Where can you do parkour? Various parkour training methods - tips and reviews. How has your life changed with parkour?

Parkour is the art of moving in space using only your own body, when the surrounding objects (benches, curbs, trees, stairs) are perceived not as obstacles, but as obstacles that you need to be able to get around or overcome. It is based on the desire to bypass restrictions, disobedience to them.

Parkour is considered an extreme sport. It is quite dangerous, especially for those who are just learning. Often leads to fractures and serious injuries, but many parkour players believe that everything depends on the quality of preliminary preparation. In addition, some use special protection.


Parkour requires excellent control of your own body. To move in space completely freely, you need to be in good physical shape. Climbing helps. Many athletes are also engaged in various martial arts, where the stake is also placed on overcoming oneself, the ability to cope with one's own weaknesses, and challenge oneself. Acrobatics, weightlifting often run parallel to parkour.

Also important is the ability to quickly navigate in space, remember the path traveled, and also look for a new one. Parkour players are taught to isolate key points where you can stop.

The philosophy of parkour and the opinion of its creator

Parkour has a founder - David Belle. He believes that we are talking about something more, not just about movement, but about the desire to overcome obstacles, to solve the tasks you face. In his opinion, the world can be turned into a kind of training ground, learn to switch perception in such a way that the tasks facing you begin to be perceived in the same way as you see physical objects when doing parkour.

That is, instead of insurmountable obstacles - something that can be bypassed, with which it is quite possible to cope. At the same time, parkour is built on rationality, which sharply distinguishes it from freerunning, where great attention is paid to entertainment, the ability to impress. IN last case talks about the importance of learning to move beautifully, to control your body in order to impress others.

Difference from freerunning

Freerunning is more suitable for advertising. His followers, along with the founder of the movement, Sebastian Foucan, much more often than parkourers took part in various filmed television shows, clips, stunts and other things. As a result, freerunning is known much more, although some people confuse it with parkour. In general, this is not surprising, because the preparation of athletes is often identical in its basis. Differences begin at the stage of development of additional elements. Parkourers rely on efficiency and endurance, while those who are engaged in freerunning rely on entertainment.

Development of parkour

Historically, parkour came from a military discipline that took root in the army, was tested in two world wars, helped many to survive. Then one of the soldiers began to practice it in peacetime, becoming a firefighter. It was the father of founder David Belle, Raymond. Who for his courage and heroic rescue of several people from the fire in a critical situation received many awards.

David, who sincerely admired his father, decided to develop his abilities. Together with Sebastian Foucan, he began the first training. But after some time, their paths diverged, as David perceived his art outside of commerce. Fukang saw nothing wrong with making a business out of him, he began to take money for training in parkour.

In modern world

Parkour is gradually gaining more and more recognition. In the UK, for example, some schools began to include this art in their programs. In the northern capital of Russia, the Parkour Academy was founded. Many representatives of law enforcement agencies talk about the desirability of such training for personnel, especially for operatives, because the possession of such skills makes it possible to more effectively prosecute criminals.

To the cinema

The general public learned about parkour after the release of the film "Yamakashi: New Samurai", which told about a new criminal group that had unique skills to move in space. By the way, Bell refused to act in this project, he reacted to it quite negatively, saying that parkour should not cause people to associate with theft and the world of crime. After that, 2 more films “District 13” and “District 13: Ultimatum” were released, the scripts for which were written by Luc Besson, where Belle had already starred.

In one of the films dedicated to the adventures of James Bond, the chase scene at the very beginning includes elements of parkour. The same art, combined with fighting techniques, began to be used by Jackie Chan in his paintings.

Game industry

"Mirror's Edge" is one of the games where the action is dedicated to parkour. She received high marks from experienced tracers. Differs in amazing realism and conveys movement well. The characteristic style of moving the player in space can be found in the famous Assassin's Creed series.

What is parkour?

Parkour can be called a discipline or an art. Outwardly, it is a way to move in space, which includes jumping, pulling up, hanging, somersaults, of course, running and much more. It also includes evasion and balance skills. It is very important to be able to group and fall correctly, which makes it possible to avoid serious injuries.

