Exercises for the spine according to Shishonin. Exercises for the lumbar and lumbosacral spine. Actions to take if you are in pain

The modern way of life, unfortunately, is not very conducive to maintaining health. Frequent stress, constant lack of sleep, malnutrition, sedentary work lead to problems with the spine in the cervical, thoracic and lumbosacral regions.

Doctor Alexander Shishonin offers a set of simple exercises that can improve the health of the spine.

In what cases to apply

Gymnastics is a complex of seven simple but effective exercises. It is recommended to do it not only for those who already have problems with the spine, but also for those who are at risk of developing back diseases.

And at risk are people who are regularly subjected to psycho-emotional and mental stress, work at a computer, eat unbalanced meals and lead an inactive lifestyle.

If you notice one or more of the following symptoms in yourself, Shishonin gymnastics for the spine is shown to you:

  • hypertension;
  • pain in cervical region, impaired mobility of the neck;
  • migraine, dizziness;
  • poor blood circulation in the brain;
  • bad memory;
  • insomnia or frequent drowsiness.

Therapeutic gymnastics will also help recover those who have undergone traumatological operations.


In general, Shishonin's exercises have a lot of advantages and are safe for health. However, they have some contraindications. Charging must be done sensibly and follow basic safety standards.

If you feel unwell, you have an aggravated illness, or you feel tired and unwell, we advise you to postpone exercise until your condition improves. So, contraindications to charging:

  • Internal or external bleeding - any exercise in this condition can aggravate bleeding.
  • Increased body temperature - agree that high temperature in itself is the cause of weakness and malaise, and charging in such conditions can provoke a deterioration.
  • Oncological diseases.
  • Exacerbation of the disease. When the disease is in the active phase, the patient often experiences intense pain and, as a result, exercise (like other physical activity) won't do much good.
  • The presence of infectious or inflammatory processes in the body. It is necessary to cure these diseases before proceeding with the Shishonin method.
  • Carrying a child is due to the fact that gymnastics creates some load on the spine and can cause undesirable consequences for future mother and for the baby.

It's important to know

We offer for study some additional aspects that will help you achieve maximum results when doing Shishonin gymnastics:

Execution rules:

  • repeat exercises 5 times in each direction;
  • fix the head in the extreme position for 20-30 seconds, beginners can start with fixation for 10-15 seconds;
  • try to keep your back as straight as possible;
  • do the exercises smoothly, do not jerk;
  • the main part of the complex is recommended to be performed in a sitting position, this contributes to greater relaxation;
  • breathe evenly, look ahead or close your eyes.


Consider each of the 7 exercises separately:

  1. Metronome - tilt your head to the right, to the shoulder. If you feel a slight pull, hold on for a while. Return to the normal position and lean to the left towards the shoulder. In this case, you need to stretch the top of your head.
  2. Spring - lower your head down for 30 seconds, then stretch your neck forward and up, fix it for half a minute.
  3. Look into the sky - slowly turn your head to the right, fix it for 30 seconds, do the same in the other direction.
  4. The frame is an exercise Skygaze, but with a shoulder girdle. Put your right hand on left shoulder, leave the other hand on your knee, fix for half a minute and repeat on the other side. Make sure your elbow is parallel to the floor.
  5. Fakir is an analogue of Skygazing, but here the palms are joined together above the head, the elbows are slightly bent.
  6. Heron - palms lie on your knees, and the chin slowly stretches up, while taking your hands behind your back, fix for half a minute and repeat on the other side. Then perform smooth tilts in different directions to stretch the neck.
  7. Goose - completes the set of exercises. We get up, fix the chin so that it is parallel to the toes of the legs, stretch the neck forward. After that, we smoothly turn our head to the right, slowly stretch in the direction of the shoulder, fix it in a stretched form for half a minute. We repeat for the opposite side.

The complex described above is simple and effective, it is suitable for people with different levels physical training. However, we recommend that you consult your doctor before starting treatment. Health to you!

Shishonin's gymnastics for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine owes its popularity to the growing number of patients suffering from this disease. All more people engaged in intellectual work involving sedentary image life. After all, the main physical views work is done by robots. Thus, Shishonin's gymnastics has become a phenomenon that protects against osteochondrosis, and not just a set of exercises.

With osteochondrosis of the cervical region, a person experiences not only pain and discomfort - he may have a headache, thoughts are confused, he is constantly sleepy. All this is the result of poor blood supply.

Academician A.Yu. Shishonin led the Bubnovsky rehabilitation center for many years, where he invented and improved a uniquely effective method that helps the neck muscles return to their former flexibility, that is, restore blood circulation in the brain. Long and motionless sitting just leads to the fact that the muscles lose their elasticity and pinch large veins and nerve fibers. If the exercises are done correctly in the prescribed sequence, then anyone can perform them, of any age and gender.

Indications for gymnastics Shishonin

The technique developed by Dr. Shishonin is indicated for people with the following diseases:

The effectiveness of the Shishonin treatment method depends not only on the regularity and correctness of the exercises, but also on the fact that the complex is used along with drug therapy. That is, only complex treatment will bring relief and healing in cervical osteochondrosis.

Contraindications to Shishonin's gymnastics

Like any treatment, Dr. Shishonin's neck gymnastics has a number of contraindications. It cannot be done when:

  1. Increased pain syndrome. All exercises for the spine can be done only in the absence of pain. If it appears, the exercise must be stopped.
  2. Elevated body temperature. In this case, a person very quickly loses control over his coordination, may fall and injure himself.
  3. The presence of malignant tumors not only in the spine, but also in any other organ.
  4. Infectious or inflammatory diseases. First of all, it is necessary to cure all these inflammations.
  5. Pregnancy. In this case, the increased load on the mother's spine can harm both her body and the child, up to the termination of pregnancy.
  6. Presence of bleeding. The danger is both internal bleeding and external. When performing gymnastics, it can intensify, and the person will first lose consciousness, and then die from blood loss.

Before performing gymnastics for the neck with osteochondrosis, you should familiarize yourself with general recommendations. The intensity of training should gradually decrease, so the first 2 weeks they take place every day, then their number decreases to 3 times a week.

When performing any exercises from the Shishonin complex, the back should be kept straight - this is the main condition for success. The rest of the time, in ordinary life, you also need to ensure that the back always remains straight.

For correct execution Exercise therapy according to Shishonin can be done in front of a mirror. Before starting classes, you should warm up the body with a few pull-ups on the crossbar and light gymnastics: swinging arms, tilting and running in place. And the last recommendation - all exercises must be done with a smile and faith in a full recovery.

A set of exercises according to the method of Dr. Shishonin

For ease of remembering the exercises, each of them has its own name. Gymnastics for osteochondrosis can be performed in a car, in front of a computer, at a sewing machine, etc. - wherever a person is forced to sit still for several hours. The whole set of exercises takes 15-20 minutes. This is comparable to a small smoke break or a production pause, provided, by the way, by the Labor Code. So, exercises for Shishonin's osteochondrosis:

  1. This exercise is called the metronome. Starting position - the back is straight, the arms are lowered, the head gently leans towards the left shoulder. It is necessary to feel the tension of the muscles when trying to reach the top of the shoulder. The shoulders are motionless. In each direction, you need to tilt your head 5 times. Slowly, carefully, with effort.
  2. "Spring". The starting position is the same - the back is straight, the shoulders are lowered. The head should be slowly lowered until the chin rests on the chest. Stretching the neck, it is necessary to fix the position for 30 seconds. Then the head slowly leans back and is also fixed for 30 seconds. This swing can be repeated 5 times.
  3. "Looking to the sky". The head turns to the right, while the chin is held as high as possible, until a pain sensation occurs in the neck. Lock this position for 30 seconds. Then the same in left side, and so on 5 times.

  1. This exercise is a continuation of "Looking to the sky" and is called "Frame". It is complicated by a connected shoulder girdle. For this right hand is placed on the left shoulder, and the turn is carried out by both the neck and the entire torso. The principle is the same - holding in the extreme position for 30 seconds and 5 repetitions in each direction.
  2. Exercise "Heron" includes hands, so in the starting position they should lie on their knees. Then, at the same time, you should stretch your chin up and forward, and put your hands behind your back, interlock your fingers and turn your shoulders back as much as possible. In this position, you need to freeze for 30 seconds, after which they will return to their original position. You need to repeat this exercise at least 5 times.
  3. The starting position of the exercise "Goose" is standing. The chin should be pulled up and forward, and the head should be turned to the right until pain in the neck appears, in this position you should freeze for 30 seconds. After this, the exercise is repeated, but to the left side. Such repetitions must be done at least 5.

