Summer physical education classes in kindergarten. Outline of physical education classes on the street in the senior group. Plan - synopsis of a physical education lesson

Borisova E.Yu., physical education instructor, MDOU D/S No. 84, Naberezhnye Chelny

The game form of conducting physical education classes outdoors is one of the interesting and common forms of children's activities. The main educational and developmental significance of gaming activities is that they serve as a natural form of transferring to children the necessary amount of knowledge in the field physical culture. At the same time, each lesson, consisting of outdoor games of varying degrees of intensity, allows you to solve important problems aimed at the emotional, physical and mental development of a preschooler.

During games, children make many movements: walking, running, crawling, climbing, jumping, throwing a ball into a basket, etc. At the same time, they demonstrate speed of reaction, dexterity, endurance, as well as courage, determination, resourcefulness and independence. It should also be noted the positive role of the use of aids in outdoor games for the development of the perception of space and time, including the formation of skills in orientation in the environment. There is enough space on the playground for children to move freely and realize their creative potential.

Game-based classes are held from the middle group onwards. When developing the content of classes, the following is provided:

  • usage various types movements;
  • inclusion of various games of varying intensity: with running, jumping, climbing, throwing and throwing, games - competitions, relay races, games for spatial orientation, for the development of attention and dexterity.

Accumulating motor experience is one of the main tasks. During play activities, children travel in the world of fairy tales, imitating the actions of heroes, demonstrating their motor skills and abilities, and gradually acquire the habit of healthy image life. In addition, they master different actions and learn to manage their behavior.

To develop the ability to creatively solve problems in outdoor games, you can use search and experimental methods: questions, riddles, diagram cards, etc., which help awaken imagination, create game images, new rules, play with objects and aids.

The playful form of conducting outdoor activities helps children to show interest and creativity during the game and quickly learn the rules.

Each outdoor activity begins with a light jog. To maintain a certain pace and rhythm of running and to prevent children from getting tired, the instructor runs in front, and the teacher runs behind. Gradually from lesson to lesson, the distance increases. For children who find it difficult to overcome it and who need an individual running pace, medical supervision is carried out. After children overcome the distance, breathing exercises are performed. Children should be taught to breathe correctly and perform breathing exercises: It helps develop the respiratory muscles, especially the muscles that allow deep breathing.

General developmental exercises are characterized by dynamism and the absence of long pauses and stops.

During the warm season, children are allowed to walk barefoot. Complex effects of sun, air, water (V summer time hosing), freedom of movement help relieve psycho-emotional stress, create Have a good mood, an atmosphere of joy that strengthens the physical and mental health of children.

I offer several approximate options lesson planning.

Lesson 1 " funny ball».

Walking alternating with running. While walking and running, perform tasks: walk and run along a log, jump over bars, stop at a signal. Jogging 80-100 meters alternating with walking. Normal walking. Throwing the ball up, turning it in a circle, and catching it after it hits the ground. Outdoor games with the ball “Ball for the swimmer”, “Ball for the captain”.

First subgroup

The game is an exercise “Have fun, but don’t lose the ball.”

Second subgroup

Game – exercise “Draw the ball”.

For both subgroups

Sedentary game “Do this.”

Lesson 2 “We are funny guys.”

Game-exercise “Signal” - walking and running at different paces with overcoming obstacles, stopping, changing direction and other tasks (at the teacher’s signal).

Outdoor game “Snake in the Grass”, relay race “Who can move objects faster”, “Entertainers” (children can come up with names themselves).

First subgroup

Games – exercises “Who has more objects”, “Find your cube”.

Second subgroup

Games – exercises “Yula”, “Heron”, “Jump and Turn”, “Fishing Rod”.

For both subgroups

Outdoor game “We are funny guys.”

Sedentary games.

Lesson 3 “Jump rope”.

Free walking on the sports ground. Then the children form a circle.

1 child:

Jump ropes are spinning endlessly in all the yards -

Lena and Natalka compete in the morning.

2nd child:

They jump so skillfully and dashingly – it’s a joy to watch!

And everyone has one task - not to hit the rope.

3rd child:

A very important game of jumping rope,

Preparation to become a master, proper training.

Calm walking on toes, on outside feet with preservation correct posture. Light jogging, snake running, normal walking.

Outdoor switchgear with jump ropes.

First subgroup

Game – exercise “Change places”

Second subgroup

Game – exercise “From Monday to Sunday”

For both subgroups

Outdoor game "Fishing Rod"

Calm play with breathing exercises.

Plan of summer health-improving work on physical culture in kindergarten as of August 2012

1. Improve the level physical fitness children of all ages OU;

2. Instill interest in active image life for all participants in the educational process;

3. Form strong-willed qualities: determination, endurance, strength, agility, cultivate the desire to win and empathize.

One of the main tasks of the teaching staff of the kindergarten is to improve the health-saving environment, strengthen the physical, mental health, and emotional well-being of children. To solve this problem, educational institutions use various forms of organizing work with children. Teachers are constantly looking for new forms of work to organize physical education and health activities. One such form is the Olympic Games.
Purpose of the Olympic Games– increasing interest in physical education and a healthy lifestyle in children and adults. Identify children's abilities and interests. Nurture strong-willed qualities, develop the desire to win and self-confidence. Learn not only to receive joy from your results, but also to worry about your comrades.

