DIY HDPE pools. Bath pools made of polypropylene. How to build a pool from polypropylene sheets

The polypropylene pool was built with our own hands in 2009. Over 4 years of operation, no deviations were found.

I will try to describe the entire process of making a polypropylene bowl, its installation, pouring concrete, etc.

Anyone can build a swimming pool with their own hands.

I thought for a long time about the question of what material to build a pool from.

I wanted to do it once and not return to this issue again, not paint it every year, not look for leaks, not worry about the cladding in frosty weather. Well, having studied the pros and cons of different technologies, I chose a polypropylene pool.

Having sketched out a site plan on a piece of paper, the location of future buildings, a bathhouse, a dog enclosure and paths, I drove in pegs and pulled a rope around the perimeter of the future pit. Its dimensions were made 1 meter wider than the dimensions of the planned pool bowl on each side, so that you could move freely around the pool, install pipes, weld seams with an extruder, weld stiffeners, etc.

I also recorded the elevation mark where the edge of the pool should be located. And from this mark they dug 50 cm deeper than the pool bowl. 30 cm of which is a cushion of crushed stone laid on geotextile so that the crushed stone does not go into the ground. And 20 cm is reinforced concrete.

Since the area was already fenced around the perimeter, entry of large equipment such as an excavator was not possible. They invited diggers and got to work. The cost of digging 1 cubic meter. for excavators is approximately equal to the cost of an excavator. But the speed, of course, is not at all the same. They dug for probably two weeks. On the site, the soil is almost pure sand, which was constantly crumbling and as a result, according to calculations, about 100 cubic meters of earth were dug up. All the earth was dispersed throughout the site for its further leveling and backfilling.

After the pit for the pool was dug, the area began to look like it had been bombed.

As planned, the bottom of the pool will go into a depression so that when diving from the side it will not crash into the bottom.

As I now understand, all the “hemorrhoids” associated with the implementation of this idea are not worth it at all. You can dive perfectly at a standard depth of 1.5 meters.

But I realized this only after a couple of years of using this pool. In general, if I build myself a pool again, I will never bother with variable depth. 1.5 meters is the golden mean!

But if I did, I’ll tell you so...

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Many owners of private houses and summer cottages like to equip their plots, creating conditions close to luxury. Previously, these included swimming pools. But now a swimming pool near the house is not uncommon. You can buy it if funds allow. But people familiar with construction and landscaping prefer to carry out this kind of work on their own. Fortunately, the modern market offers a huge assortment necessary materials and tools. Today we will talk about how to build a polypropylene pool with your own hands.

Feasibility of the idea

Beginners in this business are probably concerned with the question: how realistic is it to build such a structure with your own hands? The structures look complex, cumbersome, and even frightening with their appearance and the prospect of dealing with such a complex matter. There's really nothing wrong with it. The main advantage of polypropylene pools is that you can buy a ready-made product, choosing it to your liking, and all you have to do is install it on the prepared area.

Even in a small area you can place a swimming pool

Yes, preparing the site and installing the product is not an easy task, but there is nothing particularly difficult about it. Unless it takes a lot physical strength and time, but when were we afraid of this? The main thing is to adhere to the basic rules of technology, and you will succeed.

It will be more difficult if you decide to build a pool yourself from polypropylene sheets. You will need to make a pool bowl. And here you already need certain skills in working with the material. But this is not a problem for our craftsmen.

Features of polypropylene

Polypropylene is gaining increasing popularity among builders and repairmen. This material is very easy to use, and it is perfect for creating both an indoor pool and an outdoor one. That is why it is often used for the installation of various hydraulic structures. The advantages of polypropylene over other materials are undeniable:

Together, these qualities provide a polypropylene pool with a long service life without problems or worries. The material does not lose its qualities during operation for up to 20 years. The work on manufacturing and installing the pool bowl will take you no more than a month in total. As you can see, an enterprise to build a polypropylene pool is simply doomed to success! The main thing is to strictly adhere to technology.

Choosing a location for a swimming pool

First of all, decide where you want to install the pool - inside or outside the house. This is what further actions will depend on; these methods have their own specific features.

For example, for a swimming pool in the house you will need a suitable room: it should have high ceilings, if you just put a ready-made bowl inside the room, and enough space for supporting and accompanying structures - fixing formwork, stairs, slopes, sides.

