New Year in a fitness club scenario. How to stay in good shape: Business, Activities, Travel. What is a fitness party

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Sports leisure for older children preschool age and their parents.

Target: Introduction to physical education and promotion healthy image life among children and their parents.


  1. to form in all family members a careful attitude towards their health;
  2. focus on systematic physical education and sports;
  3. develop physical qualities;
  4. improve gaming skills and abilities;
  5. cultivate the need for a healthy lifestyle;
  6. promote the development of positive emotions from joint physical education and sports.


  1. Presenter – teacher Klyuchkina E.V.;
  2. Santa Claus - physical education instructor Shlykova N.A.;
  3. Baba Yaga - physical education instructor E.Yu. Anosova

Equipment: For each team - small cone - 4 pieces, large cone, hoop with bells, white ball, mittens, small hoop, mobile basketball stand, a large bucket, a basket for balls, a snowman bag with strings, a scarf, a cap for a snowman, large and small sticks, a small ball, 60 balls for a dry pool, a collapsible Christmas tree, a set of Christmas decorations, gymnastic sticks of two sizes, “skis” for each family member, a cut “snowflake”, a glue stick, a sheet of cardboard.

Location: Sports hall MDOU D/s No. 1 combined type g.o. Vlasikha, December 21, 2016.

Progress of the event

Fanfare sounds and family teams enter the hall.

Leading: Hello, dear guests!

We are very glad to see you
In the gym at this hour.
Let's shout together, kids,
To family teams: Fizkult-hurray!!!

Now our teams will introduce themselves!
Team of the Gordienko family, team captain – Anya.

Team "Snowflake"

Our motto:

We are daring, dexterous and fighting snowflakes.
We will not allow ourselves to be offended, we will certainly win!

Leading: Serik family team, team captain – Dasha.

Team "Ice"

Our motto:

We are very brave pieces of ice, we are skilled athletes!
You came here to win, try us, catch up!

Leading: Our competitions are watched by a fair jury...

New Year is knocking on the door
And everyone is waiting for this meeting.
And, as you know, friends,
There is no way to live without miracles here.

Music plays and Baba Yaga appears in the form of the Snow Baba.

Baba Yaga:

Hello kids, girls and boys,
And also their parents are eternal teachers!

Leading: Who else is this?

Baba Yaga:

I, Baba Snezhnaya, am a diligent athlete.
Carrot nose, I jump smartly!
I have a GTO badge, look at it!


I see the sports badge, but we still recognized you!
How cunning you are, Snow Baba Yaga.
We were waiting for another, bearded, big one to visit us.
In a jacket, in boots, with a bag, he rides on reindeer!

Baba Yaga: Just think, they were waiting for Santa Claus.

Leading: But no! Maybe our participants guessed who it is? That's right - it's Santa Claus , friend of our Santa Claus.

Music plays and Santa Claus appears.

Santa Claus: Hello, dear Russians!

Leading: Hello, Santa Claus! Welcome to Russian kindergarten!

Baba Yaga: Just think, a bird from overseas. It was fine without him.

Santa Claus: Who is it that stirs up people here on New Year’s Eve?

Leading: This is Baba Yaga Snow, a diligent athlete.

Baba Yaga: You yourself are causing trouble, but I came to see how family teams will compete.

Santa Claus:Competing is great! Let's hold these competitions together.

Leading: That’s great, otherwise the teams are already tired of waiting.

Santa Claus: I invite teams to warm up to warm up their arms, legs and back.

Held Rhythmic gymnastics"Jolly Santa Claus."

Baba Yaga: I’m opening competitions, announcing the first competition!

1st competition “Oh, I’ll pump it up!”

Our sleighs flew through the snow and blizzard.
The bells are ringing, the sleighs are flying fast!

Description of the competition. Each team has a hoop with bells. Dad gets into the hoop and, at the signal, runs to the landmark and back. On the 2nd lap the mother clings to the hoop, and on the 3rd lap the whole family runs.

Result - who is faster .

Santa Claus:

2nd competition "Snowball"

There is a lot of snow in the yard for the kids to enjoy.
We put on mittens and roll up a big snowball!

Description of the competition. Dad puts on gloves and rolls the “snowball” to a landmark, goes around it and returns. He hands over the mittens and clothes to his mother. The mother completes the task and transfers all the attributes to the child. Having completed the task with the whole team, dads raise their mittens up.

Result - who is faster .

Santa Claus: I suggest playing with " snowball».

3rd Winter Basketball Competition

Dads, put your children on your shoulders,
Play winter basketball together!

Description of the competition. Dads put the child on their shoulders and stand in the hoop at a distance of 1.5 m from the basketball hoop. Mom “with a snowball” in her hands, stands under the ring. At the signal, the child receives a “lump” from his mother and tries to throw it into the basketball basket. Mom picks up the fallen balls and gives them to the child.

Result– the number of goals scored in 1 minute.

Baba Yaga:

4th competition “Hit the target”

Everything around is white, there is a lot of snow.
Hey, my friend, don't be discouraged, hit the target with snowballs!
And then take the snowballs and make a funny snowman!

Description of the competition. In front of the teams there is a bucket with balls for a dry pool, and at a distance of 2 m there is an empty basket. A little further are the attributes for a snowman - a bucket, a scarf, a white bag with ties and a “snowman’s face”. It is necessary for the whole team, in turn, to throw the “snowballs” from the bucket to the basket. Next, the whole team pours “snowballs” from the basket into a white bag and, tightening the ropes, “makes and dresses up a snowman.”

Result- who is faster?

Santa Claus:

5th Ski Relay Competition

I've got some skis for you, we'll have a race right away!

Description of the competition. The entire team puts on “skis” that are made of plastic bottles. At the signal, the captains start and “run along the ski track”, leaning on gymnastic sticks, to the landmark and back. At the 2nd stage, mothers run, and fathers complete the relay.

Result- who is faster?

Baba Yaga:

6th competition "Hockey Players"

From sports life I absolutely adore hockey!
I would like a stick and a goal, I would love to score the puck!

Description of the competition. Each team has 2 sticks different sizes and a small ball. It is necessary, in turn, to pass the ball with the stick without touching the cones, and go around the landmark and return back.

Result- who is faster?