Parkour can't be called traditional view sports. There is no competition here, the result does not matter. The process itself is important, the ability to control one's own body. And this is another element that sharply distinguishes it from everything else.

Some people think that parkour is a way to move around in space. Some people think that this is a way of perceiving reality. “There are no barriers,” they repeat after the founding father, “There are only obstacles to be overcome.”

In fact, the tracer overcomes only himself.. Their fear, weakness, lack of training, the norms inspired from childhood, including the norms of the culture of movement and socialization. Overcomes civilization-inspired habits of obedience, traffic rules, and misunderstood moral standards. It overcomes the initially instilled in a "civilized" person discord towards the outside world and "non-conflict" towards society.

When they say that a person “subdued the ecology by creating a world convenient for himself”, many do not think that this very “convenient world” of cities with its streets that you have to walk along, fences that you can’t jump over, and trees that you can’t climbing, with its limitation of the speed of movement, also subjugated a person.

Accepting the conventions of modern urban civilization, we renounce nature. Does it need to be done?

That is why the “white man” has always lost in a fair fight for life in the forest to every single animal and human predator - Indians, Hindus, peoples of the north, black hunters, oriental martial artists ... that is people who have lost touch with nature, able to constantly be aware of their body, their movement and the position of the body in space - even during rapid movement. Such awareness and ability to go anywhere and survive in any situation was originally inherent in good hunters and warriors, which, alas, our civilization no longer needs. But this is by no means a reason to sit in a comfortable armchair and get fat.

Parkour for beginners

So, the first thing a tracer who has decided that he wants to learn parkour should start with is his motivation. Parkour assumes the psychology of a hunter who, while pursuing prey, does not stop at obstacles and does not give up on the goal. Even if this goal is not to catch up with a deer, but to pass through the city in a straight line. Thoughts “it’s impossible, it’s impossible, I can’t, they won’t understand me” should leave the consciousness. You can't learn parkour at home. And show-offs also have no place in the head of the tracer.

A tracer is a person free from everything, including the need to capture the imagination of others or conform to their views on how he should (or should not) behave. This is not a cynical self-opposition, this is a calm decision to live the way you like and not interfere with others to live their lives the way they like. The best tracers rarely draw attention to themselves.

A good hunter will not constantly walk around the city and tell everyone how cool he is. A real hunter hunts, a real tracer walks through the city, and so quickly and skillfully that it is hardly possible for the townspeople to see him for more than a few seconds.

Tracer does not perceive an obstacle as an obstacle, this is precisely his psychological difference. As long as a person sees an "obstacle", perceives it as an "obstacle", he is not free. There is such a wonderful Soviet film, "Magicians". There sounded a wonderful instruction for passing through the walls: “I see the goal, believe in myself, and spit on the obstacle.” This is how you learn to do parkour. The tracer also passes through space, as if it were homogeneous and unobstructed by definition. This requires willpower and mental strength.

So, everyone who wants to show off and unfading glory in the eyes of a girl - alas, not to us. Parkour does not make a person cool, but cool people come to this sport to become even cooler. We enjoy the work of muscles, speed, awareness of our unstoppability and all-terrain ability. Well, the girls, as they say - later.

Parkour is a sport that requires, in addition to a specific psychological mood, and also a considerable physical training. This is the case when moral strength, physical strength, reaction speed, coordination of movements and the ability to make an accurate assessment of the unit of space through which you are currently moving should be one. Parkour is an exclusively motor improvisation, but improvisation based on well-developed skills of conscious movement brought to automatism.

If you are planning to go hiking, but have not yet purchased a sleeping bag, you should. All about how to choose the right sleeping bag.

And for skiers, we still have an article about where you can ski in Belarus:

How to become a tracer

To learn how to do parkour, obviously, you need dry, strong and very hardy muscles, flexible joints with a powerful ligamentous apparatus, because sometimes the entire weight of the body falls on one supporting arm, and the body bends or twists in a jump, without support. You need a powerful, developed and capable of interval loads breathing, and accustomed to a long interval running legs. Need tenacity of fingers, good reaction and excellent coordination.

