Army press technique. The military press is the correct technique to perform. The movement is performed like this

Army press originated abroad in the ranks of the army. And to this day, everyone who regularly performs it can boast physical strength. It is not for nothing that the military bench press, along with the clean and jerk and jerk of the barbell, was included in the mandatory Olympic program in weightlifting competitions.

Standing barbell press (military): video

Rules for performing the exercise

  1. Place the barbell on a rack at chest level and set the weight to an appropriate weight. Grasp the barbell with a pronated grip (palms facing forward) shoulder-width apart.
  2. Bend your knees slightly and place the barbell across your chest. Take a step back, place your feet shoulder-width apart.
  3. Raise the bar above your head with straight arms, it should be slightly in front of your head.
  4. As you inhale, slowly lower the barbell towards your collarbones.
  5. As you exhale, lift the bar back to the starting position.
  6. Repeat as many times as necessary. Variations: This exercise can be performed while sitting. This option is especially suitable for those who have problems with bottom backs. Also, for better muscle isolation, you can replace the barbell with dumbbells. The neck press is not recommended for people with shoulder problems.

The detailed technique can be found in the following video.

Description of the exercise

There is an opinion that the army bench press originated abroad in the ranks of the army. From the end of the 19th to the beginning of the 20th centuries, gyms began to be organized in the army, but at that time they were not sufficiently equipped. Usually they only contained a barbell and weights. Based on these conditions, the military was forced to adapt. And they adapted by inventing an exercise called the standing barbell press, or as it is also called the standing army press. Those who performed it regularly could boast of great physical strength. shoulder girdle. It is not for nothing that the military standing press, along with the clean and jerk and jerk of the barbell, was included in the mandatory Olympic program for weightlifting competitions. Why? Because it very believably shows the true strength of an athlete.

Muscle groups involved when performing a standing military press

Let's find out together which muscle groups are involved in the work when performing this basic exercise - the standing military press. The standing military press develops the entire shoulder girdle in proportion.

Starting from the front deltoid, which receives the maximum load; middle and rear deltas, which are auxiliary muscles when performing the exercise and, as a result, receive less load, and ending top part chest, trapezius and triceps muscles.

Important: Few people know, but the triceps receive a truly unique load in this exercise, and the point is that the moment of maximum stretch coincides with the moment of maximum contraction of the triceps brachii muscle. This has a positive effect on the increase in strength and muscle volume of this group.

You can also perform the barbell press while sitting, which allows you to focus on working the shoulder girdle. However, performing the exercise while standing allows you to cover more muscles.

Before the exercise, thoroughly stretch your deltoid and core muscles. Highly warmed shoulder muscles and stretching will help avoid dislocations, sprains and fractures.

Since when performing a standing military press the entire load is distributed exactly vertically along the spine, we recommend using a weightlifting belt to fix the spinal column.

Key mistakes when performing the Military Press

The most common mistakes are related to loss of concentration and general fatigue.

When performing a standing military press, avoid sudden jerks and uncontrolled lowering of the barbell to your chest. With sudden upward jerks, you can get a shoulder injury, the body can also become unbalanced, and your arms begin to “move” in different directions.

A mistake that is common among beginners is rounding the back. A round back and huge weight on the bar result in a sharp increase in the load on the spinal column - this is a 100% chance of injury lumbar region(the appearance of hernias and protrusions in the spine).

Alternative Replacements for the Military Press

To avoid all mistakes or reduce them to a minimum, we recommend replacing the military standing press with other exercises also aimed at developing hypertrophy of the shoulder girdle.

One of these exercises is the seated dumbbell press or the seated complex barbell press. In this case, the vertical load is minimized due to fixation of the spine, which allows maximum use of the deltoids, trapezius muscles, triceps muscles.

Seated complex barbell press

Using the example of the seated dumbbell press (performed both with and without a backrest), a more intense load of the shoulder girdle muscles is evident due to the exclusion of the help of the leg muscles when performing the movement. That is, the athlete excludes all stabilizer muscles from work, and focuses only on the shoulder muscles and triceps.

The next set of exercises that can replace the Army Press are the various variations on the Smith machine, both standing and sitting. We especially recommend them for beginner athletes. The big advantage of the press in the Smith machine is that the bar moves in one vertical axis along guides. The athlete has to engage the stabilizer muscles, and in a sitting position, by fixing the back, the vertical load is again minimized.

