Simple morning exercises for women. Morning exercises: a set of exercises. Ab exercises: crunches

There are many ways to improve your physical fitness or simply keep your body in good shape. One of these methods is daily morning exercises, thanks to which you can perfectly relieve fatigue and feel energized throughout the day. It won't take you long to do physical exercise. And if you remain in a good mood all day, you will easily achieve the goals and objectives you have set for yourself. It is recommended to do a short run and exercise before breakfast.

The benefits of morning warm-up

Simple exercise in the morning includes light jogging and simple exercises which help improve blood circulation. Thanks to this, the tissues of your body are saturated with nutrients and oxygen, which, in turn, has a beneficial effect on your health. Daily physical exercise also lead to acceleration of thought processes, increased concentration and improved memory. Benefits for women and men morning workouts will be revealed only if the entire complex is performed regularly.

If you get used to daily morning exercises, you will soon become more active and stop experiencing excessive fatigue and drowsiness during the working day. Charging also helps you mood improves. It helps the body wake up by increasing the flow of oxygen to various muscle groups. Also, with increased breathing, the phlegm that accumulates in them during sleep will be removed from the lungs and bronchi, but the exercises must be performed correctly. Physical exercise helps increase physical strength and improve general tone muscles.

Correct execution of exercises

Morning work-out- this is a set of relatively simple exercises that help stimulate blood flow, which, in turn, has a positive effect on the functioning of the respiratory system and brain. If you can overcome laziness and make exercise a daily healthy habit, you will feel healthy even in the morning. old age. It is recommended to perform a five-minute physical warm-up before each job. In addition, it is important to adhere to some rules while doing your morning warm-up:

  • It is best to warm up on fresh air or in a well-ventilated room.
  • Clothes for physical education should be chosen that are comfortable and will not restrict movement.
  • Make sure your breathing is even and correct.
  • Charging will only be beneficial if you do it systematically.
  • There is no need to rush; it is best to train at a calm pace.
  • The program should include at least 5, preferably 10, physical exercises, which must be performed an average of 10 times.
  • You should not start exercising immediately after waking up; it is better to wait 10 to 15 minutes for the body to completely recover from sleep.

If you follow these simple rules every day, you will be full of energy until the evening, which will have a positive effect on your productivity and mood.

Set of exercises

Morning warm-up will bring you a lot of benefits if you choose a set of exercises that suits you. It is very important to warm up your joints and stretch your muscles before heavy exercise to avoid injury in the process. Try to choose the most simple exercises so as not to feel tired, but on the contrary, get charged energy.

The duration of physical exercise in the morning should be on average 4-5 minutes. It is recommended to include in the program a lot of tilts and turns of the head, torso, rotational movements of the arms, as well as walking on the toes. The main complex sports training includes strength exercises in the form of push-ups, leg swings, all kinds of rotations and squats.

Doing a warm-up

Before proceeding with more heavy exercise, you should definitely carry out a small warm-up to warm up the muscles and prepare them for the main program. You can start warming up your body with regular stretching while still in bed. Choose suitable music for training and begin to rotate your head 10 times in each direction, then switch to your shoulders, body and hands. When the warm-up is completed, you can go through all the toilet procedures. If you do not have personal preferences, you can contact our warm-up complex(exercises are performed 8-10 times):

  1. We tilt our heads alternately to the sides and perform smooth turns of the body.
  2. We clasp our hands in a “lock”, after which we turn our hands towards ourselves and away from ourselves.
  3. Bend your elbows, touching your shoulders with your fingers, and slowly rotate your arms.
  4. We bend forward, trying to touch the floor with our fingers.
  5. We raise left hand up and the brush right hand put it on your waist, then tilt your body to the right. We change the positions of the hands after a couple of bends and repeat the movements.
  6. Place your hands on your waist and begin to rotate your hips alternately to the right and left.
  7. We swing our legs, then lunge forward and squat as deeply as possible.

Head tilts

To lift general tone without leaving home and improving the body’s performance, you should approach each exercise with great responsibility. We make about 10 turns of the head to the right and left, after which we bend back and forth. Then we begin to perform slow circular rotations. If you have problems with the vestibular system, you should not close your eyes when turning in order to prevent your health from deteriorating. Such exercises should take no more than 2-3 minutes.

