Health disc for waist and abdomen exercises. Metal or plastic. Exercises on the health disk for weight loss

A health disk, a gymnastic disk for the waist, a weight loss disk “Fitness” or “Grace” - this is, in fact, the same mini-exercise machine, which almost everyone can exercise without special training and financial costs. In addition to losing weight and a slim waist, training with a rotating health disk will give you a good mood and relieve accumulated stress. You can practice on the disc at home; this is convenient for those who do not have time for sports clubs.

History and characteristics of the health disk

The mini-simulator consists of two plastic or metal plates connected internally by bearings. A special inertial mechanism allows you to rotate the disc even with little effort (which is necessary if the goal is to improve the health of the body). The size, depending on the model, can be from 25 to 40 cm. This exercise machine is ideal for any age and build. Almost every family could boast of the “Grace” metal disc, which was at the peak of its popularity in the USSR in the 80s. Now it is almost not advertised, but this has not lost its effectiveness. Modern discs are made of especially durable plastic in different colors. You can often find specimens covered with pimples, which provide a light foot massage. Some stores will also offer models equipped with microcomputers that play music and count the number of calories you burn while exercising on this machine.

Photo gallery: types of health discs

Modern health discs are made in various colors and sizes. Hand holders on the disc help balance the body. The metal health disc “Grace” has been known since Soviet times.
A model with an electronic calorie counter allows you to control the weight loss process. A double health disk allows you to add additional elements to your exercise routine.

Effect of exercise

Exercises with a health disc are an affordable way to get your body in good shape. Working on such a simulator is not hard and overwhelming; on the contrary, this system awakens in a person the desire to play sports and enjoy it. A simple mechanism allows you to make twisting movements, which has a positive effect on your figure, as well as your condition. internal organs. The main load when working with the health disc is concentrated on the muscles of the waist and abdomen - it tightens the rectus and oblique abdominal muscles, as well as the buttocks and thighs. But in addition to this, the disc increases the mobility of the spine, trains the vestibular apparatus, improves blood circulation and, due to internal massage, leads to improved intestinal motility. It is also worth paying attention to the fact that regular classes this simulator promotes increased metabolism and effective healthy weight loss. It is believed that in half an hour of training on such a disk, up to 250 kilocalories are burned. According to other sources, about 100 kcal is burned in 10 minutes, or 1 kcal in 8 movements.

General rules of use

The main rule of training on any simulator is regularity. The health disk is no exception. Only with constant training can you count on results and the general admiration of others. To lose weight, you need to spend 25-30 minutes exercising every day or at least 5 times a week. At the same time, even 10 minutes morning classes will provide you good mood and cheerfulness for the whole day. For greater training results, it is advisable to adhere to the following rules:

  • place the disk on a flat surface, eliminating the possibility of slipping;
  • make sure there is a safety support nearby (wall, chair, etc.);
  • perform exercises on an empty stomach (it is advisable to drink 1-2 glasses of warm water before exercise);
  • ventilate the room in advance;
  • exercise barefoot or in socks;
  • avoid clothing that restricts movement;
  • gradually increase the time and intensity of exercises;
  • exercise regularly without long breaks.

Basic exercises

In exercises No. 1 - No. 9, the starting position is: legs on the disk, bent as if you are going to sit on a bench.

