You need to pass it to get the GD badge. Where do they take the GTO test in Russia? Conditions of participation and the significance of the program in the country. What does the gold GTO badge give?

GTO complex - these are sports and applied types physical training that resembles all-around competitions. The main objectives of the GTO are to strengthen the health of the population, physical improvement, and the development of a mass physical education movement.

Modern GTO standards include testing the main types of sports and applied activities: jumping, running, throwing, ski race, pull-ups, swimming, shooting, hiking. Citizens of 11 age groups are allowed to take the GTO, from 6 years to 70 and older. Those who successfully pass the GTO standards will be able to receive bronze, silver and gold. It is planned that the results of passing the GTO standards by schoolchildren will be taken into account when entering a university.

First, you need to visit a general practitioner who will determine your health status and allow you to pass the GTO standards. Then rate yours physical abilities. TRP standards are aimed at identifying the level physical qualities(strength, quickness, endurance, speed, coordination) and applied skills. Preliminary testing of the types of the GTO complex will help you find out your “weak” sides of physical fitness and effectively plan independent training.

Stick to healthy and active image life. The daily routine should include various forms physical activity: morning exercises, independent training according to GTO standards, walks, sections, games. Nutrition, due to the increase physical activity, should be balanced, varied and nutritious. Give up bad habits. They will negatively affect the level of physical fitness and the condition of the body during the completion of the GTO standards.

The main role in achieving sports results belongs to the organization of independent training. At first, it is enough to train 2 times a week, and then you can increase the number of training sessions, bringing them up to 6 times. In this case, during one lesson you need to combine different kinds GTO standards.

Warm-up is required before each workout. You always need to train according to a specific plan. Perform exercises in series. Don't train to the point of exhaustion. Physical exercise Constantly alternate with rest breaks.

Before starting an independent workout, pay attention to your own feelings of health. An important indicator of well-being is the pulse. Measure your heart rate before starting your workout. It should be equal to approximately 60-70 strokes. After each series of exercises, take a break and wait for your heart rate to return to normal.

To improve your athletic performance, you must not only train, but also have psychological attitude. Set small goals every day. Create motivation for yourself to study. For example, the motive for independent training may be the desire to pass the GTO standards for gold.

On the implementation of the All-Russian physical culture and sports complex “Ready for Labor and Defense” (GTO). More than 16.5 thousand residents in 2016 fulfilled the GTO standards for insignia - this is a third of the total number of those who took part in the test. About who can pass the GTO standards, where to do it and what the holders of insignia will receive, read the material on the portal website.

Who can pass

All citizens can pass the GTO standards Russian Federation over 6 years old. The GTO complex consists of 11 steps depending on age - 5 steps for children and 6 for adults. The complex is also divided into three difficulty levels; depending on the level you pass, it will be determined which badge you will receive - gold, silver or bronze.

What is included in the complex

The GTO complex is divided into mandatory tests and optional tests. To receive the badge, you must successfully pass a minimum of six tests.

Among the mandatory ones are a 100 m run, a 3 km run, pull-ups from hanging on a high bar or a 16 kg weight snatch, bending forward from a standing position with straight legs on a gymnastic bench.

Among the tests to choose from there is a running long jump or a standing long jump with a push with two legs, throwing sports equipment weighing 700 g, 5 km skiing or 5 km cross-country cross-country, 50 m swimming, shooting air rifle from a sitting or standing position with support from the elbows at a distance of 10 m (or from an electronic weapon), a hiking trip with testing of tourist skills, self-defense without weapons.

For women, men and children, the set of tests differs, but not significantly. You can learn more about the tests of your category on the TRP website.

How to take it

The complex can be rented out throughout the year (from January to December) to adults, and to schoolchildren - from September to June. Each test taker has the opportunity to retake the test three times a year, but at least two weeks must pass between tests.

In order to pass a set of GTO standards, you must register on the website. After registration, you will receive a personal ID number with which you can sign up for any TRP testing center. You will also be able to view your results on the website using your personal number.

In the Moscow region it works in 68 municipalities. You must come to the center of your choice with an identification document; foreigners will also need a residence permit and temporary registration. All applicants must also bring a medical certificate.

It will not be possible to fulfill all the GTO standards in one day; a maximum of 3-4 tests.

What does the GTO badge give?