The third group of exercises to replace the Army Press is a variety of dumbbell lifts. If you want to maximize the use of your shoulder muscles, the dumbbells must be raised until they are parallel to the floor.

Otherwise, if you lift the dumbbells above parallel, the trapezius muscles will be involved in the work. But for some this may be a plus. For example, this is what the famous bodybuilder Nikolai Yasinovsky does, who “kills two birds with one stone” with such a movement. It pumps both shoulders and trapezius at once.

Raising dumbbells in front of you

Lifting dumbbells forward and to the sides

The activation of muscles when performing exercises in this group can be seen in more detail in the illustration below.

The fourth group of exercises are rows: Barbell row to the chin, Vertical thrust dumbbells to the chest, as well as Vertical rows on the Smith machine. Exercises with a barbell can be performed with either a narrow or wide grip.

Vertical dumbbell chest row

Greetings, my dear readers! Today we will talk about one overseas and my favorite exercise for the deltoids - the military press. Overseas, because, according to legend, this exercise came to bodybuilding from overseas (as if we ourselves can’t come up with anything to guide us) and it is known there under the name military press, i.e. also military.

We will thoroughly analyze the entire technical part of its implementation, consider the main errors, small secret tricks and a bunch of other nonsense :). In general, take your seats, it will be very educational, let's go.

Army press. What, why and why?

I'll probably start with a little background (i.e., as always from afar).

There's a whole ton in bodybuilding various exercises, their variations and connections, so you can achieve your goal in a large number of ways. I have always liked “shouldered cabinets” and I truly believe that if the press is from 6 It’s not at all necessary for every man to have a six-pack, but there should be at least an order of magnitude more people with developed shoulders. After all, if almost no one sees your abs, then you can’t hide your shoulders, i.e. they either exist or they don’t. You can very often see funny (and at the same time deplorable) picture. Two people are walking down the street, and from behind (from afar) it seems that both of them are representatives of the fair sex, coming closer, you understand that no - one of them is a guy, but from the back you can’t tell that from him, because the shoulder-to-waist ratio is approximately the same With a woman.

I’ll also tell you about one female cheat code that ladies use against us. Almost all young ladies evaluate their partner from top to bottom, i.e. first they look at the face (eyes), then the shoulders come and then go lower and lower. Often they look for shortcomings in their potential partner, and if they accumulate above a critical level (each woman has her own number), then such a candidate is not considered as a potential object for acquaintance.

Therefore, if you didn’t come out with a face :), then as an option, compensate for your “face” with your shoulders. Of course, all these metrics are purely individual and cannot give a holistic picture of what is happening, but one thing can be said for sure - a woman wants to see a defender next to her, strong shoulder whom you can lean on. If they are not there (meaning shoulders), then she will simply either fall or let you pass by. Actually, let's get down to business.

In the recent past, I decided to closely study this issue and found out that the military press is one of the best forming exercises for the deltoids. Firstly, it can easily be classified as basic, because it is performed with a free barbell weight and uses more than 1 joint. Secondly, it maximally stimulates the shoulders to grow and develops them comprehensively due to its specific biomechanics of movement. Well, and thirdly, it’s still a “military” exercise, and warriors always know what develops the body better.

Anatomical atlas

In Russia, this exercise is called differently: military press (most often), overhead press, chest press, or vertical press. This exercise is aimed at developing the muscles of the entire shoulder girdle: deltas, upper chest and triceps. In general, the following muscles are involved in it:

The role of stabilizers is performed by the muscles of the legs, abs and lower back. This exercise significantly speeds up metabolism and has beneficial effect on the athlete.


Few people know, but the triceps receive a truly unique load in this exercise, and the point is that the moment of maximum stretch coincides with the moment of maximum contraction of the triceps brachii muscle. This has a positive effect on the increase in strength and muscle volume of this group.


There are the following options for performing military press:

  1. standing barbell press (, classic;
  2. and. w. sitting from the chest;
  3. military press with dumbbells;
  4. standing from behind the head;
  5. sitting from behind the head;
  6. up in .


Before moving on to the correct technique for performing the exercise, let's look at the main mistakes that can occur.

Mistake #1. No warm-up

Warm-up is important in any “shoulder” exercise, but especially in this one, many people neglect it. It is necessary to warm up the rotator cuff and rotator cuff muscles so as not to get injured and “grab” a cramp.

