How to quickly learn to fight well. Features of home training fighting. Wrestling and striking techniques

In our sometimes very cruel world, everyone should be able to defend themselves and fight back against their offenders. Therefore, it would not hurt for everyone, regardless of their gender, to have a couple of self-defense and martial art techniques in their arsenal. In order to learn how to fight well, it is better to turn to professional help, since it is a professional who can easily explain to you the basic principles, rules of combat and the secrets of winning it, and also, if necessary, point out mistakes and point you in the right direction. If for some reason you decide to learn how to fight on your own, first of all, you will need to familiarize yourself with special literature and understand for yourself that in a fight what is important is not the ability to wave your arms and legs well, but the ability to calculate in advance the enemy’s actions, reaction and developed attention. To achieve victory, it is very important to penetrate and understand the very philosophy of combat.

Visit professional training is the most the best option for your training, not only because you will be working with a professional trainer, but also because you will constantly improve your skills in practice, having an opponent directly in front of you.

Currently, there is a huge selection of different sections in which anyone can learn to fight. But before you run to sign up for the first one available, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with what functions they provide, and which ones are suitable for you and specifically for this purpose. The most optimal types sports activities where you can learn to fight are:

  • Boxing. On sports training in this section there is a strong emphasis on development physical training. To do this, classes are conducted to tone the muscles, develop endurance, reaction and strength, such as, for example, barbell rows, training on the horizontal bar and uneven bars. It is here that in the entire training process the emphasis is placed on practicing technique and striking on equipment such as a punching bag or punching bag, as well as in sparring sessions organized by the coach. Boxing also has many in various ways protection from impact, these include various stances, as well as movements that allow you to evade enemy attacks.
  • Freestyle wrestling. This sport will help you more clearly study how to learn to fight on the street. During freestyle wrestling training, exercises to develop endurance, flexibility, strength, and breathing play a huge role. To work on increasing flexibility, training includes acrobatic exercises such as bridges, somersaults, and handstands. All these exercises help strengthen joints, the lymphatic system, and also increase muscle and joint elasticity, which is essential if you want to learn how to fight well. This sport is also very good for teaching self-defense and the fighting technique itself.
  • Kickboxing. This sport uses more than just arms and legs, which sometimes gives you a greater chance of winning. Kickboxing classes include stretching exercises, practicing kicks and punches, as well as defense movements against an opponent. Very great importance In this sport, the refinement of all movements is given to the study of battle tactics.
  • Judo. The choice of this sport is one of the best, especially for all those who do not have large muscle mass and a massive physique. In judo, the main emphasis is not on strength, but on dexterity and precision in performing all movements. Mastery of the technique of this sport will allow you to better navigate the situation, feel the course of the battle and predict the actions of your opponent.

Although learning to fight at home is much more difficult than under the guidance of a trainer and special simulators and without an opponent, it is still just as possible.

To do this, you will need great perseverance, perseverance, patience and the desire to definitely achieve your goal. In addition to internal qualities, you also have to purchase the necessary equipment and special literature in a bookstore or find it on the Internet, and you can also watch various videos on this topic.

The first thing you need to do to achieve your goal is to choose a type of combat sports that suits your spirit best and arouses your interest. After which you can start searching, reading, viewing and studying the necessary information.

Before you begin basic training, you need to prepare your body for the upcoming loads. To do this, you need to devote sufficient time to a set of exercises to develop and strengthen various muscle groups, to increase endurance, flexibility and reaction development. It is also very useful to start jogging and visit the pool for swimming. This will allow you to increase muscle tone as quickly as possible, develop the respiratory system, as well as the elasticity of the joints.

To make it easier for you to practice movements and various strikes, you can involve an assistant in your training and practice with him in pairs. You will most likely not be able to comprehend all the intricacies of martial arts at home, but any motivated person will be able to achieve his goal and learn how to fight.