Baba Yaga: And I have prepared another competition for you! Everyone stand in a circle.

7th competition "Jolly Broom"

Description of the competition. All participants stand around Baba Yaga. Music sounds and Yaga begins to spin her broom under the players’ feet, trying to hit them. The player who does not have time to jump is eliminated from the game.

Result– victory is awarded to the team whose player was not “salted” by Baba Yaga.

Santa Claus

8th competition “Collect a snowflake”

They fall from the sky in winter and circle above the earth.
Light fluff, white snowflakes.

Description of the competition. Each team is given a “snowflake” cut into several pieces. It is necessary to restore it by gluing it to a piece of paper.

Result– who can complete the task faster and more efficiently.


The arrow is moving forward - coming soon New Year!
It's time to get out the toys and decorate our Christmas trees!

9th competition “Dress up the Christmas tree”

Description of the competition. All team members, in turn, take Christmas tree decorations from the box and run to the tree. It is necessary to decorate the “guest” the best way. The box should remain empty.

Result– who can complete the task faster and more interestingly.

Leading: Our “New Year starts” are coming to an end. It's time for the jury to sum up.

The teams rest, and Santa Claus and Baba Yaga ask the audience riddles:

  1. I was hit with a shovel
    They made me hunchbacked.
    They beat me, they beat me,
    Ice water poured over
    And then I'm cool
    Everyone rolled out in a crowd. (Slide)
  2. I took two oak bars,
    Two iron skids.
    I filled the bars with planks,
    Where is the snow? Ready …(Sled)
  3. Everyone there is wearing armor on the ice platform,
    They fight, grapple in a sharp fight.
    The fans shout: “Hit harder!”
    Believe me, this is not a fight, but ….(Hockey)
  4. Vanechka came out onto the ice,
    He hits the goal with the puck.
    Is Vanyushka hitting the puck with a stick?
    No! Not with a stick. This - ….(Hockey stick)
  5. She grows upside down
    It grows not in summer, but in winter"
    What is this? …. ( Icicle)
  6. “Without hands, without eyes, but he can draw”... (Freezing)
  7. “It’s beautiful, silver,
    But don't touch him with your hand.
    It will become a little bit clean,
    How can you catch it in the palm of your hand? "…..(Snow)
  8. I can’t feel my legs with joy,
    I'm flying down a snowy hill!
    Sports have become dearer and closer to me.
    Who helped me with this … (Skis)
  9. We are happy to overtake each other,
    Look, my friend, don't fall!
    They are good, light, fast ... (Skates)

Leading: We give the floor to the jury.

The jury sums up the results and awards the teams.


We are finishing the holiday. Goodbye friends!
In parting, I wish you to always be healthy!

Santa Claus:

Happy New Year! New happiness!
I wish everyone to be healthy!

Baba Yaga:

May this New Year
It will only bring happiness to everyone!

General photo for memory.

Every year our school hosts mass sports festivals, which have long become our good school tradition.

The provisions of our mass sports festivals are drawn up taking into account the possibility of participation in them by all students, regardless of their health and physical fitness level.

This form of work is very effective and expedient, because allows self-realization for all participants in the educational process.

Each mass sports festival is preceded by a large preparatory period, which includes all age groups schoolchildren, teachers, parents of students.

Holiday goals:

    promotion of healthy lifestyles;

    nurturing sustainable interests in physical education and health activities.

Scenario: “Physical education - hello to the New Year!”

The team is assembled from all classes in parallels, from grades 1 to 11, alternating boys and girls.

Warm-up (Crash) Conducted by the hare!!! Soon, the New Year is coming, we don’t have enough troubles to create them as quickly as possible, let’s warm up more and more together.

Snowflake: Hello kids, girls and boys! We have gathered here now at this wonderful winter hour. Play, have fun, joke and frolic. Well, what about our holiday without guests and without gifts?

To start your holiday

We need to call here

From distant Lapland

Visiting Grandfather Frost.

Come on together, come on together

Repeat after me

Santa Claus come soon

Come to us for a mischievous holiday! Santa Claus!!!

Santa Claus: From behind the forest, from behind the mountains, across fields and through snowdrifts, I walked, I hurried to you, friends, it’s impossible without me.

Snowflake: Well, why are you alone?

Where is your Snow Maiden, without her we will be bored

Santa Claus: Let's call her friends! - SNOW Maiden!!!

Snow Maiden: Hello guys, boys and girls!

The New Year is approaching, he is in a hurry - he is coming.

To lead a round dance, you need to decorate the Christmas tree.

Competition to decorate the Christmas tree. (Each team member takes one Christmas tree toy, runs to the opposite side where the Christmas trees are, and hangs his toy, comes back and passes the baton to another participant.)

Santa Claus: I'm no longer young, and with a huge beard.

Sometimes my back hurts, like radiculitis.

Oh, not good again, I can’t collect the bag.

Help me, friends, and I too can give.

Competition to collect a bag of gifts. (Each team member takes one soft toy, runs to the gift bag, puts the toy in the bag, comes back and passes the baton to another participant.)

Snowflake: Pure white snowball

Let's gather in a circle

You're a lump, hurry up and go blind

And get into the basket.

Snowball contest. (Each team member runs to the center of the hall, takes a piece of paper and makes a snowball out of it, then you need to get this snowball into the basket, which is located 2 meters from the line).

Santa Claus: When it's frosty outside and schoolchildren don't study

I take a brush and draw on the glass what happens.

And could you help me

I will give you brushes with paints

You will draw a bunny

For a cool mood.

Artist competition (Each participant takes a felt-tip pen, runs to the easel and draws one of the parts of the animal whose year is coming according to the horoscope).

Snow Maiden: we still have a problem

All the deer have gone on vacation

And you and my grandfather

Let's make deer now

Competition for the best deer. (Each participant puts on knee pads and a headband with deer antlers, gets on all fours, and in this position runs around the tree, comes back and passes the knee pads and headband to the next participant.)

Santa Claus: yes, the reindeer are good

Fast and bold

And now, they need -

The riders are skilled.

Competition for the best rider (Each participant lies on a snowboard and moves around the tree with his hands).

