Children's aerobics program. Work program for children's fitness. Integration with other educational areas

Ekaterina Morozova

Reading time: 7 minutes


What is children's fitness? First of all, this is a set of play activities that harmoniously combine elements of choreography and aerobics, as well as gymnastics, etc. The main goal of fitness for children is the development of artistry and strength qualities, a sense of rhythm, flexibility and endurance, and coordination. When can you send your little one to fitness, and how to choose a program?

Features of children's fitness

About 20 years ago, no one had any questions about the lack of mobility of children - children’s voices rang in the courtyards from early morning until dark. Outdoor games were an integral part of childhood - football and hockey, hide and seek and cycling. Pleasant fatigue in the evening and a peaceful, healthy sleep at night. Modern children, as we know, spend most of their time with tablets and laptops. There is no question of physical development with this lifestyle.

Children's fitness, as a fun and active event, solves this problem.

How is it different from regular physical education classes and sports schools?

  • The format of the classes is playful and exciting.
  • The programs are individual, based on the psychophysical state of the baby.
  • The development of all muscle groups occurs evenly.
  • There is no system of personal competitions and assessments. Children attend classes with pleasure - they don’t have to be upset about losing.
  • Compulsory physical education and sports activities in sections attract a child less than play activities to music in comfortable psychological conditions and taking into account adapted loads.
  • Part of children's fitness includes play sessions with a speech therapist.
  • Low morbidity. That is, occupational safety.
  • Variety of activities.

Age for children to exercise in a fitness club

Children are usually brought to fitness classes from the age of one and a half years. Of course, not without taking into account the characteristics of the body. The maximum number of children in a group is 10-15 people.

Age groups:

  • The smallest - 2-4 years old

Classes to strengthen muscles and spine, coordinate movements and develop motor skills. Parents' presence is required.

  • Baby – 4-6 years old

Aerobic, strength and development exercises. Speech development classes.

  • Older children - 7-11 years old

Emphasis on posture, strong-willed qualities, muscle development. Exercise classes.

  • Teenagers - up to 16 years old

A set of exercises aimed at overall physical development and endurance.

Class times for each age:

  • For babies 2-4 years old - a maximum of 30 minutes and no more than 2 times a week.
  • For children under 10 years old - half an hour 2-3 times a week.
  • For teenagers - 40 minutes three times a week.

Where and how are classes held?

- these are specially equipped rooms with swings and ropes, with dry pools, with a wall bars and machines, with soft modules, etc. Activities for the little ones are usually plotless and role-playing - exclusively in the form of a game.

Taking into account the characteristics of the body/age, types of aerobics such as fitball and step, dance aerobics and even yoga can be used.

Children's fitness - the result of classes:

  • Development of all muscle groups.
  • Correction of posture.
  • Development of movement coordination.
  • Development of orientation in space.
  • Development of social skills, leadership qualities and communication skills.
  • Improved sleep.
  • Help with problems with the musculoskeletal system.
  • Formation muscle corset.
  • Improving joint mobility.
  • Development of self-control and discipline.
  • Development of logical thinking.
  • And etc.

The lesson plan consists of...

  • Warm-ups. Here the main emphasis is on general strengthening exercises for all muscle groups.
  • Main part. It involves active games using equipment.
  • The final part. Game part to consolidate the result.

Contraindications for children's fitness classes

One of the most significant advantages of classes is the absence of contraindications. There are practically none. And even if there are such, you can always choose individual program to improve the baby's health.

  • For chronic diseases, an individual set of classes must be selected.
  • If you have problems with the spine, strength exercises are prohibited. But aerobics (and swimming), on the contrary, are very useful.
  • In case of asthma, aerobics is already excluded, and yoga classes, on the contrary, are expanded.

In addition to consulting with the instructor directly, it is recommended that you also consult with a pediatrician. Coordinate your plans with your doctor. This is especially true for mothers of very young children.

The best children's fitness programs

There is no clear training program for children's fitness. This, perhaps, is its main advantage.

What do children's fitness clubs offer today for kids?

  • Logo aerobics

This type of fitness involves performing exercises together with the pronunciation of certain sounds and quatrains.

  • Capoeira

A type of activity adored by many modern kids. It combines a special technique of leg movement, dance and martial art.

  • Animal aerobics

These exercises look like imitating the movements of animals. Little ones love this type of fitness.

  • Rock climbing and ropes.
  • Roller skating/biking.
  • Dancing and swimming.
  • Yoga.
  • Fitball.
  • Classes on massage mats.
  • Power training.
  • Programs for developing motor skills, improving posture or preventing flat feet.
  • Physiotherapy.
  • Rhythm and aerobics.
  • Woo-shu.
  • Kinesiological exercises.

Exercises to activate mental abilities and the cerebral hemispheres.

  • Ballinger training gymnastics

The goal is the development of mental functions.

  • Tempering gymnastics.
  • Dance gymnastics.
  • Water aerobics.
  • “Rocking chair” for kids (simulators).

Is children's fitness possible in your own apartment?

Of course, you can study at home - no one will forbid you from doing so. But it is recommended to carry out training with the participation of a trainer and following his recommendations.

And considering that one of the goals of children's fitness is the development of social skills and the maximum switching of the child from the computer to real life, it is still better to accustom the baby to activities outside the home - in groups with peers.


Head of MBDOU

"Kindergarten No. 1

"Little country"

I.V. Ovsyannikova

Order No._____

from "___" __________ 20___


for children's fitness "FIDGE" (3-4 years)

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

“Kindergarten No. 1 “Little Country”

city ​​of Novocheboksarsk, Chuvash Republic

Adopted at a meeting of the pedagogical council

Protocol No. ___ from "___" __________ 20__


Target section of the program

Explanatory note

Goals and objectives of the program implementation

Principles and approaches to program development

Characteristics significant for program development and implementation

Planned results of the foundation of the program

Educational targets in preschool age

Results of mastering the program content

Peculiarities educational activities different types and cultural practices

Ways and directions of supporting children's initiatives

Features of interaction with families of pupils

Organizational section

Logistics of the program

Organization of children's learning regime



1.1.Explanatory note

Working programm compiled for children 3-4 years old MBDOU “General developmental kindergarten No. 1 “Little Country” of the city of Novocheboksarsk, Chuvash Republic on the basis of the following documents Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in Russian Federation»;

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated October 17, 2013. No. 1155 “On approval of the federal state educational standard for preschool education” and its annex;

Constitution of the Russian Federation, Art. 43, 72;

Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989);

Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated May 15, 2013 No. 26 Moscow from “On approval of SanPiN “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the design, content and organization of the operating mode of preschool educational organizations” (Registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia May 29, 2013 No. 28564);

Regulations on the organization of activities for the provision of additional paid services, developed and adopted in accordance with Article 50 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Art. 28.101 of the Federal Law No. 273 Federal Law “Education in the Russian Federation”, by order of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated 3107.2001 No. 2846 “On the use of the Government of the Russian Federation Decree dated 07/05/2001. No. 505”, approving the “Rules for the provision of paid educational services in the field of preschool and general education”. Based on the recommendations contained in letters of the Ministry of Education of Russia No. 52-M dated July 21, 1995. “On the organization of paid additional services” No. 04-M dated 02.02.1999. “On the rules of educational institutions on the use of budgetary and non-budgetary funds” and are a document recommending the rules for organizing paid additional educational services in preschool educational institutions,

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated August 30, 2013 No. 1014 “On approval of the Procedure for organizing and implementing educational activities in basic general education programs - educational programs of preschool education” (Registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia on September 26, 2013 No. 30038);

Charter of the Municipal Preschool Educational Institution “Kindergarten No. 1 “Little Country”.

The work program is based on the Fitness in kindergarten» by O. N. Rybkina and L. D. Morozova. Taking into account the basic general education program “From birth to school”, the head of the team of authors is N. E. Veraksa.

1.1.1 Goals and objectives of the program implementation

Target: Creating favorable conditions for the health and physical development of children, taking into account their age, individual psychological and physiological characteristics. Development motor abilities children based on the formation of their need for movement and interest in playing sports.


    Improve health:

help optimize growth and development of the musculoskeletal system;

form correct posture;

promote the prevention of flat feet;

promote the development and functional improvement of the respiratory, circulatory, cardiovascular and nervous systems body.

    Improve the psychomotor abilities of preschoolers:

develop muscle strength, flexibility, endurance, perceptual sensitivity, speed-strength and coordination abilities;

promote the development of a sense of rhythm, ear for music, memory, attention, and the ability to coordinate movements with music;

to develop skills of expressiveness, plasticity, grace and elegance of dance movements and dances;

develop manual dexterity and fine motor skills.

    To develop the creative and constructive abilities of pupils:

develop thinking, imagination, resourcefulness and cognitive activity, broaden your horizons;

develop skills of independent expression of movement to music;

develop skills of emotional expression, freedom and creativity in movements;

develop leadership, initiative, sense of camaraderie, mutual assistance and hard work;

introduction to a healthy lifestyle.

