Dentate muscles. Purpose of the serratus muscles. Possible lesions of the internal and external intercostal muscles and their manifestations

In the pursuit of mass and strength, many novice bodybuilders forget about pumping small muscle groups, giving them, at best, a couple of sluggish exercises at the end of the workout. Not only does this approach violate aesthetics and symmetry, contrary to the very philosophy of bodybuilding, it can lead to serious injuries, because small muscles often perform the most important functions in our body. Therefore, today we will talk about pumping the serratus muscles. Many beginners have not even heard of such, but they are!

The serratus anterior, or serratus anterior, is located parallel to the ribs on the lateral region of the chest, facilitating its movement during inhalation. However, its main function is to fix the scapula, which is extremely important for correct execution most exercises - from the classic bench press to deadlifts and squats.

In addition to the visual component - the serratus anterior favorably separates the latissimus dorsi from the oblique muscles of the abdomen and pectorals - they also have a more significant plus: referring to the so-called core muscles, the serratus muscles play an important role in the formation correct posture, and protect the spine during axial loads.

Having dealt with the purpose and functions performed, let's figure it out: how to pump up the dentate muscles? In view of the anatomy discussed above, it is difficult to "hook" and isolate them ... However, there are exercises in which they receive a significant load. At first, good results can be achieved by making the bar.

Fulfillment: take an emphasis lying down, leaning on your arms bent at the elbows. Do not stick out your ass and do not bend your lower back: from head to toe, the body is stretched like a string. Remember to breathe slowly and deeply. It is important to catch the moment when the ribs rise on inspiration - this will be the starting point in pumping the jagged zone. When you can do 5 sets of 1-2 minutes, you can complicate the task by performing side plank. Read more about this exercise here.

Pullover dumbbell.

Learning to feel tension desired areas of our body during statics, it's time to pick up a dumbbell and start doing a pullover - after all, this exercise, with the right technique, provides an excellent opportunity to pump up not only the chest and back, but also the muscle group we are considering here.

Fulfillment: we lie down on a bench, we take a dumbbell by one end so that thumbs covered the neck, and the palms rested on the pancakes on one side of the projectile. We take a deep breath and lower our arms slightly bent at the elbows behind the head, where we linger for a second, after which we return to the starting position. The exercise is technically demanding, so do not chase the weight, learn to feel the stretch and contraction of the intercostal muscles. We do 4 sets of 12-15 repetitions. Read more about this exercise here.

Weekly workload and planning.

As for the place in the weekly split, I would recommend pumping the serratus muscles twice a week, performing a pullover at the end of the chest workout, and the plank after all the back exercises.

Now you know that it is important to train not only the basic muscle groups but also auxiliary. After all, our goal is a harmonious appearance! Well, we will definitely tell you how to pump up other secondary zones in our next reviews, do not switch! There is still a lot of interesting things ahead!

Training different muscle groups is the basis of any training system. To pump up a beautiful torso, it is not enough to perform only chest exercises, latissimus dorsi and abdominal muscles. To emphasize these groups, their aesthetic beauty, you can train the serratus muscles. They are small but very important detail in the overall picture of the trained body.

In order to give an indirect load to the serratus muscles, it is necessary to perform exercises to train the back, chest and shoulders. Stretching and contracting the chest, as well as adducting and retracting the arms from the body, are the main types of exercises.

Appointment of the serratus muscles

The serratus anterior muscle allows you to move the shoulder blades forward and outward. In conjunction with the muscles of other groups, it raises its arms above the horizon line and participates in the expansion of the chest. It is on the basis of the functions that the serratus muscles perform that we can conclude that the most suitable exercises for their training. In training, you should repeat exactly those movements that are physiologically characteristic of these muscles.

But, despite this, it is not easy to determine specific exercises. The work of the serratus muscles occurs indirectly, during the training of other muscle groups. This is because it is impossible to isolate them during training. The serratus muscles experience the greatest tension when working on the pectoral and deltoid muscles. To create the most suitable system training, you need to determine a set of exercises that will pump both dentate and other muscle groups.

Serratus Exercises

Pose "Latissimus dorsi"For proper training serratus anterior, special attention should be paid to performing static exercises. A complex of such trainings can be carried out both with a load and without it. It is best to train the front serratus muscle static exercise"Latissimus dorsi".
For the correct execution of this exercise, like any other, it is necessary to study its technique in detail. It is necessary to take the correct starting position - the hands rest with the hands on the sides of the body, the legs are shoulder-width apart, the stand is straight. When performing the exercise, the movements will be carried out in the upper part of the body. The movement must begin with the creation of tension in the latissimus dorsi. At the same time, we bend the lower back and push the chest forward. Thus, shoulder girdle moves back and then, together with the elbows, moves forward. The shoulder blades should be kept as wide apart as possible and shifted forward.