How a girl can learn to fight

Quite often, the desire to learn how to defend oneself and respond to an offender with a blow arises not only among boys, but also among girls. With great desire and zeal, anyone can achieve this.

In order to learn how to fight, a girl, just like guys before, needs to improve her physical fitness and work out her muscles to increase elasticity. For women, the most suitable option would be to choose a type of martial arts that does not place much emphasis on physique. One such sport is judo.

In order to learn how to fight, you first need to develop the strength of your spirit and then, thanks to regular training and with your perseverance you will never again allow yourself and your loved ones to be offended.

It is known that human life is unpredictable, and sometimes it is difficult to imagine what can happen. Therefore, you need to learn a lot so that if anything happens, you will face difficulties with dignity. But we intuitively develop some skills and knowledge, while others we need to learn ourselves. The ability to fight falls into the latter category. From childhood, parents instill in them that fighting is bad. You believe it. However, someday there may come a critical moment when you realize that it was worth learning how to fight...

But don't talk about sad things. But you should be prepared for anything. And don’t rule out the possibility that you will need the ability to fight at some point. That is why, until that very moment, it is worth thinking about learning some kind of martial art.

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How to learn to fight at home

People whose parents have been since childhood or adolescence brought to the fighting section, of course I was lucky. Now there are many different sports schools in boxing, karate and other martial arts. However, what if throughout your life you only went to chess? In this case, you can try to learn on your own. After all, learning to fight at home is quite possible. You will need to follow a couple of traditional steps:

  1. Find the desire to practice. It may seem to you that there is nothing difficult in this, but only the presence of desire, which is to learn something, gives one third of success. It is unlikely that you will be able to learn how to fight if you doubt the need for it. Therefore, one should “nourish” the desire with all kinds of arguments and arguments.
  2. Make an effort. It is not realistic to learn at least something without making an effort. So it is with martial arts training. In this case, your “horses” will be theory and practice. Theory involves finding the necessary information about various techniques and techniques, and practice involves honing and mastering these techniques and techniques. You can implement the practical part in several places: on the sports ground, in the gym, in the garage, in front of the mirror. A T-shirt stuffed with a blanket, a pillow, a wall, etc. can be used as an opponent. You will learn about the theory a little later.
  3. Before starting training, it is worth find a teacher, who will be able to teach you both theory and practice. It’s better if there are a couple of teachers – different points of view and extra knowledge won’t hurt. A teacher can be all kinds of literature, the Internet, a friend, brother, dad. And don't forget that the toughest and worst option, if the teacher is a critical situation or “street”. Try to avoid this kind of “science”.

How to learn to fight well

Let's say you already know how to fight, but want to learn something more. There is nothing impossible about this, and your desire only testifies to your desire for the best and character.

  • To fight well, you need to master correct technique fight, and not just wave your arms. Naturally, it is better to study in specialized sections, where professionals will tell you what, how and why to do.
  • Also practice more. And do this not only with a pillow, but also with a real partner. As a sparring partner, you can ask anyone who can give an answer to speak. And, of course, it’s good if your partner knows something about the fight.
  • Also remember general physical fitness. Because to fight well, you need to have strength and good control of your body.

Before learning martial arts, you should think carefully about motivation. The more meaning you find in what you do, the more effort you put in, and the better the result will be.

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How to fight on the street

At the beginning of the article, you already read that life is unpredictable, and the ability to stand up for yourself can come in handy at any moment. Standing up for yourself means getting into a street fight, which has its own characteristics. Naturally, you can only learn street fighting on the street, but it is better to be mentally prepared:

  • If you were forced to fight on the street, then you need to remember why exactly you had to get involved in a fight. If the motivation is to save life, then it will motivate you to action and give you a lot of strength.
  • Everyone knows that street fights differ from fights in the ring in their cruelty. If you realize that you are in such a situation, then forget about the rules of a fair fight.
  • Also, do not rely only on your own strength - use everything that is at hand: a brick, a strong stick, etc.
  • And most importantly, if you want to learn how to fight well, you need to understand that the real art is avoiding a fight. And if you take into account the number of inadequate people, in simple words “scumbags,” use this skill to the maximum. Especially if you don’t understand what he wants and how he might behave. You are a normal person and you still have life ahead of you, but a street fight can lead to different outcomes.

