Training on an icy track. Outdoor sports exercises in winter. Sliding on icy paths

OBJECTIVES: To promote physical development. Develop psychophysical qualities (dexterity, speed, endurance, etc.). Form coordination of movements, rhythm, orientation in space, balance functions. Form a habit of healthy image life. Nurturing positive moral and volitional qualities: courage, determination, self-confidence

Structure of a lesson on teaching sports exercises INTRODUCTORY PART preparing the child’s body for more intensive work in the main part, developing children’s interest in the upcoming movements and focusing their attention on the material being studied (exercises leading to the study of movements in the main part of the lesson) INTRODUCTORY PART preparing the child’s body to more intensive work in the main part, developing children’s interest in upcoming movements and focusing their attention on the material being studied (exercises leading to the study of movements in the main part of the lesson) MAIN PART teaching children sports exercises, introducing children to new material, repetition, consolidation and improving existing motor skills. THE MAIN PART is teaching children sports exercises, introducing children to new material, repeating, consolidating and improving existing motor skills. FINAL PART: reducing general excitability and bringing the body into a relatively calm state. (walking combined with breathing exercises, exercises that help relax different muscle groups, or a calm game) FINAL PART reducing general excitability and bringing the body into a relatively calm state. (walking combined with breathing exercises, exercises that help relax different muscle groups, or quiet play)

Tasks of teaching children to sledding GroupProgram tasksExercises 2 junior Form the desire and ability to sled. Teach sledding downhill, get to know the rules of sledding. Pull the sled alternately with your right and left hands. Pull the sled with both hands. Roll a sled, carrying snow and dolls. Roll sleds, carrying each other. Enter the mountain, leading a sled. Ride from a low mountain on your own Know the rules for climbing a medium mountain with a sled Develop the ability to independently transport a sled in any way, push each other. Teach children to roll down a mountain on their own and to slow down when descending. Push the sled forward following them. Roll a sled, carrying each other Slide down a low mountain on your own Know the rules for climbing a mountain with a sled Brake when descending Games and relay races with a sled Senior Develop agility, strength, speed in exercises and games with a sled. Teach children to roll down a mountain and make turns. Know the rules for climbing a mountain with a sled Carry one sled together Descent from a steeper mountain Ride down a mountain together When sliding down a mountain, turn Games and relay races with sleds preparatory Develop endurance, strength when sledding in threes, develop dexterity when sledding down a mountain and performing various game exercises on the move, Teach safety rules. Know the rules for climbing a mountain with a sled. Carry each other in threes. Ride sitting on the end of the sled with your back forward and pushing off with your feet. Ride down the mountain while sitting together on a sled. When going down the mountain, brake with your feet, turn, perform various game tasks: lift and pull out a (suspended) object, drive through a gate, hit a target with a snowball. Games and relay races with sleds

Tasks of teaching children to slide on ice paths Group Program tasks Exercises 2 junior Learn to slide along a short, icy path with the help of an adult. Roll the child along the path holding his hands. Slide along a short, slightly inclined path with the help of an adult. Slide along a horizontal path by pushing off. medium Teach children to slide independently on an ice path. Sliding along an ice track with support Sliding along a horizontal track after a quick run-up (3-5 steps) senior Exercise in maintaining balance and agility when sliding along a track from a run-up and in different body positions. Develop the ability to slide along an ice path from a run, crouching and standing up while sliding. Slide along a horizontal path after a run. Slide along the path after a quick run-up and energetic push-off. Slide along the ice path while crouching. Slide and while sliding, sit down and straighten up, etc. Slide and perform movements with your arms: arms to the sides, behind your back, behind your head, etc. Slide and while sliding, turn sideways, back forward. Slide on one leg, on parallel legs. preparatory Develop agility when sliding from a running start and performing various exercises on an icy path. Slide down a low slide. Slide along a horizontal path after a run. Sliding along the track in a half squat and deep squat Sliding along the track with different tasks for the arms (to the sides, behind the back, behind the head) Sliding sideways, back forward, on one leg. Slide down a low slide.

