How to run correctly. Techniques and basics of running. Correct running technique. Setting goals and mastering running techniques

Running is the simplest and most accessible sport that brings benefits to health and figure. It would seem that he put on his uniform, sneakers and ran. However, in running, as in any other sport, correct technique is an indispensable condition. Knowing all the nuances will make the training absolutely safe and most effective.

Running technique

Running, like walking, is a natural state for the body. But a lot of problems await a beginner along the way; when faced with them, he can give up his studies without achieving any results. To make running easy and bring nothing but pleasure, it is important to learn the correct technique. It’s worth saying right away that it can vary depending on factors such as the athlete’s level of training, distance length, speed, and anatomical features. Despite this, there are still basic technical elements that it is advisable to master and, if necessary, adjust in the future to suit yourself.

Aspects essential to endurance for runners who strive to master proper running technique:

  • The direction of the eyes is a small thing, but quite important. If you keep your eyes down while running, you will involuntarily begin to slouch and lower your shoulders. If, on the contrary, you look up, the tilt will disappear and the body will assume a vertical position. This will lead to tired neck muscles. Therefore, while jogging, your gaze should always be directed forward.
  • The facial expression of a running athlete is also a small thing, but it also needs to be taken into account. While running, try not to make a grimace on your face. In addition to muscle tension cervical spine it causes stiffening of the shoulder girdle. This can negatively affect your running technique, leading to premature fatigue.
  • Keep your shoulders slightly back and relaxed as you run. This will make it easier for you to set the trajectory of your arms and maintain an even posture.
  • It is equally important to monitor the position of your elbows - they should be bent. The optimal angle of elbow bending is 90 degrees. If the angle at the elbow joint is obtuse, the inertia of the arms will increase, which means that there will be a mismatch between the arms and legs. Lowering the arms to an obtuse angle is typical only for accelerating a sprinter.
  • Also, when running, your arms should work. The work of the hands is most effective when they do not fly apart, swinging the body behind them. In order to achieve this goal, you do not need to excessively retract your shoulder blades. This will create a lot of tension in the muscles located in the upper back. You should work with your hands in such a way that they move slightly towards your chest, approximately to the level of your cheeks.
  • While jogging, you need to use your torso muscles. This is especially true for athletes running short and medium distances. Thanks to them, the pelvis is involved in the work, due to which the step is lengthened. The pelvis also takes part in the process of placing the foot on the supporting surface and lifting it off the ground.
  • The most difficult movement in running is performed by the leg. On initial stage, that is, after repulsion, the shin moves upward. The leg should be bent at the knee. It’s worth noting right away that the height of the shin lift depends on the speed: the lower it is, the lower the height of the overwhelm. After acceleration, the lower leg “slows down”, transferring energy to the thigh. The hip, in turn, moves forward with a significant bent knee. Then it again transfers energy to the lower leg, which performs an extension movement before placing on the support. And so on in a circle. Here you need to make sure that the leg does not swing as a single unit - it needs to be bent before the take-out and unbent after it. Please note that at the moment of planting the foot, the leg should under no circumstances be motionless relative to the body and wait to meet the support. In other words, the running wheel should not stop rotating even for a second.
  • Such a nuance as step length must also be taken into account when running. A step that is too narrow is not enough to tone the muscles. It is also unacceptable to use an excessively wide step, because it increases the risk of landing on a straight leg, which can lead to injury.
  • In addition to the above aspects, correct running technique includes proper placement of the foot on the supporting surface. Experts distinguish 5 main types of foot placement: rolling from heel to toe, placing the foot on the middle part, toe-middle-toe, without heel placement, scissors. Since the question of how to place the foot while running is one of the most asked by beginners, it is worth examining it in more detail.

