Program to pump up your shoulders. Effective shoulder exercises. Exercises for middle beams

I am sure that experienced athletes who understand the issue of periodization of training, biomechanics of movements and the theory of constructing specialized micro- and mesocycles had a smile on their faces when they read the title of the article. Because there are no most powerful or most best exercises. There are more effective and less effective movements, but what is much more important is not the exercise itself, but how to combine it with others as part of a weekly cycle.

Less experienced people in matters of sports continue to search magic exercises, magic powders and witch pills that will allow you to quickly achieve results. Unfortunately, there are none. On the other hand, if you approach the issue wisely, you can actually improve the shape of the deltas and achieve a significant increase in their volume over a very modest period. It took me eight months. After a year and a half, the deltoids went from lagging behind to becoming the dominant muscle group.

Below I will tell you the principles that will help you wisely build a training program with an emphasis on shoulder development. And, of course, I will show you the five most effective exercises for this.

Two main mistakes that hinder the development of powerful deltas

First mistake

Incorrect exercise technique. Therefore, pay special attention to their descriptions below and to the video - I selected the highest quality videos.

Because of the crooked technique, people load everything, but not their shoulders. Trapezius, back, arms, overload the shoulder joints. In the first three cases, the load is ineffective - the weight is too small for these muscles or the vector of movement is incorrect. And as a result last case there will be an injury that will set you back a month and a half in training.

Looks at the bar, bear grip - this will all end badly

In addition, it is worth mentioning here about frankly dangerous exercises that can severely damage the shoulder joints. A separate article has been written about this - be sure to read:

Second mistake

There is too much load on the deltas, due to which they do not have time to recover. After all, these are small muscle groups that work in almost all pulling and pushing movements during chest and back training.

Let's remember one of the classic split options:

  • Chest + back
  • Arms + deltoids

During chest training, you really loaded the front deltoids. And working on the back, the rear deltas were additionally pumped. Every other day, thoroughly load the same muscles again, but 48 hours is too short for their recovery. The muscles are not yet ready for serious work, which is why strength results do not increase and, as a result, muscle volume does not increase either.

Moreover, your arms are also well loaded during chest and back training. It turns out to be a double blow to all small muscle groups.

Let's add incorrect exercise technique to this whole mix and we'll get problems with the development of deltoids (and arms too) in those for whom these muscle groups are not dominant by nature.

The most effective exercises for training your shoulders

There are a great variety of all kinds of exercises for the development of deltas (the shoulder, in fact, is the part of the arm from the deltoid to the elbow, and the deltoid muscle is the same ball of three bundles that you want to develop). You can work with blocks, dumbbells, barbells, not to mention dozens of specialized exercise machines.

Below I will give the most effective movements in my personal opinion, which is not the ultimate truth. It was these movements that I used to work out the deltas to their current state (photo at the end of the article).

First, a little theory. Delta consists of three beams. Front, middle and back. The front one is responsible for pushing movements, the rear one is responsible for pulling movements. The middle delta is partially involved in both cases, plus when abducting the arms to the sides.

In fact for effective development two deltas are enough basic exercises- bench press and traction.

There are enough pressing movements in any person’s strength training - all guys love to bench press, decently loading the front deltoid. But with traction movements they hose. And if they do a barbell row to the chin, then in most cases it is done incorrectly, loading the trapezius and injuring the shoulder joint.

As a result, we see a situation where the front delta is more or less developed, and the rear delta is completely absent. Let's fix the situation.

Military press (standing barbell press)

An excellent basic exercise for developing the anterior deltoid, which partially involves both medium bun Same. The grip width is medium, that is, grip the bar slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. If you take it too wide, the chest will steal part of the load; if you take it too narrow, you will overload the triceps, which will fail before the delta works well.

My personal advice is that I do not recommend lowering the bar below chin level, so as not to put a breaking load on the joint. Even if your flexibility allows you to lower the barbell to your chest, you shouldn’t push your luck. The risk of injury does not at all justify additional stretching of the muscle for supposedly better growth.

note that military press It also trains the core muscles well.

An exercise option from Yaroslav Brin:

A good alternative from Denis Borisov (just don’t bend your hands back, the bar should lie on the base of your palm, and not on the pads, so as not to injure your hand):

And one more interesting option from Adam Kozyra:

Dumbbell press sitting or standing

An alternative to the military press is to do the dumbbell press while standing. In cases where there are difficulties with the lower back and a large compression load is undesirable, you can do a dumbbell bench press while sitting with a slight inclination of the bench (80°).

Of the features, I will only note the point where it is necessary to lower the dumbbells - to ear level or so that the angle between the shoulder and forearm is 90°. Lower it lower - create a breaking load on the shoulder joint. Also remember that the dumbbells lie on the base of your palms, and not on their pads (calluses).

Exercise option from Denis Borisov:

And from Yaroslav Brin:

Barbell row to the chin (to the chest)

The second basic movement is for the development of deltas, in particular the middle and posterior bundles. The main mistake is to do this movement while grasping the bar. narrow grip, and then pull it higher, lifting your elbows almost above your head. In this case, you injure the shoulder joint and force the trapezius to work, but not the deltoids.

The most effective version of the exercise is shown in the video below (wide grip, slight forward bend, pull to the chest, elbows do not rise above the level of the deltoids):

Swings (breeches) with dumbbells while standing

An excellent option for additional work on the middle deltoids, but only if the exercise is performed correctly. To avoid mistakes, watch the video carefully:

Kickbacks in the Butterfly machine (plus bent over swings)

A couple of additional exercises to work out the rear deltas will not hurt, since this group most often lags behind in development.

