Features of the physical development of a taekwondo athlete. The influence of taekwondo training on human physical development. Need help studying a topic?

Preparation process taekwondo training is a multifactorial system of using a variety of means, methods, organizational forms and material and technical conditions aimed at developing the athlete in order to ensure his readiness for sporting achievements. The process of training taekwondoists includes education, training, competitions and non-competitive factors that increase the effectiveness of training and competitions.

The goal of training athletes is to maximize possible result in competitions. To achieve this goal, they are used physical exercise as the main means of improving various physical qualities, abilities and other aspects of preparedness, teaching and training methods are determined, intensity and intensity are planned physical activity and level of sports training.

Main sections of taekwondo training The content of taekwondo sports training is determined by the following sections of training: physical, technical, psychological, tactical and theoretical. The content of these sections of training depends on the contingent of students, their age, experience, level of preparedness and period of sports training. General and special physical training A Taekwondo practitioner must be well physically prepared and have a high level of development of such physical qualities as speed, strength, flexibility and agility. In addition, in order to be able to endure large training loads aimed at developing correct technique movements and successful performance in competitions, it is necessary to have a high level of special endurance. The physical training of a taekwondo athlete is aimed mainly at developing his physical qualities, which contribute to improving the technique of the movements performed.

The need to conduct separate physical training classes is dictated by the specifics of the activities of taekwondo athletes. Basic training involves repeated execution of technical elements in order to improve the striking technique. During such training, the athlete mainly uses his existing reserve of physical qualities, and their growth does not occur under these conditions, because the efforts developed during the exercise, although very intense, are short-lived. Therefore, taekwondoists conduct separate classes on general and special physical training, the volume of which sometimes reaches more than 50% of the total training time.

General physical training (GPP) is aimed at the comprehensive physical development of all systems and functions of the body of athletes and is the basis for training special physical qualities and skills.

The means of general physical training for taekwondoists are: drill and general developmental gymnastic exercises, outdoor and sports games, walking, running, jumping, swimming, throwing, exercises with weights (weights, dumbbells, barbells) and other exercises aimed at developing strength, speed, flexibility and endurance.

General physical training occupies an important place in the system of long-term training of taekwondoists, being the basis of the motor activity of taekwondoists. GPT is especially important at the stage initial training young taekwondo athletes, when the foundations for many years of sports training are laid. Older athletes and highly qualified general physical training exercises are especially widely used in the preparatory and transitional preparatory periods. General physical fitness exercises are also a means of active recreation and are used to relieve active nervous tension and fatigue from monotonous daily work.

Special physical training is aimed at developing those physical qualities that ensure the successful development and performance of both simple and complex exercises at a high quality level.

Special physical qualities for taekwondo athletes are the strength and speed-strength qualities of the leg muscles, which provide good jumping ability, the muscles of the torso and arms, static and dynamic strength of the muscles of the arms and legs. Since when performing jumps athletes have to overcome mainly their own weight, of all the indicators of strength for taekwondo athletes, the most important indicators are absolute strength leg muscles and relative strength of the trunk and arm muscles.

The flexibility of a taekwondo athlete is considered to be the ability to perform strikes and jumps with a large range of motion and is determined by the elasticity of the muscles and ligaments. The most important thing is good mobility in the hip, ankle and shoulder joints, which contributes to the correct execution of technical actions.

The endurance of a taekwondo athlete is considered as the ability to perform complex coordination movements for a long time without reducing efficiency.

The agility and coordination of a taekwondo player are clearly specific. It is known that the demonstration of dexterity, for example, in sports games does not guarantee success in gymnastics or taekwondo. For taekwondo athletes, a specific manifestation of agility is the ability to maintain stable balance and subtly differentiate the spatial and temporal parameters of movements.

Means of special physical training include physical exercises aimed at developing the special physical qualities of a taekwondo athlete. They are conventionally divided into:

— exercises to develop muscle groups that bear the main load when performing technical actions;

- exercises similar in the structure of movements to the taekwondo technique, but performed in modified conditions that contribute to the development of one or another quality.

Methodology for developing strength and speed-strength qualities

When carrying out strength training It should be remembered that for taekwondo its most important manifestation is in combination with speed and does not require an excessive increase in muscle mass, which can negatively affect the speed qualities of the athlete. Therefore, in the process of strength training, exercises aimed at developing the strength of muscle groups alternate with exercises aimed at developing speed, and the whole process is called speed-strength training.

It is known that the manifestation of speed is limited by the corresponding coordination mechanisms, therefore the method of training speed involves performing exercises at maximum speeds that are coordination similar to competitive ones, and the exercises must be well mastered so that all attention during their execution is directed to speed.

If the lack of strength does not make it possible to perform a movement at maximum speed, then it is necessary, by changing the position, to facilitate the execution of movements in this coordination, which will contribute to an increase in the athlete’s speed capabilities. When performing exercises that do not correspond to the athlete’s strength capabilities, a “speed barrier” may temporarily arise, which is very difficult to overcome. Therefore, in parallel with developing speed, it is necessary to work on developing the strength of this muscle group.

To increase the strength of the muscles of the torso, arms and legs, physical exercises of a dynamic and static nature are used without weights and with weights.

The following exercises are used to develop strength:

- overcoming your own weight to failure;

- with extreme or near-extreme weights;

- static leg holds with short rest intervals.

Strength exercises should be alternated with stretching and speed exercises. The development of speed and strength qualities is facilitated by the use of exercises performed with weights for short periods of time (15-20 s), after which exercises are performed without weights. This combination of exercises gives large increases in speed capabilities.

A special place in the speed-strength training of taekwondoists is occupied by the development of jumping ability, for which jumps with weights, “multi-jumps”, upward and “deep” jumps with a rebound are used. It should be remembered that speed-strength training should be carried out with athletes who are able to mobilize to perform speed exercises at maximum or near-maximum levels, and they should be carried out briefly (from 5 to 15 s) with rest intervals until almost complete recovery. Exercises should be performed until the first signs of fatigue (decreased speed) appear.

Methodology for developing flexibility

An athlete’s flexibility is determined mainly by the elasticity of muscles and ligaments, which, in turn, depend on a number of factors:

- ambient temperature (the higher the temperature, the higher the elasticity of the muscles);

- daily periodicity (in the morning hours flexibility is slightly lower than in the evening);

— the state of the central nervous system (in an excited state, muscle elasticity increases, which manifests itself during competitions);

Structures of joints.

It is easier to develop flexibility in childhood, but athletes achieve the greatest mobility in joints by the age of 10-16; at older ages, joint mobility rates decrease. Women have greater flexibility compared to men, which is due to the fact that there is a negative relationship between flexibility and strength.

Excessive enthusiasm for developing flexibility affects the strength and speed-strength capabilities of athletes, so you should wisely combine flexibility exercises with strength exercises and develop it to the required level, ensuring free execution of movements.

It is common to distinguish between passive and active flexibility.

Active flexibility is the ability to perform movements with maximum amplitude due to the work of the muscles passing through a given joint, and passive flexibility is the achievement of maximum mobility in the joints due to the influence of external forces. In addition, the structure of the joint and surrounding tissues can serve as a limiter to flexibility, which is why there is such a thing as anatomical flexibility. However, the main reason for limiting flexibility is the tension of the antagonist muscles, so the development of flexibility is aimed mainly at developing the ability to combine contraction of the muscles that produce movement with relaxation of the stretched ones.

Accordingly, flexibility can be developed through active and passive exercises. Active exercises are characterized by the inclusion of muscles passing through a given joint, while passive exercises are characterized by the use of external forces.

Of the active exercises, the most effective are springy and swinging movements, especially active ones static exercises(stretching), in which the athlete maintains maximum stretch for a short period of time (approximately 15-20 s).

Stretching exercises require a large number of repetitions; if you perform the exercise once, the effect will be insignificant. Therefore, stretching exercises are performed in series, several repetitions each, with a constant increase in the range of motion. Passive exercises allow you to achieve the desired mobility in the joints a little faster, but the effect from their implementation is less stable than from active exercises, so in classes it is better to use them in combination with active exercises. Passive exercises are performed with partners and various weights using your own! great efforts. For example, when performing a forward bend, you can pull yourself with your arms to your legs, while using the strength of your own arms.

Exercises used to improve mobility in the hip joint

1. Bend forward from I.P. standing, sitting, legs together and legs apart: performed in combinations of dynamic and static modes, through active movements and with the help of a partner.

2. Performing “splits”: springy swaying in a split; static holding of a pose in a split with active muscle tension; split with the front leg elevated; splits from a standing position facing the gymnastic wall, using your hands.

3. Bends on the gymnastic wall: i.p. standing facing the wall on the 3-4th step (legs can be together or apart), intercepting the poles, bending, shortening the

standing between hands and feet.

4. Standing, legs apart or together, with your back to the gymnastic wall, lean forward and, holding the pole of the gymnastic wall, pull your torso towards your legs, alternating springy bends with static holding of the torso in a bent position,

5. With your back to the gymnastic wall on the 2-4th pole, bend over and grab the pole with your hands at knee level; straining, perform springy bends, trying to avoid a complete revolution.

6. Lying on your back, bent, legs apart, grab your heels with your hands and, performing springy movements, try to simultaneously touch the floor with your toes and pelvis.

Exercises used to develop mobility in the shoulder joints

1. Twist with a gymnastic stick or rope, reducing the grip width.

2. Snatch, swing and circular movements straight arms in various combinations (forward, backward, to the sides).

3. Hanging on rings or a bar, swinging and turning.

4. Standing in front of the gymnastic wall, bend forward; placing your hands straight on the pole at waist level, perform springy swings (failures

hang in the shoulders). This exercise can be done with a partner.

5. Standing on a gymnastics bridge. Straightening your legs, transfer the weight of your body to your arms so that the projection of the shoulder joints goes slightly forward relative to

support area.

Exercises used to develop ankle mobility

1. sitting on your knees, pressing your pelvis onto your heels. Lifting your knees up and rocking on the insteps of your feet.

2. sitting, legs extended, the partner presses on the toes, trying to touch the toes to the floor, while the knees should be straightened (tight).

Exercises aimed at developing flexibility are included in everyone’s warm-up. training session and can draw up special training programs, however, taking into account the specifics of the activities of taekwondoists, it is more rational to combine the development of flexibility with strength and speed-strength training, which will allow maintaining the muscle tone and speed qualities necessary for taekwondoists, while improving plasticity and mobility in the joints.

Before conducting classes to develop flexibility, be sure to warm up until you sweat. The appearance of muscle pain is a signal to stop performing them. Methods of training special endurance Endurance is considered by theory and methodology physical culture as the ability to resist fatigue that develops during repeated repetition of exercises during training and competitions. In the process of repeated exercises, in addition to physical, sensory and emotional fatigue develops.

Developing the endurance of a taekwondo athlete is considered as increasing, firstly, general endurance, which involves increasing the functional capabilities of the muscles and heart; secondly, special endurance, i.e. ability to perform exercises repeatedly without reducing quality.

General physical training exercises, mainly of a cyclic nature (running, walking, swimming, sports games), serve as a means of developing general endurance.

The means of developing special endurance are exercises with apparatus, exercises performed to failure, with a partner in pairs, conditional and freestyle 1 fights.

To develop special endurance when performing exercises, the following are used:

— repeated repetition of exercises (from 7 to 15 times);

- repeated repetition of a series of exercises (1 time each

- performing exercises of relatively low complexity for a long time (2-3 hours);

- performing exercises of higher complexity;

– training sessions lasting more than 3-

4 hours;

- performing well-mastered exercises against the background of obvious physical fatigue after hard work in the gym.

When cultivating endurance, it is necessary to ensure that exercise does not lead to persistent nervous fatigue, which is expressed in deterioration and loss of sleep, emotional decline, etc. To do this, at the first signs of excessive fatigue and sleep disturbances, it is necessary to reduce the special load and use restorative means.

In the process of physical training of children, it is necessary to remember the sensitive periods of development of individual physical qualities. The most intensive development of speed and strength qualities in girls is observed up to 13-14 years of age (depending on the biological age of the athletes), and in boys - up to 17 years of age.

The relative strength of boys develops most intensively until the age of 13-14, then the rate of growth decreases somewhat, and after reaching biological maturity, with targeted training, a noticeable increase is again observed. In girls, indicators of relative strength increase noticeably in the prepubertal period; with entry into puberty, they decrease significantly.