Ways to place your feet

Heel-to-toe roll- This is the simplest and most common technique for planting feet when running, because this is what many people use while walking. The peculiarity of this technique is as follows: when landing, the foot is first placed on the heel, then, through inertial forces, it rolls onto the toe. Thus, further pushing off the ground is carried out by the front part of the foot. Often, beginners who use this method of placing their feet when running make some mistakes. One of the roughest is the “spanking” of the toe. That is, the runner lands on his heel, but does not roll. By making this mistake, a person increases the likelihood of injury. The main reason for this error is fatigue. In this case, you need to turn on your will and make every effort to control your steps. Please note that the correct way to run is to run quietly. This rule must be observed when performing any foot placement technique.

Placing the foot on the middle part In almost every way it is similar to a heel-to-toe roll. The only difference is that at the moment of landing the main load falls not on the heel, but on the central part of the foot. This foot position is typical for advanced runners who run one kilometer in less than 5 minutes. If you use a midfoot strike at a slower pace, it will involuntarily turn into a heel-to-toe roll.

Toe-mid-toe- a technique in which the first supporting surface touches the front of the shoe. It differs from placing the foot on the middle part only in that the ankle does additional work. This method of foot placement is used by professional athletes because its efficiency is much higher, unlike all others. To run this way, you need to have fairly strong calf muscles.

Technique without heel setting suitable for sprint races short distances. To run in this style, athletes use shoes with thin soles and tilt their body forward. It is under the influence of these factors that sprinters' heels do not touch the support.

Difference between techniques "scissors" and “rolling from heel to toe” – very small. The lower leg makes exactly the same movements, only the muscles are involved in the work back surface hips. The use of the “scissors” method is appropriate at short and medium distances.

Of course, each foot placement technique has its own advantages and disadvantages. You can experiment - learn all the techniques and choose the one that suits you best. However, novice runners are still recommended to give preference to methods in which the load is evenly distributed over the entire foot. This is necessary so that the joints are not overloaded out of habit.

In the end, I would like to add that there is no need to strive to run correctly and be in constant tension, controlling every step and strictly observing the accuracy of performing this or that movement. The main thing is to understand the essence of running technique and accept it. And then running will bring you genuine pleasure.

If running is long enough, respiratory acidosis occurs, which is why biosynthesis in cells improves. Increases manifold healing effect, which was noticed by people a long time ago. From ancient Hellas, beautiful words carved on stone have come down to us: “If you want to be strong, run, if you want to be beautiful, run, if you want to be smart, run.”

Let's take a closer look at the effects that arise from running load.

The effect of running on the endocrine and nervous systems is obvious. Running allows you to establish the rhythmic functioning of these systems. To put a load on these systems, long-term cyclic anti-gravity work is necessary. A long, leisurely run is ideal for this.

We know that most blood vessels in the body are vertical, and the resting capillary blood flow per square millimeter of muscle cross-section is open to approximately 30-80 capillaries. During running, when a person constantly overcomes the earth's gravity, jumping up and down in a vertical position, the blood flow in the vessels also “swings” and resonates with running. At the same time, previously “dormant” capillaries gradually open. The number of open capillaries can already reach 2500. Such microcirculation activates the activity of the internal secretion organs.

The flow of hormones increases and is now able to reach the most distant cells and organize their work, coordinating the activities of systems. As a result, this leads to the fact that the activity of all body systems becomes more harmonious and balanced.

As a rule, after a long run (30 minutes or more), a feeling of happiness (euphoria) arises. This is the result of increased work of the pituitary gland, which produces special hormones- endorphins. At different doses they are 200 times more effective than morphine! Endorphins cause a natural feeling of bliss, have an anti-pain effect and continue their effect for 0.5-1 hour after running.

There is a special technique for enhanced production of endorphins. Thus, extreme physical activity for 12-15 minutes increases the level of endorphins from 320 units to 1650. This effect is especially good in highly trained people. Running 5 kilometers at a speed of 5-6 minutes per 1 kilometer causes euphoria. Thus, running is an excellent remedy against depression.