Mistake #2. Projectile position

This is the most common mistake, especially among beginners. The barbell rises strongly in front of you or behind you, although at the top point of the trajectory it should be above your head (only a slight lift of the bar behind the head is allowed).

Mistake #3. Body tilt back

Most people, when performing an exercise, take weights that are disproportionate to themselves and “lean” their butt back. Do not lose the correct S-shaped position of the spine.

Mistake #4. No belt

In one of the articles we talked about the weightlifting belt. Often, when lifting heavy weights, to avoid excessive axial load on the spinal column, you must wear a safety belt. It will not only increase intra-abdominal pressure by 30% , but will also give the necessary rigidity to the spine.

Mistake #5. Jerk-throw of a projectile.

Many athletes try to quickly get rid of the barbell and start with a quick jerk upward (on the ascent) and throwing (on the descent) the projectile onto the chest. Perform all movements smoothly, clearly and under control.

Mistake #6. Cheating.

A person, by hook or by crook, tries to squeeze the barbell at the top, using and helping himself with his whole body. All work should be carried out using the muscles of the shoulder girdle, but in no case the body.

Well, I think some basic fundamentals laid down, which means it’s time to move on to...

Execution technique

The most important thing in any exercise is correct technique, which makes you feel the work of the target muscle group. Therefore, you should not bring something of your own to the exercise or, more simply put, engage in “gag”, just study the following step-by-step guide and go!

  • Reheat thoroughly shoulder joints, making a special target specifically on the shoulders;
  • Take the bar (not too thin and not long), hang pancakes (working weight) on it and secure the whole thing with locks;
  • Come close to the barbell and grab the bar with a grip slightly wider than shoulder-width (usually there are notches on the fingerboard, put them aside according to the eye 3-4 cm on each side and grab it in that place);
  • Bring your chest and shoulders under the bar, tense the muscles of your entire body and remove the bar from the racks;

After all the body movements you have made, you should have approximately the following position:

  • Do 1-2 step back and take a starting position: back straight, legs slightly wider than shoulders and slightly bent at the knees;
  • Smoothly press the bar to the top point (lightly behind the top of the head), straightening your arms at the elbows;

It will look something like this:

  • Slowly and under control lower the barbell to your chest, but do not allow the muscles to relax. lowest point and touching the bar to the chest and shoulders;
  • Complete the planned number of repetitions (no more than 10 ), lower the barbell to your chest and carefully place it on the racks or lower it to the floor.
  • the end!

Everything together will look in the following way:

Subtleties and secrets

Of course, like any exercise, the military press has its own secrets that allow you to get the most out of it. In particular, you need to remember:

  • When lifting a significant weight, move one of your legs forward slightly to give more stability to your body (footstand);
  • Before pressing the barbell up, take a strong breath and, exhaling, begin the movement;
  • You shouldn’t linger any longer at the top point of the trajectory. 3 sec (optimally 1-2 sec);
  • Stand firmly on your feet without swaying, it is best to use shoes with tight (no instep) soles or weightlifting shoes;
  • Feel the workload with every millimeter of the muscles of your shoulder girdle, i.e. fully control your movements, no sudden lunges or lowering;

The military press was a very popular exercise among weightlifters from the time of Yuri Vlasov (USSR). It comprehensively characterized the overall fitness of the athlete and his level of strength. Even 7 - multiple Mr. Olympia, Schwarzenegger, did not disdain this exercise, rightfully considering it the basis for building massive deltas.

Various variations of this exercise are performed similarly to the classic version, only adjusted for the position of the athlete and the position of the bar relative to him. I would like to say that most novice athletes are afraid of the barbell press exercise, because... They are afraid of excessive stress on their spine. An excellent alternative in this case could be an exotic option - a barbell bench press while sitting. It immediately removes all the headaches: firstly, the athlete sits, thereby unloading his spine, and secondly, the trajectory is set and any possibility of vibrations and deviations from the correct trajectory is eliminated.

Actually, that’s all I’d like to talk about, let’s summarize.


Believe it or not, the military press is an effective tool in increasing muscle volume in the shoulders, if you are still in doubt, then grab your bag, go to the gym and see and find out for yourself! When you arrive, write in the comments about your feelings and what happened to your shoulders.

On this joyful note, I say goodbye, see you soon, friends!

PS. Don’t forget to click on the beautiful buttons below and share the information with your fellow humans.

