Chinese gymnastics for blood vessels 8. Chinese gymnastics for blood vessels hu xiao fei. Chinese method of healing blood vessels

Vegetative-vascular dystonia, which reduces vascular tone and brings a lot of suffering to patients, has a semi-official status in Russia, and in some countries it is not even considered a disease. But it leads to narrowing and spasms of blood vessels in the brain, which causes headaches, dizziness and other unpleasant symptoms. Dystonia can be caused by stress, emotional stress, weather changes, and chronic diseases of the spinal column.

To treat dystonia and vascular spasms, vitamins, adaptogens and physiotherapy are usually used. Gymnastics for blood vessels will help effectively complement traditional treatment and improve the health of the body.

Nishi Method

For the brain to work effectively, it needs oxygen. If blood circulation is impaired, the brain experiences oxygen starvation and, consequently, becomes unable to perform normal activities.

The Nishi technique will help strengthen blood vessels, improve blood circulation and provide oxygen to the brain.

The easiest and at the same time effective way is vibration exercise. They do it only after waking up, without getting out of bed. It is necessary to raise your arms and legs and shake them vigorously for several minutes. Warm-up will vibrate the capillaries and remove toxic substances and waste from the body, and also activate the nerves that stimulate the brain.

Nishi's technique also includes an exercise called the Goldfish. Do it while lying down, placing your hands behind your neck. Point your toes towards you and, tensed, produce vibrating movements of the entire body. Exercise activates blood movement and tones blood vessels.

Dancing and yoga are an ideal remedy for blood vessels

Dancing and yoga have an excellent effect on blood vessels, during which they train coordination of movements, enrich the blood with oxygen, improve blood circulation, increase the elasticity and tone of blood vessels. In addition, they help to get rid of psycho-emotional tension and stress, which is important for the health of blood vessels.

The following exercises will provide effective results in the treatment of vegetative-vascular dystonia:

  • Taking a slow breath through your nose, you need to rise on your toes as much as possible and hold your breath. Returning to the starting position, you should relax and exhale slowly through your mouth. Do 10-15 repetitions.
  • Taking a quick breath through your nose, throw your arms out to the sides, bending backwards. In this position, you need to hold your breath for 3 seconds. Then, after exhaling, lower your arms and relax your muscles. Repeat 7-10 times.

Gymnastics for brain vessels

To reduce the risk of spasms, it is necessary to include exercises to strengthen blood vessels into the exercise routine. Effective effects include moving the head in different directions, rotating the body, standing on the head, elbows and shoulder blades, lifting the legs in supine position, as well as somersaults and circular rotations.

Standing on one leg, as well as on two, will help activate cerebral circulation. Walking will improve blood circulation, increase vascular tone and provide the brain with oxygen. Exercise dilates arteries and increases blood flow to the brain.

The following exercises will help expand the arteries and improve blood flow in the brain:

  1. Rotate your head first clockwise and then in the opposite direction for 2-3 minutes.
  2. Raising your hands up, you need to make a “lock”. Bend forward, simulating chopping wood. Repeat 8 times.
  3. Take turns swinging your legs: the leg should move towards the opposite hand.
  4. Bend your knees slightly and spread your arms to the sides and make asynchronous movements: right hand make rotational movements backwards, and with the left - forwards and vice versa. Exercise will help improve memory, attention and concentration, as well as increase the speed of thinking.
  5. Perform straight leg raises using your arms to support bottom part backs. At the end, stay in the “Berezki” stance for 5 minutes.

To perform the first 4 exercises, you need to stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. The fifth exercise is done lying on your back with your arms extended along your body.

Gymnastics for neck vessels

The neck is important for maintaining the functioning of the brain, because arteries pass through it, supplying oxygen and nutrients to the brain.

If the neck muscles are weakened, then the person has to strain to support the head in a normal position. Due to constant tension, blood vessels are compressed and nerve endings are pinched, which leads to headaches, dizziness, poor circulation, hypertension and other troubles.

To get rid of problems, it is necessary to strengthen the muscles and blood vessels of the neck. For this purpose, it is recommended to perform bends, turns and rotations of the head, but the movements should be smooth.

Complex for strengthening cervical vessels:

  1. Press all parts of your back against the wall. After inhaling, you need to “imprint” into the wall as much as possible, straining your neck muscles. Holding your breath, remain in this position for 5-6 seconds.
  2. Sit on a chair and place your palm on your forehead. Then press firmly with your hand on your head, tilting it back. At the same time, by tensing the neck muscles, prevent the head from tilting. Maintain neck tension for 5-10 seconds while holding your breath. Then exhale and rest for 10-15 seconds. Repeat 3-7 times.
  3. Perform exercises similar to the previous one, tilting your head forward and then to the sides.
  4. Perform slow rotational movements with your head in one direction and the other. Repeat 8-12 times.