Shoulder rotations

To improve blood circulation and tone the body with the help of a morning warm-up, you should pay great attention to shoulder rotation. If you perform warm-up movements incorrectly, you can easily injure the shoulder joint, so shoulder rotations should be performed in the right way:

  1. We stand up straight, straighten our back, while our arms should be lowered along the body.
  2. Raise both shoulders up at the same time.
  3. Strong in a circular motion we send them back.
  4. Do about five rotations shoulder joints in each direction.

Swing your arms

One of the most effective exercises which are recommended to be done during morning exercises are arm swings. They help the body quickly recover from sleep and gain energy. The main thing is to do this kind of warm-up regularly. You don't need to spend energy to increase physical activity through various strenuous exercises.

  1. We move our hands up, then down. After this, we raise one hand and leave the other at rest. We perform the exercise, after which we change limbs.
  2. We swing our arms in front of the body - right and left.
  3. You can also perform 8 to 16 swings back and forth in an inclined position, without straining your shoulders and neck.

Wrist rotations

For morning exercises to be complete, it is necessary mash not only arms, but also hands. To do this, we interlace our fingers in our palms and perform successive rotational movements in both directions. The duration of such movements should not exceed one minute. The movements should be performed without jerking, very smoothly, since a sharp transition of the body after sleep to the stage of physical activity is fraught with stress for it.

Tilts of the torso in different directions

In order for the body to return to good health after sleep physical fitness, and health always remained high level, you should bend your torso from side to side every day. For this we borrow initial position: feet shoulder-width apart, hands on waist.

To burn belly fat you need to do this exercise 3-4 times during the morning warm-up and at least 20 repetitions in each direction, alternating bending twice, first to the left, then to the right. One more great exercise The torso is tilted downwards. You should perform such gymnastics as correctly as possible, trying to touch the floor with your hands, especially if you plan to then proceed to heavier physical activity.

  1. On the count of one we lean towards the right leg, on the count of two - towards the left.
  2. We straighten the body on the third count.
  3. Next, straighten your legs together and try to touch your knees with your forehead, if your stretch allows you to do this. If you manage to do this, hold this position for several seconds, and then straighten your body. This exercise must be done up to 40 times, otherwise you risk overloading your body in the morning.

Pelvic rotation

A great exercise to awaken the muscles of the entire core is rotational movements pelvis in a circle. To perform this exercise, you need to put your hands on your belt, and then start rotating. Movements should under no circumstances cause pain in the lower back or pinched muscles. Do about 10 circular rotations to the left and right side. The workout is great for fully developing your spine, toning previously inactive muscle groups and improving blood circulation. By regularly performing this warm-up, you can notice a significant reduction in pain in the back muscles.

Swing your legs

When performing leg swings, you gradually make your limbs stronger and more mobile, ridding them of excess fat deposits, which has a positive effect on the general condition of your body. In addition, leg swings contribute restoration of blood circulation and normal functioning of the muscles in the legs. The order of performing such training should be as follows:

  1. We stand up straight, with our feet shoulder-width apart, our hands at our chest, and lower our elbows down.
  2. We swing with a straight left leg, and it is recommended to try to raise it as high as possible above the body, hold it for a split second and return it to its original position. Next, change the leg and repeat the movements. It is also necessary to exhale or hold your breath while lifting your legs.
  3. Do about 10-15 swings with each leg.
  4. When swinging a straight leg back, keep your foot heel up. Perform 5 to 15 repetitions with each limb depending on your physical training.

Squats: rules

Squats will help make your body more toned, and if you work hard on your legs every day, your body will soon look like the poster models hanging in the gym. If you decide to join the daily morning exercises, then do not forget to supplement your set of exercises with squats. With their help, you can easily develop muscles in the waist and hips.

First, try squatting 10 times. At the same time, keep your back straight, bend your knees to the angle at which your joints and muscles can bend. If you are not seen the next day muscle pain, then it is necessary to increase the series of squats to 2-3 approaches, increasing the number of repetitions to 20 or 30 times.

Exercises for the abs

One of the most effective exercises for the abs is considered to be lifting the torso from a lying position. With this exercise, you can work out the entire complex of muscles on the abdomen, but the area of ​​the rectus muscle on top will receive the greatest load. It is recommended to do such lifts in morning time days when your stomach is still empty. When starting the exercise, you should prepare a special rug and choose a room where there are no strong drafts.

