Three-day water fasting results. The way out of fasting: the right menu. Let's face it

We have already emphasized in previous articles that fasting is the most effective way to cleanse the body, but it has its contraindications. Today we will talk about a three-day fast, which allows you to gently and safely get rid of chemical and toxic deposits in the body. A three-day fast is the most in a simple way getting rid of toxins. It activates the processes of physical and mental rejuvenation.

How to fast properly? Many of you have probably already tried one-day fasting, so you know these feelings of constant hunger. A three-day fast works according to the same scheme, i.e. you need to stay hungry for not one, but three days. In addition, there are special recommendations for effective removal of harmful substances from the body. Let's look in detail at how to fast correctly.

Let's talk first about one-day fasting. It is carried out, as a rule, once a week. During this process, willpower and self-confidence are strengthened. The intestines are naturally cleansed, the body is freed from toxins ().

A three-day fast on water or broth alone allows the body to naturally remove unnecessary toxins and get rid of toxins. Typically, this cleansing is carried out once every three months, or less often.

During cleansing, it is recommended to follow a special diet, which consists of water, fruit juice, and vegetable broth. For example, on the first day you should drink only water. On the second day, you can include vegetable decoctions and fruit juices in the menu, and on the third day, eat a baked apple or vegetable decoction. Exist special types three-day fasting: salt, water, vegetable broth. It should also be remembered that 1-2 days before fasting cannot be transferred. Eat only light meals, eat fruit or vegetable salad in the evening.

Days On the water On the decoction Solevoe
1 day Sweet apple, water, vegetable soup without spices. In the morning - herbal tea, towards lunch - fruit juice + water (1:1), lunch - vegetable broth, evening - green tea, late evening– vegetable juice + water. Water (200 ml) + 1 tsp. sea ​​table salt. Day, evening - water, vegetable broth, water + lemon, honey.
Day 2 Water with a few drops of lemon juice 2 - 4 liters per day. Same as the first (total volume of water 1 - 2 l) Morning - saline solution, then water, juices, decoctions throughout the day.
Day 3 Water, eat an apple in the evening. Same as the first and second + vegetable soup, apple. Baked potatoes 1 piece, in the evening - fruit juices, water - no earlier than 18:00.

During a three-day cleanse, the body begins to break down excess tissue, especially fat reserves. For many this is the goal. However, in three days it is difficult to get rid of excess fat, but remember that fasting will relax (unload) the stomach, intestines and pancreas. Exiting or returning to a normal diet requires caution, for example, you should not eat heavy meals, especially meat, for 3 days. The menu should consist mainly of vegetables, fruits, fish, dairy products, and grains.

Three-day simple water fasting

If you decide to fast, then know that this requires preparation. Firstly, exclude unhealthy foods and meat from the menu in advance, and leave only healthy light dishes. It is better to plan fasting on weekends, and prepare for it throughout the week. It will also be useful for you to read the article Preparing for cleansing ().

The last meal after preparation will be on Thursday afternoon, and the first meal after fasting will be on Sunday evening. You may also need to warn your loved ones about your cleanse so they don't cook the usual dinner for you.

A strict three-day fast excludes all drinks, cocktails (), and leaves only water, which you need to drink for 3 days. Stock up on good water in advance; for this you can buy artesian water, or get it from a proven source (spring, spring).

Also keep in mind that you should drink more than usual for 3 days to curb your hunger and help your body flush out toxins.

Attention! This cleansing method requires medication withdrawal, so if you are taking medication, you should consult your doctor. If you fast and take medications at the same time, there will be no effect. Also, if you cannot stop taking medications, then you should think about other ways to cleanse the body, or use a one-day fast.

Action plan

Clear your mind of bad thoughts, relax, read interesting book, or visit the bathhouse or a wellness treatment at the spa. This way you will be psychologically prepared for the cleansing. Exclude: stress, computer games, horror films, harmful foods, toxins, alcohol, coffee, tobacco.

Thursday– on this day you should not overload your stomach with heavy food. The last meal (of the day) should be light and low in fat. It is best to eat fruits, vegetables, salad. Then you can only drink water, i.e. forget about food for 3 days - until Sunday.

Friday– it’s best if it’s a day off. You should not be exposed to stress or passive smoking. If you do work, don't be tempted to have lunch with your colleagues. Remember that you are only allowed water, which is best taken from home. It is useful to take a walk during the day and evening fresh air, for example, in the park.