Olympic summer

Event date

event title

Age of children participating in the event

Responsible for the event

Opening of the Olympic Games in kindergarten (Russian anthem, raising the flag)

See Appendix No. 1

Physical fitness instructor

Musical director

Competitions between children in the 30-meter race by age:

· Running between girls

· Running between boys

1st, 2nd, 3rd place is determined

Senior group,

Preparatory group

Physical fitness instructor

Musical director

Whose group will quickly complete the tasks. (tasks at each stage are given by age) The winners are determined by nomination:

1. The fastest;

2. The most dexterous;

3. The bravest;

4. The most courageous.

See Appendix No. 2

Average gr,

Senior gr.

Preparatory group.

Physical instructor;

Musical director;


Health Day!

See Appendix No. 3

Second youngest group

Average gr,

Senior gr.

Preparatory group.

Physical instructor;

Musical director;


Fun starts between children of middle groups. Awards in categories:

See Appendix No.

Middle groups.

Physical instructor;

Musical director;


Sports and music festival fun starts

"Baby's Birthday"

See appendices no.

Second junior group

Physical instructor;

Musical director;


See Appendix No.

Second ml Secondary group, senior group, preparatory group

Physical instructor;

Musical director;


To grow and strengthen ourselves, let's play sports!

Senior gr.

Preparatory group

Physical instructor;

Musical director;


To grow and harden, you need to play sports!

Second junior and middle group

Physical instructor;

Musical director;


We don’t get bored at all in the summer; we have fun reading fairy tales!

Sports and recreational leisure “Say goodbye to Summer!” closing of the Olympic Games. Rewarding.

See Appendix No.

Second ml Secondary group, senior group, preparatory group

Physical instructor;

Musical director;



Outline physical entertainment"Olympic Summer" opening


1. Enrich children's knowledge about the emergence of the Olympic Games.

2. Develop attention, observation, and speed of reaction in the game.

3. Bring joy to children.

Location: outside, sports ground.

Time spending: 10.00.

The progress of the holiday

Children enter the playground accompanied by a sports march and take their places.

In the name of future victories,
For the glory of Russian sports,
Long live the Children's Olympics,
Leading to new records!

Leading. Our guys are not only strong and brave, but also friendly, cheerful, skillful, and will cope with any difficulties. We hope that one of our children will someday climb onto the Olympic podium and become an Olympic champion!

What is the Olympics?
This is a fair sports fight!
Participating in it is a reward!
Anyone can win!!!

Attention! We welcome participants in our competitions! The symbol of the Olympics - five intertwined colored rings - symbolizes friendship between people of all continents: Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia and America. There is also a Russian flag. Bring in the flag.

Solemn music sounds bring in the flag. A girl runs out and stands next to the flag.


To start the Olympic Games,
The guys must take an oath:

(Children, together with the leader, pronounce the words of the oath).

Leading: Who can compare with the agile wind?
Children: We are Olympians!
Leading: Who believes in victory and is not afraid of obstacles?
Children: We are Olympians!
Leading: Who is proud of the sports of their beloved homeland?
Children: We are Olympians!
Leading. We swear to be honest
Strive for victory
High records,
We swear to achieve it!

Leading. Raise the flag of the Small Olympic Games!
The Olympic medal is raised to the sound of music flag. (Russian anthem sounds)

Leading. Our Olympians face interesting challenges. And we are sure that they will pass them with dignity, with joy and a smile. And the mascot of the Olympics will be the “Olympic Sun”.


Well, the teams are brave,
Friendly, skillful,
Come out onto the platform
Show your strength and agility!

The teams line up on the sports ground, after roll call the children exchange greetings (team name, motto, emblem), and introduce the team captains.

All children stand in a circle.

Game "Goldfish"

Children pass each other a “goldfish” to the song:

"You swim, goldfish,
Along the cheerful waves.
Who has the goldfish?
He’ll dance for us now.”

The one who has a fish in his hands at the last word of the song goes to the center of the circle and dances. To cheerful music.

Host: The goddess of wisdom Athena has prepared riddles about sports for you. Let's try to guess them. Let's train our minds.

1. Green meadow,
A hundred benches around.
From gate to gate
People are running briskly.
At these gates -
Fishing nets. (Football)

2. This riddle is not easy:
I always write with two “k”.
Hit both the ball and the puck with your stick,
And I call myself - (Hockey)

3. Crutch of the curve
So he’s eager to fight.
(Hockey stick)

4. On the squares of the board
The kings brought down the regiments.
Not for battle near regiments
No cartridges, no bayonets.

5. If he falls, he will jump,
They hit him and he doesn’t cry.

6. When April takes its toll
And the streams run, ringing,
I jump over it
And she through me.
(Jump rope).

7. Two snub-nosed girlfriends
They didn't leave each other behind.
Both are running through the snow,
Both songs are sung
Both ribbons in the snow
They leave it running.

