Adult climbing school. Adult climbing school Climbing Center “Big Wall”

I hope this article will help you understand what rock climbing is, what types of rock climbing there are, where to start, how and where to practice in Moscow and what equipment is needed.

Wikipedia defines rock climbing as " sport and type active rest, which involves climbing on natural (rocks) or artificial (climbing wall) terrain. Having originated as a type of mountaineering, rock climbing is now an independent sport.”.

Now rock climbing is not so much the lot of strange bearded extreme sportsmen with a heavy backpack on their backs, wandering around the mountains for weeks, but rather a very beautiful, graceful, elegant and, one might say, intellectual form of “sport”.

I specifically put the word “sport” in quotation marks.

Rock climbing is not only a sport with its mandatory attributes - competitions, but also simply great way keep yourself in shape.

Look at a rock climber - what immediately catches your eye is his fit body, strong muscles, sparkle in his eyes and great mood!

Due to its features, such as a wide range of movements, the ability to carefully regulate the volume of load and its intensity, we can truly say that rock climbing is “suitable for all ages.”

Rock climbing can be done with early age, literally from the age of 4 and continue to actively climb until….

But the upper limit simply does not exist!

You can rock climb for the rest of your life! And it will be a truly amazing life, full of aspirations, movement, improvement, defeats, victories, adventures and travels!

Rock climbing is a great alternative to fitness.

Rock climbing develops all 5 physical qualities human strength, endurance, flexibility, agility and speed.

Of course, rock climbing is not bodybuilding and you shouldn't expect that you can build a lot of muscle mass through climbing.

Rock climbing, especially initial stage, this is primarily coordination, grace, smoothness and economy of movements.

In addition to physical qualities, the ability to think tactically, make quick decisions in difficult situations, and helps in the fight against fears is instilled.

In children, rock climbing develops a sense of responsibility and communication skills.

Rock climbing is practiced on artificial (climbing walls) and natural (real rocks) terrain.

I found for myself perfect formula: The climbing wall is a training tool, rock climbing is the goal.

Each person, of course, has his own ideal formula.

Some people prefer a climbing wall in “fitness” mode, some see themselves in competitions, and some like to travel and climb real rocks...

Every formula, every idea has the right to exist.

I will say more, all this can be combined!

For example, our Club regularly conducts climbing training, participates in various climbing competitions and organizes trips to rocks around the world. Greece, Spain, Italy, Turkey and even Australia - this is not a complete list of places that we love to visit.

Very often I am asked the question: “How much training do you need to do to go to the rocks?”

My answer: “Not at all :-)”

Indeed, almost all climbing areas offer opportunities for beginners.

In order to feel more confident on the road, I recommend mastering belay methods in advance, becoming familiar with the equipment, and practicing a little at the climbing wall.

Types of rock climbing (according to the method of organizing insurance)

Sport climbing.

The word “sport” in the name of this type of rock climbing does not mean a mandatory relation to the sport (competitions, titles, etc.), but only that all belay points are established in advance (by the builders of the climbing wall or by the preparers on a real rock). At the same time, the belay points are as reliable as possible and are located so that in the event of a fall, the likelihood of injury is minimal.

To practice this type of rock climbing, a minimum amount of equipment is required.

At climbing walls and on specially prepared rocks, sport climbing is almost always practiced.

Traditional climbing.

When practicing traditional rock climbing, the entire arsenal of equipment that is used in mountaineering to overcome rocky terrain is used to organize belay: pitons, anchors, friends, etc.

To work reliably and quickly with all this equipment, a lot of experience is required.

Types of rock climbing (in sports - “disciplines”)


The length of the routes is usually from 10 to 40 meters.

Belaying is carried out by a partner using a rope.

In competitions in the “difficulty” discipline, the winner is the one who manages to climb the furthest along the route.

The routes for competitions are always different and are prepared immediately before the start of the competition.

The word bouldering comes from the word “boulder”. Indeed, on natural terrain, bouldering is climbing over boulders. Rope is not used in bouldering; special portable mats are used for belaying.
Bouldering at a climbing wall means climbing short (4-10 moves) and extremely difficult routes. Gymnastic mats (stationary and/or portable) are also used as insurance.