When doing the back abduction in the Butterfly simulator, it is important to move your shoulders forward and work within the amplitude (it is very short) so as not to use the back muscles:

As for bent-over dumbbell swings, it’s the same: we bring our shoulders forward, “smear” the trapezoid over the back, we work within the amplitude (the elbows do not rise above the level of the deltas):

How to intelligently build a microcycle for the development of deltas

If you are a beginner, then with an emphasis on deltas you don’t have to bother at all. Work in FullBody mode, and your shoulders will develop perfectly on presses and rows. It is enough to include the military press and barbell rows to the chin in the program and alternate these exercises in two basic blocks. I gave an example of such blocks in the first episodes of the BeardyBuilding podcast and in.

If you already have a couple of years of training experience, but the deltoids are still lagging behind in development, here is a basic scheme on how to cheer them up. She personally helped me a lot.

Four-day split:

  • Monday: legs (3-4 exercises).
  • Tuesday: pectoral (2-3 exercises) + anterior delta (1-2 exercises - military press or dumbbell press, lifting dumbbells in front of you with a hammer grip).
  • Wednesday: rest.
  • Thursday: back (3-4 basic exercises) + rear delta 1 exercise (any of your choice from the above).
  • Friday: triceps (two exercises) + biceps (1-2 exercises, after all, when working on the back it was already loaded) + average delta(2 exercises - barbell row to the chin, dumbbell swings to the sides).

The meaning, I think, is clear - together with the pectoral muscles, the anterior delta is well loaded and it is enough to finish it off with 1-2 exercises. The rear delta is loaded along with the back, and one exercise at the end is enough to finish it off. Plus a couple of exercises for the middle delta on arm day.

Three day split

If you don't have the time or desire to do four strength training sessions a week, then add one basic triceps exercise to your chest day. For example, close grip bench press or French press. On your back day, add one or two biceps exercises (PSB and/or dumbbell biceps curls while sitting on an incline bench). On leg day, after training your lower body, do middle deltoid exercises (barbell rows and standing dumbbell swings).

A specialized version of the microcycle with an emphasis on top part body

I practiced this option for four months from October last year to January of this year inclusive. The point is to visually increase the size of your upper body without the need to particularly increase muscle mass. To do this, we make the back more lumpy (emphasis on training its inner part), prominent trapezius, more powerful deltoids, plus pecs.

Excellent specialization is obtained if the desired muscle group is trained a couple of times a week. In my case I made four strength training per week, within the framework of which I separately worked on the thickness (tuberosity) and width of the back, hammered the deltoids a couple of times and the pecs a couple of times. The exercises below are just an example, you can use any of your choice. Two or three warm-up approaches, two working sets.

Monday (pectorals + trapezius + deltoids):

  • Two chest pressing exercises for 10-12 reps (for example, bench press, 30° dumbbell press, or hummer press).
  • Shrugs with dumbbells or barbell (15-20 reps) + T-row with emphasis on the chest or lever row (10-12 reps).
  • Military press or standing dumbbell press.
  • Row in the cable handle block to the chest.

Tuesday (Legs + Abs):

  • 3-4 leg exercises to pump up all muscles (barbell squats, leg extensions, deadlifts, platform presses, lunges - 8-12 reps) + (20-25 reps).
  • Twisting and reverse crunches on the press (20-25 repetitions 3-4 sets).
  • Neck (so as not to be skinny against the background of broad shoulders) - raising the head with a pancake on the forehead and/or on the back of the head.

Thursday (back width + deltoids):

  • Three or four favorite exercises for the width of the back (pull-ups, rows in a hammer or barbell/dumbbells, rows of a vertical block to the chest, pullover, etc. - 10-12 repetitions).
  • Pull the barbell to the chin and swing dumbbells to the sides (10-12 repetitions, swings can be done for 12-15 repetitions).

Friday (arms + chest for tone):

  • One rigorous basic chest exercise for three working sets of 12-15 reps. In my case it was chest push-ups from parallel bars with weight on the belt.
  • A pair of basic biceps exercises (for example, PSB, seated dumbbell curls) + a pair basic movements triceps (close-grip press, French press, cable extension, etc.) 10-12 repetitions.

Briefly about the main thing

The keynote of the article is not just to give some basic scheme for work, but to teach the principles of effective development of certain muscle groups.

In particular, success depends on both correct technique performing exercises, as well as from the reasonable construction of a microcycle, so as not to overload one or another muscle group. Use assistant muscle training (synergists) if you want to save time without overloading the body. Or wisely cycle training on muscles that are in no way related to each other if you want to work them as efficiently as possible within one workout. Moreover, in this case, it is advisable to take one large muscle group and one small one. Let's say pectoral and biceps, back and triceps, etc.

Developing a beautiful, athletic body is not as easy as it seems. You need to think here. At least if you want to progress, and not stagnate for years.

Beauty criteria male body have their own standards. Outstanding and broad shoulders were and remain one of the main measures of attractiveness for a man. The width of the shoulders determines the proportions of the athlete's upper body. The larger it is, the narrower the waist looks. Consequently, the figure looks much more attractive. This is the reason for the high interest of those involved in building beautiful and relief body the most effective exercises for working out shoulder muscles.

The equipment used when performing shoulder exercises depends on the location of the training. In the gym it is best to exercise with a barbell, but at home it is much easier to use dumbbells. The latter have less weight than barbells, but you can also perform good and useful exercises with them.

The formation of the shoulder occurs with the participation of the deltoid muscle. It consists of an anterior, middle, and posterior bundle. To achieve proper development shoulder region, the load on all three beams should be absolutely uniform. This anatomical structure and affects the fact that it is quite difficult to train the shoulders. However, with some effort, the athlete can not only achieve the desired result, but also make the figure truly attractive.

The training is best composed of basic exercises aimed at engaging and working the entire delta. A separate bundle should be inflated only when the load placed on it was not enough and it began to lag behind the rest in development. In other cases, isolation exercises are not necessary.