Saturday– effective intestinal cleansing is performed. In addition, at this stage the liver and gall bladder are cleansed. On this day, it is useful to do exercises, either do yoga, or do without them. Drink 1 liter of laxative water (Czech mineral water Zaječická bitter) within half an hour, or use an enema. On this day, the intestines need to be cleansed.

Sunday – in the morning you can take a warm bath, shower, or visit the sauna. The body will warm up, sweat and remove toxins through sweat. You can also take a walk in the fresh air in the morning, dressing warmly. At 17:00 you can start eating your first course, fruit, natural yogurt, which is an excellent restorer of intestinal flora. Drinking fruit and vegetable juices is also beneficial.

Monday – eat light meals, exclude fatty foods, coffee, alcohol.

Tuesday Wednesday – gradually switch to the regular (familiar) menu. After three days of fasting, it can be difficult to return to normal eating, so try not to overeat, or vice versa, if you lose your appetite, eat in small portions, but more often than usual. With longer fasting, various complications may arise due to the individual condition. If you are interested in longer fasting, then you should read the advising literature.


Today, the so-called water healing fasting is very popular, the essence of which is to completely refuse food and consume exclusively liquids (water).

Attitudes towards fasting are quite controversial. Many doctors are inclined to believe that hunger is a serious stress for the body, which can have an extremely negative impact not only on the physical, but also on the mental state of a person.

Adherents of therapeutic fasting, on the contrary, argue that this effective method cleanse and rejuvenate the body, normalize the gastrointestinal tract, increase muscle tone.

Well, let's consider what external and internal changes will lead to fasting for 3, 7, 21 and 40 days.

Fasting 3 days

A three-day fast is considered the mildest and safest option for cleansing the body of waste and toxins.

On the first day of fasting You should not expect significant changes in the body. Of course, you will feel hungry, but the supply of nutrients and energy is quite enough to not only overcome the desire to eat at least something, but also to complete daily tasks.

To relieve hunger and feel good, it is recommended to drink 250 ml of water every hour on the first day of fasting.

On the second day of fasting , which is better to start with a glass of water and a morning walk, your vigor will undoubtedly decrease, and the feeling of hunger will clearly make itself felt. In addition, you may feel very thirsty. You can drink up to 2.5 liters of water per day.

Third day of fasting will be marked by the appearance of nausea, weakness, unpleasant taste in the mouth, white coating on the tongue (in people with problematic health, the coating can be yellow, gray and even brown). Water will help relieve the above symptoms somewhat.

According to those who endured such a three-day fasting marathon (and not everyone can do this), the following changes occurred in their body:

  • The body has been cleansed of toxins, waste and mucus.
  • Came out excess liquid, thanks to which the swelling of the legs, arms and face went away.
  • I managed to lose 1 to 3 kg of excess weight.
  • The functioning of the gastrointestinal tract has normalized.
  • Pain sensations (especially in the joints) have decreased significantly.
  • The condition of the musculoskeletal system has improved.

Let's be objective and voice Negative consequences three-day fasting, because of which many abandon this idea, fearing for their health.

  • Tachycardia (increased heart rate to 120 - 140 beats per minute) and bradycardia (decreased heart rate below 60 beats per minute).
  • Nausea and dizziness.
  • Daytime sleepiness.
  • Fast fatiguability.
  • Irritability and aggressiveness.
  • Headache.

Similar manifestations can appear both on the first and third days of fasting.

  • Read also: 10 little tricks on how to tame the hunger hormone ghrelin

Fasting 7 days

Adherents of water fasting say that a person experiences an acute and painful feeling of hunger on the 2nd or 3rd day of such a strict diet.

Fourth day of fasting brings with it lightness and a charge of vivacity, aggravation of the senses and activation of mental processes. But many say that during this period they are left with a feeling of fatigue and nausea.

Fifth day of fasting brings relief because nausea and headaches that could arise due to hunger disappear. But this does not mean that you can give up water or reduce the amount of its consumption.

Sixth day of fasting can be called a kind of crisis, characterized by the appearance of weakness (especially in evening time) and a white coating on the tongue, which should be gotten rid of. It is interesting that for some the feeling of hunger becomes worse again (although it is easier to overcome than in the first three days of fasting), while for others the desire to eat food disappears altogether.

