Genetic selection. The most pressing problems of sports genetics Genetically determined risk factors in sports

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Genetics in sports


Is there a hereditary predisposition to sports achievements? This question is answered by sports genetics - a branch of genetics that studies the human genome in the aspect of physical (in particular, sports) activity. The term “genetics of physical (or motor) activity” was first proposed by Claude Bouchard in 1983. Then he published two reviews in one issue of the journal “Exercise and Sport Science reviews”, where he presented generalizing facts, firstly, about individual differences in response to physical activity, and secondly, about the heritability of many physical, physiological and biochemical qualities involved in the process of physical activity.

Here are some facts indicating the relevance of the issue under consideration:

* Scientists working with the British Olympic team have discovered that some of the athletes have a genetic predisposition to injury;

* In 50% of cases, children of outstanding athletes have pronounced athletic ability; if both parents are athletes, then in 70% of cases. The type of inheritance of sports indicators is dominant;

* The Wingate Institute (Israel) studied 155 professional runners and found that 80% of those who perform in endurance events (such as long distance running and marathon) best results, have certain variations in the NRF2 gene. Among sprinters, only 46% are carriers of such variations;

* Numerous studies conducted in recent decades, in particular in football, indicate the great influence of the genetic constitution on the formation of an athlete’s phenotype, as a set of properties of his body, formed under the influence of heredity and the external environment.

These facts give grounds to assert that people with a special genotype have a greater chance of becoming outstanding athletes. Is it so?

Main part

In the late 1980s, within the framework of the Human Genome Project, data began to appear on genes associated with the manifestation and development of physical qualities person. As of 2009, marker genes physical activity 239 human genes have already been discovered, and progress in the discovery of new genes is obvious.

The very first works in Russia on the study of the hereditary predisposition of athletes to physical activity were started in 1999 at the St. Petersburg Research Institute physical culture, under the guidance of Professor V.A. Rogozkina. Thanks to this, in Russia and abroad, all highly qualified specialists in the field of physical culture and sports have become well aware that a person’s predisposition to perform muscular activities of various directions is genetically programmed. It should be noted that a discrepancy between the level of physical activity and the genetic predisposition of an athlete can lead to a slowdown in the growth of his athletic performance and even to a deterioration in his health.

In February 2001, two of the most authoritative scientific journals in the world, Nature and Science, published reports from two scientific groups that deciphered the human genome. The journal Nature dated February 12, 2001 provides detailed data on the structure of the human genome obtained by an international consortium led by Francis Collins, in which scientists from England, Germany, China, the USA, France and Japan worked as part of the international Human Genome program with attracting government funding. This group identified special markers in DNA, easily recognizable areas, and used them to determine the nucleotide sequences of the human genome.

Due to the fact that many genes have been identified, a new direction is gradually emerging, which can be attributed to functional genomics, since it reveals connections between the activity of individual genes and various human functions. Among them, an important place is occupied by identifying the connection of specific genes with the development of human motor function.

Thus, in the course of research, various forms of the same gene (alleles) were identified that are associated with the characteristics of carbohydrate or lipid metabolism and, accordingly, determine the susceptibility of the athlete’s body to aerobic (endurance sports) or anaerobic (speed-strength sports) character) energy supply mechanisms.

Playing football, for example, develops the quality of strength, but not so much static, but so-called “explosive” strength, which is especially important for the development speed-strength abilities. The physical quality of strength depends quite noticeably on innate human characteristics. The development of maximum static strength is determined by 55% by heredity and 45% by environmental influences, i.e. various external influences throughout life, including training influences. The development of explosive strength depends to an even greater extent on the genetic factor, where approximately 68% of this indicator is determined by heritability, and only 32% can be subject to changes under the influence of targeted training and other environmental influences.

The manifestations of genetic influences depend on age (they are more pronounced in young players) and work power (they increase with increasing work power). Having reached maximum values ​​by the age of 20, muscle strength begins to decline at the age of 45 years and older, and speed-strength capabilities deteriorate from the age of 35. Morphological parameters are also most susceptible to hereditary influence. The hereditary dependence is especially pronounced in the longitudinal dimensions of a football player’s body and much less so in the volumetric dimensions.

There are also alleles that limit physical activity human by reducing or increasing the intensity of gene inclusion. The consequence of such a restriction, at best, is the cessation of growth in athletic performance, and at worst, the development of pathological conditions, for example, excessive hypertrophy of the left ventricular myocardium.

The connection between success in sports and the carriage of a high number of gene variants favoring a certain type sports activities, has been assumed for a long time, but was confirmed only after a large-scale multi-year study by St. Petersburg scientists from the Laboratory of Sports Genetics of the St. Petersburg Scientific Research Institute of Physical Culture and their colleagues from the Laboratory of Muscular Activity of the Institute of Medical and Biological Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 1423 people took part in this study Russian athlete of various specializations and qualifications (from dischargers to honored masters of sports) and 1132 people in the control group. Sports geneticists have studied the connection of 15 of the most well-known genetic markers with a predisposition to engage in sports aimed at developing endurance. It was found that the frequencies of 10 endurance alleles (NFATC4 Gly160, PPARA rs4253778 G, PPARD rs2016520 C, PPARGC1A Gly482, PPARGC1B 203Pro, PPP3R1 promoter 5I, TFAM 12Thr, UCP2 55Val, UCP3 rs1800849 T and VEGFA rs2 010963 C) significantly prevail in the group of athletes, training the quality of endurance (stayers) compared to the control group. Subsequently, all subjects were divided into two groups: with a low (up to 8) and high (from 9 or more) total number of endurance alleles. The percentage of carriers of a high number of endurance alleles significantly prevailed among highly qualified stayers compared to control (85.7% vs. 37.8%). In addition, in additional experiments, scientists discovered a positive correlation between the number of endurance alleles and percentage slow (fatigue resistant) muscle fibers in physically active men and aerobic performance in qualified academic rowers.