During running training, the number of heart contractions decreases, the heart becomes more powerful and works more economically. Adrenal hormones produced during physical activity, have a beneficial effect on the heart. As a result, a person with a low pulse controls his emotions much more easily, and increased doses of adrenaline do not have harmful effects on his body, as happens in sedentary people.

You can run at any time of the day. So, in the morning, when there is an increased amount of hormones in the blood, running will be a natural way to discharge excess hormones, which will help the body return to harmony. If you run after a hard day in the evening, then you will relieve tension, relax, recharge your batteries, suppress excess appetite and fall asleep in a wonderful sleep.

Due to the fact that during prolonged rhythmic running the pulse becomes 120-130 beats per minute and the peripheral blood vessels dilate, their resistance decreases, which leads to a decrease in blood pressure. When it is lower, on the contrary, it rises. Thus, running is an excellent blood pressure normalizer.

To briefly summarize the healing effects of running, it is especially effective for hypertension and hypotension, dystonia, angina pectoris, coronary disease heart disease, rheumatism, mitral valve insufficiency, osteochondrosis, gastric ulcer. In addition, running inhibits the aging process, because it activates intracellular biosynthesis, normalizes the activity of the central nervous system (processes of excitation and inhibition), activates and regulates the activity of the endocrine glands, strengthens immune system- increases the body's defenses, energizes the body and perfectly helps fight against excessive and uncontrolled food consumption. So, if you experience this phenomenon in the evening, then you can easily prevent it by doing a light jog for 20 to 40 minutes or more! The appetite is relieved for 1-2 hours, and you can easily be satisfied with a small meal.

As a result of activating the body and saturating it with energy, creative potential increases, especially during the running process. As a rule, the most valuable thoughts come to mind while running. This is how Yu. A. Andreev describes it: “... when running, the mind works very easily, the head is full of ideas. Therefore, even before the start, I define a “creative task”, look through the relevant literature, and during the run I think through everything, find wording, argumentation, and sequence of presentation. By the end of the race, the article or chapter for the book is ready, all that remains is to write it down." You can run with with a small voice recorder and immediately record the most unique thoughts read from the information field.Very often it happens like this: what was clear and understandable during running is erased or loses its sharpness later, because there is no energy (which running gave) that clarifies everything.

There are countless options for running. For example, here is what I. Khvoshchevsky remembers about P.K. Ivanov’s running.

By the way, about Ivanov’s run. He was unusual and original. After several steps of leisurely jogging, there followed an explosive, full of tension of the whole body, running with straight lines. with outstretched arms and legs. And so on for 40-50 meters. Then relaxed running again. And so on up to 4-5 times.

Ivanov considered such running useful for those who engage in mental work and lead a sedentary lifestyle. He recommends running this way 2-3 times a day. This kind of running before dousing or winter swimming is very effective. winter conditions. The body quickly warms up in any frost.

Ivanov also had a variation of running to strengthen the cervical vertebrae and back.

This is running with your head thrown back and with your arms folded in the form of wings behind your back with full tension of the whole body. There was also a calming, leisurely run, as if in slow motion, with hovering in the air and smooth, full-amplitude flapping of the arms back and forth, like the wings of a bird. More than once I had the opportunity to watch Porfiry Korneevich running, and it seemed to me that he could come up with variations of it endlessly.

Running is considered one of the most useful species sports, along with swimming. He provides positive effect for the whole organism, but any coin has two sides. If you run incorrectly, you can cause yourself much more harm than good.

Running is one of the most natural movements of our body, right after walking. We can safely say that by nature itself a running program has been laid down for people. Its benefits for the whole body are enormous. While running, almost all the muscles of the body and many organs are used. By the way, running is one of the best, so many people start doing it specifically with the goal of losing weight.

Concerning professional sports, then running is a discipline athletics, who is called the queen of sports. And it should be noted that it is deserved. Run - basic training almost any athlete, from a boxer to a cyclist. It helps to calm down after a hard day and lifts your spirits. In addition, to practice this sport you do not need to purchase expensive equipment or visit special establishments, which makes it the most accessible. Therefore, we can conclude that running is the lot of not only professionals, but also ordinary amateurs.

