Strength exercises for the waist. The best exercises for a thin waist. exercises for a perfect waist

Even the thinnest waist can be ruined by unsightly ridges that appear after childbirth or sudden weight gain. To get rid of them, you need to do special exercises for the sides and abdomen, which will help tighten ligaments and skin.

Fitness exercises without equipment

At home, it is not always possible to use special dumbbells or barbells to eliminate fat accumulations, but even without them there are quite effective exercises from the sides.

The most simple option are bending from side to side. You need to place your feet slightly wider than your shoulders and extend your arms across your body. Take turns bending in different directions, while raising your free hand (which is not at an angle of inclination). The main thing is not to bend over too quickly; the muscles should tense during flexion and extension. Repeat as many times as possible, in two approaches.

In order to quickly remove fat sides, you need to combine several types of this exercise in one approach, as if creating an easy super-set. After finishing simple tilts, you need to start to slopes with turns. They will help warm up the oblique muscles.

Photo - tilts

Next, let's proceed to press. There are many options on how to pump up your stomach at home and thereby eliminate the roller. For example, you can lift one by one upper press and lower. Some celebrities even do both at the same time.

Photo - Side press

How to properly pump up abs for women:

  1. You need to lay an exercise mat on the floor - it will provide the necessary surface rigidity. Depending on the structure of your spine, you may need to place a pillow under your lower back;
  2. We put our hands behind our heads and begin to lift our abs;
  3. We repeat the maximum number of times, then immediately begin to raise the torso. In this case, heated ligaments give the greatest impact;
  4. Many athletes recommend doing crunches to tighten the oblique muscles of the torso and reduce the waist. It should be noted that they are not suitable for girls who want to reduce their sides. Theoretically, of course, the fat will go away, but instead you will become the owner of enough broad muscles, which will still visually burden the waist.

Photo – Press on lateral muscles

But at the same time, crunches are the best exercises for fast burning excess fat on the sides. Only girls need to do them a little differently. When you lift your body, at the end point you need to tense your abs even more than they are tense at this moment. Then slowly release it and lower yourself.

For a flat stomach and round sides you simply must do leg crunches. This complex exercise, which also helps tighten the pelvis after childbirth and strengthen the front of the thigh. Starting position: on the floor with a ball or bottle sandwiched between your legs. The knees are bent at an angle of 90 degrees. Tilt them to the sides along with the ball, trying to touch the surface of the mat.

Photo - Twisting

Since many exercises for the lateral muscles require bending and twisting, mill combines all options. This perfect way for feminine rounding of the sides. Place your feet shoulder-width apart, spread your arms in different directions, they should be straight, as should both knees. Bend over and start swinging your palms to the sides. Do as much as you can.

Photo – Mill

Bodyflex exercises for slimming sides and lower press Also easy to do at home. For example, the most effective of this technique is the following. You need to sit in the basic breathing position, knees bent and tucked under you, hands free. Inhale and release left hand V right side, as you exhale, you need to reach the maximum point of inclination and stay a little in this position. Do the same with the other hand. In addition to a slim waist, this exercise guarantees increased flexibility in the back and legs.

This whole set of exercises for the sides will help you complete training for gymnastic ball or fitball. She will remove all excess from the lower tummy and waist. You need to lift your body on it, jump, do push-ups. Also this great way quick warm-up of the body before classes.

Photo - On a gymnastic ball

Video: side exercises

Exercises in the fitness room

Of course, doing it at home is simple and pleasant, but the most effective exercises for the abdomen and sides are performed in gym. This is explained by the huge number of different exercise machines and dumbbells. Used to quickly reduce the abdomen and sides roman chair. This simulator is designed to pump up the abs and gives much greater results than simple lifting of the body from the floor.

Photo - On a Roman chair

You need to sit on a chair and put your legs under the bolsters, while your hands hold your head so that your neck muscles do not sway instead of your abs. Begin to lift your body, making sure that the load does not transfer to the front of the thigh. Do as much as you can.

