Learn to dance the waltz at home. How to learn to dance the waltz at home: description of technique and recommendations. Dance steps for waltz

Fragment of a waltz lesson in kindergarten

How to teach children to dance the waltz?
If we were standing next to each other, I would show it in no time, but on paper... it’s like teaching how to kiss in words... well, I’ll try!

The couple stands in the starting position: the girl with her back in the direction of movement, the boy with his face.

1. I draw the children’s attention (and this is very important!) that it is the leg that is now in this moment(for both boys and girls) LOOKING FROM THE CIRCLE , There is no need to confuse children in such a difficult dance: you start with the right, and you with the left! (The movement is complex, so “right and left” will get confused!)

2. Now you need to clearly decide where the circle will move: you and the children showed with your hand, with your eyes, and once again made sure thatgirls are standing BACK in the direction of travel, and the boys- FACE .

3. Remembering that both partners start dancing the leg that looks FROM the circle ,The girl takes a step back with this foot. And that means it makes room for the boy’s leg, as if inviting him - I moved. The boy (again, with his foot out of the circle, we clearly remember this) immediately takes this vacant place.

4. The girl, as if accepting this game, gently guides the boyINSIDE circle ,turning it and moving slightly, puts it in its place, i.e. CHANGES places with him.

5. And then -EXACTLY THE SAME ALGORITHM, only now BOYS they end up with their backs in a circle, and again! (we always remember this - AGAIN, only the leg that is looking FROM the circle), but the boy’s leg (after all, they turned) gives way to the girl’s leg, the girl steps into this formed niche, and now the boy turns his partner inside the circle and changes places with her. And - let's go...

6. And now all this needs to be done on your toes and softly, with a spring.

7. You should start learning the waltz not from these turns, but from the 2nd and 3rd movements in the video (i.e. step, step, turn and move the boy with his back to the center of the circle (when he pulls his partner into the middle of the circle. When Children get used to making these movements on a “spring”; then, when circling in pairs, the awareness of this spring rhythm will be much easier for children.

I don’t know if I explained it clearly, but this is the same waltz that our mothers danced and we dance in everyday life - precisely according to this principle: one of the partners takes a step back, the other, respectively, steps forward and turns!

P.S. This is why I place the children this way: the girls with their backs in a circle, and the boys with their faces - the girls are smarter, and they will correctly begin to spin the boy into the circle, this is very important, if they start circling in the opposite direction, the circle will immediately break and the couples will collide).

Lesson fragment

Teaching WALTZ in kindergarten

And a few more words about the waltz! If you want to make the work of learning easier, come up with each movement yours a playful and memorable name!
-For example, the movement when a partner with his back in a circle narrows the circle with a springy step, “pulls” the partner into the center of the circle, we call it for its softness and for the fact that the partners’ hands are clasped in a lock - like the claws of a cat, -
"kitty" ;.
- When the same movement, but done in a different direction - in the direction of movement, in a circle (in a waltz2), i.e. either a girl or a boy pulls their partner behind them, moves forward, guides him - this is"little engine" ;
- when children take side steps towards each other and turn 90 degrees, then again and again - we call"cross" , because the children turn each time as if to his sides.
- penultimate movement in waltz 2 - when children do: “step-step-turn” inside the circle, we call it “umbrella”, because it looks like the umbrella is closing - the circle has narrowed, and is opening - the circle has opened, and the hands are in the shape of a boat resemble his knitting needles, etc.

You just make it up their , convenient names and associations, depending on the selected components of the dance, but then, in the process of learning, you will only have to whisper the name of the movement, and the children will immediately understand what it is about and quickly adjust to the desired step.

Waltz is a ballroom dance that reveals all the charm of fabulousness, luxury, and love. How to learn to dance the waltz if you have never danced before? Everything is simple here: you need to undergo training and learn the steps.

How to learn to dance the waltz?

Waltz: preparation

If you decide to self-teach, you can learn to dance the waltz using video lessons, which can be found in abundance on the famous YouTube.com website. But first you must undergo painstaking preparation, which includes the following basics:

  • Do warm-up movements every morning to improve your stretching.
  • To begin with, you can simply “warm up” your muscles, and then try to do the splits, touching the floor with your palms from a standing position.
  • Study all types of waltz - Boston, Viennese, figure, French, friendship waltz - determine the difference between style and step.
  • If you can't practice on your own, go to a dance studio.

Here, dance instructors will make you a professional from the basics.