A selection of exercises on the health disk

  1. Place two chairs with their backs facing you. Hold the backs of chairs with your hands. When turning to the right and left, make sure that your abdominal muscles are tense. Repeat - 5 times in each direction.
  2. Place your hands on the wall. Rotate your legs from side to side. Repeat - 7 turns.
  3. Hands are spread to the sides. Repeat - 9 turns left and right.
  4. Rotate your hips to the left, move your arms to the right. Hands should be lowered. Repeat - 7 times in each direction.
  5. Hands up, Bottom part torso to the left, arms down. Arms up, lower body to the right, arms down. Repeat - 7 times.
  6. Hands are clasped behind the head. Turn your legs right and left. Repeat - 6 times.
  7. Hands are on the ankle joints. Repeat - 3 times in each direction.
  8. The legs are closed at the knees. Turn both legs to the left and move your arms to the right. Repeat - 10 revolutions in each direction.
  9. The arms are crossed on the chest, the right palm is on the left shoulder, and the left palm is on the right. Keep your back as straight as possible. Repeat - slowly turn 10 times left and right.
  10. Place the disc on a chair and sit on it. Place your hands on your knees. Roll from heel to toe, move your feet left and right. Repeat - 5 turns in each direction.
  11. The starting position is as in the previous exercise, the hands are locked behind the back. Push off the floor with both feet, turn to the right, return to the starting position and turn to the left. Repeat - 4 turns.
  12. Place the disc on the floor, sit on it, legs bent at the knees, hands on the waist. Move your feet first to the left, then to the right. Repeat - 4 times.
  13. Sitting on the machine, place your hands on your waist and feet shoulder-width apart. Straighten your right leg and stretch your toes as much as possible, repeat the same with your left leg. Repeat - 8 times.
  14. Stand up. Place your foot on the disc. Grab your waist with your hands. Make turns left and right. Change your supporting leg. Repeat - 10 times.
  15. Stand on the disk with one foot and place your hands behind your head. Turn your body to the left, while spreading your arms to the sides. Change your supporting leg. Repeat - 8 times.
  16. Take the disk in your hands. Squeeze it tightly and rotate your hands in different directions in opposite directions. Perform for 3 minutes.
  17. Get on all fours with your knees on the disc. Place your hands on the floor. Lift your legs off the floor and rotate your hips in a conventional circle. Perform for 2-3 minutes.
  18. Take 2 kg dumbbells. Stand on the disc, making sure your back is straight. Make smooth turns with your hips to the left and right, stretching your arms with dumbbells in front of you. Perform for 2–3 minutes.
  19. Standing on the disk in front of the table at a distance of a step, turn to the sides so that your fingers touch the tabletop.

Contraindications for exercise

Any simulator has contraindications. Exercises on such a mini-simulator are contraindicated in the second and third trimester of pregnancy, in old age, during an exacerbation of a chronic disease, as well as in cases of the following diseases:

Scoliosis is not always a contraindication to exercise on the health disc

After consulting your doctor, exercises on the disc are possible in the presence of the initial stages of osteochondrosis and scoliosis.

Video: exercises on the health disk for weight loss and health

My review of the “Grace” health disc-simulator

What is a rotating disk "Grace"

If you think that only long, tedious and expensive workouts in the gym will help you make your body beautiful and slim, then you are very mistaken, because there are much simpler and cheaper ways to keep yourself in shape. One such way is regular exercise on a rotating disk called “Grace”.

This disc is a convenient and small home exercise machine designed to strengthen the abdominal and leg muscles and form a slender waist. The projectile is simple, but at the same time very effective, so spending on simple exercises on a rotating disk, just ten minutes a day can achieve significant positive effect for health and figure.

In fact, the “Grace” disc is a modified and improved version of the famous Soviet-era device. Metal rotating disks have proven their effectiveness, because it’s not for nothing that almost every mother and grandmother had them.

Today, the designers have decided to revive this hit from the past, slightly reducing the size of the simulator and replacing the metal with high-strength plastic. This solution made it possible to reduce the weight of the device and make its operation almost silent.

The new device was also equipped with additional useful functions, which include acupuncture foot massage and magnetic therapy. Thus, the manufacturer managed to create a budget and high-quality exercise machine that is ideal for home use and fully meets all modern requirements.

Projectile construction and design

The Grace exercise machine consists of two plastic disks mounted on top of each other. The surface of the lower disk in contact with the floor is ribbed, due to which the projectile does not slip during training. The upper disc indicates the zones where your feet should be placed when performing exercises. These places are covered with tubercles that massage the feet. There are also eight flat magnets that create a magnetic field useful for the body.

The discs of the exercise machine are connected to each other using a washer, due to which the plates rotate relative to each other. On inside The discs have tracks with metal bearings, making the rotation smooth.

In appearance, the “Grace” disc also differs from its Soviet predecessor in better side. Juicy orange color was used to decorate the simulator. As a result, the design of the projectile turned out to be bright and modern. Beautiful colors attract everyone's attention to the simulator, charge you with positivity and motivate you to start exercising as soon as possible.