Feeling the point of maximum tension, you should stay in this position for as long as possible. Exactly at this moment the anterior serratus muscle is in a state of greatest static tension. After completing the exercise, you should relax all tense muscle groups and stretch a little. This exercise you need to perform in several approaches, but not less than three.

Load exercise

Another interesting exercise for pumping dentate muscles, is to perform exercises with weights. The greatest effect can be achieved by using a dumbbell in training and performing a pullover exercise.
To take the starting position, you need to lie on a bench with a dumbbell in your hands. Special attention should be given to the method of holding the dumbbell in the hands: holding is carried out at one end of the dumbbell with both hands. Holding a dumbbell, you need to stretch your arms vertically up and bend them slightly at the elbows.

Pullover with a dumbbell After taking the starting position, we proceed to the direct implementation of the exercise. It should, without bending your arms, smoothly lower the dumbbell down. Performing this movement, take an active breath. At this point, you will feel a stretch in your chest. In this position, you need to linger a little and, already on the exhale, smoothly return to the starting position. Exercise to perform the required number of repetitions.

It is very important to check the fastening of pancakes before performing this exercise. Loosely fixed parts of the dumbbell can seriously injure you. You also need to follow the breathing technique: inhale when lowering your hands with a dumbbell, exhale when you return your hands to their original position. For maximum effect, training process should be carried out in 3-5 sets, with 15-20 repetitions.
These exercises train not only the serratus muscles, but also the muscles of the press, chest, latissimus dorsi, trapezius muscles.

Pullover with dumbbells can also be performed while sitting across the bench. It is only placed on top part back and feet flat on the floor. Having taken the starting position, you need to ensure that the pelvis is below the level of the bench, and the head is in weight. After that, pick up a dumbbell installed on the edge of the bench, and begin to perform the exercise.

Another exercise that develops jagged well is diagonal twists. You can read about how to perform them in our article on how to burn belly fat.

By including the above exercises in your training complex, you can significantly work out the serratus anterior muscles, which will give your torso additional impressiveness and relief.

The serratus anterior lies parallel to the ribs, under the broad muscles of the back. They allow you to fasten the pectoral muscles with the intercostal ones, stretch down, closer to the abdominal muscles.

If you have the correct development of such muscles, then they will resemble fingers in shape: each bundle is clearly defined and separated from the others.

Well-developed serratus muscles emphasize the muscles of the press and make it visually more prominent. But not all people can show good development this muscle group.

Before describing the methodology of exercises that will achieve proper development serratus anterior, you need to understand what role it plays in the body.

The serratus anterior muscle performs the following functions in the human body:

  1. Pushes the shoulder blades inward and forward;
  2. Together with muscle groups, raises the arm above the horizontal surface;
  3. Helps expand chest.

Thus, if we follow the physiological properties, we can conclude that the exercises that are aimed at working out this area should be from movements similar to these properties.

Features of pumping the anterior serratus muscle

In bodybuilding, there are no specific exercises for the development of the serratus anterior muscle, because it is completely impossible to work it out separately: after all, it plays a role in all exercises that are aimed at chest and deltoid muscles and participates in back training.

It is also important to emphasize that the group of people who learned to feel this muscle at the time of exercise. Naturally, such a feeling comes to us over time, when we accumulate experience, acquire basic knowledge.

Moreover, the most important aspect of the development of the anterior serratus is considered to be training in a static mode. It can be carried out with or without a load.

How to pump up the anterior serratus muscle

Training without much load is to work out the muscles in the way of posing. Although it is considered a way to train muscles without effort and weight, it is not classified as an easy method. Professional athletes at the end of a half-hour posing wipe off a huge amount of sweat!

Posing is a harder form of exercise than simple strength training.

  1. To get started, take the starting position: stand up straight, put your feet shoulder-width apart, and rest your hands on the sides of the body. All these actions are performed in the upper part of the press.
  2. Try to tighten the broad muscles of the back so that at this moment the lower back bends as it should, and the chest bulges forward.
  3. The shoulder girdle should be a little behind, and then again in front. It is necessary to stay in this position for a long time.

This pose works best on the serratus anterior muscles. But, if you want to pump a complex dentate muscle with the rest. Below are pictures of exercises and videos from a famous bodybuilder.