How not to be afraid of a fight

It is also worth discussing the state of fear. After all, people who are afraid of fighting as such are often afraid to learn to fight. In this case, remember your motivation and also that you are confident in your abilities.

Now you will learn how to learn to fight well if you are scared, and also how not to be afraid of a fight.

  • You need to understand that your life and the lives of your loved ones may depend on your ability to fight. Fear means you might lose. By entering a fight, you protect your life, dignity, honor and future.
  • Many people are afraid to fight because they don't want to feel physical pain. Believe me, this pain will pass quickly, but the moral pain will accompany you, if not all your life, then much longer.
  • Some people avoid fights for fear of losing. In this case, Eastern philosophy will help, which says that the main victory is victory over oneself. Believe me, it’s better to lose than to be known as a weak-willed coward. Sometimes, by fighting and losing, you win morally and become a hero in the eyes of society.
  • Another type of fear of fighting is the thought of what others will think and say. You should stop thinking about it, if the situation cannot be resolved differently, then go ahead!

It's hard enough to learn to fight without fear. They are also right to be afraid, the main thing is to figure out what you are afraid of and overcome this particular reason.

How to quickly learn to fight well

Despite the saying “Only cats breed quickly,” sometimes you need to quickly learn how to fight well. More often this happens when the opponent is known and the fight has already been scheduled. Naturally, in this case, you shouldn’t “pull the tires.” Also, don't expect to become Jackie Chan in a few days. However, you can still get some things done. To quickly learn this, you need:

  • Decide why you need this, in simple words, to give yourself confidence.
  • Try to intimidate your opponent before the start of the fight. This is also necessary, especially if you are short on time and you are puzzled by how to quickly learn to fight well.
  • Don't go to extremes, that is, don't try to master every martial art at once.
  • Study carefully and practice a couple of good techniques.
  • Before the fight, have a good rest and don’t worry yourself about losing, because it’s quite possible that your opponent is not good at fighting either.

And at the end of the article I would like to say that learning to fight is not difficult. However, you should always strive to solve problems without a fight.

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You need to fight for your place in the sun even with the help of physical strength, and sometimes you need to go straight, paving the way for yourself with your fists.

- How was the battle?
- Eight.
- What does “eight” mean? In amateur boxing there cannot be more than three rounds.
- Eight seconds.
- Seconds? Did he shoot him?
Tyson (film)

A man, a guy, a teenager, a boy belongs to the strong half of humanity and this has to be proven in practice since childhood. You need to fight for your place in the sun even with the help of physical strength, and sometimes you need to go straight, paving the way for yourself with your fists. In modern civilized society, the last argument has always been force.

A fighter's journey from cradle to grave.

The first clashes with enemies occur in kindergartens, when the fight consists of several blows with fists, and more often it looks like ordinary pushing of each other. Even then you begin to understand that friends are a second you. When in kindergarten I was offended by a boy one and a half times my size, my friend Zhenya approached the issue of rebuffing the offender very quickly. We were half the size, but there were two of us, my friend held his hands, and I beat him. The reprisal did not take long, there was no anger, there was a desire to teach a lesson and after several blows, the enemy was released in peace. This was the first conscious fight, when you begin to understand that everything is just beginning, and strength, ability to fight and friends are still very much needed in the world of men.

The most active period for fights is school. Teenagers are growing up and, starting from 6-7 years old and up to 16, clashes will become regular both at school and in the yard. Then the sports sections begin. Most guys go to football, volleyball, swimming; the smartest of them take chess; active – for martial arts. Gym at school - this is the first acquaintance with strong high school students and the desire to resemble at least the photograph of Arnold Schwarzenegger that hangs on the wall of the school rocking chair.

