Exercises for all muscle groups: a complex for practicing at home. Exercises for weight loss A set of physical exercises for health purposes


Physical exercise, a set of exercises and classes

physical culture




The formation of man at all stages of his evolutionary development took place in inextricable connection with active muscular activity. The human body develops in constant motion. Nature itself decreed that a person needs to develop his physical abilities.

The child has not yet been born, and his future development is already interconnected with physical activity. The need for movement is characteristic feature growing organism.

Unfortunately, an adult feels much less need for movement than a child. But movement is necessary, like food and sleep. Lack of food and sleep is captured by the body, causing a whole range of painful sensations.

Motor impairment goes completely unnoticed, and is often accompanied by even a feeling of comfort. With a lack of physical activity, the body's resistance to colds and the action of pathogens decreases. People who lead a sedentary lifestyle are more likely to suffer from respiratory and circulatory diseases.

A decrease in physical activity, combined with a violation of the litany and an incorrect lifestyle, leads to the appearance of excess body weight due to the deposition of fat in the tissues.

A huge number of people of different ages engage in physical education in order to improve well-being, improve health, become strong, dexterous, resilient, have slim figure, Fine developed muscles. Physical education classes are like compensation for the fact that we are deprived of such natural physical activities as running, jumping, swimming, walking, etc.

By performing physical exercises, a person enters a world of new sensations, positive emotions, and gains good mood, vivacity, cheerfulness, feels a surge of strength.

Medical science has established that systematic physical education, adherence to the correct motor and hygienic regime are a powerful means of preventing many diseases, maintaining a normal level of activity and performance of the body.

When performing physical exercises, a large number of signals are received from working muscles, joints and ligaments to the central nervous system, in particular to the cerebral cortex, which, in turn, from the central nervous system are sent to all internal organs - to the heart, lungs, muscles, etc. Cardiac activity and respiration increase, the speed of blood flow through the vessels increases, blood pressure rises, and metabolism increases. Degree of change in activity internal organs depends on the nature of the work; the more complex and intense the muscle movement, the more pronounced the changes in the internal organs.

Regular exercise, especially in combination with breathing exercises, increase mobility chest and diaphragm. Those who practice breathing become more rare and deep, and the respiratory muscles become stronger and more resilient. With deep and rhythmic breathing, the blood vessels of the heart dilate, resulting in improved nutrition and oxygen supply to the heart muscle.

Influenced regular classes Through physical exercise, a person’s muscles increase in volume, become stronger, and their elasticity increases; in the muscles the number of functioning capillaries increases several times, which at rest are in a collapsed position and blood does not pass through them. At muscle contractions The capillaries open, and increased blood flow begins in them. As a result, venous congestion decreases, the total amount of circulating blood increases and oxygen delivery to organs and tissues improves.

The state of our health largely depends on how and how much we move. In addition, the impact of physical activity on our mood and mental performance is often greater than it seems at first glance. Unfortunately, the program physical education Universities provide too little time for physical education. Independent systematic physical education classes are required. and sports. A daily dose of physical exercise should become as necessary for you as toileting in the morning or brushing your teeth. But first you should know that for the normal functioning of the body, each person needs a certain minimum of physical activity.

Not long ago, experts determined how much time should be devoted to physical exercise in order to achieve a protective effect. These requirements were developed as a result of many years research work. It turns out you don't need much. Here are three main principles that are easy to remember

1. Train every other day or at least three times a week

The Ministry of Health has determined the minimum weekly volume of physical activity for a student - ten hours. We must remember; physical education is not a one-time event, not a Sunday or a monthly event, it is purposeful, strong-willed, regular physical self-education throughout life.

There are three forms independent studies:

2. Daily physical education break.

3. Independent exercise and sports (at least 2-3 times a week).

Physical exercises, a set of exercises and physical education classes

Physical health is the natural state of the body, due to the normal functioning of all its organs and systems. If all organs and systems work well, then the entire human body (a self-regulating system) functions and develops correctly. Regular physical education and performing the optimal set of exercises will bring you pleasure and keep you healthy.