Flexibility develops most easily in childhood, when muscles and ligaments are most elastic; with an increase in muscle mass, mobility in the joints worsens. Flexibility develops better in girls than in boys. Coordination of movements is well developed in children of primary school age, which allows them to master complex movements. During puberty, there is often a deterioration in coordination of movements and a decrease in athletic performance, which is temporary and is associated with the peculiarities of the biological maturation of the body of athletes.

Psychological preparation

The importance of mental state for achieving success in sports practice cannot be overestimated. It determines both the process of learning and improvement, and the success of competitive activity.

The process of psychological preparation solves the following problems:

1. Developing a sports character.

2. Development of perception processes.

3. Development of attention and ability to concentrate (i.e. stability, concentration, ability to switch from one object to another, speed of mobilization, ability to withstand confusing factors).

4. Development of muscle memory and imagination necessary for ideomotor training.

The process of psychological preparation can be divided into two interrelated areas:

— education of moral and volitional qualities;

- improvement of mental capabilities.

The development of moral and volitional qualities touches on the issues of personality education and the formation of the sports character of the student.

Improving mental capabilities is aimed at improving mental qualities in order to actively influence the athlete’s condition and muscle-motor sensations that arise during training and competition.

The mental qualities of athletes are determined, on the one hand, by heredity, and on the other, by the specifics of the sport.

The state of mind is decisive in the process of training and competition. During the training period, there are often cases when the physical condition of an athlete allows him to perform some exercise, but the lack of psychological readiness slows down the training process. The reason for this, as a rule, is excessive nervous tension and a feeling of fear that arises before performing certain actions. In such cases, everything depends on the personal characteristics of the athlete, the state of his psyche and the level of moral and volitional preparedness.

Personal qualities include the need for achievement, the need for communication, personality orientation, self-esteem, and anxiety.

The need for achievement is seen as a constant desire to improve athletic performance - a character trait inherent in the best athletes all types of sports without exception.

This need is formed in an athlete during many years of sports. Characteristics People with a high level of need for achievement are:

- persistence in achieving your goals;

- dissatisfaction with what has been achieved;

- constant desire to do better than before;

- strong passion for work;

- desire to enjoy success;

- creative attitude to performing the most ordinary tasks;

- dissatisfaction with the unexpected ease of task and success.

The need for communication manifests itself as a person’s desire for joint activities, stimulates and directs communication between people, encourages the renunciation of selfish tendencies, maintaining harmony and friendly relationships.

Personality orientation implies consideration of three types of personality’s relationship to the surrounding world, namely: self-direction; focus on mutual actions and communication; task orientation.

Self-direction is seen as the pursuit of personal well-being. Such people are busy with themselves, with their feelings and experiences; they are characterized by: making hasty conclusions and assumptions about other people and their work, trying to impose their will on others, and often inability to listen to their interlocutor.

The focus on mutual actions and communication reflects a person’s desire to maintain good relationships with comrades in joint activities. For taekwondoists high class characteristic average level orientation towards mutual actions.

Task orientation (business orientation) reflects passion for the process of activity to achieve a useful result, the desire to master new knowledge and skills. Focus on the task is the key to achieving high sports results in taekwondo.

In the process of life and interaction between people, each person develops his own attitude towards himself, i.e. self-esteem of your personality and capabilities. Self-esteem does not always coincide with a person’s real capabilities and can be overestimated or underestimated.

The reason for low self-esteem is lack of self-confidence. This leads to an inability to realize existing opportunities. When working with such people, it is necessary to instill confidence in them, support them during failures, and do not skimp on praise.

Athletes with high self-esteem are characterized by an excessively high idea of ​​themselves and their capabilities, ignoring everything that violates a high idea of ​​their own personality. Any task is perceived as a result of current circumstances, and any comment is perceived as a nit-picking. Such athletes are not inclined to look for the reason for their failures in themselves, but look for it in biased refereeing, bad opponents, etc.

Adequate self-esteem is characterized by its increase during success and decrease during failure. To form adequate self-esteem among taekwondo athletes, it is necessary to have a fair (truthful) attitude towards the actions and successes of students, to cultivate interest in this sport, and to set realistically achievable tasks for the athlete.

Feelings of restlessness and anxiety (BT) are a component of the personality structure, and therefore it takes some time and focused work to overcome this feeling. The elimination of BT is helped by psychoregulatory training, having mastered the methods of which the athlete will be able to create an optimal fighting state for himself in any competitive situation.

The essence of psychoregulatory training is as follows: the athlete, using certain formulas, creates an optimal fighting state (OBS), which is characterized by individual data on the severity of vegetative processes (heart rate and breathing, sweating, muscle tone, etc.). The creation of OBS contributes to successful performance during competitions.

Psychological preparation involves influencing the athlete using methods of verbal persuasion and the formation of certain motor images in him, which ensure the correct execution of movements in conditions of both training and competition.

The process of psychological preparation occurs in close connection with technical, physical and tactical training. A trainer-teacher should be interested in new developments in the field of psychology and strive to apply in his work what is new that will contribute to the success of the training process. The main methods of influencing an athlete are persuasion, explanation and suggestion. Content, logic, evidence and expressiveness of speech have a positive effect on the athlete and help to more successfully master new exercises, as well as perform in competitions.

By influencing the athlete with words, the coach corrects the process of training and competition, forcing him to recreate the correct images of tactical actions in his head, create a state of combat readiness, and overcome physical fatigue. The word can also serve as a confusing factor: something said at the wrong time can cause loss of coordination and OBS. Therefore, a trainer-psychologist must, based on knowledge of the mental characteristics of his student, address him with words that would stimulate the athlete’s activity in training and competition conditions, and not depress him.

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Russian-Korean Taekwondo Association “CHIN TE HE”


on the topic of:

"The influence of Taekwondo trainingon human physical development"

Moscow, 2015


One of life's most precious assets is good health. At the same time, one of the main sins of humanity is insufficient attention to this wealth. “He who does not neglect the body and does not harm any part of it, including even the hair, is considered an obedient son,” says Eastern wisdom.

Sports and martial arts classes in the world have recently gained wide popularity among both the male and female population. At the same time, the overwhelming majority of students pursue the goal of mastering the necessary self-defense skills. Much less attention is paid to martial arts as a way to combat hypokinesia, the formation of motor culture in childhood and adolescence, and a method of recovery in the later stages of ontogenesis. It has been established that the influence of different martial arts on the functional state of the human body systems and physical qualities at different stages of ontogenetic development is ambiguous.

Definition of basic concepts

Taekwondo is an ancient national martial art that has been developing in Korea for 5 thousand years and is currently an international sport. Technique In this type of martial arts, 70% are performed with the legs, which makes taekwondo a unique and beautiful sport.

Taekwondo is being translated in the following way: Tae is the control of the leg, Kwon is the control of the hand, Do is the spiritual path of a person. Taekwondo has absorbed the richest philosophical doctrine ancient East. Its essence can be defined this way: “Everything in the universe is interconnected.” Man is part of the Universe, the meaning of any person’s life is to improve the soul.

Each person has their own goals for self-improvement. By improving, a person improves the Universe. By improving his body, which contains the soul, a person helps it find peace. Taekwondo gives a person the opportunity to change the world by changing himself. The teaching requires adherence to basic principles of morality and ethics, since Taekwondo is a weapon in the hands of man. You should conquer yourself - your shortcomings and vices, be persistent and flexible, be courageous, calm and balanced, sincere, friendly and tolerant. Taekwondo is the path to harmony and truth.

Disciplines in taekwondo:

Poomse is a technical complex, which is a set of various elements - blocks, strikes, movements. Quite a lot of emphasis is placed on static loads- to what extent is it physically possible to perform stances and fix the position of the body in them, make a kick, a punch or a block with the final fixation of the movement.

Kerugi is a practical training of self-defense techniques. The student uses all aspects of martial art: conscious-willed, physical and technical - against the strength and skills of the opponent. Winning a fight requires quick reflexes, determination, common sense, precise reaction time, mastery of a variety of techniques, good concentration on the target, a sense of distance, good balance, control of movements and perseverance. A Taekwondo match uses defensive and offensive movements.

Kyokpa - breaking various objects, demonstrating taekwondo techniques.

Taekwonmu - demonstration dances using taekwondo techniques.

Taekwondo is primarily a defensive form of wrestling, but also teaches strong attacking techniques. Taekwondo is primarily a speed sport, not a power sport, unlike many other types of martial arts. To perform the most powerful blow or block, a combination of the following factors is required: counter force, concentration, balance, breathing control, mass and speed.

Taekwondo is an easy and difficult sport. “Difficult” sport develops a strong spirit in martial arts and self-confidence, while “easy” sport regulates the hygienic system. Under the influence of taekwondo, the character of those involved is formed into a strong and persistent spirit, initiative and a sense of superiority develop. Confidence and a strong spirit allow you to remain cool, humble, patient and safe in any activity. then comes the overcoming of one’s own “ego” through self-sacrifice. This is the surest way to form a worthy character and become a leader in society. Thus, Taekwondo is the foundation that helps a person improve his character and become a true patriot.

Taekwondo is a sport that helps develop the entire human body. People play sports because there is a need to adapt to environmental conditions. Taekwondo increases the body's resistance to negative factors and protects someone from destructive influences.

Taekwondo can turn arms, legs, and head into a kind of “weapon of self-defense.” The fists can suddenly become "hammers", the fingertips can become "bars", the edge of the palm can become "Knife Edge", and the legs have the same effect as large hammers.

Taekwondo is a strong and dominant sport and board breaking exercises are often used to test the strength of the practitioner.

An important aspect in learning taekwondo is the rules of etiquette, which develop high level intelligence and education of our youth, as well as humility in behavior, self-confidence, organization, kindness and tolerance.

Physical trainingAnd influence of taekwondo on the human body

Taekwondo can be practiced both individually and in groups, without using weights or special equipment. In most cases (except sparring) it is done alone. Since the body sets its own boundaries, any damage or injury is very rare, and changes in the physical condition of the practitioners are taken into account automatically. The entire muscular system from fingers to toes begins to actively act.

As a result of training, the muscles do not become prominent, but the transformation of adipose tissue into muscle occurs. During classes weightlifting the growth of muscle volume is not accompanied by the formation of new blood vessels; areas appear in the tissues that are poorly washed by blood. Oxygen has difficulty reaching such areas muscle tissue. the lack of oxygen is compensated by an increase in blood pressure, and, therefore, fatigue occurs more quickly.

The large number of repetitions and small resistances that are characteristic of taekwondo classes develops snake-like thin muscles. Such muscles are located closer to the blood vessels and, thus, greater endurance and performance are achieved.

Pelvic rotations carried out when performing kicks, as well as balancing movements with the arms, develop the abdominal muscles well. Most kicks in taekwondo involve lifting the legs high, which develops the lateral muscles of the torso and inner thighs.

A typical training regimen that involves intense movement of all parts of the body increases heart rate and improves oxygen supply to the heart and muscles over an extended period. This phenomenon is called the aerobic effect and provides the following benefits:

1. Helps the lungs work more efficiently.

2. Dilates blood vessels, making them more flexible and reducing resistance to blood flow, thus reducing blood pressure.

3. Improves blood circulation, especially increases the number of red blood cells (erythrocytes) and hemoglobin.

4. Heals body tissues by supplying them with more oxygen.

5. Improves heart function, providing a margin of safety in unforeseen situations.

6. Provides good sleep and removal of toxins.

It is estimated that the calorie consumption for one intense taekwondo training session is about six hundred - one of the highest compared to other sports.

Since spending 3,500 calories equates to a weight loss of four hundred grams, it stands to reason that with a six-hour training schedule per week, a weight loss of four hundred grams can be achieved in one week.

Taekwondo allows you to achieve high results in other sports, thanks to the development of special qualities, including:

1. Muscular strength.

2. Dynamic energy - the ability to perform exercises with force.

3. Dexterity - the ability to move quickly in space.

4. Flexibility of joints, muscles and ligaments.

5. Peripheral vision.

6. Focus and ability not to be distracted.

7. Ability to change direction of movement.

8 Understanding the mechanics and techniques of body movement.

Organized training procedure Special attention pays attention to systematic warming up of muscles and ligaments, increasing blood volume and blood flow in the muscles. Warm-up exercises help develop flexibility in joints, tendons and ligaments, and prevent damage and injury during exercise.

The training regimen also emphasizes the need for post-workout calming exercises to help drain excess blood from the muscles after intense exercise. If this is not done, stiffness and discomfort may result.

