Exercises on parallel bars for girls. Basic exercises on parallel bars. Rules for training

There are parallel bars (men's) and uneven bars (women's). The projectile consists of two oval-shaped (in cross-section) wooden poles mounted on a metal frame: for men - at a height of 1.75 m, for women - 1.65 and 2.45 m. (The height of all gymnastic equipment measured from the surface of the safety mats located near them).

Women's parallel bars exercises include, first of all, rotations in both directions around the top and bottom poles, as well as various technical elements performed above and below them with rotation around the longitudinal and transverse axis using a one- and two-handed grip (as well as without using hands ).

Men's parallel bars exercises combine dynamic (rotations, swing movements, etc.) and static (horizontal supports, handstands) elements. The gymnast must use the entire length of the apparatus, “working” above and below the bars.

Floor exercise (women's and men's)

They are performed on a special gymnastics mat 12x12m. There is a 1 meter wide “safety boundary” around the carpet. The carpet (wool or synthetic) has an elastic surface - dense enough for pushing, but at the same time providing athletes with a soft landing. Floor exercises are a combination of individual elements (somersaults, somersaults, splits, handstands, etc.) and their combinations, different in tempo and “mood”.

As the performance progresses, athletes must make maximum use of the entire area of ​​the mat. The complexity of the program and its individual elements, as well as the purity and confidence of execution, are assessed. No less important is the originality of the presented composition and the artistry of the athlete - especially for women, whose performances are accompanied by musical accompaniment and include separate dance steps, which are in many ways reminiscent of exercises from rhythmic gymnastics. Performance time on the mat is limited: 1 minute 10 seconds for men and one and a half minutes for women.

Vault (men's and women's)

Performed from a running start using additional support (hence the name of the exercise). The length of the projectile is 1.6 m, the width is 0.35 m. The athlete runs up along a special track 25 m long and 1 m wide, pushes off with his feet from the bridge - a shock-absorbing device 20 cm high, inclined to the run-up line - and then makes an additional push hands (for men a push with one hand is allowed) from the projectile. The jumps performed can be straight, somersault, inverted, etc. For men, the apparatus is installed at a height of 1.35 m parallel to the runway, for women - at a height of 1.25 m perpendicular to the runway. Another significant difference is related to the competition formula: men are given only one attempt, women - two, based on the results of which the average score for completing the exercise is calculated. The height and distance of the jump, its complexity (number of revolutions around the longitudinal and transverse axis, etc.), cleanliness of execution and precision of landing are assessed.

Beam exercises (women's) - gymnastic apparatus 5 m long and 0.1 m wide, fixedly fixed at a height of 1.25 m from the floor. The exercise is a single composition of dynamic (jumps, turns, “jogging”, somersaults, dance steps, etc.) and static (splits, swallow, etc.) elements performed standing, sitting and lying on the apparatus. Athletes must use the entire length of the beam. The judges evaluate the gymnasts' flexibility, balance and elegance. The duration of the speech is no more than 1 minute 30 seconds.

Exercises on horseback (men) - performed on a special apparatus with handles that allow you to perform swinging movements with your legs. The horse is fixed at a height of 1.05 m. The exercises are a combination of swinging and rotational movements, as well as handstands, during which all parts of the apparatus must be used.

Exercises on rings (men) - are performed on a movable apparatus in the form of two wooden rings attached to special cables at a height of 2.55 m. Exercises on rings (lifts, rotations and twists) demonstrate not only flexibility, but also physical strength athlete. The static elements of these exercises are no less difficult to perform than the dynamic ones. According to the rules, dismounting from the rings at the end of the performance must be an acrobatic element. As when performing exercises on the horizontal bar, when taking the starting position on the rings, the athlete can use the help of a coach or assistant.

Exercises on the crossbar (men) - are performed on a polished steel bar with a diameter of 27-28 mm and a length of 2.5 m, fixed on two racks with the help of guy wires at a height of 2.55 m. According to the rules, performing rotations (in different directions) around crossbar, the athlete has no right to touch it with his body. During the speech he must demonstrate Various types grips and the ability to move cleanly and clearly from one type to another.

Bars and a horizontal ladder are mandatory elements of any outdoor sports ground, along with a horizontal bar. This is no coincidence; they perfectly complement the crossbar. The fact is that you can do not only pulling movements on the uneven bars; the number of exercises that include elements for developing endurance, flexibility and coordination for them is much greater than for the horizontal bar. At the same time, just like on the horizontal bar, you thoroughly train the entire upper half of your body, including your core. And the horizontal ladder is an excellent tool for developing grip.

