Yoga classes: benefits and harms. Yoga and its health benefits. Benefits of yoga for spiritual well-being

Personal website of Vitaly Yurievich Pitanov
Psychology, comparative religion, apologetics


Yoga is a religious system that originated in India; all its practice is focused on achieving the state of the soul’s exit from the wheel of reincarnation (samsara).

If you are a Christian, Muslim, Jew, or atheist, you cannot do yoga. Because her idea of ​​man, God, and spiritual development has nothing in common with Christianity, Islam, Judaism, or even atheism. It is easy to verify this by reading about yoga in any serious book on Indian philosophy.

Is it possible to practice hatha yoga and pranayama alone for health, discarding all mysticism? Is it possible to receive communion in an Orthodox church without being a Christian? Is it possible to perform the Hajj to Mecca without being a Muslim? Do Jews still care who comes to the synagogue? Maybe atheists are ready to enroll theosophists and eastern mystics into their ranks? I guess not.

Unfortunately, many of our fellow citizens believe that the world of religions is a completely safe paradise. That you can pull out pieces from any spiritual system and put together a practice that is convenient for you. This is a big misconception.

Any traditional religious system is holistic, it imposes certain requirements on its practitioners, if you do not know these requirements, there can be great consequences for the spiritual, mental and physical health of a person.

As for hatha yoga. the main objective practicing asanas, - clearing pranic (energy) flows in the body, straightening and developing maximum flexibility of the spine for the subsequent awakening of kundalini. Prana, kundalini, energy channels, how do we know about them? From the mystical revelations of yogis. If you accept practice, why reject theory?

Why does yoga require you to take certain poses (asanas) and then freeze in them?

This is not gymnastics at all.

This is an imitation of the complete stillness of Ishvara.

Ishvara is an eternal spirit that does not reincarnate, an ideal for those who practice yoga. The one who helps them in their yoga practice. Yogis strive to become like Ishvara.

If this is not a religion, then what then can be considered religious practices?!

The longer you practice, the longer you can remain motionless in different poses, which means the closer you get to the ideal, Ishvara, in the mystical sense!

Pranayama – just breathing exercises?

Do you believe in the existence of prana, energy channels, kundalini?

The science about their existence is silent. These are religious categories. This means you are either a yogi (a Hindu or a neo-Hinduist in your worldview), or an occultist in your worldview.

What other dangers are there besides renouncing God through yoga?

Yoga is intended for ascetics who have a strong will.

If you're not one of them, yoga can contribute to sexual insanity. By the way, sexually transmitted diseases are very common among yogis, I think you can guess why.

Diseases caused by yoga:

Mental disorders.

Deterioration of vision.


Joint damage.

Microtraumas of the spine.

Russell *** warns that such extreme head and neck positions can injure the vertebral arteries, leading to blood clots or compression, with subsequent brain damage. After all, these arteries connect to form the basilar artery, which supplies the most important parts of the brain responsible for coordination, breathing, eye movement and other vital functions.

It is known that a decrease in blood flow through the basal artery leads to strokes, which are rarely accompanied by speech impairment or lead to loss of consciousness, but damage the basic mechanisms and can even be fatal.
Most patients with this type of stroke regain basic function, but sometimes headaches, dizziness and problems with coordination can continue for years.

Russell is also concerned that yoga as a cause of stroke may be hidden from doctors because brain damage may occur with a long delay (up to several hours), perhaps only at night, and another possible cause may come to the doctor's attention.

The claim that yoga is very good for health is a myth.

Priest Georgy Maximov, who has been to India many times, in his book “The Orthodox View of Yoga” writes: “I have more than once heard or read statements from Russian yoga adherents that, they say, Indian yogis live happily ever after, and do not suffer from serious chronic diseases, and are not burdened by the burden of stress and unresolved problems. This is a complete lie, a myth. ..."

It’s hard to disagree with this; yoga in our country is usually popularized either by neo-Hindus or New Agers. Neither one nor the other sees the difference between their fantasies and real yoga. Scientific research, such as William Brody's book Scientific Yoga. Demystification” are also of little interest to them.

So, as priest Georgy Maksimov writes: “...The general medical examination that was in India (the first and last time) in the 1980s, showed that yogis, of whom there are several million, live on average even less than the average resident of India and, moreover, suffer from a host of diseases.

For example, cataracts of the eyes, because they constantly concentrate on the sun, dislocations of joints, arthritis and arthrosis due to often being in unnatural positions for a long time.

