Exercises to pump up the triceps. Triceps exercises. Low intensity triceps workout

How to pump up triceps if you are not a genetic mutant

Looking at arm workout for weight through the prism of dry mathematics, it can be noted that triceps are much more important than biceps for increasing the visual volume of the arms. The triceps muscle makes up 60% of the mass of the arm; it responds well to training and recovers quickly. But despite this, large triceps are rare among ordinary gym goers. Let's try to figure out what mistakes in triceps training interfere with its growth, and how to correct them. The most interesting things about training and sports nutrition on my telegram channel https://t.me/bestbodyblog


In this article I will not touch on the topic of hands or talk about the need for sufficient rest. The importance of these fundamentals is decisive for muscle growth, and there is no point in discussing them. Today I want to talk about how to pump up triceps for an ordinary person who does not have crazy genetics and does not use “magic” pills. So…

Wrong priority for arm training

Working out at the gym is great, but none of us wants to spend all our time at the gym. We want to get results as soon as possible. From the point of view of the ratio of expended efforts to the final result (growth muscle mass arms), priority development of the triceps is of primary importance.

Just look at huge hands Rolly Winklaar to understand that their incredible size is based primarily on their huge triceps. Increased attention to the development of this muscle group provides arms with a volume of 60 cm to most of the stars of modern bodybuilding. The triceps assist in all pressing movements without exception. The increase in his muscle mass and strength immediately affects the increase in working weights in exercises for the chest and shoulders.

There are three most common triceps training schemes in which they are pumped:

  • after biceps
  • after a large muscle group (chest, back)
  • or after the shoulders

This is an absolutely logical, but completely wrong approach to building big hands. Because if our goal is to quickly increase the volume of the triceps, we need to pump it differently. Depending on the level of development of the triceps muscle, I suggest using two training schemes:

Start pumping your arms not from the biceps, but from the triceps

This style of working is called the principle of priority. The main resource we have during training is energy, and with every minute spent in the gym it becomes less and less. Starting an arm workout for mass with triceps exercises, you can increase the working weight in each of them, directing all energy reserves to its growth.

Set aside a separate day for triceps training.

This scheme of work is called. It requires a serious level of training and is a real shock to this muscle group. I don’t recommend pumping your triceps in this way more than 1-2 times a month. But even one specialized training is an almost 100% guarantee of arm mass growth. And in order to enhance the effect of it even more, you need to exclude any load on the triceps (direct and indirect) for 7-10 days, thereby bringing it to a state of slight detraining.

This method of pumping up arms can be used for all muscle groups without exception, both small and large. And every time it is guaranteed to give results.

Training triceps for mass according to the principle of priority - a guarantee of its growth

Conclusion: the most common mistake in arm training for weight- This is work on the triceps according to the residual principle. Using the priority principle or the specialization method helps to gain triceps muscle mass in a short period.

The Triceps Exercise Nobody Does Correctly

The good thing about triceps is that there are a huge number of exercises for it. There are only about a dozen varieties of the French press. But most of them are present only in the arsenal of professional bodybuilders, and the average gym goer makes do with a more modest assortment. Everyone knows that the best exercises for triceps are:

  • barbell bench press narrow grip
  • dips
  • French bench press

This is true. The best exercises for the arms for mass are simple, basic, multi-joint movements that involve not just any individual muscle bundle, but the entire mass of the arm at once.

But research conducted by Bret Contreras in 2010 on the topic of defining best exercises from a scientific point of view, a completely different movement was called the most effective: extension of the arms to the bottom with a rope handle on a block. True, under one important condition: you need to not only straighten your arms to the bottom, but at the same time spread them as far as possible to the side, turning your hands around their axis.

This movement of the hand is called pronation, and it is analogous to another super technique for gaining muscle mass in the arms - supination, used in biceps exercises. But don’t think that since this triceps exercise is performed on a block and not with free weights, it needs to be performed in a “walking style”.

Conclusion: performing extensions on a block with pronation allows you to achieve peak contraction of the triceps, which is the strongest stimulus for the growth of muscle mass for the triceps.

Lack of triceps exercises performed with a reverse grip

There is a lot of information out there about exercises for each individual triceps band. But as science says, it is impossible to load a single muscle segment in isolation like triceps, biceps or another muscle group.

When pumping up the triceps, you will have to include three of its muscle bundles at once, however, some of them will still have a large load. While performing arm extensions reverse grip this occurs with the outer (lateral) head of the triceps, forming its so-called horseshoe shape.

This exercise for arms for mass is mandatory for all professional bodybuilders. They understand that a large, but shapeless triceps is visually inferior to a smaller, but better shaped one. In addition, reverse grip triceps extensions help separate the triceps from the brachialis and biceps, making the arms look more massive, developed and detailed. What reverse grip exercises can be performed in gym?

Reverse grip arm extension

Why curved? Because the grip strength in this case will be higher than when working with a straight bar. And to further enhance the grip on the handle, you can use regular wrist straps. This will allow you to use more weight in the exercise without worrying about losing control over it.

One-arm extension on a block with a reverse grip

This is a more difficult version of the triceps exercise, but it allows for a more complete contraction of the triceps due to the slight lengthening of the trajectory. And one-arm extensions on a block with a reverse grip make it possible to perform the exercise with greater mental concentration.

Frenchbench pressreverse grip

Very rare and dangerous exercise for triceps in the gym. Its essence is that the barbell is held not with the usual straight grip, but with a reverse grip and is lowered not to the forehead, but behind the head. It can be performed standing, sitting and lying down. Common sense dictates that this variation of the French press should be performed only with the support of a reliable training partner.