Competitive discipline.

The athlete is faced with the task of climbing the route the fastest.

There are two types of speed competitions: “classical” and “reference”.

When conducting “classic speed”, athletes compete on a simple, but unknown route.

The “reference speed” is a reference because the route is known in advance. There is a diagram of this route, all its parameters are known.

You can build it at your dacha and train.

Although this format of (speed) climbing is more of a competition type, speed climbing is often used as a training tool even among those who do not compete in the discipline.

How to start climbing?

Step 1. Find the climbing wall closest to you (your place of residence, place of work).

There are climbing walls three types:

Boulder halls.

These are usually low bouldering halls. Belaying with a rope is not used when practicing bouldering; gymnastic mats are used as a safety device.

In gyms, these are stationary mats; they usually occupy the entire floor area next to the climbing surfaces.


Mixed rooms.

As the name suggests, on such a climbing wall you can practice bouldering and climb “difficulty”, i.e. with a rope.

We train mainly at the Redpoint climbing wall, which is located within walking distance (7 minutes) from Savelovskaya metro station.

Step 2. Choose a coach.

Each climbing wall has its own full-time trainers, as well as various sections that conduct classes.

Usually both sections and climbing walls conduct organized classes for beginners.

Every day at our Club (in accordance with the Club’s work schedule) classes are held for beginners.

Our classes for beginners are always by appointment.

For a more effective and high-quality introductory lesson, we limit the number of beginners with whom 1 trainer can train.

Is it possible to climb without a coach? Of course you can! To climb with a rope you will need a partner, but you can do bouldering on your own.

It is also necessary to know, understand and follow safety precautions when climbing.

If you don’t understand anything about the safety precautions, check with the climbing wall instructor on duty. Safety comes first!

Prices for rock climbing lessons.

The cost of services depends on the climbing wall and its pricing policy.

Cost of visiting a climbing wall in Moscow for independent training in evening time is about 500-700 rubles.
At the Arena climbing wall for our students the entrance fee is 350 rubles, and at the Redpoint climbing wall - 380 rubles.

Lesson with a trainer in a group from 1000 rubles.

See for yourself:

Using ropes - for free.

Use of safety systems - for free.

Use of belay devices - for free!

Why is that?

Our goal is not just to make money, our mission is to show a world where climbing exists. It's a wonderful world. And we teach you to be in this world, to realize yourself in it... We pass on all our knowledge and skills...

Yes, that's our job. But this is our life too... and we have been living this life for many years.

Step 3. Purchase climbing equipment.

Climbing equipment:

1. Climbing shoes.

2. Climbing safety system.

3. Carabiner and belay device.

4. Bag of magnesia.

A harness and belay device are not required for bouldering.

Of course, you don't need to buy anything for your first lesson.

Everything can be rented.

In our Club All equipment is provided free of charge during the first lesson..

But if you take up rock climbing on a regular basis, you can’t do without buying equipment.

And in the first place will be climbing shoes. This is the most important purchase.

The routes of the climbing wall consist of multi-colored holds. To make it more interesting for children, we installed interactive elements with flashing buttons and sound signals. In searching for clues, children develop logic, attentiveness and dexterity. Before the lesson, the instructor explains safety precautions and teaches how to use a safety harness.

Rock climbing is good for your posture and feet. Bring schoolchildren to neutralize the harm from sitting for a long time at a desk and computer. Children reach out to the ledges, stretch their arms and back, evenly stretch their left and right side bodies. Correct positioning placing the feet on the protrusions strengthens the ligaments and forms a healthy arch of the foot.


The Nebo sports and entertainment centers have climbing walls for games. On them, beginners learn to conquer heights, and experienced climbers climb for fun. We recommend climbing walls for adults in the centers near Babushkinskaya metro station and in the Filion shopping center near Fili metro station, where they reach the height of the third floor. Come with friends to climb to the very top for the race.

