How to pump up body muscles at home. How to pump up muscles throughout the body. Is it easier for men to build muscle and why?

Hello! A huge number of people are interested in how to build muscle at home. This question is very relevant, because... saves a lot of time and money, at least on initial stage. Let's talk to you today about how to pump up at home.

How to build muscles at home. Basic Rules

By the way, in the first year of my classes, I also trained at home for a long time. Without any special knowledge, to be honest, nevertheless, it was possible to achieve at least some, albeit not very pronounced, result.

Our muscles don't care where they get the load. Muscle growth does not start because of the atmosphere in the gym, but if you follow just a few simple rules.

(in order for muscles to adapt and grow, it is necessary to constantly increase the load).
  • QUALITY RESTORATION(fractional meals 6-12 times a day + 8-10 hours of sleep DAILY).
  • DEVELOPED MUSCLE SENSE(you must strive to complicate your work by skillfully directing the load exactly to the target muscles).
  • These are the basic rules, if followed, your body will grow.

    There are some other specific points that we will talk about a little later, but this is the BASIC!

    I have a very cool article on my blog for girls and men about... There you can learn how to pump up from scratch.

    Let's go over the above rules.

    Let's start, perhaps, with the progression of the load.

    This point is very important, but despite this, for some reason many athletes (not just beginners) successfully ignore it, remaining unchanged for a long time.

    We must remember that muscle growth– this is an EXTREMELY UNFAVORABLE process for our body, because... An increase in muscle volume certainly leads to an increase in energy expenditure.

    That is why, at first, the body does not rush to increase muscle mass. First it transforms the central nervous system, endocrine system, ligamentous apparatus, nutrient accumulation system, etc.

    Only when the load continues to grow, and the body can no longer delay muscle growth (all systems are transformed and are not able to “digest” the load themselves), does it begin to give up. In a good way again.

    What I mean is that this is when muscle growth begins.

    Nothing is done in our body just like that. The body does not do what is unprofitable for it, because... constantly strives for homeostasis (balance).

    To benefit the body from increasing muscle mass need to give an ever-increasing load. The body understands that this is beneficial, because... It will be easier for him to digest such a load when it is repeated.

    By the way, in my opinion, it is the progressive load that is most difficult to achieve at home.

    Everything is simple in the hall. If a given weight becomes too light for you, then you simply add a little more. That's all.

    At home, everything is not so clear, especially if there is no minimum necessary equipment. We’ll talk about what’s best to have on hand at home a little later.

    At home it is difficult to ensure a proper constant progression of the load, but it is possible, at least at the initial stage.

    High-quality restoration

    High-quality recovery is something that many people lack, not just those who train in the gym.

    Muscles grow not during training, but during RECOVERY! To the extent that your recovery is complete, you will grow.

    It often happens that a person trains well, is disciplined, does not miss training, but does not grow, or generally becomes smaller and feels worse.

    What could be the problem? 99% in POOR RECOVERY!

    With proper, balanced nutrition, the body gets everything necessary materials for the construction of new protein structures.

    This process is called ANABOLISM.

    The fact is that our body can be in several states:

    • Catabolism(nutrition and sleep are not enough, protein and other structures are destroyed). This can also happen during heavy training.
    • Homeostasis(there is enough nutrition and sleep, enough recovery abilities to stop damage during training, the body remains unchanged).
    • Anabolism(enough nutrition and sleep + growth of protein and other structures occurs).

    It is conditionally IMPOSSIBLE to achieve anabolism and catabolism at the same time (only when using anabolic steroids, restructuring the hormonal system in adolescence, return of former achievements).

    Most people, like you and me, need to understand first or we're going to gain weight.

    This article is about the set muscle mass, so let’s assume that we are gaining weight. What do we need to do?

    First of all, we must get a little more calories than we spend! Many people wonder why they are not growing, although most of them do not take into account their limited diet (eating little) and their fast metabolism.

    In order to start growing (enter a state of anabolism), one of the most important conditions is taking into account the quantity and quality of your nutrition.

    There is a very simple way to control your nutrition.

    Just start eating almost the same foods in the same quantities every day. This way you will be sure that you ate no less food necessary for growth than yesterday.

    “On the mass” it is very important to control the supply complex carbohydrates(and not proteins, as sports nutrition manufacturers shout on every corner).

    I usually prefer buckwheat because of its low fat content.

    Glycemic index(GI) – is a kind of QUANTITATIVE INDICATOR of the absorption of carbohydrates.

    This is a QUANTITATIVE indicator, NOT A SPEED indicator! The speed will be the same for everyone (the peak will be in about 30 minutes for both sugar and buckwheat), but the AMOUNT of glucose will be different!!!

    Simply put, different foods have DIFFERENT abilities to raise blood sugar (hyperglycemic potential) and therefore have different glycemic indexes.

    Gradually increase the amount of food you eat. Controlling the process is very simple:

    • If you are growing, but the amount of fat does not remain, then you are on the right track, keep up the good work.
    • If you are growing, but at the same time the amount of fat is increasing (folds, double chin, sides have appeared), then it’s time to reduce the number of calories. You have a strong excess.
    • If you are not growing, then gradually increase the amount of calories.

    This is very approximate and figurative, friends. I hope you understand this.

    Over time, you will find your working dosage (for example, two glasses of buckwheat, 6 eggs and 400 g of breast per day).

    Recovery also includes the quality and quantity of sleep!

    During sleep, amazing metamorphoses occur in the body (especially during adolescence). The entire system is recharged.

    The hormones necessary for growth and recovery (testosterone, growth hormone, etc.) are released.

    Try to go to bed no later than 22-23 hours and sleep at least 8-10 hours a day.

    Developed muscle sense

    I wrote a whole book on this subject.

    To put it briefly, muscle feeling is the state when you hit the target muscle with a load at each point of the amplitude.

    In other words, you don't "release" the load at any point.

    In order to begin to better understand the exercise technique and feel your muscles better, you can perform simple, imaginary exercises without any weight before going to bed.

    For example, you lie down on the bed and imagine how you remove an imaginary barbell from the racks and begin to press it. While performing fictitious movements, you will be able to understand how your limbs move while moving the “bar”.

    Some time will pass, and your technique in the gym will become ideal.

    The main problem with home training

    As I said, the main problem with home training of ANY MUSCLE is PROGRESSION OF THE LOAD!

    The fact is that it needs to be constantly increased.

    In the gym, such a problem simply does not exist, because... if the current weight becomes too light for you, then you simply hang a couple more small “pancakes” on the barbell and you’re done. Or take heavier dumbbells.

    At home, this problem is especially acute.

    I remember using water bottles etc to increase the load. All this is not very convenient, so I would like to advise you on minimal equipment to make your training much more interesting.

    What equipment is best to have at home to train?

    The first, and probably the most important thing is COLLAPSIBLE PAIR OF GENTELS(from 5 to 40 kg each).

    I only have dumbbells at home, 20 kg each. I no longer have enough of this, but from the very beginning it was more than enough for me.

    You will have the opportunity to perform a wide variety of exercises. We'll talk about them later.


    Bars! They are extremely inexpensive, and if you have the opportunity, it is better to buy them. The effect they produce is amazing.

    With their help you can pump up your chest, triceps, abs, back, etc.