Characteristics of the “Grace” disc:

  • Dimensions of the simulator: diameter – 25 cm, height – 2.8 cm;
  • Package dimensions – 26 x 26 x 3.5 cm;
  • The weight of the simulator is 0.55 kg;


  • Training apparatus;
  • Branded box.

How to exercise on the simulator

The main type of exercises on the Grace machine are crunches, which should be performed as follows:

  1. Stand on the disc with both feet.
  2. Bend your knees slightly.
  3. Keep your arms bent at the elbows at chest level.
  4. Start rotating your lower body to the right and left, choosing a speed and range of motion that is comfortable for you. Turns should be performed using the oblique abdominal muscles. The upper body should remain motionless.
  5. Continue spinning for 10-30 minutes.

To make the workout less boring, you can listen to music or watch TV while doing the exercises. Showing your imagination, sports activities on a rotating circle you can diversify. For example, you can perform crunches while sitting on the apparatus, placing it on a chair. You can also rotate the discs with your palms outstretched arms, giving stress to the muscles of the chest and shoulders. Between workouts, the apparatus can be stored under the bed or under the cabinet. If it gets dirty, you can wipe it with a damp cloth.

What happens during training:

  • Nervous tension is relieved, mood improves;
  • The vestibular apparatus is trained, coordination is improved;
  • The elasticity of joints increases, the spine strengthens, the body becomes more flexible and flexible;
  • Excess calories are burned;
  • The muscles of the abs, buttocks, and thighs are strengthened;
  • A slender waist is formed;
  • Thanks to moderate physical activity the heart and blood vessels are strengthened;
  • When twisting, a light massage of the organs is performed abdominal cavity, which helps improve digestion and metabolism;
  • Massage effect on singular points located on the feet, improves the functioning of almost all organs and systems;
  • Magnets attached to the disk create a field, under the influence of which, during rotational movements, a secondary electric current is generated in the body cells, which helps cleanse the body of toxins.

  • When practicing on a rotating disk, choose comfortable clothes that do not restrict movement;
  • To massage your feet when doing exercises, exercise on the exercise machine barefoot or wearing thin socks;
  • Start training only when you are sure that the machine does not slip on the floor;
    To avoid dizziness, when spinning on the disk, try not to turn your head and look at one point;
  • When performing exercises, avoid sudden movements which can injure the spine;
  • When performing rotations, try to maintain the same pace throughout the entire workout.

Contraindications to using the “Grace” disc:

  • Spinal injuries;
  • Diseases of the digestive system;
  • Some gynecological diseases;
  • Acute conditions;
  • Pregnancy.

My experience using the Grace simulator

By nature, I got a figure that looked like a rectangle, that is, with an undefined waist. On such a figure, fitted clothes do not look very beautiful, so I have always been a little envious of girls whose body resembles an hourglass. When I saw an advertisement for a waist trainer, I immediately wanted one for myself.

I didn’t think about the purchase for a long time, because the shell is not at all expensive and does not require much storage space. I also decided that even if I couldn’t make my waist thinner, the exercise machine would still be useful, because with my sedentary work, a little warm-up would never be superfluous. In addition, the disc has interesting additional features (magnets, foot massager).

I didn’t hesitate, and soon my order was delivered from the online store - a rotating disk called “Grace”. This sports equipment I liked it at first sight: bright, stylish, beautiful - I just want to start training! It is also strong and high quality.

Despite the fact that the pancakes are made of plastic and not metal, they do not bend or deform under the weight of the body. Working out on the simulator is as easy as shelling pears: stand on the disk, turn on your favorite TV series and spin at your own pace! The upper part of the apparatus turns easily and silently, so that training is a pleasure.

Despite its simplicity, the exercises on the machine are quite effective, because after a twenty-minute workout I feel a slight pain in my sides, which means that the process involves exactly the muscles that are needed. I try to practice on the disc every day, and after three weeks I can already see the results. My figure now looks more feminine and graceful, and I take great pleasure in wearing things that emphasize my waist.

Measurements with a centimeter tape showed that I lost 8 centimeters from the sides. We can say that my old dream has come true. Thus, I really liked the “Grace” disc. If you want to make your waist and legs slimmer, or just want to give your body regular loads, I advise you to buy this small and simple exercise machine!