With respect and gratitude, Dmitry Protasov.

The military standing press belongs to the category of basic exercises that develop the deltoids and the overall mass of the shoulder girdle. Due to muscle stress and hypertrophy, strength increases and muscle mass is gained, while solid weights can be used to perform the exercise (world record - 235 kg). In the article we will look at the features of the barbell press and its variations, the working muscles and the technique of execution.

What muscles work?

The shoulder girdle is the main muscle group that is involved in the standing military barbell press. The middle and rear deltoids are also involved in the movement. But they receive a much smaller load.

Performing a standing barbell press involves top part chest and trapezius muscles. And the last part of the movement in the exercise occurs due to the triceps. Regarding the work of the triceps, the following pattern applies: with more wide grip and a short range of motion, the activation of the triceps will be minimal. Triceps will work when narrow grip and correspondingly low amplitude.

Optimal load distribution and movement control is facilitated by a grip slightly wider than shoulder width. It is recommended to use it experienced athletes and trainers.

Despite the usefulness and effectiveness of the military press, for uniform and aesthetic development deltoid muscles use a whole range of exercises, and are not limited to one or two. Still, it is impossible to achieve pronounced relief and volume of the shoulder girdle by loading mainly the anterior deltas. It is advisable to use the middle and rear beam in a more active version. This is due to the anatomy of the shoulder girdle. The posterior bundle is the largest of all and it is its development that allows it to be pushed outward middle delta shoulder Due to this, visual massiveness and volume are created. The following exercises can be used for this: dumbbell swings to the sides, tilted/abducted swings and others.

In some cases, it is advisable to include the military press at the very end of the workout. It can be preceded by swings, abductions in the simulator and chin pull. This will isolate the load that falls on the deltoid muscles. However, with this approach to shoulder training, it is not advisable to use large working weights.

Execution technique

Having figured out which muscles work in the standing military press exercise, let’s look at its technique. Knowledge of the nuances, features and varieties of the exercise will allow you to effectively include it in training program to easily achieve an athletic physique.

Military bench press

Where to start mastering the military press technique? Of course, from the warm-up. Highly warmed rotator cuff muscles and stretching of all muscle groups are the key to safety and prevention of emergency situations such as cramps, dislocations, sprains and fractures.

Another important point— before starting a workout, always check the fixation of the plates on the barbell. Selecting the optimal weight ensures the correct technique for performing the bench press and the necessary hypertrophy muscle fibers.

Let's consider the stage of preparation for performing the exercise.

Step 1. We remove the barbell from the rack, at the same time straining the muscles of the torso and legs. Let's take a step back.

Step 2. Place your feet shoulder-width apart, parallel to each other. Knee joints slightly bent.

Step 3. The back is straight (maintain a slight arch in the lower back). You can't lean back. The head looks straight ahead. Her position is fixed.

Step 4. We throw the barbell over the chest until the bar lightly touches the upper part of the pectoral muscles.

The exercise itself is performed as follows:

  1. We take a deep breath and at the same time tense the muscles of the abs and buttocks. While holding your breath, press the barbell up (above your head). Your arms do not need to be completely straightened; they should remain slightly bent at the elbows.
  2. As you exhale, straighten your arms to the end and spread your shoulders. This movement is accompanied by a slight bend forward. At the extreme point, we pause for a moment to feel the work of the muscles and their tension.
  3. We return to the starting position with a slow and controlled movement, lowering the projectile to the chest. In this case, we avoid touching the bar in the area of ​​the shoulders and chest.
  4. We perform the required number of repetitions. Then we lower the barbell to the chest to then calmly return it to the rack.

What not to do?

  • push the bar out with sharp thrusts;
  • uncontrollably and easily allow the barbell to travel the distance along the entire trajectory of movement;
  • during the bench press, perform chaotic movements with your arms, unbalance your body, and allow any jerks.

The military standing press is an exercise that involves creating a load on the lumbar back and spinal column. For additional support of the spine while lifting weights, it is recommended to use a weightlifting belt. With its help, the spine is securely fixed and increased intra-abdominal pressure is created.

Military Dumbbell Press

Performing a military press is possible not only with a barbell. Dumbbells can be used as weights. At first glance, the strategic choice - dumbbells or barbells - is an entirely individual question. Since both options for performing the exercise allow you to focus the load on the shoulder girdle and almost completely eliminate the work of muscles of other groups.