Most women have simply excellent exercises for the waist and abs with dumbbells. They help provide some weight during exercise. You can start with the smallest ones - from a kilogram to two, but you don’t need to dwell on them. Take the dumbbells in your hands and bring them to your head, they should be at ear level. To strengthen your abs and remove creases, you can swing on a Roman chair or just from a straight bench. Holding the dumbbells near your ears, lift your body up.

A good exercise that will help you get rid of fat on your sides, stomach and tighten your back muscles is vertical bends with dumbbells. The main difference between this option and classical traction dumbbells, which helps to increase the deltoids, is that it has a very small amplitude of execution. You need to take dumbbells and carry them on straight arms above your head, then bend from side to side as many times as possible.

Photo - Bent-overs with dumbbells

It is worth noting that the press is involved in almost all exercise machines and devices. Eg, squats will help comprehensively tighten the muscles of the body. They will get rid of ears, sides and sagging legs. How to squat with a barbell:

  1. Feet shoulder-width apart, it is recommended to place mats under the heels;
  2. The vulture lies on shoulder muscles, while inhaling we squat - while exhaling we stand up;
  3. It is very important to ensure that your knees point in different directions;
  4. Keep your back straight at all times, do not bend it, otherwise this exercise can cause harm.

Photos after squats convince that the girls did not become jocks, but acquired more sinewy and sculpted muscles. it's the same a good option for removing deposits in large areas gluteal muscle.

Photo - Turns with a stick

Likewise bench press can be used not only for tightening pectoral muscles, but also for the development of abdominal ligaments. Lie down on a bench, your feet should be on the floor, resting on it. As you inhale, remove the barbell from the holders and lower it to your chest, while exhaling, lift it up. Repeat up to 15 times.

And most last exercise to restore back flexibility, thin waist and a flat tummy is deadlift . This is a rather complicated but effective option to get rid of fat folds. Barbell on the floor or lower mounts, back straight, feet shoulder-width apart. We lower the barbell as we inhale until it hits the floor, and raise it as we exhale. This is also a great activity for back surface thighs and buttocks.

Graceful and slender girls are a pleasure to look at. Beautiful curves, graceful gait, slim stomach ik is not always a gift from nature. In 99% of cases, this is the result of long, daily, hard work on your body, nutrition, and lifestyle. But the result is really worth it! How to make a thin waist at home: a selection of the most effective methods and what you don’t need to waste time on.

Main body types:

  1. Apple. The most difficult type of figure to shape the waist, has no pronounced curves, the chest and stomach are full, the legs are thin.
  2. Pear. Girls with such a figure look very feminine, their waist is thin, but their hips and legs are wide and full.
  3. Inverted triangle. This type also does not have a pronounced waist; the body at the waist can be wider than the hip line.
  4. Rectangle. The hips, waist and chest have almost the same volume or look so, it is quite difficult to shape a figure with this type.
  5. Hourglass. Ideal type, hips and chest are approximately the same, waist is thin. This includes the world-famous parameter standard 90-60-90.

Of course, girls with “apple” or “rectangle” shapes should not give up and lean on buns. In any case, efforts and work on the body will give positive results. You can pump up your hips and buttocks, choose the right clothes to visually narrow your waist. There are many different ways, how to make a thin waist, including surgical ones. But drastic measures are not always necessary.

Interesting: According to standards, the waist of a healthy adult man should not exceed 98 cm. For women, the maximum is 78 cm. Large numbers are considered a deviation and indicate obesity and health problems.

The right sport

Abdominal pumping, bending, and lifting the torso are the most popular exercises for the waist and flat tummy. But often they only enlarge the sides, as they are done incorrectly. To really remove the excess in the right place, it is wiser to work with a trainer or at least get a few lessons. Small mistakes lead to pumping of the lateral abdominal muscles. Weighted squats, side bends (including while sitting), and crunches require practicing the correct technique.

What exercises can you do without fear:

  1. Cross bar. A person stretches out into a string and is held in this position with the help of two support points: toes, bent arms.
  2. Side plank. A person stretches out in a position lying on his side, supported by two support points: an arm bent at the elbow and the side of the foot.
  3. Jumping rope. They strengthen the back and abdominal muscles, speed up metabolism, and will have a positive effect on the entire figure.
  4. Deep squats. The exercise can only be done without weights.