    The parallel bars can be replaced with two chairs, between the backs of which you can do push-ups. Just be careful! Don't break yourself this way.

    The third thing is optional, but can make your life much easier - this HEIGHT ADJUSTABLE BENCH!

    I don’t have one at home, but if I did, it would significantly increase the range of possible exercises.

    So, you need:

    1. Collapsible dumbbells (from 5 to 40 kg)
    2. Bars.
    3. Bench with variable inclination angle.

    If it were possible to choose only one item, then I would choose collapsible dumbbells.

    They give us a huge choice various exercises which we can do at home.

    How to pump up at home. Basic exercises for home workouts

    I will list just a few exercises that everyone can do at home:

    • Squats.
    • Deadlift with dumbbells.
    • Pull-ups.
    • One-arm dumbbell row.
    • Shrugs with dumbbells.
    • Dumbbell press incline bench or on stools.
    • Dips (between chairs).
    • Lying dumbbell flyes (on a bench or stools).
    • Pullover with a dumbbell.
    • Seated dumbbell press.
    • Dumbbell row to the chin.
    • Bent over dumbbell swings.
    • Arm extensions with dumbbells behind the head.
    • French press.
    • Lifting dumbbells for biceps.
    • Standing hammers.
    • Dumbbell biceps curl reverse grip.
    • Standing calf raise.
    • Press crunches.
    • Reverse abdominal crunches.

    And this, friends, as you understand, is not full list. This is just the first thing that came to my mind.

    There is nothing new in the technique of performing these exercises, so you can easily read about it in the following articles:

    • Article and then.
    • About that...
    • About.

    The above articles have everything about the correct exercise technique.

    Now, let's move on to the most interesting part. To the most practical scheme. I think you are wondering in what order and how to do this whole thing.

    As always, I will give more than one typical scheme, because... I know very well that all people are individual, and several schemes are for different people.

    The schemes will be mainly designed for beginners, because... Any more or less serious athlete will most likely still go to the gym after the preparatory period.

    How to build muscles at home. PRACTICAL SCHEME

    Variations, as you understand, can be very different. I won’t try to be original by coming up with various crazy options for exercises, but I will give those that are most likely to work great for you.

    Scheme for a green beginner:

    1. Squats(with own weight): 3 x max
    2. One-arm dumbbell row: 3 x 10-15 (each hand).
    3. Push ups: 3 x max
    4. Ab crunches: 3 x max

    Believe me, friends, if you have never exercised before, then this will be more than enough for you to get started. You should do this kind of training for the first 2-3 weeks until your muscles begin to get used to it a little.

    Do not focus on the weight as such, at this stage the muscle feeling is much more important, namely the TECHNIQUE OF PERFORMING THE EXERCISES!

    This is more of a general strengthening workout that will allow you to gently enter the training process.

    Scheme for a beginner:

    1. Squats(with dumbbells): 3-4 x 10-15
    2. Pull-ups: 3 x max
    3. : 3-4 x 10-15
    4. Seated dumbbell press: 3-4 x 10-15
    5. Bars: 3-4 x 10-15
    6. Dumbbell biceps curl: 3-4 x 10-15
    7. Ab crunches: 3 x max

    This workout involves almost the entire body, giving a good release of anabolic hormones into the blood.

    This workout can be performed for 2-4 months, gradually increasing the load (weight on dumbbells, number of approaches and repetitions).

    According to this scheme, you can train 2-3 times a week.

    The good thing about the program is that it gives you the opportunity to train muscle groups not once a week, but several times. This allows you to activate protein metabolism (protein synthesis).

    According to the latest scientific data, protein synthesis decreases by 90% 72 hours after training. If you train the muscle again after 48-72 hours, protein synthesis will increase again, which will allow you to grow new muscle structures.

    Scheme for an advanced beginner:

    DAY 1 (lower body):

    1. Squats(with dumbbells): 4 x 8-15
    2. Deadlift with dumbbells: 4 x 8-15
    3. 4 x 8-15
    4. Standing calf raise: 4 x 8-15
    5. Ab crunches: 4 x max

    DAY 2 (upper body):

    1. Pull-ups: 4 x 6-12
    2. Dumbbell press on stools (or on a bench): 4 x 6-12
    3. Seated dumbbell press: 3-4 x 6-12
    4. Dumbbell row to the chin: 3-4 x 6-12
    5. Bars: 4 x 6-12
    6. Dumbbell biceps curl: 4 x 6-12
    7. Ab crunches: 4 x max

    This scheme already allows us to significantly increase the load, because we split our body into two parts, which we train on different days.

    We can place greater emphasis on each specific muscle, which means we can progress the load even more.

    Scheme for the home madman =)

    DAY 1 (lower body):

    1. Squats(with dumbbells): 5 x 8-15
    2. Deadlift with dumbbells: 5 x 8-15
    3. Lunges with dumbbells (or Bulgarian squat): 5 x 8-15
    4. Standing calf raise: 5 x 8-15
    5. One-arm dumbbell row
    6. Dumbbell press on stools or bench(50% of working weight NOT TO FAILURE): 4 x 20-30
    7. Ab crunches: 4 x max
    8. Reverse crunches: 4 x max

    DAY 2 (upper body):

    1. Pull-ups: 5 x 6-12
    2. Dumbbell press on stools (or on a bench): 5 x 6-12
    3. Seated dumbbell press: 4 x 6-12
    4. Dumbbell row to the chin: 4 x 6-12
    5. Bars: 4 x 6-12
    6. Dumbbell biceps curl: 4 x 6-12
    7. Hammers standing: 4 x 6-12
    8. Bodyweight squats: 4 x max
    9. Deadlift(50% of working weight NOT TO FAILURE): 4 x 20-30
    10. Ab crunches: 4 x max

    This scheme differs from all previous ones in that it includes the basics of MICROPERIODIZATION!

    We divide our exercises into DEVELOPMENTAL and TONIZING!

    Developmental exercises- these are the exercises that we have done with you up to this point in all other workouts. Load progression + work to failure.

    Toning exercises on the contrary, they give us the opportunity to restart protein synthesis in the muscle that is resting from the previous workout and not injure the contractile proteins. This way we accelerate growth even more.

    The essence of toning exercises is that they are performed with 50% of the WORKING weight, and are NOT performed TO FAILURE. Those. we “get the blood flowing through the muscles,” allowing nutrients to reach them and allowing them to actively recover.


    I can continue to write various training schemes almost endlessly, constantly increasing the load, but the main thing is to understand one simple thing: TAKE IT AND START!

    This is usually the hardest part of all workouts.

    Just get up and start changing your lifestyle. It's complicated. For most, this is completely impossible, but if you really want to change yourself and your life for the better, then I hope the information from this article will be useful to you.

    Let's summarize a little what I said above:

    For muscle growth you need:

  • High-quality restoration.
  • Developed muscle sense.
  • Our body can be in one of several states:

    • Catabolism.
    • Homeostasis.
    • Anabolism.

    Glycemic index(GI) – is a kind of QUANTITATIVE INDICATOR of the absorption of carbohydrates. Eat more complex carbohydrates with low GI.

    The main problem is ENSURING PROGRESSION OF LOAD at home.