In practice, the situation is as follows. Achieving progress in the standing military press with dumbbells is usually easier for beginners whose shoulders are absolutely straight. Athletes with sloping shoulders will benefit more from working with a barbell. However, such a statement is quite conditional and, as with any rule, there are exceptions. Therefore the choice the best option, which will give individual progress, occurs exclusively in practice and depends on individual characteristics.

How else can you do the exercise?

After mastering the classic technique, you can diversify your workouts by including the military standing press in different variations.

Additional exercise options:

  • Alternately performing a bench press while standing, lowering the barbell behind your head and behind your chest.
  • Changing the trajectory of the barbell movement by half or the principle of partial repetition (lowering the barbell to the top of the head and raising it up again).

You can also perform the barbell press while sitting, which allows you to focus on working the shoulder girdle. However, performing the exercise while standing allows you to cover more muscles.

Variations of the standing military press are used to add variety to your workouts. They are as effective as the classic exercise technique. And in combination with other training for shoulder development, they allow you to achieve the desired relief, volume and roundness of the shoulder girdle.

What to replace it with?

The military standing press is one of the basic exercises for developing and creating a sculpted shoulder girdle, so the natural question is what to replace it with? There is no definite answer to this question, since the effective building of the muscles of the shoulder girdle is facilitated by a combination of isolating exercises with medium weight and vertical presses. The table shows options for partial replacement of the military press.

The military press is an exercise that loads target and stabilizing muscle groups. In addition, such a complex effect helps to develop coordination of movements while strictly following the technique of performing the exercise. Unfortunately, there is no exercise in nature that is completely analogous to the standing military press. The bench press remains one of the most effective and valuable exercises for developing a powerful shoulder girdle.

This exercise was once included in the mandatory Olympic program for weightlifters. However, in pursuit of lifting maximum weight, participants increasingly began to push the barbell with their legs, using their entire body, instead of classic bench press due to the strength of the hands. The last straw was the high risk of injury, since during the execution the athletes transferred the main load to the lower back, making it easier to lift the projectile. As a result, this discipline was removed from the competition program in 1972.

However, the exercise has successfully migrated from weightlifting to bodybuilding, is today considered indispensable and is included in basic program training. When performed correctly, the military press does not pose any dangers, and the benefits in pumping up the shoulder girdle, especially the deltoids, are difficult to overestimate.

What muscles are involved?

Muscles receiving direct load:

  • anterior bundle of deltoid muscle;
  • middle bundle of deltoid muscle;
  • triceps;
  • periosteum muscle;

The following are auxiliary:

  • trapezius muscle;
  • top of the pectoralis major muscle;
  • clavicular brachialis muscle;
  • serratus anterior;
  • biceps;
  • press;

The more weight you take for work, the more intensively the auxiliary muscles are involved, for example, the abs, which receive static load throughout the entire exercise.

Indirectly included in the work:

  • posterior bundles of the deltoid muscle;
  • latissimus dorsi muscle;
  • splenius muscle;
  • thigh muscle;
  • shin;
  • elbow muscle;
  • gluteal muscle;

Why is this exercise so popular?

Everyone wants to have broad and beautiful shoulders, so they often ask their trainers or look for some special techniques for their development. But in reality everything turns out to be much simpler! The deltoid muscle can perform two functions: “push” and “pull”, so in order to develop large broad shoulders It is enough to perform one exercise for each direction.

The military press in this sense is the most effective option for developing the pushing function of the shoulder; no other exercise can develop the delta as quickly as this. Also, due to the specifics of the execution (which will be discussed below), the triceps receives an absolutely unique load, which ensures an effective increase in its strength and mass. In addition, the body begins to actively produce stress hormones, which significantly enhance the effectiveness of the workout.

Cons of the military press

Perhaps the biggest drawback this exercise can be considered a high risk of injury. Mastering this press on your own is associated with great risk, because if the technique is set up incorrectly, subsequent work with heavy weights will inevitably lead to serious health problems.

The body is designed in such a way that it subconsciously acts with the least amount of force, and if it seems to it that it is easier to shift the load to the lower back, then it will do so, and you will notice this after receiving an injury. Therefore, it is recommended to study the military press only under the guidance of an experienced instructor. Be sure to strictly follow all the technical details and constantly monitor what you are doing, otherwise you will not get any benefit from this exercise at all.