Advantages of the disk:

  • Compact dimensions;
  • Simplicity and reliability;
  • Ease of use;
  • Bright modern design;
  • Strengthens the muscles of the waist and legs;
  • Provides beneficial physical activity;
  • Has additional functions of massage and magnetic therapy;
  • Ideal for home workouts.

Thank you for your attention! Be beautiful and healthy! And you can buy a Grace health disc using the button below in a trusted store without cheating or overpaying. I'm looking forward to your feedback!

I love him, he made my waist.

Written by: Olga

We had something like this back in my childhood during Soviet times. But this one is more modern. If you need to make a beautiful one thin waist- then buy it for yourself and you won’t regret it! I removed 6 cm in a month!

From the technical side of the issue, the health disk (or circle) consists of two metal round plates (diameter about 25 cm), connected to each other by a special bearing, thanks to which they can rotate relative to each other.

Although it is worth noting that technology does not stand still, and today in specialized sports stores, instead of a metal structure, you will most likely already come across a health circle made of durable plastic, with various “bells and whistles”, which can safely include the sound of various melodies during rotation, and comfortable massage feet.

This simulator is a very convenient tool for carrying out weight correction training at home, in the office while on vacation, in the gym, park, and anywhere, because it is completely undemanding in terms of transportation and takes up a minimum of useful space.

Features of the health disk - the benefits are obvious!

Perhaps the most basic beneficial properties This simulator is its simplicity, ease of use and price category. After all, everyone can easily buy it for themselves, from young to old, which is truly a huge plus.

The load when working with the health disc is primarily aimed at the waist and abdominal muscles, although it also perfectly strengthens and tightens the muscles of the buttocks, thighs and legs, increases the flexibility of the spine and the performance of the body as a whole, improves blood circulation, mood, intestinal motility, and has a very beneficial effect on coordination of movements and promotes overall weight loss.

It is very important that a person performing exercises on a health circle can independently determine the amplitude of rotation and the duration of the workout. After all, the longer the duration of the session and the higher the amplitude of movement, the more intense the energy consumption and the faster the muscles become toned. In addition, just half an hour on the circuit will allow you to lose at least 250 calories.

Girls who want to build a beautiful and, can use the disk without any fears and in a short period of time get the result they were counting on!

How to exercise on a health disk: general rules

  • To work safely on the wheel, it must be installed on a reliable and non-slip surface. For example, it could be a rubber training mat, in extreme cases, even an ordinary one, the main thing is that it is not slippery.
  • Sometimes beginners feel very dizzy at first during classes. To minimize this phenomenon, you need to avoid too sudden, sweeping movements and monitor the position of your head. To avoid losing your balance, place a chair next to you so that you can sit on it and avoid fainting.
  • Many people think that using the health disc exercise machine correctly is very simple, but this is not so! In order for the waist to begin to decrease, it is necessary to rotate only the lower part of the body, while the shoulders must remain motionless. If you do not strictly adhere to this rule, then you may not expect results...
  • For better blood circulation and, as a result, results, you need to drink a glass of warm water 15–20 minutes before training.
  • Exercises on the health disk are an excellent method of warming up the whole body before.
  • The effect of slimming your waist will be twice as noticeable if you use a hoop at the same time while working on the circle.

Exercises on the health circle for weight loss

In addition to the beneficial effect of weight loss, exercise on the health disk is also an excellent way to maintain the tone of the whole body.

Come home tired after work and you have absolutely no energy left for your loved ones!? It doesn’t matter, just exercise on the disc for about five minutes and you are guaranteed to feel an extraordinary surge of energy.

Most people assume that circuit training is limited to just one basic rotation. However, this is not at all true! There are a huge number of exercises, for example, it can be rotated with both legs and arms. You can practice not on one disk, but on two at the same time. Let's find out about them in more detail!

A set of exercises on the health disk:

1. Starting position: you stand on a disk, place two chairs next to each other (with their backs facing you). Place your palms on the backs of the chairs, bend your legs slightly at the knees and turn them to the left, and top part torso simultaneously to the right, then perform this cross rotation diametrically in reverse. Repeat in total 5 times in different directions.

2. Starting position: everything is the same, only instead of the backs of chairs, place your hands in front of you against the wall at shoulder level. The exercise is performed similarly to the previous one. A total of 7 rotations in different directions.