    Well, that's all, friends. I hope it has become clearer to you how to build muscles at home and now you will discover beautiful world improving your body and life.

    All the best.

    P.S. Subscribe to blog updates. It will only get worse.

    With respect and best wishes,!

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    Lyubov Ivanova

    Reading time: 5 minutes

    A A

    Many people are interested in how to build muscles at home. Helps you achieve good results proper training. If you are just starting to swing, decide on main goal classes. Beginning athletes make many mistakes. They strive to develop strength and build muscles, but training does not bring results.

    A typical mistake is a huge number of exercises, while training involves light weights. The essence of the mistake is that this approach does not pump up muscles. Growth is determined not by the amount of exercise, but by increasing weights.

    • Constantly lifting heavy loads forces the body to build muscle mass, which allows it to cope with increasing loads.
    • You can use light weights and do a variety of exercises. This approach develops endurance. Muscles increase in volume insignificantly.
    • Increase the working weight correctly. Do not change your exercise technique or train without first warming up.
    • For correct height muscle mass per muscle group, perform several exercises. Perform the first basic exercise with a barbell, doing several sets of 5 repetitions.
    • The second exercise is focused on versatile and deep development of muscle fibers and training muscle energy resources. Perform with dumbbells, no more than 4 sets of 10 repetitions.

    The right amount of exercise along with increasing the working weight, maintaining technique and a good warm-up will help make your body beautiful.

    List of exercises for training at home

    Beginner athletes pump up their muscles at home. Who has reached good results, realizes that they can’t stop and go to the gym, because home exercise is not enough.

    1. Chest exercises. Push-ups -- best exercise for the pectoral muscles. Perform with arms spread wide. If you do fifteen repetitions in one approach, increase the load. You can put a backpack filled with heavy things on your back.
    2. Bars are great for your chest muscles. If strength indicators deserve better, do push-ups on stools with your legs forward. This will help you lose weight and get some pre-training done.
    3. Exercises for the back and shoulders. You will need a horizontal bar. Pull up with a wide and reverse grip. Pull-ups put stress on deltoids and biceps.
    4. You can train your shoulders at home using two 20-liter water bottles. Raise them in front of you or spread your arms to the sides. The main advantage of such sports equipment is changing the load level by adding or decreasing water.
    5. Such bottles will also help in pumping your biceps. Standing or sitting position bend your arms to imitate an exercise using dumbbells.
    6. Exercises for triceps and abs. Train triceps with regular push-ups narrow grip. If the number of repetitions reaches 15, be sure to increase the load.
    7. The press is easy. Lie on your back and supine position raise your legs up. Perform the exercise until a burning sensation appears in the abdominal area.
    8. It is more difficult to pump up your legs at home. I suggest exercises from school curriculum- squats and a pistol.

    Spend twice a month hard training. Increase the load with each subsequent workout.

    Exercises for back muscles

    A pumped up back looks amazing, protects the spine, makes it easier daily life, supports correct posture.

    • It is better to train your back separately from your chest. As a result, all the energy will be spent on working the back muscles. This type of training is more effective.
    • The biceps are actively involved in back-focused exercises. They should be pumped after the back. You can also include your forearms in the workout. The forearms are characterized by enviable endurance and are involved in all exercises. Therefore, subject them to rigorous treatment no more than once a week.
    • Learn to feel the effect of your workout. Before going to the gym, make sure your muscles have recovered.
    • If you want to increase your strength, pay attention to special sports supplements-- arginine, creatine and amino acids. It is enough to include sports nutrition in your diet.

    Before the training season begins, be sure to set a goal. It plays the role of a kind of lighthouse, to which you are getting closer every day.

    Video tips

    The human arm consists of the forearms, biceps, triceps and many small muscles, each of which is actively involved in the work of the arm.

    1. By doing exercises that involve curling your arms, you train your biceps. We are talking about curls with dumbbells or a barbell, pull-ups on the horizontal bar and rows focused on the back muscles.
    2. If the arms are extended during training, the triceps are trained. This effect is achieved by bench press, parallel bars, and push-ups.
    3. Exercises that require you to hold sports equipment with your hands are aimed at the forearms.

    Important Rules

    • I have never seen an athlete weighing 70 kg whose arm circumference exceeds 37 cm. Large and with powerful hands can only boast big people. Therefore, it is necessary to pump the whole body, paying Special attention legs
    • Pull-ups, rows and presses put a titanic load on the arms. Do not overdo it with the number of approaches and the weight of sports equipment. Otherwise, the ligaments will be damaged, which take a very long time to heal.
    • If your goal is to make your arms bigger, achieve decent results in basic exercises. We are talking about push-ups, pull-ups, barbell rows and deadlifts.
    • Big hands-- attribute of people with strong forearms.
    • A punching bag will help strengthen and strengthen your arms. By striking this heavy sports equipment, you will make your hands confident, strong, and dexterous. Working with this projectile involves the use of elastic bandages and projectile gloves. Otherwise, you may damage your joints or dislocate your fingers.
    • When pumping your arms, be guided by muscle physiology. The triceps differ from the biceps in the large number of white fibers. Therefore, he is trained with heavy weights that develop strength.
    • When working with a barbell or other apparatus, mentally imagine how your biceps increases in size. Thanks to this training secret, some athletes are able to go beyond average performance.
    • If during training you experience discomfort in the area of ​​the wrist joints, it should be stopped.
    • Perform the exercises clearly and accurately. If you work with a barbell, your arms should receive the main load. You can't help them with your body.

    Create a program and train according to it. Develop the habit of keeping a journal to record your results and track your achievements.

    Exercises for leg muscles

    The strongest and big muscles body - leg muscles. Regardless of where you train, you need to eat a healthy and balanced diet. Otherwise, all exercises will be ineffective and meaningless.

    1. Daily squats will help make your legs muscular. At first, squat on two legs; after a month or more, switch to more complex exercises.
    2. While performing the exercise, keep your back straight and do not lift your heels off the floor. To maintain balance, it is recommended to hold onto a support with your hand.
    3. After squats, switch to the jump rope. This simple exercise develops leg muscles and increases endurance.
    4. Pump up internal muscles The leg press will help your legs. Sit in the machine, place your feet shoulder-width apart and point your toes slightly apart. During the exercise, your back should be completely adjacent to the back of the seat.
    5. For training posterior muscles A good exercise is provided. Place a barbell on your shoulders and stand with your toes on the bar. To begin, pull yourself up onto your toes, then return to the starting position.
    6. Running develops muscles.
    7. The upper muscles will be worked by the hack machine and other exercise machines aimed at leg extension.

    Video workout for legs

    How to shake your neck

    Everyone needs a strong and pumped neck. First of all, such a neck will improve the appearance of the owner. She is able to protect the spine from damage.

    If you sign up for a gym, an experienced trainer will suggest proper neck exercises and suggest a wide range of simulators and many effective techniques.

    According to experts, constant exercises with a small load are much more effective than non-systematic exercises with full training. Working with light weights does not exempt you from the mandatory warm-up before the main workout.

    Eliminate jerking from classes, and the desire to speed up is not welcome. Perform each exercise accurately and smoothly. The complex consists of 5 exercises, 15 approaches each. Calculate the load so that you have enough strength to do everything. Be prepared that the first workouts will seem difficult.