Thus, carrying 9 or more endurance alleles increases the chances of achieving outstanding results in endurance sports. The discovery of Russian scientists can significantly increase the efficiency of sports orientation and selection.

How can you use this data?

Employees of the Ural State University of Physical Culture (UralGUFK) are currently working on creating a set of genetic tests that can be used to identify the inclinations of a person to display certain physical qualities, such as speed, strength, and endurance.

Experts especially emphasize that we are not talking about identifying genes that determine the level of abilities of athletes. The study of the genome makes it possible to predict success or failure in a particular area of ​​a particular person, but it cannot be a reason for discrimination potential champions.

Already now, based on DNA tests, experts can recommend that parents send their children to certain sports, say, track racing. short distances or in weightlifting. The coach, knowing the genetic potential of the child, will purposefully select all training parameters. In other words, in our time, sports selection at the genetic level is real already at the birth of a child. Is it possible to put a cross on sports career an athlete if, according to the results of tests, his DNA does not correspond to the choice of sports activity? Of course, there are exceptions everywhere, and there are examples when such athletes became Olympic champions. However, this path of development is long, and a lot of effort will be required from the athlete to reach Olympus. But there is one thing. Interferes with sports selection medical aspect. A simple example: an athlete with the D/D genotype for the ACF gene (predisposition to sprinting and weightlifting) is professionally involved in middle-distance running or weight lifting (middle-distance running and kettlebell lifting Athletes with genotype I/I for the ACF gene are most predisposed). In addition to the fact that he will have problems developing endurance, his heart, which is not genetically adapted to endurance loads, will hypertrophy excessively (in athletes with the I/I genotype, hypertrophy will be moderate). As modern sports medicine postulates, excessive myocardial hypertrophy is one of the formidable risk factors for heart disease. An example of this is the early disability and premature death of some athletes.

However, things are somewhat more complicated than they seem at first glance. Behind the apparent simplicity of mathematical gene counting there are some actual problems, some of which we will discuss below.

The fact is that today there is still a significant difficulty in assessing the genetic predisposition of a child (adult) to perform a certain type of physical activity, which lies in the fact that any physical quality of a person is determined not by one gene, but a large number of polymorphic (diverse) genes.

In addition, almost no sign of our body depends only on genes. Lifestyle, environment, age, and the action of other genes contribute to its manifestation.

According to the leading researcher at the Institute of General Genetics. N.I. Vavilov RAS, Svetlana Borinskaya, for example, several factors influence the condition of bones. In some people, the lactase gene, which determines tolerance to dairy products, is not active. Variants of this gene affect bone structure. A person who cannot digest lactose stops drinking milk for this reason or drinks it less often and, as a result, does not receive enough calcium. But in the West this is not a problem, since people there take supplements that prevent the development of osteoporosis, that is, brittle bones. The condition of bones depends, among other things, on physical activity. If you lead a sedentary lifestyle, but eat right, your bones will still not be strong, since they are designed to withstand constant loads, but not overload.

Scientists have proven that human health depends only 10-15% on the activities of healthcare institutions, 15-20% on genetic factors, 20-25% on environmental conditions, and 50-55% on conditions and lifestyle.

With the rapid increase in the number of genes-markers of human physical activity, it becomes more and more obvious lack of data about the functions of genes and, above all, about the functional significance of the polymorphisms that they contain. Research in this area requires attracting personnel and government funding.

Another problem of sports genetics is that it is not yet possible to accurately (or with a high degree of probability) measure using genetic tests. pageis, will, character of an athlete- qualities that make him successful.

But sports genetics does not stand still. Abroad, coaches, together with specialists in sports genetics and medicine, have already developed approaches that can help improve the accuracy of genetic prognosis taking into account many factors. At the moment, everyone who deals with this problem notes that it is useful to have a set of gene markers indicating the genetic predisposition of a child (adult) to a certain type of muscular activity. In such children, the coach, guided by the results of their genetic analysis and performance, will be able to develop those skills more easily and quickly. motor qualities(speed, strength, endurance), which determine success in the chosen sport. At the same time, special attention is paid to compensation for those aspects of the child’s physical activity that have a less favorable genetic background. By creating optimal conditions for the development of skills and taking into account as many factors as possible, you can raise a real champion!

Thus, change of orientation And correct positioning This question will help avoid incorrect and unacceptable discrimination against children based on their genetic predisposition (or lack thereof) for certain sports. Understanding which aspects physical development children need special attention and compensation, can bring greater benefits to the development of a healthy and athletic nation than meager selection for the presence of certain genes.


genomics sports hereditary predisposition

Recently, scientists in the field of sports genetics are increasingly coming to the understanding that the main direction of research should be not so much the study of the molecular mechanisms of inheritance of sports inclinations, but rather the study of the ability to maintain the health of an athlete in the process of adapting his body to long-term, high-intensity physical activity.

Already now, DNA technologies in the field of physical culture and sports make it possible not only to identify an athlete’s hereditary predisposition to the development and manifestation of various physical qualities, but also to evaluate genetic risk factors for various pathological conditions and diseases of the cardiovascular, muscular, bone, immune and endocrine systems athlete; determine the characteristics of metabolism in the athlete’s body of various foods, biologically active additives, disruption of the detoxification processes of drugs and xenobiotics. All this makes it possible to increase the reliability and efficiency of the system of individual specialization and training of highly qualified athletes.

