Summary of a physical education lesson using a step platform in a preparatory group. Open physical education lesson using step platforms “Country of Health” Lesson plan using step platform

Position: physical education instructor

Educational institution: MBDOU No. 72

Locality: Krasnoyarsk city

Name of material: lesson notes

Topic: Physical education using the step platform "Sea voyage"


Currently, many children with poor health attend kindergartens. Therefore, teachers are constantly looking for new modern health-saving technologies. Classes with a step platform form correct posture, strengthens and develops the cardiovascular, respiratory, musculoskeletal system. Also, classes with a step platform increase children’s interest in physical education and children really like it.

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Published 11/19/2016

Text part of the publication

“Physical training using non-standard

sports equipment (step platform).”

“Sea voyage” (preparatory group).

creating conditions for physical development and instilling interest in physical education in preschool children using non-standard sports equipment (step platform).
- practice in different types walking and running; - strengthen the ability to crawl directly under the gate; jump on two legs over an obstacle; stepping over an obstacle;
train to work in the village; follow the basic steps correctly; coordinate the movements of arms and legs; - develop coordination of movements in exercises on the c-p; flexibility and mobility of joints; agility, strength, speed, endurance; sense of rhythm; - form a stable balance; coordinate movements on a reduced support area; interest in new equipment; correct posture; - cultivate strong-willed qualities, mutual assistance.
Type of lesson:
educational and training.
Kids Shape:
T-shirts, shorts, sports shoes.
step platforms (according to the number of children), balls 20 cm (according to the number of children), arcs 40 cm (2 pcs), gymnastic sticks(according to the number of children), tennis balls (20-25 pieces), cones (3 pieces).
Design and attributes:
the hall is decorated in a marine style (fish, shells, etc.), route map, traveler badges (according to the number of children).

Progress of the lesson





Introductory part
Formation in one line. Formation into a column.  Walking in a column one at a time.  Walking on your toes, arms up.  Walk on your heels, hands behind your back.  Normal running.  Running with a change of direction.  Snake running between cones.  Running “scattered” between st.  Walking.  Walking “crab”, feet forward and supported on the palms.  Walking is normal. Breathing exercise “Seagulls”. Medium 5 min Pay attention to the form, posture, clarity of command execution. Keep your distance, do not push each other with your hands, and strictly follow the command. The arms are bent at the elbows. Make sure that children, when running around the steps, do not touch them. Team: formation in one line and finding your place. Inhale through your nose, arms up to the side, simulating wings. Exhale longly through your mouth, lower your arms down.
Main part

"Dance with Coconuts"
: Outdoor switchgear using a step platform and a ball.
"Show coconut"

– basic stance, hands with the ball at the chest. Touch the first right foot with the “toe” of the st, stretch your arms forward; 2-return to IP; 3-4 also from the left foot.
"Bragging about a coconut"

– main stance, ball Medium 20 minutes 8 times S-p stand in a checkerboard pattern in the middle of the hall. Remind the basic technical rules for working the foot on the st. Learn the movements while counting and combine them to music. Keep your back straight, head straight. When turning the body,
in front, arms slightly bent at the elbows. 1st right leg rises to the step, turning the body to the right side; 2- also from the left foot and turning the body in left side; 3-4- return to i. P.
"Wash the coconut"

– standing in front of the step, feet shoulder-width apart, ball at chest. 1-2 - tilt down, place the ball on the left; 3-4-roll the ball to the right and left edges of the step; 1-2-return to ip; 3-4 pause.
"Crack the coconut"

– standing to the side of the step, legs in the main stance, hands in front. 1-step sideways with the right foot onto the step; Bend the 2nd left knee and lift it with your foot, touch the knee with the ball; 3-4 return to IP. Go through s-p to the other side. Also from the left leg.
"Drop the coconut"

.- basic stance before step, ball at chest. 1-step with the right foot to the side; 2-step with the left foot on the step to the side (legs apart); 3-hit the ball off the floor; 4- catch without bending over; 1st right leg descends from the step; 2nd right leg from step; 3-4 - pause.
"Coconut Jump"

. – standing with your feet apart, between your legs, arms up. 1-2-jump onto the step, feet together, ball to chest; 3-4 steps in place; 1-2- i.p; 3-4-turn your buttocks.
Main types of movements:

"Obstacle Course"
1. Climb under the arches (stand at 4 sts) on your knees and forearms. 2. Walking in a “snake” pattern between sts (3 stand in a row). Medium 4 times 6 times 8 times 6 times 6 times 2-3 times feet stand on the center parallel to each other and do not turn. When descending from the starting point, place your heels on the floor. Legs slightly bent at the knees. Before the exercise, take a step to the side and change your approach to st. The knee should be 90 degrees when lifting. Kick the ball straight down without losing the ball. Transfer before exercise left leg through s-p and change the approach. The back is straight. Perform the jump with caution. Frontal. Keep your distance.
3. Stepping over gymnastic poles (placed on 4 sts), raising your knees high, hands on your belt. 4. Jump on two legs over the st-p (3 stand in a row), hands help freely.
Outdoor game: “Jellyfish”
Children, on command, run scattered between the coral reefs to the accompaniment of fast music. The instructor looks through binoculars, at the command “jellyfish!”, the children stand on the right side, hiding on the “coral reefs”. Each time several steps are removed and the task becomes more complicated. Children must help, save their comrades and stand on the ground. Quick 3 times Make sure that children do not push each other with their hands when running, run around the steps, or stumble.
Final part

Sedentary game: "Fishermen"
S-p (“boats”) are placed in the middle of the hall in a circle, with gymnastic sticks (“fishing rods”) in their hands. At the command “one, two, three fish,” the instructor pours tennis balls (“fish”) into a circle. Children pull up balls with a gymnastic stick. The one who catches the most fish wins. Formation in one line. Reflection. Presentation of “Best Traveler!” badges. Slow 5 min 1 time Children should not leave the steps. Do not touch each other with a stick.

Svetlana Kuznetsova

Type of lesson:

Educational and training.

Software tasks:

1. Increase the level of physical and musical development of children;

2. Continue training to work on the step platform:

Jumping on 2 legs over a step with forward movement;

Walking with step lunges;

Snake walking with high lifting knees;

3. Develop the ability to jump over a long rope by running under it;

4. Develop a sense of rhythm and the ability to coordinate your movements with the music;

5. Form strong-willed qualities;

6. Foster friendly relationships between children.


Step platforms – 10 pieces, long jump rope, landmarks, recording of modern music.