  • We lie on our backs, pressing our lower back to the floor, and place our hands behind our heads or on our chests.
  • Bending the torso should begin from the head, trying to touch the chin to the chest. You can try to reach further, but this will lift your back off the floor.
  • Having reached the maximum point, we return to the starting position. The number of repetitions should be done based on your physical fitness (from 10 to 50 times).

As you can see, morning exercises help not only wake up the body, but also get your body in shape. beautiful body. The main thing is that a set of exercises is performed daily, and in the presence of serious joint diseases, consultation with a specialist is necessary.

Attention, TODAY only!

It helps not only to control your weight, but also to take care of your health and good spirits, which is much more important than the fight against extra pounds. For it to be beneficial, it needs to be approached systematically. Difficult to select the best complex morning exercises, because everyone chooses exercises for themselves, so next we will look at several successful options.

No coffee

Most people are skeptical about physical activity and especially about morning exercises. To get out of the inhibited morning state, use coffee or a contrast shower. But these are just stimulants that do not awaken the body, but only temporarily dull drowsiness and fatigue.

And they give a simply amazing effect - they awaken the entire body, tone the muscles and charge a person with energy for the whole day. A cold shower or a cup of coffee only affects the functioning of the brain and nervous system, but in order to fully wake up, you need to use your muscles and joints. A good morning exercise copes with this task and gives a person a great mood and vigor for the whole day.

The benefits of morning exercise

Before we look at the best complex, let's find out how else morning activity is useful.

The most important thing that morning physical education can give is the improvement of the body. But this is only possible with a systematic approach, which involves not only regular execution, but also gradual complication of the exercises. Immediately after charging, you can feel how your body “blooms”: your mood rises, and your brain and nerve cells begin to work fully. All this ultimately leads to new successes and conquering the desired heights.

Charging rules

As with everything else, morning physical education has its own laws and rules, by adhering to which you can guarantee yourself a high-quality result. Otherwise, even simple morning activity can lead to negative consequences. Let's find out what you need to do to get a good morning exercise:

  1. Immediately after waking up, you should not overload the body with heavy exercise - this can negatively affect the functioning of the heart.
  2. It is recommended to start exercises right in bed. This can be: stretching, bending arms and legs, turning the body and other simple actions.
  3. When you get out of bed, you shouldn’t immediately start exercising; first you need to give your brain and nerve cells a couple of minutes to wake up. During this time you can wash your face. Now you can begin the main set of exercises.
  4. Need to pay attention Special attention breathing, because it saturates cells with oxygen and increases the overall tone of the body.
  5. Don't overwork yourself, because the main objective exercises - to wake up, not to pump up a bunch of muscles. If your body gives signals of overwork, be sure to listen to it.

The best exercises for morning exercises

Maximum stimulation of the body is achieved only by performing well-chosen exercises. As you probably know, there are many methods and types of morning exercise. As in any other sport, there are fundamental exercises that are included in any well-designed system. Let's take a look at them:

  1. Neck area. This is where standard bends, turns and head rotations come to the rescue, improving blood flow to the brain and awakening the whole body.
  2. Hands. It is recommended to start warming up the joints by rotating your fists or hands closed in a “lock”. Then comes the rotation of the forearms and finally the fully extended arms.
  3. Frame. We continue to remember the school program. Standing with your feet shoulder-width apart, you need to perform smooth and measured tilts of the body forward, touching the floor with your fingers, and ideally with your palms. Then, placing your hands on your belt, you need to rotate your pelvis. All that remains is to do the side bends. To do this, one hand remains on the lower back, and the second stretches towards the inclination.
  4. Legs. You can start with warm-up leg swings. However, you should not bring them to a critical height. For each leg, 10-15 swings will be enough. The next stage is leg raises to the side. After this, circular rotations are made knee joints. And finally - squats. Here you don’t need to try to squeeze out all your strength, because we are doing exercises.

As you can see, the complex is not complicated at all. It is suitable for everyone and allows you to feel a surge of strength after the first lesson. But a good mood in the morning helps a person achieve success throughout the day.

Besides general rules, there are also specialized techniques that are developed for a narrower circle of people: separately for men, women, children, for those who want to lose weight or with an emphasis on a particular problem area, for the disabled, etc. Next, we will take a closer look at the complexes for women and men, as well as for weight loss.