        Principles and approaches to program development

The work program is formed in accordance with the principles and approaches defined by the Federal State Educational Standards:

1) full-fledged experience by the child of all stages of childhood (infancy, early and preschool age), enrichment (amplification) of child development;

2) building educational activities based on the individual characteristics of each child, in which the child himself becomes active in choosing the content of his education, becomes a subject of education (hereinafter referred to as individualization of preschool education);

3) assistance and cooperation of children and adults, recognition of the child as a full participant (subject) of educational relations;

4) support for children’s initiatives in various types activities;

5) cooperation of the Organization with the family;

6) introducing children to sociocultural norms, traditions of the family, society and state;

7) formation of cognitive education (compliance of conditions, requirements, methods with age and developmental characteristics

9) taking into account the ethnocultural situation of children's development.

interests and cognitive actions of the child in various types of activities;

8) age adequacy of preschool age

1.1.3. Characteristics significant for program development and implementation.

The main participants in the implementation of the Program: children aged 3-4 years, parents ( legal representatives), instructor physical culture. The social customers of the implementation of the program, as a complex of additional services, are the parents (legal representatives) of the pupils, as guarantors of the child’s rights to supervision, care, and health improvement.

Personnel potential.

Physical education instructor Olga Nikolaevna Matina. Education - higher, teaching experience - 21 years, of which 10 years as a physical education instructor. In April 2016, she took advanced training courses under the program “Formation of a value-based attitude towards physical education in preschoolers in the context of the introduction and implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education” at the Chuvash Republican Institute of Education. Completed courses in 2014 physical therapy at the Republican Center for Physical Therapy and Sports Medicine, in 2015 she completed advanced training courses at the Institute of Fitness under the program “Organization and conduct of classes using fitness aerobics for health purposes.”

Age characteristics of children 3-4 years old

The fourth year of a child’s life is characterized by the development of the respiratory system, and by the age of 3–4 years the pulmonary type of breathing is established, but the structure of the lung tissue is not complete, so pulmonary ventilation is limited. At 3–4 years old, a child’s movements are sharp and angular, and his endurance is low. muscular system. Because of this, static muscle tension is short-lived and the baby cannot sit or stand without changing posture. The strength of the hand muscles increases from 3.5 kg - 4 at the age of 3 - 4 years.

Weight - height indicators of physical development between girls and boys are almost the same: height is 92 - 99 cm, body weight is 14 - 16 kg.

In the fourth year of life, the child has a large amount of motor skills and is able to perform quite complex motor actions, observing a certain sequence. Children are characterized by greater awareness of the perception of the demonstration of movements and verbal explanation, which has a positive effect on the quality of the exercise. However, there is still insufficient coherence in the work of various muscle groups (shoulder girdle, trunk, legs), voluntary movements are not formed.

A 3-year-old child masters basic vital movements (walking, running, climbing, handling objects). Interest arises in determining whether a movement matches a pattern. Children test their strength in more complex activities, but at the same time they are characterized by the inability to measure their strength with their capabilities.

The motor skills of performing movements are characterized by more or less accurate reproduction of the structure of the movement, its phases, direction, etc.

Self-esteem begins to develop when performing physical exercises, while children are guided to a large extent by the teacher’s assessment.

A 3-4 year old child has basic hygienic self-care skills.

      Planned results

1.2.1. Educational targets in preschool age

Target guidelines, designated by the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education, represent social and normative age characteristics of a child’s possible achievements at the stage of completing the level of preschool education.

The child shows initiative and independence in motor activities. He is mobile and resilient, masters basic movements, and is capable of making his own decisions, relying on his knowledge and skills in motor activity.

The child has developed gross and fine motor skills.

Has a basic understanding of some sports.

The child has a developed imagination, which he realizes in play, masters in different forms and types of games. Can control and control his movements. The child is capable of volitional efforts. The child has basic knowledge about himself (physical “I”) and has basic ideas about a healthy lifestyle. Can follow personal hygiene rules and safe behavior rules.

The child strives to move to the music.

Reduced morbidity.

1.2.2 Planned results of mastering the content of the program

The child has developed age-appropriate coordination of movements. He shows a positive attitude towards a variety of physical exercises, strives for independence in motor activity, and is selective in relation to certain motor actions and outdoor games.

Active in organizing his own physical activity and the activities of peers, outdoor games; is interested in these types of games, enjoys learning new ones, and independently turns to them in everyday life. Enjoys using the simplest motor and hygienic skills. Shows interest in learning the rules of health-preserving and safe behavior.

Experiences joy and emotional comfort from the manifestations of physical activity, its results, the implementation of basic labor processes, the norms and rules of a healthy lifestyle (clean hands, good mood, beautiful gait, put away toys, neatly folded clothes), recreational activities.

Interacts with adults and peers in conditions of physical activity, is focused on cooperation and cooperation, and is able to coordinate movements in collective activities. Expresses needs and interests through verbal and nonverbal means.

Strives to properly (safely) organize his own physical activity and joint movements and games with peers in a group and on the street; focused on maintaining the elementary culture of movements. Feels satisfaction from the approving assessments of an adult, striving to independently repeat the positive action.

Can implement the necessary motor skills and healthy lifestyle skills in new circumstances, new conditions, transfer the rules of health-preserving and safe behavior into the game with the participation of an adult.

Strives to set goals when performing physical exercises; the ability to respond correctly to adult instructions in mastering new motor skills, cultural and hygienic skills and healthy lifestyle skills.

II. Content section

Goals: formation in children of interest and value attitude towards physical education, harmonious physical development through solving the following tasks:

Improving the technique of basic movements. Gaining experience in motor activity, developing physical qualities, developing the need for daily motor activity.

Development of the musculoskeletal system of the body, strengthening the ability to maintain a given pace in walking and running. Consolidating the ability to combine a run-up with a take-off in jumping on a soft surface, long and high from a running start. Development of physical qualities: strength, speed, endurance, agility and flexibility. Consolidating the ability to maintain a given pace in walking and running.

Formation of the musculoskeletal system of the body. Develop the habit of maintaining correct posture in various activities. Strengthen the ability to quickly change lanes on the spot and while moving, to align in a column, line, circle. Strengthen the ability to perform exercises rhythmically, at the pace set by the teacher.

Development of gross motor skills of both hands. Improving the active movement of the hand when throwing.

Mastering basic movements, gaining experience in motor activity. Improve the technique of basic movements (add naturalness, ease, accuracy, expressiveness of their execution).

To promote the formation of focus and self-regulation in the motor sphere. Learn to voluntarily direct attention to the muscles involved in the movement. Distinguish and compare muscle sensations.

Promote the development of coordination of movements, the ability to navigate in space.

Development fine motor skills both hands.

Formation of initial ideas about some sports. Maintain interest in sports and individual achievements in the field of sports. Develop an interest in sports as a sphere of public life and the diversity of its types.

Formation of healthy lifestyle values. Formation of ideas about the importance of physical activity in human life: the ability to use special physical exercises to strengthen one’s organs and systems. Formation of ideas about active recreation.

Mastering outdoor games with rules. Strengthen the ability to participate in a variety of outdoor games (including games with elements of competition)

Complex and partial programs

Educational and methodological manuals.

Visual and didactic aids

Fitness in kindergarten: Program and lesson notes. Edited by O, N, Rybkin, L. D. Morozov. M. ARKTI. 2016-104s. (Growing up healthy).

Approximate general education program preschool education “From birth to school” Edited by N. E. Veraksa, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva M. Mosaic synthesis.2014.

1. O. Yu. Verbina “Fitness for everyone.” Cheboksary 2014.

2. N. M. Solomennikova, T. N. Machine “Formation of the motor sphere of children 3-7 years old. Fitball-gymnastics" publishing house "Uchitel" 2011. Volgograd.

3. E. V. Sulim “Physical education classes. Game stretching for preschoolers" M. TC. Sphere. (Be healthy preschooler).

4. E. V. Sulim “Children’s fitness” Physical education classes for children 3-5 years old..M. Sphere shopping center 2014. (Raising healthy children).

5. E. V. Sulim “Children’s fitness” Physical education classes for children 5-7 years old. M. Sphere shopping center. year 2014. (Raising children healthy).

6. L. N. Voloshina Gaming technologies in the system of education of preschool children" teacher 2013. Volgograd.

7. E. I. Podolskaya “Complexes therapeutic exercises» Teacher 2011. Volgograd.

8. N. P. Nedovesova “Prevention and correction of flat feet in children” Detstvo-press 2014.

9. M. M. Borisova Thematic outdoor games for preschoolers” M. Obruch 2015.

10. N. E. Vlasenko “300 outdoor games for preschoolers”

Practical guide.M. Iris Press 2011.

Series “The World in Pictures”.

Series “Tell the Children About...”