Progress of the lesson.

Forming in a line, performing the commands: “Be equal,” “At attention,” “At ease.”


Hello guys! Today we will perform exercises on a step platform. Please tell us the basic rules for performing exercises on a step platform.

Children's answers:

Place the entire sole of your foot on the step platform when lifting, and descend from toe to heel;

Step on the step with a full foot so that the heel does not hang off the step;

When stepping onto the step, the knee of the supporting leg is slightly bent;

You need to step onto the step with a calm, springy step.

1 part.

Children perform drills walking and running after each other.

On toes (arms up);

On your heels (hands behind your back);

Right side

Left side (hands on waist);

Easy running (arms bent at the elbows);

With choking of the lower leg (hands on the belt);

Running in all directions.

Breathing exercise “Breeze” as you move.

A light breeze is blowing - f-f-f-f

And shakes the leaf like this - f-f-f (walking in a circle while exhaling calmly and without strain).

A strong breeze is blowing - f-f-f

And shakes the leaf like this - f-f-f (exhale actively).

Walking in a circle - children take steps and line up in three columns.

Part 2.

General developmental exercises using a step platform.

1. "March on the spot."

(inhale and exhale accompanied by hand movements) 4 times.

2. " Basic step steppe."

I.P. – standing facing the platform at a distance of a foot’s length from it, hands on the belt. For each step, touch the step with your toe and tilt your head left and right at the count of 1-2-3-4, and touch the step with your heel at the count of 5-6-7-8 (1-2 min).

3. Alternately stepping onto the step with the right foot.

I.P. - legs at a distance of 7-10 cm from one another. Hands on the belt. We begin step steps. Try to keep your step springy, try to maintain your posture, especially pay attention to your shoulders (8 times).

4. Alternately stepping onto the step from the left foot with the addition of hands to the shoulders. I.P. – legs at a distance of 7-10 cm. one from the other, 1 - step with the left foot onto the platform; 2- attach the right one; hands to shoulders; 3-4 - perform steps back from the step (8 times).

5. “Swing alternately backwards.”

I.P. - standing facing the platform, 1 - step forward onto the platform with your left foot; 2- swing back with your right foot, while swinging up with your hands; 3-step back from the platform with the right foot; Place the 4th left one on the floor. Do the same with the right leg (8 times).

6. "Turn the body"

I.P. - standing on the steppe, hands on the belt. 1-step with the right foot to the side; 2- body rotation; 3- return to I.P. Do the same with the left leg (8 times).

7. Standing on all fours, rest your hands on the step. Raise the straight arm away from the shoulder 2 times in each direction.

8. Support with your hands on the step with straight legs behind you. 1-2 steps to the right with straight legs; 3-4 return to I.I.; 5-6 to the left, 7-8 return to I.P.

9. “Step – touch.”

1-2 - deep squat with palms touching the step; 3-4 straighten up, spread your arms to the sides (8 times).

10. “A simple step to step.”

I.P. - legs at a distance of 7-10 cm from one another. Hands on the belt. Putting your foot on your toes touching the step (1-2 min).

11. “Jumping on the step” to the count of 8.

12. “March on the spot” (with the accompaniment of hands, inhale and exhale 4 times).

Main types of movements

a) walking on the steppe, alternating legs. For each step, perform a clap above your head / two at a time, repeat 2 times /;

b) walking on the steppes with lunges, “snake” (with high knees) / two at a time, repeat 2 times/;

c) jumping through the step on 2 legs / two at a time, repeat 2 times /;

d) jumping, running under a long rope.

/in shifts of two, three, repeat 3-4 times/.

Breathing exercise “Pendulum”.

I.P. - standing facing the platform, inhale. Bend to the sides, saying:

“Y-u-u-h-h-!” “Y-u-u-h-h-!” - exhale. Repeat 2 times.

Game "I love step"

(children are divided into two lines and distributed opposite each other)

Invented by my friend Pinty Gris fun game(stepping on the step with your feet);

Now play it with me

Both in cold and in heat! (continue pacing);

He hit himself on the forehead: “Hey!” (standing on the step, imitating a blow to the forehead, say “Hey” - stomp your right foot onto the step, raise your arms up);

It's time to invite your friends here (children approach each other and give a friendly hug);

When his friends came to him (stepping on the steppe);

He shouted to them: “Hello!” (standing on the steppe - children say the word “hello”);

Oh, how incredibly glad I am for you

Haven’t seen each other for a hundred years (children come up to each other and clap on the shoulders);

Thank you, thank you!

Thank you, friends! (children shake hands with each other);

Because you love step dance, without memory like me!

(for the word “I” - children say their name).

Children put the steppes aside. Alignment. Summing up the lesson.

Guys, tell me, what equipment did we use in class today?

What exercises have you done on the step platform?

What did you like most about the lesson?

Well done today, you completed all the tasks and exercises correctly and clearly.

Swimming instructor: Repina V.I.

Open physical education lesson using step platforms “Country of Health”

Target: Promote the physical and emotional development of the child through classes on the step platform.


Form motor skills;

Promote the development of all muscle groups, the formation of the musculoskeletal system and the development of the motor analyzer;

Create favorable conditions for the development of strong-willed personality traits (courage, endurance);

Location: Gym.

Equipment: whistle, modules, balance beam, tunnel, signs, step steps, gymnastic mats, chest, flower, music (on the step platform, game, relaxation).

Progress of the lesson

Instructor: Stand at attention! Hello guys.

(Children say hello)

At ease!

Attention! Attention!

I hasten to inform you

Today on a trip

I want to invite you!

Beyond the seas, beyond the forests

There is a huge country

It is called the “Land of Health”.

In this huge country, there is a flower of health!

Who will find a magic flower,

And he smells it and becomes the most:

Strong, agile, and healthy throughout the world!

Well, are we getting ready to hit the road?

Children: Yes

Instructor: Are we going for health?

Children: Yes

Instructor: There are many obstacles ahead

It will be a difficult road!

To overcome it

We'll have to sweat

But let's not waste time

Let's hit the road friends!

Stand at attention! To the right, follow the step leading to the “Land of Health”!

Walking normally one after another

We raise our legs higher

We walk through the stones(walking with knees high through modules, hands behind head)

Look, here's a log!

Data – it’s been waiting for us for a long time

We will move our arms to the sides,

Let's walk along it quickly(walking on a gymnastic balance beam)

We'll crawl into the cave,

We'll find a lot of new things(crawling on all fours with support on knees and palms into the tunnel)

Now we'll go quickly(fast pace)

Then we'll move on to running.

