Organization of story-based physical education classes in a preschool institution. Forms of conducting physical education classes in the second junior group. Role-playing physical education classes in preschools.

Vera Semysheva
Summary of the game-based role-playing physical education lesson “Playing with a bear” for the second junior group

Current goal:


1. Educational: teach jumping on two legs over lines at a distance of 30-35 cm; consolidate the skills of walking and running on toes one after another; the ability to maintain balance when walking.

2. Developmental: development of voluntary attention and observation through game plot.

3. Educational: nurturing interest in physical education classes, promote skills development healthy image life.

Planned results: actively and kindly interact with the teacher and peers in solving gaming and cognitive tasks; adequately perceives the teacher’s comments; Run and jump according to safety rules.

Equipment: toy bear, “road” (2 ropes 2 m long with a distance of 50 cm between them, 6 pins, 4 hoops (diameter 50 cm, ball (diameter 20 cm, cones according to the number of children.

Progress of the lesson:

1. Introductory and preparatory part

Children enter the hall and line up in one line

teacher: Hello guys.

Guys, guess the riddle:

He sucks his paw

Ah, that's how spring will come,

Waking up from sleep

And let's roar in the forest.

Everyone calls him. (bear)

That's right, it's a bear.

A plush came to visit us today bear and brought with him a whole basket of cones. We will be with him play, run, jump and gallop.

Let's show you first bear how we can walk beautifully.

Walking one after another on toes. (30 sec.)

Now let's show how fast we are.

Running on your toes. (30 sec.)

Changing into a circle while performing outdoor switchgear.

Everyone stand in a circle

Now bear will give each of you a bump.

And we will show him exercises with cones.

2. Main part

A1. "Bump to the Top"

I. p. - feet shoulder-width apart, hands with a bump at the bottom.

raise your arms up, stretch, lower your arms, sit down, straighten up. (4 times)

IN: 1- Cones fall from a pine tree,

We must raise the cone.

A2. "Rocking chair"

I. p. - sitting, legs apart, hands with a bump on the knees.

1-2- bend forward (try not to bend your knees, put the bump between your legs, 3-4- straighten up, clap your hands, 5-6- lean forward, take the bump, 7-8- straighten up, lift the bump up (4 times)

The pine cone rolled under the bush,

She lies there quietly, hidden.

A3. "Slide"

I. p. - lying on your back, a bump in both hands above your head.

1-2 - raise your legs up, arms up and forward, touch your feet with your cone, 3-4- and. P (4 times)

With a bump it is necessary play,

She's tired of lying there.

A4. "Horse"

I. p. - legs together, bump in one hand.

IN: hopping in place alternating with walking. (20-30 sec)

They love cones play,

Play around and jump around

Well done boys!


But you know bear He told me in confidence that he doesn’t know how to cross the road at all. Let's teach him how to cross the road correctly.

1 "Let's cross the road."

We step over two lines.

Walking one after another across the road, turning your head left and right.

The organization method is point-by-point. (2 times)

Well done boys! Mishke I really liked your exercises with pine cones. "Crossing the road"

Look left, look right, cross the road one after another.

2. So we came to the forest. Let's run a little.

Guys, let's show bear

Snake run on toes

one after another between pins placed in one line (hands to the side) (2 times)

So we came to the forest. Let's run a little.

Guys, let's show bear how to properly and beautifully run like a snake near the trees.

3. Let's jump from hummock to hummock. Now let's teach teddy bear how to jump correctly.

Jumping on 2 legs from hoop to hoop at a height of 30-40 cm. Hands on belt (2 times)

Movable a game"Roll the ball."

Mishka really liked it how you were doing, and now he wants play with the ball.

Children sit on the floor in a circle, legs apart. 2 times

Instructor (with bear, holding the ball in his hands, stands in a circle.

He rolls the ball to each child in turn, then rolls it bear(to the instructor)

3. Final

Little mobile "Find for honey bears»

Children are looking for honey.

Guys bear he hid the honey somewhere and can’t find it. Let us help him, quietly and leisurely look everywhere. Well done guys quickly found honey.

Instructor. Well the time has come the bear should leave. We showed today bear how to deal with cones, taught how to cross the road correctly, run on tiptoes and jump. And they found him honey.

The children wave and leave the hall.

Publications on the topic:

Summary of a physical education lesson with children of the second junior group “Walk with Kolobok” Physical education lesson with children of the 2nd junior group Topic: “Walk with Kolobok” Performed by: Teacher of the 2nd junior group. group of Gladyshev N.V.

Summary of a physical education lesson with children of the second junior group “Journey to the Forest” Synopsis of a physical education lesson with children of the second junior group. Topic: “Journey to the forest.” Educator Gladysheva N.V. Nizhny.

Summary of the game session “Soap Bubbles” with children of the second youngest group in kindergarten Nikolaeva Klara Vasilievna teacher-psychologist MBDOU “Kindergarten No. 61”, Cheboksary. Goal: developing a sense of empathy, self-control, and skill.

Summary of a game lesson for children of the second junior group “Good Doctor Aibolit visiting the children” Goals: To introduce children to excerpts from K. Chukovsky’s work “Aibolit” To introduce children to the letter “A” To teach children to listen carefully.

Summary of a game lesson by a teacher-psychologist with children of the second junior group “Space” Goals: To give children a basic understanding of space. Activate the dictionary on this topic. Continue to form stable ideas.

DIDACTIC PLAN................................................................ ........................................................ .................... 2

LITERATURE................................................. ........................................................ ........................................... 3

LIST OF COMPETENCIES................................................................. ........................................................ ................ 4

THEMATIC REVIEW................................................................. ........................................................ ....................... 5

1 PHYSICAL ACTIVITY CLASSES FOR PRESCHOOL CHILDREN.................................................... ........................... 5

1.1 Types of physical education activities.................................................... ........................................................ ........................................................ ......... 5

1.2 Methodology for organizing and conducting physical education classes in preschool institutions.................................................... 7

1.3 Selection of physical exercises in class.................................................... ........................................................ ................................ 10

1.4 Methods of carrying out basic movements in physical education classes.................................................... .................................. eleven

1.5 Organization of physical education classes in the open air.................................................... ........................................................ .... 13

1.6 General and motor density of the lesson.................................................... ........................................................ ............................................ 14

2 PHYSICAL ACTIVITY AND HEALTH WORK IN THE DAY REGIME................................................... 15

2.1 Gymnastics as a means and method physical education child........................................................ ................................. 15

2.1.1 Morning exercises.................................................... ........................................................ .............. 15

2.1.2 Gymnastics after a nap.................................................................... ................................................... 17

2.2 Physical education and hardening activities.................................................. ........................................................ ....................... 18

2.3 Excursions, walks.................................................... ........................................................ ........................................................ ........................ 23