8. Every evening I go
Draw circles on ice.
Just not with pencils,
And shiny:..(skates).

Leading: Well done, they showed their intelligence. And now, by order of the goddess of the hunt, Artemis, we will test your accuracy.

Relay race “Throw the bag into the hoop.”

Children go to a basket with bags of sand, take one bag at a time and place it on the toe of their foot. The guys must throw the bag into the hoop from their feet. The distance to the hoop is 1.5 – 2 m.

Leading. Let him become a champion
Forged by struggle,
The task is not at all easy,
But become simply dexterous,
Gain skill
Become healthy and strong. Beauty!

Relay race "Who is faster"

Option 1. Participants sit on orthopedic balls and jump to the cap and back.

Option 2. Participants sit on orthopedic balls and jump to the finish line. The one who crosses it faster wins.

Presenter: The god of the sea, Poseidon, Lord of all fish and sea animals, wants us to play a musical game.

“If you like it, then do it this way” (the game is played with all the children)

Relay race "Running and climbing through a tunnel." (children from the audience are invited)
Children line up in columns at the starting line. At a signal, children run to the landmark, go around it, return, crawl through the tunnel, and pass the baton to the next player. Leading. There is an unusual tradition at the Olympics: to announce the results of a victory with a signal. Let's try to overcome obstacles and hit the tambourine.

Relay “Signal of Victory” (children are invited)
Team players line up behind the starting line. At a distance of 10 cm from the starting line, 4 small hoops are located one after another, at a distance of 5 m from the starting line there are tables on which tambourines lie. At the signal, the first child begins to move forward, jumps from hoop to hoop, runs to the table, hits the tambourine with his hand, and returns to his team. Passes the baton to the next participant. The rest repeat the same actions. The winning team is the one that completes the task faster.

Relay race "Merry Garden".

Two teams of four people participate. There are hoops at a distance of 4-5m from each team. This is a "vegetable garden". Children line up one after another. The first participant holds a steering wheel in his hands, the second a basket of vegetables, the third a watering can, and the fourth a bucket. At the signal, the first players approach their “garden” with a stomping step and go around it (“plow the ground”), return to their team and pass the baton to the next participant. The second player runs up and puts vegetables on the garden bed (“plants a garden”); the third one runs up and “waters the garden bed” from a watering can; the fourth puts vegetables in a bucket (“harvesting”). The team that completes the task first wins.

Leading: and in our kindergarten there are already athletes who won first place in rhythmic gymnastics. Meet our champion

Gymnastic sketch "Olympic" with hoops

Leading: Our competition is here! Please consider our competition open! ( read the competition program for each day)


Outline of the event “Whose group will complete the tasks faster”

Progress of the competition

The site is festively decorated.


The holiday is joyful, beautiful,

It couldn't have been better,

And from all the children happy

Olympics - ours:.

Children: Hello!

So our competition between groups begins, I wish you good luck in winning!

Route sheets are distributed to each group; at the command march, the children run away.

Route sheet

Second junior group


Stage name


Jury painting

What sports do you know? (5 titles)

Guess the riddles. (5 riddles)

Sports task: squat correctly 10 times (hands on waist, back straight)

"Cross the swamp"

Route sheet

Middle group №1


Stage name


Jury painting

Sports task: do everything right on the sports field! "obstacle course"

"Cross the swamp"

Route sheet

Middle group No. 2


Stage name


Jury painting

Sports task: squat correctly 12 times (hands on waist, back straight)

Sports task: do everything right on the sports field! "obstacle course"

"Cross the swamp"

What sports do you know? (7 titles)

Guess the riddles. (7 riddles)

Route sheet

Senior group


Stage name


Jury painting

Sports task: do everything right on the sports field! "obstacle course"

"Cross the swamp"

What sports do you know? (10 titles)

Sports task: squat correctly 15 times (hands on waist, back straight)

Route sheet

Preparatory group


Stage name


Jury painting

"Cross the swamp"

What sports do you know? (10-12 titles)

Guess the riddles. (10 riddles)

Sports task: squat correctly 15 times (hands on waist, back straight)

Sports task: do everything right on the sports field! "obstacle course"

Children return to the finish line, while the results are being summed up, the little ducklings dance with all the children.

Leading: guys, you competed well today, honestly followed the rules, showed dexterity, resourcefulness, and courage. And now it's time for the awards.

Guys, each group is awarded diplomas with nominations!

Appendix No.

Outline of the sports and music lesson in the second younger group"Baby's birthday!"

Progress of the lesson

The Kid comes in and talks to himself.

My toys are good, there are rockets, tanks, guns

It’s just boring to be alone, I don’t understand why?

It’s my birthday, but I’m not in the mood at all.

Birthday is nice, it's wonderful and funny!

Accept congratulations and receive gifts... (looks around and sees the children)

What a miracle! I'm so glad! How many guys are there in the hall!

How many friends do I have! Let's celebrate our happy anniversary together?

Have fun, run, jump and, of course, play? (YES)

I will be glad to hear, congratulations, friends!


