Eco revival. Yoga: "The Eye of Rebirth" or "6 Tibetan Pearls. What gives the Eye of Rebirth

Performing the Eye of Rebirth exercises helps to cleanse energy channels the human body, restoring its vortex structure and returning to its original, harmonious interaction with the world around it, which reverses the aging process.

The effectiveness and efficiency of the "Eye of Rebirth" has been tested and proven by thousands of followers. Seventy-year-olds begin to look forty, gray hair disappears, diseases recede. Numerous responses can be found on the Internet. It all looks like magic for which there is no explanation, but "Five Tibetan pearls" work. And the best thing we can do for ourselves and for our future is to include the daily practice of the Eye of Rebirth exercises in our lives ...

Five Tibetan pearls. Description of the practice of the Tibetan lamas "eye of rebirth". Exercises

There are nineteen energy centers in the human body called vortices. Seven of them are major and twelve are minor. These vortices are powerful field formations, invisible to the eye, but nevertheless quite real.

The location of the secondary vortices corresponds to the joints of the limbs. The six upper secondary vortices correspond to the shoulder, elbow and wrist (with hands) joints.

The six lower secondary vortices correspond to the hip, knee and ankle (with feet) joints.

When a person's legs are not too far apart, the knee vortices are connected, forming one large vortex, approaching the main ones in terms of the amount of energy concentrated in it. Therefore, sometimes the knee vortex is referred to as the main one as an additional, eighth, and eighteen vortices are spoken of.

The location of the seven main vortices is as follows. The lowest is located at the base of the body, the second at the level of the highest point of the penis, the third just below the navel, the fourth in the middle of the chest, the fifth at the level of the base of the neck, the sixth in the middle of the head. As for the seventh vortex, it is shaped like a cone with an open base facing upwards and is located in the head above the sixth vortex.

AT healthy body all vortices rotate at high speed, providing prana, or ethereal force, to all systems of a human being.

In general, the violation of the circulation of prana is what we call disease or old age.

In people who are especially powerful and developed in all respects, all vortices merge into one dense rotating field formation, shaped like a giant energy egg.

The fastest and most radical way to restore health and restore youth is to give the whirlwinds their normal energy characteristics. For this, there are six simple exercises. In fact, these are by no means just exercises, but "ritual actions", which constitute the system of ether training, the name of which is the "eye of rebirth".

Eye of rebirth exercise - RITUAL ACT ONE

The first exercise "The Eye of Rebirth" is performed in order to give the rotation of the vortices an additional moment of inertia. We, as it were, accelerate the whirlwinds, giving their rotation speed and stability.

The starting position for the first ritual action is standing straight with arms horizontally extended to the sides at shoulder level. Having accepted it, begin to rotate around its axis until a feeling of slight dizziness occurs. At the same time, very great importance has a direction of rotation - from left to right. In other words, if you were standing in the center of a large clock face lying on the floor, facing up, then you would need to rotate clockwise (Fig. 1).

Rice. 1. Eye of rebirth. Exercise One

For beginners, llamas are advised to limit themselves to three revolutions. Unlike "dancing" dervishes, lamas in their practice do not rotate to the point of complete exhaustion, rotating not several hundred times, but only ten or twelve times. The maximum number of revolutions at a time in most cases does not exceed twenty-one.

To "push back" the limit of dizziness, you can use a technique that is widely used in their practice by dancers and skaters. Before you begin to rotate, fix your eyes on some fixed point directly in front of you. When turning, do not take your eyes off your chosen point as much as possible. When the fixation point moves out of your field of vision, quickly turn your head, ahead of the rotation of the torso, and as quickly as possible again capture the landmark with your eyes. This technique allows you to quite noticeably push the limit of dizziness.

Five Tibetan pearls exercises. Eye of rebirth - RITUAL ACT TWO

The starting position for the second ritual action (exercise) is the supine position. It is best to lie on a thick carpet or some other fairly soft and warm bedding.

Rice. 2. Five Tibetan pearls. Exercise two

The second ritual action in the following way. Stretching your arms along the body and pressing your palms with tightly connected fingers to the floor, you need to raise your head, firmly pressing your chin to your sternum. After that, raise straight legs vertically upwards, while trying not to tear the pelvis off the floor. If you can, lift your legs not just vertically up, but even further "on yourself" - until the pelvis begins to lift off the floor. The main thing at the same time is not to bend your knees. Then slowly lower your head and legs to the floor. Relax all the muscles and then repeat the action again.

In this ritual action, coordination of movements with breathing is of great importance. At the very beginning, you need to exhale, completely ridding the lungs of air. While raising the head and legs, one should take a smooth, but very deep and full breath, while lowering - the same exhalation. If you are tired and decide to rest a little between repetitions, try to breathe in the same rhythm as during the movement. The deeper the breath, the more effective the practice.

Eye of rebirth. Exercise RITUAL ACT THREE

The third ritual action must be performed immediately after the first two. And just like the first and second, it is very simple. The starting position for him is the kneeling position. The knees should be placed at a distance of the width of the pelvis from one another, so that the hips are strictly vertical. The palms of the hands lie on rear surface thigh muscles just below the buttocks.

Then you should tilt your head forward, pressing your chin to the sternum. Throwing the head back and up, stick out chest and we bend the spine back, resting our hands a little on the hips, after which we return to the starting position with the chin pressed to the sternum. After a short rest, if necessary, repeat all over again. These are the movements of the third ritual action of the "Eye of Rebirth" (Fig. 3).

Rice. 3. Five Tibetan pearls. Ritual act three

Like the second ritual action, the third exercise of the Eye of Rebirth requires strict coordination of movements with the rhythm of breathing. At the very beginning, you should make the same deep and full exhalation as in the first. Bending back, you need to inhale, returning to the starting position - exhale.

The depth of breathing is of great importance, since it is the breath that serves as the link between movements. physical body and control of the ethereal force. Therefore, when performing the ritual actions of the "Eye of Rebirth", it is necessary to breathe as fully and deeply as possible. The key to full and deep breathing is always the fullness of the exhalation. If the exhalation is performed fully, the next breath will inevitably turn out to be just as complete.