Where to learn parkour? Now almost everywhere there are parkour clubs, or at least guys practicing it, so a beginner should look for experienced fighters in his city. What is called, or the legs will find, or Google to help. It is easier and safer to learn exercises in a team- experienced craftsmen know how to do a trick, and they will insure, if anything.

You can do it on the street, in the hall, in extreme cases, at home. Even if you decide to learn parkour on your own, it is better to learn the exercise in the gym, then learn parkour tricks in practice, in nature.

Trying to immediately perform a complex jump or flip, without developed motor skills and flexibility, a beginner takes a big risk. You can hardly expect anything from parkour, except for dislocations, fractures and bruises, if the body is not physically developed, and you yourself have a very vague idea of ​​where which leg or arm (and at what second) should fly during the jump.

What sports will help you quickly learn parkour?

Bodybuilding (more precisely, bodyfitness)

Of course, you will need a gym and work on power simulators. But a special training program is needed. Tracer does not need the loose, heavy and voluminous muscles of a bodybuilder. In addition, such hypertrophied muscles are also “slow”, the training process itself causes the slow fibers to grow. There is no need for classic powerlifting with its hyper-developed chest and the muscles of the torso and arms, allowing you to squeeze two of your weights from your chest once.

It is quite enough if the tracer will work in the gym with a barbell of his own weight, but work on endurance, for example, 5-6 sets of 15-20 repetitions. In general, everything training "on the iron" should be based on the principle of semi-dry weight gain and endurance development, in one workout the whole body is trained, while at least four must be done per muscle group different exercises to force the muscle to work at different angles and loads to the point of exhaustion. The training is not easy and takes about two hours.

This will allow, firstly, to get dry and light body without fat, which the muscles will easily move in space, secondly, it will give the full development of all the bundles of each muscle and all the assistant muscles, thirdly, it will help to avoid the clumsiness and amplitude strength that often occurs in jocks, when the muscle can work at full strength only in one position, familiar to her. Training on a semi-dry weight gives just bestial endurance on the track. It is also important that a well-pumped body is less injured.

Special attention it is necessary to pay attention to exercises for the strength of the finger grip and the development of the tendons of the wrist and ankle, to exercises with your own weight - push-ups, pull-ups with different positions of the hands, to paravertebral ( deep muscles back, "pillars" along the spine) and powerful work on the press, especially the oblique muscles of the abdomen. It is important to pump the hamstrings, without it, parkour is not parkour, but tears.

Such training programs make up usually for tourists, climbers and climbers.

Dance or martial arts

These two arts (or sports) are united here solely for their effect on our motor and analytical skills. Both martial arts and pair dances teach you to work in close contact with a partner, constantly adapt to an unknown quantity - his more or less unpredictable movements, coordinate your movements synchronously with him, without losing your line of movement and control over others.

Sparring or dancing also gives endurance, patience and the ability to observe and choose the most advantageous line of movement in real time. In other words, a partner in sparring trains the tracer's sense of contact with obstacles on the track, gives the skill of accurately assessing rapidly changing space conditions, the features of obstacles and the ability to instantly adapt to them by choosing the right movement.

Regular and rational nutrition and sleep patterns are very important for parkour.. It is impossible to keep the muscles in working condition, eating chips, and even then in fits and starts, and chronically lacking sleep. It is also desirable to get rid of the habit of alcohol and smoking. As they say, nothing personal, one science: nicotine causes a spasm of smooth muscles. Having smoked a cigarette before going to the track or training, a person provides himself with a persistent spasm (narrowing) of blood vessels for an hour and a half, through which the heart will heroically try to push blood through while running. In other words, we get oxygen deficiency and overload of the heart muscle from scratch.

After a workout, the muscles require an increased amount of oxygen for another hour in order to rest and repair damage. A cigarette right after a workout will deprive them of that chance. As for alcohol, you need to remember that it puts a strain on the liver, which will already rake up a mountain of slag after the race. If you don't give a damn about the liver, think about the fact that 100 grams of vodka per day stops the production of testosterone in the body. And where there is no testosterone, there are no muscles and courage.

And actually, parkour is needed for happiness, not surrogates.