It would be more correct to place the pool at an appropriate depth below the floor level. To do this, you will need to dig a hole inside the room. Will this be advisable taking into account the foundation and structural features?

Installing a pool outside the house is much easier than inside

The simplest and most logical option is to build a pool in an open area. Moreover, polypropylene is excellent for outdoor use and tolerates any temperature and climatic conditions. Therefore, we will discuss in more detail how not to make a mistake in choosing a suitable place.

How to choose the right place in an open area

You will have to take into account not only your taste and wishes, but also such features as:

  • slope of the site;
  • soil type;
  • wind direction on the ground;
  • features of the location of large plants.

It is not a good idea to place the pool next to large deciduous trees or young plantings. Firstly, the root system tends to grow and reach for moisture. This may damage the waterproofing of the product. Secondly, you will have to constantly catch leaves from the water. Otherwise, they will lead to the emergence and growth of green algae.

Not a bad place for a pool: close to the building, there are no large trees or plantings nearby

Clay soil is most suitable for building a swimming pool. Clay does not allow water to pass through, and this can be useful if the waterproofing layer is damaged.

Sloping the site can also be helpful. It can provide savings in the volume of excavation work. Taking into account the direction of the wind is necessary to make it more convenient to remove debris that gets into the pool. It is advisable that it be nailed to the same place. There you need to install a pipe for overflow. So you have everything excess water will go down the drain, taking the garbage with it.

Preparing a pit for a swimming pool

So, you have found a suitable place on the site. Before starting the main work, you need to make markings based on the dimensions of the pool bowl. The pit should be approximately 1 meter wider and 50 cm deeper.

Note! If groundwater in your area lies too close to the soil surface, you will definitely need a drainage system.

Theory: what needs to be done and how much it will cost

Before starting work, you should calculate as accurately as possible how much it will cost. This applies to both money and time spent.

Pools made of polypropylene today are considered optimal in terms of price-quality ratio. They will cost much less than concrete or tile-mosaic structures. In many ways, they take less time. The formula for calculating the costs of building such a pool is simple and consists of the sum of the following items:

  • the cost of the equipment and materials involved;
  • cost of a pool bowl;
  • cost of digging a pit;
  • the cost of pouring a concrete bottom and inter-wall spaces.

Equipment includes tools for work, which are described in more detail below. In case of single use, there is no point in buying them because of the high cost. But you can rent them for an almost nominal fee, which depends on the construction and repair companies in your region.

As for materials, you will need polypropylene sheets (the main thing in the future pool), geotextiles, reinforcement rods to create a reinforcing mesh at the bottom of the structure and concrete mortar for pouring.

The retail price for a polypropylene profile varies between 3,000–7,000 rubles per sheet standard size 1500 X 3000 mm or 2000 X 4000 mm. Options depend on sheet thickness and length.

The price of polypropylene sheets may depend on the length, width and even the country of origin

Geotextiles are perhaps the cheapest material. Manufacturers offer it in a price range from 12 to 60 rubles per linear meter of canvas. Cost options depend on the width of the canvas and its density.

Concrete is also relatively inexpensive. The average price is about 4,500 rubles per cubic meter of solution. It may vary depending on whether you mix the mortar yourself at the construction site or order ready-made concrete from a construction company with delivery.

As for digging a pit, you can do it yourself. But do you want to spend so much physical effort? And this event will take a lot of time. It’s easier to hire an excavator that can handle the job in a matter of hours. The cost of services depends very much on the region and can be taken into account both in hours and in withdrawn cubic meters of land. The first option is preferable.

The same applies to pouring concrete onto the bottom of the pool and into the space between the bowl and the walls of the pit. True, this work will not take you too much time, and you can handle it yourself without much difficulty.

If you do not want to make a pool bowl yourself, you can order a finished product from a manufacturer in your region. You can choose not only the desired width and depth, but also the thickness of the profile, and even polypropylene from different manufacturers. The domestic product costs much less than the imported one, and is in no way inferior in quality. For example, a bowl up to 3 meters wide and up to 6 meters long can cost no more than 100,000 rubles.

From theory to practice: digging and preparing a foundation pit

The decision has been made, the materials in the required quantities have been purchased, and the location for the pool has been finally chosen. It's time to start digging a pit.