Table of standards

Attention! The standards for this exercise are for professional powerlifters.

Weight category Elite MSMK MS KMS 1st category
Up to 60 160 155 145 125 115
Up to 70 175 165 150 135 125
Up to 80 190 180 160 150 140
Up to 90 200 190 165 155 150
Up to 100 215 200 172.5 160 155
Up to 110 225 205 177.5 165 160
Up to 120 230 215 185 170 165
Up to 130 240 225 195 177.5 170
St. 130 250 230 200 182.5 175

Execution options

There are 7 implementation options in total, and although they have the same principle, there are still significant differences:

Classic version: standing barbell chest press

With this performance, all muscle groups receive a higher load than when performed in a sitting position. Also, from the point of view of unloading the lumbar region, this option would be preferable.

From the chest while sitting

It is better to master the military press from a standing position, and after gaining experience, you can move on to the seated version, which allows you to work out the shoulder girdle more efficiently.

Standing Dumbbell Chest Press

When performing an exercise with dumbbells, a large amount of small muscles to maintain balance and control the direction of travel. It becomes possible to work with your hands alternately, which means it’s better to concentrate on each muscle.

From the chest while sitting

Working with dumbbells also allows you to take different weights For different hands, in the event that, for example, one shoulder is more developed than the other and it is necessary to correct the asymmetry.

From behind the head while standing

Allows you to diversify the load on the deltas by shifting the emphasis from the front beams to the middle ones. So the best choice- this is to include both execution options in your program: both the chest press and the overhead press.

From behind the head while sitting

As in all previous versions, from a sitting position the stabilizing muscles are almost completely switched off from work. This makes it possible to lift heavier weights for work than in a standing position.

Military press on the Smith machine

Well suited for beginners who are just starting to master this exercise. What's good about this option? The fact is that, thanks to a special device, the barbell has only one axis of mobility, which allows you not to monitor the balance of the body, but to focus on technique.

Studies have been conducted on the distribution of load efficiency at a one-repetition maximum (this Weight Limit, which can be lifted at one time, without violating the technique of performing the exercise):

Standing: barbell/dumbbells

Seated: barbell/dumbbells

Sitting/standing position

Main exercise: standing military press

The execution technique deserves Special attention, because if you install it correctly initially, then in the future it will save you from a lot of problems associated with possible injuries. Let's look at the main nuances.

Grip width

If you take it too wide, it will significantly reduce the amplitude of movement, and if it is narrow, the triceps will be very involved in the work, and our goal is the deltoids, so an average grip will be optimal.

Grasp the barbell correctly

We take a barbell shoulder-width apart and sit under it; to do this, we put one leg forward, rise up and slowly step back.

Starting position

The bar rests on your upper chest, your back is straight, your legs are slightly bent and shoulder-width apart.

Performing a movement

From the starting point, we smoothly lift the barbell up, and there is no need to watch it at this moment - throughout the entire exercise, the head is directed straight forward. Pay attention to the position of the legs: they always remain parallel to each other.


When lifting with effort, exhale. When lowering, we take in air.

Seated technique

When performing a standing military press, you always have the option of simply throwing the barbell in front of you if something goes wrong. This cannot be done when you are sitting, so it is extremely important that someone supports you throughout the entire exercise.

Execution Features

Grip width exactly the same as in the previous version, you can take it a little wider than your shoulders.

Starting position remains the same, with the only difference being that now the legs rest firmly on the floor.

Performance technique: with the same smooth movement, we lift the projectile up while exhaling, and with inhalation, we lower it back to the chest.

If you do the exercise on a bench with a backrest, then its deviation from the vertical axis should not exceed 8-10 degrees, then the stabilizing load from the delta will be removed and it will be possible to work with more weight without violating the technique.

What to pay special attention to

This is a barbell press, not a clean and jerk.

Often, beginning bodybuilders, mastering this exercise on their own, confuse its execution technique with pushing a barbell from the chest in a standing position. The fact is that the starting position is the same in both cases, and the push allows you to lift more weight with less effort. The upward movement of the barbell is carried out due to the extension of the legs, which gives it inertia, and then it is pressed to the top position by the force of the arms. As you can see, this is fundamentally different from the military press, where all the work is done by the delta.