Five Tibetan pearls. Exercises. RITUAL ACT FOUR

To perform the fourth exercise, you need to sit on the floor with straight legs stretched out in front of you with feet located approximately shoulder-width apart. With your spine straight, place your palms with closed fingers on the floor on the sides of your buttocks. The fingers should be pointing forward. Lower your head forward, pressing your chin to your sternum.

Then tilt your head back and up as far as possible, and then lift your torso forward to a horizontal position. In the final phase, the thighs and torso should be in the same horizontal plane, and the shins and arms - to be located vertically, like the legs of a table. Having reached this position, you need to strongly strain all the muscles of the body for a few seconds, and then relax and return to the starting position with the chin pressed to the chest (Fig. 4). Then - repeat all over again.

Rice. four. Five Tibetan pearls. Ritual act four

And here the key aspect is breathing. First you need to exhale. Rising and throwing back your head - take a deep, smooth breath. During tension - hold your breath, and lowering - exhale completely. During the rest between repetitions, maintain a constant breathing rhythm.

Eye of rebirth - RITUAL ACT FIVE

The starting position for him is the emphasis lying bent over. In this case, the body rests on the palms and pads of the toes. The knees and pelvis do not touch the floor. The hands are oriented strictly forward with fingers closed together. The distance between the palms is slightly wider than the shoulders. The distance between the feet is the same.

We start by throwing our head as far back and up as possible. Then we move to a position in which the body resembles an acute angle, with its apex pointing upwards. At the same time, with the movement of the neck, we press the head with the chin to the sternum. At the same time, we try to keep the legs straight, and the straight arms and torso are in the same plane. Then the body will be, as it were, folded in half in hip joints. That's all. After that, we return to the starting position - the emphasis lying bent over - and start all over again (Fig. 5).

Rice. five. Five Tibetan pearls - exercises. Ritual act five

The pattern of breathing in the fifth ritual act is somewhat unusual. Starting with a full exhalation in the lying position, bending over, you take a deep breath as possible while "folding" the heat in half. Some approximate similarity of the so-called paradoxical breathing is obtained. Returning to the lying support, bending over, you make a full exhalation. Stopping at extreme points to perform a tense pause, you hold your breath for a few seconds, respectively, after inhalation and after exhalation.

Eye of rebirth - RITUAL ACT SIX

Important! The sixth ritual action is not obligatory, but is intended only for those who have decided to embark on the path of spiritual perfection. To maintain excellent physical form enough and the first five exercises.

Performing the sixth ritual action is as follows: standing straight, you take a deep breath, compress the anal sphincter, bladder sphincter, tighten the muscles pelvic floor and the lower front wall of the abdomen, and then quickly bend over, resting your hands on your hips, and exhale intensely through your mouth with the sound "Ha-ah-h-h-h", trying to remove all the air from the lungs completely, including the so-called residual; after that, you pull your stomach in as much as possible due to the intense raising of the diaphragm and relaxation of the front wall of the abdomen and straighten up. At the same time, the chin should be pressed against the infrajugular recess, the hands should lie on the waist. After maintaining the position with the abdomen drawn in for as long as possible - as long as you have enough time to hold your breath - relax the diaphragm, raise your head and take a deep breath as calmly as possible (Fig. 6).

Rice. 6. Eye of rebirth or five Tibetan pearls. Ritual act six

Breathing properly, repeat. Usually, in order to redirect free energy and "dissolve" the sexual desire that has arisen, three repetitions are enough. It is advisable not to perform more than nine repetitions of the sixth ritual act at a time.

As a training exercise, the sixth ritual act is performed once a day in a series of no more than nine repetitions. It should be mastered gradually, starting with three times and adding two every week. The "applied" practice of this exercise is possible at any time and in any place, provided that the stomach and intestines are not too full, as well as the presence of a bodily signal in the form of sexual desire that has arisen. Moreover, one who has fully mastered the sixth ritual action easily performs an extremely full exhalation quietly, without bending over and without drawing attention to himself. Therefore, the practice of converting sexual energy into life force is really feasible anywhere and anytime, at any moment, as soon as attention turns to the sexual desire that has manifested itself in the body.

It is important to understand that in order to achieve maximum success in the Eye of Renaissance studies, you need to have a passionate desire to be young and healthy and see yourself that way now. We must mobilize our will, patience, perseverance, purposefulness. Perform exercises with a smile and pleasure, with faith in success. Without this attitude, no exercise will help you.

I wish you all a successful return of youth and health!

The practice of the Eye of Rebirth is known as a yogic tradition originating in the monasteries of Tibet. It is believed that she is already more than 2500 years old and knowledge about her was transmitted exclusively by word of mouth among Tibetan monks, hence another name - "Tibetan yoga".

Theories about the origin of the Eye of Rebirth practice

There are several versions of the origin of this practice, or rituals. So, according to one scholar and monk of Tibetan Buddhism, these exercises originate from the authentic Indo-Tibetan tantric lineage. At the same time, these rituals were practiced for many centuries before the yogic tradition as we now know and understand it took shape. That is, everything indicates that despite the outward similarity in the performance of some movements from the Eye of the Renaissance gymnastics with yogic ones, this is a completely independent line of spiritual practice, which includes not only a theoretical part, but also a practical part in the form of exercises.

In order to complete the review of the various theories about the origin of these rituals, one can turn to the Kum Nye system for clarification, as there are certain references to it, and, like the Eye of the Renaissance gymnastics, the above system has more than 2000 years of existence.

Popularization and distribution of the "Eye of the Renaissance"

In the Western world, this practice became known and gained wide popularity after the publication of Peter Kelder's book "The Eye of the Renaissance" in 1939, where he describes his acquaintance with Richard Bradford, at that time already a bent old man, a colonel in the British army, who retired after a long services in India.

During his time as an officer, Bradford heard incredible stories about the unusual practices used by Tibetan lamas, which allow them to stay in good physical shape for a long time and at the same time not age. It was then that the colonel decided that he would certainly find out more about these mysterious rituals.