After completing all the proposed exercises, you can do a little self-massage. It will warm up the muscles and increase blood circulation in soft tissues cervical spine. To do this, use your knuckles to massage the muscles along the neck. Then you need to grab it between the thumb and the rest of the fingers, walk along these muscles with gentle pinches.

Regular use of this gymnastics and massage can not only cure osteochondrosis, but also prevent it from developing at all. Therefore, gymnastics for osteochondrosis of the neck of Dr. Shishonin not only treats, but also is the prevention of such a disease.

Uncovertebral arthrosis of the cervical spine: symptoms, causes, methods of treatment of the disease

Uncovertebral arthrosis is a change in the cervical spine, as a result of which the intervertebral discs or arcuate articular processes have undergone dystrophic changes that cause pain and discomfort to a person. Uncovertebral arthrosis of the cervical spine is usually formed in the region of the first and second cervical vertebrae: on their posterolateral surface between the processes. As a result of pinched vessels and nerves in the transverse canal of the spine, changes occur that provoke neurological symptoms: pain in the cervical region and shoulder neuritis, as well as a number of other symptoms that serve as the basis for an experienced vertebrologist to make a preliminary diagnosis - uncovertebral arthrosis.

Symptoms of the disease

At first, arthrosis of the uncovertebral joints almost does not manifest itself in any way, and only sometimes, when quickly turning the head or lifting heavy objects, a person feels severe pain in the area of ​​the affected joint, which passes as quickly as it appears. The cause of pain in the cervical region is the overgrown vertebral discs, affecting the ligaments at the time of movement. At this stage, the development of spinal disease can be easily stopped if you tell your doctor about your symptoms in time.

Progressing, all the symptoms of uncoarthritis are aggravated. A person begins to feel pain even with slight movements of the head. Pain in the cervical region increases in inclement weather, after unusual loads and stresses. Trying to avoid pain, a person begins to avoid careless movements, which makes it even worse for himself: due to the lack of full-fledged movement, blood supply to the affected segment is disturbed, instability of the vertebrae appears, and subluxations occur periodically.

Somewhat later, the symptoms of uncoarthrosis increase with a forced position in one position, so people constantly change their head position. Significant help at this stage is provided by medical massage, but its effect is short-lived. Even a night's sleep becomes a test for the patient, since at the moment of rest, the pain in the cervical region intensifies in a person. In the advanced stage, uncoarthrosis is manifested by the following symptoms:

  1. Numbness in the cervical spine.
  2. Tingling in the affected area.
  3. Frequent dizziness.
  4. Attacks of headache.
  5. Nausea.
  6. Decreased visual acuity.
  7. Increased blood pressure.
  8. Pain in the area chest and spine.

Patients with uncovertebral arthrosis also complain of impaired sensitivity in the affected area, poor balance, staggering when walking, frequent migraines and dizziness, as well as high blood pressure and severe pain in the cervical region, preventing them from freely moving their arms and rotating their heads. All of these symptoms are alarming and require immediate medical attention.

The lack of an adequate response to the disease can lead to ankylosis of the cervical spine and loss of mobility in it. That is why, at the first signs of uncoarthrosis, you should undergo appropriate treatment that can completely stop the development of uncovertebral arthrosis.

Causes of the disease

The occurrence of uncovertebral changes in the vertebrae is the result of impaired blood supply to the intervertebral discs in the cervical spine, resulting in their thinning and the formation of bone growths. Thus, the body tries to reduce the load on the articular disc. The root cause of this condition is the lack of adequate load on the cervical spine, since not only excessive loads are harmful to the spine, but also their absence.

In addition, uncovertebral arthrosis of the cervical spine can occur as a result of:

  • Incorrectly distributed goods during physical activity;
  • Overweight;
  • Pathologies of the spine;
  • Endocrinological diseases;
  • Incorrect positioning of the legs while walking (flat feet, clubfoot);
  • Injuries of the cervical spine or joint;
  • as a result of polio.

The cause of spinal osteoarthrosis in each individual case can be either any of these causes, or their combination.

Examination and diagnostics

The golden method of diagnosis when examining patients with neurological complaints is MRI. After the initial appointment, the doctor can determine the cause of uncoarthrosis without this examination, specifying the history, symptoms and nature of the pain, however, it is impossible to know the prevalence of uncoarthrosis and its stage without modern X-ray techniques.

During palpation, the doctor can determine the increase in the vertebrae, and on MRI images - the presence of osteophytes and degenerative uncovertebral changes, as well as the nature of the blood supply in the cervical spine.

Treatment of uncoarthrosis

The fight against cervical uncoarthrosis is carried out simultaneously in several directions:

  • Medically;
  • With the help of physiotherapy;
  • Surgical intervention;
  • Therapeutic exercise and manual techniques.

Cervical uncoarthrosis begins to be treated with posture. Stooping and working in a hunched state will not allow for effective treatment.

Medical therapy

A patient with uncoarthrosis is selected medications that can stop neck pain, improve blood circulation, restore the cartilage layer and relieve muscle spasm:


  1. To relieve pain and inflammation in the cervical spine, drugs from the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed - Diclofenac, Arcoxia, Nise, Indomethacin.
  2. To restore normal blood circulation in the joint, blood-thinning drugs are shown - Curantil, Trental, Actovegin.
  3. To improve and compact the cartilage layer, patients with uncoarthrosis are prescribed chondroprotectors - Artra, Teraflex, Chondroitin.
  4. To relieve muscle clamps, patients take muscle relaxants - Milgamma, Sirdalud.

Important! Only a doctor who knows about the compatibility of drugs and their contraindications can prescribe specific drugs for the treatment of uncoarthrosis.

Physiotherapy methods

Physiotherapy is one of the most effective, budgetary and common ways to treat neck osteoarthritis, which has a positive effect on metabolic processes in cartilage tissue and reduce the progression of the disease. Modern science has a wide arsenal of physiotherapeutic agents that help in the treatment of neck uncoarthrosis:

  • Magnetotherapy - impact on the affected area of ​​static current;
  • Mud and salt applications - pull out from the affected area excess water thereby reducing irritation of pain receptors and inflammation;

  • Amplipulse therapy - treatment with the help of sinusoidal simulated currents;
  • Electrophoresis - the introduction of drugs using microelectric currents;
  • Decimeter waves are able to penetrate deep into the joint and do not cause side effects;
  • Ultrasound therapy helps to get rid of pain in the joint, improves the condition of periarticular tissues in case of damage. It is ineffective in the presence of synovitis in the joint, has a number of contraindications, therefore it is prescribed exclusively by a doctor.


In advanced cases, when osteophytes have already formed on the vertebrae and conservative medicine is unable to help, the patient is prescribed osteophyte excision surgical method. During the operation, bone growths are not easily removed, but the spinal disc is also restored. Thanks to this, a person can again move his neck, pain in the diseased part of the spine disappears.

Treatment with folk remedies

In the treatment of uncovertebral arthrosis of the neck folk remedies are used very widely, as they are really effective, especially in combination with traditional treatment. The most popular are compresses and rubbing, as well as various herbal infusions. A feature of this method of treatment is that it must be systemic and long-term. The course of herbal treatment is usually 2 months or more.

How to relieve pain in the cervical region?

To reduce pain in the cervical region, hot cakes should be applied, which are made from wholemeal flour.

Ointment can be made from pork fat and hop cones. These two ingredients are mixed until a homogeneous thick mass is obtained.


Arthrosis treatment More >>

For a compress, prepare the following mixture:

  1. 200 g honey.
  2. 300 g of alcohol.
  3. 100 g of aloe juice.

Remove the resulting mixture for 3 days in a warm place. The duration of treatment with this remedy is 10 days.

A patient with uncoarthrosis should also avoid heavy physical exertion associated with carrying weights and sudden movements of the neck, and it is recommended to use a good orthopedic pillow for sleep, which helps to relax the muscles in the affected area.

In some cases, the patient may also be assigned to wear a Shants collar. Uncoarthrosis, as a rule, is treated at home, but inpatient treatment can also be carried out. All effects in the treatment of uncoarthrosis have two goals: to relieve pain in the cervical region and to ensure muscle relaxation. Especially shown is swimming, which can gently improve blood circulation in the affected area and relieve muscle spasms.