Regular run lasting up to 1 minute.(running at a medium pace)

They ran together merrily,

And now we’re walking again!

Walking one after another. (Breathing exercise)

Instructor: Guys, look, there are signs in front of us:

“If you go straight, you will end up in a sleepy kingdom”

“If you go to the right, you will find a flower of health”

“If you go to the left, you will find a mountain of sweets.”

Instructor: Which road will you choose?

Children: Let's go to the right - we'll find the flower of health.

Instructor: You go to the gymnastic mats and borrow one for yourself.(Children sit on gymnastic mats)

Somehow, we need to continue to warm up the muscles.

(stretching exercises)

Now we are ready to continue our journey,

Hurry up, everyone come to the steppe,

We'll have fun walking and developing coordination.

Step - aerobics

to Barbarika’s song “Kindness, Banana Mama”

Set of exercises (dosage 4-6 times)

    Walking on the steppe. The hands alternately draw large circles along the body, fingers clenched into fists.

    Step to step - from step. The hands alternately draw small circles along the body.

    An additional step on the steppe to the right - to the left. At the same time, straight arms rise forward and fall down.

    An additional step on the steppe to the right - to the left with a half-squat (step - squat). The hands, bent at the elbows, go to the shoulders, then down.

    Walking on the steppe with high knees. At the same time, clapping with straight arms is performed in front of you and behind your back.

    Step to step - from the step with straight arms raised up and down.

    Simultaneously with walking on the steppe, grasp with your right hand left shoulder, with your left hand - your right shoulder, then spread your arms to the sides and clasp your shoulders again.

    Step to step from step; At the same time, vigorously extend your arms bent at the elbows forward (fingers clenched into fists). Pull your arms back and straighten them to the sides from a position with your arms in front of your chest.

    Simultaneously with walking on the steppe, do with straight arms circular movements forward and backward alternately and together.

    Alternate step from step to step with turning the body to the right and left, hands on the belt.

    Sitting on the steppe, leaning your hands behind you, raise and lower your outstretched legs.

Outdoor game: "Circus Horses" The circle of step steps is a circus arena. Children walk around the steps, raising their knees high(“like horses in a circus”), then, at a signal, they switch to running with high knees, then to walking and when the music stops, take a step("stall"). There should be 1 - 2 fewer steps than the number of participants in the game.

Instructor: We all danced together

We played a lot of fun, and were a little tired.

In order to regain our strength, we need to rest together.(children lie down on gymnastic mats)

Relax (to classical music)

Instructor: Slowly rise from the “Land of Health” to kindergarten and return soon. Quickly, don’t yawn behind the guide, stand in one line. Stand at attention! At ease!

Our journey has come to an end. But you haven’t forgotten that you and I went to the “Land of Health” for a reason. We were looking for a magical flower, so they sent it to us.

Open the chest containing the flower.

The kids smell it!

Instructor: Guys, look, there is a gift in the chest for each of you, these are small flowers. But they are not simple “The Flower of Health” showered them with its pollen, see how it glitters. If you suddenly catch a cold, smell the flower and the illness will go away immediately. All of you were great and coped with all the challenges. And now it's time to say goodbye, goodbye. Stand at attention! To the right! Follow the guide to the left, to the exit, step by step!

Children leave the gym.

physical education instructor

Zakharova Irina Viktorovna

GDOU kindergarten №41

Krasnoselsky district

St. Petersburg


IN last years There is a decrease in the physical activity of children who spend their leisure time sitting at computers or TV. Namely, in childhood the need for movement is especially great. Due to low physical activity and overeating already in early age obesity occurs. Therefore, it is extremely important to involve children in regular classes physical education in early childhood.

In this regard, the creation of appropriate childhood step aerobics programs, attracting children to regular activities that give them pleasure, instilling motor activity skills is the primary task of the kindergarten.

A special feature of step aerobics is the use of a special step platform. The platform allows you to perform various steps (“step” in translation from English “step”), jumping on it, jumping off, it can be used to perform exercises for abdominals, backs, etc. This non-standard equipment contributes to the formation of posture and musculoskeletal corset; development of movement coordination; strengthening the cardiovascular and development of the respiratory system, the ability to perform simple movements in a rhythmic manner.

When doing step aerobics, you must follow the basic rules.

First of all, you need to teach children to step up correctly:

1. Both legs should be slightly apart and toes facing forward.

2. When performing exercises on the side of the step, you should start with your foot, standing close to the step.

3. You need to place your foot closer to the center of the step, otherwise it may slip.

4. Place your foot completely on the platform.

5. keep your back straight.

6. do not make sudden movements.

The main elements of step exercises are aerobics.

1. Basic step.

Step your right foot onto the platform, place your left foot, step your right foot off the platform, etc. The same is performed for 4 counts on the left leg.

From i.p. stand with your feet apart on the sides of the platform (alongwise), step with your right hand onto the platform, place your left hand while simultaneously straightening your legs, alternately step with your right and left feet off the platform. The movement is performed in 4 counts.

3. Step across the platform.

From i.p. - stand with your feet together sideways to the platform. Step with your left to the side to stand on the platform, place your right, step with your left to get off the platform (on the other side), place your right on half toes to your left.

4. Steps - feet together, feet apart.

(i.e. standing legs apart; standing on the platform with legs together)

I.p. can be facing the step, sideways, on the left or right side, as well as behind. All of the above positions are usually varied so that the exercises involve as many muscle groups as possible without being monotonous.

First they learn step steps, then they add hand movements. All exercises must be performed in one direction or the other (for the harmonious development of both parts of the body).

The load should be increased gradually, increasing the tempo of the musical accompaniment, complicating the complexes, and shortening pauses for rest.

The exercises can be performed in various formations: in a checkerboard pattern, in a circle, around the perimeter of the hall, etc.

Step platform can be used in classes physical culture, for individual work, as part of a lesson.

The structure of the lesson using the step platform is similar to the structure classical lesson: warm-up, main part, final part.

In step classes you can use:

1. In the introductory part:

Walking on and between platforms (to develop correct posture)

2. When performing general developmental exercises, both with objects (balls, dumbbells, gym stick) and without them.

· To music: strengthening the respiratory and cardiovascular systems, developing motor coordination

· In the main types of movements: jumping, balance, ball school, running.

· In outdoor games “Owl”, “Occupy your house”, etc.

In individual work, step platforms are used to consolidate children's motor skills. Step platform size:

Height - 10 cm.

Width - 20 cm.

Length - 40 cm.