    2 groups of exercises for the neck

    • First group: exercises to use force resistance. Sports equipment and attributes are not needed. A simple exercise: clasp your fingers and clasp the back of your head. Pull your head towards the ground, and create resistance with your neck muscles.
    • Second group: exercises using sports equipment. Expanders, weights, pancakes. A special device for placing cargo will be required.


    I will describe several popular exercises. You can choose several of the most convenient options.

    1. Tilt your head against the resistance created by your palms. Bend forward and backward.
    2. Place your hands on your jaw and create resistance to the turns made by your head.
    3. Perform the exercise in a lying position with a device made of belts and weights. Put it on and make head movements. Select the optimal load by changing the load.
    4. Place a string bag with a load on your head and sit on a chair or armchair with a backrest. Fasten the belt to your forehead. Throw your head back and swing it up and down.

    The neck is a fragile part of the body. Train the muscles in this area extremely carefully.

    Positive aspects of training

    A person visiting a gym or working out at home builds a body, increasing attractiveness to ladies. Nothing

    Pump up people without special physical training possible both at home and in gym. Workouts that do not require leaving the home are actively gaining popularity, especially among housewives and women on maternity leave.

    Understanding the technique of performing basic exercises, as well as the principle of working specific muscle groups, an athlete can transform his own body in a few months of regular training.

    How can a girl build up her muscles at home in a month from scratch, without dumbbells or sports equipment?

    It is advisable to decide how to pump up a specific girl at home with a professional fitness trainer. The specialist will not only competently create a training program, but will also adjust the athlete’s diet, and also give recommendations on how to prepare yourself psychologically for training in order to maintain motivation for as long as possible.

    How to pump up at home without sports equipment

    In order for training at home to bring results as quickly as possible, a girl should:

    • set yourself mini-goals in performing exercises: small victories over oneself or improving one’s skills on a subconscious level stimulate the athlete to continue training further and even harder;
    • gradually increase the load, starting with the minimum duration of the lesson: during the first two weeks, training should last no more than 30-35 minutes;
    • exercise at least 3-4 times a week, in this case, it is advisable to conduct classes at home at the same time each time;
    • choose comfortable clothes for training: during training, it is advisable to wear sports shoes, a T-shirt made of natural fabrics that does not restrict movement, and pants or shorts made of elastic material;
    • drink as much clean water as possible during classes, since, regardless of where they are held, the body loses a large amount of fluid, which must be replenished for the normal functioning of vital organs and systems;
    • follow the steps of a sequential lesson without ignoring any of them: the workout should consist of a warm-up, a main part and a cool-down. These steps help minimize the risk of injury or “overtraining syndrome.”

    Exercises for training without iron

    How to pump yourself up at home using dumbbells, kettlebells and other sports equipment does not raise any questions. It is much more difficult to competently create a training program from exercises that do not involve the use of weights.

    Despite the absence additional inventory, compliance with the technique of performing loads will enable the girl to get visible result already after 4-5 weeks regular classes.


    Squats work the muscles in your lower body. With their help, you can increase the endurance of the leg muscles, as well as give relief to the buttocks and back of the thigh.

    In addition, squats:

    • improves posture;
    • practices coordination;
    • trains the cardiovascular system;
    • multiplies the indicator general endurance body.

    The main advantage of this type of load is the fact that there are a minimum number of contraindications for its implementation. With the help of a well-chosen squat technique, doctors recommend professional athletes recover from injuries in this way.

    The classic technique of performing squats involves strict adherence to the algorithm:

    1. Stand up straight; place your feet at shoulder distance; straighten the spine; stretch your neck; Place straight arms along the body.
    2. Take a deep breath through your nose and bend lower limbs V knee joints, thus bringing the buttocks closer to the floor.
    3. While in lowest point you need to make sure that your knees are approximately level thumbs legs, but did not extend beyond the feet. Bring your arms forward without bending them.
    4. After holding for 3-5 seconds, exhale sharply, allowing the air to escape through the mouth, and slowly take the starting position while standing on straight legs.

    Push ups

    With push-ups you can not only strengthen top part body, but also to work the abs and back muscles. Thanks to the many variations of this exercise, its regular inclusion in the training program will allow you to work out the maximum number of muscle groups of the athlete, without loading the cardiovascular system.

    In order not to put the body into a state of shock from excessive stress, professional fitness trainers recommend starting to do push-ups on your knees, gradually moving to classic exercise:

    1. Take a horizontal position, stomach down; place your palms in the chest area, resting their backs on the floor; Place your feet on your toes.
    2. Straighten your arms and thus lift your stomach from the supporting surface; pull in the stomach; knees should be straight.
    3. Inhale deeply and, as you exhale, lower yourself as close to the floor as possible by bending your arm at the elbow joint.
    4. Having touched the floor with your chest, return to the original position, while controlling that the body changes its position, being in a consistently straight state.

    Reverse push-ups

    Reverse push-ups allow you to pump hard-to-reach muscle groups in the arms, back and shoulders. Their implementation only requires the presence of a stable, solid supporting surface.

    It is not recommended to perform this exercise while leaning on a sofa or chair. This can cause loss of balance, improper load distribution and, as a result, injury to the athlete (sprain, rupture, etc.).

    1. Turn your back to the supporting surface, which should be at the level of the person’s hips when he is in a standing position.
    2. Place your palms on the support so that your fingers are turned toward your back.
    3. Bend your legs at the knees and place them on your feet, forming a right angle at the knee joint.
    4. As you exhale, bend your elbows and bring your buttocks as close to the floor as possible.
    5. Without pausing, slowly straighten your arms, thus raising your body to its original position.


    With the help of lunges, athletes can work out at home back surface thighs and buttocks. Despite the high effectiveness of the exercise in question, it has high rate injury hazard.

    It is necessary to strictly follow the technique of its implementation:

    1. Stand up straight; place your feet shoulder-width apart; straighten your back; put your hands on your belt.
    2. After taking a deep breath through the nose, allow the collected air to leave the lungs through the mouth; expose left leg forward; bend the lower limbs at the knees so that the right leg touches the floor while the body is in the lower position. It is not recommended to concentrate most of the weight on one of the legs; body weight should be distributed between both limbs.
    3. After holding for 2-3 seconds, slowly straighten your legs and return to the starting position, placing your left limb in place.
    4. Repeat step 2, replacing the left leg with the right.

    As the athlete performs lunges, she may feel a lack of actual load. In this case, fitness trainers recommend resorting to the use of improvised weights. Their role can be played by books, bottles of water or bags with things of the same mass.


    Plank is one of the most effective exercises, with which you can simultaneously work out all muscle groups of the body. It does not require special skills or good physical fitness.

    Due to the distribution of the load throughout the muscles when performing the exercise, the time spent in the rack must be increased gradually, starting from 20 seconds. The optimal increase in load is to add 10 seconds. during each lesson, starting from the third.

    1. Position your body in a horizontal position, resting on the floor on your elbows and tips of your toes.
    2. Pull in your stomach; make sure that there is no deflection in the lumbar region, and that the muscles of the whole body are as tense as possible.
    3. Lower your face down, creating a straight line passing through your legs, torso, neck and head.
    4. Maintain the body in this position for the required amount of time, without relaxing the muscles or changing position.

    When in the plank position, it is recommended to maintain measured breathing, making sure that the inhaled air does not linger inside the lungs. Otherwise, the athlete may feel dizzy or nauseous due to lack of oxygen in the body.

    Side plank

    You can pump yourself up at home both by performing dynamic exercises and by practicing static exercises. The side plank is considered the most effective static load that can rid a person of excess fat in the waist and sides. With its help, you can also work out your abs, making them more prominent and strong.

    The stance in question will be most effective when performed in combination with classic version planks. Due to the multidirectional load, the body does not become overtired, and the muscles work due to the acceleration of blood circulation in the areas of the body being worked.

    1. Lie on your left side, resting your hand on the floor on your elbow and the side of your left foot; place your right foot on top of your left.
    2. By tensing the muscles of the body, lift yourself up on your left arm, making sure that the weight is distributed evenly between the two points of support.
    3. Place your right hand along your body; pull in the stomach; Tighten your buttocks.
    4. After spending the required amount of time in this position, turn over to the other side and repeat similar actions while lying on your right side.


    With the help of the “Superman” exercise at home, you will be able to strengthen the muscles of the back, and especially the chest and lumbar regions spine. Simple technique its implementation allows you to include such a load in training programs for people of any age, body size and health status.

    In order for the results from performing “Superman” to become noticeable as soon as possible, you should do it daily, regardless of the availability of other exercises on a particular day.

    1. Lie on your stomach; stretch your legs and arms down and up, respectively; point your face towards the floor.
    2. Inhale deeply and, as you exhale, lift your limbs off the floor, forming a bend in the lower back due to tension in the muscles of the back and abs. Raise your head, looking forward.
    3. Fix the position for 10-15 seconds, then slowly return to the original position, avoiding sudden movements and rapid muscle relaxation.

    Proper execution This exercise will help avoid exacerbation of osteochondrosis (if any), improve posture and minimize the risk of a person developing spinal curvature.

    Crunches with leg raises

    Crunches with leg raises are included in the home workout program to work the muscles of the upper and lower abs. When performing this exercise, you must ensure that your lower back is always pressed to the floor. Otherwise, the athlete risks getting a sprain or causing a vertebra to be knocked out of the spinal column.

    1. Lie on your back; put your hands behind your head; stretch your legs.
    2. As you exhale, raise your upper body (to the shoulder blades), at the same time bend your knees, as if pressing your lower limbs towards you.
    3. Without pausing, return to the starting position, avoiding jerks and other sudden movements.

    During body lifts, it is important to ensure that they occur solely due to the tension of the abdominal muscles, and not with the help of the arms adjusting the position of the neck and head.


    Burpee is an exercise used not only for working out different groups muscles, but also as a training for the cardiovascular system.

    It should be done in fast pace, while strictly observing the stages of performing the load in question.

    1. Stand up straight; place your feet as close as possible; hands - in a free position.
    2. Jump as high as possible and, at the same time, bring your arms up through your sides to clap.
    3. Without pausing, after landing, take a position lying on the floor and perform one push-up.
    4. Stand up and repeat 2-3 points.

    Circuit training

    Circuit training allows you to get rid of excess weight and dry the body. This type of training involves performing a cycle of 4-5 exercises without stopping, after which a pause is made, no more than 1 minute long, and the initial complex is repeated.

    As an example circuit training you can use the following group of loads:

    • jumping in place – 50 times;
    • crunches with leg raises – 15 times;
    • squats – 20 times;
    • plank – 1 min;
    • running in place with high lifting thighs – 1 min.

    30 day training plan

    How to pump yourself up at home and get rid of excess weight is possible only if you exercise regularly. To avoid body fatigue, it is not recommended to exercise at home more than 3 times a week. A set of home exercises should be compiled by a fitness trainer, taking into account the health status and goals of a particular person.

    If it is not possible to use the services of a specialist, you can use the following program as the basis for your training, designed for people aged 20–35 years who do not have serious health contraindications to playing sports.

    Day of the week Sequence of exercises
    • running in place – 5 minutes;
    • squats at a fast pace with jumping – 25 times;
    • twisting from a lying position – 30 times;
    • curtsy lunges - 15 times for each leg;
    • push-ups from knees – 20 times;
    • burpees – 15 times.
    • jumping rope – 2 min;
    • plank – 1 min;
    • side plank– 1 minute for each side;
    • "Superman" - 30 times;
    • reverse push-ups– 20 times;
    • Burpees – 20 times.
    • running in place with high hip raises – 2 minutes;
    • raising legs from a lying position – 15 times;
    • twisting, lying on the floor – 30 times;
    • squats – 50 times;
    • lunges – 20 times for each leg;
    • jumping in place – 100 times.

    You can pump up at home just as well as in the gym using iron weights. However, when practicing at home, an athlete needs a much greater amount of motivation to force himself to prefer sports to other entertainment.

    With the right psychological mood, as well as following the technique of performing the most effective exercises, visible results with this type of training will appear after the first 4-5 weeks of regular training.

    Video about effective home workout

    How to quickly remove belly fat and do thin waist:

    Most people do not have the opportunity or time to visit fitness centers and gyms, so they prefer to exercise at home. Pumping up muscles at home does not mean simply doing exercises to failure in order to supposedly speed up the process.

    For those who have decided to gain weight, but do not know how to pump up at home, Three factors need to be taken into account: proper nutrition, training program and rest.

    Nutrition. To pump up at home, in addition to a properly selected training program, you need to pay attention to such an important component as proper nutrition. The success of training and the growth of muscle mass depend by 50% on balanced and regular meals. It is important to avoid foods containing fast carbohydrates.

    You need to practically eliminate baked goods and sugar from your diet. Replace white bread with gray or black bread, it is healthier. To saturate your body with energy, you should switch to a diet containing slow carbohydrates. In the first half of the day you need to consume pasta, various cereals (buckwheat, oatmeal), vegetables and fruits.

    You should significantly increase your intake of protein foods (eggs, meat, fish, legumes). The protein norm for humans is calculated as 0.5 g per 1 kg. In order for muscle mass to grow rapidly, this figure should be tripled. It is very important to take protein shakes.

    Workout. Bodybuilders and athletes who are obsessed with rapid muscle growth are often advised to train to failure. During physical activity, lactic acid accumulates in the muscles, so that it is released, you need to take a short rest between exercises.

    Experienced bodybuilders take illegal drugs; acid saturation of muscles is not a problem for them, but for amateur athletes, or for those who want to pump up at home, acidification of muscle fibers can lead to loss of muscle volume.

    Rest. Intense exercise should be alternated with rest. During this period, the body recovers and gives the muscles the command to grow. There is no point in doing several hundred repetitions every day without a break in order to quickly achieve desired result. Rest means healthy sleep and eating protein foods.

    Cons of home workouts

    Lack of coach. Without the supervision of a trainer, exercises may be performed incorrectly, errors in execution technique will be made, which will lead to poor results and an increased likelihood of injury or damage.

    Situation. It is important to have enough space in your location for convenient training. A person does not feel comfortable in a small enclosed room; in addition, the limited space does not allow performing amplitude exercises.