In the modern world, the main stratum of the working population is people whose work activity is directly related to sitting position. The result of such a sedentary lifestyle, unfortunately, is deplorable - over the years it only aggravates the situation. But it's never too late to take care of your health, you just need to do elementary gymnastics. In this case, exercises for the cervical spine will especially help, which we will consider in more detail.

Every third inhabitant of the planet suffers from pain in the cervical spine, since the neck, due to its structure and location, is more vulnerable to various diseases and mechanical damage. The cervical region is subject to increased stress due to constant physical activity and keeping the head in an upright position.

A person performs about 500 various movements per day, in which the neck is directly involved.

When the neck becomes numb, a person automatically begins to knead it, trying to alleviate the discomfort. But if you study a few simple physical elements and periodically engage in them, the musculoskeletal system will reward you with excellent health.

A useful addition to the course of exercises can be a massage of the collar zone in the form of stroking and kneading the muscles of the neck and shoulders.

I would like to note that a group of exercises for the cervical spine performs many positive aspects:

  • normalizes intracranial pressure;
  • improves visual function;
  • improves the performance of the hearing aid;
  • increases efficiency;
  • preserves and restores the flexibility of the cervical region;
  • strengthens the paravertebral muscles;
  • restores the vestibular apparatus;
  • improves the endocrine system;
  • normalizes sleep;
  • eliminates numbness of the upper limbs;
  • improves brain nutrition, memory.

Exercises for neck pain help to cope with the main causes of discomfort:

  • pinching of nerve endings, as a result of their poor conductivity;
  • spasm or stretching of the muscles;
  • inflammation of the muscular system (myositis);
  • cervical osteochondrosis;
  • hernial formations;
  • displacement of the vertebrae;
  • coronary heart disease, if the pain is localized in the anterior surface of the neck;
  • many other common diseases (eg, ankylosing spondylitis, rheumatoid arthritis, myalgia).

General execution rules

Of course, exercises for the neck and spine have a beneficial effect on the entire body, subject to certain rules, in particular with regards to the cervical region, these are:

  1. Movements should be performed smoothly, carefully, without sharp turns;
  2. If pain or dizziness occurs when bending or turning in any direction, you must immediately stop their implementation;
  3. If the exercise is aimed at eliminating one-sided pain, then you should be aware that you need to tighten the muscles and expand the intervertebral distances. For example, therapeutic exercises for the right side are tilts and turns to the left, and for the left side, respectively, to the right.
  4. With instability of the cervical spine, it is forbidden to bend forward;
  5. The exercises can be performed from any starting position (lying, sitting or standing), the main condition is the straight position of the back with deployed shoulders;
  6. When doing exercises, watch your breathing: when you inhale, you need to strain the muscles, while exhaling, relax.

There are also various methods to strengthen the work of the sections of the spinal system, but they can only have a temporary effect, being auxiliary means: orthopedic pillow, corset, physiotherapy, acupuncture, reflexology and others.

Charging for the neck will be as effective as possible, subject to some recommendations of experts:

  1. Doing the exercises does not require haste, the pace is slow rhythmic, watch your breathing;
  2. The neck is very vulnerable to stress, so the number of repetitions of exercises should be started from 3-4 times, gradually increasing to 10;
  3. It is acceptable to experience mild pain during exercise, which should pass in 2-3 days;
  4. It is advisable to exercise not every day, but 2-4 times a week;
  5. Should be engaged extra classes except for charging - swimming, walking or running.

Actions to take if you are in pain

The most effective exercises for neck pain:

  1. Starting position: sitting in the lotus position. We place the right palm on the left side of the head, touching the ear with the middle finger. Slightly pressing, we bend the head to the right from top to bottom until a slight tension is felt. We perform alternately on both sides.
  2. Starting position: sitting on a chair. We lock our hands and place them on the back of the head. We tilt our heads, trying to touch the hips with our elbows. The chin should rest against the base of the neck. We tilt our head, holding for 25-30 seconds, and take the starting position.

Very original and at the same time useful exercise: you can figuratively write with your nose in the air all the numbers from 1 to 10.

  1. Starting position: sitting, legs bent under you. We lean forward all the way, touching the floor with our forehead, hold this position for about 10-15 seconds. Next, lock your hands, place them behind, trying to raise them as high as possible. This exercise is a great invigorator.
  2. Starting position: standing, feet shoulder-width apart. We wind the right hand behind the back, bend the left hand and put the back of the palm between the shoulder blades as high as possible, while clasping the elbow of the left hand with the right hand. For maximum tension of the muscles of the left hand, tilt your head to the right, hold this position for 25-30 seconds. Repeat accordingly with the other hand several times.
  3. Starting position: sitting on the floor. We remove the legs under ourselves so that the heels are strictly under the pelvis. We tip back, focusing on the hands. Then you need to bend as much as possible, combining the pelvic area with the heels, then we will try to raise the chest area as high as possible.

If headaches are added to the pain sensations of the cervical region, then it is recommended to take a contrast shower to alleviate the condition.

Exercises to strengthen the muscles of the spinal system require not only a periodic approach, but also their regular implementation. The best option for maintaining overall health is charging for the back and neck, it will not only prevent various ailments, but also improve mood.

Learn to strain and relax the muscles of the spinal column, avoiding overstrain.

  1. Starting position: feet shoulder-width apart, lean forward, relax your neck, back, arms. Maintain this state for 30 seconds, and slowly take the starting position. Legs can be bent at the knee, the back must be straight.
  2. Starting position: standing at the horizontal bar (crossbars, doors). Grasp the horizontal bar with your hands and hang for about a minute, the lower back should be relaxed, legs should be pulled to the stomach if possible.
  3. Starting position: lying on the floor. Press the spine to the floor, unbend the legs and bend at the knees, the lower back should be motionless.
  4. Starting position: sitting on a chair. We raise our hands up, while the shoulder blades are reduced, in this position, bend your arms and try to attach your palms to the shoulder blades as low as possible. Take the starting position and repeat several times.

Also exists effective gymnastics for the neck according to Shishonin, you can learn more about it in this article.

Execution technique for relaxing the muscles of the back and neck

There are many exercises to strengthen the cervical spine, but there are also a number of simple elements designed to relax. For those people whose field of activity is related to physical inactivity, the data is very useful. physical exercises to relax the muscles of the neck, but power loads, on the contrary, are contraindicated.

Let's consider some of them:

  1. Tilt the head to the right, while the jaw should shift to the right shoulder. We do the same on the other side.
  2. Tilts head forward, starting position. Tilt your head back, starting position.
  3. Tilts head forward, then turn to the right shoulder. Tilts head back, then turn to the left shoulder. Occupying the starting position, respectively, we do in the other direction.
  4. Tilt your head back, while pulling the lower jaw forward and up. We do it several times.

Exercises for the neck and spine can be performed in various positions, very important point- the muscles should be as relaxed as possible. Most effective method relaxation of the muscular system is the control of the direction of breathing in the area where the spasm has occurred. Watch the amplitude of movements, it should be gradually increasing.

When doing exercises, remember that the maximum result will be achieved if you focus on the quality of the exercises, and not on the quantity.

Charging for the cervical spine is the best option for preventing the occurrence of various ailments. It should also be remembered that you can get a full-fledged result if:

  • replace a regular bag with a backpack, evenly distributing the load;
  • exercise constant control of their posture when sitting, walking, especially when carrying weights;
  • sleep on an orthopedic pillow or on an ordinary dense pillow of a small size in the form of a roller;
  • wear orthopedic shoes;
  • sit on chairs with high backs;
  • monitor nutrition;
  • wear a scarf in the cold season.

Health is happiness. Be happy!

Our neck is under tremendous strain. In our age, people are in constant tension, spend the whole day at the monitor, do not let go of the phone, the muscles are weakened and spasmodic.

Every second complains of pain, more and more often young people complain of osteochondrosis and tumors in the back. This happens due to the fact that in the neck the distance from vertebra to vertebrae is extremely small.

(if the table is not fully visible, scroll to the right)

Indications for exercise therapy for the neck according to Shishonin

It should be noted that Shishonin's gymnastics for cervical osteochondrosis involves performing exercises at stages 1 and 2 of the development of the disease, when there are no prerequisites for an explicit surgical correction of a neurological disorder of the spinal system.

The maximum effect of Shishonin exercises is achieved under the condition of concomitant drug treatment of the articular problem. In addition, it is necessary to start a complex of health-improving therapeutic and preventive measures on your own, as Alexander Shishonin advises, after consultation with a specialist.