Objectives of teaching children to ski preschool age Group Program tasks Exercises 2 junior Develop the ability to put on and take off skis, stand on parallel skis. put the skis in place. Teach skiing using stepping and sliding steps. Teach children to turn and step. Exercises on site. Turns in place. Alternately lifting the leg with the ski. Do squats while standing on skis. Walk on a level ski track with stepping and sliding steps. Walking along a snow corridor (width -1 m) average Strengthen the ability to put on and take off skis, stand on parallel skis. Strengthen the ability to ski with stepping and sliding steps, perform turns on the spot by stepping. Teach climbing a slope using a “ladder” and descending from gentle slopes in a low stance. Walking along a snowy corridor (length -10 m, width 80 cm). Walking with a stepping step, sliding step. Side steps left and right. Turns in place around the heels of the skis. Walking, squatting under the collars, senior Develop a “sense of skis,” a sense of snow”; develop balance. Teach descending from mountains in a middle stance and ascending with a walking step. Strengthen the skill of climbing a hill with a “ladder”. Continue learning the sliding step, achieving correct landing the skier lengthens his stride, coordinating the work of his arms and legs. Strengthen the skill of turning by stepping in place and in motion. Strengthen the ability to ski with a sliding step, climb a slope, and descend a mountain. Walking on the ski track alternately with stepping and sliding steps. Turning by stepping Walking under a gate Walking on a training track (fast and at a slow pace) Walking with a sliding step, avoiding obstacles Walking with a sliding step on legs bent Descent from the slope in a low stance Climbing up the slope with a “ladder” preparatory Teach skiing in alternating two-step steps with poles. Continue to develop the “sense of skis”, “sense of snow”, “sense of balance”. Master descents from flat slopes in various stances. Continue to improve your climbs. Strengthen braking skills. Walking on a training (rounded) ski track with stepping and sliding steps. Practicing proper coordination of arms and legs. Walking while simultaneously transferring body weight from one leg to the other. Skiing with your hands folded behind your back. Rhythmic skiing. Skiing between flags. Turns in place by stepping 180º (then 360º). Lateral steps to the right and left. Climbing up the slope using a “ladder”. Descent from the slope in the main stance. Walking on the ski track with a “snake” Walking with a long sliding step

Methods of teaching children to ski: Visual - demonstration physical exercise, auditory, visual landmarks (flags, sticks), direct assistance from an adult. Verbal - description of movements, explanation, story, conversation, instruction, command. Practical methods - repetition of movements, application of elements of competition.

Teacher Kushnarenko Y.V.

In the cold season, the duration of children’s stay outdoors largely depends on the proper organization of their activities, on the creation of the necessary conditions for physical exercise, fun games and entertainment. Winter gives children special joys, fun in the snow and ice.

        Ice tracks. Sliding along ice paths is one of the most accessible types sports activities. Games and exercises on ice tracks - effective remedy, stimulating physical activity, improving health and overall physical fitness. First of all, beneficial changes occur in the development of the respiratory organs. A child, moving along an ice path, repeats the same movements many times in a certain sequence. Tension and relaxation of the leg muscles constantly alternate, which has a positive effect on strengthening the arch of the foot. Exercises on ice tracks are interesting for children; they develop a sense of balance when sliding and the ability to control their body during movements. You can start learning to skate on ice tracks by holding the hand of an adult. When the child feels more confident on the ice, you can begin to make complications.


1. Drive while maintaining balance with different hand positions.

2. Drive with a crouch at the end of the path.

3. Drive sideways.

4. Ride in a straight squat at the end of the track. 

        Sledging. Sledding is not only an enjoyable activity loved by children of all ages, but also useful. After all, as you know, if you love to ride, you also love to carry a sled.
Such exercise in the fresh frosty air - good workout muscular and respiratory systems. And when sliding down a steep hill, the child not only gets a charge of fun and Have a good mood, but also learn to overcome fear, which means it develops character.


1. Ride lying on your stomach, pushing off with your legs.

2. Ride lying on your stomach, pushing off with your hands.

3. Drive sideways, pushing off with your feet.

4. Drive between objects, pushing off with your feet.

5. Descent from the mountain.

        Skiing. Difficult to find in winter period more beneficial physical exercise than skiing. Skiing involves almost everything muscle groups, promotes energetic metabolism in the child’s body, enhances functional activity internal organs, develops muscle sensitivity,
helps to practice body balancing and running fast, helps strengthen the ligaments of the ankle joints and the development of precise and dexterous movements, and moderate cold is an excellent muscle stimulant and a means of hardening, since movements are fresh air ensure intensive lung function. Skiing activities contribute to the development of the moral and volitional qualities of the child.

Exercises :

1. Stepping step.

2. Sliding step.

3. Alternating two-step step.

4. Turns on the spot.

5. Turns while moving.

6. Go straight up the hill.

7. Climbing up the hill using a ladder.

8. Descent from the hill.

Hockey. Hockey is an effective means of stimulating physical activity, improving health and overall physical fitness.


1. Dribbling the puck with your stick without lifting it from the puck.

2. Rolling the puck with the stick to each other, holding it.

3. Moving the puck around and between objects with your stick.

4. Hitting the puck into the goal by hitting it from the spot and after dribbling.

        Try to encourage your child to enjoy winter and explain to him as early as possible that just because it snows doesn't mean he has to stay home.

Used Books

1. Vavilova E.N. Strengthen children's health;

2. Sulim E.V. Winter physical education classes for children 5-7 years old.

While sliding along ice paths (length 4-8 meters, width 40-60 cm), older and younger preschoolers are given different tasks: turn around, sit down and straighten up again, placing your foot correctly or on one leg, catch a thrown snowball. You can invite children to run up and slide along short ice paths (2-3 meters), located one after another at a distance of 3-5 steps.

Outdoor games for children in winter. On icy paths.

Along the long path.

On the trampled snow, a path 4-8 m long and 40-60 cm wide is filled with water. Children, having energetically run across the snow, slide along the ice path, trying to slide further each time.