You can train like gym, and at home. The main thing is that the athlete has equipment such as dumbbells and a barbell at his disposal. The weight is selected so that at least eight or ten lifts can be done in one approach. Take too much heavy weight It is not recommended to give the shoulders definition and width. Loads should be increased, that is, work with heavier projectiles, when main goal is to increase muscle strength. In this case, you need to lift the shells from five to eight times, perform four to five sets.

Beginner athletes are recommended to master and perfect the execution of one or two basic presses to the point of automaticity. They perfectly work the deltoid muscle and provide an even load on the entire shoulder girdle. When it is sufficiently trained, it becomes noticeable which of the beams requires more work. At this stage, you can add isolation exercises to the training, which are chosen depending on which muscle group needs additional work.

List of effective shoulder exercises

The main exercise for working the shoulder muscles. The main emphasis in it is on the middle delta bundle. However, pumping of this area occurs with the active participation of both the anterior and posterior bundles.

Initial position:

  • stand straight, spread your feet shoulder-width apart;
  • Take the projectile with a direct grip and lift it to chest level;


  • lift the projectile, exhaling at the end point;
  • take a break;
  • slowly, inhaling, lower the barbell to its original position, that is, to chest level.
  1. no need to take maximum weight;
  2. your back should be slightly arched;
  3. You can use dumbbells as an apparatus.

A basic exercise that is entirely aimed at pumping up muscles. shoulder girdle. Unlike the previous one, it is performed from a sitting position.

Initial position:

  • sit on a sports bench;
  • arch your back a little;
  • take the projectile with a wide grip.


  • simultaneously with exhalation, lift the barbell, while fully straightening your arms;
  • while inhaling, lower the projectile behind your head.
  1. The bench press must be performed smoothly, slowly, without jerking;
  2. The exercise can be diversified by alternating lowering the projectile behind the head and towards the chest.

Ideal training for pumping up the deltoid muscle at home. It is not only effective, but also accessible, since it is performed not with a barbell, which not every athlete has at home, but with dumbbells. Exercises using this sports equipment Great for those who, for some reason, do not have the opportunity to work out in the gym, but want to pump up their shoulders.

The training really works and allows you to achieve desired result. The main thing is to be ready to give your best, be patient, and show diligence. Perseverance should be demonstrated not by the number of approaches, but regular exercise. Otherwise, no significant effect will be achieved.

Initial position:

  • sitting on a bench with a back, keep your back straight and straight;
  • the chin should be parallel to the floor, the gaze should be straight;
  • keep the projectiles at eye level;
  • Extend your elbows, but make sure they are under your hands.


  • exhaling, squeeze the shells up;
  • Without turning your hands, bring the dumbbells together at the top point;
  • hold for a few seconds;
  • inhaling, smoothly return to the original position.
  1. hands must be moved in the same plane;
  2. to avoid adverse effects on the elbow joints, sharp straightening of the arms at the extreme point should not be allowed;
  3. It is strongly recommended not to bend back or bend your back.

This exercise has already become a classic in bodybuilding. Its effectiveness is beyond doubt. As is already clear from the name, this training was part of the mandatory training of Arnold Schwarzenegger, whose success in building sculpted and beautiful body Absolutely anyone knows, even those far from the world of sports.

Initial position:

  • sit on the bench, press your back to the back;
  • bend your knees so that they form a right angle;
  • spread your legs wide, place your feet as far as possible on the floor;
  • lift the dumbbells to neck level;
  • Bend your elbows at an angle of 90 degrees, turn your palms towards you.


  • exhaling, squeeze the shells vertically upward, turning your hands outward with your palms;
  • make sure that your palms are facing forward at the extreme point;
  • stay late;
  • take a breath, return the projectiles smoothly to the starting position.
  1. It is better to perform training with lighter dumbbells than for other exercises;
  2. The elbows at the extreme point should be left slightly bent, and not straightened to the end;
  3. The press must be performed straight, preferably without stopping in the lower position;
  4. In order not to have an additional impact on the spine, acceleration and jerking should be avoided.

Another exercise that is great to do at home. The training is isolating. It is aimed at working out and pumping up the side of the delta.

Initial position:

  • stand up, lean forward slightly;
  • lower your arms with the dumbbells down.


  • take a deep breath, spread your arms shoulder-width apart;
  • the back of the dumbbells at the most extreme point is slightly raised;
  • exhaling, gently lower your arms to their original position.
  • Cheating is unacceptable;
  • the entire load should be concentrated on the shoulders.

If there is cheating during the training, a completely different muscle group is involved. This reduces the result.

Aimed at working out the back of the muscles of the shoulder girdle.

Initial position:

  • standing straight with dumbbells in your hands, lean your body forward at an acute angle;
  • lower your hands down.


  • taking a deep breath, spread the shells to the sides, raising them to the maximum possible height;
  • As you exhale, return your hands to their original position.
  • at the extreme point of lifting, the front part of the projectile should be slightly tilted forward;
  • You need to keep your back straight, but bend a little at the lower back;
  • You cannot round your back, as this can lead to injury.

Basic training, which is more aimed at working out the middle deltoids, but also pumps up the trapezius muscles.

Initial position:

  • standing straight, grab the barbell with an overhand grip, holding it down;
  • The distance between the palms should be about two fists.


  • exhaling, lift the projectile to your chin;
  • hold the barbell in the most extreme position;
  • take a breath, return to the starting position.
  1. elbows should be constantly apart and rise strictly vertically;
  2. You cannot bend your neck and back, your chin should be horizontal;
  3. when lifting the barbell to the chin, the bar must be raised above shoulder level;
  4. the weight of the projectile should not become an obstacle correct execution exercises.

The best exercises for training shoulders - Video

Let's sum it up

To achieve the desired result, you need to include the proposed exercises in your regular workout and practice on a regular basis. Don't focus solely on exercise. You also need to remember about proper nutrition.