We offer you to watch a video on how to learn parkour the right way.

To the question "Who invented parkour?" the usual answer is David Belle. But David can rather be called the founder of parkour as a philosophy and sport, but the idea itself belongs to another Frenchman.

The birth of parkour can be considered the beginning of the 20th century, Georges Hébert became the author of the discipline, after writing the book "Natural Methods of Physical Education". The book was adopted by the French army, and the physical training system developed by Hébert was called "combat parkour" or "natural method". The very word "parkour" in translation means an obstacle course, and the concept of this discipline initially had only a material component, and assumed the most rational overcoming of any obstacles with minimal effort.

Parkour began its development thanks to one of the soldiers of the French army, a man with a difficult fate, an orphan Raymond Bell. Having perfectly mastered the techniques in the army, after the service he became a firefighter, where the skills of rationally overcoming urban obstacles came in handy and were appreciated by both his colleagues and those rescued. Raymond was repeatedly awarded medals for saving during a fire. In 1973, Raymond became the father of the future world celebrity - David Bell, who is considered the founder of the philosophy and direction of parkour.

Seeker of adventures

David has been in love with sports since childhood. But he was not interested in sports for the sake of sports - it was important for him to do something useful for life and find answers:

  • How to quickly get to the other end of the city in order to save a person?
  • How to apply parkour and freerunning?
  • How to jump from rooftop to rooftop to escape the villains?
  • How to get rid of any obstacles?

Soon around David formed the first team of tracers (French traceur - paving the way), which was interested not only in the physical aspect, but also in the philosophical one. A team of eight people turned out to be a living organism.

The tasks of tracers are to overcome obstacles (fences, walls, trees, railings, benches, roofs, etc.). The tracer must have the skills of an athlete, gymnast, acrobat, rock climber, sprinter, jumper…

Professional tracers are able to overcome obstacles twice their own height in a matter of seconds.

Parkour learned a lot from the philosophy of oriental martial arts, its founders read the Book of Samurai, Hagakure Bushido. They even chose the name for themselves in the oriental style - "Yamakashi", which means "hooligan" in Japanese youth slang. But hooliganism was more closely engaged in by the followers of Yamakashi than by themselves.

Rise and fall

In 1997, a number of videos shot at the initiative of David Bell about parkour thundered around the world. These videos became decisive in the fate of a new extreme discipline - parkour became popular. The youth strove to learn everything about parkour, massively strayed into teams, crippled, but did not give up their freedom-loving dream.

The guys began to be invited to the movies and television. So over time, the films “Femme Fatale”, which became a cult “13th District”, “Crimson Rivers-2”, appeared. But along with another act of recognition, the Yamakashi split also came: in 1998, the team was invited to become stunt coordinators in the new musical, which later became legendary - Notre Dame de Paris. Most of the tracers gladly agreed to work on stage, but David and his faithful friend and first follower Sebastian Foucan unexpectedly refused. They did not want to limit their freedom to a two-year contract with the creators of the musical. The team broke up, but the procession of parkour around the world could no longer be stopped.

Left without a team, Belle did not give up and created a worldwide association - PAWA (Parkour Worldwide Association) and went on a world tour with her. A few years later, he left the association, saying that he could not control such a number of representative offices and be responsible for them.

Fukang founds his direction - freerunning. The main differences are: if parkour involves the most rational movement and overcoming obstacles, then freerunning is interested in the aesthetics and intricacy of jumps and other elements, even if this significantly reduces efficiency. In addition, the friends disagreed on financial matters: Bell was against turning parkour into a business: he did not want to take money for lessons.

Philosophy of parkour

It is believed that the basic principle of parkour is to be physically strong so that you can be useful to others. Too many followers of this discipline have long forgotten about it, and in popular culture, parkour is often on a par with hooligan hobbies like graffiti. In addition, most of the followers of parkour and freerunning are schoolchildren and students, and the high injury rate of the discipline does not please the parents of young extreme sportsmen.

But despite this, parkour continues to be one of the most popular hobbies of young people in the world.

