Young tourist of the USSR and tourist of the USSR. qualification "pioneer instructor". icons and standards. USSR Tourist Badge Young Tourist Certificate


In the Regulations of 1935, receiving the “USSR Tourist” badge should have given the right to members of the OPT&E to be called tourists. For getting

title was necessary: ​​to pass
standards for the GTO badge; make a tourist
traveling for six days or more; be able to
read a map, navigate using it, using a compass,
the sun, stars, on local subjects, be able to
organize a bivouac (set up a tent), light a fire
fire, cook food; know the correct mode
movement, rest, eating and drinking; know your
motherland; have basic knowledge of
geography and geology; be able to write a report on
on your journey.

On April 17, 1936, the Central Executive Committee of the USSR adopted a resolution on the liquidation of the All-Union Society

proletarian tourism and
excursions. Tourist and excursion business
came under the control of the Soviets
trade unions.
Guide for amateur tourism
was entrusted to the All-Union Council for
physical culture, transformed
subsequently, by resolution of the Central Executive Committee and the Council of People's Commissars
(June 21, 1936) to the All-Union Committee
on business physical culture and sports.

But during the existence of OPTiE, the matter was not completed, and a new regulation on the badge was developed only four years later

Tourist and excursion management of the All-Russian Central Council of Trade Unions.
In the regulations of March 17, 1939, the badge could
be issued to all citizens of the USSR who have reached
18 years of age with a two year old
tourist experience and have completed at least 2-3 (in
depending on the difficulty) of travel. Except
Moreover, tourists must present at least
one travel report and have
theoretical and practical knowledge of tourism
within the scope of a special program.

The program of requirements and standards was
published in the fifth issue of the magazine
"On land and at sea" for 1939.
The program provided for the following
knowledge: map reading and navigation skills
both on the map and on local items; skill
choose a place for bivouac; put up a tent and
make a hut, build a fire and cook on
food at the fire. You also need to know the mode
travel, tourist hygiene on the way, elements
medical self-control, first aid in
ways. Basic knowledge of geology is required
botany, zoology and meteorology.

In addition, it is necessary to have knowledge of the type of tourism,
who was chosen by the tourist when committing
Water tourists should know the main obstacles,
found on rivers, their characteristics and methods
overcoming; ship arrangement; sailing; rowing and
rowing device; judicial practice; organization and
water travel mode; rescue business; swimming.
Pedestrian tourists should be familiar with
equipment, movement techniques, march hygiene,
carrying out rescue operations, organization and regime
Tourist cyclists are required to know the classification
roads, bicycle design, cycling technique,
order of organization and mode of travel.
Tourist skiers must know the equipment and techniques
movement, rescue operations, order
organization and mode of travel.

On March 26, 1939, the All-Union Committee for Physical Education and Sports under the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR approved the regulation on

tourist icon.
The first “USSR Tourist” badges were awarded at
5th gathering of Moscow tourists on Borovsky
Kurgan in June 1939, thirty-six
tourist activists.

In 1940, instructor titles were introduced in tourism (junior instructor, instructor, senior instructor) by type of tourism

walking, water, cycling,
skiing, automoto tourism.
These titles are according to specially approved
positions were assigned to the most experienced
tourists who have the appropriate
practical training.

10. The first to receive the title of “Senior Tourism Instructor” were O. Arkhangelskaya, A. Vlasov, N. Gubanov, V. Dobkovich. M. Erkov, I. Kuznetsov,

First title "Senior Instructor"
tourism" received O. Arkhangelskaya,
A. Vlasov, N. Gubanov, V. Dobkovich. M. Erkov,
I.Kuznetsov, A.Kost, V.Lunevsky,
V. Nikolsky, G. Panshin, E. Romashkov and
M. Ulitsky.
For special services in development
amateur tourism to A. Vlasov and
N. Gubanov was awarded the title
masters of sports in tourism.

11. In 1949, tourism standards were approved by the All-Union Committee for Physical Culture and Sports, after which they were

included in the United All-Union
sports classification. This
the solution to amateur tourism in
The USSR retrained as
separate sport.


In 1954, changes occurred. Before
qualify for the adult “USSR Tourist” badge,
it was necessary to receive the “Young” insignia
tourist of the USSR." It was approved on April 10, 1954.
Allowed to pass the standards
pioneers from the age of ten.
In order to receive the badge,
was to come
using a map and compass or without
choose the right place for
halt, make a fire, etc. And
the main thing is to make 4 trips, total
48 kilometers long
(at least one overnight stay in the field

13. In the 60s, the “USSR Tourist” badges of levels I, II and III appeared in the country, as well as the “Master of Tourism USSR” badge.

To meet standards
for the title of master of sports
tourism needed
complete 12 long distances
travel general
length about 3000 km
through four geographical
district. The first masters
sports tourism in our
country of steel cyclist
A.Vlasov, kayakers
E. Romashov, M. Nemytsky,
A. Cost, G. Ilyicheva.



