A set of exercises for bowel movements. Therapeutic exercises for constipation. simple exercises to stimulate bowel function

Constipation is a disturbance in intestinal motility, which makes it difficult to move and defecate stool. Treatment of this disorder can be emergency if intoxication of the body has begun and the patient urgently needs help, or it can be gradual if constipation has become chronic.

For the right choice therapeutic measures need to determine the type of disease. In general, constipation is the inability to have a bowel movement for two days (or more). In healthy people, due to violation of the principles proper nutrition, chronic constipation can be of two types: atonic and spastic.

  • Atonic – characterized by the absence of defecation for more than three days, compaction of stool, alternation of plastic and hard stool, and difficulty in emptying. There is a risk of rectal fissures, development of hemorrhoids and intestinal distension.
  • Spastic - caused by spasms in the large intestine, the root of the problem should be sought in disorders of the central nervous system. Accompanied by discomfort, "".

Each of these types requires a special approach to treatment. Accompanied by flatulence, lack of appetite, light feeling nausea and chilliness, general malaise and irritability.

Any of the types can result in intoxication and take on an acute form, contributing to dysbiosis, if treatment is not started in a timely manner.

Preventive measures

Preventing constipation involves following the rules of proper nutrition, daily routine and moderate physical activity. In addition, it is necessary to treat concomitant diseases that cause chronic constipation.

Preventive measures:

  • Do not ignore the urge to empty your bowels, but try to empty your bowels as quickly as possible;
  • If it is impossible to defecate for two days due to physical inactivity or poor nutrition, feasts, a cleansing enema with warm water or an oil enema is recommended;
  • Frequent use is not recommended, as this will reduce intestinal motility, destroy microflora and lead to lazy bowel syndrome - peristalsis will decrease, and defecation will be performed only with the help of enemas;
  • The recommended senna-based drug is best taken in moderation and rarely, since senna can cause inflammatory processes in the intestinal mucous membranes;
  • Prevent stress, treat disorders of the central nervous system, maintain a healthy sleep schedule and duration.

The food you eat should be chewed thoroughly and not stuff your mouth full - this will improve chewing and processing with saliva. Avoid foods with excessive taste - such foods make you thirsty.

After correct reception food should not be thirsty. Water dilutes gastric juices, causing their concentration to decrease. You can drink at least an hour after a meal. Overeating is also not recommended, as this causes partial digestion and fermentation in the intestines.

  • Add more salads from boiled and grated vegetables to your diet - they should be a little damp;
  • Increase the amount of fermented milk products in your diet, especially kefir;
  • Dried fruits are perfect as desserts, as they activate intestinal motility and help cleanse it;
  • Mucous porridges and soups for lunch will speed up bowel cleansing and normalize peristalsis in case of chronic constipation.

It is advisable that the food consumed is neither too hot nor too cold; warm food is best digested.


Exercises for constipation in adults are intended to normalize intestinal motility. Methods of performing therapeutic exercises vary depending on different types constipation

  • For constipation caused by spasm, exercises for constipation are designed to reduce spasm, so they should be done slowly or in moderate pace. Abdominal exercises are not recommended. In addition, these exercises not only reduce spasms, but also fight neuroses and osteochondrosis. The training takes place in the form of alternating exercises and relaxation.

  • For constipation caused by physical inactivity, intestinal gymnastics for constipation is performed faster, with little stress. They perform movements that promote the movement of feces through the intestines, use additional weights, and also aimed at strengthening the abdominal muscles. Cardio exercises are beneficial.

In number useful training swimming included. You should start your lesson at least two hours after lunch, and have an afternoon snack at least an hour after swimming lessons.

Gymnastics for atonic constipation

Start doing bowel exercises for constipation two to three hours after a meal, at an average pace. Play music or videos with landscapes and rhythmic music in the background to maintain the pace and good mood.

  • The starting position is lying on your stomach, fold your arms and rest your forehead on them. As you inhale, lift the opposite arms and legs until you feel tension in the spine. We return to the starting position, exhale. As you inhale, lift the other arm and leg, and again to the starting position. Repeat ten times.
  • The starting position is similar. As you inhale, bend one leg at the knee and turn to face it - the movement is reminiscent of babies crawling. Return to the starting position and do the same with the other leg. Repeat ten times.
  • Simulated swimming. Starting position – as in the first exercise. As you exhale, lower your head down and straighten your arms. As you inhale, your head rises and your arms move to the sides. While inhaling, fold your arms along your body, move your hands towards shoulder joints. Same amount of repetition.

