Circular rotations of the pelvis while standing, which muscles work. Training to improve the functioning of the pelvic organs: exercises for men. A set of warm-up stretching exercises

Do you think it’s nice to have a disease like varicose veins or hemorrhoids? Especially those who are already familiar with these diseases know that it would be better to prevent them.

The cause of a huge number of diseases is the cessation of blood microcirculation in one or another part of the body. How to help yourself and prevent blood stagnation and remove blocks in the body?

How to restore blood circulation in the pelvis? A simple but effective exercise "Circles and Eights"

The essence of the exercise is that we rotate the pelvis in different planes. No matter how simple this exercise may seem, many will notice that in some planes the exercise works well, but not in others. Therefore, do not give up trying to achieve correct execution. Exercise perfectly releases sexual energy. You can perform circles and figure eights in any position: standing, sitting, lying on your stomach or lying on your back. It is better to start getting used to the complex in a standing position.


Spin 8 circles parallel to the floor clockwise and 8 circles counterclockwise.


We twist 8 eights stretched out in loops to the sides (like an infinity sign) in one direction and 8 eights in the other direction.

You yourself can come up with additional planes for torsion of eights, for example diagonally.

The exercise gives amazing results:

  • Blocks and clamps disappear,
  • blood circulation is restored,
  • self-regulation starts, recovery begins.

And the point here is not only in dynamics, but also in the action of vortex energy flows that we launch in the body.

Decreased potency even in young men is a fairly common phenomenon. About 1/3 of the strong half of humanity suffers from this problem. Oddly enough, yoga can help cope with such difficulties.

Read in the article

The benefits of yoga for the male body

According to the teachings of Indian practitioners, performing various types of asanas normalizes the blood circulation in the pelvic area and eliminates blood stagnation formed due to lack of physical activity.

Many followers of the presented art use the term “yoga of potency and love,” noting the positive aspects of yoga for a man’s health:

  • Exercises attract the flow of energy responsible for sexual performance. A number of asanas are aimed at training deep muscles, as a result of which their tone increases significantly;
  • The joints of the hip part of the body are developed and the spine is thoroughly stretched. As practice shows, nerve endings are most often pinched in these places, which leads to incomplete erection and decline male power. Regular training eliminate all existing clamps, thereby increasing potency;
  • According to reviews from practitioners, yoga is extremely useful for potency, as it has a beneficial effect on the degree of self-confidence and self-esteem of its followers. Feeling inner peace and spiritual balance, it is easier for a representative of the stronger sex to shed the burden of accumulated psycho-emotional problems and survive the emergence of new ones;
  • thanks to yoga, erection improves, potency increases, and functioning is normalized internal organs, morale is strengthened, moral stability increases.

An important advantage of yoga for increasing potency in men can be considered its naturalness. We are talking about the absence of the need to take various types of medications that contain chemical components and can harm other internal organs.

Rules for men's yoga classes

Many representatives of the stronger sex, who decide to give preference to exercises to strengthen their male health, delve headlong into the sequence of their implementation. However, they forget about general recommendations, ignoring which can lead to the lack of the desired result.

  • For people who have not done yoga at all before, it is better not to take risks and not start straight away with men's yoga. For such classes it is necessary that the trainee already has a certain amount of knowledge and skills. Thus, it is better to start with regular yoga and then move on to specialized training.
  • You should not start performing asanas without first warming up. Otherwise, you may harm your joints and muscles. This risk is especially great for those areas of the body that are most involved during gymnastics (neck or back). Simple bends, as well as rotational movements with elbows and knees, are suitable for warming up.
  • You need to approach training wisely, and not be too overzealous with your workouts. It is obvious that each of us wants to achieve results in as soon as possible. However, the level physical training and flexibility is individual for everyone, and it is impossible to step over it. No need to worry, because regular classes flexibility is developed quite quickly, and the exercises will become easier to perform over time.
  • It is recommended to take the last meal before training no later than 1.5 hours.
  • The optimal time, when all internal human processes are maximally activated, is considered to be the morning hours. If it doesn't suit you, you can choose any other. The key condition that must be taken into account is that the class should not be held before bedtime, but approximately 2 hours before bedtime.
  • You should try to move into each subsequent asana as slowly and smoothly as possible, avoiding abruptness and the use of special efforts.
  • During the exercises, you should concentrate not only on the movements themselves, but also on breathing. In addition, it is important to pay Special attention your inner feelings - this will avoid unnecessary discomfort and even possible injuries.
  • Speaking about the duration of asanas, it is worth noting that everyone determines this time for themselves, based on their personal condition and well-being, because training should be exclusively enjoyable.
  • With any movement, you need to keep unused muscles in a relaxed state.
  • Even if not everything is successful from the very beginning, you should not rush to finish your training. Reach visible result in the intimate sphere, it will be possible to give the body endurance and flexibility only with systematic exercise.