Strengthening brain vessels and improving thinking

Breathing exercises

It will help expand and strengthen blood vessels, saturate the blood with oxygen, and lower blood pressure. breathing exercises. The principle of breathing is similar for all such gymnastics: take a short deep breath through the nose, hold the breath, and then slowly exhale through the mouth.

Please note that to strengthen blood vessels, you should breathe through the right nostril. The fact is that breathing through the left nostril calms the body, helps get rid of migraines, high blood pressure, angina pectoris, and thyrotoxicosis. Breathing through the left nostril has a stimulating effect on the body, raises blood pressure, stimulates work thyroid gland, increases vascular tone.

It will help increase the elasticity of blood vessels and raise vitality next exercise. You need to take a very deep breath through your nose and hold your breath for 3-5 seconds. Next, stretching your lips into a tube, blow out air, blowing away imaginary crumbs of bread from the table. Having exhaled some of the air, hold your breath again for 1-2 seconds. Then continue exhaling, pausing. There should be 10-15 exhalations per inhalation. Repeat 5-6 times.

The exercise will have an effect after the first time. In addition, it improves metabolism and has a beneficial effect on the thyroid gland.

Regular execution breathing exercises will have a massaging, squeezing and stretching effect on the vessels, give the vessels elasticity and strength, prevent the formation of blood clots, improve performance, memory and attention, as well as calm the nerves and help avoid stress.

lead to a sharp deterioration in the patient’s well-being. There is a decrease in vascular tone. The causes of such disorders are diverse: stress, genetic predisposition, various chronic diseases.

To normalize the patient’s well-being, various methods of traditional and non-traditional therapy are used. Massage, acupuncture, and breathing exercises can be used as an auxiliary method of influence.

Chinese gymnastics for blood vessels has proven itself well as a method of influence. Sufficient by type simple techniques ensure normalization of blood flow and help establish blood circulation throughout the body. Similar exercises allow you to restore the required tone of the capillaries and give elasticity to the vessels.

A set of training according to the Chinese method always begins with exercises for the capillaries - this is the peculiarity of the method. The main role in the blood circulation process is assigned to small vessels, with their help all cells are supplied with oxygen human body.

If there are any violations in certain areas, the cells will not receive the vital portion of oxygen. Against a similar background, various diseases of the cardiovascular system and other internal organs appear.

Professor Hu Xiao Fei, the developer of the exercise technique, says that gymnastics for blood vessels is not only a means of treatment, but also a method of preventing the manifestation of various ailments. You need to start implementing such techniques as early as possible - the result will not be long in coming.

Chinese gymnastics is the most popular among patients. Patients who have tried the effectiveness on themselves claim that an improvement in well-being occurs after the first session. However, many report certain difficulties - you need to perform the exercises according to a clear pattern, otherwise there will be no result.

Attention! Chinese techniques for blood vessels help maintain tone regardless of age. Such mastery is achievable by all patients without limitations.

You can master the rules for doing the exercises, but it’s still better to take lessons on how to do them from specialists high level to understand all the subtleties. The price of such classes is high, but the methods can also be learned during video lessons.

The video in this article will introduce patients to some of the features of gymnastics.

There are several methods for normalizing the functioning of blood vessels:

  • Niches;
  • Hu Xiao Fei;
  • Yanshen Gong.

The most popular and widespread is the Nishi method. The main exercises are focused on ensuring the processes of supplying the brain with oxygen. The main one is vibration.

The peculiarity of the classes is that you need to start doing them immediately after waking up. The developer assures that it is at this moment that it is necessary to ensure vascular tone and saturate the tissues with oxygen.

For reference! Many experts recommend (pictured) as an effective addition to the described treatment method. Simple asanas will help not only eliminate stress and relieve muscle tension, but will also help the patient cleanse himself on an emotional level.

During all exercises, you should control your breathing process. The instructions must be followed unquestioningly - only in this case can positive results be achieved. Some experts claim that Chinese gymnastics in combination with yoga can help overcome hypertension.

Principle of the method

Systematic actions are aimed at dispersing blood throughout the body. The task is to ensure normal blood circulation through the vessels and ensure its flow to the internal organs to supply them with oxygen.