Appendix to the order
Ministry of Education of Russia
dated July 13, 1992 No. 293


1. Badge “Young Tourist”
students are awarded
pupils, students,
participated during
one year in four campaigns
(2 one-day and 2
two-day, including
one of them with an overnight stay in
field conditions) and
completed the following
a) learned to navigate
compass, clock, local
objects, sun, use
topographical and sports
map, walk in azimuth; know how
use road signs,
used in games on
terrain; learned
overcome natural
obstacles along the way;
b) know how to dress, put on shoes and
gear up for a trip to
depending on the season,
duration of the trip and method
c) learned to choose a place for
halt, equip it for
lodging for the night, they know how to light a fire,
cook food on it;
d) know the rules of conduct in
hike, they know how to provide
first aid.


2. “Young Tourist” badge
rewards the council
3. “Young Tourist” badge
worn on right side
4. Preemptive right
for the production of a badge
"Young Tourist"
provided to the Center
children's and youth tourism
Ministry of Education
Russian Federation.


To receive a badge
"Young tourist of Russia"
must be provided to
GOUDOD Federal Center
children's and youth tourism and
local history" the following
- application;
- certificate from the institution
children's education
(certified by the director
received knowledge,
described in paragraph 1 of the Regulations on
"Young Tourist of Russia" badge.


Union of Russia
December 5, 1996


are awarded
12 year old
participated during the year in one or
several tourist trips total
lasting at least 5 days and total
length of at least: 75 kilometers
on foot or ski, at least 100 kilometers
on boats, kayaks, rafts, catamarans,
or at least 150 kilometers by bicycle
or horse routes, or at least 500
kilometers on motorcycles or 1000 kilometers
on cars and have mastered the basics


The decision to award the Tourist badge
Russia" is adopted by the commission on the basis of:
- compliance with established standards,
confirmed by route sheets, or
cumulative certificates issued for
participation in hikes, respectively, by tourist and sports organizations or route qualification commissions;
- successfully passing an interview
basics of tourism.
The "Russian Tourist" badge is awarded to:
- tourist and tourist-sports organizations;
- educational establishments;
- physical culture groups of enterprises,
institutions and organizations.


Persons who have fulfilled the established requirements and
standards, certificates and badges are awarded
established sample.
The Russian Tourist badge is worn on the right side of the chest
below state awards.
Exclusive right to produce the badge
"Tourist of Russia" has the Tourist and Sports Union of Russia.


Approved by the Center
children's and youth tourism
Ministry of Education of Russia
November 16, 1998


1. Memorial sign “For merits in
development of children and youth tourism"
is recognition of merit in the matter
development of tourism and local history
movements of Russian students
Federation as one of
universal methods of education
the younger generation,
effective remedy
patriotic, spiritual,
moral, aesthetic and
physical development personality.


2. Memorable sign “For merits in development
Children and Youth Tourism" are awarded
persons who have made a significant contribution to the development
systems of children's tourism and local history
Russian Federation, actively participating
in promoting tourism in educational
institutions involved in training
tourism personnel and software and methodological support, at least 20 years
actively making tourist trips
traveling and at least 15 years of experience
on non-professional and professional
level of children's and youth tourism and
local history.


3. Awarding with a memorial badge “For
merits in the development of children and youth
tourism" is produced by the Center
children's and youth tourism
Ministry of General and
vocational education
Russian Federation by
representation of institutions
additional education,
leading tourism and local history
working with students.


4. Persons awarded with a memorable
badge “For merits in the development of children’s and youth tourism”, awarded
badge and certificate
established sample.
Memorial sign “For merits in development
children's and youth tourism" is worn
on the right side of the chest and
located below state


5. Deprivation of the mark is carried out according to
decision of the Central Children's Center of Tourism and Tourism of the Ministry of Education
Russia. Grounds for deprivation
signs can serve as intentional,
deliberate actions,
incompatible with social
the purpose of the teacher and the principles
tourism and local history movement. IN
in case of deprivation of a badge and
the certificate must be returned to
TsDYuTour Ministry of Education of Russia.


6. Description of the memorial sign. Sign
made of heavy metal
suspension. The sign is round in shape
3 centimeters in diameter. On the front
side depicts the “Young” icon
tourist of Russia", framed from two
sides with laurel branches. On
on the reverse side there is an inscription
"For services to the development of children's and youth tourism."