On the ice path, first at 3-4, and then 5-6 m from its beginning, a colored cube is placed. The child, running and sliding along the ice path, tries to run over the cube and move it with his foot.

One of the children, when sliding with his foot, moves the cube, which lies approximately 2-3 m from the beginning of the path, to the distance that it will cover. The next child tries to slide and move the cube even further, etc. The player who moves the cube farthest is considered the winner. When the game is repeated, he runs and completes the task last, trying to improve his own achievement.

Children are united in groups of three. Two of them run through the snow on the right and left along the ice path, holding in their hands a piece of thick rope 1-1.2 m long. The third slides along the ice path, crouching or standing, holding onto the rope. The players take turns changing places.

While sliding, you are asked to turn around, sit down and straighten up again, slide after a run face forward, placing your legs parallel or on one leg, and catch a thrown snowball.

You can run and slide along short (2-3 m) ice paths located one after another at a distance of 3-5 steps.

Along an ice path (length 15-20 m) from a low slide, two or three of you can slide like a “train”, putting your hands on the belt of the person in front, and in other positions, tilt and lift a fallen mitten, catch a snowball thrown by someone and hit it with it. goal, perform other interesting tasks.

Training in sports exercises and games with elements of sports is carried out during physical education classes and reinforced during a walk.

When selecting games and exercises for a walk, it is necessary to combine the basic movements in such a way that one is well known to the children, and the other is new, requiring a lot of attention and control from the teacher during its implementation.

An important point is the distribution of games and exercises, taking into account their intensity and complexity. It is advisable to alternate physical activity with rest, more active physical exercises with less active ones. Since some exercises are considered ineffective in terms of intensity, to obtain the appropriate physical activity The following combination is appropriate: running-jumping. For example:

1. outdoor game with running “We are funny guys”;

2. jumping on two legs with forward movement (distance 5-6 m), jumping alternately on the right and left leg.

When selecting games and physical exercises, alternation of such types of basic movements should be provided that children could repeat with interest several times. Sometimes it is allowed to use the same movement in an outdoor game and a physical exercise. After sliding along the icy paths, children are reluctant to switch to playing with other species. This is explained by the fact that in a short time (10-12 minutes) children do not have time to satisfy their need for this movement. Therefore, after sliding along the icy paths, you can offer the following games: “Pick up the object”, “Who will turn around first?” and etc.

6. Teaching method:

A) Creation of conditions

It is best to arrange an ice path on the site kindergarten. Members of the parent committee can be of great help with this. In this case, parents of older children provide care for the ice path. This relationship will make it possible to improve the methodology for teaching children to slide on an ice track and exchange positive work experience.

The area of ​​the ice track depends mainly on the number of participants. In addition, it must be taken into account that children of 6-7 years old first learn the skills of sliding on an ice track, skating mainly in a straight line. Therefore, the length of the ice path should be 12-15 m. This length provides each child with sufficient exercise in the technique of sliding in a straight line and comparative freedom of action.

It is necessary to choose the right place to fill the ice path, taking into account the location of the water supply source and locker room. It is important that the ice path is well protected from cold northern winds and snow drifts. The site for the ice path is prepared in the fall. It is leveled: holes and depressions are filled with earth, mounds and hummocks are cut off with a shovel. Around the site of the future ice path, it is necessary to make a roller of earth or snow 30-40 cm wide, 15-20 cm high, so that when pouring water does not flow beyond the ice path. You can fill it with water from a well, an ice hole, or a water pipe. It is convenient to carry water in a barrel, placing it on a sled. The barrel is brought to the far edge of the site and overturned, the water spreads out in an even layer and freezes. It is best to fill with tap water from a hose. Fire hydrants and taps used in summer time for watering streets.

The length of the hose should be such that water can freely flow to any place on the ice path. The hose can be made from pieces of rubber tube with a diameter of 25-30 mm. At the connection points, put the hoses on a metal pipe of the same diameter and wrap the connection points with wire, or you can make hoses from individual links 20-30 m long, connecting them using ROTO nuts. It is advisable to have a fire hose that sprays a stream of water.

Fill the ice path in clear weather, after the top layer of the earth has frozen by 2-4 cm, i.e. for about 2-3 days the frost should be at least -3, -5.

First, you should water the ground several times with cold water from a fire hose. If snow falls before pouring, it is rolled away with a special shield 1 m long and 2 m wide, in the front of which a fastening in the form of a cable or thick wire is mounted. Two adults, preferably on skis, drag the shield by this cable, slightly raising its front part so as not to grab the snow while moving, but to crush it. You can put a load on the shield. After smoothing and compacting the snow with a shield, you need to let it harden. This takes 5-6 hours.

At air temperatures from -3 to -7, the soil freezes to 3-5 cm and is quite suitable for initial filling. Water is poured onto the ground gradually, in a thin layer. The water stream is directed upward at approximately an angle of 45-50° at an air temperature of -1 to -5°. In this case, small drops of water are partially cooled and the water on the ice surface freezes faster. You need to wet the snow with rain. Do not direct the jet point-blank towards the ground, as potholes may form in the snow. You cannot place the fire hose on the ground, otherwise strong potholes will form under the snow, in which the water does not freeze for a long time.