Yogis suffer from a bunch of diseases of the upper respiratory tract and gastrointestinal tract, because every day they do enemas and clean the nasopharynx with tourniquets, which over time practically destroys the mucous membrane in the intestines and nasal cavity.

For example, some experienced yogis swallow one end of a long tourniquet, and when it comes out of their anus, they begin to move it back and forth, thinking that by doing this they are “cleansing” the intestines. However, the consequence of such cleaning is one - chronic gastritis, enterocolitis and proctitis.

Despite the fact that all of them, with the exception of married ones, take a vow of celibacy, the vast majority of yogis turned out to be sick with chronic... venereal diseases.

Those same yogis who do not want to succumb to lustful passion very often castrate themselves in savage ways, or, for example, for the benefit of tourists and to kill their genitals, they hang bricks or other weights from them.

...By the way, drinking urine and enemas came to us from yoga. Drinking urine, only cow urine, is customary in Shaivism (and in Vaishnavism - V.P.), while Shaivites also drink cow dung.

By the way, real Indian incense sticks are a dried mixture of incense and cow excrement.”

I would also like to add to what has been said that the dishes in which lovers of bhakti yoga Hare Krishnas prepare their prasad are also washed using cow dung. True, when they distribute it to people outside their sect, they forget to tell this.

And this is a common practice in the world of yoga, to tell ordinary people only what is beneficial to the popularizers of yoga. If you want to be manipulated by them, that's your choice. If you want to be a subject, study the area you want to dive into, otherwise don’t be offended that you couldn’t improve your health with the help of yoga.

The report was read on May 17, 2016 at a master class on religious security at the Arzamas Polytechnic Institute (branch) of the Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University named after. R.E. Alekseeva.

Copyright © 2016. All rights reserved.

When planning to do yoga, you need to understand the possible benefits and harms of this practice. Let's look at it one by one possible benefit, and harm from yoga.

Benefits of yoga

Benefits of yoga for spiritual well-being

“Yoga is the control of the disturbances inherent in the mind” (Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, 1.2)

Yoga is not just performing physical, breathing and meditative exercises, it is a way of life that helps to recreate the harmony of the inner world with the outer, by achieving a sublime spiritual state for the practitioner.

Yoga classes include, in addition to asanas and leading healthy image life, and liberation from material dependence, and awareness of the illusory nature of the real world and the true value of one’s nature..

In this way, yoga will calm your thoughts and emotions. As a result, stress resistance to external irritating factors increases.

Yoga: benefits for the body

The healing, beneficial effects of yoga on the body are largely achieved through postures (asanas) and pranayamas (breathing).

That's just part positive effects yoga:

  • muscle training, increasing the elasticity of ligaments and tendons - comes at the expense regular training, and often static yoga poses (asanas), in this regard, turn out to be much more effective than regular fitness.
  • massage internal organs - achieved by bending and twisting the body in many poses.
  • improvement of joint condition- asana complexes are designed in such a way that most joints are worked out
  • blood supply to organs improves- this effect occurs as a result of muscle training
  • decrease in pressure- according to a study at the University of Pennsylvania (USA), yoga helps reduce blood pressure
  • improvement of the condition of internal organs- this effect gives control of breathing (pranayama), due to which the blood is enriched with oxygen (abdominal breathing) or carbon dioxide (breath holding), and massage of internal organs (due to the use of the diaphragm when breathing with the stomach)
  • assistance in the therapy and treatment of diabetes mellitus - in simple cases, yoga provides significant improvements in the condition and blood sugar levels

Several hospitals in India have conducted studies on diabetic patients. As a result, data were obtained that when using complex yoga therapy from specially selected practices, patients' blood sugar levels decrease. A particularly strong effect was observed in older people with initially low sugar levels, and in those who were prescribed pills rather than insulin injections for treatment.

The researchers also noted that top scores showed that patients with normal and overweight, and patients with underweight were less inclined to the positive effects of yoga. It is also important to follow a diet and exercise regularly.

Benefits of nutrition and a healthy lifestyle

Compliance with these rules promotes benefits for the body, in particular, losing weight, cleansing the body of toxins and toxins, improving the condition of the skin, and will also provide a boost of energy and positive mood.

The benefits of yoga for women

The beneficial effects of yoga on the female body are noted.

For example, Baddha-konasana (Butterfly pose) relieves pain during menstruation. Asana Candle (Sarvangasana, birch tree) - strengthens immune system, increases blood flow to the brain, normalizes thyroid function and improves the hormonal levels of the female body.

Asana Vrikshasana (Tree Pose) – straightens posture and relaxes the back muscles after a working day. Although it is useful for both women and men, women value its effects more highly.