The formation of man at all stages of his evolutionary development took place in inextricable connection with active physical activity. The human body develops in constant motion. Nature itself decreed that a person needs to develop his physical abilities. The child has not yet been born, and his future physical and mental development is already interconnected with motor activity. Need for movement physical activity is a characteristic feature of a growing organism. Unfortunately, an adult feels much less need for movement than a child. But movement is necessary, like food and sleep. Lack of food and sleep is captured by the body, causing a whole range of painful sensations. Motor impairment goes completely unnoticed, and is often accompanied by even a feeling of comfort. With a lack of physical activity, the body's resistance to colds and the action of pathogens decreases. People who lead a sedentary lifestyle and do not engage in physical activity are more likely to suffer from respiratory and circulatory diseases. The influence of physical exercise on the human body is extremely great. All physical exercises are classified into three types: cyclic aerobic physical exercises that contribute to the development of general endurance; cyclic physical exercises of mixed aerobic-anaerobic orientation, developing general and speed endurance; acyclic physical exercises that increase strength endurance. Not long ago, experts determined how much time should be devoted to physical exercise and physical education in order to achieve a protective effect. These requirements were developed as a result of many years of research work. It turns out that you don’t need much time for physical exercise.

Here are three main principles that must be adhered to when performing a set of physical exercises:

1. Train every other day or at least three times a week.

2. Exercise continuously for 20 minutes.

3. Exercise vigorously, but watch your breathing.

The Ministry of Health has determined the minimum weekly volume of physical activity for a student - ten hours. We must remember that physical education is not a one-time event, not a Sunday or a monthly event, it is purposeful, strong-willed, regular physical self-education throughout life.

There are three forms of independent physical education:

1. Daily morning exercises.

2. Daily physical education break.

3. Independent physical education, exercise and sports (at least 2-3 times a week).

Each independent physical education training session consists of three parts; The preparatory part (warm-up) is divided into two parts - general warm-up and special. The general developmental part consists of walking (2-3 minutes), slow running (women - 6-8 minutes, men - 8-12 minutes), general developmental gymnastic exercises for all muscle groups. It is recommended to perform physical exercises, starting with small muscle groups of the arms and shoulder girdle, then move on to larger muscles of the torso and finish by doing exercises for the legs. After a set of physical exercises of a strength nature and stretching, relaxation exercises should be performed. The special part of the warm-up aims to prepare certain things for the main part of the classes. muscle groups and osseous-ligamentous apparatus and ensure the neuro-coordination and psychological adjustment of the body for the upcoming exercises in the main part of the lesson. In the special part of the warm-up, individual elements of basic physical exercises, imitation, special preparatory exercises, and performing the main exercise in parts and as a whole are performed. This takes into account the pace and rhythm of the work ahead. In the main part of the complex of physical exercises, sports technique and tactics are studied, training is carried out, physical and volitional qualities (speed, strength, endurance) are developed. In the final part, slow running(3-8 minutes), turning into walking (2-6 minutes), and relaxation exercises combined with deep breathing, which ensure a gradual reduction in the training load and bring the body into a relatively calm state.

At training sessions physical education (duration 60 or 90 minutes) you can focus on the following distribution of time by parts of classes: preparatory 15-20 (25-30) minutes, main 30-40 (45-55) minutes, final 5-10 (5-15) min. In the practice of conducting independent physical education classes, classes have become most widespread. sports games, athletic gymnastics, recreational jogging, skiing. Recently, students have become increasingly popular Rhythmic gymnastics(aerobics) and shaping.

Sports games: football, volleyball, basketball, handball, hockey, badminton, tennis and table tennis have a versatile effect on those involved, improving the functional state, physical training and coordination of movements.

In order for physical education to be more effective, the following rules must be followed:

· Increase the duration and load of classes gradually.

· Before the start of the games, do a warm-up, including slow running (3-5 minutes), general developmental physical exercises and exercises for those muscle groups that take the greatest load in this game.

· Comply with all safety rules, paying attention to the suitability of shoes, equipment, evenness of the site surface and other requirements.