Development of specific training programs taking into account the individual characteristics of each athlete or group of athletes with genetic data will undoubtedly lead to their growth sporting achievements, will open up wide opportunities for further improvement. In our country, the joint work of employees of the laboratory of sports genetics of the Research Institute of Sports Genetics of the Ural State University of Physical Culture with coaches from the city of Chelyabinsk different types sports are carried out, but, unfortunately, only within the framework of one’s own initiative. For us, so far, a striking example in the implementation of the results of genetic research in sports is high achievements national teams of China and the USA.


1. Sports genetics. E.B. Sologub, V.A. Taymazov Moscow 2000.

2. Genetic markers physical performance person. V.A. Rogozkin.

3. Newspaper “RBC_daily_online”

4. Genetics of Fitness and Physical Performance. Bouchard C., Malina R.M., Perusse L. 1997. 408 pp.

5. Kholodov Zh.K., Kuznetsov V.S. Theory and methodology of physical education and sports.

6. Interview with Dmitry Dyatlov, Doctor of Biology, Professor, Vice-Rector for Research at the Ural State University of Physical Culture

7. Rogozkin V.A., Nazarov I.B., Kazakov V.I. Genetic markers of human physical performance // Theor. and practical physical cult., 2000, No. 12, p. 34-36.

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What is analyzed in a molecular genetic study?

The human genome consists of 3 billion nucleotides (letters). As a result of the international Human Genome Project, all human sequences were deciphered and about 22 thousand genes were discovered. Currently, the function of approximately 20 thousand genes is known. But how much does genetic information differ between people?

How do these differences manifest themselves in humans?

defines his appearance, gender, hereditary diseases (such as cystic fibrosis, hemophilia, phenylketonuria and others).

A set of genes for a specific person predisposes (when exposed to appropriate external factors such as upbringing, nutrition, bad habits, lifestyle) to certain character traits, abilities in various fields of activity, various diseases, success in sports, bad habits, etc.

Thus, by analyzing variations in genes whose functions are known, it is possible to determine a person’s propensity to play sports and predisposition to various diseases. You can also determine the type of sport in which you are more likely to achieve success, recommend a diet, and adjust training process, prevent certain diseases.

Currently, about 150 genes are known that are, to one degree or another, associated with sports activity. Replacing just one letter in a gene sequence (this is called SNP-single nucleotide polymorphism) can affect endurance, muscle strength, the speed of the athlete’s reaction, as well as increase the risk of various diseases, for example, cardiovascular, allergies and many others. Molecular research is aimed at studying such SNPs.

How is the analysis done?

Stage 1: Preliminary conversation with a geneticist. First, the geneticist collects the patient’s personal data, the results of laboratory and functional studies, interviews him about previous and existing diseases, and, based on the results of the conversation and questionnaire, determines the required range of genes for analysis.

Step 2: Blood or saliva collection. Typically, blood is taken from a vein for analysis. In some, buccal epithelium may be taken (scraping from inside cheeks) or saliva. What material was taken for research does not matter, since the genetic information is identical in every cell of our body.

Step 3: DNA analysis for various SNPs. DNA is isolated from the resulting material. Next, the isolated DNA is examined for the presence of various SNPs using the polymerase chain reaction method. This method is based on multiple increases in copies of the DNA region under study, followed by various techniques to visualize the SNP variant.

Stage 4: Interpretation of the result. Summarizing the questionnaire data, the results of genetic, laboratory and functional studies, the geneticist composes an athlete, which contains information about the detected SNPs and a detailed answer about the athlete’s inclinations to various types sports, risks of certain diseases, recommendations on diet and taking pharmacological medications.

Stage 5: Final conversation with a geneticist. During the conversation, he explains the results of molecular genetic research and gives appropriate recommendations.


Factors are any influence, influence or condition, the diversity of which, one way or another, can be reflected in the diversity of the resulting characteristic (Plokhinsky N.A., 1970). Among the risk factors, it is important to highlight those that primarily determine the occurrence of the disease. For a number of the most common chronic, non-epidemic diseases (cardiovascular, metabolic diseases, endocrine, some malignant tumors and other diseases), common or similar risk factors have been established, which makes it possible to build a unified strategy for their prevention and treatment. In almost all groups of risk factors, two aspects of consideration can be distinguished: 1. social, when social events can help reduce risk, 2. behavioral, when risk reduction depends on each person individually and his behavior.

The grouping of risk factors was proposed by Yu.P. Lisitsyn.

1 Group of factors - External environment, natural and climatic conditions.

These include: Air and water pollution with carcinogens, other air and water pollution, soil pollution. Abrupt changes in atmospheric phenomena, increased heliocosmic, magnetic and other radiation.

In fact, there are no diseases that are not directly or indirectly related to environmental influences. Research results have shown that changes in weather conditions and, above all, changes in atmospheric pressure have a significant impact on the frequency of exacerbations during a number of diseases. The strongest dependence was found in diseases of the respiratory system, and the determining factors in this case are low air humidity and temperature instability, especially in spring.

Many diseases have a pronounced geographical distribution. For example, malignant neoplasms of the skin, stomach, lungs and bronchi, blood and hematopoietic system, many infectious and parasitic diseases, collagenosis, etc.

The appearance and course of a number of diseases depend on the composition of microelements in soil and water. For example, there is evidence that artificial fluoridation of water can contribute to an increase in the incidence of malignant neoplasms, and excess sodium in drinking water can contribute to the development of hypertension, etc.