Yoga centers have special groups for pregnant women: practitioners note that performing some of the asanas helps physical preparation before childbirth, normalizes the psycho-emotional state, reduces the manifestation of toxicosis, and prevents varicose veins veins, reduces back pain.

Harm of yoga

Like any other physical activity, yoga can cause harm to the practitioner (especially a beginner) if it is used incorrectly, at the wrong time, or if there are contraindications.

In fact, yoga is ideal for healthy body, but there are no absolutely healthy people nowadays. Yoga is good for the body sports uniform, for others, some asanas can be not only difficult, but also traumatic.

Main problems of people, including the instructors themselves, who overdid it with the poses:

  • spinal injuries, especially the cervical spine
  • yogic failure of the legs, in particular due to pinched sciatic nerve
  • headaches, blood clots due to compression of the vertebral arteries in cervical spine, which leads to consequences including stroke
  • Bikram yoga heat exercises increase the risk of sprains and injuries to muscles and ligaments
  • pinching and other problems in the lower back

These consequences are especially dangerous for middle-aged people.

You also need to remember about contraindications, their examples:

  • for serious cardiovascular diseases, such as ischemic disease, or atrial fibrillation;
  • high blood pressure, hypertension, etc.;
  • with infectious joint damage (for example, reactive arthritis);
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • in the postoperative period;
  • during the period of exacerbation of respiratory viral infections;
  • with exacerbation of diseases of internal organs

And you always need to take into account your physical fitness to avoid injuries, bruises and sprains when entering and exiting asanas.

Thus, yoga can be beneficial or harmful. It all depends on how you use it. Consultation with a doctor, accuracy, attentiveness to your own body, a good experienced trainer, medical education or self-education should help you ensure that your exercises are useful and safe.

Undeniable. Physical activity brings many benefits. This can be confirmed by anyone who has mobilized for regular movement. I also confirm this. I spend most of the day sitting, so when I can move more I feel much better.

Yoga and its health benefits

I have already written to you about the benefits of walking and cycling. Today it's time for something different - yoga. I've personally been training regularly for a few months now and admit that my level is still basic, but I'm noticing a lot of benefits. And today we will talk about these advantages. Not all of them are based on mine personal experience, due to the fact that I have been practicing yoga for a relatively short time, but they are all supported by research. I must admit that I didn't know about a lot of things before.

Essence of Yoga

Yoga is a very old philosophy because it is about 5000 years old. Although it is becoming more and more popular, it is also causing a lot of controversy because some associate it with religions such as Buddhism or Hinduism. This is wrong. The most popular styles of yoga, such as Hatha, Vinyasa or Ashtanga, do not have much to do with a specific religion. The focus is on working asanas or specific body positions that, when combined with breathing and concentration, produce real health effects. What are these effects? You will find out in this article.

Benefits of Yoga Practice

1. Yoga has a positive effect on the body and physical condition - it strengthens and lengthens muscles, increases flexibility, increases muscle mass, increases physical endurance and improves your figure. It develops the body evenly, forcing all muscle groups to work.

2. Causes a delay in the aging process and makes us look younger

3. Yoga Improves Body Posture – Asana practice forces you to maintain a lean posture, which prevents you from slouching (this is one of the first benefits I noticed when I first started practicing).

Yoga and spine

4. The practice of yoga has a positive effect on the muscles of the spine - due to the fact that it increases the strength of the muscles and tendons and makes the muscles more stretched and flexible. The practice of asanas improves blood supply to the spine and entire back and strengthens nervous system, thereby preventing inflammation of the nerves.

5. Eliminates pain in the back, neck and shoulders, knees.

6. Yoga strengthens joints and bones - asanas strengthen cartilage and we are less susceptible to fractures and osteoporosis, as well as diseases such as arthritis.

7. Correcting postural defects - yoga practice forms a habit correct posture, which can correct or prevent some postural defects.

Yoga and Hormonal Balance

8. Regulates hormonal balance - thanks to selected positions, breathing and relaxation methods, endocrine glands - ovaries, adrenal glands, thyroid and the pituitary gland are stimulated to work.

9. Regulates blood pressure - Regular practice, due to better blood flow and oxygen supply to the body, helps reduce blood pressure and maintain it at normal levels.

10. Benefits of Yoga for the Heart – Many yoga positions are just as good for the heart as a cardio workout. Yoga, like cycling, brisk walking or endurance exercise, reduces the risk of heart attack, stroke and atherosclerosis, diabetes and obesity.