2.4Methodology for holding physical education holidays in different age groups preschool institutions...... 26

2.5 Methodology for holding health days and holidays in different age groups of preschool institutions.................................. 27

3 ORGANIZATION OF WORK ON PHYSICAL EDUCATION IN PRESCHOOL INSTITUTIONS............................................................. ........................................................ ............................................... 29

3.1 Persons responsible for organizing work in kindergarten.................................................. ........................................................ .... 29

3.2 Rights, duties and responsibilities of a physical education instructor.................................................. ........................ 32

3.3 Features of organizing work with family.................................................... ........................................................ .................................. 35

3.4 Problems of interaction between family and preschool educational institution.................................................... ........................................................ ..................................... 41

3.5 Organization of physical education of a child in the family.................................................... ........................................................ .............. 45

4 PEDAGOGICAL TECHNOLOGIES.................................................... ........................................................ ............................................... 47

4.1 Structure of pedagogical technology.................................................... ........................................................ ..................................... 47

4.2 Planning work on physical education of preschoolers.................................................... ..................................... 49

4.3 Documentation of the teacher in physical education.................................................... ........................................................ ................. 52

5 METHODOLOGICAL WORK IN KINDERGARTEN.................................................... ................................ 52

5.1 The importance of methodological work in a preschool institution.................................................... ........................................................ .... 52

5.2 Directions of work of the methodological office.................................................... ........................................................ ........................... 53

5.3 Leading forms of methodological work in a preschool institution.................................................... ........................... 55

TASKS FOR FORMING COMPETENCIES.................................................................... ....................... 58

GLOSSARY................................................. ........................................................ ........................................... 59


Physical education classes for preschoolers

Types of physical education activities. Methodology for organizing and conducting physical education classes in preschool institutions. Selection of physical exercises in class. Methods of conducting basic movements in physical education classes. Organization of physical education classes in the open air. General and motor density of the lesson.

Physical education and health work during the day

Gymnastics as a means and method of physical education of a child. Morning exercises. Exercising after a nap. Physical education and hardening activities. Excursions, walks. Methodology for conducting physical education holidays in different age groups of preschool institutions. Methodology for holding health days and holidays in different age groups of preschool institutions.

Organization of work on physical education in preschool institutions

Persons responsible for organizing work in kindergarten. Rights, duties and responsibilities of a physical education instructor. Features of organizing work with families. Problems of interaction between family and preschool educational institution. Organization of physical education of a child in the family.

Educational technologies

Structure of pedagogical technology. Planning work on physical education of preschoolers. Physical education teacher documentation.


The student must have the following competencies:

1. Possession of a culture of thinking, the ability to generalize, analyze, perceive information, set a goal and choose ways to achieve it (OK-1).

2. Willingness to use methods of physical education and self-education to increase the body’s adaptive reserves and improve health (OK-5).

3. The ability to use systematized theoretical and practical knowledge of the humanities, social and economic sciences in solving social and professional problems (GPC-2).

4. The ability to develop modern pedagogical technologies, taking into account the characteristics of the educational process, the tasks of education and personal development (PK-12).


Types of physical education activities

Can be used in kindergarten traditional form of physical education classes, and non-traditional forms of physical education classes.

Physical education classes in kindergartens, held in the traditional form, consist of three interconnected parts: introductory (preparatory), main and final.

Tasks introductory and preparatory part are to create interest and emotional mood for the lesson in children, check the degree of readiness of attention, clarify some motor skills, and gradually prepare the child’s body for more intensive work in the main part of the lesson.

For this purpose, children are offered familiar exercises or variations thereof that help develop correct posture and prevent flat feet and do not require much time to complete.

Such exercises include: drill, walking and its variations, running with various tasks, jumping, exercises to develop balance.

The duration of the introductory-preparatory part in junior groups is 3–4 minutes, in middle groups – 4–6 minutes, in senior groups – 5–10 minutes.

IN main part of the lesson the tasks of learning and improving motor skills and developing physical qualities are solved. The main part of the lesson includes:

General developmental exercises;

Basic movements;

An outdoor game that promotes the development of motor skills, making it possible to increase the emotional tone of children.

The duration of the main part in junior groups is 8–12 minutes, in middle groups – 12–15 minutes, in senior groups – 15-20 minutes.

Final part involves carrying out exercises and games of low mobility to bring the body into a calm state.

After this, the lesson is summarized, and the children move on to another activity.

The duration of the final part of the lesson in junior groups is from 2 to 3 minutes, in middle and senior groups – from 3 to 4 minutes.

The non-traditional nature of conducting a physical education lesson implies a difference from the classical structure of the lesson due to the use of new ways of organizing children, non-standard equipment, and making some changes to the traditional form of structure of the lesson.

One example of a non-traditional physical education activity would be lesson on a single plot , built on a fairy-tale or real basis. In this case, taking as a basis the classical structure of a physical education lesson, the content of motor activity is consistent with the plot. The topics of such classes should correspond to the age capabilities of the children, taking into account their level of competence: a report from the stadium, a circus, a trip to the dacha, fairy-tale stories “Teremok”, “Pinocchio”.

Movements associated with some image or plot captivate children. The image encourages the performance of imitative movements that preschoolers love. Such activities develop children's creativity, fantasy, and imagination. Literary heroes teach children to overcome motor difficulties and navigate problematic situations. In such classes, children reveal unexpected sides. Artistry, musicality, independence are manifested, or, on the contrary, helplessness and constraint.

Thematic activities related to natural phenomena open up wide opportunities for educational work with children, create favorable conditions for improving basic movements, promote mental and physical development preschooler. They stimulate motor activity and regulate it, thus ensuring the harmonious development of the child.

The next option for conducting a non-traditional lesson could be training session– consolidation of certain types of movements. It provides the opportunity to repeat the movement many times and practice the technique of performing it. The traditional structure of a physical education lesson may be somewhat disrupted by eliminating general developmental exercises and increasing the time spent working on basic movements and elements. sports games with the obligatory provision of reasonable and correct physiological load.

Another example of a non-traditional physical education activity can be a physical education activity in the form circuit training .

To conduct a circuit training, you should prepare several groups with the same sports equipment in each, so that children of the same group can exercise on them at the same time, and arrange them in a circle. Each child stands up to some kind of aid and practices on it for two minutes. Then, at the teacher’s signal, the children move in a circle to the next manual and so on until the circle is closed. Depending on the degree physical activity received by children on circuit training, an outdoor game is selected. This method of organizing the lesson allows for high motor density of the lesson, gives the opportunity for children to show creativity and initiative, inventing their own ways of doing exercises on a gymnastic bench, with a jump rope, etc.

The introductory part of such a lesson may not be long, since the preparation of the body for stress will continue with the game of low or medium mobility. The main part may include high mobility games that improve types of movements. The final part of such a lesson should ensure a reduction in load.