Anthropogenic (technogenic) The natural environment and, above all, pollution of atmospheric air and drinking water pose a serious threat to public health. Ambient air pollution has a particularly significant impact on changes in the health of children and adolescents, pregnant women, the elderly and people suffering from chronic diseases. Children living in contaminated areas have higher overall morbidity rates and higher rates of individual nosological forms. Carcinogens contained in atmospheric air pose a serious health hazard.

The impact of substances contaminating drinking water on public health is more complex and can lead to damage to various body systems. For example, when drinking water with a high concentration of cadmium, kidney stones, some liver diseases, anemia, malignant neoplasms of the kidneys, gastrointestinal tract, liver and other diseases can develop.

Soil contamination poses a threat to public health in three different aspects: 1) through direct contact, which is primarily manifested by microbial and helminth contamination of the soil, 2) when soil pollutants, including radioactive waste, enter groundwater and reservoirs used by for water supply to the population, 3) when accumulated in plants directly consumed as food, or indirectly through food products.

2 Group of factors - Social factors.

These include: Smoking, unbalanced diet, alcohol abuse, harmful working conditions, stress (distress), adynamia, physical inactivity. Poor living conditions, medication abuse, drug use. Fragility of families, loneliness. Excessively high level urbanization.

Mental tension, stress are considered the most universal factors and are often the causes of a wide variety of and, above all, neuropsychiatric diseases. Currently, the number of neuroses, neurosis-like conditions, mental disorders, etc. has sharply increased.

Not balanced enough nutrition affects primarily children, youth and pregnant women: somatic development suffers, immunity decreases, the frequency of various diseases increases, and there is an increase in mortality, including among children under 1 year of age.

Physical inactivity- is a risk factor for the development of various diseases of the joints, ligaments, spine, etc.

Group 3 of factors - Genetic risk factors.

Essentially all diseases can be divided into four groups:

1) hereditary (congenital) - chromosomal and genetic hereditary diseases (Down's disease, hemophilia, phenylketonuria);

2) hereditary, but arising under the influence of external factors - gout, some forms of diabetes, a number of mental disorders; for their manifestation and development, they require exposure to unfavorable factors - overeating, overwork, cooling, stress, etc.;

3) with a hereditary predisposition - usually include atherosclerosis, hypertension, coronary heart disease, tuberculosis, eczema, peptic ulcer, asthma and other diseases, the etiological factors of which are exposure to environmental risk factors, but the development, occurrence, severity of these diseases is largely degree depends on hereditary predisposition;

Many diseases have a hereditary nature or predisposition. Currently, about 3,000 hereditary diseases and genetically determined syndromes are known. Moreover, they relate to metabolism, the endocrine system, blood, nervous system, neuromuscular system, musculoskeletal system, heart and blood vessels, respiratory system, etc.

4 Group of factors – Healthcare

Here, risk factors include: ineffectiveness of preventive measures, poor quality of medical care, untimely medical care.

It is believed that reducing morbidity and mortality, improving the health of the population depend to a much greater extent on lifestyle than on specifically medical functions - treatment, medical prevention, medical rehabilitation.

There are many more risk factors for diseases and they act interconnectedly, which significantly increases their adverse effect on health. There are calculations of the combined effects of risk factors. For example, the influence of smoking increases the risk of mortality from coronary heart disease by approximately 3-3.5 times, the same effect from lipid metabolism disorders and arterial hypertension. The combined effect of these factors gives the risk of mortality from IHD 10 times greater in comparison with mortality from IHD in persons who do not have these risk factors.


Medical (preventive) activity is one of the most important criteria A healthy lifestyle is the degree to which medical knowledge is implemented in a person’s daily life. This is a complex indicator, the assessment of which takes into account the presence or absence of unhealthy habits, early contact with a doctor for preventive purposes, and compliance with medical recommendations.

Preventioncomponent medicine, including medical, sanitary, hygienic and socio-economic measures. The most important component of all preventive measures is the formation of medical and social activity among the population and attitudes towards healthy image life.

There are individual and public prevention, and depending on the state of health, the presence of risk factors for the disease or severe pathology, 3 types of prevention are considered.

1.Primary prevention is a system of measures to prevent the occurrence of risk factors and reduce their impact (vaccination, rational regimen, rational and high-quality nutrition, physical activity, etc.).

Primary prevention includes socio-economic measures of the state to improve lifestyle, environment, etc.

2. Secondary prevention– this is a set of measures to eliminate pronounced risk factors, which under certain conditions (decreased immune status, overexertion, etc.) can lead to the occurrence, exacerbation or relapse of the disease.

The most effective method of secondary prevention is clinical examination as a comprehensive method of early detection of the disease, dynamic observation, targeted treatment, and rational sequential recovery.

3. “Tertiary prevention”- includes a set of measures for the rehabilitation of patients who have lost the ability to fully live.

Goals of tertiary prevention:

1) social rehabilitation – building confidence in one’s own social suitability;

2) labor rehabilitation – the possibility of restoring labor skills;

3) psychological rehabilitation – restoration of the behavioral activity of the individual;

4) medical rehabilitation – restoration of the functions of organs and systems.


Lifestyle- this is the activity or activity of people who react in a certain way to living conditions. It refers to how people relate to, relate to, and use living conditions.

Lifestyle is classified according to 3 criteria:

1. by the nature of activity: physical, intellectual;

2. by sphere of activity: labor, non-labor;

3. by type of activity: industrial, social, cultural, educational, everyday activities, medical and other types of activity.

Comprehensive social and hygienic studies have established a connection between social conditions and population health indicators.