Further, Kelder's narrative breaks off, and resumes when, a few years later, a man came to his reception, a tall, youthful gentleman in his forties. What was the surprise of the author when he recognized in him that same Colonel Bradford, but he became completely different - not a hint of soreness or fatigue. On the contrary, correct posture, quick, clear movements, as if he had never been the same person as the author of the book met him for the first time.

What made such a lasting impression on Kelder was none other than Bradford's magical transformation after spending several years with the lamas in Tibet, where he stood before the "Eye of Rebirth", as these practices are called in the monastery, and absorbed all the knowledge monks, practicing all five rituals daily.

This is the story in the book. But this is just a preface. Is this really the reality? If so, what are these rituals with which you can return youth, or at least turn back time and feel the former freshness and energy in the body?

As follows from the story, Bradford, returning to England, recruited a group of people who wanted to master these exercises, and little by little, gradually mastering this gymnastics, the elderly really restored their health, became active and mobile, and at the same time their appearance changed.

Purpose of this practice

Gymnastics "Eye of Rebirth" is primarily designed for those people who want to improve their physical condition and help their physical body rejuvenate, but for certain reasons cannot devote enough time to other spiritual or physical practices during the day. By including the “Eye” in your schedule, for which you need to allocate only 10-15 minutes at any time of the day, you can practice it daily. There is only one condition - discipline. It is believed that you need to do this gymnastics daily, without interruption. The maximum possible period of "rest" from exercises is 1-2 days, no more, otherwise the effect accumulated over the entire time of execution disappears.

The system of chakras and their significance in the practice of "Eye of the Renaissance"

Five exercises are designed in such a way as to activate the work of the chakras in the body, or, as they are also called in another way, “vortices”. Everyone knows that a person has 7 main chakras - energy centers located along the spinal column, starting from the bottom and ending with the so-called crown chakra, located in the crown of the head. In fact, there are many more of these chakras. Some sources mention more than 140 chakras, including those located at the tips of the fingers and toes. In the description of this complex, 19 chakras are distinguished: 7 main and 12 located in areas corresponding to the attachment of the main joints: shoulders, elbows, hands, hips, knees and feet.

This practice is aimed at achieving a balance in the work of all these chakras and the harmonious development of each of them, since the initial thesis underlying it is that it is the uncoordinated work of the energy centers of the body or their failure that contributes to the stagnation of energy in those places. and / or throughout the body, which prevents the free flow of energy through the body and eventually manifests itself in physical level in the form of diseases. In order to reverse the process, you need to harmonize the work of all chakras.

"Eye of rebirth": 5 Tibetan exercises

It is no coincidence that the complex "Eye of the Renaissance" ("Five Tibetan exercises”) begins essentially with the “whirling of the dervishes”. This rotation around its axis is performed clockwise, because in the Buddhist tradition, clockwise rotation has a beneficial effect on the body, while counterclockwise rotation is negative.

This first exercise or ritual is repeated 3 times to begin with. In general, all the exercises of this system involve the sequential repetition of each of them a certain number of times, starting from 3 and bringing it up to 21 times. This rule must be strictly observed and applies to all 5 exercises of the complex.

Such spinning in place often causes difficulties for people with a weak vestibular apparatus, for some, their head just starts spinning out of habit. If for some reason the rotation is not possible, then you can postpone its implementation until a later time, when the body gets stronger, while mastering the remaining 4 exercises that follow each other.

The second exercise of the complex is performed lying down and affects the energy centers in the hips, and also strengthens the muscles abdominals. It lies in the fact that, together with the simultaneous lifting of the head and pressing the chin to the chest, straight legs rise perpendicular to the floor.

The third has much in common with the “camel pose” (Ushtrasana), but it does not require such a powerful backbend, it helps to correct posture and “feel” the spinal muscles.

The fourth is somewhat reminiscent of the well-known Setu Bandha Sarvangasana, but somewhat modified. This exercise is aimed at activating all the chakra centers, stretches the spine well, strengthens the muscles of the arms and legs, and naturally massages the internal organs, which improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

The fifth strengthens the muscles of the legs and, like the previous 2, is effective for the back and dorsal muscles. It is reminiscent of a mix of two yogic asanas - "Downward Dog Pose" and "Cobra Pose", performed dynamically. The effect of "swing" is created.

It should be noted that the basis of this gymnastics is the so-called paradoxical breathing.

"Eye of Rebirth": energy principles involved in this practice

Of course, the strengthening of the physical body leads to regular changes in the appearance of the practitioner, and this happens due to the fact that the mechanism of redistribution of the concentration of energies from the lower to the higher chakras is turned on, which is main goal of the complex "Eye of the Renaissance". Exercises promote the transmutation of energies.

Often the energy of the lower centers is not used for its intended purpose, it is simply wasted. In order to prevent the outflow of energy outside, it must be redirected to where it will pass into a new quality, and, as a result, a person will move to a new spiritual level.

A lot has already been said about the physical aspect of this practice, and therefore it makes no sense to return to it again.

Unconscious Reasons for Man's Desire for Eternal Youth

The “Fountain of Youth”, as it is called in the West, is a system of exercises that makes it possible by practical means to turn back time and fill the body with energy.

But here we ask ourselves the question: “Why do we want to rejuvenate so much?” The desire to be beautiful and the desire for longevity ... Since we want to push back the aging process, or at least slow it down as much as possible, is this nothing more than the desire of our ego? It wants to be noticed, demands praise and is afraid of losing its unconditional influence on a person. The fact that this influence is undeniable is undeniable. Isn't that why every beauty, if not explicitly, then secretly, is always happy with compliments. Her desire to please directs her to beauty salons, fitness centers. Also, the desire to prolong youth, which implies, although hidden behind it, but no less obvious desire for immortality, is based on human vanity and fear of death.