11. Yoga practice helps treat cardiac arrhythmias – Regular yoga practice reduces the amount of heart palpitations in people with arrhythmias

12. Yoga relieves headaches - especially those caused by tension, due to the fact that the practice of asanas relieves muscle tension, promotes deep breathing and reduces stress.

Yoga for the respiratory tract

13. Protects against sinusitis, especially the reverse positions help clear the upper respiratory tract and improve the functioning of the respiratory system, increase the supply of oxygenated blood to the brain cells and increase the body's resistance, which makes us less susceptible to sinusitis.

14. Yoga practices improve the functioning of the digestive system and thus reduce the risk of developing gastrointestinal diseases.

15. Yoga speeds up metabolism - regular practice stimulates internal organs, which reduces appetite and makes weight control easier.

16. The practice of yoga asanas causes changes in the biochemical profile - antioxidants and substances that counteract depression appear in the blood; cholesterol, glucose, sodium and triglyceride levels decrease, and adenosine triphosphate (ATP) levels increase. It is the compound responsible for the biosynthesis fatty acids and energy storage. The functioning of the endocrine system is optimized.

Yoga strengthens the immune system

17. Increases the body's resistance. Research conducted by Norwegians has shown that yoga practice affects genes and the immune system - the level of immunity at the cellular level increases within 2 hours after the start of the exercise. The study found that regular yoga practice changed the expression of 111 genes in immune cells.

18. Yoga may be a cure for chronic pain. Research from scientists at the National Institutes of Health shows that chronic pain causes changes in the brain, and more specifically in gray matter. Reduced gray matter can lead to memory problems, emotional problems, or cognitive impairment. People who practice yoga increase the amount of gray matter in the brain, which improves pain tolerance and alleviates the effects of changes caused by chronic pain.

19. Increases resistance to stress - due to the fact that yoga calms the nervous system and restores the body. The result of this is the restoration of vitality, improved psychophysical state and increased emotional stability.

Yoga and mental health

20. Helps you relax – relaxing your muscles and breathing freely during exercise allows you to enter a state of complete relaxation. It relieves you of tension and brings you peace.

21. Yoga allows you to gain peace of mind - thanks to the exercises, it is easier to distance yourself from the outside world, calm down, better cope with aggression, reduce stress levels, and cope with insomnia.

22. Yoga practice increases concentration - regularly practicing yoga improves blood supply to the brain, attention and concentration, the better we remember and learn faster, the depth of our perception increases.

23. Strengthens the nervous system - improves coordination of movements and reflexes.

24. Helps with neurosis - practice of asanas and breathing exercises(pranayama) calms the nervous system, thereby alleviating the symptoms of neurosis.

25. Yoga helps fight depression - the practice of asanas helps to achieve inner balance, get rid of fears and achieve greater peace. Research shows that after yoga practice, the bioelectrical activity of the brain changes. Alpha waves are responsible for relaxation and theta waves are responsible for dreams and emotions. Research also shows that yoga exercise increases GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid) levels by 27%, which reduces tension and promotes relaxation. Many people, especially those suffering from depression, have low levels of this acid. Low levels of this acid also increase the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease.

26. Practice makes you grow taller - although you cannot grow taller, but doing the asana makes you keep your body slim. There is no question of stooping. It is known that a slim person automatically appears taller. According to a study, you can gain an extra centimeter in height :)

Yoga for women

27. Yoga in women helps with irregular menstruation - some asanas (especially twisting positions) provide fresh blood to the uterus and ovaries, and back bends stimulate the ovaries.

28. Reduces menstrual cramps - some asanas stretch and relax the pelvis and relax the organs abdominal cavity, relieving menstrual cramps.

29. Practicing yoga before conception reduces the risk of miscarriage - thanks to asanas that control premature uterine contractions and strengthen muscles.

Yoga and pregnancy

30. Yoga is used by pregnant women - many asanas performed during pregnancy affect the mother and child.

a) back bend, the pressure of the fetus on the abdomen is evenly distributed, preventing the formation of stretch marks, they also make the diaphragm elastic and activate the heart, while adding energy;
b) sitting positions strengthens the pelvic joints and relaxes the muscles,
standing positions strengthen the joints of the hips, knees, ankles and spine
c) yoga practice increases the efficiency of the heart, ensuring good blood circulation and oxygen supply to the pelvis;
d) Reverse positions with pranayama improve blood circulation in both mother and child, they also relieve the pressure of the abdominal organs on the lungs. Inverted positions also stimulate the liver and ovaries.
e) twisted asana and concave back asana are useful for improving kidney function and reducing the risk of infection;
f) bends cause blood supply to the pancreas and improve its functioning in women and children;
e) yoga practice reduces stress in lumbar region spine, which is a consequence of increased body weight of the mother and embryo;
g) the practice of asanas increases the flexibility of the pelvis, leading to an easier process of childbirth;
h) yoga practice teaches proper breathing and relaxes.