Snowflake: our winter is cold

The frost outside the window is crackling

And so that you don't freeze

It's time hockey match begin

Hockey competition (Each participant circles the chips with a stick and puck)

Santa Claus: Walk through the snow into the winter forest

It's very difficult for us without skis

Put them on quickly

And follow the Christmas tree.

Ski competition. (Each participant puts on small plastic skis and moves around the tree).

Snow Maiden:

And the stupa with Baba Yaga

She walks and wanders by herself

Who wrote these lines?

He really didn’t know physics

Transport cannot take itself with itself

Walking down the street even howling

And we'll try to find out

Who can disperse the mortar?

Baba Yaga competition. (Each participant places one foot in the bucket and walks on one leg.)


From different fairy tales to our holiday

The main heroes have arrived

Fox Alice, cat Basilio

Didn't find the way to school

It must be hard to find us

When the blindfold is on

Competition between the fox Alice and the cat Basilio: (All participants are blindfolded, stand up like a “train”, the captain leads the whole team around the Christmas tree)

Santa Claus: Oh, we pleased the old man according to his merits and a reward

Come on, assistants, tell me, who became the fastest and friendliest, most dexterous and cheerful?

The jury sums up the results and awards the teams.

Music. Departure D.M. and CH

D.M. Hello my dear,
Small and big.
Happy New Year,
I wish you happiness and joy.
SN. We have come to visit you today for the holiday at this hour.
Please, Happy New Year,
Friends congratulate you.
And wish you success in all good deeds,
More songs, laughter, smiles on the lips.
w D.M. Look, Snow Maiden, the Christmas tree is amazing!
And everything around is so beautiful!
(looks at the tree)
game "Christmas tree decorations"
SN. We gathered at the Christmas tree for a New Year's round dance,
To celebrate the New Year together!
D.M. For many, many years in a row.
The Christmas tree makes the kids happy.
Your mothers, your fathers, grandparents also led a round dance,
We sang a song about the Christmas tree.
The Snow Maiden organizes a round dance
(lead a round dance, sing)Jingle bells
SN. Grandfather, we sang a song to the Christmas tree,
But we didn’t meet the guys.
D.M. This is easy to fix.
On the count of “3”, each of you will loudly say your name.
And so they prepared: 1; 2; 3!
(everyone says their names)

SN. That's how we met.
And now I propose to play interesting game.

“Hurry up to get dressed.” Two teams play (all children). At the finish line, trousers, a fur coat and a hat are placed on a chair in front of each team. At the signal, the first players of both teams, having reached the chairs, put on the lying clothes, then run back, take off the clothes and pass them on to the next player.

He must put on trousers, a fur coat, a hat and run to a chair, undress there and run back, touch his hand to the next player who runs to the finish line, puts on clothes, returns, takes them off, etc.

The team that finishes the dressing run before the other wins.

“Put your tail in the bottle.” 6 people can take part in the game. You need bottles, ropes and pencils.

Each player is tied with a rope around his waist so that its tip hangs down from the back, like a tail.

A pencil is tied to the tail. Empty bottles are placed behind the participants. At the presenter's signal, each participant tries to put his tail into the bottle.

The winner is the one who gets the pencil into the neck of the bottle first.

“Find a clothespin.” 4 couples participate. The leader blindfolds one player from each pair, and gives the other 5 ordinary clothespins, which he attaches to himself. The blindfolded player's task is to find the clothespins by touch.

The winner is the one who finds all 5 clothespins faster than others.

"Bring in matchboxes". Two teams are participating.

The presenter places matchboxes on the shoulders of the first players, like shoulder straps, one box on the right and left shoulders. The task is to run to the specified place and back, trying not to drop the boxes. Players number one pass the boxes to the next members of their team. The second member does the same. If the box falls, the participant picks it up, puts it on his shoulder and starts moving from the place where he dropped the box.

The first team to finish the game wins.

Competition "New Year's riddle from the Snow Maiden" Competition "Mirror"

6 students are participating. Having split into pairs, the participants begin to dance to catchy music (cut). The difficulty is that one must copy the intricate movements of the other, as if in a mirror image. Prepare cards in advance on which to indicate the task for the students: to dance like animals (monkey, elephant, jackal, etc.), fairy-tale characters (Karabas-Barabas, Tortila the turtle, etc.), household appliances (kettle, toaster, etc.) .d.). The prize goes to the most harmonious couple.

Competition "Christmas tree for animals"

Imagine that you have forgotten how to speak, and you can only bark, moo, and crow. So perform the song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest” or “The little Christmas tree is cold in winter” in animal language.

Competition for any New Year “New Year’s performance”

So, let's take the well-known children's fairy tale “Turnip”. For each role, we select a separate actor from among the guests of the evening. By the way, not only people and animals can be heroes, but also the wind, trees, clouds, a river, a creaky door. Show your imagination and find such heroes in the fairy tale. There are a large number of them there. Next, the presenter reads the fairy tale loudly, and the newly-made heroes “come to life.” Everyone must perform actions strictly in accordance with the text of the fairy tale: the door must creak, the clouds must “run away,” the sun must “warm,” etc. The funnier the actors show the actions, the more fun it will be the game will take place!


The participants of the game stand in one row. Everyone is given a landscape sheet, which they will hold by the corner on outstretched arm, the sheet must be pre-signed. When the leader gives any command to start the game, for example, ringing a bell, or says: “One, two, three - start!”, then each player must crumple his piece of paper into a ball (into a fist) with one hand (without helping the other). At the same time, you cannot lower your hand with the piece of paper. Whoever completes this task raises his hand (with a crumpled piece of paper) above his head.

If there is time or there are uninvolved children.

"Turning Hoops" 4 people play. They get four hoops. Participants in the game, at the leader’s signal, begin to spin. Whose hoop spins the longest wins.

Presentation from DM

New New Year's competition "Snowball"

Redemption of New Year's prizes from Santa Claus's bag can be arranged in the following way. In a circle, both adults and children pass a specially prepared “snowball” - made of cotton wool or white fabric. “Lump” is passed on and Santa Claus says: We all roll a snowball, We all count to “five” - One, two, three, four, five - You should sing a song. Or: Should I read poetry for you? Or: You should dance a dance. Or: Let me tell you a riddle... The person who redeems the prize leaves the circle, and the game continues.

