i.p.; 3 – tilt your head to the left, slightly bend your right leg; 4 – i.p.

    I.p. – stand with your feet apart, hands behind your back. 1 – stretch your head forward; 2 – pull your head back. Don't raise your shoulders.

    I.p. – stand with legs apart, arms down. 1 – raise your shoulders up; 2 – i.p. The same, standing on your toes and lowering yourself down for each count; performing a half squat on the count of 2.

    I.p. – stand with legs apart, arms down. 1-4 alternately raise and lower your shoulders gradually squatting; 5-8 – the same, straightening up.

    I.p. – stand with your legs apart, bend forward, hands to your shoulders. 1 – turn the body to the right, elbow up; 2 – i.p.; 3-4 the same in the other direction.

    I.p. – stand with legs apart, arms down. 1 – half-squat knees to the left, swing arms to the right, turn the body to the right; 2 – i.p.; 3 – 4 the same in the other direction.

    I.p. – stand with your legs apart, hands back in the lock. 1 – bend your arms, bringing your hands closer to your shoulder blades; 2 – bend forward, straighten your arms back.

    I.p. – stand with legs apart, arms to the sides. 1 – 2 – movements of the pelvis from side to side. The same, bending and straightening your arms; performing two movements of the pelvis to the right and left; increasing the amplitude and transferring the weight of the body from the inner foot to the outer one.

    I.p. – stand with legs apart, arms to the sides. 1 – 2 – movements of the pelvis forward and backward. The same, performing a half squat (1 – 4) and straightening up (5 – 8)

    I.p. – stand with legs apart, arms to the sides. 1 – pelvis forward; 2 – pelvis back; 3 – pelvis to the right, 4 – pelvis to the left.

    March on the spot with high lifting hips (1 – 8)

    I.p. – stand with legs apart, arms back. 1 – 2 rise to half fingers; 3 – 4 roll onto your heels.

At the end of the complex, exercises are performed to restore breathing and relax muscles.

Guidelines : Pay attention to conservation correct posture, coordination of arms and legs.

Main part (40 min.)

I . Repetition of dance composition:

1-4 – 4 steps in place, arms up, palms forward, hands moving to the right and then to the left for each step;

5-8 – 4 additional steps (right step - add left, left step - add right, etc.), arms to the sides for each step;

9-12 – the same in the other direction;

13-16 – with the right Vi-step (right forward to the side, left forward to the side, right in IP, left in IP), arms bent at the elbows;

17-18 – two spring bends of the right with two jerks of bent arms: left up, right down, hands into fists, thumb up;

19-20 – repeat 17-18 on the other leg, changing the position of the hands;

21-24 – repeat 17-20;

25 – bend the right one, foot on the floor, hands to the right shoulder, palms together (“boat”);

26 – repeat 25 on the other leg, changing the position of the hands to the left shoulder;

27 – straighten the left one, bend the right one, cross swing the arms in front of the body, the left one is on top;

28– repeat 27 on the other leg, changing the position of the hands to the left knee;

29– straighten the left one, bend the right one, cross swing the arms in front of the body, left one is on top;

30 – repeat 29, changing the position of the legs and arms;

31– changing the position of the legs, clap behind the back;

32 – jump turn in a circle in the first position. clapping hands in front of chest;

33-64 – repeat the composition.

II . Consolidation and further improvement of specially targeted exercises to develop the muscles of the abdomen, shoulder girdle and legs, with overcoming weight own body.

Teacher: “Now we will do power aerobics exercises to strengthen muscle corset. You know that these exercises use your own body weight as weights. Then we will split into 3 teams. I will give you cards for each team, which will have exercises for a specific muscle group. You will need to choose the two most effective exercises from the proposed ones: 1st team - for the abdominal muscles; 2nd team – for the muscles of the shoulder girdle; Team 3 – for the leg muscles.”

Students complete all exercises from three cards. A set of strength aerobics exercises for each card includes 4–5 exercises for each muscle group (abdomen, legs, shoulder girdle).

Card 1 .

Exercises to develop the rectus and oblique abdominal muscles

(the abdomen and waist area is one of the most “vulnerable” places of the female figure).