If space for home workouts is limited, dumbbells are the safest equipment. It is better to perform bench presses at the beginning of training, that is, when there is no feeling of fatigue. By following the recommendations given, combining both basic and isolating exercises on the shoulder girdle, each athlete will be able to give their shoulders ideal proportions and make their waist visually narrower.

is divided into working out the anterior, middle and posterior bundle of the deltoid muscle, therefore, when specializing in working out the shoulder girdle, it is necessary to build your training split so that you can split your shoulder training into at least two. The bottom line is that the shoulder joint performs many functions and the deltoids, unlike many other muscles, do some kind of work every day, so they should be trained extensively and heavily. And since the shoulders also receive stress during training of other muscle groups, there is a need to organize the sequence of training in such a way that the trained deltas have time to reach a state of supercompensation by the time of their subsequent training. In connection with all this, for an accentuated study of the shoulder girdle it is necessary to use a specialized one, and we will discuss how to do this in this article.

Features of shoulder training arise from the features of the anatomy of the shoulder girdle. Firstly, the shoulder joint is the most functional joint in the human body. We can raise our hand up, lower it down, move it back, bring it forward, do Roundabout Circulation, from which two conclusions follow. Conclusion one – the shoulder joint is subject to increased risk of injury, output second – the shoulder joint can be trained very various exercises. Secondly, the delta bundles are just that: bundles, they are separated from each other by muscle fascia, so these are not just segments of one muscle, they are, relatively speaking, different muscles, which perform different functions. From these two features it follows conclusion that the deltoids should be trained differently, and if the front deltas are well developed by presses, then the middle and rear deltoids are developed by rows and swings.

Anatomy of the shoulder girdle

Shoulder deltas differ not only in the functions they perform, but also in size. The largest deltoid muscle of the shoulder girdle is the anterior delta, the smallest is the posterior one, and the middle deltoid, located in the middle of the shoulder, is average in size. But, if the functions of the anterior and posterior deltas differ sharply from each other, since the anterior delta is responsible for moving the arm forward, and the rear delta for moving it to the side and back, then the functions of the middle and posterior deltas are somewhat the same. So, while training the weaker, rear deltoid, you must ensure that the middle deltoid does not steal the load from it. Basically, shoulder training consists of working out the deltoid muscles, since their hypertrophy is most noticeable, but these are not the only muscles that make up the shoulder, so let's figure out what we are actually going to train.

Deltoid - this is the most large muscle shoulder girdle, which is also located on the surface. It is due to this muscle that rotation is mainly carried out shoulder joint. The muscle consists of three bundles, which differ in size and functions. The muscle begins at the collarbone and ends at the deltoid tuberosity, covering the entire area of ​​the shoulder joint. You can train this shoulder muscle both with pushing exercises, if we are talking about the anterior deltoid, and with pulling exercises, if we are talking about the middle and posterior part of the deltoid muscle.

Supraspinatus muscle – located in the supraspinatus fossa of the scapula, its function is to move the arm back, so it can be used in traction movements to pump the posterior bundle of the deltoid muscle. This muscle is covered on top by the trapezius and deltoids, therefore, outwardly this muscle is completely invisible, however, when it is tense, it can still be felt. Trains while performing long range movements.

Infraspinatus muscle – located in the infraspinatus fossa of the scapula, responsible for supination of the shoulder joint, while external muscles cover it only partially, so this is one of those small muscles that makes sense to train. To train the infraspinatus muscle, you will supinate the shoulder joint.

Teres minor muscle is a muscle that makes up bottom part infraspinatus muscle, so it performs the same functions and is trained in the same way. However, it will not be possible to focus the load on this particular area of ​​the infraspinatus muscle.

Teres major muscle – this muscle fits tightly to the latissimus dorsi muscles, with the functions of which it is closely related. This muscle performs the function of pronation, that is, it is an antagonist of the infraspinatus muscle. The shape of this muscle is not completely round, it rather resembles a quadrangle, but during contraction it acquires a rounded shape.

Subscapularis muscle - This is enough strong muscle, which helps to move the arm back and pronate the shoulder joint. This muscle is located on the upper surface of the scapula and is located in the subscapular fossa, and it is attached to the lesser tubercle of the humerus. Training this muscle of the shoulder girdle is possible by moving the arm back at an even angle.

Shoulder training methods

Today in bodybuilding there are two diametrically opposed points of view regarding shoulder training. Some argue that shoulders should be trained with presses, and all exercises should be performed as efficiently as possible. Others say that rows and swings should be used to develop shoulder width, with the priority being the working weight rather than the technique. In fact, both are right, it’s just that one type of training is suitable for beginner athletes, and the second for more advanced ones. In this case, we are talking about how to specialize in developing the muscles of the shoulder girdle, so we will consider the second option. If you are a beginner, then you should familiarize yourself with basic principles shoulder pumping here this article .

Why is weight prioritized over technique? The fact is that specialization is usually carried out when some muscle group of an athlete is lagging behind, and something can only lag behind if the athlete already has sufficiently developed muscles. In other words, by the time specialization of training on the shoulders the athlete is already quite experienced, which means he has good muscle feeling . On the other hand, muscle hypertrophy, as you probably already know, is a process of complex adaptation of the body to an ever-increasing load due to the synthesis of protein structures, and this process is very labor-intensive for the body, so it is extremely reluctant to take this step.

In this regard, in order to ensure progression of loads and, as a result, hypertrophy of the muscles of the shoulder girdle, the athlete should give preference to working weights. At the same time, progress should occur at the expense of the target muscle group, so even if you use the cheating technique, you will still have to accumulate the load in the muscles of the shoulder girdle, and we will tell you how to do this in practice below.

