Pulling up on the horizontal bar with a direct grip. All about pull-ups: types, technique, benefits for muscle development. Pull-ups with a straight middle grip

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The grips are important element exercises on the horizontal bar. It should be understood that the muscle group that will be affected will depend on the grips. Today you will learn what grips are and how to perform them correctly so that yours.

Varieties of grips on the horizontal bar

It is worth noting that the grips on the horizontal bar are performed under the supervision of an experienced trainer, but if you do not have such an opportunity, we recommend that you follow our simple instructions. To begin with, I would like to decide what grips are.

In fact, many girls begin to train on horizontal bars, for all the consequences after childbirth. We offer you a very interesting article, using home appliances in your spare time.

What is a grip on the horizontal bar, how will it help in training?

There are two types of so-called grips. The first group includes grips that differ in the setting of the hands, and the second group includes the setting of the width of the hands. We invite you to consider in detail each of the existing widow grips. You need to start with the first group.

  • In this case, you need - this will help raise the strength in the hands.

You must understand that the load that is placed on the muscles will depend on how you put your hands. It should be noted that the top grip should be considered the most standard options. This is the simplest grip, which implies several features.

What is a grip?

First of all, it is worth noting that when performing an overhand grip, your palms away from you should tightly grip the bar. grips, have great importance. Many athletes use the lower grip in training. It can also be noted that in the case of a lower grip, your palms must be directed towards you. You can also use a mixed grip. With a mixed grip, your one palm should be facing you. Usually this right hand, a left hand should be directed away from you.

With a mixed grip, doing pull-ups is quite difficult, so if you feel discomfort, you need to change the grip to the upper one. There are also some effective reverse grip exercises. In this case, your shoulders should be turned out, as for the palms, they should be directed away from the face. You must understand that this grip implies an additional load.

Types of grips on the horizontal bar for training

You need to try not to overexert your body. It should also be understood that must be performed correctly. The reverse grip on the horizontal bar is performed with the shoulders turned out. You can also combine cross grip and raises. With a cross grip, your arms should be crossed.

Types of grips - video

  • Such a grip can only be performed correctly experienced athletes. If you want to perform correctly, then we recommend that you watch a video lesson in which you can understand how to perform one or another grip correctly. Often trainers recommend using a closed grip. So you can pump the muscles of the chest. You will learn how to perform a closed grip correctly right now. It should be understood that in this case, your palms should be pressed against each other. Moreover, the fingers of your hand should be superimposed on the fingers of the second hand.

Thus, crossover occurs. It should be understood that it is worth doing the grips correctly, only in this case they will produce right effect. A wide grip on the horizontal bar happens different types. A wide grip can have a different distance between the hands. We have prepared for you several ways to perform a grip.

Types of grips

It’s worth starting with the most common type - this. Your hands should be at the maximum distance. This allows you to develop axillary muscles. Thus, your silhouette will appear more massive. If you learn how to perform, then you can also master other types. I would like to say a few words about the average grip.

In this case, your hands should be at the level of crying. You must understand that when doing exercises, your body should not overstrain. If you feel pain, then the exercise is not worth doing. We have already noted that your physical fitness is important. In order to achieve maximum effect should be combined, which.

Grips for every workout occasion

You can also try incorporating pull-ups into your workout with wide grip. In this case, your hands should be located at the maximum distance from each other. on the horizontal bar gives the maximum effect only if you observe all the nuances. You must understand that you must perform rhythmically. Do not make too long pauses between repetitions. Professionals recommend wrapping it around with your thumb, as described on the site.

Neutral grip on the horizontal bar should be done correctly. If you want to perform the exercise correctly, then it is better to wrap your thumb around the bar. I would also like to discuss the reverse grip technology. You must understand that it is better to raise the right hand up. It is better to point your hand towards you. Then you need to touch the crossbar with your knuckles. Grips on the horizontal bar photo, it is better to look at special sites.

You must be prepared for the fact that it is quite difficult to do such a grip correctly the first time, so we recommend that you practice well. In order to properly perform a reverse grip, joint flexibility is needed. You can first practice on simple exercises. Your muscles and joints should get used to the load.