Eliminate unnecessary movements

During execution, it is important to avoid unnecessary or incorrect movements, as this can lead to injury or “eat up” up to 90% of the effectiveness of the exercise. Key points to consider:

  1. The bar should not linger in the upper or lower position: as soon as the rise ends, the descent immediately begins.
  2. There is no need to try to push the projectile with your legs or chest at the beginning of the movement - this will steal payload at your shoulders.
  3. Your gaze is directed strictly forward; you should not move your head while following the bar with your gaze, as this will cause you to bend your back backwards and overload your spine.

We monitor the position of the body, arms and legs

There should not be a situation where one leg is in front and the other is behind. This is done to ensure that the spine is balanced and there are no distortions. After all, when working with heavy weight, any distortion can immediately turn into injury.

The next point is body position. Under no circumstances should you lean back. As a matter of fact, this is why we are looking forward, so that such a desire does not arise. People often take very heavy weight, and in order to help themselves with their chest, simplifying the exercise, they lean back. Always remember that the correct movement is performed by the deltoids, not the chest.

The wrists and forearm should be perpendicular to the floor and remain in this position throughout the entire range of motion. For this to work out correctly, you will have to take exactly the grip that was discussed above - shoulder-width apart. Otherwise, breaking tension will be created in the shoulder joints.

Work with “your” weight, don’t force it

You should increase the weight gradually, making sure that you can do the bench press technically correctly, without mistakes or unnecessary movements. There is no need to try to impress or prove something - start with light weights and achieve the correct technique, because in this exercise it plays a key role. Remember that your goal is beautiful broad shoulders and good health, not setting world records.

Don't neglect warming up

In any exercises with heavy equipment, you should never immediately take on the working weight, especially if your shoulders are involved in them, because they can very easily get a painful and very unpleasant tear.

  • start your workout with cardio exercise, for example, with a short jog or on a stationary bike;
  • perform bench presses with an empty bar or dumbbells 10-15 times;
  • take a weight that is 30-35% of the working weight, do 15 repetitions;
  • increase the load to 50% and perform 4-5 presses;
  • Now your deltoids are sufficiently warmed up and ready to move on to serious work - you can start doing working weights.

What to do when there are certain problems

Unpleasant pain

Most often they occur in the shoulders or wrists, and sometimes the triceps may hurt.

  • A common mistake that leads to wrist pain is bending it towards you while performing an exercise, while correct position- strictly perpendicular to the floor. But, if this does happen, an elastic bandage will help you.
  • If the delta is pulled, recovery may be delayed, so it is recommended to completely eliminate the load on this muscle and seek help from a doctor. The same goes for the triceps - give it a rest.

Problems maintaining balance

If in normal life your coordination is fine, but when you start doing the military press you have problems, then most likely you simply took on too much weight. At the same time, it is difficult to catch the balance point, you begin to be “led” and sometimes you just have to throw the barbell on the floor. There's nothing wrong with that, you're just not trained enough for that weight yet.

Lack of flexibility

It happens that people have some stiffness in the shoulder girdle. In this case, the correct execution technique becomes unnatural for them. You should never go against your own own body, this will not lead to anything good. To increase shoulder mobility, try yoga, stretching, or exercise therapy.

Back and lower back pain

If you tried to work with heavy weights without raising your technique to the proper level, you may experience lower back pain. Therefore, never force the load, always monitor your technique and use a special athletic belt when doing bench presses. But if for useful tips too late and pain is already present - wear an orthopedic belt for the lower back.

If you have weak back muscles, standing barbell presses can cause pain. In this case, it is recommended to train separately latissimus muscles back, trapezius and rhomboid muscles separately, and do the military press while sitting on a bench with a backrest.

How often to load the delta

The stronger the load, the more time the muscles need to recover. Overloading a muscle group will only lead to their overtraining, and you will be forced to interrupt your activities until the body is completely restored. If you give shock loads to the deltas, then next time it is recommended to work with them no earlier than after 10-12 days. In a normal training regime, this interval is 7 days.

In the following video you can watch the technique of performing the military press while standing and sitting:

If you do the same exercises and do not increase the weight, over time this will lead to the fact that the muscles will stop growing and you will simply maintain their tone. That’s why the military press, which has as many as 7 options, is so good. You have ample opportunities to combine loads and develop the deltoid muscles: when the weight limit in the standing press is reached, you can move on to the seated version.

More isolated work on the shoulder girdle, also with increased weight, will allow you to make a breakthrough and continue to increase the working weight, and therefore increase muscle mass. Remember that regular practice is very important. If you work technically correctly and without overloading, you will immediately feel how you become much stronger, and your shoulders widen and fill with mass.