Seventh day of fasting begins with a feeling of vigor and emotional uplift, but towards the evening a wave of weakness sets in, and the temperature can rise to high levels. Advice: drink plenty of fluids!

A week-long refusal of food affects the state of the body as follows:

  • The stomach decreased in size, which is why the desire to eat large portions of food disappeared.
  • The skin became smoother, the number of acne on the face decreased.
  • Weight loss is about 500 g per day.

At the same time:

  • The amount of plaque on the tongue increases.
  • An unpleasant odor of acetone appears from the oral cavity.
  • Urine and sweat acquire a pungent odor.
  • Existing diseases worsen.

A seven-day water fast helps to rebuild and prepare the body for a longer period of abstinence from food. The fact is that it is by the end of the seventh day of fasting that the body switches to internal (or energy) nutrition.

  • Read also: 4 signs of false hunger

Fasting 21 days

Three-week water fasting is a complex process and requires not only willpower, but also a competent approach.

If you decide to fast for more than 7-10 days, you should at least consult a doctor and undergo a series of examinations that will help you decide whether your body is ready for such serious stress.

Eighth day of fasting , like the seventh, begins quite cheerfully and energetically. But, unfortunately, you rarely have enough energy for the whole day, so by the evening you will begin to experience severe fatigue. Tip: Get plenty of rest and go to bed earlier.

From the ninth to the fourteenth day fasting occurs against the background of the absence of a feeling of hunger, the body feels light. In this case, an exacerbation of the sense of smell is often observed. However, sometimes the mood may deteriorate sharply, and aversion to food may be replaced by severe bouts of hunger.

Fifteenth and sixteenth days of fasting – a period of cleansing of the skin, which acquires a smoother surface and a healthier appearance. Plaque on the tongue and a strong odor from the mouth are still present (the plaque must be removed, and special herbal rinses must be used to combat oral odor).

On the seventeenth day of fasting bad breath disappears, as does the coating on the tongue. However, by the evening your overall health may deteriorate noticeably: weakness and dizziness appear, and body temperature rises.

Eighteenth and nineteenth days of fasting may become the beginning of a second crisis, which may last one day, or may stretch for three days. At this time, the fasting person may experience weakness, nausea and discomfort in the digestive tract. Let us note that this crisis is easier to bear than the first.

In the last two days fasting, the mood improves noticeably, although the body is weakened. In addition, with prolonged fasting, by this time the speech, movements and reactions of the fasting person slow down. A person does not experience hunger.

Benefits of a three-week fast:

  • Deep cleansing of the body.
  • Regeneration of the skin: increasing skin firmness and elasticity, smoothing out fine wrinkles.
  • Normalization of the functioning of the stomach and intestines.
  • Losing excess weight.
  • Activation of mental activity.

However, it should be remembered that each person’s body is individual, so it can react to such a long-term lack of food with the following symptoms, if they appear, you should urgently consult a doctor who will help you properly break the fast.

  • Severe dizziness accompanied by nausea and vomiting.
  • A sharp decrease or increase in pressure.
  • Flashing of midges before the eyes.
  • Hallucinations.
  • Depression.
  • Loss of more than 40 - 45% of body weight.
  • The appearance of pain syndrome.
  • Exacerbation of existing chronic diseases.

Among the less dangerous, but no less dangerous unpleasant symptoms fasting I would like to highlight the following:

  • sleep disturbance;
  • constant thoughts about food against the background of hunger;
  • weakness;
  • irritability and mood swings;
  • hair loss;
  • brittle nails;
  • bruises under the eyes.

During prolonged hunger In this case, purulent nasal discharge and a wet cough may appear, but people with experience of fasting are advised not to do so. special attention to these symptoms indicating cleansing of the body.

In general, it is believed that in the first three days the kidneys are cleansed, by the seventh day of fasting on water the gastrointestinal tract is cleansed, and by the 12th day the lymphatic system and blood vessels are cleansed. If you want to clear skeletal system, then you will have to give up food for 21 days. The nervous system will be brought back to normal after 36 days of fasting. And only by day 40 the body will be completely cleansed.