We include climbing on a climbing machine in an active program of corporate events, team building and holidays for adults. Teams rise to speed and take prizes from a height.

Note! These are the only gaming climbing walls in Moscow, a visit to which is included in the price of a single ticket for 30 entertainments in the park.

  1. 03/10/2019 Natalya: Good afternoon, we are looking for a 14 year old daughter who wants to go rock climbing. We can’t find it, it’s north of Moscow and not expensive.
    1. : Natalya, good afternoon. At the RedPoint climbing wall (Vyatskaya street, building 27, building 12) there is a children's climbing school. A subscription for 8 classes costs 5,200 rubles (650 rubles per class), which includes entrance, coach services and equipment rental.
    2. Natalia : Thank you, we'll take a look
    1. : Hello. You can try to consider the option of taking classes at a children's rock climbing school at the "Extreme" climbing wall (Belomorskaya metro station). Information on the rock climbing school:<...>All questions and clarifications - by mobile.<...>.
    1. : We can recommend our colleague Tatyana Lutchak. She is an experienced children's trainer. Trains at metro Savelovskaya. Her phone<...>Lutchak Tatyana<...>Tell Tatyana that you are following our (proClimb Climbing Club) recommendation. I hope everything works out for your daughter! Regards, Alexey.
  2. 06/25/2018 Galina: Where is the closest climbing wall for children to the city of Domodedovo?
    1. : Hello, Galina! Our fitness club is located in Zheleznodorozhny, which, in principle, is not very far from your city. Our climbing wall is designed by professionals and has more than 5 prepared routes. One of the advantages of our club is its 24-hour operation. More detailed information by phone<...>.

Rapidly rising vertical wall Spider-Man inspired more than a dozen boys to conquer uncharted heights. Many did not abandon their aspirations upward even in adulthood. The ability to climb is not an invention of filmmakers, but a very real activity that has recently gained more and more fans.

How is rock climbing different from mountaineering?

Rock climbing originated less than two centuries ago. It is considered a sport and recreation, an extreme hobby for those who like to tickle their nerves. But not as dangerous as mountaineering. Here you don’t need to conquer snowy peaks, carry heavy backpacks, or travel thousands of kilometers in thin air conditions.

Equipment requires a comfortable T-shirt and shorts (preferably below the knees), special shoes - climbing shoes, safety equipment and a bag of magnesium, used as a powder for hands, so that they do not sweat.

The first rock climbing competitions were held in 1947, and since then they have been held regularly in three categories: speed climbing, difficulty climbing and bouldering- this is the conquest of boulders and small rocks without a rope. Short routes, as a rule, require maximum concentration of strength, since they contain keys - tricky places that force you to think about how to reach the next marking. But not either professional athletes entail unconquered peaks, making you forget about problems, get new sensations of freedom, space and height. Since rocks cannot be found in the capital, they are built in special places called climbing walls or in the open air. A tall, intricately curved wall is covered with multi-colored plastic bumps different sizes and shapes, in the language of climbers called holds.

Why are the holds different colors?

All the colors are not used to create a rosy mood for extreme sports enthusiasts. Each color represents a route of a certain difficulty. This way it can be “read” by athletes. There are several systems used in the world for determining the difficulty of rock climbing: American, British, French. In the capital's climbing walls, levels are usually designated by numbers from 5 to 8. The fifth category is designed for beginner rock climbers. Sixth for self-confident extreme sports enthusiasts, seventh and eighth for professional athletes high class. But everyone always starts with the basics of rock climbing.

What do beginners need to know?

The main thing is the desire to climb up and a determined attitude. If you want to climb a conventional rock, don’t be embarrassed by lack of skills, poor physical fitness, or excess weight. Go to the climbing wall with your training uniform (T-shirt, shorts) and money to pay for the rental of belay equipment, climbing boots and an instructor. Actually classes are usually held in pairs, but for the first time it is better to use the services of an experienced instructor, who will insure you, introduce you to basic techniques, teach you how to control your body, distribute the load and save energy in order to achieve desired result. Introductory lesson usually individual, sometimes carried out in groups. For example, a climbing wall Big Wall, recommends that first-time visitors register in advance, classes according to the program Start Up Climber are organized daily from noon to eight pm. After it, everyone has to decide whether to leave rock climbing as an enjoyable hobby, or improve their skills through regular classes. At the climbing wall you can get acquainted with rock climbing in two ways: during trial lesson(1.5 hours, 2 types of rock climbing) and trial (3 climbs along a high wall) - accompanied by an experienced instructor. Many climbing walls operate climbing schools for adults and children.