Only a thorough check and evaluation of all related factors by the treating consultant will help to effectively deal with muscle strain in the cervical area.

In general, Shishonin's exercises have a lot of advantages and are safe for health. However, they have some contraindications. Charging must be done sensibly and follow basic safety standards.

What and how to do

The main set of gymnastic procedures consists of 7 exercises to be performed daily:

  1. "Metronome". Starting position, sitting on a chair, back straight. We tilt our head to the right side, trying to touch the shoulder. After holding for 20-30 seconds, we return to the starting position, and repeat the movement in the opposite direction.
  2. "Spring". Smoothly, without sudden movements, we lower our head down, trying to touch the chest with our chin. The position should be fixed for 30-60 seconds, and then return to the starting position.
  3. "Looking to the sky". We turn our head to the right side, fixing our eyes up to the sky. The exercise is considered completed when the position of the head and neck has reached the 30 second mark. Similarly, turns to the left are performed.
  4. "Frame". All movements are performed according to the principle of the previous exercise, with the connection shoulder girdle. The right hand rests on the left shoulder while turning the head to the right, with a 30 second fixation. We repeat the movements to the left side. The elbow during the exercise must be kept strictly parallel to the floor plane.
  5. "Fakir". Starting position, sitting on a chair. The palms are brought together above the head. All movements repeat the exercise "Looking at the sky."
  6. "Heron". Starting position, sitting on a chair, hands behind your back. Raise the chin as high as possible, trying to hold the position for 30-60 seconds. After returning the head to its original position, we turn it for 30 seconds to the right and left, holding our hands behind our backs.
  7. The exercise “Goose” completes the main complex. Starting position, standing on the floor. We stretch the neck forward, backward, to the right and to the left, trying to keep the chin parallel to the floor.
  8. Gymnastic approaches must be performed 5-10 times in each direction.

Attention! In case of pain or discomfort, the exercises are stopped.

Detailed information can be seen on the video of A. Yu. Shishonin's exercises.

In order for the pain to stop bothering, and it was possible to lead a comfortable life, it is necessary to do a set of exercises daily for a hernia of the cervical spine. Therapeutic gymnastics in the midst of the disease, when the pain is very sharp, is mainly aimed at relaxation, so the load on the spinal column is minimal. It is worth remembering that sharp turns of the head can increase pain. In order not to injure the cervical region, it is better to fix it with a special corset.

Hernia: detect and neutralize

Our neck is under tremendous strain. In our age, people are in constant tension, spend the whole day at the monitor, do not let go of the phone, the muscles are weakened and spasmodic. Every second complains of pain, more and more often young people complain of osteochondrosis and tumors in the back. P This is due to the fact that in the neck the distance from vertebra to vertebrae is extremely small. With heavy loads, a partial retraction of the intervertebral disc occurs, nerve endings are injured, work is disrupted internal organs, and as a result, the appearance of severe pain.

As you age, the risk of a hernia increases exponentially. Spinal injuries, sometimes chronic, also have a detrimental effect on our cervical vertebrae. Weak tone and decreased motor activity are also the cause of pain. With a hernia, there are complaints about:

  • Sharp pains in the area of ​​​​the shoulder blades, which in the rest position turn into aching;
  • Dizziness;
  • fatigue;
  • Tremor of the limbs, weakness in the fingers;
  • Disturbed concentration.

When such symptoms appear, it is necessary to consult a specialist, most often with such symptoms they turn to a neurologist, and undergo a full medical examination, which necessarily includes an ultrasound examination of the vessels, as well as an MRI showing the exact location and size.

Treatment: when exercise is better than surgery

A hernia of the cervical spine is the cause of hellish myalgia, which cannot be tolerated. You can stop it by taking drugs that will also remove the swelling. When it doesn't help ethnoscience, nor traditional medicines, hormonal painkillers are prescribed. For instant relief of myalgia, drugs are injected into the affected area. After cupping, medications are prescribed to help with hernias to restore the intervertebral distance. Such drugs are called chondoprotectors.

Traction can improve the mobility of the spine with a hernia. It increases the intervertebral distance, leveling the mobility and flexibility of the back as a whole. With the correct procedure, acute pain disappears immediately. Traction is not performed at home, it is performed by a first-class massage therapist who has highly qualified. Otherwise, instead of facilitating, you can get even more problems.

In critical situations, when conservative methods of treatment have not helped, surgical intervention is recommended. It is indicated when no other methods of treatment are effective.

Therapeutic exercise is The best way forget about pain and relapses. Renowned doctors and specialists develop and modify cervical spine workouts that help you forget about problems with the vertebrae. The famous doctor Sergey Bubnovsky has developed a whole program for the treatment of problematic backs. Kinesitherapy strengthens the vertebrae and ligaments. Gymnastics for a hernia of the cervical spine, created by Valentin Dikul, restores the mobility of the vertebrae.

Sports training and recovery

Properly selected physical activity will help you forget about aching, exhausting pain, reduce the size of the tumor, restore flexibility and improve the general condition of the body. Exercises for a hernia of the cervical spine at times increase the effect of traditional treatment with pills and physiotherapy.

Regular exercise therapy for a hernia of the cervical spine is the key to a good patient condition. Gymnastics improves blood circulation, relieves pain and increases muscle tone, spasmodic muscles relax, the spine becomes more flexible and mobile. Secondary signs of back problems disappear, such as impaired mobility of the hands, blurred vision, and tinnitus.

Depending on the stage of the disease, gymnastics takes place in various modes:

When the inflammatory process is in an acute stage, training can only take place in a gentle mode, in compliance with the doctor's recommendations. It is best to engage in therapeutic restorative physical education with a specialist, since improper exercise can aggravate the situation and lead to pinched nerve roots.

The effect of therapeutic exercises will be in case regular workouts. Do not immediately train at full strength. You need to start with 5-10 minutes and gradually increase the time to 40 minutes. perfect time for classes - early in the morning. In the evening, it is better to perform exercises aimed at relaxation and stretching.

With a hernia of the cervical spine, running, twisting the spine, as well as performing exercises with a sharp amplitude is contraindicated. Performing exercises should not bring pain and discomfort, the appearance of discomfort may be an indicator that they are not performed correctly. The increase in load occurs gradually, technically complex exercises should be performed only after the spine gets used to the loads and becomes more flexible.

How to relieve acute pain

We bring to your attention a set of exercises that is aimed at relaxing and stretching the spine:

  • We perform one of the yoga asanas. Practitioners know that relaxation is the key to good health. Lie down on your back, legs and arms relaxed, eyes closed. We are in this position for 5 minutes. During this time, it is necessary to relax the whole body as much as possible.
  • We lie on our back, the body is a flat horizontal line. Strongly pulled the socks towards themselves / away from themselves. Run 5-10 times.
  • Take turns pulling the toe of one or the other foot. Repeat at least 10 times.
  • We are located on the rug so that the body is a flat horizontal line, we spread our arms to the sides at an angle of about 45 degrees, palms pointing up. Intensively bend and unbend your arms 10 times.
  • Smoothly, without lifting the heels from the surface of the mat, we bend our legs, and pull them to the chest, stretch our chin to our knees. It is important not to make sudden movements, the main task is to gently stretch the spine.
  • Without rising from the mat, we spread our arms, clench our fists. Quickly, but without sudden movements, we reach the shoulders with our fists. Perform 10 times.

Gymnastics during remission

During the period of remission, when there is no strong pain, you can increase the load on the spine, the intensity of training increases, but jerky movements and heavy lifting is strictly prohibited.

A special training system during the recovery period may look like this:

  • I.P: standing, arms along the body. We pull the head to the chest, then tilt it first to the right, then to the left. Only the head is involved, the shoulders are not involved in this exercise.
  • Alternate smooth turns of the head. The exercise is aimed at stretching the muscles of the neck.
  • Having taken a comfortable position on the mat, straightening your shoulders, raise your head for 5-10 seconds.
  • We strengthen the muscles of the neck and back with circular swings. We perform intensively, but at the same time without sudden movements.

We take dumbbells in our hands. The optimal weight is 2 kg, if there are none in the house, you can use bottles filled with water. We raise our hands to shoulder level, linger for 5 seconds and slowly lower our hands.