To receive a sign
"For merits in
development of children's and youth
provide in
award list


ORDER dated March 23, 1998 N 769 O


Title "Instructor of children's and youth"
tourism" is assigned to persons who have reached
18 years of age, listened
theoretical course who completed
practical work according to the program
"Instructor of children's and youth tourism"
who completed the qualifying trip first
category of difficulty and successfully passed
Persons with pedagogical education and
experience in leading trips with students, including
including experience leading a III degree trek
difficulties, they can, by providing written
practical work, pass tests for the title
"Instructor of children's and youth tourism" as an external student


The instructor of children's and youth tourism belongs to
tourism personnel of the education system and is
organizer of tourism, local history and excursion
work in educational institutions of any type.
Has the right to lead sedate campaigns,
travel, excursions, hikes category I
difficulties. Prepare for execution
standards for the “Young Tourist of Russia” and “Tourist” badges
Russia", sports categories in tourism, prepare
junior tourism instructors, participate in
organization and management of tourist camps,
rallies, competitions, local history
conferences and other types of tourism and local history work, conduct classes in tourist
student associations.
The title "Instructor of children's and youth tourism" can
be taken into account when passing pedagogical
employees for the next certification.

34. REGULATIONS on the Badge of Honor "Honored Traveler of Russia"

about the Badge of Honor
traveler of Russia"
Approved by the council
Tourist and Sports Union
July 16, 1996



Honorary Badge "Honored Traveler"
Russia" is a square, at the top
part of which is the inscription "Russia", and in
central part in smaller font
inscription "Honored Traveler". Between
the inscriptions depict the globe in relief and
laurel branch. The entire sign is made of
copper-nickel alloy with blackened surfaces
on which the inscriptions are located. Throughout
the perimeter of the square, except for the top part, goes
colored dark green stripe.


1. The honorary badge "Honored Traveler of Russia" is
evidence of a great contribution to the development of amateur,
sports and health tourism and travel, such as
an effective means of spiritual and physical development of the individual,
acquaintance with history and modernity, culture and customs
peoples and nations, areas of hikes and excursions, education
careful attitude towards nature and cultural monuments.
2. Badge of honor "Honored Traveler of Russia"
tourists who have made a significant contribution* to the development are awarded
amateur and sports and recreational tourism
movements and have been practicing for at least twenty years
unprofessional and professional level amateur
and sports and health tourism, while making
as a participant or leader of at least 10 sports
hikes IV-VI categories of difficulty, or travel according to your own
geographical and technical-tactical characteristics comparable to
them, committed in accordance with the traveler's code,
rules and requirements of amateur (sports) tourism.


3. The honorary badge "Honored Traveler of Russia" can be
awarded to tourists from other countries who fulfilled the requirements,
specified in clause 2 of these Regulations.
4. Awarding the Badge of Honor."Honored Traveler
Russia" is produced by the Federation sports tourism(FST) of Russia
(TSSR) on behalf of regional tourism and sports
Russian organizations and national sports tourism federations
other countries.
5. Tourists who have been awarded the Honorary Badge “Honored
traveler of Russia", badges and certificates are awarded
established sample. The presentation of the Badge of Honor is carried out in
solemn atmosphere (FST) of Russia (TSSR). Chest sign
"Honored Traveler of Russia" is worn on the right side
chest and is located below state awards.
6. The basis for depriving a tourist of a Badge of Honor may be:
deliberate actions inconsistent with social purpose
amateur and sports tourism. Deprivation of an Honorary Tourist
the sign "Honored Traveler of Russia" is produced (FST)
Russia (TSSR).
In case of deprivation, the badge and certificate are subject to
return to the Federation of Sports Tourism of Russia (TSSR).

39. REGULATIONS on the Badge of Honor "Outstanding Traveler of Russia"

about the Badge of Honor
traveler of Russia"
Approved on
Tourist and Sports Union
December 8, 2000



1. Badge of honor "Outstanding Traveler of Russia"
is evidence of a great contribution to development
amateur, sports and health tourism and
travel as an effective means of spiritual and
physical development of the individual, familiarization with history and
modernity, culture and customs of peoples and nations,
areas of hiking and excursions, education of careful
attitudes towards nature and cultural monuments.
2. Badge of honor "Outstanding Traveler of Russia"
rewards travelers who have made significant contributions
contribution (opening of a new tourist area; passage and
description of new original routes) in development
amateur and sports activities
tourist movement and performed a unique
journey (hiking, expedition) made in
in accordance with the traveler code, rules and
requirements of amateur (sports) tourism.


3. Badge of honor "Outstanding Traveler of Russia"
tourists from other countries can be awarded,
have fulfilled the requirements specified in clause 2 of this
Regulations on the territory of Russia.
4. Awarding the Honorary Badge "Outstanding
Traveler of Russia" is produced by the Federation
sports tourism (FST) of Russia (TSSR), taking into account
proposals for regional tourism and sports
Russian organizations and national sports federations
tourism of other countries received by the commission before December 1
on travel judging.
5. Tourists who have been awarded the Badge of Honor
“Outstanding Traveler of Russia”, badges are awarded
signs and certificates of the established form. Presentation
The badge of honor is made in a solemn atmosphere
FTS of Russia (TSSR). Badge "Outstanding
traveler of Russia" is worn on the right side of the chest and
located below state awards.