However, despite all its complexity, it does its job perfectly because it allows you to use free weight and perfectly stretches the triceps in length.

Barbell bench presslying with a narrow reverse grip

It’s also an unusual exercise that can be safely included in a triceps training for mass. The working weight in this version of the press is slightly less than in the classic variation, but the external triceps bundle is loaded much more heavily. It can be done with a regular barbell, but doing it in a Smith machine can put more stress on the triceps.

Conclusion: performing exercises with a reverse grip helps both in gaining muscle mass in the triceps and in giving it the coveted horseshoe shape.

Triceps workout with narrow arms

This may seem like a mere trifle, but when it comes to gaining muscle mass in your arms in a natural way, there can be no trifles. The effectiveness of triceps training depends on the working weight used in the exercises. And although you can gain weight in your arms by working with relatively light weights, the problem does not go away.

  • Grab. Positioning your hands too narrowly while performing barbell presses with a narrow grip, French presses, and even cable extensions overloads the wrist joint. The more weight used in triceps exercises, the higher the chances of injury. Even the slightest discomfort in the wrists puts an end to all pressing movements. According to the same studies looking for the best triceps exercises, the second most effective exercise is the cable extension with a regular medium comfortable grip. This position of the hands allows you to avoid injury to the wrists and makes it possible to pump the triceps with heavy weight. for performing bench triceps presses, it reduces the load on the wrist joint to a safe level.

  • Elbows. Losing control of the elbows during triceps exercises, firstly, removes the load from it, and secondly, overloads the elbow joint. Most often, the elbows “start dancing” while working with an inadequately selected weight. Weight on the bar is an important, but not the main aspect of the effectiveness of any arm exercise for mass. It is much more important to direct the load exclusively to the triceps, and not to spray it on other muscle groups. Total control over the position of the elbows during triceps exercises allows you to cope with this task.

Conclusion: the correct technique for performing exercises when training triceps for weight allows you to avoid joint injuries and significantly increases the chances of increasing muscle volume.

Low intensity triceps workout

If you analyze the arm training programs for mass used by professionals, you can draw an unambiguous conclusion: it occurs against the backdrop of progression of weights. In order for your arms (and not only) to grow, the working weight in the exercises must be constantly increased. The idea is good, but only for a competitive athlete who constantly uses pharmacological support.

For the average person, using increasingly heavier weights every workout is a recipe for injury. I know this for sure. An injury I sustained while doing overhead curls with a heavy dumbbell radically changed my perspective on gaining muscle mass in my arms.

The key to muscle growth is a constantly increasing load, here I agree with the adherents of “chemical” bodybuilding. But in my opinion, the progression of the load should not consist of an increase in the number of plates on the bar, but in completely different parameters.

But since we are talking about pumping up the triceps, which consists of three bundles, the ideal method of training it would be trisets (performing three exercises in a row without rest). If you wish, you can use any combination of triceps exercises that comes to mind, and they will all be correct. Two conditions will allow you to pump your arms for mass using trisets more effectively.

Condition 1. The difficulty of triceps exercises decreases with each stage. That is, the most difficult thing is done first and hard exercise, the second is lighter, stretching and closes the cycle with an isolated movement on the block. For example, like this:

  • Close-grip bench press 7-8 times
  • French bench press 8-10 reps
  • Extension of arms on a block with a rope handle 10-12 times

Condition 2. Triset exercises can be selected in such a way that each of them is aimed at a different muscle bundle. For example, like this

  • Bench push-ups with weights (internal triceps) 10-12 times
  • Seated barbell French press (long triceps bun) 8-10 reps
  • Extension of the arms on the block with a reverse grip (external triceps) 7-8 times

Conclusion: constant progression of weights is the simplest, but most traumatic way to pump your arms for weight. Principles of intensification training process allow you to increase the load on the muscles and minimize the risk of injury.

Insufficient trajectory of triceps exercises in the gym

At first glance, it seems that there is little in common between training triceps and biceps. But, in fact, doing exercises for them has two very important similarities.

  • Peak muscle contraction. For each muscle group, you need to find a movement that involves the maximum amount of work. muscle fibers. For triceps - this is an exercise performed with pronation of the hands (extension of the arms upper block), and for biceps – these are exercises with supination of the hands ( various options lifting dumbbells).
  • Maximum range of motion. Any lengthening of the trajectory in exercises is the strongest stimulus, both for the growth of muscle mass and for improving muscle shape. For biceps, these are barbell raises on a Scott bench and dumbbell raises on incline bench. But for the triceps, these are various options for extensions with a barbell and some other exercises.

The idea behind lengthening the triceps movement path is that the various variations of the French press are exercises for the long head of the triceps. The larger it is, the greater the total mass of the triceps. But there are two exercises that help stretch the triceps much more than all others:

Reverse Incline French Bench Press

The whole point of this triceps exercise is to tilt the bench down. This position of the bench will deprive the triceps of the “dead” zone of movement, the load in the stretched arm muscles will now remain constant. And to further lengthen the trajectory and further stretch the triceps, you can lower the barbell or dumbbells not to your forehead, but behind your head. The reverse French press is the best exercise for the long head of the triceps.

Barbell push-ups

According to its biomechanics, this movement completely repeats the previous exercise. Only, in the first option, the bar moves, and in this case the body itself serves as a burden. It's pretty difficult exercise, requiring high concentration and constant immobility of the body.

But the lowest point of the trajectory will allow you to stretch your triceps like no other. You can adjust the load level by changing the height of the bar. The lower it is located, the more difficult it is to perform the exercise. With a little modification, this exercise can be done at home. I talked about how to pump your arms without iron in the article.

Conclusion: lengthening the trajectory of movement, along with peak contraction - two the most important conditions increase in muscle arms.