Asanas to enhance potency

The effectiveness of yogic gymnastics for stabilizing male potency has long been proven. Many reviews from both specialists and almost desperate men only confirm the theory about the beneficial healing effects of training on the body. At the same time, most fans of men's yoga identify several basic asanas.

Halasana (plow pose)

To correctly implement the asana in question, you should lie on your shoulder blades. In this position, you need to slowly raise your legs up first, followed by your lower back. In the process, you need to rest your toes on the floor surface. You can also help with your hands and support your back to make the exercise easier. It is important to ensure that your legs do not bend. The weight must be moved to top part back, but not on the shoulders.

It is recommended to remain in this position for at least 10–20 seconds. Yoga trainers advise repeating this exercise 2-3 times to obtain optimal load.

Many men note that this position gives a feeling of energy and vigor. At the same time, according to their own statements, exhaustion and fatigue disappear. The proven benefit of the asana is that it stabilizes blood circulation in the pelvis, normalizes the functioning of the adrenal glands, which, in turn, activates the production of sex hormones. As a result of all these transformations, potency increases and muscle tone improves.

Professionals do not recommend this pose for older men, especially if they do not have proper physical fitness. Also, people with hypertension, radiculitis of the lower back, or displaced intervertebral discs should not resort to it.

The exercise described should be followed by bow pose.

Any asana that involves bending the body must be followed by an extension pose. Compliance this condition will help avoid problems with blood pressure and reduce the likelihood of muscle strain to a minimum.

Dhanurasana (bow pose)

Starting position - lying on your stomach, resting your chin on the floor. You need to smoothly bend your knees until your feet are pressed to your buttocks. When this point is reached, you should bend at the waist and grab your ankles with your palms. In this case, the chest and pelvis should be raised above the floor level.

The considered asana for male potency improves performance endocrine system, stabilizes the activity of sweat glands. The bow pose will bring significant benefits to people who have hyperfunction thyroid gland. Through such yogic gymnastics, the development of problems related to intimate life can be prevented.

Bhunjangasana (cobra pose)

The list of the most effective yoga exercises for improving male potency includes the cobra pose. Before you begin, you need to lie face down on a flat surface. Your arms should be extended along your body and bent at the elbows, placing your palms on the floor. The lower limbs are connected to each other and lie extended.

Inhale and the body rises, bending slightly backward. On initial stages It is recommended to perform the exercise without using your hands, and use them later to increase tension. The bend should reach approximately the level of the navel. In the future, the load will gradually shift to the hips. When the highest point of the deflection is reached, you should remain in this position for at least 10–20 seconds. After this time, you can return to the starting position. It is recommended to repeat the described pose 2-3 times.

The advantage of this asana is that it has a beneficial effect on the tone and flexibility of the muscles of the thighs, abdomen, and back. This significantly improves the performance of the chest organs and abdominal cavity. Among other things, through such training it is possible to restore the spine after various types of injuries, as well as normalize the functioning of the thyroid gland if there are any abnormalities.

Mental Unity Pose

The starting position for performing the described exercise is sitting on your heels. Experts recommend freeing your thoughts during the process, closing your eyes and breathing deeply. Then the work of the hands begins: they are placed behind the back, one clasping the wrist of the other. In this position, you should lean forward deeply until your forehead touches the surface, and relax all your muscles as much as possible. The duration of being in this position is 10–20 seconds. Then you can return to the starting position.