Such actions eliminate congestion and inflammation, increase the elasticity of blood vessels, prevent the formation of blood clots, and remove cholesterol from the body.

Fact! The advantage of the Chinese technique is the possibility of its use different groups people regardless of age categories.

One should not think that pathologies of the heart and blood vessels are the lot of old people. Young people also face such illnesses.

The effect of Chinese gymnastics on the human body is discussed in the table.

How do the techniques work on the human body?
Action Description
and strengthening the walls.Processes of cleansing blood vessels from various accumulations take place.
. By stabilizing the blood supply processes, the manifestations of varicose veins are eliminated.
Stabilization of blood pressure indicators.Helps cope with arterial hypertension stages 1 and 2.
Normalization of heart function.Various abnormalities of the heart are eliminated.
Restoring psycho-emotional balance.Excitability decreases and anxiety disappears.
Elimination of hypoxia.The blood is saturated with oxygen.
Improving blood composition.The qualitative composition of blood changes due to prolonged use of the technique.
Acceleration of regeneration processes.The healing process of abrasions and scratches is accelerated.
Establishing blood supply to parts of the body distant from the heart.Symptoms such as numbness of the limbs disappear.

Main areas of study

Chinese gymnastics not like the usual ones physical exercise, therefore, many patients experience certain difficulties in the process of becoming familiar with the technique.

The action of the complexes is concentrated on achieving the following goals:

  1. Normalization of heart rate. After the first sessions, patients notice a decrease in blood pressure and a decrease in heart rate.
  2. Improving brain function. Improves concentration and eliminates dizziness.
  3. Improves blood circulation in the legs. The techniques help to cope with varicose veins and thrombophlebitis. Swelling of the limbs disappears, pain “from fatigue” appears less frequently, and the feeling of heaviness disappears.
  4. Strengthening and healing blood vessels throughout the body. The process of removing fatty alcohol from the body is accelerated, and the walls of blood vessels are strengthened.

Gymnastics will be beneficial only if the basic rules are strictly followed. Incorrect actions will not only reduce efficiency, they can also harm the human body. Before starting the exercises, the patient must study the intricacies of their implementation and get ready to undergo a full course of recovery.

What you should pay attention to is that you should stop drinking alcohol and get rid of nicotine addiction for the entire period of training. Normalization of diet and walks fresh air will benefit the body.

What is important to know

The principles of doing the exercises are quite difficult to convey in words. A person must see the correct technique with his own eyes.

However, before you start watching valuable video materials, you should consider the basic rules for using the technique:

  • it is forbidden to increase the load sharply, the patient should not feel severe fatigue;
  • it is important to control your heart rate after completing tasks - it should not exceed 120 beats per minute;
  • if you feel unwell, exercise should be postponed; if the patient experiences heart pain after exercise, the doctor will determine the advisability of further exercise;
  • classes are conducted on an empty stomach.

Chinese methods believe that a person’s thoughts and actions must coincide - this is the only way to get results. That is, the patient should perform exercises not only for the purpose of obtaining benefits for his health, he should enjoy the process.

Hello, dear readers. When the archive of Moscow State University professor G.N. Matyushin was discovered, several pages of tissue paper were found in one of his books, on which Chinese health-improving gymnastics Do Ying, reprinted from China Magazine, September 1956 issue.

The text turned out to be rare and therefore very valuable. This type of gymnastics is incredibly effective, so all readers of my blog should know about it.

Simple gymnastics against serious illnesses

With the help of the new one, you can heal from many diseases without drugs, such as stomach ulcers, tuberculosis, neurasthenia.

Deputy Director of the Baidahe sanatorium Liu-Gui-Zheng himself was healed of many diseases absolutely without drugs, only with the help of these trainings and became their adherent, as well as their distributor.

When he worked in the village of Habei, due to serious illnesses, he began to weigh only 38 kg. Chinese and European doctors tried to treat him, but they could not recover.

When he returned home, on the advice of Liu-Ju-Chou, he began to undergo treatment using the method of Chinese gymnastics.

The old peasant advised me to live alone in a small hut in complete silence. Following all his advice, after 100 days he forgot what a stomach ulcer and tuberculosis were, all that was left was neurasthenia, but he was already able to go to work. Everyone was so surprised by this miracle.

When he began to study this method from Liu-Ju-Zhou, he said that Hao-Fei-Wu, who lived in 1644, knew the breathing training program. Having mastered the new technique, he went to Habei province to treat patients.