A few words about ego

Behind most practices, including this one, are the interests of the ego. Even if we are talking about such a seemingly noble type of activity as self-development or spiritual enlightenment, achieved through the use of various techniques and practices that accelerate this process of climbing the ladder of spiritual growth - all these are the tricks of the ego. Without it, there would be no aspiration itself. Ambitiousness is good in contests and competitions, but the very idea of ​​​​achieving something, achieving this or that, even if the goal is to “get rid / liberation” of the Ego itself, is still the voice of a very present “I”, no matter how strange it may sound at first glance. Because in the very basis of the desire for something, in the very fact of goal-setting, one cannot do without the ego.

Is the dream of immortality an illusion of happiness?

The fear of death in an explicit or hidden form is present in all people. But why is it considered one of the most basic fears of mankind? It is not necessary to touch upon the physiological aspects associated with the survival instinct, naturally embedded in the consciousness of a person with early years. This is an existential question.

Why do people who “burn through” life, sometimes wasting it on trifles, if they suddenly have an unforeseen hour or two of free time during the day, do not know what to do with themselves, inventing a new way of how to “kill” time, and at the same time, it is they who will complain that life is short and it is impossible to fulfill everything planned. But no matter what you do, no matter how busy your days are, when the time comes to take stock, people suddenly realize that they were doing something wrong.

In general, a person would not need to ask fate for a second chance if he really used this one wisely. Living every day, giving meaning to his existence, and not in the name of anything else, but for the sake of the process itself, really living the moment, then this would be his true immortality. This can only happen when thoughts are calm, they do not jump from one to another, but are concentrated without regard to the past and the future.

Start living in a new way. Turning the very process of life into a kind of dynamic meditation is what all spiritual practices are truly aimed at. Not practice for the sake of practice, not practice for the sake of obtaining some benefits in the form of acquiring certain abilities or health.

All this is possible and necessary, but it is rather side effect these practices. If a person does not give them special attention, and in the process of the practice itself goes beyond its previous ideas, expands its understanding of the world by bringing its consciousness to a new level, then those effects that inexperienced practitioners are so eager to achieve will come by themselves as a derivative, something that then freely manifests itself when other gateways for information were opened.

Many have heard of the Tibetan rejuvenating practice "Eye of the Renaissance" ("5 Tibetans" or "5 Tibetan Pearls"). Videos with a set of exercises under these names can be freely found on YouTube, the exercises are described on many sites. But far from everywhere this practice is shown and described correctly from beginning to end. "Eye of the Renaissance" ("5 Tibetan Pearls") - not just physical exercise, but an extremely powerful energy practice! It can be of great benefit, but if done incorrectly, it can also be harmful. Therefore, it is very important to do it CORRECTLY.

Eye of the Renaissance (5 Tibetan Pearls) - video:

The exercise video and description is provided by Jian Gyo Ji, founder and director of the Power of Light Center.

  1. Turn your face in the chosen direction.
  2. Stand up straight, spread your arms to the sides. Fingers together, palms open and facing down
  3. Without changing the position of the hands, make a full turn clockwise 3 times.

Exercise Tibetan 2:

  1. Lie on your back on a mat or rug. The legs are fully extended, the ankles touch each other. Arms extended along the body, palms on the floor.
  2. Inhale through your nose, raise your head, touching your chin to your chest. Continuing to inhale, raise your legs a little more than ninety degrees. This is all done in one smooth motion, starting with the head. Toes point up, lower back should not come off the floor.
  3. Freeze by holding your breath.
  4. Exhale through your nose or mouth, returning first the legs and then the head to the starting position.
  5. Relax completely on the floor, lying on your back.
  6. Repeat the exercise 3 times.

Exercise Tibetan 3:

(face direction 90 degrees to the right of )

  1. Get on your knees with the balls of your toes touching the floor. The knees are separated approximately 10-11 cm. The palms are on the back of the thighs, just below the buttocks. The back is straight, the chin is pressed to the chest.
  2. Inhale through the nose, arching back from the waist. Expand your chest as much as possible. Tilt your head back as far as you can without making yourself uncomfortable. Your arms will support you as you lean back.
  3. Freeze by holding your breath.
  4. Exhale through your nose or mouth as you return to the starting position.
  5. Repeat the complete movement 3 times at a steady, rhythmic pace.

Exercise Tibetan 4:

(face direction 90 degrees to the left of )

  1. Sit up straight with your legs stretched out in front of you. Arms straight, palms down, on the ground near the hips. The position of the hands is very important, the palms should be directed exactly along the hips. The chin touches the chest.
  2. Inhaling through the nose, lift the hips, bending the knees and standing flat on the feet, tilt the head completely back (the movement starts from the head). You will find yourself in a position where the torso is parallel to the ground, and the arms and legs are perpendicular.
  3. Freeze by holding your breath.
  4. Exhale through your nose or mouth as you return to the starting position.
  5. Make sure that the soles of your feet do not slip. The feet should remain in the same position until the end of the exercise. Hands also should not bend, the movement is made at the expense of the shoulders.
  6. Repeat 3 times.

Exercise Tibetan 5:

(facing direction 90 degrees left from - 180 degrees from )

  1. Starting position - support on the palms of the hands and the pads of the toes. Hands and feet about 60-70 cm wide. The head is raised and thrown back.
  2. Without bending your arms and legs, inhale through your nose while raising your buttocks and touching your chin to your chest (movement starts from the head). Your body is a regular triangle.
  3. Freeze by holding your breath.
  4. Exhale through your nose or mouth as you lower yourself to the starting position.
  5. Your body should only touch the ground with the palms of your hands and the balls of your toes throughout the exercise, your arms and legs should not be bent.
  6. Repeat 3 times.

Exercise Tibetan 6:

(face direction is the same as in )

  1. Kolobok. They lay down on their backs, bent their knees and clasped their hands, bent their back as much as possible, the chin rests on the chest and rolls back and forth.
  2. After completing all six exercises, lie down on the floor and relax for a few seconds. Breathe easily and calmly. Watch for new sensations in your body.
  3. Stretch, let your body do what it wants, like stretch or curl up.
  4. Give thanks.
  5. Hang on the horizontal bar.

And one more thing: after the Eye of Rebirth (5 Tibetan Pearls) technique, it is not recommended to come into contact with water (take a shower, wash your hands, drink) for 15-20 minutes. From myself I will add - and you should not touch metal objects either.