When all stages of the exercise are completed, there is no need to waste time restoring breathing. You can consider that breathing has returned to normal after it becomes deep and measured. It is necessary to exhale strictly when bending over. To achieve the desired effect, similar gymnastics should be repeated 2-3 times.

While taking the pose of mental unity, a high-quality massage of the organs located in the abdominal cavity occurs, and the curved spine is restored. In addition, a number of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are eliminated. We are talking about digestive difficulties and constipation. Also, the considered asana significantly activates the work of the spleen, liver, and pancreas.

Exercise “rubbing the tailbone”

The extremely effective exercise “rubbing the tailbone” will help increase the effectiveness of men's yoga. To perform it properly, you should lie on your shoulder blades and relax. The hands are placed under the head, and the knees are bent. In this position, you need to exhale sharply 10-15 times, while engaging the abdominal muscles. After this, it is recommended to rock your pelvis in different directions about 30 times.

Professionals note that such movements help warm up the tailbone and increase erection.

Pelvic rotation exercise

To implement next exercise a man should sit astride a chair facing the back. While in this position, it is necessary to perform rotational movements of the pelvis. For convenience, you can hold on to the back of the chair. It is important that during one rotation you take one inhalation and one exhalation. Trainers recommend constantly monitoring the abdominal muscles, which should be tense throughout the entire exercise. You need to repeat such movements 15–20 times in one workout.

Contraindications for men's yoga classes

It makes no sense to deny the effectiveness of yoga to increase potency. However, it is also impossible to forget about the circumstances the presence of which prohibits performing these exercises. So, the list of contraindications includes:

  • acute diseases of internal organs;
  • deviations in the psychological background;
  • hypertonic disease;
  • increased intracranial pressure;
  • advanced heart pathologies;
  • inguinal hernias;
  • serious traumatic brain injuries;
  • a stroke that occurred less than six months ago;
  • spinal cord or brain infections;
  • significant deviations of the endocrine system.

Even if none of the above contraindications are relevant to a man, but after training his health worsens, it is necessary to consult a doctor about the peculiarities of such exercises.

According to experts, you can achieve real results with regular men’s yoga classes in just a couple of months. The main thing is not to stop halfway, even if not all asanas are successful the first time. For men who practice such training, yoga can become a true friend and assistant on the path to regaining stable potency.

Along with the use of medications, proper nutrition and other methods, potency exercises play an important role in restoring male strength. It’s not at all difficult to do them, the main thing is to regularly set aside time for exercise and tune in to a positive result.

In the article:

The benefits of exercises for potency

Special exercises for male strength have positive impact on reproductive function, since the following changes occur in the body:

  1. Blood circulation is activated in all parts of the body, and primarily in the genitals, as a result of which their tone increases.
  2. The physical endurance of a man improves, which has a positive effect on the process of intimacy.
  3. The duration of sexual intercourse is normalized.
  4. Metabolism is activated and hormonal balance is normalized, in particular, testosterone synthesis increases.
  5. Manifestations of stress disappear, and thus one of the psychological causes of sexual weakness and.

In addition, a physically active man looks more attractive, has toned body, especially in the abdominal area, which adds to his self-confidence and increases the chances of achieving inclination from the girl he is interested in.

The most effective way to restore male strength is the following set of exercises:

To warm up the rotation of the pelvis

Pelvic rotation. It is advisable to start with this exercise in order to warm up the muscles and activate blood circulation. The exercise involves doing it slowly circular movements pelvis. Similar body movements are performed when rotating a hoop, so you can mentally imagine this process or even purchase a hoop (hula hoop) for practice.

Tilts. First, spread your legs slightly wider than your shoulders, then tilt your torso, trying to reach the floor or toes with your fingertips. If you can’t immediately reach your toes with your hands, you can bend over less intensely, and as your training increases, it is advisable to increase the load. 20 inclinations per session are enough. Exercise helps train the back muscles, which helps

Promotes blood circulation in the pelvic area

Big step. It is necessary to pick up dumbbells or other weight weighing from 2 to 10 kg (depending on the level of fitness). Place your arms along your body, take a step forward with one leg, and then slowly lower yourself to your knee, trying to hold the load in the same position. Next, do a second lunge, stepping forward with the other leg.

