Winter extreme sports. Extreme winter fun for bored city dwellers. Holidays with cats

Trying yourself in an extreme sport, especially in winter, is something for a real man. All that remains is to choose the most suitable look sports Choose what you like.

1. Ice swimming


The fact that it is winter and frost is not yet a reason to put your fins in the far corner. Experienced divers know what it's like to swim under ice. Well, beginners should keep in mind: into the hole - only after the course intensive training! After all, winter diving differs from summer diving if only in that in January you won’t surface where you want.

2. Snow polo


Basically, this is a modified version of regular polo, but only in a snow-covered arena. In winter polo, special “shoes” are put on the horses’ feet for better grip on the slippery surface of the field. To contrast the white snow, the ball is larger in diameter and red in color.

3. Speed ​​Fly


A real “explosive” mixture of high-speed ski slope with a parachute. Typically, an athlete jumps from a helicopter onto a snowy mountain slope. Then the descent continues on skis. But the skier does not throw his parachute - there may be stones and rocky ledges on the way. And then you have to take off again...

4. Ice mountaineering


If someone really likes climbing mountains in the summer, this extreme activity can be continued in the winter, in the same places, but covered with snow and ice. In winter it will be even more extreme. And there are also more objects - frozen waterfalls are worth it! True, orientation in winter is more difficult and special equipment is required. But is this an obstacle for real men!

5. Downhill Shovel


This sport was invented in the 1970s by winter alpine workers. ski slopes. When the lifts failed, they simply saddled up their shovels and... In general, a very simple and fun sport. But even here some preparation is needed. After all, a “projectile” on the highway can reach speeds of up to 100 km/h.

6. Sailing races on ice


Something between yacht racing and speed skating. Despite all the fun of this sport, quite serious events are held in it. international competitions.

7. Skibiking


You may already be doing a pretty good job ski slope on some mountain slope or mastered snowboarding. But this does not mean that you can handle this ski bike without preparation.

8. Kayaking


What if, instead of a sleigh, you race down the hill on a well-oiled traditional northern boat? And the oars will come in very handy here - they can be used to control the projectile well in motion. Definitely a great adrenaline pumper.

9. Ice surfing

For lovers of extreme entertainment, frost and cold are not a hindrance. Even in the coldest winter, you can find something to your liking, especially if you are an extreme sportsman at heart. Many sports can be classified as exciting winter activities, but not all of them are extreme. Here are a few species that are likely to arouse your keen interest and desire to master at least a couple!

Winter kiting

One of the popular winter species The sport is considered “snowkiting”; if in the summer you did not have time to ride on the expanses of water, then in the winter you can make up for lost time by riding on snow and ice. The special design not only allows you to drive at good speeds, but also allows for breathtaking stunts.

Motorcycle racing on ice

The first ice racing competitions were held in Scandinavia back in the twenties, and today such competitions are held at the world level. The race track runs along a frozen lake or icy road. Racers ride counterclockwise, showing their skills, and not only the race participants, but also the spectators get an adrenaline rush.

Swimming in icy water

As soon as fans of this extreme type of swimming are not called, the name we are used to is “walrus”, but in the Nordic countries it is “seals”, and in the USA it is “polar bears”. But no matter what you call them, their hobby is the same - swimming in open water in the middle of winter. You should not engage in this sport without preparation, as hypothermia can be fatal for an unprepared body. You need to start gradually in the cool summer, continue swimming in the fall and only after long training sessions switch to winter swimming.

Snow kayaking

If in winter you prefer sledding and sliding down snow slides, then try to master the new kind sport – snow kayaking. You can ride either alone or in pairs; to do this, you need to go down a kayak down a snowy mountain, trying to control it while moving, using a paddle. Believe me, it will give you a lot of pleasure and lift your spirits, both for you and those around you, who will probably want to take part in such an unusual skating.


This type of freeride, heli-skiing, is considered more extreme. To conquer the snowy expanses, you must, together with skis or a snowboard, be at the top inaccessible mountain with untouched snow, a helicopter will help you with this. As soon as it hovers over the virgin snow slope, you need to jump out of the helicopter and rush through the sparkling snow, towards the sun and wind, inhaling the smell of adrenaline and freedom.