The benefits of running

As mentioned above, health running can have positive influence almost the entire body. It's time to figure out what running affects.

The first thing that jogging has a positive effect on is the cardiovascular system and the heart itself, in particular. During moderate and prolonged exercise, the walls of the heart are strengthened, which makes it stronger and more powerful. Regular jogging reduces the risk of heart attack. Therefore, we can safely say that recreational running is an excellent prevention of heart disease.

In addition to strengthening the walls of the myocardium, the blood vessels are also strengthened. This in turn reduces the risk of thrombosis and improves blood circulation through the veins, arteries and other vessels. During long-term training, all muscles of the body are saturated with capillaries. Due to this, the saturation of the entire body, including the brain, with oxygen is further improved, which means its performance and endurance increases.

During running training, athletes breathe heavily. Thanks to this, the respiratory system is also trained. During such training, the lungs learn to receive and absorb more oxygen. Due to this and the developed circulatory system, this oxygen reaches all corners of our body in sufficient quantities. By the way, running is a real and effective way to restore your lungs after getting rid of the harmful habit of smoking.

Healthy running outside strengthens the immune system and makes it less susceptible to colds. It will strengthen the joints of the whole body and a large number of different muscles. Among them are the muscles of the legs, abs, and back. In addition, the load will be on the arms, chest and neck, but not to the same extent as on the former.

Don't forget about psychological aspect running. The most important thing is to improve your mood. While jogging, the hormone of happiness – endorphin – is produced. Oddly enough, running helps you better manage your time and organize your entire day.

And by running like this you will also improve the mood of others:

Can you hurt yourself while running?

Running is not always good for your health. No matter how strange it may sound, it can also have a negative effect on all the organs that running has a positive effect on. Among athletes, runners, there are often those who gave up sports precisely because various injuries. In fact, all of them can be avoided, and even very simply, the main thing is to follow certain simple rules and then the health benefits of running will be maximum.

First, you need to make sure that the novice athlete has no restrictions on running. This primarily concerns diseases of the spine, heart, joints and ligaments of the legs. It should be noted that running puts a lot of stress on the spine and people who have problems with it should avoid doing this sport.

Secondly, you should pay attention to frequency. In order for healthy running to remain healthy, it is strictly forbidden to overload your body. Many people, even professional athletes, incorrectly calculate the capabilities of their body and subsequently end their careers. sports career. You'll be lucky if the doctors just tell you not to run. Otherwise, you can get lifelong disease of the heart or other organs. Excessive load can easily stall a person’s “engine”.

It would seem that there is nothing difficult about running for fun. The fact is that beginners see in movies, hear from other people, read on the Internet that they should not give up what they have started, they must devote themselves completely to training and under no circumstances should they be skipped. There is, of course, some truth in this, but only a small part.

If the workout is very difficult, then you should slow down immediately. If there is not enough time for recovery, then you should increase it or revise your daily plan. In many films you can see footage of athletes training at night. So, at night a person should only sleep and recover. If you weren’t able to leave work early or free time appeared only after nine o’clock in the evening, then it is better to skip 1 training day and leave the uncompleted workout for tomorrow. This applies not only to amateurs, but also professional athletes.

Running while sick is evil. When fighting viruses or other diseases, there is an additional load on the entire body, and in particular on the heart. During this period, it is necessary, on the contrary, to rest as much as possible and thereby help the body overcome the disease. Not only is it necessary to refrain from exercise during a common cold, but it is also advisable to allow the body to recover for at least a week after complete recovery.

The next point that you should pay attention to in order to minimize the harm caused to the body while running is technique. Incorrect foot placement can greatly harm the knees, lower back and other joints and ligaments of the legs, back and even neck. For various distances such as sprint, middle and long distances, cross-country running and road running have their own technique. Healthy running involves minimal negative impact on the body, so the position of the legs should be soft, you should not “stick” your legs while running, you should step on your full foot, your feet should be parallel to each other.

You can run anywhere, but it is advisable to choose a soft, flat dirt surface for running. You can go to a park, forest or field. If there are no options, then you can run on asphalt. Only in this case will you have to buy special shoes with thick and soft soles and work on your running technique. In fact, in urban conditions, the ideal solution would be a stadium with a high-quality rubber surface. It is recommended to stay away from major road arteries of the city and places with a large concentration of cars.

It is highly advisable to find at least one like-minded person. Over time, running alone can get boring. You can run with music, but you should remember a number of points.

- firstly, because of the music, you may not hear an approaching car, dog or any other danger;

— secondly, music can disrupt the desired rhythm and speed up/slow down the athlete.

Health running technique

There are various methods health jogging, but it is customary to adhere to two: uniform health running and variable. The first one is more suitable for experienced athletes, and the second is for beginners who have not yet decided on the appropriate pace and time of training.

The essence of variable training is that running alternates with walking. Moreover, its duration should not be less than 40 minutes. To determine the duration of the segments, you should jog and continue to move at this pace until you feel a little tired. It is important not to push yourself at the very beginning of training. Next you need to move on to a step. It is advisable that the segment covered on foot be shorter in time than the running segment.

Let's secure it. Training: Variable

– duration – 40 minutes;

- until the moment of fatigue;

- go to a step;

Note. Ideally, jog for the entire 40 minutes.

The next technique is uniform running. There may be various variations here. This includes long-term cross-country, recovery cross-country and others. the main task- this is maintaining the same tempo, and running is better one pulse zone. Of course, it is better to rely on the readings of the heart rate monitor while running on very rough terrain. Other methods of recreational running are used very rarely, since those mentioned above are less effective.

How often should you run?

After all the features of healthy running have been considered, you can decide on a training schedule. Professional athletes rest only once a week, taking into account the fact that out of 6 training days They have at least 2 tough special jobs on their schedule. Healthy running training does not require such a serious load on the body, so you can do it on a more relaxed schedule.

The simplest schedule would be to train every other day. When to train and when to rest, you can decide for yourself. To achieve good results and systematicity, beginners are recommended to train on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, and rest on Wednesday, Sunday and Friday. Moreover, on Monday and Tuesday there should not be two volumetric and hard training. For example, on Tuesday you can run an easy cross-country race, and on Monday cross-country at a higher pace and do general developmental exercises.

If you stick to this schedule, then it is advisable that on Monday and Thursday there would be training at a higher pace with additional exercises such as jumping jacks, push-ups, pull-ups, sit-ups and others, and on Saturday a long volume training for at least an hour of pure running. It is important to note for yourself that at the first stage of preparation you should run only light cross-country races, with a maximum of one more quick workout in Week. Once you have confidence in your abilities, you can move on to the schedule described above. If such a training plan turns out to be too difficult, then you need to return to light training again.


Running for health is definitely useful activity, but in order for it to remain that way all the time and not harm yourself, you should adhere to certain rules, and most importantly, learn from the mistakes of others, and not from your own. Before you start running for the first time, it is recommended to consult a doctor and only then think about your training schedule.

It is advisable to take the first steps under the supervision of an experienced trainer. Today, signing up for a running club is not very difficult. If you follow the tips and recommendations mentioned in this article, you will be able to extract only positive aspects from running.

A person knows how to run from birth, but sometimes you wonder: “Why does someone seem to float in the air, while someone, like a wounded animal, holds on to his side and almost falls to the ground?” – the answer lies in the ability to perform precise movements, which together are called running technique.

Running can be aesthetically beautiful and graceful, attract the attention of others and make people admire the athlete. And let grace be backed by patience, willful efforts and long workouts. One day this man motivated himself to master the technique, and he succeeded. It will work for you too.

Basics of proper running technique

While running active work perform only the upper and lower limbs(arms and legs), while vibrations of the head and torso should be minimal. The speed of movement of the arms and legs will depend on the intensity of the run. The main task of the runner is to complete the cycle in the shortest possible time.

Mastering the technique is carried out through a step-by-step study of individual elements, which together form a set of movements that allow you to perform cyclic work with high accuracy over and over again.

The main physical quality that helps in studying and mastering the elements is coordination of movements. The higher the level of coordination abilities is developed, the more accurate the movements performed. Development of coordination is an important condition achieving results in speed-strength disciplines such as sprinting and running with hurdles or hurdles.

Hand technique

Before studying the position and work of the hands when running, it is recommended to remember that shoulder girdle should be relaxed. Excessive shoulder tension leads to poor coordination of movements and, as a result, deterioration of technique. By straining the shoulders, the athlete will waste energy reserves, which leads to muscle fatigue and even cramps.

When running, your arms are bent elbow joints at an angle of approximately 90 degrees, which allows you to perform movements more comfortably. The hands are clenched into a “weak” fist, while thumb as if hugging the index finger or fingers straightened.

When running, the hands work along the ribs forward-inward and back-outward. The forward movement occurs until the middle of the solar plexus, after which the hand is pulled back almost all the way. Hand movements occur continuously, that is, when left hand moves forward, the right one is directed back. Thus, the hand work cycle looks like this:

  • left forward, right backward;
  • right forward, left backward.

An important condition is the opposite movements of the arms and legs: left legright hand, and vice versa. When running, the abdominal muscles are used, which contract with every movement of the arms or legs. If you perform the movement of the same name, then the lower and top part press, which would hurt work internal organs on the right or left side. Therefore, the heteronomous method is useful and correct.

Position of the torso and head when running

Correct technique implies the presence of minimal vibrations of the body while running. The back remains level, but there is a forward tilt of 5-7 degrees. When the torso is slightly tilted, forward movement occurs by inertia, which allows you to maintain the required speed with less effort. However, if you tilt your torso more, the athlete will lose speed, and running will resemble falling.

Movement of the body to the sides is also considered an error when the athlete, while performing a cycle, slightly turns the right or left shoulder forward. Such movements can lead to loss of balance and also waste the effort put into maintaining running speed.

Limiting head movements is quite difficult, since during a run there are distractions to which the eye reacts automatically, which causes the head to turn. Still, there are recommendations regarding head position when running:

  • the gaze is directed forward with a head tilt of 20-30 degrees, which improves orientation and allows one to detect surface irregularities;
  • It is not recommended to look around or look back;
  • You can’t throw your head back.

Over time, runners develop peripheral vision, which allows them to see what is happening around them without moving their eyes or turning their heads.

Footwork technique

Leg movements are emphasized Special attention when mastering running techniques, since the speed of movement of the athlete depends on the correctness of their work. Running speed determines the height of your knee lift. The higher the speed, the higher the knee rises. Speed ​​performance is also significantly affected by step frequency.

An important criterion when working with legs is the time of interaction of the foot with the surface. There is a rule according to which the shorter the time the foot touches the surface, the higher the intensity of running. That is, the time of interaction of the foot with the surface should tend to zero.

When running, the forces applied should promote forward movement and in no case upward. Pushing up requires great effort, and also increases the time the foot touches the surface, which leads to a loss of speed.

Foot placement

Depending on the individual technical characteristics of the runners, foot placement can be done in 3 known ways:

  1. Heel to toe
  2. From the sock
  3. Running on the outside of the foot

Staging heel to toe is most popular among long-distance runners and leisurely joggers. After the heel touches the surface, it is necessary to maintain tension so that “spanking” does not occur and the foot is not injured. This way of setting is characteristic of a person from birth and does not change without targeted influence.

Run from sock used at sprint and middle distances where development is required maximum speed running. Running on your toes requires maintaining a high cadence and developed leg muscles, since the amount of energy expended is high, which causes rapid fatigue of the leg muscles.