And at the end of the story, I suggest you listen to what Rich Piana thinks about pumping up the triceps. He, as always, has his own special opinion on this matter.

pumping triceps:

I hope my article will be useful and will help in the struggle to create large in mass and ideal in shape arm muscles. May the force be with you. And the mass!

Triceps is one of the most visible muscles of the arms, it makes up two-thirds of the muscle mass of this part of the body (the remaining third comes from the biceps).

That's why for the beautiful fit figure It is worth paying attention to pumping the triceps. To make your hands look harmonious, Tighten this muscle regularly. And you will learn about which exercises will help you with this best from this article.

Triceps - what kind of muscle is it?

Anyone who wants to know how to pump up triceps at home should first understand the anatomy. So, this muscle also called triceps because it consists of three bundles: medial, lateral and long. Sometimes, instead of the term “bundle,” the word “head” is used.

Three bundles of this muscle form a so-called horseshoe. The triceps itself runs throughout back surface shoulder, with the long head starting on the scapula, and the medial and lateral ones on the humerus.

The function of this muscle is to extend the arm at the elbow and also at the shoulder. The triceps is also responsible for bringing the shoulder to the body.

Often, beginners strive to pump up only the biceps, but this disrupts the harmony of the arms. To give them beauty, pay attention to triceps exercises - then it is visually separated from deltoid muscles, and the relief becomes balanced and harmonious.

Note, that it is impossible to pump up one head of the triceps without straining the other two. Yes, the bulk of the load falls on only one beam, but the rest are not idle.

Thus, you can increase muscle volume by choosing the right exercises, but you will not be able to change your genetic data.

How to quickly pump up triceps at home - recommendations for training

If you want to give this muscle a beautiful relief as soon as possible and get powerful, strong and harmonious developed hands, remember that you should pay attention not only to the selection of exercises, but also to their correct implementation and a thoughtful training schedule.

It would also be useful to correct the diet - increase the amount of protein(it is found in large quantities in meat, as well as in dairy products). Protein powder will also be useful - they will provide the muscles with the necessary nutrition, so the relief will be more noticeable.

Triceps exercises - description and technique

Since the main function of the triceps muscle consists of extension of the elbow joint, it is precisely this that is the basis of all effective exercises aimed at working this muscle.

You can do them either with own weight(these are push-ups, as well as reverse push-ups), and with various equipment, for example, dumbbells, exercise machines. Training on the uneven bars also worked very well.

General principles

  • To increase the load on the long head, perform exercises with your arms raised. This is a French press, an extension of the arms with dumbbells behind the head.
  • To work on short heads, use an overhand grip; the reverse allows you to increase the load on the medial bundle.

Bodyweight exercises

Exercise No. 1

You should start with a basic exercise that you can do at home - push ups. In this case, the triceps and chest muscles work. Try doing this by placing your palms close to each other, spreading them, or doing push-ups on your fists.

As a warm-up, you should also do a few push-ups, leaning on your knees. Pay attention to the push-up technique: your arms should be parallel to each other, your back should be kept straight, without bending or slouching.

You need to bend your arms slowly, and straighten them more sudden movement. At the top, tighten your triceps muscles for two seconds, and then continue to push up.

Exercise No. 2

Dips- Another one effective method work your triceps. Keep your body straight, do not allow it to sway - this will put the load on triceps muscle will be optimal. Do not spread your elbows to the sides under any circumstances.

Exercise No. 3

Very effective and reverse push-ups. They are performed on uneven bars or a bench. Keep your arms straight, shoulder-width apart. Slowly bend your elbows, releasing your body, and then straighten it more fast pace. At the top, also tighten your triceps for a couple of seconds.

Exercise #4

Reverse push-ups from a bench- Another useful exercise. Place your shins on one bench and rest your hands on the second. “Lift” yourself above the second bench so that the angle between your arms and legs is straight. Start bending your arms, slowly lowering your body, and then straighten it (do it a little faster).

Breathe in all of these exercises. in the following way: when bending your arms, inhale, when extending, exhale.

Exercises with apparatus

If you are interested in how to pump up your triceps, use dumbbells– you can practice with them at home, as well as with a barbell (straight or curved).

Overhead dumbbell extension

You can do this exercise both sitting and standing. Take a dumbbell, extend your arm with the apparatus up, and then slowly lower it behind your neck. No need to register in lowest point– immediately begin raising your arm, returning it to its original position. Do not let your elbow “go” to the side, keep your back straight.

Bent-over arm extension with dumbbells

Approach the bench so that it is on the side, rest your palm on it (to do this, lean forward). Take a dumbbell in your other hand with your palm facing you. Keep your back parallel to the floor, and you can place one leg on the bench.

Bend your arm with the apparatus at a right angle, with your elbow level with your back and the dumbbell hanging freely. Do this while inhaling. Next, holding your breath, straighten your arm without straining your forearm. Exhale and contract your triceps at the bottom. This exercise is good to do at the end of your workout.

French press with barbell

An excellent exercise with a barbell, for which you should lie down and take the apparatus on your outstretched arms with an overhand grip. Place your hands shoulder-width apart. Bend your elbows and lower the hyphae just above your head.

At the same time, keep your elbows perpendicular to the floor. Breathe in. With a strong movement, return your hands to their original position, exhale. This exercise can be performed with either a straight bar or a curved bar.

Since among the fair sex the triceps muscle is often weak point, it's worth paying attention Special attention how to pump up a woman’s triceps at home.

Push-ups will help(from a bench or floor), as well as reverse push-ups, training with a block (cable trainer). If he is not at home, unclench your hands with dumbbells while lying down, and also alternately behind your head (by the way, dumbbells can be easily replaced with bottles of sand).