At what age is it better to climb rocks?

Turbulent children's energy always requires a splash, new achievements. It would seem that, best activity for your beloved children you can’t imagine. Rock climbing teaches endurance, improves physical fitness, makes your head work. You need to rise wisely, distributing force and selecting interception methods that you need to learn. Therefore, experts recommend starting classes from 5-7 years of age when the child is able to listen and concentrate. If you come to the climbing wall with a younger child, you will not be kicked out, but you are unlikely to be able to climb on your own.

Instructors work with young climbers according to a special program. These can be either individual lessons or regular ones - in climbing school. In this case, written permission will be required from the parents.

The Scalatorium has two groups for young athletes from 5 to 17 years old; the first group is designed for the initial level of training, focused on increasing flexibility, endurance, and level of equipment proficiency. Classes are held in a playful way. The second group focuses on improving their climbing skills.

At the Big Wall center they are starting classes for children aged 6 years and older using the BRICSKids training system. Equipped children's climbing wall(as well as at the Marina Club climbing wall), in the summer trips to real rocks are offered for children and their parents. First-graders are welcome to train at the climbing walls of Red Point, Rock Zona, and SK MSTU. Bauman, children's school Since the age of 9 he has been working at the Atlant sports and recreation center in Golyanovo.

IN Limestone Children's Climbing Academy for children from 5 years old, rock climbing classes are held, and for children from 2 years old - general physical training with elements of rock climbing.

The routes are the individual style of each climbing center.

They can be both complex and simple (ladders) for children and beginners, aimed at bouldering. The tracks are built from holds, these multi-colored stones are screwed in a special way, and have their own degree of difficulty. The average route is about 20 interceptions. It is compiled by a professional athlete with many climbs behind him, taking into account a number of factors and creating tricky keys. In order to keep visitors on their toes, the routes are regularly changed. Some centers do updates every month. In some, somewhat less frequently. It takes a professional up to three hours to twist the track.

Which climbing wall to choose in the Central Administrative District, Northern Administrative District, Southern Administrative District, Western Administrative District, Eastern Administrative District?

In Moscow in every administrative district There are dozens of centers available to improve your climbing skills. They are specialized large-area complexes; smaller-scale projects operate in shopping and entertainment centers, fitness clubs and sports schools. The choice of location depends on the purpose of the activity and location.

Central Administrative District: Climbing wall " Scalatoria» next to the Paveletskaya metro station, located at the address: st. Letnikovskaya, 4, building 2. Operating since 2009, it is considered one of the most visited in Moscow. The “working surface” area is 400 sq. m provides an opportunity to master the basic types of climbing, but most routes are focused on bouldering. On the basis of Scalatoria there is a rock climbing school for children and adults, competitions are regularly held, a hall for general physical training is equipped, where the only simulator in the capital for climbing on a vertical surface (moonboard) is installed. All equipment can be bought in a special store or rented. Much attention is paid here to the quality of the holds, which are as close as possible to real conditions, imitating Fontainebleau sandstone, Swiss granites and other natural textures. Dozens of routes of 5 to 8 difficulty levels are of interest to both novice height climbers and renowned athletes.

Climbing wall - largest climbing bouldering gym in Russia (wall area is about 800 m2) - located in the center of Moscow (Sokolniki metro station, Lesnoryadsky lane, 18, building 6). The climbing wall was opened in September 2015 and immediately hosted the Russian Climbing Cup in the bouldering discipline. The climbing wall is divided into zones, which allows athletes and amateurs of different levels of training, as well as children, to train in their own mode, without interfering with each other, on bouldering and “difficulty” walls, world-famous simulators “moonboard”, “campusboard”, “systemboard” "and a unique power frame. The trainers of the adult and children's climbing school have extensive teaching experience and significant sporting achievements. The Limestone Climbing Wall also offers introductory classes for beginners, fitness training and sports holidays for children and adults.