Children like them and are successfully used by teachers to create a cheerful mood in children and ensure a closer relationship in the work of a teacher in physical education and music director classes based on musical and rhythmic movements . The introductory part of such a lesson, as a rule, consists of different types of walking and running to musical accompaniment, and performing dance movements. General developmental exercises are often carried out in the form rhythmic gymnastics. After it, it is advisable to offer children musical games and dances, ending with a round dance or slow dance movements to reduce the load.

It is possible to conduct classes with elements orienteering . Before the lesson, two teams of children receive route sheets. They schematically depict the area where the lesson will be held (sports ground, group area, yard playground etc.), and the command path. After a short warm-up, the teams set off, accompanied by one of the teachers, and overcome various obstacles: climbing over or through barriers, climbing a gymnastic ladder, walking on a beam or balancing, etc. For such activities, it is advisable to use an obstacle course. Both groups finish the route in one of the corners of the site or sports ground, where a letter or a fairy-tale character awaits them with an offer to play, hold a relay race, etc.

Planning physical education classes, the teacher must remember that their main goal is to teach children to move correctly and beautifully, develop their physical abilities, cultivate moral qualities, and help them master some elements of the technique of performing movements.

1.2 Methodology for organizing and conducting physical education classes in preschool institutions

Junior group. Classes in younger group Kindergarten sessions are held twice a week and last up to 20 minutes. The room (hall, group room) is ventilated and wet cleaning is carried out beforehand. The floor surface must be dry after wet cleaning to avoid injury. The introductory part (2–3 minutes) includes exercises that mobilize children’s attention and prepare them for the upcoming physical activity, serving as a small warm-up. These are exercises in walking, running, formations, with various tasks, sometimes with musical accompaniment. Walking and running exercises are usually carried out in alternation. First, walking is suggested - about half and a third of a “circle”, and then running a full “circle”, and the tasks are repeated. The concept of “circle” is conditional; except for special walking and running, it really is in a circle. You can place landmarks in the corners of the hall (small objects - cubes, skittles (except flags on a stick)) to make it easier for children to navigate. Constructions and rearrangements develop children's spatial orientation and help them comprehend their actions. After several lessons, the teacher suggests forming a line or a column in small groups in a circle, using landmarks (cubes, balls, cords, etc.).

Main part (12–15 minutes) includes gymnastic exercises general developmental nature with and without various subjects; basic types of movements (balance exercises, jumping, climbing and throwing), outdoor play.

To perform general developmental exercises, constructions can be different and performed according to landmarks (cubes, balls, skittles), especially at the beginning of training. Special attention The teacher pays attention to the correct starting position of the legs, as this determines the overall load on the body and individual muscle groups. When carrying out general developmental exercises in a standing position, as a rule, two positions are used - stand with the feet at the width of the feet and at the width of the shoulders. The teacher performs bends and turns with the children 1–2 times. Next, the kids continue to perform the exercise independently as directed by the teacher. Basically, the teacher demonstrates the exercises himself, and some of them can be demonstrated by the most prepared child. After the demonstration and explanation, the children perform jumps on their own, and the teacher sets the rhythm - this can be hitting a tambourine, clapping their hands, or musical accompaniment. For one week of every month, it is advisable to carry out general developmental exercises without objects. Other classes use a variety of equipment. This makes the exercises more interesting and allows you to vary the same tasks. When drawing up a long-term lesson plan, the teacher outlines exercises for learning, repetition and consolidation. More time is allocated for completing training exercises; repetition of familiar material does not require detailed explanation, and only some clarifications or partial demonstration are assumed. In the second junior group, two types of basic movements are usually planned in one lesson. Increasing the set of basic movements can reduce the quality of assimilation of exercises. Outdoor play is the culmination of the lesson in terms of physical and emotional stress on the child’s body.

Final part (2–3 minutes). After active play, children must be brought into a relatively calm state and only after that can they move on to other types of activities. As a rule, the final part of the lesson includes simple exercises, low mobility games, round dances.

Middle group. IN middle group In kindergarten, physical education classes are held three times a week in the morning; The duration of the lesson is 20–25 minutes. The room in which children study must be prepared in accordance with hygienic requirements(do wet cleaning, ventilate), select in advance necessary equipment. Every third lesson during the week is held outdoors, on the playground. During physical education classes in the hall, children exercise in physical fitness(T-shirt, shorts, socks, sneakers or low sneakers). Children do not specifically change clothes for activities on the site, but during activities, clothing should be lightened. In winter, it is advisable for children to wear jackets, leggings, and knitted hats. Clothing during walking classes must comply with hygienic standards and requirements.

Physical education classes in the middle group are conducted according to a generally accepted structure, consisting of introductory, main and final parts, each of which, having specific tasks, is subordinated to a single goal - the comprehensive and harmonious development of various motor skills and abilities.

The introductory part (3–4 minutes) prepares the child’s body for the upcoming more intense load. Exercises are used in walking, running, various simple tasks with objects, exercises that strengthen the muscles of the legs, feet, forming correct posture. When carrying out exercises in walking and running, it is necessary to observe their appropriate alternation, without getting carried away with walking exercises. Walking for a long time tires children and adversely affects their posture.

The main part (12–15 minutes) is aimed at solving the main tasks of the lesson - teaching children new exercises, repeating and consolidating previously covered material, mastering vital motor skills and abilities, developing physical qualities: agility, strength, speed, endurance, etc. . The content of the main part of the lesson includes general developmental exercises, exercises in basic types of movements and outdoor games. General developmental exercises with objects (flags, cubes, skittles, braids, sticks, etc.) and without objects are carried out in a certain sequence: for muscles shoulder girdle, back muscles and oblique abdominal muscles (bending, turning) and legs. When conducting general developmental exercises, various types of formation are used: in a circle, around objects pre-arranged in a checkerboard pattern; scattered; in two or three columns. The teacher checks the correct starting position in each exercise of a general developmental nature so that the physical load is distributed evenly across all muscle groups. The starting positions are different: stand with your feet at the width of your feet, shoulders, sitting with your feet apart, in a kneeling position, lying on your back and stomach, etc.

You should pay attention to the sequential transition from one starting position to another. In this part of the lesson, basic movements are taught: jumping, balance, throwing and climbing. In one lesson, as a rule, two, sometimes three main types of movements are offered, not counting the exercises used in outdoor play.

The final part (3–4 minutes) should provide the child with a gradual transition to a relatively calm state, especially after active play.

Senior and preparatory group. The structure of the classes is traditional: introductory, main and final parts.