    During physical activity the body sweats, the body also requires a lot fresh air. The room should be well ventilated. Cardio-intensive exercise will have greater limitations. Full-fledged classes of this type can only be carried out in the yard.

    Lack of motivation. For systematic training physical exercise At home, motivation is very important. A person must force himself to pull himself together and believe in achieving a positive result. To get pumped up you need to have iron strength will.

    Lack of training equipment. This is one of the biggest disadvantages independent studies Houses. Almost anyone can buy a kettlebell, dumbbells or barbell. For pull-ups, you can make your own crossbar or parallel bars for practicing in the yard.

    Also in a sports store it is possible to purchase similar sports equipment for the room, mounted on walls or doorways. If you decide to pump up at home, you will have to give up complex and multifunctional exercise equipment.

    Distractions. Arriving at the gym, a person is determined only to exercise and nothing distracts him. On the contrary, the desire to study increases, the person is completely immersed in the process. There are constant distractions at home.

    Warm-up exercises

    It is very important before training, and especially at home, to carry out a set of warm-up exercises that will prepare the body for the loads in order to pump up.

    Warm-up is very important, as a result of its implementation, body temperature rises, muscles warm up, metabolic processes are launched, muscle fibers filled with energy. The joints and ligaments that will be involved in the training are warmed up.

    The body becomes flexible, the risk of injury is reduced:

    1. Tilts of the head to the sides. Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart. The gaze is directed ahead. The head makes inclined movements to the left and right. Perform for 20 seconds. Since your hands are free, you need to stretch your hands at the same time. They need to be turned clockwise, then counterclockwise.
    2. Head tilts forward. Straight stance, hands on the back of the head. The head is bent forward and light pressure is applied to the back of the head. You should feel the neck muscles stretching. The voltage is held for 15-20 s.
    3. Warm up the shoulder joint. Standard straight stand. Left hand you need to straighten it in front of you. The left elbow is pressed to the chest with the right hand. To increase the effect, you need to bend right hand at the elbow and take her by the back of her head. Stretches for 15 seconds for each arm.
    4. Stretching the chest muscles. Standard stand, arms are raised and spread to the sides. Bring your shoulder blades closer together, tilting your arms back. Perform for 20 s.
    5. Back muscles. To stretch the back muscles, you need to take a straight stance, place your feet shoulder-width apart, clasp your palms, straighten your arms and raise them in front of you. The hips should remain motionless, only the back and lower back should be rounded. For 15-20 seconds, stretch your arms forward, stretching your back muscles.
    6. Warm up the hamstring muscles. Perform in a straight stance, legs together. You need to raise your right leg in front of you, take your knee with both hands and press it into your body. You should feel a stretch in your thigh muscles. Perform the exercise for 20 seconds on each leg.
    7. Quadriceps stretch. Legs should be together. In a standing position, bend your left leg straight at the knee and grab it with your left hand. You need to press your foot towards your buttock; you should feel tension in the quadriceps. During execution, the right hand is raised up, the left knee should touch the right. Having created tension on the quadriceps of the left leg, they remain in this position for 20 seconds. Do the same exercise with the right leg.
    8. Warm up the ankle joint. Performed in a straight stance, the left leg is placed half a step in front of you and held in weight. The foot is twisted to the right for 20 s and left side. The same goes for the right ankle.
    9. Run in place. Feet should be together, hands at waist level. You need to run in place, raising your legs high, your knees should touch your hands. Perform for 20 s. Then they place their hands on their buttocks and run in place, touching their palms with their feet. This exercise is performed for 20 seconds.

    Cool down exercises

    Cooling down allows the body to optimally transition to a state of rest after exercise. After cool-down exercises, body temperature gradually decreases, heart rate and stress on the cardiovascular system decrease, muscle fibers relax, become more elastic, acid leaves the muscles and the effect of post-traumatic pain after intense loads.

    So that the training program brings maximum benefit and contributed fast pumping muscles at home, it is very important to do exercises after classes that can consolidate the result. You need to perform stretching exercises for the muscles that were involved in the training process. For each muscle group, it is recommended to perform exercises in several approaches of 30-50 s.

    The same exercises that were performed during the warm-up before class are suitable for a cool-down.

    Home workout exercises

    It is believed that pumping up at home is unrealistic. But if a person has gathered his will and is determined, then what his place of occupation will be does not matter. Here is a set of exercises for training that should be included in your home workout program.

    Exercises for back muscles

    Exercises for leg muscles

    Triceps Exercises

    • French bench press. You need two dumbbells or a barbell, a bench or two stools. Starting position - lying on a bench, arms with weights raised up and perpendicular to the floor, palms facing the face. During the exercise, you only need to bend and straighten your arms at the elbow, the shoulder should be motionless. As you inhale, lower the dumbbells, and as you exhale, lift them up.
    • Back push-ups. To perform this you will need a bench. You need to turn your back to her and put your hands on the edge, shoulder-width apart. Your legs should be straightened so that your back is slightly away from the edge of the bench.
    • As you inhale, gently lower your body, bending your elbows. There is no need to fall through so that your buttocks touch the ground. The arm at the bent elbow should form an angle of 90 degrees. Then, using only the force of the triceps, they lift the body up. To avoid injury, do not spread your elbows to the side while lowering. To increase the load, you can place a bench or stool under your feet.
    • Triceps push-ups. To perform this, you need to take the starting position as with regular push-ups, but your hands should be closer to each other. For the greatest load on the triceps, you need to place your hands as close as possible and press your elbows to the body. The body must be straight, otherwise you may get injured. The brushes must be directed parallel, otherwise the load will be distributed across pectoral muscles. Perform the exercise smoothly. With each repetition, inhale and exhale. When your arms are bent and your body is as close to the ground as possible, you need to pause, then rise up.
    • Vertical push-ups. During runtime vertical push-ups The main load goes to the deltoid muscles, triceps and trapezius. Do a handstand with your back to the wall. Your palms should be moved 10-15 cm away from the wall, your hands should be placed slightly wider than your shoulders. The body should form a straight line. Don't touch the wall with your buttocks. The gaze is directed in front of you. The exercise is performed carefully and without sudden movements. Slowly bend your arms until your head approaches the floor (your head should not touch the floor, if your arms cannot withstand the load, you may get injured). Then they rise to the starting position. This way you do the required number of repetitions. If at first it is difficult to perform push-ups to the full amplitude, you can do half push-ups.

    Exercises for biceps

    Exercises for the abs

    For the abs, you can perform two basic exercises that work the upper, lower and oblique abdominal muscles.

    Starting position - lying on your back, legs slightly bent at the knees, hands behind your head. Smoothly raise your torso to your knees and back. This strengthens the upper abdominal muscles.

    For development lower muscles abdomen, you need to take a lying position, straighten your legs, put your arms along your body. Then, with a smooth movement, raise your legs up vertically. Then lower and repeat as many times as necessary.

    Exercises for chest muscles

    Home workout program

    How to pump up at home (the training program is described below) is recommended by those who have already achieved certain results. G The main principle is regularity. Systematic exercises will tone the body. The muscles will increase in volume and become more prominent. Your health and physical condition will improve significantly.

    To easily pump up at home, use this training program.

    You shouldn't put stress on your body every day. But to achieve good results, you cannot be lazy. The program consists of three-day training, alternating with a day of rest.