Climbing frozen waterfalls

BASE jumping in winter

If simple skiing or snowboarding doesn't really appeal to you, then most likely you will be delighted with winter base jumping. While skiing on virgin snow slopes, you can also use a parachute to overcome obstacles in the form of crevices, cliffs and ledges. This sport is very spectacular, as athletes not only rush at high speed and make jumps, but also show breathtaking stunts.

Hi all! Today I would like to talk about a topic that is relevant for this time of year, namely, winter sports, and those that amaze with their unusualness. Most of these extreme disciplines have appeared relatively recently and many people do not yet know about them. However, as they develop, such ideas become increasingly popular. Winter sports in general are very exciting, there are many different competitions in its arsenal, but looking at some extraordinary events it becomes clear that human imagination truly knows no bounds, each time striving to come up with something new.

Here are some amazing winter sports you might not know about:

Skijoring. This species evolved from traditional trips with dogs or horses. Residents of Alaska and Scandinavia moved between settlements in this way. Today, in addition to horses and dogs, auto-moto transport can be used. Skijoring is especially close to water skiing, except that the action takes place in winter and on snow.

Ice Cross Downhill. To fight in such competitions, the most reliable equipment is necessary, because participants compete in downhill skating on the most dangerous ice tracks, consisting of all kinds of turns and jumps, reaching maximum speed about 70 km/h. In ice cross, skaters are best protected by hockey equipment.

Yukigassen. The rules of the game were invented in Japan, although at its core this type is very similar to the traditional winter fun any country where there is snow in winter. In Yukigassen, two teams of 7 people are given 90 snowballs each, and the goal is to capture the enemy flag. During the confrontation, the one who was hit by the snowball is eliminated.

Snowsurfing. Extreme winter sports are unique in their diversity, be it an analogue of summer competitions or a combination of several different types. Snowsurfing is an amazing mix of windsurfing and snowboarding. Thanks to the wind, athletes overcome areas of frozen lakes and snow-covered slopes, and some even manage to drive up hills and perform tricks.

Express ramp on woks. At first glance, such races seem like a funny parody of bobsleigh, and that is what they are, but not a trace of the fun remains when you find out that the participants reach up to 100 km/h on these modified Chinese frying pans, while, unlike bobsleigh, no more -there is simply no less reliable protection here. This is why athletes wear heavy protective suits similar to hockey suits.

Snow kayaking. Yes, no matter how unusual it may sound, but in addition to summer kayaking, there is also winter kayaking. It uses the same boats, but instead of water there is a winding snowy track.

Cresta Run. One of the types luge, in which races are held on natural ice on a track built in Switzerland back in the 19th century near the village of Cresta, hence the name. Since then, the race has been considered one of the most dangerous. Participants overcome the track in a style reminiscent of the classic skeleton (head first), but in a freer manner and with a simplified sled, which makes the race much more dangerous.

Ice climbing. A particularly extreme type of mountaineering, where steep ice slopes are overcome with the help of special equipment. High spots can be natural: frozen waterfalls, large icicles, or man-made ice structures.

From year to year, the collection of winter sports is replenished with new disciplines. Some remain the province of amateurs, others receive international recognition and even, over time, are included in the program of the Winter Olympic Games.

Ten to fifteen years ago, not all people had even heard of such names - curling, skeleton, short track, halfpipe or slopestyle - but today it’s already olympic disciplines. There is winter extreme and fresher!


Ice axes, pickaxes, and crampons appeared at the same time as mountaineering itself. But “dry gear” or drytooling is a completely new sport. It is jokingly called "the most awkward form of rock climbing." This type of rock climbing is a good alternative for athletes who are not keen on ice and want to train in a more controlled environment.

This is a type of mountaineering that involves overcoming almost vertical slopes with the help of special ice climbing tools - ice axes in the hands and crampon boots on the feet. There is a special drytooling technique that is significantly different from any type of rock climbing. Several important technical points are discussed in the article Three Drytooling tips.

Athletes mostly use drytooling on bare rock in the off-season and increasingly in places affected by global warming. Suitable places for drytooling are caves and steep cliffs that are not suitable for rock climbing. The routes are usually 50/50 natural and climber-drilled holes, cuts and holds for ice climbing tools.

Because of this, quarrels with adherents of classical mountaineering do not subside. The fact is that dry-tullers destroy the usual ledges and gripping points on established routes, causing the wrath of climbers. And the scratched, scarred rocks look sad even for a person who is not familiar with rock climbing in practice.

This is a technical and extreme method of climbing, most of the movements in which are unnatural and awkward, requiring non-standard solutions and impeccable physical preparation.

Companies such as Petzl, Black Diamond and the Russian company Krukonogi have begun producing dedicated drytooling gear.

Now fans of drytooling have settled down to their own routes of varying difficulty levels, from the simplest to the most difficult (from M1 to M15), including steep and even reverse slopes and “mixes” (a combination of rocky and icy sections). Many routes are located in the Crimea, the Caucasus, the Czech Tatras, mountainous Norway and Canada.

Climbing walls, both stone and wooden, are equipped for drytooling. By the way, almost all beginning climbers spend their first climbs, as they say in their slang, “on plywood.”

The ethics and aesthetics of eco-friendly dry tooling are described in the article Rules for Dry Tooling.


Natural luge is not a well-known sport, but probably everyone can do it as an amateur. The fact is that behind these names - Naturbahn(from German - natural track) - there is nothing more than a sled descent from a natural hill, just like children going down a slide.

By the way, when preparing tracks for international competitions, the rule of “naturalness” is strictly controlled: artificial changes in the terrain (raising the track), the use of artificial snow or the addition of any chemical additives to real snow that ensure its long-term preservation are strictly prohibited.

The rules regulate the length of the route (usually from 0.8 to 1.2 kilometers), the number of turns, bends, their radius, the average and maximum slope of the route (13 and 25 degrees, respectively). This is a real, super-adrenaline winter extreme.

This sport has been cultivated in Europe for quite a long time; continental championships have been held since 1970. There was a bold attempt to introduce this discipline into the Olympic program, but it did not receive support from the World Luge Federation - naturban is not yet particularly popular outside the Old World.

Competitions are held in three categories - singles and doubles for men and single for women. Excellent conditions for training and holding tournaments have been created in the Alpine foothills of Austria and Italy; there are good tracks in Germany, Switzerland, and Poland. Not long ago, a track that meets all requirements was opened in Russia. The first stage of the 2019 Naturban World Cup is planned to be held in Moscow.


At first glance, this is ordinary snowboarding. In principle, when this type of skiing appeared, even sports functionaries thought so, and squallers also competed in snowboarding competitions. But they won victories over and over again, which led to the separation of squal into a separate discipline.

Squall board

An interesting episode of creating a new one sports equipment, actually squala. The famous French skier Patrick Balmain mastered both the technique of classic skiing and the skill of a snowboarder equally well. Not knowing which type to make the final choice on, the Frenchman, in order not to torment himself and not be torn, simply went and created a new board that combines both.

Skwal board is a kind of hybrid of an alpine ski and a snowboard, combining the qualities of both, but narrowed towards the center, widening towards the edges. The difference from a snowboard is in the position of the athlete - he stands facing the track, which allows him to perform deep arcs and sharp turns in both directions. The technique of descending on such a projectile is more rigid and requires special training of the athlete.

This discipline is young, but gaining more and more new supporters. Its popularity is also growing in Russia. Sports companies offer necessary equipment from the best European manufacturers. There is an active forum of Russian squalers, where they share their impressions of new equipment, explored routes, share tips and post photos.


What should amateurs do? mountain bikes in winter, when there is snow all around? No problem – there’s a snowscoot or bikeboard for that. This is a hybrid of a snowboard and a regular wheeled scooter.

Snowscoot design: two wide ski-boards with curved front and rear ends. One, which is longer, has a frame and mounts for the biker’s shoes. The second board is shorter in size, connected to a bicycle-type handlebar, and is used to select the direction of descent or for braking. The athlete controls such a “snow scooter” while standing on his legs bent at the knees.

The snowskut was created in France in 1991 by Franck Pétoud at the Concours Lépine. At the same time, Petud patented the projectile.

Testing a new projectile, 1991-96

Mass production began in 1996 in collaboration with Sunn, a French mountain bike company.

Already in 1998, snowscoots toured the tracks of 10 countries, and the first international competitions were organized, including the world snowskut championships. National associations of this type of winter extreme have emerged in many countries.

The technique of overcoming descents on such equipment is much more difficult than on a snowboard, and it is worth switching to it only if you have some experience in alpine skiing. The speed develops is enormous, and the snowskut’s reaction to bumps, holes, and springboards can be unpredictable. Often, during a flight, an athlete and his snow scooter “lose” each other and land separately.

According to many fans of snow skiing, the snowscoot is perhaps the most extreme of all types of downhill, causing a significant percentage of injuries.

Close in spirit and projectile can be considered ski biking. For downhill skiing, a “ski bike” is used, which has several English names: Snow Bike, Skibob, Skike or Skicycle. It's easier to ride than it looks and is quite stable at high speeds. This bike can be made in the garage.


Snow kayaking

Adepts of kayaking and going down river rapids in a kayak were also not left without winter entertainment.

Snow kayaking or boating ( Snow Kayaking) – descent from the mountains on a snow-covered surface on special kayak boats. In the hands of the athlete sitting in the kayak is a real oar, which he controls during the rapid movement downwards.

Video recordings of such descents amaze with the speed and skill of the athletes, who not only confidently overcome steep slopes, cliffs, and jumps, but even manage to perform a number of acrobatic stunts.

Snow kayaking is the element of fans who are fanatically devoted to this sport extreme sports, but, who knows, perhaps a “professional” future awaits this discipline. It became an official sport only in 2002, and the first world championship took place in 2007 in Austria.

I would also like to consider skijoring. A separate article will be devoted to this wonderful winter extreme.

Seven of the most extreme sports in winter. In winter, extreme entertainment does not decrease. What daredevils do in the summer is calmly transferred from the expanses of water to the snow-capped peaks. In a similar way, sports such as sailing on ice, swimming in cold water or snowboarders parachuting in the mountains appeared.

1. Base jumping

If we combine skydiving and freeride, we get something more radical, namely base jumping with all its varieties. As a result, such a symbiosis significantly expands the capabilities of snowboarders and skiers, the latter are now able not only to go around difficult sections of the route, but also to fly over obstacles.

2. Heliskiing

In principle, this is the same freeride, only more dangerous and more expensive. A helicopter delivers a group of snowboarders and skiers to the mountainside. Jumping off the side of the ship, participants begin their descent through unexplored areas.

3. Winter kiting (Kite Snowboarding)

The principle of moving with a kite is the same as when sailing. Snow plays the role of water; traction is provided by a dome with an area of ​​4-6 square meters. Thanks to modern designs, an athlete can make long, meter-long jumps that easily turn into flights, or quickly move against the wind. In this case, the kite fits into an ordinary mountain backpack, does not require a license for use and allows you to reach speeds of more than 50 kilometers per hour on a relatively flat surface.

4. Ice Climbing

Along with traditional rock climbing, a full-fledged direction has appeared in mountaineering - ice climbing. Extreme sports enthusiasts conquer frozen waterfalls and steep ice walls. As in any sport, ice climbing competitions are held annually under the auspices of International Union Mountaineering Associations (UIAA).

5. Snow Kayaking

Rafting down the river in a kayak is called kayaking. Some craftsmen thought of using a kayak to go down the mountain, like a sled, only now you can steer with an oar.

6. Motorcycle racing on ice (Ice Racing)

The main difference from the speedway is that the standard track, whose length ranges from 260 to 425 meters, is covered with ice. The latter circumstance significantly complicates the task for the racers, but makes the competition process more exciting.