The introductory part begins with building on the playground and walking, during which children perform 3–5 breathing exercises. During the cold period of the year, construction is not carried out on the playground, and the introductory part begins with the children leaving the room and going outside. After a short walk, a slow run around the site is given for 2–4 minutes (depending on age). In this part of the lesson, children are prepared for upcoming muscular activity and are taught mainly various types of running: wide strides, raising their knees high, side steps, backwards, in pairs, scattered, etc. Jumps are also performed on one and two legs, from foot to foot, etc. The use of these exercises is aimed at improving spatial orientation, strengthening the muscles of the legs and pelvis, and improving posture. The run ends with walking and forming a circle or column.

The main part of the lesson begins with performing a set of general developmental exercises. Upon completion, the children line up in a column one at a time, folding up the used Sports Equipment and run with average speed depending on age from 40 s to 2 min. The run ends with walking with a changeover to perform the exercise in the basic movements. At each lesson, children practice several basic movements. A new or more difficult to coordinate movement is performed first. Then the children run again at average speed, after which they practice another movement that is already familiar to them. Exercises in basic movements end with a slow run, then an outdoor game or relay game is organized. The games involve reinforcing one of the basic movements; great place running takes place in them. The game is repeated 4–5 times, with short pauses between repetitions.

The final part involves a slow run. If children run a lot during the game (“Traps”, “Planes”), then in the final part the duration of the slow run is not indicated, but it should be less than usual (no more than 1–1.5 minutes). Slow running starts walking.

Morning exercises

Morning exercises involves the child’s entire body in an active state, deepens breathing, enhances blood circulation, promotes metabolism, raises emotional tone, develops attention, determination, causes positive emotions and joyful sensations, increases the vital activity of the body, gives high healing effect. It is carried out daily before breakfast for 10–12 minutes, outdoors or indoors (depending on environmental and weather conditions). Throughout morning exercises held in the hall, the windows and transoms remain open, children study in physical education uniform, barefoot.

Morning exercises- this is a whole set of exercises, the implementation of which after sleep gives a boost of energy and positive mood for the whole day.

Physical exercise - movements, motor actions, certain types of motor activity that are used to solve physical education problems.

Options for morning exercises

Game character. 2-3 outdoor games of varying degrees of intensity or 5-7 general developmental exercises of an imitative nature such as “snowflakes are spinning”, “butterflies are flying” can be included. You can create a whole plot from imitation movements.

Using an obstacle course. The use of an obstacle course allows you to offer exercises with a gradual increase in load, complicate motor tasks, and include different types movements with an increase in the number of turns and tempo of movements, alternate physical education benefits; You can create different obstacle courses using a variety of modules.

Including health jogging. It must be carried out outdoors, during the reception of children (in subgroups of 5–7 people). First, children are offered a short warm-up, consisting of 3-4 exercises of a general developmental nature. Then a run is done at an average speed for a distance of 100–200–300 meters (1–2 times alternating with walking), depending on the individual abilities of the children and the time of year. At the end, breathing exercises are offered.

Using simple simulators. Included are general developmental exercises using simple exercise equipment (children’s expander, gymnastic roller etc.) and complex simulators (“bicycle”, rowing, etc.).

Approximate complexes morning exercises for preschoolers

For children 3 years old

1. Walk around the room at an average pace, swinging your arms freely. Perform for 20–30 s.

2. “The bird flaps its wings.” Starting position – standing, legs slightly apart. Raise your arms to the sides and lower them down, swinging your hands. Repeat 3-5 times.

3. "Bubble". The starting position is the same. Squat down and straighten up with your arms out to the sides. Repeat 4-6 times.

4. “Plucking flowers.” The starting position is the same. Bend your torso forward and down and straighten up. Make movements with your hands that imitate picking flowers. Repeat with each hand 3-5 times.

5. “Wheels of a Steam Locomotive.” The starting position is the same. Bend your elbows and move your elbows back, making circular movements hands. Repeat 4-6 times.

6. “Birds are pecking.” The starting position is the same. Squat down, tapping your fingers on your knees and straighten up. Repeat 2-3 times.

7. Run around the room for 1–2 minutes, swinging your arms freely.

8. Walk quietly around the room for 1–3 minutes.

For children 4–5 years old

1. Walking around the room with acceleration and deceleration for 30–40 seconds.

2. " Strong arms" Starting position – standing, legs slightly apart. Bend your arms to shoulder level, clenching your fingers into fists. When lowering your hands, unclench them. Repeat 4-6 times.

3. "Bee". Starting position – standing, legs together, arms down. Squat down, raising your arms forward, then straighten up, lower your arms and move them back. Repeat 4-6 times.

4. "Lumberjack" Starting position – standing, feet shoulder-width apart. Raise your clasped hands up, slightly bending them at the elbows. Lean forward while lowering your hands between your knees, trying not to bend them. Repeat 5-8 times.

5. "Warming your hands." Starting position – standing, legs slightly apart. Raise your arms to the sides, then make a few claps in front of your chest with your arms bent at the elbows, spread them to the sides and lower them down. Repeat 3-5 times.

6. "Grasshopper". Starting position – sitting on the floor with support from behind, legs extended. Alternately bend your legs, sliding your feet along the floor, and return to the starting position. Repeat 4-6 times with each leg.

7. Run around the room for 1–2 minutes, speeding up and slowing down.

8. Slowly walk around the room on your toes, trying to stretch your head and torso up. Finish with normal walking on the entire foot. Perform for 1–2 minutes.

For children from 6 to 7 years old

1. Walking around the room with different positions of the arms (up, to the sides, back). Perform for 30–40 s.

2. "Cockerel". Starting position – standing, legs slightly apart. Raise your arms to the sides, then make several claps in front of your chest with straight arms, spread them to the sides and lower them down. Repeat 3-5 times.

3. “Crane in the swamp.” Starting position – standing, heels together, toes apart, arms down. Raise the leg bent at the knee higher and clap under the knee. Repeat
4-6 times with one and the other leg.

4. “Skiing.” Starting position – standing, feet shoulder-width apart. Raise your arms slightly bent at the elbows forward to shoulder level, clench your fingers into fists. Bend your torso forward without lowering your head, bend your knees and lower your arms down and back; then straighten up. Repeat 6–8 times.

5. “Sew on a button.” Starting position – standing, legs together, arms bent at chest level. Alternately move your arms to the sides, as if stitching the material with a needle and thread.

Repeat 8-10 times in each direction.

6. "Spinner". Starting position – standing, feet shoulder-width apart. Place one hand on the opposite shoulder, the other behind your back. Turn your torso to the right and left, throwing your arms freely. Repeat 4-6 times in both directions.

7. "Heron". Starting position – standing, legs together, hands on the belt. Raise your leg, bent at the knee, stretch it forward and lower it straight to the starting position. Repeat 4-6 times with one and the other leg.