The insignia of the GTO complex is not just a pleasant bonus after passing the tests. Badge holders can count on benefits when enrolling in educational programs higher education– decision on quantity extra points, which will be awarded to the applicant who provided the gold badge of distinction and a certificate for it, the educational institution accepts independently.

Students who have the gold insignia of the GTO complex can apply for an increased state academic scholarship.

Victoria Kulagina

The All-Russian physical culture and sports complex “Ready for Labor and Defense” is a modern public sports movement that is attracting an increasing number of participants to its ranks every day. The reasons that attract people to join the project are quite varied. For example, for some it is important to preserve the continuity of generations, because our grandparents passed the first standards in the 30s of the last century. It is symbolic if their grandchildren and great-grandchildren continue the family sports traditions. Another reason is that the GTO badge is evidence of high sportsmanship, willpower, agility and determination. It is important that the owner of the gold sign receives extra points upon admission to universities in the country.

Standards for obtaining a badge

However, to achieve desired result not as easy as it seems at first glance. Initially, you should understand how complex the standards that are required to pass for the golden TRP badge are. To do this, you need to go to the “Standards” section on the official website. The project provides for 11 steps, which are divided into according to the age of the program participants. Five of them are intended for schoolchildren, six for adults. The standards for men (boys) are somewhat more complicated than for women (girls).


Features of the standards

By accessing the section, users can immediately set their priorities:

  • for schoolchildren;
  • for men;
  • for women.

Next, it is important to choose the right stage for passing the standards. By clicking on the “View standards” section, the participant can study the conditions for passing those sports disciplines that are provided for a certain category of users and set the goal to receive a gold TRP badge.

Standards Shuttle run

The section indicates mandatory and alternative tests and the time allotted for passing them. At the end of this page, the number of sports tests that must be passed in this age group to receive a gold TRP badge, as well as a silver or bronze one.

Number of sports trials

In addition, it is possible to receive the complex’s insignia, for which it is necessary to pass a larger number of standards. Such tests are aimed at testing strength, speed, agility and flexibility.

Mark of distinction

It is important to understand that the merit badge is issued in accordance with how the tests are passed. If all tests are passed to the gold badge level and only one is passed to the bronze badge level, the participant will receive bronze. All this suggests that before passing the standards, it is important to evaluate your sports capabilities; if in doubt, it is better to practice more, but be sure of an excellent result. Schoolchildren can take the standards throughout school year, other members of the public sports movement– during the calendar year. By the way, the standards presented on the website can be printed out to make it convenient to prepare for their delivery.

How to achieve better results?

The best experts, trainers and doctors worked on the tests, so almost every person who has a desire to receive the GTO badge can cope with them. Main condition - regular classes sports. Experts recommend starting every morning with exercise, schoolchildren not skipping physical education classes, and attending sport sections. It is important for adults to keep their body in shape by paying attention to all the muscles of the body. After carefully studying the standards at a certain level, it is necessary to develop a set of sports tests aimed at improving those skills that will be useful when passing the test.

A special section of the site “How to do” provides information on the conditions for taking tests. By following it, you can easily get a gold TRP badge. You can read about how to take the test correctly, but it’s better to watch the videos. They talk in detail and clearly about the features of each test. By the way, the organizers offer more than 50 tests, but each group has its own set of tests, which is justified by age restrictions.

Where can I get the badge?

To start passing the standards, you should register with the VFSK “Ready for Labor and Defense”; for this it is important to go through a simple registration. In this case, the participant is assigned a unique identification number. After passing the standards at the testing center, data on the results of sports tests appears on the user’s page. Since the results of passing tests for the adult population are summed up throughout the entire calendar year, nominations for awarding the gold TRP badge are carried out every quarter. But here it is important to understand that the procedure will require some time; usually the award of the sign occurs 3-4 months after summing up the results.

The awarding of the badge is carried out in a solemn atmosphere. Typically, several members of the TRP project take part in the event. And this is a real holiday, the main culprits of which are strength, agility, flexibility, and speed.

Since 2014, Russia has resumed sport program, known since the times of the USSR - “Ready for Labor and Defense” (GTO). The purpose of the event is to stimulate and encourage athletes, maintain healthy mind nation. There are many sports centers open throughout the country where you can take the GTO test.

Who is eligible to participate in the program?