Kid: As is customary for birthdays, it is customary to give gifts, and since my birthday coincided with the Olympics, then I propose to hold the first relay race, which is called “GIVE A GIFT”

1 relay race “GIVE A GIFT”

(run to the counter, crawl into the tunnel, take a gift and bring it to a hero from your team on a tray, the heroes take all the gifts to the Kid)

Carlson flies in.

Charles: May I land?

Baby: What?

Charles: let's land!!! Well, this is better!

Hello friends! And this is me! You recognized me correctly!

I am Carleson, the most well-mannered, handsome and moderately well-fed.

Okay, let's continue the conversation

Who is the funniest in the world? (children's answer)

Well, of course, it’s me, Carlson, what’s your name?

I will throw the ball, and you will say your name.

(he throws the ball twice, and everyone says their name loudly).

Oh, there are so many of you! We won't meet until the evening.

(turns attention to the baby)

Carleson: Friend, baby! I flew here for a reason, because it’s your birthday!

Baby: And my friends have the Olympics!

Both: What a coincidence!!!

Carleson: Happy Birthday to all of you! I wish you jam, sweets and cookies, marmalade, chocolate... (baby interrupts)

Baby: thank you friend

Charles: What do you want to receive as a gift?

Baby: dog

Charles: Well, I don’t play like that, because I’m better than a dog, right, guys?

(Carlson looks into the empty jars of jam and mutters)

Charles: What would a birthday be without sweets and jam? Well, I don't play like that! (offended)

Baby: Guys, let's treat Carleson to jam and hold a relay race “JAM FOR CARLSON”

2nd relay race “JAM FOR CARLSON”

(run to the hoop, thread two hoops, run to the box with balls, throw the ball into the basket, run back)


It's good that we have friends, we can't live without them

Let's play together and celebrate a birthday!

Thank you friends, I will remember your concern!!!

(knock, clap)

Baby: Well, that's it, they're gone, the housekeeper is coming, Frakin Bokk

Karl: Calm down, I am the best tamer of housekeepers.

(Madame comes in with a vacuum cleaner and buns, puts them on the table, Carleson follows her and parodies her)

F.B: How can you celebrate if the house is a complete mess!!! ( starts cleaning, Carleson takes the buns)

F.B. Where are the buns??? And I lost my mind, and I lost my mind, la-la-la.. And I think I can guess who stole them. That bad boy again!!

Charles:(falls to his knees) Oh. Madam!

F.B: By the way mademoiselle!!!

Carleson: Let me introduce myself, Carleson is the best flyer in the world, a man in his prime.

F.B.: Where are the buns (raises)???

Charles: I flew over your roof and heard the smell of your beautiful buns, ( speaks quickly) which he immediately ate.

(F. B wants to swear)

Carleson: Calm, just calm. Guys, let's bake buns for madam.

3rd relay race “Let’s bake buns”

(children with a racket on which a ring from a ring throw lies, run around the landmarks like a snake, then climb into a rack with a vertical hoop, put it on a plate and come back, passing the racket to the next participant)

F.B.: Aw, how nice of you! Thank you! La. la. La, I’ll go bake a festive cake for everyone.

Carleson: Baby, do you want to fly and visit different rooftops?

Do you want friends? Then take your parachute and fly with me together.

Relay 4: “Flying from roof to roof with parachutes”

(the whole team holding on to the parachute ( big hoop), runs to the limiter and comes back)


When all your friends are together, you can't be bored

Look out the window, but don't fall,

Baby: It's great, there are so many athletes here! You can't count them...

(Carleson dresses up as a ghost and begins to scare the Kid and the children in a comic form, then takes off his cape)

Charles: What, was it a good joke? Weren't you scared? Perhaps you are brave too? Do you want to fly across the rooftops like ghosts? (see ghosts on the rooftops?) Well, it’s an everyday matter.

Relay 5 “Ghost on the Roof”(The first two participants have two capes, the first runs along the rope, arms to the sides, jumps on two legs over an obstacle - 4 “tablets”, runs around the landmark, comes back and passes the baton to the next, and the cape to the third participant)

Kid: Carleson, can you hear the smell of birthday cake? It's time for us to return home and please Frakin Bokk with our gift. Guys, let's bake our own birthday cakes and surprise Frakin Bokk with them, so will I get some?

Performance (“Olympus”)

Relay 6 “Holiday Cake”(three tablets, a tray and a skittle - a candle)

(With a big pie and invites everyone for a loaf)

Come on, quickly get up in the circle

Music plays louder

Today we will bake a loaf for our friends!

There is no more wonderful birthday, children know without a doubt

I love birthday people, I give you this cake!

(All participants begin to walk the loaf in a circle, then the heroes distribute festive gifts to all participants. anniversary medals, if the jury is not ready, then one more dance)

Appendix No.

Outline of the physical education lesson “Funny ball - competitions with the ball” between the senior group and the preparatory group.

1. harden children during a holiday in the fresh air;

2. create positive emotions in children;

3. consolidate motor skills in basic movements and outdoor games;

4. develop agility, speed, speed and strength qualities in children;

5. awaken interest in physical education activities by creating story-based game situations;

6. - education of moral and strong-willed character traits, courage, friendliness.