  • In a prone position, raise your head and pull up one leg. Hold the leg on weight for 15 seconds. We perform 8-10 times on each leg.
  • Twisting is one of the best payloads for our back. How to perform? We bend our legs at the knees, the feet do not come off the floor, we bend our legs to the sides, gently twisting the body.
  • We stand on all fours, arch our back up in an arc, then make a deflection. Perform the exercise 4-8 times.
  • Aqua aerobics shows nice results with hernias of any localization. In water, the load on the vertebrae is reduced, discomfort and a feeling of constriction disappear. Regular exercise reduces the risk of exacerbations to zero. Posture improves, shoulders straighten, the feeling of heaviness in the shoulders disappears.
  • We advise you to read: exercises for the back on the horizontal bar

Moderate workout sessions will help strengthen your shoulders and neck and avoid relapses. Push-ups increase not only stamina, but also strengthen the back muscles. Classes on the horizontal bar have a good effect not only on the cervical muscles, but also on the entire spinal column. The complex of exercises for a hernia of the cervical spine also includes various push-ups, which positively affect the muscular corset.

What exercises are needed for posture disorders?

Is it possible to hang on the horizontal bar with scoliosis?

What exercises are used for pregnant women for the back?

Shishonin's gymnastics for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine owes its popularity to the growing number of patients suffering from this disease. More and more people are engaged in intellectual work that involves a sedentary lifestyle. After all, the main physical types of work are performed by robots. Thus, Shishonin's gymnastics has become a phenomenon that protects against osteochondrosis, and not just a set of exercises.

With osteochondrosis of the cervical region, a person experiences not only pain and discomfort - he may have a headache, thoughts are confused, he is constantly sleepy. All this is the result of poor blood supply.

Academician A.Yu. Shishonin led the Bubnovsky rehabilitation center for many years, where he invented and improved a uniquely effective method that helps the neck muscles return to their former flexibility, that is, restore blood circulation in the brain. Long and motionless sitting just leads to the fact that the muscles lose their elasticity and pinch large veins and nerve fibers. If the exercises are done correctly in the prescribed sequence, then anyone can perform them, of any age and gender.

Indications for gymnastics Shishonin

The technique developed by Dr. Shishonin is indicated for people with the following diseases:

  1. Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine.
  2. Chronic headache and dizziness.
  3. Vegetovascular dystonia.
  4. Chronically high blood pressure.
  5. Memory impairment, impaired attention.
  6. Insomnia at night and increased drowsiness during the day.
  7. Increased intracranial pressure. This pathology can lead to a stroke, that is, a rupture of a cerebral vessel, as a result - instant death from a hemorrhage in the brain.

The effectiveness of the Shishonin treatment method depends not only on the regularity and correctness of the exercises, but also on the fact that the complex is used along with drug therapy. That is, only complex treatment will bring relief and healing in cervical osteochondrosis.

Contraindications to Shishonin's gymnastics

Like any treatment, Dr. Shishonin's neck gymnastics has a number of contraindications. It cannot be done when:

  1. Increased pain syndrome. All exercises for the spine can be done only in the absence of pain. If it appears, the exercise must be stopped.
  2. Elevated body temperature. In this case, a person very quickly loses control over his coordination, may fall and injure himself.
  3. The presence of malignant tumors not only in the spine, but also in any other organ.
  4. Infectious or inflammatory diseases. First of all, it is necessary to cure all these inflammations.
  5. Pregnancy. In this case, the increased load on the mother's spine can harm both her body and the child, up to the termination of pregnancy.
  6. Presence of bleeding. The danger is both internal bleeding and external. When performing gymnastics, it can intensify, and the person will first lose consciousness, and then die from blood loss.

Before doing gymnastics for the neck with osteochondrosis, you should read the general recommendations. The intensity of training should gradually decrease, so the first 2 weeks they take place every day, then their number decreases to 3 times a week.

When performing any exercises from the Shishonin complex, the back should be kept straight - this is the main condition for success. The rest of the time, in ordinary life, you also need to ensure that the back always remains straight.

For the correct implementation of exercise therapy according to Shishonin, training can be carried out in front of a mirror. Before starting classes, you should warm up the body with a few pull-ups on the crossbar and light gymnastics: swinging your arms, tilting and running in place. And the last recommendation - all exercises must be done with a smile and faith in a full recovery.

A set of exercises according to the method of Dr. Shishonin

For ease of remembering the exercises, each of them has its own name. Gymnastics for osteochondrosis can be performed in a car, in front of a computer, at a sewing machine, etc. - wherever a person is forced to sit still for several hours. The whole set of exercises takes 15-20 minutes. This is comparable to a small smoke break or a production pause, provided, by the way, by the Labor Code. So, exercises for Shishonin's osteochondrosis:

  1. This exercise is called the metronome. Starting position - the back is straight, the arms are lowered, the head gently leans towards the left shoulder. It is necessary to feel the tension of the muscles when trying to reach the top of the shoulder. The shoulders are motionless. In each direction, you need to tilt your head 5 times. Slowly, carefully, with effort.
  2. "Spring". The starting position is the same - the back is straight, the shoulders are lowered. The head should be slowly lowered until the chin rests on the chest. Stretching the neck, it is necessary to fix the position for 30 seconds. Then the head slowly leans back and is also fixed for 30 seconds. This swing can be repeated 5 times.
  3. "Looking to the sky". The head turns to the right, while the chin is held as high as possible, until a pain sensation occurs in the neck. Lock this position for 30 seconds. Then the same to the left side, and so on 5 times.
  1. This exercise is a continuation of "Looking to the sky" and is called "Frame". It is complicated by a connected shoulder girdle. To do this, the right hand is placed on the left shoulder, and the turn is carried out by both the neck and the entire torso. The principle is the same - holding in the extreme position for 30 seconds and 5 repetitions in each direction.
  2. Exercise "Heron" includes hands, so in the starting position they should lie on their knees. Then, at the same time, you should stretch your chin up and forward, and put your hands behind your back, interlock your fingers and turn your shoulders back as much as possible. In this position, you need to freeze for 30 seconds, after which they will return to their original position. You need to repeat this exercise at least 5 times.
  3. The starting position of the exercise "Goose" is standing. The chin should be pulled up and forward, and the head should be turned to the right until pain in the neck appears, in this position you should freeze for 30 seconds. After this, the exercise is repeated, but to the left side. Such repetitions must be done at least 5.

After completing all the proposed exercises, you can do a little self-massage. It will warm up the muscles and increase blood circulation in the soft tissues of the cervical spine. To do this, use your knuckles to massage the muscles along the neck. Then you need to grab it between the thumb and the rest of the fingers, walk along these muscles with gentle pinches.

Regular use of this gymnastics and massage can not only cure osteochondrosis, but also prevent it from developing at all. Therefore, gymnastics for osteochondrosis of the neck of Dr. Shishonin not only treats, but also is the prevention of such a disease.

A hernia of the spine can form in any of its departments. More often than others, the lower back is affected (up to 90% of all cases), then the neck. In the thoracic region, a hernia is the least common. The lower back is more exposed to physical stress than any other part of the back. Under their action, the deformation of the intervertebral discs occurs. Their protrusion beyond the natural boundaries is called protrusion, and is considered normal if it passes with the disappearance of the load. When changes persist and develop, we can talk about pathology. Treatment of a hernia of the spine directly depends on its size and severity of the course of the disease.

With constant or excessive loads, with age, dystrophic processes occur in the intervertebral disc. The fluid content in it decreases, the fibrous ring loses its strength and elasticity. The constant and uneven pressure of the nucleus pulposus on it causes the appearance of microcracks and, over time, if left untreated, inevitably leads to rupture. This pathological process can be divided into several stages:

  • Initial degenerative changes in the intervertebral disc.
  • Protrusion (protrusion).
  • Hernia (prolapse or drooping).
  • Sequestration (separation of a fragment of the nucleus pulposus).

The hernia can protrude outward (the safest option), inside the spinal canal, or to the side (both dangerous). The severity of the disease is determined not only by the direction of the protrusion, but also by its size. For each part of the spine, the size of the pathology that has appeared has its own meaning. If for the lumbar region a protrusion of 1–3 mm will be considered more like a protrusion, then for the cervical region it is already a full-fledged intervertebral hernia, and quite large and dangerous.

  • From 1 to 5 mm - a small protrusion. In the cervical region up to 2 mm, in the thoracic and lumbosacral up to 5.
  • From 6 to 8 mm - protrusion of medium size. If the localization is in the cervical region, then its 5–6 mm can be considered large, and 2–4 mm is medium. For the thoracic and lumbar, the maximum figure is 8 mm.
  • From 9 to 12 mm - a large intervertebral hernia. Protrusions of this size are characteristic of the thoracic or lumbar regions.
  • From 12 mm and more - a large prolapse or sequestration.