New Year's competition "Dancing with a ball"

Each pair is given a ball. They place the ball between themselves and, holding it with their body, dance with each other (turn their backs). At the same time, it is prohibited to touch the ball with your hands. It will be very fun and funny to use musical excerpts for this competition. different styles and pace. It is better to start with a slow dance, for the participants it will seem easy, but the funniest thing is yet to come - rock and roll, lambada, polka, folk dances, this will be a real test.


Any guest who wants to feel like a real artist can participate in this team game. Participants are divided into two or more teams of 3-4 people. Each team is given a sheet of paper, preferably in A1 format, so that there is a large field for artistic activity. And each participant is given a felt-tip pen (or marker). To make it more interesting, each “artist” is blindfolded (with a handkerchief or scarf). The presenter names the topic for drawing, it’s better if it’s something New Year’s (snowman, Santa Claus, Snow Maiden), then commands: “One, two, three - start drawing,” and everyone starts drawing at the same time. The team that draws the fastest will win. But in this competition one must also take into account the accuracy of the work performed.


This competition develops reactions among the assembled participants. To start this competition, you need to place two chairs with their backs facing each other at a distance of 1 m and hang a jacket on each back of the chair, but only the sleeves of these jackets must first be turned inside out. You should place a rope under the chairs so that its ends “peek out” a little from under the chairs. Contestants stand next to each of their chairs. At the command of the leader (the ringing of a bell or the words: “One, two, three - start!”), both participants must each take “their” jacket, turn out the sleeves, quickly put it on, fasten all the buttons, run around the opponent’s chair, sit on their chair and pull the end of the rope. The winner will be the participant who completes all the proposed actions faster than the other while wearing a correctly put on and buttoned jacket.


This competition develops reactions in young participants. All participants in this competition stand in a circle, and the presenter (who is selected from the small guests) stands in the center of this circle. When the music sounds, the presenter begins to dance, and the rest of the participants repeat all the movements after him. During the dance, the leader must unexpectedly and imperceptibly step on someone's foot, and the players must dodge in every possible way. If someone didn’t have time, then he takes the place of the leader, and the game starts again. It can be carried out until all participants are in the role of presenter. If time for the competition is limited, then the game can be played for 5-10 minutes.

Competition “New Year is moving around the planet”

1. This country occupies the third place of honor in terms of area in the world. In this regard, in the south of India, the New Year is celebrated in March, in the north - in April, in the state of Kerala - in June, and in the western part of the country - on October 8. You can celebrate the New Year several times, and each will be unforgettable in its own way, since different states have their own customs and legends. In the West, for example, the celebrations of Div Ali, or the festival of fire, last for several days in October - November. It is notable for the fact that the streets of all cities and villages, every house, every hut are illuminated with lights - bowls with wicks, painted lanterns, multi-colored electric garlands. Firecrackers explode from all sides, rockets fly into the air, and fireworks are set off in public places, thereby scaring away evil spirits. (India.)

2. In this country, the New Year coincides with the cattle breeding holiday. That’s why Father Frost comes to the children’s New Year’s party in a cattle breeder’s costume, which is unusual at first glance. On this day, active sports, tests of dexterity and courage. The best will certainly be lucky in the coming year. (Mongolia.)

3. Residents of this country fill their glasses with water on holiday, and when the clock strikes twelve, they splash it through the open window onto the street as a sign that the old year has ended happily and they wish the New Year to be clear and pure, like this water. Light streams of water are considered the best “bright path” for the outgoing year. On this night, whole streams pour from the windows onto the street. You need to empty jugs, buckets and basins quickly in order to have time to eat the “good luck grapes” before the chimes strike. It was the grapes that absorbed the life-giving sun. (Cuba.)

4. The pre-holiday week is very bright and varied: flying paper kites into the sky, dancing in masks, girls going to the field to pick up the “seven spring herbs.” For example, bamboo and pine guard the house as symbols of fidelity and longevity, and for prosperity, a branch of a blossoming plum is placed nearby in the house. A rope and bundles of straw stretched in front of the doors are the most reliable protection against evil spirits. In the house, it is necessary to place rice cakes in the most visible place, on top of which tangerines are placed, symbolizing happiness, health and longevity. As the New Year approaches, the people of this country begin to laugh loudly. They believe that laughter will definitely bring good luck in the new year. In the temples, 108 blows are beaten, with each of which, according to legend, everything bad goes away, which should not happen again in the new year. On the morning of January 1, all residents of cities and villages go out to watch the sunrise. At the first rays of the sun they congratulate each other and exchange gifts. (Japan.)

5. This country was the third after Russia and England to adopt the date of the New Year. Only once did she celebrate this holiday not on January 1, but on September 22 in 1792 during the fall of the Republic. Then she returned to the previous time report. Traditions have never changed. A well-mannered guest did not come to the burning fireplace in the house empty-handed, but brought with him a Christmas log and, with the words: “Let this hearth burn for a long time,” threw it into the fire. Meanwhile, Santa Claus was putting gifts into children's shoes. (France.)

6. In this exotic country, the New Year is called Navruz. It is believed that this holiday was established by the legendary King Jamshid, who was the first to light New Year's bonfires in Persia. Since then, on March 22, people dressed in masquerade costumes jump over fire to purify themselves in the sacred flame. And instead of the usual glass of champagne, locals put a glass of clean water with live fish. Before the shot signaling the onset of the first month of the New Year, one must not touch food, but must sit silently, holding coins in their hands, which should ensure wealth in the future. (Iran.)

"Winders". 2 people play. A rope 3-4 m long is tied at both ends with a stick or a pencil, the middle of the rope is marked with a ribbon. Two players take sticks and move away from each other, pulling the rope. At the leader’s signal, everyone begins to quickly wrap the rope around the stick, moving forward.

The one who winds the rope to the middle the fastest wins.

"Chamomile". This game can be played by 2-4 teams of 5-6 people. You need to make a daisy flower out of paper and write assignments on the back of the white petals. Then a representative of each team approaches the daisy, tears off the petals and returns to the team, which must prepare the proposed task in 3-4 minutes and then show it. Task options:

1. You know that there is a “Sabre Dance”, and you come up with a dance

With felt boots;

With brooms;

With suitcases;

With mops, etc.