Athletic gymnastics includes physical exercises with dumbbells, kettlebells, shock absorbers, barbells and other weights. By influencing various muscle groups, physical exercise with weights contributes to the harmonious development of the body's muscles and improves posture. It is recommended to do athletic gymnastics in the afternoon. The weight of the weights is selected so that each physical exercise can be performed 8-10 times in a row. For development absolute strength in any movement, the weight of the burden increases, and the number of repetitions decreases. To develop strength endurance and reduce body fat, lighter weights are used with a higher number of repetitions (16 or more). It is most advisable in training to first perform physical exercises with light weights, and in subsequent approaches increase the weight, reducing the number of repetitions. Any exercises should be performed rhythmically without holding your breath, inhaling at the moment of muscle relaxation. The rest interval between physical exercises is usually 1 - 2 minutes, depending on the speed of breathing recovery. Any set of physical exercises is designed in such a way that, if possible, all muscle groups participate. It is advisable to supplement physical exercises with weights with jumping rope, slow running, and sports games.

Health running is one of the best and most accessible forms of physical education. Thanks to the naturalness and simplicity of movements, the ability to conduct training in almost any conditions and, by performing physical education, achieve a significant expansion of functional capabilities, running in last years has become a mass hobby in many countries around the world. To increase the effectiveness of training, it is necessary to master rational technique, learn how to correctly dose the duration and speed of running. Errors in running technique (impaired posture, incorrect positioning of the back, etc.) can cause pain in individual muscle groups, tendons, leg joints, and back. To avoid these phenomena, it is necessary correct execution running movements, as well as the presence of sports shoes with elastic soles. When running, the torso is held straight or has a slight tilt forward, the shoulders are lowered and relaxed, the arms move forward and backward without tension, the foot is placed on the ground with a soft, raking movement on the outer arch of the foot. If this causes difficulties, you can plant the foot from the heel and then roll to the toe. The foot should touch the ground 20-25 cm in front of the projection of the center of gravity. Avoid “bumping” your foot or “striking” your foot. The running step should be light, springy, with minimal vertical and lateral vibrations.

The duration and speed of running is determined depending on the level of training of those involved and the assigned tasks: improvement functional training or achieving certain results. Experience shows that by training 3-4 times a week, even with a minimal amount of physical activity, you can achieve a significant improvement in the functional state of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. Under the influence of regular running, functional restructuring occurs in all body systems. People involved in recreational jogging experience more intense bone remodeling. Activation of muscle activity during recreational jogging leads to an increase in the activity of all metabolic processes. Running is the most accessible type of physical education, as it does not require specially equipped gyms, and a person of almost any age can practice running. However, you should also be aware of the requirements of the methodology - running should be done consciously and actively, i.e. understand the general purpose and objectives of classes, analyze and control your actions:

· running should be done systematically, i.e. maintain consistency, regularity of classes, optimally alternate physical activity and rest;

· it is necessary to correctly dose physical activity, taking into account age, gender, health status, physical fitness, individual characteristics;

· you need to study continuously and for a long time, that is, build classes as a year-round and multi-year process, while maintaining a focus on healing effect;

Combine other physical exercises with running;

· make optimal use of natural factors - sun, air, water;

· Observe the rules of personal hygiene.

Let's consider the dosage of physical activity. The criteria for the dosage of physical activity when doing recreational running are: running duration, speed, running distance. It is advisable to conduct recreational running classes in a park, square, forest, stadium, embankment or quiet street. It is not recommended to run on roads and city streets with heavy traffic, where the air contains large amounts of harmful exhaust gases. When starting classes, to control the distance, the entire route needs to be divided into segments of 50-100 m. This can be done simply using steps. At first, it is convenient for beginners to conduct classes on a stadium treadmill, where it is easy to control the distance. All physical activity causes your heart rate to increase. There is a direct relationship between the intensity of physical exercise and the heart rate - the more intense the load, the faster the pulse. Therefore, to control the intensity of physical activity, you should learn to independently determine your pulse. It is best to determine the pulse in the area of ​​the carotid artery. Pulse is measured immediately after finishing running, walking or gymnastic exercise(it is advisable to do this no later than 2-3 seconds). Heart rate indicator for 10 seconds. multiplied by 6. For example, if immediately after the end of the run the pulse for 10 seconds. was 22, which means the heart rate is 132 per minute. From the first lessons in recreational running, you need to consistently and patiently learn to breathe correctly. Master the technique correct breathing every person should. At rest and, especially while running, if breathing is incorrect, blood circulation becomes difficult, because the “respiratory pump” does not fully engage, the level of oxygen saturation in the blood decreases, and metabolism is disrupted. Breathing correctly means breathing freely, deeply, including all respiratory muscles, inhaling and exhaling through the nose. Breathing through the nose is of particular importance for humans. A person should always try to breathe through the nose. Using nasal breathing you can control the amount of physical activity. If during health jogging It is impossible to breathe through the nose and you have to breathe through the mouth, which means that the load on the body is higher than the maximum permissible. In this case, it is necessary to reduce your running speed. If, after reducing your running speed, it is still difficult to breathe through your nose, then you should start walking. For some people, breathing through the nose causes significant difficulty, especially during physical activity. In this case, while running, you can breathe through your nose and half-open mouth at the same time. Anyone involved in recreational running must know and follow the rules of personal hygiene. Compliance with the rules of personal hygiene helps to increase the effectiveness of classes. Personal hygiene includes hygiene of clothes and shoes, a rational daily routine, oral and body care, and giving up bad habits.