How to pump up the front serratus muscles

Training different muscle groups is the basis of any training system. To pump up a beautiful torso, it is not enough to perform only exercises for training the chest, lats muscles and muscles press. You can emphasize these groups, their aesthetic beauty, by training serratus muscles. They are a small but very important detail in the overall picture of a trained body.

In order to give an indirect load to the serratus muscles, it is necessary to perform exercises to train the back, chest and shoulders. Stretching and contracting the chest, as well as adducting and retracting the arms from the body, are the main types of exercises.

Appointment of the serratus muscles

The serratus anterior muscle allows you to move the shoulder blades forward and outward. In conjunction with the muscles of other groups, it raises its arms above the horizon line and participates in the expansion of the chest. Based on the functions that perform serratus muscles, we can conclude about the most suitable exercises for their training. On training should repeat exactly those movements that are physiologically characteristic of these muscles.

But, despite this, it is not easy to determine specific exercises. The work of the serratus muscles occurs indirectly, during the training of other muscle groups. This is because it is impossible to isolate them during training. Highest voltage serratus muscles experienced when working on the chest and deltoid. To create the most suitable training system, you need to determine a set of exercises that will pump both dentate and other muscle groups.

Serratus Exercises

Pose "Latissimus dorsi" For proper training of the anterior serratus, special attention should be paid to performing static exercises. A complex of such trainings can be carried out both with a load and without it. It is best to train the serratus anterior muscle with static exercise"Latissimus dorsi".

For the correct execution of this exercise, like any other, it is necessary to study its technique in detail. It is necessary to take the correct starting position - the hands rest with the hands on the sides of the body, the legs are shoulder-width apart, the stand is straight. When performing the exercise, the movements will be carried out in the upper part of the body. The movement must begin with the creation of tension in the latissimus dorsi. At the same time, we bend the lower back and push the chest forward. Thus, the shoulder girdle moves back and then, together with the elbows, moves forward. The shoulder blades should be kept as wide apart as possible and shifted forward.

Feeling the point of maximum tension, you should stay in this position for as long as possible. It is at this moment that the serratus anterior muscle is in a state of greatest static tension. After completing the exercise, you should relax all tense muscle groups and stretch a little. This exercise should be performed in several approaches, but not less than three.

Load exercise

Another interesting exercise for pumping serratus muscles is to perform exercises with weights. The greatest effect can be achieved by using dumbbell training and doing exercise pullover.

To take the starting position, you need to lie down on the bench, taking in. Particular attention should be paid to the way the dumbbell is held in the hands: holding is carried out at one end of the dumbbell with both hands. While holding, stretch your arms vertically up and slightly bend them at the elbows.

Pullover with a dumbbell After taking the starting position, we proceed to the direct implementation of the exercise. It should, without bending your arms, smoothly lower the dumbbell down. Performing this movement, take an active breath. At this point, you will feel a stretch in your chest. In such position need linger a little and, already on the exhale, smoothly return to the starting position. Exercise to perform the required number of repetitions.

It is very important to check the fastening of pancakes before performing this exercise. Loosely fixed parts of the dumbbell can seriously injure you. You also need to follow the breathing technique: inhale when lowering your hands with a dumbbell, exhale when you return your hands to their original position. To achieve the maximum effect, the training process should be carried out in 3-5 sets, with 15-20 repetitions.

These exercises train not only serratus muscles, but also the muscles of the press, chest, latissimus dorsi, trapezius muscles.

Pullover with dumbbells can also be performed while sitting across the bench. Only the upper back is placed on it, and the legs rest on the floor. Having taken the starting position, need to follow so that the pelvis is below the level of the bench, and the head is in weight. After that take in hand dumbbell, installed on the edge of the bench, and start.

Another exercise that develops jagged well is diagonal twists. You can read about how to perform them in our article on how to burn belly fat.

By including the above exercises in your training complex, you can significantly work out the front serratus muscles, which will give your torso additional impressiveness and relief.

In bodybuilding, as in many sports, aesthetics, ideal body proportions, are important. Many forget about it and just chase after muscle mass. Now consider a small muscle group located on the ribs, called the serratus muscles. Although they are small in volume, they play a significant role in the overall picture. Relief and voluminous muscles on the ribs perfectly emphasize the inflated press. To understand how to pump up the serratus muscles, you need to understand at what points they work.

Having studied in detail the anatomy and basic functions, you will understand that it will not be possible to select target exercises for the dentate, they simply do not exist. They actively work only in certain movements, for example, in pumping the chest and deltas. Serratus muscles cannot be pumped with isolated movements, but there is a group of exercises that load them as much as possible.

Anatomy and function of the serratus muscles on the ribs

Located in the front of the chest, the upper part of the dentate is covered pectoral muscle, and the lower one on the surface of the ribs. Muscle fibers directed back and up, covering the outer surface of the ribs and passing under the shoulder blade. Performs the following functions:

  1. Moves the scapula forward and outward;
  2. With the participation of other muscle groups, raises his hands above the horizon line;
  3. Helps expand the chest.

Given the functions performed, it can be suggested how to pump up the serratus muscles, namely, which exercises are more suitable for these muscles. In training, you need to make movements that are physiologically characteristic of them. Now it is necessary to determine how the anterior serratus swings, the exercises will be aimed at pumping the chest, deltas and back. As you understand, it will not be possible to isolate and pump up the gears alone, they work as an additional muscle in various exercises.

No matter how strange it may sound, it is believed that the best pumping of the dentate muscles is carried out in the process of posing. The latissimus pose statically loads the target muscle. Let's consider in more detail:

  • Borrow correct position- feet shoulder-width apart, stand straight, rest your hands on the sides of the body;
  • The whole process will develop in the upper body. Start by tensing the latissimus dorsi, simultaneously arching the lower back and pushing the pectorals forward;
  • First, the shoulder girdle will move back, and then forward along with the elbows;
  • The shoulder blades should be spread out to the sides as much as possible.

Feeling the maximum tension, you need to keep it and hold it as long as possible. It is at this moment that the serratus muscles on the ribs get the maximum static load. Do at least three such repetitions, after each time stretch to relax all muscle groups. Here is an example of how to pump serratus muscles by posing

It is clear that a small number of athletes will suffer from such an exercise, while the rest need to tie the training to the pieces of iron.

How to build jagged muscles with weights

Exercises that include a load on the rib muscles are a huge amount. For a general understanding, we list them all by main groups:

  • Bench press. Any bench press exercise for chest promotes the development of serrated. The slope of the bench can be different, as well as the choice of projectile, you can even in the simulator;
  • Wiring. Any incline of the bench engages the target muscle, use dumbbells, a cable machine or a butterfly;
  • Press up. Any bench press for deltoids shakes the gear. Whether you use barbells, dumbbells, machines, or special techniques such as the Arnold or Bradford press, all this includes gear work;
  • Breeding standing and thrust to the chin.

In fact, the whole complex, aimed at pumping the chest and shoulders, can pump up the serratus muscle, even at home. There is one exercise, called a pullover, it makes the muscle in question work the most. Having understood it, you will replenish your knowledge on how to pump up the serratus muscles on the ribs, and you will be able to use it effectively.


Exist various techniques pullover: with dumbbells, barbell, incline bench, straight arms and so on. We will consider the classic version with dumbbells, this exercise is very valuable for young athletes, because it can make the chest deeper, which will make the chest more attractive. best age for getting maximum effect 15-28 years old.

The pullover is aimed at the formation of breasts, includes in the work broadest backs, triceps and serratus anterior. This exercise with additional weights to a greater extent, compared to the others, strains the serratus muscles. Therefore, it is the best and will help in achieving expressive, embossed muscle forms on the ribs. Let's move on to the technique and take a closer look at how to pump up the serratus anterior muscle on the ribs:

  • Need to sit across the bench top back and fix. Place your feet firmly on the floor at a 90 degree angle at the knees. Instead of a bench, you can use a chair, bench or fitball;
  • Take a dumbbell on one side with your palms to pancakes (as in the picture) and lift it above your chest;
  • Keep a slight bend in your elbows, so you get rid of possible injuries. Position yourself so that your pelvis is below shoulder level;
  • Lower the dumbbell behind your head as you inhale, keeping a slight bend in your elbows. Lower until you feel a strong stretch in your back. The greater the range of motion, the stronger the contraction of the serratus anterior muscles;
  • Use the optimal weight so that you can do 12-15 reps, 3-4 sets. Raise the dumbbell in the opposite direction as you exhale.

The pullover was a sought-after exercise in the "golden era" of bodybuilding for a reason. See how to pump jagged muscles with a pullover with an example:

How to pump up muscles on the ribs with twists

The beauty of the muscular body is also emphasized by the relief muscles on the ribs, or rather the intercostal ones. Any muscle training abdominals promotes pumping of the intercostal muscles, so just pumping the press is enough. Of course, the emphasis of the load increases if you do exercises with an emphasis on one side. For example: side crunches, diagonals, leg raises on the horizontal bar, in general, all types of exercises aimed at pumping side press. Now you also know how to pump up the intercostal muscles at home, because for training the press Gym not needed.

See how Yury Spasokukotsky pumps the intercostal muscles:

Masses to you and relief!