Reverse grip is performed smoothly. Reverse grip perfectly develops dexterity and technique. You must understand that today the horizontal bar is a great opportunity to put your body in order. There are several types of horizontal bars. You can also buy a hanging bar and place it in your home. It is very comfortable. It is not worth doing the horizontal bar every day. You must rest so that your body can build muscle. It is worth noting that grip is of great importance.

- This is a very simple, but at the same time very effective exercise. In addition, all you need to perform pull-ups is a crossbar in the yard or a wall horizontal bar at home. The need to visit the gym, in principle, disappears, but the result can be even better.

This article is devoted to pull-ups on the horizontal bar, you will learn everything you need to know about this exercise in order to get the most out of it and achieve an excellent result.

What do pull-ups give us?

It would seem a common yard exercise that the guys indulge in sports grounds. But not everything is as simple as it seems. In fact, pull-ups have a lot of potential and improve many physical qualities athlete. Namely:

  • Increase in strength and mass
  • Stamina increase
  • Strengthening the brushes
  • Increasing grip strength
  • Giving relief to the muscles
  • Improving the work of the cardiovascular system
  • Improvement in overall fitness

The main types of pull-ups

A variation of pull-ups is to change the width of the grip and the grip itself (forward or reverse). The emphasis of the load on certain muscles depends on these changes.

So, for example, pull-ups with a wide grip, focus on the development of back muscles, and with pull-ups with a narrow grip, the main load falls on the biceps.

There are three types of grip width - narrow medium and wide. With a narrow grip, the hands are as close to each other as possible, with an average grip, approximately shoulder width apart, and with a wide grip, hands should be placed at the maximum distance from each other, but within reason, of course.

  • Pull-ups with a direct wide grip on the head. This type of pull-up develops latissimus dorsi back and makes them wider, in other words, gives your back a triangular shape.

  • Pull-ups on the horizontal bar with a straight wide grip to the chest. Similar to the previous one, this type of pull-up also develops the latissimus dorsi, but in this case, the muscle increases not in width, but in thickness.

  • Pull-ups with a straight narrow grip. Such pull-ups perfectly pump the bottom of the widest ones, and also significantly involve the biceps.
  • Pull-ups with a reverse narrow grip. Here, the back muscles already receive a minimal load, and the main emphasis falls on the biceps. This type of pull-ups will be a real lifesaver for those who have stagnation in the growth of biceps, when using a barbell and exercise equipment.
  • Medium grip pull-ups are a compromise between training the biceps and back muscles. It is these pull-ups that beginners should perform, and then move on to narrow or wide.

There are also special types pull-ups, which are based on the basics, but slightly modified. They are somewhat more difficult to perform, but the effect of them is much greater.

  • Pulling up the Gironde

This type of pull-up is named after the famous Vince Gironda, a bodybuilder, trainer and designer of some simulators. Its peculiarity is that here the lats receive a much greater load than in the classic pull-ups to the chest.

  • Rocky pull-ups

This type of pull-ups is more difficult than the previous one. Due to the alternation of pull-ups for the head and the Gironde, the exercise becomes more intense.

  • Pull-ups from side to side

By shifting the weight of the body on different sides, we also transfer most of the load to the left and right sides of the latissimus dorsi. Thus, loading them alternately, but with a stronger load than in ordinary straight pull-ups.

  • Pull-ups on one arm

The hand that does not hold on to the belt, but to the crossbar receives a significantly greater load than the other. Using this type of pull-ups and gradually holding on to the belt lower and lower, it is possible on one arm - hence the name.

How to pull up correctly?

When doing pull-ups, as in other exercises and when doing other exercises, the main thing is not the quantity, but the quality! To achieve good results and insure yourself against possible injuries, you need to perform pull-ups technically correctly.

Here are a few rules on how to pull up correctly:

  • Pull-ups should be performed without swinging.
  • Movements should not be jerky.
  • At the top of the exercise, the chin should be above the bar (if using a medium or narrow grip). With a wide grip, you should try to touch the bar with your chest.
  • The position of the body must be strictly vertical
  • Don't forget to breathe properly. Exhale as you move up, and inhale as you move down.
  • Performing pull-ups on the horizontal bar, one should also not forget about the strength of the grip.