43. REGULATIONS on the incentive system in children's tourism

Order No. 182 FSBEI DOD
Federal Center for Children's and Youth Tourism and Local History
dated October 29, 2015


One-day hike - a hike without overnight stays, completed within 24 hours in
natural conditions with a length of at least 5 km.
A multi-day hike is a hike lasting more than a day,
committed in natural conditions with an overnight stay or with overnight stays in the field
conditions, with a length of at least 7 km.
Types of tourism: hiking, skiing, mountain, water, cycling, speleo,
sailing, combined.
Local history events - competitions, conferences, olympiads, rallies,
which are organized educational organizations, local authorities
self-government, government bodies in the field of
education of the appropriate level are included in the work plan
educational organization, municipality or subject
Russian Federation. These activities are carried out in accordance with
calendar plan of events, based on the Regulations approved
the relevant head of the educational organization,
municipality or government body in
field of education. Information about the event should be
published. on the corresponding website. Federal events
level are carried out in accordance with the action plan of the Ministry
education and science of the Russian Federation. Regulations on federal
events are approved by the Russian Ministry of Education and Science.


Thematic icons
(First level)
Thematic icons
entry level
students are awarded,
have shown certain
quality on hikes.
Badges are awarded
heads of children's
associations of additional
education, pedagogical
educational workers
organizations, clubs locally
residence, public and
tourist organizations.


3icon “First trip”
Must be done
1 day trip.
The badge is awarded to pedagogical
educational workers
organizations, clubs, public
associations, cultural institutions,
sports and tourism
organizations, clubs locally
residence, tourism federations.


Basic level icons
"Young Traveler"
1-9 steps"
Badges are awarded
heads of educational
organizations, other institutions and
organizations conducting tourism and local history activities with
children upon presentation
heads of children's


Top Level Badges
"Young tourist 1-3 degrees"
3 top level credentials
students are awarded,
fulfilled the established
federal standards
state budget
educational institution
additional education
children "Federal Center
children's and youth tourism and
local history" according to submission
heads of educational
organizations conducting tourism and local history activities


Confirming documents of compliance with tourism standards
are: route sheets for one-day and multi-day hikes,
route books and certificates of credit for treks for senior and
category hikes (Appendix 5). Forms of these documents
established by the Regulations for the group of disciplines “route” of the Federation
sports tourism in Russia. The specified documents are issued
educational organizations and authorized
public organizations.
Confirming documents of compliance with standards for
local history can be any documents or materials about participation
on excursions, oral and written reports from students about the excursion.
Participation in local history events is confirmed
protocols of results, certificates, award documents.
Assignment of a sports category is confirmed by the presence
completed test classification book in the form,
established by the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation.
Hiking routes cannot coincide by more than 10%.


To meet the standards of each subsequent stage,
preliminary fulfillment of the standards of the previous stage
not necessary.
To fulfill the requirements for the “Young Traveler” badge
at all levels it is necessary to comply with tourism standards and
local history. To fulfill the requirements for the “Young” badge
tourist" of all degrees, it is enough to fulfill the requirements for
tourism or local history.
Assignment of a certain sports category is
sufficient condition to fulfill tourism requirements
to be awarded the “Young Traveler” badge
the corresponding level.
For students who have sports category, performance
local history requirements remain mandatory for all




Regulations on the badge of honor
"For services to development
children and youth tourism"

A real tourist Soviet Union The badge distinguished him from ordinary amateurs. It was approved before the war, on March 26, 1939 by the All-Union Committee for Physical Education and Sports under the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR. And at the 5th gathering of tourists, held on Borovsky Kurgan in the summer of the same year, thirty-six people received an honorary insignia. The first decision to approve a special insignia for tourists was put forward in 1935 by the Presidium of the Central Council of the Society of Proletarian Tourism and Excursions (OPTiE). There were a number of tests that answered whether a person was worthy of the title of tourist or not. This includes passing the GTO standards, and the need to make tourist forced marches for at least six days, and the ability to use a map and compass, and so on.

New position

During the period that OPTiE existed, the provision on the badge was never fully developed. Therefore, the Tourist and Excursion Department brought the matter to the final stage. In the new provision, a tourist badge could be received by an adult citizen of the Union who has at least two years of tourist experience and has also been on 2-3 trips. All requirements were published in the magazine “On Land and at Sea” in the same 1939. The old requirements were supplemented by the ability to provide first aid in field conditions, as well as knowledge in the fields of geology, meteorology and biology.