  1. First of all, drive in the pegs according to the marking diagram and tension the rope. This way you will set the boundaries of the pit. Do not forget that you need to take into account the allowance for width and depth, as mentioned above. Also record the height at which the proposed edge of the pool will be located.

    You can save money by deciding to dig a pit yourself, but an excavator will cope with this task much faster

  2. Provide drainage to protect the pool bowl from pressure. Carefully level the bottom of the pit and lay geotextiles. Pour a 30 cm layer of crushed stone (geotextile will prevent it from going into the soil).
  3. Once the digging is complete, you will have a lot of soil left over. Only a small part of it will be filled back in. The rest can be used to level the soil on the site.
  4. Compact the drainage thoroughly and begin laying the reinforcing sheet. Place the bricks evenly along the bottom of the pit: they should hold the reinforcement mesh at a height of at least 5 cm above the level of crushed stone. To ensure a high-quality screed, install beacons, securing them with plaster mortar.

    Installing reinforcing mesh over a layer of crushed stone at the bottom of the pool

  5. It's time to pour the concrete mixture under the pool bowl. You can make it yourself or order it ready-made. If you decide to use the services of professionals who are armed with a mixer or concrete mixer, there will be no problems. In case of independent work, use a chute made of boards for filling: it is convenient to convey the solution to the bottom of the pit.

    Pour concrete onto the substrate until it completely covers the entire surface

  6. Pour concrete until a slab is formed that is at least 20 cm thick and 50 cm wider than the perimeter of the bowl. The concrete should now be completely dry. This will take at least 5 days in dry, hot weather. If the summer turns out to be rainy, cover the stove with polyethylene.
  7. When the floor in the pit is dry, lay a heat insulator made of inexpensive material on it. For example, polystyrene foam will do this role perfectly. To strengthen it, just glue it with tape. If necessary, you can lay a layer of hydrotextile.

The pit is ready. While the concrete dries in it, we will tackle perhaps the most difficult work in this entire event: making a pool bowl from polypropylene. We warn you right away: the task ahead is not easy, so we will describe all stages of the work in as much detail as possible.

Choosing a polypropylene profile

For the manufacture of swimming pools, polypropylene sheets of various thicknesses from 5 to 15 mm are used. For the walls they should be thicker than for the bottom.

The price of a polypropylene profile also depends on the thickness of the sheets. So what should you choose so that the pool turns out to be of high quality, and the cost does not hit your pocket once again?

The strength and waterproofing properties of a bowl made from sheets 5 mm thick do not differ from the same product made from an 8 mm profile. But there is one important feature. For example, when you weld stiffeners to a thinner profile, it may move slightly and small waves will be visible on the wall. Thick sheets of propylene - from 8 mm and more - do not give such an effect.

Professionals recommend taking into account the size of the pool when choosing the profile thickness: the larger the size or diameter of the structure, the thicker the sheets should be. Although polypropylene is a very durable material, the amount of water used still matters.

When calculating the amount of polypropylene, keep in mind that the sheets will have to be cut

Table: number of polypropylene sheets for pools of various lengths and widths

Length, mm

Width, mm

Depth, mm

Width/length of polypropylene sheet, mm

Number of sheets

1500 1500 5
8000 2000 2000 2000 X 4000

We select equipment and start making the bowl

Perhaps, welding polypropylene sheets is the most difficult job in installing a pool. But even this can be dealt with without much difficulty if you carefully read the instructions and strictly adhere to them in the process.

For the walls and bottom of the pool you need to use polypropylene sheets of different thicknesses. They are joined end-to-end by welding, and the seams, thanks to modern technologies, remain almost invisible. Despite this, they are strong enough to ensure structural integrity under any load during operation.

First of all, you need to get the tools:

  • Welding extruder is a special device designed for welding thermoplastic products.

    Extruder for working with polypropylene

  • Extruder attachments for different types of seams.

    Set of nozzles for extruder

  • Hot air gun (heat gun) for processing and straightening seams.
  • A special rod for connecting seams (sheets are soldered with it).

    Rod for welding polypropylene

These tools are not cheap, so there is no point in buying them. Well, unless you plan to build polypropylene pools on an industrial scale in the future. Otherwise, it would be better to rent a tool.