I.p. – lying on your back, hands behind your head, legs bent apart; 1 – smooth lifting of the body up, arms forward; 2 – i.p. Repeat 10 – 12 times;

I.p. – lying on your back, legs bent, hands behind your head; 1 – lifting the body up; 2 – turn the body to the right; 3 – turn the body to the left; 4 – i.p. Repeat 10 – 15 times

I. p. - lying on your back, raising your straight legs up behind your head. Repeat 10 – 12 times.

I.p. – lying on the back of your forearms – “bicycle”. Slowly count up to 10 times or move your legs for 20-30 seconds.

I.p. – lying on your back, legs crossed, hands behind your head; 1- lifting the body up; 2-i. n. Repeat 10-12 times.

Having completed as instructed last time lifting your torso up, stretch your arms forward, fix this position for up to 10 counts.

Card 2.

Exercises to develop strength in the muscles of the shoulder girdle.

I. p. - lying position. Alternate flexion and extension of the legs. Repeat 6-8 times.

I. p. – standing on the right knee, left leg back; 1 – swing the left leg, simultaneously bending the arms; 2 – i. n. Same with the other leg. Repeat 8 – 10 times.

I. p. - emphasis lying on the forearms. Alternate extension and flexion of the arms with a return to i. p. Repeat 6-8 times.

I. p. - lying position. Flexion and extension of the right arm, left arm forward, right leg back. Perform 2-3 times. The same with the left hand. If it is difficult for anyone to complete this exercise, then flexion-extension must be replaced by holding.

I. p. – support lying behind. Flexion and extension of the arms while lying behind, with legs bent. Repeat 6 – 8 times.

Card 3.

This card contains exercises for developing the thigh (leg) muscles. On the legs there are large powerful muscle groups. They need constant exercise, such as these:

1. I. p. - lying on the right side, right hand under the head, legs bent at an angle of 90 degrees;

a) 1 – raise your left leg; 2 – lower your leg into i. n. Thigh, lower leg, foot here are one whole. Repeat 10 – 12 times;

b) 1 – 2 – raise your left leg; 3 – lower your leg into i. P.; 4 – pause. Repeat 10 – 12 times;

c) pulling the left leg to the chest and extending it, but not completely (the leg is parallel to the floor). Repeat 12 times. The same lying on the left side. Perform the exercise with your right foot.

2. I. p. - emphasis on the right forearm, lying on the right side:

a) swing the left leg upward from the side. Repeat 10 times;

b) swing the bent left leg towards the body. Repeat 10 times. The same when swinging with your right leg. Emphasis on the left forearm.

Guidelines: What should be achieved is not a purely mechanical performance of exercises, but understanding and awareness by the practitioner of their purposeful motor actions.

Showing the selected two most effective exercises. Students of one of the teams perform the demonstration, while the others watch. Then the second team performs the other two exercises, etc.

Teacher: “Now I will write down the exercises you have chosen on a piece of paper. So, we got it new complex strength aerobics exercises, which you and I will perform.”

Students perform a compiled set of exercises to develop the muscles of the legs, arms and abdomen (4-6 min.).

The teacher leads students to the idea that it is not any single exercise, but only a set of exercises aimed at correcting the figure, that helps achieve the desired result.

Final part (15 min.).

Teacher: “And now after active work Let's move on to a more relaxed exercise - this is a set of exercises for stretching muscles (developing flexibility), restoring breathing, and forming beautiful lines of movement":

1. Stretching.

IP - lying on your back. The left leg is bent, the foot rests flat on the floor. Extend your right leg, stretch slightly forward and clasp your hands under your right knee. Without lifting your back and buttocks from the floor, gently pull your right leg toward you until you feel a stretch in the back of your thigh. Bend your foot forward to extend calf muscle. Repeat the exercise with your left leg.

I.p. - lying on your back, with one leg bent at the knee and the other extended forward on the floor. Drop bent knee in the direction outstretched leg and touch the floor with it. You can also increase the stretch by pressing on the bent knee with the hand on the same side and extending the other hand to the side along the floor at shoulder level. Repeat the exercise on the other side.

I.p. - lying on your back. Bend your right knee, placing your foot on the floor. Pull up your left leg and place its ankle crosswise on your right knee. Fix this position. Slowly lift your right foot off the floor and lift it up. Wrap your arms around back your right thigh and gently pull it towards you. Repeat on the other side.

I.p. - lying on the left side. Lay your head on left hand, pull up. Bend your right leg back at the knee and grab right hand ankle. To enhance the stretch, pull your stomach in and push your tailbone forward, keeping your spine straight. Repeat on the other side.