2.2 Features of educational activities of different types and cultural practices

Joint activities with children during routine moments

Independent activities of children

Interaction with parents of students

Outdoor game

Game conversation with elements of movements

Integrative activities

Game exercises with text and music

Imitation games

Individual work

Imitative movements

Outdoor games

Game exercises



Information in the corner for parents

Day open doors



2.3 Ways and directions of supporting children's initiatives

The priority area of ​​children’s initiative is learning:

Introduce an adequate assessment of the result of the child’s activities while simultaneously recognizing his efforts and indicating possible ways and means of improving the product.

Calmly react to the child’s failure and offer several options for correcting the work: re-execution after some time, completion, improvement of details, etc.

Tell your children about the difficulties that you yourself experienced when learning to swim.

Create situations that allow the child to realize his competence, gaining respect and recognition from adults and peers:

    Ask the children to show the teacher and teach him the topics individual achievements that everyone has.

    Maintain a sense of pride in your work and satisfaction with its results.

    Create conditions for a variety of independent activities for children.

    If necessary, help children solve problems when organizing games.

    Take into account and implement their wishes and suggestions.

2.4. Features of interaction with families of pupils

The most important condition for the development of children is interaction with parents on issues of the child’s education and their direct involvement in educational activities.

The purpose of interaction with the family: to create the necessary conditions for the development of responsible and interdependent relationships with the families of pupils, ensuring the holistic development of the child’s personality.

Interaction with the family should be built on the basis of a humane and personal approach, according to which the right of parents to respect and understanding is recognized..

Objectives of interaction between kindergarten and family:

Studying the attitude of teachers and parents to various issues of the physical development of children, the conditions for organizing various activities in the family;

Informing each other about the current tasks of teaching children at different age stages of their development and about the capabilities of the kindergarten and family in solving these problems;

Creating conditions for cooperation that is diverse in content and forms, promoting the development of constructive interaction between teachers and parents with children, the emergence of a sense of unity, joy, and pride in the results obtained;

    Involving families of pupils in participation in joint events with teachers,

    Encouraging parents to be attentive to the various aspirations and needs of the child and creating the necessary conditions for their satisfaction in the family.

2.5. Other characteristics significant for program implementation

The assessment of the individual development of children is carried out by the teacher within the framework of pedagogical diagnostics (assessment of the individual development of preschool children, associated with the assessment of the effectiveness of pedagogical actions and underlying their further planning).

The results of pedagogical diagnostics (monitoring) are used exclusively to solve the following educational tasks:

1) individualization of education (including support for a child, building his educational trajectory or professional correction of his developmental characteristics);

2) optimization of work with a group of children.

Integration with other educational areas.

"Fitness aerobics"

Integration challenges

Cognitive development.

Development of children's knowledge on issues of maintaining health, the benefits and necessity of physical activity and physical improvement.

Social and communicative development.

Development of free communication between adults and children to familiarize themselves with national outdoor games, with achievements in the field of sports of the city and the republic.

Introducing to the values ​​of a healthy lifestyle, the formation of primary ideas about oneself, one’s own motor capabilities and characteristics, familiarization with elementary generally accepted norms and rules of relationships with peers and adults in joint physical activity.

Artistic and aesthetic development.

Development of musical and rhythmic activity based on the physical qualities and basic movements of children.

Speech development.

Development of speech skills in combination with the movement of arms and legs, changing body position, in outdoor games.


3.1. Logistics of the Program

The material and technical conditions for the implementation of the Program correspond to:

Sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations described in SanPiN;

Fire safety rules;

Requirements for teaching and educational means in accordance with the age and individual developmental characteristics of children;

Requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education for the subject-spatial environment;

Requirements for the material and technical support of the program (educational and methodological kit, equipment, equipment (items)).

Material and technical equipment - gym.

Gymnastic benches – 6 pcs.

Balls of different sizes - 3 types - 15 pcs.

Large balls for fitball gymnastics – 15 pcs.

Gymnastic mats - 25 pcs.

Metal hoops dia. 80 cm - 15 pcs.

Jump ropes - 20 pcs.

Dumbbells 0.5 kg - 15 pcs.

Gymnastic mats - 5 pcs.

Short ropes for performing exercises - 15 pcs.

Massage balls - 15 pcs.

Sandbags - 15 pcs.

Gymnastic sticks - 15 pcs.

Colored ribbons - 30 pcs.

Flags - 30 pcs.

Music center - 1 pc.

Audio recordings

Sultanas – 30 pcs.

      Organization of the regime of education and upbringing of children

The work is built in the direction of personal-oriented interaction: teacher - child - parent. The classes contain educational material relevant age characteristics preschool children, in combination with practical tasks(wellness minutes - exercises for the eyes, for posture, breathing exercises etc.) necessary for the development of the child’s skills. The program lasts 1 year. Duration of classes is 15-20 minutes. All topics are interconnected with each other. A group of children are recruited without any requirements for basic skills. When implementing the program, group forms of work are used; the main element of the classes is the game. Play is one of the ways to develop a child’s intelligence, creative abilities, and physical health.

Forms and methods of organizing work.

A game. Games of large and small mobility, with elements sports games, musical and sports games, story-based.

Physical exercise. Basic types of movements, general developmental exercises, exercises with fitballs, game stretching exercises

Basic steps in fitness

Class divided into three parts: introductory, main and final.

Introductory part- warming up the body, preparing for complex loads involves: varieties of walking and running; dance elements; creative tasks; construction; games for attention.

Main part:

A set of exercises with objects includes: exercises from different starting positions for different groups muscles; children's play stretching; aerobics; fitball-gymnastics, improvisational exercises

Educational tasks with elements of acrobatics and gymnastics; manipulation of objects; exercises to develop physical qualities;

Outdoor games with a creative, competitive nature.

Final part- recovery and relaxation, breathing exercises, quiet games, dosage according to the age of the children.

Gentle mode.

Preschool educational institutions systematically carry out preventive work aimed at reducing morbidity and ensuring the physical and mental development of children. For frequently ill children, a gentle regimen has been developed, which includes individual hardening activities, increasing daytime sleep, and regulating walking time. Children who have suffered from illnesses and have health problems (poor posture, respiratory diseases, diseases of the cardiovascular system, kidney and urinary tract diseases, diseases of the nervous system) are not exempt from physical activity. The most favorable conditions are created for them: higher water temperature in the shower after class, reduced time for free swimming, limited exercise taking into account the disease. High-quality implementation of routine moments and a clear daily routine ensures the protection of the nervous system of preschoolers. Scheduled medical examinations of children are carried out regularly with the assistance of specialists.

Ensuring security in gym.

Before organizing classes in the gym, children must be familiarized with the rules of behavior in the gym.

Ensuring safety when organizing classes in the gym with preschool children includes the following rules:

Direct educational activities in physical culture should be carried out in places that fully meet all safety and hygiene requirements

Allow children to participate in direct educational activities only with the permission of a doctor.

Pupils must comply with the rules for the use of physical education equipment, established training and rest schedules.

Classes in the gym must be carried out in sportswear and sports shoes with non-slip soles.

During classes, students must follow the rules of wearing sportswear and sports shoes, and the rules of personal hygiene.

A room thermometer should be posted in the gym to monitor the temperature.

The gym should be equipped with a first aid kit stocked with the necessary medications and dressings to provide first aid for injuries.

Supervisor physical education, the teacher and students must comply with fire safety rules, know the location of primary fire extinguishing equipment, the gym must be equipped with a fire extinguisher, an automatic fire extinguishing system and supply and exhaust ventilation.

Sport equipment must be provided with safety instructions for conducting classes.

All classes on teaching children basic types of movements must be designed in accordance with pedagogical principles and their content must correspond to the age characteristics of the students, their physical fitness, and level of health.

The structure of classes must meet modern requirements for the construction and conduct of educational and recreational physical education classes for preschool children. The basis for the structure of the lesson is divided into three parts: preparatory, main, final. The presence of these parts and their location only in this sequence is ensured by the biological laws of the functioning of the body, which determine its performance and the logic of the deployment of the educational process in motor activity.

Do not perform exercises on faulty equipment or with broken equipment.

Maintain discipline and order, ensure that children follow all instructions from the physical education director or teacher.

Start and end exercises only at the command of the teacher or physical education director.

Do not allow children to leave the lesson area without permission.

Do not leave children alone in the gym.

During class, choose a place so that all children can be seen.

At walking and running in a column one at a time, keep a distance of two steps.

Remove from the road all objects that interfere with walking or running.

When performing flow exercises, maintain sufficient distance between children to avoid collisions.

When starting in a group short distances run only on your own path.

To avoid collisions in younger children, middle group Avoid stopping abruptly when running. At performing jumps and dismounts from sports equipment, land softly, squatting springily. Place gymnastic mats in places where equipment comes off so that their surface is even.

Jump only in sports shoes.

Insure the child together upon landing.

The rope for high jumps should not be tied to the racks, but placed on the pins in the racks.

When performing long jumps from a standing position, moving forward on one or two legs, give instructions to jump “softly”, “quietly” on your toes.