Before starting work, draw up a detailed drawing that will indicate all dimensions. It will make it easier for you to calculate the amount of materials needed, including polypropylene sheets.

The seams are welded using an extruder. The principle of its operation is as follows: the supplied hot air heats the surfaces to be welded to the required temperature. A polypropylene rod heated to the melting temperature is introduced into this zone. Its granules fuse sheets of polypropylene, resulting in a strong seam.

The procedure for making a pool bowl

The pool lining with polypropylene sheets is performed according to the following algorithm.

  1. Take a drawing with the parameters of the pool bowl marked and use it to mark the joints of the seams.
  2. Pre-cut out all the details: walls, bottom, side, steps of the stairs. Start manufacturing from the bottom of the pit. Connect polypropylene sheets from the outside using an extruder and a nozzle for a straight corner.

    Weld polypropylene sheets from the outside

  3. Place polypropylene cut in the shape of the bottom into the pit on a concrete slab. Place the sides to its edges and weld them on both sides: inside use a rod to solder the seams, and on the outside use nozzles for welding. Double seam provides additional strength and reliability.

    Start from the bottom and weld the walls to it from the inside and outside

  4. Weld the steps in the same way. When welding the pool bowl is completed, weld the stiffeners using a polypropylene rod. Maintain a distance between the ribs of about 50–70 cm.

    This is what a pool wall looks like with welded stiffening ribs and thermal insulation

Note! It is best to assemble the pool bowl at the installation site. This way you will save yourself from additional work of moving the bulky structure.

Before starting welding, clean the edges of the seams, while chamfering at an angle of 45 degrees.

The polypropylene pool bowl is ready. All that remains is to install it, secure it and provide it with additional equipment.

Installation of the bowl in the pit and installation of additional equipment

If, following the instructions outlined above, you installed the bowl directly inside the pit, then you managed to avoid installation work. Otherwise, you will have to use outside help: either ask friends to help place the structure, or even call a crane if the pool is too large.

Make sure that the bowl is level, as planned, strictly according to the drawing and markings. When securing the structure, any unplanned shift can lead to errors and further problems during operation.

Install the bowl evenly in the pit, avoiding any bending or distortion

For the pool to function fully, it must be equipped with pumping and filtering equipment. To do this, drill holes of the required diameter in the bottom and side walls of the pool at the calculated points and secure the pipe necks in them:

  • for water supply;
  • for draining;
  • for communications.

Don’t forget: pipes, unlike the bottom and walls of the pool, need good thermal insulation. You will also need appropriate skimmers, nozzles and a water filtration system. To place auxiliary equipment, you can use the basement of a nearby structure.

Pool water supply system made of polypropylene

If you have certain skills, you can set up pool lighting. When all the equipment is installed, connect the communications and check the operation of the system. If it functions correctly, you can begin securing and pouring the structure.

Securing the bowl and pouring concrete

All that remains is to fill the space between the walls of the pit and the pool bowl with the solution. This work is not difficult, but it takes a long time, so be patient. The most important thing is to strictly follow the sequence of actions.

Insulate all pipes and communications

  • Make formwork around the bowl and ensure its reliable reinforcement.
  • When pouring concrete into the space between the pit and the bowl, you need to strictly control the absence of deflections in the structure. To avoid them, fill the bowl with water to a depth of about 30 cm.
  • Then begins the same long-term work that we talked about above. According to technology, concrete must be poured gradually, in layers, so that it has time to dry. Therefore, pour the first layer of concrete 30 cm high and leave it for at least a day.
  • The next day, add another 30 cm of water to the pool bowl and pour a second layer of concrete to the same height. Leave again for a day for the solution to dry. Do this several more times until the structure is concreted along the entire height of the walls.

    Pour concrete into the space between the walls of the bowl and the pit gradually, in layers of 30 cm

  • Ready! Wait for the formwork to dry completely, fill the remaining space with sand or soil removed when digging the pit, and compact it thoroughly.

    Completion of work: decorate the pool and surrounding area

    The walls of a polypropylene pool do not need lining: they are smooth and have a pleasant color, which in turn gives a beautiful tint to the water. But if you have a desire to change something, you can use a special film made of polyvinyl chloride or butyl rubber. The second is recognized by experts as more durable, stronger and easier to use.