Very good result give Burpee exercises. This is a small complex for high-quality training of the muscles of the whole body, including the abdomen. It consists of exercises that move from one to another. The lesson starts with deep squats, which flows into a plank, then squats again and jumps sharply.

"Vacuum" for slimness

A good help in forming curves and getting rid of the tummy will be the “Vacuum” exercise, sometimes called “Pump”; breathing exercises “Bodyflex” and “Oxysize” work on the same principle.

The exercise is done immediately after waking up or simply on an empty stomach; you can not combine it with the main workout and spend a few minutes separately. The vacuum can be done standing, on all fours or lying down. Brief technique execution: exhale all the air to the very end, pull your stomach under your ribs, hold your breath for 8-10 counts, inhale. Repeat several times.

Video: Thin waist in 7 minutes a day

Proper nutrition and weight control

The waist will never be thin if you eat flour products, sweets, fatty foods, and fast food. All these products contain fast carbohydrates and are instantly deposited on the sides and stomach. It is very difficult to remove fat from this area; it is the last thing to go. Therefore, the primary task is to bring the weight back to normal, only after that start working on problem area. An obese and even slightly overweight person can gain beautiful waist will not work.

For weight loss, you can choose some effective diet, a huge number of them have been developed. Calorie counting, protein-carbohydrate alternation helps to lose weight, fasting days. If extra pounds a little or just want to shrink your belly normal weight body, then it is wiser to switch to proper, fractional nutrition.

Basic principles of proper nutrition:

  1. Carbohydrate foods are consumed in the first half of the day until 12 o'clock. After lunch, only proteins, low-fat dairy products, vegetables.
  2. It is not recommended to consume fruits after 16:00. You can make them into an afternoon snack.
  3. Dinner is as light as possible: chicken, fish, fresh vegetables, low-fat cottage cheese.
  4. After 6 pm you can and should eat so that your metabolism does not slow down. It is advisable to have a meal 2-3 hours before bedtime. An ideal late dinner would be boiled chicken, a protein omelet, kefir or cottage cheese.
  5. Alcohol is very high in calories and harmful, and its use often leads to loss of willpower and overeating. You can sometimes allow yourself 1-2 glasses of dry wine, but not more than once a week.
  6. The maximum serving size is 300 g. It is better to stick to 200-250 g, have a snack every 2.5-3 hours.

Important! Water is needed for normal body function and weight loss, but you don’t need to drink it in liters at once. Drinking should also be fractional, in small sips of a glass every 1-2 hours. You shouldn’t force yourself to catch up with the daily norm in the evening.

Correct posture

Over the years, women get fatter, they have a tummy, their waist spreads out to the sides, and very often this is associated with a biological slowdown in metabolism. As the world famous doctor Elena Malysheva says, from 30 to 40 years metabolic processes slow down by 30%, from 40 to 50 years another 30%. But for some reason, many are silent about posture. She also suffers over the years, but begins to change much earlier, sometimes from her youth. It’s worth going to the mirror and straightening up, stretching your neck, squeezing your shoulder blades together, and changes in your waist will immediately be noticeable. Your tummy will become flat and your figure will be attractive.

How to restore or change your posture:

  1. Strengthening the back muscles. They are responsible for posture and help support the tummy. Back exercises will help, for example, “cat”. Yoga and stretching have beneficial effects.
  2. Special corsets. Smart devices that simply make it impossible to slouch. Exist different types corsets to straighten posture and prevent curvature.
  3. Constant control. Special attention you need to pay attention to your posture when working at the computer, writing or reading, or eating. It is at these moments that the muscles relax and the stomach “falls out.”

Video: Posture like a queen

Colon cleansing

The intestines of modern people are lazy, they are not completely cleansed, and over the years, fecal deposits, microbes, and mucus accumulate in the folds. Their weight can reach several kilograms. Naturally, this is also excess volume in the area abdominal cavity. The problem is often associated with poor nutrition, namely insufficient intake of coarse fibers - fiber. Fresh vegetables, cereals, and baked goods made from grain flour are increasingly being replaced by buns, sweets, and sausages.