Do not allow children to jump off high altitude.

When performing exercises on throwing see if there are any children in the throwing sector.

Throwing exercises should be performed only upon a signal from the teacher or physical education director.

Do not leave sports equipment unattended.

Do not stand to the right of the thrower, do not be in the throwing zone, do not go for throwing equipment without the permission of the physical education director or teacher.

Do not throw the projectile to each other.

When performing exercises in balance, on a gymnastic bench, Remind children of the rules of behavior sports equipment(don’t push, don’t push each other, don’t overtake, if you lose your balance, don’t hold on to your friend, but get off the apparatus).

Place a mat where the child jumps. Insure the child if necessary, moving along the bench.

To avoid getting a maxillofacial injury, at crawling on the gymnastic bench, watch the position of your hands (grasp it from the side so that thumb was on top, and the rest of the fingers were under the bench). Correctly take i.p. (start with your hands on the bench, then your feet) and step off the apparatus after performing the exercises (start with your feet on the floor, then straighten up).

At climbing on Swedish wall Be sure to insure children against falling and do not allow them to climb to heights on their own.

When climbing, do not sag, do not hang by one hand, climb without missing the slats, do not jump from a height, let go of your hands when both feet are on the floor.

Lay mats along the wall bars, stand to the right of the child, providing assistance if necessary, and monitor correct grip hands, placing the foot on the rail.

When working with gymnastic sticks keep a distance when performing exercises, do not fight with sticks, do not wave them, hold them in two hands below or on your shoulder like a “gun” (put the stick on your palm right hand lowered down, press your left hand to your right shoulder) when explaining a task or changing lanes.

Start and end exercises only at the command of the teacher or head of physical education.

Do not leave children unattended.

When performing exercises, ensure that you maintain correct posture: back straight, chin raised, stomach tucked in, shoulders turned, legs bent and set apart (three points of support - legs, pelvis), feet parallel and pressed to the floor, toes can be spread slightly to the sides, angle between thigh and shin 90 0, hands down, fingers holding the ball.

It is necessary to teach your child self-insurance techniques in class. physical exercise using jumping balls.

Jumping balls have handles, so before performing the exercise, the teacher needs to instruct the children how to grasp the ball correctly so that the handle does not get into the eye or another part of the body when doing the exercise.

When performing jumps on the ball, it is necessary to monitor the children’s posture. You cannot combine jumping with bending, twisting or turning the body.

When performing exercises while lying on a ball (on your back or stomach), make sure that your head and spine form a straight line, and do not hold your breath.

When performing exercises, you should strictly adhere to the technique of performing them. Do not include prohibited elements in exercise sets. These include: circular movements head, tilting the head back, sharp twisting movements, lifting the pelvis from the ball while performing spring movements on it, supporting the ball with the hands during some outdoor gear and various transitions from one I.P. to another.

If a child experiences a feeling of physical discomfort or pain while performing the exercises, then the exercise should be stopped.

Follow the established schedules of exercise and rest.


1. Program and lesson notes. Edited by O.N. Rybkina, L.D. Morozova. M. ARKTI. 2016-104s. (Growing up healthy).

2. Approximate general educational program for preschool education “From birth to school” Edited by N.E. Veraksy, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva M. Mosaic synthesis. 2014.

3. O.Yu. Verbina "Fitness for everyone." Cheboksary 2014.

4. N.M. Solomennikova, T. N. Mashina “Formation of the motor sphere of children 3-7 years old. Fitball-gymnastics" publishing house "Uchitel" 2011. Volgograd.

5. E.V. Sulim “Physical education classes. Game stretching for preschoolers" M. TC. Sphere. (Be healthy preschooler).

6. E.V. Sulim "Children's Fitness" Physical education classes for children 3-5 years old. M. TC Sfera 2014. (Raising children healthy).

7. E.V. Sulim "Children's fitness" Physical education classes for children 5-7 years old. M. Sphere shopping center. year 2014. (Raising children healthy).

8. L.N. Voloshina Game technologies in the system of education of preschool children” teacher 2013. Volgograd.

9. E.I. Podolskaya “Therapeutic gymnastics complexes” Teacher 2011. Volgograd.

10. N.P. Nedovesova “Prevention and correction of flat feet in children” Detstvo-press 2014.

11. M.M. Borisova Thematic outdoor games for preschoolers" M. Obruch 2015.

12. N. E. Vlasenko “300 outdoor games for preschoolers” Practical guide. M. Iris-press 2011.




Walking and locomotion


General developmental exercises

Preventive exercises

Outdoor games

Walking is normal in a column.

Jump up while touching an object

Ex. for the arms and shoulder girdle without weights for the muscles of the trunk and legs while sitting

1. without objects. 2. exercise With gymnastic stick


Walking on toes.

Running in a column with changing directions

Jumping on two legs

1. with massage balls 2. exercise. without items


Walking on outside Feet.

Running in a column with changing directions

Jumping on two legs in place with a turn around yourself

Ex. for the arms of the shoulder girdle with resistance. For the muscles of the trunk while lying down, for the muscles of the legs while standing

1. without objects. 2. with a bag of 100 g


Walking sideways with an extended step.

Jumping on two legs while moving forward

Ex. for arm and shoulder muscles with resistance

1. without objects (lying down) 2. with balls


Walking and locomotion


General development

training exercises

Preventive exercises

Outdoor games

December 1.

Walking on the outer arch of the foot

Ex. for the muscles of the arms and shoulder girdle without weights for the muscles of the torso and legs from a lying position

December 2.

Walking in a column in pairs

Running in a column in pairs, holding hands

e Jumping on two legs in place in pairs

Ex. for the muscles of the arms and shoulder girdle. Ex. for the torso and leg muscles

1. Ex. without objects lying down. 2. Ex. with rope

December 3.

Walking in a column in pairs with high knees

Running in a column in pairs, alternating with running in loose

Ex. for the muscles of the arms and shoulder girdle with flags. Ex. for the muscles of the trunk and legs from a lying position

1. Ex. with a gymnastic stick. 2. Ex. with balls


December 4.

Walking in pairs with high knees and arm swings

Running in pairs, alternating with loose running (“Find your pair”)

Ex. for the muscles of the arms of the shoulder girdle. For the muscles of the torso and legs with objects

1. Ex. with a hoop. 2. Ex. with a gymnastic stick



Walking and locomotion


General developmental exercises

Preventive exercises

Outdoor games

Walking in a column like a snake

Running in a column one after another like a snake.

Jumping up from a place in order to get an object

Ex. for the muscles of the arms and shoulder girdle with flags. For the muscles of the torso and legs with objects

1. Ex. with a hoop. 2. Ex. with rope


Walking on the inner arch of the foot

Running in pairs.

Jumping on two legs.

Ex. for the muscles of the arms and shoulder girdle with resistance for the muscles of the torso and legs with objects

Walking in a column in a circle, holding hands, changing directions at a signal

Running in a circle, holding hands, changing directions at a signal

Jumping up from a place to get an object

Ex. for the muscles of the arms and shoulder girdle, for the muscles of the torso and legs with an object


Walking on toes.

Running in a column with a change of direction

Jumping on two legs

Ex. for the arms and shoulder girdle, with flags. For the muscles of the trunk and legs from a lying position

1. Ex. with gymnastics with a stick. 2. Ex. with a hoop


February 1.

Walking in a column with a given direction (snake)

Running in a column one after another in a given direction

Jumping down from a height, h = 20 cm

Ex. for the muscles of the arms and shoulder girdle. Ex. for the muscles of the trunk and legs from a standing position

1. Ex. with a scarf. 2. Ex. with rope


February 2.

Walking in a column in a given direction with acceleration and deceleration

Jumping from a height and landing in a drawn circle 20 cm high

From a sitting position

1. Ex. with massage balls. 2. Ex. with a hoop


February 3.

Walking in a line from one side of the site to the other

Run in a column one after another, stopping at a signal.

Ex. for the muscles of the arms and shoulder girdle from a lying position. Ex. for the muscles of the trunk and legs with an object

1. Ex. with a stick. 2. Ex. with balls


February 4.

Running in a column one after another - stopping at a signal

Standing long jump - distance 40 cm

1. Ex. with massage balls. 2. Ex. with a bag weighing 100-500 g


Walking in pairs in a column + walking in pairs like a snake, going around the placed object

Running in pairs, running in a column, changing directions at a signal

Ex. for the muscles of the arms and shoulder girdle from a standing position. Ex. for the muscles of the trunk and legs with an object

1. Ex. walking on a special lane. 2. Ex. on the bench


Walking on a gymnastic bench on all fours

Jumping with changing leg position (separated - together)

Ex. for the muscles of the arms and shoulder girdle with resistance. Ex. for the muscles of the trunk and legs with an object

1. Ex. on the bench. 2. Ex. with balls

"Crawling and Climbing Games"

Walking on toes, raising the hip “through tall grass”, stepping over obstacles (snags, stumps)

Running in a column, changing directions at a signal

Jumping with changing leg position (separated - together)

Ex. for the muscles of the arms and shoulder girdle. Ex. for the muscles of the trunk and legs from a lying position

1. Ex. with a rope. 2. Ex. with a hoop


Walking on toes.