Positive impact of step platforms.

Step aerobics classes are provided by positive influence on the body of children, their development taking into account age characteristics, rationally selected means and techniques.

The positive impact of such activities is expressed in the following:

1. Prevention of diseases of the cardiovascular system.

2. Losing excess weight.

3. Improved posture.

4. Acquisition of necessary motor skills and abilities.

5. Development of motor memory.

6. Strengthening the respiratory system.

7. Normalizes the activity of the vestibular apparatus.

8. Step aerobics exercises are simple and therefore suitable for activities with children.

Game tasks on the steps.

“Birds on a branch” - squatting on the steppe.

“Weather vane on the roof” - circling in both directions on the steppe. One arm is moved to the side.

“Airplane” - standing on the steppe, legs together, arms to the sides at shoulder height, hands - the wings of an airplane, which, when flying, tilts first to the right, then to the left.

"Penguins" - jumping, jumping onto the step.

"Throw the ball" - pair exercise. Throwing the ball while standing on the steps.

“Stork on the roof” - stand on one leg with open eyes.

"Persistent tin soldier“- stand on the steppe on one leg, the second is bent at the knee, laid back.

“Freeze frame” - imitation of photographic images (variants).

“Egyptian step” - standing on the step (along the length of the step) - the toe of one foot touches the heel of the other.

“Giant” - standing on your toes on the steppe, stretch your arms up.

“Crane” - standing on the steppe, feet shoulder-width apart, hands to shoulders, extended forward. Raise your right leg, bent at the knee, touch your knee to your left elbow, return to the standing position. the same with the left foot.

“Dragonfly” - standing on the steppe on your toes, hands on your belt, elbows back.

Outdoor switchgear on the steppes.

1. Exercises for the arms and shoulder girdle.

1.2. stand on the step, arms straight up.

2. i.p. - feet shoulder-width apart, hands in front of the chest “shelf”

3. I.p. - feet shoulder-width apart, arms along the body

1.2. stand on the step, arms to the sides

4. I.p. - Same

1.2. stand on the step one hand up, the other down

3.4. change of hands

5. I.p. - Same

1.2. stand on the step, arms to the sides

3. clap overhead

6. I.p. - feet shoulder-width apart, arms bent to shoulders

1.2. stand on the step.

3.4. rotation of arms forward (backward)

7. I.p. - Same

1.2. stand on the step.

3. straighten your arms to the sides.

4. hands to shoulders

2. Leg exercises.

1. I.p. - feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt, a step away from the step.

1. touch the step with your right toe.

2. place your heel on the step.

the same with the left foot.

2. I.p. - stand facing the step, hands on your belt.

1.2. sit down, spread your knees to the sides, put your hands on the step.

3. I.p. - Same.

1.2. stand on the step.

3. right straight leg to the side.

the same with the left foot.

4. I.p. - Same.

1. right foot on the step.

2. move your left leg across the step, touching the floor in front of the step.

the same with the left foot.

5. I.p. - Same.

1. right foot on the step.

2. the left leg, bent at the knee, is brought forward - clap

6. I.p. - feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt sideways to the step.

1. right foot on the step.

2.3. Swing forward and backward with your left straight leg.

7. I.p. - feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt, facing the step.

1. right foot on the step

2. left leg sweeps back, cross

8 I.p. - lying on your back, legs straight on the steppe, hands behind your head.

1. raise your right leg straight.

3. raise your left leg straight.

5. raise both legs.

9. I.p. - feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt.

1. right foot on the step.

2. lunge forward, arms to the sides.

Same with the left foot.

"Exercises for the torso"

1. I.p. - feet shoulder-width apart, arms along the body.

1. Raise your hands up

2. Bend forward, touch the step with your hands

2. I.p. - feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt, facing the step

1. Place the heel of your right foot on the step, arms up

2. Tilt towards the leg

3. Hands up

3. I.p. - Same

1.2. get on the step

3. turn left, arms to the sides

4. hands on the belt

5. turn to the right, arms to the sides.

6. hands on the belt

4. I.p. - sitting on the steppe, hands to shoulders.

1. turn to the left, arms to the sides.

3. turn to the right, arms to the sides.

5. I.p. - sitting on the steppe, straightened legs resting on the floor, hands to shoulders

1. bend down, touch your right leg with your hands

3. the same to the left leg

6. I.p. - feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt.

1.2. stand on the step, hands up

3.4. tilt right - left

ORU with the ball.

1. I.p. - feet shoulder-width apart, arms along the body, ball in the right hand.

1. right foot on the step, arms up.

2. the left leg, bent at the knee, is brought forward, the ball is transferred to left hand.

3. left foot on the floor.

2. I.p. - Same.

1, 2. stand on the step, hands up.

3. move the ball, stand on your toes.

3. I.p. - Same.

1.2. stand on the step, arms to the sides.

3. turn left, transfer the ball to your left hand.

4. I.p. - feet shoulder-width apart, ball in hands below, in front of you.

3.4. tilt left and right.

5. I.p. - the same, the ball lies on the steppe.

1. lean forward, grab the ball.

2. straighten up, arms up.

3. tilt, put the ball on the step.

6. I.p. - feet shoulder-width apart, a step away from the step, the ball in the right hand.

1. place your right foot on the step.

2. tilt, transfer the ball behind the knee to the left hand.

3. straighten up

7. I.p. - lying on your back, hands behind your head, feet on the steppe, ball between your feet.

1. raise your legs with the ball up.

Outdoor switchgear with gymnastic sticks.

1. I.p. - feet shoulder-width apart, arms along the body, in front of you.

1. right foot on the step.

2. arms up, left leg back, stretch.

3. left foot on the floor, lower your arms.

the same with the left leg.

2. I.p. - the same at a step distance from the step.

1. right foot on the heel on the step, arms up.

2. bend forward, touch the toe with the stick.

3. hands up.

the same for the left leg.

3. I.p. - feet shoulder-width apart, hold the stick behind your shoulders.

1.2. stand behind the step.

3.4. tilt right - left.

4. I.p. - feet shoulder-width apart, hold the stick to your chest.

1. right foot on the step.

2. Bring your left leg forward, bent at the knee, and extend your arms in front of you.

3. left foot on the floor, hands to the chest.

the same with the left leg.

5. I.p. - Same.

1.2. stand on the step, hands up.

3.4. turns the body to the right - to the left.

6. I.p. - sitting on the steppe, place your feet on a stick.

Roll the stick back and forth.

ORU with a hoop.

