Who invented the ball presentation. Presentation for preschoolers “We need different balls, all kinds of balls are important! physical education teacher

Objectives: 1. Provide information to parents and children about the history of the ball of different nations and its types. 2. Get parents interested in using the ball in games with their children. 3. Introduce children to folk outdoor games with a ball and encourage them to use them in independent activities.

Project result: Parents and children prepare photo stories “How I play with a ball at home!” Making photo stories by parents and children “How I play with a ball at home!” Parents and children got acquainted with the history of the ball of different nations and its types. Parents and children got acquainted with the history of the ball of different nations and its types. Increased desire of parents to further enrich sports Complex traditional balls of different nations. The increased desire of parents to further enrich the sports center with traditional balls of different nations. Enthusiastic use of balls by children in a group in independent activities and excellent sports performance with the ball. Enthusiastic use of balls by children in a group in independent activities and excellent sports performance with the ball.

Target: Introduce children to different types balls, their belonging to any sport.

People hit him with their hands
Head and feet
They roll a stick on the grass and ice,
They throw into the net and ring,
A free bird flies up
And it doesn't hurt him at all.
It will hit you in the forehead, don’t cry.
It's called... (ball)

1. Ball shape: round, oval;
2. Materials from which balls can be made: rubber, thread, fabric, plastic, leather, etc.;
3. Balls for games;
4. Balls that are associated with any sport - “sports balls”;
- children tell it themselves.


1 slide:“We need different balls, all kinds of balls are important!”
Slide 2: Briefly, what are balls made of?
Slide 3: riddle - what is the name of the sport in which one team of athletes throws the ball to another team through a stretched net - Volleyball, and the athletes are volleyball players.
Slide 4: riddle: - a sport in which the ball can only be kicked, and the goalkeeper needs to protect a large goal from an enemy goal - Football, and what to call a team player - footballer.
Slide 5: This game is played by two athletes, their small ball flies like a bee through the net, and they hit it with a racket - Tennis.
Slide 6: this ball is also called a gymnastic ball, why (because you can do gymnastic exercises), he is a “giant” among balls, usually made of rubber, sometimes has handles - ears - Fitball.
Slide 7: The riddle goes like this - this ball is friends with the ring into which it needs to be thrown. Athletes hit it on the floor or throw the ball to each other - Basketball, and the athlete is a basketball player.
Slide 8:
I'm prickly like a hedgehog
But don't be afraid of me,
You're at least a hand away from me,
At least touch it with your finger.
I can't prick
But I’ll help with the massage. (massage ball)
Slide 9: V different countries ah s different balls We came up with a lot of games, let's get acquainted with the games of different countries.
Our ancestors and parents played a game called Lapta, (slide) any small ball was useful in this game, and the main assistant in playing lapta was a wooden stick - a bat.
Slide 10: in America similar game took the form of a sports game called Baseball, the game involved a special strong leather ball and a round bat, and to make it easier to catch the ball they used a special glove.
Slide 11: and one more mystery - the ball looks like a melon, and this sport is called Rugby.
Slide 12: Well, we got to know only a small number of balls. But there is a ball that is not afraid of frost and cold, and its faithful assistant, the stick, is ice hockey. The World Bandy Championship was held last winter in the city of Irkutsk. And the victory was won by the Baikal-Energia team from Russia in the fight against the Swedish team with a score of 3:2.
13. slide: Photo of our champions.

The history of the ball

  • Completed by teacher physical culture Municipal educational institution "Secondary school No. 35 with UIOP" Vorkuta Shirokikh Valentina Mikhailovna.

I'm round like the globe. Everyone is chasing me. They beat me with their feet and hands, and I run away - jumping

A little history

  • In ancient times, people loved to play with various spherical objects for fun.
  • It is known, for example, that South American Indians used a light elastic sphere as sports equipment. According to legend, early balls were created from human heads wrapped in animal skin or in the bladders of pigs and cows.

  • According to medieval tradition, people took pig bladders and tried to inflate them to the size required for the game. With the help of their legs and arms they tried to keep the ball in the air.
  • Over time, the bubbles began to be covered with leather to give them the correct shape and for durability.

Nineteenth century balls

  • In 1855, the same Goodyear designed the first rubber soccer ball. It is still kept in the National Football Hall of Fame, which is located in Oneonta (New York, USA).
  • In 1862, inventor Laindon developed one of the first inflatable rubber bladders. He knew very well the disadvantages of balls made from pig bladders. His goal was to create an inflatable rubber bladder that would not explode with every touch of the foot.
  • Rubber chambers provided the balls with shape and density. In those days, a round ball was preferred for playing with the feet, while an oval ball was easier to handle with the hands.
  • In 1900, even stronger rubber bladders were created. They could withstand a lot of pressure. All professional balls by that time were created on the basis of rubber tubes. They were covered with rough brown skin.

10 most popular ball games

  • Football
  • Hockey with a ball
  • Water polo
  • Volleyball
  • Bowling
  • Tennis
  • Basketball
  • Handball
  • American football
  • Golf

  • Today it is the most popular sport in the whole world. A team game, the goal of which is to score the ball into the opponent's goal more times than the opponent does. One of the main rules is that the ball cannot be picked up; it must be forgotten with the feet or other parts of the body, but without the help of hands. The year of the birth of football is considered to be 1863, but games similar to football existed in some countries of the world much earlier.