After establishing an accurate diagnosis, he treated 115 patients with stomach ulcers, 90% of them recovered.

It is not yet possible to provide an explanation as to why this method works this way. But from experience it is clear that thanks to this treatment the brain calms down and the brain begins to work. internal organs.
This method uses all the advantages of physical education and hypnosis, increases metabolism, restoring the functioning of internal organs, healing their ailments.

Chinese health gymnastics exercises

1. Exercise to provide the body with oxygen

Close your eyes, remove unnecessary thoughts. Clench your hands into fists, thumbs inside are easily covered by the rest, put on your hips, stand straight, without touching the table or wall, press your tongue to the roof of your mouth.

Concentrate on the lower abdominal area. Take 50 breaths through your nose (at first breathe freely, after a while switch to deep breathing).

When finishing the exercise, return the tongue to its place.

Blood circulation improves, blood stagnation goes away, the body gets rid of carbon dioxide and is supplied with oxygen, eliminating the lack of oxygen.

2. Ear exercise

Massage with two fingers ears from bottom to top 18 times. Then, squeeze your ears with your palms so that your fingers are on the back of your head.

Then tap the middle finger 36 times with your index finger, you will hear the sound “DUN - DUN.”

Relieves headaches, tinnitus, activates the cerebral cortex, protects against deafness, and cures dizziness.

3. Exercise for teeth

Concentrate, hit your teeth (lightly) 36 times, helps strengthen your teeth.

4. Mouth exercise

Run your tongue in the mouth 18 times in one direction, then in the other, swallow saliva.

5. Throat exercise

Close your mouth, collect saliva, rinse 38 times. After this, swallow the saliva in three sips. When swallowing, mentally force the saliva to pass to the lower abdomen.

Protects against bitterness in the mouth, roughness of the tongue, heals sore throats, and moistens the stomach and intestines with saliva, helping digestion.

6. Nose exercise

Grind until warm external sides thumbs, then use hot fingers to massage the wings of the nose 18 times.

Protects against runny nose, improves blood supply to the upper respiratory tract.

7. Eye exercise

Close eyes. Warm the middle joints of the thumbs by rubbing them against each other. After this, massage the upper eyelids 18 times. Next, massage your eyebrows 18 times outside thumbs, close your eyes, make 18 circular movements with your eyeballs to the left, then to the right.

Exercise improves vision, memory, calms nervous system. Prevents eye diseases.

8. Face exercise

Rub your palms to warm up, massage your face, moving your palms up and down 36 times, as when washing, touching not only the protruding parts, but also the depressions.

Prevents the appearance of wrinkles, improves vision, improves the action of the facial nerve, strengthens teeth.

9. Exercise for the head

With your hands, grab part of the neck from the back of the head, raising your head, looking up. Try to bend your neck down with your hands, and use your neck to prevent this.
Do this up to 9 times.

The movement of cerebrospinal fluid improves, as well as blood circulation in the head, and cures insomnia, dizziness, and painful sensations in the shoulders.

10. Exercise for shoulders

With the palm of your left hand, grasp right shoulder, carry out 18 circular movements with the shoulder, also do it with the right hand.

Helps with insomnia, joint inflammation, improves blood circulation, calms the nerves.

11. Exercise for the spine

Palms in fists, arms bent at the elbows, raise them to shoulder level, swing to the right and left 18 times in each direction.

Strengthens internal organs, improves blood circulation, restores lung elasticity.

12. Lower back exercise

Rub your palms to warm them up, then massage your lower back 18 times with each hand.

Improves blood supply, relieves pain in lumbar region, calms the nerves, removes diseases of the genital organs.

13. Exercise for the tailbone

Using your index or middle fingers, massage on both sides of the tailbone 36 times in each session.

Exercise protects against hemorrhoids, rectal prolapse, and genital diseases.

14. Exercise for knees

Using both hands, massage each knee 100 times.

Strengthens legs and joints, calms nerves, helps with joint inflammation.

15. Exercise for the lower abdomen

Rub your palms to warm them up, then do it 100 times with your left hand. Warm your hands again and do the same massage, but only with your right hand.

Massage helps better absorption of food.

16. Exercise for feet

With your left hand, massage the middle of the foot (only across) the right leg in 100 passes, then change hands and feet.

17. Exercise for the upper body

Sit with your legs crossed (palms folded). Top part Turn your torso 18 times from left to right, and do the same in the other direction. Inhalation is done when returning to the starting position.

Breathing improves, blood flows better through the veins, helps with lower back pain, diseases of the liver and reproductive system.

18. Exercise to improve overall well-being

Sit down, straighten your legs, raise your toes up. Extend your arms, palms out, reaching your toes. When bending over, exhale. Inhale - during extension, while the palms of the hands turn inward. Do 36 times.

Blood circulation and elasticity of the lungs improve, heart muscles are strengthened, excess fat disappears in abdominal cavity. The mobility of the diaphragm increases.

19. Exercise to improve vision

Keep your head straight left hand raised to face level, palm straight, turned towards the face, middle finger at the level of the tip of the nose, look at it.

Slowly move your hand away, without taking your eyes off the finger. Extend your arm fully, then slowly bring it closer. Do the exercise 5 times.

Improves vision, blood circulation in eye muscles, reduces farsightedness, especially in older people.

20. Exercise - squat

Place your feet shoulder-width apart and squat low until you touch your calves. Do it 3-4 times.

21. Leg exercise

Stand up, raise your arms to the line of your shoulders, stand, then lower them together with your arms, repeat 5 times for each leg.

Strengthens the legs and trains balance.

Positive effect of training


  • do not require excessive tension,
  • strengthen the walls of blood vessels, nerves and muscles,
  • all parts of the body are involved in movements, therefore Chinese health gymnastics Do-In has therapeutic effect,
  • treatment time is greatly reduced for patients,

The course of treatment is 90 days.

The cause of the development of many diseases can be exhaustion and weakening of blood vessels. Violation of their functions leads to stagnation of blood in the organs, disruption of heat exchange and other processes in the body. The person begins to feel general weakness, exhaustion, loses appetite, his blood pressure decreases or increases.

Helps to eliminate such problems special gymnastics for vessels. Regular exercise in combination with drug treatment allows you to achieve good results in just a few months.

Why do you need to do gymnastics for blood vessels?

The peculiarity of vascular diseases is that they begin gradually, proceed sluggishly, but are also deadly.

According to statistics, the most common cause death is vascular disease. Weak blood vessels mean an increased risk of developing:

As a rule, people begin to go to the hospital only after the development of serious complications caused by impaired vascular function. To prevent their occurrence, people with varicose veins, poor circulation, headaches, memory impairment and other pathologies associated with weakening of blood vessels are recommended to do gymnastics daily to strengthen the vascular system.

There are quite a lot various techniques, which were developed specifically for this purpose. Some of the most effective among them are:

  • Exercises developed by Chinese professor Hu Xiaofei.
  • Sitela exercises.
  • Gymnastics Nishi.
  • Breathing exercises.
  • Daoyin yangsheng gong exercise system (developed by Chinese professor Zhang Gaunde).

There are also other exercises, for example, against spasms of the vessels of the head, gymnastics for the vessels of the head and neck, exercises for lower limbs, for neck vessels with atherosclerosis, breathing exercises.

Research by scientists from Beijing University of Physical Education has proven that the largest places where congestion occurs, which prevents the normal movement of blood throughout the body, include:

  • Armpit area.
  • Elbow joints.
  • Mid chest.
  • Knee joints.

Chinese experts recommend regularly performing the exercises they suggest for just 10 minutes a day. This will restore blood circulation and normal functioning of blood vessels. Dancing and yoga also help strengthen blood vessels.

Gymnastics Nishi

Nishi Katsudzo developed gymnastics aimed at improving oxygen supply to the brain and strengthening the body's defenses. To improve the functioning of the vegetative-vascular system and blood circulation, Nishi suggests the exercises presented below.


Position - lying on your back, hands under your neck. Bring your legs together, pull their toes towards you. Create vibration movements with your body, imitating the movements of a swimming fish. Movements should be directed to the right and left side.

The duration of the exercise is at least two minutes.

Stimulating capillary function

While lying on your back, raise and fix your arms and legs in a vertical position. It is necessary to actively shake them for 2-3 minutes.

Sitela exercises

Professor A. Sitel developed a method for restoring vascular functions. This technique assumes muscle relaxation, to achieve which it is necessary to perform slow and rhythmic movements. The professor developed separate movements for each muscle group.

With the help of Sitela's exercises, you can achieve significant improvement in your condition without resorting to the use of pharmaceuticals. For example, headaches can be easily eliminated by restoring blood circulation.

The advantage of the Sitel method is that his exercises can be performed even by patients who have advanced spinal diseases.