How to help your intestines cleanse:

  1. Eat fresh vegetables, porridge from unrefined cereals, grain bread and wholemeal flour every day.
  2. Take a cleansing course pharmaceutical drugs. For example, “Lactofiltrum”, “Fortrans”, “Lavacol”.
  3. Can be cleaned with accessible folk remedies. For example, beets and kefir, salt water with lemon.
  4. Include bran in your diet. A small portion of 30 g will cover the body's daily need for fiber.

The effect of cleansing the intestines will be very noticeable; you can take measurements first and compare them after a few days. Losses amount to 3-5 cm. The figure will instantly transform, along with harmony, lightness and good mood will appear.

Cleansing the intestines has other positive aspects: stool function improves, complexion and skin condition improves, the number of rashes is reduced, waste and toxins that poison the blood are removed from the body. The procedure is useful in all respects, but requires a competent approach.

Clothes: how to hide a flaw

A person spends most of his life in clothes. It can not only cover the body, but also hide flaws, highlight advantages, and visually narrow the waist. The simplest and safest option is shapewear. There is no need to save money on it; you should not buy it online. It is important to choose the right size. The tummy and waist should be tightened, but without folds or protruding seams.

You should not buy shapewear in bright colors or decorated with lace or lacing, with the exception of corsets. Shapewear should be invisible. If it is not possible to buy several different colors, then it is better to immediately take beige. It will suit colored, white and dark things.

Tricks for choosing clothes:

  1. Dark top, light bottom. If you wear a wide black belt or a dark T-shirt, the waist will look advantageous compared to the light bottom.
  2. A-line skirts. The flared hem visually makes the upper part of the figure more feminine, sophisticated, and favorably emphasizes the waist.
  3. Skirts and trousers made of fabric with horizontal stripes. This option will visually widen the hips, create contrast, and is perfect for girls with a rectangle or apple figure.
  4. Cropped jackets. Such clothes draw the waist line and emphasize it.
  5. High-waisted jeans and flared trousers. They elongate the figure, add grace and sophistication, and emphasize the waistline.
  6. Basque. It can be present on skirts, dresses, blouses. This option is suitable only for slender girls. On obese people, the basque sometimes looks funny and awkward.
  7. Dresses with dark inserts. Dress models with dark side wedges also form the curve of the hips. The figure in such clothes looks slender and sexy.

When looking for clothes, you shouldn’t forget about your color type and your age. What is right and looks good on another person is not always suitable.

Useless and ineffective methods

Not every hard work will be rewarded with a slim waist. In addition to effective methods, there are a lot of useless ones, but for some reason they are advertised and known techniques. At best, they will only take up time; at worst, they can harm the body.

What doesn't help:

  1. Wraps. Yes, you can lose a few centimeters in your waist, the extra water will go away, but in a few days everything will return. You can use wraps as an express method before an important day or event.
  2. Hoop, hula hoop. A controversial way to get a beautiful waist. Some assure of its effectiveness, others complain about the abundance of bruises. But not even the most expensive hoop can provoke lipolysis (breakdown of fat) in the right place.
  3. Slimming belts or thermal underwear. This is not only useless, but also harmful. Many girls put all this on before playing sports, the effect is the same as from body wraps. But only water leaves, and under pressure breathing becomes difficult and work becomes more difficult internal organs.
  4. Shaping corsets. They give an instant visual result, but there is no question of any long-term effect.

It’s even worse when girls apply anti-cellulite creams, wrap themselves in film or put on weight loss belts, and then start twirling a hoop like that. The effect of the procedure is possible, but short-lived. It is impossible to lose weight locally, and the lost water will return very soon. The maximum that can be achieved using these methods is to improve the condition of the skin due to good penetration of the cream. But why not just rub it in and give it a gentle massage? Any pressure on the abdominal area leads to pain and injury to internal organs. Way to beautiful figure need to be laid out correctly!

Video: The most dangerous abdominal exercises

Even with proper weight loss and a positive result from the process, many still have the problem of a too wide waist and a protruding abdomen. Moreover, these parts of the body are considered the most problematic for both men and women. Special tools will help make your waist narrow and your stomach flat physical exercise, they can be performed in the gym or at home.