8. "Mill". Starting position – standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms down. Bend your torso left side, simultaneously raise right hand up. Then straighten up, lowering your hand, and repeat in the other direction. Perform 2–4 times in each direction.

9. Jumping. Starting position – standing, legs together, hands on the belt. Move around the room in small jumps on two legs, slightly bending your knees. Perform for 20–30 s.

10. Walking around the room, clapping hands in front, above and behind the body. Fulfill
1–2 min.

Excursions, walks

Walking walks and excursions outside the children's institution are simplest form children's tourism. They promote health, physical development of children, education of aesthetic feelings, improvement of motor skills and physical qualities.

Performing well various exercises in a familiar room or in a kindergarten area, children get lost in a new environment.

Therefore, walks and excursions outside the preschool institution contribute to the development of the necessary orientation in the area, the use of developed skills and abilities in unusual conditions.

Walking tours are planned in advance calendar plan and require careful preparation.

Much attention should be paid to developing a route that provides places for children to rest on the way, natural conditions for carrying out exercises (streams, ravines, hummocks, clearings, fallen trees).

Walks are carried out mainly in summer, but can also be carried out in winter, using skis and skates.

The day of the walk is announced in advance to create a mood of joyful anticipation among children.

The movement of children during a walk is free, without pairwise formation (used when crossing roads and railway tracks).

During your walk, you can plan a physical activity that includes exercises using natural conditions.

Excursions and walks outside the kindergarten contribute to the implementation of cognitive tasks and include exercises that can be done with a 3-4 year old child. They promote health, physical, aesthetic, moral, and intellectual development.

Excursion– a trip, a walk for educational, scientific, sports or entertainment purposes.

Walk– walking or short travel for entertainment, outdoor recreation.

Walks and excursions are carried out regularly, starting from the first junior group, taking into account the age characteristics and capabilities of the child in this group, his state of health, individual indicators and doctor’s recommendations.

The teacher carefully prepares for walks and plans them on a calendar.

The most favorable season for walking is summer.

Before walks and excursions, the teacher carefully studies the area and the road along which the walk will take place:

– in the city – a park, square, garden;

– outside the city – the nearest forest, meadow, clearing, river, lake, etc.

The distance of the route and resting place are determined.

Walks and excursions allow you to introduce your child to public institutions, such as a palace children's creativity, health camp, stadium, sports grounds, etc.

At 5–7 years old, a child already has quite a lot of motor experience, independence, and organization, which allows him to carry out tourist walks.

Tourist walks can be conducted by either a physical education specialist or a teacher. Best result is achieved with the efforts of all employees of the preschool educational institution, especially the teacher and physical education specialist.

Methodology for organizing tourist walks

Work on organizing tourist walks throughout the year is included in the plan of educational work with the child. Pedagogical research has shown the feasibility of planning work on this section in accordance with the cyclic principle. This allows you to establish a close connection with various types activities of the child, ensures continuity in the content, forms and methods of work of the preschool educational institution and school. In accordance with the season, autumn, winter and spring-summer cycles are distinguished.

To interest children, thematic conversations are held or the teacher reads fiction to them, shows slides and tourist equipment, which helps to form vivid imaginative ideas in children, activates their imagination and memory, encourages them to search for new knowledge and desire to master tourist skills.

An important place at the preparatory stage is given to the organization of a role-playing game, in which the child is unobtrusively taught how to pack a backpack, behavior in the forest, and how to navigate the area.

At the preparation stage, the teacher organizes practical productive activities. It is associated with the production of emblems, badges for trekking participants, preparation and design of group and personal equipment (tent repair, preparation of tent pegs, etc.). Developmental games and exercises, outdoor games, story-based physical education activities, etc. play an important role in this.

When conducting tourist excursions, the child’s vocabulary on tourism topics expands significantly.

For children 5–6 years old, the following vocabulary is introduced:

– words-objects: tourist, tent, bowler hat, sleeping bag, compass;

– definition words and phrases: cycling, hiking, skiing, water tourism;

– action words: hike, halt, gathering, overcoming.

For children 6–7 years old:

– words-objects: group leader, navigator, tourist route, geographical map, equipment, bivouac;

– definition words: mountain, horseback riding, automobile tourism;

– action words: insure, navigate, signal;

phrases: tourist rally, obstacle course.

In the formation of a child’s vocabulary, the teacher’s use of relevant concepts plays a huge role, both during preliminary work and during tourist walks.

Tourist– a person who travels for his own pleasure or for the purpose of self-education.

Halt– a stop along the way to rest during a hike or movement.

Collection– a command (signal) to call personnel for any occasion.

Navigator- course planning specialist.

Tourist route– a route followed by tourists, including visits to various historical places, cultural sites, natural landscapes, etc. for cultural, educational, health, sports and other purposes.

Geographic map– this is a reduced and generalized image on the plane of the earth’s surface, the geographical objects of which are conveyed by conventional signs.

Equipment– this is the necessary set of devices and tools that an experienced tourist takes with him when going on a hike.

Bivouac– a place for people to rest and spend the night in the natural environment.

Mountain tourism - a journey in the mountains along the slopes, ridge

Story-based classes are one of the organized forms of physical education classes widely used in preschool institutions. Plot-based physical education classes are built on a single plot (a plot is a series of sequentially developing events that make up the content of a work, film, etc.) based on a fairy tale or real events well known to children. According to V.S. Voloshin (2007), the surrounding world, literature, music, and works of fine art are widely used as sources of the birth of motor patterns. The only condition that must be met is that the plot of the lesson must be closely related to the tasks of teaching movements and give the lesson features of dramatization, bringing it closer to a role-playing game, which, in the words of L.S. Vygodsky (1999), is “the root of any child’s creativity.”

According to the authors, story-based classes in preschool institutions are one of the priority forms of choosing the organization of classes, as they carry a number of important functions (V.S. Voloshina, 2007; V.S. Kukushkina, 2004). Story-based physical education classes help provide each child with constant training in positive emotions, feelings, experiences, and imagination, which leads to the formation of his need to repeat positive experiences of joy from the result and provides an opportunity to exercise important personal mechanisms that entail changes in the child’s development. Their content allows classes to be conducted based on emotionally positive contact between the teacher and children, satisfies the child’s needs for cognition in communication with peers, encourages the child to be creative, and relieves inhibitions. Thanks to the plot, it is easier for the child to comprehend and perform movements. An important advantage of plot-type classes is that they allow you to avoid mechanical acquisition of movement techniques.

Thematic classes create ample opportunities for the use of non-standard equipment, costumes, hall decoration, and music. At the beginning of movement training, it is advisable to rely on children’s past motor experience and remember movements familiar from a previous lesson. Then introduce the guys to new movements.