If the main purpose of your hunger strike is not an act of protest, but an original option for losing weight, then we will try to dissuade you from this reckless idea. Even though you lose a couple of kilograms, it will only be excess fluid, but the hated fat and cellulite will not go away. And let’s be honest with you - everything will come back with interest in the following days of ending the hunger strike, so this method of losing weight is completely useless.

Then why is everyone so persistent in switching to water? There is still a rational grain in this method:

  • The body will be cleansed of toxins and waste;
  • Excess fluid will come out, which is why our legs swell, and the tubercles of cellulite seem the size of a canyon;
  • At the end of the program, you have every chance to fit into a dress or jeans that have been bursting at the seams for a long time;
  • During this time, your stomach will shrink to a tiny size, so you will no longer need to consume huge portions in order to satiate it.


Having learned to fast for one day at a time and making sure that the body is clearly not going to die at this time and that the described “pangs of hunger” are significantly exaggerated, it is a good idea to move on to a three-day fast. However, at first, for a test of strength, two days will be enough.

You should not immediately start a three-day fast without doing a one-day fast several times. It is advisable to study the behavior of your body during hunger, to accustom the body to quickly switch to cleansing.

It is recommended to set yourself up for a specific date in advance and not eat animal food for the last 3-4 days. At the same time, prepare yourself psychologically in order to feel a strong determination to begin and successfully complete your plan. Over time, such a mood will arise by itself, as soon as a person realizes the need for ongoing cleansing. This will indicate a very increased self-awareness and liberation from a kind of mental blinders, food slavery, which hinders spiritual development. With the habit of fasting from time to time, many begin to feel joy after each decision to begin fasting and usually look forward to the appointed day.

But if the body has become accustomed to weekly hunger over the years, then this habit cannot be abruptly abandoned. Or you need to not give the body the opportunity to get used to it, deliberately breaking the rhythm - fasting during different days, make Omissions, increase the period to two days, etc. Mental strength increases with any conscious hunger.

If your intestines are clogged, instead of an enema (or after an enema), take a laxative on the eve of fasting. 30-50 g bitters Epsom salts(or Barbara salts) are dissolved in 500 ml of water and drunk 5-6 or more hours after breakfast or a not very heavy lunch. They don’t eat anything else on this day.

If you don’t take laxatives or drink weak herbal remedies, then you can have a no-frills dinner the night before. In the evening they give an enema and, if necessary, drink a mild laxative at night, which is effective the next morning.

Of course, with excellent peristalsis, when there is independent stool all three days, enemas are not particularly necessary for clean, unslag-free people. But they cannot harm either, so if there is any doubt whether to do them or not, it is better to do it. After all, an enema not only removes impurities; during fasting, water is also absorbed through the intestinal walls with the reverse release of toxic products.

On the second day of fasting, wash the stomach with water in the morning. By this time, the acidity of the stomach contents increases, harmful substances are formed, and it is advisable to remove all this. In case of unpleasant sensations or belching, the stomach can be washed on any other day.

They drink water without restrictions, and if there is no swelling, then the more, the better (with the exception of “dry” fasting). Water is preferably raw, settled or purified (melt is even better). On average, they drink 1.5-2.5 liters per day. In winter, when it is cold, the water is heated. However, warm water works better in summer, if it is not very hot.

During the first 2-3 days, very strong cleansing occurs through the kidneys, so drinking enough water is important. But if you don’t want to drink it at all, then you shouldn’t force yourself. A “pure” person can trust his instinct. Sometimes, however, a few drops of lemon juice are added to the water for taste.

During a three-day fast, you can perform almost any daily activity. It is only advisable, starting from the second day, not to do very hard work (do not rearrange furniture, do not try to unload a car with soil in the garden, etc.), and on the third day not even carry heavy bags (more than 2-3 kg).

However, these restrictions are very conditional. Accustomed to fasting, healthy people often deliberately give themselves a larger load so that the cleansing is more intense. However, the approach here is strictly individual. If a fasting athlete can and even should continue to do push-ups, pull-ups, squats, etc., then a not very healthy person, walking on the third day with a heavy bag, can provoke severe pain in the stomach.

But walking is good for everyone, without exception, and the more, the better (ensuring, of course, that there is no severe shortness of breath, palpitations, etc.). It is advisable to spend at least 3-4 hours a day in the fresh air, in motion, and not sitting on a bench. (Although it is better to sit on a bench in the garden than at home).