Four types of tourism

A water tourist planning to go on a trip to any body of water was required to be able to swim. This skill was key to obtaining the badge. In addition, the applicant for tourism had to clearly understand what a lake, river or sea is, as well as understand the obstacles that could arise along the way.
Pedestrians were required to know how to use the necessary equipment. Plus - to understand the technique of movement depending on the route and terrain conditions. Cyclists were required to have knowledge of the classification of roads and routes. Given the specifics of this type of tourism, a person was obliged to understand the structure of a bicycle so that, if necessary, he could carry out repairs on his own.
Skiers had their own nuances, which were added by the cold season. That is, they had to know what dangers fraught with movement in the snow, on ice, during a blizzard, and so on.

“Young Tourist of the USSR” and “Master of Tourism”

In 1954, changes occurred. Before applying for the adult “USSR Tourist” badge, it was necessary to receive an insignia called “Young Tourist of the USSR.” It was approved on April 10, 1954. Pioneers from the age of ten were allowed to pass the standards. In order to receive a badge, the children had to complete a number of tasks. For example, demonstrate orientation on the ground using a map and compass or without them. The ability to read tracks, choose the right place to rest, and make a fire was also considered necessary. And, of course, make 4 hikes with a total length of 48 kilometers. With at least one overnight stay.
The decision to issue a badge and certificate was made by the council of the pioneer squad, and registration took place at the station of young naturalists.
Having successfully passed the standards for a “children’s” badge, one could subsequently apply for an “adult” one. And having received it, some tried to aim for the “Master of Tourism of the USSR” badge. But this was much more difficult due to high regulatory requirements and certain nuances. For example, minimum qualifications of a junior tourism instructor and constant participation in the tourism section and training of new athletes. The highest title was awarded by the Central Tourism Council, based on documents submitted by the republican and regional councils.

Why is it needed?

By and large, these insignia did not provide any advantages. The only thing is that the pioneers could show off to their peers, and also have a burning desire to collect the entire “collection.” For adults, the USSR tourist badge served as a kind of indicator of their sporting success and good physical condition. But the “master” badge allowed him to lead campaigns and various expeditions. But it is also clear that real professionals possessed it. By the way, during the existence of the Soviet Union, tens, if not hundreds of thousands of people acquired badges. Therefore, these insignia are of no value to collectors these days.

October 29, 2015 by the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin The Decree “On the creation of an All-Russian public-state organization” was signed Russian schoolchildren movement" The document was published on the portal

In accordance with the Decree “On the creation of the All-Russian public-state organization “Russian Schoolchildren Movement”, it is planned to create a Federal State Budgetary Institution under the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs “ Russian Children and Youth Center", which will ensure interaction with regional offices.

06.10.2015. Vladimir Putin signed a law on the revival of the country's physical culture and sports complex " Ready for work and defense"(GTO). After an almost 30-year break, Russians between the ages of six and 70 will be able to take state standards. 1.2 billion rubles will be allocated from the budget for the implementation of the program, everywhere GTO complex must be launched by 2018 year. In this review we will recall the most important events in the development of Soviet children's and youth tourism and such a massive form of patriotic routes as star treks.

To pass the standards for the badge " Young tourist of the USSR» children who have reached 10 years . To do this, children (boys and girls) must make four trips with one overnight stay in the field with a total length 48 km, the council of the squad makes an appropriate decision and issues signs and certificates.

Guys (boys and girls) 14 years and older can pass the standards for the badge " Tourist USSR" To do this they must do five one- or two-day hikes with a total duration of at least five days and a total length of at least 75 km on foot or skis, at least 100 km on rowing boats, at least 150 km on bicycles .

If hikes are made in summer , then the guys should spend at least two field overnight stays . Badges and certificates are issued by the local station for young tourists.


Tourist USSR- badge and corresponding rank in the USSR. Issued after passing the standards and completing a sports tourist trip. The first symbol of inclusion in tourism, approved on March 26 1939 year by the All-Union Committee for Physical Education and Sports under the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR.

IN 1935 Presidium of the Central Council Society of Proletarian Tourism and Excursions(OPTiE) made a decision on the establishment of the badge.

In the regulations of 1935, receiving the “USSR Tourist” badge should have given the right to members of the OPTiE to be called tourists. To obtain which it was necessary: pass the standards for the GTO badge; make a tourist trip for six or more days; be able to read a map, navigate by it, by a compass, the sun, the stars, by local objects, be able to organize a bivouac (set up a tent), light a fire, cook food; know the correct mode of movement, rest, nutrition and drinking; know your native land; have basic knowledge of geography and geology; be able to write a report about your trip.
But during the existence of OPTiE the matter was not completed , and the new regulations on the badge were developed only four years later in the Tourist and Excursion Directorate of the All-Russian Central Council of Trade Unions. According to the regulations of March 17, 1939, the badge could be issued to all citizens of the USSR who had reached the age of 18, had two years of tourist experience and had completed at least 2-3 (depending on the difficulty) trips. In addition, tourists must submit at least one travel report and have theoretical and practical knowledge of tourism to the extent of the special program. The program of requirements and standards was published in the fifth issue of the magazine “On Land and Sea” for 1939 .