1. I.p. - facing the step, hold the hoop in front of you on the floor in front of the step.

1. right foot on the step.

2. straight left leg back, bend over.

3. left foot on the floor.

the same with the left leg.

2. I.p. - feet shoulder-width apart, hoop in front of you.

1. right foot on the step, arms extended forward

2. left leg to the side.

3. left foot on the floor

the same with the left leg.

3. I.p. - the same at a step distance from the step.

1. right foot on the step.

2. bend forward, touch the floor with the hoop

3. straighten up

the same with the left leg.

4. I.p. - feet shoulder-width apart, hoop in bent arms in front of you.

1.2. stand on the step.

3.4. tilt left and right.

5. I.p. - sideways to the step, hoop, in the right hand, on the floor behind the step.

1. right foot on the step.

2. left straight leg forward, hoop in outstretched arm forward.

3. left foot on the floor, lower the hand with the hoop.

the same with the left leg.

6. I.p. - step between the feet, hoop in front of you on the step.

1. lift the hoop up.

2. tilt, place the hoop in front of you on the floor.

3. straighten up, clap above your head.

4. tilt, raise the hoop

Outdoor switchgear without objects.

1. I.p. - feet shoulder-width apart, arms along the body.

1.2. get on the step

3. clap overhead.

2. I.p. - feet shoulder-width apart, hands to shoulders, fingers clenched in a fist.

1. right foot on the step.

2. stretch forward, extend your arms, unclench your fingers. Left foot on the floor.

3. hands to shoulders.

the same with the left leg.

3. I.p. - feet shoulder-width apart, arms along the body.

1. right foot on the step.

2. left bent knee forward, touch your elbow to your right hand.

3. left foot on the floor.

the same with the left leg.

4. I.p. - the same at a step distance from the step.

1. right straight leg on the heel on the step, arms up.

2. tilt towards the leg.

3. hands up.

the same with the left leg.

5. I.p. - sitting on the floor, arms supported behind you, bent legs on the steppe.

1. raise your right leg straight up.

3. Raise your straight left leg up.

6. I.p. - lying on the floor, step between the feet.

1. raise your straight legs up.

2. put on step.

3. legs up.

Outdoor switchgear without objects.

1. I.p. - o.s. hands on the belt.

1. hands behind the head, right heel on the step.

3.4. the same with the left leg.

2. I.p. - feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt.

1. arms to the sides, right heel on the step.

2.3. bending towards the right leg

the same with the left leg.

3. I.p. - feet shoulder-width apart, hands behind your head.

1. right foot on the step, lunge forward.

2. arms to the sides, turn to the left.

3. hands behind your head.

the same with the left leg.

4. I.p. - kneeling, arms along the body.

1. hands on step

2.3. "kitty"

5. I.p. - sitting on the floor, arms supported behind you, legs straight on the steppe.

1. pull your knees to your chest.

2. put your feet on the step.


1.I.p. - feet shoulder-width apart, arms along the body.

1.2. stand on the step, hands to shoulders.

3. Pull yourself up onto your toes, arms up.

4. hands to shoulders

2. I.p. - Same.

1.2. stand on the step, hands up.

3.4. tilts left and right.

3. I.p. - feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt, right side to the step.

1. right foot on the step.

2.3. swing your left leg back and forth.

the same on the left side.

4. I.p. - standing on your knees, sitting on your heels.

1. kneel down, hands on the step.

2. right straight leg back.

3. leg on knee

the same with the left foot.

5. I.p. - sitting on the floor, arms supported behind you. Legs bent at the knees on the steps.

1. straighten your right leg up.

3.4. left foot.


1. I.p. - sitting astride the steppe, hands on the belt.

1. hands to shoulders.

2. hands up, stretch.

3. hands to shoulders.

2. I.p. - Same.

1. arms to the sides.

2. tilt, touch the floor on the right with your hand

3. straighten up

4. tilt, touch the floor on the left with your hand.

5. straighten up

3. I.p. - sitting on the steppe, legs straight to the sides, hands on the belt.

1. hands up.

2. tilt towards the right leg.

3. straighten up.

4. tilt towards the left leg.

5. straighten up

4. I.p. - sitting on the floor, step between the feet, hands pointing behind.

1. raise your legs, put them on the step.

5. I.p. - lying on your back, feet on the steppe, hands behind your head.

1.2. raise your right leg, stretch your arms forward, clap behind your knee.


1. I.p. - facing the step, standing on the floor. Rise on your toes.

2. I.p. - sitting astride the steppe, arms along the body, bending to the sides.

3. I.p. - facing the step, sitting with your arms supported behind you, legs bent.

1. place the toe of your right foot on the step.

2. place the toe of your left foot on the step.

4. I.p. - lying on your back, on the floor, arms along your body, moaning on the steppe.

1.2. lift your stomach up.

5. I.p. - sit on the floor, arms supported behind you, feet on the steppe.

1.3. lift your stomach up.

6. I.p. - kneeling, place your hands on the step.

1.3. springy forward bends.

7. I.p. - standing on the steppe.

1.3. lean forward, reach your hands towards the floor.

Outdoor games using steps.

"Penguins on an Ice Floe"

Children - “penguins” run freely around the hall. Steps - “ice floes” stand in random order on the floor. The driving child, the “hunter,” is trying to catch the “penguins” and stain them. If a “penguin” climbs onto an ice floe, that is, stands on a steppe, it is not allowed to catch it.


Children - mice are in their houses - corners (standing on the walls). One of the players remaining in the middle comes up to one of them and says:

"Mouse, mouse,

sell me your corner"

The child refuses, the driver goes to someone else. At this time, the mice change places, and the driver tries to take the vacant seat. If this succeeds, the one left without a corner takes its place in the circle. If the driver fails to occupy the corner for a long time, at the signal “cat!”, everyone simultaneously changes places. Mice should not sit in their corner for a long time before running, you can negotiate with the one with whom you want to change places.

"Journey to Moscow"

Children sit (stand) on the steps in a circle simulating an airfield. The presenter says: “I’m flying to Moscow, I’ll take everyone with me.” Children, leaving the steps, stand behind the leader, who, using basic movements (running, walking, jumping), leads the children behind him in various directions and along various trajectories. At the command “Landing,” the children and the leader must take their step as quickly as possible. The child who was left without a step will be the leader in the next game.

"Homeless Hare"

Steps are located randomly around the hall, one less than the number of participants in the hall. All the children: “hares” are running around the hall. At the command “Everyone in the house!” - children stand on any step. A “homeless hare” is the child who did not take the step. He is out of the game. In each subsequent game, the number of steps is reduced by one.