How to pump up triceps at home - video

If you want to get beautiful triceps, provide these muscles with a versatile load, and also carefully work out all the heads, the following video will help you do this. Pay attention to the warm-up that you need to start each workout with.

This will help avoid muscle injuries and troubles. In addition, the trainer shows basic triceps exercises and gives various options for performing them.

Using the given exercises and combining them into various programs, you will be able to effectively work out the triceps, give this muscle the required volume, make it beautiful and embossed. Remember the rules that should be followed when drawing up a training calendar, the basic principles of nutrition - and your triceps will be impeccable.

What exercises do you do? Share your experiences in the comments.

In this article we will look at the triceps - the largest muscle on the human arm. The triceps is a triceps muscle and typically occupies two-thirds of the volume of the upper arm, unlike the biceps which occupies only one-third and has two heads. The triceps is involved in a variety of exercises, both during training in bodybuilding programs and in powerlifting, calisthenics, CrossFitter, and crosslifters. In bodybuilding, the triceps is precisely the muscle that gives the most optimal proportions; in powerlifting, the triceps also places a large load on it, because it is involved in exercises such as deadlift, chest press on a classic bench and on a bench with a variation of inclinations, push of a barbell overhead, in calisthenics is also involved in many exercises and strength elements.

The triceps pumping technique contains a large number of both multi-joint and single-joint exercises with dumbbells, on blocks or with a barbell, and which of them you choose and add to your program depends entirely on the type of training and the genetic predisposition of the body. It is important to know that more than half of the success in pumping up big and strong triceps depends on nutrition and recovery after hard training.

In bodybuilding programs, as a rule, exercises are aimed more at developing large volumes; this effect is achieved with the pumping technique and separate single-joint nodal training of each of the triceps heads. Pumping is an intensive pumping of blood into muscle fibers, thereby achieving the effect of deformation and filling of micro-tears resulting from the correct exercise technique, thus the satellite cells located in the perimuscular space receive the greatest activity, due to an increase in blood pressure, and also improves saturation with nutrients muscle tissue. Next, a separate nodal study consolidates the result obtained, and thus, with the correct technique of performing the exercises, the desired effect of muscle fiber growth is achieved.

In powerlifting programs, exercises are aimed at developing great strength and endurance. When training of this nature, the triceps is used more as an auxiliary muscle, but its role is quite important in the so-called base and, in fact, in the entire triathlon. The triceps are involved in all stages of the chest press and serve as the primary support muscle. In other words, when lowering the barbell to chest level, the triceps plays the role of a stabilizer, and during the pressing movement, it takes almost half of the load upon itself and makes it possible to push the barbell away. The triceps are involved in the deadlift, but more as a stabilizer, because the main load goes to the lower back, upper back, trapezius, shoulders, forearms and hands, all the muscles of the legs. In the barbell squat, the triceps is also a stabilizer.

In other types of training, the triceps develop according to average strength and volume and are also involved in many exercises.

It is worth noting that often when progress stagnates or for a good and correct start to training and pumping up the triceps, advice from professional athletes can help. Below we will look at several famous bodybuilders, powerlifters and other athletes, namely their tips for training triceps.

Famous bodybuilder Darrem Charles says that the basis for success is a few mandatory rules:

  • A good warm-up and warming up of all muscles, joints and ligaments reduces the risk of injury;
  • Each head should be treated separately to achieve a good effect;
  • It is necessary to concentrate on straightening your arms completely;
  • Change types of exercises to shock the central nervous system and muscle tissue.

One of the most famous bodybuilders in the world, Mr. Olympia title holder, Jay Cutler, advises the following:

  • Use all available types of exercises to fundamentally work out the triceps;
  • Avoid overtraining and recover properly;
  • Proper nutrition is the key to success.

Most strong man Russia and Europe, world champion and world record holder in the bench press category, Kirill Sarychev advises the following:

  • Eat right to gain good weight;
  • If something goes wrong in an exercise and pain occurs, you should feel the pain in order to hone the technique to perfection;
  • Correctly and sufficiently recover after training.

No less famous athlete Frank Medrano, who practices calisthenic, crossfit and crosslifting types of training, also gives advice on training the triceps:

  • Train to failure with perfect technique;
  • Try to work with your own weight or minimal weights;
  • Training should be aimed at increasing endurance and gaining relief.

Now let's look at the types of exercises for developing and pumping up the triceps.

Triceps exercises with dumbbells

This exercise is single-joint and is aimed at working all three heads of the triceps; this exercise is also part of the pumping technique and allows, in the case of pressing one dumbbell with both hands, to work the triceps symmetrically. The option of pressing two dumbbells will also be interesting, because in this way the stabilizer muscles are involved and the technique of such a press itself is slightly different.

The technique of performing such an exercise is quite complex and requires primary preparation. To perform this exercise, you need to sit on a bench and hold a dumbbell with both hands. Next, you should place your hands slightly behind your head, so that the position of your arms and back in profile line up in one straight line. It is also necessary that the elbows be brought as close to each other as possible.

  • Grip with your palms inward (on the dumbbell bar itself);
  • Grip with your palms up (you should grab the dumbbell from the bottom of the top plate).

The weight of dumbbells or dumbbells is selected individually and selected for 10–12 repetitions (it is advisable that the last 4–5 repetitions in a hike are a little difficult), there should be 3–4 approaches.

This exercise can be performed both in the gym and at home (if you have dumbbells).