There is only one way to achieve human harmony - it is necessary to systematically perform physical exercises. In addition, it has been experimentally proven that regular physical education, which is rationally included in the work and rest regime, not only promotes health, but also significantly increases the efficiency of production activities. However, not all motor actions performed in everyday life and work are physical exercises. They can only be movements specially selected to influence various organs and systems, development physical qualities, correction of physique defects. There is no doubt that physical exercise will have positive impact, if certain rules are followed during classes. It is necessary to monitor your health - this is necessary in order not to harm yourself when performing exercises. If there are disorders of the cardiovascular system, a set of physical exercises that require significant stress can lead to a deterioration in heart function.


The causes of diseases and injuries associated with physical exercises are violations of their hygienic provision, irrational methods and organization of classes, inadequate material and technical support and the unsatisfactory state of health of those involved. Prevention of negative phenomena requires the fulfillment of a number of conditions. For example, it is advisable to engage in physical exercise at the same time of day, no earlier than 1.5-2 hours after a meal (but not on an empty stomach), in an appropriate sports uniform. It is necessary to be gradual in learning new difficult exercises and in increasing their number. Shoes, clothes and Sports Equipment must correspond to the capabilities and age of those involved, as well as weather conditions. Exercises during periods of illness, in a state of significant fatigue or malaise, especially for girls and women, are unacceptable. It is very important to observe the rules of personal hygiene, especially body cleanliness.

For thousands of years, humanity has been searching for the wonderful elixir of life, sending fairy-tale heroes on long journeys to distant lands. But it turned out to be much closer - this is physical culture, which gives people health, joy, and a feeling of fullness of life. A modern specialist must be a seasoned, physically fit person. It is difficult to build yourself and your health according to a strict schedule. But if this succeeds, then everything else succeeds.


1. Vinogradov P.A., Dushanin A.P., Zholdak V.I. Physical Basics

culture and healthy lifestyle. Moscow, 1996.

2. Vinogradov P.A., Physical Culture And healthy image life. Moscow, 1990.

3. Zholdak V.I. Sociology of physical culture and sport. Book I. Moscow, 1992.

4. Kosmolinsky F. P. Physical culture and performance - M.: 1983.

5. Maryasis V.V. Protect yourself from diseases. – M., 1992.

Men today are very busy as we live in a society with a fast-paced culture that leaves little time for regular exercise. Against this background, Charles Atlas has developed an excellent 10-minute set of basic physical exercises. Of course, 10 minutes of exercise a day will not correct body flaws and restore good health. physical fitness, but they are quite enough to prevent muscle atrophy and maintain good physical shape. This exercise technique showed very good results. The undoubted advantage of this complex is that you do not need any additional devices.

So, are you ready to get started? Then get ready and let's start working!

A set of physical exercises

Spinal stretch. This simple exercise will keep your spine flexible. Stand up straight and clasp your hands behind your head. Then bend down so that your elbows touch your knees. Return to the starting position. Complete 12 reps.

Deep squats. This exercise is the basis for a good workout of the quadriceps of the thigh, buttocks and leg flexor muscles. Place your feet shoulder-width apart and place your hands on your waist. Squat all the way to the floor. Straighten up and repeat the exercise 12 times.

Finger raises. This exercise develops calf muscles. Place your feet slightly narrower than shoulder width. Rise high on your toes. Lower your heels to the floor. To increase the load, you can stand with your toes on a small elevation, for example, on a thick book, and do the exercise like this.