    Day 1.

    Day 2.

    Day 3.

    How to increase the effectiveness of home exercises

    1. It is very important to do a good warm-up before each session, and a cool-down after the workout.
    2. You need to drink more fluids and eat right. If one of your goals is to lose weight, then you should not switch to low calorie diet. The body will quickly become exhausted.
    3. A quality and productive workout requires the right mindset. You need to set yourself a goal and strive for it.
    4. You shouldn’t overload your body right away. The load needs to be increased gradually. It’s very good when you have useful equipment for training (a kettlebell, several new dumbbells, a barbell).
    5. If possible, you should conduct training in the yard. You can use additional exercises and equipment, go for a run.

    Basic exercises for the gym

    To achieve good results in terms of muscle building, you need to start training from basic exercises, and only over time move on to the development of specific muscles. It is after performing such exercises that the muscles will be tightened, the figure will be sculpted and attractive.

    Basic exercises intensively develop all muscles, but it is advisable to supplement them with auxiliary exercises. The training complex in the first 3-4 months should consist of 80% basic exercises. After completing them, the body quickly gains weight due to powerful muscles back and legs. Next, a set of basic exercises will be given based on training 3 times a week.

    Gym workout program

    Day #1

    Day #2

    Day #3

    How to quickly gain muscle mass for a girl

    It is quite difficult for girls to build muscle mass. Their body is not designed for this. But if it was decided to tighten the body, get muscle relief, and slim figure, then you need to follow three important rules: training, recovery and nutrition.

    To pump up at home, it is important to balance these components. The training program should include a sufficient number of exercises, but such that the body does not experience overload.

    To the complex training process It is important to include basic exercises that involve all the muscles of the body. Healthy sleep is extremely important. Women's bodies are already fragile, so recovery before next lesson very important. A balanced and regular diet is the key to success. In addition to food, you need to take vitamins and protein complexes.

    How to quickly gain muscle mass for a man

    It is also important for men to adhere to a training, nutrition and rest regime. But despite good nutrition, you still need to take special food for athletes with a high protein and vitamin content. At first, more than half of your workouts should consist of basic exercises to intensively pump all the muscles of the body.

    With each session, you need to increase the working weight and the number of repetitions so that the body quickly adapts to the loads and the muscles grow.

    It's better to work out in the gym, but you can gain muscle mass at home if you have the right mindset. Following the principle of regularity, leading healthy image life and eating right, you can do it in short term. It is important to choose the optimal training program for pumping up muscles, since overload increases the risk of injury, and too light loads will not bring results.

    Video about how to pump up at home for girls and men

    Home workout program:

    Home program for pumping up muscles:

    For those who are looking for ways to pump up their entire body, it is important to use serious weight, that is, dumbbells, barbells and your own weight. Push-ups, planks, presses, lunges and other exercises with weights are best suited. You should exercise 3-4 times a week, increasing the load.

    Equally important is nutrition, in which proteins should prevail over fats and sugar. And you shouldn’t expect results too quickly: the first improvements will be visible after six months of training, and the athlete will reach peak form in a couple of years.

    Strengthening and increasing the volume of muscles to pump up the whole body is impossible without changes in them. Change comes with at different speeds, since they depend on the personal characteristics of the organism. While classes last, muscle development goes through several stages.


    The preparatory stage will take 8-16 weeks, and you should not rush it. You need to train with light weights and get used to the correct training technique. What characterizes the preparation phase:

    • muscles spend a lot of resources, which is why more ATP and glycogen accumulate in them;
    • CNS with with great effort supports smooth muscle function;
    • bones and ligaments adapt to changes in muscles;
    • the volume of blood vessels increases;
    • metabolism accelerates.

    Muscle structure

    This is a period of restructuring of the body, because it receives an increased load that it has not experienced before. But there is no external effect yet. At this stage, the foundations for future muscle growth are laid.


    The hypertrophy stage takes more than 2 years. This is the period of fiber increase muscle tissue, which also gives long-awaited external changes. If you choose the right load, a man’s weight on average increases by 20 kg. And for some, their personal potential will allow them to increase it even more.

    Muscle hypertrophy


    The hyperplasia stage follows hypertrophy and lasts for 1-2 years. During this period, training with relatively light weights is important, but it must be of long duration. Hyperplasia means an increase of another 10 kg due to increased muscle mass.


    After several years of training, the body gets used to the stress, that is, it enters the stage of long-term adaptation. This means that its systems that inhibit the development of muscle tissue begin to work more efficiently. The body's capabilities expand. This also improves your well-being.

    Urgent adaptation accompanies all stages from the beginning of classes, if carried out correctly. It is necessary to restore the body after training, without which high-quality results are impossible.

    Is it really possible to pump up your body at home?

    Pump up your body without resorting to services sports clubs, Can. But this is more difficult to achieve than in a gym with exercise equipment. And the effect may not be as pronounced. In addition to training at home, nutrition and lifestyle in general are important.

    What is essential when building muscles and sharpening your figure:

    • Use heavy weight. At a minimum, this is your own body weight, but also a barbell or heavy dumbbells. Light weights promote endurance and “dry” muscles, but not their growth.
    • When choosing food, consider the body's reaction. Proteins should form its basis, and the amount of carbohydrates and fats should be reduced. But how exactly to do this - you need to look during the lessons.
    • Temporarily give up. They contribute to the loss of muscle volume. Cardio should be reintroduced after it has increased and a significant portion of the fat has disappeared.
    • Don't overdo it with abdominal exercises. To strengthen the muscles in this area, they should be done 1-2 times a week, paying attention to proper nutrition.
    • Get rid of fat gradually. The norm is 700-900 g per week, no more. If fat loss occurs faster, muscle loss will also be added to it.
    • Shake the body weekly with changes in traditional nutrition. This could be giving up some foods in favor of others or skipping meals, which will help stimulate metabolism.
    • Be sure to drink a lot of water. It not only helps improve metabolism. Water makes muscle fibers more elastic, that is, it stimulates their growth.

    How to properly pump up the muscles of the whole body: typical mistakes of beginners

    Avoidance will help to properly pump up the muscles of the whole body. typical mistakes bodybuilders and building a training system. While waiting for the result, you should also not focus on the appearance of other “jocks”. After all, the personal characteristics of the body are also important for building muscles.

    All at once

    One of the common mistakes of those trying to have relief figure– desire to get results quickly. Therefore, they overload the body with training. As a result, overwork occurs, the body does not have time to recover after exercise, injuries occur, and muscles do not grow.

    To prevent this from happening, you need to increase the load gradually. And the first result will appear after six months. But muscle volume will reach the maximum characteristic of a particular person only after a couple of years of regular exercise, not earlier.

    Lack of consistency and regularity in training

    Another problem that interferes with building a pumped-up body is neglecting the exercise schedule. They must be regular. The only valid reason for refusal is illness. Even intensive work with heavy weights, if it happens occasionally, will not help build muscle.