Below is basic set exercises on parallel bars (which is divided into three groups according to difficulty level), a block dedicated to exercises on a horizontal ladder, and an express training constructor.

For beginners

This is the place for you if you are seeing the bars for the first time. Train 3-5 times a week for 3-4 weeks and sometimes try to do a full push-up (how to do it correctly - see the first exercise in the next block). In this block, as in all others, the exercises are arranged in order of increasing difficulty.

Stand in front of the parallel bars, along the bars. Place your hands on the bars (A). Jump to straight arms, completely extinguishing the swaying of the body (B). Jump smoothly to the ground without using your hands to return to the starting position. Repeat.

Important As your strength increases, try to jump as little as possible and include as much as possible in the arm lifting phase.

Place your hands on the bars and come out with straight arms. Move your legs forward a little, as in photo (A). Without changing the position of your body, pull your knees as close to your shoulders as possible (B). Return to starting position and repeat.

Stand in front of the parallel bars, along the bars. Place your hands on the bars (A). Jump to straight arms, completely extinguishing the swaying of the body (B). Now slowly, for 6-8 counts, lower yourself down, bending your arms (B). Jump to the ground, returning to your starting position. Repeat.

Place your arms and legs on the bars, extend your body in line with your legs, as in photo (A). Bend your elbows and lower yourself as low as possible (B). Return to starting position and repeat.


If you can already do a couple of dips, move on to this block. The goal is to learn how to perform 20 or more regular push-ups at a time. In parallel with increasing your performance in push-ups, do not forget other exercises for experienced ones in order to achieve versatile and maximally harmonious development.

Place your hands on the parallel bars, push your feet off the ground, and come out onto straight arms. Bend your knees slightly and move your pelvis back. In this position, the body will lean forward slightly, which will reduce the range of motion in the shoulder joints, protecting them from injury (A). Bend your elbows and lower yourself to a position in which your shoulders (the part of your arm from the elbow to the shoulder joint) will become almost parallel to the floor (B). Do a push-up with your arms fully extended. Repeat.

Place your hands on the bars and come out with straight arms. Move your legs forward a little (A). Without changing the position of the body, raise your legs, slightly bent at the knees, to the horizontal or higher (B). Smoothly return to the starting position and repeat.

Place your hands on the bars and come out with straight arms. Keep your legs and body vertical (A). Raise your right leg to horizontal or slightly higher (B). Lower it, returning to the original position, and raise it left leg(IN). This is one repetition.

Stand on straight arms, then raise your legs slightly bent at the knees so that your feet are higher than the bars (A). From this position, slowly turn your body and legs, first to the right (B) and then to the left (C). When turning, try not to bend your elbows too much. This is one repetition.

Stand on straight arms, bringing your legs slightly bent at the knees slightly forward (A). Smoothly lift your legs above the bars (B). Now, maintaining the resulting corner, turn first to the right (B) and then to the left (D). Return to the starting position with your legs down. Repeat.

Stand on straight arms, then raise your legs slightly bent at the knees so that you get a right angle between your hips and body (A). Bend your elbows and lower yourself down, maintaining corner (B). Return to the starting position without lowering your legs and repeat.

Place your palms on the ground slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, and place your legs straight on the parallel bars, as shown in the photo. Make sure your body is in line with your legs (A). Without bending at the waist, bend your arms and lower yourself as close to the ground as possible (B). Return to straight arms and repeat.

Important This exercise not recommended for people with cardiovascular health problems and visual impairments.

Approach the bars from the side and grab the bar closest to you with your right palm from below, move your legs slightly forward, hold your free hand behind your back (A). Bend left hand at your elbow and pull yourself up to the bar (B). Return to starting position and repeat. After doing the required number of repetitions with one hand, do the same number with the other.

Important While performing this exercise, do not bend at the lower back and do not sink your pelvis down.

Stand on straight arms (A) and walk on your hands, alternating them (B), to the end of the parallel bars. Jump to the ground, turn around and continue. One pass counts as one repetition.

Stand on straight arms (A). Jump 10–20 cm (B), trying to help yourself with your legs and not bend your elbows too much, move forward to the end of the bars. Jump to the ground, turn around and continue. One pass counts as one repetition.

Stand on straight arms (A). Shrug (B). Return to the starting position without bending your arms. Repeat.

Important This exercise will not only make it easier for you to perform many exercises on the horizontal bar, but will also be extremely useful for preventing injuries to the shoulder joint.