  • After three approaches, do a relaxation exercise. Lying on your stomach, fold your arms and put your head on them, swing your hips to the side to relieve tension in the back muscles.
  • An exercise that imitates the shape of an airplane. The initial position is the same, spread your arms to the sides slightly behind your back, raise your head while inhaling, trying not to overload the neck muscles, legs are closed together and raised. Maintain the position for a minute, performed once.
  • Repeat the fourth exercise to relieve stress from the back.
  • Starting position – resting your hands on the floor, legs closed together. Push up with your arms straightened, rest on your hands and knees, and inhale. Sit on your heels, stretch your arms in front of you, exhale. Again, lean on your hands and knees and inhale. Return to the first position, exhale. Repeat ten times.
  • On all fours, straighten one leg, lifting it up with an inhalation. Hold your leg for a while and slowly press it towards your stomach while exhaling. Repeat twenty times.
  • IP - sitting on the floor, legs apart. With one hand, reach the opposite leg with an exhalation, return to IP, inhale. Repeat the same for the other leg and arm ten times.

Gymnastics for spastic constipation

Gymnastics for spastic constipation is performed slowly, at a leisurely pace.

When constipation is caused by spasm, it is important not to overload the abdominal muscles.

  • Lying on your stomach and placing your hands under your head, lightly rock your raised pelvis to the sides. This exercise relaxes the back muscles.
  • The starting position is the same. Raise your head, look in front of you, and at the same time bend your knees while inhaling. Return to IP as you exhale. Repeat six times, then do the first exercise.
  • Legs together, straightened. Raise your right leg evenly, throw it behind your left and touch your feet to the floor. Return to IP and do the same with your left foot. Repeat four times.
  • Raise your head, looking over your shoulder. Return to IP. Look over the other shoulder, pausing a little. Repeat four times.

  • IP the same. Move your right knee along the floor in a bent state, directing it towards your right elbow as you inhale. Return to IP as you exhale, and do a similar exercise for your left leg. The movement is similar to a baby crawling on the floor. Then do the first exercise.
  • Imitation of breaststroke swimming. Gaining maximum amplitude, imitate swimming in a lying position and stretch your arms along your body in the final position. When raising your arms, your chest should be raised.
  • Lying on your stomach, support your chin with your hands. Bend one leg at the knee, the foot is straight, the toes are stretched. The second leg is straight on the floor, resting our toes on the floor. Perform alternating leg raises several times.
  • Lying on the floor, stretch your legs and arms with a slight rise in a tightly closed position. The head should be slightly lowered, the neck muscles should not be tense. Return to the IP and do the first exercise.

Breathing exercises

Proper breathing creates slight tension in the abdominal muscles, thereby improving intestinal motility. To perform gymnastics, you need to take a position lying on your back, bend your legs at the knees. Place your palms on your stomach to feel it working.

Take a deep breath through your nose, inflating your stomach. Without holding your breath, slowly exhale through your mouth in a thin stream, gradually drawing in your stomach. Exercise is useful at night, it allows you to further strengthen your sleep and relax.

Constipation is a problem that periodically worries almost all of us. In most cases, we do not pay attention to this sensitive issue. special attention, although the presence of constipation can significantly impair our quality of life and harm our body. In what situations can we talk about the presence of constipation and what methods of treatment and prevention are most effective for this problem?!

First of all, it should be noted that constipation is not a disease, but a symptom that manifests itself in the form of a prolonged absence of stool (less than three times a week) or incomplete bowel movements. The nature of constipation is varied. Most often, their occurrence is caused by functional disorders of the intestines, less often by organic disorders or anomalies in the development of the gastrointestinal tract. For the purposes of this article, we will limit ourselves to considering the so-called functional constipation caused by malfunctions of the intestines.

Rice. 1. Organs abdominal cavity*

Most common reasons Functional constipation is caused by stress, poor diet, taking certain medications, and low physical activity.