Running in different directions with stops

Jumping with changing leg position (separated - together)

Ex. for the muscles of the arms and shoulder girdle. Ex. for the muscles of the trunk and legs in a sitting position

1. Ex. no items. 2. Ex. with a gymnastic stick


Walking with an additional task, stopping at a signal, turning around

Running with acceleration and deceleration, changing direction. directions (by train)

Jumping over objects height 5-10 cm

Ex. for the muscles of the arms and shoulder girdle from a sitting position. Ex. for the muscles of the trunk and legs with objects

1. Ex. from the gymnastics. with a stick. 2. Ex. with a hoop

Walking in a column.

Run quickly 10-20 cm

Jump up while reaching for an item

Ex. for the muscles of the arms and shoulder girdle with objects. Ex. for the muscles of the trunk and legs from a lying position

1. Ex. with a scarf. 2. Ex. on the bench


Walking with a high hip lift, changing direction on signal

Running with a high hip lift and changing tempo on signal

Jump into the depths from a height of 15-20 cm

Ex. for the muscles of the arms and shoulder girdle. Ex. for the torso and legs from a sitting position

1. Ex. with a rope. 2. Ex. with a bag weighing 100-500 g


Walking with an extra step forward, walking uphill

Running in a column one after another up the hill

Straight gallop.

Ex. for the muscles of the arms and shoulder girdle with objects. Ex. for the muscles of the trunk and legs

1. Ex. with massage balls. 2. Ex. on the bench


Walking on your toes, raising your hip high

Running on straight and winding paths

Jumping on two legs moving forward at a distance of 2-3 m

Ex. for the muscles of the arms and shoulder girdle from a lying position. Ex. for the muscles of the trunk and legs from a sitting position

1. Ex. no items. 2. Ex. with a hoop


Walking in a column with changing directions

Running with an additional task: catch up with those running away

Straight gallop.

Ex. for the muscles of the arms and shoulder girdle with objects. Ex. for the muscles of the trunk and legs

1. Ex. with gymnastics with a stick. 2. Ex. with rope


Walking with an extra step forward, backward

Alternate running in a column one after another with running in loose

Standing long jump. (40-50 cm)

Ex. for the muscles of the arms and shoulder girdle with an object. Ex. for the muscles of the trunk and legs with objects

1. Ex. with a hoop. 2. Ex. with a bag weighing 100-500 g


Walking with side steps forward, to the side

Running in fast pace(distance 10-12 cm)

Standing long jump

Ex. for the muscles of the arms and shoulder girdle from a lying position. Ex. for the muscles of the trunk and legs

1. Ex. no items. 2. Ex. with balls



1. Program and lesson notes. Edited by O, N, Rybkin, L. D. Morozov. M. ARKTI. 2016-104s. (Growing up healthy).

2. Approximate general educational program for preschool education “From birth to school” Edited by N. E. Veraksa, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva M. Mozaika synthesis.2014.

3. . O. Yu. Verbina “Fitness for everyone.” Cheboksary 2014.

4. N. M. Solomennikova, T. N. Machine “Formation of the motor sphere of children 3-7 years old. Fitball-gymnastics" publishing house "Uchitel" 2011. Volgograd.

5. E. V. Sulim “Physical education classes. Game stretching for preschoolers" M. TC. Sphere. (Be healthy preschooler).

6. E. V. Sulim “Children’s fitness” Physical education classes for children 3-5 years old. M. TC Sfera 2014. (Raising children healthy).

7. E. V. Sulim “Children’s fitness” Physical education classes for children 5-7 years old. M. Sphere shopping center. year 2014. (Raising children healthy).

8. L. N. Voloshina Game technologies in the system of education of preschool children” teacher 2013. Volgograd.

9. E. I. Podolskaya “Therapeutic gymnastics complexes” Teacher 2011. Volgograd.

10. N. P. Nedovesova “Prevention and correction of flat feet in children” Detstvo-press 2014.

eleven. . M. M. Borisova Thematic outdoor games for preschoolers" M. Obruch 2015.120. N. E. Vlasenko “300 outdoor games for preschoolers” Practical guide. M. Iris-press 2011.

Sections: Working with preschoolers

Program implementation period– 1 year (October-May).

Explanatory note

Focus and level of the program.

Focus- physical education and sports.

Level– introductory.

Novelty, relevance, pedagogical expediency.

Novelty - according to the degree of influence on the child’s body, all types of health-improving physical education (depending on the structure of movements) can be divided into two large groups: exercises cyclical And acyclic about character.

IN acyclic exercises the structure of movements does not have a stereotypical cycle and changes during their execution. These include gymnastics and strength exercises, jumping, throwing, sports and outdoor games. Acyclic exercises have a predominant effect on the functions of the musculoskeletal system, resulting in increased muscle strength, reaction speed, flexibility and mobility in the joints, and lability of the neuromuscular system.

Cyclic exercises are motor acts in which the same complete motor cycle is constantly repeated for a long time. These include walking, running, skiing, cycling, swimming.

Traditional forms of physical education in a preschool institution (using acyclic exercises) do not contribute to a significant increase in the functional capabilities of the circulatory system and the level of physical performance, and therefore are not of decisive importance as health programs.

The leading role in this belongs to cyclic exercises, which ensure the development of aerobic capabilities and general endurance in children.

Aerobics is a system of physical exercises that provide energy through the use of oxygen. Aerobic exercises include only those cyclic exercises in which at least 2/3 of the muscle mass is involved. To achieve a positive effect, the duration of aerobic exercise should be at least 20–30 minutes. It is cyclic exercises aimed at developing general endurance that are characterized by the most important morphofunctional changes in the circulatory and respiratory systems.

The novelty of this program lies in the fact that, along with traditional forms of exercise, special exercises in step aerobics, the optimal combination of which during classes allows you to solve not only physical education problems but also develop coordination of movements and speech.

Children involved in recreational aerobics increase the adaptive capabilities of the body, thanks to regular targeted physical activity, positive emotions (musical accompaniment, incentive to learn to dance, form beautiful figure, be healthy, cheerful).

Aerobics classes give children great pleasure. In order to make them even more interesting and rich, individual exercises – step steps – are used.

A step is a small step, a raised platform, the name of which comes from the English word “step”. It was invented in America by the famous fitness instructor Gene Miller. With the help of step aerobics you can form a harmonious developed body, straight posture and develop expressive, smooth, precise movements. But the most important result of doing step aerobics is the strengthening of the nervous, respiratory, muscular, and cardiovascular systems, as blood pressure and the activity of the vestibular apparatus are normalized.

Advantages of using step aerobics when working with children:

  • The first plus is the huge interest of children in step aerobics, which does not dry up throughout the school year.
  • The second plus is that children develop stable balance because they exercise on a reduced support area.
  • The third plus is the development of the child’s confidence, spatial orientation, general endurance, and improvement of the accuracy of movements.
  • The fourth plus is the development of physical qualities: agility, speed, strength, etc.
  • The fifth plus is an increase in endurance, and subsequently the body’s resistance.

But the most important advantage of step aerobics is its healing effect. Therefore, there was a need to create a physical education and sports program that would complement the physical education program in preschool educational institutions and contribute to the health of children.

Relevance - currently the problem of improving the health of preschool children has a central place in modern society. It is during this period that the foundations of health, proper physical development are laid, motor abilities and interest in doing what you love are formed.

Caring for the health of children has become a priority all over the world, since any country needs creative, active and healthy individuals.

A healthy and developed child has good resistance to harmful environmental factors and resistance to fatigue, and is socially and physically adapted. In preschool childhood, the foundation of the child’s health is laid, his intensive growth and development occurs, basic movements, posture, as well as the necessary skills and habits are formed, basic physical qualities, character traits are developed, without which a healthy lifestyle is impossible.

Preserving and strengthening the health of preschool children is one of the current problems our time. However, the health status of children today is far from meeting either the needs or potential capabilities of modern society. The morbidity rate of children attending preschool institutions continues to remain high.

Pedagogical expediency - in multidimensional terms, the normal psychophysical development of an older preschooler and the subsequent preservation of his health depend on the level of physical activity, the need for which is natural for a preschooler. The need for movement and increased motor activity are the most important biological characteristics of a child’s body.

Goals and objectives of the program.

Goal: strengthening children's health by increasing the body's resistance.

I. Developmental tasks

1. Help optimize growth and development of the musculoskeletal system.

2. Harmoniously develop muscle strength, flexibility, endurance, speed.

3. Promote the development of coordination abilities, balance function, vestibular stability.

4. Form and consolidate the skill of correct posture.

5. Promote the prevention of flat feet.

6. Promote the development and functional improvement of the cardiovascular, respiratory and nervous systems of the body.