Exercises for women

Women's exercises are slightly different from men's both in the level of load and in the principle of exercise. So, let's look at the most successful exercises that the best morning exercise for women should include:

  • walking in place with maximum knee lift;
  • having crossed your fingers and placing them on one knee, you need to slightly extend the second leg forward and perform bending;
  • lean back and, throwing your arms behind your back, reach your heels with your fingers, then lean forward - and so on in a circle;
  • feet shoulder width apart. One hand rests on the back of the head, and the second on the belt. The torso is tilted towards the second arm;
  • placing your hands on your belt, perform head rotations;
  • rotation of the arms at the elbow and then at the shoulder joint;
  • squats;
  • leaning against the wall, alternately raise your knees to your chest;
  • Lie on a flat surface and, bending your knee, pull it to your chest with your hands. In this position, raise your torso;
  • and finally - light exercises for the abdominal muscles.

All exercises are performed several times on each side (if their essence suggests this).

The best morning exercises for the stronger sex

The differences between women's morning exercises and men's can be expressed in the table:

As you can see, there are differences between the female and male approaches, but they are not that significant. The best one may include the same elements as a warm-up as the women's one, but the emphasis is more on strength training. In order not to repeat ourselves, we note only those exercises that are included only in the men’s complex:

  1. As an option for a good, but not intrusive cardio load, the so-called “shadow boxing” using small dumbbells is considered. Moreover, it is advisable not to limit yourself to blows, but also to perform various rotations of the arms and twisting of the body.
  2. Although we are talking about exercise, and not about a full-fledged workout, a few push-ups and pull-ups will not harm a man at all. Especially if you perform them under control and try to stretch at the peak points.

The rest of the exercises are similar to those for women, only the number of repetitions needs to be increased.

The best morning exercise for weight loss

Many are concerned about the problem excess weight. For such people, there are special methods of morning exercises that allow not only to effectively awaken the body, but also to get rid of annoying excess weight.

The difference between this complex is that it involves increased load. Therefore, before performing such exercises, you need to let the body wake up using the exercises described in the first complex. It is also recommended to drink a glass of water before starting work.

The morning exercise complex for weight loss includes the following steps:

  1. Warm up. It can consist of jumping, swinging arms and legs, bending the body, and rotating the pelvis. A light short run, including on a treadmill, is a good warm-up.
  2. Hand training. For this you will need small dumbbells. All kinds of bending, lifting and swinging are done with them. Next, you can do various push-ups that activate the pectoral girdle muscles.
  3. And finally, it will be useful to do a set of squats. The main thing is not to rush and follow the technique.

As you can see, exercise for weight loss is not much more complicated than simple exercise (especially for men), however, it is more effective. But let us repeat once again - you should not turn morning exercise into a massive pumping of the whole body in order to burn fat. This needs to be done at another time.

For weight loss, the regularity of physical exercise is much more important than its duration. So if you want to reset overweight, try to do at least a little exercise every day.

Now, in a nutshell, about other types and charging options.

Accelerated complex

A good morning exercise can be quick. This is very important, because modern people are constantly short of time. There is, for example, a 10-minute complex, which, being short, allows the body to wake up normally and recharge with energy. It includes non-aggressive work on all joints and major muscle groups.


In addition to the standard types of morning physical education, there is also an amazing Chinese technique called qigong. According to practicing trainers, it allows you not only to fill the body with vigor, but also to slow down the aging process, as well as heal annoying diseases. The technique is based on obtaining healing positive energy.

Children's exercises

There is a separate variant for children. This complex in different manifestations is found in school programs. It stimulates healthy physical development child, without overloading the young body, and most importantly, it is designed in the form of a kind of game, which allows you to interest even the most restless kids.


The best morning exercise may be different for each person. We have only sorted out basic principles, which are considered the most universal and effective. As you can see, many of the principles of morning exercises are familiar to each of us from childhood. So there are no obstacles on the path to health and good spirits! The main thing is not to forget that charging is needed to wake up and it does not tolerate overload!

Photo: How to do exercises in the morning correctly

Morning exercise is a healthy habit that allows you to keep your entire body in good shape, improve your health and take care of your figure. After its implementation, general well-being improves, attentiveness increases, internal organs and systems are enriched with oxygen. Maximum benefit The healing procedure will bring benefits if it is performed on a regular basis. Let's look at how to do exercises correctly and what exercises you should use for this.

After waking up, the human body remains in a state of sleep for some time: the lungs are constricted, nervous system inhibited, blood circulation is reduced. Therefore, it is not recommended to give yourself a serious load in the morning. Long distance running and strength exercises will be a real test for the body. You risk getting injured or causing an imbalance in your internal systems.