Based on the nature of their occurrence, atonic and spastic functional constipation are distinguished. In the first case, due to a long absence of stool, the stool becomes compacted and acquires a large volume, which makes it difficult to empty. During defecation, the patient experiences difficulty and pain, and feces come out unevenly: the first portion is larger and denser than the last. In the second case, the patient is bothered by flatulence and acute pain in the lower abdomen. His appetite decreases and irritability appears. Feces look like small, hard lumps, often with mucus.

Treatment of constipation is complex and includes the following measures:

  1. drug treatment;
  2. physical therapy (physical therapy) and physical activity;
  3. diet;
  4. massage;
  5. stress prevention;
  6. eliminating bad habits;
  7. physiotherapy.

Thus, physiotherapy and physical activity is one of the main factors for the treatment and prevention of constipation. Physiotherapy helps normalize intestinal motility, restore the mechanisms of formation and excretion of feces. It is also an important factor in restoring the patient’s psycho-emotional and physical condition.

Rice. 2. Principles of exercise therapy for constipation


For spastic constipation

Exercise therapy in this case is aimed at relieving spasms of the intestinal muscles. The set of exercises must comply with the following principles:

  • the pace of the exercises is slow, without sudden movements;
  • mandatory inclusion in the complex breathing exercises and relaxation exercises;
  • Abdominal exercises should not increase intra-abdominal pressure and force you to push.
  • The optimal time for training is in the morning. If it is convenient to exercise at another time, make sure that at least 2 hours have passed after eating. Before training, you can drink a glass of water. A set of exercises should be performed daily. Before classes, you should consult a doctor or exercise therapy specialist.

    For atonic constipation

    The set of exercises must comply with the following principles:

    1. load – above average, with a large number of repetitions;
    2. the pace of exercise is medium and high;
    3. mandatory inclusion in the complex variety of exercises on the press, deep diaphragmatic breathing;
    4. Running, squats, jumping, turning, bending, exercises with weights and resistance are useful.

    Time and frequency of exercises as for spastic constipation. Before classes, you should consult a doctor or exercise therapy specialist.

    Below is approximate complex exercises for constipation.

    Abdominal massage for adults (+ video)

    Those who are more experienced can turn to the massage technique described in the book by A.A. Biryukov. "Massotherapy" . For others, we offer the simplest massage option. The optimal duration of a massage session is 10 minutes, a course of 15-20 procedures, 2-3 courses per year. It is better to do the procedure every other day, 2-3 hours after eating.

    The massage begins with stroking the entire back, rubbing, kneading (longitudinal, transverse), it is recommended to use vibration techniques (patting, light chopping). Then the patient turns over from his stomach to his back. You can already perform self-massage while lying on your back.

    Massaging the abdomen, perform circular stroking with the palm (clockwise), starting from the pubic bone and costal arch to the navel, with a gradual narrowing of the circle (2-4 times). The same is done, moving from the navel to the costal arch, with a gradual expansion of the circles. In these directions, you can vibrate with your fingers, as well as light pressure with your fingers over the entire surface of the abdomen.

    After the massage, you can drink a glass of lightly salted water (a quarter teaspoon of salt).

    You can find another massage option with pictures and videos in our other one.

    Other physical activities

    Running and swimming help treat and prevent constipation. These types of physical activity normalize intestinal motility and peristalsis, provide a natural massage of the gastrointestinal tract, and improve a person’s emotional state. You should do cyclic exercises no earlier than 2 hours after eating. After physical activity, it is advisable not to eat for at least an hour.


    1. Biryukov A.A. Therapeutic massage: A textbook for students. higher textbook establishments. – M.: Publishing Center “Academy”, 2004. – 368 p.
    2. Vasichkin V.I. Great guide to massage. - St. Petersburg: Nevskaya Book, M.: Eksmo Publishing House, 2004. - 448 p.
    3. Dubrovsky V.I. Medical Physical Culture(kinesitherapy): Textbook. for students higher schools, institutions. – 2nd ed., erased. - M.: Humanite. ed. VLADOS center, 2001. - 608 pp.: ill.
    4. Handbook of children's physical therapy / Ed. M.I. Fonareva. – L.: Medicine, 1983. – 360 p.

    Many people have experienced constipation. Feeling of heaviness, general malaise, decreased performance, Bad mood- an incomplete list of the negative manifestations of this trouble. A balanced diet will help you get rid of it. drinking plenty of fluids, exercises for constipation.