Lying push-ups. Lean on the toes of your outstretched straight legs and on your two hands, shoulder-width apart. Lower it straight body to the floor by bending your arms, then return to the starting position by pushing up from the floor with your hands. To work different muscle groups, reduce or increase the width of your arms.

Lifting the body. Sit on your buttocks (preferably on a mat). Raise your legs straight and place them on a chair or sofa. After this, lift your buttocks and body as high as you can. Return to the starting position.

Leg lift. This exercise will allow you to work your abs; it is one of the main ones. Sit on the floor and extend your legs straight in front of you. Place your hands on the floor behind your body. Quickly lift your legs straight up so that your body and legs form a V. Lower your legs.

Bike. This exercise will perfectly work all the abdominal muscles, it is very easy to perform. Lie on the floor, clasp your hands behind your head, raise your legs at an angle of 45 degrees to the floor and begin to slowly imitate pedaling. When your left knee is on top, lift your torso and touch it with your right elbow. Then do the same with your right knee and left elbow.

Stretching is one of the main means of developing flexibility.

For neck muscles:

  1. Tilt your head to the right with your right hand grabbing your head (then also to the left).
  2. While lowering your hand, add an upward rotation of your head.
  3. Tilt your head forward, hands behind your head, elbows forward.

Biceps brachii:

  1. Hands forward, palms forward, fingers clasped.
  2. Hands back down with fingers clasped.


  1. Right hand forward to the left, left hand below, forearm up, palm back.

Triceps brachii:

  1. Right hand up, forearm down, left hand up, forearm inward with a palm grip on the elbow or forearm right hand.
  2. Bend forward, arms back, with your left hand grab the middle of the forearm of your right hand.

Back muscles:

  1. Half-bend forward with your head tilted forward, arms up, clasping your hands.
  2. Bend your arms on your hips with your head tilted forward.
  3. Bend forward with your head tilted forward, hands locked under your hips.
  4. Sit on the heels of your legs apart with your arms tilted forward. Stretch your arms forward upward.
  5. Sit with your legs bent, hands gripping under your knees. Round your back, stretch up.

Rectus abdominis muscle:

  1. Lying on your forearms, half bend back.


  1. Half bend forward to the right, hands up in the lock.
  2. Tilt to the right left hand up, right with support on the thigh.

Calf muscles:

  1. From a closed stance, step forward with your right hand and lunge.

Popliteal ligament:

  1. Step the right one back into a half-squat with a half-leaning forward, the left one forward on the heel, hands resting on the thigh.
  2. Sit with the left one bent, the right foot extended. Bend forward with hand grip ankle joint.
  3. Sit down with your legs bent and with a grip at the ankle joint, bend your right hand forward or forward upward.

Quadriceps femoris:

  1. Swinging the shin back with one or two hands grabbing the ankle joint.
  2. Standing on your knees. Bend the left one back with a grip of the ankle joint with your left hand, press it to the gluteal muscles.

Biceps femoris:

  1. Right leg forward, shin down, grab the middle of the shin with your hands.

Adductor and tender muscle:

  1. Lunge right to the side, left to the side with support on the heel.

25. Sit your legs apart, bend forward with your arms, resting on your forearms.

Compile a set of physical exercises for women in the first period of adulthood to develop strength endurance using one of the types of physical training and justify the feasibility of its use. (OK-7, OPK-2, PK-18)

To develop strength endurance, you can use fitness programs of general impact or global, where more than 2/3 of muscle groups are involved and regional from 1/3 to 2/3 using various types burdens.

Strength endurance is developed by the method of non-limiting efforts with a normalized number of repetitions: the weight of the weight is 30-40% of the maximum, the number of repetitions is 16-24, the number of approaches is 3-6, rest is 2-3 minutes, the pace of the exercises is average, the speed of overcoming movements is average. The method helps reduce the fat component and improve strength endurance and muscle definition.

Exercises are performed with weights (body bar, dumbbells).

1. Basic exercises for the muscles of the legs and buttocks (2-3x16):

Squat with narrow legs

Squat with broad setting plie legs

Lunge squat in the sagittal plane (forward)

Front lunge (to the side)

2. Isolated exercises for the muscles of the legs and buttocks (3x16):

Leg extension

Leg abduction

Adduction of the leg

3. Exercises for the abdominal muscles in i.p. lying on your back (3x16):

Twisting the upper body

Twisting the bottom of the body

Simultaneous twisting

Twisting movement of the body with simultaneous movement of the arm (for the oblique abdominal muscles).