Staging on outside feet if done correctly, can reduce impact force when the foot touches the surface and pushes off. The meaning of the technique is to simultaneously lower the heel and toe to the surface, while slightly tilting the foot to the outside.

A holistic form of running technique

Let's imagine an athlete who goes for a run and performs technical elements while running. Conventionally, he runs 10 kilometers per moderate pace. We list the position of the body and the work of the limbs from head to feet:

  • The head is tilted forward 20-30 degrees, there are no turns to the sides.
  • The arms are bent at a 90-degree angle and work back and forth along the ribs to the solar plexus. Different movements of arms and legs. The hands are slightly bent into a fist.
  • The body is tilted forward at an angle of 5-7 degrees. There are no vertical oscillations or sideways rotations of the body.
  • The famous trainer Jack Daniels in his book recommended sticking to 180 steps per minute. Minimum knee lift height. Repulsions are directed only forward, the time of contact with the surface tends to zero.
  • The foot placement occurs from heel to toe, with the toes slightly turned inward, which allows you to maintain running speed.

Depending on the pace and length of the distance, there are different variations in the set of technical elements in running. In our case, this set of elements will be standard.

How long will it take?

Training for a runner to master the technique of a specific discipline begins with the start of his sports activities. In the process, methods for studying elements are adjusted, changes are made to training program. In the future, the technique is improved through complication, as well as in the process of competitive activity.

Even professional athletes continue to improve their technique throughout their careers as new methods of improving athletic performance emerge in the study of running over time.

To master the basics of the technique, it will take from two weeks to a month, depending on the number of hours allocated to study. When working with an experienced instructor, 2-3 specifically targeted lessons will be enough.

Running technique test


One of the most natural and easy to learn, but at the same time the most effective method improve health and get rid of excess weight was and remains an ordinary run.

But in order for jogging to only be enjoyable and not cause harm to your body, you must follow the basic rules of training, use running shoes, and monitor your well-being and heart rate. Jogging will definitely have a beneficial effect on your health, but only if you know how to run properly.

Features of proper running

Theoretically, the ability to run is inherent in us at the genetic level, but the mobility of modern humans is tens of times lower than the mobility of our distant ancestors. As you know, if a skill is not used, the body begins to lose it as unnecessary.

It is necessary to follow the basic rules of running technique, first of all, to facilitate training process, more effectively promoting progress, preventing injuries and sprains.

    • Pay attention to your arms and shoulders. The hands should be slightly clenched into a fist, the arms should move freely along the body, the shoulders should be relaxed and lowered, but not move back and forth.
    • As you run, your body leans slightly to shift your center of gravity forward. Try not to sway from side to side. The foot of the supporting leg at the moment of contact with the surface should be at the level of the body, and not far in front of it.
    • Keep your back straight, straighten your shoulders and maintain correct posture– this is important for proper deep breathing.
    • Don't take unnecessarily long steps. Trying to move your leg far forward can have the opposite effect. Landing on the heel due to the large width of the running step, the body will receive an impact on the surface, which has a braking effect.

  • Subject to correct tilt your body will choose a comfortable step width and frequency. As efficiency increases, the width of steps will increase. There is no need to force this too much.
  • The correct one is of great importance. Try different running techniques: transitioning from the back to the forefoot or landing directly on the middle and forefoot. The individuality of this moment is due to the different structure of the foot and ankle, the training shoes used and physical conditions.
  • Look forward, not down - this will help maintain correct posture while running and relieve excess tension in the collar area. Try to run smoothly and evenly, without jumping or bouncing.

Correct running. Video lessons

    How to learn to run correctly. Jogging (jogging) technique

    The main advantage of jogging over other types of physical activity is that it allows you to easily maintain a fairly even intensity of heart function. In addition, it is natural for humans and available to everyone. In this video, a professional athlete will tell you how to learn to run correctly.