Parkour is considered a discipline that is based on the totality of skills to control the human body. Obviously, there are many situations in which these skills can be useful, and sometimes save your health or life. How to properly apply your strength, manage the capabilities of your body? Parkour deals precisely with the study of these issues. These components are the basis of parkour. Almost everyone can develop the ability to get to any point of the city with extraordinary speed. Everything depends only on you. You will need maximum perseverance, patience and endurance, as the art of parkour is far from easy. How to learn parkour at home? We will talk about this in this article.

Parkour teaches us to use for our own purposes all available means and surrounding objects - walls, slabs, trees - everything can be useful to you and overcome multiple obstacles in your path. Another advantage of parkour is the precise definition of one's own abilities. This will allow not only to calculate your strength, but also to instantly respond in any situation.

First you need to come to understanding and harmony with your own body. First of all, figure out what shortcomings you have, and start fighting them! All kinds of martial arts hand-to-hand combat can help you overcome your own fears. Over time, you will feel how much stronger you have become both mentally and physically.

Jogging can help with speed. Also, any knowledge in medicine will not be superfluous.

What is parkour?

Parkour is a technique of high-speed movement in the city. Although this sport is extremely risky for your health, and the fact that the risk of getting serious injuries during parkour is very high does not stop those who want to try themselves in this sport. Every year their number increases. Schools have already been opened in many countries of the world, where everyone can devote their free time to studying this risky sport. This sport came to Russia relatively recently.

Learn parkour at home

The main topic of this article is by no means an advertisement for such a sport as parkour, but an attempt to protect everyone who wants to do this difficult task. Maximum security and reduced risk of getting serious injury should be your first goal. if you have just started doing parkour at home, you should pay attention to the list of rules, the implementation of which will allow you to insure yourself from painful injuries as much as possible. So, how to learn parkour at home:

Rule one. Try to find someone who can be your teacher. Video parkour training by professionals does not always save the situation. Find a person who has been doing parkour for more than a year and arrange training with him. After all, in fact, learning parkour is a rather complicated process. Just watching videos online is not enough. In order to fully master this extreme view sports, one desire and enthusiasm is not enough. Advice and guidance from an experienced person will be very useful to you.

Rule two. You should not train on triplets, garages or uninhabited buildings for demolition. Many people get complicated injuries every year while trying to learn how to parkour. And all because of the wrong selection of training sites. You should immediately forget about places where concrete slabs, pipes and fittings stick out everywhere. Come practice at your school's playground. Believe me, although it does not sound extreme, such a training ground will suit you!

Rule three. Do not demand the impossible from yourself. Trying to immediately learn parkour tricks, photos of which can be found on the Internet is not worth it. You should also not immediately try to climb a high barrier, jump from one roof of a multi-storey building to another, or climb sheer wall. Mistakes like these can cost you your life! Increase the difficulty of the exercises gradually, as your physical abilities. Nothing to hurry.

Rule four. You can't limit yourself to parkour training. Tips for learning parkour from scratch, which are published on the Internet, also insist on the need for other sports. Repeating the trick is not enough! You need to work on your physical form.

Rule five. Quit drinking. This rule is mandatory. Alcohol is the main enemy of sports.

Pay attention to these rules, and you will protect yourself from numerous injuries, sprains, bruises, fractures, and perhaps even save your life with the help of them. Follow these tips on how to learn parkour at home and you'll soon be amazed at what your body can do.

In the presence of horizontal bars or sports ground close to home, start training there. If there is neither one nor the other, you can make several shells yourself. They need to be placed at a distance. outstretched hand so that you can easily reach from one to the other.

You need to start with regular exercises, such as pull-ups. Exercises should be made harder with each workout. You can try to jump from one horizontal bar to another, grabbing it with your hands. Further complicate the tricks.

Also, some attention should be paid to push-ups. Include them in your daily workouts. Later, try standing on your hands for a while. It is necessary to eventually achieve a handstand without the help of legs. To do this, first try to stand with your feet against the wall.

Learn parkour from scratch

To train the vestibular apparatus, try standing on your head in the morning. Abs exercises are also essential. Need to increase muscle mass, as it is necessary to perform complex tricks in parkour. Long jumps will also not be superfluous. Remember, you can always watch parkour tutorials and learn a lot from them!