For experts

We offer experts only the most complex and interesting things. Move on to this block gradually: continue doing exercises for experienced ones, but add 1-2 expert exercises to them. By mastering more and more sophisticated exercises, doing more repetitions in them and combining exercises in combinations.

Stand on straight arms (A). Bend your elbows and lower yourself down (B). Now move back a little and place your forearms on the bars (B). Return to position (B), then push up and return to the starting position. It was one repeat.

Stand in a horizontal position on the bars, placing your hands and feet on them. Stretch your body in line with your legs (A). Bend your elbows and lower yourself down (B). Now move your whole body back a little and place your forearms on the bars (B). Moving in reverse order, return to the starting position. Repeat.

Stand with your arms straight on the bars, turning your back to the bar. In the starting position, your arms should be slightly bent at the elbows (A). Bend your arms and lower yourself as low as possible without putting your feet on the ground (B). Return to starting position and repeat.

Stand on straight arms (A). Swing your legs forward and throw them over the bars, spreading them apart (B). Leaning on your feet, move your body forward and place your hands in front of you (B). Then throw your legs over the bars, bringing them together and moving them back (D). Using the accumulated momentum of swinging your legs and body, immediately begin the next repetition.

Stand to the side of the bars. Grab them with an overhand grip and hang with your legs above the ground (A). Pull yourself up powerfully (B) and quickly throw your shoulders over the bars (C). Now do push-ups with straight arms (D). Moving in reverse order, return to the starting position. Repeat.

Important Try to ensure that the entire upward movement is performed in one coordinated movement.

Stand on straight arms (A). Turn to the right and quickly move your left hand to the right bar (B). Continue rotating to the right by moving right hand onto the crossbar located at the back (B). Place both hands on one bar again (D). Continuing the rotation, return to the starting position. Repeat on the other side. Two circles (clockwise and counterclockwise) count as one repetition.

Exercises on a horizontal ladder

Hang from the rungs of a ladder by grasping them narrow grip. Bend in a little thoracic region and look up (A). Bend your elbows and lift yourself up (B). Return to straight arms and move your right one to the side so that you get medium grip shoulder width apart (B). Pull yourself up again (D). Straighten your arms and now move your left hand to the side so that the grip is wider than your shoulders (D). Pull yourself up (E). Return to the starting position, repeating everything in reverse order. Do one pull-up for each grip variation. All 5 pull-ups will count as one repetition.

Hang from the bar (A). First move your right hand forward (B), and then your left (C). Continue walking in this manner until the end of the stairs. Jump to the ground, turn around, grab the bars again and continue. Count the round trip as one repetition.

Hang from the bar (A). Helping yourself with your feet, jump to immediately move both hands forward to the next crossbar (B). Continue jumping without stopping until the end of the stairs. When you're done, jump off, turn around and repeat. Count the round trip as one repetition.

Hang from the bar (A). Move to the next bar, placing your hands on it one at a time (B). Now raise your legs, slightly bent at the knees, to the horizontal (B). Lower your legs, take the next step and raise your legs again. Continue in this manner until the end of the stairs. When you're done, jump off, turn around and repeat. Count a passage in one direction as one repetition.

Pay attention: in the description of training, the designation “MAX” is used - “Perform maximum repetitions.”

1. Exit to uneven bars 10*5 1. Regular dips 4*MAX 1. Triangle 3*MAX
2. Horizontal push-ups 4*MAX 2. Corner turns 4*10 (in each direction) 2. Korean push-ups 4*MAX
3. Knee lift 4*MAX 3. Diagonal push-ups 3*MAX 3. Power-up on uneven bars 6*MAX
4. Pull-ups narrow, medium and wide grip 3*MAX 4. Reverse pull-ups on parallel bars with one hand 4*MAX (each hand) 4. Rotation 360 degrees 2*MAX (both ways)
5. Transitions while hanging on hands 2*MAX 5. Walking on hands 3*MAX 5. Pull-ups with a narrow, medium and wide grip 4*MAX
6. Jumping transitions while hanging on hands 2*MAX 6. Transitions backwards 3*MAX
Rest between sets according to how you feel, until complete recovery. Do this workout 2-3 times a week. Rest between sets is 60–90 seconds. With the proper level of training, this type of training can be done 3-4 times a week. Since you are an expert, then do this method 4-5 times a week. Rest no more than 45–60 seconds between sets.

Valuable Instructions
If you want to create your own workout, then follow simple rules. After warming up, start with simple exercise to get into the workout. Then devote some time to mastering the new element, and then load your core. Finish the session with a couple of grip exercises (for example, on a horizontal ladder).