. As an erection exercise, squats should be performed a little differently than on school lessons physical education. The legs should be placed a little wider than the shoulder line, the toes should be slightly turned outward. Next, tighten your buttocks and begin to squat slowly. Having squatted as low as possible, you need to stay there for two seconds, after which you gradually return to your previous standing position. You should do about twenty such squats.

Pumping the PS muscle(pubococcygeus muscle). It is better to perform the exercise in a standing position, with your legs slightly apart. Next, you should tense the muscle, as if trying to stop urinating. In this position, the penis will move slightly closer to the skin of the abdomen, and the testicles will rise up. It is recommended to hold the muscle in a tense position for about 10 seconds, after which you can return to the starting position.

High step. A very simple but very effective exercise. It is necessary to walk in place, standing barefoot on the mat, raising your knees as much as possible, alternately with each step. The knee should be raised as high as possible, pressing it to the stomach.

Running with your heels in place. Unlike regular running in place, when performing this exercise, only your heels should be lifted off the floor, and your toes should remain motionless on the floor. In this case, the knees will move with maximum speed, transmitting voltage from physical activity to the pelvic area.

Lifting the pelvis while lying down
. You need to lie on your back on the mat, place your arms along your body. Your knees should be bent and your feet should be on the floor. While in this position, you should smoothly raise and lower your pelvis. Exercise stimulates blood circulation in pelvic area and trains the corresponding muscles of the body.

Movement of the pelvis forward. It should be noted that when performing the proposed exercise, it is advisable to be naked, so you need to take care in advance that no one will disturb you during exercise. Place your feet shoulder-width apart, then bend them slightly at the knees, and keep your hands on your belt. Next you should do sudden movements pelvis, and only in the forward and backward direction. The man's genitals will sway a little. Repeat the movements several times.

Exercise for the scrotum. Squat down, actively draw in your stomach and buttocks, and at the same time, the scrotum should rise up as much as possible. At the same time, you should take a deep breath, and then, as you exhale, relax all tense organs.

The above physical exercise for potency, it is advisable to perform in a complex, so that during each lesson you work out different groups muscles.

To get the maximum benefit from your classes, it is advisable to adhere to several recommendations:

  1. Perform all exercises regularly, preferably daily, so as not to negate the effect obtained.
  2. During the very first training, the number of repetitions of each movement should be minimal so as not to overstrain untrained muscles and prevent micro-tears muscle fibers. As you develop skills, the number of repetitions should be increased, bringing the time to complete each exercise to 3-5 minutes.
  3. Men with chronic diseases should consult a doctor before starting exercise. Great care should be taken after operations, especially on the abdominal cavity.
  4. Under no circumstances should you exercise immediately after eating. It is better to allocate time for training in the morning, and if this is not possible, time between afternoon tea and dinner.
  5. The very first results will become noticeable in a week or two at best, or even later. That is why you should be patient and not stop training, then the effect of the training will definitely be noticeable.

The above exercises to strengthen potency are useful not only for men’s health, but also for the man’s body as a whole. Yes, muscle training abdominals by performing squats or lifting the body from a lying position will be an excellent preventive measure against the occurrence of hernias and the formation of a “beer belly”. Thus, classes can be recommended for men who do not experience any problems in bed.

Exercising is an excellent way to keep your body in shape and combat overweight, improving mood and general well-being. Some train strictly under the supervision of an experienced trainer, and some believe that they know better than others what their body needs. Very often such training ends in injury or entails more serious consequences. Feelgood talks about which exercises are harmful to our body.

What not to do during warm-up

One of the most dangerous exercises for health, without which almost no warm-up can be done, is head rotation. Incorrect tempo or amplitude of head rotations can harm the cervical spine. As a result, blood circulation is impaired not only in cervical spine, but also the entire head, the blood flow of the ENT organs worsens. To protect yourself from unpleasant consequences, experts recommend replacing head rotations with bending back and forth or swinging your arms. Last exercise provides maximum tension on the muscles, which is especially important before starting an intense workout.

The most dangerous body turns

Another exercise that is harmful to our body is turning the body to the sides. Improper execution of the exercise can disrupt the functioning of the spinal column, which is located in the thoracic and lumbar regions. As a result, such physical activity blood supply decreases, and nerve impulses to organs and tissues are significantly weakened. If you do this exercise in more moderate pace, the result will be completely different. The main rule: the pelvis should remain motionless, and rotation of the torso should be accompanied by a slight stretching of the muscles.

The next exercise, called “Mill,” has been known to us since school. It combines intense bending to the floor and twisting of the torso. One wrong movement and damage to the lumbosacral region is guaranteed.

Torso rotation with clockwise bends is another invisible enemy of the lumbosacral region. And although the purpose of this exercise is to stretch the lumbar, side and abdominal muscles, the harm from performing such exercises can significantly exceed the health benefits.

How not to pump up your abs

The rating of unsafe exercises for our body continues - bending to the floor. If excessively intense, this kind of bending can harm the spine. What do we get as a result? Poor circulation lower limbs and pelvic organs. Health experts recommend performing this exercise in a gentle manner, and the angle of inclination should not exceed 15-20 degrees.

Another exercise that is harmful to the body is swinging your legs back while standing. Such exercises put a very strong load on the lumbar region, as well as on gluteal muscles and thigh muscles. Try replacing them with more effective exercises: bending forward while sitting. The basic rule for such bends is that the back should be as straight as possible.

No less dangerous for our health is pumping up the press with lifting the torso. When performing this exercise, the spinous processes of our back experience enormous load, bearing the weight of the entire body. To avoid unpleasant health consequences, you can replace this exercise with raising your legs while lying down. In this case, the pelvis does not move, and the load does not transfer to the spinous processes.

Most mistakes with unpleasant consequences occur when a person is tired. Don’t try to prove something to someone, take care of yourself and if you feel like your strength is running out, reduce the intensity of the load or take a short break. We wish you useful training and, of course, health!

Photos used depositphotos


As a child, I often went to visit my grandmother in Bashkiria - 1300 km there and the same distance back by train or car. Later, the longest car trip for me was a motor rally across Europe: my friends and I then drove to Switzerland and covered a total of 7,500 km. Besides, I often fly by plane. Through trial and error, I put together my own set of asanas and exercises that help me cope better with the road.

The back and neck suffer the most from sitting for long periods of time. The main problem is that while sitting, we significantly increase the compression load on the spine compared to standing and, especially, lying down. In addition, the shape of the seats usually increases thoracic kyphosis, since you have to sit for a long time with your back slouched. And all the chairs are designed for the average build: if you are taller or shorter than average, the shape of the backrest will not coincide with the natural curves of the spine. For example, my headrests, which are supposed to support my neck, fall exactly on the top of my head. It’s not easy on your legs either: when you sit in one position for a long time, their muscles almost completely stop working. This impedes blood flow in the legs and abdomen.

The solution is simple: try to move more. On an airplane, you can get up from your seat as soon as the climb ends. If you travel by car or bus, use every stop at a gas station, cafe or toilet for a short warm-up. It's best to do a three-minute warm-up every forty minutes - you'll feel much better.

The important thing here is not to be shy about others. For example, I really don’t like it when strangers watch me, but on flights I’m already used to not being embarrassed by anyone. Before the plane, I always change into comfortable pants in which I can cross my legs or sit on my knees, and once in the seat I immediately put on clean socks. I often change positions, try to move around in my seat every half hour, and from time to time I go out to warm up at the back of the plane. Once I was flying to Iran, and since the plane was full, I asked to do some exercise in the flight attendants' area. They gladly accepted me, and one of the girls even did trikonasana with me for company.

What can you do while sitting?