Different goals for pull-ups

You can pull up for different purposes. This can be an increase in muscle endurance, giving them more volume or pulling up to make the muscles stronger.

All this is possible, but the main thing is to know how to perform pull-ups in order to pursue the goal with which you approached the horizontal bar.

Endurance pull-ups

To make the body and target muscles more enduring, you need to perform pull-ups as often as possible and as much as possible, again within reason of course.

Thus, the most optimal endurance training program would be to perform 4-5 sets of pull-ups with a maximum number of repetitions. It is worth doing this mode 4-5 times a week.

Pull-ups to develop strength

There is already a slightly more cunning way. During the performance of any exercise, the muscles work in two phases - “positive” and “negative”.

When the weight is lifted (in this case lifting the body), the muscles work in the “positive” phase, and when the weight is lowered, they work in the “negative” phase. The growth of the strength and volume indicators of your muscles directly depends on these two phases.

Thus, in order to extract the maximum strength results from pull-ups, it is necessary to force the muscles to work mainly in the “positive” phase. This means that when doing pull-ups, you must perform slow lifts and fast lowers. Approximately 2-3 seconds to rise and 1 second to lower.

This type of pull-ups is quite heavy and therefore you need to train in this mode for 3-4 sets with the number of repetitions of 6-8, if it turns out more, then you should start pulling up using weights, for example, hanging a weight from your belt. Doing this should be no more than 3-4 times a week.

Pull-ups to develop mass

Pull-ups on the horizontal bar make it possible to acquire a decent volume of muscles and their mass. To do this, it is worth, using the rules of the "positive" and "negative" phases, to force the muscles to work mainly in the "negative" phase.

Pull-ups should be performed with a quick rise of the body and a slow lowering. I use 2-3 seconds to lower and 1 second to rise. Do 2-3 sets of 8-12 times, again, if you get more, use weights.

This mode involves a strong load on the muscles, because it is in the "negative" phase that muscle fibers receive the maximum microfractures. Therefore, the muscles need more time to recover and train in this mode should be no more than twice a week.


Of course, pull-ups, to one degree or another, involve all of the above goals, but using a specific pull-up scheme, you can place the maximum emphasis on increasing endurance, strength or muscle mass.

After analyzing all of the above, we can conclude that pull-ups are really universal exercise which, despite its simplicity, has an amazing effect!

By the way, this is an optimistic and motivational video of how a man pulls himself up 80 times! Weak to repeat? :)

We hope that this article will be useful to you and help you improve your results. Leave your questions and opinions on this subject in the comments to the article.

Among the exercises that allow you to work with own weight, pull-ups on the horizontal bar are considered the most common and affordable. They can be performed both in the gym and on the street. You can install the crossbar at home, which will make this exercise even more accessible. Pull-ups on the horizontal bar perfectly work out the muscles and allow you to stretch the spine well. This positive effect from exercise is important not only for those involved in maintaining good shape, but also for professional athletes.

You can pull up anywhere. The main thing is to have a crossbar. There is such a horizontal bar on almost every yard sports ground. AT gyms there are crossbars too. It is often done right in the house or apartment. It does not take up much space, but allows you to pull up absolutely at any time. This exercise does not allow you to pump up powerful muscles, but even those who strive to become really big should not refuse it, since it helps to improve the relief of both the back and arms.

In addition, pulling up, you can significantly increase strength indicators, that is, develop the back and arms. There are various types of pull-ups, which are determined by the type of grip. Depending on the specific choice, the muscle group to be worked out is determined.

It is a classic version. This kind of pull-ups are performed as in the lessons. physical culture and American special forces. The main focus is on the biceps and back muscles.

To perform this sipping, you must perform the following steps:

  • grab the horizontal bar with your hands spaced shoulder-width apart;
  • hang and bend a little in the back;
  • cross your legs so that the body does not loosen;
  • pull up, bringing the shoulder blades together.