    Butyl rubber film adheres well and is easy to cut with scissors. In addition, she is not at all afraid of temperature changes and other climatic surprises. For large pools this is simply an excellent option, any specialist will tell you this!

    Butyl rubber film - great choice for finishing the pool

    Spread the sheet of film evenly over the bottom and sides of the pool bowl and secure with heavy objects, such as stones or working tools. Place the next sheet overlapping the first one. Having covered the entire pool from the inside in this way, fasten the sheets to each other by cold welding.

    The area around the pool can be laid with paving slabs or filled with concrete at your discretion. The first option looks more beautiful, but the second is much easier to implement.

    Video: building a polypropylene pool with your own hands

    Due to their positive characteristics, polypropylene pools are in demand among consumers. Moreover, you can install the finished bowl yourself or weld it from separate sheets. Easiest to install frame pool on a prepared area of ​​the earth's surface or bury it slightly into the ground. But such a ready-made design is expensive. We will look at how to make a polypropylene pool with your own hands so that it turns out no worse than the factory one.

    A polypropylene pool is a complex structure and requires the development of precise drawings. Further installation will depend on all the preparatory work, which will affect the quality of the pool:

    • You choose the size and shape of the bowl at your discretion, the main thing is that it fits on your site. Keep in mind that the irregular shape makes the bowl difficult to install and maintain. In addition, it will be more difficult to calculate the required power of filters and pumping equipment;
    • the optimal depth of the bowl according to European standards is from 1 m to 1.65 m. If desired, you can make the edges of the bowl higher than ground level, but not more than 300 mm;
    • the mandatory drawing up of a diagram will allow you to calculate the installation location of hydraulic equipment and additional structures for entertainment, for example, a springboard, a slide, a ladder;
    • The location of the pool should be sunny, without nearby trees. Special attention give to groundwater. Their maximum level of occurrence should not exceed 200 mm to the concrete slab of the base of the bowl.

    Digging a pit for a bowl

    Having decided on the size and shape of the bowl, you begin to dig a pit. This can be done manually, which is very difficult, or with the help of special equipment:

    We reinforce the bottom for concreting the base

    The reinforcing belt should be hidden under a layer of concrete by 50 mm. If the soil is not heaving, you can make one belt, but it’s better to play it safe by tying a double frame from reinforcement:

    Concreting the base for the bowl

    Build formwork around the reinforcing frame and begin pouring concrete. In order for the base to be monolithic, the entire process must be carried out continuously in one day. To prepare the solution, take 1 part M-500 cement, 3 parts crushed stone and 2 parts sand. Adding additives will help improve the quality of the solution.

    Spread the solution prepared in a concrete mixer evenly along the bottom of the pit so that it covers the upper reinforcement zone with a layer of 50 mm. Periodically piercing the solution with a wooden stick, expel the air from it. Use a vibrating plate to increase the density of concrete.

    The maximum horizontal deviation of the poured base should not exceed 3 mm. If you decide to make a pool with a bottom drain, the base must be made at a slope of 20 mm from the far edge of the bowl to the drain hole. Then, when concreting the base, you will have to provide a pit for installing a bottom drain, plus a channel for laying drain pipes.

    To determine the required amount of mortar and the correct slope, draw beacon marks on the walls of the formwork. Small errors can be leveled out on a hardened base with a concrete screed. Cover the raw concrete with film and leave it to harden for 10-30 days.

    Warming the bottom and assembling the bowl

    Cover the frozen base with geotextile fabric, lay 30 mm thick polystyrene foam boards and cover the entire bottom with black film. Starting from the bottom, start assembling the bowl:

    Methods for welding sheets

    The following welding methods exist:

    Installation of equipment and additional elements

    The bowl is welded, it's time to install the equipment. First assemble the hydraulic system. Secure all the pipes around the perimeter and install a bottom drain. Install pumping equipment, filters, a device for sucking dirt from the bottom of the bowl, and lighting fixtures.

    Upon completion of installation, connect all communications, power the equipment from the mains and test the system for operation. After a positive result, cover the pipes adjacent to the bowl with protective sleeves.

    Warming the bowl

    Polypropylene has low thermal conductivity, which is why the bowl maintains a constant temperature for a long time. Therefore, its thermal insulation is optional. Although some manufacturers of polypropylene bowls recommend laying side walls sheet foam and black film.