  • We must be aware that by 1939, many instructors of tourism, the Boy Scout movement, and masters of Russian young intelligence officers were shot or served their sentences in camps at “communism construction sites” as “enemies of the people.”

The program required the following knowledge :

  • reading map and the ability to navigate both by map and local objects; ability to choose a place for bivouac;
  • put up a tent and make a hut, make a fire and cook food on the fire.
  • You also need to know travel mode, tourist hygiene on the road, elements of medical self-control, first aid on the road.
  • Basic knowledge of geology, botany, zoology and meteorology.

In addition, it is necessary to have knowledge of the type of tourism that was chosen by the tourist when traveling:
Water tourists must know the main obstacles encountered on rivers, their characteristics and methods of overcoming; ship arrangement; sailing; rowing and rowing device; judicial practice; organization and mode of water travel; rescue business; swimming.
Tourists-pedestrians must be familiar with equipment, movement techniques, march hygiene, rescue operations, organization and mode of travel.
Tourist cyclists must know the classification of roads, the structure of a bicycle, the technique of riding a bicycle, the organization and mode of travel.
Tourist skiers must know equipment, movement techniques, rescue operations, organization and travel procedures.

26 March 1939 The All-Union Committee for Physical Education and Sports under the Council of People's Commissars approved the regulations on the tourist badge.
The first “USSR Tourist” badges were awarded at the 5th rally of Moscow tourists on Borovsky Kurgan in June 1939 thirty-six year old tourist activists.


In summer 1971 of the year Igor Rusanov received the qualification " pioneer instructor"at the tourist camp" Mountain trails". Camp leader Alexander Ivanovich Lychik . In Crimea in mountain hikes in the 1970s, children were only allowed from 12 years and older. Naturally, with permission from the local doctor and a certificate from the school. IN 1972 year as part of a tourist group high school No. 8 of Simferopol Igor Rusanov participated in star trek.


It is worth noting that for each category of tourists, the icon had its own appearance. Tourist cyclists had an image in the form of a bicycle on the back of the badge, and they could receive the coveted badge only if they knew all the necessary standards and could successfully fulfill them.

Be that as it may, tourists in the Soviet Union were divided into three more categories - pedestrian tourists (there are no distinctive inscriptions or drawings on the back of the badge), water tourists (on the back of the badge there is an image in the form of a sail) and ski tourists (on the back of the badge there is a ski track). The first three categories of tourists (cyclists, pedestrians and watermen) were the most common in the Soviet Union, and therefore their badges could be found much more often, but The tourist skier badge was the most valuable for any collection , because at least skiing and was quite popular, but such “exotic” tourists were practically never found anywhere, and according to archive records, there are only 32 such an icon, the history of which is still unknown today.


IN 1929 On the basis of the Russian Society of Tourists, a mass voluntary society of proletarian tourism of the RSFSR is created. The new society was headed by a comrade of V. I. Lenin N. V. Krylenko , who made a significant contribution to the development of tourism in this position. Since 1930, the society has become all-Union. Under the Central Council society of proletarian tourism and excursions(CS OPTE) a scientific and methodological council was formed.

With the establishment of OPTE begins new stage tourism development. Scientifically based organizational, managerial and methodological foundations are laid for improving mass tourism work in the country. IN 1930 The publishing house “Physical Culture and Tourism” begins publishing the mass series “ Library of Proletarian Tourism". Among the first books in the series, published in 1931: “Field trips and excursions as a method of socio-political education”, “On the participation of tourists in the preparation and conduct of the harvesting campaign.” In 1931-1933 a collection is also being published Tourism and defense of the USSR", books " Tourist - military intelligence officer«, « Tourist - military topographer«, « Tourist sniper"etc. As we see, tourism was inextricably linked with socially useful work, important socio-political events, military-applied physical training population.

The methodological support of tourism is gradually improving. The book “ Travel to the mountains“, where the sporting importance of tourism was emphasized, it was given detailed description methods for choosing a route and preparing a hike, mode of travel, adjusting equipment, methods of orienteering in the mountains were explained, as well as the basics of high-mountain tourism techniques. Magazines played a significant role in the development of tourism at that time. Tourist activist" And " On land and sea«.

Beginning with 1931 d. regional branches of OPTE are created locally, as well as primary cells of OPTE at physical education groups. Thus, a unified organizational foundation for the development of tourism is laid across the country. In their work, the CS OPTE and its divisions closely interact with trade union, Komsomol and physical education organizations. All this contributed to an increase in the number of people involved in tourism. The network of tourist routes has expanded significantly, covering vast areas of the country.