According to N.N. Kozhukhova (2003), story-based physical education classes arouse interest in physical exercises, more than traditional physical education classes, which is due to the leading play activity of children at this age. Based on imitation, the child, during role-playing, identifies himself with the characters, tries not only to reproduce their actions, but also to depict an imaginary situation and play the role. G.V. Khukhlaeva (1992) believes that effective method is a description of an imaginary situation in which a well-known and beloved hero by children finds himself in a difficult or dangerous situation, and children can act as an assistant or protector. Children rush to help their favorite hero, overcoming the difficulties and obstacles that arise along the way. Successful actions bring joy and satisfaction to children. The imaginary situation in this case is a mandatory background for the unfolding of actions. In the absence of it, repeating them loses its meaning. Expressing sympathy for the game characters, they are faced with the need to master various movements, actually learn their expediency, and also, on their own initiative and desire, demonstrate real physical, moral and volitional qualities.

Characters may need care and supervision. The teacher offers to take care of the little helpless chickens and teach them, and come to the aid of sick animals.

By developing children's imagination, the teacher offers a new look at physical education equipment. So, gymnastic sticks in the hands of children they turn either into “horses” or into “branches and snags” of a dense forest, from which children build boats and even a “ship”.

When teaching movements, children’s role-playing behavior can also be used. If children are able to perform a role, and they can take it upon themselves, repeating various actions, striving for accuracy, correctness, and consistency in accordance with the role they have taken on, then children who master only play actions cope only with elementary role-playing tasks . They jump like sparrows, run along the paths, flap their wings like chickens. Under the conditions set by an imaginary game situation, determined by a role-playing task, children can independently find optimal ways to perform basic movements, perform imitation exercises more expressively, and find their variations during the game.

Movements associated with some image or plot captivate children; the image encourages them to perform imitative movements. Such activities develop creativity in children. Literary heroes teach children to overcome motor difficulties in achieving goals and navigate problematic situations. Frequent changes in physical activity with different physical loads discipline children and relieve tension. The class is fun and time flies by.

Physical education classes in plot form begin with an emotional story from the teacher, in which an imaginary situation is set, the conditions for accepting the role are revealed to the children, and the sequence of exercises is reported. When selecting exercises, take into account age characteristics children, their level of physical fitness is also taken into account.

It is advisable for children to prepare symbols to represent roles that help them quickly and easily enter the role. These can be simple pictures, pieces of fluff or fur, cotton balls for “chicks” and “mice”. Transformation into an image can also occur with the help of a piece of silver garland. The teacher places it on the child's head or simply touches it to the hair. This is enough for the newly-made “sparrow” to confidently take off. In the classroom, it is also suggested to use symbols of place and space. For example, the panel “Forest”, “Meadow”.

L.N. Voloshina (2007) suggests conducting story-based physical education classes that reflect seasonal phenomena in nature. These classes open up wide opportunities for working with children, create favorable conditions for improving basic movements, promote the mental and physical development of a preschooler, stimulate motor activity, regulate it, thus ensuring the harmonious development of the child.

The teacher’s constant contact with children, his direct participation in the lesson, the interest he shows, his help, and his emotional, friendly tone activates the children.

The variety of standard and non-standard equipment and hats in the classroom, the presence and use of natural materials contributes to better organization and increased physical activity of children. Music plays an important role.

Outdoor story classes are very interesting. Strong physical activity and Fresh air strengthen children's health, increase their performance, and contribute to the development of knowledge about nature.

The play actions formed in the classroom can be transferred under the influence of the teacher into children’s independent play, which helps to increase the motor activity of children in role-playing games.

When conducting physical education classes, the teacher constantly remembers that the flow of the game must not be disrupted. Observing the quality of movements, assessing the activities of children - all this is carried out through a role, on behalf of a game character, through an imaginary situation. The teacher and children play together. Absorption in the game helps to see in the line drawn with chalk a real obstacle, in a gymnastic bench - a large hill behind which you can hide from the evil wolf (G.V. Khukhlaeva, 1992).

When some experience has been accumulated, children already show more independence in physical education classes; they can, at the reminder of the teacher, choose an object for exercises and outdoor games and actively act with it.

The characteristic features of such classes are: a pronounced didactic orientation; the leadership role of the educator; strict regulation of children’s activities and dosing of physical activity; constant composition of students and their age homogeneity.

Requirements for classes: each previous one must be connected with the next one and form a system of classes; It is important to ensure optimal motor activity for children. Classes must be appropriate to the age and level of preparedness of the children. They must use physical education and health equipment and musical accompaniment.

You can implement story-based physical education activities with preschoolers of different ages. With early children preschool age(1 - 4 years) it is recommended to conduct classes twice a week (10 - 15 minutes each). IN senior group kindergarten (5 - 7 years old) classes are held 3 times a week in the morning, lasting 25 - 30 minutes (not counting daily morning exercises).

The structure of physical education classes is generally accepted and contains three parts: introductory (18% of the total class time); main (67% of the total class time); final (15% of the total class time). This distribution of material corresponds to the capabilities of the children and ensures an increase in physical activity during the lesson and a subsequent decrease in it towards the end.

The purpose of the introductory part of the classes is to introduce the body into a state of preparedness for the main part. In the introductory part of the lesson, exercises in walking, running, changing lanes, and simple games are offered. You should pay attention to alternating exercises in walking and running: their monotony tires children, reduces the quality of exercises, and can also lead to undesirable consequences (poor posture, flattening of the foot, etc.). In this part of the lesson, game motivation is created and a game task is set.

The main part of the lesson is the longest. In it, children develop skills in performing movements, learn and consolidate them, develop physical qualities, coordination abilities. This part of the lesson is characterized by the climactic intensity of the plot. This part is characterized by the greatest physical load.

In the final part of the lesson, there is a gradual transition from increased muscle activity to a calm state, children continue to communicate with the game characters, and children tune in to independent play. It hosts games and game exercises low intensity, contributing to a gradual decrease in motor activity (T.I. Osokina, 1990).

The strength of assimilation of exercises and basic movements depends on the obligatory repetition of what has been learned (a sufficient number of times). Repetition should not be mechanical and monotonous; interest in motor activity is lost. Therefore, at the first stage of teaching children, repeating the material, you should use various aids, change the situation without changing the nature of the movements.

The teacher’s speech during classes should be calm and expressive in order to attract the attention and interest of the children. Playful techniques, addressing the child by calling his name, timely help and encouragement activate the baby and increase his desire to independently perform movements (S.A. Kozlova, 2000).

The effectiveness of teaching physical exercises is ensured by in various ways children's organizations. In physical education classes, a frontal method of organization is used, in which all children simultaneously perform the same movement. This method allows, in the time allocated by the teacher, to ensure a sufficiently high repeatability, which contributes to the rapid formation of temporary connections, the achievement of high activity of each child and sufficient physical activity when performing any movement. But at the same time, the teacher cannot keep all the children in sight, so repeated repetition of the movement may lead to the child performing it erroneously. This method is suitable for forming an initial idea of ​​a new movement (G.V. Khukhlaeva, 1992).