I.p. - sitting straight. Bring your feet together with your knees bent in front of you. The knees are comfortably spread out to the sides and lowered. Grab your ankles with your hands and bend forward in your pelvis. Gently press your knees to the floor until you feel a stretch in internal muscles hips

I.p. - sitting straight, legs crossed in front of you. Turn your hands with your palms facing outward, clasping your fingers. Extend your clasped hands upward with your palms facing outward and stretch your whole body upward. To enhance the stretch of the upper back, you can lean slightly to the left - to the right.

I.p. - sitting straight, legs crossed in front of you. Extend one arm forward and press it to your body at shoulder level. With your other hand, press the elbow of your first hand until you feel a stretch in your shoulder and posterior muscles hands. Repeat the exercise with the other hand.

I.p. - sitting straight, legs crossed in front of you. Extend your left arm forward to shoulder level, bending your hand towards the floor. Place your right palm on the fingers of your left hand and gently press down so that you feel a stretch along the entire hand. Repeat with the other hand.

I.p. - sitting straight, legs crossed. Lower your chin to your chest and gently roll your head to the sides, turning your ear toward your shoulder. It is necessary to turn your head so as to feel the tension in the neck muscles. Repeat this exercise 2-3 times.


    Exercises must be performed with completely relaxed muscles;

    hold each stretch for 30 seconds, or until you feel strong muscle tension;

    do not pull the muscles to the point of acute pain;

    do not “swing” the muscle back and forth in a tense position. This is fraught with injuries and convulsions;

    Breathe deeply while stretching. This will make you feel much more comfortable and bring more benefits;

    The entire body should remain relaxed while you work a specific muscle group.

2. Determination of pulse.

3. Summing up the lesson.

Teacher: “Today in class we reinforced a set of general developmental exercises, strength aerobics exercises to strengthen the muscle corset, and together we compiled a set of strength aerobics exercises. You did great. In the next classes we will improve the implementation of these complexes.”

4. Homework: performing a set of exercises compiled in class.

Annex 1

Rules for performing exercises .

    All exercises for the neck muscles should be done softly, smoothly, without jerking;

    When moving your arms (forward, to the side, up, etc.) do not bend them;

    leaning forward - keep your back straight, do not lower your head, raise your chin;

    when turning the body, it is very important to maintain a strictly vertical position of the spine; you should not bend or slouch;

    leg exercises include a variety of squats, lunges, swings, calf raises, dance steps in various starting positions. When performing them, it is necessary to maintain correct posture;

    when rising on your toes, the legs are straightened with maximum tension in the thigh muscles. When performing swings, you need to squat slightly on the supporting leg, but keep your back straight. Leg swings are done at a given pace and with an amplitude that allows you to maintain this pace without bending the swing leg. The amplitude of the swings gradually increases;

    doing muscle exercises abdominals, keep the abdominal muscles tense and repeat the movements of the teacher as accurately as possible;

    exercises for the pelvic muscles in the initial “lying” position are performed with tension in the buttocks when lifting the pelvis and relaxing them when lowering, the abdominal muscles are tense all the time. Inhale before each descent and exhale before each ascent.

List of used literature.

    Alter M.J. The Science of Flexibility. - M.: Phoenix, 2001. – P.112

    Ashmarin B.A., Vinogradov Yu.A., Vyatkina Z.N., etc. Theory and methods of physical education: textbook. for faculty students cult. ped. institutes for special 03.03. – M.: Education, 2000. – P.287

    Baryshnikova T. ABC of choreography. - M.: Rolf, 2004. – P. 187

    Bobrova G.A. Gymnastics in sports schools. - M.: Physical culture and sport, 2001. – P.264

    Bogen N.N. Teaching motor actions. – M.: Physical culture and sport, 2000. – P. 193

    Verkhoshansky Yu.V. Basics of special strength training in sports. - M.: Physical culture and sport, 2004. – P. 264

    Zaitseva I. Fashionable figure: - M.: Eskimo, 2008.- P.192

    Zatsiorsky V.M. Physical qualities athletes.-M.: Physical culture and sport, 2001. – P. 196

    Kobyakov Yu.P. Training the vestibular analyzer of a gymnast. - M.: Physical culture and sport, 2004. – P. 64