Anyone who is actively involved in sports can take part in a sporting event. It does not matter where and under what conditions physical training is carried out - independently, in the gym or in a section. Passing the standards is voluntary, not forced, and is available to all categories of citizens, regardless of social status, profession, age, gender.

How to apply?

In order to take part in the program, you should contact the Testing Center, where local residents take the GTO, and submit an application, which will be completed by a specialist. He will be able to answer all questions and advise on rules and regulations. sporting event. You must have with you an identity document, 2 photos (3 by 4 cm) and medical permission to participate in sports complex.

You can also apply online. To do this, you need to register on the state website by filling out a special form. You will need to provide the following information:

  • personal information (full name, date of birth, gender);
  • residential address;
  • contact information (address Email, mobile number);
  • document data (passport, birth certificate);
  • sporting achievements (if available).

After registration, a citizen has access to a personal virtual account. There you can familiarize yourself with the standards of the complex, choose sports Complex, where they take the GTO, and reserve the date, as well as the time for passing the tests.

What number is assigned to program participants?

Each person wishing to pass the standards is assigned a serial number consisting of 11 digits. The first 2 indicate the year in which the event takes place. The next 2 digits are determined by the generally accepted code of the subject of the Russian Federation where the GTO is taken. The remaining 7 digits are the participant's serial number.

Types of tests

To obtain a distinction, you need to choose a sport and fulfill the GTO standards. Where to take the tests is decided by the program participant himself.

  1. Running 60 or 100 m.
  2. Run for 1, 2 or 3 km.
  3. Cross-country skiing - 1, 2, 3 or 5 km.
  4. Tilts towards the ground.
  5. Throwing projectiles.
  6. Swimming.
  7. Pull-up on the horizontal bar.
  8. Shooting from an air rifle.
  9. Long jumps from a standing position or from a running start.
  10. Kettlebell snatch.
  11. Bend your arms from a lying position.

Age of participants

Testing centers where the GTO is taken accept all active citizens aged 6 years and older. Depending on the age category the level of standards required to receive incentives is determined.

Where is testing of citizens carried out?

The TRP tests are carried out at the Testing Center selected by the program participant and indicated by him during registration. Today, similar institutions have been introduced in many regions of the country. The largest city in Russia is no exception. Where to pass the standards There are about 40 points in the capital where you can go to check and evaluate your physical fitness. Every administrative District has several institutions participating in the program.

Reward system for event participants

Citizens who have received a rank in the chosen sport are awarded special badges in the centers where they take the GTO test. Depending on the result, the type of award is determined: gold, silver, bronze. is an official confirmation of physical fitness and is also taken into account by the army.

Each category of citizens has its own reward system. Thus, from 2016, schoolchildren with a rank will receive additional points for the final Unified State Examination. Students are awarded an increased stipend, and adults can count on additional days being added to their main vacation.

Besides sports category citizens provides themselves with increased immunity and prevention of many diseases. After all, passing the standards requires regular increased physical activity, and sport, as is known, has a positive effect on the condition of the entire body as a whole.

The GTO badge or insignia of the GTO complex is a medal awarded to participants for successfully fulfilling the standards of certain age levels of the GTO complex. TRP badges come in bronze, silver and gold denominations at each age level.

The GTO insignia is an indicator of the active life position of a citizen of the Russian Federation, his desire for healthy image life.

The presence of insignia of the GTO complex (in accordance with Order of the Ministry of Education of Russia No. 1147) for those entering higher education programs will be taken into account educational organizations higher education upon admission. Students who have the golden insignia of the GTO complex may be awarded an increased state academic scholarship in accordance with the established procedure.

When can you receive your insignia?

The insignia is issued after successfully completing the required number of types of test standards (tests) within your age level. Submission of insignia for awarding is organized based on the results of each calendar quarter by the testing center, after which an order is issued by the regional executive body in the FCS region on awarding silver and bronze insignia of the TRP, as well as an order of the Ministry of Sports of Russia “On awarding gold insignia of the All-Russian Sports and Sports Complex of the GTO”. The procedure for processing documents and producing signs takes 2-3 months, and therefore there are 4 sessions for presenting signs.

How many GTO test standards do you need to complete to receive the insignia?

The number of completed test standards (tests) to receive a distinction of a particular value depends on the standards of your age level ( Please note that at each such level there are “mandatory” tests and “optional” tests.