When a thin ice crust forms after the initial pouring, the pouring is repeated. Special attention You should pay attention to the uniformity of pouring along the entire ice path. Water must not leak beyond the flooded area. On an uneven field, in places of depression you need to pour a little more water, and on hills, correspondingly less, or periodically let them pass without flooding.

To achieve a large thickness of ice (4-6 cm), you need to start pouring at the first frost. Even if warming occurs, all the ice will not melt, the bulk of it will remain, and with subsequent cooling, ice growth can continue. The melting of the top layer of ice cover, on the one hand, levels the surface, but during heavy snowfall it is impossible to clear the ice under such conditions. You have to wait until the water freezes, and only then use scrapers to clear the ice. If warming is expected again, then you should not clear the ice path of snow, as it will protect the ice from melting.

In established cold weather, the entire initial pouring process is repeated. When the ice layer is 1-1.5 cm, water is poured at an air temperature of -5 to -10° at a smaller angle - 25°. At temperatures from -10 to -20°, keep the sprayer low so that small drops of water do not have time to freeze.

It is more convenient to start pouring from the area furthest from the water tap, moving from left to right and right to left, gradually back to the tap. With this method, the pourer does not have to walk through water and wet the hose. It is better to fill the ice path with two people: one pours water from the hose, the other helps him: pulls the hose, opens and closes the water tap, etc. The ice path must always be in good condition, otherwise sliding will worsen and children will waste more effort when riding. They glide poorly even in severe frost. In such cases, classes on the ice track are canceled. After group classes As a rule, marks, scratches, potholes, and cracks remain on the surface of the ice path. Ice cuts are cleaned with wide plywood sliders with a tin strip at the bottom or using a snow scraper, which is made of duralumin 10 cm wide, 45 cm high, 1.5-2 mm thick. A metal pipe 2-5 m long, bent in the shape of the letter “P,” is attached to the scraper as a holder.

For manual cleaning of small deposits, manual shavings are used, made from a steel sheet 150 mm wide and 70 mm high. Its wide part is sharpened on one side, and a stick (handle) is attached to the other. Cracks and potholes are filled with wet snow and then watered with cold water.

It is advisable to polish the surface of the ice. The ice is ground using a rectangular wooden box without a bottom (grinding trough) 1.5-2 m long, 0.5-0.8 m wide, boards 4-5 cm thick. The lower edge of the box is covered with rubber (hose or foam rubber). A rope or wire 2.5 m long is attached to the box, by which the box is pulled. When grinding, water (preferably hot) flows through a hose into the box. Thanks to the rubber, water does not flow outside the box and, while moving, evenly covers the ice with a thin layer. To obtain sufficient pressure, a weight is placed on both sides of the box. Ice grinding is carried out in the same way as pouring an ice path. The water level in the box during pouring should be 5-8 cm. There should be water in it all the time. Using a watering grinding box produces better ice quality than using a hose.

B) Organization of children

While riding, you need to monitor your children's breathing. First of all, they must be able to breathe through their nose and not hold their breath. Children who complain of diseases of the ear, nose and throat should be under special supervision of a doctor, nurse and teacher. Such children are usually allowed to study at air temperatures from -4 to -8°. The dosage of exercise for them is reduced, they are allowed to exercise in fur coats, since cooling the body can lead to an outbreak of a chronic process. The doctor needs to inform teachers about the prevention of frostbite of the toes, hands, ears, nose, cheeks, and genitals in boys.

The teacher needs to constantly monitor the condition of the children’s clothing, which should not be tight or overly loose. This will prevent the possibility of frostbite and abrasions.

After suffering any illness, a child is allowed to attend classes only with the permission of a doctor at a kindergarten or district clinic, and in some cases an examination by medical specialists is necessary.

B) Teaching methods

Preschool children can learn to slide on ice paths very early (from the age of 3). But in a kindergarten it is difficult to organize training in skating on ice tracks for younger children: their skills are too weak. ankle joints and legs can become twisted, and qualified guidance is required to prevent the occurrence, so kindergartens teach older children (5-6 years old) how to skate on ice tracks.

The better the overall physical fitness children, the faster they master this type of movement. In the learning process great place engage in physical exercises that strengthen the muscles of the legs, in particular the feet, and also help to develop such physical qualities, such as balance, dexterity, eye, etc. For this purpose, already in junior groups(3-4 years) sliding on densely packed snow is carried out. The width of the track is 50-70 cm, length 6-10 m. First, children ride with the help of adults, then on their own. The teacher shows and explains that you need to make an energetic run in the snow and slide on two legs, putting one leg back, approximately shoulder-width apart, keeping your body straight or crouching slightly. Children of senior preschool age can slide along a straight path and simultaneously perform various tasks (sit down and straighten up again, slide sideways, on one leg, etc.), as well as slide down an ice slide. The slide is approximately 1 m wide and 15-20 m long. Subsequently, classes are transferred to the site. Skating on ice paths takes place at the beginning of the walk. Training is first organized in small groups (5-6 people), then as a whole group. Ice tracks are not used on days when physical education or music classes are scheduled. If children receive a heavy load while skating on ice paths, then it is no longer recommended to play high mobility games while walking.

On snow and ice, you can first repeat the exercises that were given indoors and others, and then teach “landing,” a run-up followed by sliding, sliding with alternate pushing off with the right and left foot, turns, and braking.

It is necessary to explain to children that they need to ride in one direction - counterclockwise. With the correct starting position, the torso is slightly tilted forward, the legs are slightly bent, the knees are slightly apart and tilted inward; arms are bent at the elbows and spread to the sides, gaze facing forward. To remember this position, you should repeat it after performing various exercises. For example, children do squats or half-squats from this position and return to it again.

Sliding on icy paths.

The combination of movements with exposure to fresh air is an effective means of hardening children. The child’s body’s resistance to colds and infectious diseases increases. In natural conditions, children's movements become more natural and relaxed. As motor movements improve, the children's interest in them also grows.

During the cold season, the length of time children spend outdoors largely depends on the proper organization of their activities, on creating the necessary conditions for physical exercise, fun games and entertainment. Winter gives children special joys, fun in the snow and ice.

Conditions for creating ice paths:

For the path, snow is compacted to a width of 60 cm for ml. gr; - ​​40 cm for Wed., Art., Preg. gr, track length - ml., avg., -4 meters; - st., subg., 8 meters. In the senior and preparatory groups, you can fill a cascade of paths, one after another, 2-5 meters long, the distance between them is 3-5 steps. You can fill a path on a low hill, height –50cm, length 15-20m.The paths are decorated with various pictures, rings, and flowers.

To do this, you need to pour the first layer of water (wait until it hardens), and decorate the path with a second layer of water. After hardening, it is necessary to make the surface of the track smooth and even. The edges of the path can be “framed” - decorated with ice balls, various ice figures, etc.

Ice paths. Sliding along ice paths is one of the most accessible sports activities. Games and exercises on ice tracks are an effective means of stimulating physical activity, improving health and overall physical fitness. First of all, beneficial changes occur in the development of the respiratory organs. A child, moving along an ice path, repeats the same movements many times in a certain sequence. Tension and relaxation of the leg muscles constantly alternate, which has a positive effect on strengthening the arch of the foot. Exercises on ice tracks are interesting for children; they develop a sense of balance when sliding and the ability to control their body during movements. You can start learning to skate on ice tracks by holding the hand of an adult. When the child feels more confident on the ice, you can begin to make complications.

Rules for sliding on ice paths:

Second junior group.

Sliding along ice paths begins with the second youngest group.To start teaching a child to ride, you must first hold the hand of an adult so that he can maintain balance. When your baby begins to stand confidently on his feet, you can try going for a ride with him. Required condition at this age there is insurance and support from an adult (teacher).

Software tasks:

Continue work to strengthen and protect the health of children, create conditions for the formation of correct posture, systematic hardening of the body, the formation and improvement of skills in the main types of movements in and outside of classes, and the development of hygiene skills. Improve spatial orientation. Encourage children to participate in cooperative games and physical activities.

To promote the formation in children of positive emotions and activity in independent motor activity.


1. “Little frogs.”Slip.Slide along icy paths with adult support.

2. "Elephants". Walk along the ice path, moving your feet on the ice and trying not to fall.

3. "Hedgehogs". Slide with the support of an adult while maintaining balance.

4. "Skaters." Slide with the support of an adult, pushing off with your feet.

5. “Mice.” Sliding along an icy path with support at variable steps.

6. "Bear Cubs". Sliding with two feet with adult support.

7. “Let’s slide down the hill.” Sliding along an inclined path, with adult support.

8. Game “Slide to the fish.”

Middle group

Software tasks:

Continue work to strengthen children's health, strengthen the body and improve its functions.

Build skills and abilities correct execution movements in various forms of organizing motor activity of children. To cultivate beauty, grace, expressiveness of movements.

Develop independence and creativity in motor activities.

Young children cannot put on their shoes and lace them themselves without the help of adults, so kindergartens teach older children (5-6 years old) how to slide on ice tracks.

The better the general physical fitness of children, the faster they master this type of movement. In the learning process, physical exercises occupy a large place, strengthening the muscles of the legs, in particular the feet, and also helping to develop such physical qualities as balance, dexterity, eye, etc. For this purpose, already in the younger groups (3-4 years old), sliding without skates on icy paths or densely packed snow. The width of the track is 50-70 cm, length 6-10 m. First, children ride with the help of adults, then on their own. The teacher shows and explains that you need to make an energetic run in the snow and slide along the ice path on two legs, putting one leg back, approximately shoulder-width apart, keeping your body straight or crouching slightly. The teacher makes sure that children follow the rules of behavior and determines the dosage of the load. Much attention is paid preparatory exercises, which are held indoors without skates and on skates. These exercises should be done on rubber tracks and mats.