Why? Because this technique contributes to the collection of "fiery" energy, and water and metal "extinguish" it. Such recommendations are given for all techniques for gaining "fiery" energy (for example, the "Tree of Life" exercise in Qigong).

I always drink 2-3 glasses of warm water with lemon juice in the morning, then take a shower and only after that I start exercising.

If you wash your face or drink a glass of water immediately after practice, nothing terrible will happen to you, just the effect of the exercises will be less.

Eye of the Renaissance (5 Tibetan Pearls) - reviews:

Proper and regular exercise for a long time gives visible and tangible effects. Many diseases go away, the body rejuvenates. If you wish, you can find many reviews on the Internet. For each practitioner, the results will be individual. I will list some points:

  1. Heat and energy after exercise (usually noted not at the beginning of the practice, but after increasing the number of repetitions).
  2. Noticeable increase in stamina.
  3. Improving posture, correcting all problems associated with the spine. And the spine is the basis of health! Each vertebra is associated with certain internal organs. In many cases, additional spinal exercises will help speed up recovery. Usually, posture correction occurs smoothly and gradually, but may be accompanied by pain sensations of varying intensity and duration.
  4. Strengthening and rejuvenation of the entire skeletal system.
  5. Increased flexibility, healing and rejuvenation of the joints.
  6. Normalization of weight, easy and natural weight loss without diets, thanks to the normalization of metabolism and endocrine system, violations of which are often the main cause of completeness.
  7. Saturation of tissues and organs with oxygen. Improvement of blood and lymph circulation. Getting rid of toxins.
  8. strengthening nervous system, harmonization of the work of the right and left hemispheres of the brain. As a result, there is clarity and clarity of thoughts, improvement of mental activity.
  9. Tightening and strengthening the muscles of the body, improving the figure. The oval of the face becomes clear, the second chin disappears. Getting rid of the second chin, according to reviews, takes several months.
  10. According to reviews, as a result of long-term regular practice, gray hair disappears, vision improves.

Important: sometimes the cure is accompanied by severe pain, exacerbation of the symptoms of any disease or the sudden appearance of new ones. Of course, in such cases it is recommended to conduct a medical examination, but you should not panic. With a high probability, these symptoms precede the cure for any disease.

Here is an example (I know the girl from the example personally): From childhood, the girl suffered from a curvature of the spine, which could be seen visually - the ribs on the right protruded forward than on the left. After several months of regularly doing the 5 Tibetan Pearls, she began to have pain in her side - so severe that she had to stop the exercises for several weeks. After a while, she noticed that the ribs on both sides became the same! Pain accompanied the correction of the spine. After that, the pain stopped.

Over the years, a bunch of different sores have been accumulating, which we may not even be aware of - the body adapts, drives them deeper. And when healing begins, the artificial balance is disturbed, sores come to the surface before leaving the body. "Stale" toxins actively enter the bloodstream so that the body can get rid of them. Therefore, it is not surprising that the first days of practice are often accompanied by nausea and slight dizziness - signs of intoxication of the body.

Eye of Rebirth (5 Tibetan Pearls) - energy whirlwinds:

Like many oriental health practices, the Eye of the Renaissance technique (5 Tibetan Pearls) affects the energy structures of a person. The exercises of this technique are commonly referred to as rituals. So what is their impact?

The practice of 5 Tibetan Pearls affects 19 energy centers (or vortices). 7 of them are located in the 7 chakras, they are considered the main ones. The remaining (called auxiliary) 12 are located on the 12 main joints.

Whirlwinds in a healthy and young body must rotate at high speed, providing energy (prana) to all systems. If one of the vortices fails or slows down, the circulation of energy is disrupted, which leads to disease and aging. This practice is aimed at restoring the speed and strength of energy vortices.

In a young healthy person, the vortices go far beyond the body. And for especially powerful energetic individuals, the vortices merge into one huge dense energy field of an egg-shaped form. The energy field of an ordinary person also resembles an egg, but it has a different density in different places (more dense closer to the center and less dense on the periphery). The dynamic characteristics of the 7 main vortices in a healthy person are the same, and are in harmony with the auxiliary vortices.

In an ordinary middle-aged person who is not engaged in energy practices, the main vortices have different characteristics, there is no harmony with the auxiliary vortices, the vortices themselves go not far beyond the body.

The ancient practice of Tibetan lamas - the Eye of the Renaissance - is aimed at restoring the normal energy characteristics of all 19 vortices, which leads to a radical recovery and rejuvenation of the body.

The description of the Eye of Rebirth (5 Tibetan Pearls) exercises was provided by Jian Gyo Ji.

The Eye of Rebirth is the only source that contains invaluable information about six ancient Tibetan ritual practices that give us the keys to the gate long youth, health and amazing vitality. For thousands of years, information about them was kept by the monks of a secluded mountain monastery in the deepest secrecy. They were first revealed in 1939, when a book by Peter Calder was published.

But then the West was not yet ready to accept this information, since it was just beginning to get acquainted with the fantastic achievements of the East. Now, after a hurricane of theoretical and practical information about the most diverse systems of Eastern esoteric knowledge swept over the planet, bringing fantastic revelations and opening a new page in the history of human thought, there is an urgent need to move on to practice, choosing the most effective and most extraordinary methods. Therefore, it is by no means surprising that the book of Calder Peter - The Eye of Rebirth arose again from the non-existence of oblivion - its time has come. Why? What is special about her? After all, the practices described on its pages do not give the impression of being any complicated, and the author himself claims that they are accessible to any person ... What is the matter, why did it take us so many years to accept such seemingly simple and obvious things? The thing is, it's not just about health exercises, but about ritual actions that reverse the flow of internal time. Even now, after all the miracles we have seen, it does not fit in the mind. But, nevertheless, the fact remains - the method works and works in this way!