Compose a set of physical exercises for men in the first period of adulthood to develop their own strength abilities using one of the types of physical training and justify the feasibility of its use. (OPK-2, PK-18)

79. Make a wellness plan physical training for men in the first period of adulthood to develop general endurance using one of the types of physical training and justify the feasibility of its use. (OPK-2, PK-19)

General endurance can be developed using cardio equipment. A wide variety of cardio equipment involves performing movements on them by working only the lower part of the body - the legs, and the whole body at the same time (legs, torso, arms), which implies an increase in the number of muscle groups involved in the work and an increase in energy consumption.

In this regard, cardio equipment can be used:

1 – regional – involving only the legs (exercise bike, treadmill, stepper)

2 – global, where the whole body is involved at the same time (rowing, raider, eleptic).

Various options Methods for developing endurance are used in computer programs of modern cardio equipment.

Uniform method - increases general endurance and is suitable for beginners and people with a low level of physical fitness.

Variable continuous method - combination of loads of different intensity

The interval method consists of alternating intervals with high and low intensity work.

Load-rest cycles are typically repeated five to ten times, depending on program goals and response to training.

Character interval training and the impact on the body of those involved is determined by the following factors:

On cardio equipment: a combination of work of different intensity (for example: 5 minutes - walking or running at low intensity, 5 minutes - high intensity).

80. Make a plan for health-improving physical training in step aerobics for girls and justify the feasibility of its use. (OK-7, OPK-2, PK-19)

Step aerobics is an aerobic program of low and high intensity, using a step platform, including a block of strength exercises aimed at developing large muscle groups using various equipment (dumbbells, body bars).

The program offers three levels of difficulty of exercises: beginner, intermediate, complicated.

The goal at entry level is to teach technique and fluency in basic steps and hand movements.

Average level involves coordinated movement of the arms and legs. When learning more complex movements, the method of dismembered learning was used. First, movements are learned with the legs, then with the arms, and only then is a complete motor action performed. The study of new movements must be strictly consistent, systematic and be a combination of previously learned elements. The finished combination is practiced in its entirety, performed repeatedly to musical accompaniment.

A high level involves conducting a difficult coordination lesson. When performing exercises using a platform, the muscles of the upper body work mainly in a tonic mode, which allows you to keep the torso in the correct position. The main load falls on the muscles of the lower body. Additional arm movements make it possible to simultaneously develop the strength endurance of the waist muscles upper limbs. Exercises for the arms are selected taking into account the logical, coordination-based relationship with leg movements, as well as taking into account the factor of influence on the main muscle groups.

81. Make a plan for health-improving physical training on slide aerobics for women in the first period of adulthood and justify the feasibility of its use. (OK-7, OPK-6, PK-19)

Slide aerobics - a high-intensity activity health aerobics athletically oriented, trains the cardiovascular system, develops endurance, and also strengthens the leg muscles, especially the adductor and abductor groups of the hip.

Classes on slides are conducted to rhythmic music with an average frequency of 130 to 145 accents per minute.

The duration of the entire lesson is 55-60 minutes. Accordingly, time is distributed: 8-12 minutes – warm-up, including the simplest combination of basic steps, pre-stretching.

The main part - 15-20 minutes, consisted of four sections:

- “retracting”, associated with a gradual increase in the load on
cardiovascular and respiratory systems. The basic steps used in slide aerobics follow the structure of the basic steps of classical aerobics;

- “peak” aerobic exercise. The main type of movement of this type of aerobics is moving the body by sliding in the frontal plane sideways, face forward, back forward, with arm movements in different planes;

- “transitional” – a gradual decrease in the intensity and amplitude of movements (sliding without hand movements);

- “ground” – strength training, where muscle groups that were less involved in the main work were worked out. These are the abs, buttocks, back, chest, arms.

The final part included stretching exercises in a static mode. The purpose of which is to prevent muscle pain, acceleration metabolic processes in the muscles.

82. Make a plan for health-improving physical training in fitball aerobics for women in the second period of adulthood and justify the feasibility of its use. (OK-7, OPK-6, PK-19)

Preparatory part: aerobic steps in i.p. sitting on the ball, pre-stretching.