4. Next exercise It is practically no different from the previous one, only you need to lower your arms down and, when turning your torso, move them in the direction opposite to the rotation. A total of 7 times.

5. Place the disc on a chair and sit on it with your hands on your knees. Start moving your feet (with transitions from heels to toes) first in left side, and then to the right. There are 4 turns in total.

6. The starting position remains the same, but when moving to the left, move your arms to the right and vice versa. A total of 4 times.

7. Stay in the same position, just clasp your hands behind your head and fix your upper body. Perform leg turns left and right 6 times.

8. Starting position: place the circle on a chair and sit on it so that your right side touches its back. Push off the floor with both feet and turn around in your chair at an angle of 180 degrees. Then return to the starting position. There are 4 spreads in total.

9. Starting position: place the disc on the floor, sit on it, bend your knees, and place your hands on your waist. Start moving your feet, just like in the fifth exercise. A total of 4 times.

10. The starting position is the same, just put your hands on ankle joints. A total of 3 rotations in different directions.

11. In the next exercise, everything is the same, only the hands are clasped behind the head, as in exercise No. 7. Repeat 4 times.

12. While sitting on the disc, place your hands on your waist and place your feet in front of you, shoulder-width apart. Straighten your left leg and extend it forward as far as possible, then repeat with your right leg. A total of 6 times.

13. You will perform the next exercise while standing. Stand on the disc with one leg and place your hands on your belt. Perform rotations on one leg, then to the right, then to the left. Then change your supporting leg. Just 10 times.

14. Stand with your left foot on the disc and place your right foot on a chair, while right hand should be on your belt, and rest your left hand against the wall. Rotate your lower body to the left so that your right elbow can touch your left arm. Then change your supporting leg. A total of 8 times in both directions.

15. Stand with your right foot on the disc and place both hands behind your head. Turn your torso to the right while spreading your arms to the sides. Return to the starting position, and then change your supporting leg and repeat the same. A total of 8 times.

16. Next exercise: take the disc in your hands, squeeze it very well and begin to rotate it with your hands on both sides in opposite directions.

17. For this exercise you will need two disks. Place your feet shoulder-width apart, with a disc under each foot. Bring them inward at the same time and then turn them outward. A total of 10 repetitions.

18. Starting position: the same, only your legs need to be slightly bent at the knees. Then turn both legs to the right and move your arms to the left, and vice versa. Just 10 times.

19. Starting position: the same, legs bent at the knees. But we only move the feet apart, first inward, then outward. Just 10 times.

20. Starting position: two disks on the floor, place your hands on them and take a position as for push-ups. Lower your torso down, simultaneously bringing your palms inward, then straighten up, spreading your palms outward. Just 10 push-ups.

After completing this set of exercises, it is recommended that after five deep breaths and exhalations, walk slowly around the room for 3 minutes, and only then can you relax.

You can repeat this program at least every day, devoting only 30 minutes to it. For beginners, it is best to start with 5–6 revolutions, gradually increasing their number so that the body has time to get used to physical activity.

Older people should practice very carefully and carefully. It is also advisable to obtain prior consent for training from your doctor.

Contraindications for the use of the health disc

This exercise machine also has its own peculiarities in use: people who have a history of any problems with cerebral circulation associated with atherosclerosis or suffering from discogenic radiculitis should not exercise on the disk, so as not to aggravate the health situation.

Health disk: reviews and opinions of readers

Ksenia: “...I saw the disc for the first time when I was visiting a friend. Her mother used it in her youth to give herself a wasp waist! And what I want to say is that the results of her classes are still visible, although many years have passed... Imbued with what I saw, I decided to try it too. I have made few external changes yet, but I really like the process of training on the disc! ..."

Inna: “...I decided to take care of myself and paid attention to the disc, because it’s very convenient, you don’t need to go anywhere, just stand there and do it. There's just one thing, you need to do this carefully!!! My aunt is a doctor, and she advised me not to make sudden movements during exercise, otherwise you might dislocate something in your spine. So, girls, exercise carefully! ..."

Marina: “... I’ve been doing the health circle for six months now, the results are great! Not only did I gain a waist, but I also started eating right. It’s like a snowball, as soon as the first result appeared, I wanted even more!!! I feel just great, instead of eating cakes in front of the TV, I spin the disk for half an hour...”