Interesting fact: if you vary the types of grips and the number of dumbbells in one exercise, that is, do two rounds with two dumbbells, gripping with your palms in, and the remaining two with one dumbbell, gripping with your palms up, you can achieve the most progressive effect. It would also be a good idea to add another approach of 6–8 repetitions, but this time with a negative row, that is, lower the dumbbell or dumbbells at a slow speed and maximum amplitude, and lift them at normal speed. What to achieve maximum effect pumping, after completing all the approaches, it is worth “finishing off” the triceps with an additional approach, but with a 30-40% lighter dumbbell weight.

Important to remember! Before performing this exercise, you should warm up your joints, ligaments and muscles.

This exercise is single-joint, very similar to a dumbbell bench press while sitting, only the position of the body changes and due to this, the stabilizer muscles are activated more.

The technique for performing this exercise is the same as when performing a seated dumbbell press. Grips can also be varied to achieve best results. This exercise has a pumping effect and can be used to work the triceps individually to improve symmetry. It is recommended to take breaks of 25–35 seconds between hikes.

The exercises are completely similar to the triceps press with dumbbells or a barbell while standing, with one hand. But it differs to a lesser extent in that the load on the stabilizer muscles increases and requires good coordination. In terms of the technical component, it is completely identical to the dumbbell press behind the head. You can also change grips and combine them for more intensive training.

The exercise is technically difficult because it requires high concentration and well-honed technique. As a rule, it refers to single-joint exercises, it also has static load on rear delta shoulder

Execution technique: you need to stand on the bench with your left knee, make your right leg the supporting leg, rest your left palm on the bench and bend your back a little, as when pulling a dumbbell at an angle to the lower back. Next, you should take a dumbbell, move your arm back to your back, so that your elbow is motionless pressed to latissimus muscle backs. Next, lift the dumbbell by extending your arm until it is completely straight. At the maximum point of extension, you need to hold your hand for 1-2 seconds. The exercise is performed in 3–4 sets, 8–14 repetitions each. Has a strong pumping effect.

An interesting feature of this exercise is the variation of grips, and there are four of them:

  • Palms are turned towards the body;
  • Palms facing the ground;
  • Palms turned up;
  • The palms are turned diagonally by 25–35 degrees.

If you have dumbbells of different weights, you can perform this exercise by changing the weight of the apparatus. You can also do it at home.

Initially, this exercise has two options:

  • French barbell press (straight bar, curved bar);

We will look at the French press with dumbbells for triceps. The exercise is technically difficult. Before performing it, you should warm up your elbow joints and ligaments well. There is a variation of three grips:

  • Grip with palms inward;
  • Grip with palms up;
  • Grip with palms down.

Technique for performing the exercise. Lie down on a bench, first holding dumbbells in your hands. Next you need to straighten your arms until right angle, so that your arms are positioned perpendicular to your chest, move your straight arms towards your head by 25–30 degrees and begin to bend until a right angle is formed at the elbow. Next, do the opposite movement, but without straightening your arms by 20–25 degrees.

The exercise has an incomplete amplitude and due to this, the triceps are in constant tension. You can change the weight of the projectile to achieve a better pumping effect. It can be done at home only if you have dumbbells and a bench.

This exercise is similar to the French press. The main difference is that when performing it, the arms remain perpendicular to the chest. Has two options:

  • Classical;
  • Shift of flexion towards the chest.

Has three grips:

  • Palms inward;
  • Palms to the floor;
  • Palms facing away from you (not performed in the offset version).

This exercise can be performed with one dumbbell; in this version there are only two grips:

  • Palms inward;
  • Palms up (grasp the top plate, from below).

Technique for performing the exercise. You need to lie down on a bench, take dumbbells in advance, and raise your arms to a right angle. Next, bend your arms at the elbow until a right angle is formed and straighten them back, not bringing them to straightening by 15–20 degrees. There should be 3-4 hikes and 8-12 repetitions in each hike. You can change the weight of dumbbells, as well as perform this exercise at home if you have special equipment.

For proper pumping triceps muscle in the gym or at home, you need to create a progressive program of triceps exercises. An important factor good growth muscle tissue, it is necessary to eat properly and recover normally.

It is important to know! When performing all of the above exercises in the amount of 8 repetitions per hike, but with heavy weight, muscle mass is gained well. When performing 12 repetitions per set, the workout goes better and relief appears faster.

For each type of genetics, certain exercises are more suitable than others. Because each person's muscle fibers react differently to stress.

At home

It is quite possible to pump up the triceps muscle at home, but for this you need to purchase sports store dumbbells and a special bench. In fact, all triceps exercises can be done at home, the main thing is to follow correct technique and choose the weight sports equipment. Below, we will give a list of exercises for triceps with dumbbells at home:

  • Close grip dumbbell press;
  • Bent over arm extension;
  • Dumbbell overhead press with two hands or one hand, standing and sitting.

In the gym

In the gym, it is easier to perform the above exercises, because you will be under the supervision of a trainer and if the technique is violated, the fitness instructor will give you advice on correction. A big advantage of training in gym, is the abundance of sports equipment, dumbbells of different weights, and a fitness instructor can also help you perform exercises or provide support on large weights, for example, when doing a triceps dumbbell bench press or a French press. In the gym you can also buy sports nutrition, sports programs, containing a list of triceps exercises with dumbbells for men.

How to speed up progress with sports nutrition?