    Constipation occurs when the intestines do not function properly. Feces that have accumulated in the body poison it with toxins. The state of health worsens, migraines appear, pain of various types in the abdomen appears, and the quality of night sleep deteriorates.

    It is important to quickly get rid of the disease, as the disease can become chronic. Then medical intervention and serious drug treatment will be required.

    Constipation can be treated at home. Exercises for the intestines for constipation will help here.

    Treatment with exercises

    Exercise for constipation stimulates the intestines by contracting the abdominal walls. Thanks to them it happens beneficial effect on the body:

    • digested food passes through the intestines faster and easier;
    • exercises tone the large intestine, so it contracts better;
    • blood circulation improves;
    • the abdominal muscles become stronger;
    • the feeling of heaviness is eliminated.

    Advantages of this type of treatment:

    1. Gymnastics for constipation does not harm a person.
      Laxatives work faster than exercise. But their effect on the body is ambiguous: addiction occurs, and the natural contraction of the intestines weakens.
      Training, which is carried out constantly, solves the problem of constipation, stimulates metabolic processes.
    2. Physical exercise People of different age groups can do this for constipation.
      The range of complexes of therapeutic exercises is very wide. For constipation in older people, light strength training will be effective.
    3. Gymnastics for the intestines for constipation is simple and does not require preparation. Desire is enough.

    Execution Rules

    • Strength training for constipation is an effective way to treat constipation. But the effect will be noticeable only with constant training.
    • Do exercises better in the morning. It is advisable to drink a glass of still water half an hour before. If your stomach is healthy, you can add lemon juice or honey.
      There are no contraindications for performing exercises at other times of the day. The only recommendation is that training should be done 2 hours after eating.
    • When developing a set of workouts against constipation, you need to remember that exercise should not cause discomfort. Don't start training with strength exercises or overload the body with high loads.

    It is better for people with chronic diseases to consult with a physical therapy instructor.

    Required condition The effectiveness of the classes is the regularity of implementation. They will benefit the intestines and the entire body as a whole. It is advisable to combine training with physical activity for fresh air.

    This will help activate the intestinal muscles. The exercises are simple, most of them are performed lying down. You need to perform the movements without haste, without losing your breath.

    Avoid training if the following symptoms are present:

    • worsened ulcer;
    • elevated body temperature;
    • severe pain in the abdominal area;
    • loose stools or diarrhea;
    • exacerbation of any chronic diseases.

    If you experience any discomfort during training, you should stop exercising and consult a doctor.

    Training effectiveness

    It is impossible to say for sure which exercises have a better effect on intestinal motility. Any physical activity will have positive impact.

    Exercises for constipation in adults can be performed in special gyms or at home, lying in bed. It all depends on the person’s preferences and capabilities.

    Examples of the most common exercises

    • movements simulating cycling;
    • pulling the legs bent at the knees towards the stomach;
    • various inclinations;
    • rotation of the body;
    • rocking the press;
    • squats,
    • jumping rope.

    It must be remembered that physical activity complexes will have their effect after some time. You shouldn’t wait for results the next day, give up training, or start taking laxatives.

    Training is carried out several times a day. The load must be distributed evenly.

    Physical activity during the day can be divided in the following way:

    • In the morning it is advisable to do a few simple exercises, which will prepare muscles and joints for further stress.
    • You should have breakfast with food that contains a lot of fiber.
    • It's better to go to work on foot. If this is not possible, reduce the time spent in a car or bus to a minimum.
    • During the working day, it is important to use the breaks that appear to do physical exercise, especially if the work is sedentary.
    • Running is an important part of health-improving physical education. It is able to improve the functioning of the intestines and all internal organs, stimulating blood circulation.

    If you have the opportunity to use an exercise bike during your lunch break, this is the most in the best possible way will affect the general condition of the intestines. At the same time, your mood will definitely improve and your performance will increase.

    It's worth walking back home. Any walking stimulates the body, improving the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
    People who, for health reasons, cannot use exercise equipment, power loads, may well stimulate intestinal function with long walks in the fresh air. The main thing is that they are regular and long-lasting.

    In the evening, you can replace any type of training physical activity which brings pleasure. You can do dancing, aerobics, yoga.

    You can choose any daily routine. The main thing is that exercise becomes an important part of life.


    It is advisable to combine strength training and massage elements. It will help improve the functioning of the entire gastrointestinal tract.
    The movements are simple; no special skills are required to perform them. It is better to do self-massage in the morning.
    It consists of the following elements:

    • rub your belly in a circular motion clockwise;
    • stretch your feet. You can use a massager;
    • massage your fingers;
    • using a damp cloth, stroke the stomach from bottom to top.


    Once you get rid of constipation, you need to maintain good bowel function.

    • eat fresh vegetables and fruits;
    • limit the amount of smoked, fatty, fried foods;
    • eat in fractional portions;
    • increase your consumption of fermented milk products and fiber;
    • keep a daily routine;
    • Avoid stressful situations.

    Anyone who is faced with the problem of constipation will appreciate the feeling of lightness and comfort that will appear after regular massage and physical activity.

    What effect does physical exercise have on the body?

    • improve blood supply to the pelvic organs;
    • strengthens abdominal muscles;
    • normalize intestinal motility (relieve spasms or enhance motility);
    • improve the removal of accumulated gases (abdominal bloating goes away);
    • stimulate the passage of the bolus of food through the intestinal loops.

    Regular exercise for constipation in children will help eliminate the feeling of heaviness and improve digestion. Physical activity can help fight more than just constipation. The problem of childhood obesity is eliminated: the load on the abdominal muscles allows you to tighten a sagging tummy, and the absence of delay in the evacuation of feces improves metabolic processes.

    Before you start gymnastic training, make sure that there are no diseases of the digestive tract or mechanical obstruction in the path of feces. If constipation is caused by impaired intestinal motility, then consider the following recommendations:

    • conduct classes regularly;
    • start physical exercise 2 hours after eating or do exercises an hour before meals;
    • do not try to strain your child by forcing him to do the required number of approaches; it is better to perform gymnastics 2-3 times during the day;
    • Give your child a drink of cool water before class;
    • take into account your well-being (don’t force you to train if you have health complaints);
    • Before class, massage the child’s belly clockwise (massage time and pressure depend on age).

    While it is possible to explain to a teenager the need for exercise therapy to normalize intestinal function, children are capricious and do not want to do boring repetitions.

    Don’t insist, but come up with a game where you need to actively move:

    • let the child be a bear cub;
    • then he jumps like a bunny;
    • swims like a cartoon mermaid.

    IN childhood It is important to interest the child - then the child will begin to study with pleasure.

    Constipation exercises for newborns

    Before you start exercising for constipation in babies, warm the tummy by placing an iron-heated diaper on it, and then stroke it in a circular motion around the navel.

    Babies cannot do the exercises on their own - they will need the help of their parents. All exercises are performed lying on your back:

    Knee pull-up

    Stretch your baby's legs and clasp your heels with your palm. Move your arm forward, bending your knees, pulling toward your stomach, and then straighten your legs. Additionally, this will improve the release of gases and eliminate flatulence.

    Raising your legs up

    It is performed similarly to the previous one, but the limbs do not bend at the knees, but remain straight. The legs are raised up and then brought to the stomach: the baby is “folded” in half.

    Do not do this exercise for children under six months old - straight leg lifting will cause spastic constipation.


    Hold the heels in your palms and spread and close the baby's legs.


    Holding your baby by the heels, imitate a movement reminiscent of pedaling while cycling.

    After exercise therapy, place the baby on his tummy to strengthen therapeutic effect.

    In infancy, children do not perform exercises independently, but it is important for them psychological attitude. When working with a baby:

    • accompany your actions with children's nursery rhymes;
    • sing;
    • talk kindly.

    The result will be a smiling baby who will soon have a bowel movement.

    Exercise for older children

    What kind of gymnastics will be done for constipation in children depends on age characteristics.


    Up to three years of age, classes are done in the form of games, and for older children, training in small groups is recommended.

    • walking in place;
    • Having taken the starting position with your feet shoulder-width apart, turn your body to the sides;
    • the same position, but now bend over, trying to touch the floor;
    • in a similar position, tilt the body to the sides;
    • crawl (children like walking on all fours);
    • sitting on the floor, try to reach your straightened toes with your hands;
    • lifting your legs up while lying on your back;
    • squats;
    • bike.

    You can train using this training manual: https://duphalac.ru/upload/child_gimnastik.pdf or come up with your own gymnastics complex, taking into account our recommendations.