For example, the incidence of pneumonia in children in single-parent families is 4 times higher than in complete families. Tensed relationships in the family and an unfavorable psycho-emotional climate contribute to the occurrence and more severe course of certain diseases in children and adolescents: in such families there are 2.3 times more children with gastric ulcers and 1.7 times more children with gastroduodenitis.

Violation of the regime contributes to the occurrence and negatively affects the course of various diseases, contributes to the development of defects and retardation of physical and intellectual development in children, and negatively affects other health indicators.

Healthy lifestyle- this is the most typical activity for specific socio-economic, political, environmental and other conditions, aimed at maintaining, improving and strengthening health. In this understanding healthy lifestyle includes:

1) form of lifestyle,

2) conditions conducive to the implementation and development of other forms and manifestations of lifestyle aimed at protecting and improving the health of the population.

Two directions for creating a healthy lifestyle have been identified:

1. Creation, development, activation of positive health conditions, factors, circumstances, i.e. building public health potential (Health promotion).

2. Overcoming, reducing risk factors.

The key to them can be considered medical activity (the concept was proposed by Yu.P. Lisitsyn).

Scheme for creating a healthy lifestyle:

1.Creation and development of health factors: work activity, physical and mental comfort, environmental activity, high physical activity, balanced nutrition; arrangement of life and family relationships; high medical activity, etc.;

2. Overcoming risk factors: low work activity, discomfort, mental tension, low social activity, environmental pollution, low environmental activity; physical inactivity; unbalanced diet; alcohol consumption, smoking, low medical activity, etc.

Both of these aspects are interconnected, but in practice the matter is limited only to the fight against risk factors. The problem lies in specific programs for promoting a healthy lifestyle and their implementation, including through so-called “health programs”.

The formation of a healthy lifestyle should be the main direction of social policy in the field of health, including prevention, especially primary prevention. Federal, republican and territorial comprehensive health promotion programs should be based on this direction. They should include measures of hygienic education, combating risk factors, activation of physical education, and health programs.

Preventive health care should be the basis of all health programs. They should provide for joint actions of local administration, health care institutions, education, culture, etc. The implementation of primary prevention measures should become the responsibility of the entire network of treatment and preventive institutions, especially primary health care services.

Promotion of a healthy lifestyle should focus not so much on health education, but on teaching the perception of hygiene skills, rules and norms of behavior and their active implementation.


Professional sports in our country are gradually moving onto a commercial basis. Perhaps in the near future, sports clubs, having become full-fledged subjects of a market economy, will turn their attention to the mechanisms for raising capital that the stock market offers. However, for a successful placement on the primary capital market, these issuers need to be able to identify and assess the risks inherent in their activities, as well as competently manage them. This article examines the specific risks faced by subjects of professional sports, and also proposes measures to manage them. In addition, the insurance component of this type of activity was reviewed and analyzed, determining a set of insurance rates for a specific insured event and a sports club. The article will be of interest to students, graduate students and anyone interested in the management and financing of sports activities.

sport Club

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2. Myagkova Yu.Yu. Management of innovation risks and their insurance // Intellect. Innovation. Investments. – 2010. – No. 4.

3. Orlov A.V. Sport. A crisis. State: (Management. Budgeting. Risks. Anti-crisis aspect)/ A.V. Babakov, E.V. Bokhon, A. V. Orlov. – M.: INEC, 2009.

4. Titov V.A., Weinberg R.R., Litvishko O.V. Investment characteristics of professional shares sports clubs// Fundamental research. – 2015. – No. 7–2. – pp. 428–432.

5. Titov V.A., Peregudov Yu.Yu. Graphic method for analyzing the dynamics of the structure of investments in the federal districts of the Russian Federation by type of economic activity // Transport business of Russia. – 2009. – No. 6. – pp. 15–18.

6. Website of the company “Ingosstrakh” [Electronic resource],

7. Website of the company “Max” [Electronic resource],

Domestic sport is currently in the process of transition to market relations. The increasing trend of commercialization and professionalization, on the one hand, as well as the budget deficit, on the other, indicate that sport must independently make a profit from the resources at its disposal and learn to use existing market mechanisms for attracting capital. This step will allow you to professional sports independent of factors and risks associated with budget financing schemes common in Russia. In search of new sources of financing their activities, our sports clubs in the near future may pay attention to the possibilities of the stock market to mobilize temporarily free funds, which will lead to the appearance on the Russian market of an instrument with specific investment characteristics. This follows from the characteristics of sports activities, because professional sports is a high-risk business. However, it is worth understanding that Russian clubs will be able to interest professional investors only after they learn to competently manage the risks inherent in their activities.

Along with general risks for sports activities, there are also specific risks, which are proposed to be divided into three groups (Table 1).

The financial result of a professional club is influenced directly or indirectly by the team’s sporting achievements, but the outcome of an individual match or an entire tournament depends on many factors that are subject to only limited control by the club’s management. Who knows, the risk does not exist on its own, often causing a chain reaction that can ultimately lead to the bankruptcy of the club as a whole.