There is a specially designed set of exercises that will help strengthen the waist muscles and improve skin tone in this area. They should be performed slowly, sharp jerks/turns are excluded - with such loads the back muscles are involved, careless execution of the complex can lead to their damage and displacement of the intervertebral discs.

The second indispensable condition is to warm up before each workout. Squats, bending and turning the body, jumping, running in place will help “warm up” the muscles, prepare the heart and respiratory system for more serious loads.

At home, you can make your waist thin with the following exercises:

  • Side bends. The simplest movement that is performed on school lessons physical education, and within morning exercises. To achieve the desired result, you need to meet 3 conditions: place your feet shoulder-width apart and when bending, do not move them from their place, do not bend your knees; Place your hands on your waist, turning your elbows to the sides and not moving them forward, raise your head, straighten your back and do not allow your body to move forward or backward.
  • Twisted forward bends. Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, hands behind your head and palms clasped together. You need to lean forward, simultaneously raising your leg straight up and try to touch your right elbow to your left knee, then vice versa.
  • Collection of matches. You need to scatter matches from 1 box on the floor around you and begin to collect them, bending deeply forward. One match – one incline/rise. To complicate the exercise, you can alternate bending and squats - this will speed up the overall process of losing weight.
  • Mill. Place your feet shoulder-width apart, bend down, and lower your arms. The body moves to the sides, the arms are spread to the sides, with each swing you need to touch the opposite feet with your palms.
  • Body turns. You need to stand up straight and comfortable, stretch your arms straight forward at chest level. Perform slow body turns to the right and left. Particular attention should be paid to ensuring that the back remains straight and the arms and legs are bent at the joints.
  • maintain a drinking regime not only during the day, but also during exercises - drink a few sips of clean water between exercises;
  • You can eat food 2 hours before classes and 3 hours after;
  • additionally spin the hula hoop (“hoop”) for at least 30 minutes daily;
  • follow a diet, giving up fast carbohydrates.

Exercises to reduce your waist and wide hips

To tidy up both the waist and hips at the same time, it is worth complicating the complex and additionally performing the following exercises:

  • Lie on your back, place your arms straight at your sides, bend your knees and bring them together. Rotate your hips and lower your knees to the floor, first to the left, then to the right. Your arms, back and head should remain motionless.
  • Get on your knees and push forward with your hands. Turn your hips and touch the floor with them in different directions alternately. The head, shoulders and arms should remain motionless.
  • Lie on your left side, rest your right hand on the floor. Raise your legs straight up to the maximum possible height. Then perform this exercise while lying on your right side.
  • Lie straight on your back, place your arms along your body. Raise your straight legs up, then slowly bend them at the knees and hips - they will come closer to the chest. Immediately return to the starting position. Only the lower back can be mobile, top part the torso must remain in place.

Each exercise is repeated at least 10 times. If excess weight does not allow this, then you can start with any amount, gradually increasing this “indicator”.

For a set of exercises for a thin waist at home, watch this video:

How to get a flat stomach in the gym

In the gym, benches are used to work out the abs, and Swedish walls. Raising the legs while hanging at a right angle, lifting the body from a lying position upside down will give a positive result - the abdominal muscles will strengthen, with active work“cubes” will even appear. But the big problem is fat in the lower abdomen - in the part that is below the abs. And to correct your appearance you will need to perform the following exercises in the gym:

  • squats with a barbell on the shoulders - a maximum weight of 15 kg is suitable for women, at least twice as much for men;
  • aerobic exercise lasting at least 1 hour, as a result of which a person should sweat thoroughly;
  • fast or interval running on a treadmill for 40 minutes;
  • exercises with a gymnastic “wheel”.

It is highly advisable to exercise in the gym under the supervision of an instructor or coach - this will guarantee that the exercises are performed correctly and that the training period is observed.

It is very difficult to achieve an absolutely flat stomach, in most cases it is almost impossible. Even bodybuilders have a small amount of fat in the lower part of their torso, so they deliberately dehydrate the body before performances. But such sacrifices are useless - a very small “influx” against the general background slim figure hardly anyone will notice.