Snezhka: “... I didn’t like it... I rotated on the disk for three months, but there was no result. Moreover, they told me that such activities are dangerous for the spine...”

Alla: “... Snezhka, if you do it irregularly and at the same time, then there will be no results. How will the kilograms fall off if you eat whatever you want? Try combining diet and exercise! ..."

Maxim: “...Cool thing, my sister has one, so I use it periodically. In my opinion, we have had this disc since the times of the USSR. The only thing is that it needs to be periodically lubricated with oil for better rotation, iron after all...”

The health disc or circle is a very simple home exercise machine that is used to strengthen the abdominal and thigh muscles. This simple device helps to burn extra pounds, increase muscle tone, and correct problem areas and make your waist thinner and sleeker. Also, the advantage of the disk is that it is compact and easy to transport, so you can easily take it with you to the office or on vacation, for example, Exercises on the health disk for weight loss are simple and effective method get closer to your dream figure.

In Soviet times, almost every family had a spinning disk. These devices became fashionable about 30-40 years ago, so many people still have exercise equipment at home that their mothers or grandmothers once used. The disk has a very simple design: two metal or plastic plates connected by a washer. Between them there are tracks equipped with steel bearings to ensure smooth rotation. Modern models have foot massagers and expanders. They can even play different tunes. In fact, such exercises will be effective even if you use the simplest and cheapest disc.

As a result of performing such exercises, the figure becomes not only slimmer, but also more graceful and feminine, which is why the circle is also called the “Grace” disc.

What will exercises on the health disk give us? When twisting, the muscles of the waist and hips are worked out, their lines are improved, and problem areas are worked out.

Exercises on the “Grace” disc have the following beneficial properties:

  • You can improve your mood, relieve muscle tension, give them the opportunity to unload and switch. In view of this, experts especially advise practicing on a disc in between sedentary work, working at the computer.
  • Training strengthens the vestibular apparatus and helps improve body coordination.
  • As a result, the body becomes more flexible and plastic, the elasticity of the joints improves, as well as the mobility of the spine.
  • Exercises on a rotating disc help pump up the muscles of the abdomen, thighs, buttocks, and form a beautiful waist.
  • The heart and blood vessels receive optimal load. This type of exercise is essentially a lightweight version of cardio training.
  • Twists provide massage of internal organs. As a result, blood circulation in the abdominal organs improves, body tone is maintained and metabolism improves.

Exercises on a rotating disk make it possible to burn 250-300 kcal in 30 minutes of exercise, which, in fact, is not so little. In addition, you can study in the most comfortable environment, while listening to music or watching TV.

As a result of working with the disc, you will get the desired harmony. In just a month, if you combine exercises on the health disk for the abdomen with other types physical activity And proper nutrition, you can get rid of 2-5 kg, reduce your body size by 2-5 cm and improve your overall health.

The health disk, weight loss exercises with which we will consider below, will bring maximum benefit and effectiveness if you follow these tips:

  • Before you begin, make sure that the disk is installed securely enough. It must be placed on a non-slip surface, such as a regular carpet or rubber mat. Otherwise, you may slip and get injured.
  • When performing exercises with an abdominal disk for the first time, try to keep your head straight and look in front of you, do not change the direction of your gaze when twisting. Otherwise, out of habit, you may start to feel dizzy. It is also better to first practice near objects that you can grab onto if you do get dizzy. These could be walls, shelves, a table, a chair.
  • Any exercises with gymnastic disk must be based on one rule - maintaining rhythm. Try to keep up the pace no matter how long the session lasts. If the pace does not change, you will be able to achieve maximum heart rate, which will give the heart good workout. There is no need to rush into exercises too much. Don't try to do the exercises too quickly. The main thing is to maintain the rhythm.
  • About half an hour after training, drink 1-2 glasses of water. This will help activate the heart and increase the effectiveness of exercise.
  • It is not necessary to use special sportswear for exercise, but it should be as comfortable as possible, not restrict movement and allow the body to breathe. It is better to stand on the circle without shoes or in comfortable shoes without heels.
  • It is better to alternate exercises on a floor-mounted disc machine with other types of activity - warm-up, other exercise equipment. Due to the alternation of classes, results improve and the load on all types of muscles is ensured. Exercises with a disc in combination with stretching, abdominal pumping, and a horizontal bar are especially useful.
  • Make sure that you do not perform more than three types of twisting exercises in a row. Otherwise, you can overload your spine with them. It is better to alternate twists with other activities.