MH: Don't miss it! In the July issue of MH, on sale June 17, we show you how to train your body with a sandbag and a set of sledgehammers and tires.

Despite the fact that most girls do not strive to conquer either the uneven bars or the horizontal bar, these exercises could be very useful for them. Many people are stopped by the fact that gymnastics and strength exercises At first, it is possible to perform uneven bars only in the yard near the house, in front of passers-by. Few people decide to buy parallel bars for home from the very beginning - what if they don’t like this workout, and the sports device remains unclaimed? However, among those who still decide to do gymnastics exercises on the uneven bars, the majority note very noticeable positive results.

Correct parallel bars exercise for beginners

For upper body training, parallel bars are the ideal device. Few people do not dream of high breasts, graceful arms and beautiful shoulders. This is especially true for girls with a triangle body type.

In this regard, the most effective exercise on uneven bars is classic push-ups. Let's look at the technique:

  1. Inhale and lower yourself down until your shoulder is parallel to the floor.
  2. Now try to get up with your arms straight. If you can do this several times, you are an incredibly strong girl!

Even if this has become easy for you, do not switch to exercises on uneven bars with weights. Still, this is more of a male version, and you better strive to increase the number of repetitions.

Exercises on parallel bars for the press

Bars are a great way to make your abs more beautiful and stronger. Do you remember how to do classic exercise"corner" on the horizontal bar? It's almost the same, only more complicated. The technique is as follows:

  1. Stand in front of the bars, grab the handles.
  2. Push yourself into the bars with straight arms and transfer your entire body weight to them, hanging. Do not lock your elbows by straightening them too much, as this may cause injury.
  3. Raise your legs above the parallel bars and spread them apart, then bring them together and lower them down.

Another option: lift your two legs together and move them sideways to the left. Return to the starting position, then move your legs sideways to the right.

You will probably not be able to complete the entire exercise right away - in this case, start with classic leg raises with bent knees, and then straight legs. Don't give up training and you will certainly get great results.

Common strength exercises on parallel bars include push-ups and perhaps a corner hold. Artistic gymnastics offers many exercises on the uneven bars, which are mostly quite difficult, but there are basic movements, which allow everyone to train on this sports equipment.

Features of the projectile

Gymnastic bars are suitable for everyone - small children, teenagers, adults, because the load comes solely from their own weight, and the hands must be trained in relation to the size of the body.
If we are talking about comfortable and useful activities in gymnastics, the width of the parallel bars must correspond to age, which means you will have to either make them for a specific person, or simply practice on gymnastic parallel bars, because their width is adjustable. Distance between parallel bars should be a few centimeters wider than the shoulders; a larger distance can be traumatic, and a smaller distance will overload one muscle group, namely the triceps. So adjust the gymnastics bars so that they are comfortable, you need to tighten them so that they do not wobble or sway.

To avoid injury, you need to warm up; during exercises, you need to load evenly all the muscles that can work in a particular exercise. The parallel bars are not a horizontal bar; the important thing here is complex work, not pumping up a specific muscle.

Muscle training

We present exercises that train certain priority muscle groups:

Follow the basic safety rules - do not stretch your muscles too much when doing push-ups, do not attach weights to your belt, it is better to do the exercises more slowly, the effect will be the same as from the weight, and keep in mind that exercises on the uneven bars load the heart, dose the load depending on your capabilities body.

Exercise every day, slowly increasing the load, and your muscles will become not only strong, but also sculpted. Great results in training on apparatus can only be achieved by training on gymnastic rings.


It is useful for every athlete to learn not only static exercises, increasing muscle mass, but also dynamic movements, which are the basis for further development in artistic gymnastics. Try to train with a real gymnast trainer in a gym where the floor is covered with mats, since training without experience can cause injury, especially for dynamic exercises.

The horizontal bar is a universal sports equipment, which a novice athlete can even build on his own. The main exercise that is performed with the help of such a device is pull-ups, in which the entire weight of a person is involved. Using a horizontal bar, you can very quickly assess your own physical fitness and find out whether muscle development corresponds to your body weight.

Women's set of exercises on the horizontal bar

Chest exercises

Execution technique.

This is one of the most useful exercises for girls on the horizontal bar.

The starting position is as follows: grab the horizontal bar with your hands, place your palms shoulder-width apart. Next, slowly bend your arms, at the same time raising your body and trying to reach the bar with your chin. Once you reach the highest point, pause for two to three seconds and then lower down.

The exercise is done in three approaches, and the number of repetitions performed in one approach is determined individually according to your physical abilities. The main thing is the constant desire to increase their number.