Why rows and swings and not presses? The fact is that the middle delta is mainly responsible for the width of the shoulder girdle, and the back delta is responsible for the correct shape of the shoulder. The bottom line is that the rear delta is always lagging behind, since it is easiest to steal the load from it, so it is important for us to focus on it, among other things. The front delta is already trained in all barbell or dumbbell presses, but the middle and rear deltas can be loaded with rows and swings, and since our priority is the middle and rear deltoids, then priority during shoulder training should be given to those exercises that develop target muscle groups. At the same time, this does not mean at all that the anterior delta does not need to be trained. Need to! But the rear and middle deltoids have priority.

Cheating- this is a sensational technique that usually begins to be used simply intuitively, but cheating, although it is “cheating,” is cheating with a specific purpose, namely to create the necessary stress in the muscles to stimulate their hypertrophy. The point is that you should not make the task easier for yourself, but complicate it, so the load should be kept in the target muscles. In this case, if we are talking about shoulder training, key points is the position of the hand to the elbow and the position of the elbow to the floor. The elbows should always be higher than the hands, and always look up. If you follow this rule, then the load will remain in the deltas, but if you raise your hand above the elbow, or your elbows begin to look at the floor, then the load will immediately shift to latissimus muscles backs. At the same time, you can perform exercises in partial amplitude, you can straighten your back at the dead point, thereby helping yourself to throw the dumbbells, but the position elbow joint always remains the same.

Complex sets - This is also an advanced way of training the shoulders, which involves performing two or more exercises on the same muscle group without resting between sets. For example, you can perform a barbell row to the chin and then swing with dumbbells. But it is important to remember that the front delta and the middle delta with the back are antagonists, so the standing press and row of the barbell to the chin will not constitute a complex set, but a super series.

Supersets- This is a training method similar to complex sets, but they combine exercises not on the same muscle group, but on antagonist muscles. In both cases, it is recommended to perform at least 10 repetitions per set for each muscle, since the rest between sets lasts only a minute, so if you perform a super series too quickly, the total time will be too short and the glycogen reserve will not have time recover. On the contrary, the point of this technique is precisely to pump blood into the muscles, so it is better to prefer a large number of repetitions, so that each approach takes 50-60 seconds.

What to train your shoulders with

Anterior delta
is a pushing muscle, so it is best trained with other deltoids, back muscles, biceps or legs. This does not mean that the front deltoid cannot be trained with the chest or triceps, but such training will be of a supportive nature. However, it is possible that you do not need to train the anterior deltoid, since, we repeat once again, the middle bundle of the deltoid muscle is mainly responsible for the width of the shoulder girdle.

Middle and rear delts – are the target bundles of the deltoid muscle when it comes to specializing training on the shoulders in order to increase their volume. You can train these bundles with the front deltoids, legs, chest or triceps. As for the posterior bundle, it should be trained purely using Weight Limit, but which you are able to control. The principles of training the middle beam are described above; their essence is the priority of large working weights. At the same time, it should emphasize that heavy weight does not mean shifting the load to the joints, so you should not try to perform the exercises necessarily in full amplitude, it is also important to warm up properly and remember that the shoulder joint is the most fragile joint in the human body! At the same time, you must comply with the general

It doesn't matter how big your pectoral muscles or arm muscles. If you have narrow shoulders, you will appear weak and small. For men, broad shoulders are a sign of masculinity and strength. For women, toned shoulders make them look sexy. What's the conclusion? Delt training is an important and integral component of any Bodybuilding program.

How to pump up your shoulders correctly?

Working in the 8 to 12 rep range is generally the best way gain muscle mass for most muscle groups. But I also firmly believe that the muscles, especially the deltoids, must be subjected to serious loads to increase their capabilities - a weight at which you can only do 5-6 repetitions.

Go ahead! Do standing side swings in the range of 8-12 repetitions (even 15-20 is better), and overhead barbell presses - no more than six repetitions. This doesn't mean that every set of presses has to be done with heavy weights.

If you're doing, say, a seated barbell press and plan to do 4-5 sets, you can do your first set or first two with eight reps, and do your last 2-3 sets with a heavier weight and fewer reps, making the workout deltas are more efficient.


Most people vary their delt training when it comes to lateral raises—they target the front, side, and back of the deltoids using different grips from different angles. When it comes time to press, many people stick to barbells and dumbbells.

There are many alternatives to seated barbell presses, and some of them you should add to your delt training program. For example, seated presses in a Smith machine, Arnold presses, standing presses with a barbell or dumbbells (military press).

The intensive method, I think, is more suitable for drop sets and supersets, which are especially good for dumbbell raises on the front, side and back deltoid muscle. However, for seated presses, the rest/pause technique is better.

The reason for this division is that using the rest/pause method, you do not have to reduce the weight you are working - you start the exercise with a heavy weight and stick with it throughout the entire set. To reinforce the above, here is an example of how the rest/pause method is performed:

  1. Take a weight for seated overhead presses on a Smith machine, with which you can perform 6 repetitions.
  2. Do a set of 4-5 reps, place the barbell on the racks and rest for 10-15 seconds, then do another 2-3 reps with the same weight.
  3. Rest another 10-15 seconds and do the last 2-3 reps. This way, you will be able to perform 8-11 reps with a weight that you would normally do 6 reps with.

These tips will help ignite the spark of growth in your shoulders, so give them a chance when delt training day comes and you'll gain both Size and Definition.

Delta Training Program

NOTE: In last exercise Perform the last 2 sets using the rest/pause method.


6 Steps to Massive Deltas

If you're wondering why your shoulders aren't growing, it's likely that they're just not hearing you. Increase your volume with this workout!