7. Contribute to increasing the physical performance of those involved.

8. Promote the development of imagination, thinking, and cognitive activity.

9. Promote the development of a sense of rhythm, ear for music, memory, attention, and the ability to coordinate movements with music.

II. Educational objectives

1. Provide those involved with knowledge about the impact of children's fitness classes on the body, the concept of a healthy lifestyle, safety rules during children's fitness classes, and injury prevention.

2. To develop the knowledge, skills and abilities necessary to ensure life activities in a variety of living conditions, to enrich motor experience.

3. To develop skills of expressiveness and plasticity of dance movements.

4. Broaden horizons in the field of physical education, promote the development of interest and need for physical exercise.

III. Educational tasks

1. Cultivate the ability of emotional self-expression, emancipation and creativity in movements.

2. Promote the formation of communication skills (leadership, initiative, sense of camaraderie, mutual assistance).

3. Foster hard work and the desire to achieve the goal.

4. Instill personal and public hygiene skills (self-care, cleanliness).

Distinctive features of this program from existing ones

It features a set of exercises designed for this age category.

Step aerobics is rhythmic ascents and descents from a special platform (step platform) to dance music. This is one of the simplest and most effective styles in aerobics.

"Step" translated from English literally means “ step”.

This program allows the use of step aerobics in the fitness training system as a key link for the development of all functional systems of the body and combines not only cyclic movements using a step platform but also strength gymnastics on a step board. The program includes many exercises on the step platform with and without an object, interesting sports games different mobility, elements of rhythmic gymnastics, elements of acrobatics, game stretching.

Age of children enrolled in this program.

This program is intended for children of senior preschool age 5-7 years.

Timing of the program implementation. The course of the “Children's Fitness” program is designed for 1 year (October-May). The program is designed for children who do not have medical or other contraindications to physical activity.

Forms and modes of classes. Children's fitness classes use a group form of working with children (no more than 10-13 people in a group). Classes are held 2 times a week (total volume - 64 lessons per year) lasting 40 minutes (30 minutes + 10 minutes physical education).

Expected results and forms of determining performance.

Expected results:

Targeted work using step platforms will achieve the following results:

Development of correct posture skills;

Formation of correct speech breathing.

Development of children's motor abilities and physical qualities (speed, strength, flexibility, joint mobility, agility, coordination of movements and balance function to train the child's vestibular apparatus).

Formation of skills to rhythmically coordinate step steps to music.

Development of clear coordinated movements in conjunction with speech.

Cultivate an emotionally positive attitude and sustainable interest in physical education and independent motor activity.

Cultivate a sense of self-confidence.

Monitoring of child development is carried out 2 times a year (in December and May). The instructor and children participate in the monitoring. The main task of monitoring is to determine the degree to which the child has mastered the educational program and the impact of the educational process on the child’s development.

The form of monitoring is primarily observation of the child’s activity during various periods of the lesson, analysis of the products of children’s activities and special pedagogical tests organized by the teacher.

The purpose of monitoring: to provide an integrated approach to assessing the final results of mastering the program to study the assessment of the dynamics of children’s achievements in mastering the educational program “Children’s Fitness”, the development of their personal qualities.

Object of monitoring: personal characteristics and competencies of children as a result of mastering the “Children’s Fitness” program.

Methods for recording survey data:

  • Test data.

Methods for processing results:

  • Summarizing the results in tables.
  • Qualitative analysis of survey data.

Indicators and indicators of successful development of children.

Criteria for evaluation:

  • 3 points – demonstrates awareness, activity, independence, systematicity, and purposefulness.
  • 2 points – shows situational interest, partially done with the help of an adult.
  • 1 point – shows little interest, cannot do without the help of an adult.

Monitoring physical qualities

The monitoring was based on the developments of a candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor of the department of methods of physical education of the Ural State Academy of Physical Culture S. B. Sharmanova, candidate of pedagogical sciences, professor of the department of methods of preschool education and training of Moscow State Pedagogical University Stepanenkova E. Ya.

Speed ​​is determined by the time it takes to run segments of a distance of 30 m - from a high start, and the frequency of movements.

About the level of development speed-strength abilities for preschoolers they are judged by the results of a standing jump (cm), by the length and height of a running jump (cm), and a standing jump (cm); by squatting for 20 s (number of times); lifting the body from a lying position for 10 s (number of times), etc.

For rate general endurance The task used is: covering a distance of 90 m.

For determining strength apply the throw technique medicine ball because of the head.

Of all the motor tasks that characterize dynamic force muscles abdominal press, the most preferable for children 4-7 years old is lifting the body into a squat position from a supine position and back, arms crossed on the chest.

Agility is determined by the time of shuttle running in a straight line, performed with two turns (total distance - 30 m). Shuttle running is a multi-structural motor action, and its result is mediated to a greater extent by dexterity.

For rate flexibility tests are used to bend the torso forward while standing on a gymnastic bench.

The equilibrium function is assessed based on the performance of various tasks. Static balance can be determined by the duration of standing within 3 minutes in the “toe-back” position standing leg closely adjacent to the heel of the front leg, the feet are located on this straight line, the body weight is evenly distributed on both legs, the arms are lowered down, the torso is straight, look forward.” The duration of standing in seconds is recorded, as well as some qualitative indicators of the task: the position of the legs, the nature of balancing.

For rate dynamic equilibrium walking on a gymnastic bench (on the narrow side) is used.

Monitoring indicators are entered into the diagnostic table.

Forms for summing up the results of the program implementation.

Open classes for parents;

Demonstration performances at the State Budgetary Educational Institution School No. 814;

Participation in holidays and leisure activities of SP DO No. 666 and other DOs of the complex;

Participation in competitions according to the plan of the methodological room;

Participation in competitions at the district, district and city levels.