Learn to dance the waltz

How to learn to dance the waltz at home or in the studio? The following requirements are met here:

  1. Two people should learn the waltz - a man and a woman.
  2. Chairs and other substitutes should not be used. They will not give a positive result.
  3. Woman puts left hand on the partner’s shoulder, and the man lightly presses his partner to him, hugging her right hand around the waist.
  4. Free hands are extended to the side and closed - the lady puts her hand in her partner’s hand, as if showing her trust. That's why outstretched arms should not be tense - a soft bend in the elbow and lightness.

So, how to learn to dance the waltz at home or in a dance studio?

  1. Determine the opposite hand of the clock.
  2. Start your move by taking a step back from the woman (the man moves forward).
  3. Left leg women and right men take a step at the same time, also simultaneously turning 90 degrees relative to their original position.
  4. The second move is made in exactly the same way, but the partners change their legs - the man goes backward with his left leg, and the woman goes forward with her right.
  5. Thus, in 4 steps the pair should return to its original position.

Having studied the stroke technique, you can begin to work on ease and smoothness. This is where you start moving, moving around the room or studio. How to learn to dance the waltz at home? You need to listen to the music of your heart, learn to dance only with your loved one - this will help you open up to your partners and perform your first dance with a bang.

Waltz is a truly magical dance, filled with tenderness and romanticism. This slow dance is performed at proms, and the waltz is danced by newlyweds in the registry office. The basic pattern of the dance is known to many, but how correct is it? And how to learn to dance the waltz from scratch? Let's try to figure it out.

The ability to dance the waltz correctly has always been a sign good taste and education. Previously, this dance was mandatory; not knowing how to dance the waltz was considered simply shameful. For modern society, this skill is not so necessary; many people get by in life without it, but it wouldn’t hurt to show off some graceful steps at an event. Therefore, we learn to dance the waltz at home, it won’t take much time.

These important points will help you learn to waltz easily and naturally, and no one will believe that you studied at home, without outside help.

Learning to dance a slow waltz at home is not that difficult. If you have taken into account the tips listed above, found a good partner, selected the ideal music for the waltz, found a spacious room and learned to stand in the right position, consider that half the battle is already done. Now let's move on to the movements and learn to dance the waltz.

This square is basic movement in a waltz, you should repeat it at home until you stop getting tangled in your legs and the steps become automatic.

Turns and alternation of steps: how to diversify the classic waltz

When you have perfectly mastered the art of dancing the classic slow waltz, you can gradually move on to complex dance elements. Let's say, add turns or replace a left step with a right one. You are allowed to use your imagination, but you cannot go beyond the boundaries of the chosen style.

A common variation is to add a 90 degree turn during the diagonal step. This element is performed by one or both partners simultaneously. This is not difficult at all, and adds a noticeable zest to the dance.

Now you know how to learn to dance the waltz without the help of professionals. To consolidate your knowledge, we recommend watching video dance lessons and be sure to put it into practice. As you can see, waltzing at home is quite easy.

Video about how to dance the waltz

A waltz is not just a count of “one-two-three-one-two-three”, it is a very serious classical dance that is performed to the rhythm of a healthy heart! This fact alone is enough to learn how to dance a waltz according to all the rules of choreographic art.


2. Learn to rotate correctly! The couple moves around the square counterclockwise, with one large step and two small ones on each side of the square. The partners themselves rotate relative to each other clockwise.

Learn to place your feet correctly! For a partner:

  • Step forward with your right foot;
  • The left leg goes to the right, then with a turn of 90 degrees from it - to the left;
  • The right leg goes to the left with a 90-degree turn;
  • Left leg back;
  • The right foot goes to the left with a 90-degree turn to the right;
  • The left leg goes towards the right.

3. Hands! The right one is extended forward, the left one is at the partner’s waist.

4. Legs! This is the most difficult thing about the waltz. Learn to move lightly so as not to step on your partner's feet. And never look at your feet - this is not customary in waltzing!

5. Chin! Raised high and aimed at left side away from your partner so that you can see his right temple.

6. Face! Smile even if someone steps on your foot.

7. Shoes! Shoes should be comfortable and soft. Shoes that are too narrow and have uncomfortable heels will ruin your dancing.

8. Partner! Try to accustom yourself to feel his presence and his every movement. Then you will not have discrepancies in movements. These are all the secrets of proper waltzing that you need to learn in order to feel confident on the dance floor. When you learn the waltz technique, you will stop turning pale at the first sounds of Strauss's works and will develop a taste for elite balls, elegant tuxedos and magnificent evening dresses that are made for the waltz. And most importantly, your heart will be fine! After all, according to doctors, waltz has a very beneficial effect on blood pressure.

The Viennese Waltz is a dance that embodies the mood and spirit of the best imperial courts. Speaking about him, you involuntarily think of classic dresses that reach to the floor, men dressed in elegant tailcoats. All this combines restraint and entertainment in one, reflecting echoes of old Europe.