Despite the benefits and effectiveness of health disks, in some cases it is not recommended to practice them. Contraindications include spinal injuries, intervertebral hernia, vertebral shifts. Also refrain from exercising if you have diseases of the stomach, intestines or other abdominal organs. For gynecological diseases, you should consult a specialist. The same applies to high or low blood pressure, balance problems or diseases of the vestibular system. Another obvious contraindication is pregnancy.

A set of effective exercises with a health disk

Effective exercises on the health disk for weight loss, videos of which will help you understand how to perform them, can be represented by the following complex:

  • Stand on the disc with both feet, placing your arms along your body. Turn your body in different directions, helping yourself with your hands. Continue for three minutes.
  • Stand on the disk with both feet and grab some support. Perform side-to-side turns fast pace so that the amplitude is as high as possible. Repeat for 2-3 minutes.
  • Place one foot on the disk, fix your hands on your belt. Rotate the leg that remains free along a vertical axis for 2-3 minutes.
  • Bend over and rest your hands on the disc. Rotate it with your hands for three minutes, rotating your body as much as possible.
  • Place your knees on the disc and place your hands on the floor. Rotate your body in different directions with maximum amplitude. Turn 25 times in each direction.
  • Place the disc on a chair and sit on it. Place your hands on your belt. Push off with your feet and do active crunches, turning left and right. Repeat the movements for four minutes.
  • Sit on a disc placed on the floor. Place your hands and feet on the floor. Rotate the disc, making sure that your hands remain motionless and do not take part in the exercise. Continue for three minutes. Video exercises with a health disc will help you better understand how to perform them.
  • Sit on a disk that lies on a chair, place your hands on your knees. Move your feet, moving from heel to toe. Perform movements in both directions alternately. Make 4 turns in each direction.
  • The circle remains on the chair, as in the previous exercise. Sit on it so that your left side touches the back of the chair. Push off the floor with both feet and turn 180 degrees on the chair. Then return to the starting position. Perform 4 turns on each side.
  • Place your right foot on the disc and your left foot on the chair. The right hand should be on the belt, and the left hand should rest against the wall. Rotate your lower body so that your left elbow and right arm are touching. Return to the original position and change the supporting leg. You need to perform 8 repetitions for each side.
  • Place your left hand on the disk, clasp your hands behind your head. Turn your body to the left and spread your arms to your sides. Return to the original position and change legs using the same movements. Do 8 exercises for each leg.
  • For this exercise you will need two discs. Place your feet shoulder-width apart. There should be a disc under each leg. At the same time, rotate the discs inward and outward. Make 20 turns - 10 inward and 10 outward. For beginners, this exercise is quite difficult, so at first you can do fewer repetitions and increase them over time.
  • The starting position is the same as in the previous exercise, but the legs are slightly bent at the knees. Turn both legs to the left and move your arms to the right. Then, on the contrary, turn your legs to the right and your arms to the left. Make 10 turns on each side. Such exercises (sports disc for the waist) are also quite difficult, so if you are a beginner, you can do them fewer times.

It will take you no more than half an hour to complete this complex. During the first lessons, you can limit yourself to five turns during one exercise so that your muscles can get used to the load. It is important to warm up before exercise. Videos of exercises with a health disk will help you understand how to do it.

After completing the session, do a cool-down in the form of a short stretch so that the muscles can recover faster. After finishing the exercises, inhale and exhale deeply several times, walk slowly around the room for several minutes, and only then relax.

Exercises on the health disk for weight loss on video

Exercises with a health disc are quite simple, and at the same time very effective. By exercising regularly, you will soon be able to notice the first results. Well, video exercises for weight loss with a health disc will help you understand how to do them correctly, which will clearly demonstrate this.

Technologies do not stand still; all simulators improve over time. The rotating iron disk from Soviet times has grown to be “tuned” with new materials, musical melodies during classes, various additional functions. A health disc for weight loss is a floor exercise machine that helps maintain abdominal and back muscles in good shape. Regular daily exercise will help cope with extra pounds. With the help of a health disc for weight loss, the silhouette of your figure will significantly improve. Find out how to exercise correctly.