ADOPTED by the Pedagogical Council of GBDOU No. 1 Minutes No. ___ of _____2014 APPROVED Head of GBDOU No. 1 ___________ O.G. Kodaneva Order No. ____ dated _____2014 WORK PROGRAM for the provision of additional paid educational services of the State budgetary preschool educational institution of Kindergarten No. 1 of a combined type of the Nevsky district of St. Petersburg For the 2014 -2015 academic year “Children’s fitness” (“Baby fitness”) 2014 Contents : Target section: Explanatory note Purpose of the program Program objectives Planned results of mastering the program Content section: Contents of the work Forms of work Thematic plan Organizational section: List of references 3 3 4 4 5 6 6 7 8 9 10 2 Target section: 1. Explanatory note Children's fitness is a system of activities aimed at maintaining and strengthening the health of the child. By the age of 6 years, a child develops a stereotype of behavior and routine. At this age he easily gets used to everything. To the fact that you need to be healthy, strong, and for this to play sports. During fitness classes, children receive regular exercise and learn to communicate with peers. Children's fitness lessons are held in the most suitable form for children - games. At the same time, they learn to interact according to the rules, and also to think about why they are doing this or that movement at the moment. Little by little, children become familiar with their bodies and learn what their arms, legs, and backs are capable of. As a rule, children themselves set the rhythm and theme of each lesson with their behavior. However, there is the necessary training - a minimum in each lesson: exercises against scoliosis, flat feet and to develop movement coordination. Fitness classes have a comprehensive effect on a child’s body, and this effect is most significant for a growing and developing organism. The development of movements has a significant impact on the formation of the corresponding brain structures. Fitness classes in childhood acts as a necessary condition for the formation of the basic structures and functions of the body. Movements in preschool age are one of the postnatal stimuli for the development of structures and functions of the body and the development of reserve mechanisms of physiological systems that ensure the reliability of their functioning in different conditions life. In a trained body, resistance to the negative influences of the environment increases. 3 2. Purpose of the program The main purpose of the program is the comprehensive development of the child’s personality through gymnastics. Mastering the exercises of the program will help the natural development of the child’s body, create the necessary motor mode, positive psychological attitude in children. All this helps to strengthen the child’s health, physical and mental development. 3. Objectives of the Health Promotion program: - to promote the strengthening of the musculoskeletal system - to promote the development of the functional capabilities of the body (respiratory, cardiovascular and nervous systems). Development of children's psychomotor abilities: - develop muscle strength, flexibility, speed, coordination, balance. - develop dance movement skills. - promote the development of musical hearing, memory, attention. - maintain interest in physical activity. - teach vital motor skills and abilities. Development of children's creative abilities: - development of thinking - development of cognitive activity - formation of skills for independent expression of movements to music. 4 4. Planned results of mastering the program: - acquiring the ability to navigate the concepts of “fitness”, “healthy lifestyle”; - improvement of general physical fitness; - health promotion. Additional educational diagnostics are provided: - initial diagnostics (October); - final diagnostics (May). Purpose of diagnostics: Identifying the level of development of the child and the dynamics of his development in the process of mastering additional paid educational services. 5 Content section: 1. Contents of the work: Children's fitness includes the following types of classes in the following areas: 1. Fitball - gymnastics 2. Baby - dance 3. Top - Top Fitball - gymnastics - these are classes on large elastic balls. Objectives of the lesson: 1. Development of motor qualities. 2. Development and improvement of coordination of movements and balance. 3. Strengthening the muscle corset, creating correct posture. 4.improved functioning cardiovascular and respiratory systems. Baby dance. Purpose of the lesson: strengthening health, harmonious development of the child’s personality. 6 Objectives of the lesson: 1. Teaching rhythmic movements in accordance with the nature of the music. 2. Promoting the creative development of the child (free dancing) 3. Consolidating acquired motor skills. Top - Top Purpose of the lesson: improving health, preventing flat feet, strengthening the muscles of the arch of the foot. 2. Forms of work: The main form of work is group classes: This program provides 4 classes per month, 32 classes per year. Duration of classes in younger group 15-20 minutes, in the middle group 20-25 minutes, in the senior - preparatory group 25-30 minutes. The number of children in a group is no more than 15 people. The age of the participants is from 3 to 7 years. Classes are held in the gym. Basic necessary equipment for classes: fitballs, gymnastic sticks, ribbed paths, massage balls, bumps; hoops, step platforms, thin rope, small balls, etc. The use of a music center is required for classes. Music CDs are used in the classes: Children's songs, Music with mom, Get ready to exercise. Lesson structure: All classes consist of three parts: preparatory (ORU), main, final. 7 3. Thematic plan for the additional educational service “Children’s fitness” for the 2014-2015 academic year. 1. Theoretical training course: 1. Introductory lesson. Introduction to the concept of fitness. 2. Practical training course: 1. Introductory lesson. Meeting children: “Show me what you can do?” 2. Aerobics: * fabulous 2 classes * sports 3. Gymnastics * sports * breathing 4. Fitball classes 10 5. Step 1 lesson 2 2 2 5 classes 7. Choreography * dance 4 classes * sports 4 classes 8. Warm-up, cool down at each lesson for academic year Total: 32 hours 8 Organizational section: 1. Targeting of the service: additional paid educational program is addressed to children from 3 to 7 years old. 2. Recruitment conditions: Groups are formed by age. For classes you need sports uniform and sneakers with rubber soles. 3. Terms of implementation of additional paid educational services: October 2014 - May 2015 9 4. List of references: Anisimov O. Fingers crossed/Aibolit, 2001. No. 2. G.I. Pogadaev, “Handbook for physical education teachers” - M.: Physical culture and sport, 2000-496p. Potapchuk A.A. "Therapeutic games and exercises for children." S.-P. 2007. M.A. Runova, “Motor activity of a child in kindergarten: A manual for teachers of preschool institutions, teachers and students of pedagogical universities and colleges.” - M.: Mozaika-Sintez, 2000-256p. T.A. Tarasova, “Monitoring the physical condition of preschool children: Methodological recommendations for managers and teachers of preschool educational institutions” - M.: TC Sfera, 2005-175p. Utrobina K.K. Entertaining physical education for preschoolers/M.GNOM and D, 2003. Firilyova Zh.E., Saikina E.G. "Fitness dance". S.-P. 2007. Shilkova I.K., Bolshev A.S. “Health-forming physical development.” M. 2001. N.A. Fomina -guidelines to the program for preschool children “Kindergarten-2100”, Internet resources. Shilkova I.K., Bolshev A.S. “Health-forming physical development.” M. 2001. Shebeko V.N. and others. Methods of physical education in preschool institutions. - Mn., 1998. 10 11

East Kazakhstan region. Communal Government agency

“Comprehensive secondary school No. 1” in the city of Ayagoz.

Physical education teacher - Nikhambaeva E.K.

Home address: Ayagoz, Duysenova str. 108, apt. 18.

Email address: [email protected]

Year of compilation 2015

Explanatory note

Understanding the educational value of physical education - important condition the process of physical education of students and the formation of their skills of independent mastery of the values ​​of physical culture, attitude to a healthy lifestyle, and the need for physical activity. At the same time, this is the only academic subject that forms in students a competent attitude towards themselves and their body. Promotes the development of strong-willed and moral qualities, the need to improve health and self-improvement. One of the means of increasing interest in physical education lessons is the use of modern fitness-technology as one of the effective ways.

In education, there are different programs of extracurricular activities in sports and recreational areas: “Rhythmics”, “Rhythmics and dance”, “Recreational aerobics”, programs in various sports. Children in the middle group of primary school are more emotional, so the “Children's Fitness” program is more suitable for them. The children's fitness program includes dance exercises, aerobics, gymnastics, games, etc.

Taking into account the requirements for the content of programs by state standards, a program of extracurricular sports and health activities “Children's Fitness” has been developed for students in grades 5-6.

Purpose of the program: versatile physical and spiritual development of children, the formation of their conscious attitude towards a healthy lifestyle, increasing the functional reserves of the body, and preventing diseases.

Achieving the goal is possible through solving the followingtasks :

    To teach motor actions aimed at improving health, developing basic physical qualities and increasing the functional capabilities of the body.

    Develop basic physical qualities, coordination orientation-spatial, temporal, rhythmic abilities.

    To form a culture of movements, to enrich motor experience with physical exercises with a general developmental and corrective orientation;

    To teach skills and abilities in physical culture and health activities, independent organization of physical exercises to music;

    To form an idea of ​​a healthy lifestyle, the influence of movement and music on the state of the body;

    Teach relaxation and self-diagnosis techniques;

    Ensure the formation of correct posture, strengthening the muscle corset with means health aerobics, rhythmic gymnastics with objects, dance exercises;

    To cultivate the student’s personality with an attitude towards a healthy lifestyle, capable of cooperation in creative activities.

The “Children's Fitness” program for schoolchildren in grades 5-6 is designed for 2 years of study (68 hours). The program involves conducting classes with schoolchildren for 1 hour per week. Lesson duration is 45 minutes. Classes in the Children's Fitness program include theoretical and practical parts. The theoretical part of the classes includes information about safety precautions during fitness classes, the basics of a healthy lifestyle, various types of gymnastics, aerobics, dancing, games, the history of fitness, and dancing.

The practical part of the classes involves learning the motor actions of aerobics, dance, rhythmic gymnastics with objects, acrobatics, and outdoor games; organization by students game programs, compiling sets of exercises.

    Introduction to the educational program

    General physical training

    Special physical training

    Step aerobics

    Fitball aerobics

    Health improvement

This program involves the use sports equipment(for 1 group):

Gymnastic mats - 15 pcs.

Gymnastic balls-15 pcs.

Gymnastic hoops - 15 pcs.

Gymnastic mats - 8 pcs.

Jump ropes - 15 pcs.

Large rubber balls (fitball) - 15 pcs.

The result of mastering the “Children's Fitness” program will be the formation of such personality qualities as organization, tolerance, determination, curiosity, sociability, artistry, the ability to empathize, friendliness, organizational skills, and the need for a healthy lifestyle.

This program can be used by physical education teachers, additional education teachers, fitness and children's aerobics instructors.

Planned results of mastering the program.

The program for extracurricular activities “Children's Fitness” contributes to the formation of personal, regulatory, cognitive and communicative educational activities.

In the sphere of cognitive universal educational activities there will be the following skills:

    understand the concepts of “healthy lifestyle”, “fitness”, characterize the importance of health improvement activities, the influence of music on exercise and well-being;

    reveal concepts: synchronously, musically, rhythmically;

    navigate types of aerobics, dance genres, gymnastics;

    identify the connection between fitness classes and leisure and class activities;

    characterize the role and importance of health-improving activities in the work and rest regime; plan and adjust physical activity depending on individual characteristics, health status, physical development, physical fitness;

    search for information about a healthy lifestyle, aerobics, and dancing.

In the sphere of personal universal educational actions the following will be formed:

    setting for a healthy lifestyle;

    the foundations of one’s ethnicity in the form of awareness of “I” as a representative of the people in the process of getting acquainted with folk dances and games;

    orientation in the moral content and meaning of both one’s own actions and the actions of those around them in gaming activities;

    empathy as understanding the feelings of other people and empathizing with them in the process of getting acquainted with games for the development of sensory sensitivity;

    knowledge of basic moral standards in fitness classes and orientation towards their implementation;

In the sphere of regulatory universal educational activities there will be the following skills:

    organize places for physical exercises and games with musical accompaniment in collaboration with the teacher;

    follow the rules of behavior and injury prevention during classes;

    adequately perceive the suggestions and assessment of the teacher, comrades, parents and other people during demonstrations, individual and group assignments;

    evaluate the correctness of the action;

    adequately perceive the suggestions and assessment of the teacher, comrades, parents and other people;

    take initiative in creative cooperation when drawing up sets of exercises and game situations;

    organize and conduct games during breaks, morning exercises with musical accompaniment;

    independently adequately assess the correctness of performing exercises and teacher’s assignments and make adjustments to the execution during and after implementation.