Bill Geiger

Many will recommend that you throw all your energy at lagging muscle groups. A classic “cut your pants to your knees to show off your calves.” Don't say anything like that to Tom Graff. The up-and-coming NPC Physicist will quickly answer that his shoulders are his trump card, but he continues to train them as intensely as if they were the worst in the world.

And you can’t argue with his reasoning. He emphasizes that hypertrophied deltoids contribute to better development muscles of the torso and improve the appearance of the relief of the arms. In short, the shoulders are more important than any other muscle group for the shape and definition of your upper body.

Graff uses a unique high-volume, high-frequency training approach that will benefit anyone looking to add width and definition to their deltoids, not just competitive athletes getting ready to hit the stage.

Here are the principles that Graff finds particularly effective for shoulder training, and a program of exercises to put these principles into practice.

1. Train your delts more often

Graff's training split is designed to work the delts not once, but twice in 7 days. “Even so, there is not much growth incentive,” he says. “Increasing emphasis helps delts grow like never before.”

Besides special training, individual bundles of deltoid muscles are worked on the days of other muscle groups. The posterior head is actively involved in rows on back day, the anterior head is recruited in chest presses, especially in the head-up press. For Graff, this regimen is no problem, and he even trains his chest, shoulders and back three days in a row without rest.

“The results speak for themselves,” he says, challenging the premise that a muscle group should rest for 48 hours before the next workout. “Of course, you can’t ignore recovery factors, so focus on eating frequent, balanced, high-protein meals and getting good rest.”

Read also: Gym exercises for girls

2. For heavy bench presses, use machines, not free weights.

It may seem like it goes against every rule of thumb when designing a training program, but Graff believes the biggest downside to free weights is that the need to balance the machine leads to reduced tonnage. For him, the main thing is to lift the maximum weight that allows him to work in the intended repetition range.

“For bench presses, I prefer machines because I can use more weight,” he says. “Because I don’t have to expend energy balancing the bar, my job becomes simpler: I just need to push as much weight as possible without having to guide it.”

3. Keep your volume high throughout your workout.

What really stands out about Tom Graff's shoulder workout is the volume; even his heavy sets consist of 12 repetitions. Although representatives sports science While everyone agrees that the ideal range for hypertrophy is 8-12 reps, Graff prefers to stay at the upper limit.

“I usually try to do 12-15 reps,” he says. - I tried to do less than twelve, but often, when I was limited to 8 repetitions in a set, there was a feeling that this was not enough. I'd rather sacrifice tonnage, but I'll do it more reps. This increases blood flow to the muscles, helps achieve a better pump, and the muscles hurt more the next day.”

Do you think mirrors in the gym are just for practicing posing or admiring yourself? Not at all. For Tom Graff, this is yet another functional tool that proves that his chosen training style is truly effective.

“I can see the striations of the muscles directly during the workout, and it tells me that the exercise is working,” he says.

If the striations increase with each approach, this is a sure sign that the exercise is doing its job.

For example, this is how I make sure that raising the arms in front of you or to the sides not to shoulder level, but above your head, is effective and forces the muscle to plow through an expanded range of motion.”

5. When the load is high, do fewer failure sets.

High-volume, high-frequency training forces Tom Graff to take a small step back.

“I finish most sets on the verge of muscle failure, and only in the last one do I give it my all, doing either a little more or a little less repetitions than planned,” he says.

If you push almost every set to failure, the secretion of cortisol may increase, which is a catabolic hormone.”

6. Additionally work on weak points

The deltoids may be Tom Graff's best muscle group, but he admits that the same can't be said for each individual deltoid head. His front delts are overdeveloped, which, in his opinion, is explained by their active participation in chest training.

“The rear delts are my weak link, so I might add another exercise for them or increase the volume,” he says. “And since the more massive your shoulders, the brighter the illusion that you are a tough bodybuilder, on shoulder training day I pay special attention to the middle buns.”

Shoulder workout by Tom Graff

Tom Graff begins his delt training with light warm-up sets and performs internal and external rotations on the shoulder joints, ligaments and muscles. Rest between sets 60-90 seconds. Use a weight that makes it difficult for you to reach your rep target. Warm-up approaches are not included in the exercise program.

Seated press in the simulator.“I sit not with my back, but with my face to the machine. This allows me to get into a deeper position and forces my hands to go further behind my head. This way, the emphasis shifts to the rear and middle deltoids, and the load on the front bundle, which is already strong for me, is reduced.”

Pull to the chin.“I raise my elbows as high as possible. Very often people begin to shorten the range of motion with each subsequent repetition. I find that full-range repetitions help me develop my upper trapezius as well.

I really like to pull my elbows up really high because that way I can really feel the traps working. To be honest, this is almost the only exercise for the top trapezius muscles in my training program.

I prefer to take the bar narrower, since the front delts are loaded a little more than with broad setting hands."

Raising dumbbells in front of you incline bench.

“I achieved much more definition in my front heads when I started doing this exercise on an incline bench and started raising my arms overhead, increasing my range of motion.

Often I see in the mirror how the striations intensify and the muscles become more prominent as the range of motion expands. I consider this my key exercise for the front delts.”

Raising arms with dumbbells to the sides while standing.“I strive for my shoulders to not just be visually larger; I want to increase the volume of deltas both in width and depth, because this emphasizes the muscular relief of the upper arm.

In this exercise, I raise my arms to about shoulder height.

As an alternative, I can do a variation for medium delts, in which I lean on my side on an incline bench and lift the dumbbell over my head, performing the movement with a full amplitude.”

Abducting dumbbells to the side from the plank.“These are two exercises for the price of one, because both the core muscles and rear delts. Essentially, you first stabilize your torso in a one-arm plank and then perform a dumbbell lateral raise.

I start with neutral grip, and when I raise my hand high, I turn my hand so that thumb looked down. I feel like my rear delts are contracting more this way than if my arm remains in a neutral position for the entire rep.”