The size of the hernia does not always matter. The direction of protrusion is much more important. If the hernia protrudes into the spinal canal, then even the smallest (1–3 mm) is dangerous. Compression spinal cord can cause severe pain and lead to rapid paralysis.

It is possible to treat an intervertebral hernia different ways- conservatively or operatively, it all depends on the size.

The pathology of the cervical region is considered the most difficult to treat due to the small size of this part of the spine, the small size of both the vertebrae and the discs separating them. But most often, patients complain not about the neck, but about the lumbosacral region. Here there are formations up to 15 mm.

Conservative treatment

Lumbar and cervical hernias are considered the most dangerous. In the neck, they can cause paresis of the upper limbs and cerebral ischemia, in the lower back they interfere with the full functioning of the musculoskeletal system and affect the functioning of internal organs.

You can do without surgery with a hernia in the lower back up to 8 mm, in the neck - up to 2-4. Treatment in this case is symptomatic (pain relief, elimination of tension) and improves the flexibility of the spinal column:

  • Medical.
  • Manual therapy.
  • Physiotherapy.

The main thing in the conservative treatment of intervertebral hernia is not to miss the moment when it can still be effective.


Basic drug therapy includes several areas: eliminating the causes, relieving symptoms, blocking the pain syndrome if necessary. The main groups of drugs for the treatment of intervertebral hernia:

  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Diclofenac or Movalis (NSAIDs) are often used. The drugs block the production of cyclooxygenase, which is involved in the inflammatory process, reduce fever and relieve pain well.
  • Chondroprotectors and preparations based on hyaluronic acid. Usually prescribed Teraflex or Alflutop (chondroprotectors). They are well tolerated by patients, nourish the cartilaginous tissue of the intervertebral disc and strengthen its structure, thereby preventing the destructive process and slowing down the progression of the disease. Karipain Plus or Rumalon are preparations containing hyaluronic acid. They help increase the level of fluid in the nucleus pulposus and increase the elasticity of the annulus.
  • Muscle relaxants. Mydocalm relaxes stiff muscles. It is used only as directed by a doctor.
  • Improving blood supply. Trental or Pentoxifylline strengthen the walls of blood vessels, relax smooth muscles and, with complex therapy with Milgamma (vitamins of group B) and Actovegin (neuroprotector), reduce the lack of oxygen.
  • Means for the protection of the gastrointestinal tract. Gastal or Almagel prevent damage to the gastrointestinal tract when using NSAIDs. They are prescribed in combination with nonsteroidal drugs.
  • Antidepressants. Sertraline or Insidon allow the body to fully recover during sleep.

Spasm and pain syndrome is stopped by injection of anesthetics and corticosteroids. This procedure can take up to several weeks. The duration depends on the route of administration of the drugs and the response of the body. Blockade with a hernia of the lumbar spine is divided into two types:

  • Local - periarticular, intraarticular or epidural.
  • Segmental - paravertebral.

Only a qualified specialist with experience in such treatment can determine the need for a blockade and decide how it will be carried out. The doctor must find out if the patient has any contraindications, and take into account all the risks with possible complications.

The use of blockade for intervertebral hernia different sizes has a number of advantages:

  • Fast result. The anesthetic is applied directly to the lesion.
  • Minimal effect of administered drugs on the entire body due to topical application.
  • Repeated application of the procedure gives a stable, long-term relief of pain and rapid elimination of the inflammatory process.


It can be performed only after consulting a doctor. The nature and load of the exercises should be consistent with previous therapy (eg, surgery), if any, or meet specific objectives when used as a treatment.

Unlike exercises for the cervical region, which are performed while sitting, gymnastics for the lumbar zone should take place in a prone position. For the upper part of the spine, the exercises are relaxing, and for the lower part, complexes that strengthen the muscles of the lower back are necessarily connected.

Permissible exercise therapy complex for lumbar hernia:

  • Lying on your back, straighten your legs together, stretch your arms along the body.
  • Tighten and relax your abdominal muscles.
  • Slightly raise the pelvis and stay in this position for 10 seconds.
  • Lie on your back, alternately pulling your legs bent at the knees, try to press them to your chest.

Physiotherapy exercises are prescribed for hernias in the lumbar region with a size of not more than 6 mm. In other cases, it is used as a restorative procedure after surgery.

Manual therapy

In addition to the main treatment, intervertebral hernia of the lumbar (thoracic, cervical) department, there are auxiliary measures to enhance its effect, consolidate and prevent recurrence of the disease.

Massage for intervertebral hernia is prescribed exclusively during remission. The main goal is to reduce muscle tone, improve blood flow, relieve pain and speed up rehabilitation. The manipulations of the massage therapist should be soft and careful. When kneading, the patient should not feel pain.


Treatment with weak currents has been successfully used for a long time. This, for example, is its diadynamic variety or electrophoresis. Electrodes attached to the patient's skin under a small voltage either have a local irritating effect or help the drug penetrate to the lesion.

Electrophoresis procedures with Novocaine or Lidocaine in the treatment of intervertebral hernia can significantly reduce the amount of nonsteroidal drugs used, thereby reducing the negative impact of the latter on the body.

Surgical treatment

Surgical intervention in the treatment of a lumbar hernia is considered a measure of extreme necessity with a protrusion size of 12–15 mm. It is advisable to use this method only in the case of a long and fruitless struggle, a strong influence on the internal organs from the very beginning of the development of the pathology, or in case of a critical exacerbation.


The operation is performed under high magnification or under a microscope. A neurosurgeon with a minimal incision (up to 2 cm) and almost a jewelry tool removes an intervertebral hernia of any kind. Damage from the doctor's manipulations is minor (the yellow ligament is partially removed and, in rare cases, the vertebral arches are excised), so relapses are minimized.

The indication for microdiscectomy is usually considered:

  • Non-passing pain syndrome even when using the blockade.
  • Compression of the spinal canal.
  • Hernia up to 5–6 mm in size.

The recovery period takes a short time, since during the operation the muscles and ligaments are not affected. The patient can immediately sit, the pain syndrome is insignificant.

Endoscopic microdiscectomy

State of the art operation. A micro incision is made (no more than 0.5 cm), into which the endoscope is inserted. With its help, a hernia is examined, and then it is removed. The surgeon sees all manipulations on the monitor.

The main advantage of this technique is the absence of a rehabilitation period. The patient is on his feet immediately after the procedure. Weak side- this is a limitation of its use, depending on the size of the protrusion. The possibility of this minimally invasive operation is determined by the size of the hernia up to 6 mm.

Laser nucleoplasty

Removal of an intervertebral hernia with a laser can be both an independent treatment and can be used in combination with a conventional operation (at the final stage of endoscopic microdiscectomy). The fiber introduced through the puncture hole heats the protrusion. The vaporized liquid is removed through the needle.

The method allows you to remove the hernia without causing any harm to the patient. Laser nucleoplasty is a minimally invasive procedure with minimal possible complications However, the patient will have to spend at least 3 days in the hospital. The operation is effective in young patients with a hernia size of no more than 6 mm.

Even the most modern method of treatment requires a responsible attitude to the recovery period after surgery. Follow your doctor's recommendations healthy lifestyle life, do not avoid feasible physical exertion and regularly undergo examinations to prevent the formation of new intervertebral hernias.

Hernias in the cervical spine have recently become a fairly common occurrence, this is largely due to an increase in the number office workers, whose working day is spent in a computer chair, a general decrease in physical activity among the population. Intervertebral hernias of the cervical spine (CS) require mandatory treatment due to the fact that their complications can lead to disability of a person.

The incidence of this pathology in the CS is less than in the lumbar, but more than in the thoracic. This is due to the fact that lumbar withstands a greater load than the rest. But, despite this, a herniated disc of this localization is a dangerous phenomenon due to its proximity to the brain.

Most often, a patient who turns to a doctor complains of pain in the neck, shoulder girdle. The pain syndrome is initially intermittent, moderate, aching in nature, localized according to rear surface neck with simultaneous tension of the paravertebral muscles. The pain may increase when the head is tilted forward, moving left and right, sneezing and coughing.