For a set of exercises for a thin waist in the gym, watch this video:

Simple breathing exercises

Bodyflex is a breathing exercise that not only provides a general reduction in body weight, but also guarantees the formation of a thin waist and flat stomach. The basis of breathing exercises: stand up straight, spread your legs much wider than your shoulders, bend your knees slightly and rest your palms on the front of your thighs.

Take a deep breath - you need to try to remove all the air from your lungs, then quickly and noisily inhale through your nose. Without pausing for a second, exhale all the air through your mouth, relaxing the diaphragm - you get a “bang” exclamation. At this moment, the breath is held and about 10 abdominal retractions/relaxations are performed. Only after this can you take a deep, relaxed breath.

It turns out that in different poses you will need to breathe exactly according to this pattern: exhale/inhale/exhale/hold your breath/inhale. Some people begin to change in appearance even when they regularly perform only the basic breathing exercise. But it can also be combined with certain poses: The exercise is performed at least 3 times in each direction. The speed of execution is slow, sudden jerks are not allowed.

The exercise is repeated at least 3 times, after each you need to relax and even shake off your upper limbs.

Breathing exercises should be performed daily. Experts recommend taking time in the morning - after all, only 20 minutes are enough to get a positive result. And it will appear after 20 - 30 days of daily training. If you add real ones to bodyflex physical exercise, then this period is reduced by 5 - 10 days.

A thin waist and flat stomach may not be a dream, but a reality. Yes, you will have to work hard - adjust your diet, exercise and devote time breathing exercises. But the results will certainly please you. Moreover, they are so fast and extremely positive.

Useful video

To learn how to make your waist thin with bodyflex, watch this video:

The information in the “Cleansing the Body” section will help you figure out how to properly get rid of toxins, toxins and other harmful substances, as well as what procedures can normalize metabolism, tighten your figure and put it in order after losing weight. Experts share effective ways to burn fat and talk about drying the body. Here you will learn all about safe and effective cleaning and combating products. extra pounds, and also read reviews of people who have already tried this or that product. The articles presented in the section will also be useful to those who want to always be healthy and support the body in the fight against negative external factors and daily harmful temptations.


The “Diets” section presents effective methods weight loss, diets for specific diseases, nutrition programs for working out in the gym, as well as diets using fruits, vegetables, herbs, berries and other products. Experienced nutritionists will tell you how to choose the right diet and how not to break down and get out of it wisely in order to maintain the achieved result for a long time. Here you can also read about popular low-calorie, protein, designer, star and other diets, as well as choose the best vitamins for yourself and your family. This section will be useful not only for those who want to lose weight, but also for those who monitor their health and are attentive to their diet.


The “Care” section contains advice from cosmetologists, trichologists, and dermatologists. The articles describe in detail how to deal with wrinkles, pimples, blackheads, hair loss, dandruff and other problems with hair, skin and nails. Every girl will be able to choose an effective mask, learn about the intricacies of care and popular cosmetics. Experts will tell you everything about body wraps, massage techniques, the intricacies of visiting a sauna, and effective baths for weight loss. With our help, you can say goodbye to cellulite once and for all and choose the most effective method for this. Here you can also find information about why your fingers go numb, your back hurts, your palms sweat, and solve a lot of health problems.


Correct your figure, restore attractive shape after childbirth or weight loss, strengthen your arms, enlarge your breasts, shape perfect posture, get rid of cellulite - you will learn how to do all this in the “Exercises” section. Fitness trainers will talk about correct technique performing the exercises, all the subtleties and nuances so that the training becomes as effective as possible, and the results are noticeable as much as possible short time. The exercise sets are conveniently divided by body part. You can also learn everything about yoga here.

Any girl who cares about her appearance dreams of a thin “wasp” waist, but achieving this takes some effort. Fat in the abdomen and sides is deposited first, so you need to constantly monitor your figure.

Of course, you can use a corset, but it significantly complicates breathing and negatively affects the general condition of the body. It is worth working hard and making every effort to engage in sports complex, as shown in the photo of waist exercises.