"Graff-ik" of change

This workout works for Tom Graff, but don't think that this is the last training program in his - or your - sports life.

“Like most bodybuilders, I believe that training programs need changes,” he says. - I like to add variety by changing exercises to keep my delts from adapting to a particular movement pattern.

Read also: Correct posture exercises for correct posture

I do some exercises almost every workout, and change the rest relatively often.”

In the off-season, when the goal is to increase volume, he makes additional sacrifices for the sake of muscle growth. “For starters, I don’t do cardio at all. “I slow down the pace of my workouts and keep my heart rate no higher than 120,” he says.

I also force myself to eat even when I don’t feel like it, which is even more difficult when you adhere to the rules of “clean” mass gain. I have to prepare food in advance, and I devote about 2 hours to this every Sunday.

There are so many food supplies for a week that they barely fit in the refrigerator.”

Do you want to build bigger shoulders? This is the kind of attitude this requires. Focus your efforts on muscle growth, and you will definitely get results!


Delt training

Many beginners make the mistake of thinking that arm and chest training should take up the lion's share of training. But, believe me, narrow shoulders combined with massive arms and pumped up chest will not look harmonious. Therefore, delta training must be included in the set of exercises.

Proper training

According to practice, the most optimal option for training deltas will be in the range from 7 to 12 repetitions in one set. This method is one of the most effective for rapid weight gain in almost all muscle groups. In addition, the deltoid muscles must be subjected to significant loads, almost to the limit of their capabilities, for their stable growth.

Many videos about delt training and various articles say that this muscle consists of bundles: anterior, medial, and posterior. This feature of the muscle structure must be taken into account when drawing up individual training. After all, besides general exercises, it is also necessary to do isolated ones, which are aimed at working out each individual beam.

Set of exercises

One of effective exercises to train the deltas - swing dumbbells. They are best done in the range of 15 to 20 repetitions. But the deltoid muscles are also easily injured due to their complex anatomical structure.

The shoulders are included in the work in almost all complexes that are designed to pump up the upper body. So before you put a significant load on your shoulders, you need to warm them up thoroughly. You've probably already heard about this in various videos about training deltas.

The majority of bench press exercises for training deltoids for mass are best done in a Smith machine. Due to the fact that the bar in this simulator moves only in one plane, stabilizer muscles can be excluded from the work. In this case, the deltas will receive the maximum possible load.

Training deltas for mass may look like this:

  • Smith machine press 3x12
  • Dumbbell overhead press 3x12
  • Standing dumbbell swings 3x12
  • Seated weight press 3x10

Experienced bodybuilders need to include at least two basic and two or three isolation exercises in their deltoids training program. Each set should consist of eight to ten repetitions, this number is optimal for effective muscle growth.

According to bodybuilding professionals, the best ways to train your deltoids are the military press and the standing barbell press. They are aimed at intense workout all delta bundles, except the posterior one.

If you pay attention to the video of deltoids training for mass, you will notice that many athletes do Arnold presses and standing barbell rows to the chin. These exercises mostly involve the middle (medial) delta bundle, which is responsible for the formation of massive shoulders.

However, it is worth understanding that the muscles little by little begin to get used to the same exercises, so they should be changed periodically. This will allow you not to slow down while gaining weight.

Most isolation exercises, such as dumbbell overhead presses (you can also use a barbell), barbell raises, and dumbbell rows while lying on your stomach, use the anterior and posterior deltoids. And this is due to the fact that basic exercises act on the medial muscle bundle at sufficient intensity.

There are still many complexes that can significantly develop the shoulders, but they are essentially duplicative and less effective. The exercises described above are quite enough to form developed and sculpted shoulders.

All about delt training


How to pump up deltoids - shoulder training from Denis Borisov, which is better for pumping up deltoids, swings or presses, secrets of training deltoids

Pump up your deltoids
necessary for both men and women, however, girls just need to round them up a little, but men need to build up the muscle mass of the shoulder girdle, since large deltoids are manly! You can start pumping up your deltoids almost from your first visit to the gym, since although your shoulders are small muscle group, but still it is the largest of them, and besides, there are basic exercises for training the deltas. The need to use a “base” in the training of novice athletes is a consequence of the fact that beginners have neither mitochondria nor myofibrils, so the muscles acidify very quickly, as a result, the volume of training for a beginner should be low. That is why beginners are suitable circuit training lasting 40 minutes, but you can train every other day, since the muscles will recover faster.

Deltoid training can be divided into 2 types: training the anterior deltoid and working out the middle and posterior deltoid muscles.

In bodybuilding, the middle and rear beams are of greater importance, since they are responsible for the volume of the shoulder girdle, therefore, if you want to pump up your shoulders, you need to perform rows and swings, but if you want to increase your strength, then you need presses.

If you are not a powerlifter, then doing shoulder presses is pointless, since the front deltoid already receives sufficient load during chest presses, but there are exceptions.

If your shoulders are lagging behind and you want to pay more attention to them for a while, then heavy presses on the anterior deltoid can contribute to hypertrophy of other beams.

The fact is that our body constantly strives for homeostasis, balance in everything, for example, if you only train right hand, That left hand will also grow, the same thing happens here, especially since heavy basic exercises stimulate the synthesis of RNA, somatotropin, testosterone and, in general, the work of hormonal glands. For detailed study techniques and features of delta training, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the video material by Denis Borisov:

Read also: Exercises for the inner legs

Conclusions: delta training can be roughly divided into working out the front beam and the middle and rear beams, since the front beam is mainly responsible for strength indicators, and the middle and rear beams for the size of the shoulder girdle.

Bodybuilders need to pay more attention to the rear bundle, as well as train the middle one; strength athletes should train the front bundle. It is also recommended to train the front deltoid for beginners and athletes specializing in delt training.