Equipment: balls according to the number of children, skittles, hoops, balloons, arcs.

Progress of the lesson:

Children go out to sports ground to the soundtrack of Yu. Chichkov “Fizkultura”. Teams of children are formed in advance; each team wears a scarf of its own color around its neck.

Leading: Guys, today we have a sports ball holiday. The ball is one of the favorite children's toys. That is why he became the hero of many poems. Let us remember them together now. I'll start, and you all help.

1.My cheerful, ringing ball,

Where did you run off to?

Red, blue, light blue...

Can’t keep up with you!” (S. Marshak)

2. Our Tanya cries loudly:

She dropped a ball into the river.

Hush Tanya, don’t cry...

The ball won’t drown in the river” (A. Barto)

Leading: The ball, guys, appeared a long time ago, in ancient times. At first, the ball was woven from grass and palm leaves, then made from tree fruits and animal wool. Later they began to sew from animal skin, and then they learned to make it from rubber. Now it's very popular sports equipment. What sports use a ball?

Children: They play football, basketball, volleyball, rugby, tennis, etc. with the ball.

Leading: Today you will have a ball competition.

Child: To the sports ground

The funny ball called us,

So that everyone becomes friends with him

And he became stronger and stronger.

Leading: Are the teams ready?

Children: Ready!

Leading: I declare the ball festival open!

The teams take their places. The Clown Appears

Clown: Hello kids! You recognized me? I am a Clown, my name is Gosha. I really love playing with the ball. And you? (Children's answers).

Clown: You guys are funny

It's fun to play with you.

Stay here with me

Let's start the holiday!

Relay race "Passing the ball".

Each team lines up. The first one has the ball in his hands. He must pass the ball with both hands over his head to the person standing behind him. The team that passes the ball faster wins.

Clown: Well done! They did an excellent job. The next relay race is called “Fun Starts”.

Relay race "Fun Starts".

On one side of the court, place balls in a hoop or basket according to the number of people in the team. It is necessary to transfer the balls from one side of the court to the other. Each participant can take only one ball.

Clown: Well done! And you completed this task.

Now you have to work hard.

And solve riddles.

Guess what, guys?

Riddles about ball games.

1. Throw the ball over the net,

Everyone is trying to score a goal.

And you need to be dexterous and accurate

In the game with the name... (volleyball)

2. The player rushes faster than the wind

And the ball is in the goal, that means a goal!

And everyone knows what it's called

Sports game... (football)

3. Dribbling, passing,

The player bypassed all opponents,

And the ball in the basket - that's luck

The name of that game... (basketball).

Clown: My favorite game is Volleyball. In this game, the most important thing is to throw the ball correctly and catch it deftly. Can you do that? This is how we will play.

Catch and Throw Relay.

The team captain stands in the hoop and throws the ball to you from below with both hands. You catch the ball and throw it back to the captain. The one who caught and threw the ball to the captain stands at the end of the column. And the captain throws the ball to the next player.

Clown: Well done! You did an excellent job with my task. The next stage of the competition awaits you. When hitting the ball on the floor, you need to reach the line and run back.

Relay race "Ball kicking".

Players move in one direction, hitting the ball on the ground. Back - take the ball in your hands and run back. The team that completes the task first will win.

Clown: Well done! You have completed my difficult task. The next stage of the competition awaits you.

I love to run and play

Like a kangaroo jumping with a ball.

Can you do that?

Relay race “Flying on a ball”.

In one direction, players move by jumping, with the ball clamped between their knees. Back - take the ball in your hands and run back. The team that is first will win

Leading: Well done boys! You have completed all the tasks! The tasks were not only interesting, but also very useful, because you were involved in sports! And our cheerful, ringing ball helped us with this!

Let's play another game, this time a game with words.

Word game "Yes or no"

The presenter calls sports game. If she needs a ball, then the children say “YES.” If the ball is not used in this sport, the children say "No."

Clown: And I suggest you play last game, which is called “Don’t Drop It.” I can fly, and my surprise can fly too. This balloon, because this is also a ball.

Game "Don't drop it."

Each team is given a balloon. Children must toss the ball, passing it to each other, the most important thing is that the ball does not touch the ground. The team that keeps the ball in the air longer will win.

Leading: The ball festival is over. Dear guys, play sports and be healthy!

Appendix No.

Physical education plan “Fun Starts” between middle groups


1. Create in children a cheerful mood, joy and pleasure from sports competitions;

2. Promote mass participation of physical culture and sports;

3. Develop physical qualities: speed, agility, flexibility, speed-strength qualities, spatial orientation; interest in physical culture;

4. Strengthen basic motor actions: walking, running, jumping, throwing;

5. To cultivate moral and volitional qualities in children: determination, the will to win, friendliness, mutual assistance.

Material. Soft modules, scooters, balls, baskets with bricks, jumping bags, wooden arches 60 cm high, balls d-25 cm.

Progress of the lesson

Music is playing.

Presenter. Dear guests, we are glad to see you in our olympic games. Today we have sports entertainment"Fun starts."

Teams enter the hall to cheerful music, with flags of their groups.

Leading. Teams, get ready to welcome! (Captains come forward.) Teams, greet each other!

Teams say the team name and motto.

Admire, look

For cheerful preschoolers;

Olympic hopes

Now they go to kindergarten.

Cheerful music plays (from the film “The Golden Key”) and Pinocchio rides in on a scooter.


Hello guys!

I, cheerful Pinocchio

My nose is sharp

My nose is long.

I didn't yawn either

He ran quickly, quickly towards you.

We will play with you

And complete tasks.

Relay 1."Riding scooters." On command, children ride a scooter to the pyramid and back. Pass the scooter to the next player. The first team to complete the task wins.

Relay 2. " Fun relay race" Having overcome obstacles (jumping over modules, crawling under an arc), running around the pyramid, the child passes the baton to the next player. The team that finishes the relay first wins.

Relay 3. “Jumping in bags.” Having put the bags on their feet, children must jump to the pyramid and back. The winner is the team that reaches the finish line first.

Pinocchio. Let our athletes rest, and let the spectators guess the riddles.

We are happy to overtake each other

Look, my friend, don’t fall!

They are good, soft,

Speed ​​skates... (skates).

I took two oak blocks

Two iron runners

I put sticks on the bars

Give me some snow! Ready...(sleigh).

There are two stripes in the snow,

Two foxes were surprised

One came closer

Someone was running here... (skis).

He doesn't want to lie down at all

If you throw it, it will jump

Throw it again - it rushes at a gallop

Guess what it is?.. (ball).

Relay 4. “Move the cube.” At the signal, the first player crawls into the tunnel, takes a brick from the basket and runs back. The first team to move the balls from the basket wins.

Relay 5. “Funny Ball”. Sitting on hip-hop balls, they jump to cover the distance from start to finish. The first team to reach the finish line wins.

Pinocchio. Let our athletes rest, and we and the audience will dance a cheerful dance “Fun Training”()

Relay 6. “Roll the ball.” Children roll the ball between the pyramids like a snake. The first team to complete the task wins.

Relay 7. “Building a house.” Children use soft modules to build a house. The team that builds the house quickly and correctly wins.

Relay 8. “Collect a flower.” Each child has one petal; on command, the first child runs to the flowerbed and places a petal around the middle. The first team to collect the flower wins.

Pinocchio. While the jury is summing up the results, you and I will play a fun game “Let's clap our hands.”

The jury sums up the results. Presents awards and gifts.

Child 1. There are colorful children in the world,

They live on one colorful planet,

And this planet is for all time

All multi-colored ones have only one!

Child 2. Come on, guys, in spite of the weather

Let's embrace the planet with our round dance!

Let's scatter clouds and smoke over it,

We won’t let anyone offend her! (V. Orlov)


I wish you to bloom, grow,

Save money, improve your health,

It's for a long journey

The most important condition.

Pinocchio says goodbye to the guys and thanks them for a good holiday.

Our holiday ends

But we won't be sad.

May the sky be peaceful

To the joy of good people,

Let the children on the planet

They live without knowing any worries

To the delight of dads, moms,

Rather, growing up!

This is where our fun ends. Teams to a lap of honor around the hall, march in step!

The teams leave the hall to cheerful music.

List of used literature

1. "Physical education holidays in kindergarten", .

2. "Games - relay races using traditional physical education equipment"

E. Saugerat.

3. Riddles and tongue twisters.

4. "Sports holidays and entertainment for preschoolers", .

5. Physical education holidays for children preschool age. , .

Lesson notes on physical development"Flower Glade" for children of the middle age group

Dear colleagues, I present to your attention a summary physical education class with children of primary and secondary preschool age on a summer theme. The proposed lesson can be carried out both in conditions gym, and on the kindergarten playground. Carrying out this lesson won't require special training children.

Target: maintaining and strengthening children's health through physical education.
1. Strengthen the ability to jump on two legs while moving forward;
2. Develop balance when walking on a limited surface.
3. Exercise in scattered running, formation in a circle, line, column;
4. To form an idea of ​​flowers as a living organism, to consolidate knowledge about the names of flowers, to enrich lexicon; cultivate a caring attitude towards nature;
5. Instill interest in physical education,

Equipment:“flower” emblems in three colors: blue, yellow, red, a “butterfly” cap, a hoop, ribbons, a narrow path (20 cm wide), a rope, gymnastic mats.
Preliminary work: learning how to form a circle, line, column, talking with children about colors, looking at flowers while walking.

Progress of the lesson:

Children go into the hall and line up.