"The Fox and the Jerboa"

One child is selected - the “fox”, whose task is to catch all the other children - the “jerboas”. On command: “Day!” “Jerboas” jump off the steps (run out of their holes), jump, run around the hall, wherever they want. At the command “Night!” - they jump, stand on the step and freeze. “A fox can eat anyone who moves.”


There are one fewer “missile” steps than there are players. All children march freely around the hall, saying the words:

Fast rockets are waiting for us

For walks on the planets,

Whatever we want

We'll fly to this one.

But there is one secret in the game:

There is no room for latecomers.

After these words, the children run away and occupy the “rocket”. A child left without steppe misses the game.


The players walk (run) around the hall between steps, with the driver in the center. At a signal (whistle, clap of hands), everyone stands on the steps and freezes, taking various poses. The driver chooses the one whose figure he liked best and changes places with him. The game is repeated with another driver.

"The Spider and the Flies"

In one of the corners of the hall, the place where the “spider” (driver) lives is marked with a hoop. The rest of the children depict flies, and the steppes represent houses of flies. At the signal, the players scatter throughout the hall - flies are flying and buzzing. The spider is in its house at this time. At the signal "Spider!" the flies scatter to their houses and freeze. The spider comes out and looks. The spider takes the one who moves to his house. The number of losers is counted, another driver is selected, and the game resumes.

"The Fox and the Chickens"

Children pretend to be chickens. One of the players is a rooster, the other is a fox. Chickens walk around the site, looking for food. The fox watches them closely. At the teacher’s signal (unnoticed by everyone), the fox comes out and quietly creeps up to the chickens. The rooster loudly cries “Ku-ka-re-ku!” The chickens run away and fly up to roost (steppes). The rooster must escape last. The fox catches those chickens that did not have time to quickly rise to the roost.

"Don't Stay on the Ground"

A trap is selected. Children are running around the hall. At the “catch” signal, everyone must quickly rise to the steps. The trap catches those who remain on the floor. When repeated, a new trap is selected. All children participate in the game.

"Change the subject"

There are 5-6 children behind the line, each holding an object (ball). At the other end of the hall, there are one cube each on the steps. At the signal “Run!” Children quickly run to the steps, put the ball down, take the cube and quickly return to their place. The signal can be (by “Snake” jumps).

"The Hunter and the Monkeys"

A “hunter” is selected, the “monkeys” stand and sit on the steppes (“on a palm tree”). The “hunter” must lure the “monkeys” from the palm tree; to do this, he performs any dance moves to the music, moving backwards. The “monkeys” run to the steppes, stand up, and sit on them. The caught “monkey” goes into the “cage” (a hoop lying on the floor), performs jumps (8-10) and re-enters the game. The “hunter” who showed the most interesting movements and caught the largest number of children is noted.

"Sticky Stumps"

Steppes (“stumps”) are placed around the hall. Children stand on them. The driver is selected, he has a ball in his hand. After the words “One, two, three - catch!” players run from stump to stump, and the driver throws the ball at them. If he hits the ball on a player who is on the floor, then he becomes the driver. You can’t stand on a stump for a long time - you’ll get stuck.


This step-stepping game involves 8-9 children (“bees”). The number of step-houses is one less. The steps are placed in a circle. The players walk around the outer circle, saying:

Only the sun will wake up -

The bee is circling, the bee is hovering

Over the flowers, over the river

On the meadow grass.

Collects fresh honey

And he carries him home.

While pronouncing the text, children imitate the movement of a bee according to their imagination. With the last word, the players try to occupy any house in which they take a pre-agreed position. The bee, left without a house, goes around the circle, inspecting the players. Noticing a player who has taken the wrong pose, the bee turns to him with the words: “You flew into the wrong house, my friend. This is my little mansion.” After these words, the owner leaves the steppe and runs around the outer circle in one direction, the bee runs in the opposite direction, the one who runs around the circle first occupies the house and remains in it.

Game continues.

"The nightingale is a robber."

Music composition on the steps.

Introduction: A child runs out into the middle of the hall, swaying left and right, looks into the distance “under his visor,” and calls all the children with his hand. Children sit on their heels at the step.

1 verse.

1 phrase - sitting at the steppe, right hand on the step, left hand on the step, bend over, stand behind the step.

2nd phrase - right heel on the step, arms to the side, etc.

left heel on the step, arms to the side, etc.

3rd phrase - right leg on the step, bend the left at the knee, bring it forward, hands to the shoulders “strongmen”, etc.

Left leg on the step, bend the right leg at the knee, bring it forward, hands to the shoulders “strongmen” etc.

4th phrase - right foot on the step, throw the left foot forward, arms to the sides, etc.

Left foot on the step, throw the right foot forward, arms to the sides, etc.

Chorus: 1 time - transition along the width of the step. Right heel on the step, hands behind the head.

Transition along the width of the step, left heel on the step, hands behind the head

2 times - transition along the length of the step. Right foot on the step, throw the left foot forward, etc. (step between feet).

Left foot on the step, throw the right foot forward, etc. - step between the feet.

Losing: walking around the step.

"robber", "hero"

Verse 2

1 phrase - standing on the floor, behind the step, hands on the belt. The right heel will sweep to the left, the left heel will sweep to the right.

2nd phrase - right foot on the step, left heel overlapping, hands to shoulders. Left foot on the step, right heel overlapping, hands to shoulders.

3rd phrase - standing on the steppe.

"spring" hands in front of you

"shelf" straighten up

Right leg to the side, arms to the sides, same with the left leg.

4th phrase - right foot on the steppe, left foot on the floor. Changing legs with turning the body to the right - left. Hands up to the sides.

Chorus: Chorus movements are repeated

Finish the dance:

Boys are “heroes”

The right leg is on the steppe, the left leg is bent at the knee and is brought forward, hands to the shoulders.

Girls - "nightingale - the robber"

Right heel on the steppe, left foot on the floor, hands behind the head.


Musical composition on the steps.

Introduction: on the “spring”, take turns with the right and left shoulders forward, arms down, palms parallel to the floor.

1 verse. i.p. standing behind the step, hands on the belt.

1 phrase - right foot to step on the heel, arms to the sides, etc.

2nd phrase - left foot step on the heel, arms to the sides, etc.

3-4 phrase - left foot on the step, right foot across the step, put on the toe on the floor, right hand behind the head, etc.