1. "Pedestrians." Walking on an ice path with and without support;

2. "Stork". Stand on one leg, with alternate raising of the right and left feet;

3. "Skiers". Lunges forward - to the side;

4. "Penguins". One by one, the children run away and slide along small icy paths.

These exercises develop balance, strengthen ankles, knees, hip joints, and also facilitate the development of movement techniques.

Senior group

In the sixth year of life, the child successfully masters the basic types of movements, which become more conscious. This makes it possible to increase the requirements for their implementation, to pay more attention to the development of physical and moral-volitional qualities (speed, agility, endurance, endurance, perseverance, organization, discipline), friendlyrelationships (the ability to come to the aid of a friend, empathize with his successes and failures; be caring and attentive to each other).

IN senior group There are 3 physical education classes per week lasting 25 - 30 minutes. One of them is organized during a walk.


Continue to work to improve health: harden the body, improve basic movements, form correct posture in all types of activities, cultivate hygienic habits.

Develop independence, creativity, form expressiveness and grace of movements.


1. "Water striders." Sliding along the path after a quick run-up and energetic push-off.

2. "Frogs". Sliding along the path in a half-squat

3. "Geese". Sliding along the path in a deep squat

4. "The Owl and the Mice." Slide to squat and stand up again

5. "Fish". Slide sideways

6. "Heron". Slide on one leg

7. "Bear cubs." Slide down an ice slide (path)

Preparatory group


Continue to improve children’s health, teach personal hygiene, and introduce them to a healthy lifestyle. To develop creativity, independence, initiative in motor actions, a conscious attitude towards them, to promote self-control and self-esteem when performing movements. Develop interest and love for sports.


1. "Dexterous bear cubs." Slide while maintaining balance with different

hand positions.

2. “Slip, don’t fall.” Slide with a crouch at the end of the path.

3. "Smart guys." Slide sideways (left, right).

4. “Be nimble.” Ride in a squat with legs straightened at the end


5. "Swimmers". Slide perform movements with your arms (arms to the sides)

6. “Catch the puck.” Slide to the puck, take it.

7. “Brave Men.” Slip through the gate.

8. Game “Catch a Bunny” (place a toy bunny on the ice path. Children must push off - run across the snow and slide to the bunny.)

Irina Kirillova
Creating conditions for winter walks, games and fun on the territory of the kindergarten

Issues of protecting the life and health of children in walk in winter.

When organizing walks in winter period, the risk of injury increases, so first of all you should remember some rules for protecting the life and health of children in winter period:

Safety requirements before you start walks

Required daily before take a walk to inspect the sites. A dense layer of snow should be loosened, which will prevent the presence of dangerous substances for children in the snow. items: dead trees, unplaned boards, nails, broken glass, plastic summer flower bed fences, broken parts children's play equipment(spatula, bucket, ice cube, etc.). Before the snowfall comes one more time check, are all the holes on the kindergarten grounds are filled up, the wells are covered with heavy lids. Conduct careful inspection of the roofs of all buildings for the presence of snow drifts and icicles

The areas and sports ground, paths, steps, external stairs, porch must be cleared of snow, ice and treated with anti-icing agents, which have special requirements, they must be safe for children, harmless to the green spaces of the site and the soil.

All equipment on site (small forms, physical education aids) must be stable, have strong slats, railings, must not have sharp corners and protrusions, roughness and protruding bolts. Must be appropriate for the age of the children and sanitary requirements. It is important to ensure proper storage and proper use of gaming and sports equipment. For this purpose, a special storage or pantry must be provided on the site.

IN winter period, the teacher must agree with the head nurse on the possibility of children going to school walk depending on weather conditions conditions, air temperature, and must also inspect the clothes and shoes of pupils for compliance with weather conditions conditions.

The teacher should remind children of the rules of safe behavior when going out. walk and at the entrance to the premises of the preschool educational institution, returning: do not run, do not push, when descending and ascending to the 2nd floor, hold on to the railings, do not carry large toys and objects in front of you that block the view of the path, etc.

Safety requirements during walks

IN winter on a walk The teacher should strictly ensure that children do not eat snow, icicles, or touch metal objects with exposed parts of their bodies.

Also, in preliminary or situational conversations, it is necessary to explain to children the danger of colds, viral diseases and intestinal infections.

Employees are required to constantly monitor children, not leave children unattended, and not trust temporary child care to strangers or even parents.

When organizing walks, excursions outside the site (if there is no ban on anti-terrorist security) necessary:

Know the exact number of children;

Determine in advance the place where the children will go;

Go through the entire route in advance;

Inform the administration about the upcoming event;

Send another employee to help the teacher preschool;

Avoid walks along busy crowded streets, as well as highways with heavy traffic.