Introductory part:

Instructor: Hello guys. Summer has come and I invite you to take a walk to the flower meadow.
“We walk along the path, raising our feet higher.” Walking is normal.
“Here are the beautiful birches, letting down their braids.” Walking on toes, arms up.
“The cubs got up early and went to the pond.” Walking with support on your palms and feet.
“The water lilies are blooming on the pond, the little frogs are warming their backs.” Jumping on two legs while moving forward.
“Suddenly the path twisted and disappeared between the trees.” Running like a snake between landmarks.
“They ran into the clearing and breathed quietly through their nose,” walking while restoring breathing.
Instructor:"The sun is shining brightly..."
The sun is shining brightly,
There's warmth in the air
And wherever you look -
Everything around is light.
The meadow is colorful
Bright flowers,
Covered in gold
Dark sheets.
Ivan Surikov
Look how many flowers there are in the meadow. These are magical flowers, let's play with them.
The instructor gives the children emblems - flowers.
Instructor: One, two, three we spun around and turned into flowers. What flowers are blue (bell, cornflower)? Red (roses, tulips, poppies)? Yellow (buttercups, calendula, dandelions)?
Children's answers.
Instructor: To the music, magical flowers scatter across the clearing. At my signal, flowers of the same color are formed into a circle, line or column.
Outdoor game “Build a column, circle a line.”
Children run around the hall, at the instructor’s signal, they form a column, circle or line according to color. The game is played 3 times.

Main part:

Instructor: Well done. Get up freely in our clearing, let's do a flower warm-up.
Children stand scattered around the hall
General developmental exercises.
1. “The flowers were raising their heads. The flowers shook their heads.” I.P. standing, feet hip-width apart, hands on waist. 1- tilt the head to the right, 2- I.P., 3- tilt to the left, 4-I.P. 6 times.
2. “The leaves were raised towards the sun.” I.P. standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms along the body. 1 - raise your arms up through your sides, 2 - I.P. 6 times.
3. “The wind shakes the flowers.” I.P. standing, feet shoulder-width apart, hands on waist. 1 – tilt to the right, 2 – I.P., 3 – tilt to the right, 4 – I.P. 6 times.
4. “It started to rain, the flowers closed.” I.P. standing, heels together, toes apart, hands on the waist. 1 – sit down, arms up, palm to palm. 2- I.P. 6 times.
5. “A bunny jumps on the lawn” I.P. standing, hands on waist. 1-8 jumps. 1-8 walking in place. 2 times.
Instructor: Well done boys. Let's remember where flowers grow (in a field, in a meadow, in flower beds, at home in pots, in the forest)? What to call flowers that grow in a field (wild), in a meadow (meadow), in a forest (forest), in a house (indoor).
Children's answers.
Instructor: That’s right, and people also plant flowers in flower beds. Let's create a magical flower bed together in our hall.
Main types of movements:
The instructor and teacher together with the children lay out the equipment - a hoop and ribbons (in the shape of a sun), a snake rope, a narrow path. The method of performing the exercises is continuous. Exercises are performed 3 times.
1. Jumping on two legs over ribbons.
2. Walking on a rope sideways with an added step.
3. Balance. Walking along a narrow path, arms to the sides.
We remove the equipment.
Instructor: You guys have a wonderful flowerbed, and the butterfly has arrived.
The instructor shows the children a butterfly cap.
Instructor: Why do you think she came (to collect pollen and nectar, to pollinate flowers)?
Children's answers.
Instructor: Let's choose by counting who will be the butterfly today.
Counting book "Butterfly":
In the morning the butterfly woke up
Smiled, stretched,
Once she washed herself with dew,
Two - she spun gracefully,
Three - bent down and sat down,
And four - flew away.
Instructor: We play with the butterfly, we run away from the butterfly.
Outdoor game "Flowers and Butterfly".
At the signal, the children scatter around the hall, and the driver “butterfly” catches them. The caught "flower" players go to the "flower bed" - a massage path and walk along it. The game is repeated 3 times.

Final part:

Instructor: Well done guys, we had a lot of fun playing. Let `s have some rest.
Children take apart the rugs and arrange them in the shape of flower petals.
Instructor: Guys, you know that many flowers open their petals with the sunrise, they know how to turn their heads behind it, and when evening comes, they “fall asleep” - they close their petals. Sit down on the mats.
Relaxation with elements of stretching “Water lilies”.
Children sit on the mats “Turkish style”, arms along the body.
The sun has fallen asleep Children close their eyes.
The water lilies fell asleep. Raise your arms up from the sides, close your palms, straighten your back.
Quietly cradling them Smooth body swings left and right.
In the morning,
Just a ray of sunshine We spread our fingers “sun”
It will spill
Immediately the water lily Smoothly lower your arms down to your sides.
He will obediently wake up. They open their eyes.
Instructor: Did you guys like our walk? What new did you learn today?
Children's answers.
Instructor: It’s time for us to return to kindergarten, once, twice, three times we spun around and turned into kids.
Walking around the hall.
The children leave the hall.

MKDOU "Podgorensky kindergarten No. 1"

Summary of physical education classes on the street in senior group


Trepyshko E.A.


Software tasks:

1. Accumulate and generalize motor experience:

Maintain distance while walking and running;

To achieve conscious, active, with due muscle tension performing all types of exercises.

2. Develop physical qualities in children: general endurance, speed, strength, coordination.

3. Form a conscious need for physical activity.

Progress of a physical education lesson


Guys, stand up nicely, straighten your toes, straighten your shoulders, straighten your back.

Let's greet each other. Physical education! (Hello)

1) Turn to the right, march at a pace.

2) Rise up on your toes, arms to the sides, breathe through your nose.

3) Sit down, arms forward - walking in a half-squat position.

4) Big steps - walking with big steps.

5) Raise your knees high.



1. First exercise “Squeezing the bump.”

Starting position: feet shoulder-width apart, arms extended forward. First we squeeze the cone with one hand: “One, two, three.” Transfer the cone to the other hand. Squeeze: “One, two, three”

We started. (2-3 times) We gave up. Shaked up. And we repeat the exercise again.

2. Second exercise “Move the cone”

Starting position: feet shoulder-width apart, hands below. We rise on our tiptoes, hands up, and move the cone. They gave up.

We started (8-10 times).

3. Third exercise “Show me how beautiful the bump is” Squat.

Starting position: heels together, toes apart. They sat down, showed the bump, and stood up.

Started (8-10 times)

4. Fourth exercise “Down Bends”

Starting position: feet shoulder-width apart. They bent down, put the cone down, straightened up, and showed their hands. When bending over, try not to bend your legs.

Started(8-10 times)

5. Fifth exercise “Side Bends”.

Starting position: feet shoulder-width apart. Take the cone between your palms, raise your arms up, bend to the right, straighten up, then to the left.

Started (8-10 times)

6. Sixth exercise jumping “Jolly guys”

Place the pine cone on the ground. We jump, legs to the sides, together.

Started (8-10 times).

7. Breathing exercises

Now take the cones and put them back in place.

Let's run, don't forget to breathe through your nose (running). Walking. Let's breathe - inhale - exhale.

We stood in line.

We played interestingly and warmed up. Now we can easily overcome all obstacles.

You will need:

1.Step over the cubes.

2. Climb into a hoop.

3. Jump over the bags (jump on two legs, arms back, jump, arms forward).

4. Walking along a winding path (snake walking)

- Now we will play the game “Sly Fox” (2-3 times)

Oh, guys, we played well with you, but you and I need to complete one more task.


Show thumbs both of their hands pointing upward.

- How are you going? - Like this!


- How are you running? - Like this?

Run in place.

- Do you sleep at night? - Like this!

Join your palms and rest your head (cheek) on them

- How do you take it? - Like this!

Press your palm towards you.

- Will you give it? - Like this!

Place your palm forward.

- How are you being naughty? - Like this!

Puff out your cheeks and gently hit them with your fists.

- How are you threatening? - Like this!

Shake your finger at the front, or at each other.

Breathing exercises “Hug yourself” (while walking). We march in place. "Stop, one, two" .

Zayakina Lyubov Gennadievna, teacher

MADOU Yugo-Kama kindergarten

"Planet of Childhood"

Perm region, Perm region




Target: Exercise children in walking and running in a column one at a time and scattered, in the ability to act on a signal, develop dexterity and eye when rolling the ball with both hands

1 hour Walking in a column one at a time, alternating with running, walking and running in all directions. Formation in two circles.

2h Game exercises.

“Don’t miss the ball” The driver is selected and stands in the middle of the circle with the ball. At the signal, the leader rolls the ball to the player, who bends down and returns the ball to the leader.

“Don’t touch me” Jumping on two legs between objects

P/ game "Carousel".

3 hours Low mobility game "Let's find the little sparrow"


Target Practice walking and running in a column one at a time, teach each other to roll a hoop, practice jumping

1 hour Walking in a column one at a time, running between objects, and scattered

2h I/u "Rent a hoop"

“Along the path” Jumping on two legs to a landmark, walking back

P/n "Find yourself a partner"

3h. Sedentary game "Who has the ball"


Target: practice walking between objects placed at the corners of the site, practice throwing a ball and catching it with both hands, practice jumping, developing landing accuracy

1 hour Walking in a column one at a time, observing turns in the corners of the site, Running in all directions, finding your place in the column, stopping and taking some pose

2h And/u “Ball through a cord” the rope is pulled at the height of the child’s raised hand Balls of large diameter

“Who can reach the cube faster”, “Toss it - catch it”

Execution by 2 subgroups at the same time

P/I "Sparrows and the Cat"

3 hours walking in a half-squat one at a time


Target: Learn to throw the ball to each other, developing your eye and dexterity, practice jumping

1h Walking in a column one at a time, going around the corners of the site, walking while stepping over low objects

2h I/u “Throw it - catch it” “Have time to catch it” Children line up in two circles and throw the ball opposite the person standing, so that the driver in the middle of the circle cannot touch the ball; if the driver touches the ball, he takes the place of the thrower

"Along the Track" Jumping

P/I "Airplanes".

3h. Walking in a column one by one



Target: Practice throwing a ball over a cord, developing dexterity and eye, maintaining stable balance when walking over a limited support area

1h Walking and running in a column, one at a time along the path, with a stop, jump, in alternation

2h I/U “Ball over the cord” “Who gets to the pins faster” Children stand in pairs at the cord on the other side of the court - pins, you need to jump in pairs to the opposite side of the square.