Long walks can intensify the cleansing processes several times.

Breaking out of fasting

Juices. The entire first day is spent on juices. Tomato, apple, and plum juices are suitable. Grape and carrot juices, citrus juices and juices that are too sweet or sour are excluded. It is advisable to produce the output using any one juice, although it is possible to use different ones - on the first day one, on the second day - another, or before lunch - one, after lunch - another. It is generally accepted that tomato juice is the best(1).

For peptic ulcers of the stomach and duodenum and intolerance to juices, they are replaced with mucous oatmeal decoction.

An excellent solution is obtained with watermelon juice. But it has been noticed that fruit juices make you want to eat more than vegetable juices.

If there are no juices, then in the evening you can pour a handful of dried apricots with a liter of cold water. In the morning, give the dried apricots to someone, drink the compote like juice, soaking another portion for the afternoon.

Another method, sometimes used when there is no juice or a sick stomach, is to boil a potato, crush it, add boiling water, stir and strain. It turns out to be a very liquid mash, almost like water. It is drunk straight warm.

This refers to canned tomato juice without salt. Freshly squeezed tomato juice does not suit many people after hunger. Salted fruit causes swelling and many destructions in the body.

There are other methods, but if you have tomato juice (and if it does not cause discomfort), then it is preferable to go out on it.

1st dose: in the morning, mix 50 g of juice with 50 g of water.

2nd dose: after 30-60 minutes, mix 100 g of juice with 50 g of water.

3rd dose: after an hour, 100 g of pure juice.

4th dose: after an hour, 100 g of pure juice.

5th dose: after an hour, 150 g of juice.

6th appointment: an hour later - lunch - 200 g of juice.

Before lunch, drink 100-200 g of juice every hour and a half.

Dinner. Raw grated vegetables or fruits, except orange ones. (The orange carotenoids contained in these foods are said to have an adverse effect on the liver in the first days after fasting, and negative effects may not appear until 2-3 months after the failure). For a sick stomach, liquid is good oatmeal without salt and oil. You can have bananas for lunch.

Afternoon snack. Apples or other fruits, or grated vegetables, or juices.

Dinner. Vegetable stew or vegetable soup, or porridge, or potatoes with a small amount of butter (one teaspoon) without salt, maybe with a slice of bread.

3rd and 4th days.

A gentle diet excluding animal foods, confectionery, some orange vegetables and fruits, limiting fat and salt.

5th and 6th days.

Predominantly fruit and vegetable diet (starchy foods twice a day) with the exception of animal foods and confectionery products.


Colds, bronchitis and many other diseases (except chronic ones) are cured by three-day fasting. The liver, stomach and intestines are significantly restored. The body removes a lot of poisons and gains new strength.

Recent studies have found that after a 3-day fast, the number of T-lymphocytes increases by 30%.

Frequency of fasting

It is very good to fast every month for three days and another one or two times for one day. This regime ensures the removal of almost all newly received and formed toxins and promotes a gradual, more complete cleansing of the body. The body gradually gets used to the clean state and over time refuses to accept more and more “dead” foods.

Ar Eddar. Treatise on Nutrition

This is a healing practice that forces the human body, under the influence of stress, to cleanse itself and start the processes of resorption of tumors and polyps. It belongs to alternative medicine, although the clinical effectiveness of the method has been confirmed by doctors. A person using this type of diet refuses to eat for a certain period of time. During this time, changes occur in the body:

Duration of hunger strike (days)

Positive changes

Appetite increases, the nervous system goes into a state of stress, digestion is rebooted, toxins are removed from the blood

Cleansing the intercellular substance from pus, impurities, degeneration of intestinal epithelial tissue

Unloading the heart nervous system, cleansing the cells of the liver, intestines, stomach, enhancing the resorption of polyps and tumors

Salts and mucus are removed, the functioning of the kidneys and liver is normalized, and the renewal of cells in the gastrointestinal tract ends.

How to fast properly

Before starting the practice of fasting, it is necessary to prepare the body for such stress:

  1. 3 months before the hunger strike, make changes to your diet by removing meat, butter, and other animal protein, except cottage cheese.
  2. Gradually transition to a plant-based diet, including fresh fruits, freshly squeezed juices, mineral water, boiled vegetables. Such nutrition will help the gastrointestinal tract system adjust before entering a state of prolonged hunger, removing waste, toxins, and old bile.
  3. Prepare your kidneys: drinking fruit juices, herbal infusions with honey will help them reach their optimal operating mode.