Table 1

Specific risks of professional sports

Risk factor


Risk management activities

Risks associated with the personality of the player, coach, referee

Changes in the physical and psychological state of the player

Lack of Player Skill

reduction in the market value of the athlete;

team results drop

tougher penalties for gross violations of the rules

player insurance;

hiring a sports doctor for the team;

acquiring athletes who can play multiple positions on the field;

development of protective equipment;

rotation of the team's starting lineup;

payment by sports federations of compensation to clubs in the event of players being injured in a match for the national team;

improving the quality of surfaces at competition venues;

transfer of an athlete on a rental basis;

payment of part of the player’s transfer value in the form of bonuses for successful performance in the season

Unprofessionalism of the coaching staff; unfavorable influence of human qualities

poor team performance this season

reflection in the contract of the possibility of early termination of the contract with the head coach without paying a penalty;

conducting preliminary negotiations with potential candidates for the position of coach;

advanced training of coaching staff

Possible judicial errors of an intentional and unintentional nature

failure to achieve sports results

introduction into refereeing practice of video replays and electronic systems for determining goals;

tougher penalties for biased refereeing

Cost risks

Declining popularity sporting events

drop in income from all sources

increasing the entertainment value of sporting events;

providing discounts, benefits, special incentive programs

Excessive demands of contract agents

financial instability/bankruptcy of a sports club

introduction of restrictive measures (salary cap, luxury tax, financial fair play rules);

creation of a club children's school;

conclusion of long-term contracts

Change/loss of reputation

loss of income from the sale of rights to broadcast matches

unity of entertainment and related events;

imposing penalties on athletes for behavior that damages the club’s brand;

formation of a non-insurance pool;

creation by the league of a broadcast channel in the DTH system

Regulatory risks

Changes to the terms of use of the home stadium

decrease in attendance, lack of spectator support at matches

construction of a developed club infrastructure

Changes in legislation and regulations governing activities

imposition of penalties;

exclusion from the tournament

implementation of measures to provide clubs with the opportunity to rebuild their activities

Risk associated with changes in the physical and psychological state of the player. Since most sports are contact sports and require the athlete to perform at his or her limit, clubs may lose a player due to serious injuries, death or disciplinary penalties, including those related to doping. The situation is even more complicated if the eliminated player is the captain of the team, its formal or informal leader, either sports ground, and beyond. In addition to sporting difficulties, this can lead to a sharp decrease in the market value of the athlete and will result in a significant reduction in the club’s assets.

An equally important type of risk in professional sports is the low level of player skill. The situation is especially difficult with young athletes, whose level of skill can only be assessed from video recordings made by agents working in the market of young football players. Another important factor risk - the player’s adaptation to a new club, team, coaching staff. This is due to the fact that one team brings together representatives of different countries and the most different styles games, a certain atmosphere develops within the team, and its own leaders appear. There is a risk that an expensive football player will not be able to adapt to a new team, a new style of play and a different mentality of the country. Big clubs spend tens of millions of euros on the purchase of new players, which amounts to up to 20% of their annual income. There are no such risks in any other type of business. Even venture funds do not have such a large share of their total investment portfolio per project as football clubs do when purchasing athletes.

The next type of specific risk in professional sports is the unprofessionalism of the coaching staff, the unfavorable influence of human qualities. Most coaching failures happen not because of an incorrectly chosen tactical scheme or an incorrectly defined composition, but because the coach did not carry out sufficient psychological work with the players, did not create an atmosphere of “team”, unity and cohesion in the team.

Risk associated with possible judicial errors. Modern dynamics sports match, a significant number of technical and tactical actions of players, a constantly changing situation, active movement of the persons involved (including the referee and his assistants) often lead to difficult moments on which the referee cannot or finds it difficult to make a decision, and sometimes makes an erroneous action. A serious mistake by the referee can significantly affect the outcome of the game and the entire tournament.

Risk associated with the decline in popularity of sporting events. Most of the club's income is directly or indirectly related to the popularity of the sport in general and the team in particular. A decline in popularity due to a lack of interest in national and European competitions, as well as competition from other sports, can have a negative impact on the club's income. In recent years, a tendency has become noticeable in Europe to sharply divide sports teams in almost all sports into rich and poor. Millionaire teams are created Better conditions for their athletes, they conclude multi-million dollar contracts with them, and buy the most talented young players. Thus, in many championships there is practically no sports intrigue due to the clear leader and obvious outsiders, and the outcome of an individual match or the championship as a whole can be predicted in advance with a high degree of probability. The commercial success of each team is largely dependent on the success of other teams in the league. The interconnectedness of the commercial success of the clubs that make up the league and the importance of team balance are fundamental features that distinguish professional sport from ordinary business.

Risks associated with inflated requirements of contract agents. Along with the increasing commercialization and professionalization of sport, as well as the growth of club income, the wages of athletes are also growing, so over the past 30 years the average income of a Premier League footballer has increased approximately 154 times (from £ 220 to £ 33,868 per week), which is unmatched in any other industry economy. Labor costs currently account for an average of 64% of all costs for European football clubs.

Risk of loss of income from sponsorship and advertising contracts. Leading European football clubs receive more than 20 million euros per year from sponsorship and advertising. Contracts are signed for a specific period of time and there is a risk that, for a number of reasons, they may be renegotiated, terminated early or not renewed upon expiration. In many contracts, a large part of the income depends on the club's sporting achievements, which, of course, cannot be accurately predicted. There are cases where widespread media coverage of the personal lives of sports stars has led to unforeseen reputational risks. In Australia, incidents involving players from various teams caused by inappropriate behavior have damaged the club's brand and the sport as a whole, leading to sponsors deciding to terminate or not renew their sponsorship contracts.

Risk of loss of income from the sale of rights to television and radio broadcasts of matches. Due to possible changes in the economic, competitive, political environment, as well as the general strategy of the media, along with viewer interest, as well as sports results (team failure to participate in international competitions or elimination in the early stages of a cup tournament) and many other factors, income from this source may decrease. The downturn in the advertising industry has accelerated the shift to greater use of pay-TV subscriptions that had already begun. The increase in the number of broadcasts on pay television promotes competition and increases the cost of broadcast rights sports competitions, as increased profits for subscription broadcasters allow them to acquire more new sports rights and gain a competitive advantage over traditional free-to-air networks. Today in France, 97% of sports broadcasts are on paid channels and only 3% on free-to-air channels.