When dancing the Viennese waltz, partners cease to be just a man and a woman. She is a young lady, he is a gallant gentleman. They are involved in a cycle of feelings that cannot be displayed, but can be reflected in dance.

Today, the Viennese waltz is one of the representatives of the European dance program.

It is important to pay tribute to historical traditions, but this obliges dancers to adhere to strict standards of behavior and maintain ideal posture. All that is allowed is to show the emotional state, to immerse one in a whirlpool of dance, to spin to the rhythm of the waltz. Looking at it from the outside, you stop understanding: it’s a couple circling on the court or, conversely, the whole world is spinning around them, falling under the influence of their energy.

How to learn to dance?

  • It is best to learn to dance the Viennese waltz from childhood, then the movements will be as smooth and beautiful as possible. The fact is that a child’s mind is much more flexible, it quickly grasps new movements, and the child’s body quickly gets used to the load.
  • If you love this dance and you have a child, then it is better to send him to a group ballroom dancing as early as possible, in which case it will be possible to watch the performances in a few years. It is important that the baby early age studied discipline and plasticity.
  • To learn how to dance a waltz, an adult must have great patience. The main thing is not to lose desire during the learning process and continue to attend training. You need to remember that not everything will work out, especially at the beginning, but after some time everything will become easier, you will get used to it.

The best solution would be to sign up for a waltz section.

  • The instructor has teaching experience, he must help each student immerse himself in the atmosphere of dance and short time master movements and combinations. It is important to choose courses and teachers carefully so as not to be disappointed and lose motivation. Find out from your friends, relatives, or read on the Internet which club in your city teaches well. Often, some sections hold open lessons and master classes. They allow you to see the dance up close and get to know the teacher, section and record the lesson schedule.
  • If you are a little afraid of noisy gatherings, groups and are embarrassed to go to classes, then you can use a private teacher. However, this is not cheap at all; not everyone can afford individual lessons. But the advantage of this approach is that you will be able to calm down, relax and master the movements much faster. Also individual training suitable for busy people who cannot follow the school schedule.

Waltz training at home:

  1. The best place to start is by learning the basics of dance. It would be a good idea to get acquainted with other types of dances (Friendship, Boston, Figured and others). Read about their history, how they dance, what are the differences.
  2. To learn the waltz, and for any dance, you need to learn to feel and follow the rhythm well. Buy a small player and listen to waltz music. Enjoy it in your free time, start imagining movements that fit the melody.
  3. Before you begin full-fledged training, it is best to persuade your body to the upcoming loads (especially if you are not in the best shape right now). Start each day with exercise and exercise (it is best to exercise while listening to music to get used to the rhythm). This will help you get ready for classes.
  4. Before training, it is important to warm up well; movements should be smooth and careful so as not to stretch anything and harm yourself. Special attention paid to stretching muscles, this is necessary for any dance. Sit little by little on the splits, do lifts on your toes, small rotations. Stretch your arms, shoulders, fingers. Watch your posture, it should be even and beautiful.
  5. An almost ideal option would be to start training right away with your own partner, especially if this is your girlfriend/boyfriend. It brings people together. Also, common hobbies strengthen relationships and help convey emotions and mood.

Dance figures

Real masters show a kaleidoscope of emotions in dance. It is very important to place accents correctly. In the Viennese waltz, this can be reflected by using small highlights of the first count in each measure. If you do the steps correctly, the dance will be interesting.


There are a large variety of figures in the waltz, for example the “flecker”. It was originally performed by a couple at a short distance, but the partners had to stay in one place and rotate. Today, the flecker is performed differently; it is divided into right and left (depending on the direction of the turn).

For example, the right flanker is a rather complex element. It is performed after turning to the right.

The figure is done on the balls of the feet, even though most other elements are done on the toes. The body is fixed, remains motionless, various tilts and lowering are unacceptable. The effect depends on the training and smoothness of the partners; they must know each other and do everything in sync.

Dance steps

One of the main components of the waltz, undoubtedly, remains the steps. Anyone who wishes to learn must know that dance is based on calculation. "1 – 2 – 3". Example of steps performed on the men's part.

Only the first step in the dance is large, all others should be barely noticeable:

  • The step should be sliding and light;
  • It’s better to slide with the pad, then smoothly move to the toe, and then again with the pad and stand on the entire surface.

Man's party

First, the man must stand with his front side to the center of the area along the dance line. The action starts with the foot. The mass is redirected to the right side, the left is pulled towards the leading leg.

When the game starts with the left foot, the face should be turned along the line so that it is positioned with the back of the head towards the center of the court. Only after this can you continue the action with your left leg, pulling the second leg towards it.