Daily runs are also important for learning the art of parkour. Jogging will help with breathing training, strengthen muscles. You also need to work on balance. Balance is an integral part of parkour, one might say, this sport is built on it. You can train to balance on any board, which is located at a height of half a meter above the ground. Try to keep balance on one leg, alternately changing them. Later, you can move on to jumping from one foot to the other. Next you need another board. It should be placed nearby, and train to jump onto it. Use different kinds workouts, search the Internet for videos of parkour training by professionals on the Internet and follow its instructions.

How to learn parkour video

Parkour is a natural method of training the human body, with the aim of covering a certain distance as quickly as possible, overcoming obstacles along the way. This "art of moving" does not require any additional accessories: all that is needed is the human body. Parkour requires skill, perseverance, willpower, and discipline, but the result is worth it.


Part 1

  1. Buy a pair of good running shoes. They should have a good sole with cushioning - no skate shoes or football shoes. They should also be light and flexible; their main role is not protection, but soft contact with the ground. It could be Nike Air Pegasus, Adidas Nova, K Swiss Ariake or Montrail Masai.

    • You also need a good sock in your sneakers to cushion your cat slips. And, of course, whatever sneakers are, if they don't fit, don't wear them. Sneakers must be firmly attached to the foot, otherwise you risk injury when landing.
    • Don't chase the brand. You will be training outdoors, so your shoes will quickly get dirty. Don't waste money on the look of your sneakers.
  2. Dress comfortably. Clothing should not restrict your movements, and in it you should feel light and mobile. Make sure you don't get tangled in it while you're moving and it won't get in your way.

    • For example, climbing pants - they give you freedom of action, are reliable, fit well, and do not get in the way. It is recommended to choose Gramicci, Prana Stretch Zion Pants, North Face, or Arborwear. Dickies are also good, they provide good mobility. Jeans are not recommended as they are too tight and restrict movement. If you have your favorite pants, wear them.
    • Pants do not have to be fashionable, but must absorb sweat. These are sold in various sports stores. Also wear long-sleeved T-shirts to avoid unnecessary scratches during training.
      • To keep warm, wear cotton.
  3. Don't buy gloves. You might think that your delicate palms need protection from dirty surfaces, but don't be tempted. Do not deprive yourself of the opportunity to feel the contact - after all, you need to know what is good or bad about this or that surface. You may scratch a little, but gain experience.

    • In the first few weeks, you will get bumps and bruises. Soon, you will get used to the load, and adapt to the surface.
  4. Find a friend. Your friend will not only motivate you, but will also be able to show you things that never even crossed your mind, encouraging you to develop even more.

    • You can also find a parkour trainer. An experienced person will be very helpful during your training - and will help you avoid injury. If there are few tracers in your environment, do a little research - there are different parkour communities that are always happy to have new members. Find them.
  5. Find places to exercise. Find places in the concrete jungle that look like a track but are less dangerous than the Great Wall of China. After finding one, find another. You need a variety of obstacles in order for you to develop comprehensively.

    • Before going on concrete, practice on grass first. It's easier to clean grass stains than it is to recover from a fracture.
    • Do not enter private property. The police will not tell you “Dear tracer! How did you learn to jump cat-lips like that? Could you show your calf muscles? If you are approached by the police, be polite and leave the area. Many will understand that you are training, and there will be no problems.

    Part 2

    Physical training

    Aerobic training. You will be running, jumping, and tumbling a lot, so the number one priority is to prepare your lungs. Use Treadmills go swimming and boxing. As a result, when you hit an obstacle course, you won't have to worry about running out of steam very soon.

    • In parkour, there is even a place for activities such as yoga and lacrosse. If it helps you, do it.
  6. Strength training. After you have prepared your lungs, it's time to pay attention to your muscles. You don't have to do any heavy lifting because it takes much longer to move the car around the track than just to jump over it. Therefore, you won't need it. However, you will have to deal with your own body weight. Take up push-ups, pull-ups, sit-ups, and leg work as these are the main source of your parkour strength.