When the body is at its extreme point, it is necessary upper part Yu chest to touch the crossbar. Muscles are best stretched when the arms are fully extended. Otherwise, it will not be possible to achieve full stretching.

It is a simpler and easier variation compared to the top one. This is due to the fact that the main part of the load is obtained by biceps. They, unlike the back, are initially more adapted to pulling up. This type of exercise is ideal for beginners who have difficulty with the overhand grip.

The distance between the arms should be the same as when doing pull-ups with a wide overhand grip. The difference lies in the fact that the palms do not turn away from themselves, but, on the contrary, towards themselves. The implementation of this exercise does not differ in principle from the previous one, but the shoulders, when they begin to move up, are pulled back, and then down. The forearms should remain perpendicular to the floor throughout the entire pull-up.

Pull-ups on the horizontal bar provide the most varied effect to the muscles. This variety is considered the most useful. It's powerful and useful exercise, of course, requires a certain level physical training and effort. Such a pull-up scares beginners, because it is not only difficult to do, but very difficult. Among those who regularly attend gym It's rare to meet people who know how to do it right. The exercise allows you to pump several spinal groups muscles - the broadest, round paired, as well as trapezius.

To do this pull-up, the horizontal bar is taken from above. The grip should be such that the hands are at the same distance as when pressing the bar in the prone position. An important nuance is that thumb is not below, but above. This also applies to other fingers. In other words, the crossbar is held from above. Thanks to this position, the muscles of the back are stretched as well and efficiently as possible. When pulling up, the muscles of the biceps should be relaxed.

The upward movement is carried out by bringing the shoulder blades together. It is necessary to reach up until the moment when the chest touches the crossbar. The achievement of this position should be preceded by arching in the back and looking up. When they reach the extreme point, they linger in the accepted position for a few seconds.

Another common and quite popular variation of this exercise. The main nuance that should be remembered when performing this pull-up option is that it is quite traumatic. The risk arises from incorrect execution. If the shoulder joints remain motionless, then you can get a very serious injury. The load falls on the same muscle groups as when pulling up with a wide grip to the chest, but the latissimus dorsi muscles work out the most.

The grip is similar in width to that of the bench press. When do this exercise, then the back should not be bent in any case. The body and legs should form an even single line. Elbows must be kept pointing down at all times. They must not look back. At the highest point, the neck should not be in contact with the surface of the crossbar.

Until such time as the full range of motion is made, it is required to spend a certain amount of time on training. This allows you to master correct technique execution. If you try to immediately perform a pull-up, you can get injured. A signal to stop further movement is pain in the back or in shoulder joints. You can't suddenly stop moving. It is necessary to slowly lower to the starting (initial position). This will avoid injury or minimize damage.

Unlike previous variations, the grip is done with narrowly spaced arms. This exercise is great for those people whose wrist joints have little mobility. When the bar is taken from below, pull-ups allow you to work well on the serratus, lower latissimus dorsi. The shoulder muscles are also involved to some extent.

The palms on the bar should be as close to each other as possible. thumbs hands are almost in contact with each other. Pull-ups are performed with a deflection in the back. Should try to touch bottom chest with crossbar.

This type of pull-up is easier than the previous one. It is performed either when it is difficult to do an exercise with an upper narrow grip, or to stretch the latissimus dorsi. Along with this muscle group, the biceps are also being worked out.

Similar to the previous version, this exercise also involves the closest possible location of the hands to each other. The difference is that the palms are facing you. When they weigh on straight arms, they bend in the back and look at the hands. Focus on bringing your shoulder blades together and pulling your shoulders back. Pulling up to the extreme point, they try to bend more strongly in the back and touch the horizontal bar with the lower part of the chest.

It is a rather specific kind of pull-up on the horizontal bar. This pull-up is aimed at working out the widest lower dentate muscles and to some extent shoulder. The crossbar is taken so that one palm is in front of the other. During pull-ups, bend in the back and try to touch chest(lower part) of the crossbar. The head is turned away from the projectile, changing sides with each pull-up. Hands change with a new approach. To make the execution more comfortable, often a V-shaped handle is hung on the horizontal bar.