When organizing walks, children should be protected from exposure to the following dangerous and harmful factors characteristic of winter season:

Frostbite, hypothermia or overheating of the body of children (have a change of clothes for children);

Injuries, bruises when sliding down ice slides, on sleds, while moving in icy conditions on slippery paths, external steps, areas not cleared of snow, ice and not sprinkled with sand;

Injuries during games on grounds that are not cleared of snow and ice;

Injuries from icicles falling from roofs, hanging blocks of snow during the thaw period;

Injuries from touching metal structures with exposed parts of the body on a frosty day (face, hands, tongue, lips);

Getting wet children's clothing and shoes;

Infection with gastrointestinal diseases, acute respiratory infections, if a child puts dirty and cold snow or icicles in his mouth.

To avoid all of the above situations with the onset of the cold season necessary:

Dress children according to temperature conditions; prevent children from hypothermia or overheating;

During walks avoid getting wet children's clothing and shoes;

Upon returning from walks remove wet clothes from children and dry them

When frost and wind intensify during walks take children indoors kindergarten or on closed verandas;

Do not allow children to remain in a static position during walks and ice skating, slides, sledding and skiing.

At carrying out walks in the territory of the kindergarten comply with the established regime, duration walks, changing the types of activities of pupils; daily duration walks children should be at least 4–4.5 hours; walk organized 2 times per day: in the first half - before lunch and in the second half of the day - after a nap or before the children go home;

Shorten duration walks, if the air temperature is below –15 °C and the wind speed is more than 7 m/s

Cancel walk if the air temperature is below -15 °C and the wind speed is more than 15 m/s for children under 4 years old, and for children 5–7 years old - if the air temperature is below -20 °C and the wind speed is more than 15 m/s;

During walks with children games and exercise; outdoor games carried out at the end of the walk before returning children to the preschool premises, taking into account the season;

Alternate activities from active to sedentary (depending on plan carrying out a walk) to prevent overwork and overheating of pupils during games and work.

Properly organize children's activities walk, create the necessary conditions for exercise, fun games and entertainment.

For jumping and balance exercises, you need to make snow banks, and for throwing, draw targets. Try to make snow figures that will help strengthen the children’s motor skills.

Exercises on ice tracks are interesting for children; they develop a sense of balance when sliding and the ability to control their body during such movements.


Ride in one direction

Ride at intervals

Quickly leave the path after sliding

Don't cross the icy path


Don't ride on your feet

Take turns riding

Slide down at intervals

Quickly leave the path after going down the hill

Brake when unexpected obstacles appear


Skis should not have knots, cracks, splits, or roughness on sliding surface. The bindings for the younger ones are soft, a rubber loop is needed at the back, otherwise the skis will slip

For older people, the fastening is semi-rigid; the toe of the boot should protrude 3–4 cm from under the belt.

Boots should be 1 - 2 sizes larger to accommodate the insole and two socks - regular and wool

When skiing you must follow rules: walk observing the interval; keep; do not run into the skis of the person in front; do not talk at a distance.

To avoid injury, it is also necessary to comply with the requirements for the use of equipment and gaming equipment on area:

All equipment must be in good working order;

Children under 6–7 years old are allowed to carry a load of no more than 2 kg; watering can, water in buckets up to 2–2.5 liters and work for no more than 10 minutes;

It is prohibited to use equipment for adults (shovels, brooms, etc.);

The dimensions of equipment and supplies for games and physical education on the sites must comply with the requirements of SanPiN (Appendices 1, 2);

Toys must be hygienic, not broken, for different types play activities that allow you to balance the physical load in accordance with the season of the year and the age of the children (motor toys, table toys, construction toys, etc.).

Additional safety requirements during walks in winter:

Provide control and direct insurance by the teacher for pupils while sliding on ice paths, sledding, downhill skiing, and skiing.

Make sure that when sledding, the next child waits patiently until the child sliding in front of him reaches the end of the ramp or slide;

When sliding down a hill, do not allow (on a sled, on ice skates, etc.) children sat with their backs to the slope;

Make sure that children know the rules for moving and transporting skis to the place conducting classes(the skis are carried on the shoulder with the sharp ends back)

Safety requirements upon completion walks

Organize a calm entry for students into the premises kindergarten(1st subgroup goes through and undresses under the supervision of an assistant teacher, 2nd - under the supervision of a teacher).

Clean pupils' outer clothing and shoes from snow.

- check, as the pupils put their clothes in lockers. If necessary, change the pupils into dry clothes and underwear.

Organize hygiene procedures procedures: visiting the toilet, washing hands with soap.

Ensure drying of wet clothes and shoes.

Put in order the outgoing material and tools (clear from, snow).

Wash and put away materials, toys, and tools in a specially designated place.

Creating conditions for winter games and fun on the territory of the preschool educational institution

It's no secret that for physical development, children need as much time as possible to strengthen their bodies spend in the fresh air. And winter is no exception to this rule! And so that the cold brings benefits and does not prevent the kids from enjoying walks, they must be busy with interesting things. You just need to make sure that more intense movements are replaced by calmer ones.

Pick up special games, tasks, fun, suitable for winter conditions . After all, only in winter there is snow, ice, and icy paths! Don't miss the opportunity to use snow the buildings: slides, ice paths, shafts, ski slopes and special equipment for games with snow: shovels, sleds with boxes, sheets of plywood, plastic for buildings.