Risks associated with the conditions of use of the home stadium. Competitions involving the team are attended by a large number of spectators throughout the season. As a result, the club is exposed to the risk of various incidents occurring within the stadium: racism, hooliganism or a terrorist attack. The occurrence of such incidents can have a serious impact on the financial and economic activities of the club: a decrease in attendance at matches, the application of disciplinary measures to the club in the form of holding matches without spectators or on a neutral field, as well as fines and other sanctions, including awarding the team a technical defeat. An additional risk for clubs is that only 19% of European clubs directly own their stadiums, the rest use the arena for home matches under leasing or rental conditions from the state or private organizations.

Risks associated with changes in legislation and rules governing the activities of clubs. In 2010, new “UEFA Club Licensing Rules” were developed, which appeared in connection with the introduction of financial rules in May 2010. fair play”, which are designed to limit the growth of club personnel costs. These rules govern the rights, duties and responsibilities of organizations participating in tournaments under the auspices of UEFA. Every year, clubs that qualified for these tournaments based on sports performance are not able to participate in them due to the fact that they were refused a license. By missing out on the opportunity to participate in tournaments, clubs lose huge sources of income.

The likelihood of the consequences described in the risk statements inherent in the activities of sports clubs, as well as the potential threat, which represents a measure of severity negative consequences, the level of loss or assessment of risk potential may vary significantly depending on the country, sport and club status (small, medium, large). It has been determined that not all identified specific risks are insurance risks.

Insurance risk is inherent General characteristics risk categories and specific elements determined by the insurance protection mechanism. The fundamental criterion will be a clear definition of the insurance risk in the sports risk insurance contract.

Today, personal and property risks are subject to insurance, namely:

1) within the framework of personal insurance, the object of insurance is property interests related to the life and health of the athlete (death, temporary and permanent disability due to an accident or injury, illness);

2) within the framework of property insurance, the object is property interests associated with the ownership, use and disposal of movable and immovable property (damage or loss), the risk of non-receipt of income, the occurrence of unforeseen expenses, as well as those associated with causing harm to life and health, property of third parties.

The most popular type of insurance is insurance against accidents and illnesses, as well as the use of compulsory medical insurance when traveling around Russia or insurance for those traveling abroad, if it is required when obtaining a visa when entering another country. Let us consider in more detail the organization of insurance against accidents and illnesses (Table 2).

table 2

Products of insurance organizations for athletes

Insurance is carried out according to one of the following options: insurance coverage during training and competitions or round-the-clock insurance coverage, including training and competitions. As can be seen from the table, the insured event is injury, disability or death as a result of an accident.

The insurance amount at the choice of the policyholder (insured person) ranges from 30,000.00 to 1,500,000.00 rubles. The insurance rate ranges from 0.2 to 8% depending on the selected sum insured and depends on the type of sport, insurance period, and the number of insured persons.

For comparison, consider the insurance offers of a large British insurance organization. In addition to the above-mentioned risks, the organization offers policyholders the following insurance programs: civil liability insurance of a sports federation - coverage includes the risks of harm to life, health, property of third parties, errors and omissions of directors and officers at the national and international level; Contingency Medical Coverage covers expenses incurred by regulators or event organizers on behalf of athletes if the travel insurance limits are not sufficient; property insurance covers “all risks” associated with special equipment, such as sound or recording systems; stadium insurance provides coverage for all property risks and risks of loss of income from the use of stadiums, offices, training grounds, etc.; Directors and Officers Insurance protects individual club directors and officers from civil damages and legal costs; event cancellation insurance protects organizers and rights holders from financial losses associated with their cancellation, postponement, reduction, refusal, relocation; Organizers' liability insurance involves covering the risk of civil liability for organizers of sporting events; contract bonus insurance implies a cash prize or incentive bonus for sports team or an athlete after achieving a certain result; Kidnapping and/or ransom insurance protects against the risk of kidnapping for ransom, extortion, wrongful restraint and robbery; Broadcast interruption insurance is provided to protect broadcasters, rights holders or organizers whose contracts include their liability for loss of profits due to the failure of television broadcasting facilities; Broadcasters' liability insurance covers liability for financial losses caused by erroneous acts or omissions in connection with the broadcast of a major sporting event, for example the Olympic Games.

The list of risks that can be accepted for insurance is much wider than that offered by domestic insurers. Also of particular interest is the type of contract bonus insurance, since their value can reach several million if we talk about payment to the entire team. This speaks primarily of the wide insurance capacity of foreign insurers and their ability to assess such specific risks. Indeed, the sums insured vary from £10,000 to £5,000,000, but are not limited to these figures and can be increased at the request of the policyholder.

Currently, the need for sports insurance in the Russian market is confirmed by insufficient methodological support for insurance organizations comprehensive programs sports risk insurance that meets the needs of potential policyholders, the lack of methods for objectively assessing the insurable value of sports facilities.

Thus, a classification of risks inherent in commercial sports has been proposed, which includes two types: general (financial risk, risk of counterparty default and others) and specific risks, the latter can be divided into three groups: risks associated with the personality of the player, coach, judge, cost and regulatory risks. Specific risks determine the sports performance of the club and, as a consequence, the amount of its income and the effectiveness of investing in professional sports.