Universities give the concept of a completely different life, priorities change and a completely different life begins. Fights occur less frequently, but are more serious. You can wave your fists as a student at university discos. Even more often after them, everyone is young and ambitious, and the reasons are different: from girls to personal hostility. Sometimes fights end in a triumph of intelligence over numbers, when a couple of guys in the smoking room manage to fight off the crowd, aggressive and drunk guys, using Marlboro trash cans as weapons. Often such events end in police custody and expulsions.

In the army, fights are not only one on one. Sometimes you have to stand against several opponents or wall to wall. The army is too specific a place to say unambiguously for each type of troops, but still most of the fights happen out of boredom and the desire to measure strength between one another.

With age, fights become rare, but when they happen, they become a serious challenge. Some sort things out with their fists with the rivals of their future life partner or just a temporary girlfriend. In modern clubs and discos, the situation is usually controlled by security guards, and fights already occur in places like the toilet or at the exit. The idea of ​​measuring strength with the security crowd itself is not very interesting due to its low prospects. The exceptions are if you came as part of the karate team.

The main serious fights have been and will be on the street. Perhaps you will be alone against a crowd of teenagers fueled by alcohol, probably against a knife, brass knuckles or even a pistol. The most unpredictable fights and serious injuries may still be ahead.

And if you have never fought, then you are afraid of everything in the world: you are afraid of pain, you are afraid of not being able to cope with your opponent. "Fight club". Chuck Palahniuk.


The most logical option is to enroll in a karate-do, jiu-jitsu, hand-to-hand combat, boxing, etc. Absolutely different styles, approach, ideology. The choice of a section is usually decided by liking one of the martial arts, proximity to home, advice from friends or by chance. After several months, and sometimes even weeks, it becomes clear whether it is for you or not. The soul either lies or it doesn’t.

Sections are the first step to the ability to fight and the most correct one. In addition to martial arts training, it is good to visit the gym a couple of times a week.

The sections actually teach the ability to stand up for yourself, but will they teach you how to be prepared for a real fight? For years, honing the skill of a fighter, participating in competitions, you want to find out what you are really worth when opponents are not bound by conventional rules, but the main objective– this is a victory by any means. Then it's time to try the next method.

Fight clubs (BC).

Contemporary American writer and journalist Chuck Palahniuk more clearly formulated the idea of ​​​​Fight Club, which has already been embodied in many places around the globe. David Fincher's film "Fight Club".

Anyone can come to the club to fight. There can be many reasons for this: the desire to understand what you are worth, to overcome the fear of a fight, to unwind, to measure your strength. Many men choose Fight Club as a method of solving their emotional problems.

There are similar clubs in every city, and if you cannot find their trail, go online. Websites, forums and social media unites people by interests, including BC.

With minimal effort, I managed to find two fight clubs in my city, although this is clearly not all, but just the tip of the iceberg under the name BC. Initially, in Fight Clubs, bandages are wrapped around the hands to protect the fingers. Modern clubs more loyal to the rules and less cruel than in the film. Gloves, mouth guards, in some clubs, knee pads, groin pads and a helmet. But more interesting rules are introduced: there is more than one fight per battle and fights are not only one on one, but also two on two or more.

The fight club gives participants a lot, but the main thing is confidence in their abilities and overcoming the fear of a fight. Broken noses and bruises are a small price to pay for the opportunity to boldly look into the eyes of a potential enemy.

Fight Club (BC) is the penultimate step before a real street fight, where anything is possible, but the price is desperately high.


And there is no reason to be afraid if you are still men,
You are strong in something...
Time Machine. Turn.

There are two options for a street fight: the first is that you yourself are looking for adventure and want to try your hand, the second is that the fight itself finds you when you are least ready for it.

How to learn to fight? It’s not difficult to practice in dark gateways. Having chosen a crime-prone area and approached a potential enemy, who, of course, is larger than you and even scary in appearance (it’s better to learn from real professionals), start bullying. The phrases “Let me smoke!” and “What time is it?” in the dark, it has long been considered a thrown down gauntlet by hooligans and punks. You can start insulting him or just slap him in the face, in case he doesn’t give in to provocations, but you have to start somewhere. This is where the process of learning a real fight should begin, just have time to write it down. Particularly desperate guys can choose company as their opponent.

The second option for a street fight is forced. Sometimes it’s a brave novice nerd who asks you what time it is, wants to smoke and tries to slap you in the face. Here you will act as a teacher yourself.

Fights against the crowd, as well as with the use of weapons, are no longer a game, but a real need to stand up for your own and someone else’s life, honor and dignity. If there is no opportunity to retreat or it is impossible because of the “protected” object, you need to act.

Forget about the rules: the ideal fighter is as cunning as a snake, impartial as a jackal and unprincipled as a vulture. Real street fights last a couple of minutes at most. There is only one principle here: try to strike first, let your guard down, be as cruel, arrogant, brave and cold-blooded as possible.

Remember, real professionals say: “The best fight is the one that didn’t take place.”

Stick to a strict workout routine. Professional fighters train for months before stepping into the ring; amateur fighters should try to do the same in order not only to reach the peak physical fitness, but also to master an impeccable basic technique. There are three important areas you should pay attention to Special attention: functional state of the cardiovascular system, core muscle strength and muscle mass:

Eat foods that develop muscles. In addition to monitoring your vitamin, mineral, electrolyte, and water intake to combat workout fatigue and metabolic waste buildup, focus on healthy proteins to build body mass.

Learn how to throw a punch. Start with a simple hit. Use both hands while doing this. Once you have mastered the basic punching technique, try more advanced techniques such as:

  • Jab: A jab is a short punch that is usually thrown with your weak hand and helps keep your opponent at a distance. To achieve maximum jab effectiveness, professional boxers twist the arm and wrist just before contact with the opponent.
  • Cross: Unlike the jab, which is thrown directly in front of the body, the cross is thrown from the shoulder and delivered with the dominant hand in a slightly upward motion across bodies.
  • Hook: The hook can be aimed at the opponent's head or body - depending on which part is exposed - and is often used in combination with other strikes. Its main disadvantage is that it allows for a counter-strike by the enemy.
  • Uppercut: An uppercut is a blow that is struck from the bottom up with either hand, especially effective in close combat.
  • Learn fighting techniques. Just like in chess, individual combat moves are useless in isolation; however, if performed in a certain sequence, they will help defeat the enemy. Learn not only the techniques of your chosen discipline, but also how to counter them. In boxing, the most common combination is a jab after a cross. Another effective combo also adds a hook. (If you are right-handed, this should look like in the following way: right cross, left jab, left hook).

    If you fight without gloves, you should pay special attention to the condition of your knuckles. This type of training will make your knuckle nerves less sensitive. Please note that some fighting styles(eg many traditional martial arts) behind sensitivity of the whole body and will never encourage desensitization.

    Learn to block blows. Removing enemy blows, called repulsing - the simplest way block a blow. There are also more advanced techniques in boxing:

    • Sleeping: If your opponent is aiming for the head, turn your hips and shoulders sharply.
    • Slopes and dives: If your opponent intends to throw an overhead punch (such as a hook to the head), bend your legs (dive) and then arch your body so that it is out of reach (just out of range (dive).
  • Learn to take the blow. If you box, try using a block that absorbs the impact through your gloves rather than your body.

    Find a sparring partner. This will help you prepare for real fights, improve your reflex speed, develop hand-eye coordination, and gain a comfortable position in the ring. Make sure your sparring partner is better than you; It will be possible to achieve something more only by overcoming obstacles.

    Develop a winning position. We often wonder how professional athletes who have trained so much and have years of practice behind them can fight so unsuccessfully in the ring. The answer is simple - competition depends not so much on physical preparation, but on mental attitude. To get the right position in the ring, train until your body has learned all the movements so well that you can concentrate all your attention on your opponent; listen to music during your workout that gets you going; learn to view pain as a step towards victory; imagine yourself attacking, defending and winning; The most important thing is to love the fight.

    The content of the article:

    To achieve success in any business, you need to put in a lot of effort. Having chosen your life path, a person must constantly learn and gain experience. Unfortunately, not everything in life is so simple and you often have to fight for your happiness. Surely every man wants to know how to learn to fight at home. This is exactly what we will talk about today.

    Physical training at home

    Anyone who wants to know how to learn to fight at home needs to start with the simplest thing - physical training. First of all, you must get your body in order. Agree, without sufficient physical training it is difficult to count on success in a fight. In addition, you need to pay a lot of attention to stretching.

    However, strength alone is often not enough; you must be resilient enough. For development physical parameters you should start lifting and dumbbells will be enough at home. If in addition to them you also have a barbell, then you will be able to progress much faster. However, remember that your classes must be regular or you will not have to count on success.

    Where can you learn to fight?

    If you have the opportunity to enroll in sports section, then under the supervision of an experienced mentor you will be able to achieve your goal much faster. Now we will look at the advantages and disadvantages of the main combat sports, and you should choose the most suitable type.
    1. Boxing. In this sport, the main emphasis is on good physical fitness. By practicing boxing, you can increase strength and endurance, as well as improve your reaction time. Power training in boxing, as a rule, they are performed on parallel bars, with a barbell and dumbbells. To set up and practice a punch, punching bags or a bag are used. Note that in the boxing section they will not only teach you how to fight, but will also make you stronger.
    2. Freestyle wrestling. This is a great form of self-defense that is suitable for all beginners. By practicing freestyle wrestling, you can improve your agility and flexibility of movements. Also during training, great importance is given to strengthening the ligamentous-articular apparatus and muscle elasticity.
    3. Kickboxing. If in boxing they teach you to fight only with your hands, then kickboxers actively use their legs. This fact also predetermines the features training process, which is aimed at stretching muscles, as well as practicing kicks and punches. The technique of using legs in kickboxing is very diverse and is most often aimed at disabling the opponent’s thigh muscles. Agree that an enemy who has lost mobility becomes not as dangerous as before.
    4. Judo. This type of martial arts is perfect for those who do not have the physique of an epic hero. In judo the main determining factor is not at all physical strength, and dexterity and correct technique all movements.
    In addition to the above listed types of martial arts, there are other sections, for example, karate or aikido. All of them will be able to help you master the art of combat, and you will definitely be able to stand up for yourself and your loved ones.

    How to learn to suppress fear in a fight?

    Fear can be a serious obstacle to winning a fight. In all sections of combat sports, great attention is paid to this aspect. Pay attention to how at competitions the coach inspires something in his ward. If you decide to find out how to learn to fight at home, but at the same time consider fear to be your most serious drawback, then this is not so.

    Fear is a normal feeling for any living creature, thanks to which people survive. Anyone, even the most famous fighter, experiences fear before a fight, because it is impossible to get rid of this feeling, but it is necessary to learn to control it. To do this, you must be confident in your own abilities, which is only possible through regular training.

    The moment you feel that the force of the blow and its technique are at high level, and it’s easy to control your body, then you will have this same confidence. However, fear will still remain, but you will be able to control it and it will not be a serious hindrance to you. If you want to know how to learn to fight at home, then start small and constantly improve. Remember, only regular classes can bring results.