How to break fasting

It is advisable to recover from hunger under the strict supervision of your doctor. This will help avoid the unpleasant consequences of a sudden change in digestion. The first portion of food should consist of fresh vegetables, carrot juice, green apples. These products will not put unnecessary strain on the gastrointestinal tract. On the second day, supplement your diet with a piece of bread, porridge, kefir, egg or nuts. For a week, refrain from eating regular foods, especially those containing sugar. To further cleanse the liver, accompany your recovery from a long fast by switching to a diet of juices.

From a one-day fast

There are no significant changes in vital systems, and there is no need for restorative nutrition. After a short fast, eat plant foods: vegetable salads, stewed cabbage, carrots, you can drink grape juice. Try drinking whey and herbal decoctions for 3-5 days: this will increase the efficiency of the intestines and optimize the suspended digestion process. It is recommended to drink 3 glasses of weakly brewed black tea per day.

Exit from a 3-day water fast

There is a slight inhibition of digestive processes and a slowdown in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. In order not to overload the intestines, exclude meat products and sweets from the menu for 3-5 days after the fast. Prepare a salad of fresh cabbage and carrots 2-3 times a day, and consume fermented milk products to normalize the acid-base balance of the stomach. The correct way out of water fasting includes drinking herbal juices that have a laxative effect. This will speed up the bowel movements. For breakfast and dinner, prepare low-fat cottage cheese with kefir, and boil an egg.

From a 5 day fast

There is a transition to internal nutrition when healthy body begins to use accumulated resources, getting rid of waste and toxins contained inside fat cells - a reserve source of energy. A temporary transition to a menu is provided to help return all systems to normal operation:

Fresh juice diluted with water

Breakfast – juice. Lunch, dinner – vegetable puree

Fresh vegetables, fruits, you can eat bread, nuts

Boiled vegetables, vegetarian soups, water porridges are introduced

Fermented milk products and butter are added

Salty foods

Eggs, cottage cheese, boiled meat

From a 7 day fast

Exit from a week-long fast should occur gradually, without overloading the gastrointestinal tract and liver. These organs managed to switch to an energy-saving mode and began to use internal reserves of nutrients. A sudden change in diet entails negative consequences. Be careful after dry fasting: do not drink more than 1 liter of liquid per day. The menu for breaking a seven-day hunger strike is no different from a five-day one, except for entering a meal schedule. Fractional nutrition will help cope with the transition to external energy supply.

From a 10 day fast

A person completely switches from saturation to cell detoxification through the consumption of internal energy reserves. The difference between a seven-day and a ten-day fast is negligible. To better prepare your body for the return of the regular menu, on the last day of the diet, eat 2-3 tomatoes stewed without salt or spices. Entering fresh raw vegetables, set aside the fruit for 1 day. Intestinal functions can be stimulated to work with a glass of sour milk, whey or carrot juice.

Exit from a 20-day fast according to G. Shelton

A well-known nutritionist has developed a unique system for breaking a long hunger strike:

Half a glass of freshly squeezed carrot juice every hour for 12 hours

The interval is doubled, a whole glass is taken

6 ripe juicy oranges. 1 – for breakfast, 2 – lunch, 3 – dinner

Juicy fruit in the morning; lunch menu - vegetable salad, borscht without salt or spices; dinner is the same as breakfast

Borscht is replaced with 2 boiled vegetables, baked potatoes, boiled egg white

The amount of food increases by 30-40%

Normal diet

What not to eat after fasting

After a stressful period, the body needs time to recover and a gradual transition to a standard diet. Forget about junk food like chips, snacks, dried fish. Remember that protein dishes, heavy foods and alcohol can put the body, vulnerable after a diet, into a state of severe intoxication, which can lead to irreversible consequences. To avoid overloading your gastrointestinal tract, stop using the following for a week:

  • fatty foods;
  • sweet;
  • canned food, factory juices;
  • salt, spices;
  • fresh milk, cream;
  • replace coffee with chicory;
  • meat products, sources of animal fat;
  • alcohol, alcohol-containing medications;