Henry Bradford: When I settled in the monastery, the first thing they explained to me was that in the human body there are nineteen energy centers called "vortices," the colonel continued the interrupted story. "Seven of them are major, and twelve are secondary. These whirlwinds are powerful field formations, invisible to the eye, but nevertheless quite real. The location of the secondary vortices corresponds to the position of the joints of the limbs: the six upper secondary vortices correspond to shoulder joints, elbow joints and wrist joints and hands; the six lower secondary vortices correspond to the hips, knees and ankle joints with feet.

When a person's legs are spread not too wide to the sides, the knee vortices are connected, forming one large vortex, approaching the main ones in terms of the amount of energy concentrated in it. And since an ordinary person rarely finds himself in situations that require him to perform intense wide amplitude leg swings, perform "splits" and more similar exercises, its knee vortices almost always represent one vortex, the spatial form of which changes all the time in accordance with the movements of the body. Therefore, sometimes the knee vortex is referred to as the main one as an additional, eighth one, and one speaks not of nineteen, but of eighteen vortices. The location of the centers of the seven main vortices is as follows: the lowest is located at the base of the body, the second is at the level of the highest point of the penis, the third is just below the navel, the fourth is in the middle of the chest, the fifth is at the level of the base of the neck, the sixth is in the middle of the head; as for the seventh vortex, it resembles a cone with an open base turned upward and is located in the head above the sixth vortex.

In a healthy body, all vortices rotate at high speed, providing "prana" or "etheric force" to all systems of a human being. When the functioning of one or more of these vortices is disturbed, the flow of prana is weakened or blocked and ... In general, the violation of the circulation of prana is precisely what we call "disease" and "old age."

“In a normal healthy person,” the colonel continued, “the outer boundaries of the vortices go quite far beyond the body. In individuals who are especially powerful and developed in all respects, all vortices merge into one dense rotating field formation, shaped like a giant energy egg.

An ordinary person also resembles an egg, but the field density in it is different - the core of vortices differs significantly from the periphery in terms of energy density. But in an old, sick or weak individual, almost all the energy of the vortices is concentrated near their centers, while the outer boundaries of the vortices often do not go beyond the body. The fastest and most radical way to restore health and youth is to give the whirlwinds their normal energy characteristics. To do this, there are five simple exercises. Or rather, there are six of them, but the sixth is special, and I will someday talk about it separately. For now, let's focus on five exercises, each of which has a beneficial effect, but the fullness of the effect is achievable only if all five are regularly performed. In fact, these are by no means just exercises; it is not for nothing that lamas call them “ritual actions”. These ritual actions make up a simple system of etheric training, the name of which is the “Eye of Rebirth”. And now I will talk about all the ritual actions of the "Eye of Rebirth" in order.

The action is performed in order to give the rotation of the vortices an additional moment of inertia. We, as it were, accelerate the whirlwinds, giving their rotation speed and stability.

The starting position for the first ritual action is standing straight with arms horizontally extended to the sides at shoulder level. Having accepted it, begin to rotate around its axis until a feeling of slight dizziness occurs. In this case, the direction of rotation is very important - from left to right. In other words, if you were standing in the center of a large clock face on the floor, facing up, you would rotate clockwise.

For beginners, llamas are advised to limit themselves to three revolutions. Unlike the “dancing” dervishes, lamas in their practice do not rotate to the point of complete exhaustion, rotating not several hundred times, but only ten or twelve times. The maximum number of revolutions at a time in most cases does not exceed twenty-one.

To “push back” the limit of dizziness, you can use a technique that dancers and skaters widely use in their practice. Before you begin to rotate, fix your eyes on some fixed point directly in front of you. When turning, do not take your eyes off your chosen point as much as possible. When the fixation point moves out of your field of vision, quickly turn your head, ahead of the rotation of the torso, and as quickly as possible again capture the landmark with your eyes. This technique allows you to quite noticeably push the limit of dizziness.

Video on performing the First Ritual Action

The starting position for the second ritual action is the supine position. It is best to lie on a thick carpet or some other fairly soft and warm bedding.

The second ritual action is performed as follows. Stretching your arms along the body and pressing your palms with tightly connected fingers to the floor, you need to raise your head, firmly pressing your chin to your sternum. After that, raise straight legs vertically upwards, while trying not to tear the pelvis off the floor. If you can, lift your legs not just vertically up, but even further “onward” - until the pelvis begins to lift off the floor. The main thing at the same time is not to bend your knees. Then slowly lower your head and legs to the floor. Relax all the muscles and then repeat the action again.

In this ritual action, coordination of movements with breathing is of great importance. At the very beginning, you need to exhale, completely ridding the lungs of air. While raising the head and legs, one should take a smooth, but very deep and full breath, while lowering - the same exhalation. If you are tired and decide to rest a little between repetitions, try to breathe in the same rhythm as during the movement. The deeper the breath, the more effective the practice.

Video on performing the Second Ritual Action

The third ritual action must be performed immediately after the first two. And just like the first and second, it is very simple. The starting position for him is the kneeling position. The knees should be placed at a distance of the width of the pelvis from one another, so that the hips are strictly vertical. The palms of the hands lie on the back of the thigh muscles just under the buttocks.

Then you should tilt your head forward, pressing your chin to the sternum. Throwing the head back and up, we stick out the chest and bend the spine back, resting our hands a little on the hips, after which we return to the starting position with the chin pressed to the sternum. After a short rest, if necessary, repeat all over again. These are the movements of the third ritual act of the Eye of Rebirth.

Like the second ritual action, the third requires strict coordination of movements with the rhythm of breathing. At the very beginning, you should make the same deep and full exhalation as in the first. Bending back, you need to inhale, returning to the starting position - exhale. The depth of breathing is of great importance, since it is the breath that serves as a link between the movements of the physical body and the control of the etheric force. Therefore, when performing the ritual actions of the Eye of Rebirth, it is necessary to breathe as fully and deeply as possible. The key to full and deep breathing is always the fullness of the exhalation. If the exhalation is performed fully, the next breath will inevitably turn out to be just as complete.

Video on performing the Third Ritual Action

To perform the fourth ritual action, you need to sit on the floor with straight legs stretched out in front of you with feet located approximately shoulder-width apart. With your spine straight, place your palms with closed fingers on the floor on the sides of your buttocks. The fingers should be pointing forward. Lower your head forward, pressing your chin to your sternum.