For children, taekwondo is a great way to release energy; many children are hyperactive, which sometimes brings a lot of trouble to parents. Sometimes parents don’t know at all how to raise their child. The child does not want to obey adults or becomes a little manipulator, forcing the whole world to revolve around him, involving parents in a game of endless grievances. For such kids, Taekwondo can be a wonderful teacher supporter, and children fit perfectly into these new interesting “games” of being brave warrior-defenders. A child's imagination can create miracles. Such children just need help choosing directions in their interests, because real leaders are born in them. For such a child, classes will become a truly interesting and exciting hobby! Children will honor and wear the Taekwondo emblem with pride.

There are situations, and vice versa, when a child grows up shy, weak, sickly, and it seems that he needs constant protection and care from everything in the world. In the future, it will be difficult for such a child to find a way of self-expression and self-affirmation as an individual; These people are usually offended by the more active kids at school and in the yards, where children live almost according to pack principles. Taekwondo lessons will help these children overcome their fears, develop fortitude, become more self-confident, become more sociable, and support poor health.

Research data and personal experience

martial art taekwondo physical

Since the characteristics and rates of development of different age groups different, this section provides data from studies of the physical development of people of different age groups.

1. Results of a study of children aged 7-8 years.

This material is taken from the article “Taekwondo in the system physical education children with poor health”, published in the Slobozhansky Scientific and Sports Bulletin, No. 5 (38), 2013. Authors: Bukova L. M., Ph.D. Sc., Associate Professor Belousova I.M. Tauride National University named after. V. I. Vernadsky.

Children of the main group, in addition to physical education lessons at school, attended taekwondo (WTF) training sessions 3 times a week for 90 minutes. Children in the control group attended only physical education classes at school, according to the curriculum.

Research results. As background studies showed, the level of functional state of the cardiovascular system, neuromuscular, and physical fitness of children in the control and main groups before the experiment corresponded to a low assessment; no significant differences in indicators were identified (P? 0.05). Analysis of the psycho-emotional state of children showed that 60% of the main and control groups had a high level of anxiety, 40% had an average level. The corrective effect carried out using taekwondo classes in the main group had a higher health-improving effect compared to the motor regime of children engaged in compulsory hours of secondary school. Thus, in the main group the following indicators improved: resting heart rate decreased by 10.4%, the depth of forward bending - by 34%, the depth of backward bending - by 20.8%, the Ruffier index by 14.4%, the index by 9.4%. Romberg tests, CMAS test improved by 47%. In the control group, the changes were less pronounced: IGST increased by 13.7%, the Romberg test index improved by 4.1%, the depth of forward bending - by 26.0%, the depth of backward bending - by 8.5%, and the CMAS test improved by 20.6%.

In order to assess the effectiveness of the influence of taekwondo classes, a comparison was made of the indicators of children in the main and control groups after a course of health-improving training. A significant difference was established after the experiment in children of the main and control groups in the following indicators: Ruffier's test, Romberg's test, depths of bending back and forth, level of anxiety (CMAS). Thus, taekwondo classes contributed to enhancing the healing effect by expanding the functional capabilities of the body, increasing the level of physical fitness, and reducing the level of anxiety. The result of the impact of the classes was an increase in spinal flexibility, an increase in the level of physical fitness, the level of coordination of movements, and an increase in the functional capabilities of the cardiovascular system. In taekwondo practitioners, there was an increase in the stability and balance of nervous processes, and a reduction in the increased excitability characteristic of age. It can be assumed that self-regulation and formal complexes (poomsae) as a means of psychological training for taekwondo athletes increase self-confidence, streamline cognitive activity and, as a result, reduce the level of anxiety in children.

2. Results of studies of groups of children and adolescents (10-15 years old)

Data taken from the Dissertation on the topic “Physiological features of adaptive processes in adolescents in taekwondo”,

1. It has been revealed that taekwondo sports activities contribute to the normal physical development, functional state and level of health of children and adolescents (10-15 years old). The growth rate of key morphometric indicators of young taekwondo athletes from 10-11 years old to 12-13 years old averaged 17.6%, from 12-13 years old to 14-15 years old amounted to 16.3%, while in children and adolescents, engaged in the program of presidential competitions, the growth rate of key anthropometric indicators from 10-11 years to 12-13 years is 12.3%, from 12-13 years to 1415 years, respectively, 13.3%.

2. Age-related changes in cardio- and hemodynamic parameters were discovered in a state of relative rest and after standard physical activity in young taekwondo athletes of groups II and III. The rate of positive changes in the integral CVS index (P1) from 10-11 years to 12-13 years is 26.9% at rest and 15% after exercise, and in adolescents from 12-13 years to 14-15 years, respectively, 37.9% at rest and 13% after exercise. Changes in the Heather index (III) also significantly improved in children and adolescents from 10-11 years to 12-13 years, amounting to 22.5% at rest and 11% after exercise, and in adolescents from 12-13 years to 14-15 years respectively, 13.8% at rest and 18% after exercise.

3. With the increase in the physical performance of young taekwondo athletes, a decrease in tension and an increase in the performance of the cardiorespiratory system was observed (heart rate decreased in groups of adolescents from 10-11 years to 12-13 years by 17.3%, and in groups from 12-13 years to 14-15 years by 15.3%; RR decreased in children and adolescents from 10-11 years to 12-13 years by 27.3%, and in groups from 12-13 years to 14-15 years by 47.5%; vital capacity increased in groups from 10-11 years to 12-13 years by 33.3%, and in groups from 12-13 years to 1415 years also by 33.3%).

4. Physical activity during taekwondo classes contributes to an increase in the enzymatic activity of catalase and a-amylase, an increase in the energy capacity of the body’s supply systems due to the oxidation of neutral lipids and an increase in the body’s resistance to lipid peroxidation products by activating the antioxidant activity noted in saliva.

5. Symbolic changes were observed in the body systems that ensure sports performance at different levels of their functioning and regulation, which was expressed in an increase in indicators of integral physical fitness by 19.3%. Indicators of integral special physical readiness increased by 26.4%, and indicators of special functional readiness increased by 90.9%.

Personal experience:

I have been practicing taekwondo for 6 years. Both physical and strategic qualities have improved. Thanks to daily training, my immunity, agility, flexibility, speed and endurance have increased.

Taekwondo has developed a strong spirit, self-confidence and patience in me.

So, after conducting a series of studies, I confirmed my assumption that taekwondo classes have a beneficial effect on human health and physical development. Improving the child's health, strengthening him physically Physical education, embedded in the methods of teaching taekwondo for children, contributes to the overall strengthening of the child, and in some cases, to health improvement.


Taekwondo is a type of martial art that trains not only the body, but also strengthens the spirit. Taekwondo allows even the physically weak to gain powerful weapons and gain self-confidence in order to be able to protect themselves and others.

Taekwondo has a positive effect on human physical development. During the training, students' health improves. By performing motor actions, certain abilities are developed: strength, speed, coordination, endurance.

A perfect person must have three components - high intelligence, a pure soul and a strong body. This is the kind of person who will achieve success.


1. Volmir Ligai “Taekwondo - the path to perfection”, Publisher:

"Shark" Tashkent. 1994

2. Choi Hong Hi “Encyclopedia of Taekwondo”

3. Yu.A. Shulika, E.Yu. Klyuchnikov “Taekwondo” (Theory and methodology) Publishing house “Phoenix”, Rostov-on-Don, 2007.

4. Encyclopedia of martial arts http://www.p6s.ru

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in the direction 032100.62 - Physical culture


Zavornitsyn Dmitry Sergeevich

Chelyabinsk 2014



1.1 Analysis of the problem of developing endurance in the theory and practice of sports

1.2 Endurance (definition, types, means and methods)


2.1 Modern approaches to developing taekwondo endurance

2.2 Methods for developing taekwondo endurance


3.1 Organization and methods of research

3.2 Research results





Relevanceresearch. Physical education and sports are the most important means of promoting health, achieving physical perfection, developing moral and volitional qualities, and aesthetic education of the younger generation. Sport unites children's and youth groups, fosters a spirit of camaraderie and collectivism. Sports activities with children, teenagers, boys and girls have become an integral part of their comprehensive and harmonious development, one of the important conditions for spiritual and physical improvement.

Youth sports in the Russian Federation is becoming an increasingly important social factor in ensuring good health, comprehensive physical fitness, educating the younger generation, and effective training sports reserves.

In the process of social development, a number of scientific disciplines arose, designed to deeply and comprehensively reflect the essence of the phenomena of physical education, reveal its patterns, expand and deepen knowledge about effective means, methods and forms of organizing the impact on physical development and physical fitness of a person. In the last 20 years, a new section of the theory of sports has finally been formed - the theory and methodology of youth sports - a body of knowledge about the basic content, forms of construction and conditions of sports training of children, adolescents, boys and girls, about the most significant and common patterns of this pedagogical process for various sports . In parentheses there is a footnote to the source, the detailed name of which is indicated in the bibliography. The first digit in brackets indicates the serial number of the source, and the second digit after the decimal point indicates the location in the source (page).

The principle of comprehensiveness takes on special significance in training with young athletes. Due to the fact that at the age of 10-12 years the body is in a formative stage, the effects of physical exercise, both positive and negative, can be especially noticeable. Therefore, for proper planning and implementation of the educational and training process, it is so important to take into account the age-related characteristics of the formation of the children’s body. The most important role in the process of comprehensive training of athletes is played by physical training, the development of physical qualities necessary for sports activities.

The choice of this topic is due to several points:

Increased interest in Taekwondo as a sport;

The existing problem of improving physical development and physical fitness among Taekwondo practitioners;

The existing problem of age-related development and improvement of physical qualities in young athletes.

This is precisely where, in our opinion, lies its relevance and practical significance in implementation. It is important to identify the levels of development of basic physical qualities in young athletes and to justify effective means and methods for developing these qualities.

TargetresearchI- determine the methodology for developing endurance of young taekwondo athletes.

An objectresearch- educational- training process training of taekwondo players.

Itemresearch- methodology for developing endurance in taekwondo athletes aged 10-12 years.

Subjectresearch- Schoolchildren in the amount of 60 people from among students of grades 3-4-5 of secondary school No. 71 in Chelyabinsk.


The methodology for developing endurance of young taekwondo athletes will be effective if:

Take into account the age and gender characteristics of the physical development of young athletes;

Take into account individual characteristics of physical fitness:

Take into account sensitive periods of endurance development.


In preparation for the research and writing of the thesis, the following tasks were set:

1. Based on the analysis of literary sources, identify the features of physical development and physical fitness of children 10-12 years old.

2. To develop and justify in a pedagogical experiment a methodology for developing the endurance of taekwondo athletes aged 10-12 years.

3. Determine the effectiveness of the methodology for developing endurance.


To solve the stated problems, the following research methods were used:

Theoretical analysis and synthesis of literature;

Psychological and pedagogical observations;

Pedagogical control research (testing);

Method of comparative analysis.

Methodological- theoreticalthe basisresearch.

Many authors devoted their research and their works to the problem of physical development and physical fitness of young athletes. In this thesis we relied on the works of Nabatnikov M.Ya. “Special endurance athletes”; Barshaya V.M., Zatsiorsky V.M. “Physical qualities of an athlete: fundamentals of theory and methods of education”; Zimkina N.V. "Human Physiology"; Kurysya V.N., “Fundamentals of strength training for young men.”


1.1 AnalysisProblemsdevelopmentenduranceVtheoriesAndpracticessports

Numerous works by domestic and foreign specialists are of great importance for understanding the essence of endurance as a quality of motor activity. They contribute to the understanding of one of the most important mechanisms that determine the essence of endurance.

The pedagogical and medical-biological foundations of the theory and methodology of youth sports are laid in the scientific works of P.F. Lesgafta, V.V. Gorinevsky, their associates and followers. A significant contribution to the development of the theory and methodology of youth sports was made by the scientific works of A.D Novikov, V.M. Zatsiorsky, R.E. Motylyanskaya, L.P. Matveev, A.A Markosyan, V.S. Farfelya, V.P. Filina, N.A. Fomina, M.Ya. Nabatnikova, N.Zh. Bulgakova, V.K. Balsevich, Yu.G. Travina, Yu.D. Zheleznyaka, V.M. Guzhalovsky, F.P. Suslova, V.G. Nikitushkin and other specialists. Their works demonstrated the great role of sport in the physical education of the younger generation, scientifically substantiated the fundamental principles of children's and youth sports, and characterized effective means, methods and organizational forms of sports training for children, adolescents, boys and girls.

Let us consider in more detail the main theses of the above scientific works.

The speed and strength qualities of children are manifested in running, jumping, throwing, skiing, skating, swimming, etc. Nurturing these qualities is aimed at increasing the level of physical fitness of children and their comprehensive harmonious development. At primary school age, movements of a speed-power nature constitute the main part of the motor regime of children and play a large role in the development of their locomotor acts

When studying physical qualities, the efforts of specialists in the vast majority of cases were aimed at studying each physical quality in the so-called “pure form”. This was dictated by the need to understand the characteristics of the development of each physical quality separately. Currently, attention should be paid to the study of physical qualities in their relationship at all age stages of development, taking into account the influence of environmental factors.

A number of authors emphasize the importance of comprehensive education of physical qualities (A.V. Korobov, V.P. Filin, A.M. Shlemin, etc.). These works indicate that the use of a set of exercises that require the manifestation of speed, strength and endurance develops each of these physical qualities more effectively than the use of exercises aimed at developing one of them.

Other researchers give preference in training with young athletes to training not speed, but speed-strength and power qualities (B.V. Valik, V.P. Filin, V.S. Topchiyan, etc.). Studying the methodology for developing speed-strength qualities in adolescents, O.V. Fedorov (1962,1968) came to the conclusion that at the initial stage of training the level of development muscle strength in terms of deadlift strength, it largely depends on the use of speed-strength exercises in an appropriate volume; the optimal ratio is this ratio of speed-strength and speed training: 70 and 30%, respectively.

Motor qualities are not unambiguously related to each other. This is especially clearly manifested in cases where we purposefully develop some quality, but at the same time observe how others change. It turns out that:

The development of maximum dynamic strength has practically no effect on the state of speed strength, static and speed of movements of unweighted parts of the body;

An increase in static strength indicators only affects an increase in maximum dynamic strength, but not on speed strength and speed of movement;

An increase in speed strength is accompanied by a significant increase in the speed of movements of both weighted and free parts of the body, as well as maximum dynamic strength;

An increase in absolute numbers of any of the listed qualities is not associated in itself with an improvement in endurance, that is, an increase in maximum dynamic strength is not necessarily accompanied by an increase in dynamic strength endurance, and speed strength - speed-strength endurance. Even a significant increase in maximum static strength does not lead to an increase in static endurance.

The problem of identifying the optimal relationship between the process of development of physical qualities is important. Close attention of researchers is drawn to the question of the relationship between the main physical qualities at various age stages of the development of athletes. A number of experts emphasize the need for comprehensive education of physical qualities.

These complex, sometimes contradictory patterns of relationships between motor qualities coexist with the patterns of their relationships with motor skills, because specialized techniques of sports movements are embodied in motor skills.

In addition, it should be noted that T Technical progress has removed a significant share of physical stress on the body, which has given rise to the problem of the century, which is detrimental to humans as a biological being - physical inactivity. A person accustomed to minor loads will not be able to withstand unexpected functional loads on the cardiovascular, neurohumoral systems of the body, including brain overloads, which will be distressing for him and therefore fatal.

Taking this factor into account, a cultured person should, in addition to the main production activity (especially if it is sedentary), engage in physical education as a means of stimulating all functional structures to be rebuilt to adapt to the highest possible loads.

In this aspect, physical culture and sports, which copy natural realities, are the most effective means in the fight against physical inactivity, performing the following functions:

Development of the human body and preparing it for work;

Facilities healthy image life;

Strengthening adaptive functions and reducing the risk of epidemics;

Rehabilitation of weakening functions.

So, underloading the functional structures of the body leads to their destruction and further inability to optimally adapt.

On the other hand, overload also leads to their destruction, which raises the problem of ensuring that individual functional reserves correspond to the imposed functional (vegetative, sensorimotor, psychomotor and intellectual) loads.

Excessive adaptive energy of an individual often comes into conflict with the surrounding community, which raises the problem of channeling it in a safe direction.

1.2 Endurance(definition,kinds,facilitiesAndmethods)

In relation to taekwondo, three types of endurance can be distinguished: general, local and special.

1. StaticAnddynamicendurance, i.e. the ability to perform static or dynamic work for a long time;

General endurance is determined by the functional stability of the nerve centers, their ability to remain in an excited state for a long time and send appropriate signals - impulses - to the working muscles, organs and systems. Endurance is ensured by the high capacity of the autonomic systems, the coherence of metabolic processes and the perfect coordination of the motor apparatus and internal organs.

One of the most important factors determining the overall endurance of a taekwondo athlete is the body’s ability to produce energy primarily through anaerobic processes and recover quickly.

2. LocalAndglobalendurance, i.e. the ability to carry out local work for a long time (with the participation of a small number of muscles (or global work (with the participation of large muscle groups - more than half of the muscle mass);

3. Powerendurance, i.e. the ability to repeatedly repeat exercises that require great muscle strength;

4. AnaerobicAndaerobicendurance, i.e. the ability to perform global work for a long time with predominantly anaerobic or aerobic types of energy saving.

In sports physiology, endurance is usually associated with the performance of such sports exercises that require the participation of large muscle mass (about half or more of the entire muscle mass of the body) and last continuously for 0, 2-3 minutes or more due to the constant consumption of oxygen by the body, which provides energy production in working muscles predominantly or completely aerobically.

In other words, in sports physiology, endurance is defined as the ability to perform global muscular work for a long time, predominantly or exclusively of an aerobic nature.

Sports exercises that require endurance include all aerobic exercises of a cyclic nature.

When performing exercises of a predominantly aerobic nature, the rate of oxygen consumption is higher, the greater the power of the load performed (movement speed). Therefore, in sports that require great endurance, athletes must have greater aerobic capacity:

1) high maximum rate of oxygen consumption, i.e. high aerobic “power”;

2) the ability to maintain a high rate of oxygen consumption for a long time (high aerobic “power”);

The higher the MOC (maximum oxygen consumption) of an athlete, the higher the speed he can maintain over a distance, the higher (all other things being equal) his athletic result in exercises requiring endurance. The higher the MPC, the more aerobic work a person can do. The dependence of endurance on MIC manifests itself (within certain limits), i.e. the more aerobic work a person can do. The dependence of endurance on MOC is (within certain limits) the greater, the lower the relative power of aerobic exercise.

The IPC level depends on the maximum capabilities of the two functional systems.

1) an oxygen transport system that absorbs oxygen from the surrounding air and transports it to working muscles and other active organs and tissues of the body;

2) oxygen utilization systems, i.e., the muscular system that extracts and utilizes oxygen delivered by the blood.

Endurance training leads to a significant increase in circulating blood volume (CBV). Moreover, an increase in blood volume is a specific effect of training. Increasing blood volume is of great importance for increasing the oxygen transport capabilities of endurance athletes.

First of all, due to the increase in blood volume, the central blood volume and venous return to the heart increase, which provides a large volume of blood to each network and thus increases the body's ability to transfer heat during prolonged work.

In athletes, high aerobic capacity (MAC) is mainly determined by the exceptionally high performance of the heart, capable of providing large cardiac output, which is achieved due to increased systolic volume, i.e. the amount of blood ejected by the ventricles of the heart with each contraction. The heart rate of athletes is reduced compared to non-trainers.

An increase in systolic volume is the main functional result of endurance training for the cardiovascular system and for the entire oxygen transport system as a whole.

The decrease in HR (heart rate) during any aerobic activity is the most consistent and most pronounced functional change in cardiac activity associated with endurance training.

The most complete age-related changes in endurance have been studied under static conditions of various muscle groups, for example, the flexor hand, forearm, and thigh.

The duration of effort of different muscle groups is not the same and increases repeatedly. At 11-14 years of age, the endurance of the calf muscles increases significantly; at 13-14 years of age, the static endurance of the flexors and extensors of the forearm and the extensors of the torso decreases slightly.

In anaerobic power exercises, a significant increase in work duration is noted from 10-12 to 13-14 years.

In the initial phase of motor skill formation, you should not perform movements immediately with maximum effort and very high speed, because in this case, the irradiation of the excitatory process quickly arises and spreads widely, which leads to the involvement of unnecessary muscle groups in the work and leads to stiffness of movements.

At the age of 11-12 years, you should pay attention to the correct execution of movements and the versatile training of young athletes.

The whole motor activity of a taekwondo athlete differs from the activity of, for example, runners, weightlifters, and basketball players. Therefore, its endurance is different from the endurance that is demonstrated by representatives of other sports. This endurance is special. It organically includes general endurance, but is not identical to it, because it is based on the specifics of the intensity, intensity and duration of work, its tempo, rhythm, speeds and amplitudes of movement performed in accordance with the characteristics of the sport. In general, the functional capabilities of the body consist of the potential capabilities of different muscle groups.

M. Ya. Nabatnikova gives the following definition of special endurance: “Special endurance is the ability of an athlete to effectively perform a specific load for a period of time determined by the requirements of his specialization...”

It turns out that the general endurance of the body does not affect, for example, the endurance of the adductor muscle groups of the shoulder, but with increasing endurance of the adductor muscle groups, the overall endurance of the body also increases. Thus, local endurance is of special importance (at least, especially highlighted by us on the basis of objective signs). But any motor activity is carried out by strength qualities, the distinctive feature of which is also locality. Therefore, it is legitimate local and strength endurance identify.

To make it easier to cope with a heavy load in competitions, you need to train a lot and hard. A taekwondo practitioner needs both general and special endurance. General endurance, developed by long walking, running, sports games, etc. The means of developing special endurance are the combat exercises themselves.

The simultaneous development and education of all physical qualities leads to more favorable changes in the preparedness of those involved than the isolated education of individual qualities.

Summarizing the above, we can conclude that the problem of developing endurance in children 10-12 years old has not yet been fully studied.

A number of authors emphasize the importance of comprehensive education of physical qualities. It is indicated that the use of a set of exercises that require the manifestation of speed, strength and endurance develops physical qualities more effectively than the use of exercises aimed at developing one of them.

In the theory and practice of sports, it is generally accepted that motor qualities are the basis on which the technical skill of an athlete is built. Nevertheless, at the present stage of development of the theory and practice of sports, this indisputable statement needs clarification and specification, which has direct access to teaching and training methods. Most often, achievement depends not on one motor quality, but on the combined manifestation of several qualities. In the vast majority of cases, this is a manifestation of strength and speed in conjunction with the need to perform work for a relatively long time, without rest.

Endurance in sports is the ability to withstand the fatigue of a specific activity.

Endurance is based on natural biological patterns common to any organism. It is determined by factors that are common to all. However, endurance depends on the conditions and nature of physical activity.

Endurance is ensured by the high capacity of the autonomic systems, the coherence of metabolic processes and the perfect coordination of the motor apparatus and internal organs.

Thus, general endurance characterizes the body’s potential ability to resist fatigue during muscular work.

A taekwondo practitioner needs both general and special endurance. General endurance, developed by long walking, running, sports games, etc. The means of developing special endurance are the combat exercises themselves.


2.1 ModernapproachesTodevelopmentendurancetaekwondoists

Taekwondo is an ancient Korean martial art that is very popular in the modern world. The number of taekwondo fans exceeds 50 million people. The reason for such a high popularity of this martial arts is that Korean masters were able to combine ancient principles and training methods with the trends of modern sports, which made taekwondo a unique system of self-development and physical education, as well as a very spectacular and dynamic sport.

The goal of training and studying taekwondo is to achieve a harmonious unity of physical, mental, spiritual and moral principles in a person.

What attracts taekwondo, why is it so popular? How and why taekwondo became Olympic form sports

Firstly, competitions are characteristic and obligatory for sports taekwondo. And for competitions it is important not only to correctly determine the winner - the safety of the participants is very important. The WTF has developed and successfully used protective equipment that protects the athlete as much as possible and allows you to demonstrate all the elements of complex equipment. A harmonious system of rules has also been developed, allowing for a more objective determination of the winner.

Secondly, you can practice taekwondo at any age - from an early age to old age. Taekwondo thanks various techniques and exercise can serve as both a means of strengthening the body and a healing agent.

Martial arts include a wide range of activities necessary in combat (Table 1)

Table 1 - Classification of martial arts activities

In addition to direct contact with the enemy, they include: combat movements with and without the use of technical means, entrenching work and camouflage, shooting from various types of weapons, and a survival system.

As a rule, martial arts refers to actions in direct contact with the enemy.

To master them, various introductory and final exercises are used, which include:

Single, demonstration exercises (kata in karate, poomsae in taekwondo, etc.);

Conditional contact exercises (special sections of sambo, judo, taekwondo, karatedo, wushu), which belong to the section of activity-based, program-situational exercises;

Martial arts (confrontations).