See more examples here effective training

Each girl has an individual physique, which is inherited, as well as a personal hormonal background. If a person has a tendency to be overweight and obese, then achieving a slim figure will be much more difficult, but it is quite possible.

There are no specific boundaries or measurements for the thinness of the waist; the main thing is that it is combined with the entire figure as a whole.

To fulfill your dream and ultimately get a graceful waist and hips, it is important to adhere to the following recommendations:

  • exercises for a thin waist and diet should be combined at the same time;
  • exercises should be combined in an active scheme for the whole body;
  • you need to exclude sweets, flour products and alcoholic drinks from your diet, so the result will be more noticeable;
  • a set of exercises should be aimed at burning fat, since the use power loads They will only increase your waist size.

Correct exercises for the waist

It is important to know that if you just pump up your abs, your waist will not “go away”, since increasing muscle volume will only expand it even more. It's better to work on your abs after the excess is removed. body fat, or combine exercises into a common complex.

Abdominal exercises have a beneficial effect on the heart muscles, improving their function, increasing the body's endurance and improving breathing.

It is most effective to do exercises for the abdomen and waist that work on the oblique abdominal muscles. Hula-hoop training and belly dancing will be quite effective.

Such training can be done at home on your own, but do not forget to do it regularly and efficiently. Before starting work, you need to measure your waist in order to find out your results in the future.

We must not forget that the training room should be well ventilated and food intake should be two hours before training! Also, before and after exercises, a warm-up is necessary, that is, stretching the muscles.

How to get a thin waist in seven days: is it real?

Of course, you should not suddenly lose weight, as this causes significant stress to the body. But there are emergency situations when, for example, you urgently need to lose weight for a certain event.

The following rules must be strictly followed:

  • during the week, determine fasting days: on kefir products, buckwheat porridge, or apples;
  • hold on strict diet without sweets, fatty and flour products. You need to eat a small portion after 4 hours and avoid late dinner;
  • carefully perform effective exercises to reduce your waistline.

Classes should take place for at least one hour without breaks, observing the correct breathing rhythm. Here are some examples of working the abdominals:

Sit on your back, hold both hands behind your head, bend both legs at the knees. Leaving your hips pressed, you need to slowly lift your body, lifting your shoulder blades off the floor. Pausing a little, slowly lower yourself to the starting position.

Lying on the floor, clasp your hands behind your head. Legs bent at the knees should be turned to one side and touch the floor. Do the same exercise in the other direction, your back should remain in a perfectly flat position.

Each exercise must be done at least 10 times in two approaches, over time the number should be gradually increased. After class, it is better to take a shower and drink freshly brewed herbal tea.

Anti-cellulite wraps, massage treatments and a special cream help significantly reduce waist size.

A set of the most effective exercises for a thin waist

For the greatest effectiveness, a set of exercises for the waist is recommended to train at least 4 times a week, so that fat does not have time to be deposited again and the muscles are constantly toned.

To begin with, it is enough to repeat the exercises for two approaches each with one-minute rest breaks. Gradually the number of repetitions should be increased to four times, and reduce rest by half.

  • Stand on the mat, resting your toes and palms on the floor. You need to keep your back straight and your hands shoulder-width apart. We rearrange one by one right hand and the leg forward, and then the left limbs as well. Repeat in the opposite direction.
  • Lying on the floor, bend your knees. Place your palms on your temples, lift your shoulder blades, pulling your body forward towards your knees.
  • Initial position: lying down, back tightly pressed to the floor, hands behind your head. Lift your shoulders off the floor, simultaneously with your legs straight, and hold them at a right angle for several seconds. Then lower yourself parallel to the floor.
  • Sit on the floor with your knees bent and your hands directly behind your back. Tilt the body back, stretching it forward left leg. Returning to the starting position, repeat the process with the right leg.
  • We lie down on our left side, stretch our left arm forward in front of us, and place our right arm behind our head. We lean on our left limb and lift our body simultaneously with our right leg. Next, repeat the exercise in the same way on the other side.

There are many such complexes, but the best exercises for the waist are shown above.

The main thing is to perform it competently and safely, to adhere as much as possible healthy eating them and keep a regular schedule! And the result will not take long to arrive!

Photos of exercises for a thin waist