5-6 phrase - right foot on the step, left foot across the step, put on the toe on the floor, left hand behind the head, etc.

chorus: alternately

right foot on the step,

left leg - forward throw.

Left foot on the step,

Right leg - throw forward.

Arms to the sides (leg on the steppe)

Hands on the belt (step between the feet)

Increase the level of physical development in children. Strengthen children’s ability to perform exercises using step platforms, moving rhythmically in accordance with the nature of the music. Maintain correct posture.

Synopsis of a physical education lesson in preparatory group using step platforms

Integration educational areas: physical development, social and communicative development

Goal: To increase the level of physical development in children. Strengthen children’s ability to perform exercises using step platforms, moving rhythmically in accordance with the nature of the music. Maintain correct posture.

Program content:

Developmental tasks:

1. Develop physical qualities: agility, strength, speed, beauty and correctness of movements, motor functions: balance, coordination.

2. Strengthen the technique of performing exercises on step platforms.

3. Practice maintaining stable balance when performing exercises on step platforms.

Educational objectives:

1. Form correct posture in all types of physical activity.

2. Strengthen the technique of hitting and catching the ball.

3. Improve the ability to massage biologically active points.

Educational tasks:

1. Cultivate a conscious attitude towards your health.

2. Foster the need for physical activity and physical improvement.

3. Continue to develop the ability to clearly and consistently perform musical and rhythmic movements.

Equipment: step - platforms according to the number of children, a basket with balls, a tambourine, balls, rubber rings according to the number of children, a tape recorder,

Progress of the lesson

Preparatory part

Is everyone here?!
Is everyone healthy?!
Are you ready to run and play?
Well, then don’t be lazy and get in line!

Formation in a line, alignment, formation in a column.

Walking with different hand positions;

· on socks;

· on the heels;

back forward;

· heels together, toes apart;

· “crayfish on the path”, “centipede”;

Light jogging on your toes, bending your knees strongly back;

· game techniques: while running, take one plastic ball from the basket, and after running one circle, put it back into the basket;

· high jump from running to tambourine;

· jumps;

· side gallop;

· running through the middle of the hall;

· running diagonally.

Calm walking. Take the steps and line up in three columns.

Main part of the lesson

Exercises on a step platform to music.

1. Walk in place - 8 rubles.

2. Step - touch. An additional step performed on the floor without a step platform. Easily bending your knees, take springy steps from side to side, placing one foot next to the other. Hands actively work -8 r.

3. Basic - step. We take a step onto the platform with our right foot, place our left foot on it, then step down from the step, first with our right and then with our left foot. -8 rub. Then we change the leg - 8 rubles.

4. Basic - step dance in which hands are involved. In the starting position, hands are on the belt. Step with your left foot on the step, left hand forward, while stepping with your right foot, right hand forward. Descending from the step platform, we alternately release our hands to the waist, first with the left leg we lower the left hand, and with the right - the right. 8 rubles each

5. Step-up. Take a step with your right foot, place your left foot on your toe, and immediately return it to the floor, followed by lowering your right foot. - 8 rubles. Change your leg. – 8 rub.

6. Step-knee. We take a step with our right foot on the step, bending the left at the knee and pulling it towards the stomach. – 8 rub. We change the leg. – 8 rub.

7. Step-kick. We take a step onto the step with our right foot, and throw our left foot in front of us, as if we were performing a kick. – 8 rub. Change a leg – 8 r.

8. Vi - step. We take a step with our right foot to the upper right corner, and with our left foot to the upper left corner, after which we first return the right leg, then the left to its original position. – 8 rub.

9. Step lunges, arms to the sides. Stand facing the step platform. Place your right leg on it, lunge on it, while the leg that remains on the floor is placed on the toe, make sure that the knee of the leg that is standing on the step does not extend beyond the tips of the toes. Do 8 lunges with each leg.

10. Step lunges to the side, arms to the sides. Get on the step. Lunges are performed with the foot on the floor to the side. Repeat 8 times with each leg.

11. Swing to the side. We step with our right foot onto the platform, swing our left foot to the side - 8 p. Step with your left foot onto the platform, swing your right foot to the side - 8 p.

12. Jumping. We stand with our right foot on the step platform, our left foot on the floor, our hands on our waist. We jump off, change the left leg on the platform, the right one on the floor. The exercise is performed at an energetic pace. When performing this exercise, you need to be careful not to slip or fall off the platform. – 8 rub.

13. Breathing exercise.

1. Balance – walking on toes between step platforms with a rubber ring (15 cm long) on ​​the head. Walk while maintaining your balance without dropping the ring.

2. Jumping over step platforms (3 platforms, distance between platforms 2 meters).

3. Passing the basketball to each other by hitting the ball on the platform. (distance between children 3 meters, platform in the middle)

Outdoor game “Colorful ball”

Rules of the game: Steps are placed around the hall. The driver is selected. Children pass the ball around in a circle, saying the words of the game:

"Multi-colored ball

Jumps along the path.

Along the path, along the path,

Along the path, to the aspen tree,

Turn from the aspen tree,

Straight to ... (name of the child who had the ball in his hands) in the garden.

After the words “One, two, three – catch!” players run from stump to stump, and the driver throws the ball at them. If he hits the ball on a player who was on the floor, then he becomes the driver. You cannot stand on the steppe for a long time.

Massage of biologically active points.

(developed by M.Yu. Kartushina)

To prevent a sore throat, stroke your neck with your palms

We will stroke him boldly. gentle movements from top to bottom

To avoid coughing or sneezing, rub with index fingers

You need to rub your nose. wings of the nose.

We will also rub the forehead, put palms to the forehead

We hold our palm with a visor. “visor” and rub it

movements to the sides - together.

Make a “fork” with your fingers, spread your index and middle fingers

Massage your ears, you skillfully, fingers and rub the points in front and behind

We know, we know - yes - yes - yes! - Rub their palms against each other.

We are not afraid of colds!

Final part.

Relaxation in a dry pool

1. I.P. – lying on your back, arms along your body, close your eyes, relax. - 1 min.

2. I.P. – lying on your back, arms along your body, open your eyes,

1- Pull your toes away from you

2- Pull your toes towards you - 8 times.

3. I.P. – lying on your back, hands under your head

1- Raise your right leg up, pull your toe away from you

3- Raise your left leg up, pull your toe away from you

4- I.p.; (6 times. tempo slow)

4. I.P. – lying on your back, hands under your head;

1- Raise both legs up and pull the toes away from you;

2-I.p. (5 times. tempo slow)

Breathing exercises.