    If you decide to lay foam sheets between the sides of the bowl and the reinforcing belt, try to compact the concrete as much as possible when pouring the wall. The fact is that the flowing solution does not form air zones everywhere. In autumn they are filled with rain and groundwater. When there is a sudden frost, the frozen water expands, squeezing out the concrete. The formation of large air zones can result in deformation of the sides of the bowl.

    Fastening and concreting the bowl

    Before concreting the bowl, you will need to install wooden spacers inside to maintain its shape. Along the perimeter of the bowl, assemble a reinforcing belt in the same way as for the base. You tie its vertical posts to the ends of the reinforcement sticking up from the concrete base. Install formwork around the belt.

    Since the walls will be filled in layers, a height of 500 mm is sufficient. Making sure that there is no sagging of the sides, proceed to pouring the walls:

    1. Fill the bowl with water to a height of 300 mm and fill the wall with liquid concrete of the same height.
    2. After complete hardening, lift it above the formwork, add another 300 mm of water and similarly pour the same layer of concrete. Continue this procedure until you are level with the top edge of the polypropylene bowl.
    3. After the entire wall has hardened, fill the space between it and the pit with sand or soil.

    At this point, the production of a polypropylene pool can be considered complete. All that remains is to landscape the surrounding area and you can take water treatments.

    In contact with

    Nowadays you won’t surprise anyone with a swimming pool at your dacha; this is most likely no longer a luxury, but a mandatory condition.

    With the dynamic pace of life, many strive for relaxation, and a polypropylene pool is an excellent opportunity to relax.

    First, let's figure out why polypropylene.

    Polypropylene is a man-made material that was created in 1954, and the scientists who created it received a Nobel Prize.

    It is usually a dense white substance, sometimes called thermoplastic.



    Material analysis



    With all the advantages, this material also has disadvantages:

    1. Polypropylene may lose its color when exposed to ultraviolet rays.
    2. Seams must be welded using special equipment.

    Pool made of polypropylene


    When manufacturing the product, polypropylene sheets are taken, which are welded using special welding. The structure consists of different parts and walls, which have different diameters and thicknesses.

    The seam between the welded sheets is almost invisible. At the same time, they turn out to be very durable, no worse than a solid sheet.


    If you decide to create, first you need to determine the location where the pool will be located.

    If it is in the house, then the room must have high ceilings, and there must also be space where the equipment will be located.

    The most profitable option is when the pool is located below floor level, so if possible, dig a hole for the pool.

    A simpler option is a polypropylene outdoor pool. Thanks to its qualities, it easily tolerates all climatic conditions; the main thing is not to make a mistake with the choice of location.

    Choosing a location for installation

    To choose the right place, you need to consider:

    1. The slope of the surface of the site.
    2. Understand which one.
    3. In which direction is the wind blowing?
    4. Where and how large plants are located.

    Let's throw it on plastic bottles, not completely filled with water, and fill the bottom with sand or earth. When freezing, these elements will take on most of the load.

    In turn, the ice will protect the pool from above. Be sure to empty the pipes, otherwise they may burst. We bring additional equipment into a warm place for wintering.

    By building a polypropylene pool with your own hands, you can quickly and inexpensively turn your local area into a small oasis in the middle of the summer heat. Dachas have long ceased to be plantations, where their owners spent all their free time growing berries, vegetables and fruits. Today, country estates have become a place for rest and relaxation.

    Swimming pools are gradually becoming an integral element of the interior of the courtyards of private houses and cottages. The most optimal option for arranging a reservoir on the territory of a land plot is polypropylene pools. Why polymer plastic? Let us dwell in more detail on the properties and advantages of this material.

    Advantages of polypropylene as a building material

    Even a beginner can build a pool with his own hands from polypropylene slabs. Purchased containers do not always meet the needs of dacha residents.

    Using plastic sheets, you can make pools of any size and configuration.

    Artificial ponds are equally suitable for installation outdoors and indoors.

    Polypropylene has the following advantages:

    • low thermal conductivity;
    • absolute waterproofness;
    • wide operating temperature range;
    • flexibility and elasticity;
    • resistance to chemically active gases and liquids;
    • immunity to ultraviolet radiation;
    • smooth surface, pleasant to the touch;
    • large selection of colors;
    • long service life;
    • color preservation, regardless of installation location.