Thus, from the entire list of activities, martial arts includes the following actions (exercises):

Demonstration and artistic (single wushu exercises);

Coordination and operational (conditional contact exercises of aikido, special sections of judo, karatedo, sambo);

Martial arts (hard contact exercises).

Taekwondo classes at an early age develop motor skills in children and instill in them a culture of movement. At this stage, children lay the foundation of taekwondo technique, which will subsequently provide the opportunity to perform in competitions or, if the applied (combat) section of taekwondo was given in the classes, will help in military service, work in law enforcement agencies. During training, students develop perseverance, willpower, and the ability to work independently and in a team. The cultural, aesthetic, philosophical, spiritual aspects of taekwondo should never be excluded. Overlapping with the mentality of the Russian people, taekwondo athletes develop a culture of communication, respect for elders, parents and teachers. At an age when a person’s character and personality are developing, it is important to have a mentor nearby who will always help, and a friendly team.

Traditionally, in martial arts, programs for youth sports schools, sports schools and sports schools are designed for an eight-year training period, subject to the start of classes from the age of 10. The preparation stages have traditional names (Table 2), but may have different contents.

Table 2 - Stages of long-term technical and tactical training in taekwondo

The fact that at the age of 10-11 years the functions of voluntary attention, coordination of muscle efforts, static and dynamic stability have not yet fully matured (N.I. Aleksandrova et al., 1989; A.A. Guzhalovsky, 1979, 1984; B. B. Kossov, 1989; V. I. Lyakh, 1987, 1990, 1996) and, most importantly, volitional manifestations (V. Doyle, 1973; N. S. Leites, 1978), leads to the conclusion that that at the initial training stage it is advisable to study attack and defense techniques only under programmed conditions.

An analysis of the state of world sports shows that the high organizational and methodological level of sports work with children, adolescents, boys and girls largely determines the success of a country in the international sports arena. Therefore, it is quite natural that in the Russian Federation, as in other countries that are the strongest in terms of sports in the world, much attention is paid to the preparation of sports reserves.

Further successes in the development of sports are largely due to the results of scientific research current problems theories and methods of youth sports, implementation of these results into practice.

2.2 Methodologydevelopmentendurancetaekwondoists

Physical development, as a process of changing the natural morphofunctional properties of an organism in ontogenesis, occurs according to its natural laws, which no one is free to abolish (regularities of age sequence to uneven development, interaction of genetic and environmental factors of development, etc.). Due to these patterns, throughout life, various periods of age-related development successively follow (from prenatal to senile), during which the time and functions of the body undergo significant changes (in particular, by adulthood, the length and volume of the body increase several times, and body weight, the magnitude of the force exerted by the muscles, the minute volume of blood and a number of other parameters characterizing the morphofunctional capabilities - many times, some even 20-30 times or more). Unfolding according to natural laws, the process of human physical development is at the same time largely determined by specific social living conditions, activities and especially physical education.

Depending on the totality of factors and conditions of physical development, it can have a different character - be comprehensive and harmonious, or limited and disharmonious. Knowing and skillfully using the objective laws of this process, it is possible to influence its dynamics in such a way as to give it traits that are preferable for the individual and society, to ensure the targeted development of vital physical qualities that underlie motor abilities, to increase the functional capabilities of the body, and to increase the overall level of performance necessary for creative work and other socially useful forms of activity; It is also possible, in all likelihood, to significantly delay the timing of age-related involution (regressive changes) in the physical conditions of the body, which naturally occurs as we age. The ability to expediently influence the process of physical development, optimize it, directing it along the path of physical improvement of the individual, is realized under certain conditions in physical education.

The study of age-related characteristics of the development of motor function and the development of physical qualities: speed, muscle strength, endurance, dexterity and flexibility is of great importance. By motor function we mean the totality of physical qualities, motor skills and abilities of children, adolescents and adults. Motor function is one of the complex physiological phenomena that counteract environmental conditions. Physical (or motor) qualities are usually called individual qualitative aspects of a person’s motor capabilities.

The physiological prerequisites for developing the physical quality of speed at primary school age are a gradual increase in functional mobility and excitability of the neuromuscular system, as well as the intensive development of the ability to perform fast movements with individual parts of the body (hand, arm).

However, in children of primary school age, the ability to quickly move in space is poorly developed. The average running speed increases noticeably only by the age of 10. By this age, girls show the greatest increase in standing long jump results (20%). In boys, the magnitude of this increase at the age of 8 to 11 years is 8-9%, and its greatest values ​​are observed at 13-14 years.

By the age of 14-15, the rate of age-related functional and morphological changes that provide an increase in speed decreases. In this regard, the effectiveness of speed and speed-strength exercises is somewhat reduced.

In older adolescence and adolescence (grades 9-10), there is no fundamental change in the means of developing speed. Only quantitative changes are observed: the length of the runs increases to 80-100 meters, the volume of speed-strength exercises increases.

Schoolchildren aged 7-11 years have low levels of muscle strength. Strength, especially statistical, exercises cause them to rapidly develop protective inhibition. Thus, the age characteristics of children limit the use of strength exercises in training. Children of this age are more inclined to short-term speed-strength exercises. Jumping, acrobatic, and dynamic exercises on gymnastic apparatus are widely used at the age of 7-11.

By adolescence and especially by adolescence, due to the relatively high morphological and functional maturity of the motor system, favorable opportunities are created for the development of strength.

Children of primary school age have little endurance. However, by the age of 10, they have an increased ability to repeatedly perform high-speed work (repeated short-distance running), as well as low-intensity work (slow running) for a relatively long time. Slow running can be successfully used as the main means of developing general endurance already at primary school age. Provided that the duration of low-intensity exercises is gradually increased, the volume of running training at 11-12 years of age can be increased to 14 km. In Week. A good remedy The development of general endurance is done by walking and running, alternating with walking and skiing at a distance of 1 to 1.5 km.

Junior schoolchildren have all the prerequisites to acquire qualities such as flexibility and dexterity. The morphological features of the musculoskeletal system - high elasticity of ligaments and muscles, greater mobility of the spinal column - help to increase the effectiveness of special exercises for the development of these qualities.

The highest natural rates of development of flexibility are observed between the ages of 7 and 10 years. In girls aged 10-12 years and boys aged 10-12 years, active flexibility reaches its maximum values. However, increasing flexibility at this age should not become an end in itself. A coach or teacher must always remember that in children, excessive mobility in the joints can lead to deviations in the formation of certain motor skills.

Improvement of flexibility in adolescence and early adolescence occurs during special exercises (pairs, full range, stretching) characteristic of a particular sport.

The age from 7 to 10 years is also characterized by high rates of development of dexterity of movements. This is helped by the high plasticity of the central nervous system, the intensive development of the motor analyzer, expressed, in particular, in the improvement of spatio-temporal characteristics of movement.

During adolescence, the content of means of training physical qualities changes significantly. Exercises are increasing that provide the appearance of qualities specific to a particular sport. And yet, the main methodological directions in the education of physical qualities are preserved in all age groups.

The creators of the doctrine of human physical development V.V. Bunak (1940) and P.N. Bashkirov (1962) interpret physical development as a complex of morpho-functional properties of the organism that determine its reserve physical strength. In relation to children, physical development is defined as the process of formation of the structural and functional properties of a growing organism. V.G. Vlastovsky (1976), one of the most authoritative modern researchers of problems, classifies physical development as a complex of morpho-functional characteristics that characterize the age level of a child’s biological development.

Thus, there are two main interpretations of the term “physical development”:

As a set of indicators indicating the level, “strength” of an individual’s health, “the reserve of his physical strength”;

A set of signs reflecting the level (and process) of age-related development. Both assessments are based on a comparison of individual morpho-functional indicators with average static age standards.

If we evaluate the physical development of children and adolescents according to the standards of previous years, we can be convinced that the proportion of children with a physical development assessment of “excessive” gradually increases due to a decrease in the “norm”, while at the same time, according to modern standards, they fall within the boundaries of this “norm”. And this is not so much the result of acceleration of growth and development, but rather a consequence of an increase in the fat component in body weight. It is this part of the younger generation that is significantly more likely than their peers to experience various health conditions.

It has also been established that exceeding the height and body weight indicators within the statistical “norm”, even by an insignificant amount, negatively affects the functional capabilities and performance of children and adolescents, which makes the possibility of establishing a “norm” according to average statistical standards questionable.

The rapid growth of sports results in combat sports and the “rejuvenation” of higher sports achievements have led to the fact that taekwondo classes begin at the age of 4-5. The beginning of specialized taekwondo classes is usually dated to 10-11 years. However, before this age it is necessary to create the prerequisites for sports specialization. This goal is served by the preliminary preparation stage, the main task of which is to strengthen health and comprehensive harmonious development.

The means for solving these problems are, in principle, no different from the means of other types of sports specialization. These are active games and game exercises, general developmental exercises. A special place at the initial stage is occupied by choreographic and physical training. This makes the preliminary preparation stage extremely important for subsequent specialization in taekwondo from the point of view of the formation of a high culture of movement. These types of exercises occupy from 40 to 60% of the total load.

Training in exercises on apparatus should begin after creating sufficient prerequisites for the development of the muscular system of the upper extremities, back, shoulder girdle, and lower extremities. The main attention should be paid to improving muscle sensations, developing speed, agility and, much later, strength.

The development of fine muscle sense is associated with the improvement of the proprioception apparatus. It is achieved by exercises with unlimited muscle tension, limited visual control and gradual complication, performed with different amplitudes and speeds. Accuracy in performing exercises is not only a means of improving the proprioception apparatus, but also a necessary prerequisite for an acrobatic school, without which progress at a later age becomes impossible.

The second stage of preparation begins at the age of 10-11 for girls and at the age of 11-12 for boys. Physiologically and pedagogically, such initial periods of sports specialization are justified, which create conditions for achieving high sports skills in acrobatics by the age of 18-20 for men and by 15-16 years for women.

At the stage of specialized sports activities, the volume of general developmental exercises decreases. It makes up 20-30% of the total load. This stage lasts from 4 to 5 years. At this stage of specialized training, favorable preconditions are created for the development of jumping ability (9-13 years), flexibility (10-12 years). Accuracy of movements and spatial-temporal coordination in boys develop intensively until the age of 13. Motor abilities in girls reach a high degree of perfection by the age of 12. After 12 years of age, girls have greater difficulty mastering technically complex acrobatic exercises than before this age.

In adolescence, special exercises with additional weights are used to develop strength - dumbbells, barbells, sandbags. General developmental exercises using apparatus turn out to be less effective than exercises with weights. Special exercises with weights give a high effect. For boys 17-18 years old, weights should be 50-60% of the maximum load lifted by the athlete.

Modern sports martial art is distinguished not only by the highest complexity of exercises, but also by large volumes of training loads. Currently, international-class taekwondoists train 9-10 times a week, and on some days they conduct up to three training sessions a day. In one lesson, they perform on average from 2 to 2.5 thousand elements per week. They perform most of the elements in integral combinations, the number of which varies in one lesson from 20 to 35.

The intensity of training sessions in taekwondo is relatively low. It ranges from 3-4 to 10%. This means that the time spent doing the exercises is 10-30 times less than the total training time. Low intensity is due to the high complexity of the exercises. It takes a lot of time to practice such exercises.

One of the possible means of increasing the functionality of the vegetative sphere should be considered long-term low-intensity running, as well as cross-country running, sports games, swimming, and skiing.

Some qualities of a 19-year-old boy may be worse than those of an 8-year-old. At the same time, the somewhat less lability of a young man’s nervous system will require him a lot of time to develop special skills. This means that their training program will be different in terms of the development of these particular qualities and the formation of certain skills.

In this regard, for taekwondo beginners different ages The duration of the preparation period and its content may vary. But it is precisely depending on the level of their physical development that determines the possibility and feasibility of setting the task of physical training.

The work of a number of researchers has clarified the age-related characteristics of physical development. For example, it is known that the muscles of children are more elastic than those of adults, because they contain more water and less inorganic salts. They are more prone to stretching, and this is used in practice. Such muscles are not capable of significant tension. But it is necessary to develop such abilities.

Boys manage their weight successfully, especially if they have help with this. And help in this case should consist, first of all, in activating those muscle abilities that these beginners possess, i.e. in improving the coordination of muscle work, and not in pumping muscles for the purpose of hypertrophy.

It should also be taken into account that the bones of babies contain a large amount of cartilage tissue, and therefore there is no need to load other gymnasts with large weights and impact exercises. And at the same time, the task of developing speed-power potential is quite adequate here.

It is interesting that, according to a number of functional indicators, the body of an 8-9 year old child is in a more favorable position for physical exercise. For example, he has a greater capacity of the cardiovascular system than adults: a larger minute volume of blood at rest and during muscular work, a larger surface area of ​​the lungs, a larger minute volume of breathing with a larger surface area of ​​the lungs. And these are factors that directly determine the functional endurance of the body. This means that endurance exercises are not contraindicated for children of this age. And more than that. By using exercises in accordance with their capabilities, it is possible and necessary to achieve an increase in the level of these capabilities and improve all functions of the body.

It is much more difficult to carry out work in this direction with beginners aged 15-16 years and older. By this time of natural development, the body's functions begin to subside. A growing organism requires appropriate energy supply. However, it turns out that it contains few oxygen carriers - hemoglobin in the blood and myoglobin in the muscles, which means that the oxygen capacity of a teenager’s body is less than that of an adult and even a child. The discrepancy between weight and changes in muscle strength is especially evident.

At 16-18 years of age, the greatest increase in “maximum strength” is observed. This force can be used to cope with a foreign object, for example, to move a barbell. At this age, such strength really turns out to be greater. But its owner, who so successfully performs the role of a “loader,” as a rule, does not show good results in the movements that need to be performed by the body in positions of weights or stops. It turns out that relative strength, i.e. Such “heroes” have little strength per 1 kg of body weight.

Another thing is also important: the restructuring of the functional-anatomical structure of muscles, necessary for the development of physical qualities, turns out to be very difficult, since the structural biochemical composition of the muscles and their elements becomes more stable and skeletal. In general, there is a fairly clear discrepancy between motor and functional capabilities.

In the practice of modern sports training, much attention is paid to the development and cultivation of speed-strength qualities of those involved, which qualitatively increase a person’s ability to demonstrate maximum power of effort in the shortest period of time. A high level of development of speed-strength qualities has a positive effect on the physical and technical preparedness of those involved, on their ability and concentration of efforts in space and time. As noted by N.V. Zimkin, speed-strength loads adapt the body to performing work in a more versatile and effective way than just speed or power loads, creating the prerequisites for increasing not only strength, but also speed of movement. A number of authors recommend starting to cultivate speed-strength qualities in childhood and adolescence, since this contributes not only to the development and cultivation of speed and strength, but also to the all-round physical development of children.

As a result of the study of the methodological features of developing the endurance of taekwondo athletes, the following conclusions were made:

The purpose of training and studying taekwondo is to achieve a harmonious unity of physical, mental, spiritual and moral principles in a person;

From the entire list of activities, martial arts includes the following actions (exercises): demonstration and artistic; coordination and operational; martial arts (hard contact exercises).

Taekwondo classes at an early age develop motor skills in children and instill in them a culture of movement. At this stage, children lay the foundation of taekwondo technique, which will subsequently provide the opportunity to perform in competitions or, if the applied (combat) section of taekwondo was taught in the classes, will help in military service and work in law enforcement agencies. During training, students develop perseverance, willpower, and the ability to work independently and in a team.

An analysis of the state of world sports shows that the high organizational and methodological level of sports work with children, adolescents, boys and girls largely determines the success of a country in the international sports arena. Therefore, it is quite natural that in the Russian Federation, as in other countries that are the strongest in terms of sports in the world, much attention is paid to the preparation of sports reserves.

It should be borne in mind that the use of speed-strength and sprint exercises contributes to a greater extent to increasing speed during its intensive age period - at 11-12 years old for girls, at 12-13 years old for boys.

Young athletes should be gradually accustomed to maintaining statistical poses with mandatory breathing control. The use of statistical exercises is caused by the need to maintain correct body position when performing exercises. Statistical exercises are of particular importance for developing and maintaining correct posture.

Modern sports martial art is distinguished not only by the highest complexity of exercises, but also by large volumes of training loads. Currently, international-class taekwondoists train 9-10 times a week, and on some days they conduct up to three training sessions a day. In one lesson, they perform on average from 2 to 2.5 thousand elements per week. They perform most of the elements in integral combinations, the number of which varies in one lesson from 20 to 35.

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The peculiarity of a fight in taekwondo is that the intensity of its conduct is constantly changing, and the actions of the opponents alternate with periods of choosing a position, movements, preparing an attack and switching to defense. Endurance during such work depends not only on your energy reserves and how they are spent, but also on the speed and efficiency of recovery after active actions. Intense execution of defensive and attacking actions is ensured by anaerobic processes, and the rate of recovery during the battle determines the power of the aerobic process. In this case, it is recommended to avoid long series of impacts at a high tempo, since this leads to a rapid increase in fatigue, a decrease in performance, and there is a need for a long recovery period. A decrease in performance is expressed primarily in a decrease in the force of blows, deterioration in reaction, accuracy of movements, speed of attack, defense and movement.

The strategy for developing special endurance consists, in general, of two components: improving endurance by improving anaerobic abilities, and developing aerobic abilities.

The development of alactic anaerobic power is accomplished by performing specific series of exercises lasting six to ten seconds, repeated five to six times, with a rest of ten to fifteen seconds. In total, you can perform two to four series of loads in a workout, with four to five minutes of rest between them. It should be borne in mind that the lower the body’s fitness, the longer the rest intervals should be. Intervals of time for rest should be filled with stretching exercises or slow and smooth execution of sets of exercises (Tulle in taekwondo, or Kata in karate). To develop glycolytic anaerobic abilities, increase the duration of exercise from twenty thirty to forty seconds. With a rest interval of three to six minutes, the load is aimed at increasing power, and when it is reduced from two minutes to ten seconds, it is aimed at increasing the capacity of anaerobic glycolysis.

To improve special endurance, manifested in the ability to fight at the level of one’s maximum strength, specially prepared exercises are used in different modes of muscle activity. To do this, it is mainly recommended to use “shadow boxing”, perform a series of attacks on projectiles, while moving, etc.

Malonos Yaroslav, 1990,
candidate master of sports in bodybuilding


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    Taekwondo [Theory and methodology. Volume 1. Combat sports] Shulika Yuri Alexandrovich

    9.6. Fundamentals of sports training as a means of functional preparation of a taekwondo player for competitions

    In the previous chapters, material was presented that allows organizing effective training in technical and tactical actions and developing physical qualities without the threat of an overdose of functional loads on the students’ bodies.

    However, no matter how much we care about maintaining health through the use of gentle training regimens, in sports taekwondo most practitioners dream of achieving high sports results, which is associated with heavy loads on all functional systems of the body. Naturally, coaches are also “infected” with this idea. Therefore, before starting to prepare for competitions at a high sports level, it is necessary to understand the basic principles of sports training both in order to optimize this process and in order to preserve the health of athletes.

    Below is presented material related to the dosing of training loads applied to all functional systems of the body in order to achieve optimal functional conditions, which is often associated with the risk of overdose. Learning to be patient and “pick only the ripe fruit” is the key to success in the field of higher sports achievements.

    Taekwondo training is a specialized process of comprehensive physical education aimed at achieving high sports results. The concept of “training” is very often identified with the concept of “preparation”, which is nothing more than the targeted use of the entire set of factors (means, methods and conditions) to ensure the athlete’s optimal readiness for competition.

    Just as in training, the means of training in taekwondo are general developmental and special exercises, exercises directly in combat, as well as the conditions in which athletes train (rest between exercises, activities that promote recovery: leisure, massage, etc.). The nature of the training means used, their focus, as well as the content and result of the training depend on the methods of their use. Unlike the learning process, sports training is characterized by increased requirements for the volume and intensity of functional loads.

    The total impact of an athlete’s chosen means of training is usually called load. The load largely depends on the volume, that is, the quantity and duration of use of training means and intensity, which is characterized by the amount of effort used by the athlete and the frequency of these efforts.

    The adaptive functions of the body are manifested in the fact that after fatigue and recovery, the athlete acquires the ability to perform a higher load. Under the influence of systematic training, increased performance occurs.

    The peculiarity of the training load in taekwondo is its comprehensive impact on the athlete’s body.

    When assessing the result of a training session, the terms “fitness”, “preparedness”, and “sports form” are used.

    A taekwondo player's fitness is understood as biological adaptive changes that occur in his body under the influence of training (increasing the functionality of the muscular, cardiovascular, respiratory and other body systems).

    The concept of “preparedness” includes everything that training gives a taekwondo practitioner: physical, technical, tactical, theoretical and moral-volitional preparedness.

    The training and preparedness of taekwondo players, under the influence of the work done, is constantly changing and tends to increase. In accordance with the competition calendar, separate training cycles are formed. In the cycles preceding the main competitions, the best readiness for sporting achievements is achieved. This condition is usually called sports form.

    Modern combat is characterized by the actions of taekwondo fighters who defend opposing sporting interests, using a variety of techniques and tactics. The variety of situations that arise during combat places high demands on the general and special preparedness of a fighter.

    Any meeting on dayang can end in a matter of seconds or continue completely. A taekwondo player competes with athletes of different physical development, technical and physical fitness.

    Nevertheless, the coach must focus on the general theoretical principles of physical culture and sports.

    The following tasks are solved in sports training:

    Strengthening the health and expanding the functional capabilities of those involved;

    Expedient development of physical qualities necessary in the competitive activity of a fighter;

    Mastery of the necessary minimum of technical and tactical actions;

    Mastery of special knowledge in the field of theory and methods of training and related disciplines (physiology, medicine, psychology, etc.);

    Leading athletes to participate in the next competition or series of competitions; education of moral and volitional qualities; instilling self-control and personal hygiene skills.

    Preparation good master in taekwondo is a long-term creative process that involves attracting young men to taekwondo classes at an early age, ensuring their comprehensive development and sporting longevity.

    Principles of Sports Training

    Sports training, like any other pedagogical process, is organized and conducted based on general didactic principles. The process of teaching technique and tactics at the stage of mastering skills and developing the ability to apply these skills to solve sports problems in competitions constitutes the content of training.

    Taekwondo training helps students demonstrate comprehensive sports readiness.

    The principle of achieving the unity of general and special physical fitness

    A taekwondo player will not be able to achieve outstanding sports results if the level of his special and general physical fitness is not high enough. Taekwondo is one of the most complexly coordinated sports. It requires the athlete to demonstrate a variety of motor abilities, skills and physical qualities. It is known that a person performs any motor act based on the motor “connections” he has previously mastered. Thus, the greater the stock of conditioned reflex connections he has and the more skills he possesses, the more diverse his special motor activity will be.

    General physical fitness, especially in the early stages of becoming a taekwondo athlete, is precisely the foundation that allows you to create variety in the manifestation of motor skills and qualities necessary for an athlete in the process of his further growth. It will be a big and irreparable mistake if, in the process of training a novice fighter, the coach neglects the means of general physical training, since with the help of only special exercises it is impossible to achieve the effective and versatile development of the athlete. He will be limited in performing complexly coordinated movements, because the interconnection of previously mastered forms of movements due to ignoring the means of general physical training will be small and will not adequately contribute to the creation of new specialized skills in him.

    A large place in determining the level of versatility in the general physical fitness of a taekwondo athlete, as well as in the process of its improvement, is occupied by program standards of general physical fitness (GPP). By requiring athletes to prepare and pass general physical fitness standards, the coach thereby creates in them a base for versatile physical development.

    The relationship between general and special physical training contributes to the development of taekwondo mastery at all stages of his sports life. However, the tasks, content and direction of a fighter’s general physical training at each stage have their own characteristics.

    In the early stages of a novice taekwondo athlete’s development, the coach should strive to use the widest possible range of different sports and individual means of general physical training in order to comprehensively develop the motor and functional capabilities of the novice athlete’s body. The widespread use of general physical training at the early stage of a taekwondo athlete’s development is also due to the fact that the “transfer” of training from general developmental exercises to special ones during this period is quite high, since beginning taekwondoists have not reached the “ceiling” in the development of their physical qualities. For example, playing basketball will not only help develop general speed, endurance, agility and other qualities, but also improve indicators of special speed, endurance, agility, etc.

    Thus, “multi-athlon” in the use of general physical training means is a necessary condition for creating the foundation for the versatile development of a beginning taekwondo fighter.

    However, as the fighter’s qualifications and sportsmanship increase, the volume, content and focus of general physical training must change. First of all, the volume of special and special-preparatory exercises increases due to a decrease in the means of general physical training. And the means of general physical training, in terms of the method of execution and the nature of the efforts developed, are as close as possible to the special exercises of a taekwondo athlete. The need for “specification” of general physical training means is caused by the fact that as the athlete’s qualifications increase, the “transfer” of training from general exercises to special ones decreases.

    The principle of repetition and continuity of the training process

    This principle requires a taekwondoist to constantly train the necessary qualities throughout his entire sports activity, excluding breaks in classes that are not justified by the logic of the pedagogical process. This is due to the fact that the changes that occur in an athlete under the influence of targeted training “fade away” as a result of unreasonably long breaks between classes. The most subtly specialized and late acquired connections that underlie motor skills and physical qualities fade away most quickly. In this case, the training effect of the classes is minimized and may disappear completely with a longer break.

    The principle of repetition and continuity provides for the optimal alternation of training sessions and rest intervals both within the session itself and between them, as well as stages and periods of taekwondo training. The coach needs to plan the educational and training process in such a way that the intervals between classes in general guarantee the recovery and growth of the fighter’s performance. Consequently, subsequent sessions should be carried out during the phase of recovery and overcompensation (“super-recovery”) of the athlete’s qualities.

    However, from time to time, especially at the stage of pre-competition preparation, a coach can conduct classes in the phase of partial under-recovery of his ward in order to place particularly high demands on his body and, as a result, receive a powerful increase in performance during subsequent rest. During such “hard” training, endurance is developed and the athlete’s body adapts to activity in a changed internal environment: oxygen starvation, changes in blood reaction, etc.

    One of the main features of the principle of repetition and continuity is that the training effect of each subsequent session is “superimposed” on changes in the level of training that occurred as a result of the previous training.

    Classes of different directions (combat practice, improvement of technical and tactical skills, general physical training, etc.) and approximately equal loads have different effects on the duration of recovery processes in taekwondo athletes, even with the same degree of preparedness. Thus, after combat practice classes, a fighter needs more time to recover than after classes to improve technical and tactical skills. After classes aimed at improving an athlete’s endurance, a longer rest interval is needed than after training aimed at developing speed qualities, etc.

    In order to implement the principle of repetition and continuity, the coach must methodically and reasonably select the intervals and nature of rest depending on the focus of the lesson, the magnitude and characteristics of the load, the level of fitness of the taekwondo player, as well as the stage of his preparation.

    During training sessions, rest intervals can vary: from 1 to 20 minutes. and more. For example, after each 3-minute lesson on improving technical and tactical skills, a taekwondoist is given a minute (so-called “hard”) rest, when the athlete’s body is only partially restored. If a taekwondo player performed difficult qualifying sparring during classes, then the rest can reach 20 minutes. or more (the so-called “full” rest) and the fighter recovers quite fully. The duration of optimal rest intervals between training sessions may also vary, but should not exceed 48 hours.

    Not only the duration, but also the nature of rest significantly affects the speed of subsequent recovery of the athlete. In the practice of taekwondo, the so-called active rest has become widespread. Its essence lies in the fact that a fighter, after performing a sufficiently large amount of special training work, does not rest passively, but switches to another, relatively non-specific motor activity and performs it with low intensity. It has been experimentally proven that during active rest an athlete recovers faster than during passive rest. As a means of “active” recreation for a taekwondo player, the coach should use sports games, athletics, swimming, etc. Moreover, it is necessary to switch to active recreation both in the special taekwondo lesson itself, and after it, when the athlete, having passively rested, conducts a light workout, playing basketball, football, etc.

    By rationally using active rest to reduce a fighter’s recovery time, it is possible to significantly increase the number of training sessions, while increasing the athlete’s functional capabilities and protecting him from overwork.

    The processes of restoration of an athlete’s mental, physiological and motor functions after exercise are multi-temporal (heterochronic) in nature. Usually, the first to be restored are those organs and systems of the body that did not bear the main load in previous exercises. Therefore, one of the main conditions for the trainer to implement the principle of repetition and continuity is scientific, methodologically sound planning of the content and sequence of training sessions and, at the same time, focusing on those functions and systems of the taekwondo athlete’s body that were the first to recover.

    As the athlete's fitness level increases, the recovery time decreases, which also makes it possible to “compact” the number of training sessions and rest intervals for the fighter.

    The principle of cyclicity

    The principle of cyclicity should be understood as a periodic, consistent change in the structure and content of training sessions, stages and periods of taekwondo training, depending on the tasks set in the educational and training process.

    A properly planned process of training a taekwondo athlete is characterized, first of all, by strict ordering of the means used in the lesson and adherence to a clear sequence in conducting classes of various directions.

    For example, a qualified coach will never simultaneously solve the issues of improving both the speed qualities and endurance of a fighter; he will not move on to teaching new technical and tactical skills if the athlete, having previously improved special endurance, is tired, etc. It is also necessary to observe methodically reasonable sequence when conducting multidirectional training. For example, before a combat practice class, it is inappropriate to conduct training aimed at developing the endurance of a taekwondo fighter if the athlete has not had time to recover after a large amount of hard work.

    The need for orderliness, methodologically sound repetition and consistency in classes, stages and periods of taekwondo training makes the educational and training process cyclical.

    The principle of gradually increasing training loads

    A taekwondo player will not be able to achieve high athletic results without a gradual increase in training loads. Such results can only be achieved if the overall level of training requirements is constantly increasing, since in order to achieve each planned result it is necessary to provide a correspondingly new level of training. This is due to the fact that the load acting on the athlete will initially have a positive effect on the development of his functional and motor capabilities, but later the body’s reaction to a stimulus of constant magnitude will begin to decrease until, finally, the body adapts to the constant load, and further growth of the fighter’s achievements will cease.

    There are linearly ascending, stepwise and wave-like methods of increasing the load. Analysis of the practical activities of athletes made it possible to establish that the linearly ascending (strictly gradual) method of increasing the load from lesson to lesson is less effective than stepwise and especially wave-like methods.

    The essence of the stepwise method of increasing the load is that those who exercise for a certain time, usually a week, perform approximately the same load (in terms of volume or intensity) in each training session. In the next microcycle, the load increases and remains throughout the week at the same, but higher level compared to the previous microcycle, etc. Typically, this method is used when working with beginning taekwondo athletes, as it allows them to develop adaptive mechanisms in their bodies to constant load and thereby creates conditions for its subsequent increase.

    The wave-like method of increasing loads is the main one in the training of senior and higher-level athletes. It allows you to widely vary the optimal and maximum values loads in micro-, meso- and macrocycles of preparation.

    In the educational and training process, loads should increase in terms of both volume and intensity. Moreover, this increase in most cases is not unidirectional. In some periods the volume increases, in others the intensity increases. This is typical both for relatively short periods of the training process and for the entire long-term sports activity of a taekwondo athlete.

    It is necessary to vary the load, observing a constant tendency to increase it, for many reasons, among which the main place is occupied by the change in the fighter’s condition and the body’s adaptability to a constantly acting stimulus.

    With a change in the qualifications and level of training of a taekwondoist, not only the magnitude of the load gradually increases, but also the requirements for the technical, tactical and volitional training of the athlete. He strives to master more complex technical and tactical skills, which contributes to even greater mobilization and manifestation of his physical and spiritual abilities.

    Continuity of the training process. A high level of sportsmanship places high demands on the preparedness of taekwondo players, which can only be achieved as a result of year-round training. An increase in training leads to the fact that the athlete can cope with an increasing load each time. The coach’s task is to ensure continuity of the training process, to find such a ratio of load and rest so that each new workout was carried out when the working capacity of the students was restored or increased.

    Carrying out training sessions at an interval that is insufficient to restore performance, in terms of their impact on the trainees, can be considered as double training. Appropriate rest after such training restores and increases the performance of those involved. Such training is carried out with highly qualified athletes and under the special supervision of a doctor.

    By distributing training sessions in training cycles, the trainer regulates the volume and intensity of the load. Of important methodological importance is doubling training in a weekly cycle in accordance with the intended program of upcoming competitions. A coach must be able to use appropriate increases in loads throughout year-round training work, and not just in preparation for one competition.

    Gradual and maximum increase in loads. In the process of sports activity, it often happens that loads grow faster than adaptive changes occur in the athlete’s body. Therefore, one of the tasks of organizing training sessions is to smoothly increase the volume and intensity of the load.

    As the training and skill of the trainees grow, the loads in their training constantly increase. In order to better adapt the body to increasing loads, they increase in waves. In the practice of taekwondo training sessions, an undulating increase in load is achieved by changing the time of the fight, selecting sparring partners, and setting a specific task on individual days of the training cycle. Using the wave-like method of increasing the load, the trainer must create a kind of favorable background for the use of such volumes and intensity that will be large or maximum for a given group of students.

    External manifestations of the correct use of didactic principles in training are many years of stable (without failures) performance in competitions, a healthy, cheerful appearance of athletes, and their success in work and study.

    All principles of sports training are inextricably linked and act as a unified system of influencing those involved in order to increase their sports readiness.

    General basics of taekwondo physical training

    Physical training is aimed at improving health, achieving a certain level of physical development, and developing physical quality. Physical training is divided into general and special.

    The goal of general physical training is to achieve high performance, good coordination of the activities of organs and body systems, and the harmonious development of the athlete.

    The means of general physical training are exercises that have the most general effect on the body (walking, running, swimming, skiing, sports games, general developmental gymnastics, exercises with weights, etc.). In order to increase general physical fitness, exercises from the wrestlers’ arsenal can be used.

    A high level of general physical fitness creates the opportunity to maximize the acquired physical qualities in performing special training exercises. General physical training comprehensively expands the athlete’s functional capabilities, allows for increased workload, and contributes to the growth of sports results.

    Special physical training of a taekwondo player is aimed at developing physical qualities manifested in performing actions specific to taekwondo. It is used as an integral part of the entire educational and training process at all stages of educational and training work, including competition.

    Means of special training are exercises in performing fragments of taekwondo, aimed at increasing the capabilities of those involved in carrying out individual special actions of a fighter.

    The external similarity of special training exercises with elements of taekwondo does not guarantee their successful use. The correct use of exercises is checked when performing techniques in training and especially in competitions. Therefore, it is better to carry out special training in direct connection with the results of those involved, shown in training and competitions.

    Participation in competitions helps to choose the right direction in the use of special training means. For this purpose, special control competitions and competitions according to specially designed general physical training programs are organized.

    Special training in direct methodological connection with competitions at certain stages becomes competitive training. It contributes to a better solution of problems of tactical and moral-volitional training of students.

    Participation in competitions is an effective means of improving the sportsmanship of taekwondo athletes. However, it must be remembered that frequent starts tire the nervous system, and the athlete loses the desire to compete. Therefore, competitive preparation must be planned in the interests of the entire training process and aimed at the main competition of the season.

    When organizing a workout, you should keep in mind the effect of supercompensation during the recovery period after physical activity. On this basis, cycles of load and rest during the training period are built.

    Methods for organizing such cycles during a training session include:

    Rigid rest intervals with light loads and short periods of rest with the expectation of under-recovery;

    Relatively complete rest intervals to ensure restoration of performance;

    Extreme rest intervals designed to impose a load in the phase of overcompensation of functional qualities;

    A full rest interval designed to impose a load after the hypercompensation curve has decreased to the background level.

    Technical training (in the context of the concept of training in general)

    Technical training of a taekwondo player is the process of developing techniques for performing special exercises, techniques and their various combinations used in taekwondo.

    In this sport, one should distinguish between general and special technical training.

    General technical training– is the formation of a variety of motor skills and abilities, covering various options technical solution of sports and pedagogical problems in accordance with the fullest use of the capabilities of those involved.

    When ensuring an increase in the general technical preparedness of fighters, it is assumed that combat skills and abilities are formed on the basis of great motor readiness of those involved, that is, the ability to run, jump, swim, participate in various sports games, etc.

    However, this thesis should not be taken as an absolute, since in competitions in a particular sport, specific actions are ultimately evaluated.

    The means of general technical training are technical taekwondo actions (according to the classification of techniques), as well as the corresponding defenses and counterattacks.

    Individualized technical training– this is the formation of skills in performing technical actions in various conditions of sports activity in accordance with the characteristics of each of those involved. Special technical training is directly related to the proportions of the body and its somatic features, with functional features, which significantly influences individual equipment and tactics.

    Unlike general technical training, special training is more difficult to plan. The selection of the main technique for each student sometimes occurs by chance, during long-term educational and training work.

    Trainers give preference to techniques that are easier to perform than others and are combined with other techniques. The systematic use of certain techniques helps to enrich motor skills.

    The training conditions gradually become more complicated until they are close in psychological stress to those of competition.

    The effectiveness of using the chosen technique depends entirely on the ability of students to master combinations of techniques.

    The use of individual techniques in taekwondo, as a rule, does not have an effect, since the time required for the attacker to carry out the blow allows the attacker to take appropriate measures.

    Studying your opponents leads to the fact that their technique and tactics are no secret to the athlete. Not only the specifics of the techniques themselves become known, but also their preparation and the conduct of combat in general.

    The technique of performing “crown” techniques assumes a high level of development of the muscle groups involved. By developing certain muscle groups, the trainer helps improve the chosen technique. At the same time, exercises in performing certain techniques contribute to targeted physical development. This is the relationship between technique and the physical qualities of taekwondo athletes. The varied nature of movements when performing fighting techniques and a large complex of defensive actions, causing tension in a wide variety of muscle groups, contribute to versatile physical development.

    Unlike wrestling, in taekwondo, along with strength, speed and endurance (as isolated conditioning qualities), the sensorimotor component is of dominant importance. The speed of adequate response to the attacking actions of the enemy is a quality that predetermines the success of a taekwondo duel. If simple speed is a mostly natural quality, then complex speed, which includes the time to record a signal, recognize it, and choose a method of response, is a learned quality. This quality depends on correct training basic technology and tactics at the stage of initial preparation and subsequently, at the stage sports improvement, – on the quality of reconnaissance and the corresponding individualized technical and tactical training.

    Observing the actions of those involved gives the teacher an idea of ​​the changes occurring in them under the influence of sports training. The coach and students must possess the basics of special knowledge and have an understanding of the laws of taekwondo biomechanics. At the same time, it is important that the theoretical preparedness of students is manifested in their ability to evaluate technique and tactics - their own and their partners.

    The technical preparedness of taekwondo players is formed under the direct supervision of a coach, who gives the necessary instructions for correcting inaccuracies and errors. Moments convenient for performing a technique in taekwondo are rarely repeated, so trainers stop the fight at the right moment or reproduce the necessary conditions separately from the training fight.

    Tactical training (in the context of the concept of training)

    Tactical training equips athletes with methods and methods of combat. To act tactically competently during competitions means to be able to correctly distribute your forces, select and perform the techniques necessary to achieve victory.

    In battle, you need to take into account the enemy's possible tactical plan. Figuring out this plan in time and building your own in accordance with it is an important aspect of tactical skill.

    Tactical literacy is only beneficial when the athlete learns to apply the knowledge acquired in training in practice.

    You need to be able to fight with an opponent of tall and short stature, etc. Therefore, one of the tasks of tactical training is to develop the ability of those involved to develop and implement a tactical battle plan in accordance with the changing conditions of the fight.

    The basis for developing the ability to use tactics is good theoretical preparedness, the ability to observe and analyze what is happening on the dayang, and the ability to be critical of one’s sports results. Also valuable is the ability to unravel the tactical plans of prospective opponents and, in accordance with this, purposefully build the training process during the period of preparation for competitions.

    Therefore, to draw up a tactical training plan during the competitive period and a battle plan, the following data is used:

    1. Strengths and weaknesses of the enemy in physical, technical, tactical and volitional preparedness.

    2. The opponent’s advantage in physical fitness: what physical quality does he use most often (strength, endurance, speed, agility or flexibility). Specific deficiencies in the development of the enemy’s physical qualities are important data when drawing up your own tactical plan.

    3. The total amount of equipment used by the enemy in battle; features of each technical action; what defensive and counterattack actions the enemy is good at and what ones poorly.

    4. How the opponent uses the strengths of his preparedness in each round of combat.

    5. The degree of psychological preparedness of the enemy (courage, determination, perseverance, endurance, etc.). The absence or presence of strong psychological qualities in the enemy has a significant impact on the development of a tactical battle plan.

    The entire complex of technical and tactical knowledge, skills and abilities begins to acquire sporting significance only with their practical application.

    Tactical skill arises from drawing up the first battle plan and executing it. Therefore, in the process of improving tactics, the task method is widely used. By giving the athlete a difficult but feasible tactical task, the coach provides him with all the necessary data to draw up a specific action plan.

    Of great importance in the tactical training of an athlete is the ability to keep a personal diary in which notes about participation in competitions are made. The athlete must be able to objectively analyze these recordings.

    Emotional-volitional preparation (in the context of the concept of training as a functional load)

    Taekwondo classes are an excellent means of educating and strengthening various mental qualities. Given the enormous interest in sports, the determination of athletes, their friendship, and feelings of patriotism, one can assume beneficial effect pedagogical factors aimed at personality formation.

    The peculiarities of taekwondo training (numerous training groups, the need for a sparring partner) contribute to the development of valuable mental qualities of a fighter. This is the basis of the inextricable connection between the processes of training and education in taekwondo.

    The living conditions of the team must be purposefully used to organize an impact on the consciousness of athletes in order to form in them a socially oriented worldview, a sense of patriotism, a high moral culture in everyday life, and a correct assessment of their position in this team and society as a whole.

    The means of such a general educational influence are the study of domestic and foreign history, familiarization with the cultural heritage of our country and the artistic values ​​of world culture, the involvement of athletes in socially useful activities, the study of the traditions of one’s own and other peoples and the development of respect for them, the use of labor education means, the education of persistent habits of adherence to work, training, study and rest, and much more.

    The immediate sports task solved in training is preparing athletes to overcome various difficulties that arise in competition conditions. Such preparation is mainly carried out by overcoming similar difficulties specifically created in training conditions. Such conditions are designed to develop in a fighter the ability for purposeful sports activities, the ability to implement the planned plan for a training cycle, participation in competitions or in a given fight and, if necessary, change the plan of action and achieve success based on the current situation. The result of moral and volitional training correctly carried out by a coach can be considered a highly organized and disciplined athlete, a clear objective assessment of his feelings and the feelings of the enemy before the upcoming fight. An athlete can achieve the intended sporting result only if he develops the ability to overcome negative emotions, resist temptations, and counteract numerous confusing factors.

    The emotional and volitional preparedness of taekwondo athletes is formed in the process of training and competitions. However, all aspects of an athlete’s preparedness (physical, technical, tactical) and skill as a whole are influenced by the mental characteristics inherent in each athlete.

    These features, from the very beginning of sports, can manifest themselves as a tendency towards collectivism, a natural desire to achieve high results, speaking on behalf of the team, sociability and goodwill, etc. But at the same time, the athlete may show a tendency to self-affirmation at any cost, selfishness, arrogance, etc. is a big drawback in educational work.

    When practicing taekwondo, the positive inclinations of athletes should be used to create a team, in order to form good traditions. In such conditions, it is easiest for a coach to promote the development and strengthening positive qualities athletes and prevent the emergence of negative ones.

    Purposefulness is expressed in the ability to identify immediate and long-term tasks, as well as means and methods for solving them. Correct assessment of achieved results is of exceptional importance in the implementation of planned plans and contributes to the manifestation of determination in the future.

    Persistence and perseverance are expressed in the desire to achieve the intended goal, in the ability to overcome difficulties.

    The presence of such qualities in students as perseverance and perseverance is revealed in the desire to maintain won positions and, if necessary, win back lost ones.

    In taekwondo practice, these qualities are manifested specifically in tactical and technical actions and are very valuable.

    Independence and initiative are manifested in a creative approach to solving practical problems. An independent and proactive athlete uses the slightest opportunity to complete a given task on time, do something new, etc. Such athletes steadfastly resist bad influences.

    Independence and initiative require that the athlete is critical of himself and attentive to the judgments and actions of other athletes. He is able to notice shortcomings in his behavior in time and eliminate them.

    Determination and courage are a manifestation of the athlete’s activity, his willingness to act without hesitation. These qualities presuppose the timeliness and thoughtfulness of decisions made. In the practice of taekwondo, the basis for demonstrating determination and courage is well-thought-out educational and training work to study and improve technique and tactics. In some cases, during the use of tactical and technical techniques, the manifestation of courage and determination is associated with a deliberate risk.

    Endurance and self-control are manifested as the ability to calmly react to changes in the situation, think clearly, equally clearly control one’s feelings and actions both in normal and unfavorable conditions, be self-critical of oneself, overcome confusion, fear, nervous overexcitement, the ability to restrain oneself and one’s comrades from erroneous actions.

    All strong-willed qualities are inextricably linked and are expressed in the positive behavior of the Russian athlete.

    The means of moral and volitional training of taekwondoists should be considered the setting of tasks, the implementation of which presupposes: a) obtaining a clear, easily controlled result; b) a change in the situation during the decision and, as a consequence, a change in the intended plan of action; c) overcoming unforeseen obstacles while solving a problem; d) independent determination by students of ways to solve the problem and the final result.

    To implement the means of moral and volitional training, classes only in the sports section are insufficient. There are forms of constant work with athletes: sports camp, training camp, etc. A special means of testing the moral and volitional preparedness of athletes can be considered their participation in socially useful work: providing assistance in public events (for example, holding a cleanup day), etc.

    Rational pedagogical leadership leads to the fact that positive volitional qualities cultivated in sports become personality traits. This allows athletes to demonstrate them in work, study and other activities.

    Moral and volitional training is carried out in the process of overcoming difficulties that exist and arise in sports practice. Difficulties can be objective and subjective.

    Objective difficulties arise from the nature of the sports activity itself and are associated with the peculiarity of participation in taekwondo training and competitions. They arise due to the need to: maximize speed strength, speed endurance and other physical qualities; overcome unexpected obstacles; participate in competitions in unusual conditions (outdoors, at unusual times of day, etc.) and in unforeseen conditions (actions of the enemy, behavior of the public, injuries, etc.).

    Subjective difficulties arise in accordance with the personality characteristics of the athlete. The presence of these difficulties depends on how he relates to the situation at competitions and its changes.

    Fear of a responsible fight, indecision, lack of composure, embarrassment in front of the audience (TV camera), lack of confidence in one’s abilities, etc. - all this makes it difficult for athletes to demonstrate their capabilities in competitions and significantly increases objective difficulties.

    What is quite feasible under training conditions or during some competitions sometimes becomes insurmountable when subjective difficulties arise in other competitions.

    The means of cultivating volitional qualities are the requirements to accurately perform elements of technique (in the early stages of training), to introduce the chosen tactical variant of combat (at later stages of training), to perform exercises that require the manifestation of volitional efforts, etc.

    When cultivating moral and volitional qualities, it is very important to consider each competition as a means of moral and volitional training. Real demand, approval, fair punishment and setting the next, more feasible task - all these are methodological techniques that contribute to the manifestation of will. In moral and volitional preparation, the coach should not show hopelessness, despondency, or lack of faith in his students and their prospects.

    Rational moral and volitional preparation is designed to create the unity of the athlete’s mental state and activity.

    Doing exercises to overcome various difficulties is not enough to get good results.

    It is very important that in a sports team there is an environment in which the manifestation of strong willpower and positive actions are valued. Under these conditions, the fact of manifestation of perseverance and courage of one of the students has an educational influence on others. The power of example increases enormously. Each member of the team strives to be equal to the best.

    Self-education becomes an important part of moral and volitional preparation in such cases. It means the desire of the athlete himself to develop his strong positive qualities and eradicate negative qualities.

    The main means of self-education is the ability to force yourself to do monotonous work, repeat exercises many times both in training for speed endurance and in the process of improving the effectiveness of tactical and technical actions.

    An external manifestation of the fact that the moral and volitional qualities of those involved are becoming higher is that long and hard work does not cause negative emotions.

    Self-education also contributes to the formation of a holistic personality, the mandatory properties of which are sports honor, compliance with responsibilities towards society and the team.

    During the period of participation in competitions, self-regulation of mental state is an important means of eliminating excessive arousal. Self-orders play a big role in this.

    Participation in competitions as a final test of the quality of a fighter’s sports training is a set of conditions that cause high tension in the psychomotor, sensorimotor and autonomic functional structures of a taekwondo fighter’s body.

    In this regard, preparation for participation in them is carried out simultaneously with increased requirements for the implementation of the semantic technical and tactical component of the fighter’s activity model and for the functional systems that provide the energy and dynamics of the implementation of technical and tactical skills. Therefore, the training of a taekwondo player at the highest sports level is carried out with a complex load of all body systems.

    Features of maintaining weight regime

    Most fighters cut weight before competition with the goal of competing in lighter weight classes. Water, occupying 73% of the total mass of the human body, is involved in all vital processes of the body. Regulation of body weight of fighters before competitions is carried out by artificially reducing the amount of water in the body. Depending on the weight categories, fighters reduce up to 10% of their body weight, with fighters in light weight categories resorting to more significant cuts.

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