But the charger is universal and useful option morning activity. A complex of simple but effective exercises will tone muscles, improve brain saturation and internal organs oxygen, will speed up metabolic processes. Even if after this you have to sit all day in the office, then at least in the first half of the day calories will not accumulate, but will be burned, which is necessary.

Charging has fundamental differences from other types of loads. Its goal is to fill you with energy for the whole day. Power training and cardio exercises exhaust the body, after which the only desire is a well-deserved rest. Charging is a set of warm-up exercises for joints and muscles.

Unconditional advantages:

  • allows you to cheer up in the morning;
  • saturates with energy and positive emotions;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • increasing physical endurance;
  • takes little time, unlike other types of physical activity.

When and how to exercise - make a schedule

Morning exercise is perhaps the most popular way home workout, but some people still don’t know how to do exercises correctly. You should definitely start doing it in the morning. This way you will set your body up for the upcoming work regime and get a boost of energy for the whole day.

In the evening, almost all a person’s strength is already running out, so doing a set of exercises will not bring the desired vigor, but, on the contrary, will take away the last energy. However, if you want to not only improve your health, but also lose weight, then supplement your exercises with evening exercises- great idea.

Charging time may vary. Beginners are recommended to practice for 10 minutes; gradually the duration can be increased to half an hour. basis morning exercises is the regularity of their implementation. You should exercise every day, but don’t be upset if for some reason you had to postpone exercise. By doing exercises 5 days a week, you will already achieve noticeable results, strengthen your body and improve your well-being.

Photo: How to do exercises in the morning correctly
  1. Exercises should be done before breakfast. However, be sure to drink a glass of water before doing this. If you feel a pang of hunger, you can pour a glass of juice or tea. The blood is in a thickened state after the night. If you start charging right away, you will overload your heart;
  2. start the exercises with the easiest ones, gradually moving on to more complex ones;
  3. choose the optimal set of loads that do not take away strength, but rather add vigor. Or shorten the charging time;
  4. breathe correctly - inhalation should be carried out not only from the chest, but also from the stomach;
  5. during activity, think about pleasant things - this will make the exercise more effective, because training “through force” does not lead to the desired result;
  6. start training with a pulse of 90 beats, gradually raising it to 110 beats.

Advice: Plan your time in advance so you can do what you planned without rushing. There should be at least an hour between your awakening and going to work. After finishing charging, take a shower, preferably a contrast shower. This way you will relieve tension from your muscles and get an additional boost of strength. It is recommended to have breakfast half an hour after completing exercises.

Personal motivation

Charging seems sufficient simple view physical activity, but most people do not find time for it. Refuse an extra hour sleep is very difficult. Therefore, first of all, you need to change your attitude towards morning activity and understand that you are doing this for your health and maintaining your figure.

Understand that exercise is an investment in your happy future. How much effort you invest, you can count on such a volume of dividends. Before training, light a fragrant candle, drink a cup of delicious tea and turn on rhythmic music. Then the training process will seem really pleasant to you.

Particular attention should be paid to the choice of music. She motivates and doesn't let you stop. If the set of exercises involves fast movements, then choose melodies with a tempo of about 150 beats per minute. If the workout is more relaxing and smooth, then slow compositions are suitable. It is important that the breathing is coordinated with the movements and rhythm of the music.

Compiling a set of exercises

Choose suitable exercises won't be difficult. If the exercise lasts 15 minutes, then the first 5 should be spent on warming up. Next, start exercising to strengthen muscle tone. You should start your warm-up by walking around the room. At the same time, the abdominal muscles should be tense. Supplement your walking with arm movements. The ideal end to the warm-up is jogging in place or jumping jacks. More dynamic exercises follow.

Photo: Morning exercises: a set of exercises

For the neck:

  • tilting the head to the right and left;
  • forward and backward movements;
  • slow circular rotations.

For hands:

For the body:

For legs:

Additional loads

If the standard program seems too simple to you, then you can supplement its complex with the following exercises:

  1. leg lunges;
  2. push-ups - the easiest way is to lean on the wall in a standing position, then you can do push-ups from the bench, then from the floor on your toes;
  3. bending in different directions with dumbbells;
  4. abdominal exercises - crunches, leg lifts, rotation of a gymnastic hoop;
  5. exercises with an expander;
  6. deflections for the legs - we bring one leg forward and bend it, the other remains straight, resting on the toe;
  7. back deflection - we lower ourselves to our knees, rest our palms on the floor, make deflections;
  8. holding the plank position;
  9. perpendicular movements - lie on the floor, at the same time raise straight arms and legs;
  10. lunges with bends.