2. Perform the song “A Christmas Tree Was Born in the Forest” as if you:

Indians from the Mumba-Yumba tribe;

Gypsies from the camp;

Highlanders of the Caucasus;

Song and dance ensemble, etc.

Feed me
Two players are blindfolded, placed opposite each other and given a banana in their hand. The players' task is to feed their partner. The winner is the pair that eats me the fastest and still has their fingers intact.

Competition "New Year's Riddle"

He himself doesn’t know the days

And he calls others. (Calendar.)

Transparent like glass

You can't put it in the window. (Ice.)

What a strange man

Arrived in the twenty-first century:

Carrot nose, broom in hand,

Afraid of the sun and heat? (Snowman.)

The forests hide many troubles,

There is a wolf, a bear and a fox.

There the animal lives in anxiety,

The trouble takes your feet away.

Well, quickly guess,

What is the animal's name? (Bunny.)

Lukerya scattered

Silver feathers. (Blizzard.)

Winter on the gray roof

Throws seeds

Grows white carrots

She is under the roofs. (Icicles.)

In winter, during fun times,

I'm hanging on a bright spruce.

I shoot like a cannon

My name is... (cracker).

We are happy to overtake each other,

Look, my friend, don't fall.

Nice and so easy

High-speed... (skates).

She is more cunning than all the animals,

She's wearing a red fur coat,

A fluffy tail is her beauty.

This is a forest animal... (fox).

The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree.

She's in front of you.

We decorated the top

Rubinova... (star).

A white swarm curled and curled,

He sat down on the ground and became a mountain. (Snowdrift.)

They stood all summer

Winter was expected.

The time has come

We rushed to the mountains. (Sled.)

He slept in a fur coat all winter,

He sucked a brown paw.

And when he woke up, he began to roar.

This is a forest animal... (bear).

I will paint the branches with white paint,

I'll throw silver on your roof,

Warm winds will come in spring

And they will drive me out of the yard. (Winter.)

I am sharing the report concert of the fitness club. Profile – oriental dances.

Scenario of the concert “In the world of sports and dance.”

Presenter. Hello, dear guests! We are pleased to welcome you to a concert dedicated to the world of sports and dance. Tonight is a little unusual: we will try to combine the beautiful with the useful.
What associations do a person have when he hears the word “sport”? Of course, first of all grueling workouts, thanks to which, as people say, in healthy bodyhealthy mind. Each of us adds our own unique meaning, determining for ourselves how we feel about sports.
Fitness club “Positive”, led by its constant muse and ideological inspirer Galina Arvakhi, claims that sport is also an art, and this, dear guests, you can see today by looking at the elements of the club’s fitness program.
What associations do a person have when he hears the phrase “dance art”? For some it’s beautiful movements, great music, for others it’s grace and bright costumes. Dance evokes a feeling of pleasure and brings joy. Every answer contains the word “beauty!” What does it mean to touch beauty? One famous Slovak poet and thinker said: “I picked a flower and it withered. I caught a moth and it died in my palm. And then I realized that you can only touch beauty with your heart.” Indeed, to capture beauty in the soul, to remember it, to always carry it in the heart - this, in my opinion, is the highest manifestation of human culture. Therefore, we also dedicate this evening to the beauty of dance - the most exciting, sublime and beautiful of all arts, since dance is not just a reflection of life, dance is life itself!

1. (Dance “Shawl”)

Presenter. An express survey was conducted among visitors to the Positive fitness club: “What attracts you to the fitness club?” It turns out that for some it is, first of all, a unique atmosphere, thanks to which they gain self-confidence and the opportunity to become psychologically liberated. Others are attracted by the energy of the instructors. After all, Arvakhi Galina, Kuptsova Natalya, Grishina Tatyana, Timoshenko Tatyana, Koziy Natalya, Kuprienko Anna are people who create a positive mood and form in every person the desire for new achievements! Instructors help you shape your figure, control your body and, of course, get a boost of energy.
For some, this is a wonderful (and sometimes the only) way to abstract themselves from everyday life and work problems.
In other words, many people come to the Positive fitness club to find harmony of soul and body.
But, probably, the fitness club considers its main achievement to be the “Positive” studio for the harmonious development of girls, which has been operating for the second year. Little ladies learn to listen and hear music, learn to work in a group, and learn to correctly carry out the instructor’s tasks. As a result, children produce correct posture, coordination of movements, flexibility and plasticity develops. From an early age, children are taught to move and take care of their health.
2. So, your attention is given to the performance of class 1-A with the composition “Arabian Tale”. We greet the girls with applause...
Presenter. East Dance- one of the most popular dance styles in recent years. Refined, sensual and bewitchingly beautiful, oriental dances have already won the hearts of millions of fans around the world.
It has long been known that oriental dancing not only develops the body, but also psychologically strengthens the personality.
With the help of dance, children express a variety of emotions: joy, surprise, sadness, tenderness...
Unique in technique, oriental dance, enchanting, alluring, personifies life itself, combining health, pleasure and beauty.
3. Meet the girls of grade 2-B with the composition “Flower Fairies”
Presenter. Just like dance, song expresses feelings and emotions. This is the unique story of the human soul.
The voice of this vocalist is familiar to every resident of the city of Nizhyn. For many years now, the magic of Avetis’s high notes has invariably dominated the public.
4. I invite Avetis Balayans to this stage.
Presenter. Tales of 1001 nights, the beautiful Scheherazade, Princess Budur... The mysterious East attracts and bewitches, and oriental dance will help you plunge into the world of exciting beauty.
5. Performed by grades 1-A and 2-A, the dance composition “Flowers of the East”
Oh, dance! You are my dream and aspiration!
There is nothing more beautiful in the world,
What a triumph of love and inspiration,
A delightful bouquet of ovation!

Foxtrot and tango, jive and tarantella,
The king of all dances is the good old waltz.
And music has an enchanting power
Carries you and circles you in a whirlwind of stars!

Here is a riot of colors, tender feelings of a moment,
The flickering of hands, the movement of hips, legs...
Oh, dance! You are a great creation
Exciting, divine delight!