SAO: Climbing center " Big Wall"(near the Savelovskaya and Belorusskaya metro stations) is located in Bumazhny Proezd, 19, building 1. This center is recognized the largest among Moscow climbing walls. Its area is two and a half thousand square meters, its height is 13.5 meters, there is a special space for children, an area for bouldering and general physical training. The construction of a module that imitates the surface of a real rock located in Bulgaria is unique. The range of services is rich, from introductory classes for beginners to regular lessons at the school for adults and young climbers. A special methodology is used during training BRICS, tested by time and many extreme sports enthusiasts. Without false modesty, trainers claim that this is the best climbing training system. Children Children are admitted to school from the age of six. Original children's parties are held at the Big Wall. Please note that upon entry you will be asked for identification.

Climbing wall Red Point on Vyatskaya street 27, building 12, located near the Savelovskaya metro station on the basis of a fitness center. The height of the wall is 12.5 meters. It is an arch of four modules, such a design can only be found here. A special room is equipped for bouldering, a 10-meter wall is certified to improve speed climbing skills, and the “canyon” module is designed to practice corner climbing techniques. Almost half of the routes are intended for newbies. So it’s better to master the skills of Spider-Man at the Red Point climbing wall. Celebrations for children and families are also organized here; programs are designed taking into account audiences of different ages, and include, in addition to climbing, relay races and competitions. Children are offered individual sessions or lessons at a climbing school. A sauna is included in the price of visiting the climbing wall.

Climbing wall Marina Club opened on the basis of the fitness center of the same name and is intended for active family recreation, conditions have been created for visiting with children from 6-7 years old. The cost of the lesson includes equipment rental, luggage storage, and shower. The center is located in a picturesque location not far from the Khimki Reservoir and the Voykovskaya metro station (Leningradskoye Shosse, 25A, building 4). Trails are paved on the highest wall(15 m), 12 m wide. Their level of difficulty is 5-7. The peculiarity of “Marina Club” is its equipped stand “ Campusboard”, aimed at training the wrists and strengthening the fingers, which bear a huge load during climbing. Possible independent studies, with an instructor or in groups.

Climbing wall in Shopping center "Extreme" on Smolnaya street 63B has been open for more than 10 years (since 2003). The 7-meter-high wall was designed with the participation of Alexander Klenov, a climber who has conquered many heights. The artificial terrain simulates trails suitable for both beginner and advanced levels of training. For children, ready to listen to the instructor, classes are conducted using the subscription system. Casual visitors who saw and wanted to escape from the bustle of the big city are welcome here. For such people, a special offer is “two climbs with an instructor.” The gym is open on weekdays from 15 to 22, on weekends and holidays from 10 am.

Southern Administrative District: Climbing wall " ALEX fitness"(Andropov Avenue 22) will warmly welcome holders of club cards of this fitness center. The rock simulator is small, nine meters wide, which limits its capacity. It is aimed not at those who are only interested in rock climbing, but at those who seek to diversify their training by trying different kinds loads, including extreme ones.

Climbing wall in sports complex « Kant» is intended for athletes with at least an average level of training. This outdoor climbing wall Suitable for self-training only. Its height is 25 meters. It is equipped on the basis of the Moscow Alps - a training center skiing types sports in Elektrolitny Lane, 7B, not far from Nagatinskaya or Nagornaya metro stations.

Climbing center " Rock Zone» — largest in the southern administrative district Moscow (Andropov Avenue 22, Kolomenskaya metro station), recently opened in 2012 thanks to the efforts of professional athletes. The area of ​​artificial unevenness is 600 sq.m. This is a well-equipped, specialized facility for climbers of all skill levels and ages, designed for good, active time escort and professional regular classes organized for both adults and for children. Young climbers are trained in a bouldering room, the height of the walls does not exceed 4 meters. The rich terrain and variety of trails attracts many adrenaline junkies to this center.