    Basic requirements for a toned body

    You can get a toned body if you meet several conditions:

    • Determine your workout routine and strictly adhere to it. Training should be carried out 3-5 times a week, duration – from 40 minutes to 1.5 hours. You need to start with a warm-up to warm up your muscles to prevent damage.
    • Give preference to proteins in your diet. These are meat and fish dishes. From carbohydrates, you need to choose slow ones (pasta, cereals), and their amount must be reduced. You should also eat less fat. Among them the best option– nuts and vegetable oils. The amount of fat should be approximately the same as carbohydrates. In addition, it is important to eat at least 5 times a day, and choose the same time for meals.
    • Increase the load gradually. Here we are talking about increasing the weight used, as well as the number of repetitions of the exercises. Enough for a start own weight bodies. Then you should add weight training exercises.
    • Avoid alcohol and smoking. These habits can negate most of your efforts, as they interfere with proper blood supply to the muscles and recovery after training.

    How to properly pump up your body without exercise equipment

    Exercises that load different parts of your body will help you properly pump up your body. Each workout must be completed to the end; you cannot interrupt for other things.


    At different types Squats affect a large number of muscles at once. Classic exercise done without foreign objects. You need to put your feet shoulder-width apart and squat down, keeping your back straight. The socks are slightly turned out external sides, you can stretch your arms forward for balance.

    The load will be even greater if you place your feet wider than your shoulders. As you get used to it, you should perform squats with a load.

    Push ups

    Push-ups can be done from the floor or you can choose easier options at first: from a chair or sofa. The emphasis is on the hands and feet. Palms can be placed wider than shoulders or narrower. Another version of push-ups is done while resting on your knees. But regardless of the type of exercise, it is important to keep your back straight and touch the main surface when bending your elbows not only with your stomach, but also with your chest.


    The exercise is done several times without pauses.



    Twisting is done from a supine position. Your palms should be hidden behind the back of your head, and your legs should be bent at the knee joints. The exercise consists of trying to touch your left elbow to your right knee, then you need to switch limbs. To do this, you need to pull your legs to your chest and lift your upper body.


    Lunges are long steps forward, shifting your body weight to one leg or the other. During the exercise, your back should remain straight and your shoulders should be lowered. The effect affects several muscle groups. It will be even greater when using dumbbells.

    Bench Lunges

    Hand exercises

    To pump up your arms you need to do the following:

    • Take the expander by both ends and stretch it in front of you. Your arms should be spread out to the sides as far as possible.
    • Step on one end of the expander with your feet. Hold the other in your hands and lift it as high as possible.
    • Take the expander by both ends, but stretch it behind your back. Your arms should be simultaneously extended forward and crossed in front of you.
    • Take dumbbells, extend your arms to the sides, make rotational movements. The first series is performed forward, the second - backward.
    • With dumbbells, lower your arms down. Alternately lift them in front of you, bending at the elbow joint (“hammer”).
    • Take a dumbbell and place your hand behind your head. The second hand with another projectile is lowered at this time. Then they change.
    • Standing with a little bent knees lower your arms with dumbbells down. Raise them simultaneously to the level of the body, bending elbow joints, then lower it. Repeat this quickly several times.

    Leg workout

    In addition to squats and lunges, it is useful to do the following to pump up your leg muscles:

    • Step-up. For the exercise, use an elevation (bench or step). A weight is attached to your feet; you can also pick up dumbbells. Then they take a series of steps up the step, down, back up and back down to the floor. This should be done many times without interruption.
    • "Gun". This is a one-legged squat. The second one needs to be pulled forward, then they are changed.
    • "Bike". Weights are attached to the legs. From a lying position, you need to raise your limbs slightly upward and make movements as when pedaling. “Bicycle” will not only make your leg muscles larger and more prominent, but will also help you pump up your abdominal muscles.

    For the same purpose as the previous exercises, lunges with dumbbells, squats with weights on widely spaced legs, jumping rope, running 3 km or more are very suitable.

    Watch this video on how to pump up all your muscles at home without exercise equipment:

    How to pump up your entire body at home for girls

    Representatives of the fair sex can also pump up their entire body at home using the above exercises. But they should take lighter weight dumbbells than men. It is also useful to use an expander, a heavy hoop, or a jump rope. You need to repeat each exercise 10-12 times in 2-3 approaches. And among others, especially relevant:

    • bench presses with dumbbells to form a high chest;
    • twisting to make your waist thinner;
    • squats with dumbbells for more prominent buttocks;
    • plank to do straight posture, improve the shoulder line;
    • bend forward, backward and sideways with dumbbells to strengthen your back muscles.

    A set of exercises to pump up all the muscles of the body

    To pump up all the muscles of the body, you need to create a training schedule and select a set of exercises for each of them. Workouts should be varied.


    At the first workout of the week, after a 5-minute warm-up, you need to do the following exercises 10-15 times in 4 sets:

    • twisting while lying on your back;
    • "superman";
    • lifting dumbbells with an incline;
    • rise of the same sports equipment biceps exercise from a standing position;
    • “hammer”, that is, lifting dumbbells from below to chest level alternately with the right and left hands (they need to be bent at the elbows).


    In the second workout you need to do the following:

    • do lunges with dumbbells;
    • squat with weights in your hands;
    • rise with them on their toes up to 25 times;
    • perform presses with dumbbells;
    • “flapping your wings” with them, that is, in an inclined position, lower your arms down and spread them to the sides;

    Exercises, except for raising on your toes, are done 10-15 times.


    The following exercises are suitable for the third lesson:

    • "gun";
    • bench press weights from a lying position;
    • push-ups with broad setting palms;
    • the same, but with a narrow arrangement of hands;
    • Burpees

    Each is performed 10-12 times. You should do 15 push-ups.

    Watch this video about the training program for girls in the gym (intermediate level):

    How to pump up your body by increasing the load

    You can pump up your body only by increasing the intensity of your training and the load on your muscles. As you get used to it, you should choose dumbbells and weight plates that are 2 kg heavier than those used before. For exercises on benches, it is necessary to increase the angle of inclination. The number of exercises in each block and the number of approaches are also increased.

    Training equipment

    For home practice you should purchase:

    • dumbbells weighing from 5 to 32 kg;
    • expanders different lengths and degree of elasticity;
    • fitness mat;
    • horizontal bar (there are those that can be attached to the doorway);
    • bars

    Girls will also find a hula hoop useful, and dumbbells should be purchased from 2 kg.

    Watch this video about what Sports Equipment necessary for home training:

    How to replace equipment to quickly pump up your body

    You can quickly pump up your body without special equipment:

    • instead of dumbbells, use water bottles or pipe cuttings;
    • step-up can be performed not on a special stand, but on steps;
    • Lunch and dinner for muscle growth

      Your daily meal should consist of breakfast and four more meals. You will need 1.5-3 liters of water per day. There is no need to eat mayonnaise, ketchup, confectionery, or add too much salt to dishes.

      How testosterone can help

      Testosterone is a natural hormone produced by the body and has a positive effect on the development of muscle tissue. To increase its level you do not need to take drugs, just:

      • give up alcohol;
      • take vitamins;
      • be in the sun;
      • drink protein shakes;
      • get enough sleep.

      High-intensity strength training itself promotes testosterone production.

      In order to make the muscles more massive and prominent, and the body harmonious, it will take a lot of time and work. But this is realistic for any initial data. It is important not to miss classes, eat right and believe in your capabilities.

      Useful video

      Watch this video about proper nutrition for gaining muscle mass: