Gymnastics for the neck exercises for treatment. Video: Shishonin’s therapeutic gymnastics. Neck stretching exercises

Osteochondrosis cervical region spine is a very common disease, accompanied by very unpleasant symptoms. Physical therapy is an excellent way to prevent and. It strengthens and at the same time stretches the neck muscles, helps them relax, and increases elasticity. Muscle spasm is one of the causes of pain.

Exercise therapy improves blood supply to the intervertebral discs and nerve roots emerging from the spine. Regular exercise increase overall vitality and provide good discipline. They also make it possible to influence the causative factor in the development of osteochondrosis - a sedentary lifestyle.

Those who have decided to take a closer look at their health are interested in learning how to properly prepare for therapeutic exercises and what exercises should not be done. We will also consider approximate complex exercises for the cervical spine.


Preparation for exercise therapy includes eliminating contraindications for performing exercises, selecting a suitable complex and becoming familiar with the rules for performing gymnastics.


  1. Exacerbation of osteochondrosis, accompanied by severe pain at rest.
  2. Instability of the cervical vertebrae, which causes circulatory disturbances in the vertebral arteries, and is clinically manifested by dizziness. Instability can also be seen on x-rays of the cervical spine.
  3. Any acute diseases and exacerbation of chronic processes.
  4. Severe course of chronic illnesses.
  5. Oncology.
  6. Thrombosis.
  7. Bleeding.
  8. Increased body temperature.
  9. High blood pressure.
  10. Poisoning.

The above are general information prohibition on physical exercise. All details will be determined by a specialist - a neurologist and exercise therapy doctor. To really achieve a positive result, you must go to see a doctor. You may need to undergo tests and have an x-ray taken of your spine.

A physical therapy doctor will help you choose a set of exercises that will be useful in a specific situation, depending on the stage of the disease, the presence or absence of an exacerbation, the presence of other diseases, the level of general physical training. There are special groups for therapeutic exercises, in which people with similar problems with the spine practice for a certain time. You can also practice at home. Everyone chooses an acceptable option for themselves.

Several rules for physical exercises on the neck muscles

Don't do it through pain. If further stretching of the muscles causes discomfort when reaching a certain position, the exercise should be completed here and moved on to the next one. Only slight discomfort during training is acceptable.

  1. If for some reason it is impossible to do a certain exercise, it is better to skip it.
  2. Movements should be smooth and slow without jerking.
  3. The load should increase gradually, and the exercises themselves should be performed according to the principle from simple to complex.
  4. You need to exercise regularly, at least 4 times a week, and preferably daily.
  5. Physical education is carried out in comfortable clothes, in a ventilated room at least 30 minutes after eating.

Having finished with the preparation, let's see what exercises can cause harm.

What exercises should you not do?

You should not do any exercise during an exacerbation of osteochondrosis if it leads to increased pain or a sharp deterioration in general well-being.

Weightlifting is prohibited. Exercises accompanied by heavy lifting can worsen the course of the disease and provoke an exacerbation.

If you have osteochondrosis of the spine, it is not recommended to run (especially on short distances), jumping, swinging, throwing and pushing movements (for example, shot put). They can have a negative impact on the spine. For those with osteochondrosis, it is better to avoid resting on the arms and hanging. Extreme care should be taken when working with gymnastic apparatus. If a person was involved in sports before problems with the spine were discovered, then the most good option This means, together with a physical therapy doctor, reviewing the entire workout and removing techniques that are dangerous for the spine. Now we get to the gymnastics itself. Next, we will consider what exercises should be performed for cervical osteochondrosis.

Basic course of exercises for the cervical spine

The cervical vertebrae have greater mobility compared to other parts of the spine. Therefore, they need to be given Special attention and regularly do the following set of exercises.

Exercise No. 1 – “Engage the neck with your hands”

This exercise is performed sitting or standing. Wrap your arms around your neck so that your thumbs are in front and your fingers are on the back. Here the arms should act as a collar for fixation, which is almost always used in the treatment of diseases localized in the cervical region. Place your fingers at the back immediately under the back of the head, and at the front at the angle of the lower jaw.

Having made the corset, start doing the exercises. To do this, bend to the sides. All movements are done slowly and held on the slope for a couple of seconds.

Then you need to lower your arms a little and do all the movements in the same way. Next, lower your arms even lower and bend over again.

TIP: the presented exercises can always be done during breaks at work if your activity is carried out while sitting at a desk and a computer in the office. With their help, you will significantly relax your neck muscles and eliminate pain.

Exercise No. 2 – “We lean on the table with our hands”

Stand with your back to the table and rest your palms on it.

Try to stretch your whole body up, tilting your head back a little. We linger in this position for a couple of seconds.

After the stretching has completed, squat down to the level that is possible for you. Having lowered yourself to the maximum possible squat, tilt your head forward. This will perfectly relieve tension from the neck muscles and eliminate pain.

TIP: The presented exercise is key and useful for shoulder girdle and lower neck. These areas are the most affected and stressed when working in an office on a computer. Therefore, this exercise must be performed every time during breaks, because this combination of tension and stretching of the muscles significantly helps in relaxation and eliminates pain.

Exercise No. 3 – “Pendulum with your head”

Sit on a chair and pick up a hardback book. Gently place it on your head at the crown area. Make sure the book is level on the top of your head so it doesn't fall.

Sit in a sitting position with a book on the top of your head for about 5 minutes (or less). Being in this position will allow the muscles and vertebrae of the neck to remember their correct position.

Next do next exercise: Apply pressure on your head with your hands. Your resistance should last no more than 20 seconds. The pressure on the head begins with a small load, then gradually increases it. At the end of the time, the load must be gradually reduced.

TIP: During long periods of time spent at the computer, the neck changes and eventually develops into a kyphotic deformity. To avoid such health problems, you should control the position of your head so that your ears should be in the same plane as your shoulders. This way you can achieve correct posture. The following are exercises that help achieve stronger muscles and healthy posture. When sitting at the computer, try to adhere to the above rule, lift your chin slightly and keep your neck straight.

Exercise No. 4 – “Bend your neck forward, offering resistance”

Take the necessary position - stand up straight or sit on a chair. Place the palm of your hand in the middle of your forehead.

Use your palm to press on your head, and, on the contrary, provide resistance with your palm. You must remain in this position for 20 seconds.

The second part of this exercise involves stretching the muscles. Here you should tilt your head back, place one hand under the back of your head, and the other on your forehead. Use both hands simultaneously on your supports. This way you can stretch the neck muscles that were tense before this exercise. This exercise is done for no more than 5 seconds; it should not cause pain.

Exercise No. 5 – “Extend the neck, offering resistance”

Take your starting position - stand up straight or sit on a chair and place one hand on the back of your head.

Apply pressure to the back of your head while resisting hand pressure. You should be in tension for no more than 20 seconds.

Continuing to press on the back of your head, tilt your head forward. This will stretch the cervical vertebrae and back muscles. All movements should not cause pain; during the stretching process, be in tension for no more than 5 seconds.

Exercise No. 6 – “Bend your neck to the side, offering resistance”

This exercise should be performed while sitting on a chair or standing upright. One palm should be placed on the side of the head.

Use your hand to adjust the position of the head, applying slight pressure. Continue resistance with your head for 20 seconds.

After applying pressure, begin stretching the muscles of the cervical spine. To do this, lower your head to the side, place one hand under your head, the other on your side. Apply each side to your surface. This way you can stretch the neck muscles and cervical vertebrae. The entire exercise should be done for no more than 5 seconds, monitor your condition. You should not experience any pain.

Repeat the exercise, changing hands and tilting your head to the other side.

Exercise No. 7 – “Turn your neck and head while offering resistance”

Sit on a chair or stand up straight - this is your starting position. Then place your hand on the side of your face near the chin and lower jaw.

Next, start doing the exercise. Press down on the surface with your hand and resist with your head. With this effect, it is necessary to clench your teeth tightly and not overdo it with pressure. The entire exercise should not last more than 20 seconds. Do several repetitions.

Then start stretching the muscles and vertebrae. Here you should also leave one hand in the area of ​​the chin, and place the second on the side of the back of the head. Lift your chin up a little and begin to turn your head towards the hand lying on the back of your head. Stretching does not exceed 5 seconds and does not cause pain or any other discomfort. Switch hands and repeat the movements several times. With this exercise you promote stretching posterior muscles neck and suboccipital region.

ADVICE: Similar exercises perfectly strengthen the muscles of the cervical region and contribute to the formation of correct posture. Also, with their help, you can quickly get rid of headaches, which often affects people whose position practically does not change during the day. These exercises can be performed as needed and anywhere.

Exercise No. 8 – “Palms on the temples”

Sit on a chair and place your hands on your temples with your fingers pointing up. Next, while inhaling, clench your teeth and tense your temporal muscles. Using your hands, pull up the skin at your temples. As you exhale, stop tension and pulling on the skin. Then, when repeating, do the same thing, only moving your palms up a little. These movements are repeated at least 5 times.

Exercise No. 9 “Fingers at the temples”

Take the starting position by sitting straight on a chair. Then press your palms to your cheekbones, first spreading your fingers. They should lie in the temple area.

Apply slight pressure with your fingers on the areas in contact with the skin and begin to slide them. At the same time as this kind of massage, tilt your head forward and backward.

Use your fingers to reach the top of your head and do not stop moving your head. This exercise must be done several times, but no more than 5 repetitions.

TIP: The exercises presented above are excellent for stretching the muscle membrane in the temple area. Thus, you increase blood flow to the head, which helps eliminate pain.

Take the starting position - to do this, either sit straight on a chair or stand with your back and neck straight. Place both hands on back surface neck.

Slowly begin to make movements reminiscent of sliding your palms along your neck. At the same time, it is necessary to make characteristic flexions of the head and neck. Actions should be done no more than 5 times. With this movement you can feel a sense of lightness and freedom.

Sit on a chair or stand up straight. Place your palms in the chest area, just below the larynx area.

Do breathing exercise while simultaneously pressing your hands on your chest. To do this, take a breath, hold your breath a little, literally for a few seconds, and then, as you exhale, begin to use your hands. With each repetition you need to lower your arms down a little. In women, the mammary glands become the maximum point. With the help of the presented exercise you can achieve lightness in the chest area.

Take your starting position - sitting on a chair or standing with your back straight. Place both hands on the back of your head. Next, apply slight pressure on the occipital region, resisting the impact

After repeating several times, begin stretching the muscles and cervical vertebrae. To do this, place one hand on the side of your neck so that your fingers can reach the seventh cervical vertebra, which is a small tubercle in the area of ​​the lower neck. Perform several movements reminiscent of sliding. At the same time, tilt your head and neck forward and back. Perform a similar stretch on both sides. Do several repetitions.

TIP: The presented exercises have a healing and relaxing effect on the muscles attached to the spinous process. Due to constantly being in one position at work, a person may experience severe pain in the area of ​​the seventh cervical vertebra. And these exercises will help relieve spasms and improve blood circulation, which normalizes the proper functioning of the brain.

Read more about cervical traction

Since all people on Earth have different builds and heights, they have corresponding differences in the length of the cervical spine. Many people don’t even realize that it is because of problems with the cervical vertebrae that they can experience severe headaches. But these vertebrae are very mobile and very often various problems can arise with them.

These vertebrae contain the vertebral artery, which is located close to the lateral surface of the vertebrae and rises to the brain. Its close location to the vertebrae can play a cruel joke at any moment. So, for example, if a person experiences any inflammation or the formation of a hernia, the vertebral artery experiences severe pain due to the resulting spasm.

Symptoms in humans include tinnitus and dizziness. Often the noise occurs as a result of a sharp turn or after throwing back the head. As a result of spasm, a characteristic disturbance of blood flow in the vessels occurs.

Many people do not believe the fact that a person is slightly taller in the morning than in the evening. This phenomenon is caused by different heights of the intervertebral discs, which affects the mobility of the cervical spine. In the evening, the head, which weighs at least 5 kg, exerts strong pressure and the distance decreases. Therefore, stretching the spine during the day is important and beneficial. It must be done at work or at home at least once a day. Here you can use various devices, such as loops or weights.

You should know and remember that such devices can also cause pain, so they should be used with caution and only on the advice of your doctor. Such spinal traction is difficult to control for older people who have already lost the elasticity of their vertebrae due to age. During traction, they need to carefully control their sensations and regulate the degree of load on the vertebrae.

For older people, traction of 1 mm may be sufficient. If the condition improves, that is, the pain is eliminated, you can stop traction, since you have already significantly reduced the pressure of the vertebrae and normalized the tone of the blood vessels. Traction also has an excellent effect on improving venous outflow from the skull, as a result of which thinking improves and the brain begins to work better. You can also do some head movements while stretching. This will only improve the effect.

Traction of the cervical vertebrae can also be done in a lying position on your own. To do this, simply roll up a towel and place it as a cushion under your neck. This exercise is safer and should not cause pain.

Lie on your back and place a towel as a cushion under your lower back. Place your hands on your neck. Thumbs in this case they end up under the chin, and the rest are intertwined at the back of the head. Slightly bending your head, pull it with your hands up along the straight path of the spinal axis. You can also make not only bends, but also small turns to the sides.

Exercises should not exceed 20 seconds. Do several repetitions.

If you are an office employee or a driver, you can also do similar stretches while sitting without leaving your workplace. To do this, take an even position on a chair and stretch your neck upward.

Exercise No. 14 – “Neck traction by the lower jaw”

Take your starting position - sit on a chair or stand up straight. Open your mouth and place your fingers on the teeth of the lower jaw, and press the jaw from below with your thumbs. Pull your head forward by your jaw, stay in this position for a few seconds, and then return back. This stretching is done in several repetitions.

TIP: self-traction allows you to increase the width of the intervertebral discs by only a few millimeters, but this is always enough to increase and normalize blood flow. Such tractions should always be done during the occurrence of severe headaches and spasms of the muscles of the cervical spine.

The next few exercises must be performed on all fours.

Get on all fours and raise your head up so that your gaze should be directed upward.

In this position, you need to stay for a few seconds and return your head to its original position. Then begin to stretch the posterior muscles of the cervical spine. Lower your head down slowly and carefully so that there is no pain. You should also stay in this position. This exercise is repeated several times.

The starting position is the same, standing on all fours.

From this position, begin to turn your head to the sides. All movements are made slowly and carefully, without sudden impulses. They pause for a few seconds on each side.

Then also do an exercise to stretch your back muscles. Lower your head down and stay in this position for 30 seconds. Repeat the entire complex several times.

Exercise No. 17 – “Tilting the neck with the help of hands”

From this starting position, raise your head, bending slightly forward. Then go back. This exercise must be repeated at least 10 times.

Exercise No. 18 – “Neck turns with hands”

In the same position, place your hands under your neck and begin doing the exercises. To do this, tilt your head forward and turn it slightly to the side.

ADVICE: Never make sudden turns or tilts of your head when exercising or in everyday life. It is a common misconception that doing this will help eliminate pain. Often, the presented actions can only increase pain and aggravate inflammation. The placement of the hands in the above exercises can clearly control the position and movement of the neck to ensure safety.

Lie on your back and place a towel cushion under your lower back. Your arms should be slightly thrown back and hanging off the bed or couch. Place your hands under your head, slightly touching your neck.

Next, stretch the front muscles. Here you need to tilt your head back so that it hangs slightly off the bed or couch. Also stay in this position for a few seconds. The arms should be extended upward and spread to the sides.

This exercise must be repeated several times.

All of the above exercises must be done regularly for prevention and pain relief. Such measures will help to significantly save on medications during an exacerbation.

Considering that osteochondrosis is a long-term chronic disease quick results will not be. The first time it just won't get any worse. But this is already progress! Then the pain will gradually decrease and the frequency of exacerbations will decrease. Much depends on the severity of the disease. The first results should be expected only after 2-3 months and this is normal.

The blood supply to the spine will gradually improve and muscle spasms will go away. At first, the changes occur at the microscopic level and will not be felt yet. It is important to exercise systematically and improvement in well-being will not take long to arrive.

Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine is one of the most dangerous diseases, which can lead to irreversible changes in the vertebral discs and cause disability.

The cervical region contains important blood vessels that supply the brain; nerve endings responsible for the motor functions of the forelimbs are located here.

The disease is characterized not only by a significant deterioration in the quality of life and severe headaches, but also by numbness of the hands during sleep.

Headaches and numbness of the hands are symptoms of cervical osteochondrosis

To treat osteochondrosis, various methods are used depending on the cause and clinical picture of the disease. Therapeutic exercise, gymnastics, massage and self-massage play a positive role in the effectiveness of drug treatment. The main caution is that you can exercise only during a period of stable remission and after consultation with your doctor.

As mentioned above, physiotherapy and massage will be most effective only in combination with other types of treatment for the disease. In addition, several general conditions must be met:

  • before starting, you should consult with your doctor and together with him choose the optimal set of exercises, their duration and frequency;

  • regularity. Most types of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine are irreversible. This means that the exercises need to be done regularly and for a very long period of time;

  • increased pain serves as a signal to temporarily stop exercising.

Gymnastic exercises can be used not only during the treatment of an illness, but also to prevent it. Medicine strongly advises people who lead a sedentary lifestyle or have sedentary work. Preventing a disease is much easier and simpler than treating it.

It is recommended, if possible, to repeat the simplest exercises several times during the day. Full complex Exercises can be divided into stages and done in parts over several hours. Such actions significantly increase the effectiveness of therapeutic or preventive gymnastics.

Exercises recommended for performing during remission of the disease

During this period, you need to be very careful when developing exercises, perform them as gently as possible, and avoid excessive stress and resumption of pain. It is better to do therapeutic exercises while sitting - relaxation of the back muscles is achieved, which is extremely important.

Each movement should be performed 10÷20 times. If possible, it is recommended to increase the duration to two minutes for each exercise.

In the first days of doing the exercises, you can hear characteristic cracking sounds in the cervical vertebrae. This is normal; after a few days of constant practice, the sounds will stop. A slight crunching sound indicates spasms of the vertebrae, in healthy spine it shouldn't exist.

If the patient’s condition is so severe that it does not allow him to do exercises standing or sitting, then a set of movements should be performed in a lying position. You need to lie down on a flat, hard surface, with your arms always along your body. The number of repetitions is no more than ten; each exercise should not take more than one minute.

It is recommended to repeat these steps until a lasting positive effect is obtained, and then move on to the more complex complex described above. As a result of gymnastics, blood circulation in the cervical vertebrae will significantly improve, and their motor capabilities will begin to be restored. This will allow you to easily perform more complex complexes with increased physical activity.

If during therapeutic exercises a deterioration in the patient’s condition is detected, then the exercises should be stopped. Treatment continues with the usual medications after the condition improves. physiotherapy may be renewed.

Video - Exercises for cervical osteochondrosis

Exercises recommended for performance during the chronic course of the disease and for prevention

Gymnastics can be done lying down, sitting or standing, the back is straight, the neck muscles are relaxed.

  1. Lying on your stomach, push up from the floor, bend back and turn your head left/right. Try to see the left and right heels of your feet in turn. At first it will be difficult to do this, but after one or two weeks of constant training there will be a noticeable positive effect. Repeat the exercise 10÷20 times.

  2. Starting position: lying on your back, clasp your hands behind your head. Raise your straight legs up to a vertical position and at the same time try to touch your chest with your chin.

    The exercise should be done while exhaling through the nose. Pull your socks towards you, raise your legs to a vertical position. If it is difficult to perform such movements, raise your legs 15÷20°. Lower your head first and then your legs. The number of repetitions is from ten to twenty.

  3. Sitting or standing position, chin pressed to chest.

    Without lifting your chin, roll it from one shoulder to the other, repeat the exercise 10–20 times. Make the last two/three movements while exhaling, helping with your hand and trying to look behind your back. Do not do it sudden movements, do not try to turn your head too much with your hands. During runtime this exercise sometimes you can hear a characteristic click in the cervical vertebrae, indicating the removal of the block. In a few days regular classes Clicking in the cervical spine should disappear, which will indicate a significant improvement in its condition.

  4. Starting position: the right palm is pressed to the head, the left hand holds the right elbow. Turn your head towards your right shoulder and press it with your right palm. Slowly return your head to the starting position, applying increasing resistance with your right hand, then freely turn your head to the left. The number of repetitions is 10÷20, then change the position of your hands and do the same in the opposite direction.

  5. Place your head on your right shoulder and press it with your right hand.

    Slowly raise your head to a vertical position, applying increasing resistance with your hand. Change the position of your hand and tilt your head to the other side. Number of repetitions 10÷20 times. It should be borne in mind that at first it will not be possible to tilt your head close to your shoulder; the amplitude of the tilt will increase gradually as the mobility of the vertebrae is restored.

  6. Place the fingers of your right hand on the sixth and seventh processes of the cervical vertebra, press them with your left palm. Tilt your head back, simultaneously pressing on the sixth and seventh vertebrae. Make five or six movements, remove left hand and repeat turning your head to the left four to five times. Switch hands and repeat the same to the right.

  7. Place the palms of your hands on your face, fingers should cover your forehead. As you tilt your head forward/backward, press your palms onto your face with increasing force. For the first few days, you should apply pressure on your face only when tilting your head to your chest; later, efforts can be made when moving in both directions. Repeat the exercise ten times.

You need to understand that pathological changes in the cervical spine have occurred for several years; it is impossible to return it to its original state in a few days of training. You should be persistent and patient, regular exercise will make your neck flexible and healthy, blood supply will be completely restored, headaches and numbness in your hands will disappear. The more regularly the exercises are performed, the more noticeable the final positive effect.

Video - Exercises for prevention

Self-massage for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine

Can be done as independent procedures or after a complex gymnastic exercises. It is better to perform the procedures while sitting, with a straight back and relaxed muscles. Stroking, kneading and shaking movements are performed, increasing pain is not allowed. A preliminary consultation with a doctor is required.

All techniques should be repeated 5-7 times, finishing the massage by repeated rubbing and stroking the cervical spine. Stroking should be done with slight pressure with a full hand; movements can be performed in different directions. Encircling stroking is not recommended due to the effect on large areas of the cervical spine.

Video – Self-massage of the neck

Should only be performed by a specialist with medical education, otherwise your health may worsen.

The neck should be massaged on both sides by stroking, squeezing and kneading. Single, circular double and circular movements are used with the phalanges of the bent fingers of both hands. Flat rubbing of the vertebral muscles is performed with the pads of the thumbs; during circular rubbing, the phalanges of the four fingers of each hand should work.

The effectiveness of massage depends on the skill of the massage therapist, the severity of the disease and the duration of the course.

To enhance the effect, the use of medicinal ointments and gels is allowed. The ingredients included in the ointments can have a decongestant or anti-inflammatory effect, improve blood flow and relieve pain in inflamed areas.

It is forbidden to massage during acute periods of the disease, thrombosis, atherosclerosis of peripheral vessels, mental disorders and some skin diseases. The attending physician prescribes massage; the patient must inform him of any changes in well-being.

Therapeutic massage can be local or general; it is widely used during joint diseases as one of complex methods treatment of the disease. In combination with the correct scheme drug therapy and therapeutic exercises gives a tangible positive effect.

Recently, reflex massage of the Zakharyin-Ged zones has been often used. The purpose of influence is to find and provide positive influence to individual reflex zones on the surface of the skin. Performed only by the most experienced massage therapists with extensive practical experience and deep theoretical knowledge.

For osteochondrosis, it is allowed to use only manual massage, exposure to various electrical devices is not allowed.

The total duration of the procedures should not exceed 25 minutes; the number of sessions is determined by the attending physician and can be adjusted depending on changes in the patient’s well-being.

Four simple exercises, which are easy to do at any age, practically work wonders. By doing gymnastics regularly, you will normalize sleep, tighten the skin of your neck and chin, remove the “widow’s hump,” and get rid of pain in the cervical spine.

Cervical osteochondrosis is a problem that worries many. Discomfort in the neck area is accompanied by a headache, which is sometimes so severe that it cannot be relieved with analgesics. The whole point is the deterioration of blood circulation, which occurs as a result of curvature of the cervical vertebrae. Special gymnastics will help restore health to the spine.

Gymnastics for the neck - exercises that work wonders

Just four simple exercises that need to be repeated every day can significantly reduce the curvature of the cervical vertebrae within a month. The same gymnastics is excellent and is recommended for everyone who spends most of their time in a sitting position.

Neck exercises relieve tension and help keep muscles toned. It is from the cervical and shoulder muscles The condition of the cervical spine and posture depend.

Exercises to strengthen the neck muscles

  1. Stand up straight and straighten your back. If it’s difficult to keep your back straight at first, do the exercise leaning against the wall. The top of the head should look up. This is the starting position. Clasp your hands. Place your palms on the top of your head and tilt your head forward slightly. Then try to return your head to its original position, providing resistance with your hands. Do the exercise for 30 seconds, then relax. Repeat. It is advisable to perform this exercise in front of a mirror at first to see how the neck muscles work.
  2. Get back to the starting position. Bring your left hand over your head and place it on your right ear. Bow your head towards your left shoulder. Try to return your head to its original position, resisting with your hand. Do the exercise for 30 seconds, then repeat on the left side of your neck. Then - again for the right and again for the left.
  3. Take a chair and sit on it, resting your hands on the seat. Keep your back straight. Then bend your spine toward the back of the chair, tilting your head as far back as possible. Sit in this position for 30 seconds. Return to the original position and perform the exercise a second time.
  4. Starting position: standing, as in the first two exercises. Turn your head as far to the left as your neck muscles allow. There may be some discomfort at first. Look over your shoulder. Count to 30 and turn your head forward. Repeat for the right side.

Isometric exercises for the neck - another magical gymnastics

Isometric exercises allow you to tense and strengthen muscles while they are completely immobile. Each exercise is performed for 10 seconds, repeated 5 times:

- Press firmly on your palm with your forehead, then with your right and left temples, then with the back of your head.

- Place your palm under your chin and press down on it, resisting with your chin.

- Lift your chin as high as possible and turn your head to the right and left as much as possible.

- Lower your chin to your neck and repeat the previous exercise.

- Move your head back a little, lower your shoulders. Try to touch your right ear to your right shoulder, and your left ear to your left.

How to help the cervical spine regain flexibility

Gymnastics for the neck is very effective, and in tandem with dietary supplements it is doubly effective. restores and strengthens the connective tissue that makes up the muscles and cervical vertebrae. Thanks to gymnastics, blood supply improves, and the amino acids into which collagen hydrolyzate breaks down quickly reach their target, namely the cervical spine, restoring damaged collagen fibers. The connective tissue of the spine and shoulder region is renewed, bones, ligaments, and joints are strengthened. The health of the spine is restored, the neck straightens, becomes beautiful and flexible.

Algorithm for exercises for neck muscles with a dumbbell plate:

  1. Lie face up on horizontal bench. The lower back and shoulder blades are pressed tightly to the surface.
  2. Position yourself so that your neck hangs over the edge of the bench.
  3. Place the dumbbell plate on your face, hold it with your hands and under no circumstances let go completely.
  4. Then slowly lift your chin up and return to the starting position.

Before performing this exercise, you should consult a sports physician or podiatrist. In some cases, it can provoke an exacerbation of osteochondrosis and spondylosis.

at home

The most popular is Shishonin’s neck gymnastics without music. It will be described in the next section. Here is a simple complex that takes only ten minutes and is completely safe:

  1. The back is straight, legs are shoulder-width apart, hands are on the belt. Make nodding movements with your head, trying to reach your chin to your sternum. Do it ten times.
  2. The starting position is the same. Bend your head, trying to alternately reach your left ear to your left shoulder and vice versa. Perform ten times in each direction.
  3. Circular rotations The head should be performed slowly, ten times in each direction.
  4. Resting your palms on your forehead, try to overcome the resistance and reach your chin to your sternum.
  5. Resting your hands on the back of your head, create noticeable resistance and try to tilt your head back.

Shishonin neck gymnastics

You can also practice without music. Shishonin is a young doctor who developed effective complex exercises for hypertension. Description complete gymnastics for the neck Shishonina involves performing it on a daily basis, with the number of repetitions of each movement from 3 to 5 times.

  1. "Metronome" is the first exercise. Standing straight on your feet, your back relaxed and straight, move your head forward and backward, then left and right.
  2. “Goose” - tilt your head as far forward as possible, while trying to describe an arc-shaped trajectory in the air.
  3. "Spring" is static exercise. Press your chin to your sternum and freeze for a few seconds, then smoothly return to the starting position.
  4. “Looking at the sky” improves blood circulation in the occipital region. Look forward, then try to turn your head as far as possible right side. Looking up, stop for ten to thirty seconds.
  5. “Frame” - this exercise will help stretch the trapezius muscle. Right hand put on left shoulder. Turn your head to the right side. Keep your elbow parallel to the floor. Freeze in this static position for ten to thirty minutes.
  6. "Fakir" - an exercise for pectoral muscles. Join your palms and raise them above your head. Movements are made alternately left and right, freeze at each extreme point for ten to twenty seconds.

Results of regular exercise

The reward for a patient patient who performs the exercises daily for at least one month will be the following:

  • Vision clarity will improve.
  • Blood pressure is normalized.
  • Cerebral circulation will be restored.
  • It will become easier to fall asleep and wake up in the morning.
  • Anxiety and irritability will decrease.
  • Neck pain will become less intense.
  • Overall performance will improve.

Vitamin and mineral complexes for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine

In parallel with performing gymnastics for the neck (without music or with it - it does not matter), it is useful to take a course of drugs high in B vitamins:

  1. "Pentovit" is a tablet preparation that contains pyridoxine and thiamine hydrochloride. Improves the condition of blood vessels and neurons, increases efficiency, normalizes sleep, stops hair loss and improves skin condition. Indicated for chronic osteochondrosis of the cervical spine.
  2. "Neuromultivit" contains pyridoxine, cyanocobalamin and thiamine. It has two forms of release - ampoules with liquid for injection and tablets for oral administration. It is better absorbed when administered intramuscularly, like any B vitamins, in the form of hydrochloride.
  3. "Combilipen" is another option for B vitamins in liquid form for intramuscular or intravenous administration. Improves cerebral circulation and helps reduce the intensity of symptoms of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine.
  4. Nicotinic acid in tablets perfectly improves blood circulation, promoting a rush of blood to the face and head. At first, you should take the minimum dosage, as urticaria and hyperemia may occur.

Medical advice: how to maintain the health of the cervical spine

To ensure that neck gymnastics is not needed, it is enough to follow the following simple rules:

  • at least three to four times a week, devote an hour to an hour and a half to any moderate physical activity;
  • avoid physical fatigue;
  • avoid hypothermia of the head, lower back, feet;
  • stop smoking (extremely negatively affects the blood vessels of the brain and blood circulation);
  • try to sleep at least eight hours a day;
  • do not sit for more than ten minutes in one position;
  • When working at a computer, try to save correct posture and don't tilt your head too low.

To prevent neck problems, you should include the exercises described above in your sports warm-up as a preventive measure. In order to strengthen blood vessels and normalize blood circulation in the brain, you should inject intramuscularly a couple of times a year or take B vitamin tablets.

Do you want to cure cervical osteochondrosis? Exercise is a simple and effective solution.

People who lead a sedentary and passive lifestyle eventually realize that osteochondrosis has quietly crept up on them. The causes of osteochondrosis are inactivity of the muscles of the back and neck, which causes them to weaken. Spinal discs left without muscle support are heavily loaded. Constantly sedentary image life, incorrect posture leads to deformation of the vertebral discs. Deformed spinal discs pinch nerve endings. As a result, a person feels pain in the back and cervical spine.

Benefits of exercise

As noted above, the causes of osteochondrosis are a sedentary lifestyle, weakening muscle corset and curvature of the spine. On initial stages illnesses physical exercise will stop its further development. Thanks to regular physical activity blood circulation improves, the muscles of the spine and cervical spine are toned, the load on the spine is reduced, the distance between the spinal discs increases, the friction between the spinal discs decreases, and accordingly the frequency of pain decreases.

And if the disease has developed to the point where frequent severe pain is felt, you need to consult a specialist. He will establish an accurate diagnosis, the extent of the disease, prescribe a course of treatment and massage. After completing the course of treatment, you will be prescribed therapeutic exercises, which you can do independently at home. This will allow you to forget about the disease.

Exercises must be chosen wisely and performed in doses. Otherwise, there is a risk of worsening your health.

Before you start exercising, you need to familiarize yourself with useful tips.

  1. A set of exercises should be performed regularly, regardless of location: study, work, home, etc. At first, to speed up progress, you should do the exercises every day. And in the future, when the condition improves, you can exercise 2 – 3 days a week to maintain the result;
  2. If you feel pain or stiffness, this is a signal that it’s time to move a little. In this case, you need to get up, walk around, stretch, and perform exercises against osteochondrosis. You can take a short walk;
  3. You should constantly make the task more difficult. You can add other exercises to the complex or increase the number of repetitions;
  4. Exercising regularly is, of course, good, but don’t forget about how you feel. If during exercise you feel severe pain in the cervical spine, you need to stop exercising;
  5. To increase the effectiveness of treatment, you can go for a massage and take a contrast shower more often. These procedures promote additional muscle relaxation;
  6. Exercises should be performed while maintaining a straight posture and paying attention to the execution technique. It will be a little difficult at first, but thanks correct execution the muscles will get stronger and it will be easier to exercise.

Set of exercises (warm-up)

Before you start doing the exercises, you should definitely start with a warm-up:

  1. You need to stand up straight, place your feet shoulder-width apart, take deep breaths and exhale several times. After which, you need to perform careful tilts to the right, left, forward, backward. Bend back should be done carefully, without causing pain. If bending back causes pain, then you can refuse to perform them.
  2. The next warm-up is turning your head right and left to the limit. Despite its simplicity, this exercise can cause difficulty for those people whose cervical spine does not allow them to completely turn their head in one direction or another. In such cases, turning your head should not cause pain. The exercise should be performed smoothly, without sudden movements.
  3. Finally, stand up straight, stretch your shoulders back, squeeze your shoulder blades together, stick out chest. Then mix shoulder joints, round your back. The exercise should be done slowly, smoothly, while inhaling and exhaling.

Types of exercises

This gymnastics, consisting of a set of exercises, is not difficult. You can perform them at home, standing or sitting. The most important thing is to keep your spine straight and relax your shoulders. But it is preferable to perform them standing, since in this position the spine is straightened as much as possible.

Gymnastics No. 1

Pressure on hands with head forward. Hands should be clasped and placed on the forehead. Hands clasped press the head back, and the head should resist and press the hands forward. The neck should tense. You need to stay in this position for 15 – 20 seconds. Then place one hand on the back of your neck and tilt your head back. At the same time, the working neck muscles are stretched. This exercise is useful for strengthening the neck muscles, which helps ease cervical osteochondrosis.

Gymnastics No. 2

Hand pressure on the back of the head. In this exercise you need to clasp your hands and place them like this on the back of your head. Then put pressure on the back of your head with your hands, and your head should resist the hands. Duration – 15 – 20 seconds. In this case, the muscles of the cervical spine become tense. This exercise can be combined with the first for a harmonious workout.

Gymnastics No. 3

Tilt your head to the sides. In this exercise, place your right (left) palm on your ear. You need to try to reach the right (left) shoulder with your head, and resist with your working hand. You need to stay in this position for 15–20 seconds. Then perform the same tilt in the other direction.

Gymnastics No. 4

Turn your head to the sides. This exercise requires you to turn your head to the sides. To do this, place your right (left) palm on your right (left) cheek. Turn your head to the right (left), and the working hand offers resistance. You need to stay in each position for 15–20 seconds.

Gymnastics No. 5

Hand stretching of the neck. Performing this exercise may be difficult at first, but over time you can get used to it. Place your thumbs on the lower jaw, and with the rest of your fingers cover the back of your head. In this position, pull your head up, you can perform rocking movements. That is, to imitate an attempt to pull a cork out of a bottle. You cannot turn your head, it must look straight. The duration of the exercise is 15–20 seconds. The exercise should be repeated several times.

Gymnastics No. 6

Stand up straight and spread your arms to the sides. The hands should be relaxed. Rotate the right and left shoulder joints in turn, then simultaneously. The body should be tilted forward. It is necessary to perform the exercise for each shoulder for 1 minute. This exercise is recommended for those who feel tension in the shoulder area.

Gymnastics No. 7

Rolling your head. In this exercise, you need to turn your head towards your right (left) shoulder and tense your neck. Perform a head roll in both directions. At the end of the repetition, the head should be turned to the other shoulder. Try to move your shoulder blades back. Perform the exercise carefully; head movement must be controlled throughout the entire exercise. In case of discomfort, you can simply turn your head to the sides. The exercise should be repeated 10 - 12 times.

This is a whole set of exercises aimed at preventing osteochondrosis of the cervical spine. It is not necessary to perform all the exercises, you can only choose those that do not cause discomfort and pain. Office workers It is recommended to sit up straight while working. Additionally, you can do hangs on the horizontal bar in the morning. This will stretch the spine and give the body vigor. Swimming lessons, figure skating, dancing, aerobics also help prevent osteochondrosis and speed up the treatment process. If the exercises are regular, and the person himself becomes more mobile, then you can get rid of pain in the muscles and bones of the cervical region.