  1. Stand against a wall, leaning your back and heels against it. Raise your arms above your head. You need to concentrate on your hands, and at the moment when they begin to spontaneously fall down, try to fix them, not allowing them to do this.
  2. To relax muscles lumbar region You need to stand with your back to the wall and raise your right leg up 90 degrees. Try to hold it in this position for at least 25 seconds. Repeat the exercise with your left leg. Perform alternate lifts with each leg 20 times.
  3. Stand up straight, place your fingers on the base of the sacrum. Inhale, counting to 10, while simultaneously pressing your fingers on the sacrum. In this case, you should push your fingers back with your back, creating resistance. Then you need to exhale deeply and repeat the exercise. Perform 5-6 times, gradually increasing the amplitude.
  4. For the vessels of the neck and head. Sit on a chair, tilting your head to the right and clasping it with your overstretched arm. The index finger of the left hand should hold the uppermost vertebra. Inhale, creating resistance with your right palm. As you exhale, relax the muscles and repeat the action with the other hand. Perform 10 approaches with each hand, gradually increasing the amplitude.
  5. To do this, while inhaling, you need to raise it as much as possible. shoulder girdle, fixing it in this position for 15 seconds. Then exhale and lower your shoulders down. Repeat at least 6 times.

It should be borne in mind that Sitela exercises have some contraindications. You cannot do gymnastics if:

  • Presence of spinal injuries.
  • Pregnancy.
  • High blood pressure.
  • The presence of acute chronic diseases.
  • Serious neurological disorders.
  • Disorder of the vestibular apparatus.

Breathing exercises

Breathing exercises help enrich the blood with oxygen, which acts as a natural vasodilator. There are several methods of breathing exercises - Strelnikova, Qigong, Yoga, deep breathing technique according to Buteyko.

Despite the fact that such techniques were developed by different specialists, all breathing exercises are built on similar principles and are performed by taking a deep breath through the nose, holding the breath and exhaling smoothly through the mouth.

For example, Sitel suggests lying with your back on a flat surface and exhaling as deeply as possible. Then you need to take a very slow breath through your nose, gradually drawing air back into your lungs. Inhalation must be done until the ribs straighten and acquire an arched position. If there is no dizziness or discomfort, perform 10 such inhalations and exhalations.

When performing yoga breathing exercises, inhalations and exhalations are accompanied by protrusion and retraction of the abdomen. Thanks to such techniques, it is possible to reduce blood pressure and normalize vascular function. At regular classes Patients can get rid of hypertension forever.

Gymnastics for atherosclerosis

  • Walk and jog daily. If you wish, you can combine running with exercises for the shoulder girdle.
  • Perform body bends.
  • Do gymnastics to help develop good balance.
  • Turn your head to the right and left, fixing it in a given position for several seconds.

Over time, you can begin to increase the load using small dumbbells. Immediately start training with heavy loads and fast pace should not be done, because in this case the patient may feel unwell.

Exercises for the blood vessels of the legs

Diseases of the blood vessels of the legs are especially common, because they have to withstand heavy loads every day - prolonged standing, walking, lifting weights. For the vessels of the lower extremities it is recommended to do the following exercises:

  • When standing, your feet are straight. You need to slowly rise on your toes and lower yourself. Perform 20-30 such lifts, and then spread your toes apart and repeat 20-30 raises on your toes again. Next, you need to bring your socks together and spread your heels and rise again on your toes 20-30 times.
  • Good exercise for the blood vessels of the legs is walking on a flat surface. You need to walk in such a way that the soles of your feet do not leave the floor.
  • Lying on your back, bend your knees and perform movements that imitate riding a bicycle. You need to pedal for 2-3 minutes, then take a short break and repeat the exercise again.
  • In a lying position, you need to rotate your feet and legs to the right and left.

Strengthening cerebral blood vessels

Even completely healthy people can suffer from impaired vascular tone. This condition is called vegetative-vascular dystonia. To normalize blood circulation, you need to perform the following exercises for the blood vessels of the brain:

  • Stand against a wall, leaning your body tightly against it. Inhale in such a way that rib cage I pressed myself tightly against the wall, and my neck muscles tensed as much as possible. Fix in this position for a few seconds, and then repeat the exercise.
  • Squat down and place your palm on your forehead. Try to tilt your head forward, creating counteraction with your palm. The neck muscles should be tense. Remain in this position for at least 5 seconds.
  • Next, you need to repeat the previous movements, tilting your head not forward, but to the sides.
  • Good effect gives the following exercise: tilt your head to the side, and then carefully rotate it in a circle - first to the right and then to the left.

Strengthening blood vessels and heart

It is very beneficial for the heart and blood vessels to ride a bicycle, swim, walk up the stairs, and perform cardio exercises. The simplest and most effective among them are:

  • Walking on your toes, raising your knees high.
  • Simulation of cycling while lying on your back.
  • Exercise “scissors” with legs, also lying on your back.

It should be borne in mind that if cardiac and vascular activity is weakened, the body should not be overloaded with grueling activities.

The main thing is to regularly perform exercises with strict cyclicity: the load should always be followed by relaxation. This helps to increase muscle fibers heart and strengthening blood vessels.

You often have headaches and are also worried about varicose veins veins? All these are not only signs of hard work and stress, but also of weak blood vessels. Yes, you understood correctly, blood vessels can also be strong or weak. And, if they are very weakened, then gymnastics for blood vessels is extremely necessary.

Exercises to strengthen blood vessels are the best prevention

Weak blood vessels, or dystonia, often occur due to poor circulation. The reason for such a violation can be many reasons, the most basic ones are listed below:

  1. Genetic disposition.
  2. Stress.
  3. Smoking.
  4. Low physical activity.

All this contributes to high vascular tone, which is why narrow channels impair blood circulation and also contribute to increased blood pressure. In this case, medications are ineffective. Active and simple exercises.

How to increase cerebral vascular tone

Capillaries These are the most important blood vessels in the human body. After all, they supply all organs with the most necessary substances. If the capillary, in the event of some kind of obstruction, does not deliver the necessary substance to the nearest organ, then the process of accumulation of toxic compounds will begin, which leads to many diseases.

To prevent this from happening to you, you must use the following technique:

1. Vibration

When you wake up in the morning, simply raise your arms and legs up and shake your limbs with small vibrations for 2 minutes.

In addition to shaking the capillaries, active distribution of lymph also occurs, which promotes the removal of toxins and waste deposits.

2. "Goldfish"

This exercise should be performed while lying on a flat surface.

To do this, throw your arms back into the area where your neck is located. Pull your toes toward you and tense your body.

After that, perform vibration movements with your whole body. This type of exercise will relieve you of excessive nervous tone in the spine, thereby improving blood circulation.

These exercises should be performed twice a day: morning and evening.

Brain and vascular strengthening

Unfortunately, frequent headaches, dizziness, fatigue, tinnitus, all of this is caused by vascular dystonia and can provoke cerebral vascular spasm. how to increase cerebral vascular tone.

In order to reduce the risk of cramps, you need to eat right, rest, take strengthening medications, and also do the following: special exercises:

  1. Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart. After that, smoothly begin to rotate your head clockwise for 2-3 minutes.
  2. Without changing your position, bring your hands together and lock your palms with your fingers, lean forward, imitating chopping wood. This exercise do no more than 8 times.
  3. The starting position is the same. We make alternating swings with our legs, in the form of a pinwheel.
  4. Bend your knees slightly and spread your arms in different directions. Then begin asynchronous movement with your arms.
  5. Perform the well-known “birch tree”. You need to perform no more than 5 repetitions.

Remember that when completing tasks, try not to sudden movements, jerks. Special attention take time to breathe. If you experience any discomfort, exercise should be stopped.

Dancing is also considered very effective. After all, they haven’t invented it for the brain yet best exercise. By performing pas, you not only saturate the blood with oxygen, but also get rid of stress, which is very useful for an organ such as the brain.

How to strengthen the blood vessels of the lower extremities

Nature has endowed us with vertical walking. At the same time, we pay with such problems as varicose veins and other lesions of the veins of the lower extremities. And strengthening this type of blood vessels is best done through movement and various water procedures.

At the same time, the following simple loads should also be performed:

  1. Position, legs wider than shoulders, begin bending towards the floor, while your legs should be straight and your hands should touch the surface.
  2. Sit on the floor, spread your legs as far as possible, cross your arms over your chest, and try to reach the floor with your hands. It is important that your legs are straight.
  3. Get on your knees. Spread your arms and start walking back and forth.

These exercises from the Phoenix healing complex are very effective for strengthening the walls of blood vessels, improving their elasticity, for improving blood and lymph flows, for stagnation of venous blood, for thickening of blood, for varicose veins, lymphadenitis, thrombophlebitis.

Healthy blood vessels - healthy neck

The cervical part of the human body is one of the most important. After all, only the neck has the largest number of important arteries that promote blood circulation between the brain and the spinal cord.