Types of weight loss discs

There are many exercise machines, but why should you buy a spinning disc for weight loss? There are a number of advantages that are characteristic of home spinning exercise machines:

  1. Device dimensions. The exercise machine is small in size, it is not only convenient for storing at home, but also suitable for travel, office or recreation areas.
  2. Availability. IN sports store A rotating health disc can be purchased at inexpensive prices. Prices Treadmills, cycling tracks, in comparison with a disk, are much higher.
  3. Benefit. You will be able to improve your waist, abs, hips, and side areas.
  4. Healthy approach. Regular training will improve the condition of the spine, blood circulation, and will strengthen the general condition of the body.
  5. Loads. Gradually increasing the load, a person approaches the maximum training pace. The result is accelerated weight loss.

There are also a number of contraindications for which doctors prohibit the use of a waist disc. Exercise can be harmful to your body if you have:

  • chronic diseases;
  • circulatory problems;
  • fragile bones;
  • back diseases (sciatica and others);
  • problems with the spine.

Metal health circle

What does a metal trainer look like? This is a circle of two metal parts, approximately 25 cm in diameter. The plates are secured to each other with a bearing, which allows the disk to rotate during exercise. The metal health circle is the most inexpensive option, in no way inferior to newfangled products in terms of weight loss. The principle of operation on such a simulator is no different from others, so the process of losing weight with proper training runs efficiently. You should train every day, increasing the load gradually.


The version of the simulator with magnetic treatment is almost 2 times more expensive than a regular metal disc. The simulator is equipped with a special diagnostic computer that analyzes exercises and other data. Fans of training on a disc will find this type of device useful to control the quality and quantity of twists during daily training. A home magnetic cardio machine is very useful for joint health and weight loss.

Disc Grace with expanders

Ideal waist With the help of such a device you are guaranteed, in addition, it is also a trainer for your arms and legs at the same time. The Grace disc has a textured surface that additionally massages the legs. During training, you are allowed to drink a little water, and to speed up the weight loss process, you should speed up and change your training regimens. The Grace exercise machine, in addition to its beneficial effect on the figure, further improves:

  • condition of muscles, joints throughout the body;
  • circulatory and cardiac systems;
  • flexibility of the vertebrae;
  • coordination of movements;
  • psychological state of the body.

How to do exercises on a disc

Exercises on the Health Disc for weight loss require compliance with a certain correct technique execution. Things to remember:

  1. Training must be safe, so the circle is installed on a stable and non-slip surface.
  2. If you feel dizzy, you need to slow down your workout and move smoothly. There must be support next to you.
  3. For your waist to become aspen, simply rotating on a circle is not enough: only the lower part of your body should remain mobile. The shoulders remain motionless.
  4. Drinking a glass of warm water before exercise will help improve blood circulation.
  5. It is useful to perform crunches on a circuit before the main workouts as a warm-up.

For hands

An excellent workout for strengthening and tightening your muscles is this exercise: place your hands on the disc as if you want to do push-ups from it. By twisting your palms in different directions in turn for one minute, you will be able to make your arm muscles beautiful and strong. Bonus: By doing movements for the rest of your body, you'll do extra arm swings that will improve your coordination and arm flexibility.

For legs

The following exercises are suitable for strengthening your legs and toning your buttocks:

  1. Squat down until your knees are bent. We bend our back forward and rotate the disk with our legs. To speed up the pace, you need to swing your arms in the opposite direction from your legs. Exercise duration: 3 minutes.
  2. Get on all fours, your knees should be on the disc and your feet should not touch the floor. Move your buttocks for 3 minutes.

For waist and belly

A beautiful waist and toned abs with the help of exercises is easy. Repeat these exercises regularly:

  1. Sit with your buttocks on the disk, placing your hands back on the floor. We raise our legs in a half-bent position at an angle of 90 degrees and move each leg in turn to the other side, touching the heel to the floor. Time: 3 minutes.
  2. Stand on the disk, spread your arms to the sides. Rotate your hips left and right without changing your hand position for three minutes.

Video: how to exercise on a home exercise machine for weight loss