What effect can you expect?

The effect of regular use of a set of exercises will not take long to appear. In just a couple of days you will begin to wake up easier, and your body will begin to work much faster. Morning exercises help activate the auditory and visual organs, normalize the functioning of the vestibular apparatus, eliminate lethargy, and mobilize the nervous system.

Morning exercise leads to improved blood flow, as a result of which the brain and other organs are better saturated with oxygen. The heart muscle is also strengthened. Regular load has a beneficial effect on the health of organs, joints, muscles, and activates restoration and regenerative processes.

Morning activity prepares the body for the upcoming load and activates mental activity. Therefore, the working day will be more productive. Exercise also allows you to lose weight by losing fat mass.

Key mistakes when charging

  • emphasis on only one muscle group - exercise is aimed at activating all muscle groups, concentrating on only one of them completely contradicts the concept of morning exercises. Many people argue that they don’t have enough time to work the whole body, and they only pay attention to problem areas. In this case, it will not be possible to achieve the effect of general tone and quick awakening of the body;
  • equating exercise with intensive training - do not confuse two completely different areas of physical activity. The first is aimed at giving muscle tone and strengthening overall health. You can and even need to do it immediately after waking up. The second one requires a lot of time and energy, and should be started several hours after sleep;
  • hopes for rapid weight loss - exercise cannot provide the same effect as regular visits gym. It has a slower effect on weight loss. However, it does not take much time. To speed up the process of body correction, supplement exercises with proper dietary nutrition, walk more;
  • supplementing exercises with serious physical activity - it is recommended to leave exercises that are exhausting for the evening. Otherwise, instead of an influx of strength after charging, you risk feeling a loss of energy. The best thing to do is run and strength exercises at the end of the working day, when mental activity is no longer needed, and after completing the workout you can rest peacefully.

“As the morning begins, so will the whole day pass” - everyone has known about this folk wisdom since childhood.

Morning exercises are in the best possible way wake up and cheer up.

People who exercise every morning feel alert and energetic throughout the day. Morning exercise should not take you much time, as it is designed to wake up the body and get your body into working condition.

By doing morning exercises every day for 10-15 minutes for a month, you can lose a couple of kilograms of excess weight. Weight loss occurs due to the acceleration of metabolism.

Where to start charging?

Doctors recommend waking up every morning not to the sound of an alarm clock, since such a sound puts the body into a state of stress. They say that you need to get out of sleep only naturally, when, after getting enough sleep, you open your eyes without external irritants.

But the modern world forces humanity to get up early and go to bed late. Try to wake up to the sound of your alarm clock, smile and mentally tell yourself that a wonderful day awaits you ahead. Stretch thoroughly to feel each muscle.

Morning exercises should be aimed at stretching, no strength loads.

The set of exercises given in this article is a complete morning exercise. And strength “male” exercises should not be performed when waking up in the morning, because this can lead to severe stress on the heart.

There are two stages of morning exercises

The first stage includes exercises that are performed right in bed:

The second stage includes physical exercise, which are performed after you get out of bed.

If the weather is nice and warm outside, the second stage can be done outdoors.

These exercises of the second stage of charging can be performed by men, women and children. You just need to control the load level - gradually increase the load every day.

These exercises are enough to tone your body and prepare you for the day ahead.

The warm-up can be completed with water procedures. If there is no opportunity and time for this, then limit yourself to simple rubdowns.

Morning water treatments

After finishing your morning exercises and feeling a surge of strength, drink a glass of purified water without gas. Drinking water on an empty stomach helps wake up your stomach and speed up your metabolism.

Then we go to the bathroom to harden the body. Perform a contrast shower. If you are not yet ready for such “entertainment”, do a rubdown - wet a terry towel with cold water and wipe your entire body with it.

Do not wet your hair while showering

  • boosts immunity;
  • improves blood circulation;
  • improves skin condition;
  • helps get rid of cellulite.

How to take a contrast shower correctly?

First, prepare yourself for this procedure, prepare a hard terry towel so that after a shower you can rub well and improve blood circulation.

From the first seconds the water should be comfortable and warm, then increase the water temperature. The main thing is not to get scalded. Make sure that there is no tension in the body; the body should be relaxed.