At the same time, the problem of involving the broad masses of the population in tourism remained far from resolved. Measures were required to reorganize tourism. Since by the mid-30s two relatively independent directions had emerged in its development (tourist and excursion work and amateur tourism), they were subordinated in 1936 to two different bodies. The first direction came under the jurisdiction of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions, where the Central Tourist and Excursion Directorate was created, and the second direction came under the jurisdiction of the All-Union Committee for Physical Culture and Sports.

Thus, in the 30s there were significant changes in the organizational structure of the development of Tourism, which contributed to an increase in its mass character.

One of the most interesting and close to tactical military skills forms of mass tourist routes has become star treks. Their meaning is that big number groups leave their cities, go through a multi-day route strictly according to schedule, check in at control points, and perform community service to help the local population and forest districts. At the final point, the “center of the star,” all groups gather for big competitions, which include the release of a wall newspaper, a concert, tourist relay races and others sport competitions. The general spirit of the final events of star treks is the exchange of impressions, experiences, friendships, and not at all the rivalry characteristic of sports.

All-Union star trek-relay race held in 1933 and dedicated to the 15th anniversary of the Komsomol, covered over 30 thousand athletes - representatives of all union republics. The All-Union multi-day star water trek-relay 1934 city, in which tens of thousands of people participated. Mass tourist trips on a regional scale are also carried out, varying in the nature of the participants’ movements. For example, in the winter of 1934/35, massive star treks were held in all the Union republics, dedicated to the VII Congress of Soviets, in which over 11.5 thousand people took part. The total length of the trek routes was 51,000 km.

Taking into account the above, we can conclude that by the beginning of the 1940s in the Soviet physical education movement there was a final formation and approval of tourism as a mass, accessible means physical education of people. His development was quite consistent state requirements that time.

The Great Patriotic War was a severe test of spiritual, moral-volitional and physical qualities Soviet people. Tourism contributed greatly to the development of these qualities in the pre-war years. Universal military training introduced during the war ( Vsevobuch) used tourist exercises as an important means of applied military physical training.

In the first post-war years, when the task arose of restoring the health of the people undermined by the war, tourism activities were carried out largely for health purposes. The role of tourism in conducting socio-political events increased. Mass star treks were organized dedicated to the elections to the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. Participants in the campaigns provided assistance to local party and Soviet bodies in conducting government loan campaigns. The fascination of tourists, united in tourist sections and clubs, with complex hikes organized in extreme conditions, required streamlining the system of preparation for them on the basis of uniform program and regulatory requirements. For this in 1949 tourism was first introduced into the Unified All-Union Sports Classification (on a modern classification basis, as already mentioned, it was again included in it in 1965).

In the early 1960s, in order to strengthen the role of tourism in educating people and strengthening their health, measures were taken to improve mass tourism activities. There is a reorganization of management of tourism development in the country. The Central Tourism and Excursion Administration, under the All-Russian Central Council of Trade Unions, is being transformed into the Central Council for Tourism with a significant expansion of its powers (since 1969, this body has been called the Central Council for Tourism and Excursions). The Central Tourism Council is becoming a relatively independent body with a more specific range of functional responsibilities, which allows for more targeted and timely resolution of many complex issues of tourism development.

Particularly significant events in the development of tourism as a mass phenomenon in the 60s should be called the organization on the initiative of the Komsomol Central Committee All-Union campaign of Komsomol members and youth to places of revolutionary, military and labor glory The Communist Party and the Soviet people, holding the first all-Union gatherings of the winners of the campaign to the places of revolutionary, military and labor glory of the Soviet people (since 1965), as well as organizing the first all-Union competitions for the best tourist travel (since 1967). Subsequently, all of them established themselves as traditional forms of mass tourism work.

During these years, children's tourism significantly intensified. All-Union expeditions of pioneers and schoolchildren, which have important educational significance, are becoming regular. WITH 1972 All-Union tourist and local history expeditions of pioneers and schoolchildren are organized under the motto “ My Motherland is the USSR". In addition to studying the sights of their native land, their task includes targeted search and research work, which largely contributes to strengthening patriotic education younger generation countries.

IN 1972 G. tourism included in the All-Union Physical Culture Complex " Ready for work and defense of the USSR«.

Badges “Tourist of Russia” and “Young Tourist of Russia” are massive award badges for those traveling on hiking trails.

Russian Tourist badge

Badge “Young Tourist of Russia”

Russian Tourist badge program

The “Russian Tourist” badge is awarded to a hiking participant aged 12 years or older who has completed at least

  • 5 weekend hikes, documented in an itinerary,
  • with a total length of over 75 kilometers on foot or skis,
  • at least 100 kilometers on boats, kayaks, rafts, catamarans,
  • or at least 150 kilometers on bicycles or horse trails,
  • or at least 500 kilometers on motorcycles or 1000 kilometers on cars
  • and mastered the basics of tourism.