6. For your attention – the dance composition “Wind of Hope”. Performed by students of grade 2-A.
Presenter. A thousand years have passed since the gypsy tribe left India and settled around the world. Gypsies can be found in every country on the globe. According to one legend, God loved these people so much for their fun and talent that he did not tie them to a piece of land, but gave them the whole world to live in.
Gypsy dance, passionate and bewitching, captivating, enchanting, attracts you: no one remains indifferent to it, no one is able to resist its boundless energy! It mixes and interweaves elements of different cultures. Gypsy peoples roamed around different countries, and in each of them they brought elements of those peoples in whose territory they lived into their life and creativity. The amazing intensity and overflowing power of gypsy dances wins them fans in various parts of the world.
Gypsy art is a whole world that has its own history, its own language, its own characteristics.
In one dance you can see and understand the whole windy soul of the gypsies: if there is love, then from the bottom of the heart, if hatred, then until the last drop of blood, if grief, then until tears exhaust the soul.

7. (“Gypsy”)

Presenter. The dance performed by children looks especially touching. And although their movements may not be as flexible and graceful as those of professional dancers, the compositions they perform have a special magnetism and charm.
8. Meet girls of grade 2-B with the composition “Yagozali”
Presenter. Dancing with wings is like flying into the unknown - beckons and frightens, enchants and alarms... You are supposedly both here, in this world, and somewhere far away, in your dreams. This dance is the epitome of grace. Bright, fiery rhythms, boiling passions and ardent confessions, captivating looks - everything is expressed in dance.
9. Meet girls of grades 1-A and 2-A with the composition “Colored Butterflies”
Presenter. And again on the stage of the House of Culture - Avetis Balayans. Meet me.
10. Speech by Avetis Balayans
Presenter. Saidi is a dance with a cane. And the cane symbolizes power and strength. The dance originated in an area of ​​Egypt called Said, where shepherds and warriors lived who used bamboo canes as weapons. Women transformed these warlike movements into a beautiful, energetic dance.
This dance fascinates the viewer with its unusualness. On the one hand, there are low “male” drum beats, and on the other, female plasticity, tight-fitting dresses shimmering with gold and an elegant cane, which either smoothly outlines the lines of the dancer’s figure, or sparkles in rapid rotation, cutting through the air.
Soft, playful, light and cheerful dance will give an unforgettable experience...
11. Dear guests, for your attention the dance “Saidi” performed by 2-A class
Presenter. The love of Hurrem, known in the world as Roksolana, and the great Sultan Ismail is covered in legends. Alexandra Anastasia Lisowska is truly a mystery woman... So the dance captivates the hearts of the audience. Indeed, translated from Arabic, “Hurrem” means joy, smile, fun...
12. For your attention – the dance composition “Hurrem”. Performed by students of grade 1-B.
Presenter. Grace and sophistication are replaced by strength and courage, which, of course, are embodied by men. While these young creatures are still on the path to perfection. And we can evaluate the achievements of the members of the Trizub sports club (coach Sergei Sahuta) right now.
So, welcome to the performance of the Trizub sports club on stage.
13. (speech sports club"Trident")
Presenter. The popularity of aerobics for more than 20 years is based on its distinctive features: efficiency, accessibility, emotional value and visual appeal.
Fitness club "Positive" offers a large selection of group programs in various areas, including the latest trends in world fitness. The halls are equipped with the necessary equipment for aerobic programs, strength and functional training, yoga. With the help of instructors, you can choose a suitable training program for yourself at any time.
For those club members who want to achieve maximum effect from training, there is a service personal lessons, where the instructor will develop an individual training scheme taking into account your goals and the characteristics of your body.
We present to you a short tour of the fitness program of the Positive club.
Step aerobics is probably one of the simplest and most effective areas in the large family of aerobics. “Step” literally means step in English. Step aerobics can be described as a mixture of classical aerobics and walking on stairs, but instead of many steps, step aerobics uses only one - a step platform.
1. So, for your attention – a fragment of step aerobics.
Presenter. Just yesterday, fitball or ball exercises were perceived as exotic, but today they have become one of the most popular types aerobics Basic basis for the emergence modern aerobics was rhythmic gymnastics, which is based on the inextricable connection of movements with music and the use of exercises for the purpose of improving health and developing motor abilities.
2. Fitball aerobics.
Presenter. Dance aerobics includes various dance styles: hip-hop, house, club dancing, Latin and others.
House – last years In Europe, this dance style is gaining popularity along with hip-hop.
Latina is a combination of most types of Latin American dances into a fitness format for cardio training.
Fitness club “Positive” brings to your attention a fragment of the Latin House program.
3. Latin house
Presenter. Reggaeton merengue combines several different styles. The movements are lightly erotic in nature; the element of flirtation and improvisation is very important here.
4. Reggaeton merengue
Presenter. Today, Latin American music and dances, unique in their ability to give positive emotions, are in increasing demand everywhere. Salsa is an ethnic dance: all movements in it are organic and natural.
Salsa is a whole world, a world in which not only the body’s abilities in plasticity, the ability to hear and dance to music are revealed, but also a great opportunity to reveal oneself, learn to live, enjoying life.
This dance has found its place in the fitness industry. After all, according to all canons physical activity, salsa is a great workout. Cheerful music, beautiful movements, slight fatigue... So, salsa for your attention.
5. Salsa
Presenter. Originally, tango is an energetic dance from the category of flamenco dances from Spain.
The tango fitness program will help you reveal your artistic potential, sensuality, and learn how to control your body in unison with musical accompaniment, conveying emotional states in your movements.
6. For your attention – a fragment of the tango fitness program.
Presenter. Swing is a dance form of fitness. Groovy music and fast pace This fitness program will make you forget about time.
7. For your attention – a fragment of the swing fitness program.
Presenter. Brazil is the birthplace of fiery rhythms, enchanting carnivals, and original samba.
This dance is like a sport:
he has fire, and passion, and speed.
To dance the samba,
you need to be strong and dexterous.
Sports and music are friendly
This dance has rhythm and wind.
And when you dance samba,
you forget everything in the world.
8. For your attention – a fragment of the samba (Brazilian dance) fitness program.
Presenter. The India-Bollywood fitness program traces the traditions of Indian folk dance and Western style trends. This incendiary mixture contains attractiveness and charm.
9. For your attention – a fragment of the India-Bollywood fitness program
Presenter. The Chinese fusion fitness program is based on classical Chinese dance, which is characterized by simplicity of movements, lightness, and smoothness. Feelings together with movements conceal something magical.
10. For your attention – a fragment of the Chinese-fusion fitness program
Presenter. Modern Egyptian belly dancing is constantly influenced by other dances and is often mixed with ballet and cabaret dancing. The Egypt-Belliden fitness program enjoys constant success because it brings a feeling of joy in life.
11. So, meet: Egypt-bellydance.
Presenter. The fitness program was shown to you by the instructors of the Positive fitness club, as well as active members of the club for many years - Irina Bublik, Oksana Zhuravleva, Kristina Ponomarenko, Yana Ustimenko, Olga Naumenko, Anna Ovcharenko, Maria Potapenko.
Let's once again thank the participants of the fitness program for providing a tour of modern areas of fitness aerobics.
Presenter. Habibi dance... Translated means “beloved”. A lot has been said about love, but students of grade 2–B of the studio for the harmonious development of girls “Positive” will try to talk about this feeling in the language of dance.
We invite young dancers to this stage with the composition “I am Habibi”
Presenter. Dance is simply a skillful combination of music and movements of the dancers. This is the magical power of beauty female body and souls, one of the most bewitching spectacles that combines rhythm and plasticity, grace and sexuality.
Wonderful dance! This is magic
Attracts you quickly and tenaciously.
Movement, rhythm and music are related
Intertwined with bright lighting.

Here beauty gives birth to beauty
Which one? The one in which there is no peace.
And the heart again strives for heights
Subject to dance, music and structure.

Why wait so long for inspiration?
The dancer is the master of inspiration,
He must command them.
Alone entirely, without a doubt.
(2-A class "Aeni")
Presenter. Oriental dance is, first of all, a game - a game of soul and body. The dancer does not just flirt with the audience, she shows herself - a Woman - a unique creation of God.
This dance is the epitome of grace. Bright, fiery rhythms, boiling passions and ardent confessions, captivating looks - everything is expressed in dance.
(Meet the dance group with the composition “Tenderness”)
Presenter. This evening took place with the support of the Nizhyn city executive committee in the person of the mayor of the city Prikhodko Mikhail Vasilyevich, deputy mayor Moroz Alexander Sergeevich and deputy of the Nizhyn city council Khomenko Yuri Valerievich
Colorful and bright costumes were made by the magical hands of craftswomen _____
And now we invite to this stage the president of the Positive fitness club Galina Arvakhi, and the director of the Positive fitness club Lesya Ignatushko.
We invite to this stage the head of the culture department of the Nizhyn executive committee, Primachenko Valery Stepanovich.

We also invite to the stage the chief specialist of the department for physical culture and sports of the Nizhyn City Executive Committee, Cherpita Stanislav Nikolaevich.
Presenter. May peace, tranquility and goodness always reign in our blessed land, and may these wonderful holidays add inspiration, optimism and self-confidence to everyone, an unshakable belief in a bright and happy future!
We hope that you, dear guests, had a good rest, and the concert presented by the Positive fitness club added spring warmth and high spirits to you!

(Speech by Avetis Balayans. Salute)

Blazhnova T.A., physical education teacher

Municipal budgetary educational institution of the Polevsky urban district "Secondary school No. 18"

Methodological development

Scenario sports festival


(view for primary school and for children in grade 5)

Target: formation of a healthy lifestyle, improvement of students’ health.

Tasks: - attracting schoolchildren to systematic physical education and

Identification of the strongest teams;

Popularization of healthy lifestyle at school;

Development motor qualities: agility, speed, coordination;

Fostering a sense of camaraderie and mutual assistance


Equipment and inventory: the walls of the hall are decorated with snowflakes and New Year's garlands

Jury table

Certificates, protocols

Christmas trees, prepared snowflakes, tinsel

Newspaper sheets, drawings of snowmen

Carrot noses

Gymnastic mats

Hockey sticks

Tennis or rubber balls

Bag of sweet prizes

Cards with numbers

Holiday program: Parade of competition participants, performance panel of judges, children's performances.

Homework: team name, motto, emblem.

Progress of the event

Before the start of the event there will be a parade of competition participants. Children enter the gym to the music and take a lap of honor, taking their seats.

Leading: They say that on New Year's Day,

What you don't want

Everything will always happen

Everything always comes true.

Hello guys, guests! Today we joyfully welcome everyone who has come here and say:

"Happy New Year with a new happiness!"

We gathered in this hall for New Year's confetti. You all probably know the meaning of this word. These are multi-colored paper circles that are showered on each other at balls, masquerades, and carnivals. So, in the coming New Year, let only good luck and everything, everything good that you wish, shower upon you.

Leading: Active participation in the holiday, cheerful mood, have a nice rest and excitement. And as usual for everyone sporting events, we cannot do without judges. I present our jury... For winning each competition, the jury will reward you with snowflakes. And the team that gets the most snowflakes will be the winner.

Girls from high school and your classmates prepared festive performances for everyone present in the hall. All artists sincerely congratulate you on the upcoming New Year. Their performance – congratulations to everyone!

High School Girls' Dance Number

Leading: No one bothers us to rest, but we are missing someone. Who are we missing? Guess the riddle:

He is both kind and good,

He's got a beard up to his eyes,

Red-nosed, red-cheeked,

Our cheerful......Who? (Father Frost)


Let's invite him to us!

Let's shout together kids

Santa Claus, come here! (Calling Santa Claus)

Oh, I think I hear Santa Claus approaching.

Musical fragment - Santa Claus enters.

Father Frost:

I am a real Santa Claus, from a deep, dense thicket,

Where there are spruce trees in the snowdrifts, where there are snowstorms and blizzards,

Where the forests are dense and the snow is loose.

Hello, kids!

Girls and boys!

I hurried to you from the snowy forest in the morning.

I asked the horses to gallop faster,

I was afraid I would be late for the holiday,

Suddenly, I think. You won't wait for grandfather!


What are you doing, grandpa! What would it be like without you?!

Hello Dedushka Moroz.

We've all been waiting for you,

They knew about your coming.

Father Frost:

Happy New Year!

Good afternoon!

Happy New Year's tree!

We will have a fun holiday today!


Well, all the friends are here, we can’t delay any longer,

Get ready kids, it's time to start the competition!

And now attention, the teams are ready to present the New Year's name and motto.

Competition - presentation of teams

(each class team submits homework)

The jury marks the class teams.

Leading: We can’t imagine New Year without a Christmas tree. You've probably already decorated your Christmas tree at home. Our first competition is called that "Herringbone". And you, grandfather, just sit down and rest after the long journey.

The competitions involve 2-3 teams of 8-10 people.

1. Competition "Herringbone"

There is a Christmas tree in front of each team. Each participant is given 1 snowflake, the last one is tinsel. The participants’ task is to dress up and decorate the “Christmas tree” with snowflakes and tinsel. Whoever does this first will earn more snowflake points. The given snowflakes on the Christmas tree must be secured well so that they are not blown away by the wind, otherwise the team will not be awarded a point. We attach tinsel to the top of the tree.

Music is playing. Teams complete the task. The jury evaluates the teams on the board, depicting sketches of snowflakes.

Leading: Grandfather, look what beautiful Christmas trees we got.

Well, how did you like it, Grandfather? Our children can’t do that yet!

Father Frost: Yes! Well done boys!

Leading: Guys, just as we can’t imagine the New Year without a tree, we can’t imagine the New Year without snow. The favorite game for all children in winter is snowballs. Our next competition is called:

2. Competition "Snowballs"

Team members line up in a column one after another. Each participant is given a newspaper sheet of paper. A captain with a basket in his hands stands in front of the participants at a distance of 4 meters. Task: crumple the sheet (i.e. turn it into a “snowball”) and throw it into the basket from a certain mark. The captain tries to catch the snowballs with a basket without leaving the hoop lying on the floor. How many hits, so many snowflakes. Which team will have more snowballs in the basket?

Leading: And now we’ll see - who is stronger? A group of boys performs with a complex strength exercises.

Santa Claus encourages and helps children throughout the event.

Room "Strongmen"

3. Competition “Attach a nose to the Snowman”

Large sheets of snowmen are attached to the wall. Children are blindfolded with a scarf. At the signal, children must reach the snowmen and put their nose on them (the nose can be made of paper or it can be a carrot). Other children help with words: left, right, lower, higher...

For each successful attempt, a snowflake is awarded.

Leading: The next number of our program is “Aerialists”. They will show breathtaking tricks under the very vault of the hall. Children perform a number to the music.

Number "Aerialists"

Grandpa, come up with a game
Amuse the kids!

Guys, let's get into a round dance,

Santa Claus is coming to play!


All children stand in a circle. Santa Claus loses his mitten.

Leading: (finds a mitten and, turning to Santa Claus, asks): “Santa Claus, isn’t this your mitten?”

Father Frost replies: “The mitten is mine, I’ll catch up with her, friends.”

The children pass the mitten to each other, and Santa Claus tries to take it from the children.

Leading: Well, Grandfather, you see how dexterous and skillful the guys are.

Santa Claus: Yes, you can’t argue, well done guys, oh well done!(walks with a limp on his leg)

Oh, something’s wrong with me,
Hear how it crunches in your back,
In a word, since this is the case,
I'm actually on the ballot!

Leading: Well, okay, you tired our grandfather, let him rest!

Instead of this game, you can play (at the choice of the event organizer) a game


In the center of the hall there is a Christmas tree, and in front of it there are felt boots big size. The game involves 2 people. At a signal, children run around the tree from different sides. The winner is the one who runs around the tree faster and puts on felt boots. The winning participant is awarded a candy. There can be several pairs of participants.

4. Competition "Watch"

Leading: The next competition is called “The Watch”. We invite team captains.

Your hands are the hands of a clock. You need to show the time 12:00, 15:00, 18:00;

17:30, 21:15, 15:45.

For each correctly completed task, a snowflake is awarded.

Leading: Guys, do you like to play hockey?

5. Competition "Hockey"

Each participant is given a stick and a tennis or rubber ball. You need to try to hit the ball into the mini football goal. If there is no gate, they can be marked with masking tape on the wall. How many hits, so many snowflakes. Referees stand on the goal line (according to the number of teams) and count the number of goals scored.

This competition can be held with the participation of Santa Claus, who stands with his back to the gate. And the children, one from the team, compete in accuracy.

Father Frost:

We played very friendly

No one was offended.

And for this you, friends,

I will give gifts.

That's a big bag

I dragged you out of the forest!

At the end of the holiday, everyone dive under the tree, it will be of great use!

Guys, your holiday continues, and I say goodbye to you.

I wish you joy and success in the New Year, and I’m going to another Christmas tree.


Goodbye, goodbye

Dear Grandfather Frost!

You fulfilled all my wishes

And he brought us gifts!

Santa Claus says goodbye to the children.


Well, while the jury is summing up the results, looking to see which team has the most snowflakes, we will play with the audience.


The guys and I will play

An interesting game:

What we decorate the Christmas tree with,

I'll call the kids.

Listen carefully

And be sure to answer.

If I say everything correctly,

Say “Yes” in response

Well, if I'm wrong,

Then shout “No” in unison.

Multi-colored firecrackers?

Blankets and pillows?

Cots and cribs?

Marmalade and chocolates?

Glass balls?

Are the chairs wooden?

Teddy bears?

Primers and books?

Are the beads multi-colored?

Are the garlands light?

Snow made from white cotton wool?

Satchels and briefcases?

Shoes and boots?

Cups, forks, spoons?

Are the confetti sparkly?

Are tigers real?

Are the cones golden?

Are the stars radiant?

Instead of playing with the audience with the final number, you can present to the attention of children the performances of older students with practical exercises city ​​round of the Olympiad for schoolchildren (gymnastic combination, exercises with a basketball ball)

The presenter and jury announce the results, present the children with certificates and sweet prizes.


We wish everyone success in the New Year,

More cheerful, loud laughter!

And so that you are not afraid of the frost,

We did a lot of skiing and sledding.

We say: "See you again,
Until we meet again, we wish you happiness!

At the end of the event, children take a lap of honor to the music and leave the gym in an orderly manner.

Blazhnova Tatyana Anatolyevna