    Kryuchek E.S. Aerobics. Contents and methods of conducting health-improving classes. - M.: Terra-Sport, Olympia Press, 2001. – P.64

    Kuznetsova Z.I. Development motor qualities schoolchildren. - M.: Enlightenment, 2002.–S. 204

    Lisitskaya T.S. Rhythmic gymnastics. - M.: Physical culture and sport, 2005. – P. 231

    Lisitskaya T.S., Sidneva L.V. Aerobics: Theory and methodology. - M.: Russian Aerobics Federation, 2002. - P.232

    Lyakh V.I. Flexibility and methods of its development // Physical education at school. No. 1, 2000.- P. 25

    Lyakh V.I. Coordination abilities of schoolchildren. - Minsk: Polymya, 2001. – P. 159

    Lyakh V.I. Coordination abilities of schoolchildren//theory and practice physical culture. No. 1, 2000.– P. 24

    Lyakh V.I. Improving specific coordination abilities//Physical education at school, No. 2, 2001. - p. 7-14.

    Lyakh V.I. Tests about physical education schoolchildren: A manual for teachers. - M.: LLC “AST Publishing House”, 2003. – P. 272

    Peredernina Ya.G. Stretching. Self-instruction manual. 70 exercises for stretching muscles and developing joints. – St. Petersburg: Vector, 2008.-S. 112

    Semenov L. Tips for trainers: Collection of exercises and methodological recommendations. - M.: Physical culture and sport, 2005. – P. 13

    Sosina Yu.V. ABC rhythmic gymnastics. – Kyiv: Health, 2002. – P. 245

    Sports injuries. Basic principles of prevention and treatment / ed. P.A. Renstrom. - M.: FiS, 2004. – P.134

    Ukran M.N. Gymnastics. - M.: Physical culture and sport, 2006. –P. 304

    Physical culture at school: scientific and methodological journal. - 2002-2008 - No. 1-8

Olya Likhacheva

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious it is:)

Mar 6 2017


Aerobics gained popularity all over the world in 1982 thanks to the American actress Fonda, although its real “father” is Doctor of Medicine Kenneth Cooper. The main attractiveness of this set of exercises is its effectiveness and accessibility for people of any level of training and age.

What is aerobic exercise

Aerobics is a set of exercises (this includes running, jumping, walking) that are performed to rhythmic musical accompaniment. Aerobic exercise improves physical fitness, flexibility, endurance, and has healing effect for the whole body. A set of aerobic exercises was developed as health system. It is actively used for weight loss, but cardio exercises bring benefits of a much wider range.

During exercise, blood circulation improves, the heart muscle contracts more often, the number of red blood cells increases, blood pressure returns to normal, resting heart rate decreases and the risk of diabetes decreases. Increased ventilation of the lungs provides additional oxygen saturation, activating recovery processes in the body. Such training reduces the risk of depression and has a positive effect on a person’s mental state.

Aerobic exercise refers to cardio exercise. Their main difference from power (anaerobic) exercise is the source of energy. Aerobic exercises are performed using one source - oxygen, while anaerobic exercise requires energy to be produced by the muscles. There are no exercises that are purely aerobic or anaerobic, so when dividing them, it is more likely to mean which type of energy is predominant. The main criterion that determines the type is the pulse rate: if the pulse is up to 85% of the maximum, the load is aerobic.

Types of aerobic exercise

Before we talk about the main types aerobic exercise, let's find out what intensity your workout should be. The intensity depends on the degree of your preparation and the physical condition of the body. IN gyms to determine the degree of load, use the Borg scale (CR10), according to which aerobic exercise occupy positions 4-6 (medium, heavy). It’s easier, especially at home, to conduct a speech test - you work out intensely, sweat, but your shortness of breath does not prevent you from pronouncing words clearly.

Types of aerobic exercise:

  • high-impact - intense exercise with lots of jumping, exercises, running;
  • switching or free motion - alternating exercises on simulators with cardio and aerobics;
  • dance aerobics;
  • slide aerobics - average in load between strength and dance, based on the sliding effect;
  • bodyflex - breathing exercises;
  • Activities are also considered to be separate types of such loads. martial arts(tai chi, kung fu) and yoga.