Yoga and cancer

31. Helps fight breast cancer - This is due to the interaction between the body and mind. The study was conducted in a group of 44 women undergoing cancer treatment or shortly thereafter. The results showed that after 10 weekly lessons yoga, containing gentle exercises, the level of depression decreased by half compared with the same group of sick women who did not practice yoga. There was also an improved sense of calm and sense of life. Studies of another group of women yielded similar results. After 8 weeks, the women's health improved and they were convinced that they could defeat the disease. Activation of the NF-kB protein, called a marker of stress in the body, also decreased.

32. Helps children with autism – Yoga has a positive effect on mental tension and stress among children too. Research has shown that daily yoga among autistic children helped reduce hyperactivity, aggression and retardation.

33. Yoga influences a change in self-perception - thanks to the practice of yoga, the consciousness of one’s body and its abilities increases, a person’s mood and perception improve. We begin to accept ourselves more.

The list of benefits of yoga speaks for itself. Is it worth doing yoga? I think definitely yes. Of course, it happens that yoga, instead of helping, can cause harm, especially if the exercises are not performed correctly or we have any medical problems. Therefore, at the beginning of your practice, it is worth doing the exercises under the guidance of an experienced teacher.


Health 10/30/2017

Dear readers, nowadays there are few people who have not heard about the benefits of yoga. The beneficial effects of yoga on the body and figure are recognized by lovers of a healthy lifestyle. World stars, journalists, TV presenters from screens and media pages share the results and praise the practice as an effective tool for working with the body and mind.

But is yoga really that good? Is there any real benefit or is doing it harmful? How does exercise affect your health and figure? Elena Krasovskaya will help us deal with all these issues. I give her the floor.

Hello, dear readers, Irina! Yoga is an amazing and mysterious practice. She has both supporters and opponents. Some say a categorical no, others cannot imagine their existence without it and study for several hours a day. The rest either do not dare to practice, assessing the benefits and harms, or are completely indifferent.

It is known that the philosophy of yoga is to make any choice. Therefore, a real guru would say that everyone is right. I suggest that we accept this right of choice for each of us and just learn a little more about yoga, its types, how it is useful and how it can cause harm. And I'll start with real story, which turned my life in a different direction.

Introduction to Yoga

After several years of guardianship and care, I was lucky to visit a sanatorium. During a short vacation, my first acquaintance with yoga took place by chance.

In the gym, I met a woman who stood out for her beauty, stature and smooth movements. She offered to conduct several yoga classes and show basic exercises. Nellie was preparing to become an instructor and was delighted with the mutually beneficial partnership - we studied, she gained experience.

The practice made a strong impression - it was unhurried, focused on internal sensations, calmly worked the muscles and joints, and was able to alternate between stress and relaxation.

Watch a video about how yoga affects the female body and figure, about its features, benefits and harms. About hormonal yoga.

The instructor's chiseled figure, flexibility of the body, coupled with the soft timbre of his voice, served as an incentive for a long-term relationship with yoga. When I returned home, the first thing I did was find a time, a place, and continue training. The classes helped me get through difficult life moments, kept my body in good shape and my thoughts in order.

While mastering the first asanas - special exercises in yoga, I simultaneously searched for and found information about the ancient practice. What is yoga, what benefits does it bring, what is it main secret? The questions are not easy. I suggest looking for answers to them.

Yoga – what is it?

Yoga is a comprehensive set of spiritual, mental and physical practices. Their main goal is to bring the body into a state of balance, calm and relaxation.

By practicing, a person gradually learns to listen to his body, control it, control emotions and remain calm in any situation. This is achieved through a system of exercises, breathing, meditation, and spiritual development of the individual.

India is considered the birthplace of yoga. They say that if you want to achieve enlightenment and an exalted spiritual state, you must definitely visit the cradle of practice - get imbued with the spirit of the country, change your attitude.

But yoga at a simple philistine level does not always imply such a deep familiarity with it. Often people go to practice “for health”.

Many are attracted by the variety of exercises, adjustment to the level of the practitioner, and the opportunity to help the body become more resilient, fit and strong.