Communicative universal educational activities:

The student will learn:

    take into account different opinions and strive to coordinate different positions in cooperation;

    negotiate and come to a common decision when working in groups, mini-groups, pairs;

    control your partner’s actions in pair exercises;

    carry out mutual control and provide assistance during diagnostics;

    ask questions necessary to complete creative tasks in compiling sets of exercises individually and in collaboration with a partner.

Monitoring the implementation of the program includes:

    aerobics competitions;

    conducting dynamic breaks in classes with classmates;

    protecting game programs and conducting them during breaks;

    presentation independently and in groups of composed complexes of aerobics, ground gymnastics, rhythmic gymnastics with apparatus in test form;

    filling in the testing portfolio of indicators of physical health and physical fitness.

Safety requirements during fitness classes.

When performing complexes and exercises of classical aerobics, there are prohibited movements:

    rapid circular movements of the head and excessive head tilts forward and backward;

    exercises (leg swings) in a kneeling position with support on the hands;

    deflection of the torso in a lying position on the stomach with emphasis on the hands;

    lifting two straight legs from a supine position;

    transition from a lying position to a sitting position with straight legs;

    "deep squats", where the angle is knee joint less than 90 degrees;

    bending forward while standing on straight legs;

    bending the torso back in a standing position;

    rotational movements of the knees;

    working with weights with straight arms;

    sharp twisting of the body (“mill”);

    movements with excessive amplitude;

    maximum loads and prolonged isometric stress;

    step onto the platform backwards;

    jumping down from the platform.

Educational and thematic plan of the "Children's fitness" program

Topic name

Theory (hour)

Practice (hour)

Number of hours


TB, introduction to the educational program.

Hygiene sports activities.


Elements of drill training

Strength exercises for hands

Strength exercises for legs

Strength exercises for the neck and back.


IV . Step aerobics (11 hours)

Step aerobics

V . Fitball aerobics (6 hours)

Fitball aerobics

VI . Wellness (16 hours)

Corrective exercises

Ground gymnastics.


VII . Consolidation and generalization of acquired knowledge and skills (12 hours)

Consolidation and generalization of acquired knowledge and skills


Calendar and thematic planning of the “Children’s fitness” program, 5th grade.


Lesson topic




5th grade

I . Introduction to the educational program (4 hours)

TB, introduction to the educational program

Safety rules for staying and practicing in the aerobics room, rules of conduct during classes. Familiarization of students with the lesson plan, explanation of the basic concepts of aerobics.

Initial diagnosis

Initial diagnosis of PUN by control exercises. Diagnosis of the level of education.

Sports hygiene

Instructions for those doing aerobics (requirements for places of practice, equipment and supplies, clothes for students, hairstyle, rules of behavior after classes)

Types of aerobics. Varieties dance aerobics.

Types of aerobics: classical, dance, recreational, step aerobics and their characteristics. Types of dance aerobics: Funk aerobics, hip-hop, Latin, city jam, Afro aerobics, etc. Brief description

II . General physical training (8 hours)

Elements of drill training

General developmental exercises for hands

Repeating the technique of performing exercises for the arms without an object

General developmental exercises for legs

General developmental exercises for the neck and back

III . Special physical training (11 hours)

Basic steps and aerobics sequences

Technique for performing basic steps and aerobics sequences

Basic steps and aerobics sequences

Teaching basic and alternative aerobics steps at a medium pace. The effect of aerobics on various body systems

Basic steps and aerobics sequences

Technique for performing basic aerobics steps

Basic steps and aerobics sequences

Teaching basic and alternative aerobics steps

Basic steps and aerobics sequences

Reinforcing basic steps. Prohibited exercises in aerobics classes. The simplest musical compositions

Dance aerobics complex

Dance aerobics complex

Learning a complex of learned basic aerobics steps. Posture correction

IV . Step aerobics (11 hours)

Step aerobics. T.B. when doing step exercises

Step aerobics

Learning basic steps on the steppe

Step aerobics

Learning aerobic joints on the steppe

Step aerobics

Leg muscle stretching exercises

Final lessons. Generalization. Dance compositions

6th grade

V . Fitball aerobics (6 hours)

Fitball aerobics

Safety precautions when conducting exercises on fitballs. Sanitary and hygienic requirements for places of exercise and clothing for students

Fitball aerobics

The influence of fitball aerobics on the development and condition of organs and systems, their importance for performing aerobics exercises. Getting to know the ball. Training to sit on a ball, jumping on a ball

Fitball aerobics

Familiarization with the basic starting points of fitball aerobics and breathing exercises

Fitball aerobics

Learning the basic starting points of fitball aerobics and breathing exercises

VI . Wellness (16 hours)

Corrective exercises

Therapeutic physical training exercises aimed at the prevention and correction of various diseases. Prevention of flat feet

Corrective exercises

Strengthening the ligaments and basic aerobic steps used in fitball aerobics

Corrective exercises

Breathing exercises

Corrective exercises

Unlearning gymnastic exercises used in fitball aerobics classes

Corrective exercises

Jacobson relaxation

Children's yoga complex

Ground gymnastics.

Stretching. Repetition of drill elements

Practicing the elements of drill training (formation, line, formation changes, etc.)

Stretching. General developmental exercises for hands

Repeating the technique of performing exercises for the arms without an object. Exercises to develop posture and flexibility


Exercises to develop posture and flexibility

VII . Consolidation and generalization of acquired knowledge and skills (12 hours)

General developmental exercises for legs. Corrective exercises

Repeating general developmental exercises for legs without an object. Introducing children to leg exercises with an object

General developmental exercises for the neck and back.

Repeating exercise techniques for the torso, neck and back

Dance aerobics styles

Switchgear for hands. Switchgear for legs.

A detailed introduction to the styles of dance aerobics; their similarities and differences; history of occurrence, technique of implementation.

Getting to know the varieties and trends in fitness. Corrective exercises

"Mambo", prevention of flat feet, breathing exercises

Step aerobics. Getting to know the varieties and trends in fitness. Corrective exercises

"Latino", relaxation

Dance composition

Compiling and improving the final musical composition from the exercises studied

Final lesson

Glossary of terms

Aerobics- gymnastics to rhythmic music, which helps to maintain the rhythm of the exercises. Ballet- a type of performing art in which the actions of characters are expressed through dance and music. Waltz- the general name for ballroom and folk dances in musical size 3/4, performed mainly in a closed position. The most common figure in the waltz is a full turn in two measures with three steps in each. common name ballroom dancing executing in a closed position. Endurance- a person’s ability to resist repeated stress; Flexibility- a person’s ability to perform exercises with a large amplitude;

Gymnastics- a sport that includes competitions on gymnastic apparatus, floor exercises and vaults. Breath- a set of processes that ensure the supply of oxygen to the body. Health - a state of a living organism in which the organism is able to fully perform its functions. Healthy image life- a person’s lifestyle for the purpose of preventing diseases and promoting health. Games children's- a type of active activity of children, which usually consists in reproducing the life around them. Organism- a body that has a set of properties that distinguish it from inanimate matter. Food - everything that is suitable for eating and drinking by living organisms. The main purpose of food is to be a source of energy and " building material"for the body. Ground gymnastics - the word parterre comes from the French parterre (on the ground): the word par - by, and the word terre - earth. By “ground” gymnastics we mean performing various types of exercises in a sitting position, lying down, on your side, from various supports. Polka- fast, lively Central European dance, as well as genre dance music. Polka appeared in the middle of the 19th century in Bohemia (modern Czech Republic), and since then has become a famous folk dance. Pulse(from Latin pulsus - blow, push) - vibrations of the walls of blood vessels. Mode day- this is a pre-determined, measured way of life. Relaxation(from Lat. Relaxatio - weakening, relaxation) - deep muscle relaxation, accompanied by the release of mental tension. Self-control- Control over yourself, over your work. Dance- a type of art in which an artistic image is created through rhythmic plastic movements and changes in expressive positions of the human body. Force- a person’s ability to overcome external resistance through muscle efforts (contractions) or to counteract external forces.

Sports gymnastics- a sport that includes competitions on gymnastic apparatus, floor exercises and vaults. In the modern all-around gymnastics program: for women - on uneven bars of different heights, balance beam, and vault.

Stretching- This is a type of aerobics, which is a set of stretching exercises.

Funk aerobics(Funk) - this type of activity is characterized by a special technique of movements (springing walking) and freer plasticity of the hands, emphasizing danceability and emotionality of movements. Physical culture- a sphere of social activity aimed at preserving and strengthening health, developing a person’s psychophysical abilities in the process of conscious motor activity. Physical development- this is the process of quantitative and qualitative changes in all indicators of the human body in the process of its life. Fitness(English) fitness, from the verb “to fit” - to correspond, to be in good shape) - in a broader sense - this is the general physical fitness human body. Round dance(horo, kolo, korogod, karagod, haragod) is an ancient folk circular ritual dance and contains elements of dramatic action. Artistic gymnastics- a type of sport, performing various gymnastic and dance exercises to the music without an object, as well as with an object (jump rope, hoop, ball, clubs, ribbon).


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