In addition to pain, a person with this pathology has the following symptoms:

  1. Feeling of goosebumps in the upper limbs and shoulder girdle, a burning sensation in the same place.
  2. Muscle weakness, numbness of the upper limbs.
  3. Decreased sensitivity of the upper limbs up to complete paresis.
  4. Reduction and loss of reflexes on examination.
  5. Dizziness, tinnitus, headaches, impaired coordination of movements.

You should also be aware that pain is directly related to both the location of the disc lesion and the size of the hernial protrusion.

The doctor can clarify the diagnosis after a proper diagnosis. But from where the herniated disc appeared, the following symptoms will appear (see table below).

In addition, it is believed that there is a relationship between the defeat of certain discs of the spinal column and diseases of the internal organs (see diagram below).

Diagnostic methods

To date, there are full-fledged instrumental methods for diagnosing herniated discs. The most common are MRI and CT. With their help, the localization of the hernial protrusion, its size, stage of development is easily determined. Among the contraindications, only the presence of metal implants in the human body (for MRI), pregnancy and lactation (relative contraindication), acute mental disorders (just so that the patient does not run away during the procedure and harm himself) can be noted.

As an additional study, the following may be prescribed:

  1. Electromyography;
  2. Ultrasound of the vessels of the neck and brain with Doppler;
  3. Determination of conduction velocity in motor and sensory nerves.

As a rule, these methods of instrumental diagnostics are used to clarify and verify the diagnosis.

In the acute period, the basic treatment for a herniated disc is drug therapy.

Among a large number of drugs, preference is given to the following groups and drugs:

  1. NSAIDs - Nimesulide, Meloxicam, Celecoxib, Lornoxicam, Aceclofenac. With severe pain in the first five days, ketoprofen ("Ketonal", "Ketanov"), ketorolac ("Ketorol"), diclofenac ("Voltaren", "Ortofen") in the form of intramuscular injections can be prescribed. The drugs of this group have a cumulative effect, for about 3-5 days.
  2. With significant pain that reduces the quality of life and causes sleep disturbance, Tramadol (tablets or injections), Katadolon (tablets) can be prescribed. These drugs are prescription drugs, the period of admission is strictly limited.
  3. Muscle relaxants of central action - "Mydocalm", "Sirdalud", "Baclofen" in the form of tablets with gradual dose titration under the supervision of a physician. These drugs relieve muscle spasm, and also have a central analgesic effect, which is well combined with NSAIDs.
  4. Vasoactive drugs - Instenon, Trental (pentoxifylline), Berlition, Actovegin. Contribute to the elimination of dizziness, headaches and impaired coordination of movements against the background of a herniated disc.
  5. B vitamins (B1, B6, Milgamma, Neuromultivit). According to research by the authors of the Russian Medical Journal, these drugs contribute to a significant shortening of the pain period, as well as the restoration of the function of the nervous tissue.
  6. Novocaine blockade paravertebral.
  7. In chronic pain, antidepressants can be prescribed, due to the fact that chronic pain is often accompanied by increased anxiety and depressive states. It is often quite easy to get rid of pain in the limbs when a herniated disc in the neck appears. For this, medical treatment is usually sufficient.

Complementary Therapy

  1. Physical exercises, special complexes exercise therapy. The complex is selected individually by the exercise therapy instructor, based on the data of the medical record and the results of an additional examination.
  2. Traction of the cervical spine. This procedure is a stretch. It is carried out using a special apparatus. After that, the space where the pinched nerve has formed expands.
  3. The use of a corset.
  4. Manual therapy and osteopathy.
  5. With the ineffectiveness of conservative treatment, severe compression and violation of trophism, surgical treatment is indicated.

Differential diagnosis with other pathologies (Table)

Herniated discs respond well to conservative treatment. Exercises for a hernia of the cervical spine (abbreviated GSOP) is one of the main means of treating the disease.

At help exercise therapy the patient can increase mobility in the affected spine, relieve muscle tension and strengthen the muscles that support the spine in the correct position. In the long term, regular exercise can significantly reduce the frequency of recurrence of the disease and protect against possible complications.

Follow these 8 rules for your workouts to be beneficial and really effective:

get busy physical therapy, only if the disease is not in the acute stage.

Classes are allowed with a slight dull, aching pain in the neck and shoulders. If the pain is severe, sharp, shooting, exercises are excluded.

At first, do the exercises under the supervision of an experienced instructor so as not to harm the spine.

Avoid jumping, hitting, lifting weights - exercises that dramatically increase the load on the spine.

With a hernia of the cervical spine, twisting exercises are excluded.

The average number of repetitions of exercises is 4-8 times.

Exercise should cause a pleasant stretch in the muscles.

With GSOP, do exercise therapy several times a day (ideally 3-6 times for 8-10 minutes).

Five correct exercise therapy exercises for cervical hernia

Starting position for all exercises: stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, lower your arms down at your sides. Or sit on a chair with your back straight; lower your arms down along your body.

Repeat all 5 exercises several times.

(if the table is not fully visible, scroll to the right)

As you exhale, tilt your head to your chest, try to touch your neck with your chin.

Tilt your head back while inhaling; feel the muscles under your chin tense.

Tilt your head to the left without raising your shoulders. Feel the stretch in the neck muscles on the right side.

Slowly tilt your head to the right to stretch the muscles on the left side of your neck.

Pull your shoulders forward - feel how the back muscles are stretched at this moment.

Now slowly pull your shoulders back, bring your shoulder blades together.

Make smooth circular motions in the shoulder girdle clockwise 4 times - then counterclockwise 4 times.

Stretch your neck forward - feel the occipital muscles and muscles of the front of the neck tense.

Return your head to its original position.

An approximate set of exercises for a hernia of the cervical region. Be sure to check with your doctor before doing it.

Two video lessons

Short videos with exercises for the muscles of the neck can be included when doing morning exercises.

In the video below, a therapeutic gymnastics instructor shows exercises from sitting and lying positions that are easy to repeat yourself. This beneficial complex strengthens the muscles of the neck and shoulder girdle without harming the cervical spine.

With herniated intervertebral discs spinal nerves are compressed by parts of a ruptured disc, which leads to pain. The following exercise will help eliminate compression of the nerve roots by the disc and significantly relieve pain:


The health of the spine significantly determines the quality of human life. Regular exercises of physical therapy improve blood supply to damaged intervertebral discs, reduce compression of the spinal nerve roots, preventing the progression of GSNP.

Thanks to regular classes a person with a cervical hernia can create conditions under which exacerbations, fraught with the development of acute cerebrovascular accident, will not occur at all, or the disease will rarely recur. Such a result is worth it to give your spine literally 20 minutes of time a day!

(the block below can be scrolled to the right to the end)

In contact with

Osteochondrosis of the vertebrae is a typical problem for people leading an inactive lifestyle. Pain in the neck, lower back and throughout the spine create great discomfort, pain syndromes. To eliminate all of these symptoms, Dr. Shishonin's gymnastics is used, which was created to treat the neck and other vertebral regions.

Academician Shishonin developed unique gymnastics, performing which you can restore all parts of the vertebrae to their previous mobility, make muscle tissue and joints stronger. Therapeutic exercises make it possible without the use of drugs and surgical interventions straighten the spine.

Charging Shishonin is recognized as one of the best exercise therapy ways to deal with cervical osteochondrosis and other problems with the vertebrae. The essence of universal gymnastics is to eliminate pain symptoms and stop the development of the disease during muscle activity. As a result, the vertebrae should regain their natural mobility.

To perform a set of exercises, special skills are not required. It is enough to have free time, perseverance and a desire to get rid of unpleasant signs.

Shishonin's gymnastics includes three blocks:

Gymnastics from Dr. Shishonin for problems with the vertebrae of the neck should be practiced daily for two weeks. In case of a positive result, sessions can be reduced to 3 times a week.

During therapy cervical osteochondrosis and other problems with the spine, some points should be observed:

  1. The position should be fixed. Due to the fixation of exercise therapy, therapy acquires unique properties. In the first stages, the position must be fixed for 15 seconds. After the muscles get stronger, the fixation time can be increased up to 30 seconds for each pose.
  2. At the time of execution gymnastic exercises a person should not feel pain.
  3. The first lessons are best done in front of a mirror. This will determine correct position body, straight posture. After a certain time, the patient gets used to it and keeps his back straight all the time.

Gymnastics for the neck, created by the doctor and academician Shishonin, is used to work out deep layers muscle tissue neck, thoracic and waist. It also eliminates the hypertonicity of all types of muscles of the spinal column.