  • How to run correctly. Safety precautions

    Video lesson on jogging technique. It explains in detail how to run correctly. The intricacies of safe and proper running. Many people think that running is very simple. The video lesson "How to run correctly. Safety precautions" tells in detail all the important points.

    How much and where to run

    In order not to harm yourself and get a positive result from running, you need to choose the right load and calculate the training time.

    If you have not practiced any sport before and lead a sedentary lifestyle, start with walking 15-20 minutes each. After your muscles adapt to physical exercise, and when your shortness of breath disappears, smoothly switch to a leisurely run, periodically switching to a walk.

    After three to five weeks of training, begin to increase your running time. The most preferred running schedule is: three to four workouts per week lasting about an hour. After training, you need to give your muscles at least one day of rest - try not to do two running workouts in a row.

    The slope of the track or track surface is also of great importance for the harmonious development of running skills, if you run at home on a simulator. You should choose a variety of running locations that have both up and down slopes. This will help to evenly develop the muscles of the lower leg and train the ligaments of the legs. On the treadmill, change the incline of the belt periodically. Of course, if the model of your simulator allows it.

    If you prefer to strike on your heel when running, try to avoid hard asphalt paths or use modern running shoes with cushioned soles. Regular running on asphalt surfaces without running can lead to problems with the spine, knees, ligaments and joints of the legs.

    Breathing during exercise

    Proper breathing during running training will help remove excess stress from of cardio-vascular system, will increase the oxygen content in the blood and its access to important organs, allowing for more efficient use of training time.

    Every human body unique, so the concept is quite arbitrary. However, there are universal techniques that will allow you to more effectively use this physiological process during training.

    During jogging, the body experiences a much greater need for oxygen supply to the organs compared to the resting state. Uneven, intermittent or shallow breathing will not be able to cover oxygen needs and will negatively affect the duration of the workout and results.

    • For a leisurely, measured run, the following pattern is optimal: three to four steps - inhale, three to four steps - exhale. If at first you can’t keep this rhythm, reduce the number of steps in the cycle to two.
    • For a long time it was believed that you only need to breathe through your nose while running. This outdated opinion goes against the accumulated experience of professional athletes and physical features body. If you breathe exclusively through your nose during a long run, your body will not have time to cover the oxygen deficiency in the blood. A good solution would be mixed look, in which breathing while running occurs simultaneously through the nose and mouth.
    • In the process of running as fast as possible over short distances (sprinting), the body uses oxygen reserves so actively that no techniques will help cover even a small part of the need for it. Trained lungs will come in handy after your run. This is why breathing increases so much after a sprint.

    Proper warm-up

    A properly organized warm-up stage before starting a workout will not only help protect against injuries while running, but will also allow the body to use its resources more efficiently and without unnecessary overexertion.

    You should warm up before the beginning running training, and not while running, as some athletes practice. It has been proven that a good warm-up before training has a beneficial effect on the central nervous system and helps avoid the stressful effects of running, especially if you exercise in the morning.

    Preheating is very important for both the heart and circulatory system. If you sharply increase your heart rate by starting to run, this will create extra stress on the heart muscle, which can lead to serious consequences in the future.

    During the warm-up, the heart rate rises smoothly, which prepares the heart for subsequent training loads. A properly conducted warm-up necessarily includes exercises aimed at stretching the muscles and ligaments of the legs and back.

    How to dress correctly

    The right choice of training clothes and especially running shoes is the same important element the effectiveness of the training process, such as warming up or proper technique. Clothing for classes should be chosen from natural materials. It should be appropriate for the time of year, not restrict movement and weigh a little.

    Particular attention should be paid to the choice. Running shoes must be made from environmentally friendly materials, withstand long-term mechanical impacts, have good grip and shock-absorbing soles.

    It is advisable to choose. This is not worth saving on. Professionals and those who have been running for a long time select the right sneakers for running, taking into account the orthopedic features of your feet and taking into account the surface on which you will run. Suitable for quality running shoes famous brand with shock-absorbing heel pad and wide sole.