After gaining tourism experience, the participant is interviewed on the basics of tourism. The badge has the right to award educational institutions, tourist clubs, tourism and sports organizations, physical culture groups of enterprises, institutions and organizations. The exclusive right to produce the badge belongs to the Tourist and Sports Union of Russia (Moscow).

Badge program “Young Tourist of Russia”

The “Young Tourist of Russia” badge is awarded to a hiking participant aged 11 years or older for completing two one-day and two two-day weekend hikes, including an overnight stay in the field.

In this case, the participant must know and be able to:

  • a) be able to dress and put on shoes according to the weather, depending on the complexity and duration of the hike;
  • b) be able to navigate using a clock, compass and local objects, know topographical signs and orienteering signs;
  • c) be able to provide first aid;
  • d) know traffic signs.

The right to issue badges on the basis of the Regulations belongs to the Federal Center for Children and Youth Tourism and Local History (Moscow).

How to get a badge?


  1. Contact the weekend hiking services and order hiking trips for a ready-made group, a group of students, employees, an amateur or family club.
  2. Enroll in children's and youth clubs at institutions of additional education for children and take a course of study annually, starting in September. The Regional Center for Additional Education for Children can recommend the institution or club closest to you.
  3. Take part in open weekend hikes of the Tomsk Tourism Federation, register as participants in future hikes on social networks.
  4. After consulting with members of the commission for weekend hikes and mass forms of tourism of the Tomsk Tourism Federation and obtaining a minimum tourist experience (participation in any sports hike), create your own weekend hike club in social network and start hiking on weekend hiking routes yourself.

Where can I get equipment - a backpack, a mat, a sleeping bag and a tent? - at tourist equipment rental points, on weekdays, 1-2 days before the trip.
Where can I find qualified weekend trip organizers? - Through the Tomsk Federation of Tourism, the Center for Social Initiatives, tourist clubs, the Committee on Youth Policy, Physical Culture and Sports and the Regional Center for Additional Education of Children.

Reviving the patriotic sports and tourist complex with the standards “Ready for work and defense of the Fatherland”, we organize tourist training on routes to meet the standards of the Spartan complex for the type of test “TOURIST CAMPAIGN”. We are looking for like-minded people in the revival of the country and the education of the younger generations.

Tourist GTO standards

Tourist standards of the physical culture and sports complex GTO - “Ready for Labor and Defense” include:

  • passing routes on a hiking trip with testing of tourist skills
    • for the younger one school age- at least 5 km
    • for middle and high school age - at least 10 km
    • for graduating class 11 and older - at least 15 km
  • packing a backpack,
  • orientation on the terrain using a map and compass,
  • setting up a tent,
  • lighting a fire,
  • ways to overcome obstacles.


The "RUSSIAN TOURIST" badge is awarded to tourists who have reached the age of 12, who have participated during the year in one or more tourist trips with a total duration of at least 5 days and a total length of at least: 75 kilometers on foot or on skis, at least 100 kilometers by boat, kayaks, rafts, catamarans, or at least 150 kilometers on bicycles or horseback riding, or at least 500 kilometers on motorcycles or 1000 kilometers on cars and have mastered the basics of tourism.

The decision to award the “RUSSIAN TOURIST” badge is made by the commission based on:

Fulfillment of established standards, confirmed by route sheets, or cumulative certificates issued for participation in hikes by the relevant tourist and sports organizations or route qualification commissions;

Successfully pass the interview on the basics of tourism.

The "RUSSIAN TOURIST" badge is awarded to:

Tourist and tourism-sports organizations;

Educational establishments;

Physical culture teams of enterprises, institutions and organizations.

Persons who have fulfilled the established requirements and standards are awarded certificates and badges of the established form. The "RUSSIAN TOURIST" badge is worn on the right side of the chest below state awards.

The Federation of Sports Tourism of Russia (FSTR) has the exclusive right to produce the “RUSSIAN TOURIST” badge.

Heads of tourist sections, tourist clubs, federations, stations of young tourists, tourist centers, travel agencies, government agencies and other enterprises who wish to purchase a batch of “RUSSIAN TOURIST” badges, please contact the Federation of Sports Tourism of Russia.


1. The organization sends an e-mail to the Federation of Sports Tourism of Russia with a request to receive a batch of badges, indicating the name of the organization’s profile and field of activity, contact telephone number and email address and contact information (when ordering from an individual - full last name, first name, patronymic and postal address addresses, when ordering from a legal entity - bank details).

2. Payment according to a receipt sent from the FSTR or according to an invoice (for legal entities) issued by the FSTR. After approval, the organization pays 100% of the order cost if badges are available in the FSTR and 50% if it is necessary to manufacture a new batch. After the badges are produced, the Federation of Sports Tourism informs the customer, who pays the remaining amount.

3. FSTR transfers the order via courier or sends the order by mail.

The cost of the "RUSSIAN TOURIST" badge together with the certificate, without postage, is 120 rubles.