Then tilt your head back and up as far as possible, and then lift your torso forward to a horizontal position. In the final phase, the thighs and torso should be in the same horizontal plane, and the shins and arms should be vertical, like the legs of a table. Having reached this position, you need to strongly strain all the muscles of the body for a few seconds, and then relax and return to the starting position with your chin pressed to your chest. Then - repeat all over again.

And here the key aspect is breathing. First you need to exhale. Rising and throwing back your head - take a deep, smooth breath. During tension - hold your breath, and lowering - exhale completely. During the rest between repetitions, maintain a constant breathing rhythm.

Video on performing the Fourth Ritual Action

The starting position for him is the emphasis lying bent over. In this case, the body rests on the palms and pads of the toes. The knees and pelvis do not touch the floor. The hands are oriented strictly forward with fingers closed together. The distance between the palms is slightly wider than the shoulders. The distance between the feet is the same.

We start by throwing our head as far back and up as possible. Then we move to a position in which the body resembles an acute angle, with its apex pointing upwards. At the same time, with the movement of the neck, we press the head with the chin to the sternum. At the same time, we try to keep the legs straight, and the straight arms and torso are in the same plane. Then the body will be, as it were, folded in half at the hip joints. That's all. After that, we return to the starting position - the emphasis lying bent over - and start all over again.

The pattern of breathing in the fifth ritual act is somewhat unusual. Starting with a full exhalation in the lying position, bending over, you take a deep breath as possible while “folding” the heat in half. Some approximate similarity of the so-called paradoxical breathing is obtained. Returning to the lying position, bending over, you make a full exhalation. Stopping at extreme points to perform a tense pause, you hold your breath for a few seconds, respectively, after inhalation and after exhalation.

Video on performing the Fifth Ritual Action

The sixth ritual action is not obligatory, but is intended only for those who have decided to embark on the path of spiritual perfection. To maintain excellent physical shape, the first five exercises are enough.

Performing the sixth ritual act. is as follows: standing straight, you take a deep breath, compress the anal sphincter, sphincter of the bladder, tighten the muscles of the pelvic floor and the lower front wall of the abdomen, and then quickly bend over, resting your hands on your hips, and exhale intensely through your mouth with the sound “Ha- a-x-x-x”, trying to remove all the air from the lungs completely, including the so-called residual; after that, you pull your stomach in as much as possible due to the intense raising of the diaphragm and relaxation of the front wall of the abdomen and straighten up. At the same time, the chin should be pressed against the infrajugular recess, the hands should lie on the waist. After maintaining the position with the abdomen drawn in for as long as possible - as long as you have enough time to hold your breath - relax the diaphragm, raise your head and take a deep breath as calmly as possible.

Breathing properly, repeat. Usually, in order to redirect free energy and “dissolve” the sexual desire that has arisen, three repetitions are enough. It is advisable not to perform more than nine repetitions of the sixth ritual act at a time.

As a training exercise, the sixth ritual act is performed once a day in a series of no more than nine repetitions. It should be mastered gradually, starting with three times and adding two every week. The "applied" practice of this exercise is possible at any time and in any place, provided that the stomach and intestines are not too full, as well as the presence of a bodily signal in the form of sexual desire that has arisen. Moreover, one who has fully mastered the sixth ritual action easily performs an extremely full exhalation quietly, without bending over and without drawing attention to himself. Therefore, the practice of converting sexual energy into life force is really feasible anywhere and anytime, at any moment, as soon as attention turns to the sexual desire that has manifested itself in the body.

Exist different ways keep yourself in good shape - someone prefers to visit sanatoriums, someone does exercises. I want to talk about the practice my mother does - it's called Eye of rebirth, and is often called 5 Tibetan pearls. According to legend, this stretch came to us from Tibetan monks and lamas, and with its help, millions of women and men improve their quality of life and their health.

Many people are ready to devote a lot of time to their appearance, but think little about health - in my opinion, this is wrong. The secret of the beauty of many women lies precisely in health, it depends on:

  • appearance of nails and hair;
  • skin condition;
  • general tone of the body;
  • muscle tone;
  • condition of the spine and joints.
But all this is nothing but beauty. Imagine fit, sports man With correct posture, with beautiful skin, shiny hair, a white-toothed smile - is it really possible to call such a person ugly? You need to take care of your health, and the Eye of Rebirth gymnastics will help here.

History of Gymnastics Five Tibetans

The whole world learned what a stretch is from a book by Peter Calder. Calder's book has a short preface - he talks about a friend of his who learned about the existence of a monastery in the Tibetan mountains called the Eye of Rebirth. It was a monastery of lamas who were famous for their longevity and at the same time a high quality of life - they were healthy, looked much younger than their peers and their minds remained clear and pure.

By the way, the secret of the lamas was not such a secret - those travelers who did get to a remote monastery, the monks taught special rituals that helped restore and preserve youth. The colonel, a friend of Peter Calder, had seen a lot in his life, and by the age of 74 was not very healthy. He asked Calder to go on a trip with him to the monastery, but Peter refused, finding some excuse.

Subsequently, Peter Calder tried to convince himself that no secret can help to avoid old age, and all that a person can do is grow old with dignity and beauty. But he was overcome by doubts, and secretly he dreamed that the secret that the Tibetans kept in the Eye of the Renaissance monastery would turn out to be a real means for the lamas to continue life - what if the monks can do something that medicine cannot? Peter Calder's friend Bradford was able to get into the monastery, and you can read about the events that happened to him.

AT book- The Eye of Rebirth. After Colonel Bradford left the monastery, Calder didn't recognize him - in appearance, a man could be given no more than forty years. And then Peter believed that the 5 exercises of Tibetan monks are an effective and useful practice, whose benefits are obvious.