Main part: aerobic exercise in i.p. sitting on the ball: basic steps with and without changing the leading leg. Strength exercises in IP:

1. Sitting on the ball. The squat is performed in the center of the ball, the angle at the hip joint is about 90°, feet shoulder-width apart, back straight. Exercise: single-joint exercises on the arm muscles.

2. Lying with your back on the ball.

Exercises: lifting the pelvis, lifting the body, hands behind the head, also turning to the right (left) side;

3. Lying on your back, legs (shins) rest on the ball. Hands can be behind your head or crossed over your chest.

Exercise: flexion-extension of legs in hip joints

Lying on your back, fixing the ball with your feet (knees). Knees at an angle of 90 degrees.

4. Lying on your side, your upper leg (shin) rests on the ball. Top leg straightened, the lower one is bent at an angle of 90 degrees. One arm lies under the head, the other is bent in front of the body with the hand resting on the floor. Exercise: body lift, leg lift,

5. Stand on one knee, the other straight leg is moved to the side in a non-turning position. Both hands rest on the ball in front of the body (one hand can rest on the floor). The head, torso and abducted leg are on the same line.

6. Side emphasis on the ball. Both hands rest on the ball in front of the body (you can bottom hand lean on the floor). The thigh touches the ball tightly, watch correct position back and pelvis.

7. Focus on your knees with your stomach resting on the ball, hands on the floor. Your knees may be slightly raised off the floor.

Exercise: lifting the leg and opposite arm upward, symmetrical lifting of the arm and leg; hands behind the head, lifting the body up; hands on the floor, lifting legs at the same time;

8. Lying position with your stomach down, the ball under your hips (under your feet). Elbows slightly bent, shoulders above wrists, abdominal muscles tense. From i.p. Push-ups are performed, walking on hands while rolling the ball under the hips.

Final part: stretching in static mode of muscle work.

Choose the most effective exercises for persons with cardiovascular diseases in remission. Justify the feasibility of their use. (OK-5, OPK-6, PK-16, PK-17, PK-32)

The most optimal physical activity for persons with respiratory diseases are aerobic exercise in the moderate power zone. The volume of this load should be 15-25 minutes, depending on the condition of the student. Exercises on cardio equipment, basic low-intensity aerobics, swimming and water aerobics can be used as remedies. During classes strength exercises It is recommended to use primarily the starting positions sitting and lying down, minimizing the vertical load. Under the influence of FU, BMD increases, more intense work is achieved without manifestations of ischemia, and the ability to perform a load for a longer time increases. Improved lipid profiles (lower total cholesterol and more) high level high-density lipoprotein cholesterol), which occurs when AFS is combined with appropriate nutrition (limiting the content of saturated fats in the diet)

Hypertension - aerobic strength exercise of low power, long-term, start working with the leg muscles, be sure to include breathing and relaxation exercises.

It is forbidden: inverted positions, straining, maximum weights, static exercises on the press

Hypotonic disease - actually power loads (Special attention - top part back).

It is forbidden: long-term cyclic loads, inverted positions, allow hyperventilation of the lungs during breathing exercises

Varicose veins veins – load on the calf muscles with large amplitude, stretching back surface thighs, between approaches - drainage position with raised legs, elastic bandaging.

It is forbidden: perform exercises in a standing position for a long time, static load on the lower leg muscles, exclude the “seated leg extension” exercise.

Select the most effective exercises for people with respiratory system diseases in remission. Justify the feasibility of their use. (OK-5, OPK-6, PK-16, PK-17, PK-32).

Complex breathing exercises, like any other, you need to start with a warm-up: walk around the room for 5-6 minutes, preferably barefoot on a carpet or heated floor. First, make several circles around the room on your toes, arms spread to the sides, then 2-3 circles on your heels, place your hands behind your head. And at the very end of the warm-up - at outside feet, hands on the belt. Breathing is free.

1 exercise

Stand straight, arms along your body, lowered down, legs together, toes slightly apart. Inhale to the count of 1-2-3 and raise your arms up, and exhale to the count of 1-2-3-4-5 while lowering your arms down. Then hold your breath for a count of 1-2-3-4, and then, if possible, increase this pause to 8. Repeat the exercise 2-10 times.