The bottom line is that if you want to pump up your deltoids and they are lagging behind, you definitely need to set aside some period during which you will give priority to training this particular muscle.

It is important to note that “cheating” and large working weights are permissible only in basic shoulder exercises, and swings and various pulls in exercise machines must be done smoothly and under control in order to avoid injuries and form a beautiful shoulder girdle.

Bodybuilding video

Regular training of the deltoid muscles increases the width of the shoulder girdle. This has a positive effect on the athlete’s appearance. Triceps, biceps, slim waist against the backdrop of well-developed shoulders they look most advantageous.

Shoulder weight training is considered the most difficult. The shoulders consist of three bundles, and there are no exercises that evenly and simultaneously work all of them at once. It requires special attention to choosing a shoulder training program, especially for those whose deltoids are a lagging muscle group.

An increase in shoulder mass is achieved by performing isolating and basic exercises. The latter are of paramount importance. They are aimed at working out several, rather than a separate delta beam, and working out the triceps. However, unfortunately, performing basic exercises does not allow achieving uniform loads.

Beginning bodybuilders are advised to initially include only basic exercises in their training. Insulating materials should be added later. They become needed when some of the bundles begin to lag behind in development in order to “tighten up” them.

For newcomers who have recently arrived in Gym, just do a couple of basic exercises. Sometimes even one is enough. Experienced athletes require much greater loads. To pump up each bundle, they must perform 2-4 isolating and 2-3 basic exercises.

The number of approaches, according to the advice of experts, should be 3-4 times, and repetitions in each 8-12. This intensity is suitable for those athletes who train to increase mass. When an athlete works to improve strength indicators, repetitions in approaches are reduced to a minimum of 4-6 times.

The program includes:

  1. performed while standing.
  2. which is done in a sitting position.
  3. , the bar is held with a wide grip.
  4. Three variations of dumbbell swings, lifting weights while standing, bent over, in front of you.

All exercises are performed 3-4x8-12. This applies to every swing variation.

This training program is not suitable for beginners. It is designed for athletes who have been training for more than one year. Less experienced athletes isolation exercises, such as swings, should be removed from it.

To prevent muscles from adapting and continuing to progress, experienced athletes periodically make changes to training process. The greatest effect comes from forced repetitions, drop sets and supersets.

What safety precautions must be taken during training?

The risks of injury during deltoids training are high. This is due to the structure of the shoulder joint, consisting of three beams, its direct involvement when performing presses and deadlifts, as well as rotation through 180 degrees. And if the athlete does not know or ignores the safety rules, then any exercise on the delta becomes a potentially dangerous threat.

You can protect yourself by strictly following all recommendations to reduce the risk of injury:

  • Every delt exercise should always begin with a high-quality and good warm-up;
  • when starting a working approach, you must definitely do a warm-up set;
  • do not take maximum scales and work with a reliable safety net - a partner on the last approaches;

It is not recommended to do exercises that involve movement that is unnatural for the shoulder joint. A striking example is the overhead barbell press. If there is a need for such exercises, you should work only with a limited range of motion.

How to “bring up” deltas that are lagging behind in development?

Most athletes are predisposed to lagging deltoids. And if earlier this problem was practically insoluble, then at the present stage of development of bodybuilding a huge number of high-volume methods have been developed that make it possible to work the deltas with maximum impact. With the help of forced reps, super-sets and drop sets, athletes can literally shock the deltoid muscles, that is, force the shoulders to grow.

If an athlete resorts to high-volume training methods, he should take into account the fact that they are very depleting to the body. Therefore, it is under no circumstances possible to work according to this principle in every lesson. Neglecting this recommendation will not allow you to get any incredible effect, but overtraining will guarantee it. The program presented below is optimally repeated twice a month, but not more often.

Shocking training for deltoids with drop sets and supersets

Requires a preliminary warm-up, which takes at least ten minutes. It consists of working with small weights, rotating the body and arms, as well as other warm-up movements.

When the warm-up part is completed, move on to the main part:

Block one

  • Standing barbell press (2 warm-up + 3 working sets of 10 reps);
  • Wide-grip barbell rows to the chin (2 warm-up + 3 working sets of 10 reps).

After completing these exercises, they move on to supersets aimed at working the rear and anterior deltas.

Block two

  • Seated dumbbell press + bent over dumbbell swing (3 supersets of 8-10 repetitions in each approach) – rest between supersets no more than two minutes, and a pause between sets no more than 20 seconds. Also add a few minutes of rest before drop sets.

These exercises pretty much exhaust the rear and front deltoids. To completely complete the work on the shoulders, all that remains is to work on the middle ones, which drop sets allow you to do.

Block three

  • Standing dumbbell lateral raises (3 regular dropsets with the weights dropped by 50% in the second approach, 10 reps in each dropset series).

Drop sets are done according to the following scheme: first, they take dumbbells of the athlete’s usual working weight, and after 10 repetitions they immediately switch to weights that are 2 times lighter in weight, performing the same number of repetitions.

With this training program It is guaranteed that the deltoid muscles will receive a powerful impetus for further growth. Shock training should not be performed in conjunction with exercises for other muscle groups, since the load on nervous system and without this it is very large. If the exercise is not completely exhausting, then it is permissible to add 2 repetitions or do several approaches to one of the exercises.

To get maximum results, but not deplete the body, you need to take into account the following nuances:

  • Training according to the described program should not be done to the point of failure. The selected working weights must be such that the athlete is able to perform 1-2 more repetitions to the optimal number within the training.
  • Both supersets and drop sets are a high-intensity way of training. They greatly deplete energy reserves. Therefore, during classes you should take energy drinks and isotonic drinks.

After an exhausting training, be sure to fast recovery. You can eat after a few hours, but take protein cocktail To replenish nutrients in the body, it is preferable to immediately.