The principle of the technique

Of course, it is best to read the book (if not the first version, then at least

Would this- The eye of a real revival), but I believe that before embarking on a deep study of the materials, you need to find out in general whether you need a certain methodology or not. Therefore, I will talk about what the Eye of Rebirth stretching gymnastics is, describe a set of exercises and you can decide whether you need to read a book and comprehend these secrets. The Five Tibetans exercise set is based on a combination of thoughts, physical actions and energy flows. This ancient way of "dividing" a person into the realm of thoughts, energy and the physical body is widespread even now - not only are the five Tibetan pearls based on it, also many types of yoga and other practices view a person from this point of view.

The essence, as you know, is harmony. In order to achieve harmony, you need to learn the right way of thinking, you need to liberate the body special exercises and also find the right frame of mind. You should not think that the five Tibetan pearls are a sports and fitness complex or an ordinary workout. This practice combines actions aimed at the comprehensive development of a person - only in this way can he come to harmony.

In the human body, according to the theory of 5 Tibetans, there are energy flows, which the author of the book calls whirlwinds. In order to stay young, you need to start these whirlwinds, give them strength and make your energy flow in the right direction. If the energy flows weaken, then the person ages, diseases appear, and the supply of energy disappears. To keep the energy vortices circulating at the proper level, there are five Tibetan pearls - five exercises available to everyone.

I’ll make a reservation right away - in fact, there were six exercises by Tibetan lamas. But far from all fans of this practice come to perform the sixth ritual act of the Tibetan lamas - the fact is that it can be performed only if a person has completely abandoned his sexual life. Therefore, most often we are talking about five exercises - this ancient complex will help any person regain health and preserve youth.

ritual actions

By the way, the five Tibetans are not exercises, but rather ritual actions, so they should be treated accordingly.

It is required to perform the complex in the morning, immediately after waking up.. There are strict rules for doing it, and you must follow them - not only in order to get the result, but also so as not to harm yourself. The fact is that the complex at first glance looks no more complicated than a regular warm-up - and therefore many begin to perform it instead of morning exercises, without thinking at all about its meaning. If you understand what the Eye of Rebirth requires from a person, and follow its instructions, then you will understand what its secret is literally on your own body.

What is included in the set of exercises:

  • body turns with outstretched arms;
  • lifting the head and legs in a prone position;
  • arching the back while the person is kneeling;
  • transition from sitting position in the pose of the "table";
  • transition from stop to lying position into a triangle position.

Naturally, the recommendations are not mine, but belong, according to the author of the book, to the monks. The advice of lamas is quite simple and easy to follow. Before you perform ritual actions, you can take a shower (after performing it, it is better to refrain from cold water for some time - you should not allow a sharp temperature contrast).

If you need a little warm-up before exercise - do not deny yourself, even medicine confirms that before morning exercises you need to warm up a little, because the muscles are not in good shape.

In the video below you can see the execution technique, the correct positions, but there are also the correct thought forms for each ritual action:

  1. Power energy. It is necessary to feel the power that passes through your body, it gives confidence and fills literally the whole body.
  2. The joy of life. The second ritual action must be performed slowly, setting yourself up in a positive way, all the time remembering that life is joy and pleasure, and there is a lot of beauty in the world.
  3. Beauty and will. The third ritual action involves feeling your own beauty, you need to feel and believe that you are beautiful, healthy and young.
  4. Love and peace. Feel the energy of love, try with every breath to feel how you are filled with the energy of love and tranquility.
  5. The world around. Feel the beauty of the world - how beautiful it is, how many facets the universe has, and how much freedom is around you.
After completing each ritual action, you need to listen to yourself, take three deep breaths and only then move on. If after the exercise you feel discomfort, then you need to either interrupt the session altogether, or just give yourself a little time to come to a calm state.

After the whole complex is completed, you need to lie on your back on a hard surface(yes, an ordinary floor is just right), and completely relax - stretch out, relax your legs and arms and spend five to fifteen minutes in this position. This will help to normalize all processes in the body. After that, you need to take a deep breath, from the heart stretch in different directions and stand through the right side. Then you can have breakfast, but take a shower after half an hour.

How to perform ritual actions

To understand how to properly perform five Tibetan pearls, the easiest way is to watch the video. This is not a simple warm-up, but an ancient and serious way of rejuvenation, so you need to do everything as correctly as possible. You can always watch the video to make sure your actions are correct.

How many times should you do the exercises

Beginners should do no more than three repetitions of each exercise. You can increase the number of repetitions weekly, no more than two. The first week - three times, the second - five times, and so on. No more than 21 times for one exercise. If after a week of performing a certain number of exercises, you do not feel the strength to increase approaches, then it is better to stop at the current figure.

Translation difference

There are also other books that are based on the practice of the Five Tibetans. For example, the Eye of Rebirth for new era- a continuation of the book, written by a modern author, a new look at the practice of llamas, which includes not only an energetic mood and a special stretch, but also many spiritual messages, as well as many exercises. If it was the Eye of Rebirth for a new era that fell into your hands, then it is still better to turn to the source text, the first book authored by Calder - so you can understand what guided

The author of the additional book is Sidersky. There is another version of the book, edited by Levin Oko of a real revival. Petr Levin rethought Kelder's work and slightly adapted it for our time (it's no joke, Kelder wrote in the first half of the last century), and also modernized many of the esoteric messages in the book.

In my opinion, it is incorrect to call the Eye of the Renaissance for a new era and the Eye of the present Renaissance simply translations - this is a serious author's work, which, however, is somewhat different from the original. I do not presume to judge who adapted the old book better, and who worse - it is important that it is best to start reading from the original version, and only then proceed to the author's ones. Or completely abandon books (although, reading is more than entertaining), and watch video tutorials.

Try this technique, and you will be surprised how effective it is - my mother forgot about the doctors, and now she has infected me with this gymnastics. At first, my mother's stretching seemed like an ordinary exercise for women, but after watching a couple of videos and learning about the Eye of the Real Renaissance book, I realized that this is more than stretching or warming up.

These are real rejuvenating apples that everyone can use.. I can say that now I don’t even remember that I have a sore back, I don’t use sleeping pills and I have become much more productive. I wish you the same, be healthy, use the secrets of llamas and keep your youth!