Such pull-ups are aimed at working out the biceps. They allow you to concentrate the load. The horizontal bar is taken with a reverse middle grip, when a right angle is formed between the forearm and shoulder. Having taken the starting position, they are pulled up exactly to the middle. The body should be fixed vertically, and then they begin to move up, trying to touch the crossbar with their collarbones. The absence of stretching and low amplitude allow you to get the maximum load.

Performing pull-ups, like any other exercise, requires training. You should start them only after determining your maximum. Further, having decided on the group, they begin to train at least twice a week, and after a month they repeat the test. If the indicators have increased, go to the next level of difficulty.

Category one - one or two pull-ups

People who manage to pull up no more than two times in one set have the weakest level. They should start working with passive pull-ups when the load of their own weight is minimized. This implies using the bench, that is, lifting with the use of the legs. Lowering is carried out already under the force of its own weight. The first 14 days should be trained in 3 sets, in each of which they do up to 5 repetitions, when lowering takes at least 5-6 seconds. Then it is increased to 8 or 10 seconds, but no more than two approaches are made.

Category two - from two to four attempts

Those who manage to perform two or more successful pull-ups should do more sets, but with fewer repetitions. The first repetitions must be performed intensive in order to load as much as possible. muscle fibers maximizing neuromuscular communication. The first two weeks of training do eight approaches, in each of which there should be exactly half of the repetitions from the best indicator when you first tested your ability. Between separate cycles of rest for 1-1.5 minutes. The further training schedule already involves performing in each set the full number of pull-ups that were done on the first attempt.

Category three - from 5 to 7 pull-ups

People who are able to pull themselves up 5 or even 7 times are strong, but not yet very hardy. They can perform the exercise without any set count. Rest between separate approaches can be any. The main task is to do at least three or four sets.

Category four - 8 to 12 times

Those who are able to pull themselves up at least eight times in one approach are already too hardy and strong to work with their own weight. To improve your results, you must use weights, which should be no more than 10% of your own weight. Additional load will reduce the number of repetitions by three or four times, but will allow you to get the maximum effect.


Pull-ups only at first glance seem not the most effective exercise for training. They allow you to keep yourself in shape when there is no time for full-fledged classes. If you want to develop not only the spinal muscles and biceps, you should perform exercises to work out the legs and abs.

Pull-ups on the bar are one of the oldest ways to strengthen the muscles of the back, arms, and abs. Various options This exercise will help you pump your back, biceps, shoulders, strengthen your forearms and wrists.

How pull-ups can save lives

Numerous stories prove how important it is to be able to pull up, and indeed, to be in good shape. physical form. Various emergency situations happen to every fifth person in the world. And the circumstances when you just need to pull yourself up are for every man and more than once in his life.

Here is a simple example from the life of an ordinary person who was not shown in the news, who was not written about in blogs.

This is a man, now he is about 40 years old. Once he was locked in a burning basement, where there were no chairs or furniture. There were old mattresses on the floor. The fire started from inside the building, and the man could not get out through the door. The only way to escape lay through the window, which was under the ceiling. To cling to the window sill, it was necessary to jump a little - he was able to do it. But then it was necessary to pull up and just catch on to the open bars outside the window. He was able to knock out the glass, but he couldn't get in. He couldn't pull up. The man was rescued by firefighters when he was already unconscious.

This life story clearly shows how important it is to be able to pull up at least a few times for both men and women. It is especially important for men to be able to pull themselves up a couple of times with an average grip.

There is also such a type of exercise as negative pull-ups. With this performance, you rise to the top point by climbing onto a bench or step, but you go down already due to the strength of your own arms and back. This option is recommended for beginners for whom it is still too difficult to fully pull up.

CrossFit often uses the kipping pull-up and its faster variation, the butterfly. The athlete swings the body, throwing himself up due to inertia. This approach allows you to perform more repetitions in the allotted time. However, if you are not a competitor, this method does not make sense to practice, as it creates a dangerous load on the joints.

How to pull up, depending on your goals

Depending on what you want to achieve with pull-ups, the training strategy will be different.

We pull ourselves up for general physical development

Pulling up is one of the elements of a complex of exercises on sports grounds. This is part of the classic deuce - "horizontal bar and bars." With the help of these two sports equipment, you can well strengthen the upper body.

If you want to do it for the general physical development- it is enough to perform 2-3 sets of 10-15 times. It's okay if you can only pull up 3-5 times - progress comes gradually.

Pull up for muscle growth

Athletes rarely use pull-ups on the horizontal bar as an independent mass exercise. Usually this is one of the exercises in the complex for biceps and back.

With a beginner to intermediate level of training, and if your own weight is large enough, ordinary pull-ups with different grips will be enough for you without additional complications. They are performed 8-12 times in the approach.

For maximum effect professional bodybuilders. That is, they hang additional pancakes on their belts or, which is safer for the spine, put on special weight vests. The number of repetitions also remains 8–12. Muscle failure should occur within this interval.

Pull-up technique

Let's look at the most popular variations of this exercise.

Classic pull-ups

What is a direct grip? This is the position of the hands when the fists are turned towards us, and the palms are away from us. They will have such a position on the horizontal bar. If we give up, everything will be the other way around.

Thus, we take the bar during the classic pull-ups. Pulling up on the horizontal bar with straight lines with an average grip is the most common version of the exercise. It is in this version that it is handed over in various educational institutions in a physical education lesson.

The rules for performing pull-ups with a direct grip are simple:

  1. Grab the bar with your hands shoulder-width apart with a straight grip. A shoulder-width grip is called medium.
  2. If the horizontal bar is low, bend your legs so that the body hangs in the air. The best option is pulling up from the hang on the high bar. So your legs won't get in your way.
  3. Hang, feel the weight of your body. Try to pull yourself up so that your chin is above the bar. To do this, with a powerful contraction of the muscles of the arms and back, lift yourself up. At the same time, do not jerk or swing.
  4. Hanging over the bar is not necessary, as soon as you have reached this position - go down.
  5. Control all movements: both up and down. If you start to sway (this happens when you pull yourself up several times in a row), try to stabilize the position of the body.

How many reps to do depends on your training goals. Work to failure - to the maximum. It's great if you divide the whole process into approaches. For example, 3 sets of 5 times, if for you 5 repetitions is a one-time maximum pull-ups on the horizontal bar. In general, make pull-ups and horizontal bars your friends!

Wide grip

The pull-up technique here is the same as in the previous case. You just need to take the crossbar not with an average grip, but a little wider than your shoulders. For everyone, this distance is individual. Make sure that the movement is comfortable and anatomical - no need to try to stretch as much as possible to the sides. The wider the brushes are, the more load will go to the latissimus dorsi. If they are poorly developed, you will never pull yourself up with a wide grip. This is normal, there is something to strive for.

Pull-up technique:

  1. Hang from the horizontal bar by grasping the bar with a wide grip.
  2. Great, now take your elbows to the sides and fix. If you put them forward, the load will go to the biceps, and the back will not be able to develop the necessary effort.
  3. Breathe in. As you exhale with the mice of the back, try to bring your elbows closer to the body. AT this moment the latissimus dorsi work, and they carry out this adductor movement. Help with your hands, but do not shift the entire load on them.
  4. The back muscles are usually weak, so the biceps often work more than they should. Try to transfer the load to the back. At the top point, try to pull yourself up as high as possible so that the crossbar is at the top of the chest.

By the way, so that you don’t get confused, a straight and pronated grip are one and the same.

And there is also a reverse grip, when the palms are turned to the face of the pull-up. narrow grip allows you to move the load on the biceps and the lower part of the latissimus dorsi.

  1. Grab the crossbar reverse grip, hands apart at a distance of about 20 cm. In this exercise, the elbows should be brought forward.
  2. On the exhale, rise as high as possible, on the inhale, go down.

Perform the desired number of repetitions, rest and proceed to the next approach. Take your time, do everything smoothly.

Pull-ups on a horizontal ladder

An interesting technique for strengthening the muscles of the back is work on horizontal stairs. It is convenient to train the grip on them, if you walk along all the crossbars on your hands. Pulling up on the horizontal bar in this way is very useful. You yourself will feel how previously unused areas of the back muscles begin to work.

In this version, there is a feature - due to the muscles of the back, you change the angle of inclination of your body in the hang. That is, the legs go a little forward, and the position of the body becomes more horizontal. From this position, you should pull yourself up. It is usually impossible to stick your head between the bars to pull yourself up vertically, so this specific deviation of the body will be very useful. You take your head back and stretch your chest to the crossbars. This exercise is similar to the pull of the lower block.

Especially good for the back is that the hands hold on to the crossbars with a parallel grip. From this position, the latissimus dorsi is much more accustomed to work, they are better pumped.

Do as many times as you can.

If you go to the gym, include pull-ups in your program at least once a week.

Pull up problems

Anything can happen during pull-ups, and the most common are injuries, blisters, and joint pain. A problem is also a weak grip, due to which falls sometimes occur. This is especially familiar to those for whom pull-ups and horizontal bars are the norm.


It's not that hard to get hurt. It is enough not to warm up before pull-ups or jerk sharply during the exercise. The most vulnerable muscles are the shoulder and biceps. Take care of them.

Your shoulders can get hurt during a power out when you're trying to get over the bar. The injury is very unpleasant and long-term. If you plan to do some elements on the horizontal bar, warm up the necessary muscles very well.


Every person has a different skin condition. In girls, for example, a callus can form from an ordinary neck of 20 kg. What about pull-ups?

In men, depending on their weight, corns can form already on the first workout. This is because during the exercise, the skin on the palm of your hand is pinched. In such cases, sports gloves come to the rescue. They will significantly reduce the chances of calluses, and also help you stay on the bar better.


Most often, elbows and shoulders hurt during pull-ups. And it's not just muscles or tendons that cause pain. But also ligaments, and the joints themselves. If you are concerned about pain, consult your doctor, get an MRI or other prescribed examination. An accurate diagnosis will help preserve health and minimize the loss of fitness.

Falls from the horizontal bar

People fall off the horizontal bar for two reasons: a weak grip and wet hands.

The first problem is solved by quality training. carpal muscles. And the second - with gloves or powdered magnesia. Gloves will make pull-ups on the bar much more comfortable.

The grip can be strengthened by a long hang on the horizontal bar. This will prepare your body for pull-ups.

These are the main rules of pull-ups that should be followed in order for your exercises to be as effective and safe as possible.

  1. Do the exercise without jerking, smoothly and under control. This tactic will help you work out your muscles properly and avoid injury.
  2. If you are pulling up on the crossbar with weights, clamp the pancakes suspended from the belt between your legs. Otherwise, they will swing.
  3. Move on to weights only when the number of repetitions without weight has become more than 10.
  4. Do not hang over the bar for a long time - a short hold is enough.
  5. In winter, be sure to wear non-slip gloves to make pulling up comfortable. The best material is leather (not necessarily natural).
  6. Do not sway while pulling up on the bar.
  7. You can simultaneously do pull-ups on the crossbar and train the press - to do this, raise your legs with a corner and pull yourself up in this position. It will be much more interesting. Thus, you can use pull-ups on the horizontal bar for complex training.

Greetings, my dear kachata and phytonyashki! On this middle day, as usual, we have a technical note waiting for us, and we will talk in it about pull-ups with a reverse grip. After reading, you will learn all about the muscle atlas, the benefits and technique of performing the exercise, and also find out the degree of its effectiveness and the appropriateness of using it in your training program.

So, take your seats in the auditorium, we begin.

Reverse pull-ups. What, why and why?

It's no secret that usually gym visitors do not like pull-ups on the bar, and all this is because of a "difficult childhood." By the latter, I mean the school-physical years, when one of the least favorite pastimes in a physical education lesson was passing standards, which included pull-ups. At the lesson of which class you don’t look - the picture was almost the same, and it was called "sausage vis" :). I don't know how things are now with the current younger generation, but it seems that "the landscape remained hanging" unchanged. Therefore, when many beginners come to the gym, they try to avoid the horizontal bar and pull-ups, so as not to repeat the failures of past years. We, on the pages of this site, are trying in every possible way to fight our infirmities, developing weak sides. So it will be today, we will learn how to perform a non-standard version of pull-ups with a reverse grip. How we will succeed, now we will find out.

For better assimilation of the material, all further narration will be divided into subchapters.

Muscular atlas

The exercise belongs to the class of basic ones with the type of pull force (pull) and has as its main goal the study of the latissimus dorsi muscles.

The muscle ensemble includes the following units:

  • targeted - latissimus dorsi;
  • synergists - brachialis / brachioradialis, teres major, posterior delta, rhomboid, levator scapula, trapezium bottom / middle, large (sternal head)/small chest;
  • dynamic stabilizers - biceps, triceps (long head).

A complete muscle atlas is such a picture.

By performing pull-ups with a reverse grip, you can expect to receive the following benefits:

  • complex load - impact at once on a large muscle mass;
  • increase in basal;
  • release of more anabolic hormones (growth hormone, testosterone);
  • development of general endurance;
  • strengthening the muscles of the upper shoulder girdle;
  • development of the upper back;
  • development of biceps muscle strength;
  • improvement in back problems (for example, if there is a hernia).

Execution technique

Reverse pull-ups belong to the class increased complexity and have their own characteristics. Step by step technique execution looks like this.

Step #0.

Go to the horizontal bar and, jumping up, grab it with a grip slightly narrower than shoulder width and palms to your face. Stretch into a straight line, keeping your torso as straight as possible. Slightly bend and cross your legs. This is your starting position.

Step #1.

As you exhale, keeping your elbows close to your body and your back straight, begin to pull your torso up until your chin is above the bar. At the top point, make a peak contraction and linger there for 1-2 accounts. While exhaling, begin to straighten your arms and get carried away down. Return to IP. Repeat the specified number of times.

In the picture version, all this disgrace looks like this:

On the move so...


In addition to the classic reverse grip pull-ups, there are several variations of the exercise, in particular:

  • narrow grip;
  • wide grip;
  • in the gravitron.

Secrets and subtleties

To get the most out of the exercise, follow these guidelines:

  • throughout the movement, keep the body upright and the back straight;
  • do not use cheating, swinging and helping yourself with the body;
  • slowly (on the 3-4 accounts) and controlled (full arm length) go down and powerfully/explosively pull up;
  • perform pull-ups to the position of the chin above the bar;
  • use additional weights if necessary;
  • breathing technique: exhalation - for effort, lifting; inhale - when lowering;
  • numerical training parameters: number of sets 3-5 , repetitions 10-12 .

With the theoretical side finished, now let's look at some practical points.

What grip is more effective to pull up, direct or reverse?

Researchers from the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research in 2015 In 2007, we compared two types of pull-ups for the degree of activation of various muscle groups depending on the grip variation. And here are the conclusions. Large chest and biceps showed higher EMG activation during reverse grip pull-ups than straight pull-ups. The classic version gave slightly more activation to the lats and lower trapezium.

Thus, by varying the grip within one workout, you shift the emphasis of the load and work out different muscle groups with priority in the development of the broadest.

I'm a girl, how can I not pump my back?

For young ladies, pull-ups in the gravitron with different positions of the hands and the distance between them can be the best option in working out the back. In addition to pull-ups, add the pull of the lower block to the belt and the extensor exercise - hyperextension with weight. As for the numerical parameters, then stick to the scheme 3 on 12-15 . Try this strategy, and in a short time, low back dresses will become one of your favorites.

Actually, that's all for me, we will turn off the bench :).


Today we got acquainted with pull-ups with a reverse grip. I am sure that this exercise will take pride of place in your toolkit for sculpting a textured and sexy back.

That's it, goodbye, dear reader!

PS. Do you use pull-ups in your workouts?

P.P.S. Did the project help? Then leave a link to it in the status of your social network- plus 100 points to karma guaranteed :).

With respect and gratitude, Dmitry Protasov.