    For our part, we can give several recommendations on how to learn to keep the feeling of fear under control:

    1. You must remember that life depends on your ability to fight. Fear will prevent you from winning and by starting to fight, you are protecting yourself and the people close to you.
    2. Often people feel fear because they are afraid of physical pain. You can trust us that it will pass quite quickly, but moral suffering will torment you for a long time.
    3. If the fear is caused by the fear of losing, then at this moment you should remember the folk eastern wisdom. It says that the most important victory for a person is victory over himself. It is better to lose than to look like cowards in the eyes of others and, first of all, yourself.
    4. If you are afraid to fight because of the opinions of others, then if there is no other way out, you should just forget about it.

    How to learn to fight: the psychology of a street fight

    Having decided to learn how to learn to fight at home, you should understand the main points of the psychology of a street fight. If you have a conflict on the street, it is important to choose the right tactics of behavior. In almost 90 percent of situations, it is incorrect behavior that predetermines defeat. A typical example of a conflict that arose on the street would be a shout - “Hey, come to me!” The victims in this case can be divided into two categories.
    1. Optimists. Such a person immediately begins to prepare himself for the fact that everything will work out without a fight and people just want to ask about something. Having calmly approached unfamiliar individuals, he immediately finds himself under psychological pressure. To begin with, you have already completed their first order, which indicates their advantage over you. In addition, seeing your depressed state and complete lack of readiness for a fight, strangers will quickly move on to physical actions if you refuse their offer. As a result, you will lose money and get injured.
    2. Speakers. Such people are confident that with the help of conversation they can put the enemy to flight. This is quite possible, but for this you need to have a certain level of physical fitness and know how to fight. If you do not have these traits, then the probability of defeat after the first blow is extremely high. In such a situation, the question seems quite reasonable: what to do in such a situation? If you hear a shout demanding that you approach unknown individuals, then you need to instantly assess the degree of threat to yourself. If it is high, then in a matter of seconds you should prepare yourself for the upcoming fight. In addition, you need to have a plan for your response. Very often, when they see an enemy ready for battle, attackers retreat.

    What to do if a fight cannot be avoided?

    If you understand that a fight cannot be avoided, then carefully watch your opponent’s torso and legs. Most often, before striking, the opponent takes the appropriate stance, with one leg in front and the arm pulled back to strike. Let's look at a few situations and your actions in them:
    1. The opponent pretended that he did not hear your answer and stands sideways to you, tilting his head, putting his ear forward. At this moment, his striking hand is located behind him, after which he strikes.
    2. During a conflict, the enemy actively gestures in front of your face, which is evidence of his aggressive actions. Strike first, as there is nothing left to lose.
    3. During a conversation, you are pushed in the torso, which serves as a signal for the start of a fight. By pushing you away from him, he will try to take a more comfortable position to strike. You should not push him back, but immediately attack first.
    4. Passions have become heated during the conversation, and the enemy begins to move in your direction. Suddenly he suddenly stops mid-step and takes a fighting stance and prepares to strike. In such a situation, you can use a fairly effective psychological technique - move slightly forward and stamp your foot.
    If you are sure that a fight cannot be avoided, then take off your watch, tie and unbutton your jacket. Try to speak in a confident voice in any situation, because no one likes pain and many attackers retreat when they see that they are ready to resist to the last. Look your opponent in the eye and show him that you are not afraid of him. Try to intimidate the enemy, for example, break a bottle and make a “rose”. Such aggressive behavior can frighten many people.

    If you want to know how to learn to fight at home, then it is not very easy to do, because you have to do it alone. Without regular sparring, it is extremely difficult to make significant progress. You can study video lessons on martial arts and even buy a punching bag. However, this will not provide an opportunity to fully prepare for a fight.

    Choose the type of martial arts that you like best and start studying it. However, you won’t be able to master martial arts techniques well using books or even video lessons. However, this does not mean that nothing should be done. In any case, you will be able to master some self-defense techniques. We also recommend studying at home not alone, but with friends.

    How to learn to fight and win in a fight: