Contact martial arts. Martial arts: history, classification, types. Japanese types of martial arts

The problem of choosing any type of martial arts to study is very relevant. It's sad to see people spend 20 years on martial arts only to be beaten by someone who hasn't spent a single day in the training room. Unfortunately, this happens often. However, there are many types of martial arts, by practicing which you can gain the necessary adequate skills.

The question is what martial arts most effective and best for self-defense has been debated for years. This aspect is the most important when choosing one type or another. Unfortunately, not all martial arts are functional and effective enough from the point of view of self-defense. Also, keep in mind that everyone's needs are different, so what works for one may not benefit another. However, of all the existing ones, the most effective types of martial arts can be identified. Choosing any of them will be useful for improving your self-defense skills.


This type of martial arts is considered by many to have one of the worst reputations in terms of self-defense. This point of view has its grounds. On the one hand, Aikido is almost useless against anyone with decent martial arts skills. However, it can be very effective for people who must constantly control aggressive and unskilled people in terms of combat training.

Police officers, security personnel are the people most likely to benefit from Aikido as it focuses on controlling the opponent and redirecting the energy of the attack. There are many arts that will teach you how to knock out your opponent, but this cannot be done in every situation.

Aikido was created by Morihei Ueshiba, who combined his experience in several martial arts to create a system of self-defense that is largely spiritual. Most of the techniques are based on the art of fencing. On the one hand, this system has good techniques of grabs and throws that allow you to resist a not very prepared opponent without causing him much harm, but it will be impossible to resist an experienced fighter with such a technique.


It is a martial art that has influenced many martial arts or self-defense systems. He is one of the most effective styles martial arts This fighting style includes very fast strikes, balance manipulation and hard submissions.

Silat is a martial art from Southeast Asia that is practiced in Indonesia, Brunei, Malaysia and the Philippines. There are many origin stories surrounding it.

What are its advantages? Silat is a system of self-defense that covers a wide range of combat aspects. Weapons, striking and grappling techniques - all this makes him incredibly dangerous. Anyone who attacks a silat expert will eventually be defeated. For those who are trying to figure out which martial art is the most effective on the street, silat is one of the most suitable options.

Muay Thai

Also known as Muay Thai, it deserves a place on any list of martial arts that are suitable for self-defense. This combat system, whose arsenal includes powerful kicks, punches, elbows and knees.

It has become the source of training for MMA fighters, although Muay Thai is equally excellent for street self-defense.

Muay Thai is a complex martial art, but it utilizes all the skills needed on the street. This is what makes it one of the most effective martial arts for self-defense.

This type of fighting originated several hundred years ago, and many believe that it originated from the migration of tribes from China. In the difficult conditions of almost constant war throughout the history of Thailand and neighboring countries, this art was used during battles. Needless to say, Muay Thai has proven itself both on the battlefield and sports arena.


Many experts consider karate to be one of the most effective martial arts. The reason for this is the nature of the system. Kicks, punches, blocks - all these are part of the karate training program.

This style has fairly low requirements for beginners. Students work to improve their powerful punches and kicks. This style of martial arts is respected, however, compared to other martial arts, it lacks defensive techniques.

The exact origins of karate are unknown, however it is generally believed that it was created on the island of Okinawa, and due to various bans on the use of weapons in the history of the islands, it was originally a style that used the "empty hand" technique, although some were subsequently made improvements.

Why is karate good for self-defense? One of the clear advantages of this style is strong blows. Some disadvantages include the excessive use of rigid blocks. However, harsh karate is not always a bad thing. Just remember some MMA fighters, for example Lot Machida, who does a very good job using karate as a base.

Overall, excellent physical fitness, powerful punches and kicks make karate one of the most effective martial arts suitable for self-defense. However, it should be borne in mind that there are different styles of it, which are suitable to varying degrees for self-defense purposes.

wing chun

This is a Chinese style of martial arts that has gained immense popularity in last years, largely due to the success of the Ip Man films in leading role. Many people, answering the question of which type of martial arts is the most effective, name it.

The actual origin of Wing Chun remains a controversial issue, but there is one most popular theory about its origin. This is the story of a Buddhist nun, Ng Mui. It is said that she was one of the five elders of the Shaolin Temple who managed to escape before its destruction. Thanks to high level Shaolin martial arts, she created a form of self-defense that would allow her to resist an opponent superior in size and weight, which was especially important for a fragile woman. She drew inspiration for Wing Chun from the movements of animals, most notably the crane. When applied to the human form, these delicate but natural movements required little force but allowed for effective blocking and striking.

Ng Mui's first disciple, in an as yet unnamed form, was a beautiful young girl named Im Wing Chun, whom the local gang leader tried to force into marriage. Having mastered the art, she was still able to protect herself and stop the onslaught of the bandit. It was in her honor, as the first student of Nung Ng Mui, that a new type of martial art was named. With zero sports skills, Wing Chun is able to provide the necessary self-defense skills. Yes, as in any art, there are good and bad instructors, but this is a very reliable and practical self-defense system for close combat.

The strength of Wing Chun lies in its direct approach. In this martial art, the practitioner becomes very strong and delivers very targeted lashing blows. Thus, it is truly one of the most effective martial arts that was created specifically for self-defense.

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu

This art is quite effective as a self-defense system. However he has weak sides, when it comes to protecting against weapons and group attacks. The basis for jiu-jitsu was judo. Accordingly, most of the attention is paid to wrestling techniques, painful and choking techniques, and to a lesser extent to strikes. This style has been used by many MMA fighters.

Nowadays, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu has become more of a sport than a self-defense system. However, there are enough techniques here that can be used effectively for self-defense.


This sport has already become a global phenomenon. His arsenal consists of knockout blows, strangulations, and holds. The disadvantage of MMA from a self-defense point of view is that it requires serious physical training.

The big advantage of these trainings is the rapid growth of skills in all areas. Thus, over time, one can become a very skilled opponent for any attacker. The downside to this is that the practitioner is more focused on the sport with all its limitations rather than self-defense. For example, there is no knife protection at all. But despite this, its parts are included in the list of the most effective martial arts.

Krav Maga

This is perhaps one of the most famous and effective self-defense systems in the world. The word Krav Maga in Hebrew means "contact combat" and is the official system of the Israeli Defense Forces.

The origins of Krav Maga can be traced back to Czechoslovakia (modern Slovakia) before the outbreak of World War II. Its founder was a young Jewish athlete named Imi Lichtenfeld. Imi was a nationally and internationally renowned boxer, wrestler and gymnast. Beginning in the mid-1930s, fascist and anti-Semitic groups came to power in Czechoslovakia, which led to oppression and violence against Jewish communities. Lichtenfeld organized a group of young men to patrol and protect against potential attackers. However, he quickly realized that his training in combat sports could not be compared with gangster methods. Fighting for points in a match and fighting for your life in a street fight require a different mindset and different techniques. Imi began to synthesize his knowledge in the field of martial arts and began to devote Special attention attacks that quickly disabled and neutralized the threat.

Thus, this type of martial arts was originally created as the most effective martial art.

When Lichtenfeld moved to Palestine in 1942, he joined the Haganah, a pre-Israeli Jewish paramilitary organization with a mission to protect Jewish settlers from locals who were not welcoming to the new arrivals. Israeli military leaders quickly noticed Imi's fighting skills and his ability to teach them to others.

After Israel gained statehood in 1948, Lichtenfeld was appointed chief physical training instructor at the IDF Combat Training School. It was in this role that he developed what is today known as Krav Maga.

This type of martial art, the most effective, according to many experts, is a tactical system mixed martial arts and self-defense, which combines boxing, judo, jiu-jitsu and aikido. In recent years, Krav Maga has incorporated elements of other martial arts such as Muay Thai and Wing Chun.

Principles of Krav Maga

In fact, they form the basis of this martial art.

  1. Neutralize the threat. The main goal of Krav Maga is to neutralize your opponent as quickly as possible. It governs all other principles of Krav Maga. It's about being dominant and taking out your attacker as quickly as possible.
  2. Be more simple. Krav Maga has simple punches, holds and blocks. This system has been designed to be used as quickly as possible.
  3. Simultaneous defense and attack. Many martial arts treat defensive and offensive movements as separate and discrete actions, such as blocking first (defensive action), then striking (attacking action). The downside to this approach is that it is reactive and the fighter will end up getting caught in a cycle of endless defensive movements. Krav Maga combines offensive and defensive movements: the fighter simultaneously strives to disrupt an attack and counterattack. It should be noted that Wing Chun has a similar principle of simultaneous defense and attack.
  4. Continuous movement. Associated with the principles of simultaneous defense and attack is “retzev,” the Hebrew word for “continuous movement.” Its goal is to neutralize the attacker with continuous, consistent aggressive defense and offensive movements. Retzev requires the fighter to work instinctively rather than relying on a pre-established routine technique.
  5. Using the capabilities of weapons. Can be used in Krav Maga firearms and knives. In addition to these traditional weapons, Krav Maga also teaches practitioners to improvise and use any object at their disposal as a weapon. Keys, pens, belts and chairs can be incorporated into Krav Maga techniques to neutralize an opponent as quickly as possible.
  6. Weapon protection. In addition to teaching weapons skills, Krav Maga also teaches how to defend yourself from armed attack.
  7. Focusing on the Vulnerable soft tissues and pressure points. A well-known principle of Krav Maga is its emphasis on attacking vulnerable soft tissues and points. Many counterattacks include attacks on the eyes, groin and throat.

Thus, Krav Maga is tough, but at the same time the most effective martial art in the world.

In our quiet times, martial arts are perceived more as a hobby, but there are times in life when you need to be able to stand up for yourself. If you decide to learn self-defense or send your child to a martial arts course, then you should pay attention to martial arts. So, let’s take a closer look at the best.

Eastern martial arts - classification and types

All oriental martial arts can be divided into three groups:

  • Chinese;
  • Japanese;
  • Thai and other martial arts.

They differ from each other in the philosophy of combat.

  • So Chinese types involve self-defense. There are a lot of elements of defense, blocks and tackles. The main strategy is to turn the enemy's strengths against himself.
  • The Japanese, on the contrary, specialize in attack.
  • Thai martial arts are more brutal, and the goal here is one - to survive at any cost. There are a lot of painful blows in this discipline.

So, let's deal with each branch martial arts more details.

Chinese martial arts

Let's look at some types of Chinese martial arts and their features.

Wushu is the most popular Chinese martial art. Wushu or, as it is also called, kungfu, is not only physical training, but also moral education and development of a person as an individual.

The goal of kung fu is self-improvement and hardening of a person, raising his self-esteem, the ability to quickly assess the situation and reach the goal.

In ancient China, children studied in Wushu schools, where they studied not only fighting techniques, but also counting, writing and reading. Wushu can be called the main type of Chinese martial arts, and all of the ones listed below are its subtypes.

Features of martial arts

  • Wushu is a set of breathing and gymnastic exercises.
  • Teaches you to avoid conflicts and use force only in extreme cases.
  • Kungfu is a lifestyle, a whole philosophy that allows you to know yourself, your capabilities and facets.
  • Tempers and develops a person physically.

You can practice this martial art at any age, but as recommended, no earlier than 5 years.

2. Tui shou

Tui shou or “pushing hands” as it is also called, it is mainly taught together with taijiquan- self-defense technique.

The task of tui shou is: throw the enemy off balance.

But tui shou by itself is ineffective, so it is used with taijiquan. It is together that they form an ensemble of combat techniques and contribute to the development of coordination of movements, stamina and elasticity.

By the way, you can start exercising at any age.

3. Sanda

Sanda is sports sparring. Strikes are performed with legs and arms, so athletes begin the fight in full equipment (helmet, mouth guard, boxing gloves, groin and chest protection).

If you want to send your child to such martial arts courses, then Recommended age to start is 12-14 years.

Japanese types of martial arts

One of oldest species Japanese martial arts is jiu-jitsu, or as it is also called “soft art”.

There is throwing technique and force on the joints. , which is very reminiscent of judo. It is jiu-jitsu that is the founder of such martial arts as judo, aikido, karate, sambo.

It is recommended to start practicing this type of martial arts from the age of 8.

Judo is interesting because it offers a lot of techniques for knocking an opponent to the ground , which is its main principle.

This art of self-defense teaches a variety of grappling and throwing techniques. , as well as impact on the opponent’s pressure points.

When can you start training? Recommended for ages 5-7.

6. Karate

Karate is a hostile fighting technique. This is a dangerous fight in which punches and kicks are used.

Which clear example? Just remember how karatekas break bricks with their hands or heads.

Karate develops:

  • speed of reaction,
  • coordination of movements,
  • attentiveness,
  • ability to concentrate.

Aikido is a technique of defense. All movements of an aikido fighter go in a circle, which allows you to constantly control the enemy. It can be compared to a whirlpool that spins a sliver of wood, taking away the aggression from it, and carefully returning it to the shore.

All movements of an aikidoist smooth and beautiful, and at the same time clearly designed to block the opponent’s blows, which the aikido master foresees in advance.

This type of martial arts develops not only physical strength, but also morale.

Since it is not considered too aggressive, you can start training as early as 4 years old.

Other martial arts

Sambo, originally from Russia, is a defensive technique.

In Sambo, painful holds on the legs are allowed, but choking is strictly prohibited. This is how it differs from judo.

You can start after 5 years.

Thai boxing is a cross between karate and boxing. This fighting technique requires high endurance and pain threshold, as well as physical fitness.

There are powerful painful blows here, and injuries often occur. But, if you get through the difficult first couple of months of training, you will have a low pain threshold, strong morale and beautiful body. In short, Muay Thai is not for the weak.

You can start classes no earlier than 12 years old.

Kickboxing combines techniques of classical boxing and karate, Thai boxing, wushu , which is why he is most effective in combat.

Punches, like in boxing, and kicking techniques, like in martial arts, make kickboxing a balanced system.

We should not forget that kickboxing is contact fight, so even a novice beginner has a high probability of being bruised.

Eastern martial arts are good because they, in principle, do not have any specific restrictions on physical fitness, gender or age. Once you choose a type, you can start whenever you want. So good luck with your selection and training!

Martial arts - various systems of martial arts and self-defense of various, often East Asian origins; developed mainly as a means of conducting hand-to-hand combat. Currently practiced in many countries around the world, mainly in the form sports exercises, whose goal is physical and conscious improvement.


Martial arts are divided into areas, types, styles and schools. There are both fairly old martial arts and new ones.

  1. Martial arts are divided into wrestling, drums And martial arts(include not only the study of techniques, but also the philosophy of combat and life).
  2. With or without weapons. Martial arts using weapons include: all types of shooting, throwing knives, darts, etc., knife and stick fighting, fencing (rapier, saber), various oriental martial arts (for example, wushu, kung fu, kendo) using nunchuck, poles, sabers and swords. Martial arts without the use of weapons include all others in which only various parts of the arms, legs and head are used.
  3. Types of wrestling by country(national). Every nation has its own types of martial arts.

Let's look at the most famous of them.

  • Japanese karate, jujutsu (jiu-jitsu), judo, aikido, sumo, kendo, kudo, iaido, kobujutsu, nunchaku-jutsu, ninjutsu (a comprehensive training system for medieval Japanese spies, including hand-to-hand combat, studying ninja weapons, methods of disguise, etc.).
  • Chinese wushu and kung fu. In addition, in China there are also various styles that imitate the behavior of animals, birds, insects, as well as a style that imitates the behavior of a drunk person (the “drunkard” style).
  • Korean hapkido, taekwondo (taekwondo).
  • Thai Muay Thai or Thai boxing.
  • Russians sambo and Combat Sambo, hand-to-hand combat.
  • European boxing, French boxing (savate), freestyle and Greco-Roman (classical) wrestling.
  • Brazilian capoeira, jiu-jitsu.
  • Israeli Krav Maga.
  • Mixed kinds. MMA (mixed fight), K-1, kick boxing, grappling are mixed types, the techniques in which are taken from other martial arts and martial arts.
  • Olympic martial arts. Some types of wrestling, martial arts and martial arts are included in the program Olympic Games. These include boxing, freestyle and Greco-Roman wrestling, judo, taekwondo, and various types of shooting.

The difference between combat sports and martial arts

All sports martial arts differ from real martial arts in that they are always aimed at fighting with one person (that’s why they are called martial arts), who is always honest and good athlete, and always operates within the framework of certain pre-defined rules.

Also, in combat sports there is most often a division into weight categories; weapons, vile techniques and the effect of surprise are not used, as well as techniques that can seriously injure a person.

But naturally, in a real battle on the street, such excellent battle conditions are rarely encountered. Three people can attack here, they can put a knife to the throat or even hit you from behind without warning in advance, so let’s continue to try to discuss more effective and applied types of martial arts.


This self-defense system was created by master Morihei Ueshiba (1883–1969) based on one of the branches of jujutsu. Some Aikido techniques were borrowed from the so-called Chinese Wushu. soft styles, where the vector of force applied to the opponent coincides with the direction of movement of the opponent himself. The fundamental difference between Aikido and other types of martial arts is the absence of offensive techniques. The main sequence of actions of a fighter comes down to grabbing the opponent’s hand or wrist, throwing him to the ground and here, using a painful technique, finally neutralizing him. Movements in aikido are usually performed in a circular path.

There are no competitions or championships in Aikido. However, it is very popular as an art of self-defense and quickly incapacitating an enemy. Like karate and judo, aikido is widespread outside Japan, including in Russia.

American kickboxing

Another type of boxing is “American kickboxing”; according to legend, its name and even the development of the fighting style is prescribed to the famous actor and, of course, multiple champion in kickboxing, Chuck Norris. Kick boxing is translated almost literally as “Kicks and punches.”

Because kickboxing has become a mixture of martial arts wushu, English boxing, Muay Thai, karate and taekwondo. Ideally, fights should take place at full strength and on all levels, that is, kicks and punches are allowed at full force throughout the body. What allows kickboxers to become quite dangerous opponents both in and outside the ring, but still this sports system and under street fight it is not initially sharpened.

English boxing and French boxing

Although the modern English boxing that we know, since about 1882, it was recognized in its previous form as dangerous to health and began to be conducted according to the rules known today, which completely reduced its combat effectiveness. But after this time, a bunch of similar combat “boxing” systems from various countries around the world became known.

Among the most famous types of boxing, it can be noted: French boxing “Savat” was once generally one of the best street fighting systems in Europe.

Savate is a European martial art, also known as "French boxing", characterized by effective punching techniques, dynamic kicking techniques, mobility and subtle strategy. Savate has a long history: this type of martial art originated as a synthesis of the French school of street hand-to-hand combat and English boxing; in 1924 it was included in the Olympic Games in Paris as a demonstration sport.

Greco-Roman wrestling

Classical wrestling is a European type of martial arts in which two participants compete. The main task of each athlete is to use a number of different elements and techniques to put his opponent on his shoulder blades. Main difference Greco-Roman wrestling from other similar martial arts - this is a ban on performing any techniques with legs (steps, hooks, sweeps, etc.). Also, you cannot do leg grabs.


Judo translated from Japanese means “soft way”. This modern combat sport comes from the Land of the Rising Sun. The main principles of judo are throws, painful holds, holds and chokes. Judo is based on the principle of unity of spirit and body and differs from other martial arts in its lesser use physical strength when performing various technical actions.

Professor Jigoro Kano founded judo in 1882, and in 1964 judo was included in the program of the Summer Olympic Games. Judo is a codified sport in which the mind controls the movements of the body, it has the most pronounced educational character V Olympic program. In addition to competition, judo includes the study of technique, kata, self-defense, physical training and improvement of the spirit. Judo as a sports discipline is a modern and progressive form of physical activity. The International Judo Federation (IJF) has 200 affiliated national federations on five continents. More than 20 million people practice judo, a sport that perfectly combines education and physical activity. The IJF organizes more than 35 events every year.


Jiu-jitsu is a general name used for a fighting system that is almost impossible to clearly describe. This is hand-to-hand combat, in most cases without the use of weapons, and only in some cases with weapons. Jiu-Jitsu techniques include kicking, punching, punching, throwing, holding, blocking, choking and tying, as well as the use of certain types of weapons. Jiu-jitsu does not rely on brute strength, but on dexterity and dexterity. Using minimal effort to achieve maximum effect. This principle allows any person, regardless of his physical fitness or physique, control and use your energy most efficiently.


(Capoeira) is an Afro-Brazilian national martial art, a synthesis of dance, acrobatics and games, all accompanied by national Brazilian music. According to the generally accepted version, capoeira originated in South America in the 17th and 18th centuries.

But experts still argue about the homeland and time of origin of such a unique art. No one knows exactly where it came from, who was the founder of the ancient skill and, like capoeira, it has achieved rapid popularity from century to century.

There are several main hypotheses for its occurrence:

  1. The prototype of warlike movements was the African zebra dance, which was common among local tribes.
  2. Capoeira is a fusion of ancient cultures - Latin American and African dances.
  3. The dance of slaves, which gradually developed into a martial art. Associated with the landing of Europeans on the continent and the origin of the slave trade.


Karate (“the way of the empty hand”) is a Japanese martial art that offers different ways hand combat and several techniques using weapons, including edged weapons. Grabs and throws are not used in this martial art. The main principle is speed and speed, and the main task is to maintain the main stance for a long time. Therefore, first of all, balance plays a role in karate.


During sports matches, fencers hold elastic bamboo swords, and their heads, chests and arms are covered with special training armor. For cleanly executed strikes on certain parts of the enemy’s body, the participants in the fight are awarded points.

Nowadays kendo is not only popular look sports, but is also an integral part of physical education program Japanese schools.


The term “kobudo” translated from Japanese means “ancient military way.” The original name was “kobujutsu” - “ancient martial arts (skills).” This term today represents the art of wielding various types of oriental bladed weapons.

Currently, there is a division of kobudo into two autonomous independent directions:

  1. Nihon-kobudo is a direction that combines systems common on the main islands of Japan and using in its arsenal edged weapons of samurai origin and weapons from the arsenal of ninjutsu.
  2. Kobudo (other names Ryukyu-kobudo and Okinawa-kobudo) is a direction that unites systems originating from the islands of the Ryukyu archipelago (modern Okinawa Prefecture, Japan) using in the arsenal tools (objects) of peasant and fishing use of the inhabitants of these islands.


Sambo belongs to the unique types of martial arts that have spread throughout the world. He became the only species sports competitions, where international communication is conducted in Russian. There are two types of sambo, the first of which is combat, used to protect and incapacitate the enemy. The second type of this struggle is sports sambo, promotes the development of personal characteristics, strengthens character and body, allows you to develop self-control and discipline.


The rules of sumo are very simple: to win, it is enough to either make the opponent lose his balance and touch the ring with any part of the body except the feet, or simply push him out of the ring. Usually the outcome of a fight is decided in a few seconds. Related rituals can take much longer. The wrestlers wear only a special loincloth.

In ancient times, sumo champions were revered on par with saints; according to Japanese beliefs, wrestlers, by shaking the earth, not only make it more fertile, but also scare away evil spirits; Sumo wrestlers were sometimes hired to “exorcise diseases” from wealthy homes and even entire cities.

Therefore, such attention is given to the weight of the wrestler (in sumo there is no weight categories). Since ancient times, a variety of diets and exercises have been preserved that allow you to most effectively gain maximum weight. Age professional wrestlers fluctuates between 18 and 35 years. Most sumo champions become national idols.

Thailand boxing

Muay Thai was developed as a military and army martial art, the fighters of which, with or without weapons, were supposed to be part of the king’s personal guard and actually confront entire armies of a superior enemy on the battlefield.

But today, like previous sports forms of martial arts, Thai boxing has undergone quite strong changes in the direction of sport; modern rules have also changed very much, which have become much more loyal and made this ultra-tough and even deadly martial art an order of magnitude less effective.

Although in more closed schools and one might even say sects, even outside of Thailand, in which Thai boxing is also studied, there are still people who teach more effective types of it.

Taekwondo (taekwondo, taekwondo)

Taekwondo is a Korean martial art. His characteristic feature is that the legs are used more actively in a fight than the arms. In Taekwondo, you can throw both straight kicks and spinning kicks with equal speed and force. The martial art of Taekwondo is over 2000 years old. Since 1955, this martial arts has been considered a sport.


Dliterally translated as martial art. It is the general name for traditional Chinese martial arts, more commonly referred to in the West as kung fu or Chinese boxing. There are many different directions, wushu, which are conventionally divided into external (waijia) and internal (neijia). External, or hard styles require a fighter to be in good physical shape and spend a lot of physical energy during training. Internal or soft styles require special concentration and flexibility.

As a rule, the philosophical basis of external styles is Chan Buddhism, and internal - Taoism. The so-called monastic styles are traditionally external and originate from Buddhist monasteries, one of which is the famous Shaolin Monastery (founded around 500 BC), where the Shaolinquan style was formed, which influenced the development of many styles of Japanese karate.

Which martial art should you choose?

The choice of activities depends primarily on your preferences and physical features. The table will help you determine your body type and the type of wrestling that suits it. However, do not forget that only general recommendations. Learning martial arts is a long process, during which your body will get used to, adapt to new conditions and gain experience in the martial arts that you choose.


Tai chi chuan (tai chi chuan)

This graceful, non-offensive Chinese martial art emphasizes stability, balance, poise and is ideal for thin people. A set of controlled, smooth movements will train all your muscles to work together and harmoniously. Do not confuse tai chi chuan with tai chi offered in fitness clubs. Real schools are more stimulating and allow their students to experience a variety of different types weapons, including a double-edged sword.

This Chinese style is also called kung fu. There are more than 300 varieties of Wushu. Of these, Wing Chun (Yunchun, “eternal spring”) is suitable for people with a lack of weight and size. This style allows a small, lightweight person to defeat a larger opponent by targeting sensitive areas of the body that are not protected by muscles (eyes, throat, groin, knees and specific nerve points). Special flexibility is not required since most strikes are thrown low (kneecaps or shins).

Taekwondo (taekwondo, taekwondo)

It is advisable to be lean, light and free-spirited for this Korean martial art, as it is best known for its wide variety of high, flashy kicks. This fighting style relies more on the legs than the fists. Head strikes are common, so you should at least be able to lift your leg to the height of your opponent's face. During classes you need to be prepared for the fact that you will receive a couple of painful blows, but in general the contacts are not very violent. In addition, students of Taekwondo do not only train in fighting each other, since it is one of the martial arts where breaking boards and bricks with hands and feet is part of the training regimen.



Aikido does not focus on exhausting punches and kicks. The focus is on using the opponent's own energy against him, in order to incapacitate him (using wrist locks or arm locks) or throw him back. This style is easier for people with an athletic build, since most offensive movements are more effective with developed muscles. Also, unlike most martial arts which require 10 ranks before achieving a black belt, this Japanese martial arts has only 6 levels.


A Japanese martial art that involves wielding a bamboo sword, dressing like a samurai, and repeatedly striking an opponent's neck and head. It sounds threatening, but in this martial art the body is protected by armor similar to knightly armor, which reduces damage to a minimum. Speed ​​and strong shoulders and arms are essential attributes for sword fighters, so a lean, muscular build would be ideal.

Muay Thai (Thai boxing)

Thai martial art with full contact with the opponent. Instead of simply using fists and feet, the opponent is struck with a series of strikes to the elbows and knees. Most suitable for athletic people with developed muscles around the joints. Those wishing to master this type of martial arts should be prepared for early retirement, since serious practitioners have a rather short career (4-5 years maximum).



A Japanese martial art that aims to disrupt the opponent's balance and throw him to the mat. Stocky people have an advantage when performing defensive maneuvers, as the extra weight helps them stand more stable in the ring. Shortness of breath will not be a problem in the initial stages of training, which are devoted to improving grips, contraction maneuvers and how to fall correctly. To reach a more advanced level you will need to develop stamina.


Based on a combination of cultures (with roots in both Japan and Okinawa), karate is also a mixture of different fighting methods. Students learn hand fighting techniques and several weapon techniques, including nunchucks. Although this martial art does not involve grappling or throwing, stocky people benefit from a stronger and more stable stance, which gives more power to their strikes and blocks. Most varieties of karate are worth choosing, but if you are afraid of pain, then be wary of styles that have “Kenpo,” “Kempo,” “American Freestyle,” or “Full Contact” in their names.


This boxing style of karate is more suitable for larger people for several reasons. First, he uses a series of punches, similar to boxing, where stability in the ring due to a powerful physique is more important than strong fists. A strong physique will also be useful for mastering techniques to evade opponents' blows. Throwing punches will require flexibility, but punches are usually thrown no higher than the waist.

Jujutsu (jujutsu)

This Japanese technique combines many dangerous offensive and defensive techniques. This type of martial arts is merciless, as it was originally developed to train an unarmed person to neutralize an armed soldier. Mastering jiu-jitsu will be easier for those who are used to stress and have endurance and flexibility.

The ability to defend plays an important role in the history of every nation. Under the influence of natural, historical and cultural factors, many hand-to-hand combat tactics were created and developed, each of which absorbed elements of the ethnic group of its country. Methods of striking and inflicting pain on an opponent became more and more effective, and over the course of many centuries, ordinary fighting with stones and sticks turned into a real martial art.

We present to your attention the 10 most dangerous martial arts in the world, each of which has transcended its country of origin and become popular in many corners of the Earth.

10. Jiu-jitsu

This is a very effective and tough way of fighting, which appeared during street fights, and is now included in the list of sports disciplines.

9. Kajukenbo

This is an explosive mixture of boxing and karate. It arose in the first half of the twentieth century in Hawaii, as a street fight. The Aborigines thus protected themselves from arriving sailors and gangs.

8. Capoeira

This method of fighting, included in the 10 most dangerous martial arts in the world, originated in Brazil during the time of slaves and their owners. Fugitive slaves defended themselves this way from soldiers and slave traders. The fighting technique was so skillful that capoeira was banned legally. But the Brazilian blacks did not want to part with it, and this struggle lives to this day in the form of a dance with combat elements.

7. Sambo

This type of struggle arose in the 20s of the twentieth century in the ranks of the Red Army, as self-defense without the use of improvised means. Sambo is a universal wrestling in which you can use not only arms and legs, but also elbows, knees, throws, jumps and choking techniques.

6. Bojuka

Bojuka is also one of the ten most dangerous fighting techniques in the world, since its use is aimed at a rapid victory over a real enemy, and there are no specific rules and prohibitions in this martial art. It arose at the end of the last century and is actively used in the training of bodyguards.

5. Jeet Kune Do

Its creator is the legendary Bruce Lee. This is a mix of many combat techniques, aimed at causing maximum damage to the enemy in a minimum of time. In this way, Bruce Lee turned pompous Chinese fighting techniques into effective street fighting.

4. GRU special forces combat techniques

It is used by special forces soldiers. There are no analogues to Russian martial art in any country in the world, so it is considered one of the most dangerous.

3. Muay Thai

This technique certainly deserves to be included in the top of the most brutal martial arts in the world. Everything is used in it: feet, knees, elbows, head.

2. Aikido

Perhaps each of us has heard about this martial art. But not everyone can master it skillfully, because aikido implies the ability to control human and earthly energy, redirect it in the right direction and fight without aggression and malice. To become a true professional in Aikido, you need to learn the ancient Eastern teachings and become spiritually enlightened; what at first glance is done very easily is achieved through incredible physical and spiritual efforts. In the arsenal of a professional, Aikido becomes the most dangerous weapon.

1. Bokator

This name translates as “fight with a lion.” This wrestling originates from Southeast Asia and owes its origin to observant men copying the habits of animals during combat. Bokator, among other “animal” martial arts, is considered the most dangerous, since, like Muay Thai, there are practically no prohibited techniques in it.


Aikido is one of the youngest martial arts in Japan, founded by Morihei Ueshiba. Aikido is an art that synthesizes the study of techniques, spiritual, energetic, psychological aspects personality development. Aikido is equally effective as a general strengthening and self-developing health system of exercises, and its applied part, which is a universal means of self-defense. The practice of Aikido is very useful for people of any age, regardless of physical characteristics, is not of a religious nature, and is equally accessible to everyone. Aikido is a synthesis of martial arts combined into an effective system of defense. In addition, it is also a dynamic form of meditation, which is designed to resolve most conflict situations. Aikido is a unique martial art that originated in Japan at the beginning of the 20th century. Founder: Morihei Ueshiba (1883 – 1969). Aikido is based on the philosophy of harmonizing a person’s internal energy with the outside world. The formation of the personality of a person who studies Aikido occurs in the process of repeated practice of specific self-defense techniques. Combat vehicles When properly performed, it turns into an effective intra-articular massage. the main objective Aikido is the formation of a healthy, creative and integral human personality, harmonious and timely repayment of conflict through a certain technique and human behavior in an extreme situation. It should be noted that there are no restrictions or contraindications for practicing Aikido, either due to age or health. This allows you to work with young children, teenagers, people with diseases of the musculoskeletal system, poor vision and even the absence of some internal organs lost as a result of amputation.


Kickboxing is a sport that combines kicking techniques, borrowed from a number of martial arts, and fist boxing techniques. There are several types of kickboxing: full contact - with fights in the boxing ring, and light contact - with fights on the tatami. In the ring there are fights of such types of kickboxing as full-contact, low-kick and K1 format; on the tatami - semi-contact, light-contact, kick-light and solo compositions (musical forms).

During competitions, protective equipment is used: mouth guard, hand wraps, boxing gloves, protective groin guard, shin guard, foot guards and helmet. Clothing varies depending on the discipline: silk briefs, shorts or uniforms with belts. All types of kickboxing are very spectacular and are popular with fans all over the world.


Kendo, which literally means “way of the sword,” is a modern Japanese fencing art that traces its history back to traditional samurai sword techniques. Kendo is an activity that activates both physical and mental strength, combining traditional martial art values ​​and physical sports elements. A kendo fighter shouts out the name of the stroke at the moment of attack, demonstrating full control situations and the power of fighting spirit. Kendo assumes the unity of three elements: “Ki (spirit) - Ken (sword) - Tai (body).

Wushu is a spectacular full contact sport. Modern Wushu includes two directions: Taolu and Sanda.

Taolu is a combination of gymnastics and martial art. Athletes are awarded points for the movements they perform: poses, kicks, punches, balancing, jumping, cutting and throwing. The duration of fights is limited in time and can vary from 1 minute (20 seconds, according to some styles) to over five minutes for internal styles. Modern Wushu athletes carefully practice acrobatic techniques such as 540- and 720-degree jumps and kicks, increasing the difficulty and improving the style of performance.

Sanda is a fighting style and sport very similar to kickboxing or Muay Thai, but combines a greater variety of grappling techniques.


Wrestling is an act of physical interaction between two people using force. An athlete attempts to gain an advantage or control over an opponent. Physical techniques used in wrestling: lock, grab and pass. Wrestlers try to avoid using technical elements that could lead to injury to their opponent. Many wrestling styles are world famous and have a rich history. There are different areas of wrestling that are used for both sports and entertainment purposes. In freestyle wrestling, leg grabs and techniques with leg action are allowed. The ultimate goal is to knock your opponent down or achieve victory due to an advantage in points.


Taekwondo is a Korean martial art. Usually translated as "the way of the hand and foot", but some translate it as "the art of kicking and punching". The popularity of taekwondo in recent times is the result of the evolution of martial arts. It combines fighting techniques, self-defense, sports, exercise, meditation and philosophy. Modern taekwondo emphasizes control and self-defense. The art in general focuses on kicking from a moving stance, using greater force and greater reach (relative to the arm). Taekwondo technique includes a system of blocks, kicks, punches and open palms, sweeps and fixing joints.

The unification of the various forms of taekwondo occurred in the 1950s, when the standardization of rules made it possible to create a full-contact martial art sport. The application of rules that allowed for non-stop combat, the introduction of protective equipment and changes in various techniques contributed to the creation of a separate and distinctive style.

The dynamic and sophisticated technique of the fight, together with the grace and flexibility of the athletes, attracted the attention of sports fans from all over the world. The popularity of taekwondo has grown to tens of millions of practitioners who have adopted the rich traditions and philosophy of martial arts. The introduction of a scoring system (PSS) and instant video replays (IVR) made it possible to create a transparent competition system.

Taekwondo presented at World Games martial arts competitions are held in accordance with the rules of the World Taekwondo Federation (WTF).

This format was officially introduced in 2012 at the World Taekwondo Cup in Aruba.


Sambo is a relatively young form of martial art, combat sports and self-defense system, developed in the Soviet Union. The word “sambo” is an acronym derived from the phrase “self-defense without weapons.” The origins of sambo come from Japanese judo and traditional folk wrestling such as Armenian koch, Georgian chidaoba, Moldavian trynta, Tatar kuresh, Uzbek kurash, Mongolian hapsagai and Azerbaijani gulesh.


Savate is a European martial art, also known as "French boxing", characterized by effective punching techniques, dynamic kicking techniques, mobility and subtle strategy. Savate has a long history: this type of martial art originated as a synthesis of the French school of street hand-to-hand combat and English boxing; in 1924 it was included in the Olympic Games in Paris as a demonstration sport.

Savate competitions are held as part of the SportAccord World Martial Arts Games in accordance with the rules and regulations of the International Federation of Savate (F.I.Sav).

At the next SportAccord World Martial Arts Games in 2013 in St. Petersburg, F.I.Sav will represent 88 athletes who will compete in 3 disciplines:

Asso (L'assaut) - light contact: the fight is carried out with punches and kicks. The accuracy of strikes, fighting style and technical skill, shown by the athlete. Accented strikes are strictly prohibited.

Comba (Le combat) - full contact: the fight is carried out with punches and kicks. The quality, accuracy, efficiency of strikes and the morale of athletes are assessed. Knockouts are acceptable.

Canne komba (La canne de combat): a type of fight in which athletes are armed with a long, light cane. This art of fencing includes various techniques strikes, blocks, feints and combinations. Hard blows are prohibited in this discipline. The athlete's equipment must include protective clothing, gloves and helmets.

Fights consist of 3 rounds, each of which lasts 2 minutes, with a 1 minute break between rounds.


Sumo is a type of wrestling that originated in Japan, the only country where this sport is still practiced professionally. Currently, amateur sumo is developing in 88 countries, which is considered a modern form of martial art. Sumo matches are dynamic and entertaining with easy to understand rules. Touching the floor in the ring (dohyo) is only possible with the soles of the feet, the goal is to force the opponent to touch the floor with any other part of the body or push him out of the ring. There are 82 techniques with which you can achieve victory, they include various types of throws, lifts, and pushes.


Thai boxing or Muaythai is a martial art in Thailand, which has recently become on par with such famous martial arts as karate, aikido, judo and sambo. This combat is as close as possible to a real fight between two fighters. The term "Muay Thai" translated means "duel of the free" or "free fight". Fights in Muay Thai are conducted in full contact and according to very strict rules. The basis of Muaythai is percussion technique. Strikes to the enemy are applied at all levels: to the head, to the body, with arms and legs, elbows and knees. Grabs and throws play a very important role in Muay Thai. Since ancient times, Thai boxers have a saying: “One world - one Muaythai.” The power of Muaythai lies in unity, in traditions, in the continuity of generations, in the mystery of transferring martial art knowledge from trainer to student.

In modern times, Muaythai has proven to enjoy enormous television popularity, being a clear embodiment of the aspirations, hopes and efforts of athletes, as well as an example of mutual understanding between different cultures. In 2012, the popularity of Muaythai was confirmed by a nomination for an International Emmy Award for the television reality show “The Challenger Muaythai”.


Boxing is a type of combat sport that involves two opponents of identical physique and power striking each other with their fists wearing special gloves. Fights last from 3 to 12 rounds, victory is awarded if the opponent is knocked down and cannot rise within ten seconds counted by the judge. This outcome of the fight was called a knockout. If the fight has not been completed after a set number of rounds, the winner will be determined by the referee's decision or the judges' scores. Different styles of boxing exist in many countries around the world.


Judo translated from Japanese means “soft way”. This modern combat sport comes from the Land of the Rising Sun. The main principles of judo are throws, painful holds, holds and chokes. Judo is based on the principle of unity of spirit and body and differs from other martial arts in the lesser use of physical force when performing various technical actions.

Professor Jigoro Kano founded judo in 1882, and in 1964 judo was included in the program of the Summer Olympic Games. Judo is a codified sport in which the mind controls the movements of the body; it has the most pronounced educational character in the Olympic program. In addition to competition, judo includes the study of technique, kata, self-defense, physical training and improvement of the spirit. Judo as a sports discipline is a modern and progressive form of physical activity. The International Judo Federation (IJF) has 200 affiliated national federations on five continents. More than 20 million people practice judo, a sport that perfectly combines education and physical activity. The IJF organizes more than 35 events every year.


Karate or karate-do is a martial art that came from Japan, from the island of Okinawa. Initially, this set of techniques existed for self-defense without weapons, using only hands and feet. It took years of development for martial arts to evolve into modern sport karate. Currently in competition dangerous techniques are prohibited, and contact combat is allowed, but does not allow injuries to the face, head and neck.

Faking a non-existent injury is considered a serious violation of the rules. The malingerer fighter is subject to sanctions (“Shikaku”). Exaggerating the effect of a real injury is also not welcomed and is considered undignified behavior.


Jiu-jitsu is a general name used for a fighting system that is almost impossible to clearly describe. This is hand-to-hand combat, in most cases without the use of weapons, and only in some cases with weapons. Jiu-Jitsu techniques include kicking, punching, punching, throwing, holding, blocking, choking and tying, as well as the use of certain types of weapons. Jiu-jitsu does not rely on brute strength, but on dexterity and dexterity. Using minimal effort to achieve maximum effect. This principle allows any person, regardless of their physical shape or physique, to control and use their energy with the greatest efficiency.


Kempo is a type of ancient martial arts, which originated in Japan, is a combination of many martial arts techniques. The active spread of kempo throughout the world gave rise to the emergence of many martial arts, such as karate, judo, jiu-jitsu, etc. Currently, the name “kenpo” is often used as a term for martial arts in general.

Kempo, as a modern sport, is being developed by various international organizations. The largest international organization developing kempo is the International Kempo Federation (IKF), which has branches in more than 50 countries around the world. In many countries, kempo is an officially recognized sport.

KARATE Style Shotokan

Shotokan (or Shotokan) is the most numerous style of karate throughout the world. Its founder is Gichin Funakoshi.

Funakoshi declared the main principle of karate to be the concept that “attack has no advantage,” or “karate is not a weapon of aggression.” Thus, he emphasized the idea of ​​humanity that he preached in karate-do. However, in addition to the philosophical meaning, this motto also contains a practical meaning, which consists in the fact that the attacking arm or leg of the opponent turns into a target for the defender and can be hit by a powerful block or counterstrike (that is why kata in Shotokan karate always begin with a defensive movement - a block).


A universal system for teaching defense and attack techniques, combining many functional elements from the arsenal of world martial arts (strikes with hands, feet, wrestling techniques, painful techniques), tested in real combat activity. A modern and rapidly developing type of martial arts, which has gained popularity for full-contact fights.

The system includes the following sections: technical actions; tactical actions; psychological preparation; special physical training; technical actions are techniques of punches, kicks, head, elbow, throws, grabs, etc. from different body positions at different angles. Actions taken when fighting one or more opponents, armed or unarmed. Working with edged weapons and items that replace them and much more. Tactical actions are various options actions in certain situations, including taking the right positions or moving in the right direction, etc. Special physical training consists of three levels, the development of which takes place in stages. Most effectively develops the parameters necessary for combat (speed, strength, endurance). It also promotes excellent physical condition and health.


The term “kobudo” translated from Japanese means “ancient military way.” The original name was “kobujutsu” - “ancient martial arts (skills).” This term today represents the art of wielding various types of oriental bladed weapons. Currently, there is a division of kobudo into two autonomous independent directions: 1. Nihon-kobudo - a direction that combines systems common on the main islands of Japan and using in their arsenal edged weapons of samurai origin and weapons from the arsenal of ninjutsu. 2. Kobudo (other names Ryukyu-kobudo and Okinawa-kobudo) - a direction that unites systems originating from the islands of the Ryukyu archipelago (modern Okinawa Prefecture, Japan) using in the arsenal tools (objects) of peasant and fishing use of the inhabitants of these islands. The Kobudo Federation of Russia is focused on the dissemination of kobudo, mainly of Okinawan origin.