    • It may seem that daily training will lead you to the ideal very soon, but your body needs rest. Do muscle-building exercises every other day (twice a day, with light exertion) to give your muscles time to rest. Subsequently, it will be of great benefit.
  7. Do more. If you have overcome a certain bar, and do consistently 3 sets a day, repeating each exercise 15 times - excellent. Now do more. Don't stop there. Do 10% more next week than this week. It will strengthen your spirit and your motivation.

    • Do additional exercises, or swap them. Diversity is the key to development different groups muscles. If you only swim, take up rugby. Do squats one day, leg pumps the other day. Your ability to focus will only increase.

    Part 3

    Movement training

    Take your time. It will be bad if you hurt yourself. Don't take a jump that you think you might be able to do. Your excitement will be able to get the better of you and your jump. Even if you think you won't get hurt, there are injuries that can only show up after a certain amount of time. You need to learn how to find balance and not overload your body to avoid injury.

    • Determine your level. How far and how high do you jump? How fast can you roll? You will understand where to start and how to develop. You will also get a clearer picture of your body's capabilities.
  8. Practice your landing. There is a basic landing method that applies to all jumps. Its principles are also applied in the advanced landing method (with a roll). Thus, it is very important to master this technique first. Here are four key things to remember:

    • 1) During landing, the feet should be shoulder-width apart.
    • 2) Land on your toes only. Only in this way will your body be able to evenly distribute the load. If you land on your heels, your body will receive swipe and more stress on the joints.
    • 3) Do not bend your legs less than 90 degrees. By bending your legs less than 90 degrees, you put too much stress on knee joints and slow yourself down.
    • 4) After landing, lean forward, allowing your arms to absorb some of the load. By doing this, you will be able to avoid bending your legs less than 90 degrees, and you will be able to continue running. Use this technique only for jumping from low heights.
  9. Roll over the shoulder. This movement is one of the most important in your arsenal. The shoulder roll is essentially a roll over the shoulder running diagonally across the back. It is very important because it reduces the load after landing, converting downward movement into forward movement so that you can continue running.

    • If you roll through right hand, you will need to put it on the ground a little to the left, and press your head to your chest. Then, roll over right shoulder, and then stand up. The roll is done diagonally to avoid harm to the back and spine.
  10. Practice vaulting. This will allow you to easily and quickly overcome obstacles. Such a jump saves your speed while jumping so you can move on.

    • Find a railing. As you approach her, place both hands on her and swing your legs over right side. Once your feet are level with the railing, remove your right hand for comfort and swing your feet. You should be able to land on the other side of the railing with ease. If you find it difficult to balance, find a railing of a different height.
      • Once you have mastered this movement, practice it on your left side.
  11. Practice outings. How else are you going to climb the wall? The same muscles used in pull-ups are also used in wall hangings and climbs. Find a stable wall and practice.

    • During pull-ups, try to lift the body higher. Get to the point where your elbows are in line with the bar. Then, pull up even higher - so that the chest is above the horizontal bar. Strive to fully carry out the sortie, standing on your hands on the horizontal bar. During the sortie, you can help yourself by doing jerks with your legs.
    • Reduce time. Once you've mastered the basics, start doing the same movements faster. Can you beat your record?
    • You will need a friend for this. Choose a track with point A and point B. Then one by one, or at the same time, pass the track. Who will get through it faster? This will allow you to hone your technique in order to overcome the track faster and more rationally.
    • Never start a workout without warming up. This is a must for any kind of exercise - your muscles need to warm up and warm up before the load.
    • At first, practice on an unstable surface, such as grass. Concrete does not forgive mistakes.
    • Dress in such a way that you are not afraid to tear or stain the item. For really hard surfaces, it's better to get some sort of hand brace.
    • Believe in yourself. Doubt leads to injury.
    • Take a bottle of water with you. During the heat wave, you'll be happy with a sip of water.


    • You must be physically prepared before you start doing parkour. You cannot ignore this. Take your time to see results.
    • You cannot walk until you have learned to crawl. Start practicing simple things. Parkour is not about looking cool. Master every move to perfection to be a pro.
    • You will still get some kind of injury. This is the reality and you need to be confident in every jump you make.