To perform physical movements, students can be divided into groups, i.e. a group method of organizing children is used. In this case, each group, as a rule, practices certain movements. After some time, the subgroups change places, which increases interest in the lesson. With this method, an opportunity is created for in-depth learning of movements by one subgroup, while other subgroups at this time perform the mastered movements to consolidate them or in complicated conditions. The advantages of this method are the creation of favorable conditions for detailed assimilation: a small number of children allows for a sufficient number of repetitions to successfully master the exercise, the child has the opportunity to hear the instructions of an adult regarding him and other children; a short break between repetitions, on the one hand, is sufficient to restore strength, and on the other hand, temporary connections are successfully formed, and there are conditions for observing other children performing the exercise. The disadvantage of this method is that the teacher’s ability to control the performance of exercises by all children, provide assistance to them, and correct their mistakes is limited (T.I. Osokina, 1990).

A variation of this method is shifting, when children perform one movement in shifts (3-4 people), balance exercises on four supports, jumping off a bench, etc.

The flow method involves performing physical exercises one after another, moving from one movement to another. At the same time, some children finish a movement and move on to the next one, while others are just starting to perform the first. This method ensures almost continuity of actions, develops the flexibility of skills in children, the ability to move directly to performing other movements, and develops the ability to combine movements. However, learning new things physical exercise with this method it is difficult, since the muscle sensations that arose during the first execution of this movement are then erased when performing familiar motor actions, and when approaching the reproduction of the learned movement again, the child makes mistakes.

There is an individual way of organization, when children perform one movement in order of priority. In this case, it is easy for the teacher to assess the quality of each child’s movement and make individual instructions. At this time, other children observe the actions of each person performing the exercise and take notes.

Often, during a lesson, a teacher resorts to a combination of these methods of organizing children.

The choice of how to organize children in class depends on: the novelty, complexity and nature of the exercises; lesson objectives; material equipment and location of the lesson; size of the room (site, hall); availability of equipment; the age of the children and their preparedness; teacher’s own skills (V.A. Anderson, 1991).

Thus, story-based physical education classes are widely used in preschool institutions, allowing the physical education instructor to actively include all children in the learning process. Thematic physical education classes allow you to independently find the optimal ways to perform basic movements and general developmental exercises; they contribute to the development of physical qualities, the development of creativity, and mental processes. These classes open up wide opportunities for working with children, create favorable conditions for improving basic movements, promote the mental and physical development of a preschooler, stimulate motor activity, regulate it, thus ensuring the harmonious development of the child.

Thematic physical education classes have a clear structure, various methods of organizing children in the classroom and teaching methods.

(for children of senior preschool age)


1. To form an interest in physical culture.

2. Improve motor skills and abilities.

3. To develop in children such physical qualities as dexterity, coordination of movements, and speed of reaction.

4. Promote emotional development through play activities.

5. Cultivate strong-willed qualities: endurance and self-confidence in overcoming difficulties.

Integration educational areas : « Physical Culture", "Health", "Cognition", "Communication", "Music".

Children enter the hall and line up. There is a backpack in the middle of the hall.


Guys, do you know who put this here? And what kind of item is it, how is it used.

Children make assumptions and come to the conclusion that there is a backpack on the carpet in the room, and the backpack is needed for hiking and traveling.

So, guys, someone really wants you and me to go on a trip. Look, there’s also an envelope here, some kind of envelope, let’s find out what’s in it.

An envelope, on the envelope it is written: “Kindergarten for children.” The instructor opens the letter and reads:

Hello dear children! I live in the thicket of a forest and I’m very lonely, but how I would like to find guys who would make friends with me. Old Lesovik.


An interesting letter, what are we going to do, what should we do?


Let's go visit Lesovik!

But he lives in the thicket of the forest, won’t you be scared?

But first you need to pack a backpack for the hike.

Didactic game “Pack a backpack.”


Well done! And your parents took care of your backpacks and hats. Is everyone ready? Then let's go!

Introductory part:

Follow the leading step, march! Music sounds (musical composition “Daisies”).

1. Race walking.

Who walks along the road

He is not familiar with boredom

The roads lead us forward

Our motto

"Always forward! »

2. Walking, hands on the belt, turning the head to the right(left).

Children look at the forest.

3. Walking, with elements of corrective gymnastics.

On toes, on heels, with a roll from heel to toe.

4. Walking with arm jerks: to the sides, up.

Let's drive away the flock with mosquitoes - we spread our arms of the jerk.

5. Walking "Heron"

Walking with high knees.

We walk through the tall grass, raising our legs higher.

6. Walking in a half-squat, arms extended forward.

7. Walking on all fours:

We entered the dense thicket and walked on all fours.

8. Walking at a sporty pace.

Children approach the first obstacle (the musical composition “Climber” sounds):

1. "Mountain"

Children climb the slide, holding the handrails with their hands, and then descend while sitting. The instructor and teacher insure the children.


Guys, look how high the mountain is. Therefore, you need to go down very carefully so as not to harm yourself.

2. "Tunnel"

The next test we need to pass is the tunnel. It is very narrow and dark, but you are all brave, so you should not be afraid.

Children, one after another, go through the tunnel.

3. "Bridge"

Well done boys! No one was afraid, everyone completed the task. And our journey continues further. And the next test that awaits us is the bridge. Look at the hanging bridge, you need to move across it very carefully.

A rope is attached to two pillars, and under the stretched rope there is a gymnastics bench “bridge”. Children, one at a time, holding onto a rope, walk along the bridge at a side step..

(During the passage across the bridge, the musical composition “The Sound of Water” sounds.)

The children and the instructor continue on their way, the instructor stops and draws the children’s attention to torn off and abandoned flowers.


Horrible! Look, I found flowers that someone picked and threw, and they withered. What will happen to them now, I don’t even know how to help them!

Maybe you guys can tell me what to do to bring the flowers back to life?

Children make assumptions and discuss what flowers need to live. Children pick flowers, move on, ahead is a lake (a container filled with water, draped under the lake), music sounds. composition “Sounds of the Lake”.

Lotus Flower Experience

The instructor suggests putting the flowers in water. Children lower the flowers into the water, where their petals bloom.

Our flowers have come to life, which means that for our flowers to live they need...

Right! Water!

What do you guys think, only flowers need water?

Well done, every living thing needs water. Without water, sun and heat, all living things will die.

And our journey continues.

Children approach the gymnastics ladder, on which cones hang. Music sounds. composition “Sounds of the Forest”.