Aerobic sports

If you want to take care of your health, but don’t want to go to fitness aerobics, there are others aerobic species sports These include: swimming, skiing, aerobic dancing, jumping rope, jogging in place (you can use a machine), water aerobics. All these sports serve to strengthen muscles, burn excess calories, and improve the health of the body as a whole.

Aerobic exercises at home

Everyone has the opportunity to perform such gymnastics at home. This does not require exercise equipment or a lot of space. Exercises should be selected based on the size of the room where you will practice and your physical fitness. The optimal duration of classes at home is 45-60 minutes. Cardioaerobics consumes energy from the breakdown of oxygen, carbohydrates and fats. First, carbohydrates are broken down, fat burning begins after 20-30 minutes. From the start of classes, there is no point in making the workout shorter.

Aerobic exercise at home are performed to rhythmic music. You can combine them, diversify the activities with different variations - the main thing is that you enjoy it. All exercises are performed intensively, as if under the supervision of a strict trainer. Here are some basic aerobic exercises for training at home:

  • running in place and jumping;
  • jumping up;
  • squats, stretching exercises;
  • jumping up while lying down;
  • kicks;
  • elements of dance, step aerobics.

Aerobic exercise to burn fat

A large percentage of the population suffers from fat deposits in the abdomen and thighs. Aerobic exercises to burn fat deposits should be done at least 3 times a week, and preferably 6 times. Execution time – 30-60 minutes. The training intensity is high. Here are some aerobic exercises to burn fat:

  1. Jumping out. Sit down, heels on the floor, pelvis laid back. The jump imitates the movement of a frog.
  2. Lying point-blank jump. Starting position: stand straight. Sit down, lean on your hands and jump slightly into a lying position. Repeat everything in reverse order.
  3. Plyometric push-ups. Lying position. Push off from the floor, throw your body up, and clap your palms.
  4. Running in place “low start”. Take a pose as with a low start: one leg under you, the other extended as far as possible. At the same time, switch the position of your legs, transferring the weight to your arms. With this exercise, fat “goes away” perfectly, muscles are strengthened.

Aerobic exercise for weight loss

In the fight against excess weight, training is 15-20% effective, 40% comes from diet. If you exercise very intensely, but your food is far from proper nutrition, the food intake regime is not followed, the effectiveness of training will be minimized. Alactate aerobics should be combined with anaerobic exercise, since aerobic exercise burns sugar, and anaerobic exercise burns fat.

Aerobic exercises for weight loss:

  1. Run in place. Performed intensively with high hips, muscles tense.
  2. Deep squats with weights. Starting position: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms extended forward, with dumbbells or a heavy object. We squat and stand up.
  3. Jumping. A bench or other flat object is placed on the floor. Jumping over it is performed to the right and left.
  4. Jumping push-ups. Standing still, squat down, jumping back, take a lying position. Jump back to a sitting position and stand up.

Aerobic exercise for women

Different groups of people select aerobic physical activity based on their body type, level of training, and ultimate goal. A woman who wants to burn fat in the waist area, strengthen skeletal muscles, develop flexibility, but does not strive to build muscle mass, creates a program without strength exercises. Exercises to music, make you work different groups muscles, while lifting your mood and filling you with energy. Dance aerobics is great.

The following aerobic exercises for women will be effective:

  1. Twisting. Position: lying down, knees can be bent. Without lifting yourself off the floor completely, touch your elbow to the knee of the opposite leg.
  2. Leg lift. Lying on the floor, we raise our legs up, slightly lifting our pelvis.
  3. Side bends with dumbbells. Standing straight, with the pelvis fixed, we do lateral bends, arms with dumbbells shoulder-width apart.
  4. Stepping. We take a bench or a low stool, standing position, hands with dumbbells on the sides. We step onto the bench, the second leg is in the air, the knee should be above the knee joint when moving.

Aerobic exercise for older people

Cardio exercises are great for middle-aged and older people to maintain tone and adapt all body systems to everyday stress. Aerobic exercises for older adults are performed at a calm pace, with low to moderate intensity. It is for those who understand age-related problems and do not want to lose vital activity. Here are some exercises:

  1. Head tilts. Standing straight, feet shoulder-width apart, tilt your head to the right, left, down. Repeat movements up to seven times.
  2. Circular rotations. Standing, hands on your belt, legs slightly apart. We perform rotational movements with the pelvis, without bending or squatting, 5-7 times.

Video: Aerobic workouts to burn fat

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