Often, depending on genetics or current circumstances, a person cannot train fully or follow the necessary regime; this may be caused by a simple lack of time due to the large amount of work. In this case, it is recommended to use sports nutrition and a variety of anabolic drugs, the latter are usually used professional athletes who need phenomenal results. Upon admission sports nutrition the desired results are achieved much faster and the recovery period after training is also reduced, muscle mass becomes of better quality, excess fat mass burns, the overall tone of the body increases. Side effects There is practically no benefit from taking sports nutrition, with the exception of creatine, whose “side” is expressed in fluid retention in the body, but this is not at all critical. Next, we will provide you with a list of sports nutrition that both beginners and professionals can start taking:

  • Protein – used for weight gain;
  • Creatine – gives good tone and has a positive effect on strength results;
  • BCAA and amino acids – increase overall tone, promote fat burning and gain better muscle mass;
  • Gainers and pre-workout supplements energy drinks – give energy and promote rapid recovery endurance;
  • Glutamine – accelerates recovery after heavy training, improves sleep quality.

This list is not exhaustive, but it lists the most basic and necessary substances, trace elements, and amino acids. Such components are found in all food products, but do not forget about the main diet, which should be perfectly balanced in terms of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, as well as vitamins.

Let's talk about how to properly pump up your triceps. Although working with triceps often requires specialized equipment, it is still possible to do this at home. Triceps gives the arm sporty look, emphasizing strength, and just looks great. Triceps exercises are extremely necessary to give the athlete's body the proper look.

For practicing at home, back push-ups are the main and most effective exercise.

Initial position

  • Rest your arms behind you on a gymnastics bench (a couple of stools will do). Stretch your legs on another bench or stool opposite.


  • As you inhale, lower yourself, bending your arms at a right angle. As you exhale, rise and straighten your arms, taking the starting position.

Helpful advice

  • For better effect and greater load should be performed in both the lower and upper positions. It is not recommended to practice with your arms very wide apart, as in this case the chest muscles and deltoid muscles will receive the load.

It's time to consider how to pump up your triceps with dumbbells. This exercise is excellent for practicing at home, and is also suitable for the gym. If the triceps on some arm are not pumped up enough, this exercise will help correct the problem.

Initial position

  • Sit straight on a bench or stool, slightly arch your back in the lumbar region, and press your feet firmly to the floor. Hold the dumbbell behind your head, bend and straighten it, maintaining a right angle. The free hand clasps the torso tightly.


  • As you exhale, place your hand behind your head without stopping in the final position. The weight of the dumbbell should be selected individually, provided that you can perform the exercise 10-12 times.

Helpful advice

  • When performing, the main thing is the immobility of the shoulder joint. If this doesn't work at first, you can help yourself by supporting your shoulder with your free hand.

This exercise should not be performed with maximum weight, based only on training the triceps, giving it the necessary load.

Initial position

  • Lie on a bench, buttocks and back pressed. The feet are firmly placed on the floor. Raise the barbell by outstretched arms, straight grip, hands shoulder-width apart.


  • As you inhale, the barbell lowers behind your head, while your shoulders and forearms form a right angle. Hold the bar in this position. As you exhale, raise the barbell gradually straightening your arms. Without delay, start the exercise over again. Make sure that the work is done only on the triceps, without using the back or legs.

Helpful advice

  • You cannot hold the barbell with a reverse grip, as in this position the projectile can slip out. Only the elbow joint is involved in the work. There is no need to lower the barbell too low, as this will start working another muscle group. You should not start working with heavy weights, as this will also start working your back. Your feet should always be on the floor and pressed tightly together to maintain balance.

This exercise loads not only the triceps, but also other muscles that warm up the triceps well.

Initial position

  • Lie on a bench, buttocks, back, shoulder blades pressed tightly to the working surface. Feet pressed firmly to the floor. The training bench must be equipped with a stand. You can also perform the exercise in a power rack or Smith machine. Grasp the barbell with an overhand grip. The distance between the grips of the palms is 2-3 fists.


  • Remove the barbell from the support and, grabbing it, extend your arms at chest level. Exhaling, lower the barbell under the pectoral muscles, and touching the chest, immediately lift the barbell up. When your arms are fully extended, exhale deeply. In the upper position, rest a little and perform the exercise again. Repeat 6-10 times in 3-4 approaches.

Useful tips

  • It is very important to do this exercise correctly. You should not hold the barbell with an underhand grip, but you should hold it with your hands wide apart or hold it with a very narrow grip. Holding a barbell wide grip, the load on the pectoral muscles increases, and in this case the load on the triceps is minimal. Grabbing the barbell with a narrow grip increases the risk of imbalance, plus the load on the metacarpal joint will increase, which can cause pain after such training.

This is perhaps the most effective and effective exercise for triceps training. Thanks to it, the triceps muscles are perfectly worked out. Arm extension in a standing position is an isolating exercise and is not basic. It can only be performed in the gym using the upper block.

Initial position

  • Standing position, the upper body bends forward slightly. The grip of the handle should be done in such a way that the palms are facing the floor. Hand placement is average. The elbows should be pressed very tightly against the body. Gradually pull the handle towards your chest.


  • As you exhale, the arms are fully extended, while the handle goes down as far as possible. Hold this position for 5-7 seconds. Then, inhaling deeply, gradually return your hands to their original position. This exercise should be performed as smoothly and slowly as possible. Repeat this exercise about 10-12 times, number of approaches 2-3 times.

Helpful advice

  • All movements should be performed only by the elbow joints; the shoulders and wrists should not be involved during the exercise.

This exercise can be called one of the series of exercises discussed above. To perform it, you will also need to use a cable trainer with an upper block and D-handle. Carrying out similar exercise, regularly there is an opportunity to give your triceps relief and more volume.

Initial position

  • Stand in front of the machine, placing your hands strictly parallel to the cable. With your free hand, grab the statin of the exercise machine, at the same time, the body leans forward a little, and put the leg of the same name with your hand back a little, so that it does not interfere with the exercise. Grasp the handle of the exercise machine with a reverse grip so that the palm is directed with the inner side.