1. Warm up for the neck

How to do it: tilt your head forward, backward and to the sides. At the same time, do not try to reach your shoulder with your ear, and instead of going into a deep bend, focus more on stretching. Imagine that the top of your head is being pulled up by a thread and then tilted to the sides. By tilting your head back, you can support your chin with your fists: you need to press on your hands while simultaneously stretching your neck upward. Repeat several times in each direction, pulling the crown up as you inhale and lowering your head as you exhale.

What are the benefits: remove tension from the neck muscles.

2. Twists

How to do it: Sitting in a chair, use your palms to lift your gluteal muscles out from under your pelvic bones, pulling them back so that your back becomes straight - this is the basis of a safe twist. As you inhale, stretch your crown up and as you exhale, twist to the side. You can push yourself away from the seat with your hands. Hold for a few seconds. Repeat 4 times in each direction.

What are the benefits: relieve tension from the spine and back muscles.

Denis Bykovskikh

3. Purvotanasana

How to do it: sitting in a chair, stretch your legs forward without lifting your feet from the floor, place your hands on the seat and lift your pelvis up. Arms and legs should be straight, and the body should be elongated like a string. Stretch your chin toward your chest, and if your head doesn’t feel dizzy, you can tilt it back. Hold the pose for 5 seconds, then lower and relax and repeat the asana 3-5 times.

What are the benefits: We tone the gluteal muscles and the back of the thighs and calves.

Denis Bykovskikh

4. “Lock”

How to do it: while sitting, lower your hands, place them behind your back and interlace your fingers behind your back, trying to connect your palms. The arms must remain straight, so this may not work right away. At the same time, bring your shoulder blades together, push your shoulders back, and chest forward and slightly up. Stretch your arms straight down. Hold the position for half a minute. If possible, lean forward with your arms up and reach forward with your arms.

What are the benefits: remove stoop.

Denis Bykovskikh

5. Change the position of your legs often

How to do it: Place your feet on the dashboard or the back of the seat in front. Cross your legs, sit in half lotus, or virasana (sit on your knees, spread your heels, straighten your arms calf muscles to the sides and slowly lower your pelvis onto the seat if there is no discomfort).

What are the benefits: We improve the outflow of venous blood from the legs and get rid of swelling.

What can you do while standing (on a plane, train, bus or at a bus stop)

1. Trikonasana

How to do it: spread your legs wider. Turn your left foot and knee outward to the left, point your right foot in the same direction, and then turn it to the right at an angle of 45 degrees. Keep your legs and back straight. Spread your arms to the sides and lower as you exhale left hand to the left foot, bending at the hip joint. There should be as few folds as possible on the left side: you should try to stretch it out in the same way as the right. Raise your right hand up and look at its fingers. If you imagine that there is a wall behind you, then it should touch left-hand side left leg, both buttocks and both shoulder blades. Hold the position for 5 seconds, then lift your body, turn it towards your left leg and bend your stomach towards it. Hip joints should be level, so you may need to push your left hip back. In this position you should feel traction back surface left leg. Stay bent over for 5 seconds, then lift your body slightly, straightening your back completely. Right hand place it on your left shin and turn your body to the left, raising your left arm up. In this case, the position of the legs should not change. Hold the pose for 5 seconds and rise up. Perform this combination 2-3 times in each direction.

What are the benefits: relieve tension and stimulate blood flow in the back muscles, maintain the tone of the leg muscles.

2. Front thigh stretch

How to do it: bend your knee, pulling your heel toward your buttock with your hand and keeping your knees together. Do not bend your supporting leg and keep it tense. Stretch your crown upward. If you manage to maintain balance, tilt your head forward, back and to the sides, stretching your neck. Then perform the same movements in a different starting position - bend your leg and pull your knee towards your stomach with your hands. Do these exercises for as long as you feel comfortable and pleased. You can also twist in this pose.

What are the benefits: We stretch the leg muscles and maintain the tone of the gluteal muscles.

4. What if it’s not possible to work? external muscles, put your internal ones to work! Do it. This will help you concentrate and at the same time you will improve blood circulation in your muscles. pelvic floor and pelvic organs, which is very useful, especially when you sit for a long time.

Do you do any exercise on the road? Share your experience!