Exercises for the abs

Execution technique.

Also extremely important, and, in addition, is a wonderful bonus to exercises on an incline board.

Starting position: grab the horizontal bar, place your palms shoulder-width apart. Slowly raise and lower your legs in front of you. Once you've done three sets, keep your legs straight in front of you for as long as you can manage.

Number of approaches and repetitions.

The lesson is carried out in three approaches. The number of repetitions included in one approach, according to the recommendations of the instructors, is 8 times; this number will be influenced primarily by the level of fatigue. A constant desire to increase the number of repetitions is necessary.


Execution technique.

Hang on the bar as far as possible possible time, up to several minutes.

What muscles are involved?

This activity improves muscle and ligament stretching, the condition of the intervertebral discs, and is an excellent prevention of various diseases of the spine (for example, osteochondrosis).

Training plan

You can perform the exercise with a wide, narrow or reverse grip. Each of these types has its own characteristic features.

The main advantage of training on the horizontal bar is that you can do it at home - the most important thing is that you have a horizontal bar. Nowadays you can buy special wall horizontal bars in any store, including online. Having done this, you can exercise anytime and in any weather conditions.

So, it's time to get straight to the exercise plan. By regularly training using the program that will be presented below, you can increase the number of pull-ups up to 25-30 times, as well as improve your own physical training. To significantly increase the effectiveness of your training, do not forget about exercising your abdominal muscles and biceps.

Classes are held four times a week. For example, you can train on Monday and Tuesday, and take a rest on Wednesday. Thursday and Friday are the time for intensive training, and on the weekend - recovery. This option is very comfortable and optimal, but if desired, you can choose other days of the week.


  • Pull yourself to your chest with a wide grip. Number of approaches – 4 x 8 repetitions;
  • Pull yourself up with a medium grip, palms facing away from you. 4 sets of 8 reps;
  • Raise your legs hanging on the horizontal bar 12 times.


  • Pull yourself up with a wide grip behind your head 4 sets of 8 times;
  • Pull yourself up with a mid-grip, palms facing you. Number of approaches – 4 to 8;
  • Raise your legs hanging on the bar 2 times 12 times.

Wednesday: a day of rest and on Thursday and Friday everything is duplicated accordingly.

The program presented above is one of the easiest, but at the same time very effective. Then, when each set of 12 repetitions is easy for you, take a load with which it will again not be so easy to do 7 or 8 pull-ups. Then the plan begins again.

Rules for training

No need to overdo it or overdo it. big number approaches. To avoid harm to health, increase the level of stress gradually.

Fitness classes using a horizontal bar will be highly effective if you strictly follow the following several rules:

  • The body of the body should be positioned perpendicular to the floor, and the grip of the horizontal bar should be as strong as possible;
  • Pull-ups should only be done using muscle strength and without unnecessary swinging;
  • The ascents are smooth, there are no jerks;
  • The lift must be done until the chin is above the level of the crossbar;
  • Lower your body slowly and smoothly. This stage should be as long as the time spent lifting the body up;
  • Breathing mode: exhale on the way up, inhale on the way down.

The fact that you are pulling yourself up correctly with a narrow grip should be signaled by touching the bar bottom chest. When performing exercises with a wide grip, do not bend too much or make jerky movements. Reverse grip implies straightening the shoulders and bringing the shoulder blades together.

An individual fitness plan for training on the horizontal bar can be wisely diluted with additional loads that are designed to stimulate growth. For this purpose, you need to hang freely, while holding onto the bar, and perform swings and turns in different directions. The torso will stretch under the pressure of its mass.

Beginning athletes must first master at least two types of pull-ups. You need to do it without haste and taking into account professional recommendations.

Advantages and disadvantages


  • Almost anyone can use a horizontal bar, because even more teenage playgrounds are equipped with some amount of sports equipment. If you choose a place with a wide selection of various sports equipment, you can provide good physical activity for your own muscles.
  • You don’t have to pay for this, and you don’t have to be in a cramped space, so the opportunity to pump up on the horizontal bar exists.


  • The disadvantage of this method of training is that the horizontal bar is only the bare minimum that can be used to train muscles. Increase large mass This method will not work. If you combine these activities with running, the result will be very good, but for the muscular standards of bodybuilders you will be very far away.


This option physical activity has a list of contraindications.

  • Protrusion of intervertebral discs;
  • Scoliosis;
  • Intervertebral hernia.

Osteochondrosis, and especially cervical spine, most likely will also be the reason for the presence of some restrictions in training plan. In any case, before starting training you should definitely consult with a specialist.