1. Hands out to the sides, up, inhale.

2. Exhale through your arms, making the sound sh....



Summary of physical education classes in the preparatory group

Lesson using step platforms.

Increase the level of physical development in children. Strengthen children’s ability to perform exercises using step platforms, moving rhythmically in accordance with the nature of the music. Maintain correct posture.

Summary of a physical education lesson in a preparatory group using step platforms

Integration of educational areas: physical development, social and communicative development

Goal: To increase the level of physical development in children. Strengthen children’s ability to perform exercises using step platforms, moving rhythmically in accordance with the nature of the music. Maintain correct posture.

Program content:

Developmental tasks:

1. Develop physical qualities: agility, strength, speed, beauty and correctness of movements, motor functions: balance, coordination.

2. Strengthen the technique of performing exercises on step platforms.

3. Practice maintaining stable balance when performing exercises on step platforms.

Educational objectives:

1. Form correct posture in all types of physical activity.

2. Strengthen the technique of hitting and catching the ball.

3. Improve the ability to massage biologically active points.

Educational tasks:

1. Cultivate a conscious attitude towards your health.

2. Foster the need for physical activity and physical improvement.

3. Continue to develop the ability to clearly and consistently perform musical and rhythmic movements.

Equipment: step - platforms according to the number of children, a basket with balls, a tambourine, balls, rubber rings according to the number of children, a tape recorder,

Progress of the lesson

Preparatory part

Is everyone here?!
Is everyone healthy?!
Are you ready to run and play?
Well, then don’t be lazy and get in line!

Formation in a line, alignment, formation in a column.

Walking with different hand positions;

· on socks;

· on the heels;

back forward;

· heels together, toes apart;

· “crayfish on the path”, “centipede”;

Light jogging on your toes, bending your knees strongly back;

· game techniques: while running, take one plastic ball from the basket, and after running one circle, put it back into the basket;

· high jump from running to tambourine;

· jumps;

· side gallop;

· running through the middle of the hall;

· running diagonally.

Calm walking. Take the steps and line up in three columns.

Main part of the lesson

Exercises on a step platform to music.

1. Walk in place - 8 rubles.

2. Step - touch. An additional step performed on the floor without a step platform. Easily bending your knees, take springy steps from side to side, placing one foot next to the other. Hands actively work -8 r.

3. Basic - step. We take a step onto the platform with our right foot, place our left foot on it, then step down from the step, first with our right and then with our left foot. -8 rub. Then we change the leg - 8 rubles.

4. Basic - step dance in which hands are involved. In the starting position, hands are on the belt. Step with your left foot on the step, left hand forward, while stepping with your right foot, right hand forward. Descending from the step platform, we alternately release our hands to the waist, first with the left leg we lower the left hand, and with the right - the right. 8 rubles each

5. Step-up. Take a step with your right foot, place your left foot on your toe, and immediately return it to the floor, followed by lowering your right foot. - 8 rubles. Change your leg. – 8 rub.

6. Step-knee. We take a step with our right foot on the step, bending the left at the knee and pulling it towards the stomach. – 8 rub. We change the leg. – 8 rub.

7. Step-kick. We take a step onto the step with our right foot, and throw our left foot in front of us, as if we were performing a kick. – 8 rub. Change a leg – 8 r.

8. Vi - step. We take a step with our right foot to the upper right corner, and with our left foot to the upper left corner, after which we first return the right leg, then the left to its original position. – 8 rub.

9. Step lunges, arms to the sides. Stand facing the step platform. Place your right leg on it, lunge on it, while the leg that remains on the floor is placed on the toe, make sure that the knee of the leg that is standing on the step does not extend beyond the tips of the toes. Do 8 lunges with each leg.

10. Step lunges to the side, arms to the sides. Get on the step. Lunges are performed with the foot on the floor to the side. Repeat 8 times with each leg.

11. Swing to the side. We step with our right foot onto the platform, swing our left foot to the side - 8 p. Step with your left foot onto the platform, swing your right foot to the side - 8 p.

12. Jumping. We stand with our right foot on the step platform, our left foot on the floor, our hands on our waist. We jump off, change the left leg on the platform, the right one on the floor. The exercise is performed at an energetic pace. When performing this exercise, you need to be careful not to slip or fall off the platform. – 8 rub.

13. Breathing exercise.


1. Balance – walking on toes between step platforms with a rubber ring (15 cm long) on ​​the head. Walk while maintaining your balance without dropping the ring.

2. Jumping over step platforms (3 platforms, distance between platforms 2 meters).

3. Passing the basketball to each other by hitting the ball on the platform. (distance between children 3 meters, platform in the middle)

Outdoor game “Colorful ball”

Rules of the game: Steps are placed around the hall. The driver is selected. Children pass the ball around in a circle, saying the words of the game:

"Multi-colored ball

Jumps along the path.

Along the path, along the path,

Along the path, to the aspen tree,

Turn from the aspen tree,

Straight to ... (name of the child who had the ball in his hands) in the garden.

After the words “One, two, three – catch!” players run from stump to stump, and the driver throws the ball at them. If he hits the ball on a player who was on the floor, then he becomes the driver. You cannot stand on the steppe for a long time.

Massage of biologically active points.

(developed by M.Yu. Kartushina)

To prevent a sore throat, stroke your neck with your palms

We will stroke him boldly. gentle movements from top to bottom

To avoid coughing or sneezing, rub with index fingers

You need to rub your nose. wings of the nose.

We will also rub the forehead, put palms to the forehead

We hold our palm with a visor. “visor” and rub it

Movements to the sides - together.

Make a “fork” with your fingers, spread your index and middle fingers

Massage your ears, you skillfully, fingers and rub the points in front and behind


We know, we know - yes - yes - yes! - Rub their palms against each other.

We are not afraid of colds!

Final part.

Relaxation in a dry pool

1. I.P. – lying on your back, arms along your body, close your eyes, relax. - 1 min.

2. I.P. – lying on your back, arms along your body, open your eyes,

1- Pull your toes away from you

2- Pull your toes towards you - 8 times.

3. I.P. – lying on your back, hands under your head

1- Raise your right leg up, pull your toe away from you

2- I.p.;

3- Raise your left leg up, pull your toe away from you

4- I.p.; (6 times. tempo slow)

4. I.P. – lying on your back, hands under your head;

1- Raise both legs up and pull the toes away from you;

2-I.p. (5 times. tempo slow)

Breathing exercises.

1. Hands out to the sides, up, inhale.

2. Exhale through your arms, making the sound sh....