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Military press (standing barbell press)

Video: military press

Video: standing barbell press

Technically, the military press is a vertical press. Can be performed both standing and sitting, both with dumbbells and with a barbell. It also has a name - overhead press.

Why exactly “army”? The fact is that he came to Russian bodybuilding from America and there was called military press, which in translation sounds like “military press” or “army”.

It has quite a lot of variations - such as a press with flattening, a press without flattening dumbbells, etc. However, in its classic form, the technique has not changed for many years.

What muscles work in the military press?

The large deltoid muscles of the shoulder girdle develop first. This basic exercise, absolutely necessary for the formation of developed convex shoulders. With the correct technique, it is the military press that gives maximum effect and is capable of truly “exploding” deltas. The triceps also work to some extent.

In addition, when you press a barbell while standing overhead, the small stabilizer muscles of the back are activated. Sometimes the bench press is performed with support on the back of a bench. This can be justified only if it is necessary to “break through” the deltas in isolation. Or if there is a risk of injuring your back. In this case, the work of the stabilizers is excluded from the exercise. However, there is a high risk of shoulder dislocation.

The military press can also be performed in a Smith machine. This also isolates the deltoid muscles.

Army press technique

The correct technique for this exercise is guaranteed to give excellent results. However, the wrong one can cause serious injuries shoulder Here's what to keep in mind.

Military bench press

  • Be sure to warm up the muscles of the shoulder girdle. Warming up the muscles and ligaments is absolutely necessary. Otherwise, in the event of a peak load without giving them elasticity, there is a high risk of stretching or even rupture.
  • The grip is slightly wider than shoulder width.
  • You need to keep your back straight. When performing the exercise while standing, keep your legs in a slightly bent position, slightly wider than your shoulders. When performing while sitting, the legs are placed in such a way as to provide the necessary support for stability.
  • The press is performed in a smooth movement along a vertical trajectory. It is not recommended to fully straighten your arms to avoid injury. elbow joint. At the bottom point of the standing press, you do not need to put the barbell on your chest; the muscles should be in a tense state until the very end of the approach.
  • After completing the exercise, you cannot throw the barbell. It is carefully placed on the racks.

Military Dumbbell Press

  • You need to hold your hands so that your palms face forward.
  • Keep your back straight.
  • The trajectory of movement should resemble a wide arc. The exercise is also performed smoothly, without jerking. However, light cheating at the very end of the exercise is acceptable.
  • At the highest point of the movement, the arms can be straightened to the end, the deltoids should be tense.
  • You need to lower the dumbbells smoothly, do not throw the weight at the end of the exercise, do not place it on your shoulders.

A general rule for all types of military presses: do not allow a strong deflection of the spine. This leads to back injuries. As for the use of a weightlifting belt, there is no single point of view. Some people think that it should be used with really heavy weights, while others always use it. Both points of view are justified in their own way. The belt gives rigidity to the spine and holds the insides. In addition, the belt reduces the risk of injury to the lower back and spinal column. However, it isolates the small muscles of the lower back, and this leads to their development lag and does not contribute to the growth of strength indicators.

Variations on the theme of the military press

The military standing press can be performed different ways, and this will make the degree of development of the deltoid muscles slightly different, as well as their specific area - anterior, posterior, lateral:

  • bench press standing in front of you - classic version military press;
  • bench press standing behind your shoulders - engages the rear groups of deltas. However, the exercise is quite traumatic: there is a high risk of shoulder dislocation;
  • seated barbell press - there is no need for small stabilizers that keep the body position vertical. Often performed with support on the back of a bench. However, this type of bench press is one of the most traumatic. Due to the fact that the body is practically switched off from work, there is no way to control the behavior of the projectile and correct its trajectory with the body;
  • press standing or seated, overhead or in front of you in a Smith machine. Works the deltoids perfectly and turns off the secondary muscles. Over time, the lag in the development of small muscles can become so significant that it will no longer be possible to restore balance: after all, the large ones will take on all the work. developed muscles, while the small ones “will not get anything.”

The military press in Smith is also traumatic: after all, if something goes wrong, the athlete does not have the opportunity to simply lose weight. As a result, the isolated trajectory will continue - and a dislocation of the joint, or even a rupture or sprain, is practically guaranteed.