Classes contribute to the full supply of blood to the brain. Medical complex cannot completely cure the disease, however, it is capable of stopping deformation processes and removing painful signs.

The uniqueness of gymnastics lies in the fact that patients of any age group can do it. It is easy to perform the exercises, for this you will not need simulators and special paraphernalia.

The gymnastic complex minimizes the signs of hypertension, restores natural mobility to the joints constrained by pain and muscle groups, restores sleep, stabilizes the blood supply to the brain. Exercises are prescribed for people who suffer from intervertebral hernia and high intracranial pressure.

Indications for the beginning of the use of therapeutic exercises for the neck

The uniqueness of Shishonin's technique lies in its simplicity. effective exercises, the absence of strict contraindications and restrictions for implementation. Gymnastics is recommended for patients with existing diseases and as a preventive measure. The basis of exercise therapy included movements that are natural for people, which will not cause harm, will not provoke the appearance of pain.

Charging Shishonin for the lower back, spine and neck is indicated in the following pathological situations:

Shishonin's gymnastics is useful for people who do not have serious diseases.

With its help, you can minimize the detrimental effect on the health of the neck muscles:

Shishonin's gymnastics is allowed for all categories of patients, regardless of age and health. The main thing is to follow the execution technique. To achieve the desired result, you should strictly follow the recommendations of the doctor.

Contraindications for exercise

There are no critical warnings for therapeutic exercises. However, doctors have identified a number of limitations under which exercise should be postponed until better times:

The absence of any of the above contraindications in a person is not a reason for self-treatment.

Consultation with the doctor and increased attention to one's own feelings after the start of therapy are required. The presence of discomfort or painful signs after performing the first exercises requires an immediate cessation of gymnastics.

Gymnastics by Dr. Shishonin for the neck requires preliminary preparation.

So the exercises will be as effective and useful as possible:

  1. Treatment with gymnastics should be started only after a complete examination by a doctor. He must give confirmation that it is allowed to practice. In the event of an incorrect assessment of the state of health, unpleasant consequences can occur. Excessive muscle tension can lead to an aggravation of the situation and the need for surgical intervention.
  2. In the presence of severe pain, gymnastics should be postponed for a while. After the first exercises, you need to assess your condition. If the pain has disappeared, then exercise is beneficial, otherwise you will need a medical consultation.
  3. You need to eat at least one hour before the start of classes. The forces of the body will be directed to gymnastics, and not to digestion. Water can be drunk unlimited.
  4. Do not overexert yourself to complete the entire set of movements. You need to do as many exercises as you can.
  5. You should not exhaust the body with excessive intensity of exercise. You need to do gymnastics to the best of your ability.
  6. It is always necessary to give the muscles the opportunity to warm up before starting the exercise. To do this, use a light massage.
  7. Classes should be systematic and regular. Thus, getting used to the regimen is much easier, and training will become much easier.
  8. In the early stages, gymnastics should be done daily.. After achieving the first results, the intensity is reduced to 3 times a week.

The main set of exercises for Shishonin's neck

Gymnastics of Dr. Shishonin for the neck includes 7 basic exercises. After completing any movement, you should stand in the accepted position for at least half a minute.

Exercises for the lumbar vertebrae

Spinal stretch

The essence of stretching is to relax and restore the normal state of the spine after a hard day. To restore flexibility to the spinal column, you need to learn simple exercises and do them right.

Consolidation of the result

After eliminating discomfort and pain, care should be taken to ensure that there is no recurrence of the disease.

An important advantage of charging is the ability to perform exercises to prevent a painful condition. With the help of a neurologist or vertebrologist, it is necessary to determine the frequency of sessions and the duration of therapy. It is recommended to periodically perform a set of exercises to maintain the normal functionality of the vertebrae, ligaments and muscle groups.

Opinions about the methodology of doctors and patients

Only published online positive reviews from both patients and professionals. The opinions of doctors converge to one conclusion - Shishonin's gymnastics effectively copes with pathologies in the spine and muscle layers. They recommend doing this exercise regularly, regardless of the presence of the disease.

When should we expect the effect of exercise?

Subject to the original technique of performing movements and following the recommendations, the patient can feel the first positive results after the first 3-4 sessions. In the early stages, there may be mild pain. This is normal - the muscles respond adequately to the load. Then the body gets used to it, and the movements pass without problems.

Gymnastics for the neck from Dr. Shishonin has established itself as an effective way to get rid of osteochondrosis of the cervical vertebrae without the use of medications.

The effectiveness of therapy depends on the frequency of exercise, compliance with the technique. After eliminating the main problem, do not abandon classes. Gymnastics will do for preventive measures.

Video: Dr. Shishonin's gymnastics

Gymnastics for Shishonin's neck:

Gymnastics for the neck. A set of exercises:

Greetings to all my readers! Shishonin's therapeutic exercises will help restore working capacity, pacify high blood pressure, and improve sleep. Don't believe? Try it for yourself to believe!

How to defeat cervical osteochondrosis

Neck pain plagues a significant portion of the population. But few people realize that training for the neck will help cure this ailment.

Why does the nominal cervical region hurt? Moreover, this problem overtakes not only the elderly, but also very young people. Experts say that with pain in the spine, the appearance of hernias, and infringement of nerve endings, a person pays for walking upright. What to do, get up on all fours?

Nerve pinching is especially dangerous. It leads to problems such as:

  • deterioration of the brain;
  • decreased vision;
  • insensibility of the limbs;
  • headaches that do not respond to any pain medication;
  • dizziness;
  • early stroke.

If the head hurts a lot, then we begin to blame the weather, lack of sleep, and the reason is a monstrous overstrain, in which the vessels of the brain suffer! We have already written that massage of the collar zone, rubbing the auricles, applying a cabbage leaf to the head or a lemon peel to the temples will help with headaches.

it effective methods, no one argues, but the pain can return! What to do, suffer from pain? You won't have to if you pay yourself a little attention and learn simple exercises recommended to do Alexander Shishonin. There are exercises by Bubnovsky and other luminaries of medicine, but Shishonin's gymnastics is easy to remember, easy to perform, which is very important for most people.

Dr. Alexander Shishonin is the scientific director of the Bubnovsky Health Care Center, a consultant at the SPT London Body School in Moscow, and the head of the Health of the 21st Century clinic in Rostov-on-Don. You can trust this venerable master!

In what cases is Shishonin's gymnastics irreplaceable:

  1. Frequent occurrence of headaches;
  2. Increased arterial and intracranial pressure;
  3. Overexertion in the neck;
  4. Dizziness to nausea and fainting;
  5. Decreased attention, poor;
  6. Anxiety, stress, poor cerebral circulation, insomnia.


  • acute period of chronic diseases with fever;
  • exacerbations in osteochondrosis, other chronic diseases with unbearable pain;
  • internal bleeding;
  • tumors in the cervical region;
  • serious damage .

The benefits of Shishonin exercises

  • Strengthening the muscles in the neck and chest;
  • Improvement of cerebral blood supply;
  • Getting rid of "stubbornness" muscle spasms;
  • Getting rid of hypertension, headaches, insomnia and other manifestations of cervical osteochondrosis.

As the complex is completed, the ability to work returns to the person, it is easy for him to live and move.

Therefore, it is urgent to take care of your health! good in that it can be performed even at work and for prevention purposes.

Risk factors

The development of cervical osteochondrosis contributes to:

  • Long stay without movement, change of posture.
  • Nervous strain.
  • Age changes.
  • Frequent stress, insomnia, emotional unrest
  • Mental and physical strain.
  • Salt deposition in the cervical spine.
  • Hypothermia of the joints in the neck.
  • Muscle spasms.

Advantages of the technique

Gymnastic eliminates pain, normalizes blood and lymph flow, activates metabolic processes and removes swelling. As a result of positive changes, the human condition improves.

Perform the complex slowly, without making jerks, sharp turns. The implementation of the complex should be devoted to 15-20 minutes a day. On the initial stage should be performed 2 or even three times a day.

With the improvement of the condition, you can 3 times a week, but it is better to make this complex a way of life.

  • Grab your right ear with your left hand.
  • Tilt your head to the right side, slightly helping with the hand lying on the ear.
  • Move your palm to the back of your head, press a little, then begin to slowly rock your head back and forth.
  • Change hand, do all the movements.

Be sure to stretch after basic movements.

Finally. To physiotherapy Dr. Shishonin brought results, do it regularly. Then get rid of pressure, immobility of the joint and much more.