Be careful, when performing “optional” test standards, “alternative” tests may be offered. When several “alternative” test standards are fulfilled, the fulfillment of the standard, which corresponds to the insignia of the highest dignity, is counted.

The prerequisites for the emergence of the GTO complex appeared back in 1918. The first GTO complex appeared in the spring of 1931 and became the normative basis of the system physical education for the whole country. Initially, men no younger than 18 years old and women no younger than 17 years old were initially allowed to take the test to receive the “Ready for Labor and Defense” badge.

TRP badges (the first versions) were made of copper or brass and coated with hot enamels (cloison), later mass production of aluminum badges coated with liquid (cold) enamels began. The design of the badge was invented by 15-year-old schoolboy V. Toktarov, and the final sketch was developed by artist M. S. Yaguzhinsky.

Over time, it became necessary to establish increased requirements for physical training youth, who on a larger scale began to successfully complete tests for the GTO badge.

During the existence of the complex, its regulatory part was changed more than once. The largest changes were made in 1940, 1947, 1955, 1965 and 1972.

The icons also changed.

Thanks to the GTO, millions Soviet people gained skills in marching, skiing, shooting training, swimming, throwing grenades, overcoming water obstacles and obstacles. This helped them master military affairs in the shortest possible time, becoming snipers, reconnaissance officers, tank crews, and pilots. For many of them, the modest GTO badge became the first award, to which orders for labor and military merit were later added.

In the post-war period, when the country was recovering from shocks, the GTO complex continued to be modernized in accordance with the tasks facing physical education movement that time. The GTO complex, introduced in 1946, was characterized by a reduction in the number of standards (BGTO - to 7, GTO levels I and II - to 9), the relationship between these standards and physical education programs of schools and educational institutions was established, age groups were clarified and changed.

In 1959, the most significant changes were made to the GTO complex. The project of the complex was published in August 1958 for wide discussion and received universal support. Requirements have been introduced for an organic combination of physical education programs in schools and educational institutions, as well as a system for awarding points for results shown. The updated GTO Complex consisted of three stages. The BGTO level is for schoolchildren 14 - 15 years old, the GTO 1st stage is for boys and girls 16-18 years old, the GTO 2nd stage is for youth 19 years old and older.

Introduced in 1972 new complex GTO(approved by resolution of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR on January 17, 1972 No. 61) made it possible to improve mass physical education and sports work in each team, in sports club and throughout the country as a whole, to solve a number of critical issues related to improving the health of Soviet citizens. Expanded age limits complex: levels were added for schoolchildren 10 - 13 years old and workers 40 -60 years old.

When fulfilling the standards of the RLD Complex, participants were awarded silver and gold insignia; for the 5th level only a gold badge was provided, and for the 4th, in addition, a gold badge with honors.

1972 BGTO badges

In 1981, on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the GTO complex, the Committee for physical culture and sports, a special award badge was issued by the Council of Ministers of the USSR and the Komsomol Central Committee. At the beginning of 1985, another package of changes was introduced into the GTO Complex. Now the complex for adults consisted of 3 steps, and for schoolchildren - of 4.

Decay Soviet Union entailed a larger gap in the work on educating citizens about physical activity. Legally, the GTO Complex was not abolished, but in fact it ceased to exist in 1991.

Since 2007, the GTO complex began to revive again.

Why perform GTO in the 21st century?

The answer to this question is for everyone young man maybe yours. Someone wants to compare themselves with older family members who have the Soviet GTO sign. Someone wants to try to achieve a specific result and test their willpower and perseverance. And some are simply used to being first in studies and sports. All people are different. However, everyone who voluntarily decided to undergo the GTO test has one thing in common - determination. It is this trait that is most important for people of the 21st century. Only purposeful and physically prepared people will be able to achieve success in a competitive labor market.

The organizers of the GTO project consider the revival of the GTO complex in educational institutions to be fundamentally important for the formation of younger generation purposefulness and self-confidence.

The return of the GTO to Russia is in demand by time and social factors. It was received positively by the majority of Russians. The health of the people is priceless, and its foundation is laid, among other things, by such regular national events. The mechanism of the basis of the physical education system, developed over decades, is viable, and one can hope that its implementation will soon initiate progress in the development of Russian sports.