Popular types of yoga

Currently, there are a huge number of varieties of yoga. New directions appear with enviable consistency, which is explained by the popularity of the system. There are different schools and movements. It makes no sense to list them all; I will name only the most famous and accessible to the majority.

Hatha yoga

This type of yoga is most suitable for beginners. Focus on physical exercise, breathing and meditation. Helps to relax the body, leading to calm.

Kundalini yoga

Classes are aimed at awakening a person’s creative and energetic potential. Concentration on the positions of the body, hands, breathing, and focus of attention inward are required. The asanas are quite complex and require effort. But the effect of the exercises lasts all day and fills the student with strength.

Ashtanga yoga

A type of power yoga with a fast rhythm of movement and breathing. Develops endurance physical strength. Vaguely reminiscent of aerobics. Especially suitable for people with good physical fitness.

Iyengar yoga

A practice aimed at healing and relieving pain in muscles, joints and ligaments. Suitable for those who move little, avoid power loads. Asanas are performed in a calm, slow rhythm, often with additional devices to facilitate the process. Systematic exercise leads to flexibility of the body and a surge of energy.


A symbiosis of yoga and Pilates. Consists of exercises and meditations. Classes develop body flexibility, strength, and improve stretching. Suitable for people with different physical fitness.

Women's yoga or yin yoga

A set of exercises designed taking into account the characteristics of the female body. Classes are conducted to meditative music at a slow pace. The main goal is relaxation and a gentle effect on the body.

Aero yoga or yoga in hammocks

A modern type of yoga that is quickly gaining popularity. To perform this, you need special devices - long elastic bands with fastenings. A fairly dynamic type of yoga that requires physical endurance. Perfectly opens the respiratory centers, develops flexibility and stretching of the body.

To understand which practice is right for you, it is best to take different classes and make a choice based on how you feel.

But before choosing a direction, let's look at how yoga is useful, what contraindications there are, and what harm it can cause.

Benefits of yoga

Of course, not in vain. With proper and systematic performance of asanas, breathing practices and relaxing meditations, yoga:

  • helps restore and maintain health;
  • normalizes the operation of all internal systems;
  • aligns the spine and strengthens posture;
  • develops and gives elasticity to muscles;
  • trains body flexibility;
  • improves coordination of movements, reaction, motor memory;
  • improves blood circulation;
  • relaxes and reduces the effects of stress;
  • forms a positive outlook on life situations;
  • ensures accelerated healing and prevention of diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • influences the choice of diet, normalizes appetite, improves metabolism;
  • promotes weight loss, tightening body contours;
  • tones the skin and helps you look younger;
  • has health-improving effect in the treatment of arthritis, type II diabetes, asthma, cardiovascular and other diseases;
  • promotes self-knowledge and self-realization.

Yoga is useful and recommended for everyone: men and women, children and older people.

In a video about the dangers and benefits of yoga for those over forty and older, a woman shares her impressions of restoring the health of the spine. Having experienced acute pain, she did not despair. I started working out and chose the path of health.

When doing exercises, breathing and meditation practices good coach takes into account age, gender, level physical training and the health of those involved.

The benefits of yoga come from regular training under the guidance of a qualified instructor.

Thanks to an integrated approach, working with the body and mind, breathing practices, chanting mantras, and meditation, yoga has a beneficial effect on the entire body and figure.

But let's not forget that it, like any other system, has a number of contraindications and can cause harm to the body.

Harm of yoga and contraindications to classes

Remember the beautiful pictures in magazines where an experienced yogi is depicted in an elegant headstand or with a leg strangely twisted around his body?

If unprepared person suddenly decides to repeat an unusual pose, there is a high risk of ending the lesson in the emergency room with a sprained ligament or dislocated limb.

Don't immediately try to repeat what you need to learn. long years. Proceed by gradually increasing the load.

Yoga classes can be harmful in the following cases of improper organization of classes:

  • the level of training of a person is not taken into account;
  • exercises are performed incorrectly;
  • classes are held in a stuffy, cramped room;
  • the trainer has low qualifications;
  • There are a lot of people during training, there is no way to check the correctness of the asanas;
  • the practitioner performs movements in a hurry without warming up the muscles;
  • classes are held irregularly, with long breaks;
  • breathing practices are performed incorrectly or too intensively;
  • there are contraindications.

There are some types of diseases for which you cannot practice yoga, or for permission, a consultation with your doctor is required.

These are all diseases in the acute stage, oncology, brain infections, the period after a stroke or heart attack, inguinal hernia, serious mental disorders, etc.

Pregnant women should practice yoga with caution. But we must remember that pregnancy is not a contraindication. Especially if the expectant mother is an experienced yogi.

The benefits of yoga for the female body are invaluable. But it is important to listen to the needs of the body and not take unnecessary risks.

The basic rule of yoga is: don’t compare with others. Compare yourself today with yourself yesterday.

You won't know without trying

Yoga can be considered as an effective method of healing the body, restructuring consciousness and achieving mental balance. All the disadvantages of practice can be overcome with a competent approach.

If the exercises bring you pleasure, are pain-free, help you relax, and fill you with energy, then the practice will only bring you benefits.

The woman who introduced me to yoga said a phrase that was stunning in its simplicity: “To understand whether it’s right for you or not, you need to try.”

With yoga it works one hundred percent. You can read a lot, look at pictures, but only real actions will help you evaluate the benefits of a complex discipline, understand the philosophy and draw conclusions.

However, in fairness, it should be noted that now I am studying using a different system. I practiced yoga for several years, but I found out about another practice, tried it and settled on it. Life changes - preferences change. In future articles I may talk about my new experience.

Choose suitable practices, be flexible and healthy for many years!

With wishes of good luck, love and good health
Elena Krasovskaya

Thanks to Elena for sharing her experience and all the information. Yoga is indeed very popular lately, and even if someone has not tried it yet, they have probably wondered whether they should try it. And perhaps it’s really worth a try, because this is the only way to understand whether yoga will be useful to us or not.

For the soul, I suggest listening to relaxing music that is suitable for yoga and meditation.

see also


Hello, our precious reader! :)
Tell me, what do you know about yoga? Some people consider it a specific sport. Some people do stretching exercises. Some people sit in meditation. But if you turn to the dictionary, you will find the following definition: yoga is a teaching at the intersection of religion and philosophy that came to us from India, and that its goal is human self-knowledge, the ability to control not only one’s body, but through special exercises and psycho-emotional and spiritual sphere. Therefore, yoga has a positive effect not only on our outer physical shell, but also on our internal state, our emotions, and even the state of our consciousness. What are the benefits of yoga for women? Let's look at 12 facts that you may not have heard of.

What is “yoga” and what is it eaten with?

There is probably not a single person in the world who has not heard this sonorous and melodic word “yoga”. It is winning the hearts of more and more people in the world: famous Western artists and people who have reached great heights in the business world are becoming supporters of the ideas and teachings of yoga. And if these strong and wise individuals, who have achieved a lot in life, choose yoga, then most likely there is a grain of truth in this. And it’s worth taking a deeper look into the reasons for their choice.

Yoga is not just “I’ll lay out a mat and sit in the lotus position.” Yoga is, first of all, spiritual work on oneself. Of the 8 steps of Hatha Yoga, the very first is moral foundations. The next stage is self-development and self-discipline, and only from the third stage do physical exercises begin, aimed, first of all, at listening to your feelings and dissolving in nature.

So what are the benefits of yoga for women? What is so special about yoga that is not found in regular exercises accompanied by music on a mat? And what benefits of yoga for women are hidden in these classes? Let's open all the cards...

Strengthening the immune system through yoga

Is this true or a myth? Does yoga help strengthen the immune system?

In order to answer these questions, research was conducted. And this is not just the statement of some crazy yogi, obsessed with his teachings. Research was carried out in many countries and led to the conclusion that improvements in the body occur imperceptibly, but at the cellular level, that is, thoroughly.

Yoga breathing exercises help you learn to breathe deeper and more intensely, which in turn improves blood circulation. Improving blood flow in the body has a good effect on the functioning of all other internal organs, a person gets sick less often and better tolerates any ailments.

Down with the migraine!

Very often women suffer from migraines. This debilitating headache has tormented the better half of humanity for many centuries. Even in medieval classics, there is often one lady or another who tearfully asks to be left alone with the words “Oh, leave me, my dear friend!” I have a migraine again!..”

Of course, in those days, ladies often dissembled in order to attract the attention of gentlemen. But medical practice claims that this disease is not fictitious. And even men get it, although less often.

So, yoga copes with this monster too. And the result can be seen already in the first lessons. But it’s still worth consolidating the result and moving on. In 3 months regular classes the intensity of pain will decrease and the number of attacks will drop sharply.

And you say, where are the benefits of yoga for women? Well, here she is! You don't have to go far to look.

Yoga as an elixir of youth

Even in ancient times, sages advised stopping time with the help of yoga. There is a special exercise - inverted asana - that must be performed every day. You need to start with a few minutes, and by the third month increase the time to 30 minutes.