    Primary and secondary school age

    The importance of independent exercise is not fully understood, but they willingly train in groups or with their parents.

    Added to the set of exercises:

    • standing on all fours bent leg in the knee back and up;
    • lying on the floor, move to a sitting position by tensing the abdominal muscles;
    • lifting your legs simultaneously or alternately while lying on your back.

    Make sure your child moves in a variety of ways and stretches all muscle groups. Do 5-10 times in 2 approaches.


    They understand the danger of constipation for health, but those busy with their own affairs neglect sports activities. Explain to your teenager that regular bowel movements and exercise will help improve their appearance - this will become an incentive for daily exercise.

    Complex in adolescence the same as for schoolchildren, but the number of repetitions per approach increases to 15.

    Invite your teenager to learn breathing exercises for self-help when having difficulty defecating:

    • lying on your back relax;
    • exhale, trying to feel how the navel approaches the spine, and the diaphragm squeezes air out of the lungs;
    • at the moment of highest tension of the diaphragm and peritoneum, hold your breath;
    • then inhale slowly, trying to inflate the stomach, leaving the chest motionless.

    When selecting exercise therapy for children, take into account the mechanism of stool retention.

    Exercise for spastic constipation

    Intestinal motility is preserved, but due to a large spasm in a separate area of ​​the intestine, the passage of food fecal bolus is difficult.

    If a child has spastic constipation, follow these rules:

    • move slowly;
    • avoid stress on the abs;
    • During class, try to keep your tummy relaxed.

    Children 2-3 years old do not know how to regulate the pace of movements and their activity provokes intestinal spasms. Give up exercise therapy and enroll your little fidget in a swimming training group. This will place stress on the abdominal wall and relax the cramped intestinal muscles.

    Exercise for atonic constipation

    Peristalsis is sluggish and does not ensure the advancement of the food bolus. To increase the activity of the organ, it is recommended:

    • sharp springing movements;
    • “concussions” (running, jumping);

    You need to move quickly, doing a large number of repetitions. Active movements will strengthen motor skills and improve the movement of feces.

    But gymnastics alone is not enough - get your child interested in sports. For spastic constipation, yoga or swimming is recommended, and for atonic constipation - sport sections where there is active physical activity.

    A little about self-massage

    To empty the intestines, when constipated, children push, straining their legs, abs and pelvic muscles. This leads to increased stress on the anus and bottom part rectum, causing hemorrhoids, anal fissures and some other diseases. To avoid this, teach adult children self-massage techniques:

    Circular strokes

    Self-stroking begins around the navel clockwise, and then the radius of the circle drawn on the skin gradually increases, reaching the hypochondrium and epigastric region.

    Letter P

    Massaging begins from the right iliac region, from where a vertical line is drawn to the hypochondrium, then passes horizontally above the navel and goes down to the left to the iliac region.

    Explain to your child that self-massage can replace painful straining during constipation. And in order for it to help, you need to follow the direction of movements and, when massaging, gradually increase the force of pressure.

    Are there any contraindications

    Despite the fact that movement is a natural human need, exercise should not be done in the following cases:

    • anal injuries;
    • inflammatory processes in the stomach and intestines;
    • obstruction of the colon;
    • haemorrhoids;
    • suspicion of a foreign body entering the digestive tract;
    • stomach ache.

    If you suspect a pathological process, limit physical activity baby and visit a doctor. Remember that children's health depends on your attentiveness.

    Exercise therapy for constipation helps intestinal function. But in order to get rid of the problem, it is worth finding out the cause of stool retention (diet, physical inactivity). Take care of your diet and monitor your fluid intake. Organize your child’s leisure time so that it includes outdoor games or sports.

    Lack of stool for more than two days, difficulty defecating are signs of constipation.

    If the symptom occurs suddenly, is followed by diarrhea, the stool is bloody or has a foul odor, then the person needs medical advice.

    Get rid of unpleasant symptom and dangerous consequences, exercises against constipation will help.

    Exercise Help

    Problems with stool can also occur in healthy people. Intestinal dysfunction is provoked by poor nutrition, low physical activity, and nervous overstrain.

    Isolated cases should not cause alarm. If they appear with some frequency, then unpleasant consequences arise. Among them are headaches, anxiety, and insomnia.

    Weakened abs, disruption of intestinal flora, peristalsis, and gas formation become causes of delayed bowel movements. More complex health problems may arise.

    Disorders are treated not only with medications, but also with physical exercise. Regular classes sports, a set of special therapeutic physical activities will help strengthen the abdominal muscles, normalize gas formation, and improve the functioning of organs.

    Exercises will strengthen muscles and teach proper breathing, will prevent retention of bowel movements. If they are available, they will help solve the problem.

    Effective exercises for adults

    Exercise therapy for constipation is not only about physical activity, exercises, exercises. Therapeutic exercise teaches active image life, shows its benefits.

    Any physical exercise will do. You can start with simple tasks. The following are useful for intestinal function: walking for 15 minutes every day, leisurely running, swimming. These actions are especially important for people leading a sedentary lifestyle.

    Aerobic exercise

    Fresh air has a positive effect on peristalsis in adults. It is useful to walk, run, exercise more bicycle rides. Such activities are available to everyone.

    Performing simple gymnastics will improve blood flow to the organs of the digestive system.

    Strong abdominal muscles improve bowel function, which means they need to be constantly trained. Muscle compression will lead to faster production of digestive enzymes. Consequently, feces will pass through the intestines faster.

    Physical exercise

    The easiest and most accessible exercise for everyone to do at home is the “bicycle”. It is advisable to do it in the morning, without getting out of bed. At the same time, it will strengthen the muscles of the buttocks and legs.

    Bowel exercises for constipation:

    1. Lie on your back, join your legs. Raise to a height of 30 cm. Hold for 20 seconds. Lower the limbs. Do 5 repetitions.
    2. Lie down on your stomach. Spread the lower limbs slightly. Raise and lower first the left one, then the right one. Do not touch the surface. Perform the movement 10 times.
    3. Lie on your back. Raise your feet. Palms up. Breathing is slow. Sit down.
    4. Lie down. Bend the lower limbs. Pull them to chest. Straighten. Return to starting position. Perform the movement 10 times.
    5. Get on your knees upper limbs position it perpendicular to the floor. Do swings with your legs alternately. Repeat 10 times.

    The complex is useful to perform to improve intestinal function, strengthen the muscles of the back and legs.

    Effective exercises for the elderly

    Moderate intensity exercise will help activate intestinal motility in older people. They tone the muscles and improve the general condition of the body.

    Regular exercise for constipation has a positive effect on the body. It is as follows:

    • Peristalsis is stimulated. With age, the tone of the intestinal wall decreases, problems with stool arise due to deterioration of motility. Exercise helps fix this.
    • Metabolism improves. Training stabilizes the process of absorption of nutrients and their delivery to internal organs, stimulate the digestive system.

    Older people can do gymnastics at home.

    • Tilts of the body to the right, left.
    • Shallow squats.
    • Lunges forward alternately with the right and left leg.
    • Turns left and right.

    It is advisable to do these simple exercises in the morning, this activates intestinal motility.

    It is useful to perform an independent abdominal massage. Stroke it, press a little.

    The movements begin from the right iliac region, move to the right, then to the center, to the left. Finish the massage in the left iliac region.

    Kneading the peritoneal wall allows you to stimulate contraction of the intestinal muscles. The procedure should be carried out with a warm palm.

    Set of exercises:

    1. Lying on your back, make rotational movements with your legs. Abdominal muscles are activated, intestinal activity improves.
    2. Lie down. Bend your knees. Bring them to the chest. Hold the position for 20 seconds. Lower.
    3. Get on your knees, lean on the floor. Take a deep breath and exhale with your stomach.
    4. While standing, perform side turns. Then tilt left and right.
    5. Lie down. Straighten the lower limbs. Raise. Hold them for 10 seconds.

    The number of approaches can be varied. It depends on the general condition of the body and age. You need to do the exercises regularly.

    Swimming and water aerobics will have a beneficial effect not only on intestinal function, but also on the health of the lungs and heart, and also normalize blood pressure.

    In addition, exercise in water stimulates the nervous system and has a beneficial effect on the psychological state. The number of visits to the pool can be limited to two per week.

    Exercises for children

    Irregular bowel movements in children are not uncommon. Poor nutrition psychological problems Gastroenterological diseases associated with potty training can cause irregular bowel movements.