2 Exercise

This exercise is good for the lungs - increasing their volume. Stand straight, relax your knees a little and lean forward, reaching your arms towards your legs, while exhaling completely. Then slowly return back to the starting position and straighten up. Slowly inhale deeply and hold your breath for a few seconds. After this, raise your arms above your head while exhaling air and drawing in your stomach. Repeat the exercise 2-10 times depending on how you feel.

3 Exercise

This exercise is very useful for the bronchi - it relaxes and strengthens them well after an illness. Sit on a chair, put your hands on your knees, lean forward a little, but do not bend your back! Start breathing correctly: inhale through your nose on a count of 1-2, pause on a count of 1, exhale through your nose too - on 1-2-3-4, then pause again, but longer (1-2-3-4-5 -6). As you exhale, make the sound “mm-mm-mm-mm” with your mouth closed. Repeat the exercise 2-10 times depending on how you feel.

4. Exercise. Mixed breathing

There are 4 types of breathing: clavicular, thoracic, abdominal and mixed. The latter is the most correct, since with it all parts of the lungs work, and the body receives the maximum amount of oxygen. If you learn to breathe like this, then all diseases will recede. Therefore, now I will describe to you in detail how to carry it out correctly: calmly fill with air bottom part lungs, the stomach moves forward. Then the middle section begins to work, while the chest and ribs rise. The last part to turn on is the upper section - the collarbones rise, and at this time the stomach is pulled towards the spine. As you exhale, the stomach is drawn in even more, the diaphragm rises, and the chest and shoulders fall. After a full inhalation, pause. To begin with, 2-3 correct breaths will be enough, and after 3-4 weeks of regular exercise you will burn them up to 10-15. I also want to tell you that you can perform this exercise both standing and lying down - choose a position in which it is easier for you to control the correctness of the exercise. For example, I like to spend it lying on the floor, spreading a soft rug.

5. Exercise. Yogi cleansing breath

Inhale air through your nose, filling all sections of your lungs - lower, middle and upper, and hold your breath for several seconds. Purse your lips and, without puffing out your cheeks, exhale a little air loudly and forcefully. Then stop for a second and exhale the next breath with even more force. And so exhale air in portions until all the air is out of the lungs. Repeat the exercise 2-3 times. This exercise– the cleansing breathing of yogis is very useful, since it cleanses and strengthens the lungs, resulting in the healing of the entire body.

This section of the site contains various sets of exercises and training programs for independent practice at home and in the gym.

What is a set of exercises?

A set of exercises (training program) is a sequence of several exercises. Exercises are performed according to special rules, which determines the number of approaches, repetitions, weight, duration of rest between approaches, the speed of lifting and lowering the weight, and the frequency of training.

Exercises in complexes can be combined into various schemes - trisets, etc. The set of exercises should have restrictions on time, frequency of training per week, division into muscle groups trained in different days(split).

All these parameters directly depend on the purpose of the training. The purpose of training is the most important thing when it comes to choosing a complex. It depends on the purpose of the training how many approaches and repetitions to do in each exercise, what weight to use, how many seconds to rest between approaches, what the pulse should be during training, etc. and so on.

Errors in complexes and training programs

For example, such a mistake in choosing a complex often occurs. A person needs to reduce the amount of fat. The trainer gives him a strength-building training program and makes him do cardio. However, a mass-gaining set of exercises does not help reduce body fat reserves. On the contrary, it promotes weight gain by definition. And even cardio classes are ineffective here. This person needs a set of exercises for relief, for example, circuit training.

You should not try to combine different goals in one complex. A common mistake is an attempt to simultaneously increase muscle volume and give them relief. These are two goals that are opposite in physiological mechanisms. You need to separate them in time, working first on the complex for muscle growth, and then, after a couple of months, on the complex for relief.

To independently compose complexes for yourself, you need quite a lot of experience and knowledge in the field of fitness and physiology. And it’s better if the complex is compiled for you by an experienced trainer. Cm. .

Please note that the complexes below are not logically connected and are not a continuation of each other, they are laid out as is.

Before using any of the complexes, be sure to undergo a medical examination and discuss with your doctor the possibility of engaging in the chosen program.

If you need a reasonable sequence of programs for a long period of time, which is generally natural and correct, please contact us for advice.

If you have any questions about using the programs, ask them in the comments.