Climbing wall Global City near the Yuzhnaya metro station it is located on Dnepropetrovskaya street 2 in the shopping center of the same name. It has the highest climbing wall, with a height of almost 18 meters and an area of ​​240 square meters, so this place is more attractive for those with rock climbing skills. The difficulty level of the trails is from 5a to 7b. Please note that on weekdays the entrance is open until 16:00.

Company: Climbing wall " Scala City"in 2014 celebrated its tenth anniversary. It is located near the Park Pobedy and Kutuzovskaya metro stations, at 36 Kutuzovsky Avenue, building 14. The artificial rock is 12 meters high and has a surface area of ​​almost 450 sq.m. passed European certification. The total number of trails is about one hundred, with separate routes for children. Classes are possible independently, with an instructor or in groups, which are formed depending on the level of training. Everyone who comes to the climbing wall must know the safety rules, so an introductory training session is mandatory for everyone who comes. Several times a year, trips are organized with the “schoolchildren” of Skala City, allowing them to combine relaxation, training and climbing rocks in natural conditions. Original children's parties are held at the climbing wall.

Climbing wall Shopping center "European" adjacent to the Kyiv metro station (Kievsky Station Square 2). The compact size simulator consists of a wall, no more than eight meters high and 5 m wide. There are 10 tracks. In this design, only top belay is possible, so independent ascent is excluded. Those who come here will have to use the services of an instructor. The wall is interesting for its variety of reliefs.

VAO: Climbing wall SK MSTU im. Bauman(Gospitalnaya embankment 4/2, Elektrozavodskaya metro station) consists of three zones: a high wall and two small ones up to 5 meters, ideal for traverse climbing and bouldering training. It is considered the oldest in the capital. Works climbing school for children 7-16 years old, for adults. Classes are supervised by experienced instructors from the Bauman Rock Center. On weekdays, training is held in the evening from 18.30 to 21.30.

Climbing wall FOK "Atlant"(19A Uralskaya St.) built in the Golyanovo district. It was opened in 2008 mainly for children's training, for children from 9 years old. The 8 meter high wall has 4 paths.

Climbing wall Sokolniki Park"(3rd Luchevoy clearing) is unique in that it was built open air, thereby having seasonality, but bringing training conditions as close as possible to natural ones. The history of the appearance of “Falcon Mountain” is amazing. A 12-meter wall was erected in Sokolniki Park in 2012 to host a competition as part of an international sports festival. The competition was over, but the climbing wall was left, moved to another place - next to tennis courts, increasing the height by three meters and laying full-fledged tracks designed for both children and professional athletes. The climbing wall is open only in summer on weekdays from three o'clock in the afternoon to 22 o'clock, on weekends it is available for visiting from ten in the morning. An instructor will help children and beginners in their ascent.

SEAD: Climbing wall X8(5th Kabelnaya str. 2, Aviamotornaya metro station). The height of the wall is 8 meters, the area is 120 sq.m. A new climbing area, opened in March 2014 in the SportEX shopping center on the third floor. She designed for everyone: children, adults, beginners and professional athletes, it is possible to improve their skills at a rock climbing school. On weekdays it is open from 14 to 23, on weekends the doors open an hour before noon.

15 of the most popular climbing walls in Moscow, which are intended for both professional training, and for family entertainment - this is not a definitive list. In addition to the above, there are sports schools for rock climbing in the capital, open free sites: for example, in Mega shopping center Belaya Dacha (Kotelniki, 1st Pokrovsky proezd, 5, 14 km MKAD, L 37.846 Sh 55.656). The height of the wall is 16 m, it is available to extreme sports enthusiasts from the age of 18; a three-meter wall is equipped nearby for children.

Rock climbing is becoming not just a sport, but an excellent opportunity for an active pastime, an alternative to passive relaxation in front of the TV and an opportunity to discover new boundaries of the possible and experience vivid emotions. The only thing better than rocks, athletes say, are climbing walls!