    If a child systematically experiences difficulties, then it is necessary to contact a pediatrician or pediatric gastroenterologist.

    If children are constipated, it is necessary to spend time with them every day morning exercises, preferably on an empty stomach. Each exercise should begin with 3-5 repetitions, gradually increasing their number to 10. Parents should monitor the quality of exercises.

    Approximate complex:

    1. Walking in one place. Raise your knees high. Perform the movement for 20 seconds.
    2. In a standing position with your legs spread wide apart, bend forward without bending your knees. Hands should reach the floor. Perform 15 times.
    3. Standing, spread your legs shoulder-width apart. Make side turns.
    4. Perform bends.
    5. Squats with palms extended forward. Quantity – 10.
    6. Walking on all fours. Perform the movement for 20 seconds.
    7. In the same position, perform swings with your legs straightened back. Bend your leg at the knee, pull it towards your chest. Take the starting position. Repeat for the other leg.
    8. Lie on your stomach. Grab your ankles. Perform rocking movements. Make 5–10 movements.
    9. Exercise "Bicycle".
    10. Sit up from a lying position. Touch your toes to your toes without bending your knees. Do this 10 times.

    Parents should ensure that children do not suppress the desire to empty their bowels and stop the game in time. It is also necessary to adhere to a proper diet.

    Exercises for pregnant women

    Often, problems with bowel movements occur in women during pregnancy. The growing uterus puts pressure on the intestines, delaying the movement of feces. During this period, women move less and take medications containing iron. As a result, intestinal peristalsis becomes difficult.

    To eliminate the problem, pregnant women should move more and perform simple movements:

    • Tilt left and right.
    • Do circular rotations body.
    • Squat with a straight back.
    • Pull your legs towards your stomach. Bend them at the knees.

    Physical activity will help move stool and make defecation easier.

    Breathing exercises for constipation

    Eat special complex, designed to improve the performance of the diaphragm. This will have a positive effect on intestinal function. Breathing exercises useful in case of difficulty in defecation.

    Sequence of exercises:

    1. Perform lying down, in a relaxed state. When inhaling, in order to control its depth, fingers are placed on the stomach.
    2. The exhalation should be deep. At this time, the diaphragm is pulled towards the chest, and the stomach – towards the spine. The fingers seem to fall down with the stomach down.
    3. Inhale with your stomach.

    This complex solves problems with defecation. It can also be performed for hemorrhoids.


    Effective Indian gymnastics exercises help improve metabolism and peristalsis:

    • Half lotus. Sit down. Cross your legs. Take a deep breath, releasing air into your stomach. Exhale. Stay in this position for 5 minutes.
    • A dog that looks down. Stand on top and lower limbs. Raise your torso. Legs are straight. Push off, straighten your arms. Take a few deep breaths.
    • Stretching tree. Stand up. Keep your back straight. Place your feet at a distance of 10 cm. Interlace your fingers. Raise above your head. Breathing should be calm. Slowly lean left, then right. Perform 15 times.
    • Plow. Take a supine position. Throw your legs over your head. Support your lower back with your palms. Touch the floor surface. Hold the position of the torso for 15 seconds.
    • Back twisting. Lie down. Pull your knees towards your chest. Turn to right side. Left hand pull forward, turn your head there.
    • Raising your legs. Lie down. Place your palms under your buttocks. Lift one at a time. Do not bend. Perform 10 times with your left leg, then with your right.
    • Triangle. Place one leg forward, the other back, turning it 90˚. Turn your torso towards the first leg, put your arms forward. Tighten your muscles and bend towards the first leg. Perform from the hips, lowering your arms as far as possible. Raise your other hand. Stay in this position for 10 seconds, take deep breaths.

    When and how to do exercises

    The number of approaches and duration of execution depend on the state of the body, sports uniform person.

    Any exercises are performed before meals or an hour after meals. Otherwise, there is a delay in the production of enzymes that are involved in the digestion of foods. This causes bloating, cramps, and constipation. Immediately after eating, a walk in the fresh air will be beneficial.

    It is advisable to ride a bicycle for 10 minutes to half an hour, aerobic complex must be performed for at least 15 minutes.

    Gymnastics for constipation improves the functioning of the digestive organs and eliminates the problem of difficult bowel movements. Physical exercise has a positive effect on overall health and benefits the body as a whole.