Look, I see a very tall cedar tree ahead, anyone want some pine nuts? Then come up one at a time, and I will show you how to properly pick a cone.

Children one by one climb the gymnastic stairs, pick off a cone and go down. The teacher and instructor insure the children.

Guys, the cones need to be picked very carefully so as not to damage the cedar. It takes many years for a tree to grow and begin to bear fruit.

We will take the nuts to kindergarten, and now we need to move on.


Guys, who remembers why we went on a hike?

Children's answers.

Help Lesovik find friends, and if he is scary and evil, what will we do?

We won’t run away, no, we won’t run away, I’ll teach you now how not to be afraid of Lesovik. On my command, we must make a scary face and scream loudly. So, one, two, three, growl!

Children growl loudly.

You're doing great. Now we are not afraid of old Lesovik.

Children continue on their way. And at this time, old Lesovik crawls out of the house on all fours, backing away. He stands up, stretches, claps his hand over his mouth and slowly turns to the children. ( Music sounds. composition "Lesovik".)


Children! Look, this is old Lesovik. Remember how you and I learned to scare him? Only all together and on my signal!

The children growl in unison, Lesovik faints.


Oh, Lesovik! Forgive us, we only wanted to scare you. The instructor tries to revive Lesovik and gives him artificial respiration. The woodsman opens his eyes.

We are guilty before you, forgive us, please!


Did you still receive my letter?


Yes! That's why we're here.


Oh! What about my guests, but I have nothing to treat you with, I’ll at least run and pick some mushrooms.


Lesovichok, maybe we can send the guys out to pick mushrooms?


But the guys will cope with the task, otherwise they will bring the wrong mushrooms.


What are you saying, our guys are smart, they can tell edible mushrooms from non-edible ones.

Relay race “Collect mushrooms”

Well done! All the guys did it, show me what mushrooms you found in the forest.

Well, Lesovichok, you didn’t manage to confuse our guys.


It didn’t work out, I’ll go and collect some wood for the fire.


Lesovichok, wait, rest, the guys will go get firewood themselves, but you’d better tell us what kind of firewood needs to be collected.


You need to take dry firewood that is lying on the ground, called dead wood, and you can put it under the pot either in a hut or a house.

He chops the wood and puts the pot on.


What a big pot you have, let’s cook it, there’s enough for everyone!


Only I don’t have any potatoes!


We have it, and the guys will now help you put it in the pot.

Relay race “Bring the potatoes.”

(The musical composition “Marching” sounds.)


Well done! Now you can relax by the fire, warm up, and the guys will tell you Lesovichok, where they were today, what they did, what they saw and heard, what they learned.

Children talk about the trip. Music sounds. composition "Bonfire".


Guys, it's time for us to go home to kindergarten. And I want to give Lesovik a book about travel. When you feel lonely, you can read a book and remember us, and the guys will write letters to you.


Thank you, I will write to you too.

Children stand in a column and follow the instructor out of the hall to the music. “It’s fun to walk together.”

Nina Ryzhkova
A plot-based physical education lesson in the middle group.

Story-based activity"On the edge of the forest" By physical education in the middle group.


Improve children's motor skills and abilities;

Develop coordination of movements, spatial orientation, dexterity, speed;

It’s easy to learn to jump, practice crawling on a bench on your stomach;

Play a leading role in the game, consciously adhere to the rules of the game;

Equipment: gymnastic bench, rope, arc, pyramids.

Preliminary work: conversation on the topic "Forest Dwellers".

Progress of the lesson.

1 Introductory part.

I suggest you take a walk through the forest.

On a hot day, animals walked along a forest path to drink.

Normal walking around the hall.

The elk calf was stomping behind the mother moose.

Walking with the flood.

A little fox was sneaking behind the mother fox.

Walking on toes.

A bear cub followed the mother bear.

Walking on outside feet.

A little hedgehog was rolling after its mother hedgehog.

Walking on your heels.

Behind the mother hare there are slanting hares.

Jumping on two legs while moving forward.

The baby squirrels ran after the mother squirrel.

Running on your toes.

The she-wolf led the wolf cubs behind her.

Walking with long strides.

All mothers and children want to get drunk.

Breathing exercise.

2. Main part.

See if there are any predatory animals nearby.

Which ones do you know?

I suggest you do the exercises. They will help you be strong and agile and not be afraid of anyone.

ORU with dumbbells.

1. I. p. legs together, arms to the sides.

Bend and straighten your arms at the elbows. 6 times.

2. I. p. legs on w. r, arms are bent at the elbows in front of you.

Turn your torso to the side with your arms out to the sides. 3 times per room.

3. I. p. Wide stance, hands to the side.

Bend your torso forward, place the dumbbells on the floor, and straighten up.

4. I. p. sitting on the heels, dumbbells on the knees.

Get on your knees, arms to the sides, leg to the side on the toe. 3 times per room.

5. I. p. lying on your back, arms to the sides.

Bend your knees, clasp them with your hands, and straighten up. 5 times.

6. I. p. lying on his stomach, arms extended forward.

Bend over, spread your arms to the sides. 5 times.

Main types of movements.

There are many different inhabitants in the forest.

Here are the birds on the branches.

Walking along a rope sideways with an extended step, hands on the belt.

A turtle crawls on the grass.

Crawling in a sitting position, bending and straightening your legs. Hands are supported at the back.

The hedgehog is hiding in the bushes.

Walking on a massage mat.

A caterpillar crawls along a leaf.

Crawling on a bench on your stomach.

Here is a frog jumping along the path with its legs stretched out.

Jumping on 2 legs.

The bear makes its way into the den.

Climbing under an arc in grouping without touching the floor with your hands.

A small mosquito is flying.

Reach the object with your hand at a height slightly higher than the child.

Outdoor game "The Hunter and the Beasts".

Sedentary game "Find a Pair".

3. Final part.

Walking in a column one at a time, stopping at a signal.

Publications on the topic:

Story-based activity for the senior group “On Flower Street”"On Flower Street" A story-based activity for the older group. Goals and objectives: 1. Use the psychological characteristics of color.

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RDUZ "FAIRY TALE" Game lesson in physical education in the senior group Educator: Gromykovskaya E. M. s. Crimean,.

Story-based physical education lesson on the lexical topic “Early Spring” (senior preschool age) I offer a summary of an integrated cognitive-physical education lesson for older preschoolers. In a playful way, children get an idea.

Story-based physical education lesson in the middle group “A difficult little man appears in winter” Program content. Goal: 1. To develop the cognitive interests of children through the presentation of a plot-game situation. 2. Fasten.

Plot-based physical education lesson in the middle group with elements of Sa-Fi-Dance “The Three Little Pigs” Goal: to consolidate walking skills in a playful way; in climbing through a tunnel; in tightrope walking; perform a gymnastic cycle.