    Making plastic containers does not take much time. Even without special training, any summer resident can build a polypropylene pool in just 3-4 weeks. If you start construction in the spring, then by the beginning of the heat the tank will be built and ready for its intended use. But it should be borne in mind that the success of the event directly depends on careful planning and adherence to construction technology.

    Preparing for a swimming pool

    Once the decision is made to build an artificial reservoir on the territory of the dacha, it is necessary to plan all stages of this work. First you need to choose the place where this structure will be installed.

    When choosing a location for arranging swimming pools, you should consider the following nuances:

    1. Do not place the pond close to trees and bushes. Plant roots are constantly growing. Sooner or later they will reach the pool bowl and severely damage it. In addition, falling leaves will constantly clog the pool, causing algal blooms.
    2. The structure should be located on a small hill. Otherwise, it will be regularly flooded by storm water. A good option is to install the bowl next to the house.
    3. If the soil on the site is heterogeneous, then you should choose a place where clay soil predominates. Clay does not allow water to pass through and is not washed out.

    Once the site for construction has been chosen, it is necessary to draw up a project. It must indicate the dimensions of the finished structure, calculation building materials and the sequence of work. Upon completion of the preparation of project documentation, preparatory activities begin.

    To dig a pit, it is better to rent an excavator. Excavation of tens of cubic meters of soil can take several weeks, accompanied by incredible efforts. Special equipment will dig a hole of the required configuration within an hour. The pit should be made 100 cm wider and 50 cm deeper than the future bowl. This gap will be required to strengthen the structure. The selected soil can be used to level the area and create landscape design elements.

    The bottom of the finished pit should be carefully leveled and covered with geotextiles. This fabric will not allow the base of the bowl to sink into the ground. A layer of gravel and sand 50 cm thick is poured onto the geotextile. A reinforcement frame made of steel rods is mounted on top of this cushion.

    The reinforcement is fastened with wire, welding or plastic ties. Concrete is poured over the frame. The thickness of the layer should be at least 20 cm. The screed is left alone for 28 days. During this time, the concrete will gain the necessary strength.

    Construction of a polypropylene bowl

    Depending on the size of the pool, sheets of plastic 5-15 mm thick are purchased. As a rule, thicker material is selected for the construction of walls. You should purchase polypropylene with a substantial margin for possible errors, trimming and for stiffeners.

    To work you will need the following equipment:

    • welding extruder with a set of nozzles for working with polypropylene;
    • a heat gun used to process the resulting seams;
    • plastic rod for connecting polypropylene sheets;
    • roulette;
    • level;
    • metal hacksaw or jigsaw;
    • concrete mixer;
    • polypropylene pipes for water supply and drainage;
    • welding for plastic pipes.

    These tools are quite expensive. In order not to pay for devices with a narrow purpose, it is easier and cheaper to rent them.

    The bowl is assembled in the following sequence:

    1. The sheets are cut into blanks that are to be welded. To do this, you need to use the compiled drawing.
    2. The parts of the bottom of the tank are welded together. An extruder is used for this. Welding is carried out from the front side of polypropylene. The resulting bottom is carefully laid on a concrete foundation.
    3. Fragments of the sides are installed and secured on the bottom. First they are welded to the bottom. Polypropylene is welded to the bottom on both sides. Nozzles are used for this various types. After this, the vertical fragments are welded together. The top of the finished bowl is leveled and reinforced with a strip of plastic.
    4. Steps and decorative protrusions are welded inside the container. The seams must be sealed to prevent water and debris from entering the resulting structures.

    5. Sawed out and welded to outside bowls ribs. Their height should be about 10 cm. The interval between the stiffeners should be set within 50-70 cm.
    6. Insulation is glued between the stiffening ribs. Foam boards 50 mm thick are well suited for this.
    7. Pipes for supplying and draining water are installed in the pool. If necessary, holes and fasteners are made for additional equipment. Pipelines are assembled, insulated and buried.

    When the bowl is assembled, it is reinforced with concrete. Steel reinforcement is installed in the opening between the pool and the pit. The bowl is filled with water. This way it can withstand the pressure of concrete. After this, continuous pouring of concrete is carried out. After it has completely hardened, you can begin to decorate the exterior of the pool. For this, paving slabs or engineered boards are used.