Ensure that all children are involved in game: it not only develops and educates, but also warms you up on a cold day.

So for winter games and fun the following are required conditions:

All children should participate in the activity;

Do not offer games where you need to run for a long time and intensely so that children do not sweat (for running you need to limit the space);

The game should not contain difficult movements (for example, jumping rope, obstacles, high jumps; gymnastic exercises and etc.);

Playing with snow should spend in warm weather when the snow is soft;

- winter Games , fun, entertainment are carried out on a compacted area.

First of all, you should create conditions at each site for each age group.

Snow shafts

Each site must have snow buildings. To prepare them creation snow is raked from the middle of the site, are being created shafts along its perimeter. The middle of the site, free of snow and buildings, is carefully compacted. From the snow banks you can form:

A platform for training balance - the top is cut horizontally, up to 40 cm wide, 30 cm high.

Shafts for playing hide and seek and snowballs: rounded top, height from 50 to 70 cm. (may have the shape of a snake, dragon, crocodile).

Story buildings or snow figures in the form image: they must have some purpose, serve for the development of movements, and not be simply a decoration of the site.

The main requirement for creation buildings - the safety of children. Therefore, if a frame is used when constructing snow figures, there should be no sharp protruding parts. Snow buildings must be powerful and stable. If paints are used, they should not be of chemical origin, but of plant origin - food coloring, beetroot or carrot juice. For aesthetic design of the site, you can use Panteleeva’s book “Aesthetics of a preschool site”- M.: Education, 1988.

Each site must have slide: For younger age height

1 m, slope length 5-6 m; for older people - height from 1.5 to 2 m, length of the slope more than 6 m. width of the slide from 90 cm to 1 m. On the sides of the slope and platform there are sides 20-30 cm high. At the top of the slide there is a horizontal platform 1.5x2 m. At the back there is a staircase with wide steps 20-25 cm wide so that the child can stand on them steadily. The hill is watered with water for a week. The steps are sprinkled with snow and sand.

The sports ground should have a slide 2 m high with a slope length of up to 20 m.

Skating rinks and ice tracks

Ice paths in areas or along the perimeter kindergarten territory. For kids: width 50 cm, length up to 4 m. For older children, the width of the path is 40 cm, length from 4 to 8 meters, there can be a cascade of paths. When using the walkways, be sure to follow the safety instructions. You can make a path on a low hill, no more than 50 cm high, the length of the slope is 5 meters. When teaching children to slide on an ice path, special care must be taken. Children are first taught to simply step along the path. You can attract the most responsible older children. Two of them take the baby by the hands and roll him along the path. You can use a cord. The baby holds on to it with both hands, older children evenly pull the ends and roll the baby along the path.

To make it safer for younger children to learn to slide, snow paths can be made in the areas. To do this, in a selected area 50 cm wide and up to 4 m long, snow is compacted and rolled out with ice sheets.

On the sports ground you can organize a skating rink, the size of which depends on the location and is 5 by 10 meters or 10 by 20 meters.

A hockey box on the court can be small: width from 5 meters, length from 10 winds. The gate is 1.5 meters wide. The hockey area is well compacted.

Conditions for skiing

For laying a ski track, a place is selected along the fence or sports ground in a safe place. The route is laid by adults with wider skis; in younger groups it is straight, in older groups it has small hills, descents, and turns. Landmarks are laid along the route (skittles, cubes, flags, etc.). The length of the track in junior groups is 30-40 meters, in senior groups – up to 80 meters.

On site they can also be:

Snow labyrinth - with a wall width of 30 cm, a height from 50 to 1 m.

Target wall made of snow, width 30 cm, height as tall as a child. Through holes are made in the target in the form of geometric shapes.

Tunnels for climbing and crawling are 2-2.5 m long. For their construction, a frame is required. An arc-collar is also used for climbing.

Options for planning the content of the work of teachers with children during the period spending the week« winter games and fun» and in winter period in different age groups DOW.

Planning the content of a teacher’s work begins with preparing the area for conducting walks in winter and creating conditions for active activities of children, preparation of bright visual information for parents in the group and on the website.

The plan for working with children should be diversified with interesting forms of organization children's activities:

-winter holidays;

-winter entertainment on site, physical education;

Sledding, ice-skating, snowmobiling; skiing; sliding along icy paths; games with hockey elements;

Various relay races and outdoor games;

Design competitions winter plots and snow buildings;

Role-playing games using snow buildings;

Games with snowballs;

Modeling from snow;

Drawing in the snow;

Observations of living and inanimate nature; bird feeding;

Experiences and experiments with snow, ice and water;

- Creation ice cubes and making patterns from them;

Exhibitions children's drawings;

Health days.

Thematic days (eg "Fairy Tale Day" and etc.);

Work on the site - participation in creating snow structures, their repair;

Reading fiction and acting out fairy tales;

Educational games for the development of memory, attention, thinking;