Hockey with a ball

  • One of the most popular types hockey In addition to the fact that it is played not on ice, but on grass, it has one more feature: instead of a puck, this game uses a ball. Field hockey included in the program Olympic Games. It is most popular in England, Australia, Pakistan, India, the USA and Canada. Indoor hockey has its own variety, which is indoor field hockey.

Water polo

  • The peculiarity of the game is that it is played in a pool of water, divided by a net, on both sides of which the players stand on each side. The goal of the game is to throw the ball into the opponent's goal. Each team consists of seven players, six outfield players and one goalkeeper.

in Volleyball

  • The name of the game translated from in English means "to hit the ball in flight." A team game played on a playing field divided by a net. Its essence lies in the fact that each team must direct the ball to the opponent’s side in such a way that the players of the opposing team cannot hit it and the ball touches the floor.

  • Bowling originated from the game of skittles. His goal is to knock down all the pins placed at the end of a special path with the ball, while throwing the ball as few times as possible. Bowling acquired its current form at the end of the 19th century, and in the 30s of the 20th century a mechanism appeared for automatically returning balls and setting pins.

  • A game in which two players (or two teams of two players) on a playing field divided by a net must use special rackets to hit the ball halfway playing field the opponent so that he cannot hit it immediately or after the ball first hits the ground. Tennis is included in the Olympic Games program. The first version of the game of tennis was a game called “jeu-de-paume”, which translated meant “strike with the palm of the hand.”


  • Team sport game. It involves 2 teams of 12 players, of which only 5 people can be on the field at a time, but substitutions of participants are possible during the game. On both sides of the field at a height of 3.05 meters there are rings with a net and each team must score the ball into the opponent’s basket as many times as possible and at the same time prevent the opponent from doing the same.

  • A team game where the goal is to score as many goals as possible more balls into the enemy's goal. The ball is scored mainly by hand. Each team consists of 6 field players and a goalkeeper. The first mention of a similar game was found in Homer’s poem “The Odyssey,” but handball acquired its current form in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

American football

  • A team sport that arose from European football and rugby, a game in which players use their hands and feet to pass an oval ball to each other, trying to throw it into the in-goal field behind the opponent’s goal. The official date of birth of American football is considered to be November 6, 1869, when in the American city of New Brunswick 2 teams met on a field and played something between regular football and rugby.

  • A sports game in which a player or team, using clubs to drive a small ball into a hole, must cover a certain distance with a minimum number of strokes. It is believed that golf was invented by Scottish shepherds who used staffs to drive stones into rabbit holes. Later, the game was domesticated, and the stick and stones were replaced by a stick and a ball.

Slide 2

Ball Professor:

... In Africa, on the banks of the Nile River, scarab beetles have lived since time immemorial. Those who roll earthen balls. Maybe people learned from scarabs 5 thousand years BC to sculpt balls from Nile silt?..

Slide 3

Professor Myachikov:

Because since then they have invented balls!.. Rag, felt, stone, wooden!.. Balls were stuffed with feathers, sand, even pistachio grains!.. playing with them was considered a terribly useful thing. One ancient Roman doctor prescribed a game of ball instead of medicine to all patients. Let's go with one like this, stone or sand! It's a bit heavy.

Slide 4

Ball Professor:

But one day, two thousand years ago, this happened in Rome. A gymnastics teacher, his name was Atzius, passing by a butcher shop, noticed a huge bull bladder. Inflated with air and tied with rope, it hung over the front door for beauty. The south wind ruffled the bubble and hit it against the wall, and it bounced away. Then it dawned on Atzius. He bought a bubble. I covered it with a leather case, and the result was a ball - light and bouncy! What a discovery it was!..

Slide 5

Yes, because since then they have invented balls!.. each game has its own special one.

Slide 6

Now sports balls are as follows: for water polo - plastic, for basketball - rubber, for rugby - oval, for tennis– rubber, covered with woolen fabric, for field hockey – white, for ice hockey – orange, cork inside, rope outside.

Slide 7

Ball courts have been discovered in the ruins of ancient Indian cities on the Yucatan Peninsula of Central America. The Indians considered the ball a symbol of the Sun and Moon. Therefore, in many games they did not even touch it with their hands. But only with rackets. Never and under no circumstances would an Indian player hit an opponent on purpose. But if they accidentally “exposed”, the Indian had to, having endured the pain, laugh. To get angry or cry in such cases was considered shameful and unworthy of a man.

Slide 8

Ball Professor:

Former football player from Czechoslovakia Jan Melisko became a football juggler. His record is 17 thousand headers on the ball without a break! While juggling a ball, he can sing, drive a motorcycle, run up the stairs, dance a waltz... And once, throwing the ball with his head, he walked 14 kilometers.

Slide 9

“Ball” is “bol” in English, “foot” is “foot”. If you fold it you get a foot ball. And basketball owes its name to a basket... of peaches. It was this that was adapted for the first basketball match on the planet. The inventor of this game is American James Naismith. “Bol” - “ball”, “basket” - “basket”. Basketball is a game of giants. What if you're not a giant? What should I do? Develop your jumping ability, practice jumping!..

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Slide captions:

Our assistant is the ball, it is our companion for success.
















The birthplace of basketball is America. FOUNDER OF THE GAME - NAYSMITH

History of basketball development

Modern basketball

PROFESSOR M BELLS Have a good game

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