Yoga sages say that thanks to this exercise you remain young and healthy for many years. We think it’s worth checking out, especially since there’s definitely no harm from exercise.

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Getting rid of depression

For those women who have suffered life's adversity or loss, it is very difficult to regain mental strength. Often, difficulties in life can be the beginning of driving yourself into a hole of depression, which has a devastating effect on both the psyche and the physical health person. So, yoga will help you get out of this muddy pit of depression. And, again, these are not just words, but facts based on research. (By the way, we wrote how to get rid of negativity and regain the joy of life).

Regular yoga classes heal not only the body, but also the soul. A person becomes calmer, more balanced and copes with mental trauma more easily. But the benefits of yoga for women include both a physical and spiritual component.


Sex life takes on brighter colors

The American Journal of Sexual Medicine conducted a study showing that yoga increase female libido. As a result, women’s orgasms become longer and brighter, and asexual life in general brings only joy.

The women who participated in the experiment practiced yoga for more than 12 weeks. Some exercises also strengthen muscles in pelvic area, reduce the risk of uterine prolapse.

Have a good night's sleep, honey!

It happens that they wish you a sweet, peaceful sleep, but it doesn’t come. Restless thoughts, panic attacks, anxiety attacks. From such a night you wake up the next morning broken and tired, and there is so much to do!

And again, research conducted at the famous Harvard found that Doing yoga for 8 weeks can help get rid of insomnia or restless sleep (by the way, we wrote about what factors contribute to good and quality sleep).


Oh, these critical days...

How many women can give such a reaction under these words as an energetic nod of the head? These menstrual pains, which make you ready to climb the wall, torment many female representatives. These days you are wildly jealous of men and get angry with them over trifles.

Yoga has special exercises that reduce pain, arising on critical days. And for women who have approached the threshold of menopause, there are exercises that reduce painful and unpleasant symptoms associated with this period.

Long-awaited baby

Unfortunately, in the modern world it increasingly happens that a married couple cannot give birth to their long-awaited first child for a long time. This becomes an obsession for a woman. She becomes unsure of herself, she cannot realize her maternal instincts.

As we have already learned above, the benefits of yoga for women are manifested in improving blood flow in the body, increasing libido, and relieving stress. All these factors have a positive effect, in general, on the entire body, and in particular on a woman’s ability to give birth to a healthy baby.

Pregnant women have lower blood sugar levels - that's a win!

Well-known in certain circles, Dr. Robin Monroe, who works at the Yoga Therapy Center in London, claims that doing yoga for 30 minutes a day for one month can significantly reduce blood sugar levels in pregnant women. Thus, the benefits of yoga for women translate into equally great benefits for the unborn baby.

Restoring your figure after the birth of your baby

And yoga can handle this without difficulty. Well, not entirely without difficulty... Effort, of course, needs to be made.

Yoga has a special direction for women after childbirth. This direction is called postnatal yoga. It is recommended to start cycle exercises as early as 6 weeks after birth. Thanks to these exercises, the muscles in the pelvic area and abdominal muscles are strengthened, which in turn brings the woman to her original ideal shape.

Figure correction and weight loss

To achieve your dream figure in yoga, special exercises have been developed. They are recommended to be performed under the strict supervision of an experienced mentor. Exercises are performed 3 times a week, each lasting about an hour.

The program includes a set of exercises for burning fat, for improvement hormonal levels, for relaxation and meditation.

How to get rid of belly fat in 60 days and lose up to 18 kg at home in just 30 minutes a day? Find out here!

Healthy eating is the path to a healthy body

The benefits of yoga for women manifest themselves in almost all areas of life. Research from the University of Washington has shown that yoga practitioners have a higher ability to self-control. And this also manifests itself in relation to the correct and healthy eating(we wrote about which foods promote energy and vigor)

Where to start?

Surely, after listing all the advantages and benefits of yoga, you have a question: where to start practicing yoga? This video answers it.


And in the end I will tell...

Glossy magazines and the Internet give many of us the illusion that yoga is colorful mats, slender girls who can stand in beautiful poses, or yogis who can twist their bodies into unimaginable positions. But let's not forget that yoga is, first of all, an ancient teaching, the depth of self-knowledge, the ability to feel the harmony of this world, the balance of body, soul and mind. The benefits of yoga for women and men can be enormous, provided that this tool is used competently and thoughtfully.

We wish you good health and remind you that the articles on this site are for informational and advisory purposes only. Before making any important decisions to improve your health, please consult your doctor!

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p.s. Perhaps you still have questions or doubts about the benefits of yoga for women? Please share below in the comments!

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