If the muscles in this area are weak, then the person resorts to efforts to keep his head level. And this is excessive tension that compresses the blood vessels, thereby reducing blood circulation.

To improve blood circulation and make blood vessels stronger, therapeutic strengthening Chinese gymnastics are used in practice, namely Yanshen Gong, developed by Professor Hu Xiaofei

As the professor noted, it is not enough to treat the consequences of the problem, you need to treat the problem itself. And for people who have problems with blood vessels, one of the most powerful qigong practices was developed.

Below are effective exercises to strengthen blood vessels:

  1. Position yourself against the wall, press your whole body as close as possible, and when you inhale, “press” into the wall as much as possible, strain your neck muscles to the maximum, and stand there for about 10 seconds.
  2. Sit on a chair and place your palm on your forehead. Then, with maximum force, begin to press on your forehead, and use your neck muscles to resist the pressure. When maximum tension occurs, you should hold your breath for 5-7 seconds. Then exhale and pause for no more than 10 seconds.
  3. The same manipulations must be carried out with the head tilted in different directions, back and forth. The main thing is that these exercises can be performed throughout the day.
  4. Slow semicircular movement of the head from one shoulder to the other. At the same time, keep your head at the end points.

Do not forget that in this gymnastics it is very important to perform movements smoothly and evenly. The interval between rest and exercise is also important; do not put too much strain on your blood vessels and body.

We train the heart and blood vessels

In order to maintain the functionality of the heart and blood vessels for a long time, it is important to constantly perform physical activity that helps strengthen the body, in particular the blood vessels. It is worth noting that exercises for blood vessels and the heart are best performed in the morning, immediately after sleep.

The most effective actions are described below:

  1. Rise onto your toes and start walking with your knees raised as high as possible.
  2. Place your feet shoulder-width apart, lock your arms above your head, and begin to lean to the sides, while lifting your right or left leg from the floor.
  3. Extend your arms to the sides and begin rhythmically tapping the opposite shoulder. At the same time, be sure to keep your body straight.
  4. The starting position should be like this - arms at your sides, legs together. Then rotate your hands.
  5. Lie on the floor, squeeze your knees to form a right angle and begin to imitate the rotation of the pedals.
  6. Sit on the floor. Raise your legs about 30-40 centimeters and begin to make cross-shaped movements with your legs.

During exercise, the main factor is the regularity of exercise, and not the intensity and quantity.

Gymnastics that strengthens blood vessels and the heart for hypertension

There are times when a hypertensive patient needs to strengthen his blood vessels. And this is a rather complex process, since a person high blood pressure, the vessels do not want to “relax”.

For such people, there is a system - exercises for heart patients and hypertensive patients, which will help make blood vessels stronger.

  1. Do a warm-up: walk around the room, smoothly swing your legs, arms, do circular movements pelvis, but everything should be smooth and without jerking.
  2. Sit down on a chair, move your legs 30-40 cm. Raise your arms up and begin to slowly bend, while moving your arms back and not tilting your head.
  3. Sitting on a chair, spread your arms and lift your leg bent at the knee towards your chest. The exercise must be performed alternately.
  4. Hands to the sides, inhale. As you exhale, place your hands at your waist and bend to the right or left.
  5. Spread your arms out to the sides. Keep your body straight and move your leg to the right or left and hold it at a height of 30-40 cm.

Breathing exercise for blood vessels

Breathing exercises are also very effective for strengthening blood vessels. After all, by enriching the blood with oxygen, we thereby expand the veins. This will improve blood circulation. There are many breathing techniques and systems, such as specialists:

  • Anatoly Sitel.
  • Bubnovsky's breathing system.
  • A set of exercises from Buteyko.

All of these examples have one similarity; they are based on breathing correctly. The method with such diversity is almost the same and is as follows:

  1. Take a deep breath through your nose.
  2. Holding your breath.
  3. Exhale without haste through the mouth.

Yogis, in this case, inhale with maximum protrusion of the stomach, and exhale with maximum retraction.

Having mastered breathing techniques, you will be able to normalize your own blood pressure, forget about and maximize the oxygen supply to the blood, which will lead to a number of improvements in the body.

We draw conclusions about strengthening blood vessels

Weak blood vessels mean not only headaches, but also blood pressure, hypertension, poor health, dizziness and nausea. In order to avoid such consequences, it is recommended to constantly perform simple exercises, conduct more active image life.

IMPORTANT! The information in this article is for informational purposes only, and any practical application of these tips without consulting a doctor is entirely your decision!