  • While inhaling deeply, hold your breath and stretch your arm downwards and straighten it completely. Having fixed the position, you can exhale, hold your hand in this position for a short time and begin the reverse move. When the hand returns to the starting position, there is no need to succumb to the pressure of the load. It is necessary to provide maximum resistance to the load. Returning to the initial position of the arm should take twice as long as its extension.

Helpful advice

  • When performing one-arm extension in a standing position in the upper block, the back should be motionless and clearly fixed. The wrist should be tightly clenched, and the elbow of the working hand should be pressed tightly to the body. There is no need to perform the exercise with very heavy weight. The weight should be selected so that it can be performed 10-12 times, in 3-4 approaches.

This exercise belongs to a number of isolation exercises and allows you to train all three triceps bundles. It also makes it possible to get rid of triceps imbalance in either arm. Bent-over arm extensions are best performed as a final exercise when working the triceps.

Initial position

  • Standing at the side of the bench, resting the palm of your free hand on it. Take the other hand with a dumbbell, pointing your palm towards you. The back is parallel to the floor. The knee of the free hand also rests against the bench. Move your hand off the dumbbells at a right angle, so that your elbow reaches the level of your back or slightly higher, and the dumbbell hangs freely down.


  • As you inhale, hold your breath and, using one triceps, fully extend your arm, while your forearm remains completely immobilized. Stay in this position for a little while, pause while holding the strongest tension in the triceps, and then return to the starting position.

Useful tips

    The triceps brachii muscle is a massive muscle group with serious potential for hypertrophy and increased strength. In this article we will find out which triceps exercises are the most effective and how to properly train this muscle at home and in the gym.

    Working muscles

    Any triceps exercise one way or another involves all three of its bundles:

  1. Lateral.
  2. Long.
  3. Medial.

The more you stretch your triceps - for example, when lowering a barbell or dumbbell while performing, the more intensely the long and medial fascicles work. If the emphasis of the exercise is on constant contraction of the triceps, as in arm extensions on the upper block or, then the lateral fascicle will work more strongly.

In all multi-joint basic movements the load also falls on the anterior deltoid muscles and pectoral muscles. The abdominal muscles also perform static work in almost all exercises for triceps mass.

  • Choose the right working weight and determine the range of repetitions. For massive triceps, combine both strength work (4-8 reps) and pumping (12-20 reps) into your training schedule. But remember that the exercise will not be effective if you do not feel the muscles working. You should feel your triceps contracting and stretching with each repetition.
  • Gradually increase the weight of the additional weight when doing dips. This is one of the most traumatic exercises for elbow joints. It is better to place this exercise closer to the final part of the workout and work with a relatively light weight.
  • There is no need to fully straighten your elbows at the top point every time in all pressing exercises. This is a traumatic position in which the entire load falls directly on the elbow joint.
  • When performing French presses, it is fundamentally important to concentrate on stretching the triceps during the negative phase of the movement (during the descent). It should be 2 or even 3 times longer than the upward movement of the projectile. The whole benefit of this exercise lies precisely in this. You won't be able to stretch the medial head of the triceps as much with other movements.
  • Minimize cheating (swinging of the body) when performing arm extensions on the upper block. Rocking deprives this exercise of any meaning and removes all the stress from the triceps brachii muscle.
  • Use all available ways to increase the intensity of your training. The triceps are a relatively small muscle group: if you want to see noticeable progress, you need to hit it hard. Doing partial reps after reaching failure, asking a partner to help you do a couple extra reps, doing multiple exercises without resting, “finishing” with a light weight after each heavy set—all of these things work great for the triceps.
  • Make the most of your rest time between sets by stretching your triceps. The more flexible your muscles are, the more comfortable you will be in performing exercises through a full range of motion. It will also improve pumping and neuromuscular communication, stretch the fascia and reduce the likelihood of injury.
  • Experiment with your split program. Triceps can be trained together with the chest, back, shoulders or biceps. Choose the option that suits you best, or alternate variations weekly.
  • Breaks between approaches should not exceed 1-1.5 minutes. This way, the flow of blood into the working muscles will be maximum, and the muscles will not have time to cool down after intense exercise.
  • If you train your arms on a separate day, work in supersets - work your triceps first, and then move on to your biceps. Triceps – more voluminous and strong muscle, she needs more heavy load to grow. Therefore, it is advisable to first load it while you are full of energy.

The best exercises to work your triceps

The more intense your workouts, the more prerequisites for triceps growth you will create. Together with the blood into the working muscle group everything necessary for hypertrophy will be included.

However, this does not mean that arm training should last several hours, during which you will have time to do 10 or more exercise. To fully work out all 3 triceps bundles, 3-4 exercises are enough, which will take a maximum of 30 minutes. Let's look at the most effective exercises and their features.

This exercise is a basic exercise for the triceps muscles. Don't take its name too literally: the distance between your hands should be only slightly narrower than the width of your shoulders. This will ensure a full contraction of the triceps and will protect you from discomfort in the hands, shoulders and elbows.

Throughout the entire approach, it is important to keep your elbows as close to your body as possible, then the efficiency of this exercise will increase. If you have difficulty keeping the barbell level, do the Smith press with a close grip. This will make the exercise more isolated, as it will reduce the load on the stabilizer muscles. We recommend performing this particular option during drying to reduce the risk of injury to joints and ligaments weakened by a lack of fat in the diet.

This is one of the best exercises for pumping up the triceps. It allows you to focus the load on the contraction of the long and medial fasciculus, and it is they who set the visual “massiveness” of the arm. To do this, lower the barbell, dumbbell or handle of the block exercise machine as low as possible and take a short pause at the lowest point.

Remember that this version of the exercise is dangerous and requires good stretching, so you need to adequately assess your strength and not overdo it with working weights. Most often, the French press is done with a barbell while sitting, standing, lying on a horizontal or inclined bench. All of these variations should have a place in your training program.

When performing the exercise while lying down, you can lower the barbell to the bridge of your nose or closer to the back of your head. The first option is more suitable for pumping with light weight, the second - for strength work and full stretching at the bottom. The exercise can also be done with dumbbells - standing or sitting. There are no fundamental differences, but due to a narrower grip, you will be able to lower the dumbbell even lower and stretch the triceps more strongly. The French press from the lower block is more suitable for maximally “clogging” an already tired muscle with blood. It should be performed at the very end of arm training.


This is a multi-joint exercise in which the load is distributed between the pectoral muscles and triceps. To target the triceps brachii muscle specifically, keep your body straight throughout the entire approach. No forward bending or rounding of the spine thoracic region. Keep your elbows close to the body, and do not spread them to the sides, otherwise the entire load will shift to the lower section pectoral muscles. There is no need to go as deep as possible, this will only lead to discomfort in shoulder joints and ligaments. Lower yourself down until a right angle is formed between your forearm and top part arms, this will ensure maximum contraction of the triceps. When you can easily complete 4-5 sets with your bodyweight, performing at least 15 repetitions, use additional weights.

Extensions from the upper block

This isolated exercise for local training of the lateral head of the triceps. Although this is the smallest part of the triceps, you need to devote no less time to it than the rest, since it is this that gives the “horseshoe” shape of the triceps. This exercise usually ends your arm training.

To ensure maximum blood flow to the triceps brachii muscle, work with light weights without supporting yourself with your core. The number of repetitions is at least 12. Press your elbows to your ribs throughout the entire approach. To "hook" as many muscle fibers as possible, use all the handles available in your gym and vary your grip from wide to narrow. This triceps exercise can also be done in a crossover.


The triceps come into play perfectly when performing with narrow setting hands This perfect exercise for home workouts. To further target the lateral triceps, point your hands with your fingers facing each other. The elbows will be directed in different directions, but in this particular case it will only increase the peak contraction. It is also worth doing plyometric push-ups (with clapping) from time to time; they are excellent for developing explosive force your triceps.


This exercise involves moving the arm back with a dumbbell (or the handle of a lower block) when the athlete himself is bent over. Kickbacks are rarely used when gaining muscle mass, but they are perfect for performing during drying in order to “burn” the triceps as much as possible and improve its relief.

Progression of loads

We figured out what exercises pump the triceps. However, no set of triceps exercises will give desired result, if you don’t improve your performance every workout.

There are several ways to do this:

  1. Increasing working weights. The method is fundamentally important for basic exercises, but for isolation it is advisable to gradually increase the weight used - of course, without sacrificing technique. This is done like this: you did 3 sets of bench press with a narrow grip with a weight of 80 kg for 10 repetitions. For your next workout, try lifting 85kg. Most likely, you won’t be able to do 10 reps in all sets, but it will come out to about 10-8-6. Continue with this weight until you can do 10-10-10. After this, increase the working weight by another 2.5-5 kg.
  2. Increasing the number of repetitions. Let's say you were able to do 3 sets of strict barbell French presses for 12 reps. Weight does not play a role in this case. In your next workout, try to do 13 repetitions without compromising your technique or increasing the rest time between sets. Next time - 14, then - 15. After that, slightly increase the weight of the barbell, drop again to 12 repetitions and repeat all over again.
  3. Increasing the number of approaches. When you can easily complete 3 sets of any triceps exercise, do another set. The number of repetitions and rest time remain the same. Increasing your training volume is a powerful stimulus for growth.
  4. Adding new exercises. This technique is only suitable experienced athletes. If you feel that three or four exercises are no longer enough to properly pump up your triceps, add one more exercise to your program. Start with light isolation, if this is not enough, complete the arm training French press lying down with a barbell or dips with extra weight. Painful sensations are guaranteed the next day.
  5. Reducing rest time between sets. Rest 1.5 minutes between sets of close grip bench presses? Reduce this time to a minute, trying not to break the technique and not reduce the number of repetitions. It will be difficult at first, but with experience your muscles will become more resilient: you will not lose productivity using minimal rest time. The blood supply to the muscles will be much stronger.
  6. Increasing the number of workouts. This option will help athletes whose arm muscles stubbornly refuse to grow. There are many reasons for stagnation, but in most cases, more frequent and intense training successfully solves the problem. Train your triceps twice a week: the first time with your chest or back, the second time with your biceps. Can you do more light workout in supersets to achieve maximum pumping. This should help you build up your arms.

Training program

Any gym has everything you need for a full triceps workout. No special equipment is required. A dumbbell row, bench presses, various barbells, a set of discs and a block exercise machine for extensions can be found even in an old basement gym.

In order to load all three beams evenly and create the prerequisites for muscle growth, we recommend using the following scheme:

It will be a little more difficult to fully train your triceps at home, since the choice of exercises is reduced. All you need is a barbell, a set of discs and collapsible dumbbells. Also, home beams will not be superfluous; they are conveniently attached and do not take up much space.

You can pump up your triceps at home as follows:

While gaining muscle mass, try to constantly increase the working weight, the number of approaches and exercises. The workouts are more voluminous, and they are dominated by basic exercises.

An approximate variation of triceps training for mass looks like this:

During drying, workouts also change. Lower your weights, increase your rep range, and rest less between sets. Replace heavy compound exercises with more isolated variations to protect your joints and ligaments. A complete triceps workout during the fat burning period is as follows: