Swimming for a child 1 year 8 months. Early swimming. Why is this necessary?

Most modern parents are keen on early developmental methods, including teaching newborn children to swim. What is this – a newfangled hobby or a necessary condition for the harmonious development of a child? Is it necessary to teach infants to swim, when to start and how to do it so as not to harm children's health? In our article we will try to answer these and other questions.

How is swimming good for babies?

From birth, children are already able to swim: they can hold their breath under water and splash with pleasure in the bathtub. This is explained by innate reflexes - before birth, the baby in the mother’s stomach was in a liquid environment. Around three to four months, this innate reaction fades away, and the baby will have to learn to stay afloat much later.

However, the essence of such activities with a newborn is not to make him into a future Olympic champion. Increasingly, pediatricians are saying that infant swimming brings invaluable benefits.

  1. Regular water procedures teach children to be calm about temperature changes. Thanks to hardening, the immune system is strengthened, which reduces the likelihood of colds, promotes dynamic physical development and helps prevent a variety of health problems.
  2. The result of systematic training is the formation of correct, beautiful posture, strong muscle corset for children's spine.
  3. Water exercises are much more effective for improving the motor system than massage and stroking. They strengthen or, conversely, relax the muscles of the back, arms, legs and neck. By the way, young swimmers begin to crawl, stand up and walk earlier().
  4. During bathing, when the child has a little difficulty breathing and the body lacks oxygen, the child’s body additionally releases red blood cells (erythrocytes), which contributes to an increase in hemoglobin levels.
  5. Swimming and diving have a positive effect on the lungs and cardiovascular system, help stimulate blood supply to organs and normalize blood pressure.
  6. When a child dives, the flowing water clears the maxillary sinuses. And this is the prevention of a runny nose in a newborn. The baby's nose is also washed, all bacteria, dust particles and possible allergens are removed.
  7. In water, the child calms down and gets rid of fears. Also, water procedures strengthen the bond between mother and baby, devoting time to the baby while swimming, you can better understand his body language and gestures, which will allow you to quickly find mutual understanding with your baby.
  8. A child taught to swim from birth will not be afraid of open water.

Another undoubted plus is that many children, after swimming and diving, quickly fall asleep and do not disturb the young mother almost all night. Which, you see, is important!

Rules for swimming with a baby

Teaching a newborn to swim will not be difficult for parents if you follow the basic recommendations.

Optimal age

Training should begin at three to four weeks. Firstly, by this time the umbilical wound is healing. Secondly, the child gains weight and gradually adapts to the new reality. Finally, infant reflexes (swimming and breathing) have not yet faded.

Preparing the bath

All procedures should be carried out in a familiar environment for the baby. Before immersion, wash the bathtub with regular laundry soap, and once a week rinse it with soda, remembering to rinse thoroughly. Be careful with potassium permanganate solution and herbal decoctions - the child may swallow the liquid. After gaining basic swimming skills, you can move on to more advanced lessons - in the pool.

Water temperature

Perform your first workouts at an average temperature of 35 °C. It can be reduced little by little, but remember - small children under three months should not swim in water whose temperature is below 32 °C. To create ideal conditions, monitor children's behavior:

  • if the baby cries when immersed for several minutes, the water is too cold for him;
  • if he first whines, and then falls silent and actively flounders with his arms and legs, you have selected the optimal temperature;
  • if he is too relaxed and passive, the bath is too warm.

While swimming, the water gradually cools down, but do not rush to bring it to its original temperature. This is the meaning of the procedure - babies are happening.

How to conduct infant swimming lessons?

Water procedures should be performed approximately an hour after eating: the baby is not yet hungry, and the milk has already been absorbed. Another important point– engage only with well-rested children to avoid tears and whims.

Leaning over the bathtub while holding your baby in the water is quite difficult - it affects both your back and shoulders. Try doing this while sitting on a chair. Be sure to cover the floor in the bathroom with a rubber mat so that it is not so slippery. Take a clean diaper with you so you can dry your newborn after the swim. You can also wrap your baby in it before bringing him into the nursery. However, if there are no drafts in the apartment, doctors recommend slightly blotting the baby’s skin without wiping it dry, and taking him to the crib naked. This is another effective way of hardening.

So, everything is ready for swimming - the bath is filled with lukewarm water, and your child is in a great mood. First, touch the water surface with your hand, then immerse your child’s feet in it. Lower the baby vertically, without stopping talking in a confident, calm voice.

In infant swimming, two types of supports are used: under the chin and under the back of the head. In the first case, the baby lies on the water with his stomach down, and you hold his head so that the baby's chin is in your palm. In the second option, the child lies on his back, and you grab his head by the back of his head. Try both positions and choose the one your child likes the most.

Note to moms!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me too, and I’ll also write about it))) But there’s nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too...

Basic exercises in the bath

(at the end of the article there are many video instructions about what exercises you can do with a newborn in the bath)

If you think that water procedures at home are an uninteresting event, then you are mistaken. Of course, the baby will not have the opportunity to perform complex somersaults under the guidance of an instructor, but you can carry out several simple manipulations on your own.

Advice: To reassure yourself, purchase an inflatable lifebuoy or a foam cap. They look quite cute and help the baby stay on the surface of the water even without mother’s support.

  • Pushes and turns

Bring your baby's feet closer to the walls of the bathtub. Feeling support, he will push off from the sides and try to swim. At this stage, your help is minimal - you just need to support the baby, who will begin to roll over from his back to his tummy.

  • splashing

The child lies on his stomach, completely immersed in the water, and you hold his head by the chin. Show him how unusual the circles running through the water look if you splash around a little.

  • "We're sailing for the boat"

Starting position, as in the previous lesson. Place a bathing toy in front of the baby and try to get it out, saying: “Look, our boat is floating away. Let's catch up with her." It is necessary to gradually increase the speed and length of the “distance”.

  • "Eight"

When your baby learns to move in a straight line, try moving on to the next lesson. It can be performed both on the back and on the tummy. “Draw” the number 8 with your child, individually selecting the speed of completing the task.

  • "Swing"

Turn the baby onto his stomach, holding the head by the back of the head and chin to keep it above the water. Simulate swimming back and forth and up and down (plunging and lifting) using smooth movements.

Attention, we are diving!

Perhaps the most difficult element of infant swimming is diving. And it is difficult not for children, but for parents because of the fear that their beloved child will choke. However, from birth a child knows how to hold his breath; he just needs to be reminded of this.

Before you plunge your baby headlong, you should prepare. Say the keyword “Dive!” and blow on the baby's face. He will immediately close his eyes and hold his breath. We repeat the exercise for 10 days.

Then the task becomes a little more complicated: after the agreed phrase, you need to blow and sprinkle water on your face. Have you mastered this stage? Proceed, in fact, to full immersion. Try to make the first dives when your little swimmer is in a good mood and has had time to swim a little. Say a familiar command and lower it not very deeply for a couple of seconds. Later, the immersion time can be increased to five to six seconds.

Contraindications to classes

Before starting systematic water procedures, consult your pediatrician. He will explain whether this activity is suitable for your child and identify any limitations. Swimming is contraindicated if you have the following health conditions:

  • disorders of the musculoskeletal system, which require fixation of the limbs;
  • congenital heart diseases;
  • purulent dermatitis;
  • colds and viral diseases (after treatment you can swim);
  • neurological disorders that are accompanied by seizures.

Remember that you cannot insist and force children to bathe, swim, and especially dive. Such efforts will not add health to the baby, but, on the contrary, will lead to psychological problems.

So, infant swimming is an extremely exciting and extremely useful activity. The child is immersed in a familiar environment and develops muscular system, strengthens the immune system and learns about the world around you. Babies who started swimming from the first days of life adapt better to the conditions kindergarten and schools. Isn't this a good reason to go swimming with your child?

READ ALSO: Review of popular methods of early child development with video consultations and filmsNote to moms!

Hello girls! Today I will tell you how I managed to get in shape, lose 20 kilograms, and finally get rid of the terrible complexes of fat people. I hope you find the information useful!

Water procedures are useful for people of any age, in particular for children. Swimming for children - an accessible activity physical activity. This integral part physical education instills in the baby a craving for healthy image life, discipline, independence. It is difficult to overestimate the beneficial effect water exercises on the growing organism.

Skills from the cradle

In the womb, fetal development occurs in an aquatic environment. After birth, the reflex of holding your breath and swimming remains. The latter fades away without development by 3-3.5 months of life. Based on these reflexes, infant swimming techniques are created. Due to its low weight, the baby floats on water without difficulty and has buoyancy.

You can teach your baby to swim at home. After the umbilical wound has healed (10-14 days), a bath is suitable for this. You will need to consult a pediatrician and an instructor.

The pediatrician will examine the baby for any contraindications. The instructor will teach you how to regulate the load and hold the baby. After the introductory lesson, parents will be able to work with the baby using teaching aids. The swimming pool with an instructor can be used from 2 months of age.

If you start studying in early age and continue it until 2-3 years, the skills will remain for life. Breaks of 1-2 months lead to loss of skills.

It will be possible to restore skills when the baby has the ability to perceive and perform children’s swimming exercises under the guidance of an adult.

To swim or not to swim: that is the question?

Having fun on the water and swimming make children healthier and strengthen their bodies. Healthy children can swim. In case of illness, you should stop exercising until you recover and get permission from your doctor.

Is swimming good for children?

Benefit children's swimming difficult to overestimate:

  1. Newborns adapt more quickly to the world around them - coordination of movements improves, crawling and walking skills develop faster, and hypo-muscles are not observed.
  2. The respiratory system develops due to the “inclusion” of all parts of the lungs. This is important for children born by cesarean section, with entanglement of the umbilical cord, or with aspiration of amniotic fluid during childbirth. Ventilation of the respiratory system also prevents diseases of the upper respiratory tract.
  3. Staying in water stabilizes intracranial pressure, improves cerebral circulation, and helps get rid of seizures.
  4. Stabilization of intrathoracic pressure evens out the functioning of the cardiovascular system.
  5. Intestinal function improves due to massage with water flows.
  6. Formed correct posture, flat feet and scoliosis are prevented.
  7. Hardening in the form of dousing, rubbing, bathing is an effective way to strengthen a child’s body.
  8. Children's mood improves, they sleep better and eat better, anxiety and stress disappear, and the nervous system is strengthened.

For achievement desired result You need to exercise at least 2 times a week.

7 reasons when swimming is prohibited

  1. during exacerbation of any disease;
  2. in case of serious developmental disorders (individually);
  3. at risk of developing seizures;
  4. with increased body;
  5. with open wounds;
  6. for skin infections;
  7. for heart failure.

The load is reduced

  • with low weight;
  • with a tendency to colds.

Class is terminated

  • when crying;
  • with a bluish nasolabial triangle;
  • when trembling occurs, goose bumps.

If the baby is cold, you should try to warm him up by adding hot water, pressing it to yourself or rubbing it with a towel.

Children with serious health problems (anemia, central nervous system diseases, malnutrition) can swim, but in this case the exercises are of a medical nature. A specialist allows them access, and he also determines a detailed lesson plan.

Swimming pool: sport or entertainment?

They choose a swimming section for children depending on what they want to achieve: improving the body’s health or sports results.

Health-improving exercises will strengthen, promote harmonious development, train the vestibular apparatus, and develop breathing skills.

Sports activities involve frequent training not only in the water, but also on the treadmill, power loads in gym. As in any sport, there is rivalry.

The results will please you if the classes are carried out with pleasure, without constant psychological and physical stress. If this is not the case, you should choose a sport to your liking.

You need to start swimming in a regular recreational section. If there is a desire, success, a recommendation from a coach, then go to sports school swimming for children.

  1. a lot depends on the coach, what is important is his method of teaching children to swim, experience, titles, personal qualities, an approach;
  2. take into account the reputation of the institution, its training base, reviews of employees;
  3. the age and training of children in the swimming group must be the same;
  4. choose a section where there are few people in the group.

Swimming for children of all ages

Children's age plays a primary role in learning to swim. For children from birth to older children school age, swimming is more associated with the process of bathing and playing on the water. Children from primary school age and older are more responsible and ready for real swimming lessons.

The picture shows how to hold a baby correctly when learning to swim

There is no need to teach a newborn to swim for the first 2 weeks of life; it is enough to give him the opportunity to move his limbs in the water, holding his neck and head. This strengthens the swimming reflex.

To develop the breath holding reflex, you need to train yourself to dive when you hear a certain word.(boom, bang), sound. The conventional sign will be contact with water before diving. After several repetitions, the baby will get used to diving and holding his breath on a signal.

The swimming and breath-holding reflexes need to be developed while moving. The baby is moved in the bathtub, allowing him to move his arms and legs. After moving, dive at the signal.

After several weeks of exercise, the baby will dive, swim and emerge without support. But there is no need to rush if parents are not completely sure of their actions. In this case, the instructor will come to the rescue.

Swimming preschoolers

When teaching, you should be patient, do not raise your voice at the child, and demand perfect results the first time.

Up to 3 years of age, the bathing process is exclusively playful with the participation of parents, toys are used.

Swimming for children from 3 years old to 5 years old is carried out in the form of classes where they are introduced to the basic qualities of water (resistance to our movements, the ability of the body to hold horizontally and sink vertically), and learn to lie on their backs.

Educate children preschool age Swimming during this period is not easy. If the child has a desire to study, everything will work out. Swimming for preschool children is especially useful if. So he will have useful activity, during which it will throw out excess energy.

Swimming circles for children do not need to be used for training, since it will be difficult to retrain him to lie down on the water. Inflatable sleeves and collars, on the contrary, will increase buoyancy without consequences.

Schoolchildren swimming

They begin teaching swimming to school-age children at 6-7 years old, when they understand what they want from them, can listen for about 15 minutes and remember, and improve their buoyancy. The swimming school for children at this age practices initial training with inflatable vests, shoulder pads, collars, gradually moving to free swimming without improvised objects.

Swimming teaching methods


When inhaling, dive to the bottom, clasping your knees with your hands. After the dive, the baby will end up with his back up due to the air in his lungs.


The actions are the same, but when ascending, the hands release the knees, the limbs lie on the water for some time.


Arms and legs are spread, the student lies on the surface with the help of support or independently.

Training slide

Water at chest level, arms raised above head; holding his breath, the baby pushes off from the bottom from an incline. Holding your breath, you need to slide further, keeping your hands motionless.

Swimming skills development

Position on your back, supported by the armpits or neck, legs straight. Up and down movements are made. Exercise "frog" ( bent legs to the sides, a sharp push with straight legs). The same elements are worked on the stomach.

Only after mastering preparatory exercises It is possible to switch directly to swimming lessons for children.

An adult shows you how to move your arms and legs on the shore, then the technique is tested in the water. During training, an adult is nearby, supports, points out shortcomings, shows how to do it correctly.

Safe swimming for children in the pool

Before visiting the pool, do not forget to repeat to your children the rules of being safe in the water.

Basic rules for safe swimming of children in the pool:

  1. Before visiting the pool or doing independent exercises at home, you need to consult a pediatrician. This will help eliminate contraindications and determine the possible load. The pediatrician allows children to attend classes with the help of a medical certificate.
  2. It is worth assessing how slippery the floor is and how sharp the tiles are in order to reduce the risk of injury, and the depth of the pool.
  3. When visiting the pool in the cold season, it is better to visit the sauna before going outside.
  4. For hygienic purposes, take a shower before and after bathing, and also use personal slippers and other accessories.
  5. It is necessary to control the water temperature: for small children not lower than 32 ºС, for school-age children on average 27 ºС.
  6. Children need to be with a parent under constant supervision. Children 5-7 years old study independently with a trainer.
  7. You should not eat an hour before the pool, so your baby will have enough energy. If basic safety rules are followed, the lessons will bring joy to children, they will feel comfortable, and will quickly learn to swim.

Perhaps you know "floating babies" and the example - of them and their parents - seems worthy of emulation.

Your doctor may have advised you to start early swimming lessons with your baby.

Or maybe you yourself love water so much that you can’t imagine your baby’s childhood without it?

Then don't waste time. The greatest effect is achieved when learning early swimming begins in the first or second months of life - with age, the innate breath-holding reflex, on which infant swimming is based, begins to fade. It’s good if an experienced early swimming instructor helps you master the exercises at the beginning of each stage.

How is early swimming beneficial for babies in terms of the child’s health?

Firstly, there is a real opportunity to improve metabolic processes in the body of a newborn, it is better to adapt it to the environment.

Secondly, swimming for children under 1 year old helps normalize intracranial pressure, restore cerebral circulation, and relieve the baby from convulsive conditions.

Thirdly, when exercising correctly in water, breathing “turns on” all parts of the lungs, which is very important for children who were in a state of respiratory depression - when caesarean section, entanglement of the umbilical cord around the neck, aspiration (choking) of amniotic fluid during childbirth.

Fourthly, during swimming, by equalizing intrathoracic pressure, you ensure optimal condition of the baby’s cardiovascular system. The need for drug treatment is significantly reduced (if there was such a need, of course).

Fifthly, the effects of water massage have a beneficial effect on intestinal motility, preventing constipation and intestinal colic.

Water space is a powerful natural force, using it correctly, you can achieve optimal development and health. A person is designed in such a way that some vital organs complete their development by the age of 5: the brain, endocrine glands, and liver. Exercises and movements in the water contribute to their harmonious ripening. Particularly attractive early use water exercises for physiologically immature and premature children.

Don't look for pools just yet. The first, the most best pool you have at home - your big bathtub. If your home bath is a hygienic concern, take clear, washed plastic film, mark the side that will always be “baby-facing,” and place it, secured with tape, in your bath. The individual children's pool is ready.

Early teaching of children to swim: what to prepare

In the bathroom and directly next to the bathroom, nothing should disturb you (shampoos, washing powders, dirty laundry). Wash the bathtub with baby soap or laundry soap, or soda. At the bottom, place a special rubber mat with suction cups or standard rubber corrugated mats, thoroughly washed with a brush, soap, and boiling water. Fill with water up to the top drain. The room temperature is normal. The water temperature should be comfortable and depends on the age and condition of the child: for a newborn and premature infant - 37°C, for others - 36°-36.5°C. Add a decoction of the string to the water (2 large pressed tablets per large bath) or dissolve 300-400 g in it sea ​​salt. You can swim with your child only an hour after meals or an hour before meals if he is in general health.

First lesson

After undressing your baby on the changing table in the nursery, prepare your baby's skin and muscles for swimming. For 1-2 minutes, make stroking movements of the whole body: from the fingers and toes to the torso, from the spine to the shoulders, circular movements tummy clockwise.

Cover the baby with a bath towel and take him to the bathroom. Place the towel on the heater and lower the baby strictly vertically into the water. During classes, group with your child. Move it to the “grip” position (see photo 1): the right hand supports the baby (four fingers on the chest, the phalanx of the thumb follows the relief of the child’s lower jaw, prevents choking), and the left hand makes massage movements in the water - kneads the buttocks, strokes the back , warms up the muscles of the legs and arms. In general, this is a position of rest and relaxation. The baby can be transferred to this position after each exercise. Just being in the water is therapeutic. Even if you didn’t manage to do everything you planned in the bath, you provided your baby with a state of relaxation and comfort. Hypertonicity, which is acceptable at this age, decreases thanks to your activities and gradually “goes away.”

After the introductory massage movements, “walking” along the bottom of the bath begins (see photo 2). To do this, move the baby to a vertical position, commanding “Go!”, and follow the baby’s step movements. If there is no stepping movement, lightly “dance” with the baby in place, irritating his feet with the grooved surface of the mat. Color any movement emotionally; the “swimmer” must have a stimulus - for example, a bright toy in the hands of dad, to which he must “swim.” “Walk” 1-2 bath lengths if he likes it. The repetition and duration of each exercise depends on the child’s mood and your confidence.

Photo 1 Photo 2 Photo 3

After “walking”, proceed to “double manual support” with the child moving to a horizontal position (see photo 3). And in this position, slowly make figure-of-eights (see figure). Make it a rule to turn your child towards you in the middle of the bath. During posting thumb right hand should be bent and not block the child’s view; lightly swing your right hand, stimulating the baby’s rowing movements. For the first time, 1-3 wiring is enough. Take your time and don't be afraid. If the baby is restless and crying, move him to the “grab” position, stroke him with your left hand and pat him soothingly on the back. Smile at the baby, talk quietly to him, praise him. At this time, you and the baby calm down.


The most valuable element of the first lessons (from birth to one month) is “watering”. Technique: in the “grab” position, the left hand scoops up water (see photo 4) and at the same time with the command “Dive!” pours it on the child’s forehead (see photo 5). After watering, do the figure eight maneuver slowly, talking approvingly to your baby. If the child is absolutely healthy, then the lesson ends with a “cold spot”: open the cold water and, during the “eight”, walk the child in the place of the “cold spot”.

Photo 4 Photo 5

After taking the baby out of the water, wrap him in a towel and take him to the nursery. Ordinary hygiene procedures - toileting the ears, nose, folds of the body, especially in the groin - are best done here. While changing clothes, turn on calm music. Talk to your baby in a calm, gentle voice, and once again praise him for exercising in your home baby “pool.” He's great!

Perhaps the activity described above will completely work out for you in 2-3 weeks. It's not scary, there's no need to rush. At the next stage, you will teach your baby diving and new exercises in the water.

Stage two

At the first stage (the expected age of the child is 1 month, the duration of the stage is about a month), the little swimmer gradually gets used to the activities, he feels free and confident in the water (and in your hands). Most likely, the baby has already mastered “walking” along the bottom of the bathtub and figure-eight maneuvers, and you have mastered “double manual support” and the most valuable element of the first lessons - “watering”. We move on to the next “swimming” stage - diving.

Swimming in a home bath can be done daily, then they can be combined with hygienic water procedures. You may find it more convenient to alternate between swimming and bathing your baby. Or you can set aside a special time during the day to teach your baby swimming exercises. In any case, home swimming should be practiced at least 2-3 times a week so that the baby does not have time to forget the previous water “lesson”.

How to "dive" a child

The first dives (not only for your baby, but also for you) must be performed energetically and carefully at the same time. At the command “Dive!” Replace pouring water on the forehead by immersing the child in water. So: with our left hand we tilt the child’s head, and with our right hand we immerse the baby under water for about a second, immediately after the command “Dive!” The dominant right hand controls the correct entry and exit from the water. If everything is done correctly, the baby is calm in most cases, and you can immediately “swim” the figure eight further, not forgetting to praise the young swimmer. If your baby chokes or coughs while diving, it’s okay. Act quickly and cheerfully (your anxiety is the first thing that the smallest child feels!): in the grip position with your free left hand, make soft patting movements with your hand on the back, followed by the “embryo in water” technique (see photo 6). It is good to use this exercise several times throughout the lesson, as it relaxes the baby well. During the lesson you do 3-4 dives with an interval of one minute.

Photo 6

After diving, repeat massage in the water with an emphasis on the back muscles and buttocks. Repeat the “dancing” and help the baby find a joyful mood. Remember that the first massage is an introductory one, we perform it immediately after the child is correctly immersed vertically in the water at the very beginning of the lesson. The introductory massage includes stroking and kneading movements at the beginning of the handles, like “putting on a glove” - from the tip of each finger to the palm, carry out “dressing” movements. Further - fun exercises, the names of which speak for themselves: “pat the water”, “open the brush”. Then - massage the tummy clockwise, kneading massage of the legs, from the feet to the shins like “putting on stockings”, from the first toe to the heel, kneading in the Achilles tendon area, gentle pressure on the heel area, followed by shaking the right and left legs alternately (support the child's leg with his hand ankle joint). Do massage movements of the legs with your right hand, and with your left hand, support the baby by the shoulders, neck and partially the back of the head. In this position, the legs are in “free floating”.

After this, proceed to stroking and kneading movements of the back, as well as a deep massage of the buttocks. After this, walk along the bottom of the bath, which is covered with the corrugated surface of a rubber mat. Each lesson in the home bath ends with a “cold spot”: open the cold water and, during the “eight”, spend the child in the place of the “cold spot”.

Scheme of lesson 2, which you conduct for 1 month:

  1. Introductory massage.
  2. Walking along the bottom - 2-4 bath lengths.
  3. Wiring in figure-of-eights - 2-4 bath lengths.
  4. Exercises with watering - 2-4 times.
  5. Diving at the correct interval of 1-2 minutes - 2-4 times.
  6. Repeated massage.
  7. "Dancing" walking along the bottom of the bathtub (dancing).
  8. Harmonization of the baby, creation positive attitude after swimming.

Let's douse ourselves

Only the bravest mother will not flinch at the word “pouring.” However, many will agree that in the modern concept of a “healthy person” there is no last place occupies the component “seasoned person”. We suggest starting with small but very important things. Namely, by pouring cool water over the baby.

Pour 200-500 ml of water at room temperature into the ladle, even better - spring or mineral water like "Essentuki-4". Say the command "Dive!" and pour water on the baby's head (crown). You hold the baby vertically under the arms, and an experienced assistant - dad or grandma - waters it. Or vice versa: you water, and the assistant holds the hardened baby.

Always accompany the pouring with words of admiration and approval. Any person, including a child, who feels cold discomfort for the first time, will be dissatisfied. How can a small child express dissatisfaction? He will cry or even scream. But, believe me, very soon he will get used to the “cold spot” at the end of each lesson. Moreover, after some time you will gradually reduce the temperature of the water, and the protective resources of the child’s body will gradually increase. Pouring or "cold spot" is an excellent form of hardening a small child. And you can feel the true meaning of this procedure if you douse yourself with your baby.

After each douche, especially at the very beginning, harmonize your baby: he should calm down in the water and “come out” of the bath only with positive emotions.

Diving without watering

A month after mastering the second lesson, the main exercise of which is diving, move on to “diving without watering”. This activity is similar to the second, however, after diving with watering, at an interval of one minute, group with the child, say the command “Dive!” and immediately immerse the child in the water for one second.

For a month, dive according to the following pattern:

  1. Watering exercises.
  2. Diving with watering.
  3. Diving without watering (in the intervals between dives - “embryo in water”, dancing).

Stage three

In the first two stages, you and your baby (during the first three to four months of life) mastered the first exercises for learning to swim in a home bath: you became familiar with the technique of “figure-eight maneuvers,” “manual double support,” “watering,” and the actual diving ( to the command “Dive!”); learned what “grabbing”, “walking”, “dancing”, “embryo in water” are. We also talked in detail about hardening procedures at the end of the lesson (the so-called “cold spot”) and massage in water.


If all previous exercises have been mastered, move on to a new diving support - “torpedo”. Gently but securely holding the baby on both sides chest(see photo 7), group with him, say the command “Dive!” and immerse the child in the water with his forehead forward for 1-2 seconds. Gradually increase the duration of the “torpedo” - but only if the baby’s emotions are positive! After a few sessions, on the second or third dive with “torpedo” support, release your hands for 1 second in the middle of the swim. Then gently pick up the baby, again using the “torpedo” support (see photo 8). When exiting a dive, do not forget to praise your dexterous, brave child. If the baby has a good and calm reaction, without pulling him out of the water, swim further for the toy. That is, practice continuous swimming: dive, swim, swim further.

Photo 7 Photo 8

Lesson 3 outline:

  1. Massage in water.
  2. Gymnastics in water includes the following exercises:
    • With one hand we support the child in the “grasp” position, with the other hand we take the child’s hand and perform movements throughout the entire amplitude shoulder joint, imitating crawl swimming;
    • “pendulum” (see photo 9) - we lift the baby by his outstretched arms to different heights. We do this 4-6 times.
    • We put our hand in the child’s hand and perform the exercise “rinsing the laundry” (see photo 10) - pendulum-like movements of the child’s body “back and forth”.
  3. Walking along the bottom of the bathtub.
  4. Swim in figure eights.
  5. Torpedo diving.
  6. In the intervals between dives there is “embryo in water”, dancing.
  7. Walking along the bottom of the bathtub.
  8. Final massage.
  9. "Cold spot" or dousing.
  10. Harmonization of the baby (kind words, praise, admiration for the child).
Photo 9 Photo 10

The child should calm down only in the water, otherwise the negative memory will record the unpleasant moment, and the next time the baby will start crying as soon as he sees the bath.

Time to go to the pool

The time comes to move to the pool of a children's clinic (or similar) - the home bath becomes too small for the child. Necessary conditions for swimming in the pool: the child has mastered torpedo diving; he is at least 6 months old; satisfactory results of stool tests for enterobiasis and worm eggs. If you are in the water with your baby (there are different designs of children's pools, in some this is possible, in others it is not), you will also be required to provide certificates, which ones - the pool instructor will clarify.

Sometimes, in order to be enrolled in a clinic pool, you need a referral from a pediatrician or neurologist. Don't be lazy - get it. Babies with skin problems (atopic dermatitis, childhood eczema, food allergies, etc.) should be consulted by a dermatologist. It is a mistake to assume in advance that the child’s skin condition will certainly worsen from activities in water. Everything is very individual.

Alas, the water of any pool is chlorinated (you can’t do without it!), so make it a rule to shower your baby at the end of each lesson." sea ​​water"(1 tablespoon of table sea salt per 2 liters of water). There is no need to wash off such water that tastes like tears. The exception is children with very sensitive skin. It is better to douse them with oatmeal broth, mineral or spring water brought from home (0.5-1 l will be enough).

Why do I strongly advise visiting the children's pool?

Firstly, this gives the child the opportunity to learn to swim for real, which is impossible in a home bath. A very useful skill is being formed that will be useful throughout life. The depth of the pool allows you to get close to scuba diving, and this is very useful for a growing child’s body.

Secondly, in the pool there is a more powerful hardening factor than at home in the bath.

Thirdly, this is where the baby acquires his first group skills. physical development, competition, imitation, communication in a team.

What to do in the pool? We will do this in the next step.

Stage four

Your baby is already about six months old. At the previous stages, you and he learned various lifts, gymnastics and massage in water; mastered diving with watering, as well as “torpedo” diving. We hope that hardening with the help of a “cold spot” and dousing is going well.

It's time to learn to swim for real. For this you need a swimming pool - like in a children's clinic. If the middle of your baby’s first year falls just in the summer, you can start in inflatable pool in the country.

How to prepare a country inflatable pool

Inflatable pools with a soft bottom must be provided with a reliable tray - lay straw, turf, or tarpaulin on the ground; only on such a covering can the pool be installed.

Wash the pool with laundry soap or soda, fill it with plain water (not boiled), add a decoction of herbs (chamomile, string, mint, St. John's wort, etc.). For one day (no longer), use the same water, covering the pool securely with plastic wrap (tape) between swims. Every time before swimming, control the water temperature (not lower than 34 C), and also refresh with a bactericidal herbal decoction. At the end of the bath, instead of a “cold spot”, douse with “sea water” (1 tablespoon of table sea salt to 2 water) at room temperature, prepared in advance in a jug.

From the side - into the water

Here's a new exercise to add to your pool arsenal. You are in the water (of course, if your health condition allows; do not forget about preliminary hygiene procedures). Hold your baby and carefully place him on the edge of the pool. Hold the hands with your thumbs in your child's palm. At the command "Dive!" gently pull the baby towards you - he will slide off the side and fall into your arms.

After the baby enjoys “falling” from the side, teach him to “swim” some distance in the water. This can be achieved without immediately removing the child from the water. Hold him by the hands and, as if in tow, lightly “drag” him through the water. Repeat this game for several days, your baby will probably like it.

After a few more days, an assistant comes to your aid - dad, eldest child, grandmother. An assistant holds the baby in a “torpedo” position at the edge of the pool. You are in the middle of the pool and with your hands you are beckoning the child towards you. The assistant, grouping together with the baby, pronounces the command “Dive!” and immerses the baby in the water in the “torpedo” position (see Fig. 3). The child, rushing towards you, makes swimming movements with his arms and legs, opens his eyes in the water, and reaches you “in a coordinated manner.” And your task is to help the young swimmer emerge, falling into your arms. The more familiar diving becomes for the child, the further the mother moves away from the assistant.

Rice. 3

If for some reason you cannot be in the pool (your health condition does not allow it or the pool is very small), then classes with your baby will be called “Catch Your Child” (see Fig. 3): you let the baby “free swim” " from one side, the assistant "catches" him from the other side of the pool.

In the clinic pool

It is visited by babies from 3-5 weeks along with their mothers. A swimming instructor shows exercises 1-2 times a month in a special large bathtub, which you then need to do at home. A month later - a new “portion” of exercises.

Swimming directly in the pool begins closer to 6 months. At the same time, there are separate programs for children who are already diving and for those who have just taken up swimming. When signing up for the pool, pay the instructor's attention to what your baby has already learned while swimming in a home bath. When offering you new exercises, the instructor will take these skills into account, even if the program adopted in this pool is somewhat different from the one you and I have mastered.

But it also happens that the instructor works only with the smallest babies and their parents, and there may not be enough time for the “older ones.” What should you do in the pool in this case?

Lesson Plan 4:

  1. Massage, gymnastics in water (consult the instructor if you forgot something).
  2. Diving from the “torpedo” position with a short release of the hands. As we adapt to " big water"and holding your breath, it is permissible for the child to remain under water for 5-7 seconds. If the reaction to diving is good, two dives in a row are permissible.
  3. Improving swimming ability with fins. Buy children's rubber (and only rubber, plastic are not suitable!) fins of the smallest size and with the help of simple steps you will get excellent fins specifically for your swimmer (see Fig. 4).
  4. Exercise “From the side - into the water” (see description above).
  5. Games in the water: “save a drowned toy”, diving from the side into an inflatable ring, diving from the side as a “soldier”, competitive games on the water (who can swim to the side the fastest, etc.).
Rice. 4

Do you need a cap?

A few words about the so-called autonomous supports - foam caps, “wings of Neptune”, rubber circles, armbands, neck holders (“elephant legs”), etc. You will definitely see all of the above “watercraft” in children's pool. In my opinion (which may not coincide with the opinion of your pool instructor), all types of autonomous support have their negative side. Relying on the strength of others is harmful at any age. When passively on the water, when a circle or “sleeves” help to stay afloat, the child loses the correct perception of water. However, “watercraft” are convenient for carrying out therapeutic massage of individual parts of the body in the water, as well as for relaxing in the water, practicing individual elements of swimming, and therapeutic exercises.

Nikolaeva Tatyana pediatric neurologist of the highest category

During the prenatal period, the fetus develops in a liquid environment, which allows the child to move, helps the formation of vestibular reactions and other physiological functions. The child’s body retains the skills of staying in a liquid environment during the first months of life. Experts have convincingly proven that it is best to start swimming lessons with children from 3 weeks of age, until the innate ability to swim is lost. The extinction of the “water” reflex occurs after the third month of life. During this time, you need to have time to ensure that swimming becomes an acquired skill for the child. If your baby is already 3-4 months old, the innate swimming reflexes disappear by this age and the technique early swimming there is no need to master it. In this case, swimming training should begin at the age of three, for example, at children's educational institutions or children's clinics.

Why is this necessary?

Early swimming is a wonderful stimulus for the active development of the baby and affects almost all organs and systems of the child’s body. This is a universal means of hardening, physical development, and education. It is known that the heat capacity of water is almost 28 times higher than the heat capacity of air; the human body loses 30 times more heat in water than in air. It is for this reason that water procedures are a very strong hardening agent. Swimming increases the body's resistance to acute respiratory diseases. It has been noticed that if “floating” babies do develop acute respiratory infections, they have a milder course, minimal duration, and complications develop less frequently.

Swimming, having a massaging effect on the body and irritating the nerve endings in the skin, indirectly improves metabolism, sleep, appetite, makes the nervous system more stable, trains the respiratory and cardiovascular systems, strengthens muscles, ligaments, and forms correct posture.

Systematic swimming lessons improve the physical development of children. At the same time, compared to “non-swimming” children, weight and height indicators, vital capacity of the lungs and power characteristics skeletal muscles, the child’s neuropsychic development improves. Children begin to walk, sit and talk earlier.

But before you start classes, consult with the pediatrician who is monitoring your baby. Swimming can only be done healthy child. If the baby gets sick, swimming is interrupted and resumed after recovery and only with the doctor’s permission.

Classes stopped due to illness or other reasons begin from the very beginning, with strict adherence to the rules of gradualness.

Contraindications for swimming in children of the first year of life:

  • acute infectious diseases;
  • various diseases of the central nervous system(especially increased intracranial pressure and a high risk of developing seizures, the so-called convulsive readiness), the issue of swimming lessons with such children is decided together with a neurologist.

Who can work with the baby?

For an infant, the closest person and best teacher is his mother. But dads, as well as grandparents, successfully cope with the role of a coach, if necessary. It is fundamentally important that all classes are conducted by one person and monitored monthly by a swimming methodologist. Usually, mother and child come once every 1-2 weeks to the pool at the children's clinic, where the instructor monitors the correct execution of lifts, diving, etc. and shows new exercises that the baby will learn at home over the next week.

Before you start swimming with your child, practice basic lifts and grabs on the doll, first on the table, then in the bath, so that the movements of your hands become smooth, soft, confident and performed automatically.

Let's look at the main, most commonly used types of manual support.

The heaviest sinking part of a child’s body is the head, therefore all manual support is carried out under the head and at the same time under the neck and top part backs.

    Double hand support for backstroke: four of your fingers of both hands lie under the child’s back, neck, head, thumbs on the chest.

    Two-handed support when swimming on the chest: the index and middle fingers of the right hand are under the child’s chin (on the side) and hold him by the lower jaw, the left hand holds the baby by the back surface neck.

    One-handed “bucket” support when swimming on the front: the thumb, index and middle fingers of the right hand are under the chin, the rest are on the chest.

    One-handed half-ring support when swimming on the back: the thumb and index fingers cover the baby’s neck, the mother’s hand is slightly to the side, without interfering with rowing. When swimming on the back, the child's ears are necessarily submerged in the water. The head is supported so that the back of the head, neck and back lie in the same plane. There is no need to cover the baby's ears or put cotton swabs in them, since if the child has never had ear diseases and the eardrum is not damaged, then the penetration of water into the ear is not dangerous for him.

One-handed supports allow the child to stroke with his free hand. As soon as the little swimmer learns to row correctly, you should change the nature of the supports: in the supine position, support the child with only three, then two, and then one finger under the back of the head. And remember that support changes are carried out only when the child stops completely.

Getting ready for class

To teach swimming, first use a regular home bath. Before each lesson, be sure to wash it with a special cleaner for baby baths or baking soda, rinse thoroughly hot water. Prepare water and air thermometers, watches, floating toys, a towel, cotton swabs for drying ears, and water for drinking. Ventilate the bathroom, the air temperature in it should be +22 - 24 degrees C. Fill the bath with warm tap water. The water temperature in the first classes is +37 degrees C, then it must be gradually reduced by 0.5 degrees C per week, bringing it to +30 - 32 degrees C by 6-7 months, because at this age it will be necessary to move on to swimming lessons. The depth at the first lessons is 30 - 40 cm, and after a month the bath can be filled completely.

Classes are usually held daily, but at least four times a week, at the same time, preferably in the afternoon. If a child gets overexcited during classes and does not sleep well at night, then it is better to move swimming to the first half of the day. It is not advisable to swim immediately after feeding; it is better to do it 1.5 - 2 hours before feeding, but not earlier than 1 - 1.5 hours after eating.

During the first month of classes, the duration of the procedure depends on the level of physical development of the child. If the baby was born with a body weight of 3 - 4 kg, then the duration of the training can be 12 - 14 minutes, but if the child’s weight at birth did not exceed 2.5 - 3 kg, then you should not exercise with him for more than 8 - 10 minutes. Every month, the time spent in water increases by 3 minutes and by the year reaches 40 - 50 minutes.

During each lesson, it is necessary to maintain only positive emotions in the child: joy, pleasure, interest, pleasure from being in the water. Care must be taken not to cause fear and overwork in the child, which will lead to hostility and distrust of water. Infant is not afraid of water, and if the baby develops fear while swimming, then the adults are to blame.

The child’s persistent dissatisfaction should also serve as a signal to end the procedure. Your activity may be shorter than the estimated time, but avoid exceeding it. Of course, the baby may show dissatisfaction because sudden movement or unexpected command. In this case, give him a little rest and remember that rest should account for at least half of the entire procedure. And one more thing: you can’t deal with a crying child, although taking the baby out of the water as soon as he starts crying is also not recommended; it’s better to calm him down in the water. Otherwise, by doing this you will allow an unwanted reflex to form - if I don’t want to swim, all I have to do is cry, and they will take me out of the water.

Massage and gymnastics before swimming

Each swimming lesson begins with the mother giving the baby a light massage and performing several special gymnastic exercises on the land". It is called " dry swimming“, it is necessary for the child to prepare for mastering swimming exercises, and in addition, the touch of the mother’s hands is a very powerful factor that helps establish psychological contact and develop a sense of security in the child. Please note that “dry swimming” is not a replacement for daily preventive massage and gymnastics. It includes stroking, rubbing the skin from the periphery to the center, and lightly kneading the muscles. First, stroke and rub your feet, legs and thighs, hands, forearms and shoulders, then the back, neck, chest, and abdomen. In the same sequence, perform light superficial muscle kneading. Remember that the massage is done on the outer surface of the arms and legs, and the tummy is stroked clockwise. This massage lasts 3-4 minutes, after a month you can increase the time to 7 minutes. Before moving on to gymnastics, allow your child to rest for 1-2 minutes. Do not forget to speak kindly to your baby during all procedures.

Leg exercises

1. Starting position - lying on your back, legs extended. Wrap your hands around your child's feet so that he can stretch out his toes. Alternately raise your legs up and down, calmly saying: “Legs - crawl.” These movements imitate the movement of the legs when swimming crawl. Do 10-20 such movements with each leg, then take a short break and repeat the exercise 2 more times in the first lesson, and then within a month increase to 3-4 repetitions, and then from the second month do the exercise 5 times with half-minute breaks.

2. Starting position - the same. Teach your child to move his legs, as when swimming breaststroke (“frog”). At the same time, bend both legs of the child at the knees and hip joints, then, spread your knees and quickly straighten your legs, returning them to their starting position. Do 8-10 such movements and after a minute of rest, repeat 4-6 more times. Don't forget to say: "Legs - breaststroke."

Hand exercises

  1. Starting position - lying on your back, arms extended along the body, palms down. Take the baby by the hands and slowly raise your straight arms 45-50 degrees and lower them, gradually increasing the angle of your arms to 90 degrees, then to 180 degrees. Do 10 movements in 20 seconds (this is quite fast pace), let the child rest, then repeat, but at a slower pace (in 30 seconds). Perform 3 such complexes with one-minute breaks. Command the child: “Handles - crawl.”
  2. The starting position is the same. Holding the child by the hands, pull his arms to his chest, bending them at the elbow and radial joints, then move them up and down through the sides, returning them to their original position. Tell your child: “Handles - breaststroke.”
  3. Starting position - lying on your back, arms apart. Holding the child by the wrists, simultaneously make rowing movements with both hands to the sides, then raise the arms up and return to the starting position (with this we imitate the second half of the movement of the arms when swimming breaststroke). You need to perform 8-10 such movements with a break of a few seconds; repeat the complex 2-3 times, with minute breaks. Repeat the command: “Handles - breaststroke.”

Let's start training

Each lesson should be held in a certain order, which should hardly change during the first half of life. Such stability allows the child to know exactly what is required of him.

Any lesson includes several repeated cycles, each cycle lasting 3 minutes. The number of cycles increases with age.

Let's look at the sequence of actions within one cycle.

At the end of the massage and gymnastics, transfer the child from the table to the bath. Hold the child by the armpits, support the head with your thumbs under the lower jaw. Place your baby upright, making sure his chin and your hands are above the surface of the water. At the same time, command: “Stop!”, Standing duration is 15 seconds. It is important that the child always rests his feet on the bottom of the bathtub. Next you should say: “Let's go!”; tilt the baby a little forward and he will begin to move his legs and move (this is an innate automatic walking reflex, all newborns have it and last up to 4 months). The path is equal to the length of the bath. Don't forget to call your baby by name and praise him often. As soon as you “reach” the opposite end of the bathtub, command: “We’re standing!” and allow the child to rest for 15 seconds.

After resting, move your child from a standing position to a supine position using double hand support for backstroke. Remember to keep your ears and chest underwater. Do not pull the baby's head up: it is necessary that it is at the same level with the body and slightly supported by the mother's hands. In this position, you should swim in a “shuttle” manner, with the child pushing off from the end of the bathtub with his legs, and the mother guiding him to the opposite end and back. Make 6-8 such postings. Once your movements become confident, change to a one-handed half-ring support for backstroke.

Next, leave the child lying on his back in the near right corner of the bath. Command: “Stop!”, put the child on his feet and then give the command “Let’s go!” “Walk” to the opposite end of the bathtub, command: “We’re standing!” and allow the child to rest for 15 seconds.

We move on to the second half of the cycle - swimming on the chest (takes 2-2.5 minutes). Change the support to two-handed for swimming on the chest and give the command: “Swim!” and lead the child in figure eights. As soon as you feel confident in performing this lift, switch to a one-handed “bucket” lift and begin practicing watering (diving). Complete 6-8 figure eights in total. Then give the command again: “Stop!”, rest for 15 seconds.

Thus, in one cycle the child swims 36-47 meters and “walks” about 3 meters. The first lesson usually includes 2-3 cycles, their number will increase with age.

Each next month, the lesson increases by 3 minutes, that is, by one full cycle; after 2 months of classes, 4 full cycles should be performed, after 3 months - 5, and so on.

Diving and diving

Learning to dive begins with training to hold your breath to the command: “Dive!” when watering a child's face while swimming on the chest in figure eights. To perform this exercise, guide the child with one-handed support, then loudly and clearly command: “Katya, dive!”, then pour a full handful of your left hand on the child’s forehead. In this case, the child holds his breath for 2 - 3 seconds while the water drains from his face.

Errors: watering with an incomplete handful; watering on the back of the head instead of the forehead; sudden splashing of water on the child’s nose; watering while crying.

Further, after consulting a methodologist, it is allowed to immerse the child under water. Gradually, the time you hold your breath reaches 12 - 15 seconds or more, which is an excellent workout for the lungs and heart.

At the end of the lesson, hardening is carried out in a “cold spot”. To do this, open the tap with cold water (the temperature of the water in the “spot” should be 5 - 6 degrees C lower than in the bath) and, holding the child vertically, introduce him into the resulting “cold spot” (but not under the stream of cold water itself ), turn your chest, back. First, four such eyeliners are made, one is added monthly, and by the end of the year, hardening in the “cold spot” is repeated 16 - 18 times. Only after three months of training can you try to bring your arms or legs into the stream. Children love such exercises, in addition, it is very effective method hardening After this, do not rush to take the child out of the water; let the baby rest, lying on his back in the water. Then, having definitely praised the baby, you can remove the little swimmer from the bath: hold the baby by the neck and upper back with your left hand, under the butt with your right hand, transfer it to a towel, dry the skin, dry each ear twice with cotton swabs.

Don’t forget to offer your baby boiled water after swimming (older children can drink juice), and feed him after about 30-40 minutes. During exercise, a lot of energy is spent, so increase the usual feeding volume by 20 - 30 g (but not more than 50 g).

Main objectives of the lessons

Swimming lessons in the first months require special attention. At this time, only general tasks are set and solved for the child, which are not yet directly related to swimming. Hardening is carried out, a habit of water is developed, of those special sensations that a person experiences only in an aquatic environment (semi-weightlessness, lightness, buoyancy, relaxedness, uniformity of pressure on the entire surface of the body immersed in water, deepening of breathing, etc.).

First month of classes:

  • practicing holding your breath to a speech signal: “Dive!” when pouring water on your face. In this case, immersion in water is not performed.

Second month of classes:

    practicing diving in hand supports. After the command: “Dive!” at the moment of holding the breath for two to three seconds after watering the face, the child dives his head under water no deeper than 29-30 cm with manual support;

    introduction of an additional element - a complex of vertical jumps in water with manual support. This element can sometimes replace walking in the bath in both half-cycles. Usually kids really like this exercise. Required condition- the child strives for a bright toy and the command is given: “Jump - jump!”;

    teaching a child to float on the water in a supine position. To do this, your child will need a hat with foam floats.

Making a swimming cap with foam floats

Along the perimeter of the satin cap, a wide ribbon is sewn onto its front side so that there are 6 pockets. The pocket openings should be directed towards the back of the head. Styrofoam floats the size of a matchbox are inserted into these pockets. To support the child's head, 2 ribbons 50 cm long are sewn to the cap at the level of the chin on both sides. These ribbons allow you to control the level of immersion of the baby's head in the water.

The main rule is that the child’s nose and mouth are above the water. After 1 month of swimming in a cap, 2 foam floats should be removed weekly (one on each side). The last to be removed are the side floats. As soon as the baby learns to float on the water in a supine position in a cap without floats and without support from ribbons, the cap is removed; it is no longer needed.

Third month of classes:

  • mastering diving underwater. The technique is the same as when diving with hand support, but after the child dives, release your hands. The initial distance under water is 20-30 cm. By 6-7 months it will reach 40-50 cm, by one year - one meter. After diving and surfacing, move the child to a standing position, then rest for 5-10 seconds and praise; Then the figure-eight swimming continues.

After 3 months of classes New tasks for the child are selected individually; consultation with an instructor is required. Examples of such tasks could be:

    gliding complex on the water surface. In every second “eight”, use sliding on the surface of the water (without diving!) by 10-15 cm. The command is given: “Swim!”; Make sure that the child's chin does not fall under the water.

    "torpedo" with a turn.

From 5-6 months, the child’s so-called “rescue” reflexes begin to work, and after diving, the baby himself comes to the surface of the water, turning over on his back to swim - drift - while breathing freely. If the child still cannot roll over on his own, then he needs help.

From 6-7 months, the time of walking in water increases. You can stimulate active walking with a bright toy. It has been noticed that floating babies begin to walk independently in the bath at 8-9 months, and on land at 9-10 months.

Evaluation of results

In order to assess the impact of swimming lessons on a child, keep a diary where you should note the content of the lesson, the baby’s mood, his activity and behavior during exercise and at the end of the lesson, the appearance of signs of fatigue and a decrease in his interest in swimming. It is imperative to pay attention to the long-term results of classes - how the child sleeps at night, what his appetite and mood are, how his weight and height increase. By analyzing your notes, you can adjust the content of classes and physical activity.

There is no need to rush or be impatient, and in no case should you force learning. Such mistakes on the part of parents are very common and are caused by a natural desire to see their baby as quickly as possible. good swimmer. If a child experiences undesirable reactions or decreases in weight and length gains compared to the average age, it is necessary to reduce the duration of training, reduce the number of exercises and stop lowering the water temperature. Only after the negative phenomena have completely disappeared can you begin to gradually increase the load again and reduce the water temperature.

Magazine "Mom and Baby", 2/2006

Water procedures are extremely beneficial for infants. But if some mothers limit themselves to bathing the baby in a baby bathtub with a support under the back, then others go further, even following the well-known slogan “swimming before walking!” Probably all mothers have heard at least something about infant swimming, and many, with varying degrees of success, practiced learning to swim in a home bath, or in the pool of a district clinic. The Motherhood portal suggests turning to the history of infant swimming, getting acquainted with the theoretical basis of this technique and mastering some practical skills using specific examples with photographs!

Swimming for infants in a home bath. Photo - photobank Lori

Part I. Theoretical aspects of infant swimming

From the history of baby swimming

Pediatricians began to prescribe hygienic water baths (toilet baths) to infants aged 10-16 days as a mandatory requirement at the end of the 19th century. Hygienic baths for infants were exclusively passive in nature and were performed on a stationary basis at a constant water temperature in the bath of 37-35°C.

In 1962, the instructor-rescuer of the Moscow swimming pool, I.B. Charkovsky, used a kind of incubator bath for a premature baby weighing 1 kg 600 g, followed by training in diving, games, and swimming.

The first school for swimming and conditioning babies in full baths was organized in 1966 in Australia by practical trainers, the Timmermans, who tested the swimming technique on their daughter. The Timmermans' experience was quickly adopted in the USA, Germany, Japan, England, and Czechoslovakia.

In 1979, at the Children's Swimming Research Institute, specially created on the basis of a pediatric clinic in Munich, the existing experience was summarized and analyzed by doctors and swimming teachers under the leadership of Professor K. Vetke. In 1971, Heinz Bauermeister, who was directly involved in teaching swimming to infants, reported the results of his work at the World Conference of the Medical Committee of the International Swimming Federation.

More than 700 infants were taught to swim. Almost all of them turned out to be immune to colds, developed faster than their peers, and were much more active.

A great contribution to the promotion and agitation of swimming and hardening of infants in the USSR was made by the President of the International Medical Committee of FINA, Zakhary Pavlovich Firsov, who published a series of articles and organized several television programs about this type of swimming. Professor Ilya Arkadyevich Arshavsky conducted active research in the field of physiology of swimming in infants and campaigning.

Hardening with water, sun and air baths, physical culture for infants was given great importance outstanding figures of national pediatrics professors A.A. Kisel, V.I. Molchanov, M.S.Maslov, G.N.Speransky, A.F.Tur.
In the USSR, swimming in organized centers at children's standard clinics in Moscow began in 1976-1977.

The importance of learning to swim in infancy

Success in primary and repeated disease prevention, normal development and upbringing of infants can be ensured only through a complex of all measures for care, nutrition, and taking into account the biorhythms of sleep and wakefulness.

In utero, a child develops for 9 months in a liquid environment, in antigravity conditions, and is born with swimming reflexes that fade away without consolidation at the age of 3-3.5 months.

Physically helpless and unable to move in a coordinated manner on land due to the abrupt transition from relative weightlessness during embryonic development to the effects of gravity after birth, the child is surprisingly active and emotional in a full bath. The specific gravity of a baby due to the large amount of lecithin fats is less than the specific gravity of an adult, so the baby has positive buoyancy and easily floats on the water if he has developed and learned the skill of swimming. The breath-holding reflex when immersing a child in water is of specific and important importance, which is successfully used in teaching infants to swim and dive.

Systematic daily swimming lessons can teach an infant to swim by the end of the first year of life. We must remember that swimming skills acquired in infancy remain for life, provided that lessons are continued at 2-3 years of age. Stopping swimming for 1-2 months leads to a loss of swimming skills that need to be restored again.

Raising swimming, gymnastics, massage and hardening in the family is of great importance for education from the very beginning. early childhood harmoniously developed person.

Systematic exercises in hardening and swimming in full baths:

  • They evoke pronounced positive emotions in infants - joy, smiling, humming, squealing, which turn after a swimming session into persistent inhibition reactions - sound, healthy sleep.
  • Simultaneous strengthening of both the cardiovascular and respiratory systems and the musculoskeletal system leads to normal development of infants, reducing mortality in the first month and year of life.
  • Swimming procedures stimulate appetite and increase metabolic processes along with an increase in digestive function - the basis for the normal development of infants.
Thus, the technique of swimming and hardening infants is available to parents.

Contraindications to classes

Swimming procedures are stopped if the child expresses displeasure by crying or screaming, as well as if “goose bumps” or trembling appear.

Contraindications to swimming are: diseases in the acute stage, contagious skin diseases, developmental disorders that preclude the possibility of swimming.

Medical supervision and practical consultations

The best form of monitoring the dynamics of the baby’s health is the control of a neonatologist, pediatrician or family doctor, who are aware of the peculiarities of the course of pregnancy, childbirth, and the first days and weeks of the baby’s life.

Swimming consultations are recommended at least once a month. They are carried out by swimming consultants and/or medical professionals in a children's clinic or at home. The child's parents must receive at least 12 consultations during the year.

Part II. Preparing for swimming

The basis of infant swimming is:
  • swimming on the back and chest with manual support,
  • offline support, and finally
  • independent swimming.
Swimming with manual supports is carried out mainly in full baths; autonomous supports can be used in the same baths and mainly in the pool. Independent swimming in bathtubs and pools is best accomplished by gradually reducing manual and autonomic support.

The nature of swimming in all cases is interval - the swim is followed by a short rest. Swimming begins on the back at the age of 5 days and alternates with swimming on the front. Depending on individual inclinations, one type of swimming may predominate.

The passive reaction when swimming on the back can be used to relax infants. Swimming on the chest in most babies causes more active motor reactions, which should be used to activate the child from the first month of life.

Preparing for swimming

One of the most important principles of teaching infants to swim is the stimulation of movements, which are carried out by the teacher during swimming with one hand.

Correct assimilation of movements is facilitated by special swimming gymnastics on land for the arms and legs in the position on the back and chest, both in reciprocal and symmetrical coordination - king and breaststroke.

Activation of the child’s movements when swimming usually occurs at the 8-9th minute as a result of a specific motor mood and improved muscle hemodynamics.

Games in the water

An infant is not a miniature adult. This should be kept in mind when conducting a swimming session. Games and toys in a wide variety of forms help create the necessary background of positive emotions and stimulate the baby's rowing movements.

Toys must be prepared in advance. They should be
- safe (preferably rubber and plastic, non-breakable, non-fading)
- clean,
- bright,
- not small so that the child can immediately see them on the side of the bathtub, but not huge so that the child can easily hold them in his hands.

Gradual dosing

The basis of the complex physical exercises lies in strict adherence to the rules of gradual dosing at each stage of development of an infant.

For example, the increase in the dose of swimming in each lesson should be in the range of 10-15 seconds, and the decrease in water temperature at the end of each month should be 0.5 C. In other words, activation of motor functions is achieved by increasing the number and stimulation of movements, and achieving a high degree of hardening - a steady decrease in the temperature of full baths.

Particular attention is paid to the gradual immersion of the baby's head. In the preparatory period, at the age of 1-2 months, only the mouth is immersed in water for 2-4 seconds, which helps to train holding the breath through the nose. At 5-6 months, when the child begins to play with toys, he can be allowed to take out sinking objects from the bottom of the bathtub, in a sitting position, gradually increasing the depth, in this way stimulating the immersion of the head with the nose, and then with the eyes.

Resuming classes after a break

Classes interrupted due to illness or other reasons should be resumed as if they were being carried out from the very beginning, with strict adherence to the rules of gradualness. Swimming lessons after illness are resumed only after consultation with a doctor and as prescribed.

Forcing swimming doses. Temperatures and dives

Any forcing (sharp increase) of swimming doses, decreasing water temperatures and increasing the time and number of dives is prohibited. For example, immediately reducing the bath temperature to 30°C or diving with your nose under water for 10-15 seconds. at the age of 1-1.5 months in the preparatory period should be strictly prohibited.

Place of study at home and equipment

Swimming and hardening can be carried out in a regular home bath, similar to a bath in a water treatment room or smaller in size. Next to the bathroom there should be a changing table, diapers, napkins, cotton wool, room and water thermometers.

The table shows that the increase in swimming time for each month corresponds to 2-5 minutes, and the monthly decrease in temperature is equal to half a degree Celsius.

Part III. Infant swimming practice

Starting swimming lessons

The optimal age for starting classes should be considered 5 days - 2 weeks. At three months, the revived swimming reflexes fade away, and it is much more difficult to carry out activities with the child. Therefore, 3-3.5 months is the latest date for infants to start swimming. After three months, swimming lessons are more individual and more labor-intensive.

Manual supports

Position of the child on his back
The heaviest, sinking part of a child's body is the head. Therefore, all manual support is carried out under the head and at the same time the neck and upper back.
Manual support can and should be varied.

* double manual support when swimming on the back with four fingers under the back, neck and head, two thumbs lying on the chest;

* one-handed "bucket" support,

* one-handed support with a “half ring” - the thumb and index fingers cover the neck, the hand is located at the back of the head and slightly to the side, without interfering with the baby’s rowing.

One-handed support with a “semi-ring” and “bucket” allows you to stimulate strokes with your free hand.

As soon as the child begins to row correctly, the nature of the support changes. In the supine position, double support is provided with three, then two, and finally one finger under the back of the child’s head.

All types of support should be carried out very softly and gently and extremely freely, giving the child the opportunity to demonstrate the instinct of self-preservation that underlies swimming reflexes.

When swimming on the back, lifts are easier and more comfortable than on the chest, and are always carried out with the ears submerged.

On the chest

* it is most convenient to support the head with both hands behind the cheeks and slightly under the chin.

One-handed support on the chest is carried out with a “bucket” and also thumb, its back side is under the child’s chin, the other four are supported under the chest - the second hand with two fingers slightly supports the back of the head (support with a “grip” - the index and thumb). The chin support helps to “lock” the mouth to prevent the baby from drinking water.

* Support under the chest

Offline support

Independent swimming of a child on his back is best accomplished with autonomous head support using foam floats inserted into the pockets of the cap and located behind the baby's ears.

1. The cap should have a string-ribbon (in addition to the ties) threaded through the bottom of the cap. She pulls the larger hat down to fit the baby's head. Then, using these ribbons, when the hand is removed from under the head, the floating baby is led through the water.
2. Put on the cap before immersing yourself in the bath.
3. The cap must be dry.
4. Let the baby play with her in advance (during the day).
5. Having lowered the cap into the water, still support the baby’s head first, gradually releasing your hands.

A baby can swim with this support at 3-4 months, moving his arms slightly to the sides for balance. The baby can be transferred to the pool while he is actively rowing and balancing. Autonomous supports when swimming on the chest are more difficult; as a rule, they should keep the shoulders and chin on the water line, they can only be used in case of good physical activity upper limbs baby.

Please note that of all the offline support, the best one is this cap. Neither a Cheburashka cap (ears) nor a collar under the neck can gradually accustom a child to independent swimming.

Diving and diving

1. Immerse the mouth of a one month old baby under water for 2-3 seconds. allows you to train and hold your breath through the nose. Usually in these cases, holding the breath is determined by the sensation of a hand supporting the chest - the child stops breathing - for a few seconds (4-10).

2. Momentary immersions of the mouth lead the child to immersion of the nose, which all babies breathe.

Diving of the nose, and then the eyes, usually occurs during independent play, in a sitting position, when the child takes out an object from the bottom of the bath.
Immersion of the mouth under water must be carried out with double manual support in a standing position from 3-4 to 6-8 times per lesson.

As practice shows, all children, except infants with a runny nose, do immersion of their mouths under water. While the baby is crying, immersing the mouth is strictly prohibited due to the danger of water getting into the respiratory tract. You cannot perform mouth dives during the maneuver because of the oncoming wave entering the nasal passages.

During games, in a sitting position, the child immerses his mouth well.
Independent movement towards the toy while holding your breath is a prelude to independent swimming. In principle, a child can be trained by an experienced methodologist to dive headlong under water. Experience shows that many parents carry out such forced immersions with their children, starting from 3 months. However, the degree of the art of teaching varies among parent trainers. Therefore, this technique is designed only for forced immersion of the mouth and independent immersion with the head in games.

A child who has learned to hold his breath while immersing his mouth, nose and head, and who knows how to row well with his hands, can swim independently.

Independent swimming

The transition to independent back swimming, as can be seen from the above, is relatively simple and consists of a gradual decrease in manual and autonomous support, while the strength of the baby's strokes and the ability to hold the head on the surface of the water become quite sufficient. Swimming on your back, as a rule, is not associated with holding your breath and diving, and therefore is more accessible to learn.

Reduced offline support

The floats from the cap are removed in pairs from different edges, starting from the top. As soon as the baby adapts to the reduced number of floats and feels confident, you can safely remove a couple more.

The photo shows that the last 2, lower ones, remained on the cap.

but here the cap is no longer needed (the child is 4.5 months old)

The child is 6 months old. He lies on his back on his own and loves it.

Child at 6 months. swims through the bath independently, pushing off the side and rowing with his hands. The adult's hand is nearby.

Photo 13

Photo 14

Another thing is breast swimming. In infants, as well as in swimming mammals - dolphins, whales - movement in water is associated with diving and holding their breath. It is natural, therefore, to first teach the baby to hold his breath and dive independently, and only then, provided he has good rowing movements with his hands, to use voluntary sliding and “torpedo” type exercises.

Movement training

Correct control over the execution of arm strokes and kicks in freestyle and symmetrical swimming strokes is of utmost importance. So, for example, in many babies the classic kick (photo 14) can be practiced and reinforced using the breaststroke method on the chest.

When swimming on their back, babies can row well with their arms from head to hip, if they are correctly “showed” this stroke first on land and then in water (photo 13). During practical classes for infants in the clinic, the methodologist-consultant must timely determine the time of transition from swimming with manual support to swimming with autonomous support and transfer the baby to the Malyutka pool for systematic swimming lessons in “big water”.

As practice shows, it is possible to switch to autonomous support when swimming on your back at the end of the preparatory stage of training (3-4 months), and transfer the child to the Malyutka pool from 4-5 months, provided there is good balance and quality of strokes.

Improvement in swimming can be carried out at the end of the 3rd - beginning of the 4th stage of classes, when it is possible to improve the skills acquired by children on the basis of innate swimming reflexes, the help of the second signaling system - by means of words. The use of the words “row”, “push”, “dive” is just as important and necessary as, for example, the words “mom”, “dad”, “grandmother”, because they are associated with the vital ability to swim.

Part III. From theory to practice

Swimming training for children under one year old can be divided into 4 stages.

First stage – PREPARATORY

Age: 5-15 days - 3 months, congenital swimming age. Classes begin after the umbilical wound has healed.

ON THE LAND(introductory part) - A set of preparatory activities from 2 months consists of massage, general gymnastics, swimming gymnastics.
It is convenient to carry out special swimming gymnastics (simulation of swimming) on ​​land and then repeat them in the water, fixing innate swimming reflexes:

Moro reflex - a symmetrical embracing movement of the hands when patting the buttocks (4-5 in the first lesson and 8-9 at the end of the stage).

Robinson reflex - tonic - firmly holding an object (in the first lesson 1-2 times and 4-5 times at the end of the stage).

Talent reflex - arc-shaped bending of the body while stroking the skin between the spine and shoulder blade (1-2 at the beginning and 3-4 at the end of the stage).

The Bauer reflex is a crawling phenomenon, or breaststroke with legs. On the chest - pushing off with the legs from the palms of the hands (4-6 at the beginning and 8-10 at the end of the stage).

Reciprocal hand stroke from head to hip across the side (4-6 at the beginning and 8-10 at the end of the stage) on the back and imitation of a crawl-type hand stroke on the back and chest, as well as a symmetrical hand stroke from behind the head to the hips (4- 6 at the beginning and 8-10 at the end of the stage).

Reciprocal movements of the legs on the back and chest (4-6 at the beginning and 6-8 at the end of the stage).

SWIMMING IN A FULL BATH(main part). "Double" manual support on the back and 8-10 wiring along the length of the bath ("shuttle" wiring). One-handed support on the back with a “half ring”. Baby's ears in water.

Double manual support on the chest with a “bucket” under the chin and wiring, one-handed support with a “bucket”, as well as one-handed support with the thumb under the chin, the rest under the chest and wiring with turns along the length of the bath (25-30 times).

Stimulating breaststroke legwork on one-handed palm support and after a push from the side (10-14 at the beginning and 20-30 at the end of the stage).
The toilet is carried out at the end of the lesson at all stages. Feeding is performed after 15-20 minutes. after finishing the voyage.


Age: 4-6 months, designed for infants who have passed the preparatory stage, adapted to full baths and a water temperature of 35°C.

Further development of fixed swimming reflexes is carried out with the help of words. The procedures are carried out in a playful manner against a background of positive emotions. The child floats on autonomous support and with its maximum weakening on the back and chest; swimming volume 32-42 min.

ON THE LAND(introductory part) - Increase the dose of massage, general and special gymnastics by 3-4 minutes. Development and complication of innate reflexes:
Bauer breaststroke on legs towards the toy (4-6 times),

Talent - performing a swimmer's pose on the palms (3-4 times)

Robinson - weighted pull-ups (3-5 times),

Moro - embracing with arms (10-15). The exercises are accompanied by the words: “push”, “row”, “hold”, “pull”.

SWIMMING IN A FULL BATH(main part) - Swimming on double and one-handed support in the position on the back and chest, as well as on autonomous support, weakened as much as possible.

“Sliding” (instant lowering of the support for 1-2 seconds) is well performed if the child is able to hold his breath. While sitting still, dive independently for toys. All the time when swimming, a decoy toy is used, the movements are accompanied by the words: “swim”, “row”, “push”. There are many games in the water such as “storm at sea”, “torpedo”, etc.

The child stands and walks in the water with support under his arms.

Third stage - SELF SWIMMING

Age: 7-9 months.
The third stage of independent swimming is designed for infants trained to swim in the second stage, adapted to a full bath and a water temperature of 33.5 ° C; duration - up to 42 minutes.
Children dive underwater on their own.

ON THE LAND(introductory part) - Increase the dose of massage, general and special gymnastics by 2-3 minutes.

Crawling to a toy in a playpen with a ball and toys.
Swimmer's pose: hands pressed to the hips, extended to the sides, forward.
Pulling up by the fingers of the methodologist from a position on the back and chest.

IN WATER(main part) - Swimming on the back and chest with and without manual support behind a toy, swimming with autonomous support.

Independent diving under water (diving) for a toy.


Age: 10-12 months. The fourth stage is organically connected with the previous one. At the last stage, infants can independently swim the entire length of the bathtub and the Malyutka pool, visit the water treatment room 3 times a week, and love to dive long and deep for toys.
The total training time is 62-72 minutes, temperature -31.5-30.5°C.

ON THE LAND(introductory part) - The total time of massage and gymnastics reaches 10-12 minutes. and more. Games on land lying down, sitting, standing with a ball and toys.
Performing on command various positions of the swimmer in the position on the back and chest. Perform leg and arm work with or without the help of an instructor. Try dolphin rowing and breaststroke with the help of an instructor.

The exercises are accompanied by conversation using special swimming terms both on land and in water.

IN WATER(main part) - Start of the lesson - games in the water with sinking, floating and hanging toys. Independent swimming along the length of the home bath (2-3 times without stopping) and the Malyutka pool, swimming with toys, on toys. Sliding with with outstretched arms, hands pressed on the back and chest. Swimming on legs breaststroke and crawl with the help of an instructor and independently. Long and deep dives for toys, jumping in water, games.

Stages of learning to swim in classes



Children's age - 5 days - 2-3 weeks; duration of classes - 10-15 minutes; bath temperature - 36.5°C.

1. Slowly enter the water with your legs and lay on your back with double hand support.
Slow wiring along the length of the bathtub (shuttle wiring), guiding it to the near corner of the bathtub with the head and turning the legs to the far corner, and turning the head towards you and slightly up.
Push with your feet from the bath and drive in the other direction (drive with turns), ears in the water.

2. Left hand under the back of the head and back, the right “bucket” behind the chin and right cheek - turn to the “bucket” (the child’s chin is strictly above the water line).
Intercepting the left "bucket" under the chin with double hand support under the chin in a position on the chest.
Posting in the chest position on double manual support with turns at the ends of the bath.
When retrieving and turning, strictly monitor the position of the mouth above the water line.

3. One-handed support on the back in a “semi-ring”, turns at the ends of the bathtub and interceptions from one hand to the other.
Support with one hand and guiding on a “bucket” under the child’s chin.
Support with one hand (right) - thumb under the child’s chin, the rest under the chest.

4. Stimulation of kicks and strokes with arms in the position on the back and chest on one-handed support with the free hand.

5. Toilet (wash) the child, get out of the bath and wipe, dry the ears with cotton wool.

NOTE: Massage, general and special gymnastics carried out starting from 2 months; in 5 days - 3 weeks, exclude mouth immersion and carry it out only from a month.

Stage 2(I month) - immersion of the mouth in place, continuation of the exercises of stage 1.

Stage 3(2 months) - demonstration of massage, general and special gymnastics.

Stage 4(3rd month) - free support technique, weakening support, push and pull technique with arms in the water.

Stage 5(4th month) - testing autonomous support such as a cap with a small manual support on the back, swimming for a toy on the chest with manual support, reaching the toy while sitting.

Stage 6(5th month) - reducing the autonomous support on the back, getting a toy while sitting from the bottom of the bathtub, plunging the mouth and then the nose, transferring the child to the “Malyutka” pool if he has the ability and swimming lessons three times a week in the water treatment room, three times - Houses.

Stage 7(6th month) - minimal independent support on the back, swimming on the back without support. Swimming with independent support on the chest, weakening of autonomous support on the chest, games while sitting.

Stage 8(7th month) - minimal autonomous support on the chest, swimming on the chest with instant lowering of the manual support, playing in the water while sitting and standing.

Stage 9(8th month) - improving back and chest strokes, exercises such as “torpedo”, diving for sinking toys, a bottle. Games in the water while sitting, standing, or walking with various toys.

Stage 10(9 - 12 months) - continued improvement in independent swimming on the back and chest, improvement of independent dives, games.

NOTE: At all stages of training, specific movements are accompanied by the words “row”, “swim”, “dive”, “push”.

Dive training plan

Helps develop the respiratory system, vestibular apparatus, as well as develop emotional and volitional qualities - courage, strength, endurance.

Classes in a large bathroom at home, preferably under the supervision of an instructor. In the first part of swimming - swimming, as described above, mainly swimming on the back and in a cap. Next, diving is carried out (2-3 times, 3-4 figure eights and dives), alternating with rest and exercises on the water.

Preparatory stage
Child's age - 1 week - month.
The child simply floats with the help of hand supports on his tummy. Makes so-called “figure eights” - swims around the perimeter of the bathtub, turning around in a “figure eight”.

Stage 1.
Starting from a month, you can teach your baby to hold air. To do this, in a prone position, after 3-4 figure eights, you must say: (Baby’s name), dive! And immediately blow into the face. Children usually hold their breath. On the first day, repeat this exercise 2-3 times.
Each stage ends when the child has mastered a new skill.

Stage 2.
Everything is the same, only after the words: name, dive! Spray in the face. After a week you no longer spray, but water. Holding the baby under the chin with one hand, and with the other, after the words “dive!” scoop up water and pour it on top of your face. It looks like washing.
Move to the next stage only after you are sure that the child is not just closing his eyes, but is definitely holding his breath.

Stage 3.
As expected, first 3-4 “eights”. After the first “baby, let’s dive!” pour water on your face again. The child must remember WHAT to do after this command. Then again 3-4 “eights”, the command “dive!” and diving. To do this, you hold the baby's head with both hands and sharply immerse it under water. And immediately take it out and continue the figure eight movements.
keep it that way

For the first – second – third time, 1-2 dives are enough. Be sure to pay attention to the baby's reaction. If he didn't like it, it's better to put it off until next time.

Next, swim according to the scheme: swimming on your back, turning over on your stomach, 3-4 figure eights, diving, again 3-4 figure eights, diving, again 3-4 figure eights diving. Rest on your back. Exercises (push-ups, walking, etc.). Again a cycle of figure eights and dives, rest, play, a cycle of figure eights and dives, rest on the back. ALL! Swimming ends. Thus, you will have about 9 dives per session.

But if the baby is capricious, you see that he is dissatisfied, do not stick to the scheme. Do what your child likes. Or maybe he's already tired. Just finish your swim early.

Stage 4.
When your baby is used to diving, start diving underwater. This should take 1-2 seconds at first. If you see that the baby is getting enough of the trapped air, gradually increase the time one second at a time. So one week you can dive for 1-2 seconds, the next 2-3, then 3-4 and so on. But during this time you don’t just immerse the child under water, but dive a distance underwater. All dives participate in the same exercise cycle as stage 3.

Stage 5.
It differs from stage 4 in that, having immersed the baby under water, you release him and he swims on his own. After the words: “Baby (name), let's dive!” you need to sharply immerse your head under the water, as if push it forward and let go. At first you quickly pick him up, but each time you increase the time he spends under water on his own.
Here you can see that the baby is swimming, and the hands of an adult are nearby. But they don't hold it:


we surface


I'm not a swimming instructor or a doctor. The doctor is my husband, and I am an educational psychologist. I wrote about diving based on my own experience. So, for example, my children swam in water that was not 30 degrees, but not below 34. They didn’t like it below.

At the end we douse ourselves with cold water after bathing. The pediatrician told us that we need to gradually reduce the temperature of the water for dousing (the same as in the bath). But children like it better when they are doused with very cold water. After the bath, the cold water burns them and they (especially the older one) squeal with pleasure.

Our eldest daughter is 4.5 months old. lay on the water without any support, swam through the bath on my back and dived with pleasure. The middle one learned to float and dive by 6 months. The youngest learned to swim from time to time - there was simply not enough time for daily “swims”. Nevertheless, all three children, when they found themselves in an open body of water, were not afraid of water, they swam with pleasure, dived, and swam independently at the age of 3.

The best person to help you learn swimming and diving, of course, is a specially trained instructor. But, if, despite all your efforts, money and time spent on activities in the pool, your baby goes to the bath without pleasure, cries and refuses to swim, do not be upset. There are some children - well, they don’t like to swim! After all, not all adults are fans of water treatments either. It’s okay, there are still so many sports and games in the world in which your baby will show top scores.
And for such children, we can recommend gradual, gentle bathing in a diaper (for the first time) and then in the bath with their mother. This is the opposite view of teaching infants to swim. It is based on the assumption that free swimming and, especially, diving of infants is stressful for a child, because water is an alien habitat for people. Therefore, each parent himself chooses the desired approach to raising and strengthening his child. This article is not a call to teach infants to swim, but only advice for those who want to do it.

Classes will be successful for parents who are confident in the benefits of the activity and are not afraid to do something special with their child. Although swimming and diving have long become the most common.
Be confident in your abilities and success is guaranteed!!!

The article used:
"Infant Swimming" ( Guidelines) Ed. V.V.Shitskova Moscow, 1978. The recommendations were developed by pediatrician V.A. Guterman.

“Swimming before walking” Z. P. Firsov, Moscow, Physical Culture and Sports, 1978