An important area within risk management is the implementation professional clubs a strategy based on a diversified business model, when entertainment (sports) events and related goods and services are combined into the commercial sports sector. Due to this, clubs generate more stable income, which is associated with the implementation of activities that are less susceptible to the risks inherent in sports practice. Increased operational efficiency occurs as a result of the merging of individual parts into a single system and occurs through doing business under the brand of a popular sports club.

Bibliographic link

Titov V.A., Weinberg R.R., Litvishko O.V., Myagkova Yu.Yu. RISKS OF PROFESSIONAL SPORTS CLUBS AND THE MECHANISM OF THEIR INSURANCE // Fundamental Research. – 2016. – No. 5-3. – P. 650-655;
URL: (access date: 06/15/2019). We bring to your attention magazines published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural Sciences" 24..


Risk factors in sports medicine

To strengthen the health-improving orientation of sports, and thereby its effectiveness, an active position of doctors, coaches and sports organizers is needed, i.e. not so much a statement of facts about the frequency and nature of diseases in athletes (especially since such data are reflected in numerous works and publications).

The direction of improving sports is now one of the main ones in the activities of the World Health Organization, and is widely used in various branches of domestic medicine.

In sports medicine, it began in the 1950s. SP. Letunov, who was the first to reveal errors in the regime and methodology of sports training, leading to health problems in athletes.

However, in the future, unfortunately, it did not find a proper continuation. Only a few studies have recently been devoted to this issue. So, V.A. Geselevich divides risk factors in sports into genetic, environmental, professional sports and everyday, F.A. Jordanian - into specific (determined by the characteristics of motor activity, locomotion and training), universal (independent of the type of sport) and environmental.

Having analyzed the diseases in the athletes we observed, the time of their occurrence, their connection with sports, duration, characteristics of training, performance, conditions and lifestyle, we divided all the diseases identified in athletes into 3 groups: 1) not having a causal connection with competitions and training, 2) having such a connection, 3) an intermediate group, where sport could play a provoking role in the presence of certain (often hidden) diseases and birth defects.

Analysis of the 2nd and 3rd groups showed that these athletes always have a discrepancy between the loads used and the body’s capabilities - overwork, overstrain, overtraining, accompanied by a decrease in immunity and resistance (which can cause painful changes and injuries), and specific factors of certain sports . On this basis, we tried to group and specify the main risk factors as follows.

1. Disadvantages of the selection and admission system:

Admission to training as part of highly qualified teams for persons with health problems. Particularly dangerous are foci of chronic infection (mainly in the oral cavity, nasopharynx, paranasal cavities, liver and biliary tract, gynecological area), as well as previous rheumatism, inflammatory diseases of the heart, liver and kidneys, congenital defects and heart defects;

Lack of accounting for heredity, family diseases, early deaths in the family;

Training and competitions in a painful state (acute diseases or exacerbations of chronic ones) or with insufficient recovery after them, which is accompanied by allergization of the body, decreased immunity, excessive strain on functions during exercise, a tendency to relapse, complications, overexertion, and loss of performance;

Inconsistency of morphofunctional and psychological characteristics with the chosen sport, which increases the “price” of the load and sports result for the body, causing excessive stress on the adaptation mechanisms;

age discrepancy.

2. Violation of the regime and training methods:

Irregular, unrhythmic training;

Forced training, which is especially dangerous for young athletes who have not yet reached the proper level of development of adaptation mechanisms, and during puberty;

Monotonous, highly specialized training, without switching, varying conditions and means of preparation, especially in the early stages of sports specialization, and for qualified athletes - after achieving sports form;

Incorrect combination of loads and rest, lack of conditions and means of recovery, long-term training against the background of under-recovery;

Failure to take into account the age, gender, individual physical and psychological characteristics of the athlete;

Training and competitions in a painful state;

Psychological incompatibility with the trainer and participants;

Lack of psychological relief;

Incorrect use of pharmacological and other potent means of recovery and enhancement of sports performance;

Doping use;

Frequent and massive weight loss;

Insufficient preliminary adaptation to training and competition in unusual environmental conditions;

Inclusion of new sports into the competition program without sufficient prior study of their effect on the body (especially for women).

3. Violation of hygiene and healthy lifestyle requirements:

Unsatisfactory condition of training places, equipment, shoes and clothing of trainees;

Adverse weather conditions and environmental conditions;

Performances in competitions under unusual conditions (air temperature, altitude, large differences in time zones, etc.);

Lack of fortification;

Consumption of alcohol, nicotine, drugs;

Unbalanced, untimely nutrition that does not meet the requirements of the sport and the preparation stage, poor quality of food and cooking;

Shortcomings in the organization of classes and discipline;

Unfavorable living conditions. Incorrect combination of training with study or work;

Frequent stressful situations in sports, at work (study), at home and in the family;

Lack of general and sanitary culture.

4. Shortcomings of medical and pedagogical control, treatment and preventive work:

Irregular and poor-quality clinical examination;

Lack of regular medical and medical-pedagogical observations;

Insufficient effectiveness of control methods, their inconsistency with the type of sport;

The athlete’s inability to conduct self-control, lack of medical and biological knowledge, inability to assess his condition and its changes under the influence of various factors;

Untimely and poor-quality treatment, lack of hardening and means of increasing the specific and nonspecific resistance of the body;

Insufficient and incorrect (without taking into account medical indicators) sanatorium treatment or its absence;

Lack of a substantiated prevention system;

Poor contact between the doctor and the trainer, lack of proper medical and biological knowledge of the trainer, his inability to use data medical supervision, insufficient participation of the doctor in planning and correction of the training process.

5. Specific factors of individual sports:

Insufficient consideration of the characteristics of their effects on the body;

Lack of special prevention and protective devices;